Search results for ""author jean""
Cambridge University Press Theatres of Feeling: Affect, Performance, and the Eighteenth-Century Stage
Theatre and theatregoing was central to the cultural life of later eighteenth-century Britain. In this engaging work, Jean I. Marsden explores the playhouse as a source of emotion during a period when the ability to feel demonstrated moral worth. Using first-hand accounts, reviews, and illustrations to complement the drama of the era, Marsden examines why both critics and audiences elevated the theatre above the pulpit and how they experienced the plays and performances that they witnessed. Tears and even fainting fits were a common reaction to powerful productions, and playwrights sought to harness this emotion. The book explores this intersection of text, performance, and affect in a series of case studies of plays exploring British liberty, empire and the evils of antisemitism. With a focus on emotional response, Theatres of Feeling delivers a new approach to dramatic literature and performance, one that moves beyond more limited studies of text or performance.
Dover Publications Inc. On the Social Contract
Penguin Putnam Inc The Body Art Book: Complete guide to tattoos, Piercings, and Other Body Modifications
Methuen Publishing Ltd Existentialism and Humanism
Over the past sixty years the writings of Jean-Paul Sartre have probably been more influential in the West than those of any other philosopher and literary figure. In his theoretical writings, Sartre laid the foundation for an original doctrine of Existentialism. His concern, however, was to relate his theory to human response and the practical demands of living. To achieve this, he carried his philosophical concepts into his novels and plays, and there subjected them to the test of imagined experience. His uniqueness lies in the success with which he demonstrated the utility of Existentialist doctrine while creating, at the same time, works of the highest literary merit. Thus Sartre became the populariser of his own literary thought. Originally delivered as a lecture in Paris in 1945, "Existentialism and Humanism" is Jean-Paul Sartre's seminal defence of Existentialism as a doctrine true to Humanism, as opposed to a purely nihilistic creed, and a plan for its practical application to everyday human life. This exploration of one of the central tenets of his philosophical thought has become the essential introduction to his work, and a fundamental text for all students of philosophy.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Concepts for Nursing Practice (with Access on VitalSource)
Learn the core concepts of nursing care and apply them to the clinical setting! Concepts for Nursing Practice, 3rd Edition uses a simplified, intuitive approach to describe 57 important concepts relating to all areas of nursing practice. For easier understanding, this book also makes connections among related concepts and links you to other nursing textbooks. Exemplars for each concept provide useful examples and models, showing how concepts are successfully applied to practice. New to this edition are updated research evidence and a new Population Health concept. Written by conceptual learning expert Jean Giddens, this text will help you build clinical reasoning skills and prepare confidently for almost any clinical nursing situation. Authoritative content written by expert contributors and meticulously edited by concept-based learning expert Jean Giddens sets the standard for the rapidly growing concept-based curriculum movement. A total of 57 important nursing concepts are clearly defined and analyzed, spanning the areas of patient physiology, patient behavior, and the professional nursing environment. Case studies in each chapter make it easier to apply knowledge of nursing concepts to real-world situations. UNIQUE! Featured Exemplars sections describe selected exemplars related to each nursing concept, covering the entire lifespan and all clinical settings, and help you assimilate concepts into practice. UNIQUE! Logical framework of concepts by units and themes helps you form immediate connections among related concepts --- a key to conceptual learning. UNIQUE! Interrelated Concepts illustrations provide visual cues to understanding and help you make connections across concepts. NEW! UPDATED content reflects the latest research evidence and national and international practice guidelines. NEW! Population Health concept reflects the future of nursing, in which health care organizations learn to deliver care that is high in quality, patient-centered, cost-effective, and evidence-based. NEW! Featured Exemplars sections provide a brief explanation of some of the most important exemplars. NEW! Discussion questions in case studies reinforce your understanding of each concept. NEW! UPDATED exemplar links connect you to concept exemplars in other RN- and LPN/LVN-level Elsevier nursing titles.
Yale University Press Inuit Morality Play: The Emotional Education of a Three-Year-Old
Psychological anthropologist Jean Briggs shows how Inuit adults use dramatic play to transmit cultural messages and moral lessons to their children"I could not be more enthusiastic about this brilliant book. . . . A mesmerizing ethnography."—Nancy J. Chodorow"Is your mother good?" "Are you good?" "Do you want to come live with me?" Inuit adults often playfully present small children with difficult, even dangerous, choices and then dramatize the consequences of the child’s answers. They are enacting in larger-than-life form the plots that drive Inuit social life—testing, acting out problems, entertaining themselves, and, most of all, bringing up their children. In a riveting narrative, psychological anthropologist Jean L. Briggs takes us through six months of dramatic interactions in the life of Chubby Maata, a three-year-old girl growing up in a Baffin Island hunting camp. The book examines the issues that engaged the child—belonging, possession, love—and shows the process of her growing. Briggs questions the nature of "sharedness" in culture and assumptions about how culture is transmitted. She suggests that both cultural meanings and strong personal commitment to one’s world can be (and perhaps must be) acquired not by straightforwardly learning attitudes, rules, and habits in a dependent mode but by experiencing oneself as an agent engaged in productive conflict in emotionally problematic situations. Briggs finds that dramatic play is an essential force in Inuit social life. It creates and supports values; engenders and manages attachments and conflicts; and teaches and maintains an alert, experimental, constantly testing approach to social relationships.
