Search results for ""Author Philippe""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Explorations in New Cinema History: Approaches and Case Studies
Explorations in New Cinema History brings together cutting-edge research by the leading scholars in the field to identify new approaches to writing and understanding the social and cultural history of cinema, focusing on cinema’s audiences, the experience of cinema, and the cinema as a site of social and cultural exchange. Includes contributions from Robert Allen, Annette Kuhn, John Sedwick, Mark Jancovich, Peter Sanfield, and Kathryn Fuller-Seeley among others Develops the original argument that the social history of cinema-going and of the experience of cinema should take precedence over production- and text-based analyses Explores the cinema as a site of social and cultural exchange, including patterns of popularity and taste, the role of individual movie theatres in creating and sustaining their audiences, and the commercial, political and legal aspects of film exhibition and distribution Prompts readers to reassess their understanding of key periods of cinema history, opening up cinema studies to long-overdue conversations with other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences Presents rigorous empirical research, drawing on digital technology and geospatial information systems to provide illuminating insights in to the uses of cinema
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dayside Magnetosphere Interactions
Exploring the processes and phenomena of Earth's dayside magnetosphere Energy and momentum transfer, initially taking place at the dayside magnetopause, is responsible for a variety of phenomenon that we can measure on the ground. Data obtained from observations of Earth’s dayside magnetosphere increases our knowledge of the processes by which solar wind mass, momentum, and energy enter the magnetosphere. Dayside Magnetosphere Interactions outlines the physics and processes of dayside magnetospheric phenomena, the role of solar wind in generating ultra-low frequency waves, and solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. Volume highlights include: Phenomena across different temporal and spatial scales Discussions on dayside aurora, plume dynamics, and related dayside reconnection Results from spacecraft observations, ground-based observations, and simulations Discoveries from the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission and Van Allen Probes era Exploration of foreshock, bow shock, magnetosheath, magnetopause, and cusps Examination of similar processes occurring around other planets The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals. Find out more about this book from this Q&A with the editors
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Understanding the Dynamics of Language and Multilingualism in Professional Contexts: Advances in Language-Sensitive Management Research
This book provides readers with the latest research on the dynamics of language and language diversity in professional contexts. Bringing together novel findings from a range of disciplines, it challenges practitioners and management scholars to question the conventional understanding of language as a tool that can be managed by language policies that ‘standardize’ language.Each of the contributions is designed to recognize the strides that have been made in the past two decades in research on language and languages in organizational settings while addressing remaining blind spots and emerging issues. Particular attention is given to multilingualism, sociolinguistic approaches to language in the workplace, migration challenges, critical perspectives on the power of language use and the management of organizations as dialogical, discursive spaces. Understanding the Dynamics of Language and Multilingualism in Professional Contexts offers new insights into familiar and less familiar issues for international business scholars, sociolinguists, management practitioners and business communication scholars and experts, and brings understanding to the central role that language usage and linguistic diversity play in organisational processes.
Fordham University Press Eco-Deconstruction: Derrida and Environmental Philosophy
Eco-Deconstruction marks a new approach to the degradation of the natural environment, including habitat loss, species extinction, and climate change. While the work of French philosopher Jacques Derrida (1930–2004), with its relentless interrogation of the anthropocentric metaphysics of presence, has already proven highly influential in posthumanism and animal studies, the present volume, drawing on published and unpublished work by Derrida and others, builds on these insights to address the most pressing environmental issues of our time. The volume brings together fifteen prominent scholars, from a wide variety of related fields, including eco-phenomenology, eco-hermeneutics, new materialism, posthumanism, animal studies, vegetal philosophy, science and technology studies, environmental humanities, eco-criticism, earth art and aesthetics, and analytic environmental ethics. Overall, eco-deconstruction offers an account of differential relationality explored in a non-totalizable ecological context that addresses our times in both an ontological and a normative register. The book is divided into four sections. “Diagnosing the Present” suggests that our times are marked by a facile, flattened-out understanding of time and thus in need of deconstructive dispositions. “Ecologies” mobilizes the spectral ontology of deconstruction to argue for an originary environmentality, the constitutive ecological embeddedness of mortal life. “Nuclear and Other Biodegradabilities,” examines remains, including such by-products and disintegrations of human culture as nuclear waste, environmental destruction, and species extinctions. “Environmental Ethics” seeks to uncover a demand for justice, including human responsibility for suffering beings, that emerges precisely as a response to original differentiation and the mortality and unmasterable alterity it installs in living beings. As such, the book will resonate with readers not only of philosophy, but across the humanities and the social and natural sciences.
