Search results for ""Author Cálamo"
University of Minnesota Press Calamity Theory: Three Critiques of Existential Risk
What are the implications of how we talk about apocalypse? A new philosophical field has emerged. “Existential risk” studies any real or hypothetical human extinction event in the near or distant future. This movement examines catastrophes ranging from runaway global warming to nuclear warfare to malevolent artificial intelligence, deploying a curious mix of utilitarian ethics, statistical risk analysis, and, controversially, a transhuman advocacy that would aim to supersede almost all extinction scenarios. The proponents of existential risk thinking, led by Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, have seen their work gain immense popularity, attracting endorsement from Bill Gates and Elon Musk, millions of dollars, and millions of views. Calamity Theory is the first book to examine the rise of this thinking and its failures to acknowledge the ways some communities and lifeways are more at risk than others and what it implies about human extinction.Forerunners: Ideas First is a thought-in-process series of breakthrough digital publications. Written between fresh ideas and finished books, Forerunners draws on scholarly work initiated in notable blogs, social media, conference plenaries, journal articles, and the synergy of academic exchange. This is gray literature publishing: where intense thinking, change, and speculation take place in scholarship.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Calamity Kate
Penguin Books Ltd A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century
The fourteenth century was a time of fabled crusades and chivalry, glittering cathedrals and grand castles. It was also a time of ferocity and spiritual agony, a world of chaos and the plague.Here, Barbara Tuchman masterfully reveals the two contradictory images of the age, examining the great rhythms of history and the grain and texture of domestic life as it was lived: what childhood was like; what marriage meant; how money, taxes and war dominated the lives of serf, noble and clergy alike.Granting her subjects their loyalties, treacheries and guilty passions, Tuchman recreates the lives of proud cardinals, university scholars, grocers and clerks, saints and mystics, lawyers and mercenaries, and, above all, knights. The result is an astonishing reflection of medieval Europe, a historical tour de force.
PCCS Books Rising from Existential Crisis: Life beyond calamity
In June 2016, the UK voted to leave the European Union. The decision plunged the five million EU residents in the UK into a toxic abyss of fear, anger, shock and shame. Suddenly they were ‘citizens of nowhere’ in a country they regarded as home and faced having to move back to their country of origin and start life again, often without their British partners and children. In 2019, a virus born in a little-known Chinese city over-ran the entire world, causing many millions of deaths and bringing national economies and people’s usual ways of life to a standstill. So much of what we took for granted crumbled to ashes as countries locked down and families mourned their dead. In this book, leading existential theorist and practitioner Emmy van Deurzen explores how we handle such existential crises, and how and what we can learn from them to better prepare ourselves psychologically for the future. Inevitably, we will face many more such calamities due to climate breakdown and the consequent international instability, she warns. One of those five million EU citizens, Emmy had to fight for her right to stay. Here she draws on her personal experiences of such crises, the accounts of others and on her extensive clinical, theoretical and research knowledge to argue that such events need not spell the end of life as we know it. Rather, they can open the door to different, richer and more thoughtful, relational ways of being in the world.
Amazon Publishing Polite Calamities
Amberjack Publishing Company Hour Glass: A Novel of Calamity Jane
Set in the lawless town of Deadwood, South Dakota, Hour Glass shares an intimate look at the woman behind the legend of Calamity Jane told through the eyes of twelve-year-old Jimmy Glass.After their pa falls deathly ill with smallpox, Jimmy and his sister, Hour, travel into Deadwood to seek help. While their pa is in quarantine, the two form unbreakable bonds with the surrogate family that emerges from the tragedy of loss. In a place where life is fragile and families are ripped apart by disease, death, and desperation, a surprising collection of Deadwood's inhabitants surround Jimmy, Hour, and Jane. There, in the most unexpected of places, they find a family protecting them from the uncertainty and chaos that surrounds them all.
Penguin Books Ltd How Markets Fail: The Logic of Economic Calamities
How did we get to where we are? John Cassidy shows that the roots of our most recent financial failure lie not with individuals, but with an idea - the idea that markets are inherently rational. He gives us the big picture behind the financial headlines, tracing the rise and fall of free market ideology from Adam Smith to Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan. Full of wit, sense and, above all, a deeper understanding, How Markets Fail argues for the end of 'utopian' economics, and the beginning of a pragmatic, reality-based way of thinking.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc My Calamity Jane
Lanternfish Press Under That Calamity
Faithlife Corporation Christ and Calamity
Random House USA Inc Calamity and Other Stories
Julius Beltz GmbH Calamari und die TuttiFruttiPizza
Calamares a la romana
Qué hemos heredado de los romanos? Por supuesto, la lengua, el derecho, la red vial, los sistemas de conducción de agua, etc., pero también compartimos con ellos muchas costumbres arraigadas en la alimentación, el ocio, el deporte, la moral, el urbanismo, la educación, la moda, los rituales y las fiestas. Un libro de curiosidades tratadas con humor, donde descubriremos que somos romanos, aunque no nos demos cuenta.