James Clarke & Co Ltd Evangelist to the World The Story of Billy Graham Faith Fame S
Presents a short, straightforward account of the life of the evangelist Billy Graham, and how his mission to preach made him famous throughout the world. This title is for ages 9-13.
Dover Publications Inc The Royal Road to Card Magic Dover Magic Books
Simple-to-use book gives versatile repertoire of first rate card tricks. The authors, both expert magicians, present clear explanations of basic techniques and over 100 complete tricks. 121 figures.
Peeters Publishers Les Actes des Patriarches VI: Les Regestes de 1377 a 1410
Peeters Publishers Notitiae Episcopatuum Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae: Texte critique, introduction et notes
Peeters Publishers Les Actes des Patriarches V: Les Regestes de 1310 a 1376
Antoni Bosch Editor, S.A. El despertar de los demonios: La crisis del euro y cómo salir de ella
Creíamos que los demonios se habían calmado: al amparo de la crisis financiera de 2008, los Estados habían recuperado su ascendiente sobre los mercados financieros; con el euro, los europeos habían enterrado el egoísmo nacional; en las peores circunstancias, las políticas económicas sabían responder a tiempo. Pero la tormenta que trastorna la zona euro desde hace dos años muestra que los demonios sólo se habían adormecido.Lo que comenzó como una trivial crisis en el seno de una pequeña economía periférica, Grecia, ha golpeado un país tras otro y amenaza hoy con arrastrar todo el edificio europeo. ¿Podemos aún escapar a esa tormenta? ¿Tendrán que abandonar el euro algunos países? ¿A qué precio? ¿Perderán los Estados su autonomía presupuestaria? ¿Está Alemania tomando el poder?Con brío y claridad, Jean Pisani-Ferry proporciona las claves para comprender lo que está sucediendo hoy alrededor del euro. A la manera de un thriller, el libro describe la historia de una moneda sin Estado y, lo que es peor, desprovista de un proyecto político. Denuncia las carencias de los dirigentes europeos que, en la tormenta, han reaccionado demasiado poco y demasiado tarde. Descifra, por último, los distintos guiones de salida de la crisis y evalúa sus posibilidades de éxito.
Euskaltzaindia Vasconiana
Lafon investigó las características de los sustantivos en euskera, así como de los adjetivos, las declinaciones, fonología, acentos, dialectología, sintaxis. Participó en diversas revistas europeas. En esta ocasi6n, Euskaltzaindia publica los artículos más rigurosos y e1aborados que Lafon escribió sobre el euskera.
Editorial Trotta, S.A. La guerra s anta The Holy War La formacin de la idea de cruzada en el occidente cristiano The formation of the crusade idea in the Christian West
Amorrortu Editores El pacto de lucidez o La inteligencia del mal
La desaparición de Dios nos ha dejado frente a la realidad. Qué ocurrirá con la desaparición de la realidad?Cabe preguntarse si es este un destino negativo o simplemente una ausencia de destino, es decir, el surgimiento de una banalidad implacable ligada al cálculo integral de la realidad. El destino no ha dicho su última palabra. Se lo puede sentir en el corazón mismo de esa reali- zación integral, en el corazón del poder, en esa convulsión interna que sigue su lógica y pre- cipita sus efectos, en ese vuelco maléfico de la estructura que transforma una destinación po- sitiva en una finalidad asesina: aquí se encuentra el principio del Mal y aquí debe intervenir la inteligencia del Mal.O sea, dos movimientos antagónicos:Realidad Integral: movimiento irreversible de totalización del mundo.Forma Dual: reversibilidad interna al movimiento irreversible de lo real.Parecería que la evolución (o la involución) hacia un universo integral es irresistible. Pero al mismo tiemp
Ediciones Mensajero, S.A. Unipersonal Cmo tener xito en las reuniones
Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica Diccionario Cervantes
Dr Ludwig Reichert Les Noms-Racines de l'Avesta
Dr Ludwig Reichert Liste Du Verbe Avestique
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Les Origines Du Jansenisme: I. Correspondance de Jansenius
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Cassirer. Du Transcendantal Au Semiotique
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Cogito Hermeneutique: L'Hermeneutique Philosophique Et l'Heritage Cartesien
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Sophismata
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Intuitionnisme Et Theorie de la Demonstration
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Introduction a l'Opus Metaphysicum de Christian Wolff
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Fin Du Monde Civilise: Les Propheties de Vacher de Lapouge
Pocket Darling
Klincksieck Exode Rural Et Migrations Interieures En France: L'Exemple de la Vienne Et Du Poitou-Charentes
Les Belles Lettres Arnau de Villeneuve II: de l'Interpretation Seminale Des Lettres a la Revendication Prophetique
Les Belles Lettres Basileia: Les Cesars, Les Rois d'Orient Et Les Mages
Editions Flammarion Antigone/Maries de la Tour Eiffel
Hato Press Holidays - Jean Jullien
ECW Press,Canada Ice Diaries: An Antarctic Memoir
NY Research Press Conflict Management and Peacebuilding: A Geopolitical Perspective
American Medical Publishers Autism: Importance of Neural Networks
Barbour Kidz 3 Minutes with Jesus: 180 Devotions for Girls
Barbour Kidz It All Matters to Jesus (Girls): Prayers for Girls
