Search results for ""Author Julian""
Ttarttalo, S.L. Kamile eskolako jaialdian
Bubok Publishing S.L. Hombres para el siglo XXI semblanzas de hombres feministas
Catedrático y doctor en leyes por la Universidad de Sevilla, fue juez en las Audiencias del Nuevo Reino de Granada y de México entre 1609 y 1634. Su labor fue muy variada y eficaz en defensa de los indios mientras estuvo en Bogotá y muy frustrante en su cometido de superintendente de Huehuetoca en México.
Juventa Verlag GmbH Normalität der Grundschule
Edinburgh University Press Aesthetics, Ethics and Trauma in the Cinema of Pedro Almodovar
Reconceptualising Almodovar s films as theoretical and political resources, this innovative book examines a neglected aspect of his cinema: its engagement with the traumatic past, with subjective and collective memory, and with the ethical and political meanings that result from this engagement.
Punchdrunk Theatrical Experiences Ltd The Drowned Man, a Hollywood Fable
Sloper Lucio
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Mosaicos Romanos En El Espacio Rural: Investigacion Y Puesta En Valor
Editorial UOC, S.L. Plan social media y community manager
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: El profesional de la informaciónLas redes sociales empezaron como un juego pero actualmente han penetrado en nuestra sociedad a todos los niveles: empresas, organizaciones políticas, instituciones culturales, administraciones públicas... Prácticamente no existe ninguna actividad humana que no se refleje de una u otra forma en ellas. Algunas empresas han sido reacias a aceptarlo, pero la situación está cambiando con rapidez, y una gran mayoría se está dando cuenta de que es obligado tener vida en la web 2.0 si no quieren perder oportunidades o quedar desconectadas de sus clientes. Nadie era consciente de ello, pero el enorme éxito de esta nueva forma de comunicación pone en evidencia que era algo que le "hacía falta" a la humanidad para, en cierto modo, recuperar el contacto personal que se había perdido con la masificación. Ahora es posible "hablar" y que nos escuchen "todos". Y el community manager es la voz humanizada de las empresas y organiz
Ediciones Pirámide Iniciadores de negocios orientaciones clave para emprendedores jvenes
Es ésta una obra práctica sobre el proceso de creación y expansión de una pequeña empresa. No pretende ser un libro que se apoye en una profunda base teórica y en referencias bibliográficas sobre el tema, sino que es eminentemente práctica y está dirigida a todas aquellas personas, especialmente jóvenes, que quieren crear una empresa.La obra está dividida en una introducción, dos partes y dos anexos. Los capítulos de la primera parte suponen un acercamiento a la vida de un emprendedor que avanza poco a poco. Los de la segunda parte exponen varios casos prácticos.Al final de cada capítulo de la primera parte se incluye una relación de los aspectos clave que resumen lo tratado.El libro se lee con facilidad y es ameno. El lenguaje es simple y directo, sin planteamientos teóricos. El autor recurre en la mayor parte de los capítulos a un estilo novelado, con personajes ficticios. Estos personajes mantienen diálogos, intercambian opiniones y descubren cosas a medida que se plante
Historia de la FAI Prxima aparicin
La Federación Anarquista Ibérica fue fundada en 1927 como una confluencia de grupos anarquistas portugueses y españoles (algunos de ellos en el exilio), constituyendo la principal organización específica del anarquismo en la península ibérica. Desde sus inicios estuvo ligada a la CNT y a los movimientos obreros y sindicales, en los que desempeñó un papel fundamental. En este libro Julián Vadillo realiza un exhaustivo recorrido por la historia de la FAI, desde sus antecedentes y sus orígenes durante la dictadura de Primo de Rivera hasta la época de la Segunda República y la Guerra Civil, destacando la influencia que tuvieron en su fundación acontecimientos como la Primera Guerra Mundial o la Revolución rusa, así como la importancia de los numerosos debates ideológicos y congresos organizados por grupos anarquistas desde principios de siglo. Se analizan también en detalle la repercusión que tuvieron publicaciones como Tierra y Libertad o Solidaridad Obrera, destinadas a promulgar el pens
NEWTYPE Publishing Terra Nova
Terra Nova is an invitation for you to partner with Jesus, grow in hearing His voice, and join in the Eden commission to see the “restoration of all things.” God's original plan for humanity is still His plan: to co-reign alongside Him and to extend His kingdom. The culture of our towns and cities, how our businesses are run, and how we respond to issues of social justice are meant to be shaped by God’s people. This book will help you discover your prophetic personality and use it to maximize opportunities for kingdom influence. Julian Adams invites you to find your unique call from God, learn how to redeem the earth, and make all things new.
