Search results for ""Author Young""
Young Authors Publishing Pick a Job, Any Job
Young Authors Publishing What If No One Hears Me?
Young Authors Publishing A Week with Papa
BOA Editions, Limited Flowers of a Moment
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation Havana
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Evolution of Korean Industrial and Employment Relations
'Korea owes its rise to the ranks of the most prosperous nations, largely, to its investment in human resources. Yet, significant gaps remain that block further improvements in the lives of its workers and citizens. This book is as authoritative and comprehensive as it is insightful on the strengths of the Korean system and the challenges Korean policymakers face. In this respect, this book is not simply a telling of the Korean condition but rather of every nation aspiring to prosperity.'- Anil Verma, University of Toronto, Canada'This book is a compedium of information on the evolution, development and practice of employment relations in South Korea. It records the dynamism that enables the tripartite actors in S. Korea to respond to changing economic and political development, as well as the tremendous industrialization that the country has witnessed in recent decades. The social partners have not only played an active role in shaping public policy, as well as the behaviour and interaction between them and the State. These have enormously contributed to industrial peace, industrialization and economic growth and development. This is a book that is surely to serve not only the academic community and the social partners in Korea, as they evaluate their own role, strategy and desirable changes so as to build on achieved success. For students of comparative employment relations, the book is a useful case study, and I commend it to the international employment relations community.'- Tayo Fashoyin, Retired Professor of Comparative Employment Relations; Former Director in the ILO, Geneva, and Former Secretary of ILERAThe Evolution of Korean Industrial and Employment Relations explores current employment and workplace relations practice in South Korea, tracing their origins to key historical events and inevitable cultural adaptation in one of Asia?s ?'miraculous? democracies'. This volume challenges common but dated misconceptions of Korean industrial relations fixated on an economically successful but politically turbulent past. As Korea?'s employment relations continue to evolve, the accommodations made by companies and labor provide powerful insights for leaders in developing economies worldwide striving for prosperity, stability, and democratization. This book focuses on current realities both social and economic to uncover the potent challenges facing employers and workers in a slow-growth era of union decline. Lee and Kaufman provide a wide-ranging and global perspective authored by established and up-and-coming scholars both in and outside Korea in fields such as labor law, sociology, industrial relations, and labor economics. Up-to-date evaluation, data and analysis provide a modern and innovative perspective on employment and industrial relations practice.Scholars of global and specifically Asian industrial relations, human resource management and modern comparative labor relations will find this book of value. Policy makers and CEOs in emerging economics will benefit from the modern and innovative perspective on employment and industrial relations practice, including CEOs managing workplaces in South Korea.Contributors include: J.R. Bellace, C. Brewster, H.-G. Chang, Y.-K. Choi, F.L. Cooke, V.L. Doellgast, M. Gunderson, J.-J. Hur, I. Jun, B.E. Kaufman, D.-B. Kim, D.-O. Kim, H. Kim, H.-T. Kim, T.A. Kochan, H. Kwon, R. Lansbury, B.-H. Lee, K.-S. Lee, S.-H. Lee, S.-M. Lee, Y.-M. Lee, D. Lewin, Y. Nho, K.W. Park, M.J. Park, K.-P. Roh, P. Sheldon, P.B. Voos
Omnidawn Publishing Life in a Field – Poems
This is a comedy about climate change, in which a girl and a donkey become friends, then decide to marry time. A lyric fable, Life in a Field intersperses Katie Peterson’s slow-moving, cinematic, and sensual writing with three folios of photographs by Young Suh. Introspection, wish, dream, and memory mark this tale, which is set in a location resembling twenty-first-century California—with vistas and orchards threatened by drought and fires. This is also a place of enchantment, a fairy-tale landscape where humans and animals live as equals. As the girl and the donkey grow up, they respond to the difficulties of contemporary civilization, asking a question that meets our existential moment: What do you do with the story you didn’t wish for? A narrator’s voice combines candor with distance, attempting to find a path through our familiar strife, toward a future that feels all but impossible, and into what remains of beauty and pleasure. Life in a Field tries to reverse our accelerating destruction of the natural world, reminding us of “the cold clarity we need to continue on this earth.”
