Search results for ""anaya""
University of Pennsylvania Press Mexico's Human Rights Crisis
Lawless elements are ascendant in Mexico, as evidenced by the operations of criminal cartels engaged in human and drug trafficking, often with the active support or acquiescence of government actors. The sharp increase in the number of victims of homicide, disappearances and torture over the past decade is unparalleled in the country's recent history. According to editors Alejandro Anaya-Muñoz and Barbara Frey, the "war on drugs" launched in 2006 by President Felipe Calderón and the corrupting influence criminal organizations have on public institutions have empowered both state and nonstate actors to operate with impunity. Impunity, they argue, is the root cause that has enabled a human-rights crisis to flourish, creating a climate of generalized violence that is carried out, condoned, or ignored by the state and precluding any hope for justice. Mexico's Human Rights Crisis offers a broad survey of the current human rights issues that plague Mexico. Essays focus on the human rights consequences that flow directly from the ongoing "war on drugs" in the country, including violence aimed specifically at women, and the impunity that characterizes the government's activities. Contributors address the violation of the human rights of migrants, in both Mexico and the United States, and cover the domestic and transnational elements and processes that shape the current human rights crisis, from the state of Mexico's democracy to the influence of rulings by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the decisions of Mexico's National Supreme Court of Justice. Given the scope, the contemporaneity, and the gravity of Mexico's human rights crisis, the recommendations made in the book by the editors and contributors to curb the violence could not be more urgent. Contributors: Alejandro Anaya-Muñoz, Karina Ansolabehere, Ariadna Estévez, Barbara Frey, Janice Gallagher, Rodrigo Gutiérrez Rivas, Susan Gzesh, Sandra Hincapié, Catalina Pérez Correa, Laura Rubio Díaz-Leal, Natalia Saltalamacchia, Carlos Silva Forné, Regina Tamés, Javier Treviño-Rangel, Daniel Vázquez, Benjamin James Waddell.
Boutique of Quality Books Never Too Soon
Book 2 in the "Anaya's World" series. Things are looking up for Anaya Goode after the deaths of her brother and mother. She is the youngest (and highest paid) executive in Alameda County. She is in an adoring relationship with the love of her life, her natural twists are on point, and she runs a six-minute mile. What else matters? When Anaya is tasked with leading negotiations for the most significant development agreement in County history, her world unravels. If the antics of inept officials and her micromanaging boss aren't enough to drive Anaya mad, she discovers that her ex-boyfriend Jeff is commissioned as a consultant on the development agreement. Anaya hasn't had contact with Jeff since their messy break-up six years ago. As negotiations for the development agreement intensify, an internal scandal threatens Anaya's reputation—and her job. Amid bureaucratic indecision and public outrage, Anaya leans on Jeff for support, and unresolved feelings resurface. As Anaya questions her steady relationship, her extended family's perception of her as Goode matriarch puts her in the middle of every aunt's and cousin's problem. She is tired of serving as supplemental income to her scripture-quoting, ever-pregnant sister, and would love to burn the imaginary pedestal her family has perched her on. Can she see her work and family commitments through and still maintain her love life---and more importantly, her sense of self?Ripe with witty dialogue and relatable characters, Never Too Soon offers a look into complicated relationships and haunting pasts, and shows the importance of the familial ties that bind.
