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Baen Books 1824: The Arkansas War
The relocation of the southern Indian tribes to Oklahoma engineered by Sam Houston following the War of 1812 also swept up many black inhabitants of North America. Many of the states in the USA—free as well as slaveholding—have passed laws ordering the expulsion of black freedmen. Having nowhere else to go, they joined the migration of the southern Indian tribes and settled in Arkansas. What results by 1824 is a hybrid nation of Indians, black people, and a number of white settlers as well. The situation is intolerable for the slaveholding states, which find a champion in Speaker of the House Henry Clay, whose longstanding ambition to become President of the United States looks to be coming to fruition. But Sam Houston and his friends and allies —the freedman Charles Ball, a former gunner for the US Navy and now a general in the Arkansas army, and the Irish revolutionary Patrick Driscol — are building a powerful army of their own in Arkansas. The crisis is brought to a head by the election of 1824. The war that follows will be a bloody crisis of conscience, politics, economics, and military action, drawing in players from as far away as England. And for such men as outgoing president James Monroe, Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, charismatic war hero Andrew Jackson, and the violent abolitionist John Brown, it is a time to change history itself. About 1635: A Parcel of Rogues: “The 20th volume in this popular, fast-paced alternative history series follows close on the heels of the events in The Baltic War, picking up with the protagonists in London, including sharpshooter Julie Sims. This time the 20th-century transplants are determined to prevent the rise of Oliver Cromwell and even have the support of King Charles.”—Library Journal About 1634: The Galileo Affair: “A rich, complex alternate history with great characters and vivid action. A great read and an excellent book.”—David Drake “Gripping . . . depicted with power!”—Publishers Weekly About Eric Flint's Ring of Fire series: “This alternate history series is . . . a landmark.”—Booklist “[Eric] Flint's 1632 universe seems to be inspiring a whole new crop of gifted alternate historians.”—Booklist “ . . . reads like a technothriller set in the age of the Medicis . . .”—Publishers Weekly
Peeters Publishers Wasserwesen zur Zeit des Frontinus. Bauwerke - Technik - Kultur: Tagungsband des internationalen Frontinus-Symposiums Trier, 25. - 29. Mai 2016
Der vorliegende Band ist die vierte von Gilbert Wiplinger, diesmal in Verbindung mit Wolfram Letzner, herausgegebene Publikation eines Frontinus-Symposiums als BABESCH-Supplementband zur historischen Wasserwirtschaft. Schon im Verlauf des Symposiums „DE AQUAEDUCTU ATQUE AQUA URBIUM LYCIAE PAMPHYLIAE PISIDIAE - The Legacy of Sextus Julius Frontinus“ (BABESCH-Suppl. 27) im Herbst 2014 stellte sich die Frage nach einer Folgeveranstaltung, für die sich Trier mit seinen römischen Großbauten und einer Verknüpfung zur Geschichte der Frontinus-Gesellschaft anbot. So konnte die Gesellschaft mit diesem Symposium hier auch ihr 40-jähriges Bestehen mit einer Festveranstaltung begehen. Im ersten Abschnitt des Bandes wird der Festakt zur Feier des 40-jährigen Jubiläums der Frontinus-Gesellschaft dokumentiert. Dieser beinhaltet die Erfolgsgeschichte der Gesellschaft, den Festvortrag, die Verleihung der Frontinus-Medaille mit der Laudatio sowie der Dankesrede des Geehrten mit neuen Forschungsergebnissen zum Değirmendere Aquädukt von Ephesos. Der zweite Abschnitt ist dem Veranstaltungsort Trier gewidmet: Die Geschichte der Stadt wird anhand der „Highlights“ der römischen Ausstellung im Rheinischen Landesmuseum erzählt und von deren urbanistischer Entwicklung berichtet. Die Trierer Ruwerleitung und die Barbara- bzw. Kaiserthermen sind dem Wasser gewidmet. Der dritte Abschnitt behandelt juristische Quellen sowie neue Forschungsmethoden in der Aquäduktforschung. Zum ersten Thema wird das moderne Wasserrecht den Texten von Frontinus gegenüber gestellt, dann wird die Herausforderung juristischer Quellen bei der Erforschung römischer Wasserversorgungssysteme aufzeigt. Zum zweiten Thema zählen die mit GPS und Photogrammetrie unterstützten Dokumentationsmethoden an den Aquädukten Roms und einfachere Methoden in Antiochia ad Cragum. Der vierte Abschnitt beschäftigt sich mit Aquädukten und Qanaten: Die große Zahl an Fernwasserleitungen in der Türkei in Katalogform, eine Inschrift der Druckrohrleitung von Alatri in Latium, die Aqua Alexandrina in Rom, der römische Aquädukt von Lissabon, die Wasserleitungen und Bäder von Lebna auf Kreta, römische Münzen zu Aquädukten und zum Wassermanagement, das Almstollensystem im Mönchsberg in Salzburg sowie zwei Beiträge zu Qanaten in Luxemburg sind Themen dieses Abschnittes. Der nächste Abschnitt ist den Thermen, Nymphäen und anderen innerstädtischen Wassernutzungen gewidmet: Die Stabianer Thermen in Pompeji, die Caracallathermen von Rom, die römischen Heilthermen von Aqua Flaviae sind Beiträge zum ersten, die unter Nero und Domitian errichteten Nymphäen am Palatin, und die Nymphäen in den griechischen Provinzen vor Hadrian zum zweiten Thema, wozu auch noch das sog. Mettius-Modestos-Tor von Patara als Wassermonument zählt. Das Macellum von Sagalassos ist der einzige Beitrag zur innerstädtischen Wassernutzung. Im letzten Abschnitt sind verschieden Themen zusammengefasst: Wasserspeicherung in den römischen Goldbergwerken auf der Iberischen Halbinsel, Druckleitungen mit einem neuen Wasserturm aus Ostia und römische Wasserhähne, Wasserknappheit aus römischer Sicht in italienischen Regionen, Wasserversorgung im Libanon, Wassermühlen im Bereich des Rheinischen Braunkohleabbaus und medizinische Aspekte von trinkwasserbedingter Bleivergiftungen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Das Symposium wurde mit Exkursionen zu archäologischen Stätten und Museen nach Luxemburg, Frankreich und im Raum Trier abgerundet.
Nine Arches Press Hide
In Angela France's third poetry collection, Hide, what is invisible is just as important as what lies within plain sight. Layers of personal history are lifted into the light and old skins are shed for new; things thought lost and vanished long ago are just on the edge of perception, yet certainties before our eyes vanish in the blink of an eye.These poems possess their own rich heritage of stories and experiences; themes of magic, wisdom, age and absence are woven into the fabric of this skilful and succinct collection. Readers should also keep their wits about them, for these poems are cunning and quick; they hide nothing, but delight in camouflage, disguise and secrets, patiently awaiting someone who will seek."France's writing engages sensitively with the world as she searches for meaning in the ordinary and movingly explores the borders between shared and private experience. These are poems that make an honest deal with discomfort, following the trails and 'ghostly outlines of existence' with integrity, thoughtfulness and care." Deryn Rees-Jones"'Invisibility must be achieved for success', writes Angela France, revealing one of the truths of why the best poets serve language and are annihilated in the process. Hide is a book of wisdom, dignity and first witness. It offers poems of scrutiny and strength of character. And the poet's language possesses and is possessed by a gloriously sheared weight and shared music." David Morley"Angela France's new collection is a deft and resonant exploration of the half-hidden, taking us 'over there' and 'in there' under the hide of the 'other' and the liminal spaces they inhabit, all evoked with an uncanny command of language and image." Nigel McLoughlin"There are fifty-two complex, thought-provoking poems in this, Angela France's fascinating third collection, all of them engaged with what are clearly deep, lastingly cental preoccupations and, despite her view in "Anagnorisis" that "My only surety is carbon and water, ashes; / language as sensation, / no words", more than justifying the fulsome back-cover endorsements of Nigel McLoughlin, Deryn Rees-Jones and David Morley, who speak of the "integrity, thoughtfulness and care of her work", its "uncanny command of language and image", the sensitivity with which she perceives the world "as she searches for meaning in the ordinary" and its "gloriously sheared weight and shared music"."Ken Head"Angela France's collection not only brings immediate rewards - its depth satisfies more and more on rereading. I enjoyed it immensely."Matthew Stewart, Rogue StrandsAngela France has had poems published in many of the leading journals, in the UK and abroad and has been anthologised a number of times. She has an MA in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of Gloucestershire and is studying for a PhD. Publications include Occupation (Ragged Raven Press) and Lessons in Mallemaroking (Nine Arches Press). Angela is features editor of Iota and runs a monthly poetry cafe, Buzzwords.
Merrell Publishers Ltd Fragile: Birds, Eggs & Habitats
Birds’ eggs are true wonders of the natural world: they are strong enough to protect the embryo as it grows and to withstand incubation by the parent, yet sufficiently fragile to allow the chick to hatch. Little wonder that the enormous diversity of avian eggs – the amazing range of shapes, sizes, colours, textures and patterns – has long fascinated us. Since boyhood, the renowned landscape photographer Colin Prior has had a passion for wild birds. For him, birds are the embodiment of nature, and fundamentally enrich the experience of being outdoors. This stunning new book presents Prior’s remarkable images of birds’ eggs side by side with his dramatic photographs of the birds’ natural habitats. At a time when many human influences are having an adverse impact on the environment, these habitats are equally fragile and vulnerable to change. Loss of habitat is, in turn, a major factor in the decline of wild bird populations. It has been illegal to take any birds’ eggs from the wild in Great Britain since 1954, and since 1982 it has been against the law to possess the egg of any wild bird. The eggs featured in this book belong to the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, which holds one of the world’s largest collections of birds’ eggs. The eggs were collected legally during the late 19th and early 20th centuries and bequeathed to the museum by private collectors. Prior set up a studio at the museum and spent five weeks photographing more than 300 eggs using the latest digital technology. Each photograph is a compilation of between 40 and 80 separate exposures that were then blended into a single image using specialist software. The final image is an exquisite, almost three-dimensional rendition of the egg, pin-sharp from the front to the back. The eggs vary in size from that of the tiny goldcrest, the UK’s smallest bird, to that of the mute swan. In his introduction, Prior describes how his love of the natural world was nurtured by the endless hours he spent in the countryside around the Glasgow suburb where he grew up; how he overcame the technical challenges of photographing the eggs; how the featured eggs were selected from the museum’s collection; and how the photography of each bird’s habitat was completed. In his essay, the Scottish environmentalist Professor Des Thompson reflects on the state of nature and the relationship between nesting and habitats. In the main part of the book, the birds’ eggs are arranged into chapters according to the species found in a particular habitat, such as ‘Mountain and Moorland’ and ‘Seashore and Estuary’. The caption beneath each egg details the common and scientific name of the bird, the date the egg was collected, the size of the clutch, and the egg’s dimensions. Each egg is presented in a diptych with a photograph of the bird’s habitat, painstakingly captured at a time of year when the dominant colours of the landscape most closely resemble those of the egg. Fragile – the culmination of ten years’ work – not only showcases the inherent beauty of birds’ eggs, but also serves as a powerful reminder to protect the birds’ natural habitats and thereby the birds themselves.
Filament Publishing Ltd Notorious: Life with no parole for a crime I did not comit: 2020
As the first person of mixed race with dreadlocks to be a reporter for the British Broadcasting Corporation, on both television and radio (Today Programme, Six O'clock News, Panorama and The One Show) I helped re-write the rules on what makes an international BBC correspondent. I am an experienced undercover and investigative journalist and presenter on both prime-time television and international platforms such as Netflix. Yet it is being an inspiration to an under-served and diverse audience across the globe that inspires me. I broke the mold on what an international reporter looks like, sounds like and has as a background; I am proud of the fact that in doing so I inspire others. Less than a year later I began a new career as a journalist and broadcast reporter for the BBC, starting at the Today programme, the pinnacle of BBC Radio 4. I had a voice, and I was lucky enough to be allowed to use it. There were many other reporters, but none were ex prisoners, non had dreadlocks and non were mixed race. From this most prestigious and influential show I moved to television reporting in 2003 for BBC1's The Six O'Clock News. This is the pinnacle of prime-time television, and here I was, dreadlocks and mixed race, with a long stretch of my life lost to incarceration and fighting to prove my innocence. Not exactly the stereotypical BBC reporter! However, it was precisely this that propelled my career even further and between 2004 and 2006 I made hard hitting documentaries for BBC2 and BBC3, covering issues such as serial killers, knife crime, drugs, corrupt UN peacekeepers, enviromental crime and terrorism. One of my investigations played a pivotal part in freeing a man convicted of the assasination of a high profile BBC celebrity. The BBC recognised that I have tenacity, courage and the life experience that most investigative journalists can only read about, and I became a correspondent for the prestigious Panorama show. This is World's longest running current affairs TV series and once again I was the first ex-prisoner and person of colour, with dreadlocks, to have achieved such a position. This was a far cry from those years in prison cells, fighting to prove I did not commit the crimes of which I was accused. I was now able to use that experience and the skills it taught me of patience and perseverance to become a recognised household name. My work has taken me to some of the world's most dangerous places, but I thrive on it. At times I had to operate undercover to expose injustice and crime. I smuggled conflict diamonds to show how the system was corrupted, secretly filmed Congolese militia rebels to expose their ruthless tactics and threw light on the illegal international logging and deforestation of some of the World's most precious resources. In undertaking that particular assignment I risked my own life to save the life of an orangutan and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I currently host Inside the World's Toughest Prisons on Netflix. Even with my experiences of life inside behind me, and my position as a free and innocent man confirmed, it has been one hell of a discovery. People ask me why go back into maximum security prisons, as an innocent man, after fighting for so many years to get out? "I am scarred by my life experience but I have not allowed it to hold me back."
