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Taylor & Francis Inc Fermented Foods of Latin America: From Traditional Knowledge to Innovative Applications
Due to the indigenous knowledge of pre-Colombian indigenous tribes and the new methods introduced by the immigrants arriving from Europe and other continents, a wide variety of fermented foods are produced in Latin America. In this book, we have collected information about the Latin American experience in the production of dairy, meat and wine. Special focus has been given to fermented fruits and vegetables as it is part of the genetic heritage of the South American continent. Pre-Columbian knowledge on preparation of various fermented food products is covered in the book.
Taylor & Francis Inc Social Network Analysis: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Case Studies
The book addresses the issue of interdisciplinary understanding of collaboration on the topic of social network studies. Researchers and practitioners from various disciplines including sociology, computer science, socio-psychology, public health, complex systems, and management science have worked largely independently, each with quite different principles, terminologies, theories. and methodologies. The book aims to fill the gap among these disciplines with a number of the latest interdisciplinary collaboration studies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Emerging Technologies in Brachytherapy
Brachytherapy is continuously advancing. Years of accumulated experience have led to clinical evidence of its benefit in numerous clinical sites such as gynecological, prostate, breast, rectum, ocular, and many other cancers. Brachytherapy continues to expand in its scope of practice and complexity, driven by strong academic and commercial research, by advances in competing modalities, and due to the diversity in the political and economic landscape. It is a true challenge for practicing professionals and students to readily grasp the overarching trends of the field, especially of those technologies and innovative practices that are not yet established but are certainly on the rise. Addressing this challenge, Emerging Technologies in Brachytherapy presents a comprehensive collection of chapters on the latest trending/emerging technologies and expert opinions. It is divided into five broad sections: Section I: Physics of Brachytherapy Section II: Imaging for Brachytherapy Guidance Section III: Brachytherapy Suites Section IV: Is Brachytherapy a Competitive Modality? Section V: Vision 20/20: Industry Perspective Each section has a carefully selected collection of chapters, which covers the spectrum of topics in comprehensive detail. By drawing on recognized experts and key opinion leaders from academia and commercial sectors worldwide (100+ contributors), Emerging Technologies in Brachytherapy provides readers with a wealth of relevant information needed to comprehend the rapidly advancing technologies and trends of today and the prospects for the future.
Taylor & Francis Inc Reactive Oxygen Species in Biology and Human Health
Unlike other narrowly focused books, Reactive Oxygen Species in Biology and Human Health provides a comprehensive overview of ROS. It covers the current status of research and provides pointers to future research goals. Additionally, it authoritatively reviews the impact of reactive oxygen species with respect to various human diseases and discusses antioxidants and other compounds that counteract oxidative stress.Comprised of seven sections, the first section describes the introduction, detection, and production of ROS, emphasizing phenolic compounds and vitamin E for their abilities to act as antioxidants. This section also highlights the role of lipoprotein-associated oxidative stress. Section two addresses the importance of iron accumulation in the brain resulting in the development of a group of neurodegenerative disorders (NDs) and identifies several causative genes for neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA) associated with Parkinsonism-related disorders.The third section discusses a number of NDs, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Huntington's disease (HD), epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis (MS). Section four addresses autoimmune diseases caused by ROS, including asthma, autoimmune liver diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, and systemic lupus. Section five analyzes a number of different cancers, including lung cancer, breast cancer, and melanoma, along with possible treatment regimens.Section six discusses cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) induced by ROS, presents the ROS-associated complex biochemical processes inducing inflammation as an important cause of CVDs, and explains the roles carotenoids play in preventing CVDs. The final section addresses other human diseases induced by oxidative stress, including sickle cell disease, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, retinopathy, fibromyalgia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, pulmonary hypertension, infertility, and aging of human skin.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Truth Value Algebra of Type2 Fuzzy Sets Order Convolutions of Functions on the Unit Interval Chapman HallCRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics
Type-2 fuzzy sets extend both ordinary and interval-valued fuzzy sets to allow distributions, rather than single values, as degrees of membership. Computations with these truth values are governed by the truth value algebra of type-2 fuzzy sets. The Truth Value Algebra of Type-2 Fuzzy Sets: Order Convolutions of Functions on the Unit Interval explores the fundamental properties of this algebra and the role of these properties in applications. Accessible to anyone with a standard undergraduate mathematics background, this self-contained book offers several options for a one- or two-semester course. It covers topics increasingly used in fuzzy set theory, such as lattice theory, analysis, category theory, and universal algebra. The book discusses the basics of the type-2 truth value algebra, its subalgebra of convex normal functions, and their applications. It also examines the truth value algebra from a more algebraic and axiomatic view.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nonlinear Functional Analysis in Banach Spaces and Banach Algebras: Fixed Point Theory under Weak Topology for Nonlinear Operators and Block Operator Matrices with Applications
Uncover the Useful Interactions of Fixed Point Theory with Topological StructuresNonlinear Functional Analysis in Banach Spaces and Banach Algebras: Fixed Point Theory under Weak Topology for Nonlinear Operators and Block Operator Matrices with Applications is the first book to tackle the topological fixed point theory for block operator matrices with nonlinear entries in Banach spaces and Banach algebras. The book provides researchers and graduate students with a unified survey of the fundamental principles of fixed point theory in Banach spaces and algebras. The authors present several extensions of Schauder’s and Krasnosel’skii’s fixed point theorems to the class of weakly compact operators acting on Banach spaces and algebras, particularly on spaces satisfying the Dunford–Pettis property. They also address under which conditions a 2×2 block operator matrix with single- and multi-valued nonlinear entries will have a fixed point.In addition, the book describes applications of fixed point theory to a wide range of diverse equations, including transport equations arising in the kinetic theory of gas, stationary nonlinear biological models, two-dimensional boundary-value problems arising in growing cell populations, and functional systems of integral equations. The book focuses on fixed point results under the weak topology since these problems involve the loss of compactness of mappings and/or the missing geometric and topological structure of their underlying domain.
