Search results for ""Author Shin"
Duke University Press A Nervous State: Violence, Remedies, and Reverie in Colonial Congo
In A Nervous State, Nancy Rose Hunt considers the afterlives of violence and harm in King Leopold’s Congo Free State. Discarding catastrophe as narrative form, she instead brings alive a history of colonial nervousness. This mood suffused medical investigations, security operations, and vernacular healing movements. With a heuristic of two colonial states—one "nervous," one biopolitical—the analysis alternates between medical research into birthrates, gonorrhea, and childlessness and the securitization of subaltern "therapeutic insurgencies." By the time of Belgian Congo’s famed postwar developmentalist schemes, a shining infertility clinic stood near a bleak penal colony, both sited where a notorious Leopoldian rubber company once enabled rape and mutilation. Hunt’s history bursts with layers of perceptibility and song, conveying everyday surfaces and daydreams of subalterns and colonials alike. Congolese endured and evaded forced labor and medical and security screening. Quick-witted, they stirred unease through healing, wonder, memory, and dance. This capacious medical history sheds light on Congolese sexual and musical economies, on practices of distraction, urbanity, and hedonism. Drawing on theoretical concepts from Georges Canguilhem, Georges Balandier, and Gaston Bachelard, Hunt provides a bold new framework for teasing out the complexities of colonial history.
Princeton University Press Deep Life: The Hunt for the Hidden Biology of Earth, Mars, and Beyond
Deep Life takes readers to uncharted regions deep beneath Earth's crust in search of life in extreme environments and reveals how astonishing new discoveries by geomicrobiologists are helping the quest to find life in the solar system. Tullis Onstott, named one of the 100 most influential people in America by Time magazine, provides an insider's look at the pioneering fieldwork that is shining vital new light on Earth's hidden biology--a thriving subterranean biosphere that scientists once thought to be impossible. Come along on epic descents two miles underground into South African gold mines to experience the challenges that Onstott and his team had to overcome. Join them in their search for microbes in the ancient seabed below the desert floor in the American Southwest, and travel deep beneath the frozen wastelands of the Arctic tundra to discover life as it could exist on Mars. Blending cutting-edge science with thrilling scientific adventure, Deep Life features rare and unusual encounters with exotic life forms, including a bacterium living off radiation and a hermaphroditic troglodytic worm that has changed our understanding of how complex subsurface life can really be. This unforgettable book takes you to the absolute limits of life--the biotic fringe--where today's scientists hope to discover the very origins of life itself.
Prometheus Books Rocket Age: The Race to the Moon and What It Took to Get There
Rocket Age traces the history of spaceflight innovation from Robert Goddard’s early experiments with liquid fuel rockets, through World War II and the work of Wernher von Braun and his German engineers, on to the postwar improvements made by Sergei Korolev and his team in the Soviet Union, and culminating with the historic Moon walk made by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on July 20, 1969. From designers to engineers, and even communication specialists and the builders who assembled these towering rockets, hundreds of thousands of people worked on getting humans to the Moon, yet only a few have been recognized for their contributions. George D. Morgan sets the record straight by giving these forgotten figures of space travel their due. The son of rocket scientists who worked directly on NASA projects Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo, Morgan gives behind-the-scenes details on the famous missions, including a rare interview with Dieter Huzel –Wernher von Braun’s right-hand man and a chief engineer on every major manned space program. Even the most voracious readers of US space flight history will discover things in this book that they have never read before. Rocket Age shines a light on those that have for too long been left out of the picture of the race to land on the Moon.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Watermen of the Chesapeake Bay
“I must have presented a strange and humorous sight to him as I carefully approached on the rickety pier, arms slightly extended for balance. Cameras and tape recorders and bags hung from straps around my neck and shoulders, and my right hand tightly gripped a shiny new lunch box. I leaned over his boat and made the request that I would repeat dozens of times over the next three years. ‘Hi, I’m doing a book about the watermen of the bay, and would greatly appreciate it if you’d allow me to go along with you and take some photographs.’ The older watermen looked at me and then at the floorboards of his boat. His leathery face eased into a smile. ‘Son,’ he said, looking up, ‘You are welcome to go with me as a cool breeze in August’” “I’ve learned that time spent with a watermen is an experience never to be forgotten. Some days he’ll keep you in stitches with his tall tales and keen wit. Other days you may learn something from him about equipment depreciation or the migratory habits of the blue crab. One thing’s for sure–you’ll never be bored. Like anyone else, there are good and bad among the watermen, but from what I’ve experienced, they represent one of God’s best efforts. It’s that good 99% that this book is about.”
