Search results for ""5m Books Ltd""
5M Books Ltd Conventional and Organic Farming: A Comprehensive Review through the Lens of Agricultural Science
Organic farming comes with many connotations of ‘natural’, ‘wholesome’, ‘healthy’, ‘superior’, ‘environmentally friendly’, and ‘sustainable’. But just what is the scientific evidence behind the claims of healthier food and better farming systems made by the organic movement? Using peer reviewed literature, the latest studies and a rigorous investigation of claims made by opponents of conventional farming, the author provides an even handed and scientifically objective review of the contributions of organic farming to human health, crop yields, the environment and agriculture from a global perspective. The aim is to separate out the marketing spin, the claims of one camp or another and political ideologies to provide a straightforward appraisal of both the benefits and exaggerated claims of organic farming. The approach taken is to present the evidence – in the form of data, study results and presentation of source material for the claims made by conventional and organic, and leave the reader to make their own judgements on the validity of the case for organic over conventional farming. The book also addresses a fundamental question in modern farming – organic agriculture’s ability to feed the world in the face of a growing population and growing demand for meat, and provides a timely scientific comparison of the practices, relative yields and benefits of organic versus conventional agriculture. The ways conventional farming has progressed from hunter gatherer days and possible future developments are discussed. Conventional and Organic Farming is an ideal book for agricultural policy makers, researchers and academics, as well as agricultural students, conventional and organic farmers.
5M Books Ltd Are Small Furry Rodents the Right Pets for You: Can You Find the Facts?
Small furry rodents can be wonderful pets and are loving and entertaining little creatures but we shouldn't forget that like all pets they too have their own needs. In this book you'll find out all about rats, mice, degus, gerbils and hamsters. Did you know that all rodents have front teeth that never stop growing. The name rodent comes from the Latin for 'gnaw'. They love to chew! Some rodents like gerbils love social contact and need to kept in pairs or groups but Syrian hamsters hate other hamsters so need to kept alone. If you want to know what all these small furries love to eat, who their friends and enemies are and what makes them happy and healthy, you can find out by learning the facts in this book and taking on detective assignments to investigate their needs. By going through your pet detective tasks and learning as you go you will find out if you and your family are the right owners for these special pets, then you're ready to take care of real ones! Just as importantly, if you discover that you and small furry rodents aren't a perfect match you can get some pointers to other fabulous animals that might suit you better.
5M Books Ltd A Practical Approach to Animal Welfare Law
Historically animal law has been a piecemeal legislative process of amendments and repeals. The slow progress of the legislation has finally resulted in the introduction of the two main criminal statutes affecting animals, the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. These two statutes account for almost all offences of animal abuse in every conceivable form relating to the duty of owners and their concurrent liability and responsibility. A Practical Approach to Animal Welfare Law is designed to be informative and interesting to a broad, lay audience. It covers all aspects of those two Acts as they affect animals in our care. This book analyses the law relating to the criminal responsibility of owners and their duty of care for the welfare of their animals including injuring and killing them. The prosecution of offenders is investigated through the enforcement powers of the inspectors and the consequent sentencing by the courts. In doing so it deals with all manner of animal abuse as well as dangerous dogs and dangerous people. The relevance of each Act to the various authorities is analysed, providing a practical guide for people involved in various everyday activities with animals and their behaviour. This book is an essential reference source for those whose work involves animal law – including academics, legal practitioners, local authorities and the police. Equally it will be a valuable source for those working in animal related areas such as breeding, exhibitions and the rights and welfare of animals by charitable organisations and sanctuaries. A Practical Approach to Animal Welfare Law concludes with an analysis of the role and status of animals in English Law. There is a unique discussion on reform and the future of animal welfare and animal rights. That analysis applies to many jurisdictions on a national and international level, particularly in relation to common law countries. This is no staid law book. The warmth and compassion of the author shines through the text, as he engages the reader in this difficult subject through case reports, stories, examples, analysis and discussion. Creating an exceedingly useful, insightful and interesting resource for a broad range of animal experts, workers and owners.
5M Books Ltd Animal Welfare at Slaughter
The welfare of production animals at slaughter is a major veterinary concern with debate on questions such as the degree of stunning required, how sentient animals are of their surroundings, slaughterhouse conditions and how quickly animals lose consciousness after having their throats cut in religious slaughter practices. This research monograph provides a thoroughly scientific evidence-based account of the physiology and behaviour of animals for slaughter, analysis of the different killing methods, legislation and operating procedures, lairage and movement, depopulation and handling. Animal Welfare at Slaughter is mainly aimed at animal welfare officers and policy makers, veterinary and meat inspectors and slaughterhouse auditors. However, this is a reliable resource also for veterinary and animal science students and the informed public. The Animal Welfare Series covers current topics in animal welfare, to further research and inform the scientific, policy-making and farming communities.
5M Books Ltd Keeping Chickens 9th Edition: Practical Advice for Beginners
Providing a practical and easy to follow guide, this is an ideal book for people beginning with keeping chickens, covering the basics of poultry husbandry. The authors are experienced smallholders and share their advice with the aim of keeping healthy, happy chickens. The physical and behavioural attributes of domestic chickens are discussed in detail, advice on laying hens, breeding and raising chicks, housing, feeding, nutrition and health maintenance are covered, along with egg production, slaughter, collecting eggs and poultry meat products, and egg based recipes. Keeping Chickens is highly illustrated and adapted from the bestselling German book in its 9th edition.