Taylor & Francis Inc Two-Dimensional Nanostructures for Energy-Related Applications
This edited book focuses on the latest advances and development of utilizing two-dimensional nanostructures for energy and its related applications. Traditionally, the geometry of this material refers to "thin film" or "coating." The book covers three main parts, beginning with synthesis, processing, and property of two-dimensional nanostructures for active and passive layers followed by topics on characterization of the materials. It concludes with topics relating to utilization of the materials for usage in devises for energy and its related applications.
Taylor & Francis Inc Introduction to Analysis
Introduction to Analysis is an ideal text for a one semester course on analysis. The book covers standard material on the real numbers, sequences, continuity, differentiation, and series, and includes an introduction to proof. The author has endeavored to write this book entirely from the student’s perspective: there is enough rigor to challenge even the best students in the class, but also enough explanation and detail to meet the needs of a struggling student. From the Author to the student:"I vividly recall sitting in an Analysis class and asking myself, ‘What is all of this for?’ or ‘I don’t have any idea what’s going on.’ This book is designed to help the student who finds themselves asking the same sorts of questions, but will also challenge the brightest students."Chapter 1 is a basic introduction to logic and proofs.Informal summaries of the idea of proof provided before each result, and before a solution to a practice problem.Every chapter begins with a short summary, followed by a brief abstract of each section. Each section ends with a concise and referenced summary of the material which is designed to give the student a "big picture" idea of each section.There is a brief and non-technical summary of the goals of a proof or solution for each of the results and practice problems in this book, which are clearly marked as "Idea of proof," or as "Methodology", followed by a clearly marked formal proof or solution.Many references to previous definitions and results. A "Troubleshooting Guide" appears at the end of each chapter that answers common questions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Modeling to Inform Infectious Disease Control
Effectively Assess Intervention Options for Controlling Infectious DiseasesOur experiences with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and Ebola virus disease (EVD) remind us of the continuing need to be vigilant against the emergence of new infectious diseases. Mathematical modeling is increasingly used in the management of infectious disease control as a way to assess interventions relatively quickly, cheaply, and safely. Modeling to Inform Infectious Disease Control shows readers how to take advantage of these models when developing strategies to mitigate infectious disease transmission. The book presents a way of modeling as well as modeling results that help to guide the effective management of infectious disease transmission and outbreak response. It discusses the requirements for preventing epidemics and ways to quantify the impact of preventative public health interventions on the size and dynamics of an epidemic. The book also illustrates how data are used to inform model choice.Accessible to readers with diverse backgrounds, this book explains how to gain insight into the management of infectious diseases through statistical modeling. With end-of-chapter exercises and glossaries of infectious disease terminology and notation, the text is suitable for a graduate-level public health course. Supplementary technical material is provided at the end of each chapter for readers with a stronger background in mathematics and an interest in the art of modeling. In addition, bibliographic notes point readers to literature in which extensions and more general results can be found.
Taylor & Francis Inc Industrial Applications of Marine Biopolymers
Industrial Applications of Marine Biopolymers presents different classes of marine biopolymers and their industrial applications, demonstrating the precious value of ocean resources to society. This timely volume discusses the exceedingly useful polymers derived from these materials that are biodegradable, biocompatible, and at times water soluble. Direct use or chemically modified forms of such biomaterials have many chemical sites, making them suitable for varied types of industrial applications. In addition, this book also addresses current global challenges of conservation, including extended drought conditions and the need for improved agricultural methods, together with new bio-medical developments. It is suitable for anyone who has an interest in the industrial applications of biopolymers.
Taylor & Francis Inc Introduction to SolidWorks: A Comprehensive Guide with Applications in 3D Printing
This senior undergraduate level textbook is written for Advanced Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, as well as CAD/CAM courses. Its goal is to assist students in colleges and universities, designers, engineers, and professionals interested in using SolidWorks as the design and 3D printing tool for emerging manufacturing technology for practical applications. This textbook will bring a new dimension to SolidWorks by introducing readers to the role of SolidWorks in the relatively new manufacturing paradigm shift, known as 3D-Printing which is based on Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology.This new textbook: Features modeling of complex parts and surfaces Provides a step-by-step tutorial type approach with pictures showing how to model using SolidWorks Offers a user-Friendly approach for the design of parts, assemblies, and drawings, motion-analysis, and FEA topics Includes clarification of connections between SolidWorks and 3D-Printing based on Additive Manufacturing Discusses a clear presentation of Additive Manufacturing for Designers using SolidWorks CAD software "Introduction to SolidWorks: A Comprehensive Guide with Applications in 3D Printing" is written using a hands-on approach which includes a significant number of pictorial descriptions of the steps that a student should follow to model parts, assemble parts, and produce drawings.