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Abide Bible Journal - Romans, Paperback, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
Do you yearn for life-giving, intimate communion with God? The Abide Bible Journals are designed to help you experience the peace, hope, and growth that come from encountering the voice and presence of God in Scripture. This journal volume of the book of Romans will help you develop Scripture-engagement habits to help you know the power and spiritual nourishment of abiding in the Word.This Abide Bible Journal is designed to help you focus on the message of this section of the Bible. The format is ideal for personal or group study as each handy journaling paperback includes individual book introductions, a single-column Scripture layout, and powerful passage-specific prompts with light journaling lines opposite each page of Scripture.Created in partnership with Bible Gateway and the Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement, the Abide Scripture engagement prompts are based on four ways of engaging deeply with the Bible: Praying Scripture: Pattern your prayers after biblical texts Picture It: Place yourself in a biblical narrative as a bystander or participant Journal: Focus and reflect on Scripture and its meaning for your life Contemplate: Follow the simple 4-step practice of feasting in God’s Word Features include: Clear and readable Thomas Nelson NET Typeface Thick paper suited for journaling Brief book introductions Innovative Scripture-engagement prompts Handheld size for personal and group study Flexible sewn binding Stunning cover artwork by Stephen Crotts
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Abide Bible Journal - Ecclesiastes, Paperback, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
Do you yearn for life-giving, intimate communion with God? The Abide Bible Journals are designed to help you experience the peace, hope, and growth that come from encountering the voice and presence of God in Scripture. This journal volume of the Book of Ecclesiastes will help you develop Scripture-engagement habits to help you know the power and spiritual nourishment of abiding in the Word.This Abide Bible Journal is designed to help you focus on the message of this section of the Bible. The format is ideal for personal or group study as each handy journaling paperback includes individual book introductions, a single-column Scripture layout, and powerful passage-specific prompts with light journaling lines opposite each page of Scripture.Created in partnership with Bible Gateway and the Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement, the Abide Scripture engagement prompts are based on four ways of engaging deeply with the Bible: Praying Scripture: Pattern your prayers after biblical texts Picture It: Place yourself in a biblical narrative as a bystander or participant Journal: Focus and reflect on Scripture and its meaning for your life Contemplate: Follow the simple 4-step practice of feasting in God’s Word Features include: Clear and readable Thomas Nelson NET Typeface Thick paper suited for journaling Brief book introductions Innovative Scripture-engagement prompts Handheld size for personal and group study Flexible sewn binding Stunning cover artwork by Stephen Crotts
John Wiley & Sons Inc Leading Wisely: Becoming a Reflective Leader in Turbulent Times
Discover true leadership with this actionable guide from a world renowned leadership expert, psychoanalyst, and executive coach In Leading Wisely: Becoming a Reflective Leader in Turbulent Times, renowned leadership expert, psychoanalyst and executive coach Manfred Kets De Vries delivers an insightful and unique exploration of what it means to lead with wisdom. The book demonstrates that exclusive reliance on knowledge, data, and information yields a superficial leadership style lacking in depth and discernment. What's more important in the wisdom equation is possessing humility, judgment, empathy, compassion, and night vision. With eleven chapters full of anecdotes and tales from a variety of spiritual and cultural traditions that enrich and lend a deeper significance to the choices we make as leaders and members of organizations, Leading Wisely provides readers with: A thorough exploration of dealing with negative—but entirely natural motivations, like envy and greed An emphasis on the Golden Rule—treating others as we like to be treated ourselves An opportunity to be courageous—to consciously and intentionally pick our battles, saving energy for what really matters Lessons on how to listen intently and actively, truly hearing what our colleagues, friends, family, and followers are saying before reacting Finding happiness within ourselves Leading Wisely: Becoming a Reflective Leader in Turbulent Times is a startlingly incisive book, filled with messages that make the book required reading for anyone in a position of leadership or power. It also belongs in the libraries of well-being and health practitioners who frequently deal with businesspeople as clients or patients.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Abide Bible Journal - Genesis, Paperback, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
Do you yearn for life-giving, intimate communion with God? The Abide Bible Journals are designed to help you experience the peace, hope, and growth that come from encountering the voice and presence of God in Scripture. This journal volume of the Book of Genesis will help you develop Scripture-engagement habits to help you know the power and spiritual nourishment of abiding in the Word.This Abide Bible Journal is designed to help you focus on the message of this section of the Bible. The format is ideal for personal or group study as each handy journaling paperback includes individual book introductions, a single-column Scripture layout, and powerful passage-specific prompts with light journaling lines opposite each page of Scripture.Created in partnership with Bible Gateway and the Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement, the Abide Scripture engagement prompts are based on four ways of engaging deeply with the Bible: Praying Scripture: Pattern your prayers after biblical texts Picture It: Place yourself in a biblical narrative as a bystander or participant Journal: Focus and reflect on Scripture and its meaning for your life Contemplate: Follow the simple 4-step practice of feasting in God’s Word Features include: Clear and readable Thomas Nelson NET Typeface Thick paper suited for journaling Brief book introductions Innovative Scripture-engagement prompts Handheld size for personal and group study Flexible sewn binding Stunning cover artwork by Stephen Crotts
ACC Art Books David Mellor: Design
"David Mellor ...was the outstanding British flatware designer of the last century and a remarkable man who ... understood, and insisted upon, the essential relationship between making things and designing them" Stephen Bayley, The Guardian "Britain's most serious, modest and greatest post-war product designer" Sir Terence Conran David Mellor: Design is an introduction to the designer, his works and his importance within the British design landscape, post 1950. The wider world knows him for his cutlery, which although exquisite and important, is the tip of the iceberg. To see Mellor as 'just' a cutlery designer is to miss his depth: his love of public projects, street furniture or Church commissions. But then to see Mellor as 'just' a designer is to miss his influence as a patron of architecture, or his passion for retailing and promoting British crafts. He may be the 'King of cutlery' but that is just the beginning. David Mellor (1930-2009) began his career at the RCA, developing sophisticated yet simple aesthetics which he displayed through his silver smithing. His cutlery continued in the Sheffield tradition whilst using some technologically advanced manufacturing methods and radically modern designs. He also designed public street furniture in the 50s and 60s which pulled Britain's streets into the modern era. During the late 1960s he opened a shop in Sloane Square, London. His work as a retailer helped introduce the highest professional design standards into our equipment for cooking with and eating with. It followed the trail led by Elizabeth David, introducing continental cuisine to the country, a development that today seems so natural. Beautifully and comprehensively illustrated, this book opens up the wonderful work of David Mellor to a wider audience. The Design series is the winner of the Brand/Series Identity Category at the British Book Design and Production Awards 2009, judges said: "A series of books about design, they had to be good and these are. The branding is consistent, there is a good use of typography and the covers are superb." Also available: Claud Lovat Fraser ISBN: 9781851496631 GPO ISBN: 9781851495962 Peter Blake ISBN: 9781851496181 FHK Henrion ISBN: 9781851496327 David Gentleman ISBN: 9781851495955 E.McKnight Kauffer ISBN: 9781851495207 Edward Bawden and Eric Ravilious ISBN: 9781851495009 El Lissitzky ISBN: 9781851496198 Festival of Britain 1951 ISBN: 9781851495337 Harold Curwen & Oliver Simon: Curwen Press ISBN: 9781851495719 Jan Le Witt and George Him ISBN: 9781851495665 Paul Nash and John Nash ISBN: 9781851495191 Rodchenko ISBN: 9781851495917 Abram Games ISBN: 9781851496778
Oxford University Press Inc Let the People See: The Story of Emmett Till
Everyone knows the story of the murder of young Emmett Till. In August 1955, a fourteen-year-old Chicago boy was murdered in Mississippi for having--supposedly--flirted with a white woman named Carolyn Bryant, who was working behind the counter of a store. Emmett was taken from the home of a relative later that night by white men; three days later, his naked body was recovered in the Tallahatchie River, weighed down by a cotton-gin fan. Till's killers were acquitted, but details of what had happened to him became public; the story gripped the country and sparked outrage. Black journalists drove down to Mississippi and risked their lives interviewing townsfolk, encouraging frightened witnesses, spiriting those in danger out of the region, and above all keeping the news cycle turning. It continues to turn. The murder has been the subject of books and documentaries, rising and falling in number with anniversaries and tie-ins, and shows no sign of letting up. Some have argued that his lynching did more to launch the Civil Rights movement than Rosa Parks or even Brown v. Board of Education. If that argument holds, it is in large part because of the photographs of Emmett Till--the before-photo of a young man jaunty with prospects, and the after-photos of the grotesquely disfigured face of a young man beaten to death and shot. The photographs, first reprinted in African-American journals and newspapers, didn't make their way to their white equivalents until much later, but they focused attention on the horrible, visceral truth of racism. It became impossible to turn away from them. The Till murder continues to haunt the American conscience. Fifty years later, in 2005, the FBI reopened the case. New papers and testimony have come to light, and several participants, including Till's mother, Mamie Till Mobley, have published autobiographies. Using this new evidence and a broadened historical context, Elliott J. Gorn delves into facets of the case never before studied and considers how and why the story of Emmett Till still resonates, and likely always will. Even as it marked a turning point, Gorn shows, hauntingly, it reveals how old patterns of thought and behavior linger in new faces, and how deeply embedded racism in America remains. Gorn does full justice to both Emmett and the Till Case--the boy and the symbol--and shows how and why their intersection illuminates a number of crossroads: of north and south, black and white, city and country, industrialization and agriculture, rich and poor, childhood and adulthood. This is the best book ever written on Emmett Till.
University of Minnesota Press Smoke on the Waterfront: The Northern Waters Smokehaus Cookbook
A cultural icon of Lake Superior cuisine shares its story, recipes, and techniques A port city where shipping, the fur trade, hunting, and fishing—and infamously long, cold winters—have made the preserving and preparing of meat a singular art, Duluth, Minnesota, was uniquely well suited for the Northern Waters Smokehaus when Eric Goerdt launched it in 1998. Fresh off a stint in Sitka, Alaska, where he’d learned a method of smoking fish called kippering, Goerdt set up shop, and soon what had started as a small sandwich counter expanded into a downtown mainstay with a worldwide trade in its signature offerings, all manner of meat and fish smoked and cured on site. A celebration of the Smokehaus’s singular contribution to the region’s cuisine, Smoke on the Waterfront brings two decades of experience to the table, laying out for food-smoking devotees and for home cooks the stories, recipes, and techniques that have made the establishment a beloved fixture of Third Coast culture. The Northern Waters Smokehaus crew shares their many ways of preserving food (smoking, canning, fermenting, charcuterie), including detailed instructions for their kippering process. Smoke on the Waterfront presents recipes that take advantage of the natural bounty of Lake Superior’s north shore and capture the flavor of a port city’s old-world charm—all workable with simple equipment, such as kettle grills, allowing home cooks to bring the delicious flavors of the Northern Waters Smokehaus to their own kitchens. From simple sandwich construction all the way to sausage twisting, these recipes give readers an opportunity to up their game or to savor their own view of the Smokehaus experience: brining, grilling, freezing, pickling, and fermentation; preparing a charcuterie board, with guidance on sausage, confit, rillettes, light butchery, and sourdough; and roasting, smoking, and braising meats. Whitefish smoked or made into a spread or stock; lake trout curried or stuffed with gremolata; pulled pork Minnesota style, smoked wings, and ribs and kimchi with maple sambal; pickled peppers, onions, jalapeños, mushrooms, and, of course, sauerkraut; smoked Polish, Andouille, lamb, and potato sausages; eelpout étouffée, confit duck legs, poultry liver gravy, and pâté; three-day duck poutine, porketta and pasta, braised ruminant, bison pastrami: that’s a sample of the provisions that run from roe and gravy to casseroles, chowder, and ice cream. Featuring beautiful photographs, carefully crafted recipes, and the pithy conversational comments of the restaurant’s veterans, Smoke on the Waterfront evokes the history and the promise of a rich regional culture that endures—and transcends—boundaries.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Global Renaissance: Literature and Culture in the Era of Expansion, 1500-1700
A COMPANION TO THE GLOBAL RENAISSANCE An innovative collection of original essays providing an expansive picture of globalization across the early modern world, now in its second editionA Companion to the Global Renaissance: Literature and Culture in the Era of Expansion, 1500–1700, Second Edition provides readers with a deeper and more nuanced understanding of both macro and micro perspectives on the commercial and cross-cultural interactions of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Covering a uniquely broad range of literary and cultural materials, historical contexts, and geographical regions, the Companion’s varied chapters offer interdisciplinary perspectives on the implications of early modern concepts of commerce, material and artistic culture, sexual and cross-racial encounters, conquest and enslavement, social, artistic, and religious cross-pollinations, geographical “discoveries,” and more.Building upon the success of its predecessor, this second edition of A Companion to the Global Renaissance radically extends its scope by moving beyond England and English culture. Newly-commissioned essays investigate intercultural and intra-cultural exchanges, transactions, and encounters involving England, European powers, Eastern kingdoms, Africa, Islamic empires, and the Americas, within cross-disciplinary frameworks. Offering a complex and multifaceted view of early modern globalization, this new edition: Demonstrates the continuing global “turn” in Early Modern Studies through original essays exploring interconnected exchanges, transactions, and encounters Provides significantly expanded coverage of global interactions involving England, European powers such as Portugal, Spain, and The Netherlands, Eastern empires such as Japan, and the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires Includes a Preface and Afterword, as well as a revised and expanded Introduction summarizing the evolving field of Global Early Modern Studies and describing the motifs and methodologies informing the essays within the volume Explores an array of new subjects, including an exceptional woman traveler in Eurasia, the Jesuit presence in Mughal India and sixteenth-century Japan, the influence of Mughal art on an Amsterdam painter-cum-poet, the cultural impact of Eastern trade on plays and entertainments in early modern London, Safavid cultural disseminations, English and Portuguese slaving practices, the global contexts of English pattern poetry, and global lyric transmissions across cultures A wide-ranging account of the global expansions and interactions of the period, A Companion to the Global Renaissance: Literature and Culture in the Era of Expansion, 1500–1700, Second Edition remains essential reading for early modern scholars and students ranging from undergraduate and graduate students to more advanced scholars and specialists in the field.
