Search results for ""Author Keith"
University of Toronto Press War Crimes and the Culture of Peace
In 1996, Louise Arbour was appointed by the Security Council of the United Nations as Chief Prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Reflecting on these experiences, she argues in War Crimes and the Culture of Peace that the level of public awareness and understanding of the significance of these events is minimal in part as a result of the way in which international criminal law is practiced. Justice Arbour contends that previous efforts to unite concepts of international law and criminal law in the practice of these tribunals are evolving, and suggests that the ties between personal criminal accountability and peace should be central to the decisions made in the future concerning procedural models for the permanent International War Crimes Tribunals. As a result, the public might better understand the context and causes of such crime, and the notion of crime as a breach of the peace would be made central to these trials. Justice Arbour delivered War Crimes and the Culture of Peace as the fifth annual Senator Keith Davey Lecture at Victoria University at the University of Toronto in January 2001.
The University of Chicago Press Hard Road West: History and Geology along the Gold Rush Trail
In 1849, news of the discovery of gold in California triggered an enormous wave of emigration toward the Pacific. Lured by the promise of riches, thousands of settlers left behind the forests, rain, and fertile soil of the eastern United States in favor of the rough-hewn lands of the American West. The dramatic terrain they struggled to cross is so familiar to us now that it is hard to imagine how frightening - even godforsaken - its sheer rock faces and barren deserts seemed to our forebears."Hard Road West" brings their perspective vividly to life, weaving together the epic overland journey of the covered wagon trains and the compelling story of the landscape they encountered. Taking readers along the 2,000-mile California Trail, Keith Heyer Meldahl uses the diaries and letters of the settlers themselves - as well as the countless hours he has spent following the trail - to reveal how the geology and geography of the West directly affected our nation's westward expansion. He guides us through a corrugated landscape of sawtooth mountains, following the meager streams that served as lifelines through an arid land, all the way to California itself, where colliding tectonic plates created breathtaking scenery and planted the gold that lured travelers west in the first place.
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Lost Boy
Between 1963 and 1965 the Moors Murderers - Ian Brady and Myra Hindley - kidnapped and murdered five children before they were caught and sentenced to life in prison. The case shook the nation and has held us both horrified and fascinated for fifty years. Three of the children - Pauline Reade, John Kilbride and Lesley Ann Downey - were discovered in shallow graves on Saddleworth Moor. Edward Evans' body was found in their spare bedroom. The body of Keith Bennett has never been found.In the late nineties Myra Hindley contributed to a documentary on the murders, made by Duncan Staff. When she died in 2002 he was sent her unpublished papers. Drawing on this unique resource, and with the cooperation of the families of the victims, the police and expert witnesses, Duncan Staff is able to cast new light on the crimes, Hindley's relationship with Brady and her life in prison. And in this new edition of his bestselling book he is able to present, for the first time, compelling new evidence about the Moors murderers' system for hiding their victims' bodies.
University of British Columbia Press Quasi-Democracy?: Parties and Leadership Selection in Alberta
Many Canadian parties are shifting their process for selectingleaders from delegate conventions to methods that -- at least in theory-- allow all members to vote for the leader. In the leadershipselections of the 1990s, Alberta's governing Conservatives used aprimary balloting system, the opposition Liberal Party allowed membersto vote by phone, and the NDP held a traditional leadershipconvention. In Quasi-Democracy? David Stewart and Keith Archer examinepolitical parties and leadership selection in Alberta using mail-backsurveys administered to voters who participated in the Conservative,Liberal, and NDP leadership conventions elections of the 1990s.Leadership selection events, they contend, provide rare opportunitiesfor observing the internal workings of the parties and people who"stand between the politicians and the electorate." Usingparticipant accounts and material from the press media, the authorsanalyze the factors that influence leadership selection in each party,develop attitudinal profiles of the supporters of the parties, andexamine the party activists with respect to their backgrounds inprovincial and federal politics. Quasi-Democracy? will beinvaluable reading for students and scholars of party democracy andrepresentation, and for those interested in the intricate machinationsof the political process in Alberta.
University of British Columbia Press Quasi-Democracy?: Parties and Leadership Selection in Alberta
Many Canadian parties are shifting their process for selectingleaders from delegate conventions to methods that -- at least in theory-- allow all members to vote for the leader. In the leadershipselections of the 1990s, Alberta's governing Conservatives used aprimary balloting system, the opposition Liberal Party allowed membersto vote by phone, and the NDP held a traditional leadershipconvention. In Quasi-Democracy? David Stewart and Keith Archer examinepolitical parties and leadership selection in Alberta using mail-backsurveys administered to voters who participated in the Conservative,Liberal, and NDP leadership conventions elections of the 1990s.Leadership selection events, they contend, provide rare opportunitiesfor observing the internal workings of the parties and people who"stand between the politicians and the electorate." Usingparticipant accounts and material from the press media, the authorsanalyze the factors that influence leadership selection in each party,develop attitudinal profiles of the supporters of the parties, andexamine the party activists with respect to their backgrounds inprovincial and federal politics. Quasi-Democracy? will beinvaluable reading for students and scholars of party democracy andrepresentation, and for those interested in the intricate machinationsof the political process in Alberta.
Basic Books Group Genius (Revised Edition): The Creative Power of Collaboration
Creativity has long been thought of as an individual gift, best pursued alone; schools, organizations, and whole industries are built on this idea. But what if this most common belief about how creativity works is wrong? In this revised and expanded edition, psychologist Keith Sawyer tears down some of the most popular myths about creativity and erects new principles in their place. He reveals that creativity is always collaborative-even when you're alone. Sawyer draws on compelling stories of inventions and innovations: the inventors of the ATM, the mountain bike, and open source operating systems, among others, to demonstrate the freewheeling ways of true innovation. He shares the results of his own acclaimed research on jazz ensembles, improv groups, and conversation analysis, to show us how to be more creative in collaborative group settings, how to change organizational dynamics for the better, and how to tap into our own reserves of creativity. Now with a new chapter on web-based developments that have made collaboration central to everyone's lives, this revised and updated edition is a must read for anyone seeking to thrive and succeed by tapping into collaborative creativity
Granary Books Threads Talk Series
Threads, a series of talks devoted to the art of the book, includes poets, scholars, artists and publishers. It explores and enriches relationships between various strands of book culture that are often approached in isolation--poetry and writing, visual and performing arts, collaboration, design, printing, independent publishing, literary history, critical theory and material culture. The premise for the series was very similar to the kind of interdisciplinary approach to the book that has interested Granary Books and Cuneiform Press all along. A book is never more successful than the relationship between its parts; the philosophical and material connections between the writing, art, design, typography, translation and distribution are more significant than excellence in any isolated area. Threads began in March 2009 and concluded in October 2012. There were 12 speakers: Alan Loney, Charles Alexander, Simon Cutts, Buzz Spector, Jerome Rothenberg, Cecilia Vicuña, Jen Bervin, Kathleen Walkup, Johanna Drucker, Keith Smith, Richard Minsky and Emily McVarish.
