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Les Belles Lettres Diodore de Sicile, Bibliotheque Historique: Tome III: Livre III
Lifeway Christian Resources RV 1909 Biblia Clsica con Referencia negro imitacin piel
La Biblia Clásica con Referencias RVR 1909 es el regalo perfecto para todos aquellos que aman la tan confiable edición 1909 de las Escrituras en la tradicional versión Reina-Valera. Características: Palabras de Cristo en rojo, subtítulos en cada página, referencias en columna central, concordancia temática de 68 páginas, plan de salvación, mapas a todo color, página de presentación con registro familiar, cinta marcadora (en edición imitación piel). The R e in a- V a l era 1909 Cl a ssi c R e f ere n ce Bi b l e is a perfect gift for anyone who loves the trusted 1909 edition of the Scriptures in the traditional Reina-Valera version. Features:Words of Christ in red, topical subheads, center column references, 68-page topical concordance, plan of salvation, full-color maps, presentation page and family register, ribbon marker (in imitation leather).
Lifeway Christian Resources RVR 1960 Biblia para Regalos y Premios azul turquesa smil piel
This Gift & Award Bible features a full-color end leaf presentation page to help make any special occasionextra special. Features:• Words of Christ in red• Topical subheadings• Presentation page• 62-page concordance• Full-color maps (except hardcover)• Plan of Salvation Esta Biblia para Regalos y Premios incluye una página de presentación a todo color para que esa ocasión especial sea inolvidable. Características:• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Subtítulos temáticos• Página de presentación• Concordancia de 62 páginas• Mapas a todo color(excepto en tapa dura)• Plan de salvación
Broadman & Holman Publishers Qué dice la Biblia sobre el perdón: Principales versículos bíblicos sobre el perdón
Broadman & Holman Publishers Promesas Bíblicas de Esperanza y Valor: Promesas de Dios para Tiempos de Dolor, Miedo y Desesperanza
Broadman & Holman Publishers Atributos de Dios: Aspectos fundamentales sobre quién es Dios
Broadman & Holman Publishers El Bautismo
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Interpretation of Financial Statements
Deep & Deep Publications Trade, Finance and Development
Institute for Justice and Reconciliation Peace in the balance: The crisis in Sudan
The ongoing crisis in Sudan is characteristic of the many challenges of nation-building on the African continent. Yet it has unique dynamics. The legacy of exploitative colonial rule, racialised marginalisation of the majority of its people, ethnic and religious divisions, and a state with a high capacity for repression but little propensity for extending protection and consensual rule to the majority of its population, has resulted in extended conflict. Current attempts to end half a century of war, instability and state repression have led to a fragile peace. Sustaining this peace will demand all the efforts of national, regional and international actors. This title is an attempt to trace the origins of the problems, the ongoing conflicts and the huge challenges confronting the efforts to bring peace and reconciliation to Sudan.
Peeters Publishers Luristan Excavation Documents Vol. VIII: Early Bronze Age Graveyards to the West of the Kabir Kuh (Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan)
This volume is the final report on the 1965-1979 excavations by Ghent University and the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, in sub-region I, the most western part of Pusht-i Kuh in Luristan (W-Iran), which is the closest to Mesopotamia. The volume is divided into two parts. The first part discusses tombs at nine sites from the Early Bronze Age I to III period (early and middle third millennium B.C.). Most of these were collective tombs; some of them were even re-used in later periods. Two Sasanian interments with exceptional burial goods are also documented. The second part of the book deals with tombs from the late third and the early second millennium (Early Bronze Age IV), or the so called 'Gutian'-tombs. These small individual tombs were documented at six sites. Usually they have three walls only, but occasional reuse of earlier tombs was attested as well. Burial goods include plain and painted pottery, metal weapons and utensils, seals and personal ornaments, some of it of Mesopotamian origin or at least related to it. All the finds are illustrated in line drawings, with the tombs and most objects also in photographs. Metal analyses of objects were performed and the results are included in the volume.