Elsevier Health Sciences Mosby's Drug Guide for Nursing Students with update
Find the information you need to administer drugs safely, accurately, and professionally! Mosby's Drug Guide for Nursing Students, 15th Edition with 2024 Update provides concise profiles of more than 4,000 generic and trade name drugs, including the drugs most recently approved by the FDA. Each drug monograph includes clear guidelines to dosing, administration, and the nursing process, so you'll always be sure that you're practicing medication safety. What sets this handbook apart is its detailed coverage of rationales and explanations, IV drugs, and the similarities and differences in common classes of drugs. From well-known pharmacology expert Linda Skidmore-Roth, this drug guide has been trusted by nursing students for more than 25 years! More than 4,000 generic and trade-name drugs are profiled, covering almost every drug you will administer in practice or in clinicals. Alphabetical organization by generic name provides quick and easy access to specific drugs, and a full-color design highlights important information. Nursing Process steps are used as the framework for organizing all nursing care information. Black Box Warnings provide alerts to FDA warnings of dangerous or life-threatening drug reactions. High Alert headings indicate drugs that pose the great risk if administered improperly. Additional drug monographs on the Evolve website provide information on the most recently approved drugs. Individual drug monographs include generic name, pronunciation, functional and chemical classification, do-not-confuse drug names, action, therapeutic outcome, uses, unlabeled uses, pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, contraindications, precautions, dosages and routes, adverse effects, interactions (including drug/herb, drug/food and lab test), nursing considerations, black box warnings, patient/family education, and treatment of overdose. Drug Categories sections promote the safe administration of common classes of drugs, explaining the similarities and differences among drugs in the same functional class including their common side effects and interactions. Common and life-threatening side effects are organized by body system, showing signs to watch for during assessments. Coverage of IV drug administration highlights dosage and IV administration instructions, including safety considerations and Y-site, syringe, and additive compatibilities. Complete pharmacokinetic information includes the mechanism and absorption of the drug, as well as its action, duration, and excretion. Photo atlas of drug administration includes full-color illustrations showing physical landmarks and administration techniques used for IV and other drugs. Cross-references indicate drug information that may be found in the appendixes. Flexible, water-resistant cover provides durability in the clinical setting. NEW! Information on new drugs for 2024 is included in the appendix. NEW! Updated Drug Categories sections include the new 2024 drugs.
University of Washington Press The Found Generation: Chinese Communists in Europe during the Twenties
In contrast to the Lost Generation of youth in the West, who were disoriented and disillusioned by the First World War and its aftermath, the Chinese youth born between 1895 and 1905 not only believed they had a duty to “save” their nation but pursued their goal through social and political experimentation. The vigorous purpose and optimism of this Found Generation contrasted with the apathy and detachment of their Western counterparts, who followed a different path in coming to terms with the new world of the twentieth century. Just after the First World War, sixteen hundred Chinese young men and women traveled to Europe, most of them to France, as members of the Work-Study Movement. Their goal was to study Western technology and culture and utilize this knowledge to achieve “national salvation,” and they planned to finance their study at European schools by factory work. While in Europe, many of these students became politicized, partly through their exposure to European political ideas such as Marxism, and partly through the social network based on shared experience that transcended what would have separated them in China. One important result of this political activity was the formation of the European Branches of the Chinese Communist ORganizations (ECCO). The Found Generation explores the origins, development, and significance of the ECCO, highlights the differences between it and the Communist home organization, and describes its impact on the Chinese Communist Party. The founders of the ECCO shared values and goals with their compatriots in China, but their experiences and opportunities in Europe molded them in different ways that can be traced in their later careers. On their return to China, many of the young activists--including Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yi, Cai Hesen, Li Lisan, Zhu De, Nie Rongzhen, and Wang Ruofei--quickly assumed powerful positions in Chinese politics, and their influence is still felt today. Levine’s examination of the early experiences of this important cohort of Chinese leaders helps explain their adherence to the Leninist concept of Party discipline and their tenacious hold over central governmental power. The Found Generation is a pioneering study based on original sources (including interviews with several prominent participants in the Work-Study Movement and the ECCO), Chinese studies and memoirs, and Chinese and French periodicals. It provides otherwise unavailable information and analysis about the political leadership of modern China and, by pointing out the differences between the Chinese radicals in Europe in China, it furthers our understanding of the conflicts, motivations, and values of modern Chinese leaders.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Fool Proof: How Fear of Playing the Sucker Shapes Our Selves and the Social Order—and What We Can Do About It
The fear of playing the fool is a universal psychological phenomenon and an underappreciated driver of human behavior; in the spirit of Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink, Dan Ariely’s Predictably Irrational, and Susan Cain’s Quiet, Fool Proof tracks the implications of the sucker construct from personal choices to cultural conflict, ultimately charting an unexpected and empowering path forward.In the American moral vernacular, we have a whole thesaurus for victims of exploitation. They are suckers (born every minute), fools (not suffered gladly), dupes, marks, chumps, pawns, and losers. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Cultural stories about suckers abound too: the Trojan Horse, the Boy Who Cried Wolf, the Emperor’s New Clothes, even Hansel and Gretel. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. Don’t go out with him; he only wants one thing. The fear of playing the fool is not just a descriptive fact; it is a prescriptive theme: Don’t let that be you. Most of us are constantly navigating two sets of imperatives: how to be successful and how to be good. The fear of being suckered whispers that you can’t do both, operating as a quiet caution against leaps of faith and acts of altruism. University of Pennsylvania law professor and moral psychologist Tess Wilkinson-Ryan brings evidence from studies in psychology, sociology, and economics to show how the sucker construct shapes, and distorts, human decision-making. Fool Proof offers the first in-depth analysis of the sucker’s game as implicit worldview, drawing evidence everywhere from grocery shopping to international trade deals, from road rage to #MeToo. Offering real-world puzzles and stories, Wilkinson-Ryan explores what kinds of hustles feel like scams and which ones feel like business as usual, who gets pegged as suckers and who gets lauded as saints. She takes deep dives into areas like the psychology of stereotyping, the history of ethnic slurs, and the economics of the family—and shows how the threat of being suckered is deployed to perpetuate social and economic hierarchies. Ultimately, Fool Proof argues that the goal is not so much to spot the con as to renegotiate its meaning. The fear of being suckered can be weaponized to disrupt cooperation and trust, but it can also be defused and reframed to make space for moral agency and social progress. Facing the fear of being suckered head-on means deciding for ourselves what risks to take, what relationships to invest in, when to share, and when to protest—drafting a new template for how to live with integrity in a sucker’s world.
Elsevier Health Sciences The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management
Comprehensive in scope and exclusively devoted to feline medical care, Dr. Susan Little's The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management is an essential resource for anyone who provides complete, state-of-the-art care to cats. In one convenient volume, you'll find authoritative, clinically-focused information enhanced by full-color illustrations, tables, boxes, algorithms, key points, and much more - all in a format designed for quick access. Dr. Little and her expert contributors address the unique concerns and challenges facing the feline practitioner, including the latest advances in feline medical diagnosis and management and their clinical applications to everyday practice. User-friendly and complete, The Cat is also available as an e-book, giving you easy access to the complete, fully-searchable contents online. Covers the latest advances in feline medicine from a systemic and adjunctive care perspective. It's the most comprehensive feline medical reference available with a strong clinical focus. Helps you meet the increasing demand for state-of-the-art medical care by cat owners - including advanced diagnostic services and treatments designed to extend and improve quality of life for feline companions. Features a full-color design with hundreds of schematic drawings, tables, boxes, key points, algorithms, and photographs for quick and easy access to information. Addresses key topics unique to feline medicine and not currently covered in other books, including: insights and clinical advances attributable to the mapping of the feline genome; medical conditions associated with behavioral problems; managing the feline patient with co-existing and chronic disease; special medical problems and care considerations for the geriatric cat; environmental enrichment for the indoor cat; feline zoonotic agents and implications for human health; and shelter medicine and overpopulation solutions. Provides in-depth information on indoor cats and senior cats, including timely guidance on meeting owners' expectations for longer, healthier lives for their cats. Addresses the challenges of pet overpopulation, particularly the impact of millions of feral cats on public health and the environment. Presents information written in the manner of expanded conference proceedings, delivering the latest insights and most current approaches to management of feline medical disorders. Includes contributions from approximately 60 contributors, drawing on the valuable expertise of those most knowledgeable in the field of feline medical care. Bears the full endorsement of the Winn Feline Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports studies about cat health and funds feline research projects worldwide, and is internationally regarded as a major contributor to the health and wellbeing of all cats. The complete contents also are available online through Veterinary Consult.
Orenda Books The Shot: The shocking, searingly authentic new thriller from award-winning ex-CNN news executive Sarah Sultoon
An aspiring TV journalist faces a shattering moral dilemma and the prospect of losing her career and her life, when she joins an impetuous photographer in the Middle East. A shocking, searingly authentic thriller by award-winning ex-CNN news executive Sarah Sultoon.‘Shocking and visceral, this novel deals with the horrors of war … a brave, important and utterly compelling book’ S J Watson ‘Gritty, hard-hitting and often harrowing … a hugely exciting voice in crime fiction’ Victoria Selman‘A powerhouse writer’ Jo Spain––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––An act of mercyOr the ultimate betrayal…Who decides?Samira is an up-and-coming TV journalist, working the nightshift at a major news channel and yearning for greater things. So when she’s offered a trip to the Middle East, with Kris, the station’s brilliant but impetuous star photographer, she leaps at the chanceIn the field together, Sami and Kris feel invincible, shining a light into the darkest of corners … except the newsroom, and the rest of the world, doesn’t seem to care as much as they do. Until Kris takes the photograph.With a single image of young Sudanese mother, injured in a raid on her camp, Sami and the genocide in Darfur are catapulted into the limelight. But everything is not as it seems, and the shots taken by Kris reveal something deeper and much darker … something that puts not only their careers but their lives in mortal danger.Sarah Sultoon brings all her experience as a CNN news executive to bear on this shocking, searingly authentic thriller, which asks immense questions about the world we live in. You'll never look at a news report in the same way again... ‘A powerful story of the brutality of front-line journalism. Authentic, provocative and terrifyingly relevant’ Will Carver ‘A gritty, jarring page-turner’ Peter Hain ‘Passionate, disturbing storytelling at its best’ James Brabazon ‘You won't read another book like this in 2022! Raw, authentic, powerful ... you won't see the end coming!’ E C Scullion ‘Brilliantly conveys both the exhilaration and the unspeakable horror of life on the international news frontline’ Jo Turner ‘Astute and penetrating, evoking feelings that are long lasting and hard to shake off … Sarah Sultoon is a new and welcome voice in what can be a very crowded genre’ Random Things through My Letterbox ‘A masterclass in storytelling and cinematic in scope’ Live & Deadly ‘Brutally honest, extremely thought-provoking, stark and vivid … impossible to put down’ Jen Med’s Book ReviewsPraise for The Source**Winner: Crime Fiction Lover Best Debut Award**‘A brave and thought-provoking debut novel. Sarah Sultoon tackles a challenging and disturbing subject without sensation, and her sensitive handling, tight plotting and authentic storytelling make for a compelling read’ Adam Hamdy‘A taut and thought-provoking book that’s all the more unnerving for how much it echoes the headlines in real life’ CultureFly‘A tense thriller, a remarkable debut, heartbreaking, but ultimately this is a story of resilience and survival’ New Books Magazine‘A powerful, compelling read that doesn’t shy away from some upsetting truths … written with such energy’ Fanny Blake‘Tautly written and compelling, not afraid to shine a spotlight on the darker forces at work in society’ Rupert Wallis‘So authentic and exhilarating … breathtaking pace and relentless ingenuity’ Nick Paton Walsh, CNN‘A powerful, intense whammy of a debut that is both uncomfortable and exhilarating to read … Thought-provoking, tense, and expressive’ LoveReading‘A gripping, dark thriller’ Geoff Hill, ITV‘A cleverly constructed story that offers an authentic view behind the scenes in a British newsroom … an original and wholly engaging debut. Definitely a name to watch’ Crime Fiction Lover‘My heart was racing … fiction to thrill even the most hard-core adrenaline junkies’ Diana Magnay, Sky News ‘Unflinching and sharply observed. A hard-hitting, deftly woven debut’ Ruth Field‘With this gripping, fast-paced debut thriller, it’s easy to see what made Sultoon such a great journalist’ Clarissa Ward, CNN ‘A hard-hitting, myth-busting rollercoaster of a debut’ Eve Smith‘I could picture and feel each scene, all the fear, tension and hope’ Katie Allen For fans of Holly Watt, Sarah Vaughan, Laura Lippman and Karin Slaughter
Nova Science Publishers Inc Contemporary Issues in Childhood Malnutrition
Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in a person's intake of energy and/or nutrients. Child malnutrition, in all its forms, includes undernutrition, which includes wasting (low weight-for-height), stunting (low height-for-age) and underweight (low weight-for-age), micronutrient-related malnutrition (a lack of important vitamins and minerals) or micronutrient excess, overweight, obesity, and resulting diet-related non-communicable diseases. Malnutrition is one of the most important factors for improper physical and mental development of children. One in every five children in the developing world is malnourished, and poor nutrition is associated with half of all child deaths worldwide. The problem of low or excessive body weight concerns countries with different levels of socio-economic development. This is a medical, social, and economic issue. Every country in the world is affected by one or more forms of malnutrition. Combating malnutrition in all its forms is one of the greatest global health challenges. Infants, children and adolescents are at particular risk of malnutrition. In children, malnutrition has particularly significant health consequences during both early development and adulthood. Malnutrition endangers children's survival, health, growth and development, slows national progress towards the developmental goals and thus diminishes the strength and capacity of nation. Malnutrition in terms of undernutrition is substantially higher in rural than in urban areas and children from indigenous populations often have the poorest nutritional status. The developmental, economic, social, and medical impacts of the global burden of malnutrition are serious and lasting for all involved including individuals and their families, communities and countries. Poor nutrition during the early years of life can also have severe consequences for subsequent skeletal and immunological development. Studies have demonstrated that undernutrition is not caused by food insecurity alone. Other factors range from the length of the breastfeeding period and the availability of milk oligosaccharides, pathogen exposure, and enteric dysfunction marked by villus atrophy and loss of gut barrier function. Differences in the succession of microbial establishment and maturity might contribute to family discordances in nutritional status. Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. Its prevalence has increased at an alarming rate. Globally, in 2016, the number of overweight children under the age of five is estimated to be over 41 million. Almost half of all overweight children under 5 lived in Asia. Overweight and obesity have been linked to adverse psychological and physical outcomes during childhood and continuing into adolescence and adulthood. The association between overweight and obesity with psychosocial problems (anxiety, depression and negative self-image), health problems (diabetes and cardiovascular events) and impaired social, educational and economic productivity has been well documented. Moreover, the negative impact of being underweight, overweight, or obese on the health and development of children and adolescents can also extend into adulthood, increasing the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases and disability. Overweight and obesity, as well as their related diseases, are largely preventable. Therefore prevention of childhood obesity is a high priority. The mechanism of development of obesity is not fully understood and it is believed to be a disorder with multiple causes. Environmental factors, lifestyle preferences, and cultural environment play pivotal roles in the rising prevalence of obesity worldwide. In general, overweight and obesity are assumed to be the result of an increase in caloric and fat intake. On the other hand, there are supporting evidence that excessive sugar intake by soft drink, increased portion size, and steady decline in physical activity have been playing major roles in the rising rates of obesity all around the world. Nutritional assessmentis the interpretation of anthropometric, biochemical, clinical and dietary data to determine whether a person or groups of people are well nourished or malnourished (over-nourished or under-nourished). Research can be aimed at identifying the various social, cultural, political, and economic factors of nutrition in order to fully understand the underlying causes of malnutrition. The social determinants of malnutrition can be explored through both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Furthermore, exploring the issues of food security, dietary diversity, and infant-feeding practices can provide a comprehensive understanding of a population's nutritional status.