Dynamic Forces Inc The Boys Volume 11: Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men
It's been a long time coming, but Billy Butcher's revenge on his wife's killer is about to be realized - if he can only get his hands on the bastard. The Boys prepare for one last terrible battle, as the Homelander finally bites the bullet and sets an army of superheroes against the forces of the United States military. Battle rages at the White House, Frenchie and the Female are unleashed, and Hughie faces his own terrors... while MM, patient to the last, races against time to uncover the greatest and most dreadful secret of Vought-American's superhero program. Butcher steps willingly into the jaws of death, alone and unafraid: but what he finds waiting for him is beyond even his darkest dreams. The Boys, Vol. 11: Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men collects issues 60-65 of the hit series The Boys by Garth Ennis, Russ Braun, John McCrea, Keith Burns and Darick Robertson, and features all of the covers by Darick Robertson!
Stanford University Press Dawn: Thoughts on the Presumptions of Morality, Volume 5
Dawn is the most recent volume to appear in the first complete, critical, and annotated English edition of all of Nietzsche's work. The edition, organized originally by Ernst Behler and Bernd Magnus, is a translation of the celebrated Kritische Studienausgabe in 15 Bänden (1980) edited by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari. The book is the first to appear under the editorial direction of Alan D. Schrift, Keith Ansell-Pearson, and Duncan Large, and to incorporate subsequent corrections to the 1980 edition. Continuing the positivistic turn of Human, All Too Human, Dawn is the second installment in the free spirit trilogy that culminated in The Joyful Science. One of Nietzsche's "yes-saying" books, it marks his first significant confrontation with morality and offers glimpses of many of the signature themes in his mature works. Dawn has come to be admired in recent years for its ethical naturalism, psychological observations, and therapeutic insights. Presented in Nietzsche's aphoristic style, it is a text with hidden riches, one that must be read between the lines and one that the discerning reader will admire and cherish.
The University of Chicago Press The Robot's Rebellion: Finding Meaning in the Age of Darwin
The idea that we might be robots is no longer the stuff of science fiction; decades of research in evolutionary biology and cognitive science have led many esteemed thinkers and scientists to the conclusion that, following the precepts of universal Darwinism, humans are merely the hosts for two replicators (genes and memes) that have no interest in us except as conduits for replication. Accepting and now forcefully responding to this disturbing idea that precludes the possibilities of morality or free will, among other things, Keith Stanovich here provides the tools for the "robot's rebellion," a program of cognitive reform necessary to advance human interests over the limited interest of the replicators. He shows how concepts of rational thinking from cognitive science interact with the logic of evolution to create opportunities for humans to structure their behavior to serve their own ends. These evaluative activities of the brain, he argues, fulfill the need that we have to ascribe significance to human life. Only by recognizing ourselves as robots, argues Stanovich, can we begin to construct a concept of self based on what is truly singular about humans: that they gain control of their lives in a way unique among life forms on Earth - through rational self-determination.
Duke University Press Global Climate Change: A Primer
An internationally recognized expert on the geology of barrier islands, Orrin H. Pilkey is one of the rare academics who engages in public advocacy about science-related issues. He has written dozens of books and articles explaining coastal processes to lay readers, and he is a frequent and outspoken interviewee in the mainstream media. Here, the colorful scientist takes on climate change deniers in an outstanding and much-needed primer on the science of global change and its effects.After explaining the greenhouse effect, Pilkey, writing with son Keith, turns to the damage it is causing: sea level rise, ocean acidification, glacier and sea ice melting, changing habitats, desertification, and the threats to animals, humans, coral reefs, marshes, and mangroves. These explanations are accompanied by Mary Edna Fraser’s stunning batiks depicting the large-scale arenas in which climate change plays out. The Pilkeys directly confront and rebut arguments typically advanced by global change deniers. Particularly valuable are their discussions of “Climategate,” a manufactured scandal that undermined respect for the scientific community, and the denial campaigns by the fossil fuel industry, which they compare to the tactics used by the tobacco companies a generation ago to obfuscate findings on the harm caused by cigarettes.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Development of Kant's View of Ethics
Originally published in 1972, The Development of Kant's Ethics is Keith Ward's exceptional analysis of the history of Kant's ideas on ethics and the emergence of Kantian ethics as a mature theory. Through a thorough overview of all of Kant's texts written between 1755 and 1804, Ward puts forth the argument that the critical literature surrounding Kantian ethics has underplayed Kant's concern with the role of happiness in relation to morality and the significance of the tradition of natural law for the development of Kantian ethics. Covering all of Kant's extant works from Nova Dilucidatio to Opus Postumum, Ward traces the progression of Kant's views from his early ideas on Rationalism to Moral Sense Theory and the development of Critical Philosophy, and finally to his later-life writings on the relationship between morality and faith. Through careful analysis of each of Kant's works, Ward details the scientific, philosophical, and theological ideas that influenced Kant—such as the works of Emanuel Swedenborg—and demonstrates the critical role these influences played in the development of Kantian ethics. Offering a rare and extraordinary historical view of some of Kant's most important contributions to philosophy, this is an invaluable resource for scholars engaged in questions on the origins and influences of Kant's work, and for students seeking a thorough understanding of Kant's historical and philosophical contexts.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Excavations Between Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier, Part 1: The A-Group Royal Cemetery at Qustul, Cemetery L
This volume is the first of twelve scheduled to present the materials excavated under the direction of Professor Keith C. Seele in a concession that extended from the Abu Simbel temples to the Sudan frontier in two seasons, 1962-63 and 1963-64. It presents, in detail, Cemetery L at Qustul, which is a small cemetery containing unusually large and wealthy tombs of A-Group. The tombs, badly plundered and fire damaged, contained pharaonic images on A-Group objects, indicating that they belonged to rulers from the period before Egypt's First Dynasty. Many finds are unique; decorated objects give direct evidence in context for the date of famous carved stone and ivory objects from early Egypt. This lavishly illustrated volume details the elaborate A-Group painted pottery and decorated objects as well as more common finds, with individual chapters on the tombs, pottery, small objects, epigraphy, and a discussion of the special importance of Cemetery L in early Nubia with its possible role in the development of pharaonic Egypt.
