Search results for ""Cambridge Scholars Publishing""
Cambridge Scholars Publishing What is Healing and Growth? Thoughts from Freud
This book spells out exactly what happens within the personality when psychotherapy is successful. Much of the answer has long been written between the lines of Freud’s seminal works, awaiting their coming together and integration. The book considers what changes within various psychic systems and how these are functions of the underlying disorders are spelled out for neurotic, borderline and psychotic illnesses. The result is the identification of another vein of ore in Freud’s ideas that clarifies the healing aspects of his model, and adds a new level of precision to the therapeutic process.Freud’s writings on the nature of healing and growth take second place to his ideas on the structure of the personality and pathology. His well-defined ideas on the mechanism of healing and growth are scattered across his writings and rarely, if ever, drawn together into a unified presentation. His following has deeply explored the meanings of his seminal ideas when it comes to theory and practice, but is short in the area of what actually takes place within successful psychotherapy. This text’s effort to gather up and unify his thoughts in this area results in both theoretical and therapeutic gains, the former for clarifications of how various psychic systems function within healing and growth, and the latter because of a more exact identification of the signs of it.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Journalism and Politics in Nigeria: Embers of the Empire
This book explores the legacy of colonial heritage on Nigerian political activities and journalistic practices. It asserts that journalism and multi-party politics were introduced into the country during British colonial rule, and, while they have become domesticated and indigenised, they still exhibit traces of their roots because they emerged in a different socio-cultural and political environment. Taking as its point of departure the view that, without the colonial intervention, the Nigerian state may not have come into being or survived in its present form, this book offers fresh insight into the impact of British colonial rule on contemporary journalistic practices and political activities more than 100 years after the ‘creation’ of Nigeria.It draws attention to the enduring effect of colonial inheritance on Nigeria and how the ‘creation’ process of the country produced unintended consequences that remain problematic. Using press coverage of the politics of transition-to-civil-rule programmes during periods of military dictatorship as a case study, the book identifies trends and patterns of influence from the past that have been interlaced into the present.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing The Beauty of Melancholy and British Women Writers, 1670-1720
This book considers melancholy language in representative works by several British women writers in late Stuart England. To understand how these women writers understood and reframed the discussion about melancholy and women’s experience of suffering in their art, it turns to the twentieth-century French feminist theorist Julia Kristeva, whose radical work on melancholy in Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia (1989) provides an alternative psychoanalytic perspective for considering melancholy discourse created by women experiencing alienation, depression, and anguish in earlier periods. Kristeva offers a theoretical lens for understanding loss as a significant and ongoing perspective on life experience that finds expression through art and language. This text argues that early women writers created a new expressive mode, revising existing models to account for their own losses during a time of cultural and political transitioning in England. These writers provide a melancholy aesthetic in their works or depict depressed female figures reflecting artistic angst and a new discourse within language for articulating pain.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Greek and English Proverbs
Proverbs have been described as “the wisdom of many and the wit of one”. Apart from being pleasurable to read, these gems of folklore contain keen observations of everyday life and provide an insight into human behaviour and character. Proverbs constitute a particular culture’s popular philosophy of life. One can tell a people’s character from that people’s proverbs. As Francis Bacon said, “The genius, wit, and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs”.This collection contains over one thousand Greek and over one thousand English proverbs accompanied by their translations. The bilingual introduction relates the history, the origin, and the importance of proverbs. The book also includes a short chapter on the use of proverbs in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Modern Greek literature.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Innovative Business Practices: Prevailing a Turbulent Era
This second decade of the millennium finds the world changing at a once unimaginable pace. Businesses, tangled in the interwoven threads of galloping globalization, technological advances, cultural diversity, economic recession and deep-rooted human social evolution, struggle to keep up with incessant changes; consequently and inexorably experiencing severe difficulties and disorientation. Executives, much bewildered, habitually turn to conventional, time-honoured strategies and practices, which increasingly fail to offer the much-sought answers and means to survival, competitiveness and growth.We are currently experiencing a business era of turbulence and dynamic change – an era that inherently rejects conventionality and orthodox business theory to reward businesses embracing agility, reflex-style adaptability, innovation and creativity. This turbulence is, however, not a parenthesis or even a pattern, but the new reality in which each business must reinvent and redefine itself. This is a new reality of stakeholders that shift focus from the external to the internal, from the tangible to the intangible, and from fact to perception.This book presents research and paradigms that transcend classical theory in order to examine how business practice is positively affected by these conditions. Across a multitude of sectors and organisational types, scholars of different business specialisations set the theoretical foundations of contemporary thinking and present their practical implementations.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Essays in Defence of the Female Sex: Custom, Education and Authority in Seventeenth-Century England