Thames & Hudson Ltd A Train Journey: A pop-up history of rail travel
A Train Journey takes readers on an international journey through the history of trains and brings the locomotives to life in pop-up detail. Created by the world’s leading paper engineer and art director, Gérard Lo Monaco, the adventure begins in 1829 with Robert Stephenson’s ‘Rocket’ locomotive, the most advanced of its day, which operated on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Our journey hits new heights to investigate Manhattan’s elevated railroad, whose cars were the first to be manufactured out of stainless steel. Readers will see the trains buzzing and alive among 1900 New York’s distinctive high-rises. Skipping forward to the 1920s, readers will marvel at what was the most powerful locomotive on the London and North Eastern Railway: the ‘Flying Scotsman’, providing a non-stop daily service from London to Edinburgh. Readers then encounter the glamour of the 1930s and 40s on the infamous Orient Express as it travels between Paris and Istanbul. Finally, the reader is taken on a sprint to the present to see Japan’s Shinkansen ‘Bullet’ and China’s CHR 400 high-speed intercity trains, travelling at an impressive 320 km/hr! Designed in a beautifully layered pop-up format, with information about each train integrated into the artwork, A Train Journey marvels at, and is a marvel of, engineering over the centuries.
HigherLife Publishing Pasion por la Moda
Culpabilidad? ¿VergÜenza? ¿Temor? No permitas que ninguna de esas cosas se interponga en el camino del grandioso plan de Dios para ti. PasiÓn por la moda revelarÁ que somos mÁs que la ropa que vestimos o los accesorios que aÑadimos a un conjunto; todo ello para lucir bien por fuera. Somos algo mÁs que un buen aspecto y ropa de moda. Aprende que nuestro exterior brilla sobre la base de lo que tenemos en el interior. Dios te creÓ para vivir con significado, propÓsito y gozo, y para ser una persona asombrosa. TÚ puedes ser esa persona. Recorre con seguridad la pasarela de la vida. Y puedes comenzar desde hoy. What keeps you Guilt? Shame? Self-doubt? Fear? Don’t let any of those stand in the way of God’s grand plan for you. Passion for Fashion will reveal that we are more than the clothes we wear or the accessories we add to an out?t—all for the sake of looking good on the outside. We are more than good looks and fancy clothes. Learn how our outside shines based on what we have on the inside. God created you to live with signi?cance, purpose and joy, and be an astounding person. You can be that person. Con?dentially walk the runway of life. And you can start today!
Biblioasis Saltsea
"Birdsong, wind: here by the ocean every noise was surrounded by silence that reached all the way to the stars. Monica studied the white shingled building above the slope of green lawn, deep bays rising two storeys on each side of the front door and the windowed porch. You felt the big rambling construction must have a memory, old thoughts. Listen, I am the voice of what once was. I am as real as the beating of your hungry heart. A flash of sun blinded her, a pirouette of the dazzling god." So begins David Helwig's Saltsea. A lovely, meditative novel, a story about memory, and about how what once was continues to affect what is and what will be. It is the story of a place, of the family that used to own it, and the people who have been its caretakers. Saltsea, a hotel on the shores of Prince Edward Island, where people come for a brief time, their lives intersecting in intimate and unforeseen ways. The characters of Saltsea are finely drawn, with humour, love and compassion. Sadness and even tragedy are a constant here, but Helwig handles it all humanely, without sentimentality, and with the control of a writer at the height of his powers. Saltsea, befitting a novel so concern with memory, is not something you will soon forget.
Book*hug Endangered Hydrocarbons
Fracking - tar-sand runoff - dirty oil extraction. This is the language of our oil-addicted 21st century society: incredibly invasive, blatant in its purpose, and richly embedded in mythological and archetypal symbolism. The ultimate goal of the industry: To core the underworld.Endangered Hydrocarbons, Lesley Battler's first full-length collection of poetry, shows that the language of hydrocarbon extraction, with its blend of sexual imagery, archetype, science, pseudoscience and the purely speculative, can be as addictive as the resource it pursues.Using pastiche and wordplay, Battler shines a floodlight on the absurdity and pervasiveness of production language in all areas of human life in the oil fields, including art, culture and politics. Incorporating texts generated by a multinational oil company, and spliced with a variety of found material (video games, home decor magazines, works by Henry James and Carl Jung), Battler deliberately tampers with her found material, treating it as crude oil--excavating, mixing, and drilling these texts to emulate extraction processes used by the industry.With traces of Dennis Lee's Testament, Larissa Lai's Automaton Biographies, and Adam Dickinson's The Polymers, this lively and refreshing take on a polarizing topic will resonate with readers of contemporary poetry who connect with environmental issues and capitalist critique.
Sounds True Inc The Yoga Sutras Desk Reference: A Comprehensive Guide to the Core Concepts of Yoga
Those who love the physical practice of yoga-its postures, movements, and breathwork-often find themselves seeking its deeper spiritual wisdom. More than 2,000 years ago, the legendary master Patanjali illuminated the way with 195 pearls of insight known as the Yoga Sutras. With this indispensable and beautifully illustrated resource, Sanskrit and yoga philosophy teacher Nicolai Bachman brings us a modern, practical guide to Patanjali's foundational masterpiece. Why do we react the way we do in certain situations? How can suffering be an opportunity for growth? Why are nonviolence and truth so important to students and society? Patanjali's sutras shine a timeless light on these questions and more. To help us truly understand what yoga is, Bachman focuses on 51 key concepts, explains each one in great detail, and poses ways to contemplate and experience them in our own lives. This comprehensive work also includes a concise history of yoga and the sutras, a full translation of every sutra, several color illustrations of important process flows, a large glossary of Sanskrit terms, and many learning exercises. Whether you're a seasoned instructor or a student looking to go further in your practice, The Yoga Sutras Desk Reference offers a treasury of teachings to discover the "outer joy and inner happiness" of yoga.
