Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
This volume of "Studies in Law, Politics, and Society" features a symposium on law and film as well as two articles of general interest. It brings together the work of scholars from several disciplines, work which usefully illuminates central questions in the operation of law and legal systems. The articles published here exemplify the exciting and innovative work now being done in interdisciplinary legal scholarship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Policy and Practice
In the study of learning and behavioral disabilities, effective practice and public policy enacted to implement this practice are closely intertwined. In this volume, a number of internationally prominent authors discuss issues and advances both in public policy, and in state-of-the art practice in providing service for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities. Topics include educational equity, imputations of malice in social policy, analytical discussions of Response to Intervention and No Child Left Behind legislation, policy implications of functional behavioral assessment, implications of poverty for educational policy, and public policy implications of the Higher Education Opportunity Act. In addition, chapters are included that address recent advances in practice for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities. These topics include interventions for students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, mathematics interventions for individuals with nonverbal learning disabilities, Response-to-Intervention and other literacy practices for students with learning and behavioral disabilities, and the design of functional assessment for challenging behavior. The chapters included in this volume provide important current information on policy and practice for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities, and will be of interest to teachers, administrators, graduate students, researchers, professionals in personnel preparation programs, and individuals interested in public policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Patients, Consumers and Civil Society
Medical Sociology is among the largest and first subdisciplines in Sociology. It is an area of ongoing work, advancing theory, method and our substantive understanding of social life. This series brings together the newest issues and most current concerns in Medical Sociology, in an ongoing collection of edited volumes. Each volume is edited by a medical sociologist with a particular expertise, bringing together contributions from sociologists working in different settings and nations, exploring one particular advance in Medical Sociology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Crisis, Complexity and Conflict
Many economic issues that touch the life of millions of people are more complex than most people thought. From the U.S financial crisis to regional cooperation, from the oil price shock to climate change, policy conflicts abound. The book distills some of these conflicts and argues that understanding the nature and intensity of trade-offs is a key to resolving the conflicts. It can help improve the quality of policy debate, and remind us about what really matters. What caused the 2007/08 crisis, how could problems in a small segment of mortgage market bring down the world's largest economy, what effects an oil price surge had, and how the policy response to climate change can benefit the poor? With a better understanding about the complexity of interrelations, multiple goals that seemingly at odds in all those issues are not necessarily in conflict with each other. When conflicts are acute, reverting to the ultimate and more fundamental goals can help resolve the problem. What alternative systems to explore (e.g., with regulatory rules and incentive system that minimizes mismanagement and greed), and which segments of society to focus on (e.g., the poor in developing countries) are among key attributes in such fundamental goals. The book provides enlightening glimpse of complexity in many policy conflicts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Econometrics and Risk Management
The main theme of this volume is credit risk and credit derivatives. Recent developments in financial markets show that appropriate modeling and quantification of credit risk is fundamental in the context of modern complex structured financial products. The reader will find several points of view on credit risk when looked at from the perspective of Econometrics and Financial Mathematics. The volume consists of eleven contributions by both practitioners and theoreticians with expertise in financial markets, in general, and econometrics and mathematical finance in particular. The challenge of modeling defaults and their correlations is addressed, and new results on copula, reduced form and structural models, and the top-down approach are presented. After the so-called subprime crisis that hit global markets in the summer of 2007, the volume is very timely and will be useful to researchers in the area of credit risk.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Volume 32 of "Studies in Symbolic Interaction" contains five cutting-edge papers which examine the future of symbolic interaction. Adele Clarke, Kathy Charmaz, Fritz Schutze, Margaret Kearney, Karen Schumacher, and Susan Kools honor Anselm Strauss and 40 years of grounded theory. Additional essays offer new theoretical developments in the areas of social work, race, media, identity, and politics. The work of Norma Williams is also celebrated.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Volume 31 of "Studies in Symbolic Interaction" inaugurates the "Blue Ribbon Paper Series" under the editorship of Lonnie Athens. The papers in this series celebrate cutting-edge theory and research presented at the Couch-Stone Spring Symposium, and the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. New theoretical developments in the areas of everyday life, race, Native Americans, politics, performance, Spartan Superhunks, and Persian Monsters in recent Hollywood film are also included.