Little, Brown Book Group The Empty Room: The Sunday Times bestselling thriller
What do you do when your child disappears?'A hugely compelling story of loss, grief and vengeance, The Empty Room is probably the best novel yet by one of our finest mystery writers. Unmissable.' John Connolly'The tension and heartbreak kept me turning the pages' Patricia Gibney'A searing, thrilling and heartbreaking look at life, loss and revenge, expertly handled by a hugely talented storyteller' Chris WhitakerPandora - Dora - Condron wakes one morning to discover her 17-year old daughter Ellie, has not come home after a party.The day Ellie disappears, Dora is alone as her husband Eamon has already left for the day in his job as a long-distance lorry driver. So Dora does the usual things: rings around Ellie's friends... but no one knows where she is. Her panic growing, Dora tries the local hospitals and art college where Ellie is a student - but then the police arrive on her doorstep with the news her daughter's handbag has been discovered dumped in a layby.So begins Dora's ordeal of waiting and not knowing what has become of her girl. Eamon's lack of empathy and concern, Dora realises, is indicative of the state of their marriage, and left on her own, Dora begins to reassess everything she thought she knew about her family and her life. Increasingly isolated and disillusioned with the police investigation, Dora feels her grip on reality slipping as she takes it upon herself to find her daughter - even if it means tearing apart everything and everybody she had ever loved, and taking justice into her own hands. Praise for The Empty Room 'Superb' Natasha Cooper, Literary Review'A finely calibrated account of loss, grief and simmering rage' Irish Times'A powerful portrayal of one mother's desperate ordeal... perceptive' Sunday Independent'The Empty Room has all the elements of great drama - murder, revenge, sacrifice - along with complex moral questions that will keep you engaged long after the final thrilling page' Martina Murphy'A compulsive, addictive, heart rending read, The Empty Room is a tale of grief and loss, and ultimately redemption, that puts Brian McGilloway at the very top of the game. I could not put it down' Sam Blake'Masterful, humane, compelling, beautifully written, utterly convincing - and without a wasted word' Catherine Kirwan 'The Empty Room is a tense, and at times claustrophic, slow-burner which builds to a devastating conclusion' Claire Allan'A tense thriller' Irish Daily Mail'The Empty Room surely secures Brian's place as one of the best writers out there. . . a thoughtful exploration of a mother struggling with a changed world. . . exceptional' Chris MacDonald 'High tension and high emotion make this story a page turner' Roisin Meaney'An utterly gripping and propulsive read, as one would expect from one of Ireland's finest thriller writers' Irish Independent'A terrific thriller. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough, and the final act is going to haunt me for a long time to come' B P Walter Praise for Brian McGilloway 'A compulsive police procedural, but it's so much more than that: thought-provoking, compassionate and beautifully-written. McGilloway is one of the finest crime-writers working today' Ann Cleeves'Blood Ties is one of those rare gems; a beautifully written crime novel that's also brilliantly paced, skillfully plotted and utterly absorbing. Brian McGilloway is, quite simply, a master of his art. Bravo' Jo Spain'Brian McGilloway's police procedurals are a masterclass in crime fictions' Andrea Carter'A clever, engaging and beautifully crafted police procedural' Irish Independent'Some of the very best crime fiction being written today' Lee Child on Bad Blood'This dazzling, labyrinthine debut impresses not only for the authentic depiction of a troubled community and the conflicts of a fallible detective, but also for the intense portrait of the borderlands themselves; as beautiful and terrible as the secrets they keep' Guardian'McGilloway's Borderlands was one of last years most impressive debuts. Does Gallows Lane pass the feared second-novel test? Easily.' The Times'McGilloway skilfully handles the tangled threads of a conspiracy surrounding an old crime, to make a satisfying mystery with an attractive central character.' Sunday Telegraph
Cornerstone My Name is Barbra: The Sunday Times Bestselling Autobiography and Music Book of the Year 2023
A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER and THE TIMES MUSIC BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023. The exhilarating and startlingly honest autobiography of the living legend.'Over almost a thousand pages, the diva to end them all documents her rise to the top and the tears and joys that went with it … What really brings this alive is Barbra Streisand’s admission of the insecurity that drives her.' The Times'Exhilarating … leaves blood on the page … My Name Is Barbra is 992 pages of startling honesty and self-reflection, deadpan parenthetical asides, encyclopedic recall of onstage outfits, and rigorous analyses of her films' Vanity Fair'I have been patiently waiting for Barbra Streisand’s autobiography for 54 years….My Name is Barbra is a Streisand obsessive’s dream come true. It addresses all the rumours and misrepresentations of her long and extraordinary life, from nearly missing out on A Star is Born to dating Pierre Trudeau, Omar Sharif and Marlon Brando. The wait has been worth every word!' – Richard E Grant, Sunday Times‘The mother of all memoirs’ New Yorker‘A brilliant memoir’ Hillary Clinton‘Glorious, exuberant, chatty and candid, a 970-page victory lap past all who ever doubted, diminished or dissed her . . . generous dollops of chutzpah … Nobody puts Barbra in the corner’ New York Times‘Mystical, messy, bawdy and funny … My Name is Barbra confides her insecurities and a ravening hunger for fame … silent but eloquent and vociferous writing' Peter Conrad, The Observer‘At heart this is a story so bursting with life, fury, unbelievable ambition and food (Streisand loves to eat) that you come away from it exhausted but smiling … hear hear!’ The Guardian‘This enormous, poignant memoir from the ultimate showbusiness trouper shows that you can never have it all (even if you’re Barbra). The writing is great and the likeable formidable personality shines through . . . deeper than the average celebrity memoir’ The Times‘A glorious doorstopper… the sheer ambition of this intricately woven memoir makes it a fascinating read. The delicate pages bring to mind a Russian novel or, perhaps more appropriately for the many who view Streisand as akin to a deity, a bible. And yet, Streisand writes relatively succinctly, with warmth and wit. Behind the sequins, beneath the wigs and through the glass of the recording studio, there’s just a woman who dreamed of being famous and make it happen, on her terms. It’s an accomplished and entrancing walk through a life well lived’ Evening Standard‘No less than a living legend … Streisand’s story is truly inspirational and it’s one that you’ll want to pick up again and again’ GlamourBarbra Streisand is by any account a living legend, a woman who in a career spanning six decades has excelled in every area of entertainment. She is among the handful of EGOT winners (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony) and has one of the greatest and most recognisable voices in popular music. She has been nominated for a Grammy 46 times, and with Yentl she became the first woman to write, produce, direct, and star in a major motion picture. In My Name Is Barbra, she tells her own story about her life and extraordinary career, from growing up in Brooklyn to her first star-making appearances in New York nightclubs to her breakout performance in Funny Girl (musical and film) to the long string of successes in every medium in the years that followed. She recounts her early struggles to become an actress, eventually turning to singing to earn a living; the recording of some of her acclaimed albums; the years of effort involved in making Yentl; her direction of The Prince of Tides; her friendships with figures ranging from Marlon Brando to Madeleine Albright; her political advocacy; and the fulfillment she's found in her marriage to James Brolin. No entertainer's memoir has been more anticipated than Barbra Streisand's, and this engrossing book will be eagerly welcomed by her millions of fans. ST Bestseller, November 2024.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe How to Sail Around the World
Whether you'd like to sail around the entire world or just part of it, the well-tested sea wisdom in "How to Sail Around the World" will make your voyage easier and more successful. Here's clear and authoritative information on how to buy a small sailing yacht at a modest price, how to sail her on a big ocean, and what it's like to live aboard. Hal Roth has been a long-distance sailor for 37 years. He has sailed around the world three times and has logged 200,000 miles at sea either with his wife or by himself. His books "Two Against Cape Horn", "Two on a Big Ocean", and "Always a Distant Anchorage" are recognized classics of voyaging literature, and his instructional book "After 50,000 Miles", published a quarter century ago, ranks among the most influential sailing books ever written.Yet Roth's first sympathies are still 'for the beginner with stars in his eyes and not much money,' and "How to Sail Around the World" emphasizes the simple, the essential, and the affordable for ordinary people who would like to see the world from a new and challenging perspective. To a rare degree, Roth combines a mastery of technical content with an ability to render it in elegant writing that's a pleasure to read. "How to Sail Around the World" is at once authoritative and accessible. Roth's strongly held opinions, convincingly argued (he chooses not to sail with a refrigerator, for example), add to the book's appeal. "How to Sail Around the World" will tell you how sailing yachts are built and rigged, how to handle the sails, and what you need to know about anchors and anchoring. There are details of cooking and eating aboard, sailing at night, planning the trip, foreign paperwork, and exact figures on what it all costs, as well as the clearest and most comprehensive directions ever published on how to deal with storms at sea. In the beginning, voyaging can be a terrifying prospect. The storms, the leaks, the anchoring, handling the sails, deciding on the route - so many unknowns. But what a payoff!You can sail to Venice, London, Sydney, San Francisco, or Hong Kong. You can pick an island in the middle of the Aegean, listen to green and yellow parrots in the wilds of the Amazon, or visit a thousand places in between. It's exciting to sail to a distant landfall at a slow and leisurely pace, and to meet people in foreign lands. Fortunately, yachts travel slowly and give you time to learn the fundamentals of long-distance sailing. With patience you will begin to put it all together; life aboard will suddenly start to click. It will happen sooner than you think, and this book will help you. The big secret of world travel is to do it in a sailing yacht. You take your deluxe hotel with you, which gives you everything you need to exist pleasantly and comfortably - a snug berth, a writing desk, a navigation center, and a compact little galley - all in a small and neat package.Once you have your own boat, you can sail for years without the terrible daily costs and hassles of hotels, restaurants, and airplanes. You entirely sidestep the annoyance of reservations, standing in line, security screening, and dragging around awkward luggage. You do things at your own pace because you're in charge. Where do you begin? Start by reading "How to Sail Around the World". In this guide, based on 200,000 miles of hands-on world-cruising experience, Hal Roth gives you all the information you need to plan, launch, and relish every moment of a journey that is every sailor's dream. You'll learn how to: find a suitable boat for your voyaging ; assemble a versatile sail inventory; select tools and spare parts; plan your route and timing; choose the right anchors and how to use them; minimize costs; stay warm, dry, and well fed; cope with paperwork in foreign ports; and, much more!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Reflections on Leadership and Career Development: On the Couch with Manfred Kets de Vries
Views from the interface of psychoanalysis and organizational life In the books in this series Manfred Kets de Vriesfailed engineer, entrepreneur manqué, reluctant economist, international management guru, psychoanalyst, wit, and outdoorsmanoffers an overview of his work spanning four decades, a period in which he has established himself as the leading figure in the clinical study of organizational leadership. At a key point in his career, working as he puts it, "in the twilight zone of economics, management, and psychoanalysis," he decided to strike out on a little-trodden path and "bring the person back into the organization." Now Kets de Vries occupies a unique position in the academic business world, putting leaders and companies of the couch and working at the often intimate interface where the inner theater of the individual meets the outer world of the organization. The second book in this series, Reflections on Leadership and Career Development, takes different perspectives on the intimate connection between the personality or "inner theater" of individuals and the organizational context in which they workhow different personality types, in positions of leadership or as members of management teams, affect the functioning and success of organizations. Kets de Vries looks at the way basic psychological processes operate on individual and corporate performance and analyzes them in the context of case studies of leaders and organizations. He examines narcissism, dysfunctional collusion between leaders and followers, some new leadership archetypes, and the roles that "organizational therapists" (coaches or consultants) can play in their interventions. The book includes a lengthy study of Vladimir Putin, as "CEO of Russia, Inc.," an assessment of the former Russian president's performance as an organizational leader. The final part of the book examines the career life cycle and how executives cope (or fail to cope) with rites de passage like succession and retirement. "For the first time this book provides a glimpse of Manfred Kets de Vries' own 'inner theater' as the wellspring of his success as psychoanalyst, mentor and inspiration to a generation of leaders. Reflections on Leadership and Career Development offers a rare opportunity to observe Manfred on his own legendary couch, a personal perspective not to be missed." Paul McMorran, HR Director, TNK-BP
Random House USA Inc El Gato ensombrerado ha regresado (The Cat in the Hat Comes Back Spanish Edition)
Una nueva edición, en español y rimada, del clásico para primeros lectores de Dr. Seuss. Una continuación de El Gato Ensombrerado. El Gato ha regresado junto con veintisiete diminutos gatitos que viven dentro de su sombrero (alias Gatitos A-Z) en esta nueva edición en español del clásico de Dr. Seuss tan querido por sus lectores. Dick y Sally tienen montañas de nieve que palear, y no hay tiempo para jugar. Cuando el Gato viene de visita, entra a la casa y toma un baño en la bañera. Ningún problema, ¿cierto? ¡Se equivocan! La mancha rosada que deja en la bañera crea un GRAN problema cuando pasa a formar parte del vestido blanco de mamá, de los zapatos de papá, del piso, de las paredes y, por último, ¡de la nieve que invade el patio! ¿Podrán DE UNA VEZ limpiar esas manchas rosadas? Este cuento clásico es ideal para lectores principiantes y para leer en voz alta. Creada por Dr. Seuss, la serie de libros para primeros lectores (Beginner Books) anima a los niños a leer ellos solos con palabras sencillas y divertidos dibujos que dan sentido a la lectura.Las ediciones rimadas, en español, de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss, publicadas por Random House, brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (Y pensar que lo vi por la calle Porvenir); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); y Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos). Además, se publicarán nuevas ediciones en español ¡todos los años!A rhymed Spanish edition of the classic Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss—a sequel to The Cat in the Hat. The Cat is back—along with 27 miniature cats who live inside his hat (AKA Little Cats A-Z)—in this Spanish edition of the beloved Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss! Dick and Sally have mountains of snow to shovel and no time to play. So when the Cat comes to visit, he goes inside their house to take a bath. No problem, right? Wrong! The pink ring he leaves in the tub creates a very BIG problem when he transfers the stubborn stain onto Mother's white dress, Dad's shoes, the floors, the walls, and ultimately, the entire yard full of snow! Will the kids EVER clean up the pink mess? This classic story is the perfect choice for beginning readers and read-alouds! Originally created by Dr. Seuss, Beginner Books encourage children to read all by themselves, with simple words and illustrations that give clues to their meaning.Random House's rhymed, Spanish-language editions of classic Dr. Seuss books make the joyful experience of reading Dr. Seuss books available for the more than 38 million people in the United States who speak Spanish. Readers can enjoy The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (Y pensar que lo vi por la calle Porvenir); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); and Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos). Expect new translations to be made available every year!
