Search results for ""Author Adele"
Augsburg Fortress Publishers Song of Songs
Skyhorse Publishing Freaky Dreams: an A-Z of the Weirdest and Wackiest Dreams and What They Really Mean
We've all had them. But let's face it: we don't have a clue what they mean. They're freaky dreams. From talking pets and naked friends to apocalypses and prophecies, this compendium explains the weird, the wacky, and the disturbing world of dreams. Included are explanations of dream elements such as: accidents, alarm clocks, handcuffs, juggling, karaoke, mermaids, mountains, oysters, parents, robes, roses, salt, snow, stars, storks, traffic, twins, and much, much more.
Adventure Publications, Incorporated Homemade Bird Food: 26 Fun & Easy Recipes to Feed Backyard Birds
Find Your Recipe for Bird Watching SuccessA few minutes in the kitchen can become hours of bird watching fun. Take birding to another level by creating unique dishes especially for backyard birds. This creative cookbook turns bird food into a banana split, cupcake, pie, and even tree ornaments. Each dish is perfect to tackle alone or with the whole family.Inside You’ll Find 26 recipes to attract the birds you want to see Ingredients that appeal to 70+ bird species, including “hard-to-get” birds Tips on selecting the right ingredients for the right birds A handy chart that shows which birds dine on each dish BONUS: Tips for cooking with kids, wildlife research projects, and a bird-identification section See more birds and make birding even more interactive. Invite everybirdy to your yard with a banquet of nutritious, homemade foods.
Welcome Rain Publishers,US What Matters: Poems
Simon & Schuster Camille's Story, 1910, 7
Prentice Hall (a Pearson Education company) How to Talk so Kids can Learn at Home and at School
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Tobacco Wives: A Novel [Large Print]
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Duke Of Sin
Piper Verlag GmbH Ich war mein größter Feind
NordSüd Verlag AG Das grne Kken
Afterglow Books by Harlequin Fake Flame
OneTree House Ltd Between
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Staffordshire Spaniels
No Victorian parlor was complete without a Staffordshire Spaniel on the mantel. This fascinating text focuses exclusively on these popular Victorian era antiques produced in Staffordshire, England from circa 1840 through the turn of the century. A detailed look at all of the Spaniel variations, along with the history of this "breed" of Staffordshire figure, and the more recent reproductions is provided and beautifully illustrated with over 285 color photographs and illustrations. Also included are the historical context into which these Spaniels fit, background on the Staffordshire potteries and canine statuary, molding processes, decorating techniques, Spaniel types and sizes, tips for collectors, and a helpful glossary. Informative captions offer descriptions, sizes, dates of manufacture, and current market values.
Taschen GmbH Hiroshige
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797–1858) was one of the last great artists in the ukiyo-e tradition. Literally meaning “pictures of the floating world,” ukiyo-e was a particular woodblock print genre of art that flourished between the 17th and 19th centuries. Subjects ranged from the bright lights and attractions of Edo (modern-day Tokyo), to spectacular natural landscapes. In the West, Hiroshige’s prints became exemplary of the Japonisme that swept through Europe and defined the Western world’s visual idea of Japan. Because they could be mass produced, ukiyo-e works were often used as designs for fans, greeting cards, and book illustrations. The style influenced Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, and Art Nouveau artists alike, with Vincent van Gogh and James Abbott McNeill Whistler both particularly inspired by Hiroshige’s landscapes. This introductory book presents key images from Hiroshige’s vibrant, vivid portfolio of blooming cherry trees, beautiful women, Kabuki actors, and busy shopping streets to introduce one of the greats of Asian art history.
University of California Press The California Sea Otter Trade 1784-1848
This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1941.