Grand Central Publishing A Calamity of Souls
Pan Macmillan A Calamity of Souls
David Baldacci is one of the world's bestselling and favourite thriller writers. A former trial lawyer with a keen interest in world politics, he has specialist knowledge in the US political system and intelligence services, and his first book, Absolute Power, became an instant international bestseller, with the movie starring Clint Eastwood a major box office hit. He has since written more than forty bestsellers featuring, most recently, Travis Devine, Mickey Gibson, Amos Decker and Aloysius Archer. David is also the co-founder, along with his wife, of the Wish You Well Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting literacy efforts across the US.
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke 8 - Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane saves Lucky Luke from a delicate situation. A friendship is quickly formed, and they arrive together in El Plomo...where Calamity Jane proves her strength, by winning the local saloon in an arm-wrestling match! Its ex-owner, August Oyster, is hopping mad and has only one obsession: to send her packing. During this time, Lucky Luke tries to clear up a dark affair involving arms traffic...
Random House USA Inc The Reckoners Series Hardcover Boxed Set: Steelheart; Firefight; Calamity
Island Press Planning for Coastal Resilience: Best Practices for Calamitous Times
Why and how coastal regions should prepare for climatic catastrophes. Climate change is predicted to increase the frequency and magnitude of coastal storms around the globe, and the anticipated rise of sea levels will have enormous impact on fragile and vulnerable coastal regions. In "Planning for Coastal Resilience", Tim Beatley argues that, in the face of such threats, all future coastal planning and management must reflect a commitment to the concept of resilience. In this timely book, he writes that coastal resilience must become the primary design and planning principle to guide all future development and all future infrastructure decisions. Resilience, Beatley explains, is a profoundly new way of viewing coastal infrastructure - an approach that values smaller, decentralized kinds of energy, water, and transport more suited to the serious physical conditions coastal communities will likely face. Implicit in the notion is an emphasis on taking steps to build adaptive capacity, to be ready ahead of a crisis or disaster. It is anticipatory, conscious, and intentional in its outlook. After defining and explaining coastal resilience, Beatley focuses on what it means in practice. Resilience goes beyond reactive steps to prevent or handle a disaster. It takes a holistic approach to what makes a community resilient, including such factors as social capital and sense of place. Beatley provides case studies of five U.S. coastal communities, and 'resilience profiles' of six North American communities, to suggest best practices and to propose guidelines for increasing resilience in threatened communities. The work described in this book was commissioned and supported by the Coastal Services Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Headquartered in Charleston, South Carolina, its mission is to foster and sustain the environmental and economic well-being of the nation's coasts by linking people, information, and technology.
DC Comics Gotham Academy Vol. 2: Calamity
Welcome to Gotham Academy! Gotham City's most prestigious prep school is a very weird place. It's got a spooky campus, oddball teachers, and rich benefactors always dropping by... like that weirdo Bruce Wayne. But nothing is as strange as the students! Are these Gotham's newest heroes... or villains? The future is here at Gotham Academy. GOTHAM ACADEDMY Vol. 2 digs deeper into the mysteries that surround the pretigious school and the characters that inhabit it. Collects GOTHAM ACADEMY #7-12.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Leonora Bolt: Deep Sea Calamity
THE SECOND LAUGH-OUT-LOUD ADVENTURE FOR LEONORA BOLT, SECRET INVENTOR.'Fizzing with fun, friendship and fabulous inventions!' - Maria Kuzniar, The Ship of Shadows Leonora isn't supposed to be building a submarine in a tree. Or turning the local wildlife luminous. In fact, she is supposed to be keeping her head down and drawing no attention - because Leonora Bolt is an inventor in secret.But she can't stop thinking of the clues she found to her missing parents' location. So, deep in hiding in Snorebury, desperately trying to avoid being discovered by her evil uncle, Leonora is hatching a plan.So what if involves launching a homemade submarine into the middle of the ocean, accompanied only by a couple of friends and an otter with particularly sensitive whiskers? For when disaster strikes, Leonora's wackiest plan might just be her most brilliant yet...
Amberley Publishing The Century of Calamity: England in the Long Eleventh Century
The Century of Calamity is the story of a nation's fall, and the men who caused it. It is the story of how Æthelræd the Unready’s calamitous and vicious rule took England to the brink of collapse; of how Cnut subsumed the country within a northern empire, which disintegrated under his feckless sons; of how Edward the Confessor’s wise and prudent rule held the realm together for a quarter of a century; and of how William of Normandy destroyed its way of life forever. It is a story of conquest and of colonisation, of collaboration and of resistance. It is a story of cowardice and of bravery, of loyalty and of treachery. It is a tragic tale of lost heroes and lost causes. And it is the story of how Harold Godwinson betrayed his wife and his brother in return for the ultimate prize, and the terrible consequences of that betrayal for his country, for his family, and for himself.