Taylor & Francis Inc Introduction to Programming and Problem-Solving Using Scala
Praise for the first edition:"The well-written, comprehensive book…[is] aiming to become a de facto reference for the language and its features and capabilities. The pace is appropriate for beginners; programming concepts are introduced progressively through a range of examples and then used as tools for building applications in various domains, including sophisticated data structures and algorithms…Highly recommended. Students of all levels, faculty, and professionals/practitioners.—D. Papamichail, University of Miami in CHOICE MagazineMark Lewis’ Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala was the first textbook to use Scala for introductory CS courses. Fully revised and expanded, the new edition of this popular text has been divided into two books. Introduction to Programming and Problem-Solving Using Scala is designed to be used in first semester college classrooms to teach students beginning programming with Scala. The book focuses on the key topics students need to know in an introductory course, while also highlighting the features that make Scala a great programming language to learn. The book is filled with end-of-chapter projects and exercises, and the authors have also posted a number of different supplements on the book website. Video lectures for each chapter in the book are also available on YouTube. The videos show construction of code from the ground up and this type of "live coding" is invaluable for learning to program, as it allows students into the mind of a more experienced programmer, where they can see the thought processes associated with the development of the code. About the AuthorsMark Lewis is a Professor at Trinity University. He teaches a number of different courses, spanning from first semester introductory courses to advanced seminars. His research interests included simulations and modeling, programming languages, and numerical modeling of rings around planets with nearby moons. Lisa Lacher is an Assistant Professor at the University of Houston, Clear Lake with over 25 years of professional software development experience. She teaches a number of different courses spanning from first semester introductory courses to graduate level courses. Her research interests include Computer Science Education, Agile Software Development, Human Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering, as well as Measurement and Empirical Software Engineering.
Taylor & Francis Inc Rolling of Advanced High Strength Steels: Theory, Simulation and Practice
Advanced high strength steels (AHSSs) for auto-making are primarily produced by rolling, plus heat treatment technologies if necessary. However, due to the metallurgical complexity of AHSSs, it is impossible to roll all of the AHSS grades in a rolling mill with the same rolling technology. Each of AHSSs has unique applications in vehicles, and specified rolling technologies are required to produce high quality AHSS products where they might be the best employed to meet performance demands of the automotive parts. Such background has prompted the publication of this scholarly book in the area of rolling of AHSSs with a purpose of providing readers with a valuable technical document that can be used in the research and development of AHSSs for automotive and other manufacturing industries. With contributors from USA, Germany, Poland, Italy, Spain, Austria, Australia, China, India and Iran, the book highlights the latest advances in rolling technologies of AHSSs. It focuses on the theory, simulation and practice of the rolling of AHSSs: The book introduces the history, types and advances of AHSSs and their processes; proposes new theory that is applicable to the rolling of AHSSs, presents mathematical and numerical modelling of AHSSs in rolling; covers thermomechanical processing technologies of AHSSs; provides case studies on the rolling practice of the most popular AHSSs and includes other rolling-related technologies of AHSSs.The book will be useful for both theoretical and applied research aimed at AHSSs rolling technologies, and will be a scientific and valuable literature for the metallurgists, engineers, materials scientists, academics and graduate students who are studying and working with AHSSs and their rolling technologies worldwide.
Taylor & Francis Inc Remote Sensing Image Fusion: A Practical Guide
Remote Sensing Image Fusion: A Practical Guide gives an introduction to remote sensing image fusion providing an overview on the sensors and applications. It describes data selection, application requirements and the choice of a suitable image fusion technique. It comprises a diverse selection of successful image fusion cases that are relevant to other users and other areas of interest around the world. The book helps newcomers to obtain a quick start into the practical value and benefits of multi-sensor image fusion. Experts will find this book useful to obtain an overview on the state of the art and understand current constraints that need to be solved in future research efforts. For industry professionals the book can be a great introduction and basis to understand multisensor remote sensing image exploitation and the development of commercialized image fusion software from a practical perspective. The book concludes with a chapter on current trends and future developments in remote sensing image fusion. Along with the book, RSIF website provides additional up-to-date information in the field.
Taylor & Francis Inc Applied Mathematics and Omics to Assess Crop Genetic Resources for Climate Change Adaptive Traits
Applied Mathematics and Omics to Assess Crop Genetic Resources for Climate Change Adaptive Traits focuses on practical means and approaches to further the use of genetic resources for mitigating the effects of climate change and improving crop production. Genetic diversity in crop plants is being further explored to increase yield, disease resistance, and nutritional value by employing recent advances in mathematics and omics technologies to promote the adaptation of crops to changing climatic conditions.This book presents a broad view of biodiversity and genetic resources in agriculture and provides answers to some current problems. It also highlights ways to provide much-needed information to practitioners and innovators engaged in addressing the effects of global climate change on agriculture. The book is divided into sections that cover: The implications of climate change for drylands and farming communities The potential of genetic resources and biodiversity to adapt to and mitigate climate change effects Applications of mathematics and omics technologies Genomics and gene identification We are in the midst of significant changes in global climates, and its effects are already being felt throughout the world. The increasing frequency of droughts and heat waves has had negative impacts on agricultural production, especially in the drylands of the world. This book shares the collective knowledge of leading scientists and practitioners, giving readers a broader appreciation and heightened awareness of the stakes involved in improving and sustaining agricultural production systems in the face of climate change.
Taylor & Francis Inc Dynamical Biostatistical Models
Dynamical Biostatistical Models presents statistical models and methods for the analysis of longitudinal data. The book focuses on models for analyzing repeated measures of quantitative and qualitative variables and events history, including survival and multistate models. Most of the advanced methods, such as multistate and joint models, can be applied using SAS or R software.The book describes advanced regression models that include the time dimension, such as mixed-effect models, survival models, multistate models, and joint models for repeated measures and time-to-event data. It also explores the possibility of unifying these models through a stochastic process point of view and introduces the dynamic approach to causal inference.Drawing on much of their own extensive research, the authors use three main examples throughout the text to illustrate epidemiological questions and methodological issues. Readers will see how each method is applied to real data and how to interpret the results.