Letters, diaries, memoirs, conduct books and early feminist pamphlets: Essays in Defence of the Female Sex: Custom, Education, and Authority in Seventeenth-Century England is a two-part, text-based volume on the pivotal figures and most distinctive, sometimes contradictory, aspects of the querelle des femmes in Stuart England. Background information is given through male and especially female-authored sources, while the close analysis of [Hanna Woolley]’s, Bathsua Makin’s, Marry Astell’s, Judith Drake’s and Eugenia’s most renowned tracts sheds light on women’s difficult path towards emancipation. Addressed to both specialist and non-specialist readers, Essays in Defence of the Female Sex will also explain why–and to what extent–early feminist pamphleteering combined theory with practice, tradition with innovation, reality with utopia.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Translation and Cultural Identity: Selected Essays on Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication
Translation and Cultural Identity: Selected Essays on Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication tackles the complexity of the concepts mentioned in its title through seven essays, written by most highly regarded experts in the field of Translation Studies: José Lambert (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium), Raquel Merino (University of the Basque Country, Spain), Rosa Rabadán (University of Leon, Spain), Julio-César Santoyo (University of Leon, Spain), Christina Schäffner (Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom), Gideon Toury (Tel-Aviv University, Israel) and Patrick Zabalbeascoa (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain). The essays are varied and innovative. Their common feature is that they deal with various aspects of translation and cultural identity and that they contribute to the enrichment of the study of communication across cultures.These major readings in translation studies will give readers food for thought and reflection and will promote research on translation, cultural identity and cross-cultural communication.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing The Psychology of Pandemics: Preparing for the Next Global Outbreak of Infectious Disease
Pandemics are large-scale epidemics that spread throughout the world. Virologists predict that the next pandemic could occur in the coming years, probably from some form of influenza, with potentially devastating consequences. Vaccinations, if available, and behavioral methods are vital for stemming the spread of infection. However, remarkably little attention has been devoted to the psychological factors that influence the spread of pandemic infection and the associated emotional distress and social disruption. Psychological factors are important for many reasons. They play a role in nonadherence to vaccination and hygiene programs, and play an important role in how people cope with the threat of infection and associated losses. Psychological factors are important for understanding and managing societal problems associated with pandemics, such as the spreading of excessive fear, stigmatization, and xenophobia that occur when people are threatened with infection. This book offers the first comprehensive analysis of the psychology of pandemics. It describes the psychological reactions to pandemics, including maladaptive behaviors, emotions, and defensive reactions, and reviews the psychological vulnerability factors that contribute to the spreading of disease and distress. It also considers empirically supported methods for addressing these problems, and outlines the implications for public health planning.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Conflict Resolution and the Scholarship of Engagement: Partnerships Transforming Conflict
As the field of conflict analysis and resolution continues to grow, scholars and practitioners increasingly recognize that we can learn from one another. Theory must be informed by practice and practice must draw on sound theory. Above and beyond this lies a further recognition: without at least attempting to actually engage and transform entrenched conflicts, our field cannot hope to achieve its potential. We will merely remain in a more diverse, multi-disciplinary ivory tower. This edition breaks new ground in explicitly connecting the Scholarship of Engagement to the work of conflict resolution professionals including those in the academy, those in the field, and those who refuse to choose between the two. The text explores a wide variety of examples of, and thinking on, the Scholarship of Engagement from participatory action research to peace education, and from genocide prevention to community mediation and transitional justice.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Researching the Self: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Researching the Self originated in a conference held at the University of Amsterdam in 2005, where scholars from various academic backgrounds presented their current theories and research. One central theme that emerged from the conference is the need for interdisciplinarity in the study of self. The present volume tries to meet this need, as it covers fields as diverse as psychology, anthropology, neuroscience, philosophy, sociology, and computer science. Additionally, the authors have contributed interdisciplinary reflections, in which they contemplate the other contributions to the present volume, and consider integrating this work with their own.•What are the neural correlates of self?•Can individuals have multiple selves?•How do selves depend on other people?•Will engineers ever construct artificial selves?•What is the problem of self we are trying to solve?•What does the future hold for the self?•Do selves really exist? “As I read the other entries in the current volume I was struck by the implications that the many different perspectives on the self had for each other” (Gillihan, this volume).“We must continue to keep in mind what we know, what we don’t know, and what we only think we know in order to successfully conquer this interdisciplinary problem of the self” (Gorman and Keenan, this volume).
