Search results for ""American School of Classical Studies at Athens""
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: Miscellaneous Finds of Terracotta (Corinth 18.8)
This volume presents the terracotta miscellaneous finds from the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore at Acrocorinth. The finds comprise 21 classes, including protomes and masks, altars, plaques, models of various personal and household items, and loomweights and other textile tools (the latter initially studied by Gloria S. Merker and brought to publication by Nancy Bookidis). In addition to providing a catalogue of the finds arranged according to their subjects, the authors compare these finds with similar objects found elsewhere in Greece and refer to literary, epigraphical, and visual sources to understand their possible uses and meanings and the character of religious activity that may have triggered their dedication in the sanctuary. This volume will greatly facilitate comparative studies of ancient Greek miscellaneous finds and will be an important reference for historians of Greek art as well as of Greek religion.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: The Roman Pottery and Lamps (Corinth 18.2)
In the series of final publications for the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, this book presents ceramic material from the Roman period (primarily from the middle of the 1st century to the end of the 4th century A.D.) in which is included the relatively small number of Roman lamps. Since even small fragments of lamps can be easily identified, the author has chosen them for the chronological framework of the volume, cataloguing 62 examples of some 876 found. The catalogue of 214 pieces selected from the vast amounts of pottery unearthed forms a corpus of common and unique finds from the sanctuary, with attention to sources, chronology, and possible light on the nature of the cult. The history of the Roman sanctuary is reflected in the lamps and fine wares, which are paralleled elsewhere; a preliminary typology is developed for the coarse wares, which are primarily local in origin. A lot list follows giving the inventory numbers of the catalogued Roman objects and context coins, with context descriptions. The concordance is divided into lamps and pottery, within and outside the sanctuary, the latter with references to any previous publications. A general index precedes those of text references to catalogued objects, signatures and potter's stamps, and findspots mentioned in the text.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Hellenistic Pottery: The Fine Wares (Corinth 7.7)
Using deposits recently excavated from the Panayia Field, this volume substantially revises the absolute chronology of Corinthian Hellenistic pottery as established by G. Roger Edwards in Corinth VII.3 (1975). This new research, based on quantitative analysis of over 50 deposits, demonstrates that the date range for most fine-ware shapes should be lowered by 50-100 years. Contrary to previous assumptions, it is now possible to argue that local ceramic production continued in Corinth during the interim period between the destruction of the city in 146 B.C. and when it was refounded as a Roman colony in 44 B.C. This volume includes detailed shape studies and a comprehensive catalogue. With its presentation of this revised "Panayia Field chronology," Corinth VII.7 is a long-awaited and much-needed addition to the Corinth series.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Archaic Corinthian Pottery and the Anaploga Well: (Corinth 7.2)
In the first section of this book, Amyx catalogues and discusses more than 200 fragments of Archaic Corinthian pottery with figure decoration, selected from those previously unpublished or inadequately published. The authors have also given attention to vase-painters of the Protocorinthian and Corinthian periods who were previously known chiefly from works exported in antiquity, and have succeeded in establishing the importance of the Corinth Museum as a center for the study of the Corinthian Style. In the second section, Lawrence presents the contents of a well dug and filled in the Archaic period. The material ranges from Early Protocorinthian to Late Corinthian and includes an important body of material from a potters' dump, here treated separately. Shape development and chronology have been established, especially for oinochoai and kotylai, based on the long series of stratified examples. Other material in the fill includes coarse ware and fragmentary fine ware. The authors attribute a number of pieces to known and newly identified vase-painters.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Athenian Agora: Museum Guide (5th ed.)
Written for the general visitor, the Athenian Agora Museum Guide is a companion to the 2010 edition of the Athenian Agora Site Guide and leads the reader through all of the display spaces within the Stoa of Attalos in the Athenian Agora - the terrace, the ground-floor colonnade, and the newly opened upper story. The guide also discusses each case in the museum gallery chronologically, beginning with the prehistoric and continuing with the Geometric, Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods. Hundreds of artifacts, ranging from common pottery to elite jewellery held in 81 cases, are described and illustrated in colour for the very first time. Through focus boxes, readers can learn about marble-working, early burial practices, pottery production, ostracism, home life, and the wells that dotted the ancient site. A timeline, maps, and plans accompany the text. For those who wish to learn more about what they see in the museum, a list of further reading follows each entry.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Ancient Corinth: Site Guide (7th ed.)