Taylor & Francis Inc Practical Cloud Security: A Cross-Industry View
Melvin Greer and Kevin Jackson have assembled a comprehensive guide to industry-specific cybersecurity threats and provide a detailed risk management framework required to mitigate business risk associated with the adoption of cloud computing. This book can serve multiple purposes, not the least of which is documenting the breadth and severity of the challenges that today’s enterprises face, and the breadth of programmatic elements required to address these challenges. This has become a boardroom issue: Executives must not only exploit the potential of information technologies, but manage their potential risks.Key Features • Provides a cross-industry view of contemporary cloud computing security challenges, solutions, and lessons learned • Offers clear guidance for the development and execution of industry-specific cloud computing business and cybersecurity strategies • Provides insight into the interaction and cross-dependencies between industry business models and industry-specific cloud computing security requirements
Taylor & Francis Inc The Health Effects of Asbestos: An Evidence-based Approach
The health-related effects of asbestos have long been mired in controversy, with industry and plaintiff attorneys playing a significant role. This comprehensive book provides a balanced and extensive evidence-based critical analysis of the literature concerning asbestos-related diseases, from a scientific and historical perspective. The book presents a carefully referenced review of the medical literature on the health effects of asbestos, and reflects the extensive experience of the author in evaluating patients with asbestos-related disorders.
Taylor & Francis Inc Human Factors in Transportation: Social and Technological Evolution Across Maritime, Road, Rail, and Aviation Domains
More and more the most traditional and typical applied ergonomics issues of the activities related to sea shipping, vehicle driving, and flying are required to deal with some emerging topics related to the growing automatism and manning reduction, the ICT’s advances and pervasiveness, and the new demographic and social phenomena, such as aging or multiculturalism.With contributions from expert researchers, professionals, and doctoral students from a wide number of countries such as Australia, Austria, Canada, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK and USA, this multi-contributed book will explore traditional and emerging topics of Human Factors centered around the maritime, road, rail, and aviation transportation domains.
Taylor & Francis Inc Acoustical Sensing and Imaging
For complex operating modalities and dimensionalities, the design and development of high-performance sensing and imaging systems represent the most direct and significant advances in the field of system analysis and signal processing. In this field, the core components are physical modeling, mathematical analysis, formulation of image reconstruction algorithms, performance evaluation, and system optimization. Acoustical Sensing and Imaging covers the full scope of these components, with an emphasis on the applications of system analysis and signal processing in acoustical sensing and imaging. Providing a unified theoretical framework, this book: Focuses on the resolution analysis in the physical modeling of the systems, conducting the analysis through the quantitative assessment of the spatial-frequency spectral coverage Addresses the key elements of signal processing, such as the design of the probing waveforms, image reconstruction algorithms, error reduction and removal, and image enhancement Formulates the image reconstruction algorithms based on the concept of coherent backward propagation, in the form of multi-frequency tomography Explains how to improve system performance, including the correction of quadrature phase errors prior to image reconstruction and enhancement with coherent wavefield statistics during the superposition of sub-images Presents several applications as examples of various operating modalities, illustrating the technical and educational significance of the field Acoustical Sensing and Imaging ensures a broad appreciation of the design concepts, analysis, and development of high-performance sensing and imaging systems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Optimizing Physical Performance During Fasting and Dietary Restriction: Implications for Athletes and Sports Medicine
Optimizing Physical Performance During Fasting and Dietary Restriction examines the effects of sustained fasting and food restrictions on metabolism and physical performance in athletes. It provides broad coverage including both religious and non-religious fasting and dietary restrictions.This practical and evidence-based guide outlines recent findings from peer-reviewed literature as well as original experiments conducted by the authors, who are experts in the supervision of athletes during fasting. The book presents findings and information simply and clearly and also summarizes implications for athletes. Written in an accessible style, each chapter reviews 30 to 100 investigations and also includes relevant citations, teaching objectives, definitions of key terms, summary of key points, practical implications for athletes, and questions for discussion
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Robust Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition: Applications in Image and Video Processing
Handbook of Robust Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition: Applications in Image and Video Processing shows you how robust subspace learning and tracking by decomposition into low-rank and sparse matrices provide a suitable framework for computer vision applications. Incorporating both existing and new ideas, the book conveniently gives you one-stop access to a number of different decompositions, algorithms, implementations, and benchmarking techniques.Divided into five parts, the book begins with an overall introduction to robust principal component analysis (PCA) via decomposition into low-rank and sparse matrices. The second part addresses robust matrix factorization/completion problems while the third part focuses on robust online subspace estimation, learning, and tracking. Covering applications in image and video processing, the fourth part discusses image analysis, image denoising, motion saliency detection, video coding, key frame extraction, and hyperspectral video processing. The final part presents resources and applications in background/foreground separation for video surveillance.With contributions from leading teams around the world, this handbook provides a complete overview of the concepts, theories, algorithms, and applications related to robust low-rank and sparse matrix decompositions. It is designed for researchers, developers, and graduate students in computer vision, image and video processing, real-time architecture, machine learning, and data mining.
Taylor & Francis Inc Telehealth in Rural Hospitals: Lessons Learned from Pennsylvania
Improving the quality of healthcare, while increasing accessibility and lowering costs, is a complex dilemma facing rural communities around the world. The Center for Rural Pennsylvania believed that telehealth, the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical healthcare was a viable solution so it recently provided grants to conduct a thorough investigation into the factors involved.Telehealth in Rural Hospitals: Lessons Learned from Pennsylvania reports the outcome of this year-long investigation. Illustrating telehealth implementations in rural settings, it supplies an overview of telehealth as well as an assessment of its economic impact.The book skillfully intertwines the research and academic aspects of telehealth with helpful insights from the author. One of the most important discoveries made by the author and her team of researchers is that all too often money is wasted by implementing telehealth for services that don't impact many people. This book shares valuable insights on using telehealth for integrative health practices that could improve the health of a greater portion of the population.This book illustrates how telehealth can, indeed, be the healthcare savior that some people believe it will be, but only under the right circumstances. It details exactly what those circumstances are so that everyone, including clinicians, patients, government entities, and vendors, can steer toward the best future path.The author identifies the obstacles preventing wider implementation of telehealth and explains how recent federal legislation will affect telehealth implementation in rural communities. She also points out the folly of developing electronic health records before federal data standards are put into place.The book concludes by detailing best practices and lessons learned for implementing a telehealth program in any state. It also outlines helpful recommendations for health systems providing healthcare services in rural communities.