Georgetown University Press SFS 100: A Century of Service
Established in 1919 as a direct response to the United States’ involvement in the First World War, the Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS) at Georgetown University has long excelled in its mission to train students for international service. Since its inception, SFS has provided a rigorous education grounded in theory, practice, and the Jesuit value of service to numerous alumni who have shaped global affairs in pathbreaking ways. SFS 100: A Century of Service is a handsomely illustrated volume that celebrates the school’s first one hundred years and the faculty and alumni who have made SFS the world’s top school of international affairs. And this collection of stories reflects the people and ideas that have shaped SFS’s identity and impact. Organized thematically to link the development of the school to world events over the last century, SFS 100 profiles key alumni and faculty who have applied their knowledge to the greater world in their varying positions as heads of state, diplomats, military leaders, business executives, aid workers, media figures, professors, and more. In recording these experiences, the book also traces SFS’s impact on the role of women in international affairs, highlighting women who have pushed boundaries for the betterment of the United States and the world. In describing the work of diverse SFS alumni, this book charts the evolution of the school as it upholds and adapts its practices in a continuously changing world. Madeleine Albright, Mortara Endowed Distinguished Professor in the Practice of Diplomacy, sums up the driving ethos of SFS best: “As long as there are wrongs in this world, there must also be those trained, and trained at the highest level, to right them.” SFS 100 celebrates the remarkable individuals who have upheld this mission for a century and promise to extend it well into the next.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Abide Bible, Leathersoft, Brown, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version
Transform your personal Bible devotions into intimate, ongoing conversations with God with various Scripture engagement approaches that keep Bible reading fresh and new.“Abide in Me.” John 15:4Do you yearn for life-giving, intimate communion with God? The Abide Bible is designed to help you experience the peace, hope, and growth that comes from encountering the voice and presence of God in Scripture. Every feature in Abide is designed to teach and develop Scripture-engagement habits that help you know the power and spiritual nourishment of abiding in Christ.Created in partnership with Bible Gateway and the Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement, The Abide Bible’s features include articles, book introductions, and practical Scripture engagement prompts based on five ways of engaging deeply with the Bible: Praying Scripture: Pattern your prayers after biblical texts, personalizing the prayer and gaining language for the thoughts and emotions you want to express. Picture It: Place yourself in a biblical narrative as a bystander or participant in important events. Journaling: Focus and reflect on Scripture and its meaning for your life, opening yourself to God’s voice as you ponder. Engage Through Art: Consider a classic piece of art—photograph, sculpture, painting—and let it deepen your meditations on scriptural truths. Contemplate: Follow the church’s longstanding practice of reading, meditating on, praying, and contemplating a passage of Scripture in order to experience God’s presence through the words of the Bible. Features include: Bible book introductions provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read 365 Day Bible Reading Plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year Line-matched, single-column Scripture text for improved readability Smyth-sewn binding lays flat in your hand or on your desk Satin ribbon marker allows you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Easy-to-read 9-point NKJV Comfort Print
Humanix Books The Vitamin Cure: Clinically Proven Remedies to Prevent and Treat 75 Chronic Diseases and Conditions
Based on over 40 years of research and hundreds of leading studies, The Vitamin Cure is a comprehensive guide to improving overall health with vitamin and essential element therapies.Modern medicine has done much in the field of acute conditions such as trauma, infections, burn, and bone fractures, but it has limited success in treating chronic diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, and diabetes among others. At present, the root causes of most chronic diseases are still unknown, and the drugs developed by pharmaceutical companies to treat chronic diseases actually treat only the symptoms rather than causes. According to Dr. Monte Lai, a nutrient deficient diet and unhealthy lifestyle are by far the two most important environmental factors associated with the causes of a host of chronic diseases. The Vitamin Cure provides a comprehensive overview of how vitamin and essential element therapies are the key to treating and preventing many of the chronic conditions.While the internet is chock full of health related information about vitamins and essential elements, it is difficult to sort through all available information to build a reliable knowledge base to improve health. The aim of this book is to provide readers with easily accessible evidence-based knowledge about vitamins and essential elements for prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. The Vitamin Cure relies on a statistical method known as meta-analysis (combining data from multiple studies) that is currently the most reliable method for assessing the efficacy of vitamins or essential elements in preventing or treating chronic diseases.The Vitamin Cure brings clinically proven remedies to light for any reader looking to improve overall health and prevent debilitating disease. This book contains five parts: Part one contains a brief history of the discovery of each of the thirteen essential vitamins, namely, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B7, vitamin B9, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. It also presents meta-analytic evidence of the efficacy of each vitamin in prevention and treatment of diseases, its recommended daily allowance and best food sources. Part two covers essential elements, including the five essential elements, i.e., calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorous, and the eight essential trace elements, i.e., iron, zinc, manganese, copper, molybdenum, iodine, chromium and selenium. It also presents meta-analytic evidence of the efficacy of each essential element in prevention and treatment of diseases, its recommended daily allowance and best food sources. Part three explains important secrets for staying healthy. These include explanation of how sugar makes you fat, why patients with autoimmune diseases should not eat meat, and how exercise benefits the brain? Part four provides meta-analysis evidence of which vitamins and essential elements should be taken to prevent and/or treat seventy-five chronic diseases and conditions. These seventy-five chronic diseases and conditions include lung cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, endometrial cancer, blood cancer, bladder cancer, glioma, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, cataracts, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, hepatitis C, fatty liver disease, Parkinson's disease, sleep apnea, and others. Part five summarizes clinically proven remedies for preventing and treating the seventy-five chronic diseases and conditions presented in Part four.
Harriman House Publishing Price Action Trading
Extract from the Preface: What the book covers. This book is about day trading. Using the price action itself, rather than any of the usual array of indicators based on it. The US 30-year Treasury Bond Futures is the favoured instrument - the T-Bonds, as they are commonly called. There are good reasons for choosing this instrument to learn to trade - one being that they do not require a detailed knowledge of bonds themselves. The other attractions, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran, are to do with liquidity, range, behaviour, patterns and the price action displayed at the key support and resistance points it encounters. Most days the T-bonds offer trading opportunities which can be taken within a money management environment that can give you an edge for profit - and this book has been designed to show you how to do just that. Fully illustrated with charts taken from a live trading screen and displayed in exactly the way you would have seen them for yourself, on your computer monitor. What you see is not just what happened, in detail, but also clear evidence of just how you could have profited yourself from each trading situation. Who the book is for.This book has been written for anyone wishing to day trade, using a discretionary method, rather than a mechanical system. It is a learning tool which should commend itself to the experienced trader, as much as to someone new to this business. Certainly I hope that any raw recruit would find it an easy read, even if it took a while longer to digest the subject matter as a whole. How the book is structured. The seasoned trader will probably start by skip reading, to see if he can cut to the chase quickly. The less experienced will immediately see - from the detail of the charts alone - that there is a great deal of information to absorb, and will have to start at the beginning! After that, wherever you place yourself as a trader, I hope you will find that the methodology is pretty straightforward, the approach you need to adopt clear-cut, and the various steps involved in the process uncomplicated. It has to be said that there is nothing amazing or wonderful in learning to read the tape - for that, albeit in a computer environment, is what this methodology is all about - and the key to success in so doing, is in the application of a robust risk/reward/ratio.This means that the successful exponent of the art-cum-science of discretionary trading, in this particular way, has to have a mindset that can take the winning and the losing with complete equanimity. It is not easy. It is not for everyone. But ...those who can learn how the market works and learn to go with the flow, putting the odds on their side, stand a good chance of creating the essential edge to win. Those who already day trade in discretionary fashion will hopefully gain pointers here and there and find, as we all know, that it often takes just one pearl gained to make the trawl an eminently worthwhile exercise. Those who come to this book with little or no experience will gain from their lack of preconception, even if it takes a lot of reading and re-reading to get up to speed on the computer, with live charts. Best of luck Bill Eykyn'.
