Search results for ""author manus"
Manuscriptum Rom im Banne deutscher Identität
Manuscriptum Auf Kosten der Dritten Welt
Manuscriptum Land der Wunder
Manuscriptum Jahreszeitliches Wanderbuch IIV I Vorfrhling II Frhling III Sommer und Herbst IV Winter
Manuscriptum Volksverletzung
Manuscriptum Finis Germania
Upstart Press Ltd The King's Medal
Poppa reveals a war medal in his hand to his grandson. Manu asks, ‘Did you win it?” ‘Sort of, a King gave it to me,’ the old man says. He then tells Manu how his Anzac platoon rescued the Greek King, Prime Minister and the rest of their party on a Greek Island during World War II. It’s a perilous journey trekking from one side of the island to the other, trudging up a ravine, across the White Mountains, and through a narrow gorge. They must avoid the German paratroopers landing in their thousands on the island and renegade Crete mountaineers who shoot at them, mistaking them for Germans. Due to the kindness of the village people and the dedication of the Anzac soldiers they make it to the coast and send out SOS signals. But they don’t know if the ship is friend or foe. Manu discovers a tale of bravery, teamwork and sacrifice and sees his grandfather in a new light.
Manuscriptum Logikfibel
Manuscriptum Das Leben auf dem Lande
Manuscriptum Ohne Bestand
Manuscriptum Mein abenteuerliches Herz 1
Manuscriptum Im Abgang ein Hauch von Schwefel
Manuscriptum Welt Gott Mensch
Manuscriptum Frau ohne Welt Trilogie zur Rettung der Liebe von Bernhard Lassahn 3 Teil Der Krieg gegen die Zukunft
Manuscriptum Gebaute Lebensrume
Manuscriptum Werkmeister O Axt im Haus
Manuscriptum Menschendämmerung
Manuscriptum Fortschrittsfeinde Opposition gegen Technik und Industrie von der Romantik bis zur Gegenwart
Manuscriptum Krieg und Zivilisation
Little Tiger Press Group What a Wonderful Phrase: A collection of amazing idioms from around the world
This beautifully illustrated and witty book is filled to the brim with curious phrases from around the world. Travel from country to country and learn the history behind interesting and unusual idioms, and the greater cultures which shaped them. From the endearing French phrase “to be a blue flower” to the fascinating Japanese saying “to wear a cat on one’s head”, this book explores the diversity and importance of language worldwide. Younger readers will love sharing these quirky phrases with their friends and discovering more about the world we live in. Beautiful artwork from Manu Montoya and captivating text from the author of What a Wonderful Word perfectly capture the intricacies of global cultures.
Manuscriptum Notizen aus der Pathologie
Manuscriptum Deutschrussische Nachbarschaft
Manuscriptum 1984 Wir wurden gewarnt
Manuscriptum Mein abenteuerliches Herz Band II
Manuscriptum Die Ethik der Geldproduktion
Manuscriptum Der Gärtnerhof
Manuscriptum Fußball war unser Leben
Manuscriptum Bunt wie ein Niqab
Manuscriptum Make Europe Great Again
Manuscriptum Die schöne Apothekerin
Manuscriptum Deutsche Originalität
Manuscriptum Kommunismus und Nationalsozialismus
Manuscriptum Beschrnkt souvern Die Grndung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als Weststaat alliierter Auftrag und deutsche Ausfhrung
Manuscriptum Die Gelben die Schwarzen die Weien