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Editorial Almuzara Grandes batallas de la historia de Espaa
De Julio César a La batalla del Ebro, una obra imprescidible con tres mil años apasionantes que configuraron la Historia de España.Muchas de las batallas que han tenido lugar en España o han sido protagonizadas por españoles, fueron decisivas para nuestra historia. Primo Jurado, escritor, profesor y doctor en Historia, recoge aquí las más importantes, con glorias y fracasos. Qué habría pasado si Julio César hubiera sido derrotado en Munda? Cómo habría cambiado la historia si don Rodrigo hubiese vencido en Guadalete e impedido la invasión musulmana? Y si la Gran Armada hubiera desembarcado a los tercios en Inglaterra, conquistando Londres? Se imaginan Colombia y Venezuela colonias británicas, si los ingleses hubiesen logrado tomar Cartagena de Indias? Por qué bastó el Desembarco de Alhucemas para liquidar la Guerra de Marruecos que se prolongaba, sangrienta, 13 años? Cómo habría sido España tras ganar la República la Guerra Civil, de haberse impuesto en la batalla del Ebro?
Nórdica Libros Estudio en escarlato
Tras la publicación en esta misma colección de El perro de los Baskerville, con ilustraciones de Javier Olivares, seguimos con nuestro propósito de publicar todas las novelas de Conan Doyle que tienen como protagonistas al detective más famoso de todos los tiempos, Sherlock Holmes, y a su inseparable doctor Watson.Publicada en 1887, Estudio en escarlata es la primera entrega de la serie, en la que John H. Watson inicia las memorias de sus aventuras. Todo comienza cuando él y Holmes van a compartir casa en la ya famosa dirección del 221B de Baker Street. Allí, Watson convivirá con las excentricidades de Holmes y será testigo de su asombrosa habilidad para obtener información sobre todo lo que le rodea. Aturdido en ocasiones por la personalidad del detective, Watson se verá, sin embargo, deslumbrado por su genialidad.Fernando Vicente ha recreado este caso y ha dado vida gráfica a estos dos míticos personajes.Decidí que me hubiera gustado ser Sherlock Holmes, y en el protagonis
Libros del Asteroide S.L.U. El regreso de Titmuss
El apacible pueblo inglés de Rapstone Fanner está amenazado por un salvaje plan urbanístico que pone en peligro su encanto y también el del idílico valle que lo rodea. El honorable Leslie Titmuss, diputado local y ministro de Territorio, Urbanismo y Fomento en el gobierno conservador de Margaret Thatcher, está ocupado cortejando a la bella viuda Jenny Sidonia y no sabe muy bien a qué carta quedarse. Debería ser coherente con sus ideas y apoyar a los especuladores? No sería mejor, en cambio, proteger su pueblo (y de paso su recién estrenada casa de campo) de los bloques de oficinas, centros comerciales y toneladas de asfalto que lo van a sepultar?Mortimer retoma alguno de los personajes de su exitosa "Un paraíso inalcanzable" para componer una novela inteligente y bienhumorada en la que demuestra, una vez más, su profundo conocimiento de las relaciones humanas. Una formidable sátira sobre las maquinaciones políticas y los cambios que el desarrollo económico produjo en la sociedad in
Random House USA Inc ¡Dientes y más dientes! (The Tooth Book Spanish Edition)
Edición rimada en español del clásico libro de conceptos de Dr. Seuss sobre los dientes: ¡quién tiene, quién no y cómo conservar los que tienes! En este divertido libro de la colección Bright and Early Books de Dr. Seuss, los pequeños y preescolares se reirán a carcajadas mientras descubren todas las cosas divertidas que los dientes pueden hacer y cómo lograr que duren toda la vida. Con simpáticas ilustraciones de Joe Mathieu, es el libro ideal para los niños que van a visitar al dentista por primera vez, que están aprendiendo a leer o simplemente sienten curiosidad acerca de ellos mismos y del mundo que los rodea. Historias breves, divertidas, con pocas palabras, fáciles de leer, de un ritmo alegre y expresivas ilustraciones, los libros de la colección Bright and Early Books son ideales para desarrollar el amor por la lectura en los niños. Las ediciones rimadas y en español de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss publicadas por Random House brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!), y Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!). Ideal tanto para leer en casa como en la escuela, estos libros han sido meticulosamente traducidos, respetando la rima, por autores y traductores latinoamericanos, y supervisados por Teresa Mlawer, reconocida y galardonada traductora durante más de cincuenta años. A rhymed Spanish edition of Dr. Seuss's classic concept book about teeth--who has them, who doesn't, and how to keep the ones you have!In this hilarious Bright and Early Book by Dr. Seuss, toddlers and preschoolers will laugh out loud as they find out all the things that teeth can do and how to make them last a lifetime! With comical illustrations by Joe Mathieu, it's a perfect choice or children who are visiting the dentist, learning to read, or just curious about themselves and the world around them!Combining brief and funny stories, easy words, catchy rhythm, and lively illustrations, Bright and Early Books are an ideal way to introduce the joys of reading to children.Random House's rhymed Spanish-language editions of classic Dr. Seuss books make the joyful experience of reading Dr. Seuss books available for the more than 38 million people in the United States who speak Spanish. Readers can enjoy over 30 different classic Dr. Seuss titles including The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez dos peces pez rojo pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); and Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!). Perfect for home and classroom use, they are meticulously translated in rhyme by native Latin American Spanish speakers overseen by award-winning translator Teresa Mlawer.
Desclée De Brouwer Familias felices el arte de ser padres
Hoy se espera que los jóvenes no solo tengan un expediente brillante, sino que también sean equilibrados, que desarrollen inteligencias múltiples , que sean individuos creativos y maduros que puedan afrontar el cambio y la complejidad en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.Este libro, informativo y entretenido, proporciona a los padres herramientas prácticas para que sus hijos empiecen con buen pie. Basado en una investigación sólida, los autores reúnen diferentes experiencias personales de la vida familiar y también distintas aproximaciones a la creatividad, inspirándose en el teatro-fórum, el arte de contar, la música, la Dinámica Espiral (DS)... que nos ayudarán no solo a ver cómo podemos desarrollarnos como seres humanos maduros y cariñosos, sino también a comprender el acto de equilibrio entre nuestro pensamiento y el ambiente que nos rodea, y cómo pueden influirse mutuamente.Familias felices se centra en la actividad que constituye el mayor desafío: ser madre o padre de niños pequeño
Editorial Sal Terrae El don de los aos saber envejecer
Joan Chittister, una de las más célebres escritoras en el área de la espiritualidad, nos invita a aceptar la vejez como una parte natural de la vida, como una etapa que es, a la vez, activa y contemplativa, productiva y propicia a la reflexión, amén de sumamente gratificante. La ancianidad nos confiere sabiduría, libertad y una clase distinta de prosperidad. Nos ilumina no sólo a nosotros, sino también a quienes nos rodean. Para vivir bien estos años necesitamos contemplar cada uno de ellos con atención y vitalidad. Tras examinar las múltiples dimensiones del envejecimiento, abordar la conciencia de rechazo que deriva de sentirse de algún modo al margen de la vida, reflexionar sobre la tentación de aislarse de los cambios que están aconteciendo y sobre la necesidad de permanecer involucrados, etc., describe lo que ocurre cuando las antiguas relaciones terminan y nuevas gentes y retos ocupan su lugar. Habla sobre el miedo al mañana y el misterio de la eternidad y sobre cómo arreglársela
Random House USA Inc Veo, veo (The Eye Book Spanish Edition)
Edición rimada en español del clásico libro de conceptos de Dr. Seuss sobre los ojos, ¡y todas las cosas que pueden ver y hacer! Veo, veo. ¿Qué ves? Esta divertida oda de Dr. Seuss a los ojos les ofrece a los pequeños una nueva manera de apreciar todas las cosas maravillosas que podemos ver. Con simpáticas ilustraciones de Joe Mathieu, es un libro ideal para niños pequeños y preescolares que están aprendiendo acerca de ellos mismos y del mundo que los rodea, ¡o que planean visitar al oculista por primera vez! Historias breves, divertidas, con pocas palabras, fáciles de leer, de un ritmo alegre y expresivas ilustraciones, los libros de la colección Bright and Early Books son ideales para desarrollar el amor por la lectura en los niños.Las ediciones rimadas y en español de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss publicadas por Random House brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!), y Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!). Ideal tanto para leer en casa como en la escuela, estos libros han sido meticulosamente traducidos, respetando la rima, por autores y traductores latinoamericanos, y supervisados por Teresa Mlawer, reconocida y galardonada traductora durante más de cincuenta años. A rhymed Spanish edition of Dr. Seuss's classic concept book about eyes—and all the things they can see and do!Oh, say can you see? Dr. Seuss's hilarious ode to eyes gives little ones a whole new appreciation for all the wonderful things to be seen! With funny illustrations by Joe Mathieu, this is a perfect choice for toddlers and preschoolers who are learning about themselves and the world around them—or visiting the eye doctor for the first time!Combining brief and funny stories, easy words, catchy rhythm, and lively illustrations, Bright and Early Books are an ideal way to introduce the joys of reading to children.Random House's rhymed Spanish-language editions of classic Dr. Seuss books make the joyful experience of reading Dr. Seuss books available for the more than 38 million people in the United States who speak Spanish. Readers can enjoy over 30 different classic Dr. Seuss titles including The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez dos peces pez rojo pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); and Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!). Perfect for home and classroom use, they are meticulously translated in rhyme by native Latin American Spanish speakers overseen by award-winning translator Teresa Mlawer.