jp publishing groud ltd Las aventuras de Obliquos
Scarecrow Press Africana Resources and Collections: Three Decades of Development and Achievement; A Festschrift in Honor of Hans Panofsky
This collection of original studies by African collections specialists in major American libraries provides insights into the development of Africana_materials from or about Africa_in the US_and into the achievements of librarians in this country in promoting and facilitating scholarship on sub-Saharan regions. Contributors: Abraham Demoz, Moore Crossey, David L. Easterbrook, Elizabeth A. Widenmann, Beverly A. Gray, Gretchen Walsh, John Bruce Howell, Janet L. Stanley, Nancy J. Schmidt, Joseph J. Lauer, David Henige, Yvette Scheven, and Dorothy C. Woodson. With author/subject/title index to the entire volume.
University Press of America The First International in France, 1864-1872: Its Origins, Theories, and Impact
The International Working Men's Association, now called the First International, was the first successful attempt to organize labor on local, national, and international levels. It emerged after the great outpouring of socialist ideology, primarily French, prior to the 1860s and before the rooting of labor unions and socialist parties in the latter part of the nineteenth century. The First International in France is designed to serve as a history of the First International in France, as well as serve as a basic reference for those whose interest or research touches on the International. When used in conjunction with key texts by Roger Morgan, Henry Collins, and Max Nettlau, it will be useful in producing a much-needed synthesis of the International as a whole.
Chester Music The Great Cello Solos
Edition Raetia Wörtersammeln und Stichwörteln
Junius Verlag GmbH Kapitalismus zur Einführung
Langen - Mueller Verlag Future War
Piper Verlag GmbH Was kann und darf Künstliche Intelligenz
Reclam Philipp Jun. ber menschliche Freiheit
Maney Publishing The Medieval Chantry in England
Chantries were religious institutions endowed with land, goods and money. At their heart was the performance of a daily mass for the spiritual benefit of their founders, and the souls of all faithful dead. To Church reformers, they exemplified some of medieval Catholicism’s most egregious errors; but to the orthodox they offered opportunities to influence what occurred in an unknowable afterlife. The eleven essays presented here lead the reader through the earliest manifestations of the chantry, the origins and development of ‘stone-cage’ chapels, royal patronage of commemorative art and architecture, the chantry in the late medieval parish, the provision of music and textiles, and a series of specific chantries created for William of Wykeham, Edmund Audley, Thomas Spring and Abbot Islip, to the eventual history and the cultural consequences of their suppression in the mid-16th century.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics Against the Grain Volume One: Microeconomics, Industrial Organization and Related Themes
This is the first of a two volume collection of the late Julian Simon's important and radical contributions to a wide variety of economic problems. Often considered as controversial and unorthodox, these essays challenge conventional approaches. The book begins with introductory chapters in which the author discusses his background and experiences as a controversial scholar. Divided into six parts, the first part considers some basic concepts on issues such as welfare, natural resources, causality and product differentiation. The second part contains essays on managerial economics as well as general microeconomics including monopoly, duopoly and oligopoly. Advertising is discussed in the third part and industrial organization in the fourth. Part five focuses on policies for exchange and auction considering, among other issues, airline overbooking, and the final section features articles on macroeconomics.This collection of controversial essays will be welcomed by academics and students interested in unorthodox approaches to various economic theories and concepts.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics Against the Grain Volume Two: Population Economics, Natural Resources and Related Themes
This second volume of the late Julian Simon's articles and essays continues the theme of volume one in presenting unorthodox and controversial approaches to many fields in economics.The book features a wide range of papers divided into eight parts with a biographical introduction to the author's career and intellectual development as well as personal revelations about his background. Part One contains essays on statistics and probability which are developed in the second section on theoretical and applied econometrics. The third part considers individual behavior, including discussion of the effects of income on suicide rates and successive births, and foster care. Parts four and five present papers on population and migration, for which the author is best known. The sixth part contains Professor Simon's controversial discussion of natural resources and the articles in part seven relate to welfare analysis. In the final part some of the author's previously unpublished papers are presented, including discussions on duopoly and economists' thinking.Like the first volume this collection will be of interest to academics and students welcoming controversial and unorthodox approaches to a wide variety of theories and concepts in economics.