Emerald Publishing Limited Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution: Sociological Perspectives
The study of armed forces and conflict resolution has undergone important developments at the turn of the millennium, driven by emerging events. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of the Cold War, the resurgence of nationalism and religious wars, ethnic cleansing, September Eleven, the War on Terror, and asymmetric warfare, the United Nations' inability to manage and successfully conclude military operations, are so many flash points of how much things have changed since the Cold War. The action of militaries has become more important, more difficult, more controversial, and, at the same time, insufficient, without parallel methods and political actions for resolving conflicts. As scholars conceptions of conflicts have changed, so have their understanding of conflict resolution and peace. This latter scholarship now spans analyses of the role of governments, civil institutions, and organized groups. The studies of building and sustaining peace now span institutional, inter-actional, and interpersonal levels in order to conceptualize a more holistic, long-term vision of peace.This book brings together contributions from scholars of various social science disciplines on three themes that appeared significant for the study of the phenomenon of conflict and conflict resolution. The first theme is centered on the new aspects of war in the twenty-first century where asymmetric warfare has changed many rules of the game, imposing a profound transformation on the military, not only tactical, but also structural, preparatory, mental and ideological.The second theme regards the delicate relations between the armed forces and societies. The ever-greater technicality of military operations and their lower comprehensibility to the broad public as a result, together with increased sensitivity in many countries in regard to the use of violence and death, have created social situations and problems that deserve to be investigated. The third theme, building and sustaining peace, operationalizes different types and levels of violence and conflict. It assesses ongoing efforts, for instance, governments trying to contain or diffuse conflict, businesses and national service schemes building peaceful civil spheres, and the efforts of organized groups to claim, shape, and extend the spheres of life that are free of conflict.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender, Equality and Education from International and Comparative Perspectives
This volume of "International Perspectives on Education and Society" investigates the often controversial relationship between gender, equality and education from international and comparative perspectives. Much has been written recently about the global progress made toward gender parity in enrolment and curriculum in nations around the world. And there is much to tout in these areas. Although gender parity is not yet the global norm, the expectation of gender equality increasingly is. Some have gone so far as to say that the global expansion of modern mass schooling has created a world culture of gender equality in education. Yet, while there have been many positive advances regarding girls' and women's education around the world, there are still significant differences that are institutionalized in the policies and administrative structures of national education systems. For example, some of the strongest evidence of gendered inequality in schooling is the fact that in many developing countries there are large proportions of school-age children who are not in school - many if not most of whom are girls. The question this volume investigates is whether gender equality in education is really being achieved in schools around the world or not.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
This series publishes monograph length conceptual papers designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management. Volume 28 of "Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management" ("RPHRM") contains seven papers on important issues in the field of human resources management, thus continuing the tradition of the series to develop a more informed understanding of the field. This collection of papers represents excellent scholarship and illustrates the truly interdisciplinary character of the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
"Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research" publishes high quality articles encompassing all areas of accounting that incorporate theory from and contribute knowledge and understanding to the fields of applied psychology, sociology, management science, and economics. The series promotes research that investigates behavioral accounting issues. Volume 11 begins with a review article that compares the strengths and weaknesses of using a single type of research method (archival, behavioral, and qualitative) to investigate accounting phenomenon and explains why using multiple methods provides a richer understanding of particular issues. This article should provide beneficial to a wide range of researchers, not just those interested in using behavioral methodologies. The remaining articles are empirical in nature in and examine a variety of current issues. One article examines whether sophisticated financial statement users' decisions are impacted by differential treatments of stock option compensation costs while another article provides a very interesting investigation of whether investors evaluate corporate ethical behavior as a function of their relative stock market performance. Two articles examine different aspects of auditor performance, with one contrasting the performance gains by industry specialist auditors in regulated versus unregulated industries and another contrasting the perspectives of specific auditors and their colleagues on whether they possessed the attributes of an expert. Another article examines the influence of various factors that impact public accountants' exhaustion, and the final article examines whether balance scorecard performance is differentially affected by financial and nonfinancial measures. These articles are both interesting and insightful and should prove useful in facilitating future behavioral research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotions, Ethics and Decision-Making
The rapidly growing recognition of the importance of emotion in understanding all aspects of organizational life is facilitating the development of focused areas of scholarship. The articles in this volume represent a selection of the best papers presented at the sixth International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life (held in Atlanta, in July 2006), complemented with invited chapters by leading scholars in the field. The theme of this volume, Emotions, Ethics and Decision-making, concerns the role of emotions in decision-making in general, and also more specifically the special place of emotions in decisions that have an ethical character. It begins by looking at the influence of emotions on strategic decisions, among entrepreneurs, in the case of workplace proenvironmental behaviors, as well as how emotional intelligence contributes to problem solving. Emotions are particularly present in ethical decisions, largely because of the close connection between personal identity, for which values are central, and feelings about the self. Specific chapters look at emotions experienced as a result of ethical dilemmas, the role of anger and justice perceptions, the role of attributions and emotional intelligence in ethics perceptions, and at emotions in three specific contexts: emotional labor, whistle-blowing and sexual harassment. Finally the volume comes full circle in an examination of how top executives engage in change that is truly congruent with the ethical values of internal and external constituents.
