Search results for ""Author Roy""
Columbia University Press Khrushchev: The Years in Power
Two prominent Soviet dissidents portray Khrushchev in power as a shrewd, complex, decisive, and impetuous innovator, impatient to remedy defects in the Soviet system but carried away by initial successes.
Cambridge University Press Environmental Law and Economics: Theory and Practice
In Environmental Law and Economics, Michael G. Faure and Roy A. Partain provide a detailed overview of the law-and-economics methodology developed and employed by environmental lawyers and policymakers. The authors demonstrate how this approach can transcend political divisions in the context of international environmental law, environmental criminal law, and the property rights approach to environmental law. Private law solutions and public regulatory approaches are also explored, including traditional command-and-control and market-based forms of regulation. The book not only shows how the law-and-economics framework can be used to protect the environment, but also to examine deeper questions involving environmental federalism and the effectiveness of environmental law in developing economies. In clear, digestible prose that does not require readers to possess a background in microeconomics or mathematics, the authors introduce the theory and practice of environmental law and economics that have been so critical in the creation of robust environmental policy.
William B Eerdmans Publishing Co First Letter to the Corinthians
Nova Science Publishers Inc Quality of Life & Intellectual Disability: Knowledge Application to Other Social & Educational Challenges
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc RadCases Plus Q&A Neuro Imaging
Essential neuroradiology cases and board-type Q&A review to help you pass your exam! Neuro Imaging Second Edition from Roy Riascos, Eliana Bonfante, and Susana Calle features 100 new cases along with two board-type multiple choice questions for each. This latest edition features state-of-the-art imaging technologies including perfusion techniques, spectroscopy, nuclear medicine, and 3D reconstructions. Updated and new classification systems have been integrated into brain tumor, traumatic spine injury, and intracranial aneurysm cases. For maximum ease of self-assessment, each case begins with the clinical presentation on the right-hand page; study that and then turn the page for imaging findings, differential diagnoses with the definitive diagnosis, essential facts, pearls and pitfalls, and more. Key Features New to this edition, a question-and-answer section for each case reinforces key concepts Easy-to-read bulleted formatting and concise, point-by-point presentation of the Essential Facts enables learning and retention of high-yield facts and skill-building in neuroradiologic diagnosis Online access to additional cases enables residents to arrange study sessions, quickly extract and master information, and prepare for specialized neuroradiology conferences Thieme's RadCases means cases selected to simulate what you will see on your exams, rounds, and rotations. RadCases helps you to identify the correct differential diagnosis for each case, including the most critical. The series comprehensively covers the following specialties: Breast Imaging · Cardiac Imaging · Emergency Imaging · Gastrointestinal Imaging · Genitourinary Imaging · Head and Neck Imaging · Interventional Radiology · Musculoskeletal Radiology · Neuro Imaging · Nuclear Medicine · Pediatric Imaging · Thoracic Imaging · Ultrasound Imaging This RadCases book comes with a code providing access to additional online cases: 100 in this book plus 250+ more cases and interactive Q&A. Master your cases, pass your exams, and diagnose with confidence: RadCases! This print book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Regression Diagnostics: Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity
The Wiley-Interscience Paperback Series consists of selected books that have been made more accessible to consumers in an effort to increase global appeal and general circulation. With these new unabridged softcover volumes, Wiley hopes to extend the lives of these works by making them available to future generations of statisticians, mathematicians, and scientists. "The title of the book more or less sums up the contents. It appears to me to represent a real breakthrough in the art of dealing in ‘unconventional’ data. . . . I found the whole book both readable and enjoyable. It is suitable for data analysts, academic statisticians, and professional software writers." –Journal of the Royal Statistical Society "The book assumes a working knowledge of all of the principal results and techniques used in least squares multiple regression, as expressed in vector and matrix notation. Given this background, the book is clear and easy to use. . . . The techniques are illustrated in great detail with practical data sets from econometrics." –Short Book Reviews, International Statistical Institute Regression Diagnostics: Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity provides practicing statisticians and econometricians with new tools for assessing quality and reliability of regression estimates. Diagnostic techniques are developed that aid in the systematic location of data points that are unusual or inordinately influential; measure the presence and intensity of collinear relations among the regression data; and help to identify variables involved in each and pinpoint estimated coefficients potentially most adversely affected. The book emphasizes diagnostics and includes suggestions for remedial action
HAU The Relative Native – Essays on Indigenous Conceptual Worlds
This book is the first to collect the most influential essays and lectures of Eduardo Viveiros de Castro. Published in a wide variety of venues, and often difficult to find, the pieces are brought together here for the first time in a one major volume, which includes his momentous 1998 Cambridge University Lectures, "Cosmological Perspectivism in Amazonia and Elsewhere." Rounded out with new English translations of a number of previously unpublished works, the resulting book is a wide-ranging portrait of one of the towering figures of contemporary thought - philosopher, anthropologist, ethnographer, ethnologist, and more. With a new afterword by Roy Wagner elucidating Viveiros de Castro's work, influence, and legacy, The Relative Native will be required reading, further cementing Viveiros de Castro's position at the center of contemporary anthropological inquiry.
