Search results for ""Author Rod"
Alianza Editorial La masonería
En esta excelente introducción a la masonería, José A. Ferrer Benimeli analiza la génesis de una asociación que a lo largo de la historia ha suscitado y sigue suscitando curiosidad y morbo, añadiendo pistas que ayudan a explicar el por qué de tantos tópicos, estereotipos y dualismos de los que a veces se ve rodeada: curiosidad y desengaño, atracción y repulsa, temor y deseo. Sin querer adjudicar a la masonería una especial relevancia o papel en nuestra historia, que no ha tenido, ni tiene, pretende aportar algo que ayude a que el tema de la masonería sea mirado hoy día, si no con simpatía, sí, al menos, con un mínimo de respeto y dignidad.
Alianza Editorial Utopía
Con el paso de los siglos, la destacada actividad pública que Tomás Moro (1478-1535) ejerció en su época y que acabó llevándole al patíbulo por su enfrentamiento con Enrique VIII ha perdido importancia en favor de su dimensión como renovador del humanismo cristiano y de su labor intelectual y literaria. Su Utopía es un hito clásico del Renacimiento y de la evolución de las ideas políticas. La presente versión, a cargo de Pedro Rodríguez Santidrián, toma como base las ediciones publicadas en 1518 en Basilea, que incluyen la correspondencia cruzada sobre la obra, así como el mapa idealizado de Utopía y el alfabeto de la lengua utopiana.
Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd Imray Chart B1: St Lucia: 2021
Plans included: Rodney Bay and Yacht Harbour (1:25 000) Port Castries (1:12 500) Grand Cul de Sac Bay (1:15 000) Marigot Harbour (1:7500) Soufriere Bay and The Pitons (1:40 000) Laborie Bay (1:20 000) Vieux Fort Bay and Anse de Sables (1:20 000) Imray-Iolaire charts for Caribbean are widely acknowledged as the best available for the cruising sailor. They combine the latest official survey data with first-hand information gathered over 60 years of research by Don Street Jr and his wide network of contributors. Like all Imray charts, they are printed on water resistant Pretex paper for durability, and they include many anchorages, facilities and inlets not included on official charts. This edition includes the latest official data combined with additional information sourced from Imray's network to make it ideal for small craft. It includes the latest official bathymetric surveys. There has been general updating throughout.
Skyhorse Publishing Silent Cities: Portraits of a Pandemic: 15 Cities Across the World
A moving, recognizable look at life on lockdown and the effect the coronavirus pandemic had across the world—because every city had a story to tell, and at the end of it all, we were all in it together. In the past year, hospitals filled, highways and subways emptied, landmarks and parks were deserted, our healthcare workers became increasingly fatigued and frustrated, and nearly all human activity paused. In photographs, The Great Wall and The Colosseum look photoshopped, with no tourists in sight. This book is unique in that it creates a visual narrative to document that emptiness as a way to reflect and to find solace amid the shock. A year later, it's something we've all seen and can relate to. This is a stunning collection of the abandoned and austere sights of fifteen major cities throughout the world during the peak outbreak of COVID-19. With their fine art backgrounds and through their network of professional photographers, Julie and Jeffrey Loria worked together to capture the unprecedented lockdown conditions worldwide. The photos show a range of emotions from the physical and psychological weight of caskets being carried to a Rio cemetery, to the completely empty and eerie Times Square and Rodeo Drive, to the patriotic pride in Rome's t-shirt display honoring their Italian flag colors as a symbol of hope. The photographs are not only a reminder of the harrowing pandemic that hushed some of the world’s greatest urban streets, but also proof that across the globe, we were all in this together. Beneath the somberness in these images, there is a hint of beauty amid the stillness, but most of all, there is the presence of hope and promise that we will thrive again. Cities featured include: New York Jerusalem Boston Tokyo Paris Los Angeles Rome Rio de Janeiro San Francisco Washington, DC London Miami Tel Aviv Madrid Chicago
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd R Is for Reparations
Coming out of the innovative Book-in-a-Day event facilitated by the Global Afrikan Congress – Nova Scotia Chapter, R Is for Reparations invites readers to listen to the voices of young activists as they share their hopes and dreams about the global demand for redress, compensation and restitution for the horrors of the Atlantic Slave Trade.This book is drawn from the voices of the children who participated in the Book-in-a-Day event and rode on an imaginary Underground Railroad Freedom ride, equipped with Elders who served as "conductors" and "station" stops. Their words address the tragedy and resulting political, social, and economic damage caused to African People by the slave trade, slavery, colonialism, poverty and anti-Black racism. Their reactions and reflections lead the contributions for this compelling, one-of-a-kind Alphabet Book suitable for all ages.
Big Finish Productions Ltd The Tenth Doctor Adventures - Doctor Who: Dalek Universe 3
Lost in a universe before the Time War, the Doctor is still struggling to find a way back home... but has only found himself in the middle of another war. A very familiar war, involving his oldest enemies - and their malevolent creator. However, he's not alone - as there are old friends here too. At least he thinks they're old friends... but when the stakes are as high as this, can he really be sure who to trust? What side are they truly on? Contains three stories: 3.1 The First Son by Lizzie Hopley. The Doctor's attempts to return home have led him to the middle of a war zone... and a familiar voice. The travellers have arrived on a planet made up of crashed space-ships where they encounter River Song... Or do they? Because she's dressed as a Movellan and claims to be a member of that robot race. Is she undercover, a duplicate, or something more sinister? And more importantly... who is her son? 3.2 The Dalek Defence by Matt Fitton. The Doctor and Anya are trapped between battling Dalek and Movellan forces and only the intervention of Earth can get them out of trouble. But the humans have troubles too - and a very familiar prisoner, Davros. Stuck in a universe before the Time War, the Doctor is bound by the rules of his own past... Can he keep everyone alive without changing history? And would he even want to? 3.3 The Triumph of Davros by Matt Fitton. Returning to a familiar planet, with Movellan and Dalek warships floating in the sky above, the stakes for the time-travellers are higher than ever. The mistakes of the Doctor's past are coming back to haunt him. Alliances are made and broken. And the course of the war is about to turn. The Doctor can't stop what's coming. But maybe, just maybe... he may be able to save his friends. CAST: : David Tennant (The Doctor), Jane Slavin (Anya Kingdom), Alex Kingston (River Song), Terry Molloy (Davros), Ajjaz Awad (Vilsa/Jeska/Dranta), Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks), Noma Dumezweni (Rodekka), Matthew Jacobs-Morgan (Kamen Vers), Joseph Millson (Colonel Keelan), Paul Panting (Karl Lamb). Other parts played by members of the cast. This boxset contains all three stories, plus additional behind the scenes interviews.
