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Clarion Books The Third Gift: A Christmas Holiday Book for Kids
Dover Publications Inc. The Buccaneers of America
Daylight Books Fatherland
While Peru's landscape is often celebrated for its rich history, the series Fatherland shifts this perception and offers a counter narrative, exposing viewers to the scars born from decades of a relentless epidemic of hate. Through extensive research from within the gay and transgender communities, we document the sites of hate crimes throughout Peru’s cities, deserts, the Andes, and deep within the jungles of the Amazon. Although no assailant is shown, the series underscores the dangerous effects of patriarchy and intolerance, and examines how these constructs create the toxic environments that lend little worth to LGBTQ lives. Each image stands as a denouncement of the blatant disregard for non- conforming lifestyles that challenge the agendas of religious and political leaders who continue to enable the cycle of violence by intentionally oppressing the LGBTQ community or dismissing and ignoring their needs. Due to the extremely violent nature of these assaults, we believe the energy of those whose lives have been taken remain at these locations - and the brutality of each event has scarred the land. For Peruvian audiences, these terse accounts of brutality place an unsettling mirror reflecting the dark underbelly of their own culture. For the rest of the world, the photographs serve to unmask a prevailing apathy toward the social injustices and everyday struggle for safety and survival that many LGBTQ-identifying populations endure. It is common for Peru’s victims of homophobic and transphobic persecution to have their stories absent from public record and delegated to anecdotal remembrance. Fatherland seeks to mitigate this void. To that end, each image is captioned with the name of the victim, their age, and the year, location, and nature of the assault. The series began in 2014 and is ongoing.
Little, Brown Book Group Bandaging the Blitz
An incredible true coming-of-age storyIn 1938, eighteen-year-old Phyllis Ellsworth packs her bags, says goodbye to her anxious parents and sets off from her quiet seaside home for the Hackney Hospital in London's bustling East End, where she is to fulfill her dream to train as a nurse. At first, it is a whirlwind of long days, hard work, new friends and plenty of mischief, but just ten months later Britain declares war on Germany and life at the hospital is transformed. Phyll's days become an endless cycle of air-raid sirens, injured servicemen and anxiously waiting for news of loved ones. And when she falls in love with a handsome young solider, Alistair, Phyll's work provides the only distraction from worrying about his safety.Bandaging the Blitz is a true story of coming-of-age in terrible times, of the blossoming of first romance into a life-long love affair, and of a young woman whose eagerness to do good in the world brought her suddenly face-to-face with death and drama in all its many guises.
LUP - University of Georgia Press The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote
This authoritative textual edition presents Smollett's translation of Cervantes's Don Quixote in the form most faithful to Smollett's own intentions. It includes Francis Hayman's twenty-eight illustrations engraved for the original edition, Smollett's explanatory notes, and his prefatory "Life of Cervantes.
Pharmaceutical Press FASTtrack: Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing
Are your exams coming up? Are you drowning in textbooks and lecture notes and wondering where to begin? Take the FASTtrack route to successful study for your examinations. FASTtrack is a new series of indispensable revision/study guides created especially for pharmacy students. Each book focuses on what pharmacy students really need to know in order to pass exams, providing concise, bulleted information, key points, tips and an all-important self-assessment section which includes MCQs, case studies, sample essay questions and worked examples. The FASTtrack series provides the ultimate lecture notes and is a must-have for all pharmacy students wanting to study and test themselves for forthcoming exams. FASTtrack: Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing focuses on what pharmacy students really need to know in order to pass exams, providing concise, bulleted information, key points, tips and an all-important self-assessment section which includes MCQs, case studies, sample essay questions and worked examples.Based on the successful textbook, Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing, this FASTtrack book has been designed to assist the student compounder in understanding the key dosage forms encountered within extemporaneous dispensing. All the references to modern texts (for example, the BNF) have been updated for this new edition, as well as labelling to reflect changes since the publication of the first edition. Some worked examples have been changed owing to the availability of pharmaceutical ingredients. Readers are now given access to online videos demonstrating various dispensing procedures.
