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Human Kinetics Publishers Teaching Self-Defense in Secondary Physical Education
Most people have no clue how to defend themselves against a physical attack; they just hope it never happens to them. With Teaching Self-Defense in Secondary Physical Education, you can equip your students with the knowledge and skills to minimize their chances of being the victims of violence and handle an attacker with minimal confrontation. Even if you have no knowledge of self-defense strategies, with this book you can teach your students personal safety, conflict-resolution techniques, and self-defense tactics. Joan Neide, a physical education teacher with a seventh-degree black belt in Uechi-ryu karate, has created an easy-to-use resource that will help you increase your students' awareness and avoidance abilities and learn the basic physical skills they need in order to defend themselves.Teaching Self-Defense in Secondary Physical Education is an ideal match for California physical education content standards, but it's equally effective for use in any state. With it you can help students- think critically and make sound decisions about their homes and personal safety,- learn the motor skills and movement patterns they need in order to defend themselves,- develop poise and confidence to react effectively in dangerous situations, and- define their own limitations as they apply to self-defense.Neide supplies 19 detailed lesson plans that cover up to 20 days for a two- or four-week unit. These plans are designed for coed classes in 50- to 60-minute periods, but Neide provides practical strategies to adapt the plans for any class size and setting. This flexibility makes it easy for you to use these plans within your own curriculum. The book also offers in-depth safety guidelines and suggestions that will enable you to create a safe and nonthreatening learning environment. Further, the plans are well illustrated and easy to follow, and they include all the handouts, overheads, and assessments you need for teaching a self-defense unit.Neide includes a detailed description of each self-defense skill and release in a simple, structured format. You are shown step by step how to perform each stance, step, technique, and release. Teaching cues and class organization are also included. Finally, Neide includes activities that focus on home and personal safety. Teaching Self-Defense in Secondary Physical Education contains clear-cut, well-organized, and flexible lesson plans that allow you to teach self-defense and leave your students prepared and poised to defend themselves.
Wolters Kluwer Health Quick Reference to Critical Care
Need help to recall information about any ICU procedures, disease processes, formulas, lab values? Need to brush up on your ICU skills? New to ICU, or a veteran? Get immediate on-the-job answers, with the popular and fully updated Quick Reference to Critical Care, 6th Edition. This indispensable pocket guide addresses a broad range of critical care patient topics, divided by body system and organized alphabetically within each chapter for quick access. Disease processes, disorders, medications, and titration, tests, lab results, formulas, ICU equipment and treatment strategies and goals are discussed. Each well-illustrated entry explains the latest evidence-based procedures and stabilization practices in a convenient, quick-read outline, making it the ideal quick reference for following proven protocols. Up-level your critical care expertise and confidence, with: NEW and completely updated content that offers current information on cutting edge critical care topics NEW full-color images throughout NEW extensive abbreviations list that explains unfamiliar abbreviations found in progress notes, surgical reports and other medical documents Ideal on-the-spot quick reference – Read-at-a-glance bulleted outline format that helps you grasp ideas quickly and take immediate action More than 350 illustrations – figures, algorithms, photos, drawings and tables that outline core terms and concepts, with easy-to-retain definitions of key terms Chapters for each body system – expert nursing guidance on evaluating and treating the neurologic, cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal and urinary, renal, endocrine, hematologic and immune systems Each chapter offers an alpha-organized list of disorders and injuries pertaining to that topic or body system Vital direction for on-the-unit action – includes sections on labs, imaging and miscellaneous items not covered in other sections Expert direction on areas such as body system structures and functions, anatomy, diagnostic tools, surgical methods, signs and symptoms, treatments, monitoring, drug administration, catheters and electrode procedures, waveforms and more The quick-reference format offers: Extensive cross-referencing – leads to related information Tables and charts – vital info on medication, dosing, conversions, compatibilities, and more “Troubleshooting” feature – practical guidance for solving technical problems or complications “Key Point” feature – offers important points on signs and symptoms of a disorder or condition and what to review before or after testing About the Clinical Editor Nancy H. Diepenbrock, RN, CCRN, has worked in healthcare for more than 30 years. Her book Quick Reference to Critical Care was voted as Lippincott's Book of the year in 2008 by the American Journal of Nursing. Zale Lipshy University Hospital nominated for her “Nursing Excellence” and as one of the "Great 100" nurses in Dallas, Texas.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG ACR BI-RADS®-Atlas der Mammadiagnostik: Richtlinien zu Befundung, Handlungsempfehlungen und Monitoring
Dieses Buch ist die offiziell genehmigte, deutsche Übersetzung des ACR BI-RADS®-Atlas in seiner fünften Auflage. Der ACR BI-RADS®-Atlas ist ein qualitätssicherndes Werkzeug zur Standardisierung des Berichtswesens, der Unklarheiten in der Befundung der Mammadiagnostik wie auch bei den Vorschlägen zum weiteren Vorgehen verringern soll. Er macht die Ergebnisse von Instituten wie auch von einzelnen Befundern vergleichbarer und leichter kontrollierbar und verbessert somit die Versorgungsqualität für die Patientinnen. Inhalt: Der ACR BI-RADS®-Atlas umfasst das Spektrum der in der Praxis etablierten und wissenschaftlich fundierten Bildgebung der Mamma und besteht aus vier Teilen Mammografie, Sonographie der Mamma, Magnetresonanztomografie der Mamma sowie Nachkontrolle und Ergebnisüberwachung, in dem das klinisch relevante Audit und das erweiterte Audit der medizinischen Qualitätskontrolle erläutert werden. Nach einem jeweils einführenden Kapitel zu den drei bildgebenden diagnostischen Methoden folgt ein Atlasteil mit klaren Angaben zu den diagnostischen Kriterien wie Form, Rand, Verkalkungen, Kriterien der Kontrastmittelaufnahme etc., die sich durch klare Definitionen und einheitliche Benennungen auszeichnen. Für jedes Beschreibungskriterium wird hochqualitatives Bildmaterial gezeigt. Danach erläutert jeweils ein Kapitel, wie ein Befund erstellt werden sollte. Ziel ist es, anhand einer klaren und eindeutigen Diktion ohne adjektivische Ausschmückungen die Malignitätswahrscheinlichkeit einer Veränderung einzustufen, die sog. Festlegungskategorien 0-6 nach BI-RADS®, und auf dieser Grundlage ebenso klare Handlungsempfehlungen zur weiteren Aufarbeitung auszusprechen, die vom Vergleich mit Voraufnahmen über weitere bildgebende Diagnostik bis zur Empfehlung der Gewebediagnose mittels Biopsie reichen. Eingehend werden die Unterschiede von Screening- und diagnostischen Kategorisierungen abgehandelt. Der Leser findet jeweils im Kapitel "Hilfestellung" praktischen Rat zur Anwendung der deskriptiven Terminologie der einzelnen Verfahren, zur richtigen Verwendung der BI-RADS® Kategorien und zur Konkordanz von Befund und Handlungsempfehlung, abgeschlossen durch ein Schlusskapitel mit häufig gestellten Fragen und den Antworten darauf. Am Ende der diagnostischen Kapitel stehen komprimierte Formblätter, die dem Leser als Vorlage zu seinem Befundungssystem dienen können. Damit geht dieses Buch weit über den Rahmen eines Atlas hinaus, es ist eine große normative Hilfe für alle Probleme der Screening- und der diagnostischen Bildgebung.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Astrology Colouring Book
If the zodiac signs were a colouring book, this would be it! Get to know yourself, your intuition and the universe better as you colour these 100+ gorgeous, cosmic-inspired patterns. Whether you’re new to astrology or you know your way around the zodiac, there’s something for you in Astrology Colouring Book. These captivating colouring designs will help you tune in to your astrological potential and help you zone in on your celestial goings-on. Mindfully colour the unique, beautiful templates that are printed on both sides of the paper so you can extend your colouring experience. Just as there is no right or wrong way to use this book, there is no right or wrong way to colour. Colour these beautiful illustrations however you wish and in whatever way feels right to you. This is about getting in touch with yourself on your spiritual journey, so if one colouring page doesn’t appeal to you, simply move on to one that does. If you’re a fiery Aries, Leo or Sagittarius: Maybe you’ll be drawn to warmer colors (such as red, oranges and yellows), which are colours associated with initiative, courage and passion – much like these signs. If you’re an airy Aquarius, Gemini or Libra: The cool colours (such as blues, greens and purples) might have the more calming qualities your intellect is after. If you’re an earthy Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn: Then darker colours or shades, with their lower-energy vibes, might echo your practicality, diligence and sensitivity. If you’re a watery Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio: Bright colours tend to have more energy whilst pastel and tinted colours tend to communicate softer energy – either of which might speak to your emotions and intuition. So why make a colouring book for adults? As we add responsibilities to our lives, we sometimes push aside those things we used to do for sheer enjoyment. With that in mind, these astrology-inspired designs are intended for adult sensibility and dexterity, rather than for children, so these are all yours! One of the great things about colouring is that it’s accessible to anyone, and being able to add your own colours helps make the experience more personal. Astrology is so much more than your daily horoscope, as these colouring pages show. Pick the one that speaks to you, and see where it takes you!
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Role of Social Workers in a Broken World: A Christian Faith Perspective
The world today is a much more dangerous place in many aspects than it used to be years back. Much has changed in many arenas of life and the general situation seems to be getting worse by the day. This is a world that still seems to be in a pretty dismal condition and offers little to no prospect for progress of improvement. Today, people appear to be inclined toward greed, oppression, violence, threat, conquest, exploitation and even self-exploitation. For example, poverty is pushing more people into despondency and this in some cases has resulted in people fleeing their homelands in search of supposedly better lives in the developed nations. Some people are fleeing their homelands as refugees, seeking refuge in other developed countries. Many who take this path risk their lives through running away or escaping across unfriendly and wild oceans where many drown and die before reaching their destiny. Environmental degradation is another challenge that is affecting lives of many people. The ones suffering the most are people in developing countries where the effects of environmental degradation have contributed to drought that is adversely impacting their livelihoods and disturbing their daily lives through such induced practices as load shedding. Load shedding is periodic loss of electric power in homes brought about by reduced water levels and this has affected the production of hydroelectric power. Even in the United States the impact of environmental degradation or commonly known as global warming has taken its toll in some states where drought has negatively impacted many communities. Although much of the environmental injustice is being perpetuated by the rich and some developing countries including the United States and China. These countries have refused to take responsibility for the misery their actions have caused to many peoples especially those in the developing countries. One particular example is in the area of bio-medics in which we have see a proliferation in the number of viruses. These viruses have caused untold misery and mayhem in some parts of the world. The latest viral incident has been the novel COVID-19 that broke out in Wuhan, China in 2020 and immediately became a pandemic causing hundred of thousands of preventable deaths across the globe. The first cases were reported in Wuhan since early April of 2020. In the area of politics the story is no better as we now have a new crop of politicians who are narcissistic self-declared gods and who are driven by their egocentric and insatiable desire for gain and wealth at the expense of the masses. This political scenario, unfortunately, is what we are witnessing now. We have a political system that is driven and dictated by the wealthy and powerful. Most of these individuals are doing everything in their power to feed on and exploit people's fears all for their own aggrandizement. This book utilizes different angles to discuss these critical issues using a Christian lens. It also simultaneously highlights brokenness as the resulting consequence of the issues highlighted above. When people are victims of poverty, of viral pandemics, of environmental inequity and have no immediate hope or resolve to redress their situation, they are broken. When they flee their homelands and often risk their lives across unforgiving and turbulent oceans, they are broken. When they are timid and exploited by a political machinery that feeds on their vulnerability, they are broken. When environmental injustice affects the welfare and wellbeing of many people who do not have any power or privilege, they become broken by the consequence of this injustice. From a Christian perspective, the only answer to these challenges is God. God offers an unflinching, ceaseless and powerful revelation of love and compassion for the broken. The Bible, which testifies to this, contains scriptures that are a harbinger of Jesus's love for humanity and of how He is interested in mediating, mending and restoring broken humanity to His image. This book espouses faith and spirituality as central elements for victory against the current economic and social malaise. These two are tried and tested weapons that can effectively confront the current ills. The book discusses how spirituality and belief in God and how taking Him by His word is the only credible answer and hope for broken individuals, families, groups and communities. It provides a poignant discussion of how brokenness affects individuals, families and communities and offers practical suggestions of how brokenness can be addressed through the use of different platforms nested within a Christian perspective. Each of the following twenty chapters: A Broken World; War and Brokenness; Physical and Social Environment; International Refugee Crisis; Being Broken; Brokenness and Transformation; Reflecting and Brokenness; Staying Strong; Navigating Brokenness through Life; Social Work and Life; Brokenness, Social Work and Church; Storms and Brokenness; Standing Firm when Broken; Finding Meaning In a Broken World; Life is short but Eternity is Long, Long, Long; Rejoicing in a Broken World; The Holy Spirit in Brokenness; The Blessed Hope; Spirituality in Brokenness and; Inspirational Insights is unique and offers a persuasive and compelling argument for restoration and hope even in the midst of brokenness. The chapters offer solid discourse on ways in which the church and other stakeholders might use spiritual practices that could remedy brokenness and restore hope in those who are impacted by this malady. Although the book seems to provide practical suggestions for social workers, it is a very useful resource to other helping professions who are working and coming into contact with broken individuals daily.