Pearson Education She Stoops to Conquer
Marlow mistakes Kate's house for an in and treats her father like an innkeeper. With her brother causing mischief, her father insulted and the mother plotting a marriage nobody wants, it's not wonder Kate has to stoop the conquer.
Sydney University Press Camouflage Australia: Art, Nature, Science and War
In 1939 a group of artists, designers, architects, scientists and military experts met in Sydney, Australia, to discuss the impending war. Convinced that the need for regional innovations in the military science of concealment and deception was urgent, they nominated a zoologist to lead a campaign to camouflage Australia.Camouflage Australia tells a once secret and little known story of how the Australian government accepted the advice of zoologist William John Dakin and seconded the country's leading artists and designers, including Max Dupain and Frank Hinder, to deploy optical tricks and visual illusions for civilian and military protection. Their work was an array of ingenious constructions for the purpose of disguise and subterfuge. Drawing on previously unpublished photographs and documents, Camouflage Australia exposes the story of fraught collaborations between civilian and military personnel who disagreed over camouflage's value to wartime operations and the usefulness of artists to warfare. In this engrossing book, Ann Elias provides international context for the historical circumstances and events of the organisation of camouflage in World War II in Australia and the Pacific region. She elaborates on the parallel involvement of British and American artists in the field of concealment and deception, and reveals the widespread interest shown by western naturalists and scientists in the application to warfare of the behaviours and aesthetics of animals.Camouflage Australia, by redressing the near invisible contribution of Australian artists and designers to defence in World War II, makes a major contribution to the history of art and to the history of Australia. Importantly, by discussing how citizens dutifully transformed themselves into servants of the war enterprise as camouflage labourers, camouflage designers and camouflage field officers, the author provides a valuable historical perspective for the 21st century, when ethical conflicts and moral struggles dominate debates on war participation. And camouflage itself, even in an age of nuclear warfare, retains many of its historical methods and controversies.
Biblioasis Just a Mother
Marvel Comics What If? Classic: The Complete Collection Vol. 1
John Wiley and Sons Ltd American Film History: Selected Readings, 1960 to the Present
From the American underground film to the blockbuster superhero, this authoritative collection of introductory and specialized readings explores the core issues and developments in American cinematic history during the second half of the twentieth-century through the present day. Considers essential subjects that have shaped the American film industry—from the impact of television and CGI to the rise of independent and underground film; from the impact of the civil rights, feminist and LGBT movements to that of 9/11. Features a student-friendly structure dividing coverage into the periods 1960-1975, 1976-1990, and 1991 to the present day, each of which opens with an historical overview Brings together a rich and varied selection of contributions by established film scholars, combining broad historical, social, and political contexts with detailed analysis of individual films, including Midnight Cowboy, Nashville, Cat Ballou, Chicago, Back to the Future, Killer of Sheep, Daughters of the Dust, Nothing But a Man, Ali, Easy Rider, The Conversation, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Longtime Companion, The Matrix, The War Tapes, the Batman films, and selected avant-garde and documentary films, among many others. Additional online resources, such as sample syllabi, which include suggested readings and filmographies, for both general and specialized courses, will be available online. May be used alongside American Film History: Selected Readings, Origins to 1960 to provide an authoritative study of American cinema from its earliest days through the new millennium
Pearson Education Limited Pygmalion
This volume is part of a new series of novels, plays and stories at GCSE/Key Stage 4 level, designed to meet the needs of the National Curriculum syllabus. Each text includes an introduction, pre-reading activities, notes and coursework activities. Also provided is a section on the process of writing, often compiled by the author. Shaw's play features Professor Henry Higgins who sets out to turn flower-girl Eliza Doolittle into a lady and to pass her off as a duchess at an ambassador's party, and all that in three months' time.