Purdue University Press New York's Poop Scoop Law: Dogs, the Dirt, and Due Process
It's hard to imagine eight million people trying to avoid dog refuse on the streets of New York City on a daily basis. Likewise, it's harder not to imagine New Yorkers from all walks of life picking up after their canines. Using plastic bags or trendy, mechanized devices, pet owners have become a unified force in cleaning up the sidewalks of the Big Apple. Not long ago, picking up after your Poodle, Puli, or Pekinese was not a basic, civic duty. Initially, many politicians thought the idea was absurd. Animal rights activists were unanimously opposed. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals condemned the proposed legislation because it would impose undue hardship on dog owners. New York's Poop Scoop Law chronicles the integration of dog owners, a much-maligned subculture, into mainstream society by tracing the history of the legislation that the York's City Council shelved twice before then Mayor Ed Koch was forced to go to the state level for support. Brandow shows how a combination of science and politics, fact and fear, altruism and self-interest led to the adoption and enforcement of legislation that became a shining success. Mayors from around the globe were baffled and wanted to know how pushy and arrogant New Yorkers found the new initiative practical and trendy.
Skyhorse Publishing Unusual Uses for Ordinary Things: 250 Creative Solutions Using Everyday Items
Most people use nail polish remover to remove nail polish. They use coffee grounds to make coffee and hair dryers to dry their hair. The majority of people may also think that the use of eggs, lemons, mustard, butter, and mayonnaise should be restricted to making delicious food in the kitchen. The community would disagree with this logic—they have discovered hundreds of inventive and surprising ways to use these and other common household materials to improve day-to-day life.Did you know that tennis balls can protect your floors, fluff your laundry, and keep you from backing too far into (and thus destroying) your garage? How much do you know about aspirin? Sure, it may alleviate pain, but it can also be used to remove sweat stains, treat bug bites and stings, and prolong the life of your sputtering car battery. These are just a few of the quirky ideas that appear in Unusual Uses for Ordinary Things.Readers of Unusual Uses for Ordinary Things will learn how to: Remove odors from clothes using vodka Shine leather belts, wallets, purses, and jackets using butter Remove scuffs from sneakers using toothpaste Locate small objects once thought to be gone forever using pantyhose And much more!
HarperCollins Focus How Not to Get Promoted: Fix the Self-Sabotaging Behaviors Holding You Back
You work hard and turn in flawless reports, you stay late and kiss up to all the right people, and you still aren’t getting promoted. What gives? Well, you’re clearly screwing something up, and it’s time you find out what it is.It’s frustrating. You’re the first one in and the last one out. You work hard but still must watch other coworkers get promoted into shiny new titles, while you’re stuck in the same position you’ve been in for the last five years. Chances are it’s not about what you’re doing right--it’s about what you’re doing wrong. How Not to Get Promoted?is filled with interviews and stories of people who were being held back by the things they didn’t realize were working against them. The workplace is a minefield filled with politics and unspoken rules. This book is here to teach you: How you’re screwing it up and what to do about it How other people screwed it up before figuring it out What you should stop doing immediately What you should be doing more of Now, stop panicking and letting frustration hold you back. How Not to Get Promoted is the tool you need to get out of your career rut and make it to the next level!
DK El libro de los animales insólitos (Animals Lost and Found): Extinción, conservación y supervivencia
- Perspectiva optimista sobre los esfuerzos de conservación de la naturaleza, con historias de éxito de todo el mundo.- Las preciosas ilustraciones de Jonathan Woodward, galardonado ilustrador de vida silvestre, capturan la belleza de los animales y paisajes que presenta el libro.- Dobles páginas dedicadas a animales desaparecidos y en peligro de extinción.- Revela el increíble trabajo de conservación que se ha hecho por todo el mundo. Este libro bellamente ilustrado destaca a animales de todas las épocas: especies perdidas por la extinción, otras que hemos recuperado y animales que son el foco de los esfuerzos de conservación en todo el mundo.Incluye información sobre el increíble trabajo que se está haciendo en todo el mundo para evitar una pérdida adicional de especies, tanto de flora como de fauna.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A very positive outlook on conservation efforts and success stories from around the world.- Beautiful illustrations by award-winning wildlife illustrator Jonathan Woodward.- Focus spreads on extinct and endangered animals—as well as one or two who it turns out were never either!- Features on the incredible conservation work that has been done around the world.This beautifully illustrated book will shine a spotlight on animals throughout history and in the present—animals lost to extinction, animals we thought we’d lost but have found, and animals that are the focus of conservation efforts all over the world.