Select Books Inc Take Me with You
During the spring of my fourteenth year, I ran away from home. On a cold night in early February, I disappeared into a Kansas snowstorm. My family lived outside Kansas City. For much of our time together, Dad preached at Edwardsville Christian Church. We lived in the parsonage, a two-bedroom box just south of the railroad tracks separating the white and black parts of town. As the Civil Rights movement heated up, Mom crossed the tracks whenever she could. For that, and for other indiscernible reasons, Dad beat her. My story begins during America's Civil Rights movement, a time when my family fell apart and my future became a struggle between parents and ways of life. Much of my struggle took place within my father's house. In running away, I found a new life. But I wasn't alone. My journey also marked a rebirth for mom and for Jefferson Jackson, the black Baptist preacher who became my father and who raised me. Together, we lived in hiding and in poverty. From that beginning, I've risen to the highest levels of international charity, serving as senior vice president of World Vision U.S. and vice president of PATH before joining Global Impact as CEO. Take Me with You delivers a first-person narrative of a boy who found his future by running away. My childhood and escape from abuse has influenced my present work and driven a personal inspiration to leave a lasting mark on humanity. Today, as the CEO and President of Global Impact, I've made a career of trying to stop cycles of abuse, racism, and inequality. I'm the sum of my story, this memoir rooted in love, faith, and moral courage. Take Me with You is one boy's story about choosing love, forgiveness, and the charity within--and about choosing to be positive. Take Me with You is a call to action to help those in need, especially children. As the statistics reveal, there is an alarming need both in the United States and throughout the world: * In 2013, 14.7 million children under the age of 18 were in poverty in the America * More than one in three African American children live in food-insecure households * Today, nearly 18,000 children under age 5 will die of mostly preventable causes, such as diarrhea, malaria, and pneumonia. This translates to more than 6.5 million per year * Globally, nearly half of under five deaths are attributable to undernutrition * Globally, 51 million under-five-year-olds were wasted (malnourished) and 17 million were severely wasted in 2013 * 4 in 10 children fail to meet minimum learning standards worldwide * Each year, between 2000 through the present, there have been at least 10 million children under age 18 who had lost either one or both parents to AIDS * In 2013, 4 in 5 deaths due to malaria were in children under five I hope that my story will inspire you and encourage you to do whatever you can to change a life for the better. All children--whether in the United States or in third-world countries--deserve to have a fighting chance in life. You have the choice to live your life in a way that will change another person's life for the better, and maybe transform your own along the way. Go ahead, make your mark.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Annals Meeting Reports - Biomarkers in Nutrition, Revolution in Toxicology, Neuroprotection after Ischemia, Volume 1278
This Annals volume presents three scholarly meeting reports: (1) Dissecting signaling and functions of adhesion G protein–coupled receptors; (2) Scientific considerations for complex drugs in light of established and emerging regulatory guidance; ; and (3) Fetal programming and environmental exposures: implications for prenatal care and preterm birth. G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) comprise an expanded superfamily of receptors in the human genome. Adhesion class G protein–coupled receptors (adhesion-GPCRs) form the second largest class of GPCRs. Despite the abundance, size, molecular structure, and functions in facilitating cell and matrix contacts in a variety of organ systems, adhesion-GPCRs are by far the most poorly understood GPCR class. The “6th International Adhesion-GPCR Workshop,” held at the Institute of Physiology of the University of Würzburg on September 6–8, 2012, assembled a majority of the investigators currently actively pursuing research on adhesion-GPCRs, including scientists from laboratories in Europe, the United States, and Asia. The meeting featured the nascent mechanistic understanding of the molecular events driving the signal transduction of adhesion-GPCRs, novel models to evaluate their functions, and evidence for their involvement in human disease. On March 9, 2012, the New York Academy of Sciences brought together experts representing a variety of perspectives—including academic, industrial, regulatory, as well as those from physicians and consumers—to discuss considerations for the non-biological complex drug (NBCD) regulatory approval pathway, given the emerging regulatory guidelines for biosimilars (follow-on biological complex drugs). Plenary sessions addressed the most recent regulatory developments, experimental design, interchangeability, and immunogenicity issues for follow-on versions of complex drugs from the perspective of key audiences, including industry, regulatory agencies, physicians, and consumers. This report summarizes various perspectives on NBCDs and the scientific and regulatory considerations associated with complex drug categories. Sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, with support from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and Life Technologies, “Fetal Programming and Environmental Exposures: Implications for Prenatal Care and Preterm Birth” was held on June 11–12, 2012 at the New York Academy of Sciences in New York City. The meeting, comprising individual talks and panel discussions, highlighted basic, clinical, and translational research approaches, and highlighted the need for specialized testing of drugs, consumer products, and industrial chemicals, with a view to the unique impacts these can have during gestation. Speakers also discussed many other factors that affect prenatal development, from genetics to parental diet, revealing the extraordinary sensitivity of the developing fetus. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or a s a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Lose Weight by Eating: Detox Week: Twice the Weight Loss in Half the Time with 130 Recipes for a Crave-Worthy Cleanse
Most people think of dietary detoxes as bland starvation strategies that leave them feeling hungry and deprived— after which they will binge on all the foods they have been trying to avoid. Audrey Johns created this detox plan for the readers on her popular blog, Lose Weight By Eating, because she wanted to encourage people to eat for their cravings, not deprive themselves. This crave-worthy detox arms readers with their favorite naughty recipes made over so nice that they’re actually healthier for you than any fancy juice cleanse. Audrey’s detox quickly became the most popular page on the website, with people writing in to say they’d lost large amounts of weight, some up to 18 pounds in a single week! In Lose Weight by Eating: Detox Week, Audrey has taken her popular online post one step further and turned it into an expanded, customizable plan that will accelerate weight loss and help raise metabolism naturally. In this program, you’ll abstain from any food or drink that is not natural, you’ll replace fried foods with baked, sugars will be minimized, and carbohydrates will be replaced with healthier versions. We’ll set aside the alcoholic beverages and introduce some festive mocktails, but most important, you’ll fill your diet with food that actually helps ride the body of toxins. This is not a fast. This is a chance to reset your view on food and shed pounds without feeling deprived. Audrey lays out 4 plans to choose from and provides a Detox Quiz to help you find the best plan for you. All the plans work together so you can try one and perhaps work up to a harder plan in time. The plans include: • Detox Diet Week: the original 7-day plan by which readers lose an average of 10 pounds. • Detox Diet Month: this 30-day plan is great for losing the last 10 to 25 pounds you’ve been trying to lose for years. • The 3 Month Detox Diet Power Weight Lose Plan: this plan is a great way to drop weight fast, and you can expect to lose up to 50 pounds in 90 days! • The Detox Lifestyle: this 365-day plan is ideal for all ages and stages of life, and it’s a great way to maintain your current weight after weight loss. Each plan will include exercise goals, recommended hours of sleep, and mediation, as well as how much to drink daily. Filled with 125 recipes, many fast and easy enough to make any day of the week, Lose Weight by Eating: Detox Week will contain delicious crave-worthy recipes such as: • Pineapple Mango Green Sorbet • English Muffin Sandwiches with Homemade Sausage Patties • Ceviche Tostadas with Homemade Salsa and Guacamole • Chili Casserole with Cornbread Topping • Avocado Club Cheeseburgers • Chocolate Dipped Key Lime Popsicles • Mango Cucumber Basil Detox Water All the recipes will be under 500 calories per meal! Audrey will also provide tips and tricks for motivation and ease, success stories from real people who have shed the pounds, and helpful shopping lists and meal planners to stay on track.
Random House USA Inc El Gato ensombrerado ha regresado (The Cat in the Hat Comes Back Spanish Edition)
Una nueva edición, en español y rimada, del clásico para primeros lectores de Dr. Seuss. Una continuación de El Gato Ensombrerado. El Gato ha regresado junto con veintisiete diminutos gatitos que viven dentro de su sombrero (alias Gatitos A-Z) en esta nueva edición en español del clásico de Dr. Seuss tan querido por sus lectores. Dick y Sally tienen montañas de nieve que palear, y no hay tiempo para jugar. Cuando el Gato viene de visita, entra a la casa y toma un baño en la bañera. Ningún problema, ¿cierto? ¡Se equivocan! La mancha rosada que deja en la bañera crea un GRAN problema cuando pasa a formar parte del vestido blanco de mamá, de los zapatos de papá, del piso, de las paredes y, por último, ¡de la nieve que invade el patio! ¿Podrán DE UNA VEZ limpiar esas manchas rosadas? Este cuento clásico es ideal para lectores principiantes y para leer en voz alta. Creada por Dr. Seuss, la serie de libros para primeros lectores (Beginner Books) anima a los niños a leer ellos solos con palabras sencillas y divertidos dibujos que dan sentido a la lectura.Las ediciones rimadas, en español, de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss, publicadas por Random House, brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (Y pensar que lo vi por la calle Porvenir); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); y Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos). Además, se publicarán nuevas ediciones en español ¡todos los años!A rhymed Spanish edition of the classic Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss—a sequel to The Cat in the Hat. The Cat is back—along with 27 miniature cats who live inside his hat (AKA Little Cats A-Z)—in this Spanish edition of the beloved Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss! Dick and Sally have mountains of snow to shovel and no time to play. So when the Cat comes to visit, he goes inside their house to take a bath. No problem, right? Wrong! The pink ring he leaves in the tub creates a very BIG problem when he transfers the stubborn stain onto Mother's white dress, Dad's shoes, the floors, the walls, and ultimately, the entire yard full of snow! Will the kids EVER clean up the pink mess? This classic story is the perfect choice for beginning readers and read-alouds! Originally created by Dr. Seuss, Beginner Books encourage children to read all by themselves, with simple words and illustrations that give clues to their meaning.Random House's rhymed, Spanish-language editions of classic Dr. Seuss books make the joyful experience of reading Dr. Seuss books available for the more than 38 million people in the United States who speak Spanish. Readers can enjoy The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (Y pensar que lo vi por la calle Porvenir); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); and Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos). Expect new translations to be made available every year!
Blast Books,U.S. The Secret World of Renaldo Kuhler
A sumptuous monograph presenting for the first time the extraordinarily imaginative and delightful work of visionary artist Renaldo Kuhler (American, 1931–2013). The Secret World of Renaldo Kuhler catapults a thrilling new discovery into the pantheon of the most accomplished visionary—or “outsider”—artists. Like Henry Darger, Howard Finster, George Widener, and Adolf Wölfli, Renaldo Kuhler was an exceptionally gifted artist and possessed an imagination all his own. By day Kuhler was a self-taught scientific illustrator under the employ of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, for which he created thousands of wonderfully precise illustrations of myriad natural history specimens—reptiles, fish, turtles, and the like. Renaldo Kuhler was an unusual individual, as was instantly clear from his appearance alone. Six-foot-four, with a white beard and ponytail, he wore a custom-tailored uniform consisting of a sleeveless Kelly green suit jacket with wide, black, notched lapels, epaulets, and brass buttons, a matching suit vest, yellow flannel dress shirt, a fleur-de-lis Boy Scout neckerchief, and tight-fitting knee-length shorts (“cotton-blend lederhosen”). However, unbeknownst even to family, friends, and coworkers, Kuhler was more than an eccentric, gifted scientific illustrator. He was a prolific visionary artist, who, as a teenager in the late 1940s, invented an imaginary country he named Rocaterrania—after Rockland County, New York, where he had lived as a child. For the next sixty years, in secret, he illustrated the nation’s entire history and the prominent characters of its populace. Rocaterrania is a fantastical world, a richly illustrated amalgam of Kuhler’s personal cultural and aesthetic fascinations. Situated just north of the Adirondacks in New York, at the Canada–United States border, Rocaterrania is a sovereign nation of immigrants, from Scandinavia to Eastern Europe. Kuhler invented a complete world populated by a royal family and a succession of leaders resembling historical Russian figures, Women reminiscent of Marlene Dietrich and Janet Leigh play important roles as do bearded men of a seeming Hasidic Jewish heritage, men bearing curious physical similarities to American presidents, and neutants—individuals neither male nor female. Amid forests, mountains, lakes, and rivers, Kuhler’s imaginary country is made up of provinces and cities filled with distinctive Rocaterranian architecture and well-planned railroad and metro systems. Its government is unique, and it has its own religion, Ojallism, and its own evolving language and alphabet. With an organized labor service, a prison system (modeled after a New Jersey state penitentiary), a university system, a Rocaterranian Olympics, and an independent movie industry, Rocaterrania is a nation bustling with dozens of characters and their intrigues. Initially meant to be an escape, Kuhler's Rocaterrania became a secret lifelong obsession, an intricately coded, metaphorical account through Rocaterrania’s tumultuous history, which dovetailed with Kuhler’s own struggles for independence and freedom. Renaldo was the son of the German-born industrial designer Otto Kuhler, renowned for his Art Deco–era streamlined trains; his Belgian mother had little patience for her son, who was ostracized and bullied throughout his life for being “different.” The Kuhler family moved in 1948 from Rockland County, New York, to a remote cattle ranch in the Colorado Rockies—an unbearably isolated environment for the teenaged Renaldo. Retreating to his sketchbooks, journals, and watercolors to invent his imaginary nation of Rocaterrania, young Kuhler wrote, “The ability to fantasize is the ability to survive.” The Secret World of Renaldo Kuhler is filled with more than 400 illustrations in pencil, ink, acrylic, oil, gouache, watercolor, colored pencils, and markers, demonstrating Kuhler’s phenomenal draftsmanship and wide range of style—from delicately shaded graphite works to comic-book ink drawings. Complementing Kuhler’s impressive artistry is his gift for analogical thinking, which flowered in his appropriation and reimagining of personalities, places, and events from world history to form a cohesive and fully imagined world. After decades of secrecy, Kuhler eventually first shared his work and the story of his imaginary country with filmmaker Brett Ingram, whom he met by chance in the mid-1990s. In 2009 Ingram released Rocaterrania, a feature-length documentary with prized footage of Kuhler at home and at work, and talking about his creation. With The Secret World of Renaldo Kuhler Ingram has written the complete story of Rocaterrania as relayed to him over time by Kuhler, resulting in a fascinating, highly entertaining first and major book about this rare, newly discovered, full-blown visionary outsider artist.