Phaidon Press Ltd Artifacts: Fascinating Facts about Art, Artists, and the Art World
'Even a seasoned art history buff will find new things to discover in this book.' - Hyperallergic 'Fascinating facts and illuminating anecdotes.' - The Art Newspaper The perfect miscellany for every art lover - an essential and engaging collection of facts, figures, and findings about art, artists, and the art world, past and present This extraordinary compendium of compelling facts, figures, and findings gathers and distils obscure and fascinating information about art, artists, and the art world. Fun, surprising, and compelling, in this covetable book you will learn: - which artist's work is stolen most often (Picasso) - names of artists' pets: Fat Fat & Cous-Cous (Louise Nevelson's cats), Giotto and Goya (John Baldessari's dogs) - artist couples (Nancy Rubins and Chris Burden; Niki de Saint Phalle and Jean Tinguely; Dorothea Tanning and Max Ernst) - things artists collect: prosthetic arms and legs (Sophie Calle), glass eyes (Hiroshi Sugimoto) - odd jobs and side hustles: telephone marketer (Tomma Abts), crop duster (James Turrell) - artists who were rejected from art school (Francisco Goya, Auguste Rodin) ... and hundreds of other miscellaneous details. Thoughtfully and thoroughly researched, this intriguing book offers refreshing and surprising perspectives on the world of art. The five page-turning chapters cover: - Artists - Art School - Art Studio - Art Museum - Art World
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the History of Corporate and Company Law
Today, the corporation plays a dominant role in economics, politics, and societies across the globe. Understanding the corporation means understanding its legal framework but until recently, the origins and evolution of corporate law have received relatively little attention. This Handbook sheds new light on the historical development of both the corporation and business organization law.This extensive collection brings together contributions from an array of international academics to provide the first wide-ranging history of the laws of corporations and business organizations from ancient to modern times. The contributors offer a global exploration of the development of corporation and company law, moving beyond the United States and Western Europe to present studies in Mexico, India and China, as well as addressing the trajectory of scholarly debate. Not only do the contributions examine the growth of the law of public corporation, they also address the development of laws governing other business forms.This Handbook will prove an invaluable resource for corporation law and business scholars, as well as business and legal historians and economists.Contributors include: B. Aronson, A. Aviram, W. Bratton, G. Del Angel, M. Gelter, A. Gomez-Galvarriato, Y. González de Lara, T.W. Guinnane, R. Harris, L. Johnson, V. Khanna, T. Kuntz, S. Martínez-Rodríguez, D.T. Mitchell, M.T. Moore, J. Rochat, J. Rubin, T. Ruskola, G. Sandrelli, F.L. Stewart, J.D. Turner, U. Varottil, M. Ventoruzzo, M. Wachter, H. Wells, R.E. Wright
Oni Press,US Wild Vol. 1
Half roller derby action, half coming-of-age tale, Cristian Castelo's debut graphic novel takes readers into the rinks of the 1970s on a track where identity is made and the league underdogs live to skate another day. At Westhoff High, pain is part of the curriculum... But so is math, science, and chemistry. However, Wild Rodriguez and her pint-size companions have always had one goal and one goal only as they enter freshman year: to join the Rocket Rollers and test their mettle in the infamously violent roller derby league. Now, summer draws to an end and tryouts are here! Do they have what it takes to climb the ranks of the derby world, or will their dream just as quickly turn into a nightmare? Wild discovers that sometimes dreams involve a lot of getting kicked in the face, as well as maybe accidentally getting involved in a blood feud or two. Half roller derby, half professional wrestling, the league is filled with cussin', spittin' roughnecks like the Cult Catastrophe, earnest athletes the 8-Ball Bruisers, sick freaks Puppy & the Pound, and the elegant-but-deadly Matadors. Becoming a true legend of the derby track like her hero (and occasional helpful psychic avatar) Rosie Rozine involves a lot of physical and emotional fortitude, luckily Wild and all her friends--imaginary or otherwise--have each other's backs no matter what!
Cornell University Press The Ink in the Grooves: Conversations on Literature and Rock 'n' Roll
Drop the record needle on any vinyl album in your collection, then read the first pages of that novel you've been meaning to pick up—the reverberations between them will be impossible to miss. Since Dylan went electric, listening to rock 'n' roll has often been a surprisingly literary experience, and contemporary literature is curiously attuned to the history and beat of popular music. In The Ink in the Grooves, Florence Dore brings together a remarkable array of acclaimed novelists, musicians, and music writers to explore the provocatively creative relationship between musical and literary inspiration: the vitality that writers draw from a three-minute blast of guitars and the poetic insights that musicians find in literary works from Shakespeare to Southern Gothic. Together, the essays and interviews in The Ink in the Grooves provide a backstage pass to the creative processes behind some of the most exciting and influential albums and novels of our time. Contributors: Laura Cantrell, Michael Chabon, Roddy Doyle, Bob Dylan, Steve Earle, William Ferris, Dom Flemons, Rhiannon Giddens, Dave Grohl, Peter Guralnick, Amy Helm, Randall Kenan, Jonathan Lethem, Greil Marcus, Rick Moody, Lorrie Moore, the John Prine band (Dave Jacques, Fats Kaplin, Pat McLaughlin, Jason Wilber), Dana Spiotta, John Jeremiah Sullivan, Richard Thompson, Scott Timberg, Daniel Wallace, Colson Whitehead, Lucinda Williams, Warren Zanes.