Marsilio Caravaggio: The Ecce Homo Unveiled
The rediscovery of a Baroque masterpiece by the venerable Italian painter In 2021, a painting was offered at a Madrid auction houses at a starting price of 1,500 euros. Almost immediately and almost unanimously, this Ecce Homo was attributed by experts to Caravaggio (1571–1610), an unprecedented event in the critical history of the painter. This publication comprises essays by four of the most authoritative specialists on Caravaggio and Baroque painting, who together offer an essential starting point for the understanding of this new and fundamental addition to our knowledge of Caravaggio’s work. Maria Cristina Terzaghi, Gianni Papi, Giuseppe Porzio and Keith Christiansen tackle the interpretation of the painting, taking different approaches. One essay dwells on the circumstances of the discovery, another traces its Spanish provenance, while the stylistic, technical and iconographic aspects of the work are examined in depth, along with the artist’s critical fortune and the legacy he left behind in Naples. The four texts offer the reader a variety of interpretations that constitute the true value of this publication. While others have expressed skepticism over the attribution, all the contributing scholars share the same enthusiastic certainty: the Ecce Homo is a masterpiece by Caravaggio and, as such, still has a lot to tell us about the artist.
Little, Brown & Company Who Is That Man?: In Search of the Real Bob Dylan
Few American artists are as important, beloved and endlessly examined as Bob Dylan, yet he remains something of an enigma. This kaleidoscopic biography, full of the voices of Dylan's family, friends, and fellow travelers through the 60s, offers an entirely fresh narrative perspective, fusing rock star bio with an examination of the music and the zeitgeist that he so mysteriously captured.For almost half a century, Bob Dylan has been a primary catalyst in rock's shifting sensibilities. He has starred in and been the subject of major films; his work is taught in over 200 college courses; and few American artists are as important, beloved, and endlessly examined as he is. Yet, he remains something of an enigma. Who, we ask, is the "real" Bob Dylan? Is he Bobby Zimmerman yearning to escape Hibbing, Minnesota, or the Woody Guthrie wannabe spending the 1960s playing Greenwich Village haunts? The protest poet, the Factory fixture, or the born-again Christian denying the powers of prophecy everyone attributes to him? The events of his life alone do not tell us all we want to know.Now, David Dalton, author, screenwriter, journalist, and founding editor of Rolling Stone, paints a revealing portrait of the rock icon that will be a must-have for his legions of fans. Guided by Dalton's masterful hand, this book will follow Dylan's imaginative life, integrating actual events from his life, Dylan's words, and those of the people who know him most intimately. Drawing upon extensive interviews with Dylan's friends, family, and fellow eyewitnesses to the zeitgeist-including Joan Baez, Keith Richards, Bobby Neuwirth, Kris Kristofferson, Suze Rotolo, Clive Davis, Tom Petty, and others-this book will provide a new perspective on the man, the myth, and the musical era that forged them both.
Little, Brown Book Group I Have Some Questions For You: 'A perfect crime' NEW YORKER
**A MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK FOR OPRAH DAILY, TIME, NPR, USA TODAY, BUSTLE, STAR TRIBUNE, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING AND MORE**'Whip-smart and uncompromising' NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW'Quietly riveting' IRISH TIMES'It's the perfect crime' NEW YORKER'Impressive and complex' GUARDIAN'Addictive' OPRAH DAILYThe riveting new novel from the author of The Great Believers, finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award A successful film professor and podcaster, Bodie Kane is content to forget her past: the family tragedy that marred her adolescence, her four largely miserable years at a New Hampshire boarding school, and the 1995 murder of a classmate, Thalia Keith. Though the circumstances surrounding Thalia's death and the conviction of the school's athletics coach, Omar Evans, are the subject of intense fascination online, Bodie prefers-needs-to let sleeping dogs lie. But when The Granby School invites her back to teach a two-week course, Bodie finds herself inexorably drawn to the case and its increasingly apparent flaws. In their rush to convict Omar, did the school and the police overlook other suspects? Is the real killer still out there? As she falls down the very rabbit hole she was so determined to avoid, Bodie begins to wonder if she wasn't as much of an outsider at Granby as she'd thought-if, perhaps, back in 1995, she knew something that might have held the key to solving the case. One of the most acclaimed contemporary American writers, Rebecca Makkai reinvents herself with each of her brilliant novels. Both a transfixing mystery and a deeply felt examination of one woman's reckoning with her past, I Have Some Questions for You is her finest achievement yet.
Little, Brown Book Group This Child of Ours: 'Broke my heart and gently pieced it back together' CATHY BRAMLEY
Why people love This Child of Ours... 'Excellent... An important and moving story'CLARE MACKINTOSH***** 'This book broke my heart and gently pieced it back together'CATHY BRAMLEY***** 'Thought-provoking, moving and incredibly insightful' AMANDA BROOKEIf you've been watching and enjoying Butterfly on ITV then this book is perfect for you. ---------------------You know what's best for your child. Don't you? Riley Pieterson is an adventurous girl with lots of questions. There's plenty she doesn't know yet; what a human brain looks like. All the constellations in the night sky. Why others can't see her the way she sees herself. When Riley confides in her parents - Sally and Theo - that she feels uncomfortable in her own skin, a chain of events begins that changes their lives forever. Sally wants to support her daughter by helping her be who she dreams of being. Theo resists; he thinks Riley is a seven-year-old child pushing boundaries. Both believe theirs is the only way to protect Riley and keep her safe. With the wellbeing of their child at stake, Sally and Theo's relationship is pushed to breaking point. To save their family, each of them must look deeply at who they really are. A story of a marriage in crisis and a child caught in the middle, this is a beautiful novel of parents and their children, and how far we're prepared to go in the name of love. Perfect for fans of Jodi Picoult, Laurie Frankel, Kate Hewitt and Jill Childs.WHAT AUTHORS AND READERS ARE SAYING:'I absolutely loved this book' 5* NETGALLEY 'A truly sensitive and involving novel about gender, identity and family' KEITH STUART'A fantastic read with a sensitive subject at its heart' 5* NETGALLEY 'Absolutely beautiful' RACHEL BURTON 'Thought-provoking, nerve-wracking and poignantly relevant' 5* NETGALLEY
Indiana University Press The African Diaspora: African Origins and New World Identities