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Hip Preservation Surgery in Children and Adolescents
The first comprehensive reference in this important area of pediatric orthopaedics, Hip Preservation Surgery in Children and Adolescents, provides authoritative, highly illustrated guidance. Dr. Young-Jo Kim and his team at Boston Children’s Hospital are pioneers in the development of hip preservation techniques in children and adolescents with hip abnormalities and hip pain. This outstanding author team provides the information you need to avoid both osteoarthritis and hip replacement in this vulnerable patient population. Provides thorough guidance on diagnosis and treatment of infant hip dysplasia, including bony surgical procedures on the pelvis and acetabulum. Discusses adolescent femoroacetabular impingement and treatment to reduce hip pain and cartilage injury. Covers novel surgical techniques developed to improve bony abnormalities that can lead to hip osteoarthritis. Includes procedural videos from one of the world’s leading pediatric orthopaedic departments at Boston Children’s Hospital. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy-Efficient Distributed Computing Systems
The energy consumption issue in distributed computing systems raises various monetary, environmental and system performance concerns. Electricity consumption in the US doubled from 2000 to 2005. From a financial and environmental standpoint, reducing the consumption of electricity is important, yet these reforms must not lead to performance degradation of the computing systems. These contradicting constraints create a suite of complex problems that need to be resolved in order to lead to 'greener' distributed computing systems. This book brings together a group of outstanding researchers that investigate the different facets of green and energy efficient distributed computing. Key features: One of the first books of its kind Features latest research findings on emerging topics by well-known scientists Valuable research for grad students, postdocs, and researchers Research will greatly feed into other technologies and application domains
John Wiley & Sons Inc Proceedings of the 12th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology
Ceramic Transactions, Volume 264, Proceedings of the 12th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology Dileep Singh, Manabu Fukushima, Young-Wook Kim, Kiyoshi Shimamura, Nobuhito Imanaka, Tatsuki Ohji, Jake Amoroso, and Michael Lanagan; Editors This proceedings contains a collection of 32 papers presented at the 12th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PacRim12), May 21-26, 2017 in Waikoloa, Hawaii. PacRim is a bi-annual conference held in collaboration with the ceramic societies of the Pacific Rim countries - The American Ceramic Society, The Chinese Ceramic Society, The Korean Ceramic Society, and the Australian Ceramic Society. Topics included in this collection include multiscale modeling and simulation, processing and manufacturing, nanotechnology, multifunctional materials, ceramics for energy and the environment, biomedical materials, and more
Cornell University Press The Naked Tree: A Novel
A coming-of-age novel set during the Korean War, by Pak Wan-Suh, one of Korea's leading contemporary writers. The award-winning author of more than twenty novels, and numerous short stories and essays, Park often deals with the themes of Korean War tragedies, middle-class values, and women's issues. The novel is rich with scenes of cultural clashes, racial prejudice, and the kinds of misunderstandings that many American soldiers and Koreans experienced during the war years.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Evolution of Korean Industrial and Employment Relations
'Korea owes its rise to the ranks of the most prosperous nations, largely, to its investment in human resources. Yet, significant gaps remain that block further improvements in the lives of its workers and citizens. This book is as authoritative and comprehensive as it is insightful on the strengths of the Korean system and the challenges Korean policymakers face. In this respect, this book is not simply a telling of the Korean condition but rather of every nation aspiring to prosperity.'- Anil Verma, University of Toronto, Canada'This book is a compedium of information on the evolution, development and practice of employment relations in South Korea. It records the dynamism that enables the tripartite actors in S. Korea to respond to changing economic and political development, as well as the tremendous industrialization that the country has witnessed in recent decades. The social partners have not only played an active role in shaping public policy, as well as the behaviour and interaction between them and the State. These have enormously contributed to industrial peace, industrialization and economic growth and development. This is a book that is surely to serve not only the academic community and the social partners in Korea, as they evaluate their own role, strategy and desirable changes so as to build on achieved success. For students of comparative employment relations, the book is a useful case study, and I commend it to the international employment relations community.'