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Alianza Editorial Cuentos al amor de la lumbre II
La fortuna que han alcanzado las recopilaciones de cuentos populares provenientes de otros ámbitos culturales -como las hechas en su día por los hermanos Grimm o, en menor medida, Perrault o Andersen- a menudo ha venido a oscurecer, de rechazo, el maravilloso acervo de relatos pertenecientes a la tradición de nuestro país. Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar ha reunido en ?Cuentos al amor de la lumbre? una muestra significativa de los cuentos populares españoles. Este segundo volumen recoge los cuentos de costumbres (entre ellos los referentes a niños en peligro -Garbancito o La casita de turrón-, pícaros, pobres y ricos, tontos, mujeres difíciles, así como cuentos de miedo) y los cuentos de animales, protagonizados por lobos, zorras y otras muchas criaturas.
Trinity University Press,U.S. Vamos, Body!: Head to Toe in English y Español
ArteKids board books show children the world of art through imaginative paintings, sculpture, photographs, and drawings, with text in English and Spanish. Vamos, Body! Head to Toe in English y Español introduces children to body concepts by connecting them to art in a unique, fun, and colorful way. Cheeks (mejillas), chins (barbillas), and eyes (ojos) are represented by masterful artworks from around the world. Faces (caras) come alive through the paintings of Adan Hernandez, Kehinde Wiley, and Ed Saavedra. Bodies (cuerpos) crawl, sit, and walk in pre-Columbian sculpture and Latin American wood carvings. A child’s hand (mano) strokes his mother’s face in a woodblock print by Taiso Yoshitoshi, and cousins (primas) embrace through a swirl of Barbara Carasco’s screen printed hearts. Madeleine Budnick’s wonderful collages and designs weave together words and images that prove bodies are amazing. (Nuestros cuerpos son increíbles!) Work from the collections of the San Antonio Museum of Art, by masters like José Francisco Borges, Richard Duardo, Roberto de la Selva, Charles Criner, David Martinez, Rojelio Reyes Rodriguez, Grace Albee, and Luis Gonzalez Palma, is incorporated along with phrases and words in English and Spanish, making bilingual learning and art exciting for young learners and their teachers and parents.The ArteKids bilingual board books are made sturdy for little hands and “awesomundo” for bright minds! The series also includes Outside Todo el Dia!, Hello, Círculos!, 1, 2, 3, Sí!, Animal Amigos!, Colores Everywhere!, and Black and Blanco! Vamos, Body! Head to Toe in English y Español invites children to dance and play using language and imagery that ignites their imagination.
Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch Las opciones tributarias en el ordenamiento espaol
El presente trabajo se dedica al análisis de la figura jurídica de la opción tributaria cuya singularidad radica en que, a través de ella, se da entrada a la voluntad de los particulares en un ámbito ?el Derecho Tributario? tradicionalmente dominado por el carácter imperativo de sus normas. Con todo, lejos de constituir supuestos excepcionales, su presencia en el régimen de los tributos ha ido aumentando en los últimos tiempos. Esta proliferación de elecciones y decisiones a cargo de los contribuyentes, unida a su variada tipología y contenido contrasta, sin embargo, con la inexistencia de una regulación y caracterización general de las mismas, lo que ha suscitado un notable incremento de la conflictividad en las relaciones entre los interesados y la Administración tributaria. Esta obra pretende ofrecer soluciones a los interrogantes que actualmente rodean a las opciones tributarias, abordando su estudio desde una perspectiva unitaria.
Guías Azules de España, S.A. Oporto y Coimbra
Una fuerte personalidad emana de las empinadas y sinuosas calles de Oporto. La capital del norte de Portugal, la ciudad del Duero, la que guarda un equilibrio perfecto entre tradición y modernidad, es famosa por su vino y sus bodegas, sus siete puentes y su original mezcla de melancolía y vitalidad. Oporto ha sabido conservar sus antiguos usos y costumbres y un genuino espíritu de barrio, especialmente en su centro histórico, el barrio de la Baixa, un laberinto de callejuelas repletas de tascas y tabernas?. Y a sólo una hora de viaje está Coimbra, el centro intelectual y espiritual de Portugal, asentada sobre una colina y rodeada de pinos y arrozales, la ciudad universitaria por excelencia en la que visitar lugares y construcciones históricas que se aferran a la colina que se levanta por encima de las curvas del Río Mondego y desde donde se puede apreciar su pintoresco laberinto de calles medievales
ESIC Editorial Historia de la investigacion social un viaje desde la primera encuesta s. XVIII a la actual investigación online
La investigación social forma hoy parte de nuestra vida cotidiana. A partir de ella sabemos qué piensa la gente sobre diferentes temas: nos informamos de las tendencias de consumo, sobre la situación de los colectivos que nos rodean, la intención de voto o sobre los problemas que más preocupan a la población. Su presencia en la sociedad ha crecido exponencialmente de acuerdo con el desarrollo social y el crecimiento de los mercados.La construcción de la investigación social ha respondido a un proceso de unión de materias, conceptos y herramientas que se han ido incorporando a la disciplina en la medida en que el análisis y estudio de la sociedad han ido encontrado nuevos retos. La Psicología, la Antropología, la Sociología y la Economía, la Estadística, la Matemática y la Filosofía, por citar algunas de las fundamentales, son las materias de las que se ha nutrido. El proceso de adopción de materias científicamente consolidadas en beneficio de una única disciplina, no han surgido de
ediciones Pàmies Una costa lejana
Año 272 d. C. Cuando Mario Mémor, segundo al mando del Servicio de Seguridad Imperial de Roma, es asesinado en la isla de Rodas, el agente imperial Casio Córbulo se ve envuelto rápidamente en la investigación del crimen.Casio, siguiendo el rastro que deja el asesino, y acompañado por su guardaespaldas, el exgladiador Indavara; su fiel sirviente, Simo, y la testaruda hija de Mémor, Annia, tendrá que embarcarse a bordo de una nave capitaneada por un curtido y peligroso contrabandista cartaginés.Después de una infernal travesía, el rastro del criminal los llevará hasta uno de los rincones más alejados del imperio, a una ciudad en ruinas donde las reglas de la civilización romana han sido olvidadas hace ya tiempo. Allí, Casio se tendrá que enfrentar a un brutal e implacable enemigo, que no dudará en acabar con él a cualquier precio.