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Safety Essentials for Business and Leisure Travel: Air, Land, Sea and during Pandemics!
At this moment in time, when the world is only just beginning to recover from the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the research in this book makes for essential reading. It will serve to help re-establish confidence and reduce anxiety in business and leisure travellers who are planning to embark on new travel experiences in a world impacted by longer-lasting armed conflicts, increased global violence, and higher frequencies of natural disasters. This book blends in-depth academic research around global risk mitigation with unique perspectives on business and leisure travel safety, narrated by authors who have extensive knowledge of security and risk mitigation systems. Each page contains easy-to-follow advice for domestic and international travel, but differs from other books, in that it addresses the ‘hard’ issues of travel safety (such as theoretical research around risk mitigation), in lieu of setting the focus solely on the ‘soft’ issues (like itinerary planning) which tend to be the focus of many travel publications today. Moreover, unique to this book is an extreme travel section adapted to business and leisure travellers, which makes for compelling reading and deals with kidnapping, risk mitigation and contingency planning. It incorporates the real-life experiences of one of the authors, who survived torture and abduction, and whose experiences now inform pre-deployment training for Australian Defence Force personnel for operations in armed conflict. This book blends the female and male voice into a narrative that combines the perspectives of professional security experts with common sense travel advice. The research that has gone into this book is essential reading for anyone who intends to embark on business or leisure travel, either in their own country or overseas, or who is interested in studying travel from an academic viewpoint.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing The Conservation of Endangered Archives and Management of Manuscripts in Indian Repositories
This book highlights the present status of manuscript collection in the different repositories of India, and also suggests some remedial measures which are required to be adopted for the proper conservation, care and management of manuscripts. It showcases the nature of base material, ink, pigments, binding materials, writing and illustration techniques used in different manuscripts, given the importance of having thorough knowledge about the chemical composition of different materials before adopting any kind of conservation practice.As dating of manuscript is a very difficult task, a great variety of techniques and methodology such as palaeography, style of writing, illustration and terminology, colophon, spectrometric methods, and radio carbon dating, among others, are discussed here. Furthermore, as prevention is better than cure, different preventive measures, including indigenous methods practiced during the ancient period for preservation of manuscripts, are also outlined, as are the hazards of using different chemicals for conservation of manuscripts.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing A Self-management Guide for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients from Middle Eastern Countries
This book explains, in a simple and practical way, how and when the diabetic patient should conduct self-management activities. These include healthy eating, physical activity, the consumption of medication, the monitoring of blood glucose level, the cessation of smoking, and foot care, among others. Such activities can help the patient to establish a level of control over their condition, and thus reduce the risk of developing serious complications. As such, this book will be of particular interest to diabetic patients and their family members, as it will provide them with further information in their fight against diabetes. Additionally, it will also appeal to physicians, pharmacists and nurses as a guide for their work in educating diabetic patients.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Oral Cancer: From Prevention to Intervention
This is a concise, informed and practical manual detailing the cause, prevention and interventional treatment of oral cancer – the deadliest of oral diseases. In the 21st century, oral cancer remains a lethal and deforming disease exhibiting rising incidence of epidemic proportions, particularly in younger patients, and is of global significance with over 300,000 new cases presenting each year. Despite advances in diagnosis and management, half of all patients die within five years. Even following successful initial treatment, long-term prognosis is compromised by the presentation of advanced tumours and development of widespread, multi-focal disease throughout the mouth and upper aero-digestive tract. The transformation of normal mouth lining into ‘potentially malignant’ and subsequently malignant tissue is a complex, multistep and multifactorial process in which accumulated genetic alterations, often instigated by overuse of tobacco and alcohol, disrupt the normal functioning of oral epithelial cells. Unfortunately, there is considerable public ignorance regarding oral cancer, and it is imperative for disease prevention to raise awareness of the causes and symptoms of the disease, especially in those populations most ‘at-risk’ of cancer. This book provides pragmatic strategies to improve both prevention and treatment intervention. Spanning nearly 40 years of clinical investigation, it reviews the biological basis of oral cancer, outlines primary, secondary and tertiary preventive strategies and describe a pragmatic treatment intervention protocol that specifically utilizes the ‘potentially malignant window’ to identify malignant disease at the earliest possible stage and intervention to ‘stop the oral cancer clock’ and halt the progression of this deadliest of oral diseases.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Sanctified Subversives: Nuns in Early Modern English and Spanish Literature
