Search results for ""Author Rainer Maria Rilke""
?Es trágica la suerte de los jóvenes que presienten que les será imposible vivir si no logran ser poetas, pintores o escultores y no encuentran el consejo verdadero, hundidos en el abismo del desaliento; buscando un maestro poderoso, no son palabras ni indicaciones lo que buscan, sino un ejemplo, un corazón ardiente, manos que sepan hacer grandeza. Es a usted a quien buscan.?
Präsenz Medien & Verlag Tage wie Herbst
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Das Leben ist eine Herrlichkeit Gesammelte Werke
Marix Verlag Geschichten vom lieben Gott
Insel Verlag GmbH Briefe an einen jungen Dichter
Suhrkamp Verlag Gluck
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Erzhlungen
Insel Verlag GmbH Rainer Maria Rilke und Stefan Zweig in Briefen und Dokumenten
Suhrkamp Verlag Rilke Rainer Maria
Reclam Philipp Jun. Das Buch der Bilder
Dover Publications Inc. Sonnets to Orpheus and Duino Elegies
Pallas Athene Publishers Auguste Rodin
Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) was already an old man when the young poet Rainer Maria Rilke went to interview him for the first time. Rilke stayed on to work as Rodin's secretary. Intensely sensitive to art, and in particular to the irreducible power of objects, and yet able to express this awareness in prose of great lyricism and clarity, Rilke was destined to be the critic who would most naturally dramatise Rodin's work. In 1903 Rilke published this essay, a sustained and profound meditation on the unique power of Rodin's sculpture that has never been equalled. Written around a chronology of Rodin's work, it is also a very approachable introduction to some of the greatest sculpture of the nineteenth century.
Shambhala Publications Inc Letters to a Young Poet: A New Translation and Commentary
Penguin Putnam Inc Rilke's Book of Hours: Love Poems to God
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Cuarenta y nueve poemas
Si Rilke es el poeta por excelencia es porque puso su vida entera al servicio de la poesía: no tuvo otra meta que culminar la obra que estaba llamado a hacer. Los sentimientos más sutiles, las descripciones más precisas, las visiones más grandiosas: esa es la esencia de cada una de las tres etapas sucesivas en que va cristalizando su obra. Y todo lo hizo con una extraordinaria agudeza espiritual y verbal. Como escribió Paul Valéry, Rilke logró iluminar los más hondos secretos de la intimidad del hombre.La presente antología trata de abarcar la producción poética de Rilke. Hay en ella poemas juveniles y poemas de madurez, representativos de la evolución de esa obra, y también de los temas y de los tonos más presentes en ella. De todos los libros que escribió Rilke hay alguna muestra entre estos Cuarenta y nueve poemas.
Red Hen Press Larenopfer
René Maria Rilke was born in Prague on 4 December 1875 and died near Montreux in Switzerland, on 29 December 1926. The foremost lyric German poet of the 20th century, he is remembered primarily for his Duino Elegies, the Sonnets to Orpheus, the Neue Gedichte, the Buch der Bilder, the Stundenbuch, and the Cornet. Although his mature poetry has been translated into many languages, his early poetry remains accessible only in the original German. This translation of the Larenopfer, or offerings to the Lares, the Roman household deities, are songs that Rilke sings to his hometown Prague and to his beloved Bohemia, short poems on the parks, fountains, churches, bridges and palaces of Prague, not forgetting Rabbi Löw’s legends, the Jewish cemetery, the Thirty Years’ War and, of course, young love. This cycle of 90 poems offers the reader a unique view into Rilke’s fascinating world, the turn-of-the-century atmosphere of Prague, then the third largest city in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Here a young German of the ruling bourgeoisie shows great appreciation for contemporary Czech literary works and enthusiasm for the cause of Czech cultural identity. Larenopfer possesses not only literary merit but is also of considerable sociological and historical interest.
Marix Verlag Du musst das Leben nicht verstehen Schne Gedichte
Anaconda Verlag Rainer Maria Rilke Werke in vier Bänden Gedichte I Gedichte II Erzählende Prosa Schriften 4 Bände im Schuber
Insel Verlag GmbH Wenn Weihnachten naht
Insel Verlag GmbH Diese vollkommenen Wunderwerke Rodins Aquarelle
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Prosa
Insel Verlag GmbH Briefe an einen jungen Dichter
Verlag Herder Geschichten Vom Lieben Gott
Philipp Reclam Jun Verlag GmbH Duineser Elegien Die Sonette an Orpheus
Philipp Reclam Jun Verlag GmbH Gedichte
Arc Publications Pure Contradiction: Selected Poems
Rainer Maria Rilke's work spans the divide between turn-of-the-century Europe's decadence and its post First World War revolutionary modernism, always struggling to develop, to seek and reach beyond itself. This selection of poems from throughout Rilke's creative output is arranged chronologically, placing poems of similar themes and / or modes of expression close to one another, making bed-fellows of poems rarely seen together. Each poem is to a greater or lesser extent conscious of others. The aim is to illuminate the underlying themes which Rilke said he had arrived at very early in his life. In his powerful new translation, skilfully shaped into current English, Ian Crockatt succeeds in catching Rilke's blend of crafted sensuality and inward-focused spiritual searching, while his comprehensive introduction and notes to this selection are both informative and enlightening.
