Search results for ""Author Ismael""
Alianza Editorial Los fabulosos Frank AdN Adn Alianza De Novelas Spanish Edition
Lo que siento por Mike es algo fuera de lo normal, oye casualmente Michael Frank que su tía le dice a su madre cuando él es un niño de ocho años. Es algo más fuerte que yo. No lo puedo explicar... Lo quiero más que a la vida. Con estas palabras oídas sin querer entramos en el fascinante mundo de los Frank. Los tíos de Michael, Hankie Frank Jr e Irving Ravetch, son unos glamourosos guionistas de Hollywood sin hijos y están doblemente emparentados: Hankie es hermana del padre de Michael, e Irving, el hermano de su madre. Las dos familias viven a poca distancia la una de la otra en el barrio de Laurel Canyon, situado en Los Ángeles. La tía Hankie, con su excéntrica personalidad, logra que todos los miembros de la familia se sometan a sus designios. Mujer de talento, temperamental y generosa en sus afectos, aleja a Michael de sus padres y de sus hermanos menores y pasa a ocuparse de su educación: le indica lo que debe leer (Proust sí, Zola no), qué pintores debe admirar (Matisse sí, Polloc
Consejería de Cultura (Andalucía) AbenHumeya momentos musicales. Danza árabe
Ediciones La Cúpula, S.L. Fever 3
Las historias cruzadas se siguen sucediendo en Fever, ese lugar misterioso que se define como "lo que tú quieras que sea". Esa escuela, albergue o colegio mayor en donde los adolescentes tienen una oportunidad de encontrarse a sí mismos, de ser libres. El protagonista de este tercer volumen es Ji Jun, un huérfano criado por las monjas, un joven sensible y tierno con las mujeres y violento con los chicos, y enamorado platónicamente de la hermana de su amigo Aini. Ji Jun es espontáneo, especial e impetuoso, y a partir de esas cualidad su vida está a punto de dar un nuevo giro. Mientras, Kim Hyeong In, atormentada por el suicidio de su mejor amiga Yang Bo Ram, sigue sin dar con su lugar en el mundo...
Poder redes y corrupcin en Per 16601705 Coleccin Americana Spanish Edition
Partiendo del hecho de que la administración de las Indias no funcionó de forma mecánica y teniendo en cuenta la autonomía económica y las identidades que se estaban formando en América durante el siglo XVII, este libro indaga en las hipótesis planteadas sobre el comportamiento de la alta jerarquía gubernativa en relación con la legislación vigente. Asimismo, como la corrupción nunca fue una práctica llevada a cabo por sujetos o grupos aislados, sino que se extendió por todas las capas sociales del Virreinato del Perú, su estudio requiere el trabajo cruzado sobre diferentes instituciones. Por ello encontrarán analizado el gobierno de seis virreyes y sus entornos cortesanos, la Real Audiencia de Lima, el Tribunal del Consulado, el Arzobispado, los cabildos y los corregimientos, pues el trenzado de sus actuaciones se convierte en fundamental para intentar resolver una importante duda: fue la corrupción un hecho generalizado durante el Seiscientos peruano?Las ganancias e incrementos p
El rescate de Samuel
El nuevo libro de Ismael López Dobarganes, cofundador del Santuario Gaia y autor del bestseller Animales como tú. La conmovedora historia de Samuel, uno de los habitantes más queridos de la Fundación Santuario Gaia, que nos habla sobre el respeto y el amor hacia los animales. El día que nació Samuel, miles de aves de diferentes especies, tamaños y colores empezaron a volar en círculo, cantando. Todas las vacas mugieron a la vez. Era tan alegre e intenso el canto que el planeta entero lo escuchó. En ese instante mágico, acababa de nacer un animal muy especial, alguien destinado a hacer del mundo un lugar mejor y a recordarnos la gran familia que formamos.Este cuento esconde una sorpresa: descubre los protagonistas de carne y hueso que hay detrás de la historia y algunas curiosidades sobre estos animales!.
Animals com tu les històries més boniques de la Fundación Santuario Gaia
EL LLIBRE QUE ESTÀ CANVIANT EL MÓN! LES HISTÒRIES D?ANIMALS MÉS SEGUIDES DEL MÓN. EMOTIVES I APASSIONANTS! Són en Samuel, l?Olga, la Fabiola, la Tina o la Freser, animals com tu.Les seves històries d?amor i superació t?ajudaran a entendre que no som diferents de la resta d?animals amb qui compartim el planeta. Són les històries dels animals rescatats per la Fundación Santuario Gaia. Amb aquest llibre no només aprendràs com són realment els altres animals, sinó que a més coneixeràs les dificultats a les quals van haver de fer front l?Ismael i el Coque, els fundadors del santuari, per crear aquest paradís on viuen els animals salvats.Llegir Ismael López Dobarganes és mantenir una conversa amb un amic. Un llibre que no podràs deixar de llegir perquè totes les seves històries enganxen fins a l?última pàgina.