This is the first official guidebook to the site of ancient Corinth published by the ASCSA in over 50 years, and it comes fully updated with the most current information, colour photos, maps, and plans. It is an indispensable resource for the casual tourist or professional archaeologist new to the site. The guide begins with a history of Corinth and its excavations and then presents two tours. The first takes visitors through the archaeological site from the Temple of Apollo to the Forum, the Fountain of Peirene, and more. The second tour covers the ancient monuments outside the fenced area of the site, including the Odeion, the Theatre, and the Asklepieion, and then the various remains of ancient Corinth located within and outside the ancient Greek walls, including the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore and the Lechaion Basilica. Short bibliographic notes for many entries lead the reader to fuller descriptions of monuments, objects, and concepts; a glossary is also provided. Interspersed in the text are topographical notes and focus boxes on special topics such as geology, Pausanias, St. Paul, and prehistoric Corinth and the Corinthia.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Exploring Greek Manuscripts in the Gennadius Library (English)
Among the collections of the Gennadius Library in Athens are over 300 Greek manuscripts, ranging in date from the 13th to the 19th century. This book presents a collection of studies of various aspects of the collection written by leading paleographers, Byzantine art historians, and theologians.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Tombs, Burials, and Commemoration in Corinth's Northern Cemetery
Rescue excavations were carried out along the terrace north of Ancient Corinth by Henry Robinson, the director of the Corinth Excavations, and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens on behalf of the Greek Archaeological Service, in 1961 and 1962. They revealed 70 tile graves, limestone sarcophagi, and cremation burials (the last are rare in Corinth before the Julian colony), and seven chamber tombs (also rare before the Roman period). The burials ranged in date from the 5th century B.C. to the 6th century A.D., and about 240 skeletons were preserved for study. This volume publishes the results of these excavations and examines the evidence for changing burial practices in the Greek city, Roman colony, and Christian town. Documented are single graves and deposits, the Robinson "Painted Tomb," two more hypogea, and four built chamber tombs. Ethne Barnes describes the human skeletal remains, and David Reese discusses the animal bones found in the North Terrace tombs. The author further explores the architecture of the chamber tombs as well as cemeteries, burial practices, and funeral customs in ancient Corinth. One appendix addresses a Roman chamber tomb at nearby Hexamilia, excavated in 1937; the second, by David Jordan, the lead tablets from a chamber tomb and its well. Concordances, grave index numbers, Corinth inventory numbers, and indexes follow. This study will be of interest to classicists, historians of several periods, and scholars studying early Christianity.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Proceedings of the International Conference on Greek Architectural Terracottas of the Classical and Hellenistic Periods, December 12-15, 1991
A presentation of the papers from the International Conference on Classical and Hellenistic Architectural Terracottas, held at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, December, 1991. While the majority of the papers concentrate on architectural terracottas from the Greek mainland, examples from sites on the Aegean islands, Asia Minor, present-day Albania, Sicily, and Italy are covered as well. The papers add significantly to an understanding of the stylistic development of and regional differences among Greek architectural terracottas, and, in many instances, provide clearer reconstructions of otherwise ill-preserved Greek buildings.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: Greek Lamps and Offering Trays (Corinth 18.7)
This volume continues the publication of excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens in the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth. It incorporates two bodies of material: Greek lamps and offering trays. The lamps include those made from the 7th through 2nd centuries B.C., together with a few Roman examples not included in Corinth XVIII.2. They served to provide light and to accompany the rites of sacrifice. The offering trays differ from the liknon-type offering trays published by A. Brumfield; they support a variety of vessels rather than types of food and had a symbolic function in the Sanctuary rituals. They are extremely common in the Sanctuary and only rarely attested elsewhere.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Vrysaki (Greek language edition): A Neighborhood Lost in Search of the Athenian Agora
Between 1931 and 1939, central Athens was transformed by the expropriation and demolition of the Vrysaki neighborhood at the foot of the Acropolis. In these few years, more than 5,000 inhabitants were displaced and 348 properties were torn down so that the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) could excavate the ancient Agora; the scale of the project and the degree to which it was documented make this a unique episode in the history of Greek archaeology. Using materials from the ASCSA Archives and a large collection of photographs from the 1930s, this volume details the history of the negotiations, the expropriations, and, most importantly, the Vrysaki neighborhood itself. Illustrating its streets, shops, houses, names, and faces, the author provides a vivid recreation of the community that was Vrysaki.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Dogs in the Athenian Agora: (text in Modern Greek)
In this book, readers are shown how dogs fit into ancient Greek society with material from the last 90 years of excavations at the Athenian Agora by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Topics range from how ancient Greeks hunted with dogs and what they considered a proper dog's name to the excavation of tender burials in the Agora and the sacrifice of dogs to the gods of the underworld. Mythological dogs like the three-headed Kerberos appear, as do the pawprints that very real dogs left behind more than a thousand years ago. Dozens of illustrations of pottery, sculpture, and excavated remains enliven the text. Anyone curious about dogs in antiquity and how they relate to dogs in the present day will be sure to find interesting material in this portable, affordable text.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Athenian Grain-Tax Law of 374/3 B.C.