- Tayo Fashoyin, Retired Professor of Comparative Employment Relations; Former Director in the ILO, Geneva, and Former Secretary of ILERAThe Evolution of Korean Industrial and Employment Relations explores current employment and workplace relations practice in South Korea, tracing their origins to key historical events and inevitable cultural adaptation in one of Asia?s ?'miraculous? democracies'. This volume challenges common but dated misconceptions of Korean industrial relations fixated on an economically successful but politically turbulent past. As Korea?'s employment relations continue to evolve, the accommodations made by companies and labor provide powerful insights for leaders in developing economies worldwide striving for prosperity, stability, and democratization. This book focuses on current realities both social and economic to uncover the potent challenges facing employers and workers in a slow-growth era of union decline. Lee and Kaufman provide a wide-ranging and global perspective authored by established and up-and-coming scholars both in and outside Korea in fields such as labor law, sociology, industrial relations, and labor economics. Up-to-date evaluation, data and analysis provide a modern and innovative perspective on employment and industrial relations practice.Scholars of global and specifically Asian industrial relations, human resource management and modern comparative labor relations will find this book of value. Policy makers and CEOs in emerging economics will benefit from the modern and innovative perspective on employment and industrial relations practice, including CEOs managing workplaces in South Korea.Contributors include: J.R. Bellace, C. Brewster, H.-G. Chang, Y.-K. Choi, F.L. Cooke, V.L. Doellgast, M. Gunderson, J.-J. Hur, I. Jun, B.E. Kaufman, D.-B. Kim, D.-O. Kim, H. Kim, H.-T. Kim, T.A. Kochan, H. Kwon, R. Lansbury, B.-H. Lee, K.-S. Lee, S.-H. Lee, S.-M. Lee, Y.-M. Lee, D. Lewin, Y. Nho, K.W. Park, M.J. Park, K.-P. Roh, P. Sheldon, P.B. Voos
Young Authors Publishing Realistic Dreams
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Milk and Dairy Products in Human Nutrition: Production, Composition and Health
Milk is nature’s most complete food, and dairy products are considered to be the most nutritious foods of all. The traditional view of the role of milk has been greatly expanded in recent years beyond the horizon of nutritional subsistence of infants: it is now recognized to be more than a source of nutrients for the healthy growth of children and nourishment of adult humans. Alongside its major proteins (casein and whey), milk contains biologically active compounds, which have important physiological and biochemical functions and significant impacts upon human metabolism, nutrition and health. Many of these compounds have been proven to have beneficial effects on human nutrition and health. This comprehensive reference is the first to address such a wide range of topics related to milk production and human health, including: mammary secretion, production, sanitation, quality standards and chemistry, as well as nutrition, milk allergies, lactose intolerance, and the bioactive and therapeutic compounds found in milk. In addition to cow’s milk, the book also covers the milk of non-bovine dairy species which is of economic importance around the world. The Editors have assembled a team of internationally renowned experts to contribute to this exhaustive volume which will be essential reading for dairy scientists, nutritionists, food scientists, allergy specialists and health professionals.
Young Authors Publishing Snack Attack: Maya and Her Snack Filled Sleepover
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Perspectives on Korean Unification and Economic Integration
During the last decade of the twentieth century, the Korean peninsula was the stage for non-stop, dramatic political and economic events. This volume brings together an unusually broad range of perspectives on US policy towards North Korea, the North Korean economy, and North-South economic co-operation and unification. The year 2000 opened a new chapter on the Korean peninsula; the North-South summit in June was no doubt a historical milestone that could lead to major changes on the peninsula. But the fundamental issues herein addressed are still relevant and important. No overnight solutions or magic bullets exist. Essential ingredients for North-South economic co-operation, ranging from regional security matters to policy nuts and bolts, remain little changed. Assembled in this volume are a diverse group of economists and analysts from academia, government and think tanks in the US and South Korea. Topics range from philosophical to practical policy matters. Students, researchers and policymakers interested in Korea and in the broader issues of economic and political integration will find this volume fresh and insightful.