5M Books Ltd Examination and Treatment Methods in Dogs and Cats 2nd edition
Examination and Treatment Methods in Dogs and Cats 2nd Edition is an essential pocket-sized reference for the busy veterinary practitioner. The book is organized in a quick look-up format with step-by-step diagrams and punchy, concise text, ideal for any clinical environment. Each entry covers a standard procedure that is carried out in everyday small animal practice – whether that is restraining patients, taking a blood or tissue sample, performing an endoscopy, taking an X-ray, or carrying out a biopsy – and provides a step-by-step pictorial guide on how to do so, accompanied by easy to read text – ideal for quick access before a procedure or during a consult. The contents are organized by body system, and include examination methods in: cardiology, respiratory medicine, gastrointestinal medicine, urology, gynaecology, andrology, orthopedics, neurology, ophthalmology, otology and dermatology. The book also includes extensive sections on giving injections, catheter use, transfusions, inhalation techniques, parenteral nutrition, drainage, flushes and bandaging. Covering a vast array of standard veterinary procedures, this is an ideal support guide from an established veterinarian, with extensive experience in veterinary practice. It is also an invaluable resource for the veterinary practitioner and veterinary student. This is the English translation of the German work Untersuchungsund Behandlungsmethoden bei Hund und Katze 2 Auflage which was published by Schattauer 2014. ©
5M Books Ltd The Intuitive Farmer: Inspiring Management Success
Successful farm management is based upon excellent decision making by the farm owner. In practice most decisions are made intuitively rather than the result of careful data collection and analysis, or analysing others' views and associated factors. Thus the farmer's intuitive decisions have a major impact on the business practices, efficiency, profitability and success of the farm. In the form of a character driven novel the author guides the reader through a series of lessons for farmers to improve their intuitive decision making. The story follows Ben, a New Zealand farmer, as an important member of a discussion group. The experimental programme is set up by a management researcher, Tom, to explore the best way to improve farmers' intuition. The farmer group has different characters in different situations each one of which leads to interesting dilemmas and lessons. Each chapter addresses a different issue affecting farmers, such as risk management, benchmarking, budgeting and planning, negotiation skills, active listening and farm ownership. By the end of the novel the reader will have absorbed important farm management principles and practices through the activities and findings of the group. The Intuitive Farmer follows on from successful business management books such as The Goal, which communicate business ideas and strategies in novel form. This is the first such book applied to agricultural management practices, providing a dependable source for farmers, agricultural and farm management students and people involved in agriculture industries.
5M Books Ltd Horse Behaviour: Interpreting Body Language and Communication
Authored by an experienced ethologist, Horse Behaviour draws on recent research in the field of equine ethology and applies it to practical knowledge that can be used to improve the relationship between horse and owner. The focus of the book is on interpreting horse body language and signals to enhance understanding and the bond between human and horse. The book maintains a scientific approach throughout and discusses in detail the science behind horse behaviour – including the evolutionary basis of behaviour, the nervous system and behavioural development. The author addresses behaviour in different situations and body states, including how horses see, hear and smell and how these functions relate to behaviour, also covered are mating and reproductive behaviour and behaviour when feeding, playing and resting. The author adopts a problem solving approach throughout and includes a section on undesirable behaviours and how to manage them. This practical and systematic book is an ideal guide for horse owners, breeders, riders and trainers, and also for equine science students, behaviourists and other equine para-professionals.
5M Books Ltd From Dying Stars to the Birth of Life
With the beginning of the new 21st century, mankind is ¬finally close to being able to answer the age-old question of whether we are alone in the universe. The rise of computers and rocket science in the last half of the 20th century allowed scientists to make two amazing discoveries that indicated life may be widespread throughout our universe. In the1970s, life scientists started ¬finding small bacterial-like creatures living on our planet in extreme hostile environments that everyone believed should instantly kill any living things. Some of these life-forms lived in hot or boiling water that was extremely salty, acidic, or alkaline. A few made their homes inside icebergs, while others lived inside rocks located miles below ground, or even on the power rods of nuclear power plants. These fi¬ndings challenged science’s long held belief that life is an extremely complicated and fragile process that demands equally complex and fragile environmental conditions. These strange creatures (which scientists call extremophiles or “lovers of extreme environments”) appear to be the direct descendants of the earliest life-forms that evolved on earth almost four billion years ago when our world was extremely hot and believed to be totally incompatible with any kind of life. Scientists suddenly realized that life may be far more resilient, flexible, and adaptable than previously believed possible and might easily evolve on other worlds that have environmental conditions that are very different from those found on earth. Then, in the 1990s, astronomers began discovering that “homes” for alien or extraterrestrial life might also be very common in the universe. Powerful new ground-based and space telescopes have confi¬rmed that our sun is only one of innumerable stars in our galaxy that has planets circling it. Many scientists now believe that de¬finitive evidence of extraterrestrial life will be found well before the end of the 21st century.
5M Books Ltd The Veterinary Book for Sheep Farmers
This is a practical manual focusing principally on the needs of sheep farmers and shepherds in the United Kingdom but covering material applicable to sheep-farming situations worldwide. It should also be invaluable to agricultural and veterinary students as well as to veterinary surgeons in general practice who treat sheep only occasionally. Major headings are: Health and disease; preparation for mating; manipulation of breeding; management during pregnancy; abortion; other diseases encountered during pregnancy; lambing time; care and welfare of newborn lambs; diseases of newborn lambs; pneumonia and other respiratory diseases; trace elements, minerals, vitamoins and water; internal parasites; skin parasites of sheep; skin, eye and gum conditions; foot lameness; poisons and radioactivity.