The African Diaspora contributes to the debate between those who believe that the African origin of blacks in Western society is central to their identity and outlook and those who deny that proposition. Contributors include Niyi Afolabi, Adetayo Alabi, Celia M. Azevedo, Antonio Benítez-Rojo, Eliana Guerreiro Ramos Bennett, LeGrace Benson, Ira Kincade Blake, Jack S. Blocker, Jr., Sharon Aneta Bryant, Michael J. C. Echeruo, Peter P. Ekeh, Patience Elabor-Idemudia, David Evans, Robert Elliot Fox, Andrea Frohne, Joseph E. Inikori, Joyce Ann Joyce, Joseph McLaren, Charles Martin, Ali A. Mazrui, Pierre-Damien Mvuyekure, Nkiru Nzegwu, Isidore Okpewho, Oyekan Owomoyela, Laura J. Pires-Hester, Richard Price, Sally Price, Jean Rahier, Sandra L. Richards, Elliott P. Skinner, Alvin B. Tillery, Jr., Keith Q. Warner, Maureen Warner-Lewis, and Kimberly Welch.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Reinventing Talent Management: How to Maximize Performance in the New Marketplace
Praise for Reinventing Talent Management "Bill Schiemann's book is a comprehensive presentation of the need to better understand, measure, and increase organizational people equity. It clearly transforms concepts that have historically been considered less tangible into actionable imperatives. Today more than ever, it's essential that leadership maximizes alignment, capabilities, and engagement within their organizations." —Paul Schultz, President and COO, Jack in the Box Inc. "Reinventing Talent Management has arrived just in time. Given the challenging times we face today, recruiting and retaining the very best people is now more important than ever. Bill has developed a unique innovative framework on how to do this, as well as provided a broad array of practical approaches to putting the theory into action." —Keith Lawrence, Director, Human Resources, Procter & Gamble "Reinventing Talent Management is an outstanding blend of research and practice. It reports compelling research on the value of investing in talent and offers specific recommendations on how to develop people equity through alignment, capabilities, and engagement. The book confirms what good people managers do and offers specific guidelines for those wanting to upgrade their people management skills." —Dave Ulrich, Professor, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, and Partner, The RBL Group "Bill makes the case for reinventing talent management and tells us how to do it. The book is loaded with good examples and must-take actions that lead to a winning talent management strategy." —Edward E. Lawler III, founder and Director, Center for Effective Organizations, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, and author of Talent: Making People Your Competitive Advantage "Talent management certainly needs to be reinvented-this book does it! Read, learn, redo!" —Dr. Richard Beatty, Professor of Human Resource Management, Rutgers University "Reinventing Talent Management provides an accessible framework that offers pragmatic ways to better understand how investments in human capital and talent can be measured and linked to financial returns." —Dr. John Boudreau, Professor and Research Director, Center for Effective Organizations, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Understanding Emotions
Keith Oatley and Jennifer M. Jenkins’s best-selling book on the psychology of emotions is the most highly regarded and engaging text for the emotions course. While retaining its interdisciplinary breadth, historical insights, and engaging format, this new edition adds the expertise of outstanding researcher and dedicated teacher Dacher Keltner. The second edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the latest research and developments in emotions and includes the following features: Cohesive synthesis of evolutionary and cultural approaches to emotion New chapters on communication of emotion, bodily changes, and appraisal Increased emphasis on interpersonal implications of emotions, including studies of newly discovered expressions and systems of communication New coverage on moral judgment, individual differences, gene-environment interactions, and positive emotions New coverage of subjective well-being and pro-social emotions like gratitude and compassion Updated references throughout reflect current research and data, including research on affective neuroscience A new design and pedagogical features include new integrated boxes that depict historical landmarks and historical figures, updated tables, boldfaced terms, and end-of-chapter summaries. An Instructor's Manual with lecture notes and teaching tips is available upon request. Please visit
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who Monthly Adventures #254 - Emissary of the Daleks
On the planet Omnia, a young man leads the Doctor and Peri through the battle-scarred ruins of a city. Among the rubble he shows them proof that their invaders and new masters, thought to be invincible, can be defeated. The proof is the blasted, burnt-out remains of a Dalek. But this is a Dalek-occupied world like few others. For one thing,there are few Daleks to be seen. And for another,the Daleks have appointed an Omnian, Magister Carmen Rega, to govern the planet as their emissary. Why are the Daleks not present in force? And can the Doctor and Peri risk helping the Omnians, when the least show of resistance will be met with devastating reprisals from space? CAST: Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri),Saskia Reeves (Carmen Rega),William Ellis (Aldo Rega), Bruce Alexander (Hingus), Natasha Karp (Shayna/Tasha), Ray Cezan (Kalib/Scientist), John Rayment (Gordus), Richard Keith (Watcher/Operative), Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Little, Brown Book Group Lucky Man: The Autobiography
Greg Lake first won acclaim as lead vocalist, bass guitarist and producer when, together with Robert Fripp, he formed King Crimson. Their first album, the landmark In the Court of the Crimson King, co-produced by Greg, featured the iconic song '21st Century Schizoid Man'. King Crimson pioneered progressive rock and paved the way for many famous bands that followed, from Yes and Genesis to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.In 1970 Greg met fellow legend Keith Emerson during a North American tour; the two shared common bonds: European musical influences and a desire to reinterpret classical works while creating a new musical genre. After being introduced to drummer Carl Palmer, they formed the first progressive rock supergroup Emerson, Lake and Palmer.To date ELP has sold over 50 million records. Lake produced Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Tarkus, Pictures at an Exhibition, Trilogy, Brain Salad Surgery, Works Vol. 1 and 2, and two different live albums. All went platinum and featured a series of hit singles, most written and all sung by Lake. The three created a unique live theatrical performance which featured Emerson attacking his keyboards with knives, Palmer playing a 2.5 ton stainless steel kit and Lake performing on a £6,000 Persian rug which had its own roadie. One of their very first performances was at the historic Isle of Wight Festival in 1970 and they went on to headline California Jam, one of the biggest concerts of the 1970s, attended by 350,000 people.Probably the voice of his generation, Greg fronted the greatest rock supergroup of the 1970s but never held with the 'progressive' tag that attached itself to both the music and the excess. Lucky Man not only charts the highs and lows of a career in rock music but also reflects on the death of Keith Emerson last year, living with terminal cancer and the end of life. Greg can best be summed up by his now-famous line: 'Material wealth is a very fleeting pleasure ... when you can buy anything you want and do anything you want, you soon discover that you actually don't want any of it.'