As chaste women devoted to God, nuns are viewed as the purest of the pure. Yet, as females who reject courtship, sex, marriage, child bearing, and materialism, they have been the anathema of how society has proscribed, expected, and regulated women: sex object, wife, mother, and capitalist consumer. They are perceived as otherworldly beings, yet revered for their salt-of-the-earth demeanor. This book illustrates how both English and Spanish Renaissance-era authors latched onto the figure of the nun as a way to evaluate the social construction of womanhood. This analysis of the nun’s role in the popular imagination via literature explores how writers on both sides of the Catholic-Protestant divide employed the role of the nun to showcase the powerful potential these women possessed in acting out as sanctified subversives. The texts under consideration include William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, Margaret Cavendish’s The Convent of Pleasure, María de Zayas’s The Disenchantments of Love, Aphra Behn’s The History of the Nun, Catalina de Erauso’s The Lieutenant Nun, and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s autobiographical and literary works. No other book addresses these issues through a concentrated study of these authors and their literary works, much less by offering an in-depth discussion of the literature and culture of seventeenth-century England, Spain, and Mexico.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Law and Popular Culture: International Perspectives
Commentators have noted the extraordinary impact of popular culture on legal practice, courtroom proceedings, police departments, and government as a whole, and it is no exaggeration to say that most people derive their basic understanding of law from cultural products. Movies, television programs, fiction, children’s literature, online games, and the mass media typically influence attitudes and impressions regarding law and legal institutions more than law and legal institutions themselves.Law and Popular Culture: International Perspectives enhances the appreciation of the interaction between popular culture and law by underscoring this interaction’s multinational and international features. Two dozen authors from nine countries invite readers to consider the role of law-related popular culture in a broad range of nations, socio-political contexts, and educational environments. Even more importantly, selected contributors explore the global transmission and reception of law-related cultural products and, in particular, the influence of assorted works and media across national borders and cultural boundaries.The circulation and consumption of law-related popular culture are increasing as channels of mass media become more complex and as globalization runs its uncertain course. Law and Popular Culture: International Perspectives adds to the critical understanding of the worldwide interaction of popular culture and law and encourages reflection on the wider implications of this mutual influence across both time and geography.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Translation in Language Teaching and Assessment
The aim of this volume is to record the resurgent influence of Language Learning in Translation Studies and the various contemporary ways in which translation is used in the fields of Language Teaching and Assessment. It examines the possibilities and limitations of the interplay between the two disciplines in attempting to investigate the degree to which recent calls for reinstating translation in language learning have borne fruit.The volume accommodates high-quality original submissions that address a variety of issues from a theoretical as well as an empirical point of view. The chapters of the volume raise important questions and demonstrate the beginning of a new era of conscious epistemological traffic between the two aforementioned disciplines. The contributors to the volume are academics, researchers and professionals in the fields of Translation Studies and Language Teaching and Assessment from various countries and educational contexts, including the USA, Canada, Taiwan R.O.C., and European countries such as Belgium, Germany, Greece, Slovenia and Sweden, and various professional and instructional settings, such as school sector and graduate, undergraduate and certificate programs. The contributions approach the interplay between the two disciplines from various angles, including functional approaches to translation, contemporary types of translation, and the discursive interaction between teachers and students.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Assessing Pragmatic Competence in the Japanese EFL Context: Towards the Learning of Listener Responses