5M Books Ltd Co-product Feeds
Substantial volumes of co-product feeds are produced in British food and drink factories. Although sometimes referred to erroneously as processing wastes, these feeds have the provenance as the principal products of such enterprises, being derived from the same carefully selected raw materials and subjected to the same rigorous safety checks. In this book, each co-product feed is described precisely in both words and figures, allowing the reader to distinguish between grains and super grains, peeled potato and potato peel, steep liquor and spent wash. A range of background information provides additional reassurances: how sugar beet fields are audited to ensure good farming practice; how potatoes are chopped and cooked to improve both their nutritional value and safety; how the extraction of sugar and starch from grain leaves feed materials that are richer sources of energy and protein. Guidance on feeding and storage is provided with cautionary notes for the farmer, and pointers to the factory where improved practices can enhance feed quality. Co-product Feeds is a book that will be of value, interest and benefit to farmers, nutritionists, legislators, students and others involved in the feed industry.
5m Books Ltd The Busy Vets Guide to Cytology
5M Books Ltd The Dog Care Handbook
The Dog Care Handbook is a self-help book written for thoughtful dog owners in the UK. It will improve your knowledge of dogs, your relationship with your vet and your understanding of important and common diseases that our dogs might develop. Many dog owners find that visiting the vet is stressful and costly. The outcomes can sometimes be unsatisfactory. Every dog owner should be able to find a vet they can trust who will respect your perspective and work within your budget. This book will help.The text covers the entire lifespan of pet dogs from puppyhood to old age, in chronological order. Preventative health is covered in detail. Major conditions of the skin, the heart, the joints, the kidneys and other organs are explained fully in lay language. One chapter deals specifically with emergencies, another with home nursing, a third covers old age. Colourful anecdotes and case examples are sprinkled throughout. Numerous illustrations are provided which make it easy to medicate your dog
5M Books Ltd A Lifetime of Beekeeping Mistakes
A Lifetime of Beekeeping Mistakes covers all the basics of managing successful hives from buying in bee stocks and equipment to record keeping, establishing and growing colonies. It considers the merits of different types of hive and provides clear advice on queens, drones, honey extraction, diseases and pests. The book is written from the voice of experience rather than academic research, and is entirely practical, approachable, and based very much on the right and wrong ways of doing things the author has experienced throughout his beekeeping career.
5M Books Ltd Anatomic Pathology for Veterinary Clinicians
A concise guide for practising vets on anatomic pathology, this book aids the reader’s understanding of pathology, thus allowing optimisation of diagnostic tests. Anatomic Pathology for Veterinary Clinicians will teach practitioners how to: take quality biopsy samples to get better results understand histopathology reports know when additional tests are warranted and are likely to give clinically useful information.
5M Books Ltd Canine Behaviour in Mind: Applying Behavioural Science to Our Lives with Dogs
Intended for dog owners who want to learn more, Canine Behaviour in Mind provides practical ideas that can be incorporated in daily interactions with dogs. Canine Behaviour in Mind presents advice on behavioural change in achievable and creative ways. It examines how the way we live and work with dogs may need adjusting to promote positive behavioural change in the animal as well as better welfare. Case studies with experts are included to guide readers in real-world situations. Scientific research is combined with trainer experience to ensure that the book has science at its heart and provides content of interest to a wide range of dog owners and professionals. Equine Behaviour in Mind by the same editor has garnered some unique reviews. Canine Behaviour in Mind follows the same format, relating dog behaviour to dog ownership.
5M Books Ltd Eels Biology, Monitoring, Management, Culture and Exploitation: Proceedings of the First International Eel Science Symposium
The freshwater eels, the Anguillids, have increasingly become the focus of attention for fisheries managers, scientists, researchers, policy makers, conservation bodies and other stakeholders. These species can be seen as a bellwether for issues affecting aquatic ecosystems – their steep decline and the management initiatives to try and reverse this trend, touch on subjects as diverse as disconnected waterways, loss of habitat, novel parasites, pollution, over-fishing and climate change. There are some 16 species of the Anguilla genus and all exhibit similar lifestyles, growing in waters often far-removed from their marine spawning grounds. These enigmatic, contradictory and confounding species share similar challenges and pressures wherever they are found. This book was generated from the 1st UK International Eel Science Symposium which was held at the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) in June 2017. Hosted by the Institute of Fisheries Management (IFM), the ZSL, and the Environment Agency (EA), the Symposium was heralded as a success, with over 180 delegates in attendance. Many of the world’s top eel specialists attended or gave presentations across a diverse range of subjects. This was one of the Symposium’s, and now the book’s great strengths – its diversity of subjects and authors. Many countries are represented within the book, from across Europe and as far afield as New Zealand, South Africa, Vanuatu, French Polynesia, Japan, Canada and the USA. The EA and IFM have collaborated to produce this landmark book which includes a mix of cultural, scientific and management information which will be invaluable to anyone with a professional or personal interest in these mysterious fish, including ichthyologists, fisheries scientists and managers, aquaculture personnel, environmental biologists and ecologists, marine and freshwater biologists, vertebrate zoologists, animal behaviourists and students studying in all these areas. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where these subjects are studied and taught should have copies on their shelves.