Planeta Publishing Cómo Hablar Para Que Los Niños Escuchen / How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk: Y Cómo Escuchar Para Que Los Niños Hablen
Simon & Schuster How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Connectionism and the Mind: Parallel Processing, Dynamics, and Evolution in Networks
Connectionism and the Mind provides a clear and balanced introduction to connectionist networks and explores theoretical and philosophical implications. Much of this discussion from the first edition has been updated, and three new chapters have been added on the relation of connectionism to recent work on dynamical systems theory, artificial life, and cognitive neuroscience. Read two of the sample chapters on line: Connectionism and the Dynamical Approach to Cognition: Networks, Robots, and Artificial Life:
Simon & Schuster How to Talk So Kids Will Listen Listen So Kids Will Talk
Gallimard Inconsolable
Bonnier Books Ltd How to Talk so Teens will Listen & Listen so Teens will Talk
How do you respond to the grumpy teenager slamming doors? To the rebellious teen who keeps breaking curfew? To the angry adolescent who keeps raising their voice?Well, parenting experts Joanna Faber and Julie King have the answers, and are here to help.Part of the internationally bestselling How to Talk... parenting series, this user-friendly guide gives insights and tried-and-tested strategies to navigate the everyday challenges of life with teenagers, showing you how to put them into practice in real-life scenarios.Whether you want to learn how to engage cooperation, take appropriate action, avoid lectures, express your feelings and understand each other, work out solutions together, this accessible book is filled with top tips, relatable stories and forward-thinking techniques designed to transform how you parent your teenagers.
Tiger Tales Let's Play, Magical Mermaid!
Tiger Tales Let's Play, Funny Flamingo!
HarperCollins Publishers Inc How To Talk So Teens Will Listen And Listen So Teens Will Talk Abridged
Rowman & Littlefield Culture and Change: Attending to Early Modern Women
This is the fourth in the series of proceedings of the interdisciplinary conference sponsored by the Center for Renaissance & Baroque Studies at the University of Maryland. This volume reflects the commitment of scholars to the exploration of early modern women's culture as recovered through images, literature, music, and archives of the period. In essays on 'Stories,' 'Goods,' 'Faiths,' and 'Pedagogues,' scholars from a wide variety of fields discuss the contributions that reveal early modern women's influence on the societal and cultural transformations in which they participated. Nearly thirty workshops from the conference are summarized, and these offer a detailed overview of current research in early modern women's studies. An introduction by Margaret Mikesell traces the development of the Attending to Early Modern Women symposia (1990-2000). A keynote address by Diane Purkiss on stories of maternal grief located in Scottish witch-trial confessions is also included.
Jewish Publication Society The JPS Bible Commentary: Psalms 120–150
The Jewish Publication Society’s highly acclaimed Bible Commentary series provides the Hebrew text of the Bible, the JPS English translation, and a line-by-line commentary. This volume presents commentary on Psalms 120–150, based on the most recent research on the language of the Bible, its literary forms, and the historical context that may have given rise to the psalms. The commentary pays special attention to the message of each psalm and to how the poetry shapes the message. At the same time, it draws on traditional Jewish interpretations of the meaning of the psalms.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Connectionism and the Mind: Parallel Processing, Dynamics, and Evolution in Networks
Connectionism and the Mind provides a clear and balanced introduction to connectionist networks and explores theoretical and philosophical implications. Much of this discussion from the first edition has been updated, and three new chapters have been added on the relation of connectionism to recent work on dynamical systems theory, artificial life, and cognitive neuroscience. Read two of the sample chapters on line: Connectionism and the Dynamical Approach to Cognition: Networks, Robots, and Artificial Life:
Capstone Classroom From the Classroom to the Test How to Improve Student Achievement on the Summative Ela Assessments Maupin House
St Martin's Press Pearl the Magical Unicorn
Ediciones Medici, S.L. Hermanos no rivales
Escrita con humor, inteligencia y comprensión, e ilustrada con unas amenas viñetas, esta guía pone en tela de juicio la idea de que el conflicto constante y desagradable es algo natural e inevitable. A partir de historias y anécdotas muestra varios modos de enseñar a los hijos a progresar. Faber y Mazlish han escrito un manual profuso con directrices prácticas y ejemplos del modo cómo afrontar y contener la rivalidad entre hermanos.