University of Minnesota Press Speech Begins after Death
In 1968, Michel Foucault agreed to a series of interviews with critic Claude Bonnefoy, which were to be published in book form. Bonnefoy wanted a dialogue with Foucault about his relationship to writing rather than about the content of his books. The project was abandoned, but a transcript of the initial interview survived and is now being published for the first time in English. In this brief and lively exchange, Foucault reflects on how he approached the written word throughout his life, from his school days to his discovery of the pleasure of writing.Wide ranging, characteristically insightful, and unexpectedly autobiographical, the discussion is revelatory of Foucault’s intellectual development, his aims as a writer, his clinical methodology (“let’s say I’m a diagnostician”), and his interest in other authors, including Raymond Roussel and Antonin Artaud. Foucault discloses, in ways he never had previously, details about his home life, his family history, and the profound sense of obligation he feels to the act of writing. In his Introduction, Philippe Artières investigates Foucault’s engagement in various forms of oral discourse—lectures, speeches, debates, press conferences, and interviews—and their place in his work.Speech Begins after Death shows Foucault adopting a new language, an innovative autobiographical communication that is neither conversation nor monologue, and is one of his most personal statements about his life and writing.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. ECG Holter: Guide to Electrocardiographic Interpretation
For centuries the analysis of the heart rhythm has belonged to the foundations of medical art. We know that doctors in ancient Tibet used the interpretation of the heart rate to draw prognostic conclusions—somehow a modern rationale—that deserves further attention. The rapid advancement of science is providing more and more information about the details, but the subatomic resolution of structures hides the risk and the complex procedures are fragmented into static impressions. The same has happened to the ECG. The revolutionary development, acknowledged by the Nobel Prize for Einthoven, ledfromtheanalysisofthedynamicheartratetothestaticanalysisofthe heartstream curve. It is only with the ECG Holter recording over longer periods that the cardiologists rediscovered the old dynamic. With the continuous recording of the heart rate and its periodicity, it became accessible to a new dimension, a dim- sion that requires technically well-de?ned foundations for accurate data coll- tion, detailed knowledge of the electrocardiologic particularities of arrhythmia, and medical knowledge for the translation of the results into a diagnostic synthesis. With the ECG Holter the issue is no longer just to detect an arrhythmia, but also to determine dynamic circumstance in which the critical event occurred. In fact, we investigate the trigger, the event, and the context, and we have to integrate all of that information within the clinical picture, from the pathology right through to the symptom—indeed a multi-dimensional task.
University of Illinois Press Digital Critical Editions
Provocative yet sober, Digital Critical Editions examines how transitioning from print to a digital milieu deeply affects how scholars deal with the work of editing critical texts. On one hand, forces like changing technology and evolving reader expectations lead to the development of specific editorial products, while on the other hand, they threaten traditional forms of knowledge and methods of textual scholarship.Using the experiences of philologists, text critics, text encoders, scientific editors, and media analysts, Digital Critical Editions ranges from philology in ancient Alexandria to the vision of user-supported online critical editing, from peer-directed texts distributed to a few to community-edited products shaped by the many. The authors discuss the production and accessibility of documents, the emergence of tools used in scholarly work, new editing regimes, and how the readers' expectations evolve as they navigate digital texts. The goal: exploring questions such as, What kind of text is produced? Why is it produced in this particular way?Digital Critical Editions provides digital editors, researchers, readers, and technological actors with insights for addressing disruptions that arise from the clash of traditional and digital cultures, while also offering a practical roadmap for processing traditional texts and collections with today's state-of-the-art editing and research techniques thus addressing readers' new emerging reading habits.