Editorial Universidad de Almería Lectura literaria y lecturas del mundo
El lector tiene en sus manos un ensayo sobre la lectura en el que se abordan aspectos varios relacionados con el papel que ha jugado la misma en la formación literaria de los jóvenes de la España contemporánea. De modo muy esquemático podríamos afirmar que el modelo lector que ha prevalecido en el sistema educativo de la Modernidad nos ha ayudado a alcanzar un logro magistral: nos enseñó a leer de acuerdo con una ética y una estética a través de la cual se nos inculcaba la ideología de los "sujetos libres"Leer y aprender leyendo ha sido, como escribió Juan Carlos Rodríguez, "el modo de construir el yo moral y estético ideado por la burguesía Ilustrada". Y esta era una lectura civilizadora del yo y de la vida, frente a la lectura exterminadora que, por ejemplo, hicieron los nazis con respecto al pueblo judío, al practicar con ellos la solución final.
Arkano Books Mensajes del espíritu el extraordinario poder de los oráculos los presagios y las señales
Muchas personas reciben mensajes del Espíritu todos los días.Sin embargo, esta no es una habilidad extraordinaria o inusual reservada a unos pocos: en realidad, todos estamos rodeados de un campo de inteligencia divina que se ofrece a guiarnos y ayudarnos siempre que se lo pidamos. Tan solo debemos aprender a iniciar una conversación con él y a entender el diálogo que resulte.Pero, cómo se formulan las preguntas? Y cómo se reciben e interpretan las respuestas?La reconocida consejera intuitiva Colette Baron-Reid desvela ancestrales métodos de conexión con la divinidad y propone divertidas técnicas mágicas que permiten dialogar con el Espíritu en un contexto moderno. De su mano te embarcarás en un viaje misterioso e iluminador que cambiará tu visión del mundo, despertará tu curiosidad y te animará a entablar una conversación personal con lo Divino.
Princeton University Press Politics in Black and White: Race and Power in Los Angeles
This book reaches deep into the past of the city of Los Angeles and carries through to the dramatic events that have recently received global attention--the Rodney King beating and the uprising in South Central L.A. Tracing the evolution of an extraordinary biracial coalition in Los Angeles behind Mayor Tom Bradley, Raphael Sonenshein shows how "crossover" politics and racial violence coexist in urban America. While challenging the prevailing pessimism about biracial coalitions in general, he also compares their relative successes in Los Angeles to their disheartening failures in New York City. What emerges is a probing look at a crucial issue of politics in the United States: can whites and minorities find common ground?
Visor libros, S.L. Lengua y discurso
En el libro Lengua y discurso, compuesto por varios catedráticos y profesores universitarios de reconocido prestigio bajo la coordinación de Luis Alberto Hernando Cuadrado, director del Grupo de Investigación 930507 de la UCM, se abordan diversos aspectos de gran interés relacionados con el tema. Francisco Abad Nebot selecciona algunos de los epígrafes más relevantes que deben figurar en una Historia de la lengua española y los justifica debidamente. Ángel Cervera Rodríguez analiza desde la perspectiva lingüístico-pragmática las preposiciones y ciertas locuciones representativas en el discurso periodístico. Juan José Fernández Delgado muestra cómo el estilo de Santa Teresa responde al ideal de lengua renacentista. Mario García-Page, en su investigación sobre el adjetivo colocacional, prueba que un número elevado de sus unidades son adjetivos primitivos, que la sufijación es el procedimiento más productivo en su formación, que el reparto de los sufijos es muy desigual, y que los prefijo
London College of Music London College of Music Violin Handbook 2021 Grade 4
Designed for those in the intermediate stages of studying violin, this is part of a progressive series of ten handbooks, primarily intended for candidates considering taking the London College of Music examinations in violin playing. This handbook covers all the material needed for the Grade Four examination, however, even if you do not intend to take an examination, the handbook''s appealing content of musical repertoire and educational material provides a structured and comprehensive method of studying the violin. This handbook contains all the required pieces and technical work for the grade and also includes sections on musical knowledge, sight reading and aural ability - in fact, absolutely everything you need for this grade! There are 9 pieces including works by Smetana and Richard Rodney Bennett. Piano accompaniments are included.
Editorial Renacimiento Al otro lado 20102011
José Luis García Martín es sin duda el más chismoso e intrigante de los autores de diarios íntimos. Y aunque dice entenderlos expresamente como ?índice de lecturas casuales, de ciudades, de obsesiones e insomnios?, le chifla la maledicencia, la confidencia revelada o la indiscreción calculada a varias bandas: la transcripción de conversaciones telefónicas y cartas privadas sobre la casquería del mundo literario son un entretenimiento cargado de intención y, casi, de contenido explícito. Por eso la sociedad literaria tomó sus libros como sismógrafo impúdico y un tanto inofensivo del estado de las relaciones de los escritores entre sí (en alguna medida recuerda la afición delatora de Rafael Cansinos Assens en La novela de un literato). Aunque con la edad ha perdido el ardor romántico de la sinceridad, se jacta a menudo de no retocar lo que escribió en caliente.Jordi Gracia y Domingo Ródenas, Historia de la literatura española, coordinada por José-Carlos Mainer, t. VII, pp. 942-943.
