Search results for ""Author Luke""
Taylor & Francis Ltd 3D Game Environments: Create Professional 3D Game Worlds
From a steamy jungle to a modern city, or even a sci-fi space station, 3D Game Environments is the ultimate resource to help you create AAA quality art for a variety of game worlds. Primarily using Photoshop and 3ds Max, students will learn to create realistic textures from photo source and a variety of techniques to portray dynamic and believable game worlds. With detailed tutorials on creating 3D models, applying 2D art to 3D models, and clear concise advice on issues of efficiency and optimization for a 3D game engine, Luke Ahearn gives you everything students need to make their own realistic game environments.Key FeaturesThe entire game world development process; from planning to 3D modeling, UV layout, and creating textures.Exercises and projects to practice with; each section includes projects to guide you through creating different world genres.The updated companion website— now includes video tutorials in addition to updated sample textures, shaders, materials, actions, brushes, program demos, plug-ins and all art from the book—all the tools you need in one place.
Edinburgh University Press Sylvia Plath's Fiction: A Critical Study
This is the first study devoted to Sylvia Plath's fiction. Plath wrote fiction throughout her life, in a wide variety of genres, including women's magazine romances, New Yorker stories, comedy, social criticism, autobiography, teenage fiction and science fiction. She wrote novels before and after The Bell Jar. Discussing all these novels and stories, and based on research in the three major archives of her work, this book is the complete study of Plath's fiction. The author analyses her influences as a fiction writer, the relationships between her poetry and fiction, the political views she expresses in her fiction, and devotes two chapters to the central concern of her novels and stories, the roles of women in contemporary society.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Sociology of Globalization
The new edition of this accessible and wide-ranging book demonstrates the distinctive insights that sociology has to bring to the study of globalization. Taking in the cultural, political and economic dimensions of globalization, the book provides a thorough introduction to key debates and critically evaluates the causes and consequences of a globalizing world. Bringing the discussion right up to date, the new edition includes an increased emphasis on the rise of China, the aftermath of the financial crisis and austerity, the benefits of migration and open borders, and the changing structure of global inequality. Data and literature have been updated throughout the book, with new sections on global cities, the environment and international protests, and expanded discussion of gender. Martell argues that globalization offers many opportunities for greater interaction and participation in societies throughout the world, for instance through the media and migration, but also has dark sides such as conflict, global poverty, climate change and economic insecurity. This book will continue to be an ideal companion to students across the social sciences taking courses that cover globalization, and the sociology of globalization in particular.
Princeton University Press Sharing Responsibility: The History and Future of Protection from Atrocities
A look at the duty of nations to protect human rights beyond borders, why it has failed in practice, and what can be done about itThe idea that states share a responsibility to shield people everywhere from atrocities is presently under threat. Despite some early twenty-first century successes, including the 2005 United Nations endorsement of the Responsibility to Protect, the project has been placed into jeopardy due to catastrophes in such places as Syria, Myanmar, and Yemen; resurgent nationalism; and growing global antagonism. In Sharing Responsibility, Luke Glanville seeks to diagnose the current crisis in international protection by exploring its long and troubled history. With attention to ethics, law, and politics, he measures what possibilities remain for protecting people wherever they reside from atrocities, despite formidable challenges in the international arena.With a focus on Western natural law and the European society of states, Glanville shows that the history of the shared responsibility to protect is marked by courageous efforts, as well as troubling ties to Western imperialism, evasion, and abuse. The project of safeguarding vulnerable populations can undoubtedly devolve into blame shifting and hypocrisy, but can also spark effective burden sharing among nations. Glanville considers how states should support this responsibility, whether it can be coherently codified in law, the extent to which states have embraced their responsibilities, and what might lead them to do so more reliably in the future.Sharing Responsibility wrestles with how countries should care for imperiled people and how the ideal of the responsibility to protect might inspire just behavior in an imperfect and troubled world.
WW Norton & Co Club Soccer 101: The Essential Guide to the Stars, Stats, and Stories of 101 of the Greatest Teams in the World
Written with verve from a passionate fan’s perspective, Club Soccer 101 is the essential guide to the 101 most talked about football teams in the world—from renowned powerhouses like Arsenal, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Boca Juniors, Liverpool, Manchester United, A.C. Milan and Real Madrid to rising teams like the Los Angeles Galaxy. The book features you-were-there stories of each team’s greatest games, historic moments of glory and disappointment and most famous (and infamous) players—from Pelé, Maradona and George Best to Lionel Messi, Wayne Rooney and Ronaldo. The book also includes statistics for both the casual and the die-hard fan. Club Soccer 101 is an authoritative, opinionated and fun-to-read guide to the world’s favourite sport.
