Search results for ""Author Joav Merrick""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Health Yearbook 2010
Nova Science Publishers Inc Childhood and Adolescence: Perspectives of Pain
Nova Science Publishers Inc Disability: Functional Diversity
Disability can be transient, partly or permanent and take many forms and shapes. Disability can be a mental or physical illness or a condition that affects a major life function over the long term. Disability is a term also used in the labor market and worker compensation field to describe any lasting impairment that remains after a worker has been treated and allowed time to recover. A permanent disability could be as severe as the loss of an eye or as moderate as a broken leg that healed leaving the inability to walk normally. In this book we have gathered research on various aspects of disability and rehabilitation from Spain, United States of America, Brazil, Singapore, Cyprus, Malaysia, Italy, Japan and Manipal, which we hope will be of interest to the reader.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Chinese Children, Adolescent and Family Research
A survey of the literature showed that most research studies in children, adolescents and families have been conducted in Western contexts, which may not be applicable to non-Western contexts. Hence, research on children, adolescents and families in non-Western contexts is particularly important and we therefore need to enrich human development and family research in the Chinese context. In this book, we included 16 chapters to demonstrate the advances in Chinese children, adolescents, and family research. And it is our sincere hope that through this book, we can attempt to conduct more empirical studies that can help to promote the research atmosphere and enrich the knowledge of Chinese children, adolescent, and family research in a larger context.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Liver
This book is a celebration of the emergence of knowledge in the field of pediatric hepatology and is written for primary care clinicians to help update their knowledge of the field. The current and future shortage of pediatric gastroenterologists and hepatologists necessitates steady, rejuvenated information on liver and gastrointestinal disorders for primary care clinicians as they care for children and adolescents with complex hepatologic/gastroenterologic dilemmas and disorders. In view of this shortage and the rapidly increasing knowledge in pediatric gastroenterology as well understanding indications for referral to pediatric gastroenterologists in the 21st century, au courant assiduous information aimed at primary care clinicians in these areas becomes increasingly important.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cancer Management in Latin America I: Nasopharyngeal to Renal Cancer
Latin America represents about 10% of the global population distributed in 33 countries. There is huge social and economic heterogeneity even within and beyond the same country, particularly Brazil being the largest country, where Portuguese is the official language rather than Spanish. Furthermore, several ranking systems have considered Brazil a unique country within the 10 world highest economies. In view of the diversity in Latin America with different possibilities and realities, we have found it essential to develop a textbook with focus on the Management of Cancer in Latin America, describing our daily reality, problems to overcome and our huge possibilities. In this volume, we discuss various cancers from nasopharyngeal to renal cancer. We hope that this book will serve as a valuable resource of information for health care professionals, practitioners and policy makers.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Building Youth for the Future: Suicide Prevention Aspects
Nova Science Publishers Inc Pain Management Yearbook 2017
Nova Science Publishers Inc Alternative Medicine Research Yearbook 2016
Nova Science Publishers Inc Chronic Disease and Disability: Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Nova Science Publishers Inc Why Do Children Die?: Selective Perspectives on Thanatology in Pediatrics
As we reflect on causes of death in our children, methods of prevention become critically important to research and implement. Research notes that millions of childhood injuries result in thousands of deaths. Death can be due to medical disease and considerable progress including prevention of death has been made in management of cancer and other conditions over the past century, especially in developed countries. It is also important to apply principles of management and prevention to consequences of aggression and chronic illness. As illustrated in this book, we must look at underlying issues, both medical and behavioural, in the physical and psychiatric health of our children. We should apply known principles of preventive medicine that are being researched in the 21st century to prevent needless deaths in our paediatric population. Prevention may arise from such understanding and application of known concepts with fewer paediatric deaths and fewer parents/families undergoing heart-breaking grieving processes.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Health: Some International Aspects
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Health Yearbook 2015
Nova Science Publishers Inc Pain Management Yearbook 2014
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Health Yearbook 2014