5M Books Ltd Largemouth Bass Aquaculture
Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) are highly prized as sports fish and increasingly as high-value food fish. The farming of largemouth bass is becoming increasingly important and international as the procedures and management for successful culture are being refined. Largemouth bass aquaculture is now widespread across the USA and increasingly in other countries worldwide: the largemouth bass aquaculture industry in China is particularly strong. Largemouth Bass Aquaculture provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the farming of largemouth bass, with chapters encompassing all major areas of importance, including: their history, production, environment requirements, reproduction, culture methods, diseases and major markets. Many of the world experts in the field have contributed chapters to this landmark publication and the editors are very well-known and respected worldwide. The book is fully international in scope, drawing information from all major countries where largemouth bass are farmed. Largemouth Bass Aquaculture is an important resource for those working in aquaculture, including fish farm operatives and managers, veterinarians and fish health managers, inspectors and consultants. Personnel within companies supplying the aquaculture industry with feed, technical equipment and pharmaceuticals will find a wealth of useful information within this book. Libraries in all universities and establishments teaching and researching aquaculture, fish biology, ichthyology, fisheries, aquatic sciences and veterinary studies should have copies of this comprehensive book on their shelves.
5M Books Ltd A Practical Guide to Equine Radiography
A Practical Guide to Equine Radiography is designed to accompany the clinical veterinarian either within a hospital setting or out in the field. The book offers an informative step-by-step guide to obtaining high quality radiographs with a focus on image quality, accuracy, consistency and safety. General principles and equipment are covered before working through the anatomy of the horse with separate chapters devoted to each body region, providing a thorough and detailed picture of the skeletal structure of the horse, making the book an ideal reference for professionals involved with horse health and disease. Features provided in the book will guide the veterinarian through the stages of taking and interpreting normal radiographs and include: · Clinical indications of radiographic areas of interest in the horse · Equipment required · Preparation and setup guides, supported by photographs · Projections focusing on radiographic areas of interest, aided by photographs · x-rays presented with detailed labels, providing a close-up view of skeletal structures · Three dimensional images demonstrating normal anatomy A Practical Guide to Equine Radiography is an essential tool for equine practitioners, veterinary students and para-professionals.
5M Books Ltd Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds 5th Edition: Textbook and Colour Atlas
A full colour atlas of veterinary histology images with accompanying text, covering domestic mammals and birds. It provides a peerless collection of diagrams, schematics, colour micrographs and electron microscope images, plus online access to a further 900 colour images. The author presents information from both a structural and functional perspective. This applied approach highlights the importance of understanding histology as a basis for identifying disease. Translated from the German edition, Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds 5th Edition is an excellent atlas for veterinary students and veterinary school libraries.
5M Books Ltd Aquaculture Businesses: A Practical Guide to Economics and Marketing
This exciting new book provides practical guidance and advice for individuals who are seeking to manage and develop a successful aquaculture business. Starting with an overview of the types of challenges faced by managers of aquaculture businesses, the book then presents and contrasts the differences in challenges faced by new, start-up businesses and those that have been in business for many years. The book includes step-by-step guidance on how to find key markets, locate customers and determine their preferences, how to develop estimates of capital requirements for land, construction of buildings and production facilities, and to purchase equipment. Guidance is given to the reader on practical aspects of developing a financing plan, including the key financial statements that show early indication of potential problems. Comprehensive coverage is also provided of the various types of permits and regulations, as well as the magnitude of costs and delays that can occur for an aquaculture business to be in compliance. Finally, advice is given on keeping an eye on emerging trends, signs of changing consumer preferences and demand, and external threats and opportunities. Written by Carole Engle, known and respected worldwide, Aquaculture Businesses is an essential internationally-applicable resource for aquaculture entrepreneurs and business men and women who are the management-level decision makers for new start-up businesses, as well as for existing businesses that need to continue to grow and change with market dynamics. All aquaculture farm owners, and suppliers to the industry, should have this excellent resource to hand. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where aquaculture, business studies, economics or marketing are studied and taught should have copies of this book on their shelves.
5M Books Ltd Dog Bites: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
The issue of dog bites and dog aggression directed at humans is frequently in the media. However, scientific research and evidence on the subject is scattered and sparse. Public and political opinions are often misinformed and out of proportion to the extent of the problem. Experts who have researched into the many facets involved in the subject have not so far pooled their knowledge together. Dog Bites aims to bring together expert knowledge of the current situation from a wide variety of disciplines to provide information to the many people and professions affected by the issue. Subjects range from the practical, medical, behavioural, sociological and theoretical, but the overall approach of the book is to be objective and integrative. Topics addressed include the genetic basis of aggression, the public image of aggressive dogs, bite statistics, risk factors, the forensics and surgical aspects of dog bites, international legal perspectives, court evidence, first aid treatment, zoonotic disease potential, behavioural rehabilitation options, risk to children and a consideration of why some dogs kill. All contributors are academic or long-standing professional experts in their field and represent a wide spread of international expertise. The issue is an important one for pet owners, vets, animal shelters, and anyone who works with dogs, such as the police. This book is a valuable resource for them as well as for animal behaviourists, academic researchers, health professionals, dog breeders and handlers. Please be advised that this book contains strong images of the subject matter that some readers may find distressing.
