Search results for ""Transcript Verlag""
transcript Verlag Decolonizing Journalistic Knowledge
transcript Verlag Writing Romantic Climate Change
Transcript Verlag Women Architects and Politics – Intersections between Gender, Power Structures, and Architecture in the Long Twentieth Century
In the late 1960s, the feminist scholar Kate Millet broadly defined "politics" as arrangements of power which enable individuals collectively to assert authority over others. Taking this definition, case studies by scholars from Europe, Israel and the United States explore the gendered professional in the 20th century as she navigated arrangements of power including organised religion, emancipation movements, cultural norms and shifting forms of government to practice architecture. Additional contributions reflect upon power structures in contemporary architectural education, practice and history to propose other means of architectural knowledge, representation and professional activity.
Transcript Verlag The Local Museum in the Global Village – Rethinking Ideas, Functions, and Practices of Local History Museums in Rapidly Changing Diverse
In remote areas of Europe, local history museums struggle to connect with the rapidly changing and increasingly diverse communities around them. Insa Müller asks how these museums can recast themselves to strengthen the links to their communities. Combining theoretical deliberations, empirical investigations of the case of two Norwegian islands and a museum experiment, she offers starting points for rethinking the local history museum, while at the same time providing suggestions for locally adapted museum practice.
Transcript Verlag Arctic Archives – Ice, Memory, and Entropy
This pioneering volume explores the Arctic as an important and highly endangered archive of knowledge about natural as well as human history of the anthropocene.Focusing on the Arctic as an archive means to investigate it not only as a place of human history and memory - of Arctic exploring, "conquering" and colonizing -, but to take into account also the specific environmental conditions of the circumpolar region: ice and permafrost. These have allowed a huge natural archive to emerge, offering rich sources for natural scientists and historians alike.Examining the debate on the notion of ("natural") archive, the cultural semantics and historicity of the meaning of concepts like "warm", "cold", "freezing" and "melting" as well as various works of literature, art and science on Arctic topics, this volume brings together literary scholars, historians of knowledge and philosophy, art historians, media theorists and archivologists.
Transcript Verlag Fractal Narrative: About the Relationship Between Geometries and Technology and Its Impact on Narrative Spaces
Fractals suggest recursivity, infinity and the repetition of a principle of order. They are digital pictures of the universe's continuous movement ignored by mankind during millennia. This book investigates the relationship existing between geometries and technology, and how it guided cognitive processes and thus the organization of narrative spaces. The author proposes a new approach for the study of media remarking that from Bacon's camera obscura to von Neumann's computers both geometries and technology strongly influenced the organization of narrative spaces, which acquired a fractal character.
Transcript Verlag Dimensions of Locality: Muslim Saints, their Place and Space (Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam No. 8)
As a world religion Islam is based on a highly abstract and absolute notion of the transcendent, which its followers establish and celebrate - in a seemingly contradictory fashion - at very specific sites: Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, and the vast and complex landscapes of mosques and Muslim saints' shrines around the world. Sacred locality has thus become a paradigm for the relationship between the human and the transcendent, a model for urban planning, regional networks, imaginary spaces, and spiritual hierarchies alike. This importance of saintly places has, however, become increasingly complicated and troubled by reformist currents within Islam, on the one hand, and the emergence of modern archeology and anthropology, on the other. While they have often tended to posit "the local" in opposition to "the universal", in this volume islamologists, anthropologists, and sociologists offer new ways of thinking about the local, the place, and the conceptual landscapes and spaces of saints. In this, its eighth volume, the Yearbook for the Sociology of Islam looks at different sites and regions around the Muslim world (notably Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Southeast Asia) not as "localized" versions of a universal Islam, but as constitutive of one particular outlook of the universalizing order of a world religion.
Transcript Verlag Public Istanbul: Spaces and Spheres of the Urban
Istanbul is one of the largest and most dynamic metropolises on the European continent. In the context of processes of globalization and local urban planning projects urban space is continously contested. In this anthology forms, meanings and images of these urban spaces are discussed by architects, historians, and social scientists. Through interdisciplinary approaches of theory and case studies the book delivers a deep insight into the construction and constitution of public spaces and spheres in contemporary Istanbul.