Penguin Random House India Gabriel Fauré--Complete Songs: Four Late Song Cycles: La Chanson d'Ève, Le Jardin Clos, Mirages, l'Horizon Chimérique (Edition for High Voice)
Amsterdam University Press Labour in a Single Shot: Critical Perspectives on Antje Ehmann and Harun Farocki’s Global Video Project
This collection of essays offers a critical assessment of Labour in a Single Shot, a groundbreaking documentary video workshop. From 2011 to 2014, curator Antje Ehmann and film- and video-maker Harun Farocki produced an art project of truly global proportions. They travelled to fifteen cities around the world to conduct workshops inspired by cinema history’s first film, Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory, shot in 1895 by the Lumière brothers in France. While the workshop videos are in colour and the camera was not required to remain static, Ehmann and Farocki’s students were tasked with honouring the original Lumière film’s basic parameters of theme and style. The fascinating result is a collection of more than 550 short videos that have appeared in international exhibitions and on an open-access website, offering the widest possible audience the opportunity to ponder contemporary labour in multiple contexts around the world.
Tradewind Books Dolphin Sos
CABI Publishing Keys to the Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates: Archival Volume
This volume is a republication in one volume of the 10 part CIH Keys to the Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates, first published between 1974 and 1983. For many years the ‘Keys’ have provided a working tool to those within the field and laboratory needing to know 'what is this worm?'. Now due to popular demand and to coincide with the long awaited publication of the supplement volume, the ‘Keys’ will be presented as one volume, refreshed and reformatted with the additional convenience of reordering in to superfamily. As an indispensable guide the ‘Keys’ shall continue to be an essential resource to those working within medical, veterinary and biological departments worldwide for many more years to come.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Tarzan: The New Adventures
HarperCollins Publishers Abracadabra Recorder – Abracadabra Recorder Introduction: 31 graded songs and tunes
Abracadabra Recorder Books 1-4 is the ideal repertoire series for descant recorders. Each book includes graded solo and multi-part songs and tunes starting with five-note tunes such as Shepherds' Hey and working up to more challenging classics such as You are my Sunshine and The Wombling Song. Clear fingering diagrams and notation explanations are given at each stage. Abracadabra Recorder Books 1-4 is the ideal repertoire series for descant recorders. Each book includes graded solo and multi-part songs and tunes starting with five-note tunes such as Shepherds' Hey and working up to more challenging classics such as You are my Sunshine and The Wombling Song. Clear fingering diagrams and notation explanations are given at each stage. More tunes for the beginner on descant recorder can be found in Abracadabra Recorder Introduction!, a complimentary collection to book 1.
Marvel Comics Thor Epic Collection: Blood And Thunder
Marvel Comics Thor Epic Collection: The Thor War
Marvel Comics Marvel Visionaries: John Buscema
John Wiley & Sons Inc Aircraft Systems: Mechanical, Electrical, and Avionics Subsystems Integration
This third edition of Aircraft Systems represents a timely update of the Aerospace Series’ successful and widely acclaimed flagship title. Moir and Seabridge present an in-depth study of the general systems of an aircraft – electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics, emergency systems and flight control to name but a few - that transform an aircraft shell into a living, functioning and communicating flying machine. Advances in systems technology continue to alloy systems and avionics, with aircraft support and flight systems increasingly controlled and monitored by electronics; the authors handle the complexities of these overlaps and interactions in a straightforward and accessible manner that also enhances synergy with the book’s two sister volumes, Civil Avionics Systems and Military Avionics Systems. Aircraft Systems, 3rd Edition is thoroughly revised and expanded from the last edition in 2001, reflecting the significant technological and procedural changes that have occurred in the interim – new aircraft types, increased electronic implementation, developing markets, increased environmental pressures and the emergence of UAVs. Every chapter is updated, and the latest technologies depicted. It offers an essential reference tool for aerospace industry researchers and practitioners such as aircraft designers, fuel specialists, engine specialists, and ground crew maintenance providers, as well as a textbook for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students in systems engineering, aerospace and engineering avionics.