Duke University Press Bergson, Politics, and Religion
Henri Bergson is primarily known for his work on time, memory, and creativity. His equally innovative interventions into politics and religion have, however, been neglected or dismissed until now. In the first book in English dedicated to Bergson as a political thinker, leading Bergson scholars illuminate his positions on core concerns within political philosophy: the significance of emotion in moral judgment, the relationship between biology and society, and the entanglement of politics and religion. Ranging across Bergson's writings but drawing mainly on his last book, The Two Sources of Morality and Religion, the contributors consider Bergson's relevance to contemporary discussions of human rights, democratic pluralism, and environmental ethics.Contributors. Keith Ansell-Pearson, G. William Barnard, Claire Colebrook, Hisashi Fujita, Suzanne Guerlac, Vladimir Jankélévitch, Frédéric Keck, Leonard Lawlor, Alexandre Lefebvre, Paola Marrati, John Mullarkey, Paulina Ochoa Espejo, Carl Power, Philippe Soulez, Jim Urpeth, Melanie White, Frédéric Worms
Hachette Books Bill Graham Presents: My Life Inside Rock And Out
As a child, Bill Graham fled Europe to escape Hitler's armies. He grew up on the streets of New York and in the dining rooms of the hotels in the Catskills. After failing as an actor, he headed for San Francisco right before the Summer of Love where he founded the Fillmore and launched the rock icons of a generation- Janis Joplin, Otis Redding, Jefferson Airplane, Cream, the Grateful Dead, and more. He was a complex, caring, compassionate whirlwind of energy who rock stars either loved- or hated.In his own voice and those of the people who knew him- Jerry Garcia, Keith Richards, Grace Slick, Ken Kesey, Eric Clapton, Pete Townshend, and Carlos Santana- we hear Bill's story as well as the scoop on the major events in rock for more than three decades, ending with his tragic death in a 1991 helicopter crash. Gritty, moving, funny, and always fascinating, Bill Graham Presents is the inside story of the explosive and unforgettable man who created the business of rock.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reflections on the Development of Modern Macroeconomics
Macroeconomic analysis has undergone profound and controversial changes during the past twenty-five years and, as such, economists have developed and evolved their approaches to the discipline. Reflections on the Development of Modern Macroeconomics presents a collection of eight original essays, from leading scholars, each of which focuses on an important issue relating to these developments.These accessible, reflective surveys include: to stabilize or not to stabilize: is that the question? Brian Snowdon and Howard Vane the rhetoric and methodology of modern macroeconomics Roger Backhouse how relevant is Keynesian economics today? Keith Shaw what remains of the monetarist counter-revolution? Thomas Mayer macroeconomics: before and after rational expectations Patrick Minford the ups and downs of modern business cycle theory Cillian Ryan and Andrew Mullineux the role of imperfect competition in new Keynesian economics Huw Dixon politics and the macroeconomy: endogenous politicians and aggregate instability Brian Snowdon and Howard Vane This book will attract a wide readership among intermediate undergraduates, as well as postgraduates and lecturers in the fields of macroeconomics and the history of economic thought.
Liverpool University Press Phenomenal Difference: A Philosophy of Black British Art
Phenomenal Difference grants new attention to contemporary black British art, exploring its critical and social significance through attention to embodied experience, affectivity, the senses and perception.Featuring attention to works by the following artists:Said Adrus, Zarina Bhimji, Sonia Boyce, Vanley Burke, Chila Burman, Mona Hatoum, Bhajan Hunjan, Permindar Kaur, Sonia Khurana, Juginder Lamba, Manjeet Lamba, Hew Locke, Yeu-Lai Mo, Henna Nadeem, Kori Newkirk, Johannes Phokela, Keith Piper, Shanti Thomas, Aubrey Williams, Mario Ybarra Jr. Much before scholars in the arts and humanities took their recent ‘ontological turn’ toward the new materialism, black British art had begun to expose cultural criticism’s overreliance on the concepts of textuality, representation, identity and difference. Illuminating that original field of aesthetics and creativity, this book shows how black British artworks themselves can become the basis for an engaged and widely-reaching philosophy.Numerous extended descriptive studies of artworks spell out the affective and critical relations that pertain between individual works, their viewers and the world at hand: intimate, physically-involving and visceral relations that are brought into being through a wide range of phenomena including performance, photography, installation, photomontage and digital practice.Whether they subsist through movement, or in time, through gesture, or illusion, black British art is always an arresting nexus of making, feeling and thought. It celebrates particular philosophical interest in:- the use of art as a place for remembering the personal or collective past;- the fundamental ‘equivalence’ of texture and colour, and their instances of ‘rupture’;- figural presence, perceptual reversibility and the agency of objects;- the grounded materialities of mediation;- and the interconnections between art, politics and emancipation.Drawing first hand on the founding, historical texts of early and mid-twentieth century phenomenology (Heidegger; Merleau-Ponty), and current advances in art history, curating and visual anthropology, the author transposes black British art into a freshly expanded and diversified intellectual field. What emerges is a vivid understanding of phenomenal difference: the profoundly material processes of interworking philosophical knowledge and political strategy at the site of black British art.
Little, Brown & Company The Indomitable Florence Finch: The Untold Story of a War Widow Turned Resistance Fighter and Savior of American POWs
"An American hero...finally gets her due in this riveting narrative. You will absolutely love Florence Finch: her grit, her compassion, her fight. This isn't just history; she is a woman for our times." -KEITH O'BRIEN, the New York Times bestselling author of Fly GirlsWhen Florence Finch died at the age of 101, few of her Ithaca, NY neighbors knew that this unassuming Filipina native was a Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, whose courage and sacrifice were unsurpassed in the Pacific War against Japan. Long accustomed to keeping her secrets close in service of the Allies, she waited fifty years to reveal the story of those dramatic and harrowing days to her own children.Florence was an unlikely warrior. She relied on her own intelligence and fortitude to survive on her own from the age of seven, facing bigotry as a mixed-race mestiza with the dual heritage of her American serviceman father and Filipina mother.As the war drew ever closer to the Philippines, Florence fell in love with a dashing American naval intelligence agent, Charles "Bing" Smith. In the wake of Bing's sudden death in battle, Florence transformed from a mild-mannered young wife into a fervent resistance fighter. She conceived a bold plan to divert tons of precious fuel from the Japanese army, which was then sold on the black market to provide desperately needed medicine and food for hundreds of American POWs. In constant peril of arrest and execution, Florence fought to save others, even as the Japanese police closed in.With a wealth of original sources including taped interviews, personal journals, and unpublished memoirs, The Indomitable Florence Finch unfolds against the Bataan Death March, the fall of Corregidor, and the daily struggle to survive a brutal occupying force. Award-winning military historian and former Congressman Robert J. Mrazek brings to light this long-hidden American patriot. The Indomitable Florence Finch is the story of the transcendent bravery of a woman who belongs in America's pantheon of war heroes.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd George Yeo: Musings (In 3 Volumes)
Musings Series 1 | Musings Series 2| Musings Series 3Over sessions which lasted two to three hours each time, every week for half a year, George Yeo met and mused over a wide range of topics with writer Woon Tai Ho and research assistant Keith Yap. Speaking from notes, he began with himself and his hope for Singapore, and then spanned over a wide range of subjects — from the importance of human diversity and Singapore's reflection within itself of the world, to history, politics, economics, philosophy, taijigong and religion. He gives his views on India, China, ASEAN, Europe, the US and other parts of the world, and how Singapore's history and destiny are connected to all of them. The style is conversational and anecdotal.George Yeo: Musings is exactly that — musings. Some themes recur throughout the book which reflect his view of life. But there is no grand theory. He does not expect all of his reflections to be of interest to everyone, but he hopes that everyone will find something of interest.