Emerald Publishing Limited Documents from F. Taylor Ostrander at Oxford, John R. Commons' Reasonable Value and Clarence E. Ayres' Last Course
Volume 26B continues, in part, the important graduate career of F. Taylor Ostrander, notable the year spent at Oxford University. Among his tutors and professors were some of the leading faculty at Oxford. The volume also contains two documents important for the history of Institutional Economics, John R. Commons' "Reasonable Value", his first effort leading to his Institutional Economics; and notes from Clarence E. Ayres' final course taught on institutional economics, at the University of Texas.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Philosophy of Transhumanism: A Critical Analysis
Transhumanism is an international cultural movement which seeks to fundamentally transform the human condition through radical technological enhancement. Transhumanists claim that we are already in transition to a new phase of humanity where the limitations of mortality, ignorance, and suffering will soon be altered or even completely erased. The Philosophy of Transhumanism: A Critical Analysis presents the central ideas of transhumanist philosophy and offers a lens through which to reflect on the meaning of being human in anticipation of radical technology. The radical technologies in question variously include greater-than-human machine intelligence, mind-computer interfaces, gene-editing, and nanotechnology. The continued funding and interest generated by those associated with these projects suggest transhumanism is continued migration from a fringe concern to a central way of conceiving the future. Though a variety of positions exist within transhumanism, the unifying theme is a belief that the techno-engineering of a new type of upgraded human is both beneficial and inevitable. These ambitions raise serious questions about the appearance of a transhuman or even posthuman being, and warrants a critical analysis from alternative philosophical and religious perspectives. This book seeks to present the philosophy of transhumanism in a way that is both timely and accessible, and to challenge what will be seen as the core argument of transhumanist philosophy: that there is nothing about human beings that cannot be reconceived as a technical problem.
Emerald Publishing Limited Beyond Confrontation: Globalists, Nationalists and Their Discontents
Reactions to the Coronavirus pandemic have escalated the pre-existing tensions between the US and China and among different Western nations. Confrontations between political globalists and mercantilist nationalists - between supporters of the rules-based international order and proponents of overt protectionism - are fueling ever-stronger international resentments. Coupling argumentative rigor with a pragmatic, plainspoken approach, Phil Mullan charts out a novel, democratic way past dangerous and self-defeating confrontations towards a future of open international collaboration based on popular participation within nation states. With its clear-eyed assessment of the opportunities and challenges of a more interconnected world - an assessment in which the economic internationalisation underpinning globalisation theories is neither romanticised nor vilified - Beyond Confrontation sets a judicious tone for the big geopolitical themes of our times.
Emerald Publishing Limited Knowledge Management and the Practice of Storytelling: The Competencies and Skills Needed for a Successful Implementation
As organizations continue to discover the power of storytelling to shape, transform and transfer knowledge, the need for complex resources to harness that power and meet business goals increases. At the forefront of this challenge are knowledge management practitioners, change management leaders, and organizational development professionals who need information to obtain a practical advantage to implement sustainable storytelling initiatives. Knowledge Management and the Practice of Storytelling: The Competencies and Skills Needed for a Successful Implementation offers practical advice and guidance on the skills and competencies needed to meet those challenges. Discussing the competencies needed to use language and performance effectively to tell stories that will elicit tacit knowledge, this volume focuses on coaching strategies to help others develop storytelling skills, and provides background knowledge useful to champion and promote storytelling practices across organizational cultures and communities. Knowledge Management and the Practice of Storytelling will prove especially useful to practitioners who are charged with the development and leadership of storytelling initiatives but may lack a robust background on the practicalities of organizational storytelling. To meet those challenges, the book offers practical applications rooted in ethnographic research to find and select stories, conduct storytelling interviews, and analyse organizational communities and cultures to the meet the needs of target audiences. Most importantly, Knowledge Management and the Practice of Storytelling offers practical advice on assessment and evaluation strategies to measure the effectiveness and organizational impact of storytelling.
Emerald Publishing Limited Financial and Managerial Aspects in Human Resource Management: A Practical Guide
Financial and Managerial Aspects in Human Resource Management: A Practical Guide explores both financial and management accounting and their links to human resource management decisions and practices.The book provides a pedagogic material that examines the financial decisions that are specific to HR practices. Each chapter is mapped to CIPD and SHRM competency models and feature organisational examples, relevant case studies, critical theoretical discussions and end of chapter questions to give readers and learners a critical understanding of the following subjects: Introduction to financial accounting Income statement and balance sheet Interpretation of financial statements Financial ethicsLearning and development cost Redundancy Disciplinary and grievance cost Relocation cost Family friendly policies Executive compensation Written for students and practitioners, this book breaks new ground by being the first to compile the everyday management and financial decisions of HR managers in a single book. Financial and Managerial Aspects in Human Resource Management is an essential resource for understanding core practical HRM issues in the modern workplace.