Hachette Book Group USA The Cursed Carnival And Other Calamities
Egmont Comic Collection Lucky Luke 22 Calamity Jane
Disney Book Publishing Inc. The Cursed Carnival And Other Calamities: New Stories About Mythic Heroes
Little, Brown Book Group Inspector Singh Investigates: A Calamitous Chinese Killing: Number 6 in series
Inspector Singh is on a mission to China, against his better judgment. The son of a bigwig at the Singapore Embassy has been bludgeoned to death in a back alley in Beijing. The Chinese security insist that he was the victim of a robbery gone wrong, but the young man's mother demands that Singapore's finest (in his own opinion) rides to the rescue. But solving a murder in a country that practices socialism 'with Chinese characteristics' is a dangerous business. And it soon becomes apparent that getting to the bottom of this calamitous killing will be his toughest case yet ...
Candlewick Press (MA) Hank Zipzer: The Colossal Camera Calamity
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Oregon Trail: Calamity in the Cold
In this choose-your-own-trail experience, you're traveling all the way from Florida, heading West to the Oregon Trail. See if you can make it to Oregon City! It's 1845 and your family is fleeing Florida with hopes of starting fresh out west. You'll encounter sudden snowstorms that will overwhelm your wagon train en route to the Oregon Trail. Food will become scarce - and you'll get lost. Can you survive the unseasonably cold climates? If you make the right choices, you could find the Lewis-Clark Trail, which would lead back to the Oregon Trai - though it will take longer than you'd planned. Do you have the supplies to last? Can you survive the harsh cold and sickness, pioneer? Choose right and blaze a trail to Oregon City! Includes a map and useful tips on how to survive the Trail. AGES: 7 to 10
She Writes Press My Thirty-First Year (and Other Calamities)
Random House USA Inc A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century
Kevin Mayhew Sparky Smart from Priory Park The School Fete Fiasco and Other Calamities
Sparky and her family are back with more hilarious misunderstandings and sticky situations that require just a little bit of help from God... all in a day in the life of the Smarts from Priory Park! Will Stanley finally get his big break as a weather person? Will Auntie Bella save the day, or end up creating more drama? And will some sequins, sunflowers and a few llamas be enough to stop the school fete from turning into a complete disaster?
Pearson Education Limited Bug Club Independent Phase 5 Unit 17: Shola and Tate: Custard Calamity
Age: 5—6 (Year 1/P2) Level: Key Stage 1 Subject: phonics In this decodable fiction book, everyone is shocked when Tate's puppy gets Shola into a sticky mess! What will happen to Shola? Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your child develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children aged 5—6 (Year 1/P2) Phonics phase: 5 This book aligns with Letters and Sounds (2007) Phase 5. This title is part of Pearson's Bug Club, a reading programme used in over 3500 schools. Bug Club books are designed to help children enjoy learning to read. For more Bug Club books and learn at home resources, search for Bug Club.
MacAdam/Cage Publishing Calamitous Adventures of Rodney & Wayne, Cosmic Repairboys: Book One: The Age Altertron
Islamic Foundation Turning Back to Allah: Sulaiman's Caving Calamity
Sulaiman’s Caving Calamity is the second in a series of stories about the adventures of a young Muslim boy. Sulaiman is looking forward to exploring inside deep, dark caves on his Scout trip…or is he? Once he is inside the cave, he has to overcome one of his biggest fears. A disaster happens and he has to turn to Allah for help. Sulaiman learns the importance of performing good deeds sincerely for the sake of Allah and to repent for any bad deeds he may have done.