Columbia University Press The End of Cinema?: A Medium in Crisis in the Digital Age
Is a film watched on a video screen still cinema? Have digital compositing, motion capture, and other advanced technologies remade or obliterated the craft? Rooted in their hypothesis of the "double birth of media," Andre Gaudreault and Philippe Marion take a positive look at cinema's ongoing digital revolution and reaffirm its central place in a rapidly expanding media landscape. The authors begin with an overview of the extreme positions held by opposing camps in the debate over cinema: the "digitalphobes" who lament the implosion of cinema and the "digitalphiles" who celebrate its new, vital incarnation. Throughout, they remind readers that cinema has never been a static medium but a series of processes and transformations powering a dynamic art. From their perspective, the digital revolution is the eighth major crisis in the history of motion pictures, with more disruptions to come. Brokering a peace among all sides, Gaudreault and Marion emphasize the cultural practice of cinema over rigid claims on its identity, moving toward a common conception of cinema to better understand where it is headed next.
Springer System of Negotiations: Game Theory and Behavioral Economics in Procurement – the Guide for Professionals
This book presents criteria and recommendations for successful negotiations. The System of Negotiations, which was developed on a scientific basis for this purpose, clearly illustrates the most important steps, tools and applications. By using game theory and behavioral economics, the success of negotiations in purchasing can be systematically maximized. At the same time, transparency and fairness offer a high level of acceptance among negotiating partners. To this end, numerous practical examples are used to show how contracts can be awarded in the event of competition between suppliers, and how various auction formats and differentiated communication can be used to achieve optimal savings potential. Also for situations where the supplier is a monopolist, ways are described to avoid being at the mercy of pricing power.
Rizzoli International Publications Christian Louboutin
An extraordinary monograph created by Christian Louboutin, renowned for his beautifully crafted handmade shoes, in particular his elegantly sexy stilettos. This stunning volume, with a fanciful and intricate pop-up, an elaborate foldout cover, and dramatic still-life photography, evokes the artistry and theatricality of Louboutin's shoe designs.Celebrated for his vertiginously high stilettos with their signature lacquer-red soles, Louboutin has achieved cult status with celebrities as well as fashionistas. His eclectic and exotic designs, often incorporating feathers, beads, and sequins, are a constant and dramatic presence on the red carpet and in nightclubs and restaurants the world over.Louboutin's first book, this monograph highlights the extraordinary range of his couture, from his iconic and glamorous creations to his fetishistic pieces, including his collaborations with David Lynch, meant more for the bedroom than the street. New photography captures Louboutin's artistic sensibilities, while an in-depth interview reveals Louboutin's life, travels, and inspirations, presenting a very personal look at the man behind the shoes. A work of art in itself, with a five-piece foldout binding and a pop-up, Christian Louboutin is an enticing and revelatory look at the most important luxury shoe designer of our day.The book is divided into six chapters. The first chapter covers Louboutin's biography, his start as a designer from his work for Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent to his first boutique in 1992, and his early creations and influences illustrated with many never-seen-before photos from his personal archives; chapter two features the Louboutin boutiques around the world showcasing the varied and extravagant interior designs and displays; chapter three is "20 years of design" and highlights his shoe designs from over the years with all-new still-life photography, as well as editorial art; chapter four features the spectacular interiors of Louboutin's homes in Paris and Luxor, Egypt, and behind-the-scenes shots from his studios and workshops; chapter five focuses on his creative collaborations with David Lynch, of a series called "Fetish," of limited-edition shoes by Louboutin and limited-edition photos by Lynch; chapter six is a complete catalogue raisonne of his work, with photos of all 120 shoe designs.
BAI NV Handled with Care: The art and science of multidisciplinary conservation
This beautifully illustrated book is an ode to art restoration. It takes the secrets of this special profession from the studio and sheds light on its art‐historical and scientific aspects. It zooms in on meticulous restorations of centuries‐old paintings, complex treatments of contemporary works, but also the use of innovative technology for the analysis, treatment and consolidation of works of art in the most diverse materials. Based on 40 high‐profile restorations, this book takes a look behind the scenes of the art restoration profession. Restorers testify about the challenges of their profession, while collection managers and art professionals delve deeper into the importance and future of restoration. Handled with Care pays tribute to the profession and offers a glimpse into an often hidden world. With text contributions by, among others, Philippe Van Cauteren, Robert Read, Claire Tillekaerts, Peter De Wilde and about works of art by none other than Peter Paul Rubens, Antoon Van Dyck, Jacob Jordaens, Henry van de Velde, Joseph Beuys, Andy Warhol, Sol LeWitt, Luc Tuymans etc. This book is published on the occasion of 10 years of IPARC (International Platform for Art Research and Conservation Ltd). Text in English and Dutch.
