Search results for ""Author Geronimo Stilton""
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton The 10 Book Collection Series 1
Estrella Polar Retorn al regne de la fantasia
En aquest viatge travessarem el pudent País dels Ogres, el golut País dels Dolços, el divertit País de les Joguines i el fulgurant País de l'Or.Emprendrem una Gran Recerca, per trobar el Secret de la Felicitat!
El somriure de Mona Ratisa
Mona Ratisa amaga un secret! Ratonardo da Vinci va amagar al quadre algunes pistes misterioses... El meu nas de ratolí em diu que aquí hi ha gat amagat; perdó, tresor amagat! M'heu sentit? Voleu venir amb mi, sí o no? Serà una recerca del tresor molt emocionant. Paraula d'Stilton!
Viatge en el temps 10 GERONIMO STILTON VIATGE EN EL TEMPS Catalan Edition
Per mil formatgets de bola, Benjami?, Trappy i Esgarrifalla han desaparegut amb la Qua?ntix Explorer, la Ma?quina del Temps inventada per Espatotxi? Nesquitt... Els hem de fer retornar a Ratalona, al temps present! I no nome?s aixo?: Madame No, la pe?rfida, ha partit en un Viatge en el Temps perque? vol robar els vestits me?s preciosos de les reines del passat.
Estrella Polar Les aventures de la Pollyanna
Estrella Polar A la recerca de la meravella perduda Geronimo Stilton 2
Cafè amb llet? Però què hi té a veure el cafè amb llet? Sí, va ser així que va començar tot plegat... la meva boja passió per Matoneta, l'expedició a l'Illa Papallona i la recerca de la Vuitena Meravella... Va ser una història bigotuda, paraula de rosegador!
Estrella Polar El meu nom és Stilton Geronimo Stilton Geronimo Stilton 1
Des que vaig contractar la meva nova ajudanta, Pinky Pick, m'ha passat de tot. Una vegada em va obligar a passar el Cap d'Any al Pol Nord, a la deriva dalt d'un iceberg sense ni un mal bocí de formatge per a menjar, ballant la salsa durant hores i hores...
Estrella Polar El gran retorn al regne de la fantasia Descobreix el perfum de lamistad
La boira envoltava Ratalona i mil violins de plata sonaven en la nit? Algú havia obert una bretxa entre el món de la realitat i el del Regne de la Fantasia. M?esperava una nova empresa!Vola amb Geronimo Stilton a les ales del Drac Refulgent a la trobada de l?Anell Alat que la reina Floridiana li havia confiat i que una nit va desaparèixer misteriosament? Serà una superaventura!Al desembre de 2016 s'estrena nou musical de Geronimo Stilton, Gran Retorn a Fantasia. Dirigit per Lluís Danés i produit per Focus i Grup 62.
Estrella Polar Peter Pan
Esteu a punt per un viatge fantàstic al país del Mai Més? Amb una mica de pols màgic podreu volar i gaudir d'extraratiques aventures amb la companyia de Peter Pan i els nens Perduts! Però aneu amb compte, el Capità Hook us estarà esperant...
Lestrany cas dels Jocs Olmpics
Un cop més m'he vist enredat amb el meu amic Xafarot Nesquitt en un estrany cas... i a sobre als Jocs Olímpics! Mentre cobria la crònica televisiva ens hem adonat que hi havia un equip que guanyava totes les competicions. Que estrany! I encara era més estrany el fet que tots els atletes de l'equip s'assemblaven moltíssim els uns als altres...
Viatge en el temps 11. Missió dinosaures
Alto tothom, que arriben els dinosaures!Esteu a punt per viure amb mi una aventura extraràtica a les terres dels dinosaures? Serà un viatge extraordinari! Paraula de Stilton!Tots els rosegadors de Ratalona són al cinema a l?espera d?una nova pellícula sobre dinosaures! Però al cap d?un moment la pantalla s?esquinça i de dins en surten.... dinosaures de carn i ossos!Així va començar per a nosaltres, els Stilton, l?Operació Enxampa-dinosaures, per retronar aquests animals gegants en el Temps! Quina aventura inoblidable!