Mulholland Books Killing Eve: Codename Villanelle
University of Washington Press Forming the Early Chinese Court: Rituals, Spaces, Roles
Forming the Early Chinese Court builds on new directions in comparative studies of royal courts in the ancient world to present a pioneering study of early Chinese court culture. Rejecting divides between literary, political, and administrative texts, Luke Habberstad examines sources from the Qin, Western Han, and Xin periods (221 BCE–23 CE) for insights into court society and ritual, rank, the development of the bureaucracy, and the role of the emperor. These diverse sources show that a large, but not necessarily cohesive, body of courtiers drove the consolidation, distribution, and representation of power in court institutions. Forming the Early Chinese Court encourages us to see China’s imperial unification as a surprisingly idiosyncratic process that allowed different actors to stake claims in a world of increasing population, wealth, and power.
The University of Chicago Press Joyce's Ghosts: Ireland, Modernism, and Memory
For decades, James Joyce's modernism has overshadowed his Irishness, as his self-imposed exile and association with the high modernism of Europe's urban centers has led critics to see him almost exclusively as a cosmopolitan figure. In Joyce's Ghosts, Luke Gibbons mounts a powerful argument that this view is mistaken: Joyce's Irishness is intrinsic to his modernism, informing his most distinctive literary experiments. Ireland, Gibbons shows, is not just a source of subject matter or content for Joyce, but of form itself. Joyce's stylistic innovations can be traced at least as much to the tragedies of Irish history as to the shock of European modernity, as he explores the incomplete project of the inner life under colonialism. Joyce's language, Gibbons reveals, is haunted by ghosts, less concerned with the stream of consciousness than with a vernacular interior dialogue, the "shout in the street," that gives room to outside voices and shadowy presences, the disruptions of a late colonial culture in crisis. Showing us how memory under modernism breaks free of the nightmare of history, and how in doing so it gives birth to new forms, Gibbons forces us to think anew about Joyce's achievement and its foundations.
Massey University Press Gretchen Albrecht: Between gesture and geometry
Legal Action Group Community Care and the Law
Community Care and the Law is the pre-eminent legal text on adult social care law. Its contributors are leading experts in the field and the lead author, Professor Luke Clements, was the expert adviser to the Parliamentary Committee that scrutinised the Bill that became the Care Act 2014. The seventh edition has involved a comprehensive revision of this established text to provide an up-to-date analysis of the law relating to the rights of adults in need and carers in England. Community Care and the Law is the leading text for lawyers, policy-makers, local authority and voluntary sector advisers and carers. The book presents this complex area of law with clarity but without over-simplification. It provides a detailed route map through the law and offers practical guidance on how it impacts on procedures and services. There is a comprehensive coverage of local authority duties and powers, to adults in need and to carers - including assessments, care planning, ordinary residence, care and support services, direct payments, NHS responsibilities, housing, safeguarding and the rights of asylum-seekers. The remedies chapter has a step by step guide to complaints, ombudsman and judicial review procedures. This seventh edition has been fully updated throughout and includes: * an updated section concerning the well-being principles including reference to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities General Comment (2017) on Article 19 (the right to independent living * a new chapter focussing specifically on the Eligibility Criteria * coverage of recent secretary of state ordinary residence determinations clarifying the new rules relating to supported living and shared lives as specified accommodation for ordinary residence purposes * substantially reworked text covering the new (October) 2018 NHS Continuing Healthcare Framework Guidance * an updated information, data protection and confidentiality chapter referencing the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation Community Care and the Law contains extensive cross referencing for easy navigation. The appendices include the text of the key provisions of the Care Act 2014 and other relevant legislation.
Ortac Press DomadomadomaBlumblumblum
Luke Thompson is a unique and compelling guide through conversations, real and imagined, with other beings. Thompson's journey takes him from the stories of King Solomon and Doctor Dolittle to medieval dragon-slayers and extraterrestrial aliens, via Harvard laboratories, Caribbean Waters, and the discipline of anthrozoology.