The first publication of a complex and well-preserved Athenian law of great interest to historians. Discovered in the Agora Excavations in 1986, this hitherto unknown law rivals in importance that of the law on silver coinage of 375/4 B.C., which was published by the author some twenty years ago. In addition to the complete text, translation, and notes on readings, the author, a superb epigrapher, provides commentary on the many parts of this document, which contributes significant new information on the history, law, economy, topography, and public finance of Athens in the Classical period. The first section of the volume includes an expert analysis of the layout of the inscription and useful notes, while the major portion of the text is devoted to detailed commentary on the law, its purpose, and implementation. The historical setting of the law is well-illuminated in the final section. The authors analyses of this important inscription provide a solid foundation for new avenues of research.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Symposium in Context: Pottery from a Late Archaic House near the Athenian Agora
This book presents the first well-preserved set of sympotic pottery which served a Late Archaic house in the Athenian Agora. The deposit contains household and fine-ware pottery, nearly all the figured pieces of which are forms associated with communal drinking. Since it comes from a single house, the pottery also reflects purchasing patterns and thematic preferences of the homeowner. The multifaceted approach adopted in this book shows that meaning and use are inherently related, and that through archaeology one can restore a context of use for a class of objects frequently studied in isolation. Winner of the 2013 James R. Wiseman Book Award given by the Archaeological Institute of America.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens A Culture of Translation: British and Irish Scholarship in the Gennadius Library (1740-1840)
This volume of essays focuses principally on the collection of books of British and Irish antiquarian scholars held in the Gennadius Library. Collectively, the essays are the product of two thematically-linked conferences: the first of these was held in Athens in June 2010, and was organised by the School of Art History and Cultural Policy, University College Dublin, in collaboration with the Gennadius Library, and graciously hosted by the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies; the second, held in Dublin in June 2011, was organized by the School of Art History and Cultural Policy, and hosted by the Humanities Institute of Ireland. The major premise explored in the paper sessions of those conferences, and in this volume, concerns the work of some of the most pioneering British and Irish 18th and early 19th century antiquarians, artists, and architects who voyaged into the Mediterranean. The publication of their findings in architectural treatises, travelogues and illustrated books came, in turn, to inform international movements of art and architecture; specifically, the Neoclassical and Greek Revival styles. Collectively, these books capture the allure of the broader Mediterranean world for scholars of antiquity - ever expanding beyond the well-traveled boundaries enjoyed by Grand Tourists - exploring issues such as topography, history, cultural mores, dress and, of course, art and architecture. Print and book culture was at the core of the early modern period, not least in the world of architecture, and the conscious effort to gather and disseminate knowledge of the wider classical world through this medium is remarkable. The significant contribution of British and Irish scholarship to this broader European discourse is here viewed through the lens of the extraordinary book collection held in the Gennadius Library.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Σαμοθράκη: Οδηγός των ανασκαφών και του μουσείου
Text in Greek This official guide to the site of Samothrace and the Sanctuary of the Great Gods appears now as revised by longtime director of excavations James R. McCredie. Two initial chapters helpfully provide background information on the history of Samothrace and the religion of the Great Gods. Following this are two tours. The first takes the reader through the sanctuary itself, home to cryptic mysteries where a variety of gods were worshiped, including the Great Mother, Hades, and Persephone; there are numerous plans and drawings of the monumental structures, such as the Rotunda of Arsinoe and the Propylon of Ptolemy II, allowing the reader to visualize what the sanctuary would have looked like when it was still an active religious center. The second tour takes the reader through the museum and highlights the most important pieces in the collection, including a large statue of a winged Victory and gold ornaments from a Hellenistic tomb. The guide also includes a description of excavations on Samothrace outside of the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, as well as bibliography for further reading.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Temple of Apollo Bassitas II: The Sculpture
The definitive publication of the Temple of Apollo at Bassai, in the northwest Peloponnese, this is one of four volumes representing the culmination of years of study by Professor Fred Cooper of the University of Minnesota and other scholars throughout the world. An identifiable work of Iktinos, the architect of the Parthenon, the building exhibits numerous unusual and uncanonical features that heralded a revolution in Greek architectural design. Volume II contains Brian Madigan's study of the sculptural program and Cooper's analysis of the relevant parts of the entablature.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Late Bronze Age Settlement and Early Iron Age Sanctuary