Agilice Digital SL Los colores del Cristal Literatura Juvenil Spanish Edition
Tras las vacaciones, tres amigos se reincorporan al instituto: una chica sabihonda, un friqui apasionado de la informática y un inmigrante marroquí. Como antagonistas, otro grupo de alumnos, que someten a los primeros a constantes burlas. La novedad para los protagonistas es que se ha reabierto la casa de la bruja, lugar que ha alimentado sus fantasías infantiles. Con la llegada de la dueña, una extravagante pintora, se reactiva el interés por la brujería. También llega la nieta de la pintora y se incorpora a clase. Es una chica pija, pero se muestra muy huraña, lo que la rodea de un halo de misterio. La desbordante fantasía inicial de los protagonistas irá debilitándose vencida por el choque con la más cruda realidad; a la vez, irán descubriendo el sentido de la amistad y se iniciarán también en el amor. Los niños se convierten en adultos por la fuerza de las circunstancias, pero aprenderán que ellos son dueños de su propio destino. 10
Ediciones Obelisco S.L. El secreto de secretos la llave del poder del subconsciente
La mente humana alberga una ininita reserva de poder todavía sin explotar, el secreto te aguarda...El secreto de secretos nos propone un método de cuatro pasos para aprender a usar los poderes de la mente y ejercer el control sobre nuestra vida y sobre cuanto nos rodea.CUÁL ES EL SECRETO? CÓMO PUEDE UNO DESCUBRIRLO Y APRENDER A USARLO?U.A. Andersen le llama "el secreto de secretos" porque está en nuestro mismo interior y es él quien puede liberarnos. Es un secreto que se da a conocer a sí mismo por toda la Tierra y se ha convertido en la razón común de todas las religiones. Sri Aurobindo afirma que "es la única verdad segura que existe y es la base de todo el universo".En el hombre existe, por debajo de su consciente, una gran mente, una mente universal, común a todas las personas pero exclusiva para cada uno. Andersen aporta pruebas de que esta mente existe y se puede explotar. El momento mágico en el que aprende a unirse a este poder es el momento en el que el secreto de
Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones Cuentos y teatrillos en verde medioambiente ecología y otros valores
Este libro, que contiene 14 cuentos y 14 guiones teatrales, es un proyecto eco-ambiental que tiene por objeto la difusión y sensibilización de valores relacionados con el medio ambiente, la ecología y la protección de todo lo bueno que nos rodea, a fin de promover, un desafío, por parte de todos, de cara a cuidar mejor el presente y lograr así un mejor futuro. La autora utiliza una doble técnica: el cuento y el teatro, o lo que es lo mismo, la lectura individual o de grupo a través de cuidadas y divertidas narraciones, y el guión teatral, ya sea a través del teatro leído o de escenificaciones.(Abstract: STORIES AND SKITS "IN GREEN" - Environment, Ecology and other valuesThis book which contains 14 stories and 14 theatrical scripts, is an eco-environmental project that has as objective the diffusion and sensitization of values related with environment, ecology and the protection of all the resources that surround us, in order to throw a challenge to everyone, to take care of the
Nocturna Ediciones La torre
El cuerpo que llevas puesto era mío.Así comienza la carta que Myfanwy Thomas tiene en las manos cuando despierta en un parque de Londres sin ningún recuerdo de su identidad y rodeada de cadáveres.Las instrucciones que le ha dejado su antiguo yo la conducen hasta una agencia secreta al servicio de Su Majestad para la que supuestamente trabaja con el alias de la Torre investigando casos peculiares; por ejemplo, gente que se cuela en sueños ajenos, niños letales o personas que poseen varios cuerpos y que pueden suponer una amenaza sobrenatural para el Reino Unido. Para colmo, pronto descubre otra amenaza inesperada: hay un topo en la organización que la quiere muerta. Pero cómo detectar al traidor entre un montón de nuevos compañeros a los que podría decirse que ha olvidado?Rebosante de suspense y humor, La torre constituye un debut literario desvergonzadamente imaginativo que encandilará a los seguidores de las novelas de espías con una buena ración de misterio y elementos so
John Blake Publishing Ltd Six Feet Above: Jumping to the top
This is the fascinating story of Swedish equestrian and Olympic medallist Peder Fredricson and his winding road to success. As a five-year-old he was riding on free rein in the Swedish forests and from then on everything was about horses. He worked as a groom for the best equestrians in the world, lived on next to nothing and rode for a while with a buzzard on his arm. He was a skilled rider but not very interested in competing.When he finally was persuaded to compete in the big equestrian eventing and showjumping competitions, he realised that talent was not enough - he had to rethink completely. He created a structure, both for everyday life and for competitions, and the outcome was almost immediate. After only a few years, he was one of the best showjumpers in the world. Much has changed since his unconventional childhood, but his attitude remains the same - interaction with the horses is what is most important. His mental focus has been his secret weapon in the major competitions.Today, Peder Fredricson is one of the top showjumpers on the planet with four Olympic medals to his credit. In 2021 he was ranked the world number one rider.