WW Norton & Co Crimes of War 2.0: What the Public Should Know
Originally published in 1999, this A-to-Z guidebook of wartime atrocities has received worldwide acclaim and has been translated into eleven languages. Now substantially updated, with sixteen new entries, this concise guide to the broken rules of war remains unique and essential. More than 140 distinguished experts from the media, military, law, and human rights groups examine recent conflicts in light of international humanitarian law, including: Afghanistan (Patricia Gossman), the Congo (Gerard Prunier), terrorism (Anthony Dworkin), Guantánamo (Mark Huband), Darfur (John Prendergast and Colin Thomas-Jensen), occupation (George Packer), independent contractors (Peter Singer), war and insurgency (John Burns), and detention and interrogation (Dana Priest). Christiane Amanpour writes on Bosnian paramilitaries, Jeremy Bowen on Chechnya, and Gwynne Roberts on Saddam Hussein. Through case studies, definitions of key terms, and explanations of what is legal and what is not—illuminated by 150 stunning duotone photographs—Crimes of War reveals what every citizen should know about war and the law.
Island Press Making Sense of Intractable Environmental Conflicts: Concepts And Cases
Despite a vast amount of effort and expertise devoted to them, many environmental conflicts have remained mired in controversy, stubbornly defying resolution. Why can some environmental problems be resolved in one locale but remain contentious in another, often carrying on for decades? What is it about certain issues or the people involved that make a conflict seemingly insoluble? This volume addresses these and related questions, examining what researchers and experts in the field characterize as "intractable" disputes - intense disputes that persist over long periods of time and cannot be resolved through consensus-building efforts or by administrative, legal, or political means. The approach focuses on the "frames" parties use to define and enact the dispute - the lenses through which they interpret and understand the conflict and critical conflict dynamics. Through analysis of interviews, news media coverage, meeting transcripts, and archival data, the contributors to the book: examine the concepts of frames, framing, and reframing, and the role that framing plays in conflicts; outline the essential characteristics of intractability and its major causes; offer case studies of eight intractable environmental conflicts; present a body of original interview material from affected parties; and set forth recommendations for intervention that can help resolve disputes. Within each case chapter, the authors describe the historical development and fundamental nature of the conflict and then analyze the case from the perspective of the key frames that are integral to understanding the dynamics of the dispute. They also offer cross-case analyses of related conflicts. Conflicts examined include those over natural resource use, toxic pollutants, water quality, and growth. Specific conflicts examined include the Quincy Library Group in California; Voyageurs National Park in Minnesota; Edwards Aquifer in Texas; Doan Brook in Cleveland, Ohio; the Antidegradation Environmental Advisory Group in Ohio; Drake Chemical in Pennsylvania; Alton Park/Piney Woods in Tennessee; and three examples of growth-related conflicts along the Front Range of Colorado's Rocky Mountains.
Marvel Comics Marvel Visionaries: Roy Thomas
Orion Publishing Co Vintage Menswear: A Collection from The Vintage Showroom
Classic workwear, sports and military clothing in a new mini format. Curated by connoisseurs of vintage clothing, the Vintage Showroom is a vast collection of rare 20th-century pieces that fashion designers and stylists pay to view, using the cut and detailing of individual garments as inspiration for their own work. Offering one-of-a kind access, Vintage Menswear now makes this unique resource available in book form. Featuring 130 of the most influential examples of 20th-century and earlier European, American and Asian utilitarian tailoring and design, the book is divided into three sections of sportswear, militaria and workwear, covering everything from 1940s flying jackets and polar exploration suits to vintage French denims. Stunning full-page bleeds and front and back views showcase ground-breaking designs in concept, shape and cut. Providing over 300 lavishly illustrated pages of rare, must-see designs, Vintage Menswear is the essential choice of 20th-century vintage tailoring and detailing and an inspirational resource for students and menswear fashion designers and stylists.