Quinnipiac University Press Limits of the Visible: Representing the Great Hunger
Ireland's Great Hunger Museum at Quinnipiac University publishes Famine Folios, a unique resource for students, scholars and researchers, as well as general readers, covering many aspects of the Famine in Ireland from 1845 - 1852 - the worst demographic catastrophe of nineteenth-century Europe. The essays are interdisciplinary in nature, and make available new research in Famine studies by internationally established scholars in history, art history, cultural theory, philosophy, media history, political economy, literature and music. This publications initiative is devised to augment the Museum experience, and is part of the Museum's commitment to making its collection accessible to audiences of all ages and levels of educational interest. The booklets are produced to the highest level, beautifully illustrated with works from the Museum and related collections. It ensures that audiences have access to the latest scholarship as it pertains to both the historical and contemporary dimensions of the collection.The absence of photographs of the Irish Famine has been attributed to the shortcomings of a medium then it its infancy, but it may also be due to certain limitations in the visible itself. Susan Sontag argued that images can evoke sentimental responses but cannot address wider political questions of obligation and justice. Luke Gibbons revisits representations of the Famine, particularly those in Ireland's Great Hunger Museum to argue that images can not only give visual pleasure but demand ethical interventions on the part of spectators. This fusing of sympathy and affective response with the right of redress is conveyed by a 'judicious obscurity,' a determination not to show all, which places an obligation on the spectator to complete what is beyond representation, or what is left to the imagination.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Touched by God's Spirit: How Merton, Van Gogh, Vanier and Rembrandt influenced Henri Nouwen’s heart of compassion
Henri Nouwen is internationally acclaimed as one of the most beloved and important spiritual writers of the second half of the twentieth century, yet little has been written on Nouwen's own mentors, especially on those who influenced him the most: Thomas Merton, Vincent Van Gogh, Jean Vanier and Rembrandt Van Rijn. Nouwen encountered Merton in May, 1967. He began to learn about the art and writing of Van Gogh in 1975. He met Vanier in 1981. The painting of the Prodigal Son Nouwen came across in 1983. Touched by God's Spirit brings these four masters of the spiritual life together and their significant contribution, notably, to compassionate Christian living as expressed by Nouwen is studied in depth.
Caffeine Nights Publishing Hometown
Pitch Publishing Ltd Sprinters and the Art of Speed
Sprinters and the Art of Speed invites you into the world of professional cycling through the eyes of some of the best sprinters of all time.From the earliest days of road racing there have been explosive riders that always seemed to have the edge over their rivals at the finish. From the days of Charles Pélissier and Rik van Looy, to the epic era of Mark Cavendish and the rise of new stars like Lorena Wiebes and Arnaud De Lie, you''ll get the low-down on all things sprinting.Inside you''ll discover exactly what it takes to become one of the fastest riders at the Tour de France. Dive in and learn about the formative years of sprinting and the emergence of specialised tactics such as sprint trains and lead-out riders. You''ll also get an insight into the lives of some of the greatest sprinters of all time and their finest hours, before finally looking ahead to what the next decade of sprinting might hold.
Press Room Editions Washington Wizards
Press Room Editions San Jose Sharks
Press Room Editions New Jersey Devils
Press Room Editions Nashville Predators
Orion Publishing Co Men at War: Loving, Lusting, Fighting, Remembering 1939-1945
As a child, Luke Turner was obsessed with the Second World War. He spent hours watching Sunday war films, poring over stories of derring-do and relishing in birthday trips to air museums. Lying in bed beneath Airfix fighter planes suspended from his ceiling, he would think about the men that might sit in their cockpits, and whether he could ever be one of them. Now, as an adult who has come to terms with a masculine identity and sexuality that is often erased from dominant military narratives, he undertakes a refreshingly honest analysis of his fascination with the war. In Men at War, Turner looks beyond the increasingly retrogressive and jingoistic ideal of a Britain that never was to recognise men of war as creatures of love, fear, hope and desire. From writers, filmmakers, artists and ordinary men - including those in his own family - Turner assembles a broad cast of characters to bring the war to life. There are conscientious objectors, a bisexual Commando, a pacifist poet who flew for Bomber Command, a transgender RAF pilot, a soldier who suffered in Japanese POW camps and later in life became an LGBT+ activist, and those who simply did what they could just to survive and return home to a complicated peace. As the conflict moves beyond living memory and the last veterans leave us, we are in danger of missing the opportunity to gain a true understanding of this rich history. By exploring a wartime experience that embraces sex, lust and the body as much as tactics and weaponry, Turner argues that the only way we can really understand the Second World War is to get to grips with the complexity of the lives and identities of those who fought and endured it.