Emerald Publishing Limited Collaborative R&D and the National Research Joint Venture Database: A Statistical Analysis
In light of a history of legislative actions in the United States to encourage collaborative R&D, this book characterizes U.S. collaborative R&D through the eyes of the National Research Joint Venture Database. Facilitating a fresh statistical look at collaborative R&D as a purposive strategy in the light of existing public policies, this book also provides a critical evaluation of the effectiveness of those attendant policies. Through an original project-based micro database, the author reveals the patterns of competitive behavior associated with collaborative R&D. Accompanied by follow-up statistical and econometric analyses, readers are not only confronted with what might be the most complete picture of U.S. collaborative R&D to date, but they are also provided with key indications of the effectiveness of U.S. legislative actions which is set to inspire further collaborations in research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Preparing Teachers to Teach the STEM Disciplines in America’s Urban Schools
Bridging a gap in the literature by offering a comprehensive look at how STEM teacher education programs evolve over time, this book explores teachHOUSTON, a designer teacher education program created to respond to the lack of adequately prepared STEM teachers in Houston and the emerging urban school districts that surround it. Providing a systematic investigation of how prospective STEM educators are cultivated to be subject matter specialists and culturally relevant teachers, the authors of this volume delve into the academic, professional and personal perspectives of teacher experiences to emphasise the impact on prospective and unfurling teaching careers. The topics include the influence of parents, teachers and professors on educator development and how internships function as a form of professional development, in addition to the influence of National Science Foundation-funded STEM scholarships on the careers and lives of the teachHOUSTON graduates. Because STEM education is vital to human and economic prosperity, this volume is of interest to both national and international readers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Resistance and Accountability
How do public spaces generate accountability and advance social equity? Stimulating the conversation, the articles in this volume explore the creation of meaning, the increasing confrontation between regulators and the community they are purported to serve, and the prevalent conflicts in seeking a balancing of social and economic interests. How are communities served in hospitals and schools by accounting standards and administrators? Are shareholders protected from managers’ opportunistic behaviors? How is professional status supported or denied for women in Columbia and other regions of the globe? Accounting’s role in producing worldviews, creating visibilities and in impacting our quality of life stimulates our engagement in these significant issues, reinvigorating what it means to provide accountability. We follow the legacy of public interest and critical accounting research in this volume, uncovering the discipline’s relationship to power and symbolism and its impact on our security and well-being as a challenge to conventional accounting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
Advances in Hospitality and Leisure (AHL), a peer-reviewed research journal, has been published annually since 2004. AHL is indexed in Scopus and included in the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) journal quality list. International in focus, the series attempts to divulge innovative methods of inquiry so as to inspire new research topics that are vital and have been in large neglected in the context of hospitality, tourism, and leisure. It strives to address the needs of the populace willing to disseminate seminal ideas, concepts, and theories derived from scholarly inquiries. This fifteenth annual volume includes eight full papers and three research notes. Most articles deploy either a quantitative or qualitative approach to data collection while two present conceptual models. The scholarly works covered in the volume are contributed by reputable researchers from five nations. The authors of this publication come from America, Europe, Asia, Pacific, and Africa. Potential readers may retrieve useful articles to outline new research agendas, suggest viable topics for a dissertation work, and augment the knowledge of the new subjects of learning.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cooperatives at Work
For too long, cooperatives have been considered marginal players in the global economy, and as unrealistic venues for the aspirations of new and experienced members of the labour force. This marginalization shows in business, municipal and legal discussions, and curricula, where cooperative structures are rarely mentioned, let alone presented as viable options. Cooperatives at Work presents a range of success stories in employee ownership and worker owned-and-governed cooperatives. The authors further show how such firms embody important and highly contested ideals of democracy, shared equity, and social transformation. Throughout this volume, the authors present a range of practical lessons, strategies, and resources based on their pioneering, international research. This latest volume in The Future of Work series has a strong ethical stream, consistent with yearnings for more inspired forms of business revealed in many public opinion polls. The book is future-oriented, using contemporary as well as historical examples to teach lessons that are not necessarily time-bound. It is essential for anyone seeking a window onto the future of cooperative entrepreneurial practice and grassroots democracy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on Sir James Steuart: The Political Economy of Money and Trade
Volume 38C of Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology features a symposium guest-edited by Rebeca Gomez Betancourt on the economic thought of Sir James Steuart, author of perhaps the first English-language treatise on political economy. The symposium includes contributions from Maurício Coutinho and Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, Yutaka Furuya, Pierre de Saint-Phalle, José Menudo, and Ghislain Deleplace. In addition to the Steuart symposium, Andrew Farrant, Massimo Di Matteo, and Carlo Zappia contribute new general-research essays on, respectively, Milton Friedman’s 1975 visit to Chile, Keynes and Pigou on employment and equilibrium, and a brief correspondence between Karl Popper and Leonard Savage.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethnos Oblige: Theory and Evidence
There is nothing wrong with the tribe just as there is nothing wrong with the nation. After all, modern nations are macro-tribes and tribes are micro-nations. So, if there is national obligation then there can be tribal obligation. Ethnos Oblige: Theory and Evidence outlines how these ethnic obligations of individuals manifest and determine positive and negative outcomes to them, their organizations, and societies. Focusing on psychological perspectives and proposing a new theoretical approach to help understand why individuals behave the way they do, both in work and non-work contexts, Ethnos Oblige offers readers a new perspective to reconsider ethnicity. Taking as its primary focus management practices based on extensive empirical evidence from primary and secondary data gathered from across Africa, the book investigates the cultural context through the lens of different ethnic groups, and the lingering effects of colonial legacy as manifested in post-colonial behaviors across differing industrial and cultural sectors. Dr. Zoogah presents revelatory findings on the drivers of ethnic identity and related contingencies, as well as suggestions for organizational implications for employee relations, organization behavior, institutional entrepreneurship and overall business strategy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Singing