Alberdania Una melancola rabe
Casablanca y Hai Salam, Marrakech, El Cairo, y al final, París: este es el paisaje íntimo del viaje sentimental de Abdelá Taia. Una escena ambigua en Casablanca que parece una violación entre adolescentes, desarrollada entre el deseo y la muerte. Abdelá va dando tumbos en el amor, y se refugia entusiasmado en el cine; en el rodaje de una película en Marrakech, conoce, queda prendado y se obsesiona con Javier. En el vuelo que le llevará hasta él, la muerte está al acecho. Son el amor y la muerte dos caras del mismo espejo.
Editorial Universidad de Sevilla-Secretariado de Publicaciones Geografía de la tauromaquia
Nos complace presentar el número 21 de la colección Tauromaquias, que lleva por título Geografía de la Tauromaquia y cuyo autor es Jean-Baptiste Maudet, Doctor en Geografía por la Universidad de París-IV Sorbonne y profesor titular en la Universidad de Pau et de Pays de l' Adour. Nos consta la gran afición que el autor siente por la Fiesta de los Toros, sus estudios sobre los juegos taurinos en el mundo, sus trabajos sobre los rodeos en Estados Unidos y en general, su interés por las Tauromaquias americanas.
Mi primer amor
Una historia llena de pasión por la música, por el k-pop, por los amigos, por Seúl y por el primer amor, aquel que marca de por vida.Aerin tiene miedo de empezar un nuevo curso rodeada del vacío que le hacen sus compañeras de clase, hasta que conoce al recién llegado a Seúl, y nuevo en el instituto Yoongi.Ambos compartirán pupitre, su tendencia a gastar bromas y un entusiasmo y entrega por la música sin límites. Y puede que también compartan los mismos sentimientos.
Esta selección de mandalas está inspirada en las formas orgánicas representadas a menudo en los tatuajes de henna orientales. Todo en una renovada colección de mandalas de bolsillo para encontrar la inspiración y la calma en cualquier momento.Laura García estudió ilustración en Barcelona, donde vive actualmente rodeada de gatos. Empezó a practicar yoga para combatir el estrés y de ahí llegó a descubrir los mandalas como instrumento para la concentración y relajación. Pronto se le quedó corto lo de pintarlos y empezó a crear los suyos propios.
Bucknell University Press Catalan Women Writers and Artists: Revisionist Views from a Feminist Space
Through close textual analyses of the work of Mercè Rodoreda, Remedios Varo, oig, and Carme Riera, this study isolates that which defines a distinctly female narrative voice in Catalan art and literature. From the success of Catalan surrealism, through the destructive years of the Spanish Civil War and to the new beginnings of post-Franco liberation, these writers and artists represent the struggles of women throughout the second half of the twentieth century.
Editorial Anagrama S.A. Asuntos propios
Roberto es un hombre acostumbrado a hacer lo que le da la gana. Un hombre independiente. Se jubiló hace seis años, pero, a sus setenta y un años, sigue traduciendo. Y cada mañana se sienta delante del ordenador, y traduce durante horas. La señora Dolores, la portera, sube a limpiar el piso un par de veces por semana pero cuando sufre una embolia y ya no puede volver a trabajar, Isabel, la hija de Roberto, insiste en que su padre pida una asistenta. Un lunes, Jacinta llama a la puerta. Su belleza y su carácter impresionan a Roberto, y enseguida surge algo entre ellos. Entre esa mujer, que sabe que siempre será una extranjera que genera una sorda desconfianza entre los locales, y ese hombre culto, aún ávido de vida, surge una relación que subvierte sus vidas y las de los que les rodean. Porque su goce suscita odios y revela prejuicios que nadie cree tener, pone en cuestión el limbo terrible al que los hijos condenan a los padres, los jóvenes a los viejos, los iguales a los diferentes. Un
En nuestra montaña no había hombres. Era como vivir donde no había árboles...Estar en un lugar sin hombres es como dormir sin sueños.Quien habla es Ladydi García Martínez, una chiquilla de ojos color café que vive en las montañas de Guerrero, México, una tierra sin maridos, sin padres y casi sin hermanos porque todos se han ido a buscar fortuna al otro lado de la valla y ninguno se ha molestado en volver. Ese es el lugar donde lo mejor que le puede ocurrir a una niña es nacer fea porque tan pronto los traficantes de droga tienen noticia de que anda por ahí una joven hermosa, acuden rumbosos en busca de su presa. Ese es el pueblo donde ya nadie le reza a Dios porque ni de él se fían...Pese a todo, en ese infierno Ladydi crece rodeada de amigas y al lado de una madre capaz de robar, maldecir y reír cuando le venga en ganas. Bien mirado, la miseria no es tanta en Guerrero, ni el dolor tampoco, y la vida discurre al ritmo de unas chancletas que van pisando polvo, hasta que llegu
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Once Upon a Time in Hell
A weird western, a gun-toting, cigarillo-chewing fantasy built from hangman’s rope and spent bullets.Wormwood has appeared, and with it a doorway to the afterlife. But what use is a door if you can’t step through it?Hundreds have battled unimaginable odds to reach this place, including the blind shooter Henry Jones; the drunk and liar Roderick Quartershaft; that most holy, yet enigmatic of orders, the Brotherhood of Ruth; the inventor Lord Forset and his daughter Elisabeth; the fragile messiah Soldier Joe and his nurse Hope Lane.Of them all, Elwyn Wallace, a young man who only wanted to travel west for a job, would have happily forgone the experience. But he finds himself abroad in Hell, a nameless, aged gunslinger by his side. He had thought nothing could match the terror of his journey thus far, but time will prove him wrong.On the road to Hell, good intentions don’t mean a damn.
Little, Brown & Company Pride & Puppies
Dr. Charlotte Rodriguez is single-again-and she blames Jane Austen. She made brooding, aloof men sound oh so dreamy. But after years of failing to find her own Mr. Darcy, Charlotte decides it's time to swear off dating. She's going to lavish all her love and affection on someone who actually deserves it: her new puppy, Bingley.And there's no one better to give her pet advice than her neighbour and co-worker George Leneghan. He's quiet and patient and, best of all, way too sweet to ever be her type. But as their friendly banter turns flirty, the unimaginable happens-Charlotte starts catching feelings.Just as Charlotte is trying to untangle what it is she truly wants, George announces he's contemplating a cross-country move. Suddenly, Charlotte wonders if she's kept her soulmate in the friend zone so long that she's entirely missed her chance at a happily ever after. Dear Reader, could it be possible she's had it wrong all this time?