Sounds True Inc Self-compassion Diet: A Step-by-step Program to Lose Weight with Loving-kindness
Self-Love: Your Greatest Guide on the Path to Healthy Weight The secret to sustainable weight loss isn’t counting calories or depriving yourself at the dinner table. Jean Fain tells us it’s about cultivating awareness and self-acceptance wherever you are. With The Self-Compassion Diet, this Harvard Medical School–affiliated psychotherapist prescribes a practical program for transforming the way you think and feel about food and your whole self—a shift that, paradoxically, inspires physical change. Combining loving-kindness, self-hypnosis, and other winning weight-loss strategies, The Self Compassion Diet is available in two complementary formats to help you naturally progress toward genuine self-acceptance and a healthy, sustainable weight. With more than 30 different tools including quizzes, breathing exercises, and visualizations, the book explores four powerful weight-loss methods. The audio edition guides you through 11 key practices described in the book. Used together, this powerful combination can speed learning and boost success. Additional topics include: How to appreciate the everyday activity of eating, and learn to trust your body’s signals that it’s nourished • Gradual change—a guided visualization for developing mindful eating habits • A meditation for getting to know the diet coach who knows you best—your compassionate inner advisor “Most dieters try to `kill cravings’ and break habits with self-discipline,” teaches Fain. “Self-kindness can help quiet the shame that traditional diets instill, and establish a harmonious relationship with food.” The Self Compassion Diet book and audio offer a treasury of heart-opening mind-body teachings and practices for improving the way you live, breathe, and eat.
Rowman & Littlefield I Can Tell God Anything: Living Prayer
You already know how to kneel, bow your head, close your eyes, and pray. Jean Maalouf teaches you how to pray with your very life and existence.
Zephyr Press Square Pegs Building Success in School and Life Through Multiple Intelligences
This MI book goes beyond the classroom to help teachers teach students learning skills they'll use throughout life. Set up in an easy-to-use format, each activity has clear objectives. Numerous reproducible activity sheets, teacher resource sheets, wall posters, and cartoons help students learn how to take control of their attitudes, thoughts, and feelings; use the personal intelligences to create a positive learning environment for themselves; develop strategies fro applying each type of intelligence to a variety of curricular areas; and develop general life skills (focus, organization, communication).
Simon & Schuster A Cloud in the Shape of a Girl
From National Book Award finalist and the New York Times bestselling author of The Year We Left Home comes a “powerful, beautifully crafted” (People) family saga about three generations of women who struggle to find freedom and happiness in their small Midwestern college town.A Cloud in the Shape of a Girl is a poignant novel about three generations of the Wise family—Evelyn, Laura, and Grace—as they hunt for contentment amid chaos of their own making. We see these women and their trials, small and large: social slights and heartbreaks; marital disappointments and infidelities; familial dysfunction; mortality. Spanning from World War II to the present, Thompson reveals a matrilineal love story that is so perfectly grounded in our time—a story of three women regressing, stalling, and yes, evolving, over decades. One of the burning questions she asks is: by serving her family, is a woman destined to repeat the mistakes of previous generations, or can she transcend the expectations of a place, and a time? Can she truly be free? Evelyn, Laura, and Grace are the glue that binds their family together. Tethered to their small Midwestern town—by choice or chance—Jean Thompson seamlessly weaves together the stories of the Wise women with humanity and elegance, through their heartbreaks, setbacks, triumphs, and tragedies. “Thompson’s new novel draws the reader in with character and plot…but what ultimately holds the reader enthralled is…her ability to capture the nuance of individual moments, thoughts, and reactions. No one writing today is better at this…[an] extraordinary novel” (Washington Independent Review of Books).
Rowman & Littlefield The Mystic Cookbook: Recipes, History, and Seafaring Lore
Bring home the flavors of Mystic Seaport and celebrate the bounty of New England's coastal lands and waters. With more than one hundred great recipes, both historical and contemporary, Mystic Cookbook is the perfect souvenir from the historic Seaport. These mouthwatering recipes cover both land and sea, with tips for procuring and preparing the perfect oyster, how to best enjoy peaches in New England, and sweet and savory dishes to share.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Animalkind: What We Owe to Animals
By exploring the ethical differences between humans and animals, Animalkind establishes a middle ground between egalitarianism and outright dismissal of animal rights. A thought-provoking foray into our complex and contradictory relationship with animals Advocates that we owe each animal due respect Offers readers a sensible alternative to extremism by speaking of respect and compassion for animals, not rights Balances philosophical analysis with intriguing facts and engaging tales