5M Books Ltd Natural Medicine for Horses: Home Remedies and Natural Healing
Healthy foods, supplements, preparations and remedies based on natural ingredients are increasingly promoted in human health, and can equally be used for your horse’s health. Ingredients such as yoghurt, ginger and buckwheat can promote general well-being and address specific concerns about equine conditions and ailments. This books presents an essential A-Z reference guide to common natural medicinal recipes based on wild-growing and easily available flowers, fungi and herbs such as horsetail, chamomile and medicinal mushrooms. Explaining how they can be used and the potential benefits to your horse’s health. Around 80 natural products are covered, including recipes and preparations to make the remedy appealing to the horse or suitable for application and usage. The plant description, action, use and dosage are provided for each remedy, along with some additional veterinary advice. Natural Medicine for Horse is not only a perfect guide for horse owners but a great book for natural remedy enthusiasts too.
5M Books Ltd Plant Names Simplified 3rd Edition: Their Pronunciation, Derivation and Meaning
First published in 1931 by renowned horticulturalist Arthur Johnson, Plant Names Simplified has become an established classic. Presented in a glossary format, this pocket-sized reference book gives the name, pronunciation and classification of common plants and the meaning behind the Latin origins of the name. This enables the reader to learn how the terms should be spelled and pronounced correctly and provides an explanation of why plants like Helianthus hirsutus is so called - because it is hairy! Plant Names Simplified 3rd Edition is a reliable resource for gardeners of all abilities, park managers, botanists, ecologists, garden designers and horticultural practitioners and students.
5M Books Ltd Managing Bee Health: A Practical Guide for Beekeepers
The crucial role that bees play in the Earth’s ecosystem is well known. Over the last decades a dramatic decrease in bee health has been seen on a global scale. This deterioration is seen on a global scale in both domestic and wild bees, precipitating a wider ecological impact. Veterinarians, animal scientists and bee husbandry specialists increasingly need to be provided with the skills to investigate and understand the situation; Managing Bee Health aims to provide an overview of the health of bees at individual and hive level, covering common and emerging diseases and preventive measures. Beginning with an overall analysis of bee anatomy and physiology, then deals with the main diseases and pathogens of bees and colonies and how to treat and control their clinical impact. Providing insights on bee nutrition, insect interaction with flowering plants, and presenting helpful points of contact to report suspected conditions, such as the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). The book looks at the global pathogen status of bees, including not only the honeybee (Apis mellifera) but also other members of the Apis family. Managing Bee Health is a most useful guide for beekeepers, advisors, veterinarians and beekeeping enthusiasts, showing practical ways to understand bee health, treat sick or compromised hives and enhance the wellbeing and welfare of these wonderful creatures.
5M Books Ltd The History of Veterinary Medicine and the Animal-Human Relationship
This comprehensive book is an exploration of the history of veterinary medicine from the ancient world to the present as well as an examination of the development of man’s relationship with animals through early domestication, usage for food, fiber, traction, and transport to the current therapies and companion animals. The development of the discipline of veterinary medicine is explored through the transition from art to science and man’s deeper understanding of animals through research and investigation. It is now possible to read both the recorded 4000-year history of animal disease and veterinary development together with the story of the animal-human relationships and welfare as one cohesive text, with extensive backup. The book is organized so that it can be read in a linear manner, or for those researching a particular topic, by direct access to specific content. The species covered in detail are equine, bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, canine, feline, avian, and aquatic, on every continent. The History of Veterinary Medicine and the Animal-Human Relationship is both an informative read and a definitive reference text for veterinary historians, veterinary history societies, veterinary librarians, and archivists.
5M Books Ltd The Management of Pet Obesity
The Management of Pet Obesity provides veterinary practitioners with essential information on obesity-related topics for small animals, exotic animals and pet birds. Topics covered include: • The causes and incidence of obesity • The nutritional requirements of a range of animals • Body condition scoring and assessment • Co-morbidities such as diabetes • An independent overview of feeding options and species-specific guidance The Management of Pet Obesity is ideal for veterinary nurses, student veterinary nurses and animal nutritionists approaching the complex topic of pet obesity. It will also be of interest to pet owners and anyone in the position of giving advice or guidance on pet nutrition and weight management.
5M Books Ltd Smallholding: A Beginner’s Guide to Raising Livestock and Growing Garden Produce
Smallholding as a concept is not limited to small-scale farming, and anyone can bring parts of it to their everyday lifestyle, whether it’s a window box to grow produce, a garden to keep chickens or a field or two for other livestock. Providing a comprehensive overview of smallholding for the beginner, Smallholding is a practical guide to growing food and farming livestock. It helps the reader learn how to incorporate some self-sufficiency into their lifestyle, to become knowledgeable enough to keep livestock, and to enjoy working and being productive with the land they have. It also gives information about making a profit from the fruits of labour, such as selling surplus home grown produce at the farm gate or farmers’ markets. Contents include an A-Z growing guide for fruits and vegetables, topics such as buying or renting land, soil health, composting, fruit trees, pasture management, stock fencing; and detailed livestock information about keeping bees, caring for poultry, goats, llamas and alpacas, pigs, sheep and cattle, and the legal requirements that come with it. Smallholding is a practical, comprehensive guide to smallholding for beginners, aimed at people who have access to land, as well as those growing produce in their back garden.