John Murray Press The Vet 2: the big wild world
'Luke Gamble is a West Country treasure. Like Dr Doolittle, but real!' MARTIN CLUNESLuke Gamble cut his teeth as a mixed practice vet in the West Country. Now it's time to see if he can stand on his own two feet. Wild stallions, drowning cows and constipated snakes aside, Luke's challenges have only just begun. He's come a long way from the fresh-faced graduate vet we met in The Vet 1: my wild and wonderful friends. He's marrying the girl of his dreams while launching his own practice, Pilgrims. On top of that, he's managing his international veterinary charity and two other veterinary businesses. On his extreme travels around the world, Luke dodges hippos and chimps, and swaps the familiar farms of home for the refugee camps of Africa, all on his quest to make a difference.But Luke is more than just an international vet. He's also a husband, a friend, an entrepreneur and, potentially, an Ironman triathlete. Does he have what it takes to juggle it all?For fans of Arthur and Supervet, The Vet 2: the big wild world is an exhilarating, inspiring and moving adventure that animal lovers and thrill seekers will adore.
Penned in the Margins The Toll
An escaped lion roams the streets of Essex; a lonely pensioner holds a tower block fete; and a young woman dreams of leaving home. Travel the unfashionable A-roads and commuter lines of England -'where industry meets marsh'- with poet Luke Wright. In his stunning new collection, discover a country riven by inequality and corruption but sustained by a surreal, gallow's humour. The Toll combines the elegaic with the anarchic, placing uproarious satire cheek-by-jowl with wild experiments in form and touching poems of parenthood. In this mature follow-up to his best-selling debut, Mondeo Man, Wright captures the strain of austerity Britain, speaking truth to power and registering the toll it takes on us all.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Know the Game: Complete skills: Cricket
A clear, simple introduction to cricket skills for players aged 7-10. The Know the Game Complete Skills series is a perfect introduction to a sport for every budding player. Compiled from the individual Know the Game Cricket titles, the book will teach young players the basic skills they need to start enjoying the sport – by giving them plenty of simple practice drills and showing how the star players do it. In this book, players will learn : Batting: How to: control the bat, face a bowler, play all the shots, 'read' a bowler, understand the field, run between the wickets Bowling: Profile of a bowler, bowling to a plan , bowling actions, the run-up and release, swing bowling, seam bowling, spin bowling and variations Fielding: The field and field placings, the ready position, close catching, catching in the deep, overarm throw, intercepts, retrieving the ball, the long barrier, wicketkeeping skills Clearly illustrated and written by a professional coach, this book will give every young player the all the skills they need to enjoy cricket.
Faber & Faber The Con Artists
THE OBSERVER GRAPHIC NOVEL OF THE MONTH, 'a beautifully observed masterpiece''I loved it- it's quiet and funny and anxious, most of all it's dreadfully human. Really great.' EVIE WYLD'Joy, terror, good jokes, bad decisions, mystery moustaches - this book has them all, and more!' JOFF WINTERHART'It is amazing. Really just perfect comic writing, in both senses.' STEPHEN COLLINSLove, friendship, fraud and the stories we tell...Frank only wanted three things this year- to perform stand-up comedy, go to therapy, and to keep his house plants alive.Then Giorgio got hit by a bus.As Frank moves in with Giorgio to help him recover, he begins to suspect that the perfect life Giorgio has been sharing online may be nothing more than a web of lies and scams. Finding himself unable to break free from his friend's complicated life, has Frank become Giorgio's unwitting accomplice?