Todo lo que hay que saber sobre Dinamarca.El volumen se compone de varias secciones.La primera consiste en una serie de Itinerarios a modo de propuestas de viaje que posibilitan la visita a las ciudades y lugares de mayor interés, a través de las vías de comunicación por carretera que reúnen mayor número de atractivos.La segunda, denominada Lugares de interés, proporciona información en primer lugar de la ciudad de Copenhague, y a continuación de las localidades más importantes, presentadas en orden alfabético y describiendo sus monumentos y otros atractivos de diverso orden. Junto a ellas se describen otras localidades que se encuentran en los alrededores de las primeras.En la tercera, denominada A vista de pájaro, se ofrece un recorrido panorámico a lo largo de la geografía, la historia, la economía, la organización política y el arte del país.A todo ello se añaden, al final, las secciones dedicadas a Informaciones prácticas y el dir
" Esta Guía Total de Budapest se presenta como un magnífico instrumento para conocer o revisitar esta bella ciudad. La información de este volumen se distribuye en varias secciones.La primera parte, dedicada a Budapest y sus alrededores, está dividida en tres capítulos correspondientes a Pest, Buda y los lugares de interés más cercanos de la ciudad.En la segunda se han seleccionado las excursiones que pueden emprenderse fácilmente desde Budapest como son la curva del Danubio y el lago Balatón.La tercera, titulada A vista de pájaro, ofrece un recorrido panorámico por la historia, el arte y la cultura de Budapest, por lo que constituye una excelente lectura para preparar el viaje.La cuarta está dedicada a proporcionar Informaciones prácticas y ofrece abundante información sobre diversos temas de interés para el viajero, como documentación necesaria, medios de transporte, transportes públicos, moneda, horarios, principales acontecimientos culturales y festivos, etc.La
University of New Mexico Press Jemez Spring
When the governor of New Mexico is found drowned in the Bath House at Jemez Springs, Albuquerque private eye Sonny Baca is called in to investigate. As he soon learns, murder is only the beginning of the evil that Sonny must sort out. Someone has planted a bomb in the Valles Caldera, not far from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and it is set to detonate in just a few hours. Is this the work of terrorists or is Sonny’s old nemesis, Raven, mixed up in the plot?In a race against the clock Sonny encounters ghosts and sorcerers, beautiful women and environmental activists, and developers and politicians who are quarrelling over the state’s most precious resource, its water.
" La mejor información sobre Suecia completamente actualizada.Esta guía se compone de varias secciones. La primera, denominada Lugares de interés, se halla dividida en cinco capítulos: el primero está íntegramente dedicado a Estocolmo y en los demás se proporciona información acerca de las localidades más interesantes, agrupadas por regiones, de sus monumentos y de otros atractivos de diverso orden. Junto a ellas se describen otras localidades de menor interés que se encuentran en sus alrededores.En la segunda sección, titulada Suecia a vista de pájaro, ofrece un recorrido panorámico por la geografía, la historia, la economía, la organización política, la cultura y el arte de Suecia.Finalmente, la tercera sección está dedicada a informaciones de interés general para viajar por Suecia y consta de un apartado de Informaciones prácticas y de un directorio de Servicios turísticos, con hoteles y restaurantes recomendados.El carácter práctico de esta guía se ve reforzado por
Edition Virgines Kurz und schlüssig
Museum of New Mexico Press Owl in a Straw Hat: El Tecolote del Sombrero de Paja
Edition Virgines nachtseelengewächse
ESIC Editorial Almacenes análisis diseño y organización
? Toda operación de almacenaje y manipulación de productos, representa un coste adicional para la Empresa sin ningún valor añadido para el cliente. En consecuencia, ?el mejor almacén es aquel que no existe?.? Los costes de almacenaje, representa una cifra en torno al 30 % de los costes logísticos de distribución.? Una buena racionalización y organización de los procesos productivos de un almacén, puede aumentar su productividad del 50 al 150 %.? Objetivos de un almacén comercial: Máximo servicio al cliente, con mínimos costes operativos.Con la presente obra, se pretende suministrar al lector, de la información necesaria para una evaluación apropiada de la situación de un almacén, así como dotarle de los conocimientos básicos para un correcto diseño y organización de los mismos.Conviene hacer la salvedad, de que toda la normativa que se explica en la presente obra, se adapta tanto a grandes instalaciones de almacenes de distribución como a pequeños naves de industria
University of New Mexico Press Shaman Winter
This third installment of Rudolfo Anaya's ""Sonny Baca"" mystery series has the private detective confined to a wheelchair. Brutal battles with his nemesis Raven have taken their toll and Baca is struggling to regain his health. Nights of fitful sleep and intermittent dreams introduce Owl Woman, one of Sonny's ancestors and the sixteenth-century daughter of a shaman. As Sonny sleeps, Raven abducts Owl Woman and soon, one by one, each of Sonny's forebears begin to disappear. Immobilizing Sonny physically was Raven's first goal; now he wants to destroy Sonny's soul by erasing his history.