5M Books Ltd Clinical Veterinary Echography
As imaging techniques become increasingly sophisticated in veterinary medicine, interpreting images becomes increasingly challenging. This practical manual, focused on small animals, provides a rich visual guide to using echography in clinical practice in a range of conditions, and covering body systems including: the peritoneal area, the liver and biliary tract, the spleen, the stomach, intestine, pancreas, male and female reproductive systems, the urinary tract and the chest. Authored by an international team of experts, the following topics are covered in depth: The physics-based principles of ultrasound science, interpretation of ultrasound images, scan techniques in ultrasound and interventional techniques in ultrasound. Clinical Veterinary Echography is an ideal resource for the veterinarian in general practice and the referral veterinary and also a useful guide for veterinary students and researchers.
5M Books Ltd Handbook of Symptoms in Dogs and Cats: Assessing Common Illnesses by Differential Diagnosis
A handy pocket reference book for the busy practising vet providing a differential diagnosis guide to common conditions, The Handbook of Symptoms in Dogs and Cats is an invaluable practice resource ideal as a quick look-up guide during consultation. The book allows vets to look up a condition and identify the cause of the problem through a list of symptoms. It includes: 100 Main symptoms and their differential diagnoses and 100 laboratory findings, their standard values and analysis and diagnostic pathways for each symptom along with numerous tables for finding the confirming diagnosis. This practical and up-to-date manual is an indispensable companion for all small animal medicine veterinarians as well as for students of veterinary medicine Translated from Leitsymptome und Leitbefunde bei Hund und Katze: Differenzialdiagnostischer Leitfaden 3rd Ed, published by Schattauer.
5M Books Ltd Veterinary Ethics: Navigating Tough Cases
What should a vet do when a client can’t pay for their animal’s treatment? Or when asked their opinion on the killing of wildlife for disease control? Or when observing an animal welfare problem whilst off duty? Ethical problems are an everyday part of life for veterinarians but it can be difficult to combine personal values with professional conduct. Veterinary Ethics presents a range of ethical scenarios that veterinarians and other allied animal health professionals may face in practice. The scenarios discussed are not only exceptional cases with potentially significant consequences, but often less dramatic everyday situations. The responses to these ethical problems are from practising veterinarians and acknowledged world experts in animal welfare and ethics. The advice given is thorough and detailed, covering different eventualities, the ethical knots and dilemmas, the personal feelings of those involved as well as objective recommendations on ethical decision making and, where relevant, guidance from veterinary governing bodies and the law. The advice is framed in the form of veterinary life in the real world, not necessarily an ideal world. As well as practical guidance the book takes a step back and explores the different philosophical arguments and standpoints and the resultant solutions and problems of each approach, examining the background and relationship between different philosophical schools of thought, ethics and veterinary care. The book strives to present decision making in response to ethical problems as transparently as possible, employing a range of ethical frameworks. The book also challenges the reader about their own decision making in given situations, what factors to consider and how they would achieve certain outcomes.
5M Books Ltd The Commuter Pig Keeper: A Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Pigs when Time is your Most Precious Commodity
Keeping Pigs is a task that requires knowledge, but not necessarily time. Aimed at people with busy schedules this instructive book gives practical information about how to manage a small herd and keep pigs happy and healthy under the time constraints of modern life. The Commuter Pig Keeper is all-inclusive covering various breeds both as breeding herds and food sources. Topics addressed include all aspects of pig rearing, including an in depth look at breeding, housing, and handling techniques. This essential guide also discusses the administrative and business issues of pig keeping, as well as giving advice on contingency planning for when problems occur. Written by a member of the Animal and Plant Health Agency’s Pig Expert Group, this book offers useful information for both novice and expert pig keepers.
5M Books Ltd Doug the Pug: A Working Dog's Tale
Doug the Pug is a charming little baggy dog. Here, he shares tales of his busy life as a working dog. The author, Henry Brewis’ daughter Cate, is a Companion Animal Therapy Worker, and this book, aimed at children aged 7-10 explains the work of Cate’s therapy dog Doug. Doug works with children in schools, engaging with them to help them feel secure and comforted, to be able to draw out any problems and facilitate talking about them. A particular focus of Doug’s work is to be there as children read, as they read to Doug. Doug’s work encourages children to see school as a positive environment and helps them develop empathy and reinforces positive social behaviour and self-worth. This book is the story of how Doug goes about his work, what he is thinking about, and provides some of the stories of how Doug has helped people.
5M Books Ltd Are Guinea Pigs the Right Pet for You: Can You Find the Facts?
Owning a pet is a big commitment, lasting years. Children and parents often don't think about the practical and financial aspects of pet owning, such as giving it sufficient housing and protection, paying for vets fees, pet insurance etc. Are Guinea Pigs the Right Pet for You encourages responsible pet ownership from a young age, outlining the needs of guinea pigs and the responsibilities of owners, in a fun and authoritative way. The reader is the detective, assigned to investigate and work out whether the pet is right for them based on its needs and, if not, identify which pet is a more appropriate choice. The book includes a virtual pet research section where children are encouraged to live with imaginary guinea pigs with real pets' needs for a month before acquiring a pet.
5M Books Ltd Honeybee Veterinary Medicine: Apis Mellifera L.