Trotman Indigo Publishing Limited Getting into Business and Economics Courses
Studying for a business or finance degree unlocks an exciting array of career options, but competition for university places is high. Good grades are no longer enough; to be successful you must show relevant work experience and the ability to demonstrate real commitment to your chosen subject. Now in its 15th edition, Getting into Business & Economics Courses is packed with detailed advice and up-to-date information on what you need to do to secure a place on the course of your choice and take the first steps towards your dream career. With practical, step-by-step guidance, this book will lead you through every stage of the application process, including: What to consider when choosing the right course and university for you Support on how to prepare a winning UCAS application Advice on gaining that all-important work experience Information on what to expect at interview and tips on how to shine Summaries of current issues in economics and business that you might be asked to discuss First-hand case studies from current students and recent graduates MPW Guides explain the complex procedures for getting into higher education. Written by acknowledged experts in a clear and concise format, they go beyond the official publications to give would-be students straightforward, practical advice on how to secure a place on a course of their choice.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Transnational Organized Crime: Challenging International Law Principles on State Jurisdiction
This timely book provides a critical consideration of one of the most pressing matters confronting global and regional strategies for suppressing transnational organized crime today: the question of the scope and rationale of States’ criminal jurisdiction over these cross-border offences. It shines a light on the complex challenges posed by transnational organized crime to international criminal law.Fulvia Staiano analyses the ways in which transnational organized crime has pushed States, as well as international organizations and institutions, to rethink the boundaries and rationale of territorial and extraterritorial State jurisdiction. The book examines consolidated instances of transnational organized crimes, such as human trafficking, migrant smuggling and trafficking in firearms, but also looks at emerging phenomena which have come to the attention of scholars and practitioners in more recent times, including cybercrime. In doing so, it draws a connection between States’ responses to ‘old’ and ‘new’ transnational crimes while providing an up-to-date analysis of international practice in this field.Contributing to the broader academic debate on the need to conceptualize transnational criminal law as an area of study separate from international criminal law, this book will be a key resource for postgraduate students, researchers and academics in the fields of public international law, criminal law, international relations, as well as social and political studies.
Pan Macmillan France: An Adventure History
A SPECTATOR and PROSPECT Book of the Year'Ceaselessly interesting, knowledgeable and evocative' Spectator'A fresh way to write history' Alan Johnson'A quirky, amused, erudite homage to France . . . ambitious and original' The Times_____France: An Adventure History is a profoundly original and endlessly entertaining history of France, from the first century BC to the present day, based on countless new discoveries and thirty years of exploring France on foot, by bicycle and in the library.Beginning with the Roman army’s first recorded encounter with the Gauls and ending with the Gilets Jaunes protests in the era of Emmanuel Macron, each chapter is an adventure in its own right. Along the way, readers will find the usual faces, events and themes of French history – Louis XIV, the French Revolution, the French Résistance, the Tour de France – but all presented in a shining new light.Graham Robb does not offer a standard dry list of facts and dates, but instead a panorama of France, teeming with characters, full of stories, journeys and coincidences, giving readers a thrilling sense of discovery and enlightenment. France: An Adventure History is a vivid, living history of one of the world’s most fascinating nations by a ceaselessly entertaining writer in complete command of subject and style._____'A rich and vibrant narrative . . . clear-eyed but imaginative storytelling' Financial Times'Full of life' Prospect
Hachette Children's Group Think Big!: The Greatest Ideas in Technology
Discover the big ideas in technology that have transformed the world around us.From the first televisions and mobile phones to intelligent gadgets in every corner of a smart home, our world has experienced a technological revolution. The Greatest Ideas in Technology takes you on a journey through the most influential inventions of the past 100 years, exploring technology that has changed how we live, work, travel and communicate.From Apollo 11's historic flight to the wonders of the world wide web, the world has changed beyond recognition in the past hundred years. Think Big takes a close-up look at the amazing ideas that have transformed the way we all live.Each spread explores a big idea in greater depth, explaining how it came to be and what evolved from it and assessing its impact on the world today. 'Genius' panels highlight the great thinkers behind the ideas, from scientists to inventors, environmentalists and engineers.Each book includes carefully selected activities designed to inspire readers aged 9 and older and encourage them to nurture their own 'big thinking' and entrepreneurial spirit.Contents: Technology TelevisorShinkansen bullet trainSaturn V Motorola DynaTAC Apple Macintosh World Wide Web Toyota Prius MP3 Large Hadron Collider International Space Station Nest Learning Thermostat Siri
Bedford Square Publishers Grey in the Dark