Taylor & Francis Inc Blender for Visual Effects
Bringing concrete examples from industry to light, this book explains how to use Blender to create visual effects for video/film production. It supplies readers with a practical way to learn how to use Blender’s tools across a wide range of scenarios in video/film production, including setting up cameras on a stage, lighting, and other production processes. Maintaining a focus on composition, the book not only explains how to use the most common tools, such as tracking, rendering, and compositing, but also explains how to deal with software limitations and sort out problems. Since the best way to learn something is with a practical example, this book follows one of the author’s own projects, starting with how to prepare the elements that will be needed later on. The example illustrates how to use Blender tools and features for scene tracking, setup, rendering, masking, and other post-production functions—from start to finish in a professional workflow. The book examines all the compositing nodes that can be used in Blender. It details time-saving tips, features such as the motion tracker, and rendering techniques so readers will have enough information to accomplish the most common tasks encountered in the creation of a professional visual effects composition. By following the example project presented in the book, you will gain the practical understanding required to use Blender’s tools in the most common scenarios in video/film production. You will also gain industry insights into the limitations of the software and how to sort out the problematic scenarios that may come up through the various stages of your project.
Taylor & Francis Inc Developing Essbase Applications: Hybrid Techniques and Practices
Maintaining the advanced technical focus found in Developing Essbase Applications, this second volume is another collaborative effort by some of the best and most experienced Essbase practitioners from around the world.Developing Essbase Applications: Hybrid Techniques and Practices reviews technology areas that are much-discussed but still very new, including Exalytics and Hybrid Essbase. Covering recent improvements to the Essbase engine, the book illustrates the impact of new reporting and analysis tools and also introduces advanced Essbase best practices across a variety of features, functions, and theories.Some of this book’s chapters are in the same vein as the previous volume: hardware, engines, and languages. Others cover new ground with Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, design philosophy, benchmarking concepts, and multiple client tools. As before, these subjects are covered from both the technical and best practice perspectives.This updated volume continues in the tradition of its bestselling predecessor by defining, investigating, and explaining Essbase concepts like no other resource. It also includes use cases that transform abstract theory into practical examples you can easily relate to your own Essbase environment.Illustrating the recent expansion of Essbase functionality, this book provides the up-to-date understanding you need to explore the full depth of the Essbase technology stack. Although the book presents detailed tutorial chapters that can be read on their own, reading the entire book will provide you with a similar understanding as some of the most experienced Essbase practitioners from around the world.
Taylor & Francis Inc Appetite and Food Intake: Central Control, Second Edition
Nearly half of the world’s adult population is either clinically obese or overweight. Excess weight increases risk for multiple other chronic diseases and represents a major global health issue. Weight gain results from an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure, which can only be corrected if the physiologic and neuroendocrine systems that have the potential to control energy balance are identified. The first edition of this book reviewed knowledge on the intake of micro- and macronutrients, food choice, and opposing views on whether or not there are mechanisms that control food intake. Appetite and Food Intake: Central Control, Second Edition contains all new chapters and serves as a companion to the first by reviewing current knowledge on neuroendocrine mechanisms that influence food intake and glucose metabolism, including environmental influences on their development, with an emphasis on recent progress in understanding forebrain and hindbrain control of ingestive behavior.In addition, there is a discussion on the benefits derived from novel models for exploring ingestive behavior and the progress that has been achieved due to new technologies. Although major progress is being made in understanding the complex interplay between different control systems, the limits of our knowledge are acknowledged in chapters that review the efficacy of current weight control drugs and the relative importance of fat free mass and body fat in driving food intake.
Taylor & Francis Inc Decision-Making in High Risk Organizations Under Stress Conditions
This book discusses management decision-making under accident conditions as a vehicle to confirm the importance of clear decision-making guided by a systems approach on how an organization functions related to the role of managers, operators, and the operation of the plant. The book shows how to effectively assess the reliability of an organization particularly those organizations responsible for critical infrastructure. The authors have used Stafford Beer’s cybernetic model as a basis to model the behavior and reliability of such organizations. A series of case studies are used to draw conclusions not only how training, experience, and education can improve the strategy and response of management to reduce the probability of an economic or social disaster, but also draw attention to the fact that managers need to be made aware of the consequences of their decisions. Poor management decisions made under stress conditions can lead to the collapse of an organization together with its underlying business, possibly linked to a social disaster with loss of life. Some technology-ignorant management decisions even under non-stress conditions can lead to dangerous situations, which can increase the economic burden placed on an organization. This book describes such situations in order to promote improvement in organizational preparedness by training, experience, and education to reduce safety and economic risks. This book offers:• Case studies of accidents that have affected different HROs (high-risk organizations) and others, due to poor decision-making by management• Training methods (advocated by Admiral Hyman Rickover, adopted by military bodies and others) to prepare staff to make critical decisions under difficult conditions and examine their applicability to training managers of high-risk facilities• Documentation on how making decisions in difficult situations have psychological constraints related to the degree of preparedness and the tools available to aid the decision maker(s)• Studies on the key actions taken before, during, and after accidents and how these management decisions can affect accident propagation, and how one could improve management decision-making by the use of training in decision-making and an understanding of Ross Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety.• Simulation techniques to improve training of front-line operators and management• Consideration of cost and investment evaluations and how they can distort the selection of tactics and measures that ensure successful operations and avoidance of accidents
Taylor & Francis Inc Operative Obstetrics, 4E
The new edition of this authoritative review of the clinical approach to diagnostic and therapeutic obstetric, maternal-fetal and perinatal procedures will be welcomed by all professionals involved in childbirth as a significant contribution to the practice of maternal-fetal medicine and surgical obstetrics.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fluid Engine Development
From the splash of breaking waves to turbulent swirling smoke, the mathematical dynamics of fluids are varied and continue to be one of the most challenging aspects in animation. Fluid Engine Development demonstrates how to create a working fluid engine through the use of particles and grids, and even a combination of the two. Core algorithms are explained from a developer’s perspective in a practical, approachable way that will not overwhelm readers. The Code Repository offers further opportunity for growth and discussion with continuously changing content and source codes. This book helps to serve as the ultimate guide to navigating complex fluid animation and development. Explains how to create a fluid simulation engine from scratch Offers an approach that is code-oriented rather than math-oriented, allowing readers to learn how fluid dynamics works with code, with downloadable code available Explores various kinds of simulation techniques for fluids using particles and grids Discusses practical issues such as data structure design and optimizations Covers core numerical tools including linear system and level set solvers
Taylor & Francis Inc Geospatial Technology for Water Resource Applications
This book advances the scientific understanding, development, and application of geospatial technologies related to water resource management. It presents recent developments and applications specifically by utilizing new earth observation datasets such as TRMM/GPM, AMSR E/2, SMOS, SMAP and GCOM in combination with GIS, artificial intelligence, and hybrid techniques. By linking geospatial techniques with new satellite missions for earth and environmental science, the book promotes the synergistic and multidisciplinary activities of scientists and users working in the field of hydrological sciences.