Honeybees are an essential part of farming and the wider ecosystem. Since the middle of the 1990s bee populations around the world have suffered dramatic decline through diseases, intoxication, and unknown causes. Veterinarians have had little training in bee health but as the situation continues, qualified animal health professionals and, in particular, veterinarians are being required to become involved as new dangers threaten honeybee health everywhere because of global apiculture, trade and exchanges of honeybees, products of the hive and beekeeping material such as Aethina tumida (the small hive beetle - a beekeeping pest) introduced in Italy in 2014 or the mite Tropilaelaps spp (parasitic mites of honeybees).This book will provide an overview of bee biology, the bee in the wider environment, intoxication, bee diseases, bee parasites (with a large part dedicated to the mite Varroa destructor) pests enemies, and veterinary treatment and actions relating to honeybee health. The book will also cover current topics such as climate change, crop pollination, use of phytosanitary products, antibiotic resistance, and Colony Collapse Disorder.While aimed at veterinary practitioners, students and veterinarians involved in apiculture and bee health (officials, researchers, laboratory veterinarians, biologists. ..), the book can also be beneficial to beekeepers, beekeeping stakeholders, animal health and environmental organisations.
5M Books Ltd Non-Invasive Ventilation Made Simple 2nd Edition
Non-Invasive Ventilation involves the use of a mask to assist breathing for patients who can’t breathe for themselves, providing an alternative to invasive ventilation, which involves the insertion of a tracheal tube into the throat of an unconscious patient. It can be used for many problems involving breathing difficulties such as lung disease and sleep apnoea. This book provides a clear practical guide to medical practitioners on how to make use of NIV under various conditions. The approach is very applied and easy to understand. New additions for this second edition include chapters on cough assist devices and non-invasive ventilation at home, and an expansion of the chapters on long-term ventilation and physiotherapy.
5M Books Ltd The Goatkeeper's Veterinary Book 4th Edition
Practical and easy to use, The Goatkeeper’s Veterinary Book has served as the standard veterinary reference work for a full generation of goatkeepers. The emphasis of the book is preventive care. It covers: the principles of health and management; problems of kids; diseases of housed goats; problems associated with feeding, grazing, breeding, pregnancy and birth; disorders of milking goats; other conditions, accidents, emergencies and poisoning. The author has completely revised his book for the Fourth Edition, paying particular attention to recent developments in our understanding of gut worm resistance to medicines, the increased prevalence of Caseous lymphadenitis and changes to scrapie controls in the EU. Topics such as farm biosecurity and herd health plans have been added and the section on notifiable diseases expanded to make this a more comprehensive book on all aspects of goat disease. He also includes many new colour photographs (for the first time integrated with the text).
5M Books Ltd Writing and Presenting Scientific Papers: 2nd Edition
Original edition reissued in 2023 with new cover. This is a print on demand title and is not held in stock. The delivery leadtimes will be longer. This dynamic manual provides guidelines for written and oral scientific presentations, including how to effectively prepare and deliver papers and presentations, how to find reliable research, and how to write research proposals.
5M Books Ltd Case Studies in Ecohealth
Case Studies in Ecohealth is primarily intended to be a student textbook, using a series of case studies to illustrate key concepts applicable to EcoHealth, with a focus on taking an interdisciplinary approach to solving complex problems at the interface between animals and their environment.Using case studies, the book will illustrate key concepts in EcoHealth' allowing readers to better understand the strengths and challenges of taking an Eco Health' approachWithin the key themes addressed in the book, the reader will gain insight into how to approach complex problems at the animal-environment interface using a transdisciplinary approachAccess to the case studies presented in the book, along with supplementary material on line, will provide the reader with good examples of current and emerging issues for discussion in the class room or for field experience programs
5M Books Ltd Fish Parasites: A Handbook of Protocols for their Isolation, Culture and Transmission
Good fish health and welfare are essential components of sustainable aquaculture and in this regard, fish parasites constitute a major constraint to production. The aquaculture industries of areas affected by various disease outbreaks have suffered considerably from the impacts of marine and freshwater parasites. It is therefore fundamentally important to take steps to prevent parasite infection, as well as to properly identify, monitor and treat outbreaks when they occur. ParaFishControl, an EU-funded project involving industry, academic and government partners drawn from across Europe, whose work has led to this book, is dedicated to effectively understanding and controlling a diverse range of fish parasites in order to promote the sustainability and competitiveness of the European aquaculture industry. Fish Parasites contains detailed outlines of the most up to date protocols for parasite isolation, culture and transmission, as well as detailed procedures for reproducing parasitic infections in a laboratory environment. Protocols for tasks such as monitoring parasitic infection, isolating parasites and preparing parasite material are explained in detail. In addition, an introduction is provided to the biology and host interactions of each parasite discussed. Fish Parasites provides an essential guide for those who are currently researching fish-parasite relations, as well as for those who may study fish health and welfare more generally or otherwise have broader interests in fish parasites.
5M Books Ltd The Veterinary Workbook of Small Animal Clinical Cases
This workbook is intended to be a bridge between classroom learning and clinical training; to improve patient care and clinician confidence in practice. Common presentations in small animal practice are presented as real-world case studies while the reader is guided through work-up, critical thinking and problem solving to run the consultation efficiently. Key concepts of anatomy, physiology, radiology, clinical pathology, medicine and surgery are covered and readers are guided through history-taking and diagnostics to perform an effective consultation. Cases discussed include vaccinating the new kitten, castrating the new puppy, the puppy with diarrhoea, the blind cat, the head-shaking dog, the itchy dog. Categories of complaints covered include body weight, urinary problems, the digestive system, respiratory issues, eye problems, skin and soft tissue complaints, cardiovascular, reproductive, aural and neurological complaints. The aim is to present a problem-first approach and to encourage readers to think like clinicians rather than students by instilling a case-based problem solving approach.