Too many people loved Kelly Rowland. One of them killed her, but was it the man in prison for her murder? Gethin Grey is back in the game. His wife may have left him and he's struggling with life as a single father, but now he's got his biggest case in years. The brutal murder of a young woman called Kelly Rowland has been the talk of the South Wales valleys. Even the conviction of a neighbour, a builder called Morgan Hopkins, failed to stop the gossip. There were too many other suspects still around, among them a pair of coppers: brother and sister. So Gethin was delighted when Morgan's family stumped up the money to pay him and his Last Resort Legals team to reinvestigate the case. But when a new lead takes him undercover into a support group for recovering addicts, Gethin has to confront his own demons. Moving from the former mining towns of the valleys to the shiny new waterfront developments of Cardiff, taking in adult puppet shows and piercing parlors, derelict mines and country clubs, Grey In The Dark lays bare a world in which sex and money collide and everyone has their secrets.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Thinline Reference Bible, Genuine Leather, Brown, Red Letter, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version
The New King James Bible with end-of-page cross references that’s just the right size to take with you wherever you go.The slim design of the NKJV Thinline Reference Bible means you can bring it along, wherever your day takes you. When you open it up, you’ll discover Thomas Nelson’s exclusive NKJV Comfort Print® typeface, which is designed to provide a smooth reading of the accurate and beautiful New King James Version. And with features like a complete cross-reference system, a concordance, and full-color maps, you’ll still have the tools to get more out of God’s Word. Features include: End-of-page cross references allows you to find related passages quickly and easily Satin Ribbon Markers are a useful tool to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Presentation page allows you to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or note Words of Christ in red quickly identify verses spoken by Jesus Reading plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Full-color maps provide a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Gilded page edges add a beautiful shine around the border of the paper Clear and readable 9-point NKJV Comfort Print
Faber & Faber Sydney
Renowned and much-loved travel writer Jan Morris turns her eye to Sydney: 'not the best of the cities the British Empire created ... but the most hyperbolic, the youngest at heart, the shiniest.' Sydney takes us on the city's journey from penal colony to world-class metropolis, as lively and charming as the city it describes. With characteristic exuberance and sparkling prose, Jan Morris guides us through the history, people and geography of a fascinating and colourful city. Jan Morris's collection of travel writing and reportage spans over five decades and includes such titles as Venice, Hong Kong, Spain, Manhattan '45, A Writer's World and the Pax Britannica Trilogy. Hav, her novel, was shortlisted for the Booker Prize and the Arthur C. Clarke Award. 'Sydney should be flattered. A great portrait painter has chosen it for her recent subject . . . Few writers - a handful of novelists apart - have got so far under the city's skin as Morris . . . Few Sydneysiders could match her knowledge of their city's history and its anecdotes' The Times 'The writing is, at times, like surfing: sentences rise like vast waves above which she rides, never overbalancing into gush . . . Jan Morris convincingly explains modern Sydney through its history' Observer
Yale University Press A Little History of Poetry
A vital, engaging, and hugely enjoyable guide to poetry, from ancient times to the present, by one of our greatest champions of literature--selected as the literature book of the year by the London Times “[A] fizzing, exhilarating book.”—Sebastian Faulks, Sunday Times, London“Delightful.’”—New York Times Book Review What is poetry? If music is sound organized in a particular way, poetry is a way of organizing language. It is language made special so that it will be remembered and valued. It does not always work—over the centuries countless thousands of poems have been forgotten. But this Little History is about some that have not. John Carey tells the stories behind the world’s greatest poems, from the oldest surviving one written nearly four thousand years ago to those being written today. Carey looks at poets whose works shape our views of the world, such as Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Whitman, and Yeats. He also looks at more recent poets, like Derek Walcott, Marianne Moore, and Maya Angelou, who have started to question what makes a poem “great” in the first place. For readers both young and old, this little history shines a light for readers on the richness of the world’s poems—and the elusive quality that makes them all the more enticing.
Pennsylvania State University Press The Discourse of Propaganda: Case Studies from the Persian Gulf War and the War on Terror
In the early 1990s, false reports of Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait allowing premature infants to die by removing them from their incubators helped to justify the Persian Gulf War, just as spurious reports of weapons of mass destruction later undergirded support for the Iraq War in 2003. In The Discourse of Propaganda, John Oddo examines these and other such cases to show how successful wartime propaganda functions as a discursive process.Oddo argues that propaganda is more than just misleading rhetoric generated by one person or group; it is an elaborate process that relies on recontextualization, ideally on a massive scale, to keep it alive and effective. In a series of case studies, he analyzes both textual and visual rhetoric as well as the social and material conditions that allow them to circulate, tracing how instances of propaganda are constructed, performed, and repeated in diverse contexts, such as speeches, news reports, and popular, everyday discourse.By revealing the agents, (inter)texts, and cultural practices involved in propaganda campaigns, The Discourse of Propaganda shines much-needed light on the topic and challenges its readers to consider the complicated processes that allow propaganda to flourish. This book will appeal not only to scholars of rhetoric and propaganda but also to those interested in unfolding the machinations motivating America’s recent military interventions.