Fordham University Press Bilingual Brokers: Race, Literature, and Language as Human Capital
Reading Asian American and Latino literature, Bilingual Brokers traces the shift in attitudes toward bilingualism in postwar America from the focus on cultural assimilation to that of resource management. Interweaving the social significance of language as human capital and the literary significance of English as the language of cultural capital, Jeehyun Lim examines the dual meaning of bilingualism as liability and asset in relation to anxieties surrounding “new” immigration and globalization. Using the work of Younghill Kang, Carlos Bulosan, Américo Paredes, Maxine Hong Kingston, Richard Rodriguez, Chang-rae Lee, Julia Alvarez, and Ha Jin as examples, Lim reveals how bilingual personhood illustrates a regime of flexible inclusion where an economic calculus of one’s value crystallizes at the intersections of language and racial difference. By pointing to the nexus of race, capital, and language as the focal point of postwar negotiations of difference and inclusion, Bilingual Brokers probes the faultlines of postwar liberalism in conceptualizing and articulating who is and is not considered to be an American.
Fordham University Press Bilingual Brokers: Race, Literature, and Language as Human Capital
Reading Asian American and Latino literature, Bilingual Brokers traces the shift in attitudes toward bilingualism in postwar America from the focus on cultural assimilation to that of resource management. Interweaving the social significance of language as human capital and the literary significance of English as the language of cultural capital, Jeehyun Lim examines the dual meaning of bilingualism as liability and asset in relation to anxieties surrounding “new” immigration and globalization. Using the work of Younghill Kang, Carlos Bulosan, Américo Paredes, Maxine Hong Kingston, Richard Rodriguez, Chang-rae Lee, Julia Alvarez, and Ha Jin as examples, Lim reveals how bilingual personhood illustrates a regime of flexible inclusion where an economic calculus of one’s value crystallizes at the intersections of language and racial difference. By pointing to the nexus of race, capital, and language as the focal point of postwar negotiations of difference and inclusion, Bilingual Brokers probes the faultlines of postwar liberalism in conceptualizing and articulating who is and is not considered to be an American.
Cornerstone Vintage Stuff
Peregrine Roderick Clyde-Brown is a bumbling, naive and savagely dim-witted teenager, who, as his name reveals, cannot possibly be exposed to the evils of a comprehensive school. However, with his penchant for taking even the most innocent command literally, no reputable school will accept the boy who, when told that he must turn over a new leaf, begins fondling the foliage. His parents, with high hopes and a considerable amount of bribery money, search for anywhere that will take their 'late developer.' In a school that time forgot, Peregrine's 'talents' for taking orders and having no discernible individual thought seem perfect for a promising career in the upper ranks of the British Army. It is at Groxbourne that Peregrine meets Mr Gladstone, a man whose teaching style extends as far as using lashings to teach arithmetic. After Gladstone whisks the unquestioning boy off on a hysterical mystery, Peregrine ends up storming a French castle, where he unwaveringly commits mischief, mayhem and even murder!
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on EU Agriculture Law
This volume covers an impressively wide ground of issues related to (and originating from) the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, from both a domestic and an international perspective. Legal, economic and political matters are treated by top-class scholars. Each individual chapter is worth reading, and collectively they constitute a treasure chest of highly valuable insights into the operation and deficits of the CAP.'- Stefan Tangermann, former OECD Director for Trade and AgricultureFollowing the conclusion of the latest round of reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in 2013, the Research Handbook on EU Agriculture Law provides an up-to-date discussion of these reforms and the changing landscape in which the CAP now operates.Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, and with international contributors from across Europe and the United States, the Handbook commences with analyses of the legal instruments which implement the reformed CAP, before moving on to consider questions of land use, the role of agriculture within the wider food chain and the international dimension. In these contexts, particular issues identified include: the environmental impact of past, present and future farming practices; the ability of the food chain to accommodate consumer preferences and scientific innovation; and the hurdles to be cleared before international consensus can be reached on a whole range of agricultural imperatives.As well as providing a state-of-the-art point of reference for academics, this comprehensive book will be of great interest to students, scholars and policymakers dealing with these new challenges faced by agriculture in the EU.Contributors: J. Antón, D. Baldock, D. Blandford, L. Bodiguel, M.N. Cardwell, M.G. Desta, A. Di Lauro, M. Dobbs, C. Häberli, D. Harvey, K. Hassapoyannes, W. Howarth, B. Jack, T. Josling, I. Kireeva, C. MacMaoláin, A. Matthews, J.A. McMahon, B. O Connor, R. O'Gorman, C. Potter, C. Rodgers, F. Smith, S. Switzer, J. Vandenberghe
Quarto Publishing PLC Neil Armstrong: Volume 82
In this book from the critically acclaimed, multimillion-copy bestselling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon. Little Neil’s dreams took flight when he rode on his first airplane as a child. After studying aeronautical engineering and time spent in the Navy, he became a pilot. From there, he was selected to take a trip to where no human had gone before – the moon! Along with his team, Buzz and Mike, he was the captain of the Apollo 11. And Neil took a giant step for humankind as the first person to ever step onto the surface of the moon. This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the legendary astronaut. Little People, BIG DREAMS is a bestselling biography series for kids that explores the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists to scientists and activists. All of them achieved incredible things, yet each began life as a child with a dream. This empowering series of books offers inspiring messages to children of all ages, in a range of formats. The board books are told in simple sentences, perfect for reading aloud to babies and toddlers. The hardback and paperback versions present expanded stories for beginning readers. With rewritten text for older children, the treasuries each bring together a multitude of dreamers in a single volume. You can also collect a selection of the books by theme in boxed gift sets. Activity books and a journal provide even more ways to make the lives of these role models accessible to children.Inspire the next generation of outstanding people who will change the world with Little People, BIG DREAMS!