Taylor & Francis Inc CRC Materials Science and Engineering Handbook
CRC Materials Science and Engineering Handbook provides a convenient, single-volume source for physical and chemical property data on a wide range of engineering materials. As with the first three editions, this Fourth Edition contains information verified by major professional associations such as ASM International and the American Ceramic Society (ACerS). Patterned after the iconic CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, this edition also: Offers a more streamlined presentation organized by categories of traditional and advanced materials Converts chemical and physical property data from US customary units to SI units, improving the handbook’s usefulness on a global scale Expands coverage to include the latest material property data on low-dimensional carbons, two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials, MAX phases, and amorphous metals Featuring extensive references to contemporary research literature, CRC Materials Science and Engineering Handbook, Fourth Edition is an ideal starting point for scientists and engineers making, selecting, or evaluating materials.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Nutrition and Physical Activity in Aging, Obesity,and Cancer, Volume 1229
Recently, much attention has been focused on aging and obesity and the pivotal roles these conditions play in the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. Several preclinical and clinical studies have revealed associations between aging and obesity and altered celluar environments––including genetic changes and inflammation–in the pathogenesis of many chronic disorders. Conventional methods for the treatment of cancer, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, result in limited success in certain cases and demonstrate additional modalities are required. In contrast to conventional treatments, some recent strategies are shifting to cancer prevention and treatment through physical exercise and better nutrition to control tumor progression, and to improve prognosis and rehabilitation in some cancer patients. This Annals volume presents a series of short reviews that focus on recent advances in, and future directions for, physical and nutritional bio-modulation and prevention of aging, obesity, and cancer, and suggest clinical care guidelines for the general population and for cancer patients and survivors who need proper physical exercise and optimal nutrition. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to the Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member.
University of Hawai'i Press Integrated Korean: Intermediate 1
This is a thoroughly revised edition of Integrated Korean: Intermediate 1, the third volume of the best-selling series developed collaboratively by leading classroom teachers and linguists of Korean. All the series' volumes have been developed in accordance with performance-based principles and methodology - contextualization, learner-centeredness, use of authentic materials, usage-orientedness, balance between skill getting and skill using, and integration of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture. Grammar points are systematically introduced in simple but adequate explanations and abundant examples and exercises.Each situation/topic-based lesson of the main texts consists of model dialogues, narration, new words and expressions, vocabulary notes, culture, grammar, usage, and English translation of dialogues. In response to comments from hundreds of students and instructors of the second edition, this new third edition features an attractive color design with new photos and drawings and lesson and vocabulary exercises that have been fully reorganized. Each lesson contains a conversational text (with its own vocabulary list) and a reading passage. The accompanying workbook provides students with extensive skill-using activities based on the skills learned in the main text.Integrated Korean is a project of the Korean Language Education and Research Center (KLEAR) with the support of the Korean Foundation. In addition to the five-level Integrated Korean textbooks and workbooks, volumes include Korean Composition, Korean Language in Culture and Society, Korean Reader for Chinese Characters, Readings in Modern Korean Literature, A Resource for Korean Grammar Instruction, and Selected Readings in Korean.
David Philip Publishers Where is Naledi?
Naledi is a meerkat pup who gets lost and separated from her family. The humans caught her and put her in a cage! Meanwhile, her family keeps searching for her in the desert. There are lots of dangers when you are alone in the wild! Will Naledi find her f
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Korean Metal Art: Techniques, Inspiration, and Traditions
The first book to offer not only detailed examples and history, but step-by-step instruction on the legendary metalworking traditions of Korea. These techniques, with beginnings in the 3rd century, are legendary in the art world, but information on how the breathtaking effects are created in the studio has been difficult to find until now. Crafted gold, silver, jade, and other materials are brought to life in 400+ photos, including Korean pieces (now in museums) that have through the centuries expressed the pinnacle of each method. Each chapter also focuses on works produced from 1980 through 2017 by modern metalwork experts, including artists from North America, showing how they incorporate traditional methods with modern working methods. Includes instructions for 15 techniques, including 24K gold overlay on silver (keum-boo or geumbu), line inlay on iron and copper works (kkium ipsa), chasing and repousse (tachul), enameling (chilbo), jade nephrite carving and inlay (oak ipsa), and many more.