University of New Mexico Press Rio Grande Fall
University of New Mexico Press Serafina's Stories
New Mexico's master storyteller creates a southwestern version of the Arabian Nights in this fable set in seventeenth-century Santa Fe. In January 1680 a dozen Pueblo Indians are charged with conspiring to incite a revolution against the colonial government. When the prisoners are brought before the Governor, one of them is revealed as a young woman. Educated by the friars in her pueblo's mission church, Serafina speaks beautiful Spanish and surprises the Governor with her fearlessness and intelligence. The two strike a bargain. She will entertain the Governor by telling him a story. If he likes her story, he will free one of the prisoners. Like Scheherezade, who prevented her royal husband from killing her by telling him stories, Serafina keeps the Governor so entertained with her versions of Nuevo Mexicano cuentos that he spares the lives of all her fellow prisoners. Some of the stories Serafina tells will have a familiar ring to them, for they came from Europe and were New Mexicanised by the Spanish colonists. Some have Pueblo Indian plots and characters - and it is this blending of the two cultures that is Anaya's true subject.
Little, Brown & Company Bless Me, Ultima
Hodder Education Reading Planet KS2: Game Changers: Magnificent Medics - Mercury/Brown
Read about six magnificent medical Game Changers, from Edward Jenner, who brought an end to smallpox, to Mary Seacole, whose nursing skills and resilience improved and saved many lives. Learn more about these magnificent medics, whose discoveries and skills have saved millions of lives over the past 300 years, and continue to do so today! Game Changers: Magnificent Medics is part of the Reading Planet Cosmos range of books from Hodder Education. Cosmos provides a vibrant collection of fiction and non-fiction books that will widen children's reading horizons. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills. Reading age: 7-8 years
Hodder Education Reading Planet KS2: Game Changers: Extraordinary Entrepreneurs - Venus/Brown
Read about seven amazing entrepreneurs, from Boulton and Watt, who revolutionised the steam engine, to George Lucas, who transformed film-making. Learn more about the determination and resilience of these incredible people who have created many of the things we rely on and enjoy in our lives today. They continue to inspire many modern entrepreneurs who are equally determined to make their dream a reality. Game Changers: Extraordinary Entrepreneurs is part of the Reading Planet Cosmos range of books from Hodder Education. Cosmos provides a vibrant collection of fiction and non-fiction books that will widen children's reading horizons. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills. Reading age: 8-9 years.
La ciudad de Nápoles gusta a los viajeros españoles porque la disfrutan y la entienden. Durante un tiempo fue española y compartió reyes, tradiciones y costumbres. Con fama de ruidosa, decadente y excesiva, asomada a una imponente bahía, es la puerta de acceso a otros destinos míticos como las islas de Capri, Procida e Ischia, las ruinas de Pompeya y Herculano y el Parque Nacional del Vesubio.En esta Guía Total Urban de Nápoles se proporciona la información más completa y actual para visitar y conocer todos los atractivos de esta sorprendente ciudad, sus alrededores y las islas del Golfo. Además, traza un recorrido panorámico por su historia, la organización política, el arte y su cultura. Las informaciones prácticas y la selección de hoteles y restaurantes del final resultarán, junto a los mapas, planos y plantas de zonas arqueológicas, de gran utilidad para el viajero. Con app disponible de regalo, con un completo plano de la ciudad.