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Julian of Norwich's Literary Legacy
This book is a systematic linguistic study of, and commentary upon, Julian of Norwich’s A Vision Showed to a Devout Woman. Luke Penkett draws attention to the medieval anchoress’s stylistic brilliance, clarifies complicated passages for the twenty-first century reader, and summarises and builds upon the wisdom of the most up-to-date scholarly research to inspire fresh insight of what is the earliest record of a woman writing in the English language. Penkett gives context to Julian’s writing with a survey of other English literary texts of the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. He offers a detailed analysis of the notable vocabulary and syntax employed by Julian, her rhetorical techniques, and of what we can learn from the stylistic choices of Julian as both ‘listener’ and ‘communicator’. The book concludes with a fascinating study of what we can learn of the initial reader and listener responses to Julian’s writing from the marginalia found in the manuscript of the Short Text of A Vision Showed to a Devout Woman. This book will bring richer meaning to Julian’s words for those who know them well and assist understanding for those discovering her for the first time, perhaps seeking wisdom and comfort in challenging circumstances or to deepen their prayer life.
Olympia Publishers Arkor Anomaly
SPCK Publishing The Last Dragon Rider
'With a plucky, compelling heroine, a novel steampunk-styled device, and a dragon, of course, this may well be the best book of the three!' - Bob Hartman, author and performance storyteller Street-smart Anavah lives a tough life on the crime-ridden streets of northern Presadia. But when a mysterious tinker gives her a curious set of crystal goggles, she discovers a powerful magic that will change her life forever. Drawn into an adventure that stretches across time and space, she learns about the legendary dragon riders and is caught up in events that will transform Presadia’s history. The question is: what part will Anavah play? Her life to date has taught her to trust no one, but that instinct may have devastating consequences… Enter Presadia one more time to experience a third dazzling adventure. Meet friends old and new, and learn of the trust, betrayal, fear, bravery, greed, and sacrifice of individuals that lead to a struggle for Presadia’s very existence.
Press Room Editions Roberto Clemente: Baseball Legend
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Death of You: Life After Elite Sport
Arguably the greatest Olympian of all time, Michael Phelps, with twenty-eight Olympic medals to his name, was asked if he would like his children to follow in his footsteps. His answer, 'Honestly, in a perfect world, I’d say no. Just because I don’t want them to live in my footsteps. And I also know everything about it – I know the ins and the outs, the good, the bad, and the ugly. So, you know, as a parent, it just – it frightens me.’ The truth is that the vast majority of the public don’t understand this alarming answer from Phelps. The question as to why so many elite sportspeople fall off the edge of a cliff in life when they retire is often answered in either a too complicated or too simplistic way to give people a meaningful answer. This book changes that. Using brutally honest interviews with sport stars Matthew Hoggard, Paul Walsh, Gail Emms, Tom May, Johnny Nelson and Clare Shine, Luke Sutton breaks down why this happens for a reader in a way that hasn’t been done yet. Anyone fascinated by sport or elite performance in general will be enthralled by this book. There is so much to take from it.
Gill Keep Calm and Trust the Science: An Extraordinary Year in the Life of an Immunologist
Take a front row seat with Professor Luke O’Neill on a high-octane year. Luke has become one of the most well-known and trusted voices of Ireland’s COVID-19 pandemic. A world-renowned immunologist, he was thrust into the spotlight as we struggled to make sense of a crisis that saw the country grind to a halt. In these compelling diaries, Luke reveals what life was like behind the scenes as he endeavoured to keep calm and trust that the science would save us. Set against a national backdrop of banana-bread baking, TikTok dancing and outdoor bingo, as well as the devastation to life and livelihood suffered by many, Luke’s lockdown diaries reveal the highs and lows of work at the cutting edge of science in his Trinity College lab along with how he coped personally with the pressures of public life. Shot through with the natural positivity and humour that have made Luke a home-grown hero, Keep Calm and Trust the Science is an unputdownable account of one of the most dramatic years in Irish history from one of its key players.
Oxford University Press Being Evil: A Philosophical Perspective
We regularly encounter appalling wrongdoing, with the media offering a depressing parade of violent assault, rape, and murder. Yet sometimes even the cynical and world-weary amongst us are taken aback. Sometimes we confront a crime so terrible, so horrendous, so deeply wrong, that we reach for the word 'evil'. The 9/11 terrorist attacks were not merely wrong, but evil. A serial killer who tortures their victims is not merely a bad person. They are evil. And as the Holocaust showed us, we must remain vigilant against the threat of evil. But what exactly is it? If we use the word 'evil', are we buying into a naive Manichean worldview, in which two cosmic forces of good and evil are pitted against one another? Are we guilty of demonizing our enemies? How does 'evil' go beyond what is merely bad or wrong? This book explores the answers that philosophers have offered to these questions. Luke Russell discusses why some philosophers think that evil is a myth or a fantasy, while others think that evil is real, and is a concept that plays an important role in contemporary secular morality. Along the way he asks whether evil is always horrific and incomprehensible, or if it can be banal. Considering if there is a special psychological hallmark that sets the evildoers apart from the rest of us, Russell also engages with ongoing discussions over psychopathy and empathy, analysing the psychology behind evildoing.