Final report on the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age evidence (pottery, metalwork, terracottas, architecture and other constructions) from excavations conducted by the University of Chicago at the sanctuary of Poseidon at Isthmia between 1952 and 1989. Stylistic analysis of artifacts offers important new information on Corinthian production: Isthmia has produced the first substantial collection of Early Iron Age Corinthian terracottas, for example, as well as 8th-century human figure depictions. Functional analysis, developing established methodology for site characterization, distinguishes Late Bronze Age settlement from Early Iron Age cult activity. Thus Isthmia may be counted among the growing number of Greek shrines established during the Bronze Age/Iron Age transition, and the nature and variety of cult practices at the site may be compared with those elsewhere. In its Corinthian context, Isthmia offers unique insights into 800 years of development, from Mycenaean province to Archaic polis.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Birth of Democracy
This is the catalogue of an exhibition held at the National Archives in Washington D.C. to celebrate the 2,500th anniversary of the beginnings of democracy in Athens, interpreted as the implementation of Cleisthenes' governmental reforms. This informative catalogue includes colour illustrations of the objects displayed: sculptures, architectural models, and small objects from Athens and from museums in America and Europe. The objects are set in context with nine short essays.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Landscape Archaeology and the Medieval Countryside
This volume presents the results of the medieval component of the Nemea Valley Archaeological Project (NVAP) survey conducted from 1985-1990. The archaeological evidence points to a proliferation of sites dating to the 12th-13th century A.D. There are two large sites and a substantial number of small sites on the lower slopes of the hills surrounding the Nemea Valley and in smaller valleys in the southern part of the survey area. Archaeological evidence of settlements from the late 13th-15th century is scarce, providing a contrast to the patterns documented for the 12th-late 13th century. This study is thus also concerned with general trends and important sociopolitical changes that affected such developments in the Nemea region in the medieval period.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Late Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman Pottery
This volume presents the Late Classical through Roman pottery from the University of Chicago excavations at Isthmia (1952-1989). In a series of three chapters-on the Late Classical and Hellenistic pottery, the Roman pottery, and the pottery from the Palaimonion-a general discussion is followed by a catalog presenting datable contexts and then by a catalogue of other noteworthy pottery. Appendixes discuss the stratigraphy of the Palaimonion and observations on new and previously published lamps. Amphora stamps are the focus of a further appendix, followed by a catalogue of the Slavic and Byzantine pottery found in the sanctuary area. Although the pottery is sometimes fragmentary, the range of materials over this thousand-year period is typical of Corinthian sites. The finds presented here provide critical information about the history of the Panhellenic sanctuary of Poseidon and the ritual activities that took place there.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Kommos: A Minoan Harbor Town and Greek Sanctuary in Southern Crete
As well as being an archaeological guide, this beautifully illustrated volume tells the story of 30 years of fieldwork and study at one of the lesser known, but most intellectually fascinating, sites in Crete. In prehistory, Kommos was a busy harbor town with trading links extending to Egypt and Sardinia. The author traces the development of the settlement, its mysterious abandonment, and then resurrection as a religious site around 1000 B.C.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Life, Death, and Litigation in the Athenian Agora
Athens was a famously litigious city in antiquity, as the sheer quantity of evidence for legal activity found in the Agora makes clear. Every kind of case, from assault and battery to murder, and from small debts to contested fortunes, were heard in various buildings and spaces around the civic centre, and the speeches given in defence and prosecution remain some of the masterpieces of Greek literature. As well as describing the spaces where judgments were made (such as the Stoa Basileios, office of the King Archon), the author discusses the progress of some famous cases (known from the speeches of orators like Demosthenes), such as the patrimony suit of a woman named Plangon against the nobleman Mantias, or the assault charge levelled by Ariston against Konon and his sons.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Birds of the Athenian Agora
As well as the Little Owl or glaux, so often seen accompanying the goddess Athena, many other birds played an important role in Greek art and symbolism. This booklet describes the ways in which the Greeks viewed birds, from useful hawks and fowl to exotic parakeets and peacocks. Some of the birds most often depicted are imaginary, from the griffin to the phallos bird, whose head and neck consisted of an erect penis. The book ends with a field guide to species likely to be seen on a visit to the Agora archaeological park today.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Horses and Horsemanship in the Athenian Agora
This concise and beautifully illustrated book demonstrates the many roles played by the horse in the lives of the Greeks, from its place in myth and early history to its significance as a marker of social status and its use in warfare, transportation, games, and festivals. From their arrival in Greece, at the start of the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2000 B.C.), horses were a powerful symbol of rank. Bridles and other horse trappings are often found in graves, alongside vases depicting horses grazing, racing, and parading. Sculpture is also full of horse imagery, from monumental equestrian statues (a bronze leg and gilded sword are all that remain from one of these) to tiny terracotta figurines, perhaps the toys of a child. As well as presenting many examples of horse imagery found in the Agora, the author reports on recent finds near the ancient hipparcheion, the stables of the Athenian cavalry.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens On the Edge of a Roman Port: Excavations at Koutsongila, Kenchreai, 2007-2014