Vereniging voor het Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Splendid Isolation
Five Continents Editions Beatrice Helg
This book is the most important monograph devoted to the Swiss artist-photographer Béatrice Helg. It offers a survey of her work from the past twenty-five years, and is accompanied by a poem dedication by Robert Wilson, critical essays by Serge Linarès and Philippe Piguet, and a poem by Sylviane Dupuis. Helg's oeuvre has a singular position within the photographic tradition of "constructed images." Remote from hyperrealist or narrative imagery, her work displays abstract forms and luminous worlds. Drawing on a passion for music and a marked sensitivity to notions of space and time, to architecture, and to the staging of plays and operas, the artist creates monumental spaces in which sculpture, painting, installation, and light interact. As poetic as they are spiritual, her photographs show strangely beautiful universes of shadow and of light. Her work opens onto an infinity - onto a quest for the absolute or a search for inner mystery. Text in English and French.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Ejectors & their Usefulness in the Energy Savings
Princeton University Press Montaigne: A Life
A definitive biography of the great French essayist and thinkerOne of the most important writers and thinkers of the Renaissance, Michel de Montaigne (1533–92) helped invent a literary genre that seemed more modern than anything that had come before. But did he do it, as he suggests in his Essays, by retreating to his chateau and stoically detaching himself from his violent times? Philippe Desan overturns this long standing myth by showing that Montaigne was constantly connected to and concerned with realizing his political ambitions—and that the literary and philosophical character of the Essays largely depends on them. Desan shows how Montaigne conceived of each edition of the Essays as an indispensable prerequisite to the next stage of his public career. It was only after his political failure that Montaigne took refuge in literature, and even then it was his political experience that enabled him to find the right tone for his genre. The most comprehensive and authoritative biography of Montaigne yet written, this sweeping narrative offers a fascinating new picture of his life and work.
Harvard University Press The Power of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval and the Wealth of Nations
Hayek Book Prize FinalistAn Economist Best Book of the YearA Foreign Affairs Best Book of the YearA Financial Times Summer Reading Favorite“Sweeping, authoritative and—for the times—strikingly upbeat…The overall argument is compelling and…it carries a trace of Schumpeterian subversion.”—The Economist“[An] important book…Lucid, empirically grounded, wide-ranging, and well-argued.”—Martin Wolf, Financial Times“Offers…much needed insight into the sources of economic growth and the kinds of policies that will promote it…All in Washington would do well to read this volume carefully.”—Milton Ezrati, ForbesInequality is on the rise, growth stagnant, the environment in crisis. Covid seems to have exposed every crack in the system. We hear calls for radical change, but the answer is not to junk our economic system but to create a better form of capitalism.An ambitious reappraisal of the foundations of economic success that shows a fair and prosperous future is ours to make, The Power of Creative Destruction draws on cutting-edge theory and hard evidence to examine today’s most fundamental economic questions: what powers growth, competition, globalization, and middle-income traps; the roots of inequality and climate change; the impact of technology; and how to recover from economic shocks. We owe our modern standard of living to innovations enabled by free-market capitalism, it argues, but we also need state intervention—with checks and balances—to foster economic creativity, manage social disruption, and ensure that yesterday’s superstar innovators don’t pull the ladder up after them.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Proceedings of PIANC Smart Rivers 2022: Green Waterways and Sustainable Navigations
This book is a compilation of selected papers from the 10th PIANC Smart Rivers Conference (Smart Rivers 2022). The work focuses on novel techniques for inland waterways and navigation structures. The contents make valuable contributions to academic researchers, engineers in the industry, and regulators of aviation authorities. As well, readers will encounter new ideas for realizing Green Waterways and Sustainable Navigations. This is an open access book.