Oxford University Press Inc Your Money or Your Life: Debt Collection in American Medicine
A riveting exposé of medical debt collection in America — and the profound financial and physical costs eroding patient trust in medicine For the crime of falling sick without wealth, Americans today face lawsuits, wage garnishment, home foreclosure, and even jail time. Yet who really profits from aggressive medical debt collection? And how does this predatory system affect patients and doctors responsible for their care? Your Money or Your Life reveals how medical debt collection became a multibillion-dollar industry and how everyday Americans are made to pay the price. Emergency physician and historian Luke Messac weaves patient stories into a history of law, finance, and medicine to show how debt and debt collection are destroying the foundational trust between doctors and patients at the heart of American healthcare. The fight to stop aggressive collection tactics has brought together people from all corners of the political spectrum. But if we want to better protect the sick from financial ruin, we have to understand how we got here. With wit and clarity, Your Money or Your Life asks us all to rethink the purpose of our modern healthcare system and consider whom it truly serves.
Guardian Faber Publishing Invasion: Russia’s Bloody War and Ukraine’s Fight for Survival
A FINALIST FOR THE ORWELL PRIZE FOR POLITICAL WRITINGThe first book of reportage from the front line of the Ukraine war. This is a powerful, moving first draft of history written by the award-winning Guardian journalist and #1 New York Times bestselling author of Collusion and Shadow State.'An excellent, moving account of an ongoing tragedy.' ANNE APPLEBAUM'Compelling, important and heartbreaking.' SIMON SEBAG MONTEFIORE'Essential reading.' ELIOT HIGGINS, founder of Bellingcat'Brilliant.' ANDREY KURKOVFor months, the omens had pointed in one scarcely believable direction: Russia was about to invade Ukraine. And yet, the world was stunned by the epochal scale of the assault that began in February 2022. It was an attempt by one nation to devour another.Invasion is Luke Harding's compelling chronicle of the war that changed everything. For this breathtaking work of reportage he spent months reporting on the ground during the build up to the conflict and afterward; his book tells of the initial days of shock and panic, the grim reality of this ongoing war, and the unheard human stories behind the headlines. Invasion also offers insightful portraits of the the war's two great personalities. One, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, is an actor-turned-president who rallied support on a global stage. The other, Vladimir Putin, is a dictator who dwells in a strange and unreachable realm. Harding examines the ideological, religious and personal reasons behind Putin's decision to invade. And he confronts a crucial question: which side will prevail in this terrible war?With the ripple effects of the largest armed conflict in Europe since 1945 already being felt beyond Ukraine and Russia's borders, it is more vital than ever to understand how the situation on the front line will have profound effects for us all. Written in Luke Harding's starkly transfixing style, Invasion makes for essential reading.*Includes a brand new chapter for the paperback edition****Author royalties from this edition will go to the Disasters Emergency Committee's Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.
Sweet Cherry Publishing The Greatest Football Stars 5 Book Collection
Greatest Football Stars dives into the incredible journeys of the world's greatest players of all time, from playing football in the park to performing in the biggest leagues.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Greatest Football Stars David Beckham
David Beckham's footballing career was one of iconic moments and interesting haircuts. From being Manchester United's golden boy to an international sensation, this beloved English footballer was unlike any other player. After all, nobody can bend it like Beckham.
