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Hay House UK Ltd How to Start a Business on Your Kitchen Table
Practical tools, expert advice and innovative ideas to help you create a successful business that reflects your values, supports your lifestyle and creates real fulfilment. In 2014, in her farmhouse kitchen in Wales, Shann Nix Jones started to manufacture a relatively unknown probiotic goat's milk called kefir. It was a powerful healing remedy that cured her son's eczema and even saved her husband from a life-threatening MRSA infection. Today, the business she started on her kitchen table has 300,000 customers and an annual turnover of £4.5 million.In this book, Shann shares the innovative methods that helped her turn her passion into a sustainable business. Following these steps, you'll learn how to: · develop an idea into a viable business that supports any lifestyle· operate with meaningful values and stand out from the competition· convert every obstacle into a launch pad· balance work and family - and even weave both together to enhance your family lifeShann believes that anyone can start a business following her 13 steps, and that doing so can bring you closer to creating a life in which you are the CEO of your business and your destiny.
Ebury Publishing This Septic Isle: A revised dictionary for modern Britain
Dictionary: A book with a Beginning, a Middle and an End - but not in that order.This Septic Isle is a dictionary that re-defines 21st Century Britain in the wickedest and wittiest way imaginable. In an age where Spin is King, this super-cynical, irreverant reference book finally tells it like it is, not like it isn't and never will be.With 2,000 entries, ranging from razor-sharp satire to the downright silly, This Septic Isle is the perfect antidote to our irascible era. Politics, pop culture, sport, the Internet, TV, food, the environment, journalism, sex, PR, consumerism, war, religion, Royalty, terrorism, traffic - no subject is safe. No sacred cow is spared a jaunt to the slaughterhouse.Conservation - Process by which dwindling areas of natural beauty are preserved for future generations to buildDead - Not answering one's mobile phone or responding to emailsEmpathy - The shared understanding between two people on the same pay gradeEpidemic - The rapid and uncontrollable spread of anything contagious through newspapers Part-time employee - Full-time employee with a smoking habit, a FaceBook page and an ebay accountRefrigerator - Device for keeping salad and vegetables chilled before throwing them away unusedThreatening letters - MRSA, ASBO, OHMS, GBH, HIV, etc.Wendy House - Play home now banned from schools for giving children unrealistic expectations of future home ownershipXenophobia - The Englishman's hatred of foreigners - from the Latin words 'xenos' and 'phobos'Mike Barfield's updated definitions put the spin in the bin and prove there's one area in which beleaguered Britons can still proudly claim to lead the world: laughing at their problems.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Wounds and Lacerations: Emergency Care and Closure (Expert Consult - Online and Print)
With Wounds and Lacerations: Emergency Care and Closure, you'll get clear, concise guidance on the latest techniques and strategies for treating lacerations, wounds, and burns. This medical reference book will help you optimize every aspect of patient care based on current literature and guidelines. Expedite review and reference with a bulleted "Key Practice Points" section at the beginning of each chapter. Quickly reference the latest recommendations for tetanus and rabies prophylaxis. Implement the latest approaches for the use of ultrasound in foreign-body detection and removal; use of absorbable sutures on the face and hand; approaching complicated infections such as MRSA; managing chronic wounds seen in elderly and diabetic patients; applying new suture techniques and materials for pediatric patients; and updated recommendations for tetanus and rabies prophylaxis. Get step-by-step visual guidance on all aspects of wound care through more than 300 detailed line drawings and photographs showing techniques for wound assessment, irrigation, closure, wound dressing, foreign body removal, administration of local anesthesia, and follow-up care. Quickly find all the relevant information necessary to treat patients with material that focuses only on injuries that are handled by emergency physicians. On the scene or at the hospital, search the complete contents online at
Royal Society of Chemistry Biological Interactions with Surface Charge in Biomaterials
When a biomaterial is placed inside the body, a biological response is triggered almost instantaneously. With devices that need to remain in the body for long periods, such interactions can cause encrustation, plaque formation and aseptic loosening on the surface. These problems contribute to the patient's trauma and increase the risk of death. Electrical properties, such as local electrostatic charge distribution, play a significant role in defining biological interactions, although this is often masked by other factors. This book describes the fundamental principles of this phenomenon before providing a more detailed scientific background. It covers the development of the relevant technologies and their applications in therapeutic devices such as MRSA-resistant fabrics, cardiovascular and urological stents, orthopaedic implants, and grafts. Academic and graduate students interested in producing a selective biological response at the surface of a given biomaterial will find the detailed coverage of interactions at the nanometre scale useful. Practitioners will also benefit from guidance on how to pre-screen many inappropriate designs of biomedical devices long before any expensive, animal or potentially risky clinical trials. Enhanced by the use of case studies, the book is divided in to four topical sections. The final section is dedicated to the application of related topics making the book unique in its pragmatic approach to combining high end interdisciplinary scientific knowledge with commercially viable new technologies. Contributing to the newly emerging discipline of 'nanomedicine', the book is written not only by experts from each relevant specialty but also by practitioners such as clinicians and device engineers from industry.
Johns Hopkins University Press Chickenizing Farms and Food: How Industrial Meat Production Endangers Workers, Animals, and Consumers
Over the past century, new farming methods, feed additives, and social and economic structures have radically transformed agriculture around the globe, often at the expense of human health. In Chickenizing Farms and Food, Ellen K. Silbergeld reveals the unsafe world of chickenization-big agriculture's top-down, contract-based factory farming system-and its negative consequences for workers, consumers, and the environment. Drawing on her deep knowledge of and experience in environmental engineering and toxicology, Silbergeld examines the complex history of the modern industrial food animal production industry and describes the widespread effects of Arthur Perdue's remarkable agricultural innovations, which were so important that the US Department of Agriculture uses the term chickenization to cover the transformation of all farm animal production. Silbergeld tells the real story of how antibiotics were first introduced into animal feeds in the 1940s, which has led to the emergence of multi-drug-resistant pathogens, such as MRSA. Along the way, she talks with poultry growers, farmers, and slaughterhouse workers on the front lines of exposure, moving from the Chesapeake Bay peninsula that gave birth to the modern livestock and poultry industry to North Carolina, Brazil, and China. Arguing that the agricultural industry is in desperate need of reform, the book searches through the fog of illusion that obscures most of what has happened to agriculture in the twentieth century and untangles the history of how laws, regulations, and policies have stripped government agencies of the power to protect workers and consumers alike from occupational and food-borne hazards. Chickenizing Farms and Food also explores the limits of some popular alternatives to industrial farming, including organic production, nonmeat diets, locavorism, and small-scale agriculture. Silbergeld's provocative but pragmatic call to action is tempered by real challenges: how can we ensure a safe and accessible food system that can feed everyone, including consumers in developing countries with new tastes for western diets, without hurting workers, sickening consumers, and undermining some of our most powerful medicines?