Policy Press The political economy of health care: Where the NHS came from and where it could lead
With a foreword by Tony Benn. Drawing on clinical experience dating from the birth of the NHS in 1948, Julian Tudor Hart, a politically active GP in a Welsh coal mining community, charts the progress of the NHS from its 19th century origins in workers' mutual aid societies, to its current forced return to the market. His starting point is a detailed analysis of how clinical decisions are made. He explores the changing social relationships in the NHS as a gift economy, how these may be affected by reducing care to commodity status, and the new directions they might take if the NHS resumed progress independently from the market. This edition of this bestselling book has been entirely rewritten with two new chapters, and includes new material on resistance to that world-wide process. The essential principle in the book is that patients need to develop as active citizens and co-producers of health gain in a humanising society and the author's aim is to promote it wherever people recognise that pursuit of profit may be a brake on rational progress.
Taylor & Francis Inc Metasolutions of Parabolic Equations in Population Dynamics
Analyze Global Nonlinear Problems Using MetasolutionsMetasolutions of Parabolic Equations in Population Dynamics explores the dynamics of a generalized prototype of semilinear parabolic logistic problem. Highlighting the author’s advanced work in the field, it covers the latest developments in the theory of nonlinear parabolic problems.The book reveals how to mathematically determine if a species maintains, dwindles, or increases under certain circumstances. It explains how to predict the time evolution of species inhabiting regions governed by either logistic growth or exponential growth. The book studies the possibility that the species grows according to the Malthus law while it simultaneously inherits a limited growth in other regions.The first part of the book introduces large solutions and metasolutions in the context of population dynamics. In a self-contained way, the second part analyzes a series of very sharp optimal uniqueness results found by the author and his colleagues. The last part reinforces the evidence that metasolutions are also categorical imperatives to describe the dynamics of huge classes of spatially heterogeneous semilinear parabolic problems. Each chapter presents the mathematical formulation of the problem, the most important mathematical results available, and proofs of theorems where relevant.
New York University Press Our Nation at Risk
The nation''s top political scientists, historians, and legal scholars propose solutions for democracy''s futureIn recent years, the sight of gun-wielding citizens patrolling ballot boxes and voting sites has become increasingly familiar. Major news corporations parroting false claims of election fraud, ballot stuffing, and faulty voting systems is the new normal. In an era of global anti-democratic movements, the sanctity of democratic electoral processes has become a major national security concern, and the need to protect elections from foreign interference, disinformation, voter intimidation, and the danger of election results being overturned, are now front and center. How did we get here? And more importantly, how will this affect the future of democracy?Award-winning authors Julian E. Zelizer and Karen J. Greenberg bring together the nation's top political scientists, historians, and legal scholars to examine how the lack of stability and integrity of the e
Cornell University Press Talking about Machines: An Ethnography of a Modern Job
This is a story of how work gets done. It is also a study of how field service technicians talk about their work and how that talk is instrumental in their success. In his innovative ethnography, Julian E. Orr studies the people who repair photocopiers and shares vignettes from their daily lives. He characterizes their work as a continuous highly skilled improvisation within a triangular relationship of technician, customer, and machine. The work technicians do encompasses elements not contained in the official definition of the job yet vital to its success. Orr's analysis of the way repair people talk about their work reveals that talk is, in fact, a crucial dimension of their practice. Diagnosis happens through a narrative process, the creation of a coherent description of the troubled machine. The descriptions become the basis for technicians' discourse about their experience, and the circulation of stories among the technicians is the principal means by which they stay informed of the developing subtleties of machine behavior. Orr demonstrates that technical knowledge is a socially distributed resource stored and diffused primarily through an oral culture. Based on participant observation with copier repair technicians in the field and strengthened by Orr's own years as a technician, this book explodes numerous myths about technicians and suggests how technical work differs from other kinds of employment.