Transcript Verlag The Beatles on Film: Analysis of Movies, Documentaries, Spoofs and Cartoons
This book provides the production history and a contextual interpretation of The Beatles' movies (A Hard Day's Night, Help!, Yellow Submarine, Let It Be) and describes their ability to project the group's image at different stages in their career. It also includes a discussion of all of The Beatles' promotional films and videos, as well as their television cartoon series and the self-produced television special Magical Mystery Tour. Along with The Beatles' feature movies and promos, this analysis also contains documentaries, such as The Compleat Beatles and Anthology, as well as dramatizations of the band's history, such as Backbeat, The Hours and Times, and Two of Us.
Transcript Verlag Interface Cultures – Artistic Aspects of Interaction
From media art archeology to contemporary interaction design - the term interface culture is based on a vivid and ongoing discourse in the fields of interactive art, interaction design, game design, tangible interfaces, auditory interfaces, fashionable technologies, wearable devices, intelligent ambiences, sensor technologies, telecommunication and new experimental forms of human-machine, human-human and machine-machine interactions and the cultural discourse surrounding them. This book's aim is to give an overview of the current state of interactive art and interface technology as well as an outlook on new forms of hybridization in art, media, scientific research and every-day media applications.
Transcript Verlag Lived Temporalities – Exploring Duration in Guatemala. Empirical and Theoretical Studies
In contemporary global capitalist culture, time-consciousness becomes more important than self-consciousness. In the realm of lived time, the identity of the self opens up to an encounter with otherness. Insights into the ways in which this dynamic unfolds enable one to affirm human temporalities in their potential difference to the temporalities of global capitalism. The book offers an empirical exploration of lived temporalities on markets, in buses and in traditional subsistence in Guatemala, and a theoretical exploration of these through the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and inter-relational approaches within psychoanalysis.
Transcript Verlag Politics of Visibility: Young Muslims in European Public Spaces
This book takes into view a large variety of Muslim actors who, in recent years, made their entry into the European public sphere. Without excluding the phenomenon of terrorists, it maps the whole field of Muslim visibility. The nine contributions present unpublished ethnographic materials that have been collected between 2003 and 2005. They track down the available space that is open to Muslims in EU member states claiming a visibility of their own. The volume collects male and female, secular and religious, radical and pietistic voices of sometimes very young people. They all speak about "being a Muslim in Europe" and the meaning of "real Islam".
Transcript Verlag The Making and Unmaking of Differences – Anthropological, Sociological and Philosophical Perspectives
This book is about the making and unmaking of socio-cultural differences, seen from anthropological, sociological and philosophical perspectives. Some contributions are of a theoretical nature, such as when the "problem of translation", "the enigma of alienity" or "queer theory" are addressed; other contributors throw light on contemporary issues like the integration of Muslims in Norway, identity-forming processes in "Creole" societies or "neo-traditionalist movements" and "identity" in Africa. Moreover, the book deals with "strangers" looked at from an "anthropology of the night". Special emphasis is placed on how globalization and the rapid spread of ever new technologies of information have generated ever new patterns of inclusion and exclusion, and how these can be theorized.
Transcript Verlag Local Knowledge and Gender in Ghana
The emergence of global knowledge societies is recently questioning the meaning and relevance of local knowledge in the context of Southern countries. Women have proved to be the central actors in the multiple channels of local-global networking, using these new social ties for the negotiation of old and new elements of knowledge, scientific knowledge and development discourses. The inherent politicisation of knowledge and the direct objective of transforming societal institutions are not only signs of resistance against global hegemony, but serve for a new definition and for a defence of local culture and of local knowledge.