University of Nebraska Press The Sonoran Dynasty in Mexico: Revolution, Reform, and Repression
Two generals from the northwestern state of Sonora, Álvaro Obregón and Plutarco Elías Calles, dominated Mexico between 1920 and 1934, having risen to prominence in the course of the Mexican Revolution. Torn between popular demands for ending the privileges of wealthy foreign investors and opposition by a hawkish U.S. administration and enemies at home, the two generals and their allies from their home state mixed radical rhetoric with the accommodation of entrenched interests. In The Sonoran Dynasty in Mexico Jürgen Buchenau tells the story of this ruling group, which rejected the Indigenous and Catholic past during the decades of the revolution and aimed to reinvent Mexico along the lines of the modern and secular societies in western Europe and the United States. In addition to Obregón and Calles, the Sonoran Dynasty included Adolfo de la Huerta and Abelardo L. Rodríguez, four Sonorans among six presidents in less than two decades. Although the group began with the common aims of nationalism, modernization, central political control, and enrichment, Buchenau argues that this group progressively fell apart in a series of bloody conflicts that reflected broader economic, political, and social disagreements. By analyzing the dynasty from its origins through its eventual downfall, Buchenau presents an innovative look at the negotiation of power and state formation in revolutionary Mexico.
University of Nebraska Press Race Experts: Sculpture, Anthropology, and the American Public in Malvina Hoffman's Races of Mankind
Charles C. Eldredge Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in American Art from the Smithsonian American Art Museum In Race ExpertsLinda Kim examines the complicated and ambivalent role played by sculptor Malvina Hoffman in the Races of Mankind series created for the Chicago Field Museum in 1930. Although Hoffman had training in fine arts and was a protégé of Auguste Rodin and Ivan Meštrović, she had no background in anthropology or museum exhibits. Nonetheless, the Field Museum commissioned her to make a series of life-size sculptures for the museum’s new racial exhibition, which became the largest exhibit on race ever installed in a museum and one of the largest sculptural commissions ever undertaken by a single artist. Hoffman’s Races of Mankind exhibit was realized as a series of 104 bronzes of racial types from around the world, a unique visual mediation between anthropological expertise and lay ideas about race in interwar America. Kim explores how the exhibition compelled the artist to incorporate into her artistic model of race not only racial science but also popular ideas that ordinary Americans brought to the museum. Kim situates the Races of Mankind exhibit at the juncture of these different forms of expertise and examines how the sculptures represented the messy resolutions between them.Race Experts is a compelling story of ideological contradiction and accommodation within the racial practices of American museums, artists, and audiences.
Duke University Press The Multispecies Salon
A new approach to writing culture has arrived: multispecies ethnography. Plants, animals, fungi, and microbes appear alongside humans in this singular book about natural and cultural history. Anthropologists have collaborated with artists and biological scientists to illuminate how diverse organisms are entangled in political, economic, and cultural systems. Contributions from influential writers and scholars, such as Dorion Sagan, Karen Barad, Donna Haraway, and Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, are featured along with essays by emergent artists and cultural anthropologists.Delectable mushrooms flourishing in the aftermath of ecological disaster, microbial cultures enlivening the politics and value of food, and nascent life forms running wild in the age of biotechnology all figure in this curated collection of essays and artifacts. Recipes provide instructions on how to cook acorn mush, make cheese out of human milk, and enliven forests after they have been clear-cut. The Multispecies Salon investigates messianic dreams, environmental nightmares, and modest sites of biocultural hope.For additional materials see the companion website: Karen Barad, Caitlin Berrigan, Karin Bolender, Maria Brodine, Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn, David S. Edmunds, Christine Hamilton, Donna J. Haraway, Stefan Helmreich, Angela James, Lindsay Kelley, Eben Kirksey, Linda Noel, Heather Paxson, Nathan Rich, Anna Rodriguez, Dorion Sagan, Craig Schuetze, Nicholas Shapiro, Miriam Simun, Kim TallBear, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
University of Notre Dame Press Clandestine Encounters: Philosophy in the Narratives of Maurice Blanchot
Maurice Blanchot is perhaps best known as a major French intellectual of the twentieth century: the man who countered Sartre's views on literature, who affirmed the work of Sade and Lautréamont, who gave eloquent voice to the generation of '68, and whose philosophical and literary work influenced the writing of, among others, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, and Michel Foucault. He is also regarded as one of the most acute narrative writers in France since Marcel Proust. In Clandestine Encounters, Kevin Hart has gathered together major literary critics in Britain, France, and the United States to engage with Blanchot's immense, fascinating, and difficult body of creative work. Hart's substantial introduction usefully places Blanchot as a significant contributor to the tradition of the French philosophical novel, beginning with Voltaire's Candide in 1759, and best known through the works of Sartre. Clandestine Encounters considers a selection of Blanchot's narrative writings over the course of almost sixty years, from stories written in the mid-1930s to L'instant de ma mort (1994). Collectively, the contributors' close readings of Blanchot's novels, recits, and stories illuminate the close relationship between philosophy and narrative in his work while underscoring the variety and complexity of these narratives. Contributors: Christophe Bident, Arthur Cools, Thomas S. Davis, Christopher Fynsk, Rodolphe Gasché, Kevin Hart, Leslie Hill, Michael Holland, Stephen E. Lewis, Vivian Liska, Caroline Sheaffer-Jones, Christopher A. Strathman, Alain Toumayan
Orion Publishing Co Read This if You Want to be Great at Drawing People
Learn to draw figures and faces with this clear and easy to follow guide, the latest in the bestselling 'Read This' series. Revealing the techniques and ideas behind inspirational works, the book will set you on the path to making your own great drawings. From traditional life drawing to unconventional character studies, works by masters such as Henri Matisse, Auguste Rodin and Vincent van Gogh, as well as contemporary artists including Marlene Dumas, Zin Lim and Catherine Kehoe, all serve to illustrate a range of approaches and encourage readers to try out new ideas. Read This if You Want to Be Great at Drawing People is part of the internationally-bestselling ‘Read This’ series, which has sold over half-a-million books worldwide and has been translated into over 20 languages. More titles in the ‘Read This’ series: Read This if You Want to Take Great Photographs by Henry Carroll (9781780673356) Read This if You Want to Take Great Photographs of People by Henry Carroll (9781780676241) Read This if You Want to Take Great Photographs of Places by Henry Carroll (9781780679051) Use This if You Want to Take Great Photographs: A Photo Journal by Henry Carroll (9781780678887) Read This if You Want to Be Great at Drawing by Selwyn Leamy (9781786270542) Use This if You Want to Be Great at Drawing by Selwyn Leamy (9781786274052) Read This if You Want to Be a Great Writer by Ross Raisin (9781786271976) Read This if You Want to Be Instagram Famous edited by Henry Carroll (9781780679679)
Taschen GmbH Masterpieces of Fantasy Art. 40th Ed.
Fantasy art, that colorful blend of myth, muscle and sexy maidens, took off in 1923 with the launch of Weird Tales magazine, was reinvigorated in the 1960s with The Lord of the Rings, Conan the Barbarian paperbacks with Frank Frazetta covers, and the late ’60s emergence of fantasy psychedelia. It went big in the ’70s with the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons, the brilliant French magazine Métal Hurlant, and the first Star Wars film. The number of active artists peaked in that decade, but a new generation of fans discovered the genre through fantasy trading card games in the ’90s, leading to a massive interest in the art form today.Frank Frazetta’s oil paintings—when they infrequently come to market—have sold for more than $ 5 million in recent years. Fans line up at Comic-Cons to meet Boris Vallejo, Rodney Matthews, Greg Hildebrandt, Michael Whelan, and Philippe Druillet, and memorialize dead icons HR Giger, Jeffrey Catherine Jones, and Frazetta. This book features original paintings, contextualized by preparatory sketches, sculptures, calendars, magazines, and paperback books, for an immersive dive into this dynamic, fanciful genre. Insightful bios go beyond Wikipedia to give a more accurate and eye-opening look into the life of each artist. This collection will reign as the most exquisite and informative guide to this popular subject for years to come.