Princeton University Press The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: A First Historical Assessment
Leading historians provide perspective on Trump’s four turbulent years in the White HouseThe Presidency of Donald J. Trump presents a first draft of history by offering needed perspective on one of the nation’s most divisive presidencies. Acclaimed political historian Julian Zelizer brings together many of today’s top scholars to provide balanced and strikingly original assessments of the major issues that shaped the Trump presidency.When Trump took office in 2017, he quickly carved out a loyal base within an increasingly radicalized Republican Party, dominated the news cycle with an endless stream of controversies, and presided over one of the most contentious one-term presidencies in American history. These essays cover the crucial aspects of Trump’s time in office, including his administration’s close relationship with conservative media, his war on feminism, the solidification of a conservative women’s movement, his response to COVID-19, the border wall, growing tensions with China and NATO allies, white nationalism in an era of Black Lives Matter, and how the high-tech sector flourished.The Presidency of Donald J. Trump reveals how Trump was not the cause of the political divisions that defined his term in office but rather was a product of long-term trends in Republican politics and American polarization more broadly.With contributions by Kathleen Belew, Angus Burgin, Geraldo Cadava, Merlin Chowkwanyun, Bathsheba Demuth, Gregory Downs, Jeffrey Engel, Beverly Gage, Nicole Hemmer, Michael Kazin, Daniel C. Kurtzer, James Mann, Mae Ngai, Margaret O’Mara, Jason Scott Smith, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and Leandra Zarnow.
Princeton University Press The Presidency of Barack Obama: A First Historical Assessment
An original and engaging account of the Obama years from a group of leading political historiansBarack Obama's election as the first African American president seemed to usher in a new era, and he took office in 2009 with great expectations. But by his second term, Republicans controlled Congress, and, after the 2016 presidential election, Obama's legacy and the health of the Democratic Party itself appeared in doubt. In The Presidency of Barack Obama, Julian Zelizer gathers leading American historians to put President Obama and his administration into political and historical context. These writers offer strikingly original assessments of the big issues that shaped the Obama years, including the conservative backlash, race, the financial crisis, health care, crime, drugs, counterterrorism, Iraq and Afghanistan, the environment, immigration, education, gay rights, and urban policy. Together, these essays suggest that Obama's central paradox is that, despite effective policymaking, he failed to receive credit for his many achievements and wasn't a party builder. Provocatively, they ask why Obama didn't unite Democrats and progressive activists to fight the conservative counter-tide as it grew stronger.Engaging and deeply informed, The Presidency of Barack Obama is a must-read for anyone who wants to better understand Obama and the uncertain aftermath of his presidency.Contributors include Sarah Coleman, Jacob Dlamini, Gary Gerstle, Risa Goluboff, Meg Jacobs, Peniel Joseph, Michael Kazin, Matthew Lassiter, Kathryn Olmsted, Eric Rauchway, Richard Schragger, Paul Starr, Timothy Stewart-Winter, Thomas Sugrue, Jeremi Suri, Julian Zelizer, and Jonathan Zimmerman.
Princeton University Press Governing America: The Revival of Political History
In recent years, the study of American political history has experienced a remarkable renaissance. After decades during which the subject fell out of fashion and disappeared from public view, it has returned to prominence as the study of American history has shifted its focus back to politics broadly defined. In this book, one of the leaders of the resurgence in American political history, Julian Zelizer, assesses its revival and demonstrates how this work not only illuminates the past but also helps us better understand American politics today.