Transcript Verlag The Gaze of the X-Ray: An Archive of Violence
Since its invention in the late nineteenth century, the penetrating gaze of the X-ray has changed our vision of the inside of the human body. After we started to see inside ourselves, the relationship between ourselves and our bodies changed forever. As a progression in medical science, X-ray technology was fashioned to maintain and save life. However, as the contributors to this volume show, it has been a device of ruination as well. They visualise the traces and the pattern of violence, practised by the states, racial capitalism, colonial racism and sexism. By juxtaposing different cases across time and space, this collection demonstrates a set of relations between civilization and ruination.
transcript Verlag andererseits Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies
Transcript Verlag Geographical Research in the Digital Humanities: Spatial Concepts, Approaches and Methods
The richness of social and cultural theory in the humanities offers countless opportunities for using theory-informed concepts in data-based analysis workflows. The contributors to this volume thus encourage further research utilizing out-of-the-box models and approaches to space and place in the field of Digital Humanities. The collection follows the two complementary goals of providing promising conceptualisations of space and place for a broad audience from Digital Humanities, and of presenting current work in Digital Humanities using different conceptualisations of space and place or offering innovative methods for their analysis.
Transcript Verlag Polycentric Water Governance in Spain: Understanding Determinants, Patterns, and Performance of Coordination
Increasing irrigation efficiency has been high on the political agenda in Spain for many years. However, the overarching aim to reduce agricultural water consumption has not been met so far. Nora Schütze investigates processes of coordination between the water and agricultural sector in three Spanish river basins in the context of the EU Water Framework Directive implementation. From the perspective of polycentric governance, she identifies multiple mechanisms which illustrate how and why actors interact in certain ways, and thus shows why environmental aims of the Water Framework Directive remain unachieved.
Transcript Verlag Cosmos and Republic: Arendtian Explorations of the Loss and Recovery of Politics
Inspired by Hannah Arendt's analysis of crisis-ridden modernity, Wolfgang Heuer addresses exemplary aspects of depoliticization and the loss of politics - and thus of freedom - in 20 essays. He argues that politics can recover, if it is based on personal responsibility in the political realm, in civil society, and even under dictatorial conditions; if the pictorial and emotional conditions of successful judgement are understood; if human plurality is given its specific political organisational form; and, finally, if sustainability is understood as a principle of action, not only towards nature but also towards politics and society.
Transcript Verlag The 2051 Munich Climate Conference: Future Visions of Climate Change
In September 2021 a very special academic conference took place: T2051MCC - The 2051 Munich Climate Conference. Researchers from across the academic spectrum assembled to discuss climate change. What made it special was that everyone held their lecture as if it took place in an imagined year 2051. The theatre collective Büro Grandezza had released an open call for contributions to a conference in Munich. Almost 50 researchers wrote papers on climate narratives, geoengineering, coastal adaptation and other topics. This particular framework allowed them to break out of the constraints of the current discourse without neglecting methodology or thematic sharpness.
Transcript Verlag Programming Creativity: Semantics and Organisation of Creativity Within IT Enterprises
What does "creativity" mean in the context of IT and what happens when IT acts in its name? Jan Sebastian Zipp examines the concept of creativity in large IT companies in times of digital change, including new ways of working or potential artificial creativity with no human interaction. Drawing on constitutive elements like Silicon Valley or its connection to counterculture, his analysis of the representation and organisation of creativity as a social practice provides insights into the inherent logic of the creativity narrative of IT. This study contributes vital foundations for a critical engagement with today's prevailing understanding of the concept of creativity.
Transcript Verlag Writing Facts: Interdisciplinary Discussions of a Key Concept in Modernity
"Fact" is one of the most crucial inventions of modern times. Susanne Knaller discusses the functions of this powerful notion in the arts and the sciences, its impact on aesthetic models and systems of knowledge. The practice of writing provides an effective procedure to realize and to understand facts. This concerns preparatory procedures, formal choices, models of argumentation and narrative patterns. By considering "writing facts" and "writing facts", the volume shows why and how "facts" are a result of knowledge, rules, and norms as well as of description, argumentation, and narration. This approach allows new perspectives on "fact" and its impact on modernity.
Transcript Verlag Public Space in Transition: Co-production and Co-management of Privately Owned Public Space in Seoul and Berlin
Teheran-ro in Seoul and Mediaspree area in Berlin are pristine examples for public spaces with a history of rapid change in the context of broader political and economic transitions. Dahae Lee shows that in such a transitional context, the public sector alone is incapable to provide and manage public space. Hence, it engages private sector entities in the form of privately owned public space/s (POPS). By analysing the planning instruments used for POPS in both cases, their uniqueness as well as strengths and weaknesses are revealed. Based on the results this study offers a number of policy recommendations for cities that encounter similar problems.