Estrella Polar Moby Dick Clssics
El jove Ismael, a la recerca de laventura, sembarca al balener Pequod, comandat pel capità Ahab. El misteriós capità té una gran ambició: trobar i derrotar Moby Dick, la gegantina balena blanca, amb la qual té un vell compte pendent...
Las siete pruebas del Reino de la Fantasa Decimotercer viaje
En otro tiempo existi?a una magni?fica, inmensa y mi?tica tierra: el Imperio de la Fantasi?a. Pero un mago malvado se hizo con el poder y la transformo? en un reino gris y desolado. Ahora, un grupo de he?roes, guiados por la princesa Alina y un valeroso caballero, tiene una gran misio?n: encontrar la corona y hacer revivir el antiguo imperio!
Escape book Atrapado dentro de mi casa
Co?mo es posible?! Chilli?i?i?! En mi ausencia, el profesor Voltio ha instalado un sistema especial de seguridad y ahora estoy encerrado dentro de mi propia casa. Quieres ayudarme a salir? Disponemos de un plano y de muchas pistas... Sera? una aventura que te hara? vibrar los bigotes!
Hay un pirata en internet
Alguien ha robado mi identidad en Internet y finge ser Geronimo Stilton Será por eso que recibo toneladas de objetos comprados online con mi tarjeta de crédito?! Hiiiiiiiii!! Voy a necesitar a Doc, mi amiga experta en ordenadores! A partir de 7 años.
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Viaje en el tiempo 8
Nos espera una nueva y emocionante aventura! Embarcaremos a bordo del Crononautilus, la máquina del tiempo ideada por el profesor Pormilio Pizz y viajaremos por la Historia! Descubriremos de quién es el rostro representado en la Esfinge, dónde y cuándo nacieron las Olimpiadas, la receta original de la pizza y cómo se fabrican las espadas japonesas de los samuráis... Será un viaje trepidante!
Editorial Planeta, S.A. El gran regreso al Reino de la Fantasa Descubre el perfume de la amistad
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Octavo viaje al Reino de la Fantasía. Descubre el perfume de las hadas y el tufo de las brujas
Una nueva amenaza se cierne sobre el Reino de la Fantasía: las manecillas del Marcatiempo Cronofantástico, el reloj mágico del País del Tiempo, han empezado a girar cada vez más deprisa, alterando de este modo el transcurso del tiempo en todo el reino. Incluso la reina Floridiana está envejeciendo irremediablemente, víctima de un malvado hechizo de la bruja Eclipse Para Geronimo empieza así una auténtica carrera contra el tiempo para salvar a Floridiana y todo el Reino de la Fantasía!
Destino Ediciones Superheroes 9 Supermetomentodo y piedra
Scholastic US Last Ride at Luna Park: Geronimo Stilton the Graphic Novel
A new ride is opening at Luna Park! Every mouse in New Mouse City has come for the grand opening. But the rides keep breaking down and everything is going wrong. Can Geronimo and his friends figure out who is sabotaging the opening of the Train of Terror?
Scholastic US The Great Rat Rally: Geronimo Stilton the Graphic Novel
Geronimo and Trap enter the Rat Rally, a high-speed car race! This is Geronimo Stilton like you've never seen him before. 'Fresh, funny and fast-paced. The free-style artwork and anything-goes story will make kids want to write and draw their own books!' - Dav Pilkey.
Scholastic US The Last Resort Oasis (Geronimo Stilton #77)
When you're with Geronimo Stilton, it's always a fabumouse adventure! Geronimo takes a vacation to the Camel Oasis!
Scholastic US The Hunt for the Hundredth Key (Geronimo Stilton)
My sister, Thea, had discovered an enormouse old castle built by the founder of New Mouse City! She and Trap dragged me along with them to explore it. Inside, we found one hundred keys...but only ninety-nine doors to unlock. What mysterious room did the hundredth key open? It was up to us to find it and reveal its secrets!
Scholastic US A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo (Geronimo Stilton #9)
Sometimes a busy businessmouse like me needs a nice, relaxing vacation. But of all the rotten rats' luck - every time I tried to get away, disaster struck. My Aunt Dizzy Fur's mouse hole caught on fire, my office was flooded, and our printing press broke down! When I was finally ready to depart, all the good trips were booed up. I was stuck in a flea-ridden old hotel, sharing a room with a bunch of Gerbil Scouts! I couldn't wait to get back to my comfy home in New Mouse City...