" La mejor información sobre Polonia totalmente actualizada, que, para mayor comodidad, se organiza en cuatro secciones.La primera consiste en una serie de 10 Itinerarios que constituyen otras tantas propuestas de viaje y que posibilitan la visita a las ciudades y lugares de mayor interés a través de las vías de comunicación por carretera que reúnen más atractivos culturales y paisajísticos.En la segunda de estas secciones, denominada Lugares de interés, se proporciona información acerca de las localidades más interesantes, presentadas en orden alfabético, sugiriendo itinerarios de visita y describiendo sus monumentos y otros atractivos de diverso orden. Junto a ellas se describen otras localidades de menor interés que se encuentran en sus Alrededores.En la tercera sección, titulada A vista de pájaro, se ofrece un recorrido panorámico por la geografía, la historia, la economía, la organización política y el arte polacos, a través del cual se proporcionan los elementos neces
Ediciones del Genal Empresa e iniciativa emprendedora programacin didctica de mdulo profesional
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Clara Superlex La invasin extraterrestre
Mientras Clara y SuperÁlex sueñan con nuevas misiones, algo extraño está pasando en el barrio... todos los animales se han vuelto locos! Encontrarán el origen de esta situación tan inquietante?
Portugus para viajar
Guía de conversación para entenderse en portugués. Los contenidos de este cuaderno se articulan según las situaciones típicas de los viajes (medios de transporte, alojamientos, restaurantes, compras, etc.) y son de fácil y rápida localización, gracias al empleo de páginas de distintos colores.Todos los términos y frases incluyen su pronunciación de forma sencilla y clara: basta con leer los textos tal y como están escritos e imitar en la medida de lo posible la entonación local. Con un práctico diccionario de viaje y páginas para notas.
Estrella Polar La Nenúfar i la Matoll a... Operació Sant Jordi
L?A?lex ha creat un nou invent: unes ulleres de realitat virtual que permeten viure un llibre com si hi fossis a dins i formessis part de la histo?ria. Nome?s cal introduir el llibre que vulguis a dins de la ma?quina, posar-te les ulleres i... gaudir d?una experie?ncia 4D. Una se?rie d?embolics fan que es barregin dues histo?ries ben diferents... Sant Jordi i zombis?
Simon & Schuster All for One
Judy Moody meets the One Day at a Time remake in this third story in a chapter book series featuring a young Cuban American girl who tries to find adventure based on the classics she read with her beloved abuela—can Dominguita save a quinceañera?Dom, Pancho, Steph, and their noble steed, Rocco, are ready for their next adventure! When their beloved El Señor Fuentes asks Dom to run a very important errand—to put the order in at the local butcher shop for his daughter, Leni’s, upcoming quinceañera—Dom is happy to help. But when Señor Fuentes discovers the order was never put in—and the food for the party has been sold to someone else—Dom takes a cue from The Three Musketeers to try and figure out what happened. With the help of Pancho and Steph, Dom discovers the dastardly Bublassi brothers have big plans to sabotage Leni’s party. Keeping in mind the famous motto All for One and One for All, Mundytown’s own Three Musketeers are determined to make sure Leni has a party she’ll remember for all the right reasons!
Simon & Schuster Sherlock Dom
Judy Moody meets the Diary of a Future President remake in this fourth story in a chapter book series featuring a young Cuban American girl who tries to find adventure based on the classic stories she read with her beloved abuela.Dom is excited to join her friend, Steph, for a mini vacation. They are going to visit Steph’s grandmother in Virginia, where Dom hopes they can continue to have a lot of fun adventures. As soon as they arrive, they find that Gran’s neighbors have lost their goat! There are some mysterious footprints near the goat pen that lead to the marsh. Dom decides to use the methods of her favorite detective, Sherlock Holmes—observing the basics, using all her senses, and talking it through with her trusty friend—to try and bring the little goat back home.