Humanix Books INDISPENSABLE: Build and Lead A Company Customers Can’t Live Without
"Read this book, apply its concepts, and see how your business transforms.” — Marshall Goldsmith, Thinkers 50 #1 Executive Coach and #1 Leadership ThinkerOutstanding leaders make business indispensable. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines "Indispensable" as being absolutely necessary and not subject to being set aside or neglected. INDISPENSABLE: Build and Lead A Company Customers Can’t Live Without provides a framework that you can follow to transform your business and features dozens of examples from industry including those drawn from Amazon, Uber, Facebook and more. Each business example illustrates how the concepts offered in the book are already being used to make businesses indispensable in the marketplace. Keep in mind, though, only your customers can decide if your business is indispensable. We don’t get a vote on that. However, there are steps that we can take to improve our chances.A Leader's pursuit of greatness for his or her company is important, but, it’s not enough, and a business does not become indispensable by accident. Outstanding leadership is essential to bring a company from greatness to indispensability. This is an important distinction because anything less than outstanding leadership will not suffice. Why? Outstanding leaders lead by example. They demonstrate desired qualities and behaviors to their followers through their actions and conduct. By doing so, these leaders put forth a sense that they and their teams share the same goals and aspirations, and, that together, they are going to go about achieving these ambitions as one. Indispensable businesses share a common purpose so they need leaders that can set the example.As you read the book, you will come to recognize how vital TRUE leadership is to helping your business become indispensable. Regardless of your rank or position, you must study, learn, exemplify and LIVE these essential behaviors to be able to provide the people you work with and serve: A Captivating Vision: Outstanding leaders can articulate a vision for the future that every staff member can understand and buy-in to. This vision becomes the stuff of rallying cries and establishes the common goal that leader and team will share. Outstanding leadership is required to articulate the vision of being indispensable and to work to drive it deep into the enterprise. If the troops don’t “get” it, they won’t follow. Active Direction-Setting: Next, a game plan for execution must be built in support of that vision. But, building a plan without engaged direction-setting will not suffice. Outstanding leaders at every level will be fully involved, monitoring progress and charting the course for execution throughout their firm’s journey to indispensability. Enlightened Coaching: Outstanding leaders support their team and understand how to provide the “right” touch at the “right” time – directive when the path to success is unclear and supportive when it’s time to empower – just like any world-class coach does when building a champion. A Collaborative Environment: Outstanding leaders know how to establish a collaborative tenor within their area of responsibility. Selfish and egocentric behavior is stomped out; teamwork is recognized and rewarded. There are many great companies – only a few are indispensable. This book was written to help you build an indispensable business – one that your customers can’t live without.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Spatial Distribution of Health Manpower in China: Exploring its Characteristics and Determinants
The misdistribution of health manpower is one of the major challenges faced by the Chinese health sector hindering people's access to healthcare. However, this subject remains underexplored, as spatial distribution characteristics have not been fully mapped out, nor have its causes been determined at the macro regional level. To fill this research void, this study aims to conduct sophisticated spatial analyses to examine the characteristics of health manpower distribution and test various determinants of health manpower densities. By introducing spatial techniques, this study sheds light on the distribution of health manpower in China, thus offering invaluable evidence for making national and regional policies to facilitate a more effective distribution of health manpower in China. On the one hand, this study used spatial statistics (space-time scan statistics and Moran's I statistics) to reveal, visualize, and compare the temporal trends, spatio-temporal dynamics, and spatial clustering patterns of different subtypes of health manpower (clinicians, doctors of traditional Chinese medicine, dentists, public health doctors, general practitioners, registered nurses, pharmacists, technologists, and interns) and their total. The results reveal that regional disparities and huge urban-rural imbalances exist in China's health manpower distribution, indicating that some provincial units have been left behind. In addition, spatial distribution characteristics varied across different subtypes of health manpower, which still held with respect to either the urban or rural health manpower distribution. On the other hand, this study theoretically modeled and empirically measured various determinants of health manpower distribution from both the supply and demand sides while taking the spillover effect between adjacent geographical units into consideration. Based on the results of the estimation, the health service demand was, as expected, found to forcefully drive the health manpower distribution across the nation. In light of this, the increase in health services demands in a province could significantly help one unit attract licensed doctors and registered nurses from adjacent units. Unexpectedly but intriguingly, the power of medical education capacity was relatively limited in increasing the health manpower density in local units compared to its spillover effect on neighboring units. In addition, government and social health expenditure played different roles in the health labor market, the former being more effective in increasing the stock of licensed doctors and registered nurses, the latter doing better in attracting dentists and general practitioners. This study has the potential to make profound contributions to the theory and practice of health manpower distribution in China. First, this study advances our understanding of characteristics of health manpower distribution by introducing spatial statistics. By doing so, this study visualizes the detailed spatial distribution characteristics with maps and identifies the priority areas for health manpower allocation in China. Second, this study provides a comprehensive research framework to understand the potential drivers of health manpower distribution, and more importantly, takes spillover effects into consideration and measures them for the first time. Third, this study systematically explores and compares the distribution characteristics and determinants of different subtypes of health manpower, which differ greatly. By exploring both the characteristics and determinants, this study gives a full picture of the health manpower distribution and provides new evidence for making health manpower allocation policies in China.
Octopus Publishing Group Green: Simple Ideas for Small Outdoor Spaces
'A great book if you are seeking small space inspiration.' Evening StandardFrom House & Garden's book picks of the year:'Whether you dream of a Mediterranean oasis, a rose-filled retreat or a tropical jungle, Green will help you to make the most of your space, proving that small can indeed be beautiful.'From Daily Mail's best books of the year:'Can a really small space ever be turned into a beautiful garden? Fashionable garden designer Ula Maria shows how even the tiniest balcony or courtyard can become something special. Featuring numerous case histories and practical advice on storage, paving, furniture and lighting, this is an excellent reference source for anyone with limited space and big dreams.''Garden designer Ula Maria takes us on a safari through small but perfectly formed inspire your very own Eden.' - Elle Deco'Urban garden design has inspired books ever since the Victorians started to green their sprawling new neighbourhoods. But where Maria's Green differs is that it focuses on the possibilities of growing in small spaces rather than the restrictions. The 22 gardens she has brought together (by various designers) erupt with potential...In Green urban gardens, so often prone to a twinge of pity from those who tend larger, more rural spaces, become deeply aspirational.' - Alice Vincent, the Daily Telegraph 'A must for apprehensive city gardeners and for anyone wanting to make the most out of their outdoor space, no matter how small it might be. [...] Flicking through it feels almost as enjoyable and relaxing as sitting in the garden.' - Gardens Illustrated'The first book from rising star Ula Maria tackles the perennial challenge of how to create a garden in a small space. [...] Whether you dream of a Mediterranean oasis, a rose-filled retreat or a tropical jungle, Green will help you to make the most of your space, proving that small can indeed be beautiful.' - House & Garden'Spending so much time outdoors in my childhood made me think of a garden as a natural extension of my home - an inseparable part of everyday life. It wasn't until I moved into a rented property in the city that I felt an undeniable urge to make the most of the little exterior space that we had and re-evaluate it. In time, creating outdoor spaces that people truly care for, no matter how small or large, became much more rewarding than perfecting any indoor space. Many say that a home is a true reflection of self, but I believe it is the garden, where personalities and relationships with our surroundings truly blossom.' - Ula MariaIn Green, Ula Maria takes a completely fresh look at creating a garden in whatever outdoor space is available - be it a roof terrace, balcony, small back yard or patio. Perfect for first-time gardeners, the book approaches creating a garden as if decorating a room - exploring how to work with scale, colour and texture, to choosing the plants that will thrive in an urban space. At the heart of the book are 22 genuinely small and innovative gardens with a dazzling range of ideas to copy - from a small backyard garden using reclaimed timber, evergreens and grasses to a rental rooftop terrace in the heart of the city where a cottage-style garden has been created in simple containers. Using low-maintenance plants and affordable furniture, lighting and containers, Green offers simple solutions that don't involve major structural work but will quickly result in a stylish and hugely rewarding urban sanctuary. The book was shot by award-winning photographer, Jason Ingram.
St Martin's Press The Longest Con
A sardonic chronicle of how conservatism turned into a racketeering enterprise and why Donald Trump became the living emblem of the American right's moral decay.The Longest Con tells the fascinating story of the partisan con artists who have corrupted conservative politics in our time, creating a toxic phenomenon that culminated in the election of Donald Trump, a bumptious fraud whose checkered career and tawdry retinue, including his presidential cabinet, have featured almost every variety of scam. But long before he appeared, Trump's path to power was blazed by the motley horde of swindlers and quacks who preceded him.From the professional anti-communists (whose tactics even J. Edgar Hoover despised) to the populist grifters of the Tea Party movement and the religious charlatans of the prosperity gospel (who provided a pious front for Trump), the right-wing ripoff has remained remarkably consistent, even as personalities change and new technologies e
Little, Brown Book Group Arthritis: A Practical Guide to Getting on With Your Life
Become an expert patient and learn how to best manage your arthrtisArthritis is one of the most common causes of disability, affecting areas in and around the joints and bringing misery to a staggering 10 million people in the UK and 46 million in the USA. Arthritis occurs not just amongst older age groups but across all age ranges, and impacts hugely on the lives of sufferers and their families. Dr Chris Jenner's easy-to-read and highly informative book shows that much of the suffering experienced as a result of this painful condition is unnecessary. Starting with a no-nonsense look at the condition itself, Dr Jenner focuses on the many ways in which arthritis can affect daily life and leads the reader through the variety of options available to sufferers. He shows how the effects of this potentially debilitating disease can be minimised so that quality of life is restored.Contents: Preface; Part I Understanding Arthritis; 1. What is Arthritis?; 2. Arthritis - The Statistics; 3. Types of Arthritis; 4. Related and Secondary Medical Conditions; 5. What Causes Arthritis?; 6. Diagnosing Arthritis; 7. Aggravating Factors; 8. Top Arthritis Myths; Part II Living with Arthritis; 9. The Physical, Emotional and Psychological Impacts of Arthritis; 10. Acceptance Issues; 11. How Relationships Are Affected; 12. Work Issues; 13. Mobility and Disability Issues Benefits and Allowances; 14. Image Issues; 15. Parenting a Child with Arthritis; 16. Support for Arthritis Sufferers; Part III Treating and Managing Arthritis; 17. Pain Management; 18. Medications and Contraindications; 19. Non-Pharmaceutical Treatments 20. The Role of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; 21. Diet and Lifestyle; 22. Caring for Your Joints; 23. How to Control Stress; Part IV Understanding Medico-Legal Implications; 24. Personal Injury Claims and Arthritis; 25. Medico-Legal Experts and Personal Injury Solicitors; Conclusion; Index.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Gender in History: Global Perspectives
A concise yet comprehensive account of the roles and influences of gender over the millennia, featuring new and updated content throughout Gender in History: Global Perspectives, Third Edition, explores the construction and evolution of gender in many of the world’s cultures from the Paleolithic era to the COVID pandemic of the twenty-first century. Broad in geographic and topical scope, this comprehensive volume discusses the ways families, religions, social hierarchies, politics, work, education, art, sexuality, and other issues are linked to various conceptions of gender. Now organized chronologically rather than topically, this extensively revised edition presents a wealth of up-to-date information based on the scholarship of the last decade. New and expanded chapters offer insights on the connections between gender and key events and trends in world history, including domestication and the development of agriculture, the growth of cities and larger-scale political structures, the spread of world religions, changing ideas of race, class, and sexuality, colonialism and imperialism, capitalism, wars, revolutions, and more. Written by a distinguished scholar in the field of women's and gender history, this third edition of Gender in History: Examines how gender roles were shaped by family life, religious traditions, various other institutions, and how the institutions were influenced by gender Considers why gender variations developed in different cultures and in diverse social, ethnic, and racial groups within a single culture Addresses ideas in different cultures that shaped both informal societal norms and formalized laws Explores debates about the origins of patriarchy, the development of complex gender hierarchies, and contemporary movements for social change Discusses the gender implications of modern issues including the global pandemic and ongoing cultural and economic shifts Includes an accessible introduction to key theoretical and methodological issues and an instructor’s website site with visual and written original sources Gender in History: Global Perspectives, Third Edition, is essential reading for undergraduate and graduate students in courses such as those on women’s history, women in world history, and gender in world history, and a valuable supplement for general survey courses within History and Women’s and Gender Studies programs.
Baker Publishing Group The Wisdom of Your Body – Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
2022 Word Guild Award, Culture and Life Stories categories Globe and Mail Bestseller List, November 2021 (Self-Improvement) Many of us have a complicated relationship with our body. Maybe you've been made to feel ashamed of your body or like it isn't good enough. Maybe your body is riddled with stress, pain, or the effects of trauma. Maybe you think of your body as an accessory to what you believe you really are--your mind. Maybe your experiences with racism, sexism, ableism, heterosexism, ageism, or sizeism have made you believe your body isn't the right kind of body. Whatever the reason, many of us don't feel at home in our bodies. But being disconnected from ourselves as bodies means being disconnected from truly living and from the interconnection that weaves us all together. Psychologist and award-winning researcher Hillary McBride explores the broken and unhealthy ideas we have inherited about our body. Embodiment is the way we are in the world, and our embodiment is heavily influenced by who we have been allowed to be. McBride shows that many of us feel disembodied due to colonization, racism, sexism, and patriarchy--destructive systems that rank certain bodies as less valuable, beautiful, or human than others. Embracing our embodiment can liberate us from these systems. As we come to understand the world around us and the stories we've been told, we see that our perspective of reality often limits how we see and experience ourselves, each other, and what we believe is Sacred. Instead of the body being a problem to overcome, our bodies can be the very place where we feel most alive, the seat of our spirituality and our wisdom. The Wisdom of Your Body offers a compassionate, healthy, and holistic perspective on embodied living. Weaving together illuminating research, stories from her work as a therapist, and deeply personal narratives of healing from a life-threatening eating disorder, a near-fatal car accident, and chronic pain, McBride invites us to reclaim the wisdom of the body and to experience the wholeness that has been there all along. End-of-chapter questions and practices are included.