Little, Brown Book Group Daisy and Woolf
'This is where I begin. This blank page draws me nearer to you, the day sweltering, my courage quickens, the curtains billowing and the punkah swaying, the punkah rattling as I sit at my writing bureau ... it is a soothing sound.'Mina, a writer, is navigating her place in the world, balancing creativity, academia, her sexuality and the expectation that a wife and mother abandons herself for others. For her, like so many women of mixed ancestry, it is too easy to be erased. But her fire and intellect refuse to bow. She discovers 'the dark, adorable' Eurasian woman Daisy Simmons, whom Peter Walsh plans to marry in Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway. Daisy disappeared from Woolf's pages, her story unfinished - never given a voice in the novel, nor a footnote in any of the admiring Woolf scholarship that followed.While dealing with the remains of another life, Mina decides to write Daisy's story. Travelling from Australia to England, India and China, freelancing and researching, she has to navigate cultural and race barriers, trying hard not to look back or flinch at the personal cost. Like Woolf, her writing both sustains and overwhelms her. But in releasing Daisy from her fictional destiny, Mina finds the stubbornness and strength to also break free.'An elegant meditation on race, class and privilege ... Daisy and Woolf not only brings us stories of brave, clever women in an eloquent way, it also leaves questions for us readers to think of our own trajectory of reading and influences' ArtsHub'Cahill writes beautifully ... Daisy and Woolf is a novel about reclamation. Highlighting the inadvertent racism inherent in much of the classical literary canon, it reinforces the the importance of Own Voices writing, and shines a light on the lives of people of colour that cannot be understood or expressed without their input' The Age'an impressive, ambitious postmodern novel that raises questions around race, class, feminism, Empire, the post-colonial voice and so much more ... a fascinating work, it's rare to see something of its kind in the Australian literary landscape' ReadingsPRAISE FOR MICHELLE CAHILL:'Her deftness and linguistic grace masks her purpose, till she reveals a shocking glimpse of the price that art can exact' - HILARY MANTEL'Traverses centuries, cultures and continents to deftly explore how race, gender and class have the power to shape a narrative' - MAXINE BENEBA CLARKE'A dauntless novel of empire, and its ever-replicating costs. There are echoes of Michael Ondaatje in this novel's lush and observant prose-craft. This is fiction at its most human and humane' - BEEJAY SILCOX'In luminous prose, she has brought an old world back to life. Her background as a poet is clear in her evocative and detailed descriptions of colonial India. Daisy's voice is perfectly tuned and her story is compelling' - MELANIE CHENG'At once critically acute and narratively rich, Daisy and Woolf shows us that there are always new ways to read the past in order to understand the present' - PATRICK FLANERY'Michelle Cahill deploys poetry and history in the most powerful manner possible to write back to Virginia Woolf, and expose the colonial gaze that did not (does not) acknowledge the full humanity of others. This novel will be to Mrs Dalloway what Wide Sargasso Sea was to Jane Eyre' - MEENA KANDASAMY
Historic Environment Scotland An Inventory for the Nation
On 2 August 1908, Alexander Ormiston Curle, a 41-year-old solicitor and antiquarian, set off by bicycle from the Borders fishing village of St Abbs on a mission to inspect ''all the ancient monuments of Scotland''. Three months later, he announced that his first survey, of the County of Berwickshire, was complete. ''I have inspected over 200 objects'' he wrote ''and written up notes on them. My bicycle has carried me almost 300 miles; five times only have I hired a trap and twice a motor car. The number of miles I have tramped by moorland and meadow I have no reckoning of but they are many. It has never been anything but the most intense pleasure to me''.Curle was the first Secretary of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland: tasked by letters patent of Edward VII with making an ''inventory'' of sites and constructions ''connected with or illustrative of the culture of the people of Scotland from earliest times''. At the Commission''s very first meetin
Weldon Owen, Incorporated Walls Of Fame: The Unforgettable Sports Posters of the Costacos Brothers
“The poster made you cool, You didn’t make the poster cool.” –Charles Barkley, Basketball Hall of Famer From Poster Boys: How the Costacos Brothers Built a Wall Art Empire Rediscover your childhood sense of awe with the Costacos Brothers’ official collection of the iconic sports posters that adorned the bedrooms of a generation.John and Tock Costacos share stories of the hard work, luck, giant prop baseball bats, wild animals, explosives, Ferraris, and semi-automatic weapons that forged an indelible bond between fans and their NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL idols. With more than 100 posters and never-before-seen outtakes and concept art, Walls of Fame: The Unforgettable Sports Posters of the Costacos Brothers is an extraordinary look back at the golden age of sports heroes. More than 100 posters are featured, including: * Brian Bosworth: The Land of Boz (Seattle Seahawks) * Michael Jordan: Space (Chicago Bulls) * Jose Canseco & Mark McGwire: The Bash Brothers (Oakland A’s) * Bo Jackson: Black & Blue (Los Angeles Raiders & Kansas City Royals) * Aaron Judge: Judgement Time (New York Yankees) * Magic Johnson & Wayne Gretzky: L.A. Story (L.A. Lakers & L.A. Kings) * Roger Clemons: The Rocket (Boston Red Sox) * Lawrence Taylor: The Terminator (New York Giants) * Sergei Fedorov: From Russia with Love (Detroit Red Wings) * Charles Barkley: Get Off My Backboard (Philadelphia 76ers) * Jim McMahon & Walter Payton: Chicago Vice (Chicago Bears) * Dave Winfield: Class (New York Yankees) * Larry Bird: Legend (Boston Celtics) * Troy Aikman: Strong Arm of the Law (Dallas Cowboys) * Kirby Puckett: Wrecking Ball (Minnesota Twins) * Dominique Wilkins: The Highlight Zone (Atlanta Hawks) * Jerry Rice: Goldfingers (San Francisco 49ers) * Ken Griffey Jr. & Ken Griffey Sr.: The Next Generation (Seattle Mariners & Cincinnati Reds) * Shawn Kemp & Jeff Ament: Slam & Jam (Seattle SuperSonics & Pearl Jam) * John Elway: The Rifleman (Denver Broncos) * Kevin Mitchell: Batman (San Francisco Giants) * Luc Robitaille: Cool Hand Luc (L.A. Kings) * Shaquille O’Neal: Rim Shaker (Orlando Magic) * Christian Okoye: Nigerian Nightmare (Kansas City Chiefs) * Don Majkowski: Majik Man (Green Bay Packers) * Kirk Gibson: Big Game Hunter (L.A. Dodgers) * Patrick Ewing: Madison Square Guardian (New York Knicks) * Reggie White: Minister of Defense (Philadelphia Eagles) * Andre Dawson: The Hawk (Chicago Cubs) . . . and more!
Baen Books 1637: THE VOLGA RULES
It’s been five years since a cosmic incident known as The Ring of Fire transported the modern day town of Grantville, West Virginia, through time and space to 17th century Europe. The course of world history has been forever altered. And Mother Russia is no exception. Inspired by the American up-timers’ radical notion that all people are created equal, Russian serfs are rebelling. The entire village of Poltz, led by blacksmith Stefan Andreevich, pulls up stakes to make a run for freedom. Meanwhile, Czar Mikhail has escaped house arrest, with the aid of up-time car mechanic Bernie Zeppi, his Russian associates—and a zeppelin. The czar makes his way to the village of Ufa. There he intends to set up a government-in-exile. It is to Ufa that the serfs of Poltz are heading, as well. The path is dangerous—for the serfs as well as the czar. They face great distances and highwaymen. But the worst threat are those in the aristocracy who seek to crush the serfs and execute the czar in a bid to drive any hope for Russian freedom under their Parisian-crafted boot heels. But the Russians of 1637 have taken inspiration from their up-timer counterparts. And it could be that a new wind of liberty is about to blow three centuries early—and change Mother Russia forever. About 1636: The Kremlin Games: “…a well-constructed plot filled with satisfying measures of comedy, romance, political intrigue, and action.”—Publishers Weekly About 1635: A Parcel of Rogues: "The 20th volume in this popular, fast-paced alternative history series follows close on the heels of the events in The Baltic War, picking up with the protagonists in London, including sharpshooter Julie Sims. This time the 20th-century transplants are determined to prevent the rise of Oliver Cromwell and even have the support of King Charles."—Library Journal About 1634: The Galileo Affair: "A rich, complex alternate history with great characters and vivid action. A great read and an excellent book."—David Drake "Gripping . . . depicted with power!"—Publishers Weekly About Eric Flint's Ring of Fire series: “This alternate history series is . . . a landmark…”—Booklist “[Eric] Flint's 1632 universe seems to be inspiring a whole new crop of gifted alternate historians.”—Booklist “ . . . reads like a technothriller set in the age of the Medicis . . . ”—Publishers Weekly
ACC Art Books The Great American Paint In®: Artists Sharing Their Pandemic Stories
“We are living history right now. I believe we need to do more to document this unique moment in America, and who better to convey what we all are feeling than our country’s greatest artists? It is my hope that in 50 years, art history classes will pull this book off the shelf and understand the deep emotion of this time.” — William Weinaug Around the world, many individuals and families have faced isolation due to COVID-19. Our lives have been changed as we face a historical crisis of unprecedented scale. But beauty has also come from this hardship. The Great American Paint In® was birthed to allow artists to paint their emotions during the pandemic, capturing this period of history in a unique way — through art. This book curates the products of the Paint In️®, revealing the responses of over 50 artists from across the continent. Artists share their experiences, their losses, and their hopes for the future. In doing so, they demonstrate the real grit and backbone of the American pandemic story. Like so many enduring these difficult times, they discovered a whole new world and a brand “new normal” that allows them to live, work, survive — and, most importantly, create. These stories have been shared by Wekiva Island online, at Gallery CERO, and around the country in several travelling art exhibits. Now, for the first time, they are being brought together in a single volume. Select artists include: Hai-Ou Hou, Olena Babek, Barbara Fox, Jill Stefani Wagner, Paul Schulenburg, Morgan Samuel Price, Kyle Stanley, Raymond Bonilla, Kathleen Dunphy, Jennfer Miller, Michelle Held, David Arsenault, John S Caggiano, Tony D'Amico, Karen Blackwood, Jeanne Rosier Smith, Justin T Worrell, Thomas Kegler, Shawn Krueger, Erik Koeppel, Ken Salaz, Hillary Scott, Thomas Adkins, Michael Orwick, Kim VanDerHoek, Cindy House, George Van Hook, Kim Lordier, Marc R Hansen, Sergio Roffo, Sam Vokey, Mary Erickson, Tom LaRock, Josh Clare, Howard B Friendland, Marc Dalessio, Andrew Orr, Kari Ganoung Ruiz, Charles Muench, Jim McVicker, Trish Coonrod, Joseph Daily, Jeffrey Hayes, Mitch Kolbe, Dogulas Wiltraut, Ray Howard, Nick Patten, Brett Scheifflee, Jeff Gola, Eleinne Basa, Bill Farnsworth, Garin J Baker, and Mary Jane Volkmann.
Indiana University Press Rowinataworu Luhchi Yoroni / Tunica Language Textbook
The essential guide for learning the Tunica language.For many years, the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana collaborated with students and faculty at Tulane University on a project to revitalize the Tunica language. Tunica had not been spoken or used regularly in the community since the last known speaker, Sesostrie Youchigant, passed away in 1948. The center of the revitalization of the Tunica language is this first-of-its-kind, beginning Tunica language textbook.The Tunica Language Textbook (Rowinataworu Luhchi Yoroni) contains everything needed to be come conversationally fluent in Tunica. Like other language textbooks, it contains vocabulary and grammatical information, as well as practice exercises that develop both comprehension and production of Tunica, and acquisition of the patterns, not just the forms. The textbook contains links to an online pronunciation guide and includes a wealth of information on cultural topics, from stickball to basketry to naming to cosmology, and uses the language to do so. Wherever possible, excerpts from the original documentation of Tunica stories and myths have been included, so that students can become acquainted with native-like language use.Each chapter is structured to lead the student through the stages of learning, from presentation of new information, to recognition, to identification, to application. While there is explanation of the topics in English, the lessons are designed to be used in an immersion classroom setting as well as for individual use.
Orenda Books The Man Who Loved Islands
The unforgettable finale to the international, bestselling Disco Days Trilogy … Bobby, Joey and Max Mojo return in an attempt to reclaim the elusive stardom of their youth, reuniting a legendary band that didn’t quite live up to expectations, with predictable results… ‘A real new talent on the Scottish literary scene’ Press & Journal ‘By turn hilarious and heart-breaking, more than anything Ross creates beautifully rounded characters full of humanity and perhaps most of all, hope’ Liam Rudden, Scotsman ‘David Ross carved out an enduring place for himself among contemporary Scottish novelists’ Alastair Mabb, Herald Scotland –––––––––––––––––––––––– The Disco Boys and The Band are back… In the early 80s, Bobby Cassidy and Joey Miller were inseparable; childhood friends and fledgling business associates. Now, both are depressed and lonely, and they haven't spoken to each other in more than ten years. A bizarre opportunity to honour the memory of someone close to both of them presents itself, if only they can forgive ... and forget. With the help of the deluded Max Mojo and the faithful Hamish May, can they pull off the impossible, and reunite the legendary Ayrshire band, The Miraculous Vespas, for a one-off Music Festival – The Big Bang – on a remote, uninhabited Scottish island? Absurdly funny, deeply moving and utterly human, The Man Who Loves Islands is an unforgettable finale to the Disco Days trilogy – a modern classic pumped full of music and middle-aged madness, written from the heart and pen of one of Scotland’s finest new voices. –––––––––––––––––––––––– Praise for David F. Ross ‘A warm, funny consideration of reconciliation between middle-aged friends and a celebration of music’s healing powers. Suggest to fans of Nick Hornby’ Library Journal ‘Warm, funny and evocative. If you grew up in the eighties, you’re going to love this’ Chris Brookmyre ‘Dark, hilarious, funny and heart-breaking all at the same time, a book that sums up the spirit of an era and a country in a way that will make you wince and laugh at the same time’ Muriel Gray ‘An astonishing tour de force’ John Niven ’This is a book that might just make you cry like nobody’s watching’ Iain MacLeod, Sunday Mail ‘Crucially Ross's novel succeeds in balancing light and dark, in that it can leap smoothly from brutal social realism to laugh-out-loud humour within a few sentences’ Press & Journal ‘Full of comedy, pathos and great tunes’ Hardeep Singh Kohli ‘If I saw that in a store I would buy it without even looking at what was inside’ Irvine Welsh ‘Like the vinyl that crackles off every page … as warm and authentic as Roddy Doyle at his very best’ Nick Quantrill ‘A solid-gold hit of a book! The closest you’ll ever get to being on Top of the Pops’ Colin McCredie
Johns Hopkins University Press Take Control of Your Drinking: A Practical Guide to Alcohol Moderation, Sobriety, and When to Get Professional Help
Accepting that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to controlling drinking, the latest edition of this bestselling book will help you assess your drinking and determine whether moderation or abstinence is the best path for you.For decades, the standard treatment for people struggling with alcohol consumption has focused on convincing them to admit that they are an alcoholic, to stop drinking entirely, and to enter into a program, most commonly Alcoholics Anonymous. But in his more than thirty-five-year career as an addiction specialist working with people who want to change their drinking habits, Michael S. Levy has found that the routes to behavioral change actually vary. And although abstinence is the successful route for many people, others can moderate their drinking on their own or with professional help. In this practical, effective, and compassionate book, Levy helps people take control of their alcohol problem by teaching them how to think about and address their drinking habits. Beginning with a set of self-assessments that reveal whether the reader's use of alcohol is creating problems, Levy explains the causes of problem drinking, discusses the growing recognition of the various ways an alcohol use disorder can show itself, and talks about why it is so difficult to change. Offering advice for choosing between moderating your drinking or abstaining altogether, he also touches on coping with slipups, fighting helplessness and the fear of failure, and knowing when moderation is not achievable. The book is unique in that instead of telling people what they need to do, it meets people at their stage of change and level of readiness to change and helps them decide for themselves what they need to do. Drawing on the latest scientific evidence, this new edition includes• a chapter on the concept of self-medication—a useful but at times overused idea;• a chapter on the concurrent use of drugs (particularly cannabis) during recovery;• an exploration of modern strategies for dealing with drinking, including technology (apps that count drinks, for example) and medications that curb alcohol consumption; • reflections on the use of stigma;• communication strategies for individuals seeking to share their struggle with others;• an exploration of common triggers;• additional worksheets and tips to achieve success; • further material about self-help programs; and • insights about the dark side of addiction treatment.Ultimately, Take Control of Your Drinking empowers people to tackle their drinking problem and gives them the freedom to do so in a way that fits with their own lifestyle and values. This book is useful for anyone who may find that they are drinking too much, for the loved ones of such people, and for clinicians who want to broaden their skills when working with people who struggle with alcohol.