Springer Observations and Dynamics of Circulations in the North Indian Ocean
Preface.- Introduction.- Observations: atmospheric forcing and ocean response.- Atmospheric circulation.- Ocean forcing and the surface mixed layer.- Ocean response.- PART II: Models 205.- Ocean models.- PART III: Free waves.- Overview.- Midlatitude waves.- Equatorial waves.- PART IV: Process solutions.- Overview.- Ekman drift and inertial oscillations.- Sverdrup flow and boundary currents.- Interior ocean.- Coastal ocean.- Equatorial ocean: switched-on forcing.- Equatorial Ocean: periodic forcing.- PART V: Applications.- Beams and Undercurrents.- Overturning circulations.- APPENDIX A: Movies.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Environmental Impacts of Mountaintop Mines & Valley Fills on Stream Ecosystems in Central Appalachia
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nanotechnology: Looking Ahead
Nova Science Publishers Inc Data Collection & Storage
Nova Science Publishers Inc Active Education: Lessons for Integrating Physical Activity with Language Arts, Math, Science & Social Studies
Jessica Kingsley Publishers How We Think About Dementia: Personhood, Rights, Ethics, the Arts and What They Mean for Care
Exploring concepts of ageing, personhood, capacity, liberty, best interests and the nature and ethics of palliative care, this book will help those in the caring professions to understand and engage with the thoughts and arguments underpinning the experience of dementia and dementia care. Dementia is associated with ageing: what is the significance of this? People speak about person-centred care, but what is personhood and how can it be maintained? What is capacity, and how is it linked with the way a person with dementia is cared for as a human being? How should we think about the law in relation to the care of older people? Is palliative care the right approach to dementia, and if so what are the consequences of this view? What role can the arts play in ensuring quality of life for people with dementia? In answering such questions, Julian Hughes brings our attention back to the philosophical and ethical underpinnings of dementia care, shedding new light on the significance and implications for those in the caring professions, academics and researchers, and those living with dementia and their families.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The economics of population: Key Modern Writings
This comprehensive two volume set includes the most important articles and papers on the subject written since World War II. The main emphasis is on the effects of demographic change but the key modern writings on the determinants of population change are also included.The opening section of Volume I traces the development of modern thought on the connections between population growth and economic development. The following section looks in particular at the effect of population density on agricultural practices, and the final section deals with population growth and the availability of natural resources.Volume II opens with a further section on the effects of population density, including its impact on infrastructure and on the size and productivity of cities, and its consequences in the Third World. There follows a brief section on formal theories, including models of technical progress. Finally the determinants of population growth are explored in various studies on the economics of mortality and the correlation between economic conditions and fertility.
Troubador Publishing Happiness
Happiness has been used as guide to the good life for thousands of years. It can, however, just as easily lead us awry as direct us towards a life well lived. We must learn to see happiness as something more nuanced and differentiated. By doing so the target we set up can bring us much more life satisfaction. This is not to deny the importance of happiness, we just need to see our aim more clearly. Many attempts to deal with the vast amount of psychological pain that exists in the world today have been to look at what causes distress. A new field of positive psychology has emerged which then tries to look at the issue from the other end of the telescope and look at what makes people happy. This book is an attempt to understand happiness philosophically: what it is, how we are responsible for it and what we can do to get more of it. Happiness is our alarm to detect good. These alarms, though, are often set to detect what is bad, so we don’t even see what is good. We also often see good as something we need to possess and control to extract that feeling of happiness. We then expunge any feeling of good. By changing how we view good, we can change our experience of happiness to something more controllable and enduring.
Oxford University Press Criminal Justice: A Very Short Introduction
The criminal justice system is wide ranging; from the crimes themselves and policing to the sentencing of offenders and prisons. In this Very Short Introduction Julian V. Roberts draws upon the latest research and current practices from a number of different countries around the world. Focusing on the adversarial model of justice found in common law countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, he discusses topics such as the uses of imprisonment, the effects of capital punishment, and the purposes of sentencing. Considering the role of the victim throughout the criminal justice system, as well as public knowledge and attitudes towards criminal justice, Roberts critically assesses the way in which the system functions and its importance around the world. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Miraguano Ediciones Arte vida y costumbres de los indios norteamericanos Gua prctica
Este libro se centra en la vida cotidiana de los indios, en sus tradiciones artesanas, costumbres, danzas, juegos, ceremonias, canciones, etc. Se trata de una guía práctica dirigida a los que realizan actividades al aire libre y de enseñanza artesanal.
Editorial Tecnos La reforma constitucional sujeto y límites del poder constituyente
Naval Institute Press Some Principles of Maritime Strategy
This brilliant exposition established Corbett as a classical maritime strategist whose concepts of sea power are found in current U.S. maritime strategy.
Faber & Faber Recital Repertoire for Cellists, Book 1: Score and Part
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Humanistische Reflexionen