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Artists Writers & Artisans Mann's World
Gebruder Mann Verlag Egon Hartmann Und Der Wiederaufbau Von Mainz
Gebruder Mann Verlag Hanseatisch Modern: Texte Zu Architektur Und Stadtgesellschaft in Hamburg
Gebruder Mann Verlag Berlin in Geschichte Und Gegenwart: Jahrbuch Des Landesarchivs Berlin 2022
Gebruder Mann Verlag Ich Liebe Die Japanische Kultur: Kleine Schriften Uber Japan
BookLife Publishing My Manners
Gebruder Mann Verlag Zeitschrift Fur Orient-Archaologie
Gebruder Mann Verlag Nubische Studien
Wellhöfer Verlag Mannheim Bildband
Silberburg Verlag Zeitreise Mannheim
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Mittelalte Männer
Marix Verlag Verratene Männer
Insel Verlag GmbH In Männerkleidern
Insel Verlag GmbH In Männerkleidern
Scholasticnc Cliffords Manners
The circus is in town, but everything is going wrong. Emily Elizabeth and Clifford offer to help. Clifford and the circus acts work together to save the show-and the day!
Manning Publications TypeScript Quickly
Thanks to the authors’ easy-to-digest style, you’ll effortlessly learn about types, object-oriented programming with classes and interfaces, and using TypeScript with JavaScript libraries. You’ll discover TypeScript’s excellent tooling as you explore code-quality improvement with TSLint, debugging with source maps, unit testing, and more. TypeScript is JavaScript with an important upgrade! By adding a strong type system to JavaScript, TypeScript can help you eliminate entire categories of runtime errors. In TypeScript Quickly, you’ll learn to build rock-solid apps through practical examples and hands-on projects under the expert instruction of experienced web developers Yakov Fain and Anton Moiseev. WILL SELL LIKE Angular Development with Typescript, Key features • Mastering TypeScript syntax • Object-oriented programming with classes and interfaces • Using TypeScript with JavaScript libraries • Multiple real-world code samples Audience Written for intermediate web developers comfortable with JavaScript ES5 and HTML. About the technology TypeScript is an extension of JavaScript that includes key language features such as optional static typing, compile-time error catching, and auto-complete. By specifying types and type annotations, your code becomes much easier to interpret, which improves productivity and team development. In particular, TypeScript makes complex applications like SPAs much easier to maintain and extend. Yakov Fain and Anton Moiseev are experienced web application developers. They authored two editions of Manning’s Angular Development with TypeScript among other technical books. Yakov is a Java champion and a prolific tech blogger at Yakov Fain and Anton Moiseev are experienced web application developers. They authored two editions of Manning’s Angular Development with TypeScript among other technical books. Yakov is a Java champion and a prolific tech blogger at
Transcript Verlag Verweigerte Männlichkeit
Pace Publishing Kylie Manning
Manning's theatrical, stage-like compositions manifest themselves in both the visual and performing artsThis monograph highlights the lyrical, atmospheric paintings of Brooklyn-based painter Kylie Manning (born 1983). Also featured is her major collaboration with choreographer Christopher Wheeldon for the New York City Ballet in 2023, for which Manning designed the backdrops and costumes.
Herbig Die MännerhaarFormel
Leykam Männer töten
Langenscheidt bei PONS Langenscheidt MannDeutschDeutschMann
Gebruder Mann Verlag Spiel-Raume Der Demokratie
Gebruder Mann Verlag Advertising Architecture: Kommunikation, Imagebildung Und Corporate Identity Durch Unternehmensarchitektur (1950-2000)
Gebruder Mann Verlag Baukunst Und Wissenschaft: Architektenausbildung an Der Berliner Bauakademie Um 1800
Gebruder Mann Verlag Musterhaft Naturgetreu: Tiere in Seiden, Zeichnungen Und Tapisserien Des 14. Und 15. Jahrhunderts
Gebruder Mann Verlag The Making of a New 'Differential Space': Permanent Site-Specific Art in America and the Dia Art Foundation (1974-2006)
Gebruder Mann Verlag Berliner Terrakottakunst Des 19. Jahrhunderts
Gebruder Mann Verlag Die Normierung Des Wahnsinns: Unterbringungsrecht Von Der Weimarer Republik Bis Ins Geteilte Deutschland
Gebruder Mann Verlag Mogontiacum II: Topographie Und Umwehrung Des Romischen Legionslagers Von Mainz
Gebruder Mann Verlag Tim Eitel. Das Investigative Bild: Reflexionsebenen in Seiner Malerei
Manning Publications Testing Microservices with Mountebank
Description Microservices are independent, single-responsibility units of code that form a system with other microservices. It's difficult to test an individual microservice since each one depends on the other services. Mountebank solves this conundrum through service virtualization - imitating other components in the system so that you can test a microservice in isolation. Testing Microservices with Mountebank is your guide to the ins and outs of testing microservices with service virtualization. This book also explains using mountebank for load testing, in a continuous delivery pipeline, and more. Key features · Hands-on examples · Step-by-step guide · Clearly written Audience Readers need programming skills and should be generally familiar with SOA or microservice systems. About the technology Mountebank is the most capable service virtualization tool around, providing a programmable stand-in for a real dependency. As the only open-source virtualization tool with support for multiple protocols and scaling for load testing mountebank isn't snake oil; it's the cure-all for all your service virtualization needs. Author biography Brandon Byars is a principal consultant at ThoughtWorks with longstanding experience in SOA and microservices. He is the author and chief maintainer of Mountebank and has helped multiple companies use it for testing a variety of systems.
Cameron & Company Inc Terrific Table Manners
Inspired by the classic Tiffany’s primer on manners for teens and featuring a familiar cast of characters, Terrific Table Manners is a modern take on table etiquette that follows the course of a proper dinner-party meal. Young readers will learn essential amenities such as sending the invite and RSVP, the use for all of those different forks, how to politely sip soup and engage in delightful (not dreadful) conversation, when to graciously dismiss yourself, and writing thank-you notes. Sharing a meal has never been this exciting and funny.
Spokesman Books Tom Mann's Memoirs
Wellhöfer Verlag Blutspur nach Mannheim
Slanted Publishers UG Ar/KATE Mannheim
Juventa Verlag GmbH Erziehung zur Männlichkeit
Little Tiger Press Group Mind Your Manners
It’s okay to enjoy roaring loudly. We all deserve some time to play. But all lions should practice those soft growls, For the quieter times of the day. Welcome to the jungle! It’s full of misbehaving animals, from messy monkeys to grumpy grizzly bears but with the help of our quirky, memorable rhymes and adorable animal illustrations, your child will enjoy learning why it pays for pandas to say ‘please’, and how good manners make the world go round.
Milkweed Editions The Mannequin Makers
edition Fototapeta Männer aus Moabit
Gräfe und Unzer Edition Alte WEISE Männer
Manesse Verlag Männer und Frauen
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Sieben Männer später
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Alte weiße Männer
Knaur Balance Pilates für Männer
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Lehrjahre der Männlichkeit
Heyne Verlag Was Männer kosten
Hansebooks Manning's Horse Book