GEDISA La ciencia como calamidad un ensayo sobre el analfabetismo científico y sus efectos
La ciencia ya no es sólo un atributo ventajoso de nuestra especie, sino que se ha constituido en un elemento indispensable de la supervivencia. Si la ciencia desapareciera hoy, nosotros, los descendientes de aquellas criaturas que no habían necesitado de ciencia moderna, podríamos perecer, porque ahora sí nos es indispensable. En nuestros días somos demasiado numerosos como para poder sobrevivir en las naciones modernas sin energía, abrigo, alimentos, medicina y tecnología derivados de la ciencia. Si tocáramos el planeta con una varita mágica que hiciera desaparecer la ciencia y todo lo producido por la ciencia y la tecnología, en pocos días moriría por lo menos un 80% de la humanidad. Hoy la distribución desigual de la ciencia moderna entre los pueblos de la Tierra nos ha colocado al borde de la extinción. Este desastre puede ocurrir a causa de un aumento creciente del oscurantismo habitual que menoscaba esa ciencia de la cual ahora dependemos, o porque el competidor pone en juego est
University of British Columbia Press Coping with Calamity: Environmental Change and Peasant Response in Central China, 1736-1949
The Jianghan Plain in central China has been shaped by its relationship with water. Once a prolific rice-growing region that drew immigrants to its fertile paddy fields, it has, since the eighteenth century, become prone to devastating flooding and waterlogging. Jiayan Zhang consults early records of catastrophic water events and explores their role in shaping Jianghan society in the Qing and Republican periods. In a constantly shifting environment, the peasants of Jianghan were forced to adapt their farming methods; cooperate on complex projects like dike building; and even organize social structures, tenancy arrangements, and lifestyles around the pressure and uncertainty of their environment. The first environmental and socioeconomic history of the region, Coping with Calamity considers the Jianghan Plain’s volatile environment, the constant challenges it presented to peasants, and their often ingenious and sophisticated responses.
Star Bright Books The Cats of Mrs. Calamari (French/English)
John Murray Press Bad Mother: A Chronicle of Maternal Crimes, Minor Calamities, and Occasional Moments of Grace
'I want to be in the company of her frank intelligence forever' Nigella LawsonIn our mothers' day there were good mothers, indifferent mothers, and occasionally, great mothers. Today we have only Bad Mothers: If you work, you're neglectful; if you stay home, you're smothering. If you discipline, you're buying them a spot on the shrink's couch; if you let them run wild, they will be into drugs by seventh grade. Is it any wonder so many women refer to themselves at one time or another as a "bad mother"?Writing with remarkable candor, and dispensing much hilarious and helpful advice along the way--Is breast best? What should you do when your daughter dresses up as a "ho" for Halloween?--Ayelet Waldman says it's time for women to get over it and get on with it in this wry, unflinchingly honest, and always insightful memoir on modern motherhood.
The Book Guild Ltd Oh, Calamity!: The lost, damaged and surviving films of the Aldwych farces and farceurs
The first-ever complete study of the Aldwych farce films (1924-1954) and the plays they were based on. The thirteen Aldwych farces were phenomenally successful in the West End between 1922 and 1933. The stars - Ralph Lynn, Tom Walls and Robertson Hare transferred their work to the screen equally successfully in the early 1930s. With humour that relied more on characterisation and clever wordplay than slapstick, they became top stars of the new sound films, 'talkies'. Also covered in the book are the screen originals written for the team by Ben Travers, the 1930s solo vehicles for both Lynn and Walls, and the later plays and films in which Hare appeared with Alfred Drayton. Each of the forty-eight films featured in the book is described in full, with its cast, credits, plot, history, availability and reviews. Ninety short profiles of the personnel involved (stars, leading ladies, supporting actors, playwrights, screenwriters, producers and directors) are included, as well as 200 rare illustrations.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (USA) LLC Maldiciones y mitos / The Cursed Carnival and Other Calamities: New Stories About Mythic Heroes
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #1: The Mount Rushmore Calamity
Random House USA Inc The Reckoners Series Paperback Box Set: Steelheart; Firefight; Calamity
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Tune in Tomorrow: The Curious, Calamitous, Cockamamie Story Of Starr Weatherby And The Greatest Mythic Reality Show Ever
She’s just a small town girl, with big mythic dreams.Starr Weatherby came to New York to become… well, a star. But after ten years and no luck, she’s offered a big role – on a show no one has ever heard of. And there’s a reason for that. It’s a ‘reality’ show beyond the Veil, human drama, performed for the entertainment of the Fae.But as Starr shifts from astounded newcomer to rising fan favorite, she learns about the show’s dark underbelly – and mysterious disappearance of her predecessor. She’ll do whatever it takes to keep her dream job – though she might just bring down the show in the process.
Savas Beatie Calamity at Frederick: Robert E. Lee, Special Orders No. 191, and Confederate Misfortune on the Road to Antietam
HarperCollins Publishers This Is Your Own Time You’re Wasting: Classroom Confessions, Calamities and Clangers
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER The side-splittingly hilarious and heart-warming new book from your favourite teacher duo and hosts of Two Mr Ps in a Pod(cast) Remember the distant days of lockdown and those futile attempts to homeschool distracted, disinterested kids? Parents rejoiced to send them back to school, while teachers prepared to face them all again … Five. Days. A. Week! Coming out the other side of the pandemic years, podcast sensations Lee and Adam Parkinson – aka the Two Mr Ps – bring you the most hilarious, ridiculous anecdotes from inside our primary schools. Join in on the classroom antics as they share the unexpected pitfalls of online teaching, all the reasons you need a strong stomach to take on Early Years and why not every household item makes a suitable Harry Potter wand …