Gallaudet University Press,U.S. Deaf Epistemologies, Identity, and Learning: A Comparative Perspective
Goedele A. M. De Clerck presents cross-cultural comparative research that examines and documents where deaf flourishing occurs and how it can be advanced. She spotlights collective and dynamic resources of knowledge and learning; the coexistence of lived differences; social, linguistic, cultural, and psychological capital; and human potential and creativity. Deaf Epistemologies, Identity, and Learning argues for an inclusive approach to the intrinsic human diversity in society, education, and scholarship, and shows how emotions of hope, frustration, and humiliation contribute to the construction of identity and community. De Clerck also considers global to local dynamics in deaf identity, deaf culture, deaf education, and deaf empowerment. She presents empirical research through case studies of the emancipation processes for deaf people in Flanders (a region of Belgium), the United States (specifically, at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC), and the West African nation of Cameroon. These three settings illuminate different phases of emancipation in different contexts, and the research findings are integrated into a broader literature review and subjected to theoretical reflection. De Clerck's anthropology of deaf flourishing draws from her critical application of the empowerment paradigm in settings of daily life, research, leadership, and community work, as she explores identity and well-being through an interdisciplinary lens. This work is centered around practices of signed storytelling and posits learning as the primary access and pathway to culture, identity, values, and change. Change driven by the learning process is considered an awakening and through this awakening, the deaf community can gain hope, empowerment, and full citizenship. In this way, deaf people are allowed to shape their histories, and the result is the elevation of all aspects of deaf lives around the world.
Columbia University Press Laid Off, Laid Low: Political and Economic Consequences of Employment Insecurity
Laid Off, Laid Low provides a sobering portrait of the ailing American labor system and the social and political consequences of increasing job insecurity. It proves that the health of the labor market is not a transitory issue brought low by the factors of recession, but a serious concern reflecting deep structural problems in American society. In this book, economists, sociologists, and public policy and political scientists reveal how the American labor market has grown particularly problematic for new job-seekers, trends that are not obvious when averaging the entire population. The contributors to this volume focus instead on changing job patterns between generations, which show that the job prospects for young Americans are more short-term than their predecessors, and that white-collar managers, once members of the most privileged sector, are now experiencing a faster negative rate of change. As this book makes clear, Americans will soon face epic job losses, irreversible trends in downward mobility, and long-lasting economic insecurity-politically polarizing outcomes that will cause even more anxiety among families. Encompassing a number of different disciplines, the prominent scholars of Laid Off, Laid Low provide a full analysis of today's most pressing economic issues. Contributors: Sheldon Danziger and Ben Keys: "Unemployment Risk among Low Wage Workers: 1970-2000"; Hank Farber: "Employment Insecurity: The Decline in Worker-Firm Attachment in the United States"; Elizabeth Jacobs and Katherine Newman: "Rising Angst? Change and Stability in Perceptions of Insecurity"; Philipp Rehm: "Partisan Politics and Labor Market Risks"; Ann Huff Stevens: "Holding Firm: The Stability of Long-Term Employment in the US, 1969-2004"
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Abide Bible Journal - John, Paperback, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
Do you yearn for life-giving, intimate communion with God? The Abide Bible Journals are designed to help you experience the peace, hope, and growth that come from encountering the voice and presence of God in Scripture. This journal volume of the Book of John will help you develop Scripture-engagement habits to help you know the power and spiritual nourishment of abiding in the Word.This Abide Bible Journal is designed to help you focus on the message of this section of the Bible. The format is ideal for personal or group study as each handy journaling paperback includes individual book introductions, a single-column Scripture layout, and powerful passage-specific prompts with light journaling lines opposite each page of Scripture.Created in partnership with Bible Gateway and the Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement, the Abide Scripture engagement prompts are based on four ways of engaging deeply with the Bible: Praying Scripture: Pattern your prayers after biblical texts Picture It: Place yourself in a biblical narrative as a bystander or participant Journal: Focus and reflect on Scripture and its meaning for your life Contemplate: Follow the simple 4-step practice of feasting in God’s Word Features include: Clear and readable Thomas Nelson NET Typeface Thick paper suited for journaling Brief book introductions Innovative Scripture-engagement prompts Handheld size for personal and group study Flexible sewn binding Stunning cover artwork by Stephen Crotts
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Leadership Unhinged: Essays on the Ugly, the Bad, and the Weird
The recent proliferation of populist movements worldwide — along with the often dangerous, demagogic leaders that accompany them — have prompted questions about the underlying conditions that give rise to such troubling developments. Leadership Unhinged: Essays on the Ugly, the Bad and the Weird examines what is going on at a deeper level, both collectively and individually, between leaders and followers. Employing theories derived from psychoanalytic psychology, developmental psychology, neuroscience and evolutionary psychology, these essays help to unravel and expose the pathological leader-follower dynamics that generate such movements. The book is infused with Kets de Vries’s now famous and inimitable style of analysis, which draws from myths, creates fairy tales, and uses irony and metaphor to bring his conclusions into greater relief and trigger new insights. As Kets de Vries explains, effective leaders have the capacity to bring people together and even make them better, stronger. Doing so suggests that those leaders are value driven, able to set a moral tone. Yet, when such a tone is absent or, at worst, twisted toward the destructive, leadership quickly becomes dangerous. History has shown the devastation left in the wake of unhinged leaders who have gone unchecked. To become fully conscious of the conditions that allow for the emergence of such leaders has become a moral requirement of our time. In ways both moving and entertaining, Kets de Vries’s new contribution puts us in a better position to fulfil that requirement.
Kent State University Press In the Heart of It All: An Unvarnished Account of My Life in Public Service
Former Ohio governor Richard Celeste's remarkable journey from humble beginnings in northeast Ohio to Yale, Oxford, Washington DC, India, the governor's residence, and beyond"Dick, remember this admonition: to whom much is given, much is expected." As the eldest child in his Italian American family, Richard F. Celeste frequently heard his maternal grandmother repeat this aphorism. His paternal grandmother's advice was, "Bresta your cards." This divergent advice reverberated within him for years to come, informing Celeste's approach to what has become a life of serving others.In the Heart of it All recounts Celeste's childhood in Lakewood, Ohio, where his politically ambitious father eventually served as mayor. Awarded a scholarship to attend Yale University, Celeste studied history and later became a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford; while living overseas, he met and quickly married his first wife, Dagmar Braun. Upon returning from Oxford, Celeste expected to begin a teaching career but was recruited to serve as a liaison for Peace Corps volunteers in Latin America, and the young couple relocated to Washington, DC, where they became friendly with Chet and Steb Bowles. When President Kennedy appointed Chet Bowles US ambassador to India, he invited Dick to work as his personal assistant. There, under Bowles's tutelage, Dick began to consider a political career of his own.Celeste returned to Ohio and successfully ran for the Ohio House of Representatives as a Democrat in 1970. After serving two terms, he was elected lieutenant governor in 1974 but lost the 1978 governor's race by a slim margin. Celeste worked in DC as director of the Peace Corps while plotting his next move, and in 1982, his gubernatorial campaign resulted in a landslide victory. He served two terms as Ohio's governor, tackling an epic savings and loan crisis along with mental health reform and job creation.Celeste describes candidly why he considered and dismissed a presidential campaign in 1988. He went on to serve as ambassador to India under President Clinton, traveling there with his second wife, Jacqueline Lundquist, and bringing his career full circle. Shortly after that position ended, Celeste became president of Colorado College, serving from 2002 to 2011.In each position, Celeste has used his grandmothers' wisdom to guide his decision making, putting the needs of his various constituents—Ohio citizens, Peace Corps volunteers, diplomatic colleagues, and college students—above his ego and popularity ratings, and, as he poignantly reflects, sometimes even before his family. In the Heart of It All offers a remarkably frank and expansive account of Celeste's personal and professional life, including his disappointing defeats and thrilling victories.
Antoni Bosch Editor, S.A. Experimentos con los principios económicos, 2ª ed.
Este libro está pensado para un primer curso de economía. Puede utilizarse como texto principal en un curso de introducción o como complemento de un libro de texto tradicional de principios de economía. El libro alterna los “capítulos experimentales” con “capítulos analíticos”. La alternancia de un experimento y un debate marca el ritmo de la clase. En el laboratorio, los estudiantes participan y experimentan en un tipo de mercado, por ejemplo, o en una determinada interacción social. Los informes de laboratorio que tienen que escribir les permiten poner en orden sus reflexiones sobre lo que ha ocurrido. En la clase siguiente, están preparados para debatir los resultados experimentales y examinar las explicaciones teóricas de estos resultados.Los capítulos experimentales normalmente contienen una introducción, las instrucciones para realizar un experimento en clase y un “informe de laboratorio”. Los experimentos se realizan “a mano”, sin ordenadores o aparatos complejos. En el informe de laboratorio, los alumnos anotan los resultados, realizan un análisis elemental de los datos y responden a algunas preguntas que los animan a pensar sobre la importancia de lo que han observado. Los capítulos analíticos introducen las teorías económicas que explican, en todo o en parte, los resultados experimentales. También contienen trabajos para casa en los que se pide a los alumnos que comparen los resultados experimentales con las predicciones teóricas y analicen las consecuencias que las teorías y los experimentos permiten extraer para su aplicación a los problemas del mundo real.Los módulos de análisis están pensados para ser lo suficientemente independientes unos de otros de tal manera que los profesores puedan cambiar el orden de presentación de los temas u omitir los que deseen.Para un estudiante, cursar una asignatura de economía experimental es un poco como estar invitado a comer en casa de un caníbal. Puede ocurrir que sea simplemente un comensal, que sea parte de la comida o que sea ambas cosas a la vez.En un curso de laboratorio de ciencias naturales, los estudiantes tienen que mezclar sustancias químicas o andar tirando de poleas o diseccionar la proverbial rana, pero siempre son ellos quienes experimentan y nunca son los sujetos del experimento. En cambio, en los experimentos que se realizan en esta clase, los estudiantes son a la vez los participantes en los mercados, y los observadores científicos que tratan de entender los resultados de estos mismos mercados experimentales.Es difícil imaginar que un químico pueda ponerse en el lugar de una molécula de hidrógeno. Es improbable que un biólogo que estudia la conducta animal sepa lo que sienten los patos. El estudiante de este curso es más afortunado. Estudiará la conducta y las interacciones de la gente en situaciones económicas. Y siendo uno de estos agentes económicos, podrá experimentar de primera mano los problemas con los que se encuentra uno de ellos. Sospechamos que su experiencia como participante en el experimento le permitirá comprender los principios económicos casi tanto como su análisis como observador del experimento.