Nova Science Publishers Inc Child Health & Human Development Yearbook 2013
Nova Science Publishers Inc India: Health & Human Development Aspects
Nova Science Publishers Inc Pain Management Yearbook 2011
Nova Science Publishers Inc Child & Adolescent Health Yearbook 2009
Nova Science Publishers Inc Child Health & Human Development Yearbook 2010
Nova Science Publishers Inc Child Health & Human Development Yearbook 2008
Nova Science Publishers Inc Adolescence: International Aspects of Interpersonal and Self-Directed Violence
The "Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS)" is a World Health Organization and United States "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)" collaborative effort in helping countries to assess various behavioural risk and protective factors in their communities, including mental health, suicidal behaviour, protective factors, substance use, violence and unintentional injury" among adolescents. In this book we used the most recent GSHS data (2016-2017) to describe a range of interpersonal and self-directed violence among adolescents in 15 countries: Liberia, Lebanon, Myanmar, Jamaica, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Paraguay, Bhutan, Dominican Republic, Vanuatu, United Arab Emirates, Trinidad and Tobago, Tonga, Morocco and Suriname. The results of the various papers will inform stakeholders of the relevance of school and youth health programmes and related policies targeting interpersonal and self-directed violence in the adolescent population.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Intellectual Disability: Some International Aspects
Developmental disabilities or neurodevelopmental disabilities (includes intellectual disability) are a diverse group of chronic disorders that begin at anytime during the development process (including conception, birth, and growth) up to 22 years of age and last throughout an individual's lifetime. Major disabilities include intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, communication disorders, autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, and neural tube defects. We provide an introduction and review epidemiology of major disabilities and have also gathered international research from United States, Australia, Ghana, Jordan, Ireland, Italy and India on various aspects of intellectual and developmental disability, which we hope will be of interest to our readers.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Service Leadership Education in an Era of Service Economy
In this book, we report evaluation findings based on different service leadership subjects and programs. Generally speaking, the reported findings replicated the previous evaluation findings of the Service Leadership Education Initiatives. These findings consistently and strongly suggest that these initiatives can help to promote service leadership attributes in young people. To build up the academic and professional foundation of service leadership education, these evaluation initiatives are very important. When China is gradually evolving to service economy, we earnestly hope that young people can be nurtured to be effective service leaders who possess competence, character and care.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Health: Topics, Themes and Trends
Nova Science Publishers Inc Environmental Justice and the Intersection of Poverty, Racism and Child Health Disparities
Nova Science Publishers Inc Child Health & Human Development Yearbook 2015
Nova Science Publishers Inc Adolescence & Health: Some International Perspectives
Nova Science Publishers Inc Disability, Chronic Disease & Human Development
Nova Science Publishers Inc Alternative Medicine Research Yearbook 2013
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Health Yearbook 2012
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Health Yearbook 2011
Nova Science Publishers Inc Child Health & Human Development Yearbook 2011
Nova Science Publishers Inc Child & Adolescent Health Yearbook 2011
Nova Science Publishers Inc India: Disability, Health and Slum Issues
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Health Themes in Grenada and the Caribbean Region
Over the past decade, the regional governments in Grenada and the Caribbean region, together with public health and clinical institutions, have turned their attention to tacking the rising prevalence of non-communicable chronic diseases, in particular, hypertension, diabetes and cancer. The emergence and rising prevalence of these lifestyle diseases are suggestive of a correlation with the cultural transformation that overtook the region. In the first quarter of 2020, the region's health landscape turned another corner with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Improving the health status of Caribbean populations is at the forefront of the agenda of the regional public health institutions and, in producing this book, we provide support for evidenced-based public health practice in the Caribbean region. We hope readers find the issue informative to understanding the public health situation in the Caribbean and will motivate affirmative action to improve public health.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Hearing Impairment and Disability: Identification, Assessment and Intervention