Between 2007 and 2014, a Greek-American team investigated an impressive array of Early Roman to Early Byzantine buildings and burials on the Koutsongila Ridge at Kenchreai, the eastern port of ancient Corinth. This volume presents the project's final results, revealing abundant evidence not only for the history of activity in a transitional urban/suburban landscape, but also for the society, economy, and religion of local residents. Important structural and mortuary discoveries abound, including a district of lavish houses with exquisite mosaic pavement and an Early Christian Octagon. The large artefactual assemblage encompasses a variety of objects from pottery and lamps to glass, coins, and jewellery. Bones and teeth from over 200 individuals illustrate differences in health over time, while thousands of bones and shells from a variety of animals attest to diet and subsistence. This study paints a picture of a Corinthian community, small but prosperous and well connected, actively participating in an urban elite culture expressed through decorative art and monumental architecture.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Fragmentary Decrees from the Athenian Agora
This volume publishes the editiones principes of the most fragmentary inscriptions found during excavations in the Athenian Agora between 1931 and 1967. These comprise parts of 100 decrees of the Athenian state and other political bodies. Each of the inscriptions is illustrated and described, with a transcription of the legible letters and commentary.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Crete in Transition: Pottery Styles and Island History in the Archaic and Classical Periods
This work presents a classification system and absolute chronology for black-gloss wares from Crete, establishing the first local and regional ceramic sequences during the period from 600 to 400 B.C. This new chronological foundation of datable pottery from excavated sites fills in the so-called 6th-/5th-century gap and dispels the prevailing view that this was a period of decline in population and one of artistic and cultural impoverishment. The 6th century heralded important changes in Cretan society, reflected in the reorganization of burial grounds, new patterns of sanctuary dedication, and the circulation of exotica among the elite. The study reveals unsuspected connections with mainland Greece, especially Sparta and Athens. Historians and archaeologists will find the author's conclusions, and their implications, to be of considerable interest.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Archaeologies of Cult: Essays on Ritual and Cult in Crete in Honor of Geraldine C. Gesell
Intended as a tribute to a pioneer in the field of Cretan cult study, 28 of Geraldine Gesell's former students and colleagues present aspects of ritual and religion on Crete. In a variety of approaches the discourse ranges in time from the Iron Age to the Bronze Age and in subject matter from cult practices to sacred landscapes. A combined bibliography provides a useful reference tool for a survey of literature on the subject.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Chrysokamino Metallurgy Workshop and its Territory
This detailed report describes archaeological fieldwork conducted between 1995 and 1997 in rural northeast Crete. Excavations were made in two locations: a metallurgy workshop (abandoned in EM III) and a nearby rural habitation site, perhaps a farmhouse (used until LM III). An intensive survey of the vicinity revealed other activities in the area from the Early Neolithic onwards, and placed the sites in a micro-regional context. A publication of the Minoan farmhouse will appear subsequently, but this volume stands on its own as both an overview of the project and as a detailed study of the copper smelting workshop.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Charis: Essays in Honor of Sara A. Immerwahr
This tribute to Sara A. Immerwahr comprises a short biography, her full bibliography, and 20 articles written by fellow scholars celebrating her contributions to the field, as well as her encouragement and generous support of students and colleagues over many years. Thirteen scholars of Bronze Age archaeology present papers that address aspects of social, political, religious, and ritual significance in wall paintings, matters of chronology, regional trade and interaction, and Cretan architecture. Seven scholars of the Archaic, Classical, and Roman periods explore issues of sculpture, architecture, pottery, and dedications.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens A LM IA Ceramic Kiln in South-Central Crete: Function and Pottery Production
This volume presents an in-depth study of the Late Minoan IA cross-draft kiln found in excavations at Kommos, Crete. The kiln is of a type popular during the Neopalatial period, and its good state of preservation has allowed the authors to speculate about its original internal layout and use, as well as about the roof that covered it. Much of the large quantity of pottery found associated with the kiln is analyzed in detail, allowing for the first time the study of the shapes, decoration, and technical characteristics of vases known to have been fired in a specific LM IA kiln. The book presents an integrated program of analytical techniques used to illustrate the range of firing temperatures, the compositional similarities and differences in the clays used, and aspects of the firing process and the upper kiln structure. Offered here is a valuable contribution to our knowledge of the technology and organization of ceramic production at the beginning of the Late Minoan period, which will form a basis for studies of pottery provenience and exchange.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Attic Grave Reliefs that Represent Women in the Dress of Isis