Taylor & Francis Inc Music Data Analysis: Foundations and Applications
This book provides a comprehensive overview of music data analysis, from introductory material to advanced concepts. It covers various applications including transcription and segmentation as well as chord and harmony, instrument and tempo recognition. It also discusses the implementation aspects of music data analysis such as architecture, user interface and hardware. It is ideal for use in university classes with an interest in music data analysis. It also could be used in computer science and statistics as well as musicology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Transport Systems: Modelling, Planning, and Evaluation
The transport sector consists of different modes of transport, each serving a growing demand for transporting people and goods. This (growing) demand on the one hand, needs expanding the systems’ capacity, and on the other hand, increasing the corresponding economic efficiency, effectiveness, and environmental and social friendliness. This implies development of a ‘greener’, i.e. a more sustainable transport sector. The book describes the current and prospective state of the art analytical modelling, conceptual planning, and multi-criteria evaluation of the selected cases of transport systems operated by different transport modes such as road, rail, sea, air, and intermodal. As such, the book is unique in addressing these three important aspects of dealing with transport systems before implementation of their particular components means by the selected cases. It will be particularly useful for readers from the academia and the professionals from the transport sector.
Taylor & Francis Inc Shared Governance for Sustainable Working Landscapes
Sustaining our agricultural landscapes is no longer just a technical, scientific or even political problem, but it has evolved into a socially complex, so-called wicked problem of conflicting social governance and economics. This creates an extreme economic obstacle where the value of ecosystem services remains low and diffuse and the transactions costs remain high and multiple.Using Uber-like business platform technology and a shared governance model, a symbiotic demand for environmental benefits is created. Enabling multi-sector transactions for environmental benefits, this platform innovation would remedy the "tragedy of the commons"; the economic nemesis to achieving landscape sustainability. In a nutshell, to sustain our agricultural landscapes a transdisciplinary approach supported by a shared governance model housed within a multi-sided platform in needed. This book introduces an assessment framework identifying governance actors, styles and ratios for socio-ecological systems. The assessment uses a new governance compass to identify the types of actors completing which tasks and identifies the styles of governance used to complete the tasks. It is aimed to anyone involved in sustainability science, agricultural policy planning, or integrated landscape design.
Taylor & Francis Inc Theory, Design, and Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
This book provides a complete overview of the theory, design, and applications of unmanned aerial vehicles. It covers the basics, including definitions, attributes, manned vs. unmanned, design considerations, life cycle costs, architecture, components, air vehicle, payload, communications, data link, and ground control stations. Chapters cover types and civilian roles, sensors and characteristics, alternative power, communications and data links, conceptual design, human machine interface, sense and avoid systems, civil airspace issues and integration efforts, navigation, autonomous control, swarming, and future capabilities.
Taylor & Francis Inc Analog Electronics Applications: Fundamentals of Design and Analysis
This comprehensive text discusses the fundamentals of analog electronics applications, design, and analysis. Unlike the physics approach in other analog electronics books, this text focuses on an engineering approach, from the main components of an analog circuit to general analog networks. Concentrating on development of standard formulae for conventional analog systems, the book is filled with practical examples and detailed explanations of procedures to analyze analog circuits. The book covers amplifiers, filters, and op-amps as well as general applications of analog design.
Taylor & Francis Inc Laser Beam Shaping Applications
This new edition details the important features of beam shaping and exposes the subtleties of the theory and techniques that are best demonstrated through proven applications. New chapters cover illumination light shaping in optical lithography; optical micro-manipulation of live mammalian cells through trapping, sorting, and transfection; and laser beam shaping through fiber optic beam delivery. The book discusses applications in lithography, laser printing, optical data storage, stable isotope separation, and spatially dispersive lasers. It also provides a history of the field and includes extensive references.
Taylor & Francis Inc Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: The Lapco Manual
This unique reference in laparoscopic colorectal surgery starts by looking at the establishment of the Lapco training programme in the UK. It then goes on to provide a comprehensive technical manual of operative and patient care for laparoscopic colorectal surgery, offers insight into training and assessment methodology and finally looks to the future and where we may be going. It shares knowledge of a unique training programme which healthcare systems worldwide are trying to emulate, and provides an up-to-date manual of know-how from some of the world’s most experienced laparoscopic colorectal trainers.