Oxford University Press Inc The Politics of Force: Media and the Construction of Police Brutality, Updated Edition
Published over twenty years ago, Regina G. Lawrence's The Politics of Force was the first scholarly book to look at the way in which media coverage of unexpected, dramatic events shaped public consciousness about important social and political problems. At a time when police brutality was rarely discussed in the news, Lawrence examined police use of force in over 500 incidents, with an in-depth look at the Rodney King case. In doing so, she showed that when incidents of police brutality became news, they offered one of the few real opportunities for marginalized voices and activists to find a public platform and take on the powerful. In the intervening years, the empirical and theoretical contributions of The Politics of Force have become more significant, not only because police brutality is back in the news, but because the media system itself has changed. In this updated edition, Lawrence contextualizes and extends these contributions, while including a closer look at race and racial justice in incidents of police use of force. Reflecting on the context in which the book was written--a time when race and policing received limited coverage in the news and in the field of political communication--Lawrence considers what has changed in media studies since the year 2000, what things haven't changed, and why. Moreover, Lawrence examines coverage of more recent incidents of police violence and the ways in which the voices of citizen activists are treated in the news today. In turn, she addresses the important question of how defining political problems through such events might or might not produce more lasting policy change. Expanding on her landmark publication, Lawrence provides an accessible update on news production dynamics and police use of force for a new generation of scholars, students, and activists.
Ediciones Cátedra Poema de Mio Cid Poem of Mio Cid Catedra Base
La poesía épica es un fenómeno literario universal, en el tiempo y en el espacio, que se da en todos los pueblos y culturas. Un héroe, con un objetivo o ideal concreto, tiene que superar una serie de obstáculos para conseguir ese fin y alcanzar plenamente su grandeza. El Poema de Mio Cid es el primer monumento de importancia de la lengua castellana y uno de los grandes poemas épicos de la Edad Media europea. Mezcla magistral de historia e invención nos cuenta las andanzas de Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, El Cid Campeador, noble caudillo que vivió entre 1040 y 1099, aproximadamente. Esta edición ofrece una versión en prosa a cargo de la escritora Espido Freire.
Graywolf Press,U.S. Body Language: Writers on Sport
Cultural critic Gerald Early has gathered here a collection of 13 writers who offer personal reflections on the public obsession with sport. They range from the pool hustler to the closet baseball fan; from late-night rodeo on cable TV to tennis games on the weathered fields of Illinois. But beyond fan or competitor or social commentator, these writers are storytellers, and it is in their personal stories - poignant, funny, extreme, illuminating - that we begin to identify the themes that galvanize both sport and literature: conflict and sacrifice, ritual and passion, humiliation and heroism.
Hachette Australia My Outback Life: The sequel to the bestselling memoir A Sunburnt Childhood
Having grown up on the massive Killarney cattle station near Katherine, NT, Toni Tapp Coutts was well prepared when her husband, Shaun, took a job at McArthur River Station in the Gulf Country, 600 kilometres away near the Queensland border. Toni became cook, counsellor, housekeeper and nurse to the host of people who lived on McArthur River and the constant stream of visitors. She made firm friends, created the Heartbreak Bush Ball and started riding campdraft in rodeos all over the Territory, becoming one of the NT's top riders. In the midst of this busy life she raised three children and saw them through challenges; she dealt with snakes in her washing basket; she kept in touch with her large, sprawling Tapp family, and she fell deeply in love with the Gulf Country.Filled with the warmth and humour readers will remember from A SUNBURNT CHILDHOOD, this next chapter in Toni's life is both an adventure and a heartwarming memoir, and will introduce readers to a part of Australia few have experienced.
Rowman & Littlefield My City, My New York: Famous New Yorkers Share Their Favorite Places
What do famous people love to do during their free time in the Big Apple? Like all New Yorkers, even the well-known among them have cherished rituals that connect them to their city in a unique way—favorite restaurants, delis, museums, parks, galleries, landmarks, haunts, and hideaways. For one resident, it may be watching tango dancers on Saturday nights in Central Park; for another, it's riding a bike over the Brooklyn Bridge to get a slice of Grimaldi's pepperoni pizza and a view of the Manhattan skyline from across the East River. Perhaps it entails choosing from the many varieties of bread at Rock Hill Bake House in the Union Square Greenmarket or simply walking across 46th Street and ending up at the great Broadway hangout, Angus McIndoe. In a refreshing step beyond the usual travel guides and tourist listings, My City, My New York quotes VIPs and gives readers something truly unique: a chance to experience Manhattan the way its most notable luminary residents do. The activities and establishments included are diverse, often eclectic, and, most-importantly, nonexclusive––you don't need to be a celebrity to enjoy them. While offering new and creative possibilities for exploration, My City, New York is also a love letter to the Big Apple and will touch even the most jaded New Yorkers. Celebrities include: - Matthew Broderick- Woody Allen- Bette Midler- Joan Rivers- Donald Trump- Chris Noth- Mayor Michael Bloomberg- Alex Rodriguez
Duke University Press Mobility without Mayhem: Safety, Cars, and Citizenship
While Americans prize the ability to get behind the wheel and hit the open road, they have not always agreed on what constitutes safe, decorous driving or who is capable of it. Mobility without Mayhem is a lively cultural history of America’s fear of and fascination with driving, from the mid-twentieth century to the present. Jeremy Packer analyzes how driving has been understood by experts, imagined by citizens, regulated by traffic laws, governed through education and propaganda, and represented in films, television, magazines, and newspapers. Whether considering motorcycles as symbols of rebellion and angst, or the role of CB radio in regulating driving and in truckers’ evasions of those regulations, Packer shows that ideas about safe versus risky driving often have had less to do with real dangers than with drivers’ identities.Packer focuses on cultural figures that have been singled out as particularly dangerous. Women drivers, hot-rodders, bikers, hitchhikers, truckers, those who “drive while black,” and road ragers have all been targets of fear. As Packer debunks claims about the dangers posed by each figure, he exposes biases against marginalized populations, anxieties about social change, and commercial and political desires to profit by fomenting fear. Certain populations have been labeled as dangerous or deviant, he argues, to legitimize monitoring and regulation and, ultimately, to curtail access to automotive mobility. Packer reveals how the boundary between personal freedom and social constraint is continually renegotiated in discussions about safe, proper driving.