Temple University Press,U.S. Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog?
Two-thirds of Americans polled by the Associated Press agree with the following statement: \u0022An animal's right to live free of suffering should be just as important as a person's right to live free of suffering.\u0022 More than 50 percent of Americans believe that it is wrong to kill animals to make fur coats or to hunt them for sport. But these same Americans eat hamburgers, take their children to circuses and rodeos, and use products developed with animal testing. How do we justify our inconsistency? In this easy-to-read introduction, animal rights advocate Gary Francione looks at our conventional moral thinking bout animals. Using examples, analogies, and thought-experiments, he reveals the dramatic inconsistency between what we say we believe about animals and how we actually treat them. Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog? provides a guidebook to examining our social and personal ethical beliefs. It takes us through concepts of property and equal consideration to arrive at the basic contention of animal rights: that everyone -- human and non-human -- has the right not to be treated as a means to an end. Along the way, it illuminates concepts and theories that all of us use but few of us understand -- the nature of \u0022rights\u0022 and \u0022interests,\u0022 for example, and the theories of Locke, Descartes, and Bentham. Filled with fascinating information and cogent arguments, this is a book that you may love or hate, but that will not fail to inform, enlighten, and educate.
Cornerstone Steal
'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' Ian Rankin'One of the greatest storytellers of all time' Patricia Cornwell'A writer with an unusual skill at thriller plotting.' Mark Lawson, Guardian__________________________________The third thrilling instalment of James Patterson's Instinct seriesThe stakes are sky-high for Dr Dylan Reinhart.When a student in Reinhart's psychology class threatens to kill himself, everyone hopes it's a hoax.But when he can't be found after twenty-four hours, it seems the worst is confirmed. Did he really do it?The student's father, a powerful hedge fund CEO, is convinced he didn't. Only one person can help him get to the truth.Reinhart is now wrapped up in multimillion-dollar secrets and danger and it's going to take every bit of his expertise to close the case.Can he stay ahead of his enemy . . . and his employer?_________________________________Praise for James Patterson'The master storyteller of our times' Hillary Rodham Clinton'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' Lee Child'It's no mystery why James Patterson is the world's most popular thriller writer . . . Simply put: nobody does it better.' Jeffery Deaver'Patterson boils a scene down to the single, telling detail, the element that defines a character or moves a plot along. It's what fires off the movie projector in the reader's mind.' Michael Connelly
Cornerstone I, Alex Cross: (Alex Cross 16)
SOON TO BE AN ORIGINAL AMAZON PRIME SERIES___________________________________'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades. The Alex Cross series proves it.' LEE CHILD__________________________________They came for his family. Now Detective Alex Cross is out for vengeance.Cross is met with shocking news that his niece has been brutally murdered. He vows to hunt down the killer, and soon learns that his niece was mixed up in one of Washington's wildest scenes where every fantasy is possible, if you have the credentials to get in.Cross finds himself confronting some very important, very protected, very dangerous people in levels of society where only one thing is certain - they will do anything to keep their secrets safe. As Cross closes in on the killer, he discovers evidence that points to the unimaginable - a revelation that could rock the entire world.__________________________________'Alex Cross is a legend' HARLAN COBEN'It's no mystery why James Patterson is the world's most popular thriller writer . . . Simply put: nobody does it better.' JEFFERY DEAVER'The master storyteller of our times' HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'Patterson boils a scene down to the single, telling detail, the element that defines a character or moves a plot along. It's what fires off the movie projector in the reader's mind.' MICHAEL CONNELLY'One of the greatest storytellers of all time' PATRICIA CORNWELL'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' IAN RANKIN
Peeters Publishers Islam and Globalisation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives: Proceedings of the 25th Congress of L'Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants
This volume contains the Proceedings of the 25th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (Naples, September 8-12, 2010) on Islam and Globalisation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Besides a general view on globalisation (Agostino Cilardo) and the history of the Union on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary (Urbain Vermeulen), the contributions concern History (Axel Havemann, Pasquale Macaluso, Antonino Pellitteri, Maria Giovanna Stasolla, Maria Vidyasova), Islam (Roswitha Badry, Marek M. Dziekan, Dmitry Frolov, Christopher Melchert, Katarzyna Pachniak, Orsolya Varsanyi), Islamic Law (María Arcas Campoy, Reiner Brunner, Ana María Carballeira Debasa & Camilo Álvarez De Morales, Agostino Cilardo, Vasco Fronzoni, Wilferd Madelung), Literature & Linguistics (Abdessamad Belhaj, Julia Bray, Hélène Condylis, Francesca Maria Corrao, Adelya Gaynutdinova, Ali Kadem Kalati, Vladimir Lebedev, Ewa Machut-Mendecka, Mariangela Masullo, Barbara Michalak-Pikulska, Christina Ossipova, Arie Schippers, Krystyna Skarzynska-Bochenska, Ludmila Torlakova, Urbain Vermeulen, Monika Winet), Travel (Oriana Capezio, Roberta Denaro, Maria Grazia Sciortino, Richard van Leeuwen), Philosophy & Science (Carmela Baffioni, Daniel De Smet, Montse Díaz-Fajardo, Paulina B. Lewicka, Miklós Maróth, Juan Martos Quesada & María del Carmen Escribano Ródenas, Antonella Straface, Johannes Thomann), Art (Vincenza Grassi, Eva-Maria von Kemnitz).
Peeters Publishers The Parting of the Ways: The Roman Church as a Case Study
This book seeks to inject into the general discussion of the "Parting of the Ways" of Judaism and Christianity the social realities of the separation of a particular Christian community and a particular Jewish community. By drawing upon the literary and the historical data available concerning the church in Rome, Spence seeks to discover when and how Christians came to see themselves as an identifiably distinct community. His findings will surprise those who see the "Parting of the Ways" as a slow process. He argues that although the "parting" was early, it was not without its complications. Drawing upon the work of Rodney Stark, a sociologist of religion, Spence suggests that within the church in Rome there was a struggle between those who saw the church as a Jewish sect and those who saw the church as a Roman cult - a struggle already underway when the Apostle Paul wrote Romans. This struggle, however, was not an even one, because it was the cultists, those for whom the church's primary social location was the pagans of Rome, who held the positions of power over the numerically smaller sectarians who sought to maintain the church's primary identity as a Jewish sect acceptable within the synagogues of Rome.
Triumph Books The Stark Truth: The Most Overrated and Underrated Players in Baseball History
Every baseball fan knows New York Yankee shortstop Derek Jeter is a great all-around player. But how about Alex Rodriguez, Jeter's teammate, former American League MVP, and probable future Hall of Famer? Many would argue he's even better than Jeter. And what about Jeter's seemingly unassailable status as one of the greatest Yankees of all time? Such discussions highlight one of the great joys of being a baseball fan: arguing over who's really great and who falls just short, who doesn't get the respect he deserves and who gets too much. In other words, who's overrated and who's underrated. In this book, baseball analyst, writer, and researcher Jayson Stark of ESPN considers the entire history of professional baseball and picks the most overblown and underappreciated players in the history of the game. His results, based on extensive research using both traditional and more modern methods of evaluating baseball players and performance, are provocative, entertaining, and go a long way toward settling many of baseball's most persistent debates. No book can hope to settle every baseball argument, but this book takes one of baseball's most enduring debates and provides some compelling and stunning clarity.