John Wiley & Sons Inc High Frequency Techniques: An Introduction to RF and Microwave Design and Computer Simulation
This textbook is an introduction to microwave engineering. The scope of this book extends from topics for a first course in electrical engineering, in which impedances are analyzed using complex numbers, through the introduction of transmission lines that are analyzed using the Smith Chart, and on to graduate level subjects, such as equivalent circuits for obstacles in hollow waveguides, analyzed using Green’s Functions. This book is a virtual encyclopedia of circuit design methods. Despite the complexity, topics are presented in a conversational manner for ease of comprehension. The book is not only an excellent text at the undergraduate and graduate levels, but is as well a detailed reference for the practicing engineer. Consider how well informed an engineer will be who has become familiar with these topics as treated in High Frequency Techniques: (in order of presentation) Brief history of wireless (radio) and the Morse codeU.S. Radio Frequency AllocationsIntroduction to vectorsAC analysis and why complex numbers and impedance are usedCircuit and antenna reciprocityDecibel measureMaximum power transferSkin effectComputer simulation and optimization of networksLC matching of one impedance to anotherCoupled ResonatorsUniform transmission lines for propagationVSWR, return Loss and mismatch errorThe Telegrapher Equations (derived)Phase and Group VelocitiesThe Impedance Transformation Equation for lines (derived)Fano's and Bode's matching limitsThe Smith Chart (derived)Slotted Line impedance measurementConstant Q circles on the Smith ChartApproximating a transmission line with lumped L's and C'sABCD, Z, Y and Scattering matrix analysis methods for circuitsStatistical Design and Yield Analysis of productsElectromagnetic FieldsGauss's LawVector Dot Product, Divergence and CurlStatic Potential and GradientAmpere's Law and Vector CurlMaxwell's Equations and their visualizationThe LaplacianRectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinatesSkin EffectThe Wave EquationThe Helmholtz EquationsPlane Propagating WavesRayleigh FadingCircular (elliptic) PolarizationPoynting's TheoremEM fields on Transmission LinesCalculating the impedance of coaxial linesCalculating and visualizing the fields in waveguidesPropagation constants and waveguide modesThe Taylor Series ExpansionFourier Series and Green's FunctionsHigher order modes and how to suppress themVector Potential and Retarded PotentialsWire and aperture antennasRadio propagation and path lossElectromagnetic computer simulation of structuresDirectional couplersThe Rat Race HybridEven and Odd Mode Analysis applied to the backward wave couplerNetwork analyzer impedance and transmission measurementsTwo-port Scattering Parameters (s matrix)The Hybrid Ring couplerThe Wilkinson power dividerFilter design: Butterworth, Maximally flat & Tchebyscheff responsesFilter QDiplexer, Bandpass and Elliptic filtersRichard's Transformation & Kuroda’s IdentitiesMumford's transmission line stub filtersTransistor Amplifier Design: gain, biasing, stability, and conjugate matchingNoise in systems, noise figure of an amplifier cascadeAmplifier non-linearity, and spurious free dynamic rangeStatistical Design and Yield Analysis
University of Minnesota Press Debates in the Digital Humanities
Encompassing new technologies, research methods, and opportunities for collaborative scholarship and open-source peer review, as well as innovative ways of sharing knowledge and teaching, the digital humanities promises to transform the liberal arts—and perhaps the university itself. Indeed, at a time when many academic institutions are facing austerity budgets, digital humanities programs have been able to hire new faculty, establish new centers and initiatives, and attract multimillion-dollar grants. Clearly the digital humanities has reached a significant moment in its brief history. But what sort of moment is it? Debates in the Digital Humanities brings together leading figures in the field to explore its theories, methods, and practices and to clarify its multiple possibilities and tensions. From defining what a digital humanist is and determining whether the field has (or needs) theoretical grounding, to discussions of coding as scholarship and trends in data-driven research, this cutting-edge volume delineates the current state of the digital humanities and envisions potential futures and challenges. At the same time, several essays aim pointed critiques at the field for its lack of attention to race, gender, class, and sexuality; the inadequate level of diversity among its practitioners; its absence of political commitment; and its preference for research over teaching.Together, the essays in Debates in the Digital Humanities—which will be published both as a printed book and later as an ongoing, open-access website—suggest that the digital humanities is uniquely positioned to contribute to the revival of the humanities and academic life.Contributors: Bryan Alexander, National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education; Rafael Alvarado, U of Virginia; Jamie “Skye” Bianco, U of Pittsburgh; Ian Bogost, Georgia Institute of Technology; Stephen Brier, CUNY Graduate Center; Daniel J. Cohen, George Mason U; Cathy N. Davidson, Duke U; Rebecca Frost Davis, National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education; Johanna Drucker, U of California, Los Angeles; Amy E. Earhart, Texas A&M U; Charlie Edwards; Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Pomona College; Julia Flanders, Brown U; Neil Fraistat, U of Maryland; Paul Fyfe, Florida State U; Michael Gavin, Rice U; David Greetham, CUNY Graduate Center; Jim Groom, U of Mary Washington; Gary Hall, Coventry U, UK; Mills Kelly, George Mason U; Matthew Kirschenbaum, U of Maryland; Alan Liu, U of California, Santa Barbara; Elizabeth Losh, U of California, San Diego; Lev Manovich, U of California, San Diego; Willard McCarty, King’s College London; Tara McPherson, U of Southern California; Bethany Nowviskie, U of Virginia; Trevor Owens, Library of Congress; William Pannapacker, Hope College; Dave Parry, U of Texas at Dallas; Stephen Ramsay, U of Nebraska, Lincoln; Alexander Reid, SUNY at Buffalo; Geoffrey Rockwell, Canadian Institute for Research Computing in the Arts; Mark L. Sample, George Mason U; Tom Scheinfeldt, George Mason U; Kathleen Marie Smith; Lisa Spiro, National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education; Patrik Svensson, Umeå U; Luke Waltzer, Baruch College; Matthew Wilkens, U of Notre Dame; George H. Williams, U of South Carolina Upstate; Michael Witmore, Folger Shakespeare Library.
Faber & Faber A Mind to Murder
THE PERFECT INTRODUCTION TO THE MULTIMILLION-COPY BESTSELLING ADAM DALGLIESH SERIES FROM THE 'QUEEN OF ENGLISH CRIME' (Guardian) 'Neat and startling . . . P. D. James is simply a wonderful writer.' New York Times'A totally absorbing book that is beautifully written. The plot as always hooks you in and P. D. James's command of language is beguiling. One of those books you want to keep forever.' 5* reader review 'Excellent: a genuine page-turner.' 5* reader reviewPERFECT FOR FANS OF VAL MCDERMID, RUTH RENDELL AND ELLY GRIFFITHS__________________________________________________________________________________Adam Dalgliesh has never failed to solve a case - yet. A piercing scream shatters the evening calm, bringing Superintendent Adam Dalgliesh hurrying to the Steen Psychiatric Clinic, where he discovers the body of a woman sprawled on the basement floor, a chisel through her heart.The building was locked, and no-one has been able to enter or leave since the murder, so it seems to Dalgliesh that the killer must be one of the shocked group waiting to meet him. But he quickly discovers an intricate web of lies and grudges among both patients and staff which threatens to derail the investigation. And as Dalgliesh works to uncover the truth, the murderer is preparing to strike again . . . __________________________________________________________________________________ 'Another belter from P. D. James. With stunning prose and the brilliant character of Dalgliesh at the helm, it's another winner.' 5* reader review'A great whodunnit and I also love the social history as this was written/published circa 1963. Defo recommend.' 5* reader review'Highly recommended.' Daily Telegraph**Now a major Channel 5 series**__________________________________________________________________________________READERS LOVE THE ADAM DALGLEISH SERIES:'Adam Dalgleish is one of the best characters in modern detective fiction.' 5* reader review'If you are not already an Adam Dalgliesh fan, I urge you to become one . . . James can describe a scene or delineate a character with precision and depth, like no other writer I have read . . . I usually stay up all night to read a P. D. James novel once I start one.' 5* reader review'I would never give less than 5 stars to any P. D. James book. She is one of a kind, always constant, always wonderful writing, always great characters, and always a good mystery that you cannot put down.' 5* reader review'P. D. James writes mysteries for ordinary people. Her characters are relatable and her hero is dynamic. But don't expect cell phones or computers. Her stories are strictly old school, which is what I love about them.' 5* reader review'Crime writing at its very best!' 5* reader reviewPRAISE FOR P. D. JAMES:'A legend.' VAL MCDERMID'Masterful.' MICK HERRON'James manages a depth and intelligence that few in her trade can match.' THE TIMES'One of the literary greats. Her sense of place was exquisite, characterisation and plotting unrivalled.' MARI HANNAH'There are very few thriller writers who can compete with P. D. James at her best.' SPECTATOR'P. D. James [was] simply a wonderful writer.' NEW YORK TIMES'The queen of English crime.' GUARDIAN
John Wiley & Sons Inc Site Planning and Design for the Elderly: Issues, Guidelines, and Alternatives
Design for the elderly is at the forefront of architectural topics today. Yet, while much has been written about the design of indoor spaces, little work has been done on planning outdoor spaces to accommodate the needs of the elderly. Site Planning and Design for the Elderly specifically addresses this issue, drawing from a large body of original research, current knowledge, and theory to provide the background knowledge and specific information necessary for informed decision making throughout the site planning and design process. More than just a reference on accessibility standards, this volume offers key insights into the needs and concerns of older people in the built environment and presents guidelines and alternatives for responsive site planning and design. Organized in a clear step-by-step format for easy reference, issues and specific guidelines are provided for each stage of the planning and design process within the context of housing for older people. Moreover, architects, landscape architects, urban designers, developers and students will find the topics covered applicable to other settings where older people ore a part of the user profile, such as downtown renewal, hospital, and park planning projects. Numerous illustrations and case studies highlight major points throughout the text. The first sections of this volume provide valuable background information on housing options available to seniors and outline design implications of the social and physiological changes associated with advancing age. Critical design and management issues are discussed, objectives are outlined, and implementation strategies are developed, including methods for promoting wayfinding, enhancing personalization, and maximizing opportunities for social interaction. The body of this volume provides specific guidelines for each stage of development. Site planning areas addressed include site selection, the layout of housing units (including relationships between facilities offering different levels of care), recreational amenities, and circulation systems. Detailed guidelines for the location, spatial configuration, detailing, and amenities of major site components and recreational facilities are also provided. Entryways, parking, patios, rooftop developments, and gardening centers are among the specific areas covered. A brief outline of the major issues affecting use of each site component is particularly useful for making decisions regarding facility provision and for prioritizing development alternatives. Critical detailing and amenity specifications are pinpointed and thoroughly described. Paving materials, signage, lighting, site furniture, and pedestrian street crossings are among those elements examined. A concise overview in tabular form of the major guidelines presented throughout closes this practical volume. It is possible to design a site that will not only enhance the lives of elderly residents, but will be cost-effective and highly marketable as well. Site Planning and Design for the Elderly provides practical solutions to the problems of exterior design for one of the fastest-growing segments of the U.S. population today.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Homo within the Sapiens
While creativity and solidarity form the main constructive profile for our species, the primal animal drive for dominance involving basal brain circuits places our future at risk. This bipolar nature distorts the global perspective of our collective future and ecological conditions. Our species' behavioural construction has its roots in ancestral habits and survival drives that were crystallized in basic neurobehavioral circuits over millennia, be it as predators or potential prey. Its expression acquired further complexity through the development of social/cultural cues, and was kept-in-check by conditional inhibitory processes. How much of our current drive - individually and as a global community - is caused by those inherited traits imprinted in our animal condition? This book analyses the increasing bipolar construction in terms of dominant groups affecting critical access to current knowledge and information, a profound gap among populations concerning a modern humane quality of life, and present trends pertaining to our ecological habitat. These dynamic processes seem to be in a free-running mode, only conditioned by the prevalence of power concentration in the hands of worldwide minority groups. This worldwide disjointed perspective is further distorted by diverse cultural profiles and interests accessing information and its impact on lifestyles. Our species' true nature has highly conserved remnants of our animal origin expressed as animal drives embodied before and during the evolutionary process as Homo and under inhibitory social control. These involve territorial, survival, and dominant cues on top of which sapiens' cultural development profiles have taken place; that is, the hidden ancestral human nature. Competition to control and prevail in those domains has unveiled a long-lived struggle for dominance in political and financial (corporate- or state-bound) prevalence. Below this stratum of power-seekers, a large proportion of the service-bound and marginal populations crawl for their survival, often approaching inhuman conditions. Fundamentalist beliefs, the disregard of environmental abuse, belligerence to resolve discrepancies, personal and group-centred greed, growing inequalities, disinformation from dominant carriers, and intolerance to alternative viewpoints describe our species' developmentally immature collective behaviour. If not just an evolutionary stage, then we in fact belong to the "wrong species" (Colombo, 2010), and are on a path toward our demise or a bipolar evolution of our species, but not necessarily a collective, cooperative, shared development that respects various cultural profiles. The increasing speed of knowledge development widens the gap among populations with different cultural values and those that are underdeveloped or living in subhuman conditions. Since we exited the period of egalitarian-prone hunter gatherers, we have been conditioned by elite or institutionalized dominant powers and given limited access to information, which is used as a means for domination. Hence, our future depends not only on our social, political, and financial decision-makers but also on the degree of our permissive, functional absence from such a scenario.