Acantilado La mosca
Sesenta y cinco nuevos relatos de una de las mejores voces de la narrativa breve contemporánea.Hay siempre un poso de amargura, una inquietud metafísica y una tragedia invisible, a punto de estallar, que Mrozek revela de una forma perversamente aguda, imprevisible y con una concisión admirable, que hacen de él un verdadero maestro eslavo del género minimal. Una lectura ya imprescindible en toda biblioteca, minimal o no, que se precie. MERCEDES MONMANYPreciso. Limpio. Embriagador. QUIM MONZÓUn territorio literario extraordinario. SÁNCHEZ LIZARRALDE, El MundoEsa apabullante artesanía literaria que consiste en lograr con el mínimo de elementos el máximo de eficacia. GREGORIO MORÁN, La VanguardiaUno de los grandes del relato europeo breve del siglo xx. PEDRO DE MIGUEL, Nuestro tiempoUna diversión salpicada de sonrisas, carcajadas y momentos de reflexión; en una palabra, un humor inteligente. ágata orzeszek, Quimera
El Acantilado El pequeño verano
Anness Publishing 175 Vegetable Curries: Deliciously Hot and Spicy Recipes from Around the World, Shown in 190 Beautiful Photographs
This title features deliciously hot and spicy recipes from round the world, shown in 190 beautiful photographs. It offers easy-to-follow vegetarian recipes with step-by-step instructions, allowing cooks of all abilities to create wonderful, memorable curry meals. It is a fantastic collection of international curries, pakoras, tagines, kormas, dhals, biryanis and naans. The sections include appetizers and soups; vegetable curries; main course rice; rice side dishes and breads; side dishes; salads and slaws; and chutneys, pickles and relishes. It is fully illustrated with 190 stunning photographs of every finished curry dish for perfect results. You can travel into the exotic world of spice with green curry puffs, vegetable korma, sweet rice with hot sour chickpeas, and pumpkin stuffed with apricot pilaff. Every recipe has a complete nutritional breakdown to help you plan healthy menus. Spice up your cooking with over 175 sizzling step-by-step recipes. Superb vegetarian dishes from around the world have been brought together in this collection of dishes from as far afield as the Middle East, Morocco and the Caribbean as well as India and South-east Asia. Here are perfect recipes for vegetable samosas, balti mushrooms in a garlic and chilli sauce and a spectacular spiced Indian rice with spinach, tomatoes and cashew nuts. These delicious, easy-to-follow recipes will guide even the most inexperienced cook. These red-hot recipes are clearly organized by type, making the book essential for any lover of hot and spicy vegetable curries.
Chronicle Books My Life: An Autobiographical Journal from Adventures to Zealous Plots
This eye-catching journal invites list-makers to create an A to Z autobiography. Organised alphabetically, each letter offers simple but meaningful prompts for jotting down memories, tastes, traits and beyond. With a gold foil-stamped cover and cheerful illustrations inside, this easy-to-fill-in journal is a keepsake to cherish for life.
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Der wtende Zauberer Begleitmaterial
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Kunst fr kleine Knstler 12 Klasse Projekt fr Projekt grundlegende Kunsttechniken erarbeiten
Tredition Gmbh Bruderherz - Mein Weg mit Jesus
Seal Press Girl Talk: What Science Can Tell Us About Female Friendship
In Girl Talk, New York Times science reporter Jacqueline Mroz takes on the science of female friendship--a phenomenon that's as culturally powerful as it is individually mysterious. She examines friendship from a range of angles, from the historical to the experiential, with a scientific analysis that reveals new truths about what leads us to connect and build alliances, and then "break up" when a friendship no longer serves us. Mroz takes a new look at how friendship has evolved throughout history, showing how friends tend to share more genetic commonalities than strangers, and that the more friends we have, the more empathy and pleasure chemicals are present in our brains. Scientists have also reported that friendship directly influences health and longevity; women with solid, supportive friendships experience fewer "fight or flight" impulses and stronger heart function, and women without friendships tend to develop medical challenges on par with those associated with smoking and excessive body weight. With intimate reporting and insightful analysis, Mroz reveals new awareness about the impact of women's friendships, and how they shape our culture at large.