Marvel Comics The Avengers Omnibus Vol. 4 (new Printing)
Marvel Comics The Avengers Omnibus Vol. 3 (new Printing)
Marvel Comics Fantastic Four Epic Collection: The Dream Is Dead
Aftershock Comics WE LIVE VOL 1 HARDCOVER
PCCS Books Carl Rogers Counsels a Black Client: Race and Culture in Person-Centred Counselling
This book investigates and explores the issues of race and culture in 'a single case study' of one of Rogers' own demonstration films: Carl Rogers Counsels an Individual. Part 1: Right to be Desperate. Part 2: On Anger and Hurt, in order to generate multiple meanings of how person-centred therapy can be more inclusive of Black and ethnic minority clients. The films show a young Black man in a state of remission from leukaemia, in therapy with Carl Rogers. The emerging knowledge and innovative clinical practices that arise from the analysis in the various chapters are all ultimately concerned with multicultural and diversity issues in counselling and psychotherapy. The contributors, from a wide variety of therapeutic approaches and modalities, raise fundamental questions concerning the intersection of race, culture and ethnicity with the therapeutic process.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor, Classic Companions
The Tenth Doctor revisits his companions K9, Leela, Ace and Nyssa long after their timetravelling adventures have finished. Because they all need help, and when people need help, the Doctor will never refusE. Contains three new adventures: Splinters by John Dorney. The Doctor finds K9 floating in space, and sets off to clear up Time War fallout. First, they find Leela protecting a village from the Spriggan. The Stuntman by Lizzie Hopley. The Doctor and K9 enter a virtual world of a movie stuntman to help Nyssa escape a Time War criminal’s scheme. Quantum of Axos by Roy Gill. Ace investigates a new tech company which seems too good to be true and meets the Doctor and K9 as Axos escapes its trap. CAST: David Tennant (The Doctor), Louise Jameson (Leela), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Sophie Aldred (Ace), John Leeson (K9/Kent Novem/Voice of Axos), Scarlett Courtney (Jessica Kelly/Kathy Kelly), Jon Glover (Dr Gommen/Gommen Machine), Lucy Goldie (Kayla McGuire), Joseph Millson (Peter Kelly), Amaka Okafor (Aurora), Jamie Parker (Anthony/Ed), Kit Young (Sam Kraven), Claire Wyatt (Sylvia Wren/Sister Sytron). Other parts played by members of the cast
Quercus Publishing White Shadow
The sequel to the Man Booker Prize-shortlisted The Unseen"A gifted writer, stylish, laconic and imaginative" Paul Owen, TLS"A beautiful sequel to The Unseen, set around the remote & unforgiving island of Barrøy during WWII. A note-perfect combination of taciturnity, austerity, passion and weather. Sublime" - Rónán Hession, author of Leonard and Hungry PaulNo-one can be alone on an island . . . But Ingrid is alone on Barrøy, the island that bears her name, while the war of her childhood has been replaced by a new more terrible war and Norway is under the Nazi boot.When the bodies from a bombed troopship begin to wash up on the shore, Ingrid cannot know that one will be alive and warm enough to erase a lifetime of loneliness.She cannot know what she will suffer in protecting her lover from the Germans and their Norwegian collaborators, nor the journey she will face, wrenched from her island once more, to return home.Or that, amid the suffering of war, among refugees fleeing famine and scorched-earth retreats, she will be given a gift whose value is beyond measure.Reviews for The Unseen"Easily among the best books I have ever read" Eileen Battersby, Irish Times"The Unseen is a blunt, brilliant book" Tom Graham, Guardian"The Unseen is a towering achievement that would be a deserved Booker International winner" Charlie Connolly, New EuropeanTranslated from the Norwegian by Don Bartlett and Don Shaw
Quercus Publishing The Burnt-Out Town of Miracles
'A compact and compelling novel by an iconic Norwegian writer...[and] thanks to Don Bartlett and Don Shaw's crisp translation, we see it obliquely' - IndependentSet in Finland in 1939, this is the story of one man who remains in his home town when everyone else has fled, burning down their houses in their wake, before the invading Russians arrive. Timo remains behind because he can't imagine life anywhere else, doing anything else besides felling the trees near his home. This is a novel about belonging - a tale of powerful and forbidden friendships forged during a war, of unexpected bravery and astonishing survival instincts. The Burnt-Out Town of Miracles is not a novel about war, but about the lives of ordinary people dragged into war, each of whom only wants to find the path back home. Roy Jacobsen uses the dramatic natural landscape of light and darkness, fire-blazing heat and life-robbing cold to spectacular effect.