Arc Publications To the Silenced
Although the Austrian poet Georg Trakl was born over a century ago, the mesmerising imagery and haunting visions of his highly sensitive and morbidly introspective poetry are as powerful today as they were when he poured forth his extraordinary and unclassifiable volume of work. A source of inspiration for artists, musicians and writers throughout the Expressionist period and beyond, Trakl's poetry – bleak, yet full of tenderness and hope, nightmarish yet eeriely beautiful – has steadfastly defied any coherent critical analysis.Will Stone's outstanding new translation, complete with contextualizing essays, promises to rekindle interest in the work of this seminal poet.GEORG TRAKL (1887-1914) was one of the most influential poets of his time. Born in Salzburg, Austria, he died at the tragically early age of 27 from an overdose of cocaine whilst being held for psychiatric observation in a military hospital in Krakow, Poland. WILL STONE is a poet and translator, whose translations of the work of Nerval, Rodenbach, Baudelarie, Verhaeren and Egon Schiele have been published in books and literary journals. He has published several pamphlet collections of poetry, and reviews by him have appeared in the TLS, Guardian and Independent on Sunday and in various literary magazines.This title is also available from Amazon as an eBook.
PublicAffairs,U.S. Suspected of Independence: The Life of Thomas McKean, America's First Power Broker
The last signatory to the Declaration of Independence was one of the earliest to sign up for the Revolution: Thomas McKean lived a radical, boisterous, politically intriguing life and was one of the most influential and enduring of America's Founding Fathers.Present at almost all of the signature moments on the road to American nationhood, from the first Continental Congress onward, Thomas McKean was a colonel in the Continental Army president of the Continental Congress governor of Pennsylvania and, perhaps most importantly, chief justice of the new country's most influential state, Pennsylvania, a foundational influence on American law. His life uniquely intersected with the many centres of power in the still-formative country during its most vulnerable years, and shows the degree of uncertainty that characterized newly independent America, unsure of its future or its identity.Thomas McKean knew intimately not only the heroic figures of the Revolutionary era,George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin,but also the fascinating characters who fought over the political identity of the new country, such as Caesar Rodney, Francis Hopkinson, and Alexander Dallas. His life reminds us that America's creation was fraught with dangers and strife, backstabbing and bar-brawling, courage and stubbornness. McKean's was an epic ride during utterly momentous times.
Avalon Publishing Group Necessary Trouble: Americans in Revolt
Necessary Trouble is the definitive book on the movements that are poised to permanently remake American politics. We are witnessing a moment of unprecedented political turmoil and social activism. Over the last few years, we've seen the growth of the Tea Party, a twenty-first-century black freedom struggle with BlackLivesMatter, Occupy Wall Street, and the grassroots networks supporting presidential candidates in defiance of the traditional party elites.Sarah Jaffe leads readers into the heart of these movements, explaining what has made ordinary Americans become activists. As Jaffe argues, the financial crisis in 2008 was the spark, the moment that crystallized that something was wrong. For years, Jaffe crisscrossed the country, asking people what they were angry about, and what they were doing to take power back. She attended a people's assembly in a church gymnasium in Ferguson, Missouri; walked a picket line at an Atlanta Burger King; rode a bus from New York to Ohio with student organizers; and went door-to-door in Queens days after Hurricane Sandy.From the successful fight for a $15 minimum wage in Seattle and New York to the halting of Shell's Arctic drilling program, Americans are discovering the effectiveness of making good, necessary trouble. Regardless of political alignment, they are boldly challenging who wields power in this country.
University of Nebraska Press Double-Edged Sword: The Many Lives of Hemingway's Friend, the American Matador Sidney Franklin
Sidney Franklin (1903–76) was the last person you’d expect to become a bullfighter. The streetwise son of a Russian Jewish cop, Franklin had an all-American boyhood in early twentieth-century Brooklyn, while hiding the fact that he was gay. A violent confrontation with his father sent him packing to Mexico City, where first he opened a business, then opened his mouth—bragging that Americans had the courage to become bullfighters. Training with iconic matador Rodolfo Gaona, Franklin’s dare spawned a legend. Following years in small-town Mexican bullrings, he put his moxie where his mouth was, taking Spain by storm as the first American matador. Franklin’s 1929 rise coincided with that of his friend Ernest Hemingway’s, until a bull’s horn in a most inappropriate place almost ended his career—and his life. Bart Paul illuminates the artistry and violence of the mysterious ritual of the bulls as he tells the story of this remarkable man, from life in revolutionary Mexico to triumphs in Spain, from the pages of Death in the Afternoon to the destructive vortex of Hemingway’s affair with Martha Gellhorn during the bloody Spanish Civil War. This is the story of a gay man who triumphed over prejudice and adversity as he achieved what no American had ever accomplished, teaching even Hemingway lessons in grace, machismo, and respect.
Penguin Books Ltd The Solace of Open Spaces
A collection of transcendent, lyrical essays on life in the American West, the classic companion to Gretel Ehrlich’s new book, Unsolaced“Wyoming has found its Whitman.” —Annie DillardPoet and filmmaker Gretel Ehrlich went to Wyoming in 1975 to make the first in a series of documentaries when her partner died. Ehrlich stayed on and found she couldn’t leave. The Solace of Open Spaces is a chronicle of her first years on “the planet of Wyoming,” a personal journey into a place, a feeling, and a way of life. Ehrlich captures both the otherworldly beauty and cruelty of the natural forces—the harsh wind, bitter cold, and swiftly changing seasons—in the remote reaches of the American West. She brings depth, tenderness, and humor to her portraits of the peculiar souls who also call it home: hermits and ranchers, rodeo cowboys and schoolteachers, dreamers and realists. Together, these essays form an evocative and vibrant tribute to the life Ehrlich chose and the geography she loves. Originally written as journal entries addressed to a friend, The Solace of Open Spaces is raw, meditative, electrifying, and uncommonly wise. In prose “as expansive as a Wyoming vista, as charged as a bolt of prairie lightning” (Newsday), Ehrlich explores the magical interplay between our interior lives and the world around us.
Little, Brown Book Group Wounded Tigris: A River Journey through the Cradle of Civilisation
SHORTLISTED FOR THE EDWARD STANFORD TRAVEL WRITING AWARDS 2024'As epic as it is engaging' Tom Holland'Immensely readable true travel writing' Robin Hanbury-Tenison'A fine book... Leon McCarron's tough journey paints a rich and enthralling portrait' Michael PalinThe river Tigris is in danger. It has been the lifeblood of ancient Mesopotamia and modern Iraq, but geopolitics and climate change have left the birthplace of civilisation at risk of becoming uninhabitable. In 2021, adventurer Leon McCarron travelled by boat along the full length of the river, in search of hope.From the source, where Assyrian kings had their images carved into stone, McCarron and his small team journeyed through the Turkish mountains, across north-east Syria and into the heart of Iraq. Passing by historic cities like Diyarbakir, Mosul and Baghdad, McCarron kept the company of fishermen and farmers, but also artists, activists and archaeologists who rely on the flow of the river. Occasionally harassed by militias, often helped by soldiers, McCarron rode his luck in areas still troubled by ISIS and relied on the generosity of a network of strangers to reach the Persian Gulf.Wounded Tigris is the story of what humanity stands to lose with the death of a great river, and what can be done to try to save it.