Pushkin Press Change Your Life
Rainer Maria Rilke developed one of the most singular poetic styles of the twentieth century. Visionary yet always anchored in the real world, his poems give profound expression to fundamental questions of love and death, of the chaos of the modern world as well as the spiritual consolation of art and nature. Change Your Life draws from across Rilke's career to offer a comprehensive view of his most essential poetry, featuring major selections from the great Duino Elegies and Sonnets to Orpheus alongside less frequently anthologised work. In these dazzling new translations by acclaimed poet Martyn Crucefix, Rilke's poems beguile with fresh insight and mystery.
Pushkin Press Duino Elegies
The captivating original English translation of Rilke's landmark poetry cycle, by Vita and Edward Sackville-West
W. W. Norton & Company The Book of Hours
David Zwirner Letters to a Very Young Painter
Suhrkamp Verlag Die schonsten Gedichte
Pushkin Press Poems to Night
In 1916, Rainer Maria Rilke presented his friend Rudolf Kassner with a notebook, containing twenty-two poems meticulously inscribed in his own hand and bearing the title Poems to Night. This evocative sequence of poems, which echoes some of the great themes of German romanticism, is now thought to represent one of the key stages in the creative breakthrough and spiritual evolution of the preeminent European poet of the twentieth century. This collection brings all the poems together in English for the first time and is enhanced by a rich selection of further poems Rilke dedicated to night at various stages of his life. The Poems to Night and the background to them are illuminated by the translator's valuable introduction.
WW Norton & Co Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge: A Novel
A ground-breaking masterpiece of early European modernism originally published in 1910, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge unspools the vivid reflections of the titular young Danish nobleman and poet. From his Paris garret, Brigge records his encounters with the city and its outcasts, muses on his family history and lays bare his earliest experiences of fear, tenderness and desolation. With a poet’s feel for language and a keen instinct for storytelling, Rainer Maria Rilke forges a dazzlingly fractured coming-of-age narrative, kaleidoscopic in its alternation of vivid present encounters and equally alive memories of childhood. Strikingly contemporary, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge reveals a writer metabolising his own experiences to yield still-essential questions about fiction and reality, empathy and psychosis, and—above all—life, love and death. In a fascinating introduction, award-winning translator Edward Snow explores the overlaps between Rilke’s experiences and those of his protagonist, and shows with granular attention the novel’s capacity for nuance and sympathy. Snow’s exquisite translation captures as never before the astonishing cadences and musical clarity of the poet’s prose. It reveals The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge as an urgent contemporary achievement, more than one hundred years after it was written.
WW Norton & Co Duino Elegies: A New and Complete Translation
Rainer Maria Rilke’s Duino Elegies are one of the great literary masterpieces of the twentieth century. Begun in 1912 while the poet was a guest at Duino Castle on the Adriatic Sea and completed in a final bout of feverish inspiration in 1922, the ten elegies survey the mysteries of consciousness, whether human or animal, earthly or divine. Poet and translator Alfred Corn offers a fresh take on this cornerstone of German lyric poetry, bringing us closer to Rilke’s meaning than ever before and illuminating the elegies’ celebration of life and love. Also included are a critical introduction exploring the nuances of the translation, several thematically linked lyrics and two of the Letters to a Young Poet to complete the volume.