Rowman & Littlefield The Cancer Experience: The Doctor, the Patient, the Journey
Navigating the tumultuous waters of cancer treatment and decision making is difficult for all patients. It is also difficult for doctors and other medical personnel. This books deals with a variety of emotion-related and ethics issues that form much of the basis of the world of cancer related medicine: the responsibilities of the physician relative to truth, full disclosure, patient autonomy, death and dying, physician assisted suicide, and suicide in general among cancer patients. These and many other matters are discussed using real stories from the author’s extensive personal career in working with cancer patients and their families. This is not a book on treating cancer, but instead is a work that seeks to stimulate a dialog about these issues as well as the spiritual aspects of hope and other factors relating to the plight of cancer patients and their families. Written for health care professionals and cancer victims and their families alike, the core of the book centers around questions of medical ethics, doctor-patient relationships, decision making during cancer treatment (from medical and patient points of view). Given the emotional commitment and energy level required to work with cancer patients in a moral and ethical manner, medical students and residents will ask themselves: do I really want to be a cancer physician? Can I handle the ups and downs of treating people who may (or may not) be destined to fight and lose the battle against this strong nemesis? How will I answer the tough questions regarding medical approaches to cancer? How will I respond to patients who indicate a desire to commit suicide or request my help in doing so? What can I tell families whose loved one is choosing treatments that will not help and will deteriorate his quality of life? Basing his responses on the Oath of Hippocrates, the author illustrates how adaptable this oath actually is when considering the secular society in which we function. The Cancer Experience instructs doctors, medical students, and health care workers involved in cancer care on the proper role of medicine, the role of the doctor, and the opportunities for connecting with patients as they help them make decisions regarding treatment and end of life issues. It helps patients understand the issues facing doctors as they assist them, care for them, and try to maintain both close personal relationships but enough emotional and professional distance in order to protect themselves from the stress and strain when medicine fails and patients must face the hardest choices. Here the author promotes a return to traditional medical values that promote closer doctor-patient relationships in an effort to promote trust, civility, and partnership.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Probability and Stochastic Processes: A Friendly Introduction for Electrical and Computer Engineers, International Student Version
This text introduces engineering students to probability theory and stochastic processes. Along with thorough mathematical development of the subject, the book presents intuitive explanations of key points in order to give students the insights they need to apply math to practical engineering problems. The first five chapters contain the core material that is essential to any introductory course. In one-semester undergraduate courses, instructors can select material from the remaining chapters to meet their individual goals. Graduate courses can cover all chapters in one semester.
PCCS Books Counseling Across the Cultural Divide: The Clemmont E. Vontress Reader
Collected for the first time, 16 pioneering papers by the most influential theorist and practitioner in the field of cross-cultural therapy.
Random House USA Inc Roy's Fish and Seafood: Recipes from the Pacific Rim [A Cookbook]
Grand Central Publishing More Than Meets the Eye
Mitchell-Innes & Nash Roy Lichtenstein Reflected
Roy Lichtenstein Reflected presents a selection of paintings that treat ideas of reflections and doubling. A strategy that spanned Lichtenstein's career, mirroring was explored in his Reflections series of the 1980s, in which he used his early work as subject matter, fracturing it with mirrored glass. Reflected also includes drawings, source materials and exclusive clippings from the artist's notebooks.
Alfred Music Complete Songs (High Voice): Sheet
CABI Publishing Meningitis: Cellular and Molecular Basis
Examining meningitis mainly from a bacterial perspective, but also including an overview of viral, fungal and chronic meningitis, this book describes the anatomy of the meninges and clinical signs and symptoms of this disease. Individual organisms that cause meningitis worldwide are dealt with in specific chapters, describing in detail how these pathogens interact with the human host at both a molecular and cellular level. The book provides a thorough understanding of bacterial virulence factors, adhesion and invasion mechanisms, the nature of known host cell receptors and the host cell response.
HarperCollins Publishers Abracadabra Recorder – Abracadabra Recorder Book 2 (Pupil's Book): 22 graded songs and tunes
Abracadabra Recorder Books 1-4 is the ideal repertoire series for descant recorders. Each book includes graded solo and multi-part songs and tunes starting with five-note tunes such as Shepherds' Hey and working up to more challenging classics such as You are my Sunshine. Clear fingering diagrams and notation explanations are given at each stage. Abracadabra Recorder Books 1-4 is the ideal repertoire series for descant recorders. Each book includes graded solo and multi-part songs and tunes starting with five-note tunes such as Shepherds' Hey and working up to more challenging classics such as You are my Sunshine and The Wombling Song. Clear fingering diagrams and notation explanations are given at each stage. Abracadabra Recorder Book 2 contains 22 great songs and tunes, including Scarborough Fair and Morning has broken.
Marvel Comics Doctor Strange Epic Collection: I, Dormammu
Marvel Comics Sgt. Fury Epic Collection: Berlin Breakout
Marvel Comics Marvel Masterworks: The X-men Vol. 2