Verso Books Winston Churchill: His Times, His Crimes
The subject of numerous biographies and history books, Winston Churchill has been repeatedly voted as one of the greatest of Englishmen. Even today, Boris Johnson in his failing attempts to be magisterial, has adopted many of his hero's mannerism! And, as Tariq Ali agrees, Churchill was undoubtedly right in 1940-41 to refuse to capitulate to fascism. However, he was also one of the staunchest defenders of empire and of Britain's imperial doctrine. In this coruscating biography, Tariq Ali challenges Churchill's vaulted record. Throughout his long career as journalist, adventurer, MP, military leader, statesman, and historian, nationalist self belief influenced Churchill's every step, with catastrophic effects. As a young man he rode into battle in South Africa, Sudan and India in order to maintain the Imperial order. As a minister during the first World War, he was responsible for a series of calamitous errors that cost thousands of lives. His attempt to crush the Irish nationalists left scars that have not yet healed. Despite his record as a defender of his homeland during the Second World War, he was willing to sacrifice more distant domains. Singapore fell due to his hubris. Over 3 Millions Bengalis starved in 1943 as a consequence of his policies. As a peace time leader, even as the Empire was starting to crumble, Churchill never questioned his imperial philosophy as he became one of the architects of the postwar world we live in today.
Watkins Media Limited Ashes to Ashes: The Songs of David Bowie, 1976-2016
In 2015 Chris O'Leary published the first folume of his two-volume exporation, Rebel Rebel, of every song David Jones / David Bowie ever wrote, in chronological order. This is the second volume. Ashes to Ashes covers every single Bowie song, whether it was sung, written, or produced by him, from 1976, when he first recorded with Iggy Pop on "The Idiot," to his last masterpiece "Blackstar," released just days before his death in 2016. Each song is annotated in depth and explored in essays that touch upon the song's creation, production, influences and impact. It hits everything from "Heroes" to the Labyrinth soundtrack, from his 1985 camp duet with Mick Jagger on "Dancing In the Street" to "Where Are We Now," his comeback single in 2013. Along the way we encounter a vast cast of characters, weaving in and out of Bowie's life and his music: Brian Eno, John Cale, Nile Rodgers, Lou Reed, Freddie Mercury, Scott Walker, Marc Bolan, Arcade Fire, John Lennon, Mickey Rourke, Gary Oldman, Iman, Hanif Kureishi, Julien Temple, Giorgio Moroder, Neil Young and many others. And we range across the globe from Bowie's years in divided Berlin to his "exile" years in Switzerland through his final years as a New Yorker, recording within walking distance of his home.
Cornerstone Diana, William and Harry
'[A] pacy, frictionless read' Sunday Telegraph'Cinematic. . . an entertaining and persuasive study of the royal family' Publisher's Weekly'Patterson treats the princess as a person and tells the story from a mother's perspective' Kirkus______________________________Twenty-five years after her tragic death, James Patterson tells the heartbreaking true story of Princess Diana's life as a mother and a global icon.At the age of thirteen, she became Lady Diana Spencer.At twenty, Princess of Wales.At twenty-one, she earned her most important title: Mother.As she fell in love, first with Prince Charles and then with her sons, William and Harry, the world fell in love with the young royal family - Diana most of all.With one son destined to be King and one needing to find his own way, she taught them lessons about royal tradition and also real life. 'William and Harry will be properly prepared,' Diana once promised. 'I am making sure of this.'Even after her tragic death, the strength of her love for her sons remains an enduring inspiration, not only for the two princes, but for the entire world.______________________________Praise for James Patterson'The master storyteller of our times' Hillary Rodham Clinton'One of the greatest storytellers of all time' Patricia Cornwell'Truly astonishing' Bob Woodward
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Britain in the 1950s: Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary Times - Memories of a Post-War Decade
The 1950s was the decade of the Queen's Coronation and the Festival of Britain; of family shops and pea-souper smogs; listening to the wireless and watching the box; when money was counted in pounds, shillings and pence and weights were in pounds and ounces. It was when children walked to school and six of the best' was a painful experience; postmen wore uniforms with peaked hats and chimney sweeps rode bikes with their brushes and poles balanced on their shoulders; milk and bread were delivered to your doorstep every morning and orange juice was free for schoolchildren; and when most people still preferred smooth shiny toilet paper to the new absorbent type. The Second World War left Britain in a period of austerity. Yet, born of the relief of the war ending in 1945, there was a spirit of hope for the future and new beginnings, from which grew a climate that was a comforting mix of the traditional past blended with exciting glimpses of an exhilarating future. John Wade records briefly some of the great achievements and events of the 1950s, but concentrates more on what it was like for ordinary British people living their lives during a far from ordinary decade.
Baker Publishing Group Jesus Freaks
You may think of martyrs as those who gave their lives for the faith in the early church. But today, Christians around the world continue to stand boldly for Christ despite ongoing persecution. These are their stories. · Pastor Han--Stabbed to death by North Korean agents for sharing the gospel with North Koreans in China · Jean-Pierre Werner and Rodé Groenewald--Killed in a Taliban attack on their home in Afghanistan · Fatima Al-Mutairi--Killed by her brother after becoming a Christian in Saudi Arabia · Habila--Survived being shot in the face by Boko Haram militants after refusing to renounce Christ Persecution has always accompanied followers of Jesus, who invited His followers to come and die. Some were jeered at, and their backs were cut open with whips. Others were chained in prisons. Some died by stoning, some were sawed in half, and others were killed with the sword. Some went about wearing skins of sheep and goats, destitute and oppressed and mistreated. They were too good for this world, wandering over deserts and mountains, hiding in caves and holes in the ground. --Hebrews 11:36-38 Faithful Christians around the world are still suffering and dying for the name of Christ. Their stories inspire and encourage each of us to follow Christ, no matter the cost.