Taylor & Francis Inc Heat Pump Dryers: Theory, Design and Industrial Applications
Explore the Social, Technological, and Economic Impact of Heat Pump DryingHeat pump drying is a green technology that aligns with current energy, quality, and environmental concerns, and when compared to conventional drying, delivers similar quality at a lower cost. Heat Pump Dryers: Theory, Design and Industrial Applications details the progression of heat pump drying—from pioneering research and demonstration work to an applied technology—and establishes principles and theories that can aid in the successful design and application of heat pump dryers. Based on the author's personal experience, this book compares heat pump dryers and conventional dryers in terms of performance, quality, removal rate, energy utilization, and the environmental effect of both drying processes. It includes detailed descriptions and layouts of heat pump dryers, outlines the principles of operation, and explains the equations, diagrams, and procedures used to form the basis for heat pump dryer dimensioning and design. The author also proposes the use of heat pump dryers that operate on natural fluids and considers their potential for providing ecological benefits and easing environmental issues relative to conventional drying. The use of natural fluids in heat pump dryers is consistent with the Kyoto and Montreal Protocols.Highlights includes coverage of: Single-stage and multi-stage vapor compression heat pumps for drying A dryer design utilizing single-stage vapor compression heat pumps Design of a two-stage vapor compression heat pump for drying green peas and aromatic leaves Psychrometry of humid air and includes the various types of humidification processes Thermodynamic properties of refrigerants for heat pumps Heat Pump Dryers: Theory, Design and Industrial Applications discusses the ready-to-use technology of heat pump drying. The book compares conventional and heat pump drying, addresses the confines and limitations of conventional drying, and proposes viable solutions using this novel process.
Taylor & Francis Inc Human Sectional Anatomy: Pocket atlas of body sections, CT and MRI images, Fourth edition
First published in 1991, Human Sectional Anatomy set new standards for the quality of cadaver sections and accompanying radiological images. Now in its fourth edition, this unsurpassed quality remains and is further enhanced by the addition of new material. The superb full-colour cadaver sections are compared with CT and MRI images, with accompanying, labelled, line diagrams. Many of the radiological images have been replaced with new examples for this latest edition, captured using the most up-to date imaging technologies to ensure excellent visualization of the anatomy. The photographic material is enhanced by useful notes with details of important anatomical and radiological features.Beautifully presented in a convenient and portable format, the fourth edition of this popular pocket atlas continues to be an essential textbook for medical and allied health students and those taking postgraduate qualifications in radiology, surgery and medicine, and an invaluable ready-reference for all practising anatomists, radiologists, radiographers, surgeons and medics.
Taylor & Francis Inc Operative Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgery
This is a new reference edited by two leading authorities in the field of minimally invasive surgery that differentiates itself from other similar titles by providing a stronger emphasis on incorporating newer technologies. The book discussed the incorporation of flexible endoscopy into surgical practice, harvesting the expertise of gastroenterologists and surgical endoscopists. It also discusses minimally invasive operative procedures such as laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fundamentals of Ceramics
Fundamentals of Ceramics presents readers with an exceptionally clear and comprehensive introduction to ceramic science. This Second Edition updates problems and adds more worked examples, as well as adding new chapter sections on Computational Materials Science and Case Studies. The Computational Materials Science sections describe how today density functional theory and molecular dynamics calculations can shed valuable light on properties, especially ones that are not easy to measure or visualize otherwise such as surface energies, elastic constants, point defect energies, phonon modes, etc. The Case Studies sections focus more on applications, such as solid oxide fuel cells, optical fibers, alumina forming materials, ultra-strong and thin glasses, glass-ceramics, strong and tough ceramics, fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites, thermal barrier coatings, the space shuttle tiles, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, two-dimensional solids, field-assisted and microwave sintering, colossal magnetoresistance, among others.
Taylor & Francis Inc Upconverting Nanomaterials: Perspectives, Synthesis, and Applications
Upconverting Nanomaterials: Perspectives, Synthesis, and Applications serves as a powerful instrument that explores cutting-edge research knowledge on the topic of upconverting nanosystems, while simultaneously providing the necessary fundamental background for nonspecialist readers. The various aspects of upconverting materials are approached both from a theoretical point of view, particularly upconverting phenomenon, and a practical one. By presenting synthetic strategies, functionalization, production of core shell structures and nanocomposites, this book supplies PhD students, researchers, and scientists with a wealth of ideas they can apply to different fields of research. Thirty-five renowned scientists from around the world have collaborated to produce 11 chapters that help to "make a voyage" through the most important aspects of UPNPs, including syntheses, mechanism, functionalization, and applications.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nanoelectronics: Quantum Engineering of Low-Dimensional Nanoensembles
Brings the Band Structure of Carbon-Based Devices into the LimelightA shift to carbon is positioning biology as a process of synthesis in mainstream engineering. Silicon is quickly being replaced with carbon-based electronics, devices are being reduced down to nanometer scale, and further potential applications are being considered. While traditionally, engineers are trained by way of physics, chemistry, and mathematics, Nanoelectronics: Quantum Engineering of Low-Dimensional Nanoensembles establishes biology as an essential basic science for engineers to explore. Unifies Science and Engineering: from Quantum Physics to NanoengineeringDrawing heavily on published papers by the author, this research-driven text offers a complete review of nanoelectronic transport starting from quantum waves, to ohmic and ballistic conduction, and saturation-limited extreme nonequilibrium conditions. In addition, it highlights a new paradigm using non-equilibrium Arora’s Distribution Function (NEADF) and establishes this function as the starting point (from band theory to equilibrium to extreme nonequilibrium carrier statistics). The author focuses on nano-electronic device design and development, including carbon-based devices, and provides you with a vantage point for the global outlook on the future of nanoelectronics devices and ULSI.Encompassing ten chapters, this illuminating text: Converts the electric-field response of drift velocity into current–voltage relationships that are driven by the presence of critical voltage and saturation current arising from the unidirectional drift of carriers Applies the effect of these scaled-down dimensions to nano-MOSFET (metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor) Considers specialized applications that can be tried through a number of suggested projects that are all feasible with MATLAB® codes Nanoelectronics: Quantum Engineering of Low-Dimensional Nanoensembles contains the latest research in nanoelectronics, identifies problems and other factors to consider when it comes to nanolayer design and application, and ponders future trends.Print Versions of this book also include access to the ebook version.