Little, Brown Book Group Happiness for Humans: the quirky romantic comedy for anyone looking for their soulmate
'Loved this book. Funny, quirky, unexpected' Jojo Moyes'Very clever and great fun' Kate Eberlen'Bridget Jones' diary for the digital age' Daily RecordHappiness for Humans is a joyful, romantic and very funny story, perfect for readers who loved The Rosie Project and Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.Do you believe in soulmates?Aiden does. So when his colleague, Jen, is dumped unceremoniously by her dreadful boyfriend, Aiden decides to take matters - and Jen's life - into his own hands. Scouring the internet for a suitable partner for Jen, Aiden finds Tom. He'd be perfect for Jen apart from one minor detail: Tom lives in New York. Luckily for Jen and Tom, Aiden's not just an interfering colleague. In fact, Aiden isn't exactly human - he's a very complicated artificial intelligence. As Jen and Tom's romance grows, Aiden begins to take more and more risks to make sure that they can be together. But what will happen if they realise how they met...and that somebody else is pulling the strings?'This is Jane Austen's Emma for the digital age' - Keith Stuart, bestselling author of A Boy Made of Blocks'So funny, clever and timely. I loved it' - Martha Kearney'This clever novel will appeal to David Nicholls fans. It's witty and great fun' - Daily Mail'This funny, madcap romp for the digital-age, featuring believably flawed characters (not all human), deserves to be a hit... like David Nicholls' One Day or Graeme Simsion's The Rosie Project, it should appeal to male and female readers.' - Sunday Times'The most charming book I've read in ages' - Image magazine'You'll love this quirky, brilliantly funny love story... If you use Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant, prepare to have your heart warmed - and be a little bit scared!' - Fabulous magazine'This screwball comedy is touching and hilarious' - Sunday Mirror'One of the most uplifting and romantic novels I've read in a long time' - Sarra Manning, Red magazine'Funny and clever' - Good HousekeepingHumans meets The Rosie Project . . . A real smiler of a book - Nina Pottell, Prima
Johns Hopkins University Press Designing a Better Day: Guidelines for Adult and Dementia Day Services Centers
As the U.S. population ages, adult day services have become an integral component in the continuum of care for elderly people. Providing a variety of social and medical services for cognitively or physically impaired elderly people who otherwise might reside in institutions, these facilities can be found in a variety of building types, from purpose-built facilities to the proverbial church basement. They also vary widely in their philosophies, case mix, funding mechanisms, and services. In this interdisciplinary study, Keith Diaz Moore, Lyn Dally Geboy, and Gerald D. Weisman offer guidance for planning and designing good-quality adult day services centers. They encourage architects, caregivers, and staff members to think beyond the building, organizational mission, and staffing structure to conceive of the place that emerges as an interrelated system of people, programming, and physical setting. Through case studies, thoughtful explanations, and well-crafted illustrations, Designing a Better Day provides caregivers, architects, and administrators tools with which they can make qualitative changes for participants and their families. Organized into three parts-creating awareness, increasing understanding, and taking action-this book will be a key resource for professionals involved in creating and maintaining effective adult day services centers.
University of Regina Press Canoeing the Churchill: A Practical Guide to the Historic Voyageur Highway
"Outstanding. Its combination of historical material, maps, photos, and travelogue brings the fur trade era alive. Seldom has the past and the present been brought together so successfully." -George Melnyk, University of Calgary "The reader is exposed to hundreds of points of interest, historical rock paintings, landmarks, campsites, local histories, and folklore...[the book] will tell any canoeist or adventurer almost all they need to know." -James Winkel, Saskatchewan History An invaluable resource for paddlers preparing to face the challenges of Canada's old fur trade highway, Canoeing the Churchill is also an exhilarating trek into the past for the "armchair voyageur." With routes for both beginners and experts, Canoeing the Churchill provides practical "on the water advice" for the entire 1,100 km route--from Methy Portage to Cumberland House. Canoeing the Churchill "will introduce the beauty of the north and its rich cultural heritage to readers from all parts of the world." -Keith Goulet, Cumberland House Cree Nation
Parramón Dibuja manga de accin
En toda historia manga, desde la mitología hasta lo más futurista, hay escenas de acción, que requieren un buen dominio de las técnicas de dibujo y de conceptos como la perspectiva y las luces y sombras. Dibuja manga de acción es una introducción sistematizada a este arte, de la mano de un gran profesional como es Keith Sparrow. En los capítulos iniciales se muestran los materiales, técnicas y trucos de los artistas del manga. Para poner en práctica esa teoría se proponen ocho proyectos muy variados en cuanto a temática, técnica y materiales, que se explican paso a paso, desde un agresivo joven luchador de artes marciales, hasta una escena de béisbol, un vuelo espacial o una bruja. Se ha realizado un gran trabajo para conseguir que la colección tenga un estilo dinámico y juvenil que conecte con el público aficionado al manga y el resultado ha sido un éxito.
Palazzo Editions Ltd The Who: Much Too Much
Still making sensational live appearances on the international concert circuit, the Who have been rivalled only by the Rolling Stones as an enduring rock phenomenon for over half a century. From their early days as the Detours, they were at the vanguard of the UK mod movement in the mid-1960s, in 1965 striking gold as the Who with “Can’t Explain”, followed by “My Generation” which became a true anthem of its time. Through the triumphs of Pete Townshend’s ambitious creations in Tommy and Quadrophenia, to the tragedy of the passing of drummer Keith Moon and bass player Jon Entwistle, the book follows the group’s tumultuous history via incisive text, archive reviews and interviews, and a track-by-track summary of all the Who’s studio and live albums. Sumptuously illustrated with a wealth of colour and black-and-white photography, plus album art and other graphic ephemera, The Who: Much Too Much is a must-have celebration of one of the key names in rock music history.
McGill-Queen's University Press Enthusiasms and Loyalties: The Public History of Private Feelings in the Enlightenment Atlantic
The Enlightenment Atlantic was awash in deep feelings. People expressed the ardour of patriots, the homesickness of migrants, the fear of slave revolts, the ecstasy of revivals, the anger of mobs, the grief of wartime, the disorientation of refugees, and the joys of victory. Yet passions and affections were not merely private responses to the events of the period – emotions were also central to the era’s most consequential public events, and even defined them. In Enthusiasms and Loyalties Keith Grant shows that British North Americans participated in a transatlantic swirl of debates over emotions as they attempted to cultivate and make sense of their own feelings in turbulent times. Examining the emotional communities that overlapped in Cornwallis Township, Nova Scotia, between 1770 and 1850, Grant explores the diversity of public feelings, from disaffected loyalists to passionate patriots and ecstatic revivalists. He shows how certain emotions – especially enthusiasm and loyalty – could be embraced or weaponized by political and religious factions, and how their use and meaning changed over time. Feelings could be the glue that made loyalties stick, or a solvent that weakened community bonds. Taking a history of emotions approach, Enthusiasms and Loyalties aims to recover and understand the wide range of political and religious emotions that were possible – feelable – in the Enlightenment Atlantic.