We are 'hard-wired' to sing - singing has defined our evolution. Through singing we express our feelings, communicate and connect with others. We are all singers: singing is part of us and defines cultures worldwide. Singing also, importantly, makes us feel better: it is, undoubtedly, good for us. This book provides an important overview of current research showing the benefits of singing on our health and wellbeing. Case studies illustrate its power - for example, how singing helps hospitalised children and a man living with Parkinson's. The book also discusses potential barriers for singing and useful strategies needed to overcome them. An example of a community singing group is also demonstrated, alongside practical advice on facilitating community singing groups for health and wellbeing. The book will be valuable to professionals working in health and social care settings, to practitioners and educators interested in engaging in singing for health promotion, and individuals looking to find out more about the benefits and practicalities of singing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bringing Children Back into the Family: Relationality, Connectedness and Home
Bringing Children Back into the Family reflects on the multi-dimensional nature of children’s relationships within the home. It explores the extent to which these experiences shape children’s meaning-making and how this influences how they position themselves in relation to adults. A global team of contributors paint a picture of the complexity of the family, and the extent to which understandings of ‘home’ are deepened by reflecting on children’s experiences as social agents. The chapters and supporting case studies offer some fascinating reflections that explore home in relation to a range of themes including participation, friendship, memory, moral reflectivity, children’s rights and migration. With a focus on relationality and connectedness this book reflects on the duality of structure and agency, as it examines this web of interactions and their impact on children’s experiences of the home.
Emerald Publishing Limited Self-Learning and Adaptive Algorithms for Business Applications: A Guide to Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Systems for Fuzzy Clustering Under Uncertainty Conditions
In today’s data-driven world, more sophisticated algorithms for data processing are in high demand, mainly when the data cannot be handled with the help of traditional techniques. Self-learning and adaptive algorithms are now widely used by such leading giants that as Google, Tesla, Microsoft, and Facebook in their projects and applications. In this guide designed for researchers and students of computer science, readers will find a resource for how to apply methods that work on real-life problems to their challenging applications, and a go-to work that makes fuzzy clustering issues and aspects clear. Including research relevant to those studying cybernetics, applied mathematics, statistics, engineering, and bioinformatics who are working in the areas of machine learning, artificial intelligence, complex system modeling and analysis, neural networks, and optimization, this is an ideal read for anyone interested in learning more about the fascinating new developments in machine learning.
Emerald Publishing Limited Business Acumen for Strategic Communicators
Business fluency is essential today for effective strategic communication. To fulfill the mandate of trusted counselors and advisors to executives and the C-suite, communication professionals must no longer just have excellent communication skills, but they must understand and speak the language of the business world. The challenge is that many communication graduates and professionals did not go to business school and do not hold an MBA.Business Acumen for Strategic Communicators: The Workbook provides the essential practical learning needed to help upskill communication professionals into bona fide business leaders and advisors. Through briefs, exercises and discussion activities, readers will learn to analyze and interpret key business materials produced by companies and nonprofit organizations, including CEO letters, annual reports, financial statements, earnings releases, CSR, DEI and ESG reports, and more. A revised and expanded glossary is provided, as are ans
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership Lessons from the Kardashians
The Kardashians are not only a massive global pop culture phenomenon, they are also effective business leaders and entrepreneurs having established many brands and companies. In addition to their celebrity, they successfully market their businesses and serve as aspirational role models. They have changed our understanding of what successful women in the economic arena look like and how they're supposed to behave.Brigitte Biehl uses examples from the popular TV series The Kardashians and Keeping up with the Kardashians to explore leadership concepts that focus on women in business, and the obstacles they face in a male dominated world. Among the many subjects that will appeal to a variety of readers, from college students to professional practitioners, Biehl addresses questions of gender performativity, bodies, motherhood, race, class, as well as issues on female misogyny and masculine leadership stereotypes. The book provides guidelines how to use TV series and film for self-
Emerald Publishing Limited A Primer on Critical Thinking and Business Ethics
A Primer on Critical Thinking and Business Ethics: Critical Thinking Applied to Business Management (Volume 2) encapsulates new developments in Critical Thinking skills for MBA students, in the form of a broad-based cross disciplinary primer in business management, with a special focus on business ethics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Thriving in Academic Leadership
Demands on institutions of higher education are constantly growing, and recent years, including the Coronavirus pandemic, have complicated academic life in unprecedented ways. The impact of complex and dynamic outside forces, from the pandemic to the interacting socio-cultural, political, economic, and technological factors, calls for strengthened leadership. Yet the 21st century has seen reduced participation by faculty in leadership roles, even though the numbers of faculty globally are rising. Better support is needed to encourage and inspire early and mid-career scholars in pursuing leadership. Thriving in Academic Leadership provides just that, presenting informative and inspiring stories from academic leaders at colleges and universities across the world, including Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States. Personal and engaging, the stories speak to a broad population of academics, serving as an inspiration and guide for academics who aspire to leadership, or are currently in leadership positions, looking to climb the leadership ladder.