Taylor & Francis Inc Looking Back in Crime: What Happened on This Date in Criminal Justice History?
Just as people are captivated by murder mysteries, detective stories, and legal shows, they are also compulsively interested in the history of criminal justice. Looking Back in Crime: What Happened on This Day in Criminal Justice History? features a treasure trove of important dates and significant events in criminal justice history.Offering hundreds of facts with particular relevance to criminal justice, this unique textbook is written in a manner that is accessible to students and anyone else interested in the history of criminal justice. It presents at least one significant event for every day of the year; in some instances, there are several facts presented for the same date.Among the comprehensive listing of events there are famous and not-so-famous crimes; the development of law enforcement; criminal trials; passages of criminal laws; Supreme Court decisions; important dates related to prisons, punishment, and corrections; forensic milestones and cultural events that intersect with crime and criminal justice.Offering a unique breadth of coverage, the book adopts an interesting and engaging style to inspire enthusiasm in the classroom. It is suitable for use as a supplemental text in criminal justice history courses or as a main text in special issues courses.With this book, students will learn about hundreds of events that usually cannot be covered in depth in any typical criminal justice class. The book provides students with a better sense of history in terms of crime, law enforcement, and the justice system as well as an understanding of specific events and circumstances in the history and development of today’s criminal justice system.
Taylor & Francis Inc Dementia
Dementia represents a major public health challenge for the world with over 100 million people likely to be affected by 2050. A large body of professionals is active in diagnosing, treating, and caring for people with dementia, and research is expanding. Many of these specialists find it hard to keep up to date in all aspects of dementia. This book helps solve that problem. The new edition has been updated and revised to reflect recent advances in this fast-moving field.
Taylor & Francis Inc CRC Handbook of Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Data of Polymer Solutions at Elevated Pressures
Thermodynamic data of polymer solutions are paramount for industrial and laboratory processes. These data also serve to understand the physical behavior of polymer solutions, study intermolecular interactions, and gain insights into the molecular nature of mixtures. Nearly a decade has passed since the release of a similar CRC Handbook and since then a large amount of new experimental data have been published, which is now compiled in this book.The CRC Handbook of Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Data of Polymer Solutions at Elevated Pressures features nearly 500 newly published references containing approximately 175 new vapor-liquid equilibrium data sets, 25 new liquid-liquid equilibrium data sets, 540 new high-pressure fluid phase equilibrium data sets, 60 new data sets describing PVT properties of polymers, and 20 new data sets with densities or excess volumes. The book is a valuable resource for researchers, specialists, and engineers working in the fields of polymer science, physical chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, biological science and technology, and those developing computerized predictive packages.
Taylor & Francis Inc Stable Analysis Patterns for Systems
Software analysis patterns play an important role in reducing the overall cost and compressing the time of software project lifecycles. However, building reusable and stable software analysis patterns is still considered a major and delicate challenge. This book proposes a novel concept for building analysis patterns based on software stability and is a modern approach for building stable, highly reusable, and widely applicable analysis patterns. The book also aims to promote better understanding of problem spaces and discusses how to focus requirements analysis accurately. It demonstrates a new approach to discovering and creating stable analysis patterns (SAPs). This book presents a pragmatic approach to understanding problem domains, utilizing SAPs for any field of knowledge, and modeling stable software systems, components, and frameworks. It helps readers attain the basic knowledge that is needed to analyze and extract analysis patterns from any domain of interest. Readers also learn to master methods to document patterns in an effective, easy, and comprehensible manner.Bringing significant contributions to the field of computing, this book is a unique and comprehensive reference manual on SAPs. It provides insight on handling the understanding of problem spaces and supplies methods and processes to analyze user requirements accurately as well as ways to use SAPs in building myriad cost-effective and highly maintainable systems. The book also shows how to link SAPs to the design phase thereby ensuring a smooth transition between analysis and design.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Lean Leader: A Personal Journey of Transformation
Without Lean leaders, there can be no Lean. If an organization wants to be Lean, its leaders must lead using Lean principles. Put another way, until the top of your organization fully embraces Lean, the rest of your organization will never be Lean.The Lean Leader: A Personal Journey of Transformation uses a compelling novel format to tackle the nuts and bolts of leading a Lean transformation. Readers follow along as the characters face real crises and what seem to be unreasonable deadlines. As the story progresses, readers will see how the main character, Don, and his colleagues transform from being "command and control" autocrats—those who make decisions and bark orders—to more Socratic coaches and mentors.As Don and his staff come to realize that the folks they employ are the real experts in the processes they control, you will learn why it behooves you to do more asking than telling. You will come to realize that a leader’s greatest skill must be in coaching great performance from their people. You will also witness the difference between managing and leading.After reading this book, you will understand why it’s so important to shed the decision-making tasks that have cluttered your days, and how to delegate those decisions to employees who are closer to the action. You will learn how important it is to look over the horizon to identify upcoming challenges, define and communicate new courses of action, and compel others to follow.Most importantly, you will learn exactly what it takes to lead a Lean organization that thrives socially, as well as financially.