Orenda Books Dashboard Elvis is Dead: The epic, extraordinary new novel from one of Scotland's most exceptional novelists
A failed writer connects the murder of an American journalist, a drowned 80s musician and a Scottish politician’s resignation, in a heart-wrenching novel about ordinary people living in extraordinary times. ‘A dazzling, time-hopping patchwork of pop and politics, sewn together with wit and compassion’ Kirstin Innes ‘This amiable and ambitious transatlantic extravaganza is a busy social tapestry pegged to real-life events in Scotland and the US … Ross’s affection for his characters shines through. There’s so much going on here that value for money is pretty much all but guaranteed’ Daily Mail ‘A mesmerising road trip through the America of Kerouac, Warhol and Reagan. Dashboard Elvis may be dead, but this book is full of vibrant, authentic, colourful life’ Stuart Cosgrove **David F. Ross was shortlisted for Scottish Fiction Book of the Year in the Scottish Book Awards** ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Renowned photo-journalist Jude Montgomery arrives in Glasgow in 2014, in the wake of the failed Scottish independence referendum, and it’s clear that she’s searching for someone. Is it Anna Mason, who will go on to lead the country as First Minister? Jamie Hewitt, guitarist from eighties one-hit wonders The Hyptones? Or is it Rabbit – Jude’s estranged foster sister, now a world-famous artist? Three apparently unconnected people, who share a devastating secret, whose lives were forever changed by one traumatic night in Phoenix, forty years earlier. Taking us back to a school shooting in her Texas hometown, and a 1980s road trip across the American West – to San Francisco and on to New York – Jude’s search ends in Glasgow, and a final, shocking event that only one person can fully explain… An extraordinary, gritty and tender novel about fate and destiny, regret and absolution – and a road trip that changes everything… ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ‘Few do raw, authentic, almost palpably believable characters better than David F. Ross' The Times ‘A masterclass in transatlantic intertwining storytelling from one of Scotland’s finest writers’ Derek Steel, Razur Cuts ‘A rich and rewarding novel that takes in the culture and social history of both Scotland and the USA, beautifully weaving stories together over decades … devastating’ Alistair Braidwood, Scots Whay Hae ‘An ambitious, sweeping novel … Taut and gritty, Dashboard Elvis Is Dead interrogates truth, and pulses with life’ Donna McLean ‘An irresistible story of chances taken and missed, and of last-ditch hopes of redemption … the writing is exquisite’ Katie Allen ‘Gripping, gritty and gloriously written, David F. Ross captures characters, places and moods like few other writers … a triumph of a novel’ Martin Geissler ‘A rawness and sensitivity that is so visceral … another extraordinary novel from David F. Ross’ Anne Cater ‘Simultaneously intimate and epic … my head and heart are spinning’ From Belgium with Booklove
Princeton University Press Suburbs under Siege: Race, Space, and Audacious Judges
In Suburbs under Siege Charles Haar argues passionately that all people--rich or poor, black or white--have a constitutional right to live in the suburbs and that a socially responsible judiciary should vigorously uphold that right. For various reasons, American courts have generally failed to question local zoning regulations that trap the urban poor in the squalor of inner cities, away from decent housing and jobs in the suburbs. No U.S. Supreme Court case, for instance, has confronted exclusionary zoning rules, as Brown v. Board of Education once attacked school segregation. Instead, judges at all levels have most often reinforced the residential segregation that may well destroy American society. In this provocative book on the landmark Mount Laurel cases, Haar shows how the N.J. state judiciary broke out of this pattern of judicial behavior. These courageous, innovative judges attracted nationwide attention by challenging the forces of affluence that ruled the suburbs (and the legislature) of their state. Furthermore, they based their reasoning on the N.J. state constitution in order to protect their rulings from invalidation by the U.S. Supreme Court. In the early 1970s, when the cases began, the plaintiffs, Ethel Lawrence and her daughter Thomasene, were barely making ends meet in the Philadelphia suburb of Mount Laurel, a town where their African-American ancestors had lived for seven generations. The Lawrences' dream was to live in a Mount Laurel garden apartment planned by a grassroots reform group as affordable housing: in their way stood a typical minimum acreage zoning ordinance. The eventual court victory of the Lawrences and their young public interest attorneys inspired other N.J. suits and a process of remediation that continues to this day, as judges, experts (special masters), the state legislature, and other citizens work to carry out the Mount Laurel principles. Haar's book is a bold attack on conventional doctrines of the separation of powers limitations on the judicial branch and a plea that judges across the country assume their proper responsibilities for fair housing before it is too late. Originally published in 1996. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press Chesapeake Invader: Discovering America's Giant Meteorite Crater
Thirty-five million years ago, a meteorite three miles wide and moving sixty times faster than a bullet slammed into the sea bed near what is now Chesapeake Bay. The impact, more powerful than the combined explosion of every nuclear bomb on Earth, blasted out a crater fifty miles wide and one mile deep. Shock waves radiated through the Earth for thousands of miles, shaking the foundations of the Appalachians, as gigantic waves and winds of white-hot debris transformed the eastern seaboard into a lifeless wasteland. Chesapeake Invader is the story of this cataclysm, told by the man who discovered it happened. Wylie Poag, a senior scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey, explains when and why the catastrophe occurred, what destruction it caused, how scientists unearthed evidence of the impact, and how the meteorite's effects are felt even today. Poag begins by reviewing how scientists in the decades after World War II uncovered a series of seemingly inexplicable geological features along the Virginia coast. As he worked to interpret one of these puzzling findings in the 1980s in his own field of paleontology, Poag began to suspect that the underlying explanation was the impact of a giant meteorite. He guides us along the path that he and dozens of colleagues subsequently followed as--in true scientific tradition--they combined seemingly outrageous hypotheses, painstaking research, and equal parts good and bad luck as they worked toward the discovery of what turned out to be the largest impact crater in the U.S. We join Poag in the lab, on deep-sea drilling ships, on the road for clues in Virginia, and in heated debates about his findings. He introduces us in clear, accessible language to the science behind meteorite impacts, to life and death on Earth thirty-five million years ago, and to the ways in which the meteorite shaped the Chesapeake Bay area by, for example, determining the Bay's very location and creating the notoriously briny groundwater underneath Virginia. This is a compelling work of geological detective work and a paean to the joys and satisfactions of a life in science. Originally published in 1999. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Prometheus Books King David and Boss Daley: The Black Disciples, Mayor Daley and Chicago on the Edge
In Chicago in mid-twentieth century amid the haze and smoke of urban renewal and the sounds of the wrecking balls and bulldozers, there lived two men, both street-savvy, one Black, one Irish, one young, one old and both leaders of their clans. Each ruled with an iron fist. Each embodied the fighting spirit of the turbulent 1960s. One was David Barksdale, the Black Disciples leader, a Black youth club that would give birth to America's largest street gang; the other was Richard J. Daley, the legendary Mayor of the City of Chicago. He was one of the longest-serving, most prominent mayors in American history and the last of the big-city "bosses." Although the two never met, at least not face-to-face, their fates were linked by a time of change, an era of protest, which was a decisive moment of transformational power that was on the verge of a violent uprising in America's second-largest city. This is a book that is as lively as its subject. A braided narrative of two larger than life people, it has the boldness to combine two oddly related 1960s stories into a single narrative that is both intimate and epic. One captures the unlikely story of a Negro boy whose share-cropping family migrated from rural Mississippi to Chicago, where he started a street gang that became the largest in America. The book's other path follows America's last big city "boss," whose persona is legendary and bigger than life. While historians, political pundits, and those who knew him speak of "Hizzonor" as being a proud, Irish-Catholic who was the long-time godfather of the Chicago Democratic Party and Mayor who saved Chicago from becoming another Detroit or Cleveland, they also acknowledge that he was a fierce segregationist. He had a contentious relationship with civil rights leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Richard Daley also played a significant role in the history of the United States Democratic Party.Williams an internationally recognized gang expert and interventionist, eloquently tells the story of these men, their clans, and their on-going struggle for power, status, and legacy. However unheard of and unimaginable, some of the incidents may seem, this is not a work of fiction. Everything written comes from archival documents, official reports, focus groups, in-depth interviews, or first-hand accounts. The action takes place mostly in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood. Still, there are some occasions where the action takes place in Bronzeville, the Woodlawn community, on the West Side of the City and downtown.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Research Advances in the Fungal World: Culture, Isolation, Identification, Classification, Characterization, Properties and Kinetics
Fungi are the renowned eukaryotic organisms. They are heterotrophs like animals, plants and most of the bacteria and studied under the separate branch of science 'Mycology'. They are abundantly found worldwide as yeasts, moulds, mushrooms etc. Due to the discovery of the different types of fungi, their working styles, habitats, their growing style, culture, sources and optimum locality, fungi have been classified separately from the other eukaryotes like animal and plants. In modern time, there are a number of diseases known which have been caused by fungi but many more significant and useful functions of them are also known and well discovered. Their various positive roles in medicines, remediation, food industries, agriculture, paper and pulp industries, chemical industries, biological researches etc. make them highly significant objectives for researchers and scientists. They also secrete a number of biologically valuable enzymes which further enhance their utility in the field of biotechnology. Their worldwide distributions make them easily available for the research. A number of researches in the field of fungal biotechnology are currently running in order to explore their momentous properties related to their nutraceutical and pharmaceutical values. In this regard, the deep study of their detailed properties, sources, culture, secretion of enzymes, isolation techniques, characterization, kinetics etc. are highly required. Handy nature, very easy language, scientific writing style and advanced research materials of this book make this interesting and highly helpful for the readers and researchers of the field of life sciences, biochemistry and biotechnology to conduct their research. Students of undergraduate and post graduate courses of life sciences/biochemistry/biotechnology will also highly benefit from this book. This book has recent, descriptive as well as up to date information on the recent developments in the world of fungi in the form 17 chapters (divided in two sections: section A and section B) prepared by admirable scientific collaborations. Each chapter has been written by worldwide eminent experts of their scientific research fields. This book covered several valuable and promising topics: (i) Diversity, distribution and classification of fungi. (ii) Isolation, identification and characterization of fungi. (iii) Study of the fungal culture, growth, production, optimization etc. (iv) Rhizospheric fungi, endophytic fungi, lichens, pathogens and secondary metabolites. (v) Fungal properties and applications, biologically potential mushrooms, nutraceutical applications, pharmaceutical applications and bioconversions of wastes materials etc. (vi) Secretion of the different enzymes from fungi (vii) Fungal enzymes, their purification, characterization, kinetics, properties and applications in the field of biotechnology.
Hippocrene Books Inc.,U.S. The Best of Afghan Cooking
The most comprehensive collection of authentic Afghan recipes published in English, this cookbook brings the legendary hospitality and foods of the Afghan table to readers everywhere. Since ancient times, Afghanistan’s location in the heart of Central Asia has made it a crossroads for multiple cultures and culinary influences. The ancient city of Kabul was a hub for European, Chinese and Indian merchants as well as intellectuals and spiritual leaders. In this context, Afghanistan’s rich and multifaceted culinary identity evolved. To this day, Afghans retain the tradition of preparing food with freshly harvested ingredients. In most villages, flour is still ground in local mills and cows are milked daily, and the milk is then processed into fresh butter or yogurt. Kabobs, ranging from chicken, beef, lamb and fish, are seasoned with delicate spices before grilling. A variety of fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs, along with lentils and meat, are used to prepare traditional stews called qurmas. Considered Afghanistan’s national food, rice dishes called palow are cooked with meat, onions, and distinctive spices such as cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and black pepper. Dough prepared with fresh ingredients is shaped into bread, cookies, and cakes before being baked in a preheated ground oven called a tandoor. Aromatic spices and crunchy roasted nuts combined with fresh milk and wheat create unique desserts that are simple to prepare but deliver impressive results Kabul native Zarghuna Adel brings a lifetime of cooking experience and years of research into this unique cookbook, which features authentic Afghan recipes that were lost or forgotten in the course of four decades of war and displacement. This volume features over 225 recipes, each with easy-to-follow instructions and a color photograph. Fifteen chapters cover the range of Afghan culinary offerings, from appetizers, soups, salads, and main dishes to condiments and desserts, and each chapter includes a detailed introduction to the history, origins, and cultural traditions that surround the recipes. Sample recipes: · Ashak (leek dumplings with yogurt and ground beef) · Kabob Teka (marinated lamb and vegetable kabobs) · Badenjan Borani (eggplant appetizer with tomatoes and yogurt) · Chapli Kabob (fried spicy ground beef patties) · Qabeli Palow (long grain rice with onions, spices and tender meat) · Halwa Ardi (wheat flour halwa with cardamom and nuts) · Rout (fluffy sweet bread with sesame and nigella seeds) · Chai Chawa (green tea with ginger, fennel and walnuts)
Andrews McMeel Publishing Japanese Farm Food
Japanese Farm Food, now available in paperback, offers a unique look into life on a Japanese farm through 165 simple, clear-flavored recipes along with personal stories and over 350 stunning photographs. It is a book about love, community, and life in rural Japan. Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2012: USA Winner, Best Japanese Cuisine Book "Our life centers on the farm and the field. We eat what we grow." --Nancy Singleton Hachisu,Japanese Farm Food offers a unique window into life on a Japanese farm through the simple, clear-flavored recipes cooked from family crops and other local, organic products. The multitude of vibrant images by Kenji Miura of green fields, a traditional farmhouse, antique baskets, and ceramic bowls filled with beautiful, simple dishes are interwoven with Japanese indigo fabrics to convey an intimate, authentic portrait of life and food on a Japanese farm. With a focus on fresh and thoughtfully sourced ingredients, the recipes in Japanese Farm Food are perfect for fans of farmers' markets, and for home cooks looking for accessible Japanese dishes. Personal stories about family and farm life complete this incredible volume.American born and raised, Nancy Singleton Hachisu lives with her husband and teenage sons on a rural Japanese farm, where they prepare these 165 bright, seasonal dishes. The recipes are organized logically with the intention of reassuring you how easy it is to cook Japanese food. Not just a book about Japanese food, Japanese Farm Food is a book about love, life on the farm, and community. Covering everything from pickles and soups to noodles, rice, and dipping sauces, with a special emphasis on vegetables, Hachisu demystifies the rural Japanese kitchen, laying bare the essential ingredients, equipment, and techniques needed for Japanese home cooking."Nancy Hachisu is...intrepid. Outrageously creative. Intensely passionate. Committed. True and real. I urge you to cook from this book with abandon, but first read it like a memoir, chapter by chapter, and you will share in the story of a modern-day family, a totally unique and extraordinary one." --Patricia Wells"This book is both an intimate portrait of Nancy's life on the farm, and an important work that shows the universality of an authentic food culture." --Alice Waters"The modest title Japanese Farm Food turns out to be large, embracing and perhaps surprising. Unlike the farm-to-table life as we know it here, where precious farm foods are cooked with recipes, often with some elaboration, real farm food means eating the same thing day after day when it’s plentiful, putting it up for when it's not, and cooking it very, very simply because the farm demands so much more time in the field than in the kitchen. This beautiful, touching, and ultimately common sense book is about a life that's balanced between the idea that a life chooses you and that you in turn choose it and then live it wholeheartedly and largely. Thank you, Nancy, for sharing your rich, intentional and truly inspiring life." --Deborah Madison"Nancy Hachisu’s amazing depth of knowledge of Japanese food and culture shines through in every part of this book. You will feel as if you live next door to her...savoring and learning her down-to-earth approach to cooking and to loving food." --Hiroko Shimbo"Taking a peek into Nancy Hachisu's stunning Japanese Farm Food is like entering a magical world. It's a Japan that used to be, not the modern Japan defined by the busyness of Tokyo, but a more timeless place, a place whose rhythms are set by seasons and traditions and the work of the farm. Japanese Farm Food is so much more than a cookbook. This book has soul. Every vegetable, every tool has a story. Who grew this eggplant? Who made this soy sauce? Nancy doesn't have to ask, "Where does my food come from?" She knows. Here's a woman who grows and harvests her own rice, grain by grain. Not that she asks or expects us to do the same at all. What she does offer is a glimpse into her life in rural Japan, with its shoji screens and filtered light, and recipes from her farm kitchen that you can't wait to try." --Elise Bauer,"Japanese Farm Food is a lovely book about the culture, landscape, and food of Japan, a true insider's view of the Japanese kitchen, from farm to table, by a passionate and talented writer." --Michael Ruhlman
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets Flipped Classroom with Student Workbook
Nancy Caroline’s Emergency Care in the Streets, Ninth Edition is the newest evolution of the premier paramedic education training program. This legendary paramedic textbook was first developed by Dr. Nancy Caroline in the early 1970s and transformed paramedic education. Today, lead editors Bob Elling and Barb Aehlert, along with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, are proud to continue this legacy and set the new gold standard for the paramedics of tomorrow. The Ninth Edition offers cutting-edge, evidence-based content that meets or exceeds the most current scientific recommendations developed by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and the ECC Guidelines established by the American Heart Association and other resuscitation councils around the world. Clear chapter objectives align with the 2019 National EMS Scope of Practice Model and 2021 EMS Education Standards. Thoroughly reviewed by medical doctors and subject-matter experts, the Ninth Edition teaches students the technical skills required of today’s paramedic while emphasizing other important professional attributes, including critical thinking, empathy, teamwork, communication, problem solving, and personal well-being. Taking a systemic approach to the assessment and management of traumatic and medical emergencies, and devoting entire chapters to special topics, such as mass-casualty incidents, the Ninth Edition covers the full scope of paramedic practice. Some of the key high-level updates to the Ninth Edition include the following: Language carefully reviewed throughout text to ensure gender neutrality, racial inclusivity, and nonstigmatizing descriptions of patient conditions NEW Street Smarts boxes throughout the text to emphasize the “soft skills” expected of today’s paramedics Images updated to reflect appropriate PPE in the current COVID-19 setting Added emphasis on current spinal motion restriction guidelines Thoroughly reviewed and updated references, statistics, and case studies CPR and ACLS algorithms updated throughout text to reflect the current AHA guidelines
Casemate Publishers War on Two Fronts: An Infantry Commander's War in Iraq and the Pentagon
Winner of The Army Historical Foundation’s Distinguished Writing Award for Excellence in U.S. Army History Writing face=Calibri>– Journals, memoirs and letters, June 2008Shortly after the launch of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the war in Iraq became the most confusing in U.S. history, the high command not knowing who to fight, who was attacking Coalition troops, and who among the different Iraqi groups were fighting each other. Yet there were a few astute officers like Lt. Col. Christopher Hughes, commanding the 2d Battalion of the 327th Inf. Regiment, 101st Airborne, who sensed the complexity of the task from the beginning.In War on Two Fronts Col. Hughes writes movingly of his No-Slack battalion at war in Iraq. The war got off to a bang for Hughes, when his brigade command tent was fragged by a Muslim sergeant in the 101st, leaving him briefly in charge of the brigade. Amid the nighttime confusion of 14 casualties, a nearby Patriot missile blasted off, panicking nearly everyone while mistakenly bringing down a British Tornado fighter-bomber.As Hughes’ battalion forged into Iraq they successfully liberated the city of Najaf, securing the safety of Grand Ayatollah Sistani and the Mosque of Ali, while showing an acute cultural awareness in doing so that caught the world's attention. It was a feat that landed Hughes within the pages of Time, Newsweek and other publications. The “Screaming Eagles” of the 101st Airborne then implemented creative programs in the initial postwar occupation, including harvesting the national wheat and barley crops, while combating nearly invisible insurgents.Conscious that an army battalion is a community of some 700-plus households, and that when a unit goes off to war the families are intimately connected in our internet age, Hughes makes clear the strength of those connections and how morale is best supported at both ends.Transferred to Washington after his tour in Iraq, Hughes then writes an illuminating account of the herculean efforts of many in the Pentagon to work around the corporatist elements of its bureaucracy, in order to better understand counterinsurgency and national reconstruction, which Lawrence of Arabia characterized as “like learning to eat soup with a knife.” To read this book will help understand the sources of mistakes made—and still being made—and the process needed to chart a successful strategy.Written with candor and no shortage of humor, intermixed with brutal scenes of combat and frank analysis, this book is a must-read for all those who seek insight into the current war in the Mideast.