teNeues Publishing UK Ltd Greenhouses: Cathedrals for Plants
Botanical gardens represent people's centuries-old fascination with exotic plants. Werner Pawlok has photographically explored special tropical greenhouses within Europe and shows us here his most beautiful pictures in his usual colourfully expressive manner - from the Palm House in the Botanical Garden in Copenhagen, to Kew Gardens in London, and the Great Palm House at Schönbrunn. The scent of the warm earth and the breath of the plants can almost be felt when looking at the large-format and colourful pictures. Fascinating interplays of colour allow the filigree architecture of famous master builders and the impressive plants to shine in a special light. Pawlok, self-taught and intuitive photographer, captures these magical places in a fascinating way. Each photo is a work of art in itself. Interesting texts about the cultural history of greenhouses, from the simple wooden construction to the efficient glass dome, accompany this extraordinary photo book. Let yourself be inspired by Pawlok's high-end photographs and embark on a nostalgic journey. As Pawlok himself puts it: "Being allowed to enter these wonderful glass palaces and explore their green-scented, tropical interiors with my camera felt like an expedition into the heart of the 19th century." Text in English and German.
Adams Media Corporation Survival Hacks: Over 200 Ways to Use Everyday Items for Wilderness Survival
“Most of us need never fashion a gas mask from a soup can.... Should the need arise, you’ll be glad for a copy of Survival Hacks... offers tips ranging from making a cookstove from a packet of alcohol-soaked ramen to cutting a fishing lure from the shiny bits of your Visa card.” —The Seattle Times Turn everyday items into survival necessities!Would you be prepared if you needed to survive in the wilderness? Survival expert Creek Stewart shares his cache of practical, easy-to-follow tricks to help you transform everyday items into valuable gear that can save your life. Survival Hacks takes you step-by-step through transforming simple objects like soda tabs and plant leaves into essential survival tools. This rough-and-rugged guide covers everything from small-scale hacks, like using sticks and rope to make a table, to the big stuff, like creating a one-person emergency shelter from a trash bag or purifying dirty water using a plastic bottle and the sun. And you can be ready anywhere you go with everyday carry kits, pocket-sized survival kits, so you're never without the essential tools you need to make it on your own. Being prepared can make the difference when it comes to your survival in an emergency. And Survival Hacks makes it a whole lot easier.
ZunTold The Game Weavers
‘He spreads out his hands. They glow yellow, then orange. Threads emerge from underneath his nails, shining out of the skin. They weave themselves together, the fingers knitting their light-made lace until the threads form a fabric heading out of the glass panes and towards the fields. They cross the glass without so much as a shudder. Seo crafts his land.’ Seo Kuroaku has it all. Adopted as a boy by the formidable Sir Neil, he’s the youth champion of Twine, the high-pressured national sport. Played in arenas where thousands come to watch, weavers craft creatures from their fingertips to wage battle against fearsome opponents. But this is a Britain of much darker times - and Seo is harbouring a secret. When he is outed, Twine can’t help him. With the help of his little brother Minjun and Jack, the man he can’t decide if he loves or not, Seo has to find a way to get his life back on track, whilst facing the biggest match of his life. In The Game Weavers, Rebecca Zahabi has created a fantastical yet hauntingly contemporary narrative which is both love story and fable - The Game Weavers is a coming of age story about the importance of intimacy, family and self-acceptance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Toxic Humans: Combatting Poisonous Leadership in Boards and Organisations
International leadership expert Michael Jenkins shines a light on the adverse effects of dysfunctional and toxic boards and how they have the potential to destroy an organisation’s culture. This can happen through erosion of brand value leading to talent attrition and increased mental health issues in employees due to a deterioration in trust and psychological safety. Combined with recent fundamental changes in the labour market and demographic changes in the workforce, there is a potent cocktail of Future of Work issues that will not go away. Enlightened leaders must tackle such issues head-on if they are to steward sustainable and responsible organisations and businesses. Based on extensive research, including interviews with board members from around the world, together with one-to-one interviews with leaders from the VAB (Virtual Advisory Board) network, Toxic Humans: Combatting Poisonous Leadership in Boards and Organisations outlines various experiences of toxic leadership and how successful directors managed to work with and through it. These interviews shape the final sections of the book where the reader is given a set of recommendations for action to help mitigate and manage the effect of toxic leadership – at the Board, senior leader and team levels - and to build a positive and productive workplace where all can flourish.
Biteback Publishing Bloody Southerners: Clough and Taylor at Brighton
Imagine Pep Guardiola quitting Manchester City to take over at Rochdale. Or Jose Mourinho walking out on United to join Southend. That sort of thing just wouldn't happen, would it? Except that in 1973, it did. At that time Brian Clough was managerial gold dust, having taken Derby County to the Football League title and to the semi-finals of the European Cup. After those feats, he and his sidekick Peter Taylor could have managed anywhere. And yet the most famous men in British football decided to take the reins at Brighton & Hove Albion, sixth bottom of the old Third Division, for what would prove a controversial and ultimately unsuccessful spell that would test their friendship to breaking point. The move to a sleepy backwater football club made little sense then and, forty years on, it remains a mystery. It seems especially odd considering Clough's aversion to the south and refusal to relocate his home from Derby. Featuring candid interviews with the men who played under Clough and Taylor at Brighton, Bloody Southerners attempts to make sense of the strangest managerial appointment in English post-war football. What shines through in page after page of never-before-heard stories is the profound complexity of both characters.