Simon & Schuster Knight of the Cape
Judy Moody meets Netflix’s One Day at a Time in this first book in a new chapter book series featuring a young Cuban American girl who tries to find adventure based on the classics she read with her beloved abuela—can Dominguita become a noble knight?All Dominguita wants to do is read. Especially the books in Spanish that Abuela gave to her just before she moved away. They were classics that Abuela and Dominguita read together, classics her abuela brought with her all the way from Cuba when she was a young girl. It helps Dominguita feel like Abuela’s still there with her. One of her favorites, Don Quixote, tells of a brave knight errant who tries to do good deeds. Dominguita decides that she, too, will become a knight and do good deeds around her community, creating a grand adventure for her to share with her abuela. And when the class bully tells Dominguita that girls can’t be knights, Dom is determined to prove him wrong. With a team of new friends, can Dominguita learn how to be the hero of her own story?
Museum of New Mexico Press No More Bullies! / No Mas Bullies!: Owl in a Straw Hat 2
Oxford University Press Hero Academy Non-fiction: Oxford Level 4, Light Blue Book Band: A Bag of Letters
Tasha is a postal worker. In A Bag of Letters, we meet Tasha early in the morning and join her on her round. Tasha has to deliver mail in the scorching heat and pouring rain. She never complains! This book is in Light Blue Book Band, Oxford Level 4, and supports Letters and Sounds Phase 4. Project X Hero Academy Non-fiction is a diverse and inspiring series of fully-decodable titles for reading practice that's matched to phonics knowledge. Aligned to Letters and Sounds, this contemporary series broadens children's subject knowledge, while consolidating their phonics learning and improving their reading fluency.
Villaceli, S.L. Cuaderno de vocabulario de chino cosas de casa
Galicia. Mapa turístico de carreteras, escala 1:340.000. Comprende las carreteras de la comunidad de Galicia e incluye los planos de las cuatro capitales de provincia (A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense y Pontevedra) y Santiago de Compostela, y toda la información viaria y turística para viajar por la Comunidad (vistas panorámicas, castillos, monumentos, paradores, playas, recorridos pintorescos, áreas naturales protegidas...). También incorpora un índice de localidades.
Edition Virgines Wort.Satz.Punktum.
Hodder Education Reading Planet KS2: Game Changers: Cool Conservationists - Stars/Lime
Read about six amazing environmental game changers, from Wangari Maathai, who started the Green Belt Movement to educate people about the harmful effects of deforestation, to Boyan Slat, who is helping to clean up the world's polluted oceans with his plastic-guzzling 'Interceptor'! Learn more about these cool conservationists who have inspired people to change their ways to make our planet a better place! Game Changers: Cool Conservationists is part of the Reading Planet Cosmos range of books from Hodder Education. Cosmos provides a vibrant collection of fiction and non-fiction books that will widen children's reading horizons. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills. Reading age: 7-8.
Ediciones del Genal Manual de gestin y prevencin de riesgos psicosociales en libreras
ESIC Editorial Organizacin de la produccin industrial un enfoque de gestin operativa en fbrica
El objetivo previsto por el autor en la presente obra no es otro que el de sistematizar la evolución de una forma didáctica, de las diferentes filosofías, métodos y procedimientos que se han ido aplicando en las empresas industriales en todo lo relativo a su estructura organizativa y técnicas de gestión aplicables a las mismas; de tal manera que el lector encuentre los elementos de juicio necesarios para una eficaz dirección operativa de la producción industrial, rehusando al máximo entrar en divagaciones o especulaciones teóricas que no hayan sido avaladas por la práctica empresarial.El libro va dirigido al equipo directivo de la empresa, relacionado con las funciones de aprovisionamiento de materiales, planificación y control de la producción, fabricación y muy especialmente a los denominados material manager y en general a todas las funciones logísticas de apoyo y organización, en donde encontrarán sin duda alguna, la guía necesaria para orientar sus decisiones tanto a nivel tác
ESIC Editorial Logística integral la gestión operativa de la empresa
El objetivo previsto por el autor en la presente obra, no es otro que el de sistematizar de una forma didáctica las diferentes filosofías, métodos y procedimientos aplicables en la industria desde un punto de vista práctico, en todo lo relativo al control del flujo de materiales, desde la óptica de la Logística Integral, de tal manera que el lector encuentre los elementos de juicio necesarios para una eficaz dirección operativa de la empresa, rehusando al máximo entrar en divagaciones o especulaciones teóricas que no hayan sido refrendadas por la práctica empresarial.El libro va especialmente dirigido al equipo directivo de la empresa, relacionado con las funciones de aprovisionamiento, fabricación, almacenaje y distribución física de productos y muy especialmente a los responsables de Logística en la misma, en donde encontrarán, sin duda alguna, la brújula necesaria para orientar sus decisiones tanto a nivel estratégico como táctico. Quizás la mejor aportación de esta obra, es la