Transcript Verlag The Notion of »holy« in Ancient Armenian Texts from the Fifth Century CE: A Comparative Approach Using Digital Tools and Methods
Religious studies have long discussed the comparative notion of "holy" beyond religious, cultural, and linguistic boundaries. In this book, Thomas Jurczyk conducts a diachronic comparison of the meaning and application of two notions and their related word fields that are commonly associated with a broader comparative notion of holy, namely the Ancient Armenian term "surb" and its related words and the English word field associated with "holy". To compare these two semantic fields, his methodological approach operates on the principle of distributional semantics and applies, among others, tools and methods from the field of corpus linguistics.
Transcript Verlag Matter, Affect, AntiNormativity: Theory Beyond Dualism
Dualistic thinking has been questioned by some writers associated with the material, ontological, and affective turns. Yet, these and other writers linked to the "turns" have themselves reproduced dualistic theorising. Caroline Braunmühl also shows that there are dualistic patterns in significant contributions to queer theory as well as Foucauldian diagnoses of the present. From a perspective sympathetic to the critical efforts made by poststructuralist and related theorists, she analyses works by Sara Ahmed, Karen Barad, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, Michel Foucault, and others. The book suggests specific alternatives to dualistic as well as identitarian ways of framing conceptual pairs such as matter/mind, affect/discourse and negativity/affirmation.
Transcript Verlag andererseits Vol. 9/10 (2020/21): Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies
andererseits provides a forum for research, commentary, and creative work on topics related to the German-speaking world and the field of German Studies. Works presented in the publication come from a wide variety of genres including book reviews, poetry, essays, editorials, forum discussions, academic notes, lectures, and traditional peer-reviewed academic articles. In addition, we welcome contributions by journalists, librarians, archivists, and other commentators interested in German Studies broadly conceived. By publishing such a diverse array of material, we hope to demonstrate the extraordinary value of the humanities in general, and German Studies in particular, on a variety of intellectual and cultural levels. This issue features contributions by Leo A. Lensing, Norman M. Klein, Jens M. Gurr, and Julia Faisst.
Transcript Verlag Living in Refuge: Ritualization and Religiosity in a Christian and a Muslim Palestinian Refugee Camp in Lebanon
This comparative ethnography of a Muslim and a Christian Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon focuses on contrasting social belonging processes through a ritualization approach. Leonardo Schiocchet argues that contrasts emerge out of the intersectionality of religiosity, nationhood, refugeeness and politics, and synthesizes academic research on piety and moral self-cultivation and on the everyday life of religious communities. He contributes to the literature on refugees at large, and Palestinian refugees in particular, with the unique dense socio-historical portrait of two refugee camps for which there is almost no recorded literature.
Transcript Verlag Feminisms in Movement: Theories and Practices from the Americas
Feminist organizing and theorizing from the Americas have provided some of the most innovative, visible, and all-encompassing spaces of resistance against sexism and sexualised violence, misogyny, racism, homo- and transphobia, coloniality, extractivism, climate change, and neoliberal capitalist exploitation. Current feminist movements address different axes of oppression and thereby represent, practice, and theorize a truly "intersectional" politics. The contributors bring together a wide variety of perspectives, ranging from Black and decolonial feminist voices, LGBTQI/queer perspectives to ecofeminist approaches and indigenous women's mobilizations to inspire future feminist practices and inform social and cohabitation projects.
Transcript Verlag Amnesty International and Women’s Rights: Feminist Strategies, Leadership Commitment and Internal Resistances
Amnesty International's (AI) focus on civil and political rights has marked their work with a gender bias from the outset. In the first comprehensive look at AI's work on women's rights, Miriam Ganzfried illustrates the development of their activities regarding women's rights issues over twenty years. Through interviews with staff members and activists and unprecedented access to archive material from the Swiss and the German AI sections, she shows how women activists strategized to make AI increase its work on women's rights. Additionally, the book demonstrates that, despite the leadership's commitment to the Stop Violence Against Women campaign, internal resistance hampered the integration of women's rights into the organization's overall work.