Random House USA Inc The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke: Bilingual Edition
Daimon Verlag Duino Elegies
Random House Publishing Group Letters to a Young Poet Modern Library Classics
Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet are arguably the most famous and beloved letters of the twentieth century. Written when the poet was himself still a young man, with most of his greatest work before him, they were addressed to a student who had sent Rilke some of his own writing, asking for advice on becoming a writer. The two never met, but over a period of several years Rilke wrote him these ten letters, which have been cherished by hundreds of thousands of readers for what Stephen Mitchell calls in his Foreword the 'vibrant and deeply felt experience of life' that informs them. Eloquent and personal, Rilke’s meditations on the creative process, the nature of love, the wisdom of children, and the importance of solitude offer a wealth of spiritual and practical guidance for anyone. At the same time, this collection, in Stephen Mitchell’s definitive translation, reveals the thoughts and feelings of one of the greatest poets and most distinctive sensibilities of
Penguin Books Ltd Letters to a Young Poet
At the start of the twentieth century, Rainer Maria Rilke wrote a series of letters to a young officer cadet, advising him on writing, love, sex, suffering and the nature of advice itself; these profound and lyrical letters have since become hugely influential for writers and artists of all kinds. This book also contains the 'Letter from a Young Worker', a striking polemic against Christianity written in letter-form, near the end of Rilke's life. In Lewis Hyde's introduction, he explores the context in which these letters were written and how the author embraced his isolation as a creative force. Charlie Louth's afterword discusses the similarities and contrasts of the two works, and Rilke's religious and sexual wordplay. This edition also contains a chronology, notes, and suggested further reading.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Nameyen Ji Saireki Ciwan Re. Briefe an Einen Jungen Dichter: Zweisprachig Kurmanji-Kurdisch/Deutsch
Eglantyne Books Sonnets to Orpheus
Brand new English translations of this classic cycle of poems by Rilke dedicated to Orpheus
Harvard University Press Letters to a Young Poet
In 1902, a nineteen-year-old aspiring poet named Franz Kappus wrote to Rainer Maria Rilke, then twenty-six, seeking advice on his poetry. Kappus, a student at a military academy in Vienna similar to the one Rilke had attended, was about to embark on a career as an officer, for which he had little inclination. Touched by the innocence and forthrightness of the student, Rilke responded to Kappus’ letter and began an intermittent correspondence that would last until 1908.Letters to a Young Poet collects the ten letters that Rilke wrote to Kappus. A book often encountered in adolescence, it speaks directly to the young. Rilke offers unguarded thoughts on such diverse subjects as creativity, solitude, self-reliance, living with uncertainty, the shallowness of irony, the uselessness of criticism, career choices, sex, love, God, and art. Letters to a Young Poet is, finally, a life manual. Art, Rilke tells the young poet in his final letter to him, is only another way of living.With the same artistry that marks his widely acclaimed translations of Kafka’s The Castle and Amerika: The Missing Person, Mark Harman captures the lyrical and spiritual dimensions of Rilke’s prose. In his introduction, he provides biographical contexts for the reader and discusses the challenges of translating Rilke. This lovely hardcover edition makes a perfect gift for any young person starting out in life or for those interested in finding a clear articulation of Rilke’s thoughts on life and art.
Oxford University Press The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
'An indescribable, aching, futile longing for myself' The young Danish aristocrat Malte Laurids Brigge has been left rootless by the early death of his parents. Now living in Paris, Malte begins to record his life in a series of loosely connected notes, diary entries, prose poems, parables and stories, ostensibly collected by a fictional editor to form the Notebooks. Focusing on Malte's observations and experiences in the present, recollections of his childhood and family, and his reflections on historical events, these notes in highly crafted poetic prose explore the themes of life in the metropolis, poverty, sickness and death, love, memory and time, and perception and language. The only extended prose work by the German poet Rainer Maria Rilke, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge is a landmark in the development of the twentieth-century novel. It marks a radical departure from nineteenth-century realism, transcending conventions of linear narrative to reflect a consciousness in crisis, and an archetypal confrontation with the modern. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Grols Verlag Geschichten vom lieben Gott
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Duino Elegies: A New Translation and Commentary
A new translation of Rilke's great work with close readings of each of the ten elegies elucidating how their poetic attributes constitute their meaning. Rilke continues to be the most read and discussed German poet of the modern period. The Duino Elegies, together with the Sonnets to Orpheus, remain his greatest achievement. The themes of the ten elegies - and the conceptual world unique to Rilke from which they emerge - can best be understood through their poetic form: their imagery and neologistic formations, their angular syntax, their abrupt changes of tone and linguistic register, their use of multiple personae and speaking voices, and the often-ironic self-presentation of the author. Commentators, however, have often treated these features as mere formal devices that we can somehow see through to get to what really matters, that is, to what Rilke has to say about the human condition or the meaning of life, to his philosophy or worldview. On the contrary, they are constitutive of meaning in the elegies, and understanding them is crucial to our experience of reading Rilke's work. The purpose of this book is to make such features visible and to explain them to the reader as clearly as possible. This is the first full-length book in English devoted to the elegies in over thirty years. It offers an entirely new translation of each elegy, paired with the original German text, and a close reading of each.