Penguin Books Ltd Completely Perfect: 120 Essential Recipes for Every Cook
'A gift for anyone who is learning to cook' Diana Henry, Sunday TelegraphHow can I make deliciously squidgy chocolate brownies? Is there a fool-proof way to poach an egg? Does washing mushrooms really spoil them? What's the secret of perfect pastry? Could a glass of milk turn a good bolognese into a great one? Felicity Cloake has rigorously tried and tested recipes from all the greats - from Nigella Lawson and Delia Smith to Nigel Slater and Heston Blumenthal - to create the perfect version of hundreds of classic dishes. Completely Perfect pulls together the best of those essential recipes, from the perfect beef wellington to the perfect poached egg. Never again will you have to rifle through countless different books to find your perfect roast chicken recipe, mayonnaise method or that incredible tomato sauce - it's all here in this book, based on Felicity's popular Guardian columns, along with dozens of invaluable prepping and cooking tips that no discerning cook should live without.'Completely Perfect is aptly named!' Nigella Lawson'A classic. Long may Felicity Cloake test 12 versions of one recipe so we can have one good one' Rachel Roddy'The nation's taster-in-chief title belongs unequivocally to Felicity Cloake' Daily Mail
Visor libros, S.L. Libro de apuntaciones de guisos y dulces
El 21 de julio de 1969 el librero Luis Bardón enviaba una carta a Antonio Rodríguez-Moñino, que se encontraba en la Universidad de Berkeley donde ejercía la docencia desde hacía algunos años. En ella, le pregunta por su salud, valga recordar que el eminente bibliógrafo moriría el otoño del año siguiente; le comenta la inminente salida de su monografía sobre Sancha [Madrid: Castalia, 1971], aunque ésta se retrasó y apareció póstuma, el colofón indica que se terminó de imprimir el ?14 de marzo de 1971? y le cuenta que ?he encontrado un manuscrito sobre ?cocina?, y he pensado que tal vez a su mujer le puede hacer gracia, así que mañana se lo enviaré por avión, es un pequeño obsequio?. El afamado librero madrileño cumplió su promesa, el manuscrito partió para tierras americanas y pasó a formar parte de la mítica biblioteca del ilustre académico1. Doña María Brey Mariño, su viuda, me lo enseñó por primera vez unos meses antes de su muerte, acaecida a comienzos de 1995; comentándome el aprec
El Ángel de la Ciudad
En una Venecia rodeada de misterio, el inspector Kraken se enfrenta a la encrucijada más compleja de su vida: resolver el pasado o apostar por el futuro.Un espléndido y decadente palazzo arde en una pequeña isla veneciana donde se celebra un encuentro de la Liga de Libreros Anticuarios. Los cuerpos de los invitados, todos conocidos de Kraken, no aparecen entre los escombros, y se sospecha que su madre, Ítaca, estuvo implicada en el incendio que sucedió en idénticas circunstancias décadas atrás.Mientras, en Vitoria, la inspectora Estíbaliz investiga un caso que puede tener las claves del atraco que acabó con la vida del padre de Kraken. Pero Unai es reacio a volver a la investigación en activo y siente que debe elegir entre la búsqueda de lo que les sucedió a sus padres o la familia que ha creado con Alba y su hija Deba.Un paseo por una Venecia donde las leyendas y la perturbadora figura del ángel de la ciudad, mitad mecenas, mitad demonio, mueven los hilos de
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Designing Russian Cinema: The Production Artist and the Material Environment in Silent Era Film
This book highlights the significant role that production artists played when Russian cinema was still in its infancy. It uncovers Russian cinema’s connections with other art forms, examining how production artists drew on both aesthetic traditions and modernist experiments in architecture, painting and theatre as they explored the new medium of cinema and its potential to engender new models of perception and forms of audience engagement. Drawing on set design sketches, archival documents and film-makers’ memoirs, Eleanor Rees reveals how less-canonical films such as Behind the Screen (Kulisy ekrana, 1919) and Palace and Fortress (Dvorets i krepost´, 1923), were remarkable from a design perspective, and also provides new readings of well-known films, such as Children of the Age (Deti veka, 1915) and Strike (Stachka, 1925). Rees brings to light information on significant but understudied figures such as Vladimir Egorov and Sergei Kozlovskii, and highlights the involvement of well-known figures such as Lev Kuleshov and Aleksandr Rodchenko. Unlike the majority of late Imperial directors and camera operators, many early-Russian production artists continued to work in cinema in the Soviet era and to draw on practices forged before the 1917 Revolution. In spanning the entire silent era, this book highlights the often overlooked continuities between the late-Imperial and early-Soviet periods of cinema, thus questioning traditional historical periodisations.
Penguin Putnam Inc Lost in Yonkers
Neil Simon’s inimitable play about the trials and tribulations that test family ties—winner of the 1991 Pulitzer Prize for Drama.What happens to children in the absence of love? That is the question that lies at the heart of this funny and heartrending play by one of America’s most acclaimed and beloved playwrights. Debuting at the Richard Rodgers Theatre in 1990, Lost in Yonkers went on to win four Tony Awards, including Best Play, as well as the Pulitzer Prize, and tells the moving drama about the cruelties and painful memories that scar a family.It is New York, 1942. After the death of their mother, two young brothers are sent to stay with their formidable grandmother for the longest ten months of their lives. Grandmother Kurnitz is a one-woman German front—a refugee and a widow who has steeled her heart against the world. Her coldness and intolerance have crippled her own children: the boys’ father has no self-esteem; their Aunt Gert has an embarrassing speech impediment; their Uncle Louie is a small-time gangster; and their Aunt Bella has the mentality of a child. But it is Bella's hunger for affection and her refusal to be denied love that saves the boys—and that leads to an unforgettable, wrenching confrontation with her mother. Filled with laughter, tears, and insight, Lost in Yonkers is a heartwarming testament to Neil Simon’s talent.
University of Nebraska Press Race Experts: Sculpture, Anthropology, and the American Public in Malvina Hoffman's Races of Mankind
Charles C. Eldredge Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in American Art from the Smithsonian American Art Museum In Race ExpertsLinda Kim examines the complicated and ambivalent role played by sculptor Malvina Hoffman in the Races of Mankind series created for the Chicago Field Museum in 1930. Although Hoffman had training in fine arts and was a protégé of Auguste Rodin and Ivan Meštrović, she had no background in anthropology or museum exhibits. Nonetheless, the Field Museum commissioned her to make a series of life-size sculptures for the museum’s new racial exhibition, which became the largest exhibit on race ever installed in a museum and one of the largest sculptural commissions ever undertaken by a single artist. Hoffman’s Races of Mankind exhibit was realized as a series of 104 bronzes of racial types from around the world, a unique visual mediation between anthropological expertise and lay ideas about race in interwar America. Kim explores how the exhibition compelled the artist to incorporate into her artistic model of race not only racial science but also popular ideas that ordinary Americans brought to the museum. Kim situates the Races of Mankind exhibit at the juncture of these different forms of expertise and examines how the sculptures represented the messy resolutions between them.Race Experts is a compelling story of ideological contradiction and accommodation within the racial practices of American museums, artists, and audiences.
University of California Press Savage Journey: Hunter S. Thompson and the Weird Road to Gonzo
A superbly crafted study of Hunter S. Thompson’s literary formation, achievement, and continuing relevance. Savage Journey is a "supremely crafted" study of Hunter S. Thompson's literary formation and achievement. Focusing on Thompson's influences, development, and unique model of authorship, Savage Journey argues that his literary formation was largely a San Francisco story. During the 1960s, Thompson rode with the Hell's Angels, explored the San Francisco counterculture, and met talented editors who shared his dissatisfaction with mainstream journalism. Peter Richardson traces Thompson's transition during this time from New Journalist to cofounder of Gonzo journalism. He also endorses Thompson's later claim that he was one of the best writers using the English language as both a musical instrument and a political weapon. Although Thompson's political commentary was often hyperbolic, Richardson shows that much of it was also prophetic. Fifty years after the publication of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and more than a decade after his death, Thompson's celebrity continues to obscure his literary achievement. This book refocuses our understanding of that achievement by mapping Thompson's influences, probing the development of his signature style, and tracing the reception of his major works. It concludes that Thompson was not only a gifted journalist, satirist, and media critic, but also the most distinctive American voice in the second half of the twentieth century.
University of Texas Press Mavericks: A Gallery of Texas Characters
Texas has been home to so many colorful characters, out-of-staters might wonder if any normal people live here. And it's true that the "Texian" desire to act out sometimes overcomes even the most sober citizens—which makes it a real challenge for the genuine eccentrics to distinguish themselves from the rest of us. Fortunately, though, many maverick Texans have risen to the test, and in this book, Gene Fowler introduces us to a gallery of Texas eccentrics from the worlds of oil, ranching, real estate, politics, rodeo, metaphysics, showbiz, art, and folklore. Mavericks rounds up dozens of Fowler's favorite Texas characters, folks like the Trinity River prophet Commodore Basil Muse Hatfield; the colorful poet-politician Cyclone Davis Jr.; Big Bend tourist attraction Bobcat Carter; and the dynamic chief executive of the East Texas Oil Field Governor Willie. Fowler persuasively argues that many of these characters should be viewed as folk performance artists who created "happenings" long before the modern art world took up that practice in the 1960s. Other featured mavericks run the demographic gamut from inspirational connoisseurs of the region's native quirkiness to creative con artists and carnival oddities. But, artist or poser, all of the eccentrics in Mavericks completely embody the style and spirit that makes Texas so interesting, entertaining, and culturally unique.