Cornell University Press Back to Heaven: Selected Poems of Ch'on Sang Pyong
These poems by "the happiest man in the world" are full of light though written in dark times. Ch'ōn had the art of seeing the beauty of life beyond all the pain, and of putting it into the music of words. Recently, many young Koreans have discovered in these poems and in the poet's life the innocence and honesty they look for in vain in modern society. His poverty and his body broken by torture never made Ch'ōn bitter or angry; his poems are hymns of joy at the marvels of nature and the simple pleasures of life. His greatest poem sees death, not as the end but as a journey "back to heaven" where he plans to tell the angels how beautiful life in this world can be.
CABI Publishing Arctic Tourism Experiences: Production, Consumption and Sustainability
An exploration of Arctic tourism, focusing on tourist experiences and industry provision of those experiences; this is the first compilation to concentrate on the fundamental essence of the Arctic as being a geographical periphery, but also an experiential core that offers peak tourism experiences. Part 1 investigates the depth and dimensions of tourist experiences in the Arctic. Chapters examine the essence of diverse peak experiences and delve into the factors that give rise to these experiences. Part 2 considers the links between these core experiences and the tourism industry that seeks to sustain itself by facilitating such satisfying outcomes.
Columbia University Press Who Ate Up All the Shinga?: An Autobiographical Novel
Park Wan-suh is a best-selling and award-winning writer whose work has been widely translated and published throughout the world. Who Ate Up All the Shinga? is an extraordinary account of her experiences growing up during the Japanese occupation of Korea and the Korean War, a time of great oppression, deprivation, and social and political instability.Park Wan-suh was born in 1931 in a small village near Kaesong, a protected hamlet of no more than twenty families. Park was raised believing that "no matter how many hills and brooks you crossed, the whole world was Korea and everyone in it was Korean." But then the tendrils of the Japanese occupation, which had already worked their way through much of Korean society before her birth, began to encroach on Park's idyll, complicating her day-to-day life. With acerbic wit and brilliant insight, Park describes the characters and events that came to shape her young life, portraying the pervasive ways in which collaboration, assimilation, and resistance intertwined within the Korean social fabric before the outbreak of war. Most absorbing is Park's portrait of her mother, a sharp and resourceful widow who both resisted and conformed to stricture, becoming an enigmatic role model for her struggling daughter. Balancing period detail with universal themes, Park weaves a captivating tale that charms, moves, and wholly engrosses.
Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology,U.S. Shooting Cameras for Peace / Disparando Cámaras para la Paz: Youth, Photography, and the Colombian Armed Conflict / Juventud, Fotografía y el Conflicto Armado Colombiano
University of Hawai'i Press Integrated Korean: Beginning 2
This is a thoroughly revised edition of Integrated Korean: Beginning 2, the second volume of the best-selling series developed collaboratively by leading classroom teachers and linguists of Korean. All the series' volumes have been developed in accordance with performance-based principles and methodology—contextualization, learner-centeredness, use of authentic materials, usage-orientedness, balance between skill getting and skill using, and integration of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture. Grammar points are systematically introduced in simple but adequate explanations and abundant examples and exercises.Each situation/topic-based lesson of the main texts consists of model dialogues, narration, new words and expressions, vocabulary notes, culture, grammar, usage, and English translation of dialogues. In response to comments from hundreds of students and instructors of the second edition, this new third edition features an attractive color design with new photos and drawings and lesson and vocabulary exercises that have been fully reorganized. Each lesson contains a conversational text (with its own vocabulary list) and a reading passage. The accompanying workbook-available online as well as in paperback-provides students with extensive skill-using activities based on the skills learned in the main text.Integrated Korean is a project of the Korean Language Education and Research Center (KLEAR) with the support of the Korean Foundation. In addition to the five-level Integrated Korean textbooks and workbooks, volumes include Korean Composition, Korean Language in Culture and Society, Korean Reader for Chinese Characters, Readings in Modern Korean Literature, A Resource for Korean Grammar Instruction, and Selected Readings in Korean.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Nutrition and Physical Activity in Aging, Obesity, and Cancer: The Third International Conference, Volume 1271
This Annals volume presents a series of short reviews stemming from the 2012 3rd International Conference on Nutrition and Physical Activity (NAPA) in Aging, Obesity, and Cancer. The papers focus on advances in, and future directions for, physical and nutritional bio-modulation and prevention of aging, obesity, and cancer. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit: ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Sciences received full-text access to Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information on becoming a member.