Icon Books Night Terrors: Troubled Sleep and the Stories We Tell About It
** AS READ ON BBC RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEK IN DECEMBER 2022 **'Curious, lively, humble, utterly genuine ... a remarkable debut.' SUNDAY TIMESAlice Vernon often wakes up to find strangers in her bedroom.Ever since she was a child, her nights have been haunted by nightmares of a figure from her adolescence, sinister hallucinations and episodes of sleepwalking. These are known as 'parasomnias' - and they're surprisingly common. Now a lecturer in Creative Writing, Vernon set out to understand the history, science and culture of these strange and haunting experiences. Night Terrors, her startling and vivid debut, examines the history of our relationship with bad dreams: how we've tried to make sense of and treat them, from some decidedly odd 'cures' like magical 'mare-stones', to research on how video games might help people rewrite their dreams. Along the way she explores the Salem Witch Trials and sleep paralysis, Victorian ghost stories, and soldiers' experiences of PTSD. By directly confronting her own strange and frightening nights for the first time, Vernon encourages us to think about the way troubled sleep has impacted our imaginations.Night Terrors aims to shine a light on the darkest parts of our sleeping lives, and to reassure sufferers from bad dreams that they are not alone.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd How the World Allowed Hitler to Proceed with the Holocaust: Tragedy at Evian
In July 1938 the United States, Great Britain and thirty other countries participated in a vital conference at Evian-les-Bains, France, to discuss the persecution and possible emigration of the European Jews, specifically those caught under the anvil of Nazi atrocities. However, most of those nations rejected the pleas then being made by the Jewish communities, thus condemning them to the Holocaust. There is no doubt that the Evian conference was a critical turning point in world history. The disastrous outcome of the conference set the stage for the murder of six million people. Today we live in a world defined by turmoil with a disturbing rise of authoritarian governments and ultra right-wing nationalism. The plight of refugees is once more powerfully affecting public attitudes towards those most in need. Now, on the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and the end of the Second World War, it's time to reflect on the past to ensure we never again make the same mistakes. Tragedy at Evian also shines a spotlight on some of the astonishing and courageous stories of heroic efforts of individuals and private organisations who, despite the decisions made at Evian, worked under extremely dangerous conditions, frequently giving their own lives to assist in the rescue of the Jewish people.
SPCK Publishing Jesus through Muslim Eyes
The discussion landscape between Christians and Muslims is constantly changing and developing. Increasingly subtle and sophisticated Muslim positions on Jesus emerge regularly. The latest Muslim thinker to rise to prominence in the wider public arena is Mustafa Akyol. His ideas about Jesus, while largely derivative, are crafted into novel and appealing arguments. To date, there has been no satisfactory Christian engagement with his ideas. Written by a specialist in Muslim thought, Jesus through Muslim Eyes offers a unique apologetic that combines history, theology and critical thinking in a way that cuts across both traditional and contemporary debates. “With Christians, we (Muslims) agree that Jesus was born of a virgin, that he was the Messiah, and that he is the Word of God. Surely, we do not worship Jesus, like Christians do. Yet still, we can follow him. In fact, given our grim malaise and his shining wisdom, we need to follow him.” – Mustafa Akyol (The Islamic Jesus, St Martin’s Press) Can Muslims, like Akyol, meaningfully claim Jesus as the Messiah and the Word of God? And how can Christians respond to such claims? Richard Schumach considers what Muslims believe about Jesus; what history can tell us about Jesus; where Muslims (and Christians) get their beliefs from; and why Jesus makes sense in Christianity, but not in Islam.
Faber & Faber The Time by the Sea: Aldeburgh 1955-1958
The Time by the Sea is about Ronald Blythe's life in Aldeburgh during the 1950s. He had originally come to the Suffolk coast as an aspiring young writer, but found himself drawn into Benjamin Britten's circle and began working for the Aldeburgh Festival. Although befriended by Imogen Holst and by E M Forster, part of him remained essentially solitary, alone in the landscape while surrounded by a stormy cultural sea. But this memoir gathers up many early experiences, sights and sounds: with Britten he explored ancient churches; with the botanist Denis Garrett he took delight in the marvellous shingle beaches and marshland plants; he worked alongside the celebrated photo-journalist Kurt Hutton. His muse was Christine Nash, wife of the artist John Nash. Published to coincide with the centenary of Britten's birth, this is a tale of music and painting, unforgettable words and fears. It describes the first steps of an East Anglian journey, an intimate appraisal of a vivid and memorable time.