Much research has been conducted to provide researchers and hearing healthcare professionals with updated information in regard to hearing assessments, results interpretation and case management. This ongoing research is particularly imperative to guide clinicians with optimized methods in assessing and managing pediatric patients with hearing impairment and disability. As such, tremendous research efforts have been made in determining the most optimum methods in assessing hearing using both subjective and objective tests. Since hearing loss can occur due to disrupted peripheral and/or central auditory pathway, there is also a growing interest to study children with auditory processing disorder (APD). Even though notable achievements have been observed in understanding APD, more research is required, particularly in establishing a gold standard APD test and its specific interventions. Aditionally, having an objective test such as speech-evoked auditory brainstem response is beneficial to understand how speech sounds are encoded within the brainstem region in hearing-impaired children, as well as in those with compromised neural function. In this book, we have gathered research from Malaysia and India in this field and hope it will be of interest to our readers.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Mexico: Health and Aging
In this book we wanted to identify trajectories of health and their associations with lifestyle factors in a national representative cohort study of older Mexicans. We used secondary data from the Study of Global Ageing and Adult Health (SAGE) second wave 2014-15 in Mexico. The average healthy life expectancy of older Mexicans has actually declined over the past decade. Limited access to nutrition resources and unhealthy dietary styles, due to high poverty, have led to increasing chronic diseases like diabetes among older Mexican adults, which in turn create further financial problems as a result of high out-of-pocket expenditure on healthcare. This book deals with angina pectoris, stroke, oral health, eye health, alcohol use, tobacco use, depression, loneliness, arthritis, back pain, obesity, fruit and vegetable consumption, and sleep. We hope that findings from these papers may aid public policy and programmes for older adults in Mexico.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Clinical Oncology: An Encompassing Overview
In this book we have gathered recent research related to cancer and cancer treatment and care. We also present research on pharmacy in cancer treatment, a few papers on breast cancer, research on bone metastases, radiation therapy and some pilot programs on telemedicine in cancer care, prostate cancer screening in Guyana, cost analysis of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer in Canada and early oncology rehabilitation for lymphoma patients in Singapore. We hope this research will be of interest to our readers.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Adolescence in Curaçao
In this book, we present research from the Curaçao "Global School-based Student Health Survey" (GSHS). The World Health Organization (WHO) and United States "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)" in their collaboration around this survey help countries to assess ten behavioural risk and protective factors, including alcohol use, dietary behaviours, drug use, hygiene, mental health, physical activity, protective factors, sexual behaviours, tobacco use, violence and unintentional injury among adolescents. In the survey, a self-administered questionnaire is used to obtain data on young people's health behaviour and protective factors related to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among children and adults worldwide. We hope that the results from this survey in Curaçao will inform stakeholders of the importance of a healthy school environment, for setting priorities, establishing programmes and advocating for school and youth health programmes and related policies.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cancer Management in Latin America II: Melanoma to Cost-Effectiveness
Latin America represents about 10% of the global population distributed in 33 countries. There is huge social and economic heterogeneity even within and beyond the same country, particularly Brazil being the largest country, where Portuguese is the official language rather than Spanish. Furthermore, several ranking systems have considered Brazil a unique country within the 10 world highest economies. In view of the diversity in Latin America with different possibilities and realities we have found it essential to develop a textbook with focus on the Management of Cancer in Latin America, describing our daily reality, problems to overcome and our huge possibilities. In this volume, we discuss various cancers from melanoma to cost-effectiveness. We hope that this book will serve as a valuable resource of information for health care professionals, practitioners and policy makers.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Vaccine: Measles and Rubella Vaccination Experience in Zambia
Nova Science Publishers Inc Child & Adolescent Health Yearbook 2016
Nova Science Publishers Inc Forensic Psychiatry: A Public Health Perspective
Nova Science Publishers Inc Environmental Health: Home, School & Community
Nova Science Publishers Inc Break the Cycle of Environmental Health Disparities: Maternal & Child Health Aspects
Nova Science Publishers Inc Textbook on Evidence-Based Holistic Mind-Body Medicine: Basic Principles of Healing in Traditional Hippocratic Medicine
Nova Science Publishers Inc Health & Happiness from Meaningful Work: Research in Quality of Working Life