Transcript Verlag Between Violence, Vulnerability, Resilience and Resistance: Arab Television News on the Experiences of Syrian Women During the Syrian Conflict
How are the structures of power and the notion of agency among Syrian women during the recent Syrian conflict connected? To explore this matter, Rand El Zein investigates gender politics around displacement, conflict, the body, and the nation. In doing so, she outstandingly reconciles critical media theory as myriad and productive with the theoretical concepts on subjectivity, power, performativity, neoliberalism, and humanitarian governance. The book examines how the Arab television news discursively represented the experiences of Syrian women during the conflict in relation to the four main concepts: violence, vulnerability, resilience, and resistance.
Transcript Verlag Black Travel Writing: Contemporary Narratives of Travel to Africa by African American and Black British Authors
What does it mean for Black diasporic writers to travel to Africa? Focusing on the period between the 1990s and 2010s, Isabel Kalous examines autobiographical narratives of travel to Africa by African American and Black British authors. She places the texts within the long tradition of Black diasporic engagement with the continent, scrutinizes the significance of Black mobility, and demonstrates that travel writing serves as a means to negotiate questions of identity, belonging, history, and cultural memory. To provide a framework for the analyses of contemporary narratives, her study outlines the emergence, development, and key characteristics of the multifaceted genre of Black travel writing. Authors discussed include, among others, Saidiya Hartman, Barack Obama, and Caryl Phillips.
Transcript Verlag Working Misunderstandings – An Ethnography of Project Collaboration in a Multinational Corporation in India
Misunderstandings are often perceived as something to be avoided yet delineate an integrative part of everyday work. This book addresses the role that misunderstandings play in collaborative work and, above all, their effects on the organisational result. As exemplified by project collaboration across three offices of a multinational corporation in India, Frauke Mörike explores how misunderstandings shape the organisational system and why they prove not only necessary but even productive for organisational functioning. In doing so, she offers new ways to think about collaboration and establishes `misunderstanding' as a key factor of insight for the field of organisational research.
Transcript Verlag Embodied Violence and Agency in Refugee Regimes: Anthropological Perspectives
Multiple refugee regimes govern the lives of forced migrants simultaneously but in an often conflicting way. As a mechanism of inclusion/exclusion, they tend to engender the violence they sought to dissipate. Protection and control channel agency through mechanisms of either tutelage and victimisation or criminalisation. This book contrasts multiple groups of refugees and refugee regimes, revealing the inherent coercive violence of refugee regimes, from displacement and expulsion, to stereotypification and exclusion in host countries, and academic knowledge essentialisation. This violence is international, national, society-based, internalised, and embodied - and it urgently needs due scholarly attention.
Transcript Verlag Culture^2 – Theorizing Theory for the Twenty–First Century, Vol. 1
How to do cultural studies in the twenty-first century? This essay collection is not a handbook, encyclopedia, or a "state of the field" compendium. Instead, it is a reflexive exercise in cultural studies, featuring fifteen accessible essays on a selection of critical key works published since 2000. The contributors aim to provide readers with a fresh and engaging look at recent criticism, exploring the interdisciplinary traffic of theories, methods, and ideas within the field of cultural and literary studies. This book shows how the work of Lauren Berlant, Rita Felski, Fred Moten, Anna Tsing, and others can inspire new thinking and theorizing for the twenty-first century.
Transcript Verlag Moves Spaces Places – The Life Worlds of Jamaican Women in Montreal, An Ethnography
In the complex and multi-layered process of migration and identity-building, classical migration theories and approaches of transnationalism seem no longer able to grasp how belonging and home are to be found in movement. This ethnography leads the reader into the lives of five Jamaican women in Montreal; their daily practices and experiences, their spaces of communion, their memories and projections for the future. Lisa Johnson sheds light on the mobile biographies and migratory agency of her interlocutors by following the intricate mental and physical trajectories of their deep-rooted yearning to return home.