University of Hawai'i Press Integrated Korean: Beginning 1
This is a thoroughly revised edition of Integrated Korean: Beginning 1, the first volume of the best-selling series developed collaboratively by leading classroom teachers and linguists of Korean. All the series' volumes have been developed in accordance with performance-based principles and methodology—contextualization, learner-centeredness, use of authentic materials, usage-orientedness, balance between skill getting and skill using, and integration of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture. Grammar points are systematically introduced in simple but adequate explanations and abundant examples and exercises.Each situation/topic-based lesson of the main texts consists of model dialogues, narration, new words and expressions, vocabulary notes, culture, grammar, usage, and English translation of dialogues. In response to comments from hundreds of students and instructors of the second edition, this new third edition features an attractive color design with new photos and drawings and lesson and vocabulary exercises that have been fully reorganized. Each lesson contains a conversational text (with its own vocabulary list) and a reading passage. The accompanying workbook—available online as well as in paperback—provides students with extensive skill-using activities based on the skills learned in the main text.Integrated Korean is a project of the Korean Language Education and Research Center (KLEAR) with the support of the Korean Foundation. In addition to the five-level Integrated Korean textbooks and workbooks, volumes include Korean Composition, Korean Language in Culture and Society, Korean Reader for Chinese Characters, Readings in Modern Korean Literature, A Resource for Korean Grammar Instruction and Selected Readings in Korean.
V&R unipress GmbH Chinese Historical Thinking: An Intercultural Discussion
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals
THE ONLY SINGLE-SOURCE GUIDE TO THE LATEST SCIENCE, NUTRITION, AND APPLICATIONS OF ALL THE NON-BOVINE MILKS CONSUMED AROUND THE WORLD Featuring contributions by an international team of dairy and nutrition experts, this second edition of the popular Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals provides comprehensive coverage of milk and dairy products derived from all non-bovine dairy species. Milks derived from domesticated dairy species other than the cow are an essential dietary component for many countries around the world. Especially in developing and under-developed countries, milks from secondary dairy species are essential sources of nutrition for the humanity. Due to the unavailability of cow milk and the low consumption of meat, the milks of non-bovine species such as goat, buffalo, sheep, horse, camel, Zebu, Yak, mare and reindeer are critical daily food sources of protein, phosphate and calcium. Furthermore, because of hypoallergenic properties of certain species milk including goats, mare and camel are increasingly recommended as substitutes in diets for those who suffer from cow milk allergies. This book: Discusses key aspects of non-bovine milk production, including raw milk production in various regions worldwide Describes the compositional, nutritional, therapeutic, physio-chemical, and microbiological characteristics of all non-bovine milks Addresses processing technologies as well as various approaches to the distribution and consumption of manufactured milk products Expounds characteristics of non-bovine species milks relative to those of human milk, including nutritional, allergenic, immunological, health and cultural factors. Features six new chapters, including one focusing on the use of non-bovine species milk components in the manufacture of infant formula products Thoroughly updated and revised to reflect the many advances that have occurred in the dairy industry since the publication of the acclaimed first edition, Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals, 2nd Edition is an essential reference for dairy scientists, nutritionists, food chemists, animal scientists, allergy specialists, health professionals, and allied professionals.