Press Room Editions Toronto Maple Leafs
Ebury Publishing Boy From the Valleys
From his humble beginnings in a quaint Welsh mining village to the dazzling lights of Hollywood, much-loved star, Luke Evans takes us on a poignant and inspiring journey that spans from the heart of Wales to behind the scenes of the global stage.Growing up in a small village in the Rhymney Valley, south Wales, Luke Evans'' early life was shaped by his Jehovah's Witness upbringing. While most children of his age spent their Saturday mornings watching Going Live on television, young Luke would dress in a suit and tie and join his parents to knock on doors to spread the word of his religion. From an early age, he felt different. This feeling of displacement was not limited to his faith; as he came to terms with his own sexuality, he also faced a difficult and uncertain path. In his poignant, tender and often humorous account, Luke shares his bold decision to leave home - and the religion - at seventeen to move to London, where the vibrant Soho scene capture
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Dead Mans Steel
The final instalment in the critically acclaimed Grim Company trilogy. The Age of Ruin is near complete. In the far North the Nameless stirs beneath the Spine Mountains and demonspawn push ever southwards; from the West the Fade have returned, vowing to purge the realm of humankind; and an ancient weapon, forged in the Godswar, has once again been unleashed to ravage the land. Weakened by in-fighting, the surviving Magelords are unable or unwilling to use their power to defend humanity. The last spark of hope rests with the surviving members of the Grim Company: Davarus Cole, Brodar Kane and Eremul the Halfmage. What people are saying about DEAD MAN''S STEEL: ''Brilliant and I''m gutted it''s ended'' ''This book is a truly fantastic read of friendship, strength to conquer all trials life throws your way and, most importantly, love'' ''It''s a can''t-put-down page turner'' ''I was surpris
Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed Provence 1970
Provence, 1970 is about a singular historic moment. In the winter of that year, more or less coincidentally, the iconic culinary figures James Beard, M.F.K. Fisher, Julia Child, Richard Olney, Simone Beck, and Judith Jones found themselves together in the South of France. They cooked and ate, talked and argued, about the future of food in America, the meaning of taste, and the limits of snobbery. Without quite realizing it, they were shaping today’s tastes and culture, the way we eat now. The conversations among this group were chronicled by M.F.K. Fisher in journals and letters—some of which were later discovered by Luke Barr, her great-nephew. In Provence, 1970, he captures this seminal season, set against a stunning backdrop in cinematic scope—complete with gossip, drama, and contemporary relevance.
Ediciones Urano Lo Quiero!
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Craftsmen and Coins: Signed Dies in the Iranian World (Third to the Fifth Centuries Ah)
Simon & Schuster Americana Soul: Homes Designed with Love, Comfort, and Intention
Enter the world of Luke Caldwell, founder of the Timber and Love design and build firm and HGTV star of Boise Boys and Outgrown, as he shares his intentional design philosophy for creating timeless and organic home designs in this aspirational and accessible book.If you’ve seen the popular HGTV shows Boise Boys and Outgrown, you’ll know Luke Caldwell’s passion for natural materials and comfortable spaces that are warm, inviting, livable, and beautiful at the same time. Now with Americana Soul, you can make those designs work for you. Organized by design style—Timber and Love, Natural and Organic, and Classic and Cozy—Luke’s book is filled with photography that showcases the bones and flow of the spaces as well as the details that make them unique. Americana Soul showcases Luke’s passion for design including curated personal collections and vintage finds, natural stone walls and fireplaces, and exposed wood beams, in a way that will inspire you to create your own.
Nobrow Ltd. Hilda and the Bird Parade Hilda Book 3 Hildafolk Comics
Hilda Season 1 is now on Netflix!Luke Pearson is one of the best cartoonists working today. Hilda is utterly brilliant!—Raina Telgemeier, creator of SmileA New York Times' Notable Book for 2013One of School Library Journal's Top 10 Graphic Novels of 2013Nominated for the 2014 Eisner for Best Publication for Kids!Getting used to life in the big city is proving difficult for Hilda. The diminutive explorer is still missing the enchanted valleys and magical friends that surrounded her home in the fjords. But tonight is somehow different; tonight is the night of the mysterious Bird Parade.Finding herself lost on the streets of Trolberg, Hilda befriends a talking raven. Together they encounter all manner of bizarre creatures from outcast Trolls to ferocious Salt Lions and deadly Rat Kings—maybe the city isn't so boring after all.As the pair try to find their
Black Rabbit Books Draw Funny Faces!
Black Rabbit Books Draw Silly Superheroes!
University of Vermont Press American Furniture 2000
Aladdin Paperbacks Fantastic Failures: True Stories of People Who Changed the World by Falling Down First