Logos Verlag Berlin Die Selbstorganisation Dynamischer Systeme: Whiteheads Beitrag Zur Philosophie Des Geistes
Simon Spotlight Katherine's Story, 1848
McClelland & Stewart Inc. The Sacrifice: Penguin Modern Classics Edition
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Hidden World of the Fox
Oberstebrink Entspannte Eltern unbeschwerte Kinder Verstndnis und Verstndigung als Schlssel zum Glck
Hachette Lheure des femmes
Rethink Press Gorgeous!: How to look and feel fantastic every day
Hodder Education AQA GCSE (9-1) History Workbook: Germany, 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship
Exam board: AQALevel: GCSESubject: GeographyFirst teaching: September 2016First exams: Summer 2018 Practise and perfect the knowledge and skills that students need to achieve their best grade in the AQA GCSE (9-1) History exams.Packed full of consolidation activities and exam-style questions, this time-saving Workbook makes it easier to reinforce understanding throughout the course and prepare for examination.- Apply, embed and recap knowledge using tried-and-tested consolidation activities that put the large amount of content into context- Develop the exam skills required for the 9-1 examinations with a bank of practice questions that covers every question type and includes mark allocations to indicate how much time students should spend on an answer- Tackle the challenges of written interpretations as plenty of examples and questions are provided- Help students identify their revision needs and understand how to improve their responses by consulting the online answers/answer guidance for each activity and question- Use flexibly for homework or classwork, during the course or for revision and exam practice- Feel confident about exam preparation, knowing that the activities and questions have been carefully created by a team of experienced examiners and practising teachers
Gibbs M. Smith Inc Arthur Elrod
HarperCollins Publishers The AntiSocial Season
Can they keep their attraction under control?
HarperCollins Publishers Mushroom Miscellany
Mushrooms have always had a global fan club. And that fanbase continues to spread like the windswept spores of the colossal Honey Fungus.Mushroom Miscellany is a love letter to all things mushroom. This charmingly illustrated gift book explores the fantastical world of the mushroom featuring profiles, fun facts, recipes, and more.Over 80 species of fungi glow in the darkThe world's oldest mushroom is 810 million years oldBigger than a blue whale, the largest organism of any type in the world is the 2,384-acre Armillaria mushroom in OregonMushrooms are one of the world's most sustainably produced food sources, requiring minimal space, energy, and waterWith imaginative names such as Witches'' Butter and Jelly Ear, Chicken of the Woods and Beefsteak, mushrooms have been at the heart of medicine, folklore, cookery, and science throughout history and across cultures. Foragers, artists, scientists, healers, and chefs have been drawn to mushrooms for their implausible aesthetics, incredible
Nova Science Publishers Inc Federal Budget Process: An Introduction
Algonquin Books The Becket List: A Blackberry Farm Story
Ward Wood Publishing Never-Never Land
Katabasis The Moon's Song
On-Word Bound Books The Yamas Niyamas
HarperCollins Publishers The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols: The Ultimate A–Z Guide from Alchemy to the Zodiac
Unlock the lost and hidden meanings of the world's ancient and modern signs and symbols with the latest in the hugely popular series of 'Element Encyclopedias'. This is the biggest A-Z reference book on symbolic objects you'll ever find. The latest in the popular series of 'Element Encyclopedias', this is the largest, most definitive guide to the secret and ancient knowledge of signs and symbols, some of which has been lost over thousands of years. Why is the eye believed to be a powerful symbol of protection by fishermen? Why do Masonic Temples have a black and white chequered floor covering? Why do Hindus use coloured rice powder to draw elaborate symbols in front of their homes, only to have these patterns destroyed every day by footprints? What are the hidden meanings behind the symbols on the American dollar? What is the most important symbol in the World? Divided into easy-to-follow A-Z themed sections, the book answers all these questions and more, from sections on Magic and Mystery, Deities and Rituals, the Animal and Plant Kingdom, Landscape and the Elements, to Food and Sacred Geometry. Find out about the secret Demonic alphabet and Script of the Magi, the Glastonbury Zodiac, the Masonic Compass, the Eye of Horus, Native American hunting symbols, the Caduceus and the Indian Diwali ritual. Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols is a fascinating compendium of the hidden meanings behind the most important visual symbols in the world.