Search results for ""Author Kristin Cast""
St. Martin's Press Untamed: A House of Night Novel
St Martin's Press Hunted
St Martin's Press Destined: A House of Night Novel
Griffin Publishing Hunted
It's all happening, though Zoey Redbird wishes it wasn't. She has her friends back, which is great. But a dark angel has taken over the House of Night, supported by High Priestess Neferet. Not so great. This leaves Zoey hiding out with the (supposedly friendly) red fledglings in Tulsa's prohibition-era tunnels. The not greatness continues. Zoey has some boy-thoughts to distract her, with a chance to make up with super-hot-ex, Eric. But thoughts of the archer that died, semi-permanently, in her arms also keep distracting her. Then he shows up as Neferet's newest minion. Well, hell. Zoey and friends need a plan to put things right, soon, if she's to keep both head and heart intact.
Little, Brown Book Group Kalona's Fall
From Warrior And Lover To Enemy And Betrayer, The Terrible Secrets Of Kalona's Past Are Revealed He was laughing with her as he spread his wings and lifted her from the ground, twirling her around. Nyx gasped and clutched his neck. Kalona tightened his arms around her. 'Trust me, Goddess. I would never let you fall.' From the Sun and from the Moon, two winged brothers are born: golden Erebus, playmate and friend, and mysterious Kalona, Warrior and lover, companions of the Goddess Nyx. From the first, Nyx loves them both deeply, but differently. With Erebus, she can talk and laugh and dance, and take joy in the games he plays among the humans of the Earth. With Kalona, the fire in her body burns bright, and she can rest in the solace of his strength and protection. But for Kalona, Nyx's nights are not enough. Every second he is not with her he is filled with doubt and longing, and every time he fails to please her, he cannot forgive himself. Ruled by anger and jealousy of his brother, and consumed by his love for his Goddess, Kalona seeks the power to prove his worth, and to claim once and for all that Nyx eternally belongs to him. And at the edges of the Earth, a Darkness is stirring, waiting for its chance, for the doorway in through a heart that it knows will welcome it...
St Martin's Press Hex You: Sisters of Salem
Twin sisters, Mercy and Hunter are witches, direct descendants of the Goode family, the founders of their town. After the murder of their mother at the hands of a foul demon, they have become the protectors of the Gates to different underworlds--ancient portals between their world and realms where mythology rules and the darkest of creatures exist. Mercy and Khenti are trapped in the Ancient Egyptian Underworld and need Hunter's help to escape. But while Hunter searches for a way to save them, other threats loom over Goodeville. Amphitrite is still around-and she wants vengeance against Hunter. With the gates weakening with every passing day, Amphitrite lures out some deadly creatures and sets them free on the residents of Goodeville. It will take everything in Mercy and Hunter's power to stop the goddess and seal the gates once and for all.
Little, Brown Book Group Awakened: Number 8 in series
'My soul's been shattered and my boyfriend's been killed. Don't I deserve a break? Just a little one?' Zoey is alive and stronger than ever, being cared for by her new Guardian, and finally finding some peace far from the ongoing battle against Neferet. But in her brief moment of happiness, it's easy to forget that the House of Night needs her, as do her friends. In Zoey's absence, Stevie Rae has found her feelings for the Raven Mocker Rephaim are stronger than she ever could have expected, even while he still admits loyalty to their sworn enemy. Then a terrible murder threatens to destroy their group and tear their world apart - and that death will not be the last...
Little, Brown Book Group Tempted: Number 6 in series
'I can never leave you in peace. You and I are bound. We will be each other's salvation, or each other's doom.' He took a step closer and I mirrored his movement by taking a step back. 'Which shall it be? Salvation or doom?' Zoey Redbird, now High Priestess of the shattered House of Night, is doing her best to hold everything together while dealing with her beloved, injured grandmother, her moody boyfriend, her secretive best friend, and the aftermath of the victory over her former mentor and a terrible, beautiful dark angel. But Neferet and Kalona have only been banished, not defeated, and everyone knows they're heading straight for the Vampyre High Council, where Zoey must follow. Zoey might be a High Priestess, but she's still just a teenager. And she's the only hope the world has. - Not suitable for younger readers -