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - The Class Show - Orange: Rocket Phonics
Crystal Class are putting on a play about an Egyptian prince and a magical gemstone. Find out what happens when the gemstone really does turn out to be magical and transports the main characters to Ancient Egypt to perform their play for the King and Queen of Egypt.The Class Show is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 5-6 years
Hodder Education Reading Planet KS2: Game Changers: Inspiring Feminists - Earth/Grey
Read about six inspiring feminist Game Changers, from Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the very first to argue that women should have equal rights with men, and Sojourner Truth, who fought against slavery as well as for women's rights, to Sophia Duleep Singh, who helped the Suffragettes in their campaign to allow women to vote. Learn more about these inspiring feminists whose bravery, determination and resilience have allowed some of the freedoms women and girls enjoy today. Game Changers: Inspiring Feminists is part of the Reading Planet Cosmos range of books from Hodder Education. Cosmos provides a vibrant collection of fiction and non-fiction books that will widen children's reading horizons. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills. Reading age: 8-9 years.
Hachette Children's Group Reading Champion: Dragon Dance: Independent Reading 13
Ju-Long and Ting are spending New Year at their grandparents' house and will be watching the dragon dance at the village celebrations. Ju-Long adores dragons and longs to be part of the dance, just like his grandfather was... and this year, his dreams come true!Reading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their developing reading skills.Fantastic, original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and a reading activity. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability, encouraging reading for pleasure.The Key Stage 2 Reading Champion Books are suggested for use as follows:Independent Reading 11: start of Year 3 or age 7+Independent Reading 12: end of Year 3 or age 7+Independent Reading 13: start of Year 4 or age 8+Independent Reading 14: end of Year 4 or age 8+Independent Reading 15: start of Year 5 or age 9+Independent Reading 16: end of Year 5 or age 9+Independent Reading 17: start of Year 6 or age 10+Independent Reading 18: end of Year 6 or age 10+
Simon & Schuster All for One
Judy Moody meets the One Day at a Time remake in this third story in a chapter book series featuring a young Cuban American girl who tries to find adventure based on the classics she read with her beloved abuela—can Dominguita save a quinceañera?Dom, Pancho, Steph, and their noble steed, Rocco, are ready for their next adventure! When their beloved El Señor Fuentes asks Dom to run a very important errand—to put the order in at the local butcher shop for his daughter, Leni’s, upcoming quinceañera—Dom is happy to help. But when Señor Fuentes discovers the order was never put in—and the food for the party has been sold to someone else—Dom takes a cue from The Three Musketeers to try and figure out what happened. With the help of Pancho and Steph, Dom discovers the dastardly Bublassi brothers have big plans to sabotage Leni’s party. Keeping in mind the famous motto All for One and One for All, Mundytown’s own Three Musketeers are determined to make sure Leni has a party she’ll remember for all the right reasons!
Simon & Schuster Knight of the Cape
Judy Moody meets Netflix’s One Day at a Time in this first book in a new chapter book series featuring a young Cuban American girl who tries to find adventure based on the classics she read with her beloved abuela—can Dominguita become a noble knight?All Dominguita wants to do is read. Especially the books in Spanish that Abuela gave to her just before she moved away. They were classics that Abuela and Dominguita read together, classics her abuela brought with her all the way from Cuba when she was a young girl. It helps Dominguita feel like Abuela’s still there with her. One of her favorites, Don Quixote, tells of a brave knight errant who tries to do good deeds. Dominguita decides that she, too, will become a knight and do good deeds around her community, creating a grand adventure for her to share with her abuela. And when the class bully tells Dominguita that girls can’t be knights, Dom is determined to prove him wrong. With a team of new friends, can Dominguita learn how to be the hero of her own story?