Page Street Publishing Co. Heal Yourself with Traditional Chinese Medicine: Find Relief from Chronic Pain, Stress, Hormonal Issues and More with Natural Practices and Ancient Knowledge
If you’ve experienced chronic health issues and felt Western medicine didn’t lead to a lasting cure, let this book set you on the path of healing. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient school of thought that has treated illness and disease for centuries, with proven results. This holistic practice uses natural remedies and insightful wisdoms about how the body works to target illness at the root cause and cure it for good. Dr. Lily Choi, a top practitioner and leading voice in TCM, breaks down how this medicinal practice works, and teaches you how to implement effective TCM methods right in your own home. You’ll use natural modalities like acupressure, herbalism and meditation to improve your symptoms and free yourself of the cycle of sickness and prescriptions. This book provides detailed treatments for an array of conditions, such as headaches and migraines, hair loss, insomnia, infertility, constipation, anxiety, arthritis, tinnitus and so much more. For every ailment covered, Dr. Lily prescribes food and herbs, acupressure regiments and lifestyle changes that all help eliminate and solve each issue. And as you read, TCM concepts like our life force, Qi, and the balance of Yin and Yang within us will not only begin to make sense, but help you foster a deeper, truer connection to your body, mind and spirit. Get ready to take control of your health and find lasting relief with these powerful, natural practices.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bow Ties in Risk Management: A Concept Book for Process Safety
AN AUTHORITATIVE GUIDE THAT EXPLAINS THE EFFECTIVENESS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BOW TIE ANALYSIS, A QUALITATIVE RISK ASSESSMENT AND BARRIER MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY From a collaborative effort of the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and the Energy Institute (EI) comes an invaluable book that puts the focus on a specific qualitative risk management methodology – bow tie barrier analysis. The book contains practical advice for conducting an effective bow tie analysis and offers guidance for creating bow tie diagrams for process safety and risk management. Bow Ties in Risk Management clearly shows how bow tie analysis and diagrams fit into an overall process safety and risk management framework. Implementing the methods outlined in this book will improve the quality of bow tie analysis and bow tie diagrams across an organization and the industry. This important guide: Explains the proven concept of bow tie barrier analysis for the preventing and mitigation of incident pathways, especially related to major accidents Shows how to avoid common pitfalls and is filled with real-world examples Explains the practical application of the bow tie method throughout an organization Reveals how to treat human and organizational factors in a sound and practical manner Includes additional material available online Although this book is written primarily for anyone involved with or responsible for managing process safety risks, this book is applicable to anyone using bow tie risk management practices in other safety and environmental or Enterprise Risk Management applications. It is designed for a wide audience, from beginners with little to no background in barrier management, to experienced professionals who may already be familiar with bow ties, their elements, the methodology, and their relation to risk management. The missions of both the CCPS and EI include developing and disseminating knowledge, skills, and good practices to protect people, property and the environment by bringing the best knowledge and practices to industry, academia, governments and the public around the world through collective wisdom, tools, training and expertise. The CCPS has been at the forefront of documenting and sharing important process safety risk assessment methodologies for more than 30 years. The EI's Technical Work Program addresses the depth and breadth of the energy sector, from fuels and fuels distribution to health and safety, sustainability and the environment. The EI program provides cost-effective, value-adding knowledge on key current and future international issues affecting those in the energy sector.
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA Rock Art at Little Lake: An Ancient Crossroads in the California Desert
Recipient of the Jo Anne Stolaroff Cotsen Prize The product of ten years of fieldwork at Little Lake Ranch in the Rose Valley, the southern gateway to the Owens Valley, this book presents the results of intensive rock art analyses carried out by the interdisciplinary research team of the UCLA Rock Art Archive. The research attempts to establish a connective web of associations to break down traditional but artificial barriers between rock art and the rest of archaeology. Through time-honored methods of stylistic analysis, the focus is on recent breakthroughs in the analysis of meaning and religion in the context of landscape attributes and ecological opportunities. Regional or ethnic differences suggested by the rock art record has made it possible to create a flexible analytical framework containing previously unpublished or overlooked archaeological excavation and object data. This book describes the occurrence, concentration, distribution, and formal variation of pecked and painted motifs. Scratched, pecked, and painted patterns are analyzed separately. Full-color illustrations throughout enhance the physical appeal of this beautiful book.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Bristol and Bath Art Book: The cities through the eyes of their artists
Bristol and Bath are two beautiful, closely connected cities. They are portrayed through the eyes of their artists in a delightful variety of styles in this stunning book. The Bristol and Bath Art Book portrays two very different cities. The beautiful images in the book capture the breath-taking landscape of rivers, hills and gorges which they share, but also the cities’ sights that are so unique. Bristol is painted as busy, quirky and vibrant, where Bath glows in more tranquil hues. These important cities in the history of the world are intimately connected. The river Avon that flows through both cities, gouges the spectacular Avon Gorge at Bristol, which is where its international maritime connections begin. The regenerated old docks (the ’floating harbour’), Wapping Wharf and the quayside are lovingly depicted by various artists. Now that the main docks are outside the city, the harbour-side now bustles with shops, bars and offices, but there are still cranes to be seen at the M shed. Underfall boatyard remains a home to maritime businesses and is also pictured in this lovely book, along with pleasure craft and houseboats in the harbour. John Cabot’s The Matthew is the ship that put America on the map. The reconstruction is depicted in drawings and paintings. She may have been a pirate ship at one time, too, as Bristol was the birthplace of Blackbeard and had a thriving piracy business. From this Atlantic connection, the list of items traded expanded from wool, wine and grain to tobacco and alas, to slaves. The profits from this trade endowed many of the fine public monuments drawn and painted here. Like many places, Bristol is undertaking a new reckoning with its history. The great engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel designed the Clifton Suspension Bridge to span the deep Avon Gorge. In the book, there are many images of this vertiginous bridge: ringed by balloons, luminous in the gloaming, stark in the snow, or painted to resemble a cathedral arch from below. It is a much-loved, living monument to the great man. His Great Western Railway terminus at Temple Meads features here in drawings and prints, along with his pioneering Bristol-built steamship, the SS Great Britain. Crossing Brunel’s famous bridge over the Avon, you will find yourself in the tranquil Leigh woods, painted as a hotspot for bluebells in spring. The old Railway Path, flat, traffic-free and lined with greenery, takes you from Bristol to Bath, where you will find more gorgeous parks: the Georgian garden in the town centre, Alexandra Park with panoramas of the city and the Botanical Gardens with its aerial walkway. Bath is a UNESCO world heritage site because of its Roman remains and exquisite Georgian architecture. Its famous Roman Baths were built around a hot spring the Romans believed sacred to the Goddess Sulis and the city became a centre for health and an inspiration for artists. Its 18th-century architecture: The Royal Crescent, The Circus, Pulteney Bridge and Assembly Rooms, are all examples of Bath’s heyday as a Georgian spa town and are featured in the art book in stunning paintings, drawings and collages. They capture the Bath that Jane Austen would have known from her time in the city. Here, movies of some of her novels have been filmed, along with many other Regency era series e.g. the record-breaking series Bridgerton.
Odyssey Publications,Hong Kong Mekong River: From Source to Sea Featuring Laos
This title includes: regional map of mighty Mekong river from source to sea; UNESCO World Heritage sites; French colonial Vientiane; exquisite Luang Prabang; Pak Ou Caves; Khone Pha Pheng Falls; and, coffee-growing regions. Laos has been discovered. Pristine and exotic in a changing world where other Asian cultures have been affected by rapid development, Laos is still green. The rivers mostly run free through sites well worth visiting, from the ancient Khmer temple of Vat Phou in the south to the former royal capital of Luang Prabang in the north. But if you want to see the old Laos you have to move fast. Luang Prabang, an exquisite little town on the banks of the life-giving Mekong, is a UNESCO World Heritage site and the main Mecca for tourists. The town is home to some of the finest Buddhist temples anywhere. Charming old colonial mansions are now hotels, trendy restaurants, or upscale boutiques. Al fresco restaurants serving spicy Lao fare line the riverside. A night bazaar with dozens of stalls offers high-quality woven silk scarves, silver jewellery, and embroidered Hmong bedspreads, just a few of the popular wares available. Laos has a long, rich tradition of silk weaving, and textiles are not just a "best buy" for tourists. They represent the most important craftwork done in the country and in some ways define the Lao nation. Also on the Mekong, the capital Vientiane still has the look of a French provincial town complete with tree-lined streets, fading colonial buildings, and sidewalk cafes. Its trendy restaurants offer fusion cuisine as a counterpoint to traditional fiery Lao fare. The city's most prominent monument, Patuxai, closely resembles the pride of Paris, the Arc de Triomphe. Upstream from Luang Prabang, at the confluence of the Ou River, are the Pak Ou Caves, an easy day trip by long-tail boat through pastoral countryside and jungle-covered mountains. The two caves, etched over millennia out of limestone karst cliffs, contain hundreds of images of the Buddha donated by generations of believers. To get away from the heat along the river, travellers head to the Bolaven Plateau, a fertile upland area known for its cooler climate, dramatic waterfalls, and (thanks to the French) some of the best coffee in the world. This is the gateway to the higher mountains to the east and the hill tribes. A trip to southern Laos should include a visit to the spectacular the Khone Pha Pheng Falls, where the usually languid Mekong boils and tumbles through eight miles of wild cataracts that effectively close the river to navigation. One of the key attractions of Laos is the people. Sixty percent of the population is ethnic Lao, who migrated from China a millennium ago. The rest are largely upland people representing about fifty hill tribes. The Lao are mostly Theravada Buddhists who live in the valleys and are famed for being easy-going, party-loving and affable. A precious pearl of a country blessed with pristine natural beauty, exotic flora and rare fauna, Laos hosts the mighty Mekong for a significant distance during its almost 5,000 kilometre journey from the Tibetan Plateau to the sea. Whether you chose to travel by land or by water or both, Odyssey's "Illustrated "Map will enhance your journey both as a pre-trip planner and as a post-trip souvenir. Unfolded map size 991mm x 686mm.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Becoming the Best: Build a World-Class Organization Through Values-Based Leadership
What does it mean in practice to be a values-based leader? When faced with real situations, how can you be your best self and create best teams—while also being a best partner with customers and vendors, a best investment for your stakeholders, and a best citizen making a difference in the world? It's a tall order, but these are the expectations for world-class organizations today. In his bestselling book From Values to Action, Harry Kraemer showed how self-reflection, balance, true self-confidence, and genuine humility are the traits of today's most effective leaders. In Becoming the Best, his highly anticipated follow-up, Kraemer reveals how, in practical terms, anyone can apply these principles to become a values-based leader and to help create values-based organizations. Drawing on his own experiences as the former CEO and chairman of Baxter International, as well as those of other notable leaders and organizations, Kraemer lays out a pathway for understanding the principles and putting them into practice, showing specifically, how to: Use self-reflection to become your "best self" as you lead yourself and others more effectively Create a "best team" that understands and appreciates what they're doing, and why Forge "best partnerships" through win/win collaboration with vendors and customers that enhance the end user's experience Support the mission, vision, and values of the organization to generate returns that distinguish a "best investment" Make a difference in the world beyond the organization by becoming a "best citizen" Powerful case studies from Campbell's Soup, Ernst & Young, Target, Northern Trust, and many others demonstrate the four principles of values-based leadership in action and show how thinking beyond the corporation can trigger positive outcomes for both the company and the world. Regardless of level or job title, individuals can make a difference in their organization and beyond by embodying the essential traits of a great leader. Becoming the Best offers a definitive, actionable guide to show anyone how to apply in practice the principles of values-based leadership personally and professionally, making it an indispensable manual for the new wave of better leaders.All of Harry’s proceeds from the book sales are donated to the One Acre Fund in Africa.
Duke University Press The Dukes of Durham, 1865-1929
This is the history of Washington Duke and two of his sons, Benjamin Newton Duke and James Buchanan Duke. Although numerous other members of the family play their parts in the story it focuses primarily on the three men who were at the center of the economic and philanthropic activities which made the Dukes of Durham one of America's famous families. The Dukes operated closely and constantly as a family, and only in that context is their full story told.In the years after the Civil War, Washington Duke proved to be an unusually able industrialist and a conscientious, Methodist philanthropist. He was, in fact, a major Southern pioneer in both industry and philanthropy. His two sons by a second marriage were remarkably devoted to each other as well as to their father. Both sons also reflected traits of thier father. While Benjamin N. Duke and James B. Duke had life-long involvement with the business world—first in tobacco, then textiles, and finally electric power—as well as with philanthropy, they actually developed complementary specializations. Benjamin N. Duke, the older of the two, served as the family's primary agent for philanthropy from his early manhood in the late 1800's until he gradually became semi-invalid after 1915. James B. Duke, on the other hand, early displayed a marked talent, even a genius, for business. Toward the end of his life, with the establishment of The Duke Endowment late in 1924, he emerged as one of the nation's major philanthropists, ranking alongside Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. A central theme of this book is, however, that the Endowment, despite its magnitude and far-reaching scope, was essentially the institutionalization and culmination of a pattern of family philanthropy that emerged in the 1890's and for which the older brother, Benjamin N. Duke, had always been the primary agent. Thus, the story of James B. Duke, who was and has remained much the more well-known of the two brothers, cannot properly be told out of the family context from which he emerged and in which occurred most of the important phases of his life.Washington Duke, as a small, land-owning yeoman farmer, was typical of the great majority class not only in antebellum North Carolina but in the South as a whole. Only after the war, when he and his sons emerged as large-scale industrialists and philanthropists, did the Dukes become atypical. Their story is, then, both agricultural and industrial, both Southern and national. Born North Carolinians, they moved onto a national, even global, stage. Yet all the while they kept deep roots, as well as vast investments of capital, in the Old North State, and they poured many millions into philanthropy, largely in the two Carolinas. Based largely on manuscript sources, many of them hitherto unused, this is the first study of the Duke family. The "New South," as recent historians have told us, may not have been so new—but it was certainly different in important ways, and the Dukes loomed large among those who helped to make it so.