Little, Brown Book Group A Brief Guide to The Sound of Music: 50 Years of the Legendary Musical and the Family who Inspired It
Everyone has heard the songs from The Sound of Music by Rodgers and Hammerstein. The stage show was a roaring success in New York and London, and the much-loved feature film, directed by Hollywood veteran Robert Wise, continues to be a staple of television schedules 50 years after its release in 1965. In this fascinating and wide-ranging book, Paul Simpson explores the incredible story of the Von Trapp family and their escape from the Third Reich in all its incarnations, from real-life adventure, to book, to stage, to award-winning film to cultural phenomenon. He discusses the stage show, the many differences that were incorporated into the fictionalisation of the tale, and how that story was brought to the screen. He also looks at the numerous other ways in which the Von Trapp’s story has been told, including the two West German movies from the 1950s and the extensive forty-part Japanese anime series from the 1990s, to explain why the story of the Von Trapp family has appealed to so many generations.Praise for A Brief Guide to Stephen King:'The best book about King and his work I have ever read' Books Monthly
Johns Hopkins University Press Sandlot Stats: Learning Statistics with Baseball
As Derek Jeter strolls toward the plate, the announcer tosses out a smattering of statistics - from hitting streaks to batting averages. But what do the numbers mean? And how can America's favorite pastime be a model for learning about statistics? "Sandlot Stats" is an innovative textbook that explains the mathematical underpinnings of baseball so that students can understand the world of statistics and probability. Carefully illustrated and filled with exercises and examples, this book teaches the fundamentals of probability and statistics through the feats of baseball legends such as Hank Aaron, Joe DiMaggio, and Ted Williams - and more recent players such as Barry Bonds, Albert Pujols, and Alex Rodriguez. Exercises require only pen-and-paper or Microsoft Excel to perform the analyses. "Sandlot Stats" covers all the bases, including: descriptive and inferential statistics; linear regression and correlation; probability; sports betting; probability distribution functions; sampling distributions; hypothesis testing; confidence intervals; chi-square distribution. "Sandlot Stats" offers information covered in most introductory statistics books, yet is peppered with interesting facts from the history of baseball to enhance the interest of the student and make learning fun.
Headline Publishing Group The Flower Girls: Dazzling dreams and broken hearts in 1920s London
Identical twins Lily and Rose Flowers aren't from a rich family, but they lead a comfortable life in 1920s Rotherhithe with their mum and dad. The twins are the apple of their parents' eye, and each other's best friend - they always know what the other is thinking. Feisty Rose has a more rebellious nature than her sister, but it's never before interfered with their closeness.However, Rose's secret dissatisfaction with her humdrum lifestyle reaches a head when she meets the rich and handsome Rodger. To the shock of the Flowers family, she elopes with him to Gretna Green. Once Rose has the money and glamour she's always craved, nothing will persuade her to contact her family again; not even her father's death.And then, in the wake of the Wall Street Crash of 1929, everything changes. With her charmed life in shreds and with no one left to turn to, Rose is determined to build bridges those she has hurt the most. But can forgiveness be sought so easily - and can she ever truly escape her troubled past?
Pluto Press Dread Poetry and Freedom: Linton Kwesi Johnson and the Unfinished Revolution
What is the relationship between poetry and social change? Standing at the forefront of political poetry since the 1970s, Linton Kwesi Johnson has been fighting neo-fascism, police violence and promoting socialism while putting pen to paper to refute W.H. Auden's claim that 'poetry makes nothing happen'. For Johnson, only the second living poet to have been published in the Penguin Modern Classics series, writing has always been 'a political act' and poetry 'a cultural weapon'. In Dread Poetry and Freedom - the first book dedicated to the work of this 'political poet par excellence' - David Austin explores the themes of poetry, political consciousness and social transformation through the prism of Johnson's work. Drawing from the Bible, reggae and Rastafari, and surrealism, socialism and feminism, and in dialogue with Aime Cesaire and Frantz Fanon, C.L.R. James and Walter Rodney, and W.E.B. Du Bois and the poetry of d'bi young anitafrika, Johnson's work becomes a crucial point of reflection on the meaning of freedom in this masterful and rich study. In the process, Austin demonstrates why art, and particularly poetry, is a vital part of our efforts to achieve genuine social change in times of dread.
Entrepreneur Press Main Street Entrepreneur: Build Your Dream Company Doing What You Love Where You Live
100 Cities. 100 Entrepreneurs. 9 Keys for Success. Main Street Entrepreneur offers a unique look at what it takes to create a successful and thriving business. Lifelong entrepreneur, business consultant and university professor Michael Glauser rode 4,005 miles in 45 days, spent 246 hours on a bike seat, climbed 165,748 vertical feet, and interviewed more than 100 entrepreneurs in 100 cities along the way to discover the secrets to entrepreneurial success. Glauser has distilled hours of interviews and research to present the nine keys for: * Building a purpose-driven business * Meeting important community needs * Developing a supporting cast * Working with a zealous tenacity * Giving mind-boggling customer service * Diversifying revenue streams * Giving back to the broader community * And ultimately, creating the lifestyle of your dreams Readers will learn how to achieve their own dreams and won't need a 30-page business plan, venture capital, or an exit strategy. All they need to do is implement nine keys for success. Not everyone can build a Facebook, Google or eBay, but anyone with passion and tenacity can do what these entrepreneurs all across America are doing.
Headline Publishing Group The Joy of Snacks: A celebration of one of life's greatest pleasures, with recipes
SHORTLISTED FOR THE FORTNUM AND MASON FOOD BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023GUARDIAN BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2022'People think it's easy to write well about food. It isn't. Goodman does it brilliantly, with brio and wit as well as cleverness. This is a collection of essays, recipes and meditations about snacks and it is both joyous and useful.'India Knight, The Times'Deft storytelling, deep research and real wisdom about how we actually eat' Rachel Roddy, Guardian Books of the Year 2022This book is a celebration of snacks in all their glorious forms, guaranteed to fill your day with snacking joy. It's full of lists, essays and recipes to take you from your morning coffee (cinnamon crumble cakes and cherry-marzipan hand pies) to your evening wine (oeufs durs mayonnaise and mushroom pate) via salsas, hot dips, crispy bits, crab nachos and frozen pina coladas in the sun. The Joy of Snacks will lift your spirits while satisfying your deepest snacking desires, helping you squeeze the joy out of life's big and small moments, whether it's party time or Monday morning.
HarperCollins Publishers What Does This Button Do?