JRP Ringier Denis Savary
Taschen GmbH Michael Muller. Sharks
Michael Muller has carved a career out of impressive encounters. Famed for his portraits of the world’s most elite actors, musicians, and sports stars, he has in the last decade built up one of the most spectacular portfolios of underwater shark photography. Muller’s quest is to document sharks with an unprecedented proximity and precision, bringing the Hollywood portrait session to the ocean predator. In ocean depths around the world, he approaches the sharks with a patented seven-bulb, 1200-watt plexi-encased strobe lighting rig, developed with NASA engineering, and no cage. This collection of Muller’s images, including the first-known photograph of a great white breaching at night, is a catalog of adrenalin and awe. Arranged geographically, it follows Muller’s ocean adventures from black tip and sand tiger sharks in South Africa to great hammerheads in the Bahamas, with thrilling narratives from each trip documenting the challenges and near-misses along the way. To compliment Muller’s work for advocacy organizations such as WildAid and EarthEcho, the images are contextualized with essays from Philippe Cousteau, Jr. and marine biologist Alison Kock, who discuss exploration and conservation of our oceanic kingdom. Culture writer Arty Nelson adds an overview of Muller’s work, while a technical section explains the precise equipment behind these spectacular shots. Together, these insightful texts and awesome images offer a record of breathtaking photographic feats, a tribute to the beauty and might of the shark, and a rallying cry for its fragile future.This book is also available in a signed Collector’s Edition and two Art Editions, each including a signed and numbered print.
Cahiers d'art KIM YONG-IK
John Wiley & Sons Inc Scheduling Theory and Its Applications
Covering deterministic scheduling, stochastic scheduling, and the probabilistic analysis of algorithms, this unusually broad view of the subject brings together tutorials, surveys and articles with original results from foremost international experts. The contributions reflect the great diversity in scheduling theory in terms of academic disciplines, applications areas, fundamental approaches and mathematical skills. This book will help researchers to be aware of the progress in the various areas of specialization and the possible influences that this progress may have on their own specialities. Few disciplines are driven so much by continually changing and expanding technology, a fact that gives scheduling a permanence while adding to the excitement of designing and analyzing new systems. The book will be a vital resource for researchers and graduate students of computer science, applied mathematics and operational research who wish to remain up-to-date on the scheduling models and problems of many of the newest technologies in industry, commerce, and the computer and communications sciences.
Archaeopress Perchement et Réalités Fortifiées en Méditerranée et en Europe, Vème-Xème Siècles: Fortified Hilltop Settlements in the Mediterranean and in Europe (5th-10th centuries)
Perchement et Réalités Fortifiées en Mediterranee et en Europe, Vème-Xème Siècles / Fortified Hilltop Settlements in the Mediterranean and in Europe (5th-10th centuries) is the result of the International Congress held in October 2019 in Roquebrune-sur-Argens about the fortified hilltop settlements of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. The congress brought together many of the most prominent scholars in the field (principally archaeologists) to present both brand new data and syntheses on wide contexts throughout the European continent, the Mediterranean basin and beyond. The book stands as the most recent and comprehensive update on the ‘perchement’ (i.e. the fortified hilltop settlement) and it will represent a benchmark for scholars working on this topic for decades to come.
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Ernst Scheidegger: Photographer
Ernst Scheidegger (1923–2016) ranks among Switzerland’s most distinguished 20th-century photographers. His portraits of artists made his name internationally. Scheidegger’s photographs of Alberto Giacometti at his Paris studio or in his native Val Bregaglia in Switzerland continue to shape the public image of this celebrated artist today. Marking the centenary of Ernst Scheidegger, who was also the founder of the Scheidegger & Spiess publishing house, this book offers a fresh and contemporary look at his multi-faceted body of work. It is based on an extensive reappraisal of his estate and features a concise selection of iconic and lesser-known images that demonstrated Scheidegger’s prowess as a portraitist. More importantly, however, the volume enables an encounter with Scheidegger’s hitherto little-published early work and thus undertakes a reassessment of his entire oeuvre. Essays by Tobia Bezzola, art historian and director of the MASI Lugano, Alessa Widmer, curator and artistic director of Photo Basel art fair, and Helen Grob, Scheidegger’s long-time companion, trace his career and self-concept as a photographer. A biography and brief texts on a selection of key examples of Scheidegger’s art round off this beautifully designed photo book.