University of Texas Press Conceptualism in Latin American Art: Didactics of Liberation
Conceptualism played a different role in Latin American art during the 1960s and 1970s than in Europe and the United States, where conceptualist artists predominantly sought to challenge the primacy of the art object and art institutions, as well as the commercialization of art. Latin American artists turned to conceptualism as a vehicle for radically questioning the very nature of art itself, as well as art's role in responding to societal needs and crises in conjunction with politics, poetry, and pedagogy. Because of this distinctive agenda, Latin American conceptualism must be viewed and understood in its own right, not as a derivative of Euroamerican models.In this book, one of Latin America's foremost conceptualist artists, Luis Camnitzer, offers a firsthand account of conceptualism in Latin American art. Placing the evolution of conceptualism within the history Latin America, he explores conceptualism as a strategy, rather than a style, in Latin American culture. He shows how the roots of conceptualism reach back to the early nineteenth century in the work of Símon Rodríguez, Símon Bolívar's tutor. Camnitzer then follows conceptualism to the point where art crossed into politics, as with the Argentinian group Tucumán arde in 1968, and where politics crossed into art, as with the Tupamaro movement in Uruguay during the 1960s and early 1970s. Camnitzer concludes by investigating how, after 1970, conceptualist manifestations returned to the fold of more conventional art and describes some of the consequences that followed when art evolved from being a political tool to become what is known as "political art."
Orion Publishing Co The New Me
'Terrific. So funny' Zadie Smith 'Monstrously depressing but so comic and well observed that I didn't really mind .... It is great' Dolly Alderton'A dark comedy of female rage' Catherine Lacey 'Brilliant. For fans of Ottessa Moshfegh's My Year of Rest and Relaxation' Pandora Sykes 'Funny, shocking, clever, and hugely entertaining' Roddy Doyle 'A definitive work of milennial literature' Jia Tolentino 'The best thing I've read in years' Emma Jane Unsworth'Vicious ... hilariously spot on' Guardian In a windowless office, a woman explains something from her real, nonwork life - about the frustration and indignity of returning her online shopping - to her colleagues. One wears a topknot. Another checks her pedometer. Watching them all is Millie. Thirty-years-old and an eternal temp, she says almost nothing, almost all of the time. But then the possibility of a permanent job arises. Will it bring the new life Millie is envisioning - one involving a gym membership, a book club, and a lot less beer and TV - finally within reach? Or will it reveal just how hollow that vision has become? 'Made me laugh and cry enough times to feel completely reborn' The Paris Review 'A definite work of millennial literature. Wretchedly riveting, with the sick, obsessive pleasure of looking under a bandage at a wound' The New Yorker 'So darkly funny and acutely observed that it feels like a documentary' Andrew McMillan 'Anyone who has ever felt like their life is going nowhere - and to make it worse, going nowhere in an achingly slow manner - will recognize themselves' Nylon
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Kevin Smith: His Films and Fans
This fun and photo-filled biography celebrates the life, films, and fans of the director responsible for such indie cult classics as Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Movie-industry veteran David Gati has compiled and edited a humorous and insightful look at Smith’s nearly 30-year filmmaking journey. Through Smith’s own funny, honest, and uncensored stories—taken from podcasts, Q&As, and documentaries—readers get to know him as a person, the struggles he’s been through, and the people he’s worked with, as well as his process for writing, directing, casting, shooting, editing, and showing his films to the public. The book is arranged chronologically with each chapter exploring how an aspect of Kevin’s life is reflected in one of his 14 films. Not to be overlooked is Smith’s outsized fan base, who relate to the director’s down-to-earth persona and his geeky, sometimes juvenile, often-nostalgic regular-person characters. Gati uses their fan art to add a visual facet to the book’s colorful narrative gems. Rounding out this scrapbook presentation are on-set stills, candid personal photos, and memorabilia. The result is an exploration of how films affect and reflect the popular culture of their time, with a light-hearted analysis of the phenomenon of fandom. This unusual biography is a must-have collectible dedicated to a member of the ’90s independent filmmakers—which includes Quentin Tarantino, Allison Anders, Robert Rodriguez, Hal Hartley, and Spike Lee—whose relevance and popularity will only continue to grow.
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers Inc Paris in 3D in the Belle Époque: A Book Plus Steroeoscopic Viewer and 34 3D Photos
This handsome, unique package -- containing a stereoscopic viewer, 34 3D photographic cards, and a photo-packed paperback book -- offers a rare view of Paris, the world's most beautiful city, during an era when art, literature, poetry, and music blossomed and reigned.Paris during the Belle Époque (1880-1914) was a time when peace and prosperity allowed for towering innovation in art, fashion, architecture, and gastronomy. The city at this time was the epicenter of art and music. Fauré, Saint Saëns, Debussy, and Ravel were composing; Rodin was working on The Thinker; Renoir, Monet, Cézanne, Pissarro, and Degas painted scenes depicting everyday life; and Pablo Picasso embarked on his Blue Period. As Art Nouveau came into fashion, new buildings followed suit. Opéra Garnier, Castel Beranger, Moulin Rouge, and the Paris Metro entrances were all built during this time. Galeries Lafayette unveiled its gilded department store, which sold couture to the aspiring middle class.This burgeoning creativity and prosperity, as well as the city and the inhabitants who embraced it, are all captured here, with stunning clarity and realism. Paris in 3D's innovative and inimitable package includes a sturdy metal stereoscopic viewer, 34 rarely seen stereoscopic photographs of the city at the turn of the century, and an accompanying 128-page paperback, which provides a brief history of the stereograph craze and an overview of the city's evolution during that time.
Daylight Community Arts Foundation Photographs Not Taken: A Collection of Photographers' Essays
Photographs Not Taken is a collection of photographers’ essays about failed attempts to make a picture. Editor Will Steacy asked each photographer to abandon the conventional tools needed to make a photograph—camera, lens, film—and instead make a photograph using words, to capture the image (and its attendant memories) that never made it through the lens. In each essay, the photograph has been stripped down to its barest and most primitive form: the idea behind it. This collection provides a unique and original interpretation of the experience of photographing, and allows the reader into a world rarely seen: the image making process itself. Photographs Not Taken features contributions by: Peter Van Agtmael, Dave Anderson, Timothy Archibald, Roger Ballen, Thomas Bangsted, Juliana Beasley, Nina Berman, Elinor Carucci, Kelli Connell, Paul D’Amato, Tim Davis, KayLynn Deveney, Doug Dubois, Rian Dundon, Amy Elkins, Jim Goldberg, Emmet Gowin, Gregory Halpern, Tim Hetherington, Todd Hido, Rob Hornstra, Eirik Johnson, Chris Jordan, Nadav Kander, Ed Kashi, Misty Keasler, Lisa Kereszi, Erika Larsen, Shane Lavalette, Deana Lawson, Joshua Lutz, David Maisel, Mary Ellen Mark, Laura McPhee, Michael Meads, Andrew Moore, Richard Mosse, Zwelethu Mthethwa, Laurel Nakadate, Ed Panar, Christian Patterson, Andrew Phelps, Sylvia Plachy, Mark Power, Peter Riesett, Simon Roberts, Joseph Rodriguez, Stefan Ruiz, Matt Salacuse, Alessandra Sanguinetti, Aaron Schuman, Jamel Shabazz, Alec Soth, Amy Stein, and others.