Peeters Publishers (In)site Sagalassos
(In)site Sagalassos is het eerste fotoboek dat verschijnt over de archeologische site van Sagalassos. Al 18 jaar onderzoekt een interdisciplinair-archeologisch team van de KULeuven onder leiding van Prof. Marc Waelkens de antieke stad in zuidwest Turkije. Sinds 2003 fotgraferen Bruno Vandermeulen en Danny Veys de vondsten en structuren van de stad. Als fotografen bekijken zij de site met andere ogen dan de archeoloog. Dit boek is een fotografische impressie van de opgraving met haar monumenten en wijken. Zij toont de stad op een andere, verrassende manier. Door de combinatie van grote en kleine foto's, details en overzichten, architectuur en landschap wordt dit boek tot een boeiend geheel verweven. Het fotoboek wordt ingeleid door Marc Waelkens en bevat een historisch overzicht van de opgraving en de site. Meer informatie is beschikbaar op de website
Peeters Publishers Metalangage Et Terminologie Linguistique: Actes Du Colloque De Grenoble (Universite Stendhal-Grenoble III, 14-16 Mai 1998)
This volume contains the proceedings of an international conference held in 1998 ("Metalangage et terminologie linguistique", Universite Stendhal - Grenoble III, 14-16 May 1998). The first section contains 18 contributions dealing with foundational issues in linguistic terminology (its status, its constitution, the relationship between metalanguage and terminology, the adequacy of linguistic terminology, etc.). The second section, devoted to the history of linguistic terminology, contains 18 papers dealing with particular stages in the history of linguistic terminology in the West, and 8 papers on the history of linguistic terminology in non-Western traditions (Mesapotamia, Caucasia, Arab tradition, Jewish tradition, Japan). The third section is devoted to applicational fields of linguistic terminology. Its first subsection contains 10 papers on linguistic terminology and language teaching, whereas the second subsection contains 8 papers on specialized linguistic terminologies and on the metalanguage of adjacent fields. The third subsection contains 6 papers on contrasts and convergences between (nationally) diversified linguistic terminologies. The proceedings are rounded off with the transcription of the round table discussion that took place at the end of the conference.All contributions are followed by bibliographies. The volume is written in French and contains English summaries of all the papers, an index of personal names and of concepts.The editors of the volume teach at the Universite Stendhal - Grenoble II.
Les Belles Lettres Gargilius Martialis, Les Remedes Tires Des Legumes Et Des Fruits
Broadman & Holman Publishers Qué Dice la Biblia sobre la Oración
Broadman & Holman Publishers Biblia de Estudio de Apologética, tapa dura
Broadman & Holman Publishers Nombres de Jesús
HarperCollins Publishers Inc What You Know First
Palgrave Macmillan Doing More with Less 2nd edition: Measuring, Analyzing and Improving Performance in the Not-For-Profit and Government Sectors
Written in an accessible and practical style, Doing More With Less 2nd edition addresses the efficiency drive using models, tools, and ideas more commonly found in the corporate world. This fully updated edition also includes case studies from Audit Scotland, Belfast City Council, FBI, NHS, Ministry of Works (Bahrain), and many more.
Harvard University Press History of Rome, Volume III: Books 5-7
Rome, from the beginning.Livy (Titus Livius), the great Roman historian, was born at or near Patavium (Padua) in 64 or 59 BC; he may have lived mostly in Rome but died at Patavium, in AD 12 or 17. Livy’s only extant work is part of his history of Rome from the foundation of the city to 9 BC. Of its 142 books, we have just thirty-five, and short summaries of all the rest except two. The whole work was, long after his death, divided into Decades or series of ten. Books 1–10 we have entire; books 11–20 are lost; books 21–45 are entire, except parts of 41 and 43–45. Of the rest only fragments and the summaries remain. In splendid style Livy, a man of wide sympathies and proud of Rome’s past, presented an uncritical but clear and living narrative of Rome’s rise to greatness. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Livy is in fourteen volumes. The last volume includes a comprehensive index.