Barbara Fiore Editora Rex en la cuidad
En la ciudad, viven humanos y dinosaurios; más bien conviven con mucha dificultad ya que la mayoría de los dinosaurios son grandes, lentos y torpes. Lo sabe muy bien Rex, un dino muy creativo, que por su gran tamaño tiene siempre la sensación de estar fuera de lugar.Todo cambia cuando un día Rex ayuda a un amigo en problemas, y descubre que tiene un talento innato: modificar y adaptar objetos para personas con dificultades.Una fábula sobre la aceptación de la diversidad y la capacidad de adaptación.
University of California Press Colonial Migrants at the Heart of Empire: Puerto Rican Workers on U.S. Farms
Colonial Migrants at the Heart of Empire is the first in-depth look at the experiences of Puerto Rican migrant workers in continental U.S. agriculture in the twentieth century. The Farm Labor Program, established by the government of Puerto Rico in 1947, placed hundreds of thousands of migrant workers on U.S. farms and fostered the emergence of many stateside Puerto Rican communities. Ismael García-Colón investigates the origins and development of this program and uncovers the unique challenges faced by its participants.A labor history and an ethnography, Colonial Migrants evokes the violence, fieldwork, food, lodging, surveillance, and coercion that these workers experienced on farms and conveys their hopes and struggles to overcome poverty. Island farmworkers encountered a unique form of prejudice and racism arising from their dual status as both U.S. citizens and as “foreign others,” and their experiences were further shaped by evolving immigration policies. Despite these challenges, many Puerto Rican farmworkers ultimately chose to settle in rural U.S. communities, contributing to the production of food and the Latinization of the U.S. farm labor force.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematical Modeling in Science and Engineering: An Axiomatic Approach
A powerful, unified approach to mathematical and computational modeling in science and engineering Mathematical and computational modeling makes it possible to predict the behavior of a broad range of systems across a broad range of disciplines. This text guides students and professionals through the axiomatic approach, a powerful method that will enable them to easily master the principle types of mathematical and computational models used in engineering and science. Readers will discover that this axiomatic approach not only enables them to systematically construct effective models, it also enables them to apply these models to any macroscopic physical system. Mathematical Modeling in Science and Engineering focuses on models in which the processes to be modeled are expressed as systems of partial differential equations. It begins with an introductory discussion of the axiomatic formulation of basic models, setting the foundation for further topics such as: Mechanics of classical and non-classical continuous systems Solute transport by a free fluid Flow of a fluid in a porous medium Multiphase systems Enhanced oil recovery Fluid mechanics Throughout the text, diagrams are provided to help readers visualize and better understand complex mathematical concepts. A set of exercises at the end of each chapter enables readers to put their new modeling skills into practice. There is also a bibliography in each chapter to facilitate further investigation of individual topics. Mathematical Modeling in Science and Engineering is ideal for both students and professionals across the many disciplines of science and engineering that depend on mathematical and computational modeling to predict and understand complex systems.
Bristol University Press New Developments in Urban Governance: Rethinking Collaboration in the Age of Austerity
This book presents the findings of a major Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) project into urban austerity governance in eight cities across the world (Athens, Baltimore, Barcelona, Melbourne, Dublin, Leicester, Montréal and Nantes). It offers comparative reflections on the myriad experiences of collaborative governance and its limitations. An international collaborative from across the social sciences, the book discusses ways that citizens, activists and local states collaborate and come into conflict in attempting to build just cities. It examines the development of egalitarian collaborative governance strategies, provides innovative ideas and tools to extend emancipatory governance practices and shows hopeful possibilities for cities beyond austerity and neoliberalism.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Funding & Appropriations in the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act
Nova Science Publishers Inc Sustainable Agriculture: Technology, Planning & Management
978-9915-41-126-2 Inconsciente: Poesía Urbana
Nova Science Publishers Inc Veteran Suicide: Data, Analysis & VHA Suicide Prevention Efforts
Human Rights Program at Harvard Law School Indigenous (In)Justice: Human Rights Law and Bedouin Arabs in the Naqab/Negev
The indigenous Bedouin Arab population in the Naqab/Negev desert in Israel has experienced a history of displacement, intense political conflict, and cultural disruption, along with recent rapid modernization, forced urbanization, and migration. This volume of essays highlights international, national, and comparative law perspectives and explores the legal and human rights dimensions of land, planning, and housing issues, as well as the economic, social, and cultural rights of indigenous peoples. Within this context, the essays examine the various dimensions of the “negotiations” between the Bedouin Arab population and the State of Israel.Indigenous (In)Justice locates the discussion of the Naqab/Negev question within the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict and within key international debates among legal scholars and human rights advocates, including the application of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the formalization of traditional property rights, and the utility of restorative and reparative justice approaches. Leading international scholars and professionals, including the current United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women and the former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, are among the contributors to this volume.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The New Progressivism: A Grassroots Alternative to the Populism of our Times
Political parties that once dominated Western democracies have been shaken to the core. Many have suffered electoral debacles, as in France, Italy and Greece, while mainstream political parties in the UK and the US have found themselves struggling to cope with outcomes – in the form of Brexit and the election of Trump – that were not anticipated. We are witnessing nothing less than the exhaustion of a century-old cleavage between traditional left and right parties due to their inability to perceive and tackle present-day challenges, such as declining social mobility, mounting environmental crises, rising geographic inequality, tensions over migration and multiculturalism, etc. The ‘populists’, from Salvini and Le Pen to Trump and Bolsonaro, were the first to understand this and supply an alternative. But contrary to what many observers now predict, we are not doomed to witness the replacement of the ancient political order by the populists’ rise to power. In France, Emmanuel Macron launched a new movement that stopped them. Though things have sometimes been tough, ‘En Marche!’ has successfully implemented an entirely new programme of reforms and has been given some comfort by recent election results. In this short book, David Amiel and Ismaël Emelien – two of Macron’s closest advisers and key architects of ‘En Marche!’ – build on this experiment and reflect on its successes and failures to define a new grassroots progressivism for Western countries based on three principles and ranging from public policies to electoral strategy, from ideology to party organization. This could form the bedrock for a wider counter-offensive against the populism of our times.