University of Notre Dame Press Clandestine Encounters: Philosophy in the Narratives of Maurice Blanchot
Maurice Blanchot is perhaps best known as a major French intellectual of the twentieth century: the man who countered Sartre's views on literature, who affirmed the work of Sade and Lautréamont, who gave eloquent voice to the generation of '68, and whose philosophical and literary work influenced the writing of, among others, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, and Michel Foucault. He is also regarded as one of the most acute narrative writers in France since Marcel Proust. In Clandestine Encounters, Kevin Hart has gathered together major literary critics in Britain, France, and the United States to engage with Blanchot's immense, fascinating, and difficult body of creative work. Hart's substantial introduction usefully places Blanchot as a significant contributor to the tradition of the French philosophical novel, beginning with Voltaire's Candide in 1759, and best known through the works of Sartre. Clandestine Encounters considers a selection of Blanchot's narrative writings over the course of almost sixty years, from stories written in the mid-1930s to L'instant de ma mort (1994). Collectively, the contributors' close readings of Blanchot's novels, recits, and stories illuminate the close relationship between philosophy and narrative in his work while underscoring the variety and complexity of these narratives. Contributors: Christophe Bident, Arthur Cools, Thomas S. Davis, Christopher Fynsk, Rodolphe Gasché, Kevin Hart, Leslie Hill, Michael Holland, Stephen E. Lewis, Vivian Liska, Caroline Sheaffer-Jones, Christopher A. Strathman, Alain Toumayan
Cornerstone Crosshairs: (Michael Bennett 16)
The sixteenth thrilling instalment in the globally bestselling Michael Bennett series._________________________________________________________How do you catch a killer who leaves no trace?In New York City, a sniper dubbed 'The Longshot Killer' is taking out impossible targets.Nothing links the victims - except the brutal circumstances of their deaths.Detective Michael Bennett quickly develops a profile of the killer. Great with a gun. Probably ex-military.A profile that his new partner, Rob Trilling, fits to a terrifying degree.With Trilling taking ever more suspicious absences from duty, Bennett must find out the truth - before the Longshot Killer strikes again._____________________________________PRAISE FOR JAMES PATTERSON'It's no mystery why James Patterson is the world's most popular thriller writer ... Simply put: nobody does it better.' JEFFERY DEAVER'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' LEE CHILD'Patterson boils a scene down to the single, telling detail, the element that defines a character or moves a plot along. It's what fires off the movie projector in the reader's mind.' MICHAEL CONNELLY'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' IAN RANKIN'The master storyteller of our times' HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'One of the greatest storytellers of all time' PATRICIA CORNWELL'Patterson knows where our deepest fears are buried ... there's no stopping his imagination' NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW'Patterson is in a class by himself' GUARDIAN
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc The Pharcyde's Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde
As immediately believable as they were cartoonish, as much an inner city cipher as a suburban boys gang, the foursome that made up the Pharcyde were the most relatable MCs to ever pass the mic. On their debut and magnum opus Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde, they created a record almost overstuffed with possibility, the sound of four restless man-children fresh out of their teens, finding a perfect outlet in a form of music that was just as young and fertile. And like the product of any adolescent, Bizarre Ride wears its contrarianism and contradictions on its sleeve. It's a party album about shyness and unrequited love. A swirl of jubilant L.A. psychedelia recorded in the midst of the Rodney King trial. A blast of black consciousness that still makes room to poke fun at Public Enemy and reference the Pixies. A dense, sophisticated sonic stew punctuated by yo mama jokes and prank calls. While hip-hop was already calcifying its tropes of steely machismo and aspirational fantasy, Bizarre Ride was a pure distillation of the average hip-hop listener's actual lifestyle—the joys and sorrows of four guys who were young, broke, sexually frustrated, and way too clever for their own good. A touchstone for Kanye West, Drake, Lil B and a whole generation of off-center MCs, Bizarre Ride sketched out a whole strata of emotions that other rappers hadn't yet dared to tackle, and to a certain extent, still haven't.
Sonicbond Publishing Marillion in the 1980s (Decades)
Derided as seventies throwbacks upon their arrival and misremembered by the wider population as one-hit wonders, Marillion rode the 1980s as one of the most successful bands in Britain. Delivering the musical and conceptual density of early progressive rock with the caustic energy of punk, the Aylesbury heroes both spearheaded the neo-prog revival and produced its crown jewel in their number one album Misplaced Childhood and its Top 5 singles 'Kayleigh' and 'Lavender.' Musically, their influence reaches from prog legends Dream Theater and Steven Wilson to household names like Radiohead and Muse. The 1980s encapsulated Marillion's birth, commercial apex, and near-implosion. This book combines meticulous history with careful musical analysis to chronicle their most turbulent decade from their first gig, through the dizzying success and destructive decadence of their time with frontman Fish, to his bitter departure and replacement by Steve Hogarth. It turns an experienced critical eye not only on their five albums of the decade - from the seminal Script For A Jester's Tear to Season's End - Hogarth's debut - and a line-up that remains as active as ever. The book also discusses demos, singles, and Fish's solo debut to dissect a band which critics still love to hate, even as today's music industry stands upon their shoulders as pioneers of self-promotion and internet-based crowd funding
Orion Publishing Co All in Scarlet Uniform
The fourth novel in a brilliant Napoleonic series from acclaimed historian Adrian Goldsworthy.The year is 1809, and the recruiting sergeants are hard at work, as the British army gathers strength for the next phase of the campaign against Bonaparte on the Spanish Peninsula. Captain Billy Pringle of the 106th Foot, however, has a somewhat more urgent reason to leave the country: having become embroiled in an ill-advised duel with a lieutenant in the 14th Light Dragoons, a posting to Spain would avoid any awkwardness for the regiment.Along with his friend Lieutenant Williams - whose sister Kitty was the cause of the duel - and the doughty veteran Sergeant Dobson, Pringle takes on the task of training Spanish troops to stand alongside their British allies. But what seems at first like easy duty soon turns into a desperate fight for survival as they find themselves besieged in the strategic fortress of Cuidad Rodrigo. For Bonaparte, taking the fortress will be the first step towards pushing the British back to the sea, and the task is entrusted to one of his most daring and successful generals, Marshal Ney. And Ney in his turn has found the perfect officer to lead the assault, a man not only desperate for advancement but also thirsting for revenge - a man whom Williams knows only too well.
Watkins Media Limited My Tel Aviv Table: A journey of flavours and aromas from a sun-soaked city
"Limor Chen's beautiful book bursts with exciting combinations and enticing flavours" Claudia Roden Limor Chen's Delamina restaurants are known for serving up fragrant, exciting and vibrant dishes to transport you to sun-soaked Tel Aviv. In her debut cookbook gorgeously presented in real cloth-bound hardback, Limor shares her wholesome cooking style, one that centres on health and freshness, ensuring that each recipe is packed with flavour and fragrance while remaining light and nourishing. These recipes represent the authentic cooking of a food capital of the world, a cultural melting pot of cuisines and inhabitants, ingredients and aromas: Discover multiple ways to use herbs and spices like za'atar with aubergine or aromatic dried limes in an Iranian beef stew. Lace addictively tangy sumac into labneh or use it to finish a white wine sauce with brill. Share bubbling shakshuka for brunch, fig and goats cheese salad, and a vibrant chopped salad served mezze-style Try stunning cod chermoula with Israeli cous cous or a legendary family recipe for vine leaves stuffed with venison and fruit. All served with deceptively simple pickles and dips on the side. With the best of Limor's family’s recipes that evoke the spirit of her home city, this is a cookbook that you’ll return to time and again for a taste of Tel Aviv.