With a focus on intercultural communication between Japanese and Americans, this book describes how differing listening styles and conversational behaviours across cultures can negatively influence intercultural communication. Responding to the many calls for studies examining the teachability of listener responses in the language classroom, the author investigates whether listener responses would be a suitable target for instruction in the EFL/ESL classroom, and, if so, what instructional methods are best suited to teaching this elusive aspect of pragmatic competence. By addressing these issues, this book provides exciting and novel insights into various aspects of applied linguistics. By supplementing language data and questionnaires with retrospective and longitudinal research techniques, the author is able to present a much richer description and deeper understanding of how and why participants used listener responses in the manner they did. With the findings supporting an explicit approach to teaching listener responses, this book provides language practitioners with a direction in which to move forward. Beyond this practical application, this study sheds new light into such theoretical debates as the role of consciousness in language teaching (the Explicit vs. Implicit debate), the universality of Grice’s theory of conversation and the potentially differing conceptualisations of politeness across cultures.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing From Fictionalism to Realism
In ontology, realism and anti-realism may be taken as opposite attitudes towards entities of different kinds, so that one may turn out to be a realist with respect to certain entities, and an anti-realist with respect to others. In this book, the editors focus on this controversy concerning social entities in general and fictional entities in particular, the latter often being considered nowadays as kinds of social entities. More specifically, fictionalists (those who maintain that we only make-believe that there are entities of a certain kind) and creationists (those who believe that entities of a certain kind are the products of human activity) present themselves as the champions of the anti-realist and the realist stance, respectively, regarding the above entities. By evaluating the pros and cons of both these positions, this book intends to focus new light on a longstanding debate.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ninety Years of the Abruzzo National Park 1922-2012: Proceedings of the Conference held in Pescasseroli, May 18-20, 2012
On September 9th, 2012, the Abruzzo National Park – now Abruzzo, Latium and Molise National Park – celebrated its ninetieth birthday. It is – along with the Gran Paradiso National Park – the oldest protected area in Italy and one of the oldest in Europe. The colloquium held in Pescasseroli in May 2012, on which this volume is based, reconstructed the highlights of the Park’s troubled but always influential history and took stock of its connections with the other protected areas, with Italian and international environmentalism and with the Italian society at large.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Resistance and the Practice of Rationality
Resistance used to mean irrational and reactionary behaviour, assuming that rationality resides on the side of progress and its parties. The end of the Cold War allows us to drop ideological and prejudicial analysis. Indeed, we recognise that resistance is a historical constant, and its relation to rationality or irrationality is not predetermined.This volume asks: to what extent are social scientific conceptions of ‘resistances’ sui generis, or borrowed from natural sciences by metaphor and analogy? To what extent do the social sciences continue to be a ‘social tribology’ lubricating a process of strategic changes?Fifteen authors explore these questions from the point of view of different disciplines including physics, biology, social psychology, history of science, history of medicine, legal theory, political science, history, police studies, psychotherapy research and art theory.The book offers a unique panorama of concepts of ‘resistance’ and examines the potential of a general ‘resistology’ across diverse practices of rationality.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing Remaking Literary History
“History is always written wrong, and so always needs to be rewritten.” (George Santayana)Enquiries into the relationship between literature and history continue to stir up intense critical and scholarly debate. Alongside the new hybrid categories that have emerged out of this ferment―life-writing, ficto-criticism, “history from below”, and so on―there has been a welter of new literary histories, new ways of tracking the connections between the written word and the historically bound world. This has resulted in renewed discussion about distinguishing the literary from the non-literary, about dialogues taking place between different national literatures, and about ascertaining the relative status of the literary text in relation to other cultural forms.Remaking Literary History seeks to clarify the diversity of issues and positions that have arisen from these debates. Central to the book’s approach is a rigorous and constructive questioning of the past, across disciplinary boundaries. This is carried out through four detailed and engrossing sections that explore the relationship between memory and forgetting; what it means to be ‘subject’ to history; the upsurge of interest in trauma and redemption; and the question of historical reinvention, which demonstrates how the overwriting of history continues to reinvigorate the literary imagination. As well as readers of literature and history, Remaking Literary History will be of interest to students of literary theory, legal studies and cultural and media studies.