The author investigates the appearance of a fashion in clothing, involving a knotted mantle worn across the chest, on many Attic stelae of the Roman period. She suggests that this style can be traced to Egyptian roots, and might have been particularly associated with a cult of Isis, popular among wealthy Athenians. The book presents a catalogue of the 106 known Isis reliefs from Attica and a review of all forms of evidence for the cult.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Campaign of the Falieri and Piraeus in the Year 1827
This book presents the diary of Captain Thomas Douglas Whitcombe, a young English gunnery officer who in 1827 participated as a volunteer in an expedition to relieve the Turkish siege of the Acropolis of Athens. Covering the period from winter 1826 to late summer 1827, the journal gives an eyewitness account of the actions of the Greek Army and its corps of European volunteers, including those known as the Philhellenes, and a view of the culture and society of Greece in the early 19th century. An introduction provides historical background for the Greek Revolution, a comparative analysis of existing published accounts of the 1827 expedition, and notes on the author and his manuscript. Three appendixes complement the journal, they present details of Whitcombe's family, the recollections of Whitcombe's daughter (with notes by Eliot), and biographical sketches of the European volunteers who served in the 1827 campaign.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Neolithic Pottery from Lerna
Beneath the famous remains of the House of the Tiles and the other Bronze Age remains found at Lerna, a large amount of Neolithic pottery was found during 1950s excavations by the American School of Classical Studies. Although the mixing of material makes it impossible to establish an independent ceramic sequence for the site, the author is able to differentiate Early and Middle Neolithic types using her knowledge of material from the well-stratified Franchthi Cave, across the Argolic Gulf. By placing the ceramic material in archaeological context, the author makes a number of important new claims about Lerna's earliest history. While the date of the first settlement is still unclear, the Middle Neolithic was clearly a time of intensive occupation at Lerna, when the digging of at least one long ditch across the site suggests some internal planning. Sherds of the first Late Neolithic phase are totally absent, suggesting that Lerna had been abandoned by the end of Middle Neolithic but substantial quantities of Final Neolithic pottery, found largely in pits and two graves, suggest ritual reuse in this period. A final chapter (in both English and Modern Greek) summarizes the results of the study, including the changing patterns of burial practices over the course of the Neolithic. (A CD-ROM with 86 color images of the pottery is included.)
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Funerary Sculpture
Funerary Sculpture is the first volume on sculpture from the Agora in over 50 years, bringing together all the sculpted funerary monuments of the Athenian Agora, Classical through Roman periods, which were discovered during excavation from 1931 through 2009. The wide chronological span allows the author to trace changes in funerary monuments, particularly the break in customs that took place in 317 B.C., and the revival of figured monuments in the Roman period. The study consists of three essays followed by a catalogue of 389 objects. The author places the Agora sculptural fragments within the greater context of Attic funerary sculpture, moving from a general to a specific treatment of the funerary sculpture. The first essay is an overview of the study of Attic types of sculpture; the second discusses the specific features of funerary sculpture from Athens and Attica; and the third examines the characteristics of the funerary sculptures found in the Agora, thereby forming an introduction to the catalogue that follows. The catalogue includes stelai and naiskoi with female and/or male figures, sirens, decorative anthemia, funerary vessels, lekythoi, loutrophoroi, animals, mensa, columnar monuments, and more. There are separate indexes of museums, names, demes, places, and findspots, as well as a general index.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Church of the Holy Apostles
The Church of the Holy Apostles stands at an important crossroads in the southeast corner of the area of the ancient Agora. The earliest church on the site, built over a wall of the 5th-century B.C. Mint and the foundations of the Roman Nymphaeum, is here dated to the last quarter of the 10th century on the basis of its plan and details. The original plan was revealed as a tetraconch cross-in-square with dome on pendentives carried on arches supported by four freestanding columns, the west of the four apses penetrating into the narthex. Fifteen tombs of this first period were excavated under the floor of the church proper and the narthex. In a second period, probably in the late 17th or early 18th century, repairs after damage from the 1687 fighting made changes in the narthex and dome and the interior was covered with paintings. War in 1826 again caused damage which was repaired in Period III with further changes and additions. Finally in 1876-1882 (Period IV) the west end was again rebuilt and the last vestiges of the west apse removed. The architectural type is studied in relation to other churches in Greece, and the restoration is described. The plates give the author's photos of the structure before, during, and after restoration and drawings of elevations, sections, and plans.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Inscriptions: The Dedicatory Monuments