Regal Publications Role Perception and Inclusive Democracy
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Glass along the Silk Road from 200 BC to AD 1000: International Conference within the scope of the »Sino-German Project on Cultural Heritage Preservation« of the RGZM and the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, December 11th-12th 2
Since Antiquity, the routes of the so-called Silk Road formed an important network for commercial, cultural and technological exchange. Far-reaching and criss-crossing the Asian continent they connected eastern and south-eastern parts of Asia to the Mediterranean world via both maritime and overland routes. Named after the lucrative silk trade, which developed during Han Dynasty, one tends to think of the Silk Road as a one-way road starting in China and ending at the Mediterranean. However, goods, technologies and ideas were travelling in both directions, and glass is an excellent example for a trade-good that arrived in the East from the West. The key developments of glass, which had its origins in the Middle and Near East, mainly took place in the Mediterranean and in the Arab World during Antiquity and Islamic times. Although known in the Far East since at least the Han Dynasty and treated as equivalent to precious stones, glass never played a significant role in Far Eastern cultures. Therefore, glass finds from Far Eastern sites provide evidence for far-reaching trade-relationships and imply cross-fertilization with other cultures. Thus, the contributions to this conference dealt with a geographical area between Western Europe, the Balkans, the Near East, Central Asia, as well as Eastern and Southeastern Asia and covered a chronological range from 200 BC to AD 1000. The conference focused on the one hand on recent results of scientific analyses of glass and on the other hand on archaeological questions. The possibility of interdisciplinary research was one of the focal points of the conference and hence this volume, as well as questions on workshops, raw material, technology and trade. The current state of research on glass along the Silk Road was the subject of an international conference within the scope of the "Sino-German Project on Cultural Heritage Preservation" of the RGZM and the Shaanxi Provincal Institute of Archaeology, hosted in 2008 in Mainz. The book contains the contributions to that conference.
Independent Author Sand And Spring Board Training For Football Performance
Peeters Publishers Culte des saints et littérature hagiographique: Accords et désaccords
Dans un monde idéal l’hagiographie et le culte se développeraient en parallèle en se renforçant mutuellement. Autant que de sanctuaires, de reliques et de fêtes, le culte complet et réussi avait besoin de textes. Ce livre, en étudiant les sources en grec, latin, syriaque, copte, arménien et géorgien, montre que le lien entre l’hagiographie et le culte était en réalité souvent plus complexe. Certaines histoires ont été écrites en réponse à un culte déjà existant, mais les pratiques cultuelles et l’image du saint qu’elles présentent divergent de celles qui étaient promues par les sanctuaires majeurs des mêmes saints. D’autres histoires précédèrent l’apparition du culte et contribuèrent à son émergence seulement beaucoup plus tard. D’autres encore, jouissant d’un succès littéraire considérable, n’ont pourtant pas réussi à obtenir pour leurs héros un sanctuaire ou une place dans le calendrier. L’hagiographie pouvait créer, soutenir, changer ou ignorer le culte, mais le culte pouvait aussi bien créer, soutenir, changer ou ignorer l’hagiographie. In an ideal world, hagiography and the cult of saints would develop in parallel and strengthen each other: a successful cult would need texts, just as much as it needed shrines, relics and feasts. This book, studying the evidence from the Greek, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, and Georgian worlds, shows that the reality of the link between hagiography and cult was often more complex. Some stories were written in response to existing veneration, but the cult practices and the image of the saint which they presented, differed from those promoted by the principal shrines of the same saint. Other stories preceded the emergence of cult, and gave rise to it only very much later. Yet others, while enjoying considerable literary success, never achieved for their heroes a shrine or a place in the calendar of feasts. Hagiography could initiate, support, change, or even ignore cult; but cult could just as well initiate, support, change, or even ignore hagiography.
de Gruyter Von Galilei Bis Einstein
Societe d'Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France (SELAF) Marobo, Une Societe Ema De Timor Central. Preface De G. Condominas
Graphis US Inc Graphis Social & Political Protest Posters
Graphis US Inc Graphis Photography Annual 2020
Graphis Photography AnnualThis year's Platinum Award-Winning Photographers are Craig Cutler, Bruce Deboer, Nicholas Duers, Nick Hall, Vincent Junier, Jonathan Knowles, McCandliss and Cambell, Lennette Newell, Joseph Saraceno, Howard Schatz, Michael Schoenfeld, and Hadley Stambaugh.Graphis Masters Athena Azevedo, Andreas Franke, and Ricardo de Vicq de Cumptich as well as Colin Faulkner and Frank P. Wartenberg.This book contains winning Photography entries, organized by subject matter. Also included are a retrospective on the past decade of winning Photography, a list of international photography museums, and information about upcoming Graphis titles. Platinum and Gold Award Winners describe their assignments, approaches, and results, providing valuable insight into their creative processes.