Emerald Publishing Limited Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Emerald Publishing Limited Children and the Climate Migration Crisis
Subverting eco-anxiety and establishing ways we can empower children around the globe, this book takes a holistic approach to bring together the relevancy and impact of forced migration and climate resilience, underpinned by a social emotional approach to overall wellbeing, adjustment, and adaptability.
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovative to the Core: Stories from China and the World
Based on extensive interviews with industry leaders, Innovative to the Core: Stories from China and the World describes the components of innovative cultures, including both national culture and organizational culture and how they compare to the China model. Distinguishing between innovation and related concepts, chapters detail how talent management, leader behaviors, organizational systems, and company culture must combine and interact to create environments that are innovative to the core. Innovative to the Core displays how most innovative countries and companies are led by visionary and entrepreneurial servant leaders and have agile cultures that feature psychological safety, open communication, and diversity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Equality vs Equity: Tackling Issues of Race in the Workplace
To achieve racial equity in the workplace, we need to “name, frame and explain where it doesn't exist”. In Equality vs Equity: Tackling Issues of Race in the Workplace, Jenny Garret OBE helps the reader unpack the concept of racial equity and understand its importance in moving the dial up on inclusion, providing practical tips and language for the reader to act upon. Equality vs Equity: Tackling Issues of Race in the Workplace is essential reading for those who want to educate themselves and influence others to do the crucial complex work of achieving racial equity in the workplace.
Emerald Publishing Limited AI and Popular Culture
AI and Popular Culture explores the development and social significance of artificial intelligence by looking at representations in fiction, film and television, as well as examining the effect of AI technologies on the way we consume culture. Lee Barron traces the evolution of AI – from the Turing Machine to deep learning, to interrogate the key issues and debates. He uses examples of AI from pop culture to help us understand how the technology is changing aspects of society from surveillance and work to human relationships with technology. AI and Popular Culture sheds light on how artificial intelligence has changed our world and helps you to understand where it might take us next. It also makes significant contributions to Media and Cultural Studies, Humanities, and Social Sciences, as well as to subjects such as AI Ethics and Society and Computing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethical Issues in Covert, Security and Surveillance Research
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. The EU-funded PRO-RES Project aimed to produce a guidance framework that helps to deliver Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). PRO-RES is a Horizon 2020 project coordinated by the European Science Foundation (ESF), involving 14 different partners across Europe. As one of a series of open access products of the Project, Ethical Issues in Covert, Security and Surveillance Research will be placed in the hands of policymakers and their advisors to offer practical and efficient ways to respond to the issues addressed. Understanding that the problem of covert research and surveillance research for security purposes have proven highly challenging for all research ethics appraisal services, the chapters here are valuable resources for expert reviewers, helping further the discussion of these complex ethical issues, and raising the standards applied to the process. Delivering an applied approach, and influencing where it counts, this volume showcases that it is only when the integrity of research is carefully pursued can users of the evidence produced be assured of its value and its ethical credentials.
Emerald Publishing Limited Environmental, Social, and Governance Perspectives on Economic Development in Asia
This volume of the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics explores the latest economic and financial developments in Asia. Chapters cover a range of topics such as the consequences of green supply chain integration and environmental uncertainty on performance, along with the effects of perceived organisational support, transformational leadership, and teamwork on employee engagement. These peer-reviewed papers touch on a variety of timely, interdisciplinary subjects such as corporate social responsibility and the effects of public policy. Environmental, Social, and Governance Perspectives on Economic Development in Asia also includes empirical studies in financial economics and public governance. For example, one chapter analyses the impact of COVID-19 pandemic risk and lockdown on the Indian economy, while another empirically studies the influence of word of mouth variables on visits and re-visits for ecotourism in West Java. Together, ISETE 29 volume B, is a crucial resource of current, cutting-edge research for any scholar of international finance and economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Communicating COVID-19: Everyday Life, Digital Capitalism, and Conspiracy Theories in Pandemic Times
The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has changed the way we live and communicate. The phases of lockdown brought about by the pandemic fundamentally changed the way we work, lead our everyday lives, and how we communicate, resulting in Internet platforms becoming more important than ever before. Communicating COVID-19 explores the impact of these changes on society and the way we communicate, and the effect this has had on the spread of misinformation. Critical communication and Internet scholar Christian Fuchs analyses the changes of everyday communication in the COVID-19 crisis and how misinformation has spread online throughout the pandemic. He explores the foundations and rapid spread of conspiracy theories and anti-vaccination discourse on the Internet, paying particular attention to the vast amount of COVID-19 conspiracy theories about Bill Gates. He also interrogates Internet users' reactions to these COVID-19 conspiracy theories as well as how Donald Trump communicated about COVID-19 on Twitter during the final year of his Presidency. Communicating COVID-19 is an essential work for anyone seeking to understand the role of digital technologies, changes in communication and the Internet, and the spread of conspiracy theories in the context of COVID-19.