Transcript Verlag London, Queer Spaces and Historiography in the Works of Sarah Waters and Alan Hollinghurst
Queer spaces are crucial for the construction of LGBTQ+ communities, as they constitute places where queer subjects can create political, social, and affective alliances. Júlia Braga Neves shows how these spaces are pivotal for the representation of queer history in the fictional works by the British authors Sarah Waters and Alan Hollinghurst, whose characters and plots are articulated through and within London's sexual geographies. Considering the intersection between gender, sexuality, and class, this study engages with spatial, queer, feminist, and Marxist theories as a means to reflect on London, queer historiography, and the relationship between subject and urban space.
Transcript Verlag Convivial Futures: Views from a Post-Growth Tomorrow
What steps are needed to make life better and more convivial? The Second Convivialist Manifesto (2020) has presented a short diagnosis of the current crises and sketches of a possible and desirable future. It has been a necessary work of theoretical synthesis, but preserving a viable world also requires passion. It is thus urgent to show what people would gain from a shift to a post-neoliberal and post-growth convivialist future. This volume includes a theoretical debate on convivialism which reflects dystopias and shows the multiple and major obstacles that convivialism will have to face. Mainly, however, the contributors to this volume create sketches of a convivial future and collect accounts of another future world which is attractive for as many as possible.
Transcript Verlag Regulating Transitions from School to Work – An Institutional Ethnography of Activation Work in Action
How are activation programs for the young unemployed implemented? How do street-level bureaucrats deal with competing rationalities and demands for action? Transition policies increasingly aim at promoting self-regulation and constructing employable subjects. Stephan Dahmen explores the practical regulation of biographical transitions in activation programs for the young unemployed by focusing on the interactive accomplishment of activation work. The study reveals how the critical tensions of activation policies are continually re-interpreted and adapted to local contingencies and describes the various organisational technologies used for creating employable subjects.
Transcript Verlag Tangier/Gibraltar–A Tale of One City – An Ethnography
Contemporary life is caught in prisons of identity. Public, academic, and political discourses do not seem to be possible without circling around the topos of identity, thereby creating an illusion of uniqueness, separation, difference, and conflict. By studying the relationship between the Moroccan city of Tangiers and the British overseas territory of Gibraltar, Dieter Haller shows how cross-boundary experiences, practices, and identifications create a sense of neighborhood beyond official discourses. Across the Straits of Gibraltar, local and regional relationships in different fields such as kinship, economy, and culture provide resources for post-Brexit common action and a future beyond the prison of identity.
Transcript Verlag Dancing Youth – Hip Hop and Gender in Late Socialist Vietnam
Breaking, popping, locking, waacking, and hip-hop dance are practiced widely in contemporary Vietnam. Considering the dance practices in the larger context of post-socialist transformation, urban restructuring, and changing gender relations, Sandra Kurfürst examines youth's aspirations and desires embodied in dance. Drawing on a rich and diverse range of qualitative data, including interviews, sensory and digital ethnography, she shows how dancers confront social and gender norms while following their passion. As a contribution to area and global studies, the book illuminates the translocal spatialities of hip hop, produced through the circulation of objects and the movement of people.
Transcript Verlag Intimacy in Illegality – Experiences, Struggles and Negotiations of Migrant Women
How do migrant women living in illegality build intimate relationships? How do they experience, resist or take advantage of the tight link between intimacy and migration status created by the German migration legislation? Drawing on rich biographical accounts and ethnographic methods, the book offers an insightful and sensitive look at a mostly unknown aspect of life in illegality. Adopting a critical feminist perspective, Flaminia Bartolini shows how intimacy should be understood in its intrinsic power dimension and looks critically at the German migration regime and on its effects on migrants' lives.
Transcript Verlag Processing Choreography – Thinking with William Forsythe′s ′Duo′
Told from the perspective of the dancers, "Processing Choreography: Thinking with William Forsythe's Duo" is an ethnography that reconstructs the dancers' activity within William Forsythe's Duo project. The book is written legibly for readers in dance studies, the social sciences, and dance practice. Considering how the choreography of Duo emerged through practice and changed over two decades of history (1996-2018), Elizabeth Waterhouse offers a nuanced picture of creative cooperation and institutionalized process. She presents a compelling vision of choreography as a nexus of people, im/material practices, contexts, and relations. As a former Forsythe dancer herself, the author provides novel insights into this choreographic community.