John Libbey Eurotext Metal Ions in Biology & Medicine: Volume 5
Hopkins Fulfillment Service Transitions from Authoritarian Rule Southern Europe Volume 1
"-Abraham F. Lowenthal, from the foreword
Hopkins Fulfillment Service Transitions from Authoritarian Rule
Archaeopress Agia Varvara-Almyras: An Iron Age Copper Smelting Site in Cyprus
The Iron Age copper smelting site situated near the Cypriot village Agia Varvara is of particular importance among the ancient copper processing places in the Near East because it has revealed spatial as well as technological aspects of copper production in a hitherto rarely-seen depth of detail. Agia Varvara-Almyras: an Iron Age Copper Smelting Site in Cyprus presents the results of a comprehensive post-excavation analysis of the stratigraphy (part I), also of the geology, metallurgical materials (furnaces, tuyeres), finds (pottery, furnace lining, stone tools), as well as a synthesis of the copper smelting technology at Agia Varvara-Almyras (part II). The excavation analysis not only focuses on pyrotechnical information from individual furnaces, but also provides a detailed study of the spatial organisation as well as of the living conditions on the smelting site. An elaborate reconstruction of the features in a 3D model allows the visualisation of formerly-dispersed loci of copper production. Based on this virtual rebuilding of the hillock named Almyras, it becomes clear that archaeometallurgy must be unchained, and the idea of an ‘operational chain’ must be replaced by a more multidimensional research strategy labelled as an ‘operational web’. The present volume aims to stimulate future excavations which pay attention to the reasons behind the exploitation of the riches of the island, as well as to the needs of the markets where the final product was very likely to have been appreciated as a strategic commodity, by power players operating on the island as well as by ordinary people in need of a repair to an everyday commodity which had broken.
Springer International Publishing AG Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 24th International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 13–16, 2023, Proceedings
This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2023, which took place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, during June 13-16, 2023. XP is the premier agile software development conference combining research and practice. It is a unique forum where agile researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations, research results, experiences, concerns, challenges, and trends. XP conferences provide an informal environment to learn and trigger discussions and welcome both people new to agile and seasoned agile practitioners. This year’s conference was held with the theme “Whole Team Sustainability”. The 11 full papers and 1 short paper presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 40 submissions. They focus on agile practices and agile in the large.
Springer International Publishing AG Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Complex Systems Simulation. The PAAMS Collection: 20th International Conference, PAAMS 2022, L'Aquila, Italy, July 13–15, 2022, Proceedings
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, PAAMS 2022, held in L'Aquila, Italy in July 2022.The 37 full papers in this book were reviewed and selected from 67 submissions. Another 10 demonstrations papers were selected from 11 submissions are presented here as short papers. The papers deal with the application and validation of agent-based models, methods, and technologies in a number of key applications areas, including: advanced models and learning, agent-based programming, decision-making, education and social interactions, formal and theoretic models, health and safety, mobility and the city, swarms and task allocation.
Springer International Publishing AG The Evolution of Pervasive Information Systems
This book covers several aspects related the evolution of Information Systems into Pervasive Information Systems. New IT trends have an important impact on IT infrastructures, which become increasingly heterogeneous, flexible, and dynamic. These new trends are transforming Information Systems into what we call Pervasive Information Systems. The purpose of this book is to combine “state-of-the-art” solutions from various research communities (such as Information Systems Engineering, Cloud Computing, Fog/Edge Computing, Pervasive systems, Distributed systems, and Middleware systems) related to the Pervasive Information Systems emergence as a common point of view. Through these multiple contributions, this book tackles important challenges concerning Information Systems evolution, promoting a holistic view of Pervasive Information System.Pervasive Information Systems (PIS) can be defined as a new class of Information Systems. It can be characterized by an IT that is gradually embedded in the physical environment and can accommodate the user’s requirements and desires when necessary. This evolution implies considering Information Systems beyond the organization's physical environment to integrate new technologies transparently, leading to a pervasive environment whose behavior should be more and more reactive & proactive. It corresponds to an important change in Information Systems Engineering. Pervasive Information Systems are deeply multidisciplinary systems, demanding a holistic view in which multiple domains are invited to contribute.
Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes Essentials of Logistics and Management – The Global Supply Chain
University of Minnesota Press Language, Madness, and Desire: On Literature
As a transformative thinker of the twentieth century, whose work spanned all branches of the humanities, Michel Foucault had a complex and profound relationship with literature. And yet this critical aspect of his thought, because it was largely expressed in speeches and interviews, remains virtually unknown to even his most loyal readers. This book brings together previously unpublished transcripts of oral presentations in which Foucault speaks at length about literature and its links to some of his principal themes: madness, language and criticism, and truth and desire.The associations between madness and language—and madness and silence—preoccupy Foucault in two 1963 radio broadcasts, presented here, in which he ranges among literary examples from Cervantes and Shakespeare to Diderot, before taking up questions about Artaud’s literary correspondence, lettres de cachet, and the materiality of language. In his lectures on the relations among language, the literary work, and literature, he discusses Joyce, Proust, Chateaubriand, Racine, and Corneille, as well as the linguist Roman Jakobson. What we know as literature, Foucault contends, begins with the Marquis de Sade, to whose writing—particularly La Nouvelle Justine and Juliette—he devotes a full two-part lecture series focusing on notions of literary self-consciousness.Following his meditations on history in the recently published Speech Begins after Death, this current volume makes clear the importance of literature to Foucault’s thought and intellectual development.
HarperCollins Publishers Escape from the Island: Band 09/Gold (Collins Big Cat)
As five friends paddle around the bay in their dinghy, none of them see a storm coming until it's too late. Swept out to sea, the children end up on a desert island. Follow them in this exciting playscript, as they explore the island and try to find a way to escape – and discover that sometimes it's the most unlikely person who saves the day. Gold/Band 9 fiction offers developing readers literary language and stories with distinctive characters. Text type: A playscript A map of the island on pages 22 and 23 help readers to retrace the events of the play. Curriculum links: Citizenship: Taking part – developing skills of communication and participation; Art and design: people in action; Geography: An island home. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
MER Paper Kunsthalle Ives Maes: Recyclable Refugee Camp
Edition Olms Eiffel by Eiffel
John Libbey Eurotext Metal Ions in Biology & Medicine: Volume 6
Nova Science Publishers Inc Thousand & One Facets of Actinic Keratosis
John Libbey & Co Metal Ions in Biology & Medicine
The University of Chicago Press The Last Consolation Vanished: The Testimony of a Sonderkommando in Auschwitz
A unique and haunting first-person Holocaust account by Zalmen Gradowski, a Sonderkommando prisoner killed in Auschwitz. On October 7, 1944, a group of Jewish prisoners in Auschwitz obtained explosives and rebelled against their Nazi murderers. It was a desperate uprising that was defeated by the end of the day. More than four hundred prisoners were killed. Filling a gap in history, The Last Consolation Vanished is the first complete English translation and critical edition of one prisoner’s powerful account of life and death in Auschwitz, written in Yiddish and buried in the ashes near Crematorium III. Zalmen Gradowski was in the Sonderkommando (special squad) at Auschwitz, a Jewish prisoner given the unthinkable task of ushering Jewish deportees into the gas chambers, removing their bodies, salvaging any valuables, transporting their corpses to the crematoria, and destroying all evidence of their murders. Sonderkommandos were forcibly recruited by SS soldiers; when they discovered the horror of their assignment, some of them committed suicide or tried to induce the SS to kill them. Despite their impossible situation, many Sonderkommandos chose to resist in two interlaced ways: planning an uprising and testifying. Gradowski did both, by helping to lead a rebellion and by documenting his experiences. Within 120 scrawled notebook pages, his accounts describe the process of the Holocaust, the relentless brutality of the Nazi regime, the assassination of Czech Jews, the relationships among the community of men forced to assist in this nightmare, and the unbearable separation and death of entire families, including his own. Amid daily unimaginable atrocities, he somehow wrote pages that were literary, sometimes even lyrical—hidden where and when one would least expect to find them. The October 7th rebellion was completely crushed and Gradowski was killed in the process, but his testimony lives on. His extraordinary and moving account, accompanied by a foreword and afterword by Philippe Mesnard and Arnold I. Davidson, is a voice speaking to us from the past on behalf of millions who were silenced. Their story must be shared.
Atlas Press Semmelweiss
MP - University Of Minnesota Press Writing and Seeing Architecture
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Philosophe Et Le Langage: Etudes Offertes a Jean-Claude Pariente
Classiques Garnier Scenes de la Vie Orientale: Les Femmes Du Liban
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Transverse Information System: New Solutions for IS and Business Performance
Information systems have an enormous potential for improving business performance. With this in mind, companies must set out to exploit and optimize this potential without delay in order to improve their efficiency and continue to set themselves apart from the competition. This comprehensive text provides the information needed to understand and implement these systems at a practical level.