Penguin Books Ltd Wham! George & Me: Celebrate 40 Years of Wham! with the Sunday Times Bestseller
Celebrate 40 years of WHAM! with the Sunday Times bestseller from one half of the world's most famous bands 'I couldn't put it down. Such a fantastic book' Chris Evans, Virgin Radio ________ School mates. Band mates. Soul mates . . . When Andrew Ridgley took George Michael, the new boy at school, under his wing, he discovered a soul mate. In Wham! George and Me, Andrew tells the story of how they rode a rollercoaster of success around the world while making iconic records and surviving superstardom with their friendship intact. It is a memoir of love, music, the flamboyant 1980s and living in a pop hurricane. No one else can ever tell their story - because no one else was there . . .Forty years on from their explosion into pop music, Andrew Ridgeley tells the inside story of Wham!, his life-long friendship with George Michael and the formation of a band that changed music. ________ 'A joyous celebration of the Wham! years. For anyone who was a teenager in the early 1980s, it will take you on a nostalgia trip. It's an honest but affectionate account of a remarkable duo who remained true to their origins and their friendship throughout it all' Daily Express 'As infectious as their music' Daily Mirror 'A remarkably generous memoir. In more than one sense, the biography of a friend' Spectator 'A great story' Saturday Live, Radio 4 'A lovely book. A love letter to George' Graham Norton, BBC One 'Charming, heartfelt . . . there's a real poignancy to Ridgeley's description of Wham!'s glory days' Sunday Times
Cornerstone Revenge
A former SAS soldier is entangled in a gripping tale of murder, betrayal and revenge in this action-packed stand-alone from the world's bestselling thriller writer.________________________________________MURDERFormer SAS soldier David Shelley has plans for a safer, more stable existence when he settles down to civilian life in London. But the shocking death of a young woman he used to protect puts those plans on hold.BETRAYALThe police rule the death a suicide, but the grieving parents can't accept their beloved Emma would take her own life. They need to find out what really happened, and they turn to their former bodyguard, Shelley, for help.REVENGEWhen they discover that Emma had fallen into a dark and dangerous world of drugs and online pornography, the father's need for retribution will take them into a war from which there may be no escape.________________________________________'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' LEE CHILD'The master storyteller of our times' HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'It's no mystery why James Patterson is the world's most popular thriller writer . . . Simply put: nobody does it better.' JEFFERY DEAVER'Patterson boils a scene down to the single, telling detail, the element that defines a character or moves a plot along. It's what fires off the movie projector in the reader's mind.' MICHAEL CONNELLY'One of the greatest storytellers of all time' PATRICIA CORNWELL'A writer with an unusual skill at thriller plotting.' MARK LAWSON, GUARDIAN'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' IAN RANKIN
David & Charles The Ducati Story - 6th Edition
The Ducati Story is brought right up to date in this new edition of Ian Falloon's authoritative book, covering the complete history of the marque. Initially under government control, Ducati went through several decades of ups and downs, characterised by dubious managerial decisions. Held together by the great engineer Fabio Taglioni, the father of desmodromic valve gear, Ducati produced some of the finest motorcycles of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s: the Marianna, desmo 125 single, Mach 1, 750 and Pantah. Taglioni also instigated Ducati's return to racing, and victory in the 1972 Imola 200 was the turning point. Mike Hailwood rode the 900 Ducati to victory in the 1978 Isle of Man Formula One race and Tony Rutter took four World TT2 Championships. Cagiva purchased Ducati in 1985, bringing a new engineer, Massimo Bordi, and new designs - most famously the Desmoquattro. In various guises this model dominated the World Superbike Championship during the 1990s, particularly in the hands of Carl Fogarty. Landmark models included the 916 and Monster, and, with the sale of Ducati to the Texas Pacific Group in 1996, the company continued to grow. The racing programme expanded to MotoGP and new model families were introduced. With control taken by the Italian company InvestIndustrial in 2006, Ducati embarked on the next era of development, Casey Stoner winning the MotoGP World Championship in 2007. Now under the Audi umbrella Ducati continues to thrive. This new edition includes a brand new chapter featuring all the models from 2012 up to 2018.