Cornell University Press Amir Sjarifoeddin
Amir Sjarifoeddin explores the experiences of a central figure in the Indonesian revolution, whose life mirrored the idealism and contradictions of the anti-colonial and post-war world of twentieth century Indonesia. Amir was born at the edge of an empire in a time of change. Imprisoned by the Dutch for anti-colonialism, he was sentenced to death by the Japanese for anti-fascism. He survived to become the prime minister of the new Indonesian republic. Disappointed by the direction the Indonesian elites were taking, Amir turned increasingly to the left. In 1948 he joined the armed uprising against both the Indonesian government and the corruption of the national revolution, and was captured and executed as a traitor. In Amir Sjarifoeddin, Rudolf Mrázek unveils the human dimensions of a figure who is widely mythologized but often poorly understood. Through Sjarifoeddin''s life, it is possible to study the moral ambiguity and complexities of th
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Wastewater Treatment Technologies: Design Considerations
WASTEWATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES Globally, the practice of wastewater treatment before discharge is inconsistent. The United Nations World Water Development Report (2017) estimated that, globally, over 80% of all wastewater is discharged without treatment. The discharge of untreated or inadequately treated wastewater into the environment results in the pollution of surface water, soil and groundwater. According to the WHO, water-related diseases kill around 2.2 million people globally each year, mostly children in developing countries. We need to understand that wastewater is not merely a water management issue – it affects the environment, all living beings, and can have direct impacts on economies.The establishment of UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), which aims to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, reflects the increased attention on water and wastewater treatment issues in the global political agenda. Water reuse is one of the most efficient, cost effective and eco-friendly ways to ensure water resilience. Embedding sustainability into wastewater treatment is the best opportunity for industries to drive smarter innovation and efficient wastewater treatment. The modern concept of industrial wastewater treatment is moving away from conventional design. Wastewater treatment technology is moving towards extreme modular design using smart and sustainable technology.This book is intended as a reference book for all wastewater treatment professionals and operational personnel. It may also be used as a textbook on graduate and postgraduate courses in the field of wastewater treatment and management. The book takes a holistic view of the practical problems faced by industry and provides multiple needs-based solutions to tackle wastewater treatment and management issues. It elaborates on selection of technology and their design criteria for different types of wastewater. This will enable engineering students and professionals to expand their horizons in the fields of wastewater treatment and management.
Anness Publishing Curries 500: Discover a World of Spice in Dishes from India, Thailand and South-East Asia, as Well as Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean, Shown
Make the most of the international curry culture and expand your culinary horizons with this sizzling collection of 500 of the world's best curry dishes. Cook the classics with recipes for Chicken Satay or Coronation Potatoes, and then try something a little unusual, like Mackerel in Tamarind or Lamb Korma with Mint. In addition, the book has a wonderful selection of spicy appetizers, side dishes, salads, relishes, rice dishes and accompanying breads. A plentiful range of vegetarian options is also included. Whether you like your curries red-hot or prefer a milder, more complex taste, there are recipes here to suit every palate.
Speaking Tiger Publishing Private Limited Chittacobra
Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd The Journey of Hindi Language Journalism in India
In India, the English-language media is considered the national media', while vernacular media remains regional . However, from the 1980s onwards, demographic changes and growth in literacy in the Hindi heartland broadened the market for Hindi newspapers.
Clarion Books Yaks Yak: Animal Word Pairs
Pharmaceutical Press FASTtrack: Applied Pharmaceutical Practice
This revision guide takes the student pharmacist or pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. It gives bullet points of basic information on applied pharmacy practice followed by questions and answers. This reference text accompanies the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate MPharm programmes and equivalent technical training courses. Changes for the new edition include: * Information on revisions to the community pharmacy contract. * Additional content on new advanced community pharmacy services. * Revised worked examples and student questions. * Updated prescription labelling information, including the use of new cautionary and warning labels. * Updated references and bibliography.
Por ser diferente no soy raro
Reconozco que más de una vez me he sentido un bicho raro. Como que no encajaba, aunque yo me esforzase por hacerlo. Y es una sensación extraña: al final piensas que la gente no te acepta porque tú no haces las cosas bien. Vamos, que todo es por tu culpa?Hola? Cómo se me pudo pasar eso por la cabeza? Por suerte yo he descubierto el secreto para ser feliz, y prepárate, porque lo voy a compartir contigo: no hay nada de malo en ser diferente a los demás.Más bien al contrario. Es algo de lo que estar orgulloso! Así que si tú también te sientes así, bienvenido a mi mundo! Te aseguro que, aunque a veces no te lo parezca, te voy a demostrar que mola ser diferente.
Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd. Be Positive Think Positive
wbv Media GmbH Mndliche Kommunikation und Gesprchsdidaktik
Waxmann Verlag GmbH Forschungshandbuch empirische Schreibdidaktik
Waxmann Verlag GmbH Deutsch als Zweitsprache in der Lehrerbildung
Mildenberger Verlag GmbH ABC der Tiere 4 Arbeitsheft Sprachbuch silbierte Ausgabe Neubearbeitung
Mildenberger Verlag GmbH ABC der Tiere Schreiblehrgang SAS in Sammelmappe Neubearbeitung Klassenstufe 1 Schuljahr bis 2 Schuljahr Schulausgangsschrift
Edinburgh University Press Rethinking Political Judgement: Arendt and Existentialism
Pilgrims Publishing Phytonematology
Acantilado Huida hacia el sur
Un antropoide simpático y erudito-llamado, seguramente no por casualidad, Godoy-recorre Polonia en compañía de tres adolescentes. Caricaturizando la novela juvenil de aventuras y añadiendo dibujos de su propia mano, Mrozek consigue una versión rústica y disparatada del tebeo, género tan popular como inaccesible en la Polonia comunista.
Editorial Periferica Eau Sauvage
Editorial Destellos Piecitos de Bebe
North Star Press of Saint Cloud Inc Minnesota Loons
Minnesota Loons is a breathtaking pictorial journey showcasing the state bird of Minnesota.
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Most Beautiful Images from the Bible: Sharing the Stories with Children
A collection of twenty exquisitely illustrated scenes from the Bible, both Old and New Testament, accompanied by a meditation that explains what is happening in the scene, along with the Bible verse that inspired it. Ages 5-9. †
Draupadi Verlag Die Schöne und der Papagei
Christliche Verlagsges. Wer 1 und 1 zusammenzhlt Geschichten aus der Welt der Zahlen und der Bibel
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Integration Gefluchteter in Deutschland
Bernardus-Verlag Lebenswege Glaubenswege Pilgerwege
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Der Sturm
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Kunst fr kleine Knstler 34 Klasse Projekt fr Projekt grundlegende Kunsttechniken erarbeiten
Seal Press Scattered Seeds: In Search of Family and Identity in the Sperm Donor Generation
As typical as donor-conceived children have become, with at least a million such children in the US alone, their experiences are still unusual in many ways. In Scattered Seeds, journalist and writer Jacqueline Mroz looks at the growth of sperm donation and assisted reproduction and how it affects the children who are born, the women who buy and use the sperm to have kids, and the sperm donors who donate their genetic material to help others procreate. With empathy and in-depth analysis, Scattered Seeds explores the sociology, psychology, and anthropology surrounding those connected with fertility procedures today and looks back at the history that brought us to this point.The personal stories in this book will put a human face on the issues and help to illuminate this country's controversial and troubling unregulated fertility industry-an industry that has been compared to the Wild, Wild West, where anything goes. What is the human cost of our country's unregulated fertility industry? How are the lives of sperm-donor families changed? Scattered Seeds will answer those questions, considering carefully the social and psychological dynamics surrounding those connected with fertility procedures today.
Duke University Press The Complete Lives of Camp People: Colonialism, Fascism, Concentrated Modernity
In The Complete Lives of Camp People Rudolf Mrázek presents a sweeping study of the material and cultural lives of twentieth-century concentration camp internees and the multiple ways in which their experiences speak to the fundamental logics of modernity. Mrázek focuses on the minutiae of daily life in two camps: Theresienstadt, a Nazi “ghetto” for Jews near Prague, and the Dutch “isolation camp” Boven Digoel—which was located in a remote part of New Guinea between 1927 and 1943 and held Indonesian rebels who attempted to overthrow the colonial government. Drawing on a mix of interviews with survivors and their descendants, archival accounts, ephemera, and media representations, Mrázek shows how modern life's most mundane tasks—buying clothes, getting haircuts, playing sports—continued on in the camps, which were themselves designed, built, and managed in accordance with modernity's tenets. In this way, Mrázek demonstrates that concentration camps are not exceptional spaces; they are the locus of modernity in its most distilled form.