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: The Great Diamond Robbery
Geronimo Stilton isn’t much of a sportsmouse, so why would he be competing in a golf tournament? Well, his grandfather needs a partner of course! Soon there is trouble ... someone is planning to steal the solid gold Super Mouse Cup with the world-famouse giant diamond! Can Geronimo stop the thief in time?! About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of the Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: Geronimo’s Valentine
Tuxedo? Check. Cologne? Check. Breath mint? Check. Geronimo is all set for a Valentine’s date with the wonderful Petunia Pretty Paws. But the date is ruined when Hercule Poirat shows up with awful news – a famouse romantic painting has been stolen! Can Geronimo help find the painting and impress Petunia at the same time? About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of the Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: The Mysterious Cheese Thief
Cheese niblets! The Stilton Cheesemakers’ Association have demanded that the Stilton family stop using the Stilton name immediately! Cue a trip to England, home of Stilton cheese. But as Geronimo fights to keep his name, a mysterious thief steals all the Stilton in England! Can Geronimo find the thief and learn what it means to be a Stilton? About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of the Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: Magical Mission
A statue in Trafalgar Square has come to life and it’s yelling insults at passers-by! What does this have to do with Geronimo Stilton? Not much until Secret Agent 00K asks him to solve the mystery. But Trap’s set on travelling to London too, to take part in a huge magic show. Who knows what chaos will be sparked along the way? About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: A Very Merry Christmas
Noboby loves Christmas more than Geronimo! But after his grandfather plans for the Stiltons to spend the holiday in New York instead of at Geronimo’s, everything starts to go wrong. Soon Geronimo is racing against the clock to save Christmas for his family. About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: Valley of the Giant Skeletons
X marks the spot! Geronimo and his family journey to the scorching deserts of Mongolia to find their late uncle’s hidden treasure. But finding Uncle Wally’s hiding place gets a lot harder when his diary is stolen by thieves! Can our heroes escape the desert and retrieve what is theirs? About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Merry Christmas, Geronimo!
*Over 140 million copies sold worldwide *Good for reluctant readers due to illustrative typeset *Educational edge as books contain facts about various places *Activity packs available to accompany certain titles*More fun and games online at
Sweet Cherry Publishing The Ghost Of The Underground
*Over 140 million copies sold worldwide *Good for reluctant readers due to illustrative typeset *Educational edge as books contain facts about various places *Activity packs available to accompany certain titles*More fun and games online at
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: The Mona Mousa Code
The world’s most famouse painting is hiding a big secret! An X-ray of the Mona Mousa reveals a strange riddle. Solving the clues takes Geronimo to the most dangerous parts of the city, but facing the hair-raising rollercoasters and vicious octopuses is all worth it for the amazing treasure at the end of the trail. Isn’t it? About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of the Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: School Trip to Niagara Falls
Geronimo is not an outdoor mouse! But when he accidentally agrees to take his nephew’s whole class to Niagara Falls, he’s stuck putting up tents and building fires. At least he’s there with the beautiful Miss Angel Paws. Love is in the air but who will it strike? About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of the Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Hang on to Your Whiskers
*Over 140 million copies sold worldwide *Good for reluctant readers due to illustrative typeset *Educational edge as books contain facts about various places *Activity packs available to accompany certain titles*More fun and games online at
Sweet Cherry Publishing I'm Too Fond of My Fur!
*Over 140 million copies sold worldwide *Good for reluctant readers due to illustrative typeset *Educational edge as books contain facts about various places *Activity packs available to accompany certain titles*More fun and games online at
Papercutz Geronimo Stilton Reporter 3 in 1 Vol. 5
Papercutz Geronimo Stilton 4-in-1 Vol. 6
Scholastic US Mouse Vs Wild (Geronimo Stilton #82)
Scholastic US The Island of Dragons (Geronimo Stilton the Kingdom of Fantasy #12)
Fairies, dragons, wizards, and more await Geronimo on every magical Kingdom of Fantasy adventure! The five princesses of the Kingdom of the Lotus Flowers have been kidnapped! Geronimo must visit the Island of Dragons and build a team of dragons that will help him save the princesses before it is too late.
Scholastic India Pvt Ltd Attack of the Dragons