This is the last of five volumes presenting inscriptions discovered in the Athenian Agora between 1931 and 1967. Published here are inscriptions on monuments commemorating events or victories, on statues or other representations erected to honor individuals and deities, and on votive offerings to divinities. Most are dated to between the 4th century B.C. and the 2nd century A.D., but a few survive from the Archaic and Late Roman periods. A final section contains monuments that are potentially, but not certainly, dedicatory in character, and a small number of grave markers omitted from Agora XVII. Each of the 773 catalogue entries includes a description of the object inscribed, bibliography, a transcription of the Greek text, and commentary. There are photographs of each piece of which no adequate illustration has yet been published, including newly joined fragments. The volume concludes with concordances and six indexes.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: Terracotta Figurines of the Classic (Corinth 18.4)
About 24,000 figurines and fragments were found during excavations at the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, greatly enriching the known body of Corinthian figurines not only in number but also in the addition of many entirely new types and styles. Working far beyond the output of the Potters' Quarter workshops, the Corinthian coroplasts are revealed as inventive, often highly adept in technique, and attuned to stylistic developments in the plastic arts in general. Most importantly, the evidence suggests that there may have been a link in Corinth between the manufacture of terracotta figurines and small bronze ones, especially in the 4th and early 3rd centuries B.C., through the use of shared models. If this is true, the figurines provide a glimpse of the mostly lost bronze production of that period. The figurines are also important because they help to explicate the meaning and conduct of the cult of Demeter and Kore in Corinth. Since the literary sources and inscriptions are unfortunately not as abundant as one would wish, the nature and conduct of the cult must be understood largely through the architecture and other finds. The figural coroplastic art provides additional data on the deities and heroes recognized at the sanctuary, the age and gender of the participants in the rituals, the offerings they brought, and the nature of their cultic activities. Beyond these data, the figurines are examined for what they may reveal through their imagery of the underlying ideas of the cult, how the deities were perceived, why they were approached, and how the cult functioned as a part of Corinthian society.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Late Classical Pottery from Ancient Corinth: Drain 1971-1 in the Forum Southwest (Corinth 7.6)
In 1971 in the southwestern area of the Roman Forum of Corinth a round-bottomed drainage channel was discovered filled with the largest deposit of pottery of the 4th century ever found in the city, some coins, terracotta figurines, and metal and stone objects. This volume publishes the pottery and metal and stone objects, and includes a re-examination of the coins by Orestes Zervos. Some of the cooking ware has been subjected to neutron activation analysis, and a statistical analysis of all recovered pottery has been completed. The contents of Drain 1971-1 are important for the function of the Classical buildings in this part of Corinth, especially Buildings I and II, and for the chronology of the renovation program that included the construction of the South Stoa, which was probably not built before the last decade of the 4th century.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Potters' Quarter: The Pottery (Corinth 15.3)
The long-awaited final part of the publication of the Corinth Potters' Quarter is based on the work of the excavator, A. N. Stillwell, edited and supplemented after her death by J. L. Benson. The pottery, although frequently fragmentary, can often be assigned to known painters or workshops, and the deposits, especially in view of the defective pieces in them, can be argued to contain material almost exclusively of local manufacture. A brief introduction serves to explain the organization of the catalogue and to characterize the principal deposits, most of which contained material from several periods; a summary of represented painters and workshops concludes the chapter. The catalogue presents over 2,300 examples from more than 4,000 inventoried pieces. Almost all are illustrated with photographs, frequently supplemented with detail line drawings of motifs; selected profile drawings represent the principal shapes. A new foldout plan of the Potters' Quarter is included.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Games at Athens
This attractive book presents a general introduction to the Greater Panathenaia, the week-long religious and civic festival held at Athens every four years in honour of the city's patron goddess, Athena. The highlight of the city's festival calendar, with its musical, athletic, and equestrian contests, tribal events, processions, sacrifices, and other activities, the Greater Panathenaia involved all the residents of Athens; not just adult males but women, children, metics (resident aliens), foreigners, and even slaves. The facilities, administration, program events, prizes, and associated monuments are described.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens East of the Theater: Glassware and Glass Production (Corinth 19.1)
Corinth has been an important site for the study of ancient glass since the pioneering work of Gladys Davidson Weinberg. This volume presents the first attempt at Corinth to analyze the entire corpus of glass found in a single area, that located just east of the Theatre, the focus of excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies in the 1980s. These excavations revealed a north-south street that flanked the Theatre, as well as a series of buildings to its east, part of a residential neighborhood ranging in date from the Early Roman to the Early Byzantine period. In this volume-the first of the final reports from the East of Theatre excavations-the author presents the glass finds, including over 450 cataloged examples of glassworking remains, vessel glass, and non-vessel glass. Significantly, these finds reveal shifting patterns in vessel types, manufacturing techniques, and trade, as well as evidence for local glass production throughout these periods. Included among the finds are fragments of two opus sectile panels, evidence of the type of luxurious decoration that once existed in these structures. This groundbreaking study provides a tantalizing glimpse into the lives of everyday Corinthians, advancing glass studies both within Greece and throughout the Mediterranean.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: The Inscriptions (Corinth 18.6)
Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens in the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth, 1961-1975, produced more than 170 inscribed objects of stone, bronze, bone, lead weights, pottery (graffiti and dipinti), clay pinakes, magical lead tablets, and in a mosaic. In this new Corinth volume, Ron Stroud presents all of these inscriptions, and he relates them to an overall interpretation of the activities, secular and religious, attested in this shrine during its long period of use from the 7th century B.C. until the end of the 4th century A.D. Where possible, Stroud also draws out their implications for and contribution to the history of ancient Corinth, the worship of the goddesses Demeter and Kore, and the practice of magic-especially in the Roman period. This is the final publication of the inscribed objects from the sanctuary, excluding loomweights and stamped amphora handles, which will be included in a later publication.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Neolithic Settlement
This volume complements Lerna V: The Neolithic Pottery of Lerna, by K. D. Vitelli, and completes the primary publication of the results of the Neolithic remains retrieved during the excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens from 1952 through 1958 at Lerna in the Argolid. It presents the buildings and other features of the Neolithic settlement with listings of related pottery, minor objects, lithics, fauna, and a catalogue of the minor objects. The study reveals a small agricultural community of Middle Neolithic date with houses of mud brick on stone foundations and various storage and thermal installations with a few burials scattered among them. A small Final Neolithic presence is documented by two graves and a group of "ash pits" of uncertain use. A catalogue of the minor objects includes mostly utilitarian objects of typical forms in stone, bone, and terracotta, and a few objects of decorative (e.g., ear studs) and symbolic significance (terracotta "tangas" and figurines). Appendixes include lists of walls and pottery lots, the inventory/lot numbers of the lithics published elsewhere by J. Kozlowski et al. (1996), and a summary of the fauna by D. S. Reese that clarifies and amplifies the earlier faunal study by N.-G. Gejvall (Lerna I).
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Dogs in the Athenian Agora
In this book, readers are shown how dogs fit into ancient Greek society with material from the last 90 years of excavations at the Athenian Agora by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Topics range from how ancient Greeks hunted with dogs and what they considered a proper dog's name to the excavation of tender burials in the Agora and the sacrifice of dogs to the gods of the underworld. Mythological dogs like the three-headed Kerberos appear, as do the pawprints that very real dogs left behind more than a thousand years ago. Dozens of illustrations of pottery, sculpture, and excavated remains enliven the text. Anyone curious about dogs in antiquity and how they relate to dogs in the present day will be sure to find interesting material in this portable, affordable text.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Agora Excavations, 1931-2006: A Pictorial History (text in modern Greek)
In 2006, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens celebrated 75 years of archaeological work in the Athenian Agora, the civic centre of classical Athens. Since the first trench was dug on May 25, 1931, excavations have continued in a series of yearly campaigns, only briefly interrupted by World War II. The impact these discoveries have made on our understanding of Athenian history and topography is well documented, but relatively little has been published about the fascinating history of the excavations themselves. This book fills that gap, presenting a pictorial history of the project illustrated with many archival photographs and primary documents. Rather than presenting a continuous narrative, the author focuses on some key moments in the Agora's history including the reconstruction of the Stoa of Attalos, the restoration of the Church of the Holy Apostles, and the landscaping of the archaeological park.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Hippos: The Horse in Ancient Athens
Hippos delves deeply into all aspects of ancient Athenian horsemanship, from the scientific analysis of a horse skeleton recently excavated at Phaleron to the roles of horses in Greek religion. Major discussion is devoted to hippotrophia, the training of equines, their competitive activities in horse racing, and their important role in the cavalry. This richly illustrated book consists of over 40 short essays on diverse topics such as the practices for naming of Athenian horses, their appearance on the city's coinage, the make-up of a chariot, the advice of the Athenian cavalry commander Xenophon, the cavalry inspection, and the possible appearance of horses on the Greek stage. This bilingual volume is the result of an exhibition held at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens in 2022. All of the objects in the exhibit are included, from small silver coins to large marble memorials for slain cavalry officers. Many of the artifacts documenting the Athenian cavalry come from wells in the Athenian Agora. Horse racing was a passion of all Greeks, but only Athens had a hero (Hippothoon) suckled by a mare. This book makes clear that hippomania was rampant in ancient Athens, just as Aristophanes implied in his comedies.