‘I was spotty, wore an anorak, had biro-engraved flared blue jeans with “purple” and “Sabbath” written on the thighs, and rode an ear-splittingly uncool moped. Oh yes, and I wanted to be a drummer…’ Bruce Dickinson – Iron Maiden’s legendary front man – is one of the world’s most iconic singers and songwriters. But there are many strings to Bruce’s bow, of which larger-than-life lead vocalist is just one. He is also an airline captain, aviation entrepreneur, motivational speaker, beer brewer, novelist, radio presenter, film scriptwriter and an international fencer: truly one of the most unique and interesting men in the world. In What Does this Button Do? Bruce contemplates the rollercoaster of life. He recounts – in his uniquely anarchic voice – the explosive exploits of his eccentric British childhood, the meteoric rise of Maiden, summoning the powers of darkness, the philosophy of fencing, brutishly beautiful Boeings and firmly dismissing cancer like an uninvited guest. Bold, honest, intelligent and funny, this long-awaited memoir captures the life, heart and mind of a true rock icon, and is guaranteed to inspire curious souls and hard-core fans alike.
Carcanet Press Ltd For the Unnamed
For the Unnamed was originally entitled 'For the Unnamed Black Jockey Who Rode the Winning Steed in the Race Between Pico's Sarco and Sepulveda's Black Swan in Los Angeles, in 1852'. That title provided the full narrative in a nutshell: we know the names of the owners of the two horses, we know the horses' names, the place and date of the race. But apart from his colour, and his victory, we know nothing about the jockey who made the whole thing happen. Fred D'Aguiar's new book recovers and re-imagines his story. It was the most publicised race of its era with numerous press notices but he remained unnamed. We are given several perspectives on the action – owner's, trainer's, the horse Black Swan's, the jockey's lover, the jockey himself. But one crucial element of identity is forgotten, and that forgetfulness speaks eloquently about the time and the freed man's circumstances in the mid-nineteenth century. Fred D'Aguiar's previous collection, Letters to America (2020), was a Poetry Book Society Winter Choice and a White Review Book of the Year.
Humana Press Inc. Cardiovascular Genomics: Methods and Protocols
As two of the leading causes of death worldwide, heart disease and stroke represent a clear target for genomic research aimed at deciphering the genes and cellular pathways that underlie cardiovascular disease and creating improved therapies. In Cardiovascular Genomics: Methods and Protocols, experts in the field provide methods for cardiovascular phenotyping of rodent models in the first section of the volume and for statistical and bioinformatic integration of phenotype data with genome-wide genotype and expression data in the second section. Understanding these diverse methods will allow an individual laboratory to utilize these genomic methods independently or to better prepare for collaboration with scientists having expertise in other disciplines in order to uncover genes affecting cardiovascular disease. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary equipment, materials, and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and easy-to-use, Cardiovascular Genomics: Methods and Protocols will enable researchers to identify causal genes and novel molecular targets that can lead to vital new treatments for cardiovascular disease.
Avalon Publishing Group Angry White Men, 2nd Edition: American Masculinity at the End of an Era
We hear them on talk radio airwaves bellowing about minorities. We watch them organize anti-immigration demonstrations on the border. We read their opinions regarding the demise of white male privilege. And sometimes, tragically, we witness their aggression through vigilante violence, as in the cases of Wade Michael Page, James Eagan Holmes, Elliot Rodger, George Zimmerman, and many more. They are America's angry white men, including "men's rights" activists who think white men are the victims of discrimination, as well as members of the "white wing" of the rightward fringes of the American political spectrum. Why are they so angry?Sociologist Michael Kimmel, one of the leading writers on men and masculinity in the world today, has spent hundreds of hours in the company of America's angry white men in pursuit of an answer. Raised to expect unparalleled social and economic privilege, white men are suffering today from what Kimmel calls "aggrieved entitlement": a sense that those benefits that white men believed were their due have been snatched away from them. In Angry White Men, Kimmel presents a comprehensive diagnosis of their fears, anxieties, and rage.
Orion Publishing Co People Funny Boy: The Genius of Lee 'Scratch' Perry
'David Katz's in-depth portrayal of his genius is to be commended and is an essential addition to any serious music fan's collection' David Rodigan MBE OD'For the complete picture of this musical genius you can't get better than David Katz's People Funny Boy - if you're into Scratch, it's essential' Don LettsArguably the most influential force in Jamaican music, Lee Perry brought Bob Marley to international stardom and has since collaborated with artists such as Sir Paul McCartney, The Clash and The Beastie Boys. The book delves behind the myth of Perry to give a fuller examination of his life and work through extensive interviews with family members, fellow artists, friends, lovers, enemies, as well as the man himself to present a complex portrait of a unique soul driven by unseen spiritual forces. This revised and expanded edition has been thoroughly updated and completely overhauled to render a more nuanced, accurate and accessible read, with new information on Perry's later years, including his Grammy Award, cessation of herb smoking and final passing, as well as previously unpublished information about his early life, his unique relationship with Marley, and his fabled Black Ark studio.
Drago Arts & Communication The Serra Effect: 36 Chambers
Conceived by Ivory Serra for Drago's 36 Chambers series, The Serra Effect is an immersive tracking shot of the characters and idols of neo-pop culture portrayed in their most natural environment: the spectacle society. In the words of Peter Beard, the images presented in this book are "absolutely classic and strangely unique." The icons immortalised by Serra include Umberto Eco, Elisabeth Hurley, Tony Alva, Andy Warhol, Tommy Guerrero, Tony Hawk, Aaron Rose, Mark Gonzales, Harold Hunter, James Taylor, Richard Serra, Jonas Mekas, Colin McKay, Phil Frost, Alanis Morrissette, Peter Gabriel, David Bowie, Moby, Stacey Peralta, Rodney Torres, Barry McGee, Tom Sachs, Robert Plants, Philip Glass, Wu Tang, Moorcheeba, Avril Lavigne and Lenny Kravitz. The artist chooses to present each of these lively, iconic portraits adjacent to images of arbitrary and still objects in a stunning display of Serra's inimitable style.