Spector Books Ismael Ivo: I Believe in the Body
HarperCollins Publishers Nicholas Nickleby: Band 18/Pearl (Collins Big Cat)
Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right level Orphans Nicholas and Kate arrive in London to find help from their uncle, but his cold-hearted, cruel attitude sets the siblings on a course that will change their lives forever. Immerse yourself in this beautiful adaptation of one of Charles Dickens’ best-known novels by Julie Berry. Pearl/Band 18 books offer fluent readers a complex, substantial text with challenging themes to facilitate sustained comprehension, bridging the gap between a reading programme and longer chapter books. Text type: Curriculum links:
Harrassowitz Bullae from the Shara Temple: With Contributions by Hamza Shahad Al-Harbi and Adelheid Otto
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The New Progressivism: A Grassroots Alternative to the Populism of our Times
Political parties that once dominated Western democracies have been shaken to the core. Many have suffered electoral debacles, as in France, Italy and Greece, while mainstream political parties in the UK and the US have found themselves struggling to cope with outcomes – in the form of Brexit and the election of Trump – that were not anticipated. We are witnessing nothing less than the exhaustion of a century-old cleavage between traditional left and right parties due to their inability to perceive and tackle present-day challenges, such as declining social mobility, mounting environmental crises, rising geographic inequality, tensions over migration and multiculturalism, etc. The ‘populists’, from Salvini and Le Pen to Trump and Bolsonaro, were the first to understand this and supply an alternative. But contrary to what many observers now predict, we are not doomed to witness the replacement of the ancient political order by the populists’ rise to power. In France, Emmanuel Macron launched a new movement that stopped them. Though things have sometimes been tough, ‘En Marche!’ has successfully implemented an entirely new programme of reforms and has been given some comfort by recent election results. In this short book, David Amiel and Ismaël Emelien – two of Macron’s closest advisers and key architects of ‘En Marche!’ – build on this experiment and reflect on its successes and failures to define a new grassroots progressivism for Western countries based on three principles and ranging from public policies to electoral strategy, from ideology to party organization. This could form the bedrock for a wider counter-offensive against the populism of our times.
Africa World Press Slavery, Islam And Diaspora
NubeOcho The Story of Baldomera
Bristol University Press New Developments in Urban Governance: Rethinking Collaboration in the Age of Austerity
This book presents the findings of a major Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) project into urban austerity governance in eight cities across the world (Athens, Baltimore, Barcelona, Melbourne, Dublin, Leicester, Montréal and Nantes). It offers comparative reflections on the myriad experiences of collaborative governance and its limitations. An international collaborative from across the social sciences, the book discusses ways that citizens, activists and local states collaborate and come into conflict in attempting to build just cities. It examines the development of egalitarian collaborative governance strategies, provides innovative ideas and tools to extend emancipatory governance practices and shows hopeful possibilities for cities beyond austerity and neoliberalism.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Total Quality Management: A Cross Functional Perspective
The emphasis of Quality is pervading every facet of business, and managers are required to know and apply TQM principles. This book explores the strategic role of quality global competition, the roles of management in attaining quality excellence, the structures and systems needed to support a total quality strategy, and the main statistical and analytical tools for achieving quality improvement and control.
HarperCollins Publishers Charlotte Bronte: Band 18/Pearl (Collins Big Cat)
Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right level Charlotte Brontë loved to create imaginary worlds and make up stories with her brother and sisters. Find out what life was like for Charlotte growing up, and how these games led her to become a best-selling author. Pearl/Band 18 books offer fluent readers a complex, substantial text with challenging themes to facilitate sustained comprehension, bridging the gap between a reading programme and longer chapter books. Text type: an information book Curriculum links: history
NubeOcho La burrita Baldomera