Skyhorse Publishing Talk Power: The Mind-Body Way to Speak Without Fear
A simple step-by-step science-backed system that actually affects your anxiety ridden brain and is guaranteed to transform every previously fearful public speaker into a much admired presenter. Do you break into a cold sweat when you have to give a speech? Would you rather jump off a ledge than speak in public? Have you attended Public Speaking Classes hoping to find a teacher who could teach you to get of rid of your debilitating public speaking anxiety and nervousness, only to find false promises, disappointments, and frustration? Natalie H. Rogers’ latest book Talk Power: The Mind-Body Way To Speak Without Fear offers a different approach. Instead of the traditional public speaking classes based upon lectures, theory, tips, hints, video therapy, and suggestions about body language, etc., Ms. Rogers’ original breakthrough training program focuses upon you, your mind and body and the chaos that is actually happening inside of you when you face an audience. By practicing her simple and practical Talk Power step-by-step mind-body exercises, drills, and routines you will develop the performance skills necessary to speak comfortably and confidently in front of an audience of any size. Just as with regular practice one is able to grow a muscle on an arm, with the Talk Power training program you will develop the skills you need for the mastery of every aspect of public speaking. This system of exercises, integrating neuroscience, behavior modification, performance techniques, speech crafting, and leadership skills, actually affects and remodels your brain by developing new neural pathways for performance skills that eliminates anxiety and other negative reactions to Public Speaking. Over the past thirty-five years, Ms. Rogers’ Panic Clinic For Public Speaking Workshops, with 13,000 successful and satisfied participants, have proven that this unique program works. No matter how severe your condition may be, practicing at home with the easy step-by-step exercises, routines, and drills will help people who previously could never speak in public develop the performance skills necessary for ending fear of public speaking. Talk Power will: Eliminate stage fright and fear of speaking in public Provide exercises and drills to end self-consciousness Establish permanent public speaking skills Help you think on your feet in front of an audience Perfect proper breathing techniques to reduce anxiety Provide effective templates for speaking at meetings For thirty-five years, Natalie H. Rogers has helped people master their fears of public speaking. This new and updated edition offers Rogers's clinically-tested, perfected, and expanded system to a new generation of fearful public speakers, with more than twenty years of new science-backed methods included for the first time.
Human Kinetics Publishers Introduction to Exercise Science
This is the loose-leaf version of Introduction to Exercise Science With HKPropel Access, which offers students a less expensive printed version of the text.Introduction to Exercise Science With HKPropel Access offers students a comprehensive overview of the field of exercise science and explores the research and evidence-based practice within the subdisciplines that are part of this dynamic and expanding discipline. Taking inspiration from Introduction to Kinesiology, this text focuses on the major subdisciplines within the field of exercise prescription.Introduction to Exercise Science features a full-color layout and a three-section structure to introduce students to the current issues that exercise science professionals seek to understand to promote better health and performance. Part I examines the scope of the field and summarizes the foundational knowledge needed, like basic musculoskeletal anatomy, measurement, and statistics. Part II delves into five major subdisciplines of exercise science: biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor behavior, sport and exercise psychology, and physical activity epidemiology. Part III elaborates on research methods, evidence-based practice, and professional application in various allied-health-related careers such as athletic training, physical therapy, and occupational therapy as well as sport performance careers such as strength and conditioning, nutrition, and sport analytics.Introduction to Exercise Science is designed to stimulate student curiosity about the vast field of exercise science and common career paths. Throughout the text, sidebars featuring the latest research and best practices, professional issues and career opportunities, and trending topics in exercise science are used to engage students and reinforce important knowledge in evidence-based practice. Chapter objectives, summaries, key points, key terms, and review questions aid in knowledge retention. Opening scenarios at the beginning of each chapter feature a specific activity, exercise, or health promotion issue that serves to illustrate the importance of that area of knowledge to exercise science.Related online learning activities include interactive flash cards, key point review questions, research activities, guided notes, and scenario-based exercises to fully immerse students in the various aspects of exercise science. Students will learn how to read and evaluate research and will develop the ability to think critically to confront specific challenges. Most of the activities can be assigned, and progress tracked, directly through HKPropel. Chapter quizzes, which are automatically graded, may also be assigned to test comprehension of critical concepts.Exercise science professionals require mastery of a complex body of theoretical knowledge about exercise and its application in evidence-based practice. Introduction to Exercise Science will give readers an understanding of how scientific tools and protocols and applied research can contribute to the health and performance of all people.Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
Johns Hopkins University Press Take Control of Your Drinking: A Practical Guide to Alcohol Moderation, Sobriety, and When to Get Professional Help
Accepting that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to controlling drinking, the latest edition of this bestselling book will help you assess your drinking and determine whether moderation or abstinence is the best path for you.For decades, the standard treatment for people struggling with alcohol consumption has focused on convincing them to admit that they are an alcoholic, to stop drinking entirely, and to enter into a program, most commonly Alcoholics Anonymous. But in his more than thirty-five-year career as an addiction specialist working with people who want to change their drinking habits, Michael S. Levy has found that the routes to behavioral change actually vary. And although abstinence is the successful route for many people, others can moderate their drinking on their own or with professional help. In this practical, effective, and compassionate book, Levy helps people take control of their alcohol problem by teaching them how to think about and address their drinking habits. Beginning with a set of self-assessments that reveal whether the reader's use of alcohol is creating problems, Levy explains the causes of problem drinking, discusses the growing recognition of the various ways an alcohol use disorder can show itself, and talks about why it is so difficult to change. Offering advice for choosing between moderating your drinking or abstaining altogether, he also touches on coping with slipups, fighting helplessness and the fear of failure, and knowing when moderation is not achievable. The book is unique in that instead of telling people what they need to do, it meets people at their stage of change and level of readiness to change and helps them decide for themselves what they need to do. Drawing on the latest scientific evidence, this new edition includes• a chapter on the concept of self-medication—a useful but at times overused idea;• a chapter on the concurrent use of drugs (particularly cannabis) during recovery;• an exploration of modern strategies for dealing with drinking, including technology (apps that count drinks, for example) and medications that curb alcohol consumption; • reflections on the use of stigma;• communication strategies for individuals seeking to share their struggle with others;• an exploration of common triggers;• additional worksheets and tips to achieve success; • further material about self-help programs; and • insights about the dark side of addiction treatment.Ultimately, Take Control of Your Drinking empowers people to tackle their drinking problem and gives them the freedom to do so in a way that fits with their own lifestyle and values. This book is useful for anyone who may find that they are drinking too much, for the loved ones of such people, and for clinicians who want to broaden their skills when working with people who struggle with alcohol.
Faber & Faber Shroud for a Nightingale: Now a Major TV Series – Dalgliesh
THE FOURTH NOVEL IN THE MULTIMILLION-COPY BESTSELLING ADAM DALGLIESH SERIES FROM THE 'QUEEN OF ENGLISH CRIME' (Guardian) 'Kept guessing until the final pages! Read in one go. Totally unputdownable. Ready to read the next one.' 5* reader review'Plenty of scrupulously laid false trails, credible detectives and a totally unexpected ending.' Sunday Telegraph'P. D. James at the top or her form, the twisting plot laid out with clarity and an acid wit.' 5* reader reviewPERFECT FOR FANS OF VAL MCDERMID, RUTH RENDELL AND ELLY GRIFFITHS__________________________________________________________________________________First, do no harm . . .On a crisp January morning, a group of third year nursing students gather in Nightingale House for a clinical lesson. One student will play the patient, while the others practice their nursing skills. But none of them is prepared for the demonstration to end in a gruesome murder. When a second student dies, this time by apparent suicide, Superintendent Adam Dalgliesh thinks the deaths must be connected, but in order to prove this and unmask the murderer, he must sweep away a cloud of secrets, lies and blackmail at the nursing school - before they can kill again.__________________________________________________________________________________'Probably the best Dalgliesh.' 5* reader review'Absolutely brilliant.' 5* reader review'An assured mystery, with a closed community and a great cast of characters.' 5* reader review'A very clever and accurate portrait of the strict, claustrophobic atmosphere of nursing sisters, nurse tutors in the training school and the student nurses in their care. Brilliant.' 5* reader review**Now a major Channel 5 series**__________________________________________________________________________________READERS LOVE THE ADAM DALGLEISH SERIES:'Adam Dalgleish is one of the best characters in modern detective fiction.' 5* reader review'If you are not already an Adam Dalgliesh fan, I urge you to become one . . . James can describe a scene or delineate a character with precision and depth, like no other writer I have read . . . I usually stay up all night to read a P. D. James novel once I start one.' 5* reader review'I would never give less than 5 stars to any P. D. James book. She is one of a kind, always constant, always wonderful writing, always great characters, and always a good mystery that you cannot put down.' 5* reader review'P. D. James writes mysteries for ordinary people. Her characters are relatable and her hero is dynamic. But don't expect cell phones or computers. Her stories are strictly old school, which is what I love about them.' 5* reader review'Crime writing at its very best!' 5* reader reviewPRAISE FOR P. D. JAMES:'A legend.' VAL MCDERMID'Masterful.' MICK HERRON'James manages a depth and intelligence that few in her trade can match.' THE TIMES'One of the literary greats. Her sense of place was exquisite, characterisation and plotting unrivalled.' MARI HANNAH'There are very few thriller writers who can compete with P. D. James at her best.' SPECTATOR'P. D. James [was] simply a wonderful writer.' NEW YORK TIMES'The queen of English crime.' GUARDIAN
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Abide Bible Journal - Exodus, Paperback, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
Do you yearn for life-giving, intimate communion with God? The Abide Bible Journals are designed to help you experience the peace, hope, and growth that come from encountering the voice and presence of God in Scripture. This journal volume of the Book of Exodus will help you develop Scripture-engagement habits to help you know the power and spiritual nourishment of abiding in the Word.This Abide Bible Journal is designed to help you focus on the message of this section of the Bible. The format is ideal for personal or group study as each handy journaling paperback includes individual book introductions, a single-column Scripture layout, and powerful passage-specific prompts with light journaling lines opposite each page of Scripture.Created in partnership with Bible Gateway and the Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement, the Abide Scripture engagement prompts are based on four ways of engaging deeply with the Bible: Praying Scripture: Pattern your prayers after biblical texts Picture It: Place yourself in a biblical narrative as a bystander or participant Journal: Focus and reflect on Scripture and its meaning for your life Contemplate: Follow the simple 4-step practice of feasting in God’s Word Features include: Clear and readable Thomas Nelson NET Typeface Thick paper suited for journaling Brief book introductions Innovative Scripture-engagement prompts Handheld size for personal and group study Flexible sewn binding Stunning cover artwork by Stephen Crotts
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc AAOS Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care
Every new print copy of Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, Sixth Edition includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access which unlocks a complete, interactive eBook with nearly 250 embedded procedure videos, new Skills Checklists to accompany videos in PDF format, and Home Exercise step-by-step instructions in PDF format. Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, Sixth Edition is a robust educational resource focused on how to evaluate and manage common musculoskeletal conditions. This text is used for immediate, point-of-care guidance in decision making and intervention and is a powerful educational product for many health professions dealing with the care of the musculoskeletal system. The easy-to-understand content and crisp presentation appeal to health care professionals and students. It is also a powerful tool to help educate patients regarding conditions and treatment. Up-to-date, step-by-step instruction and helpful illustrations to offer visual confirmation Consistent information throughout each section includes definitions, symptoms, tests, differential diagnosis, treatments, adverse outcomes, referral decisions and red flags. Physical Examination shows photographs and step-by-step descriptions of physical examination maneuvers; inspection and palpation, range of motion, muscle testing, and special tests. Home Exercise Program sections include a concise table of exercises along with step-by-step instruction and illustrations Clinical Case Studies can be found at the end of each section and allow readers to apply the knowledge they have learned in a realistic case scenario. Every new copy includes Navigate Premier with a full eBook, hundreds of procedure videos, Home Exercise instructions in PDF format, slides in PowerPoint format and more!