La Esfera de los Libros, S.L. Hijos de nazis
Un libro magnífico sobre un tema particularmente difícilLe FigaroHasta 1945 sus padres eran héroes nacionales. Después de la derrota alemana, pasaron a ser criminales de guerra. Los hijos de Himmler, Göring, Hess, Frank, Bormann, Hess, Speer y Mengele vivieron durante el Tercer Reich rodeados de privilegios bajo la protección de padres todopoderosos. Desconocían los crímenes que habían cometido estos, pero años más tarde descubrirían su responsabilidad en los mismos.Qué relación mantuvieron estos hijos con sus padres?Cómo vivieron con un apellido que es sinónimo del horror?Cuánta responsabilidad por esos crímenes se transmitió a los descendientes?Hijos de nazis narra la vida cotidiana de los descendientes de los altos jerarcas alemanes que sumieron a Europa en una terrible guerra total en la que fueron asesinadas cientos de miles de personas por su condición étnica, política, religiosa o social.Una obra traducida a siete idiomas que refleja con rigor, veracidad y
Beethoven, Mozart y Liszt han ejercido y siguen ejerciendo fascinación en quien los conoce o escucha. Aunque sus vidas no pueden considerarse paralelas, comparten un impulso vital dominado por la pasión. Los tres se entregan a su delirio de libertad y la misma llama de espíritu los lleva a componer la más sublime música religiosa, pero también las más impetuosas y románticas sonatas de amor. Porque quieren y buscan vivir apasionadamente, en el amor, claro, pero también en los claroscuros de su alma, la solitud de su arte y la armonía con el contexto histórico y la sociedad que los rodeó.De ahí lo de Appassionata, pues esta sonata literaria, llena de cambios de ritmo, busca la energía salvaje del genio que distinguió a los tres músicos que componen este acorde biográfico. En esta trilogía, Mauricio Wiesenthal, con su delicada y versátil prosa, siempre pincelada de ironía que brilla con luz propia, ofrece un acercamiento fácil y emotivo del lector a los tres genios musicales que hoy,
Los hroes de Hitler
La derrota del Tercer Reich supuso el final para un régimen que asoló Europa; pero esa derrota supondría también el olvido de muchas historias de audacia, valor y astucia que protagonizaron algunos de los combatientes que con sus valientes actos creyeron estar haciendo lo mejor para Alemania y sus compatriotas.Estas páginas recogen esos episodios que, sin duda, despertarán la admiración del lector, desde la resistencia desesperada de las tropas germanas en Narvik, rodeadas por las tropas aliadas, al terrible asedio de Cholm, en el que los alemanes soportaron los asaltos diarios de las tropas soviéticas además del hambre y el frío, pasando por el obstinado mantenimiento de la posición de Cactus Farm, en Túnez, ante los sucesivos ataques de los blindados y los bombardeos aéreos o la heroica defensa de Carentan efectuada por aguerridas tropas paracaidistas. También podrá conocer las hazañas de los barcos corsarios en sus correrías por el Atlántico y el Índico, así como las valerosas ac
Editorial Planeta, S.A. El agua de la vida
Fin de año, 1944. Para Maddie y Ellis Hyde, un joven matrimonio de clase alta de Filadelfia, la guerra y la privación son conceptos lejanos. A Ellis sólo le interesa divertirse gracias al dinero que recibe de su padre. Pero cuando el viejo general Hyde les corta su asignación, Ellis decide recuperar el favor de su padre retomando el proyecto en el que éste fracasó años atrás: encontrar al famoso monstruo del lago Ness.A pesar de las quejas de Maddie, y acompañados por su inseparable amigo Hank, los tres parten hacia Escocia y se instalan en un pequeño hotel rural, sin ninguno de los lujos que tan bien conocen. Ajenos a todo, cada día los dos hombres salen a buscar al mítico monstruo, mientras otro monstruo, Hitler, está arrasando Europa. Maddie, sola la mayor parte del tiempo en un país extranjero, rodeada de desconocidos, debe comenzar a preguntarse quién es y qué quiere en realidad.Apasionante y conmovedora, El agua de la vida narra una intensa historia de amor, pero también el despe
Prestel 13 Sculptures Children Should Know
A winged, headless goddess from the third century; a gigantic tube of toothpaste; a tribal mask; a Buddha of solid gold - these are some of the creations featured in this book of sculptures that children will be able to learn from whilst having fun. Children naturally respond to shape, size, texture and colour, and will hugely enjoy this close look at thirteen of the world's most fascinating sculptures, including works by Michelangelo, Rodin, Giacometti, and Bourgeois. Shaped from wood, stone, metal and plastic, these artworks tell us much about the culture in which they were created. Each page is filled with colourful photographs and accessible information about the work, the artist who created it and the world in which it was made. Various games and puzzles enhance this introduction to three-dimensional masterpieces, which is certain to whet its young readers' appetites for more.
Ulysses Press The BrazilianPortuguese Slang Phrasebook
With this book in hand you can get off the sideline and join the local Brazilians as they party from the pitch to the beach. Chock-full of up-to-date slang phrases, after-hours expressions and insider information on futebol, this book will have you cheering, dancing, drinking and celebrating with the die-hard fans of the beautiful game. What''s up, man? Iai, cara? Can I join your pickup game? Posso bater uma pelada com voces? Where is a cool bar to watch the game? Onde tem um barzinho legal pra assitir o jogo? Next round''s on me. A proxima rodada e minha. We''re all going to an underground dance club, wanna join? A gente vai pra um baile funk, ta afim? That girl in the VIP section is super hot. Aquela mina no camarote e muito gostosa. Let''s sleep off our hangovers at the beach. Vamos curar a ressaca na praia.