Cornell University Press Farmers' Dance: Poems by Shin Kyong-Nim
Shin Kyong-Nim's first volume of poems, Farmers' Dance (Nong-mu), marked a major new step in the development of modern Korean poetry when it was published in 1973. The life of Korea's oppressed rural masses had never before been highlighted in such a manner. For years, the poet had shared that life as a laborer and salesman, and the poems reflect a deep identification with classes and situations that were normally not considered suitable subjects for poetry. This volume offers a full translation of the poems of the expanded 1975 edition, making available in English for the first time one of the most influential works of modern Korean poetry.
Walker Books Ltd Great Expectations Abridged for Young Readers
A beloved classic adult novel skilfully abridged to inspire and engage a new generation of middle-grade readers, from a multi-award-winning author.Young orphan Pip, downtrodden and mistreated by his guardian sister, has a terrifying meeting with an escaped convict. Soon afterwards he is invited to play at the gloomy, cobwebbed house of unhappy Miss Havisham, where he is humiliated by her beautiful ward, Estella. Pip falls in love with the girl, despite her disdain for his ignorance and rough appearance, and begins his apprenticeship to his blacksmith brother-in-law feeling ashamed of his lowly home.Then Pip is told he is to be brought up as a wealthy gentleman, and he delightedly assumes his secret benefactor to be Miss Havisham, planning him as a match him for Estella. When he discovers this is not the case, his heart is broken and his loyalties torn.What is the connection between Miss Havisham and the mysterious convict? And will Pip ever win Estella
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Eliza and Her Monsters
“A love letter to fandom, friendship, and the stories that shape us, Eliza and Her Monsters is absolutely magical.”—Marieke Nijkamp, New York Times–bestselling author of This Is Where It Ends Eighteen-year-old Eliza Mirk is the anonymous creator of the wildly popular webcomic Monstrous Sea, but when a new boy at school tempts her to live a life offline, everything she’s worked for begins to crumble.Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl meets Noelle Stevenson’s Nimona in this acclaimed novel about art, fandom, and finding the courage to be yourself. “A must-have.”—School Library JournalIn the real world, Eliza Mirk is shy, weird, and friendless. Online, Eliza is LadyConstellation, anonymous creator of a popular webcomic called Monstrous Sea. With millions of followers and fans throughout the world, Eliza’s persona is popular. Eliza can’t imagine enjoying the real world as much as she loves her digital community. Then Wallace Warland transfers to her school and Eliza begins to wonder if a life offline might be worthwhile. But when Eliza’s secret is accidentally shared with the world, everything she’s built—her story, her relationship with Wallace, and even her sanity—begins to fall apart. With pages from Eliza’s webcomic, as well as screenshots from Eliza’s online forums, this uniquely formatted book will appeal to fans of Noelle Stevenson’s Nimona and Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl. The paperback edition includes bonus material and never-before-seen art from the author.Young Adult Library Services Association Best BookBest Fiction for Young Adults Top TenKirkus Best Book Texas Tayshas Pick
Quarto Publishing PLC Michelle Obama: Volume 62
In this book from the critically acclaimed, multimillion-copy bestselling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Michelle Obama, the iconic first lady, advocate, lawyer and author. Young Michelle grew up on the South Side of Chicago in a close-knit family. She loved school, achieving A’s, and worked hard to blaze trails at the universities of Princeton and Harvard. Then, at the beginning of her legal career, she met Barack Obama. As first lady, she used her platform to advocate for women and girls and continues to inspire many with her powerful voice, and bestselling books. This empowering book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the inspiring woman’s life.Little People, BIG DREAMS is a bestselling biography series for kids that explores the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists to scientists and activists. All of them achieved incredible things, yet each began life as a child with a dream. This empowering series of books offers inspiring messages to children of all ages, in a range of formats. The board books are told in simple sentences, perfect for reading aloud to babies and toddlers. The hardback and paperback versions present expanded stories for beginning readers. With rewritten text for older children, the treasuries each bring together a multitude of dreamers in a single volume. You can also collect a selection of the books by theme in boxed gift sets. Activity books and a journal provide even more ways to make the lives of these role models accessible to children.Inspire the next generation of outstanding people who will change the world with Little People, BIG DREAMS!