5M Books Ltd A Guide to Oral Communication in Veterinary Medicine
Good communication skills provide better clinical outcomes and help avoid minor as well as major mistakes. Approximately 60-80% of negligence claims against vets are related to poor communication, with new graduates especially vulnerable. Communication skills are a growing part of the curriculum in veterinary schools, recognising how fundamental clear communication is to good practice. A Guide to Oral Communication in Veterinary Medicine covers why communication skills are important, the structure of typical communications and suggested approaches, veterinary specific communication pathways and sample scripts between vet and client. Scenarios covered include everyday communication, dealing with challenging situations, different species, different settings, and communication within the veterinary team. The aim is to instil confidence and competence, build professionalism and avoid problems. Most current teaching is based on a toolbox approach developed from the human medicine model. However, there is no set standard for teaching methodology which is why this is primarily a book for students but also includes a section for educators to provide guidance in this nascent subject.
5M Books Ltd The Veterinary Laboratory and Field Manual 3rd Edition
Isolated regions of the world are often at the forefront of emerging diseases and, to be effective in disease prevention and control, they require basic resources for field sample collection and testing in conditions vastly different from those available in well-equipped reference laboratories. Technical support for field extension staff, and the availability of reliable diagnostic testing facilities, are also vital to ensure sustainable livelihoods for subsistence farmers. This technical handbook aims to provide an easy to follow overview of the basic laboratory techniques, and sample collection guidelines, that we consider useful for staff working in district veterinary facilities in regions that lack the infrastructural support available for staff with ready access to national veterinary laboratories. The Veterinary Laboratory and Field Manual 3rd Edition provides the reader with a summary of basic diagnostic procedures and sample submission guidelines and also advocates for improved communication between animal health extension staff, veterinarians, laboratory staff and farmers. Case studies are used to illustrate key concepts. Basic laboratory disciplines are covered including parasitology, microbiology, haematology, serology / immunology and pathology. There are also sections on laboratory infrastructure and equipment. There is additional content on common clinical presentations, One Health approaches to Antimicrobial resistance, the role of the OIE, disease surveillance and wildlife disease monitoring. Supplementary tools for use in the field and laboratory are also available online. This new edition of The Veterinary Laboratory and Field Manual is updated to include content on pen side tests, selection and integration of new technologies, engagement with international agencies and programs, and the One Health approach to disease monitoring. Animal Health extension staff in isolated regions of the world, and NGOs, can benefit from this book as well as policy makers supporting veterinary work in rural areas and veterinary para-professionals involved in One Health work.
5M Books Ltd Broiler Chickens Welfare in Practice
Broiler Chickens is a short practical book of guidelines and advice to good welfare practice in broiler chicken farming. With contributions from world expert researchers in poultry welfare, this book distils academic research into applied advice on the farm for industry and farm workers. The content covered includes health and disease impacts with a One Health focus, housing for optimal health, broiler breeders, hatchery management, broiler slaughter practices, transport, animal welfare assessment measures and a discussion of welfare improvement measures on the farm.
5M Books Ltd A Pocket Guide to Poultry Health and Disease
5M Books Ltd Understanding Aquaculture
Aquaculture is critical to food security, both now and in the future, and an informed and supportive public is needed to ensure its potential is fully realised. Understanding Aquaculture is an introductory guide to Aquaculture, ideal for those studying fisheries, aquaculture, natural resources management, environmental policy and food science, as well as the interested general public. It addresses the common questions associated with aquaculture, such as: Are farmed fish safe to eat? Are wild fish more nutritious? Do fish farms pollute the environment? Is farmed salmon full of antibiotics? Understanding Aquaculture includes contents and case studies drawn from throughout the world, making it international in scope. It will fulfil the public demand for information about aquaculture product while also being a valuable resource for students and personnel working across all sectors of the aquaculture industry.
5M Books Ltd Cleaner Fish Biology and Aquaculture Applications
Cleaner fish are increasingly being deployed in aquaculture as a means of biological control of parasitic sea lice, and consequently the farming of wrasse and lumpfish, the main cleaner fish species in current use in salmon farming, is now one of the fastest expanding aquaculture sectors with over 40 hatcheries in Norway alone. Cleaner Fish Biology and Aquaculture Applications reviews and presents new knowledge on the biology of the utilised cleaner fish species, and provides protocols in cleaner fish rearing, deployment, health and welfare. The latest knowledge is presented on specialist technical areas such as cleaner fish nutrition, genetics, health, immunology and vaccinology, welfare, transport and fisheries. Specific chapters detail cleaner fish developments in the main salmon-producing countries. Contributions from over 60 leading researchers and producers give an exciting mix of information and debate. The book comprehensively addresses the questions of sustainability of cleaner fish use in aquaculture, bottlenecks to the optimum production of cleaner fish, and improvements and best practice in on-farm deployment methods, for optimum survival and enhanced welfare of cleaner fish. Some of the key features of this important book: Provides a comprehensive review of the latest globally-available information on the use of cleaner fish under one cover Highlights and addresses the main issues in the farming of cleaner fish, and provides guidance on how to improve growth and survival Identifies issues in the farm application of cleaner fish and provides details on how to address these issues Written by a team of internationally-recognised experts in cleaner fish biology, culture and deployment Cleaner Fish Biology and Aquaculture Applications is an essential purchase for hatchery managers, salmonid producers, fish farm operatives, researchers, regulators, students and enthusiasts working with, and interested in, cleaner fish. Personnel within companies supplying equipment and services to the aquaculture industry, and libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological sciences and aquaculture are studied and taught should have copies of this landmark publication.