Penguin Books Ltd I’m Not as Well as I Thought I Was: The Sunday Times Bestseller
'One of the most powerful books of the year' Daily Mail'Nobody can make the serious funny and the funny serious quite like Ruby.' - Alastair CampbellDear Reader,Checking into a mental clinic wasn't exactly on my radar in 2022. Writing about it wasn't either. But here we are.I spent a lifetime trying to create a 'front' to give everyone the illusion that all is well. It wasn't, and it isn't. Now I look back and I think, 'what the f*ck was that all about?'I began the book trying to find meaning by going on various, life-changing journeys, I ended up in a mental clinic; obviously things didn't work out the way I expected. This is the story of what happened after the mental car crash . . . From then on, the journey had to turn inward. It turns out I wasn't looking for meaning, I was looking for home.I'm not a fiction writer. I can't fake it. I could say I rode into the sunset, but life isn't like that unless you're a cowboy. Truth is I'm not as well as I thought I was.These days, trying to stay sane in a completely chaotic world makes life incredibly difficult. For those readers who are deep in the darkness of mental illness, I hope my book makes you feel less alone.Take care, love,Ruby x---------------------------------------------------------------------'If you buy only one book this year, make it this one.' - Joanna Lumley'A true tour de force. We're all a little messed up in our own ways, but we should all strive to be as fabulously fearless as Ruby.' - Fearne CottonAs seen on Channel 5 CastawaySunday Times Bestseller, May 2021
Visor libros, S.L. Aunque t no lo sepas una pelcula sobre Luis Garca Montero
Cuando fundaron Por Amor al Arte Producciones, Charlie Arnáiz (Alicante, 1975) y Alberto Ortega (Madrid, 1983) quisieron apostar por una película documental que reivindicara el valor de la poesía en la sociedad contemporánea. Eligieron la figura de Luis García Montero (Granada, 1958) porque su voz, entre la lealtad a la tradición lírica y las nuevas experiencias urbanas, ha intentado abrir caminos para los jóvenes poetas y lectores, negándose a que el género fuese patrimonio de unos círculos cada vez más alejados de la realidad. A través de la vida y obra de García Montero, se acercan al papel de la poesía en los años que marcaron la tradición española de la dictadura a la democracia, del subdesarrollo económico a la prepotencia del consumo. En la película han contado con la colaboración de Juan Carlos Rodríguez, Miguel Ríos, Serrat, Chus Visor, Joaquín Sabina, Javier Rioyo, Juan Vida, Angels Barceló, Benjamín Prado, Almudena Grandes, Juan Diego, Mara Torres, Benítez Reyes, etc. Este l
De los derechos humanos las conferencias Oxford Amnesty de 1993
Se recogen en este tomo las ponencias de siete prestigiosos académicos en las conferencias Oxford Amnesty en la primavera de 1993, en torno al problema de los derechos humanos universales. Son tantas las perspectivas desde las que se enfoca el problema como diferentes las conclusiones a las que se llega. Las preguntas centrales que se hacen en este libro son cuestiones a las que se enfrenta cualquiera que desee responder apropiadamente a las numerosas violaciones de derechos humanos que nos rodean. Existen derechos humanos universales aplicables en todo momento a todas las culturas? Está, desde un principio, condenado al fracaso cualquier intento por nuestra parte de buscarle un fundamento racional a los derechos humanos? Es verdaderamente necesario buscarle un fundamento racional?S. Lukes discute la fórmula de organización política de la sociedad más compatible con la práctica de los derechos humanos. J. Rawls propone un derecho de gentes o de los pueblos con alto contenido ético,
Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. Comprensión lectora 4 Educación Primaria. Actividades
El objetivo de esta obra es ofrecer al profesorado lecturas complementarias a los libros de texto, para reforzar la comprensión lectora. Dirigidas al alumnado de 3er ciclo de Primaria y 1er ciclo de secundaria.Se han elaborado 60 textos expositivos que se han agrupado en diferentes marcos de contenido:Ámbito artístico, con textos que nos enseñan diferentes expresiones relacionadas con las artes junto a la creatividad. Algunos de ellos son ?Estilos de bailes?, ?El pentagrama? o ?El claqué?.El segundo bloque de lecturas desarrolla textos con contenido del Ámbito del Lenguaje, con cierto carácter curricular y con textos titulados como ?Adivinanzas?, ?Los refranes?, entre otros.En el bloque de Ciencias de la Naturaleza se trabajarán conceptos del mundo natural que nos rodea, como por ejemplo ?Las células?, ?Los hongos? o ?Qué son las trufas??.En el de Manifestaciones Fisiológicas se elaboran lecturas que tratan sobre respuestas y acciones involuntarias del cuerpo humano,
Premium Editorial Tras la estela de un cuadro
En 1964, Carlos y su padre se trasladan a vivir a Monteviela, una pequeña aldea situada junto al mar Cantábrico, para comenzar allí una nueva etapa en sus vidas. A sus diecisiete años, Carlos se siente atrapado en esa indefinición entre la adolescencia y la madurez, mostrando curiosidad por todo cuanto le rodea. Luz, una anciana que deciden contratar como ayudante de hogar, responde con evasivas a las preguntas del joven acerca de los cuadros que presiden las estancias del viejo caserón que habitan. Carlos no cesará en su empeño por desentrañar lo que se esconde tras la firma de Ángela y descubrirá, al tiempo que el amor y la verdadera amistad, una historia silenciada por los años que pesa sobre la conciencia de todo un pueblo. Un alegato a los sentimientos más nobles, a la redención y la búsqueda de la paz interior, a la firme creencia en las segundas oportunidades que la vida nos brinda.
Biblioteca Autores Cristianos Orden y ministerios
El tratado sobre el sacramento del Orden ocupa un lugar preferente entre los temas actuales referidos por partes iguales a los sacramentos, a la eclesiología y al ecumenismo, aunque esta importancia aparece rodeada por un círculo muchas veces polémico. Precisar la que en términos técnicos debemos denominar sustancia del sacramento del Orden es in duda un quehacer imprescindible para el teólogo contemporáneo.Es cierto que el Concilio Vaticano II ha dado nuevas pautas metodológicas para el estudio del Orden y que ha propuesto temas nuevos para su consideración: sin embargo, no se puede decir que a partir del magisterio conciliar estén resueltos todos los problemas abiertos en torno a este sacramento. Las cuestiones necesitadas de precisión son muchas.Con máxima fidelidad a la doctrina bíblica y a partir del magisterio de la Iglesia en Trento y en el Vaticano II, en este tratado se intenta esclarecer la problemática cuya intelección permitirá comprender mejor la historia y los con
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones El ABC de la energía solar térmica en España
Encuadernación: RústicaNos encontramos en un contexto histórico, político y económico único para redescubrir una verdad científica e irrefutable, que el Sol es la fuente de toda la vida, y que, actualmente con los nuevos materiales y la tecnología disponible, es cada vez más cierta una idea: nuestro futuro depende cada vez más de él.Esta es la premisa que ha originado este libro, despejar la oscuridad y las tinieblas de conocimiento que rodean al público no especializado, que está cada vez más oyendo hablar de la energía solar térmica y que desconoce cuales son los conceptos fundamentales que sustentan esta realidad energética.Por todo ello, este libro ha sido concebido como un compendio coordinado de todos los conocimientos disponibles y actualizados que, en torno a los diferentes aspectos científicos, técnicos, legislativos, económicos, medioambientales, etc., configuran toda la realidad compleja y poliédrica que es la energía solar térmica.Es nuestra intención que este l