Octopus Publishing Group Destination Fabulous: Finding your way to the best you yet
'Full of uplifting advice, practical wisdom and kind intelligence: I certainly felt more fabulous after reading it.' Elizabeth Day'An encouraging and exhilarating celebration of ageing. Full of life-wisdom for mind, body and spirit.' Victoria Hislop'Brilliant - absolutely brilliant!' Lorraine Kelly'A witty, warm, wise and illuminating guide to how to be your best self, inside and out. Deliciously upbeat and brimful of positivity, it's a perfect roadmap for the years ahead. I loved it.' Mariella Frostrup'Finally a book that challenges our tedious fixation with youth and turns the old rules about ageing upside down and inside out. With practical advice and spiritual insights, Destination Fabulous offers the kind of life-affirming guidance for womanhood I only wish I had known when I was 20.' Chioma Nnadi,'Anna Murphy joyfully reframes the gift of growing up, and older.' Kenya Hunt'A joyous celebration of the pleasures of growing older, and an empowering manifesto for changing our attitudes to age.' Justine Picardie 'Perhaps the most important thing I have learned when it comes to appearance is that looking your best self is, more than anything, about what is going on inside. The more fully realised you are, the more you find your purpose, the more that will shine out of you and the better you will look.'Anna MurphyFrom the Fashion Director of The Times comes a wise, inspiring and invigorating guide to making the most of life as a grown-up woman - from the practical (how to dress your best) to the existential (how to feel your best).At 50, Anna Murphy feels more visible than at any point in her life to date. Her new book, Destination Fabulous, is the toolkit you need to embrace your age and celebrate the wisdom and inner beauty that comes with it.It's not about impossible goals. It's not about running a marathon (unless you want it to be). It's not about denying the ageing process, nor attempting to erase its signs. It's not about letting everything go, either. It's about balance. It's about the possible and the present. And it's about the future you want. How do you lift and smooth your face naturally? Should you go grey, and, if so, how? How do you deal with menopause? Anna combines her knowledge from years of writing about fashion and beauty with her openness to the alternative ways of thinking found in disciplines such as yoga and Chinese medicine. For her natural is always best.As for fashion, Anna knows better than anyone that this can be the ultimate route into surfacing the true you. She shares all her tricks for finding your way to a wardrobe that will transform not just the way you look but the way you feel. And she shares the highlights of her conversations over the years with super-stylish agers such as Iris Apfel and Miuccia Prada. How have they got it right?Drawing on the wisdom of writers as diverse as Pema Chödrön and Eckhart Tolle, Dorothy Rowe and Osho, Nora Ephron and Mary Oliver, she writes about saying goodbye to what doesn't serve you and welcoming what does; about forging relationships that work for you as well as others; and about finding your purpose, whether in your personal or professional life. Discover how the bumps on her road have helped her find her way to her true path. Her hope is that this book will help you to find yours, too.
New Harbinger Publications Mindful Motherhood: Practical Tools for Staying Sane During Pregnancy and Your Child's First Year: Practical Tools for Staying Sane During Pregnancy and Your Child's First Year
From hormones to stretch marks, labor pains to diaper changes, motherhood is an adventure like none other. The rapid changes in your body, your lifestyle, and your very identity call for a certain mental and emotional agility. Mindfulness can help you meet the challenge and approach every experience with your new baby with open eyes and an open heart. Based on research conducted at California Pacific Medical Center, and with a foreword by beloved meditation teacher Sylvia Boorstein, Mindful Motherhood: Practical Tools for Staying Sane During Pregnancy and Your Child's First Year (New Harbinger/Noetic Books, May 2009, $16.95) by psychologist and mom Cassandra Vieten, has been acclaimed by women's health experts, mindfulness teachers, and psychologists alike.Mindful Motherhood provides pregnant women and new moms with a brief, low-cost, easy to implement set of tools to deal with stress, difficult moments, depressed or anxious moods, and negative thought patterns during pregnancy and early motherhood. Based on the principles of mindfulness, this book also provides information, exercises, and ideas to enhance the positive emotions that are part of the experience of motherhood and improve the quality of mother-infant interactions, bringing more attention and awareness to the deep joy and satisfaction that motherhood can bring.Mindful Motherhood provides pregnant women and early moms with:1) accessible information based on science and sound clinical theory,2) practical tools for practicing mindfulness in everyday life,3) stories and examples to inspire interest and clarify points, and4) experiential exercises that will help readers integrate the informationand experiences they have.Mindful Motherhood also offers current insights into the positive psychology of motherhood and mother-infant attachment, translating science and theory into jargon-free language and immediately applicable tools. This book is aimed specifically toward pregnant women and mothers with infants, who would like to deal more effectively with stress and mood during pregnancy and postpartum, who are interested in being the best parent they can be, and who want to cultivate a deeper connection to themselves and their children.The goal is to help women become the kind of present, authentic, connected, emotionally competent, psychologically-balanced, and loving mothers they want to be not to mention enjoying the extraordinary experience of motherhood to its fullest extent.Why it is ImportantA large body of evidence in both animal and human studies indicates that stress and mood disturbance experienced during pregnancy increases the risk for preterm birth, low birth weight, and other pregnancy-related complications, and may adversely affect the developing fetus. Postnatal mood disturbance can interfere with attachment, healthy parenting behaviors, and child development. While a wealth of evidence supports all these facts, surprisingly little information is available to women and clinicians for reducing stress and improving mood in pregnancy and postpartum.Mindful Motherhood is the only book oriented toward teaching research-based mindfulness principles to reduce stress and improve mood in pregnant women and new moms. It is an easy but informative read that gives new moms the psychology, science and health facts behind how mindfulness can enhance mother-infant attachment, and be used in childbirth.
MAIRDUMONT GmbH & Co. KG Vietnam Marco Polo Pocket Travel Guide - with pull out map
Marco Polo Pocket Guide Vietnam: the Travel Guide with Insider Tips Explore Vietnam with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the country's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place. Let Marco Polo show you all that Vietnam has to offer… Vietnam is a country caught between the past and a new dawn. Moss and patina might cover the ancient sites but the streets of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi are a bustle with all the trappings of modernity, and visitors cannot quite believe their eyes. Beyond all the traditional views of Vietnam, of the War, opium pipes and snake wine, this practical, pocket-sized guide leads you to National Parks rich in wildlife, and to natural wonders that will leave you awestruck, whether at Halong Bay in the north or in the flooded world of the Mekong Delta. In between there are 3,200km (2,000 miles) of coast with islands, beaches and hidden hideaways to explore… This is Vietnam! Your Marco Polo Vietnam Pocket Guide includes: Insider Tips – we show you the hidden gems and little-known secrets that offer a real insight into this wonderful country. Discover how you can support a children's aid project by staying at a Baguette & Chocolat guesthouse, or where you can ride an elephant through the jungle. Best of – find the best things to do for free, the best ‘only in’ Vietnam experiences, the best things to do if it rains and the best places to relax and spoil yourself. Sightseeing – all the top sights are organised by area so you can easily plan your trip. Discovery Tours – specially tailored tours will get you to the heart of Vietnam. Experience all of Vietnam’s vivid character with these personal tours. Vietnam in full-colour – Marco Polo Pocket Guide Vietnam includes full-colour photos throughout the guide bringing the country to life offering you a real taste of what you can see and enjoy on your trip. Touring App – you can download any of the Discovery Tours to your smartphone, complete with the detailed route description and map exactly as featured in the guide, free of charge. The maps can be used offline too, so no roaming charges. The perfect navigational tool with distance indicators and landmarks highlighting the correct direction to travel in as well as GPS coordinates along the way. Enjoy stress-free sightseeing and never get lost again! Road Atlas and pull-out map – we’ve included a detailed road atlas and a handy, pull-out map so you can pop the guide in your bag for a full-on sightseeing day or head out with just the map to enjoy your Discovery Tour. Useful Vietnamese phrases – the essential words and phrases are included to help you get by. Trust Marco Polo Pocket Guide Vietnam to show you around this wonderful country. The comprehensive coverage and unique insights will ensure you experience everything Vietnam has to offer and more. The special tips, personal insights and unusual experiences will help you make the most of your trip - just arrive and enjoy.
Little, Brown Book Group The World's 100 Weirdest Sporting Events: From Gravy Wrestling in Lancashire to Wife Carrying in Finland
When we think of the world's great sporting events, we tend to focus on spectacles such as the World Cup, the Olympics, the Derby, the Monaco Grand Prix or the University Boat Race. Yet there is also an alternative world of competition where participants risk life, limb and often dignity for meagre rewards in truly weird sporting pursuits. Step forward the Indonesian sport of sepak bola api, a variation of football in which the barefoot players kick a ball that is on fire; Germany's Mud Olympics, at which competitors play soccer, volleyball and handball while knee-deep in mud; yak racing from Mongolia; Oregon's Pig-N-Ford Races where drivers speed around the track while carrying a live pig under one arm; and Australia's variation of the Boat Race, the Henley-on-Todd Regatta, where, instead of rowing, teams carry their boats along the dry bed of the River Todd. This book lists geographically the world's 100 weirdest sports events, giving full details of their rules and colourful history. They include the grotesque (the national sport of Afghanistan is buzkashi, in which riders on horseback aim to drag the headless carcass of a dead goat towards their opponents' goal), the dangerous (Japanese hardcore wrestlers batter each other with glass fluorescent light tubes instead of their bare hands), and the downright daft in the form of the World Black Pudding Throwing Championships, the World Flounder Tramping Championships, the World Gravy Wrestling Championships and the World Shin-Kicking Championships. Races are staged in all kinds of transportation. Canada is home to the Great Klondike Outhouse Race (for portable toilets), the Vancouver Bathtub Race, and the Windsor Pumpkin Regatta; Colorado hosts the annual Emma Crawford Coffin Races; and the pride of Yorkshire is the Great Knaresborough Bed Race, where teams push a bed (containing human occupant) along a 2.4-mile course that requires a wet crossing of the River Nidd. Animals feature heavily, too. As well as traditional races for ostriches (complete with jockeys), cockroaches (no jockey required), armadillos, sheep, and Oklahoma City's splendid Dachshund Dash, rubber-duck racing is one of the fastest growing sports of recent years with events being held in several countries. Other competitions test an animal's ability to do more than just run or float, such as elephant polo, dog surfing, camel wrestling, rabbit show jumping and pig diving. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that in the near future we may even be treated to synchronized pig diving. Although the plunging porkers might disagree, the appeal of many of these sports is enhanced by taking part. If cheese rolling or volcano boarding are too energetic for your taste, ice golf or underwater hockey too uncomfortable, and lingerie football wouldn't show off your legs to best effect, you could always enjoy more leisurely pursuits like the world championships in rock, paper, scissors or pooh sticks. If, on the other hand, you prefer a watching brief, you could try your hand at cow patty bingo, a North American contest where a field is divided into numbered squares, and contestants bet on which square the cow will take a poop. It is probably the only occasion in life when you can make money from one number two on top of another.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Astrology Coloring Book: Color Your Way to Unlock and Explore Your Spiritual Journey
If the zodiac signs were a coloring book, this would be it! Get to know yourself, your intuition, and the universe better as you color these 120+ gorgeous, cosmic-inspired patterns. Whether you’re new to astrology or you know your way around the zodiac, there’s something for you in Astrology Coloring Book. These captivating coloring templates will help you tune in to your astrological potential and help you zone in on your celestial goings-on. Mindfully color the unique, beautiful templates that are printed on both sides of quality paper so the colors won’t bleed through. Just as there is no right or wrong way to use this book, there is no right or wrong way to color. Whether you use pencils, crayons, or gel pens, color these beautiful illustrations however you wish and in whatever way feels right to you. This is about getting in touch with yourself on your spiritual journey, so if one coloring template doesn’t appeal to you, simply move on to one that does. If you’re a fiery Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius: Maybe you’ll be drawn to warmer colors (such as red, oranges, and yellows), which are colors associated with initiative, courage, and passion—much like these signs. If you’re an airy Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra: The cool colors (such as blues, greens, and purples) might have the more calming qualities your intellect is after. If you’re an earthy Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn: Then darker colors or shades, with their lower-energy vibes, might echo your practicality, diligence, and sensitivity. If you’re a watery Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio: Bright colors tend to have more energy while pastel and tinted colors tend to communicate softer energy—either of which might speak to your emotions and intuition. So why make a coloring book for adults? As we add responsibilities to our lives, we sometimes push aside those things we used to do for sheer enjoyment. With that in mind, these astrology-inspired designs are intended for adult sensibility and dexterity, rather than for children, so these are all yours! One of the great things about coloring is that it’s accessible to anyone, and being able to add your own colors helps make the experience more personal. Astrology is so much more than your daily horoscope, as these coloring pages show. Pick the one that speaks to you, and see where it takes you!