Emerald Publishing Limited Academic Mobility and International Academics: Challenges and Opportunities
Despite growing numbers of international academics globally, there is a dearth of works exploring success stories, and the barriers and opportunities of being an international academic. Academic Mobility and International Academics offers personal experiences and guidance from a truly international suite of scholars exploring their academic journeys and addressing intersectional topics on academic mobility including perspectives from early career researchers, university leaders, mentors, LGBTIQ scholars, and more. Throughout this timely collection, chapter authors offer insight into overall academic employment experiences, including their motivations and challenges in steering their academic career. They offer guidance on how international academics can harness their career aspirations, across both leadership and non-leadership positions and how internationality in academic careers is evolving in these current times. Essential reading for any scholar or postgraduate student looking to work outside of their home nation, this hopeful and insightful text will provide guidance, inspiration, and real-life examples of how to survive and thrive as an international scholar.
Emerald Publishing Limited Photography
Photography is ubiquitous. The visual image is the predominant form of communication. Arguably it is a very democratic medium, since billions of people all over the planet take photographs on their phones, and digital storage means that expensive printing is not necessary and therefore the practice is not prohibitive. Photography is important to political and social movements and connects people in emotionally meaningful relationships. This book explores the myriad ways in which photographs can be used: to document events, places or things; to consolidate personal identity; to pose a challenge to an idea or regime; to animate the inanimate (in other words, to breathe life into objects); to capture the fleeting and transitory; to create stories; to reveal what may be taken for granted, including seeing social practices; to enhance our perception and allow us to notice previously unnoticed details; to consolidate relationships; to represent the overlooked or marginalised; to commemorate; to authenticate; to tantalise. All these modes of photography have different possibilities, different intentions and different effects.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cabin Fever: Surviving Lockdown in the Coronavirus Pandemic
This fascinating and timely book examines the distressing psychological syndrome of 'cabin fever' in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and the greatest confinement of people to their homes in history, offering antidotes for it. Exploring the definitions and social and cultural history of cabin fever, a condition provoked by prolonged isolation, the book will be of interest to anyone concerned about the impact of current or any future pandemic lockdowns, prison life, remote living, or even travelling to Mars.
Emerald Publishing Limited Expert Humans: Critical Leadership Skills for a Disrupted World
Expert Humans: Critical Leadership Skills for a Disrupted World examines the critical leadership concepts of Altruism, Compassion and Empathy (ACE) and their application to the great disruptors of today: sustainability, global health, inequality, digital transformation and erosion of trust - from social, historical and psychological perspectives - to support the development of more human workplaces and a better world. The book investigates these ACE behaviours and attributes in depth to show how they can strengthen existing leadership capability. With more ACE leaders in the field the challenges of our disrupted world can be better addressed, and by so doing, create more human workplaces and a more humane society for now and for the future. Drawing on data from the social sciences, close human observation, stories of working people and mini-case studies from around the world - Expert Humans encourages the reader to adopt a more human - and effective - way of living, working and being. This book is intended as a gentle provocation to leaders of small, medium and large organisations, as well as to human resources and organisational development professionals - to help change the nature of what it takes to be a leader, for good.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mixed Race Life Stories: The Multiracializing Gaze in Canada
The social conception of bodies as mixed race provides insight into the operation of the external racial gaze within ‘multicultural’ Canada. Drawing on multi-staged life story interviews with mixed race adults, Mixed Race Life Stories: The Multiracializing Gaze in Canada examines the lived experience of the racial gaze and provides a new contribution to the Critical Mixed Race Studies field as the first to take a life story approach to mixed race identity. Building on the conceptualization of multiracialization and the racial gaze, Mixed Race Life Stories: The Multiracializing Gaze in Canada combines critical race and life course perspectives to produce new theoretical insights on the multiracializing gaze. Jillian Paragg details how mixed race people’s experiences must be understood within the unfolding history of the Canadian settler state, and the ways that particular configurations of their experiences across their life course illuminate the operations and mechanisms of the racial gaze. Framing a new theoretical analysis in a field with limited data, Mixed Race Life Stories: The Multiracializing Gaze in Canada builds an understanding of the affective lived experiences of mixed race people, the different ways they are racialized and how that may impact a politics of mixed race moving forward.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategy and Managed Decline: London Transport 1948-87