Simon & Schuster Definitely Dominguita Awesome Adventures Collection (Boxed Set): Knight of the Cape; Captain Dom's Treasure; All for One; Sherlock Dom
Judy Moody meets the Diary of a Future President remake in this heartwarming chapter book series featuring a young Cuban American girl who finds adventure based on the classics she read with her beloved abuela—the first four books are now together in a collectible paperback boxed set!All Dominguita wants to do is read. Especially the books in Spanish that Abuela gave to her just before she moved away. They were classics that Abuela and Dominguita read together, classics her abuela brought with her all the way from Cuba when she was a young girl. It helps Dominguita feel like Abuela’s still there with her. With those books as inspiration, Dominguita becomes a knight errant like Don Quixote, hunts for buried treasure like a pirate on Treasure Island, saves a quinceañera with two friends as her musketeers, and channels Sherlock Holmes to find a missing goat! With a team of new friends, can Dominguita learn how to be the hero of her own story? This adventurous paperback boxed set includes: Knight of the Cape Captain Dom’s Treasure All for One Sherlock Dom
Simon & Schuster Sherlock Dom
Judy Moody meets the Diary of a Future President remake in this fourth story in a chapter book series featuring a young Cuban American girl who tries to find adventure based on the classic stories she read with her beloved abuela.Dom is excited to join her friend, Steph, for a mini vacation. They are going to visit Steph’s grandmother in Virginia, where Dom hopes they can continue to have a lot of fun adventures. As soon as they arrive, they find that Gran’s neighbors have lost their goat! There are some mysterious footprints near the goat pen that lead to the marsh. Dom decides to use the methods of her favorite detective, Sherlock Holmes—observing the basics, using all her senses, and talking it through with her trusty friend—to try and bring the little goat back home.
Simon & Schuster Captain Dom's Treasure
In this second book of the charming and heartfelt chapter series that is Judy Moody meets Netflix’s One Day at a Time, will Dominguita find that X marks the spot?When Dominguita finds an old map in the back of an even older book in her beloved library, she is excited to see a telltale X marking an unknown place. Everyone knows that X marks the spot for treasure—and Dom knows that means a new adventure for her, Pancho, and Steph! But everyone seems to think that the map, while fun, probably isn’t real. Dom is determined to prove them wrong. And as the trio starts to uncover the mystery of the map, they realize that it has closer ties to the community they love than they could have imagined.
Museum of New Mexico Press New Mexico Christmas Story: Owl in a Straw Hat 3
Fulcrum Publishing In the Light of Justice: The Rise of Human Rights in Native America and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
In 2007 the United Nations approved the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. United States endorsement in 2010 ushered in a new era of Indian law and policy. This book highlights steps that the United States, as well as other nations, must take to provide a more just society and heal past injustices committed against indigenous peoples.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Psychology of Eating: From Biology to Culture to Policy
The Psychology of Eating is the essential multi-disciplinary introduction to the psychology of eating, looking at the biological, genetic, developmental, and social determinants of how humans find and assimilate food. Thoroughly revised and updated, the new edition brings multi-faceted expertise to the topic of normal and dysfunctional food intake, juxtaposing "normal" eating, eating in environments of food scarcity, and the phenomenon of "abnormal" eating prevalent in many modern-day developed societies. Eating disorders are not a focus, but also emerge from, this approach. Key features include: A new expanded section considering the roles of business and government in creating and potentially solving the issue of "abnormal" eating Learning objectives, talking points, and end-of-chapter glossaries Chapter-by-chapter self-assessment questions. With questions of food production, food choice, and environmental sustainability becoming more critical in an increasingly populated world, this is crucial reading for undergraduate courses in Psychology and other disciplines with a holistic and critical thinking approach to the psychology of food intake.