Random House Murder Island
They thought they found heaven on earth. They discover a living hell.When Brandt ''Doc'' Savage and his girlfriend Kira land on a desert island in the middle of the Atlantic, they think they''ve found a perfect utopia. An escape from their tumultuous pasts.But they don''t have long to enjoy their new-found peace before they are violently separated and dragged to opposite ends of the earth.As Doc searches the seas and continents for Kira, he discovers they are entangled in a global conspiracy that is bigger than he ever could have imagined.Can Doc and Kira find each other before one of their many enemies catches them first?_________________________________PRAISE FOR JAMES PATTERSON''No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.'' LEE CHILD''James Patterson is The Boss. End of.'' IAN RANKIN''The master storyteller of our times'' HILLARY RODHAM CL
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Reading the Contemporary Irish Novel 1987 - 2007
Reading the Contemporary Irish Novel 1987–2007 is the authoritative guide to some of the most inventive and challenging fiction to emerge from Ireland in the last 25 years. Meticulously researched, it presents detailed interpretations of novels by some of Ireland’s most eminent writers. This is the first text-focused critical survey of the Irish novel from 1987 to 2007, providing detailed readings of 11 seminal Irish novels A timely and much needed text in a largely uncharted critical field Provides detailed interpretations of individual novels by some of the country’s most critically celebrated writers, including Sebastian Barry, Roddy Doyle, Anne Enright, Patrick McCabe, John McGahern, Edna O’Brien and Colm Tóibín Investigates the ways in which Irish novels have sought to deal with and reflect a changing Ireland The fruit of many years reading, teaching and research on the subject by a leading and highly respected academic in the field
Johns Hopkins University Press Mammals of Mexico
Mammals of Mexico is the first reference book in English on the more than 500 types of mammal species found in the diverse Mexican habitats, which range from the Sonoran Desert to the Chiapas cloud forests. The authoritative species accounts are written by a Who's Who of experts compiled by famed mammalogist and conservationist Gerardo Ceballos. Ten years in the making, Mammals of Mexico covers everything from obscure rodents to whales, bats, primates, and wolves. It is thoroughly illustrated with color photographs and meticulous artistic renderings, as well as range maps for each species. Introductory chapters discuss biogeography, conservation, and evolution. The final section of the book illustrates the skulls, jaws, and tracks of Mexico's mammals. This unparalleled collection of scientific information on, and photographs of, Mexican wildlife belongs on the shelf of every mammalogist, in public and academic libraries, and in the hands of anyone curious about Mexico and its wildlife.
Hodder & Stoughton Shadow Child
'Family love is one of the most powerful elemental forces on earth, and at that moment, our last moment as a unit of three, we rode a great curling triumphant wave of it, all together. Death may have thought that he won, but I think otherwise.' There is no right way to deal with the loss of a beloved son. Marion and Tom are doing their dignified best, but their own relationship is taking a battering. So when a fierce, strange woman turns up and demands to see the dead boy, Marion is almost glad of the distraction. Against Tom's wishes, she determines to find out more about her son's life away from home. The quest takes her out of her comfortable, conventional world to a shabby office in East London, and a series of shocks. Tom, furious, finds his own solution, and amid scandal, sorrow and exaltation the quiet Middle-Englanders discover that there is more than one kind of family.
Lawrence & Wishart Ltd Ideology, Absolutism and the English Revolution: Debates of the British Communist Historians, 1940-1956
This book offers a fascinating insight into ideas in the making - a glimpse into some of the early debates inside the History Group of the Communist Party of Great Britain, whose members included Christopher Hill, Rodney Hilton and Eric Hobsbawm. The outstanding contribution to historical studies of these and other members of the group is now almost universally recognised. The debates they initiated formed the ground for academic research that is still continuing, in particular their work on the nature of English civil war and revolution in the seventeenth century, and on the development of capitalism in Britain. This book focuses on the debates of the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century section of the group and their work on ideology and absolutism. It reproduces original documentary material - single contributions, reports and minutes - from the debates, and also includes an informative introductory essay as well as useful notes and appendices.
Octopus Publishing Group Football And How To Survive It
''The good news for those who loved THE ACCIDENTAL FOOTBALLER: this new book is even better. There were times as I read Pat Nevin''s account of his years running - or, trying to run - Motherwell, I had to remind myself to breathe. It''s a thrilling read - funny, nerve-wracking, precise and very, very human'' - Roddy DoyleSo, you fell into football by accident. You''ve played for Chelsea, Everton and your country at an international level. But what happens when you discover you''re in so deep that football has taken over your whole life?In his brilliant new memoir, Pat Nevin takes us on a journey to the less glamorous side of football. From Tranmere to Kilmarnock, he plays some of the best football he''s ever played. Then, in an unprecedented twist of fate, finds himself both player and Chief Executive of Scottish First Division club Motherwell.What follows is an entertaining and revealing tale of the side of football that you rarely see
British Library Publishing Murder by the Book: Mysteries for Bibliophiles
'If much of the action is set in a bookshop or a library, it is a bibliomystery, just as it is if a major character is a bookseller or a librarian.' - Otto Penzler A bookish puzzle threatens an eagerly awaited inheritance; a submission to a publisher recounts a murder that seems increasingly to be a work of non-fiction; an irate novelist puts a grisly end to the source of his writer's block. There is no better hiding place for clues - or red herrings - than inside the pages of a book. But in this world of resentful ghost writers, indiscreet playwrights and unscrupulous book collectors, literary prowess is often a prologue to disaster. With Martin Edwards as librarian and guide, delve into an irresistible stack of tales perfect for every book-lover and armchair sleuth, featuring much-loved Golden Age detectives such as Nigel Strangeways, Philip Trent and Detective Chief Inspector Roderick Alleyn. But readers should be warned that the most riveting tales often conceal the deadliest of secrets...