Why do organisations decline, and what happens when they do? Strategy and Managed Decline: London Transport 1948-87 is a historical case study looking at how London Transport, a world beater in 1948, declined from being an international exemplar to dilapidation in 30 years. Strategy and Managed Decline considers the inheritance left by the founders of London Transport and subjects their legacy to a strategic and political audit. In three sections, the book examines archival data from the Transport for London (TfL) Archive covering the car revolution, strategic political clashes and the performance of the chairmen to challenge existing theory and extant histories. It offers hypotheses situated in management, leadership, politics and strategy which explain the decades of deterioration followed by a dramatic revival in the late 1980s. Examining the turbulent politics of the long conflict between London Transport, municipal and national government in detail, Strategy and Managed Decline: London Transport 1948-87 offers novel interpretations of events by objectively analysing the strategic stories that politics created about London’s transport. It concludes by asking whether a shift in managerial strategy away from maximising utility and towards cost minimisation caused, or was just coincident with, resurgence and explores what lessons there are for TfL today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in an Evolving Sector
Decades of stagnating demand for beer and the emergence of global brewing conglomerates had seen many of Britain’s longstanding breweries disappear and a decline in the diversity of beer styles on offer. However, following similar developments in the USA and Australia, the emergence of new craft breweries in the UK, producing small batch beers in an ever-increasing range of styles has re-vitalised the industry. Supporting employment both within brewing and hospitality while contributing to the cultural and economic fabric of society, the emergence of this craft beer revolution deserves greater scholarly attention than it has received to date. Researching Craft Beer enhances theoretical and practical understandings of craft beer both within the UK and beyond. This edited collection is interdisciplinary in nature and will appeal to a wide range of scholars, practitioners, and enthusiasts of craft beer. Chapters authored from a range of business, sociology and law perspectives examine the production, sale, values, serving and cultural significance of craft beer. The volume offers insights for aspiring and present owners of breweries, those looking to open a craft beer bar as well as other beer researchers the volume offers a prescient assessment of historic, present, and likely future developments within the sector.
Emerald Publishing Limited CSR for Purpose, Shared Value and Deep Transformation: The New Responsibility
As we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution and usher in Globalization 4.0, it is more urgent than ever to commit to social and environmental goals such as those outlined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The theory, research, and practice of concepts such as shared purpose, shared value, and corporate social responsibility have evolved rapidly in order to respond to change and transformation in society, but only in a scattershot, poorly understood way, with no single study offering an integrated view of these dramatic transitions. Emphasizing a global perspective, CSR for Purpose, Shared Value and Deep Transformation takes long-overdue stock of how such transformations are integrated within the trajectory of CSR's core concepts. Taking a deep dive into social entre- and intrapreneurship, innovation, shared value, social impact, stakeholder engagement, and the development of the UN SDGs beyond 2030 Virginia Munro provides a framework for understanding the evolving role of the corporate dollar in the pursuit of a global ecosystem that is more inclusive of all stakeholders. For its theoretical rigor as well as its easily digestible case studies, this book is a must-read for both researchers and students of innovative 'preneurship' and CSR-related concepts, and for those struggling to understand the 'new normal' in a setting for 'new responsibility'. The foreword for this book is written by acknowledged CSR guru and Emeritus Professor Archie Carroll. Additional endorsements supporting this book are supplied by various practitioners and academics including ex-Deputy-Director General of UNESCO and Emeritus Professor Colin Power.
Emerald Publishing Limited Secrets of Working Across Five Continents: Thriving Through the Power of Cultural Diversity
As technology erodes the impact of time and distance, more and more people live and work across cultures. This can be one of the most joyful experiences, as collaboration and diversity emerge as key drivers of innovation, yet there are also many challenges. Acknowledging that it is often the search for best practice, and the 'one right way', that creates prejudices, and even causes a disregard for diversity, this book brings an authentic and inclusive perspective to tackling the challenges of cultural diversity. Based on interviews with 145 individuals, it weaves together stories told in the voices of those who have experienced them, with key concepts, insights, and the expertise of each of the authors and editors, each of whom has lived and worked in at least 2 different countries. This book seeks sets out to inspire the reader, invite reflection, and nurture a curiosity and appreciation for those who are different from ourselves. Collectively, the authors and editors equip readers with the tools to embrace the richness and beauty brought by diversity, and ultimately engage with the key skills for thriving in today's fast-paced, highly interconnected and interdependent world. They envisage a mindset they call CulturAll Intelligentsia©, which thrives on authenticity, embraces those who and that which is different, and thus creates a pathway to more sensitivity, and peace.