HarperCollins Focus Meat: The Ultimate Cookbook
Meat: The Ultimate Cookbook is the definitive guide to preparing meat.What is better than that first bite of a succulent steak prepared to perfection as a rush of dopamine overcomes your senses? Meat has been part of every culture since we learned to hunt. Competitions have ensued to determine who has the best meat recipe around. Many parties find attendees hanging out around grills waiting for the perfect main course to be ready.This is the only cookbook the omnivore in your life will need, and inside you will find: Over 300 mouthwatering, internationally inspired easy-to-follow meat recipes Chapters designed specifically for beef, pork, lamb, goat, wild game (like venison), and poultry Gorgeous original photography that brings the recipes to life Interviews with notable farmers and chefs Butchering techniques A guide to brines, rubs, and sauces Sides, salads, and accompaniments that take your meat to the next level No matter if you are using the oven, grill, Dutch oven, or a skillet, chef and restaurateur Keith Sarasin details how best to respect the hard work and energy required to bring meat from the fields to the table.
Harvard University Press Constitutional Construction: Divided Powers and Constitutional Meaning
This book argues that the Constitution has a dual nature. The first aspect, on which legal scholars have focused, is the degree to which the Constitution acts as a binding set of rules that can be neutrally interpreted and externally enforced by the courts against government actors. This is the process of constitutional interpretation. But according to Keith Whittington, the Constitution also permeates politics itself, to guide and constrain political actors in the very process of making public policy. In so doing, it is also dependent on political actors, both to formulate authoritative constitutional requirements and to enforce those fundamental settlements in the future. Whittington characterizes this process, by which constitutional meaning is shaped within politics at the same time that politics is shaped by the Constitution, as one of construction as opposed to interpretation.Whittington goes on to argue that ambiguities in the constitutional text and changes in the political situation push political actors to construct their own constitutional understanding. The construction of constitutional meaning is a necessary part of the political process and a regular part of our nation's history, how a democracy lives with a written constitution. The Constitution both binds and empowers government officials. Whittington develops his argument through intensive analysis of four important cases: the impeachments of Justice Samuel Chase and President Andrew Johnson, the nullification crisis, and reforms of presidential-congressional relations during the Nixon presidency.
Wits University Press WITS: The Early Years: A History of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and its Precursors 1896-1939
WITS: The Early Years is a history of the University up to 1939. First established in 1922, the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg developed out of the South African School of Mines in Kimberley circa 1896. Examining the historical foundations, the struggle to establish a university in Johannesburg, and the progress of the University in the two decades prior to World War II, historian Bruce Murray captures the quality and texture of life in the early years of Wits University and the personalities who enlivened it and contributed to its growth. Particular attention is given to the wider issues and the challenges which faced Wits in its formative years. The book examines the role Wits came to occupy as a major centre of liberal thought and criticism in South Africa, its contribution to the development of the professions of the country, the relationship of its research to the wider society, and its attempts to grapple with a range of peculiarly South African problems, such as the admission of black students to the University and the relations of English- and Afrikaans-speaking white students within it. This edition of WITS: The Early Years is republished in the University’s centenary year with a preface by Keith Breckenridge, who writes, ‘In the republication of Murray’s two volume history of Wits, readers have an opportunity to explore the often dramatic and contested story of this university … Murray produced an intimate, almost scandalous intellectual history of the institution that served as his home for practically half a century.’
Hatje Cantz Basquiat
American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960–1988) quickly became one of art history’s most luminescent personalities; his friendships with Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, and Madonna, as well as his tragic death at the age of twenty-seven, are the stuff of legend. This retrospective publication traces the artist’s unique career and pinpoints his important position in art history. Basquiat’s works are marked by the kind of intensity and energy that also determined the course of his brief life. In just eight years—comparable to the career of Egon Schiele—Basquiat not only managed to create an extensive oeuvre, but also to establish new figurative and expressive elements alongside Conceptual and Minimal Art. At the age of twenty-one, he became the youngest artist ever to be invited to the documenta, while his work also anticipated that of Germany’s Junge Wilde movement and the art of the nineties. (German edition ISBN 978-3-7757-2592-7) Exhibition schedulde: Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, May 9–September 5, 2010
Hodder Education Edexcel A Level Mathematics Year 1 (AS)
Exam Board: EdexcelLevel: AS/A-levelSubject: MathematicsFirst Teaching: September 2017First Exam: June 2018Endorsed for Edexcel Help students to develop their knowledge and apply their reasoning to mathematical problems with worked examples, stimulating activities and assessment support tailored to the 2017 Edexcel specification.The content benefits from the expertise of subject specialist Keith Pledger and the support of MEI (Mathematics in Education and Industry).-Prepare students for assessment with skills-building activities, worked examples and practice questions tailored to the changed criteria.-Develop a fuller understanding of mathematical concepts with real world examples that help build connections between topics and develop mathematical modelling skills.-Cement understanding of problem-solving, proof and modelling with dedicated sections on these key areas.-Confidently teach the new statistics requirements with five dedicated statistics chapters and questions around the use of large data sets.-Cover the use of technology in Mathematics with a variety of questions based around the use of spreadsheets, graphing software and graphing calculators. -Provide clear paths of progression that combine pure and applied maths into a coherent whole.
Rizzoli International Publications Futura : The Artist's Monograph
Having forged his graphic style painting subways in New York in the late 1970s, Futura was among the first graffiti artists to be shown in contemporary galleries in the early 1980s, where his paintings shared space with works by Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Kenny Scharf. As the commercialization of street culture in the 1990s inspired collaborations with fashion and lifestyle brands, Futura s work moved toward a more refined expression of his abstract graffiti style. Commissions from era-defining brands such as A Bathing Ape, Stussy, Supreme, and Mo Wax saw his artwork canonized as an elemental component of the street aesthetic. Collected here, among never-before-published reproductions of earlier paintings and drawings, is an archive of personal photography and ephemera that reveals how integral Futura has been to the evolution of street art and culture. Guided through more than forty years of work, and with interviews with key players in Futura s career, this is at once a definitive monograph of a legend of contemporary art and an indispensable chapter in the history of graffiti.