Duke University Press A Certain Age: Colonial Jakarta through the Memories of Its Intellectuals
A Certain Age is an unconventional, evocative work of history and a moving reflection on memory, modernity, space, time, and the limitations of traditional historical narratives. Rudolf Mrázek visited Indonesia throughout the 1990s, recording lengthy interviews with elderly intellectuals in and around Jakarta. With few exceptions, they were part of an urban elite born under colonial rule and educated at Dutch schools. From the early twentieth century, through the late colonial era, the national revolution, and well into independence after 1945, these intellectuals injected their ideas of modernity, progress, and freedom into local and national discussion. When Mrázek began his interviews, he expected to discuss phenomena such as the transition from colonialism to postcolonialism. His interviewees, however, wanted to share more personal recollections. Mrázek illuminates their stories of the past with evocative depictions of their late-twentieth-century surroundings. He brings to bear insights from thinkers including Walter Benjamin, Bertold Brecht, Le Corbusier, and Marcel Proust, and from his youth in Prague, another metropolis with its own experience of passages and revolution. Architectural and spatial tropes organize the book. Thresholds, windowsills, and sidewalks come to seem more apt as descriptors of historical transitions than colonial and postcolonial, or modern and postmodern. Asphalt roads, homes, classrooms, fences, and windows organize movement, perceptions, and selves in relation to others. A Certain Age is a portal into questions about how the past informs the present and how historical accounts are inevitably partial and incomplete.
Columbia University Press In Stereotype: South Asia in the Global Literary Imaginary
In Stereotype confronts the importance of cultural stereotypes in shaping the ethics and reach of global literature. Mrinalini Chakravorty focuses on the seductive force and explanatory power of stereotypes in multiple South Asian contexts, whether depicting hunger, crowdedness, filth, slums, death, migrant flight, terror, or outsourcing. She argues that such commonplaces are crucial to defining cultural identity in contemporary literature and shows how the stereotype's ambivalent nature exposes the crises of liberal development in South Asia. In Stereotype considers the influential work of Salman Rushdie, Aravind Adiga, Michael Ondaatje, Monica Ali, Mohsin Hamid, and Chetan Bhagat, among others, to illustrate how stereotypes about South Asia provide insight into the material and psychic investments of contemporary imaginative texts: the colonial novel, the transnational film, and the international best-seller. Probing circumstances that range from the independence of the Indian subcontinent to poverty tourism, civil war, migration, domestic labor, and terrorist radicalism, Chakravorty builds an interpretive lens for reading literary representations of cultural and global difference. In the process, she also reevaluates the fascination with transnational novels and films that manufacture global differences by staging intersubjective encounters between cultures through stereotypes.
Anness Publishing Vegetarian Cooking of India
India offers one of the world's most popular and distinctive vegetarian cuisines. From the lush, palm-fringed coasts of Kerala in the south to the vibrant mustard fields of the snow-capped mountains of the north, you'll find dishes ranging from simple, tasty snacks and starters to rich, spice-infused main meals and desserts. This colourful cookbook transports you through India's regional diversity, featuring classic recipes ranging from pilau's and dhals to chutneys and flat breads, and providing the ultimate taste of a world-famous vegetarian style of cooking. Among the 80 mouthwatering vegetarian recipes are diverse dishes from the different regions of India. Travel to the north-east to try Punjabi Royal Corn Curry or Duck Eggs and Cauliflower; sample Clove-infused Aubergines from the heartland or venture west to savour a Saffron-scented Yogurt. With clear instruction and beautifully illustrated with over 430 vibrant colour photographs, this sumptuous book will entice everyone with a passion for Indian cuisine. It is a fabulous vegetarian recipe collection that offers contrasting dishes from distinctive regions of India. You can sample the fruit and nut dishes of the mountainous north, the delicately spiced rice pudding and panchforon-enriched dishes of Bengal, and the coconut-rich Black-eyed Beans in Coconut and Tamarind Sauce of the west. You end your travels in the fragrant south where spice plantations abound and the refreshing dishes on offer include Pineapple Salad, Cauliflower Braised with Roasted Chilli and Fenugreek, and Mangoes in Coconut Cream. An authoritative introduction unites the multistranded culinary culture of India, and describes the most typical ingredients and how to prepare them. It is beautifully photographed with over 430 stunning images, and featuring nutritional breakdowns for each recipe.