Penguin Books Ltd Music Love Drugs War
'A clever, compassionate and humorous look at teenage kicks and sectarian strife in early 80s Northern Ireland' GuardianSchool is almost over - and for Paddy, Liz, Christy and Kevin it's time to figure out what's next. But before they start the rest of their lives, these teenagers have the 'Cave' - a place to drink, smoke, flirt and listen to punk music. Somewhere to fend off the spectre of the future.Because this is Derry in 1981, and the streets outside are a war zone. So when a friend is killed, suddenly the choices of who to be and what side to be on are laid starkly before them. New loves and old loyalties are imperiled even as whole lives hinge on a single decision . . . 'Exhilarating' Roddy Doyle 'A sensitive and powerful coming-of-age novel' Observer'Worth checking out for its loving attention to how it feels to be young and in love in a time of turmoil' i 'Utterly convincing' Sunday Times
Sarabande Books, Incorporated Belle Laide: Poems
"A whirling, Dionysian poet. . . . Dwyer negotiates brazenly with huge tracts of the human condition. Her leaping imagination will make you laugh out loud. The poems in Belle Laide are a rodeo; hang on to your saddle, cowboy."Tony Hoagland A man with a shovel in his hand / is a sexy thing. I dare myself to bury my dead, / to incline towards Cupid's clouds. I dare myself to love a man all-out. / I'm less afraid of the stray hairs of strangers left behind in hotel bathtubs; / less afraid of the sounds in the wind. Conversing is sometimes useless, / like beavers clawing ice hoping to erase back into water. Joanne Dominique Dwyer earned a BA in creative writing from the College of Santa Fe and an MFA from Warren Wilson College. She is a recipient of a Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers' Award, a Bread Loaf Scholar award, and the Anne Halley Poetry Prize. Dwyer resides in northern New Mexico where she works as facilitator for the Alzheimer's Poetry Project.
Taylor & Francis Inc Critical Analysis of Monoclonal Antibody Therapy in Transplantation
Critical Analysis of Monoclonal Antibody Therapy in Transplantation provides a critical analysis of monoclonal antibody therapies in transplantation. The book presents diverse approaches to monoclonal antibody therapy in transplantation and addresses some of the serious obstacles that remain both in understanding these mechanisms and in successfully applying them in clinical situations. The background and rationale for OKT3 therapy are examined and an extensive clinical experience with OKT3 induction therapy in cardiac transplantation is reviewed. The book also examines the background and rationale for the use of anti-TcR (??), anti-IL-2R, and anti-LFA-1 monoclonal antibodies in clinical transplantations. Other topics include the use of monclonal antibodies to CD4 and CD8 for the induction of adult transplantation tolerance in rodents and the possibilities for applying anti-idiotypical strategies that have proven useful in autoimmunity models to transplant recipients. Researchers and basic scientists involved in this field will find the book a fascinating and useful resource for their investigations.
Reaktion Books Cat
Cat traces the relationship between humans and the cat from its original domestication in ancient Egypt c. 2000 BC, through the centuries as a utilitarian rodent catcher, its gradual acceptance as a charming and amiable pet, and its present status as a companion on a par with the dog. Long before people valued cats, however, they recognized something special about them. Their graceful, fluid movements, and their self-detachment even as they live in our homes, seems to indicate strange, even supernatural powers. The peculiar fascination of the cat, indeed, is the diversity of images it projects - at once sweet and ferocious, affectionate and independent, elegant and earthy, cosily domestic and eerie. This highly illustrated book, now available in B-format, has a great deal to offer the enormous number of people who like and are interested in cats. Unlike many other cat books, it offers substantial and accurate information about the history of cats and their presentation in literature and art.
Hal Leonard Corporation Voice and Speech Training in the New Millennium: Conversations with Master Teachers
Voice and speech training has long been a part of the fabric of actor training and the training of those whose task it has been to persuade through the voice: primarily actors politicians lawyers and other public speakers. ÊVoice and Speech Training in the New MillenniumÊ is a collection of interviews with 24 of today's leading voice and speech teachers each of whom has contributed to the advancement of the field and made today's training a cutting edge component of actor training. Included are interviews with master teachers Richard Armstrong Cicely Berry Patsy Rodenburg Kristin Linklater Catherine Fitzmaurice Dudley Knight Robert Barton Rocco DalVera Natsuko Ohama Nancy Krebs Bonnie Raphael Susan Sweeney Fran Bennett Louis Colaianni Nancy Houfek Jan Gist Andrea Haring Saul Kotzubei Robert Neff Williams Andrew Wade David Carey Phil Thompson Deb Kinghorn and Gillian Lane-Plescia. Amidst their similarities and differences in approach is a unified spirit and acknowledgment that voice work is of fundamental importance to the actor's training process and has the potential to resonate profoundly with the actor and with the audience.
Rutgers University Press The Truth That Never Hurts 25th anniversary edition: Writings on Race, Gender, and Freedom
Barbara Smith has been doing groundbreaking work since the early 1970s, describing a Black feminism for Black women. Her work in Black women's literary traditions; in examining the sexual politics of the lives of women of color; in representing the lives of Black lesbians and gay men; and in making connections between race, class, sexuality and gender is gathered in The Truth That Never Hurts. This collection contains some of her major essays on Black women's literature, Black lesbian writing, racism in the women's movement, Black-Jewish relations, and homophobia in the Black community. Her forays into these areas ignited dialogue about topics that few other writers were addressing at the time, and which, sadly, remain pertinent to this day. This twenty-fifth anniversary edition, in a beautiful new package, also contains the essays from the original about the 1968 Chicago convention demonstrations; attacks on the NEA; the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas Senate hearings; and police brutality against Rodney King and Abner Louima, which, after twenty-five years, still have the urgency they did when they were first written.