Transcript Verlag External Communication in Social Media During As – A Theoretical Model and Empirical Case Study of the Conflict in Israel and Palestine
Social media increasingly shapes the way in which we perceive conflicts and conflict parties abroad. Conflict parties, therefore, have started using social media strategically to influence public opinion abroad. This book explores the phenomenon by examining, (1) which strategies of external communication conflict parties use during asymmetric conflicts and (2) what shapes the selection of these communication strategies. In a comprehensive case study of the conflict in Israel and Palestine, Bernd Hirschberger shows that the selection of strategies of external communication is shaped by the (asymmetric) conflict structure.
Transcript Verlag Democracy, Markets and the Commons – Towards a Reconciliation of Freedom and Ecology
How can we overcome the existing political, economic, and ecological crises that humanity faces? With the notion of the commons, Lukas Peter argues that this form of social organization can provide answers to the shortcomings of centralized states and open and competitive markets. By building on and going beyond the work of Elinor and Vincent Ostrom, he develops an ecological understanding of the commons and human freedom, more generally, thereby reinterpreting classical thinkers such as John Locke and John Rawls. Importantly, he does not suggest an end to property, states or markets, but rather a radical democratization thereof, ultimately providing a real alternative for the 21st century.
Transcript Verlag Queer Jewish Lives Between Central Europe and Ma – Biographies and Geographies, 1870–1960
When queer Jewish people migrated from Central Europe to the Middle East in the first half of the 20th century, they contributed to the creation of a new queer culture and community in Palestine. This volume offers the first collection of studies on queer Jewish lives between Central Europe and Mandatory Palestine. While the first section of the book presents queer geographies, including Germany, Austria, Poland and Palestine, the second section introduces queer biographies between Europe and Palestine including the sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935), the writer Hugo Marcus (1880-1966), and the artist Annie Neumann (1906-1955).
Transcript Verlag Re–Cording Lives – Governing Asylum in Switzerland and the Need to Resolve
Administrative asylum procedures are permeated by tensions between rationalities of legality, efficiency, and deterrence in asylum casework and their various effects on cases. Based on ethnographic research in the Swiss asylum administration, this book unveils the pragmatics and politics of rendering asylum cases resolvable by re-cording the lives of applicants in terms of asylum. With his reading of power and agency in administrations, Ephraim Pörtner offers a critical view of the intricate relationship between practices of asylum casework and the governmental need to resolve claims of people seeking protection.
Transcript Verlag Sensing and Making Sense – Photosensitivity and Light–to–Sound Translations in Media Art
Through a genealogy of photosensitive elements in media devices and artworks, this book investigates three dichotomies that impoverish debates and proposals in media art: material/immaterial, organic/machinic, and theory/practice. It combines historical and analytical approaches, through new materialism, media archaeology, cultural techniques and second-order cybernetics. Known media stories are reframed from an alternative perspective, elucidating photosensitivity as a metonymy to provide guidelines to art students, artists, curators and theoreticians - especially those who are committed to critical views of scientific and technological knowledge in aesthetic experimentations.
Transcript Verlag Female Identities in Lesbian Web Series – Transnational Community Building in Anglo–, Hispano–, and Francophone Contexts
Lesbian Web Series narrate female-centred stories, strengthen identity construction, and generate transnational communities beyond cultural barriers. Julia Obermayr explores the first definition of a new format, the first representations of lesbian women in US-American, Canadian, and Spanish web series from 2007 and onward, as well as their reciprocal effects regarding identity construction and community building of their transnational, mainly female, audience.The analyzed corpus comprises scenes taken from Venice the Series (2009) and its backstory "Otalia" on the soap opera Guiding Light (1952-2009), Seeking Simone (2009), Out With Dad (2010), Féminin/ Féminin (2014), Chica Busca Chica (2007) and its cinematic sequel De Chica En Chica (2015), as well as Notas Aparte (2016).