National Gallery Company Ltd Lake Keitele: A Vision of Finland
In 1999, Akseli Gallen-Kallela’s Lake Keitele (1905) became the first Finnish painting to enter the National Gallery and is now one of the most popular pictures in the collection. Although the artist and his work are relatively unknown to audiences outside of Finland, he was not only a leading figure in modern Finnish painting but an accomplished practitioner of the decorative arts and a key figure in the development of early twentieth-century Modernism.This book focuses on four versions of his shimmering depictions of Lake Keitele, north of Helsinki; a stylized lake composition which first appeared in the early 1880s, when the artist was still elaborating his own descriptive language, and continued to preoccupy him until well into the 1920s. Anne Robbins examines these abstract and modernist pictures in the light of the international avant gardes with which Gallen-Kallela was in contact for much of his career, and the ways in which his work expressed his fervent Finnish nationalism.Published by National Gallery Company/Distributed by Yale University PressExhibition Schedule:National Gallery, London (11/15/17–02/04/18)
De Gruyter Time and Presence in Art: Moments of Encounter (200–1600 CE)
This volume explores the relationship between temporality and presence in medieval artworks from the third to the sixteenth centuries. It is the first extensive treatment of the interconnections between medieval artworks' varied presences and their ever-shifting places in time. The volume begins with reflections on the study of temporality and presence in medieval and early modern art history. A second section presents case studies delving into the different ways medieval artworks once created and transformed their original viewers' experience of the present. These range from late antique Constantinople, early Islamic Jerusalem and medieval Italy, to early modern Venice and the Low Countries. A final section explores how medieval artworks remain powerful and relevant today. This section includes case studies on reconstructing presence in medieval art through embodied experience of pilgrimage, art historical research and museum education. In doing so, the volume provides a first dialog between museum educators and art historians on the presence of medieval artifacts. It includes contributions by Hans Belting, Keith Moxey, Rika Burnham and others.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd George Yeo: Musings - Series Three
George Yeo: Musings (In 3 Volumes) available as a set hereOver sessions which lasted two to three hours each time, every week for half a year, George Yeo met and mused over a wide range of topics with writer Woon Tai Ho and research assistant Keith Yap. Speaking from notes, he began with himself and his hope for Singapore, and then spanned over a wide range of subjects — from the importance of human diversity and Singapore's reflection within itself of the world, to history, politics, economics, philosophy, taijigong and religion. He gives his views on India, China, ASEAN, Europe, the US and other parts of the world, and how Singapore's history and destiny are connected to all of them. The style is conversational and anecdotal.George Yeo: Musings is exactly that — musings. Some themes recur throughout the book which reflect his view of life. But there is no grand theory. He does not expect all of his reflections to be of interest to everyone, but he hopes that everyone will find something of interest.This is the third of a three-part series.
London Publishing Partnership Greens For a Better Europe: Twenty Years of UK Green Influence in the European Parliament, 1999-2019
While Greens in the UK have always suffered from a grossly unfair electoral system, in the European Union they have been able to flourish as part of a small but effective group of European Greens since their first election in 1999. Greens have had a significant influence on the policies impacting more than 500 million EU citizens, underlining environmental standards and challenging economic and social orthodoxy. While Greens have often been marginalised by the political and media elites in Britain, across Europe, Greens have been seen as 'the voice of reason' and the 'adults in the room'. With Brexit threatening our ongoing influence on European policy-making, former and current UK Green MEPs Caroline Lucas, Jean Lambert, Keith Taylor and Molly Scott Cato reflect on their time in Brussels and chart a course for the party's new relationship with the EU-wide Green movement. This guide to two decades of UK Green achievements in Europe also brings together analysis from prominent academics, journalists, campaigners and Green MEPs from across the EU.
Little, Brown Book Group Once A Saint: An Actor's Memoir
'A wickedly entertaining new memoir' Daily MailAccording to the Daily Mail Ian Ogilvy was 'the undisputed star of 1970s TV as the dashing Simon Templar in Return Of The Saint'. The show turned him into a household name, causing him to be touted as the next James Bond. From a liberal upbringing in post-war Britain, boarding school escapades and life at RADA, Ogilvy enjoyed an acting career spanning more than fifty years, including TV show Upstairs, Downstairs and films Witchfinder General, No Sex Please: We're British and Death Becomes Her. His story plays host to a spectacular all-star cast including Boris Karloff, Hayley Mills, Penelope Keith, Derek Nimmo, Timothy Dalton, Derek Jacobi and Meryl Streep, and Ogilvy gives a vivid account from behind the scenes of the Golden Age of television and film.Once a Saint is an amusing and unvarnished story: a tremendously endearing tale from a working actor. His story is modest and endlessly charming, told in such a way that opens a reader's heart to him.
Arc Publications Six Galician Poets
Distinctive and innovatory, contemporary Galician poetry has a strong presence on the literary scene of Spain, continuing a centuries-old unbroken line of literary creation in the language of the region. In the thirteenth anthology in this series, we are presented with work written in the last thirty years by six talented and highly individual Galician poets. Two of them, Xosé María Álvarez Cáccamo and Chus Pato, already have established literary careers, while the four younger writers are rapidly gaining recognition through recently published collections and prize awards. Having chosen six poets who are characterized by their constant examination of literary forms and exploration of new conceptual worlds, the editor, Manuela Palacios, has asked the poets themselves to make a choice from their own work for the anthology. The result is a collection of poems that grow from roots firmly planted in home soil but which reach out and flourish beyond the boundaries of a single literary tradition. Keith Payne's accomplished translation allows English-language readers access to this unfamiliar but infinitely exciting territory.
Skyhorse Publishing The Wind Book for Rifle Shooters: How to Improve Your Accuracy in Mild to Blustery Conditions
All other factors being equal, it is your ability to read the wind that will make the most difference in your shooting accuracy. The better you understand the behavior of the wind, the better you will understand the behavior of your bullet. Now, champion shooters Linda K. Miller and Keith A. Cunningham reveal everything they wish they’d known about reading the wind before they started shooting (instead of having to learn as they went along) in concise, easy-to-read terms and accompanied with handy ninety-five diagrams. The Wind Book for Rifle Shooters contains straightforward guidance on the simple thought process they use to read the wind, the techniques and tactics they use to win matches, and the underlying skills that support both. Let these champions show you how to put together a simple wind-reading toolbox for calculating wind speed, direction, deflection, and drift. Then learn how to use these tools to read flags and mirage, record and interpret your observations, and time your shots to compensate for wind. Other topics covered include: Analyzing shot placement Recording and record keeping Confidence and following your hunches And much more! The essential wind-reading basics taught in this book will absolutely improve your shooting skills, whether you're a target shooter, a plinker, a hunter or a shooting professional.
Pitch Publishing Ltd The Rochdale Division: Conversations with Star Players, Managers and Cult Heroes of Rochdale AFC
Rochdale AFC had occupied the fourth tier of English football for so long that the division was unofficially named after them. In 2006, manager Keith Hill took charge and transformed the unfashionable, cash-strapped club into a side known for flowing football and overachievement. But what about the other Rochdale bosses? Those who sought to rid The Dale of its tiresome fourth-tier anchor? The Rochdale Division is told by the managers and players, who reveal the struggles and joys of life at an out-of-step club in the modern football age. It features managers such as Hill himself, Mick Docherty, Graham Barrow, Paul Simpson, Steve Parkin, Steve Eyre and John Coleman, plus the players they led. The book shares insights from cultured centre-half Alan Reeves, Rochdale's sons Craig Dawson and Matt Gilks, prolific strikers Rickie Lambert and Adam Le Fondre, fleet-footed Will Buckley and Paddy McCourt, plus powerhouse Glenn Murray. Alongside them are cult heroes Steve Whitehall, Shaun Reid, Gary Jones, Calvin Andrew and Ian Henderson.