Oxford University Press People Forced to Flee: History, Change and Challenge
People in danger have received protection in communities beyond their own from the earliest times of recorded history. The causes — war, conflict, violence, persecution, natural disasters, and climate change — are as familiar to readers of the news as to students of the past. It is 70 years since nations in the wake of World War II drew up the landmark 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. People Forced to Flee marks this milestone. It is the latest in a long line of publications, stretching back to 1993, that were previously entitled The State of the World's Refugees. The book traces the historic path that led to the 1951 Convention, showing how history was made, by taking the centuries-old ideals of safety and solutions for refugees, to global practice. It maps its progress during which international protection has reached a much broader group of people than initially envisaged. It examines international responses to forced displacement within borders as well as beyond them, and the protection principles that apply to both. It reviews where they have been used with consistency and success, and where they have not. At times, the strength and resolve of the international community seems strong, yet solutions and meaningful solidarity are often elusive. Taking stock today - at this important anniversary – is all the more crucial as the world faces increasing forced displacement. Most is experienced in low- and middle-income countries and persists for generations. People forced to flee face barriers to improving their lives, contributing to the communities in which they live and realizing solutions. Everywhere, an effective response depends on the commitment to international cooperation set down in the 1951 Convention: a vision often compromised by efforts to minimize responsibilities. There is growing recognition that doing better is a global imperative. Humanitarian and development action has the potential to be transformational, especially when grounded in the local context. People Forced to Flee examines how and where increased development investments in education, health and economic inclusion are helping to improve socioeconomic opportunities both for forcibly displaced persons and their hosts. In 2018, the international community reached a Global Compact on Refugees for more equitable and sustainable responses. It is receiving deeper support. People Forced to Flee looks at whether that is enough for what could – and should – help define the next 70 years.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Bright Unknown
A sparkling search for answers, family, and a place to call home.Pennsylvania, 1940s. The only life Brighton Friedrich has ever known is the one she has endured within the dreary walls of Riverside Home—the rural asylum where she was born. A nurse, Joann, has educated and raised Brighton, whose mother is a patient at the hospital. But Joann has also kept vital information from Brighton—secrets that if ever revealed would illuminate Brighton’s troubling past and the circumstances that confine her to Riverside. Brighton’s best friend is a boy she calls Angel, and as they grow up together and face the bleak future that awaits them, they determine to make a daring escape.Nothing can prepare Brighton and Angel for life beyond Riverside’s walls. They have no legal identities, very little money, and only a few leads toward a safe place to land. As they struggle to survive in a world they’ve never seen before, they must rely on each other and the kindness of strangers—some of whom may prove more dangerous than the asylum they’ve fled.Narrated in Elizabeth Byler Younts’s gorgeous style, this poignant and heartbreaking novel explores the power of resilience, the gift of friendship, and the divine beauty to be found in the big, bright world—if only we’re willing to look.Praise for The Bright Unknown:“A beautifully woven story of a young woman’s journey to understanding that the past shapes us but does not define us, and that it is love that gives us the courage to live like we believe it. With prose that is luminous and lyrical, The Bright Unknown is a compelling read from the first page to the last.” —Susan Meissner“With evocative prose and rich detail, Younts draws us into the humanity and hurt of a little examined chapter in American history. Her poignant details will break open your heart, but, with skillful beauty, she makes Brighton—and us—whole again in this wonderful story of hope, grace, and love.” —Katherine Reay“Elizabeth Byler Younts writes with heart, a poet’s pen, and courage. This is I knew when I read The Solace of Water. This was reinforced with my reading of her newest offering. Younts has given us a story which is at once powerful and compassionate, revealing and dignified, heartrending and lyric. Compelling and infused with hope of redemption, The Bright Unknown ushers readers on a journey of empathy. I, for one, am grateful to have read it.” —Susie Finkbeiner“As bold as it is beautiful, as haunting as it is full of hope, The Bright Unknown is a story that will latch onto the minds and hearts of readers, and not easily let go. With luscious language that gives birth to unforgettable characters, Younts is not afraid to explore the dark places for the sake of finding light. I could not put this novel down!” —Heidi Chiavaroli Stand-alone historical novel set in the twentieth century Book length: approximately 110K words Includes discussion questions for book clubs
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Polar Bear Expedition: The Heroes of America's Forgotten Invasion of Russia, 1918-1919
In the brutally cold winter of 1919, 5,000 Americans battled the Red Army 600 miles north of Moscow. We have forgotten. Russia has not."AN EXCELLENT BOOK." —Wall Street Journal • "INCREDIBLE." — John U. Bacon • "EXCEPTIONAL.” — Patrick K. O’Donnell • "A MASTER OF NARRATIVE HISTORY." — Mitchell Yockelson • "GRIPPING." — Matthew J. Davenport • "FASCINATING, VIVID." — Minneapolis Star Tribune An unforgettable human drama deep with contemporary resonance, award-winning historian James Carl Nelson's The Polar Bear Expedition draws on an untapped trove of firsthand accounts to deliver a vivid, soldier's-eye view of an extraordinary lost chapter of American history—the Invasion of Russia one hundred years ago during the last days of the Great War.In the winter of 1919, 5,000 U.S. soldiers, nicknamed "The Polar Bears," found themselves hundreds of miles north of Moscow in desperate, bloody combat against the newly formed Soviet Union's Red Army. Temperatures plummeted to sixty below zero. Their guns and their flesh froze. The Bolsheviks, camouflaged in white, advanced in waves across the snow like ghosts.The Polar Bears, hailing largely from Michigan, heroically waged a courageous campaign in the brutal, frigid subarctic of northern Russia for almost a year. And yet they are all but unknown today. Indeed, during the Cold War, two U.S. presidents, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, would assert that the American and the Russian people had never directly fought each other. They were spectacularly wrong, and so too is the nation's collective memory.It began in August 1918, during the last months of the First World War: the U.S. Army's 339th Infantry Regiment crossed the Arctic Circle; instead of the Western Front, these troops were sailing en route to Archangel, Russia, on the White Sea, to intervene in the Russian Civil War. The American Expeditionary Force, North Russia, had been sent to fight the Soviet Red Army and aid anti-Bolshevik forces in hopes of reopening the Eastern Front against Germany. And yet even after the Great War officially ended in November 1918, American troops continued to battle the Red Army and another, equally formiddable enemy, "General Winter," which had destroyed Napoleon's Grand Armee a century earlier and would do the same to Hitler's once invincible Wehrmacht.More than two hundred Polar Bears perished before their withdrawal in July 1919. But their story does not end there. Ten years after they left, a contingent of veterans returned to Russia to recover the remains of more than a hundred of their fallen brothers and lay them to rest in Michigan, where a monument honoring their service still stands.In the century since, America has forgotten the Polar Bears' harrowing campaign. Russia, notably, has not, and as Nelson reveals, the episode continues to color Russian attitudes toward the United States. At once epic and intimate, The Polar Bear Expedition masterfully recovers this remarkable tale at a time of new relevance.
University of Minnesota Press Jesuit Letters From China, 1583-84
Jesuit Letters From China, 1583–84 was first published in 1986. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.The first eight letters from Jesuit missionaries on mainland China were written in 1583–84 and published in Europe in 1586. M Howard Rienstra's translated marks their first appearance in English. The letters chronicle the patient efforts of Michele Ruggieri and the famed Matteo Ricci to learn Chinese, to gain acceptance in Chinese society, and to explain Christianity to a highly sophisticated non-Christian culture. They also described the China of the late Ming dynasty (1368–1644), a country whose immense size and population had excited the imagination of Europeans for generations.It was Francis Xavier's dream that this mighty kingdom and civilization be opened to the Christian gospel. His dream was at least tentatively fulfilled when Michele Ruggieri was granted residence first in Canton and then in Chao-ch'ing in 1583. Accompanied first by Francesco Pasio and later by Matteo Ricci, Ruggieri initiated the Christian mission in China. Their letters, published initially as an appendix to a volume of Jesuit letters from Japan, were abbreviated and censored by their European editor. In edited form, the letters appeared in 1586 in one French, on German, and three Italian editions.The China of Ruggieri and Matteo Ricci had remained, however, both suspicious of, and closed to, foreigners - a fact which the original letters do not gloss over. Rienstra was carefully compared the abbreviated and censored versions of these letters in their originals, still preserved in the Jesuit archives in Rome. The letters in general indicate how tenuous the Jesuits' situation was and note candidly that only two baptisms had been performed on the mainland during their stay. These results stand in marked contracts to the reports from Japan of tens of thousands of baptisms and to the reports from Portuguese Macao, where Chinese converts were compelled to wear European cloths and to take European names.Such Europeanization was thought to be inappropriate to a successful Christian mission in China. Though criticized at the time by their colleagues in Macao, Ruggieri, Pasio, and Ricci committed themselves to a program of cultural respect and accommodation. They learned both written and spoken Chinese, ingratiated themselves with the ruling classes by exhibiting their learning and courtesy, and appeared to have become Chinese themselves. When Matteo Ricci became Ruggieri's successor and his name became synonymous with the success of the Jesuit mission in China, it was to these methods that its success was owed. Unfortunately, the prevailing European ethnocentrism could not accept the concept of cultural accommodation. The editors thus censored the letters to convey the impression of a triumphant and culturally superior Christian mission in China.Jesuit Letters From China is a publication of the James Ford Bell Library at the University of Minnesota.
John Wiley & Sons Inc High Frequency Techniques: An Introduction to RF and Microwave Design and Computer Simulation
This textbook is an introduction to microwave engineering. The scope of this book extends from topics for a first course in electrical engineering, in which impedances are analyzed using complex numbers, through the introduction of transmission lines that are analyzed using the Smith Chart, and on to graduate level subjects, such as equivalent circuits for obstacles in hollow waveguides, analyzed using Green’s Functions. This book is a virtual encyclopedia of circuit design methods. Despite the complexity, topics are presented in a conversational manner for ease of comprehension. The book is not only an excellent text at the undergraduate and graduate levels, but is as well a detailed reference for the practicing engineer. Consider how well informed an engineer will be who has become familiar with these topics as treated in High Frequency Techniques: (in order of presentation) Brief history of wireless (radio) and the Morse codeU.S. Radio Frequency AllocationsIntroduction to vectorsAC analysis and why complex numbers and impedance are usedCircuit and antenna reciprocityDecibel measureMaximum power transferSkin effectComputer simulation and optimization of networksLC matching of one impedance to anotherCoupled ResonatorsUniform transmission lines for propagationVSWR, return Loss and mismatch errorThe Telegrapher Equations (derived)Phase and Group VelocitiesThe Impedance Transformation Equation for lines (derived)Fano's and Bode's matching limitsThe Smith Chart (derived)Slotted Line impedance measurementConstant Q circles on the Smith ChartApproximating a transmission line with lumped L's and C'sABCD, Z, Y and Scattering matrix analysis methods for circuitsStatistical Design and Yield Analysis of productsElectromagnetic FieldsGauss's LawVector Dot Product, Divergence and CurlStatic Potential and GradientAmpere's Law and Vector CurlMaxwell's Equations and their visualizationThe LaplacianRectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinatesSkin EffectThe Wave EquationThe Helmholtz EquationsPlane Propagating WavesRayleigh FadingCircular (elliptic) PolarizationPoynting's TheoremEM fields on Transmission LinesCalculating the impedance of coaxial linesCalculating and visualizing the fields in waveguidesPropagation constants and waveguide modesThe Taylor Series ExpansionFourier Series and Green's FunctionsHigher order modes and how to suppress themVector Potential and Retarded PotentialsWire and aperture antennasRadio propagation and path lossElectromagnetic computer simulation of structuresDirectional couplersThe Rat Race HybridEven and Odd Mode Analysis applied to the backward wave couplerNetwork analyzer impedance and transmission measurementsTwo-port Scattering Parameters (s matrix)The Hybrid Ring couplerThe Wilkinson power dividerFilter design: Butterworth, Maximally flat & Tchebyscheff responsesFilter QDiplexer, Bandpass and Elliptic filtersRichard's Transformation & Kuroda’s IdentitiesMumford's transmission line stub filtersTransistor Amplifier Design: gain, biasing, stability, and conjugate matchingNoise in systems, noise figure of an amplifier cascadeAmplifier non-linearity, and spurious free dynamic rangeStatistical Design and Yield Analysis