Graphis US Inc Graphis Archigraphia Redux
Archigraphia ReduxA beautifully curated collection of the best of environmental graphic design today, Archigraphia Redux is an essential reference for anyone interested in effective communications in the built environment.Graphis is proud to announce the introduction of a new book by Richard Poulin, a renowned multiple Graphis Gold Award-winning designer, educator, and author, which pays homage to Archigraphia: Architectural and Environmental Graphics (Graphis, 1976) by Walter Herdeg (1908–1995), founder and editor of Graphis Magazine. The book is a new international survey of architectural, environmental, and experiential graphic design in the 21st century. Over 150 designers, architects, interior designers, landscape architects, and artists from over 40 countries are represented by their groundbreaking work throughout the book.This volume, like the original, is organized into six chapters—Pictograms and Symbols, Vehicular Sign Systems, Visual Guidance and Wayfinding Systems, Building Façades and Storefronts, Supergraphics and Animated Surfaces, and Transportation and Vehicle Graphics. A new seventh chapter covers New Approaches and Digital Technologies. Each chapter includes an introductory essay by authorities on each subject covered—Tom Geismar (United States), Ronald Shakespear (Argentina), Alex Wood (United Kingdom), Masaaki Hiromura (Japan), Paula Scher (United States), Peter Knapp (United Kingdom), and Nik Hafermaas (United States). The high quality of projects assembled along with thoughtful commentaries by the most respected practitioners of the discipline ensures that Archigraphia Redux will be an essential entry in any design library.
Lone Pine Publishing,Canada Wetland Plants of Oregon and Washington
This concise and easy-to-use field guide provides a wealth of information about the plants of the rich wetland ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest. Grouped by habitat, this guide describes wooded wetland, wetland prairie, marshy shore, shrub swamp, and the submerged and floating communities. Wetland Plants of Oregon and Washington includes: * Descriptions of more than 330 plants species * Over 300 exceptional color photos * 74 line drawings providing additional detail * Hints for distinguishing easily confused species * Intriguing notes on endangered plants, wildlife uses, associated species and natural history. * This authoritative and attractive field guide will help raise awareness and improve stewardship of an irreplaceable natural resource. Whether you are a naturalist or an armchair adventurer, you will find this book an indispensable addition to your bookshelf or backpack.
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Building Better Ideas: How Constructive Debate Inspires Courage, Collaboration and Breakthrough Solutions
Hal Leonard Corporation The Best of B.B. King
Think Fast Ink The Italian Job: Book Two
Copley Pub Group Cumulative Record
Baker Publishing Group The Key to Love
The only thing Bri Duval loves more than baking petit fours is romance. So much so, she's created her own version of the famous Parisian lovelock wall at her bakery in Story, Kansas. She never expects it to go viral--or for Trek Magazine to send travel writer Gerard Fortier to feature the bakery. He's definitely handsome, but Bri has been holding out for a love story like the one her parents had, and that certainly will not include the love-scorned-and-therefore-love-scorning Gerard. Just when it seems Bri's bakery is poised for unprecedented success, a series of events threaten not just her business but the pedestal she's kept her parents on all these years. Maybe Gerard is right about romance. Or maybe Bri's recipe just needs to be tweaked. Novelist Betsy St. Amant invites you to experience this sweet story of how love doesn't always look the way we expect--and maybe that's a good thing.
Alfred Music Miniature Concerto Sheet
CamCat Publishing, LLC Space Holes
Saving an alien planet is nothing compared to meeting your sales quota. Untrained tag-along, Marcus Aimond, aboard humanity's first intergalactic exploratory commerce vessel has a singular mission: sell off-brand misprinted merchandise. When the rookie and his crew encounter the Nerelkor, a frog-like civilization, he is thrust head-first into an alien civil war. The opposing factions, Rejault and Dinasc, are stuck in an ill-fated feud driven by deep-rooted ineptitude. To avoid the planet's total annihilation and establish a local sales office, Aimond and the crew must survive arena combat, reshape the very structure of the planet, establish world peace, and stay alivefor the sake of positive branding, of course.
Capstone Press Brave Escape of Ellen and William Craft
NOVA MD The Sin Lovers
NOVA MD Demons Share Ruf der Dämonen
NOVA MD Gods of Egypt Chaosmagie
Outlook Verlag Toilers of Babylon
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Saving Grace Bis dein Tod uns scheidet Psychothriller
Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH Das Marillenmadchen