Arco Libros - La Muralla, S.L. Juan Jos Mills
Se reproducen aquí buena parte de los trabajos, que en su día, integraron el número 5 de la revista Cuadernos de Narrativa (diciembre de 2000). Pero han transcurrido tantos años desde entonces, que las coordinadoras han considerado oportuno incluir tres artículos más( a cargo de David Roas, Domingo Ródenas de Moya e Irene Andres-Suárez) con el fin de cubrir el hueco que va de esa fecha hasta hoy, y completar la bibliografía del escritor y sobre el escritor que en su día habían elaborado Carlota Casas Baró, Fernando Valls y Marco Kunz, y de cuya actualización se ha ocupado Vania Maire Fivaz. Un número importante de los estudios aquí reunidos abordan y matizan los motivos literarios que vertebran la obra de Juan José Millás y que contribuyen a crear un mundo coherente, en el que abundan cajas, bultos orgánicos y monstruos que se esconden debajo de la cama y dentro del armario. Se ocupan también de la reflexión metaliteraria y de la naturaleza transgenérica de muchos textos, asuntos muy p
Literatura Random House Barba empapada de sangre
"Y por qué lo mataron?" "Estoy llegando ahí. Tranquilo. Quería darte el contexto. Porque esa es una buena historia, o no?"Antes de suicidarse, un hombre le cuenta a su hijo la verdad sobre su abuelo, o por lo menos la verdad como él la conoce: fue asesinado por los aldeanos de un pequeño pueblo de la costa atlántica llamado Garopaba, durante un baile dominical en un salón comunitario. La luz se apagó de repente, y cuando volvió el gaucho ya estaba tumbado en medio del salón, rodeado de un charco de sangre. O eso cuentan.Ante la necesidad imperiosa de descubrir la verdad, el protagonista viaja a Garopaba junto al viejo perro que dejó su padre, y allí empieza una nueva vida. Nada en el mar todos los días, hace nuevos amigos, inicia una relación sentimental y empieza a indagar. Pero la información no llega tan fácilmente, y menos dada su extraña condición neurológica: no reconoce la cara de las personas con las que ya se ha topado. Además, la gente que conoció a su abuelo teme hab
Alianza Editorial Riesgo Una breve introduccin
Desde periódicos y programas informativos, raro es el día en que no nos veamos advertidos de los innumerables riesgos que nos amenazan, desde el caos financiero hasta el cambio climático, pasando por el terrorismo o la compra de alimentos modificados genéticamente, por mencionar sólo algunos. Partiendo de diferentes disciplinas, como las ciencias experimentales, la psicología, y la teoría de la decisión, Baruch Fischhoff y John Kadvany proponen en esta obra una lectura crítica y distanciada de los supuestos riesgos que según los expertos nos rodean y distingue ente los riesgos como hechos y como valores. El libro contempla tanto una perspectiva cuantitativa de medición del riesgo, basada en el juicio de los expertos, la experiencia histórica y diversas teorías científicas, como una perspectiva subjetiva, centrada en las percepciones individuales, muchas veces sesgadas, en torno a este fenómeno. Complementando esta dimensión individual, el libro incluye asimismo un análisis acerca de có
Editorial Alas El hilo de hierro doce leyes de un arte marcial
Encuadernación: RústicaColección Kungfu"Este libro va por tanto destinado a cualquier persona, practicante marcial o no, interesada en una técnica que potencia la salud, la fuerza, el poder del ser humano, combinando sabiamente lo físico con el aspecto más incontrolado de la psique: las emociones".Desde su desembarco en occidente, las artes marciales orientales han estado rodeadas de un cierto halo de misterio. Golpes retardados, cuerpos invulnerables, energías misteriosas... técnicas secretas, y solo al alcance de los iniciados.Una de esas técnicas mantenidas bajo el halo del riguroso secreto es la forma (tabla de boxeo, kata) Tit Sin Kuen, el Hilo de Hierro, una sorprendente combinación de concentración, respiración, tensión muscular y sonidos diversos. Con un oscuro origen que puede hacerse remontar al inicio mismo de las prácticas mágico-curativas (chamanismo), durante años y aún en la actualidad y pese a su popularización, Tit Sin Kuen continúa siendo una forma llena de mis
Humo Narrativa
Una mujer, un niño y una gata conviven en una cabaña en pleno bosque, calladamente la mayor parte del tiempo, pues el niño apenas habla. No tienen contacto con nadie, excepto por las visitas de un hombre que les trae provisiones de vez en cuando. No son familia, pero juntos salen adelante. Fuera, la naturaleza se está volviendo impredecible: el paisaje deslumbrante que rodea a los protagonistas adquiere a veces matices siniestros. Ellos subsisten con lo que obtienen de un huerto que cada vez da menos frutos, y con lo que consiguen del bosque inmediato. A lo lejos, en las ciudades, parece que también hay extrañas turbulencias, cuya amenaza se proyecta sobre la cabaña. José Ovejero nos presenta a estos personajes solitarios, sin alma de héroes, y nos hace reflexionar sobre el sentido de la vida, los lazos que nos unen a las personas de nuestro entorno y la capacidad de sobrevivir en situaciones adversas.
Siruela Por qu este mundo una biografa de Clarice Lispector
Una biografía digna de su protagonista... Por fin una de las más enigmáticas escritoras del siglo XX retratada en todo su vibrante colorido.ORHAN PAMUKDetallada, original y repleta de sensibilidad hacia lo que debe quedar oculto y lo que debe saberse. Moser ha escrito un libro fantástico sobre una heroína judía cuya familia vivió algunos de los peores episodios del siglo pasado en Europa. También hace un magnífico retrato del Brasil moderno donde se reconoce su genio y el trabajo de Lispector se considera un tesoro.COLM TÓIBÍNBenjamin Moser ha recreado el contexto psicológico y social necesario para entender a esta gran escritora y ha insuflado vida a su naturaleza esencialmente trágica en toda su complejidad.EDMUND WHITEEn esta biografía, que es ya un libro de referencia en todo el mundo, Benjamin Moser desentraña los mitos que rodean a una de las más extraordinarias figuras de la literatura contemporánea y nos muestra cómo Clarice Lispector transformó su lucha pe
Editorial Almuzara El aroma del arrayán el crepúsculo nazarí
La apasionante historia de un joven morisco en los convulsos días del ocaso del reino nazarí de Granada.Said, un joven morisco hijo de un cristiano renegado y una musulmana, es el protagonista de esta memorable novela histórica en la que narra de primera mano cómo transcurría la vida cotidiana de Granada a mediados del siglo XV, en las postrimerías del rutilante reino nazarí. El lector le acompañará por todo Al-Andalus, así como por lejanas ciudades de África, y en su periplo asistirá fascinado a la orgía de lujo de los sultanes, entregados a los placeres del harén; al combate más encarnizado y feroz, como el que enfrentará a las tropas cristianas de Rodrigo Ponce de León con las de Abu-l-Hasan en Alhama; al esplendor de los caballos enjaezados con terciopelo carmesí y las estancias con aromas de almizcle y aceite de sándalo... Asistiremos a su iniciación con el otro sexo, y a la cálida relación con su poderoso y docto abuelo, que le inculca de manera indeleble el amor a los