Skyhorse Publishing Finding Oprah's Roots: Finding Your Own
Prominent African American scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr., traced Oprah’s roots and shares the lessons of her ancestorsthe legacy one generation bequeaths another, how who we are is influenced by the paths our ancestor have trod, and the extraordinary impact that even the most humble among us can have on future generations through the simple process of building a life for our loved ones. In Finding Oprah’s Roots, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., shines a searchlight into the shadows that have enveloped African American ancestry. By assembling an elite team of historians and geneticists in coordination with his well-received PBS documentary and using Oprah and her forebears as his chief example, Gates unveils a process akin to resurrection. Literally, those who were denied identitynameless slaves who died believing their ancestors would never know themhave their identities restored here through a dazzling array of search methods. Acting as a roadmap through the intricacies of public documents and online databases, this book also highlights genetic testing resources that can make it possible to know one’s distant tribal roots in Africa. Oprah’s path back to the past was profoundly illuminating, connecting the narrative of her family to the larger American narrative and anchoring” her in a way not previously possible. For the reader, Finding Oprah’s Roots offers the possibility of an equally rewarding experience.
DK Baby Touch and Feel: Fluffy Animals
An interactive touch and feel book for babies that inspires hands-on learning. Tactile elements and delightful imagery will encourage the development of motor skills and early learning.Baby Touch and Feel: Fluffy Animals is an interactive and fun way to help your child learn not only words but shapes and textures too. Bold, bright pictures and colorful illustrations will be more than enough to keep your baby’s attention. This adorable animal picture book is a perfect first book for preschoolers and makes for an ideal baby gift.Not too big and not too small, this sturdy, padded sensory book is just the right size for little hands to hold. No need for Mom and Dad to turn the pages! Babies and toddlers can turn the tough board book pages themselves, which helps to develop their fine motor skills while building an early language foundation.This charming animal board book for babies includes: • An amazing range of different textures to explore • Clearly labeled pictures and a simple, easy to follow design • Easy to read text to encourage early vocabulary building • A texture or eye-catching area on every page • Rounded edges and chunky pages, protecting babies and their growing teeth Learning to read should always be this fun. Kids will get hours of play from this sturdy board book for babies and toddlers, from making the noises and reading the names to feeling the different textures. Packed full of shiny objects and some bumps and grooves, this educational book will engage small children and stimulate early childhood development in different ways. This touchy feely book, with its strong, baby-safe jacket, makes for an ideal baby gift.Complete the SeriesThis delightful book is part of the Baby Touch and Feel range of board books for babies and toddlers from DK Books and includes titles like Baby Touch and Feel Animals, Baby Touch and Feel Bedtime, Baby Touch and Feel Colors and Shapes, and more for your little one to enjoy!
DK Baby Touch and Feel: Tractor
An interactive touch and feel book for babies that inspires hands-on learning. Tactile elements and delightful imagery will encourage the development of motor skills and early learning.Baby Touch and Feel: Tractor is an interactive and fun way to help your child learn not only words but shapes and textures too. Bold, bright pictures and colorful illustrations will be more than enough to keep your baby’s attention. This adorable picture book is a perfect first book for preschoolers and makes for an ideal baby gift.Not too big and not too small, this sturdy, padded sensory book is just the right size for little hands to hold. No need for Mom and Dad to turn the pages! Babies and toddlers can turn the tough board book pages themselves, which helps to develop their fine motor skills while building an early language foundation.This charming board book for babies includes: • An amazing range of different textures to explore • Clearly labeled pictures and a simple, easy to follow design • Easy to read text to encourage early vocabulary building • A texture or eye-catching area on every page • Rounded edges and chunky pages, protecting babies and their growing teeth Learning to read should always be this fun. Kids will get hours of play from this sturdy board book for babies and toddlers, from making the noises and reading the names to feeling the different textures. Packed full of shiny objects and some bumps and grooves, this educational book will engage small children and stimulate early childhood development in different ways. This touchy feely book, with its strong, baby-safe jacket, makes for an ideal baby gift.Complete the SeriesThis delightful book is part of the Baby Touch and Feel range of board books for babies and toddlers from DK Books and includes titles like Baby Touch and Feel Animals, Baby Touch and Feel Bedtime, Baby Touch and Feel Colors and Shapes, and more for your little one to enjoy!
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Baby Touch and Feel First Words
An interactive touch and feel book for babies that inspires hands-on learning. Tactile elements and delightful imagery will encourage the development of motor skills and early learning.Baby Touch and Feel: First Words is an interactive and fun way to help your child learn not only words but shapes and textures too. Bold, bright pictures and colourful illustrations will be more than enough to keep your baby's attention. This adorable picture book is a perfect first book for preschoolers and makes for an ideal baby gift.Not too big and not too small, this sturdy, padded sensory book is just the right size for little hands to hold. No need for Mum and Dad to turn the pages! Babies and toddlers can turn the tough board book pages themselves, which helps to develop their fine motor skills while building an early language foundation.This charming board book for babies includes: - An amazing range of different textures to explore- Clearly labelled pictures and a simple, easy to follow design- Easy to read text to encourage early vocabulary building- A texture or eye-catching area on every page- Rounded edges and chunky pages, protecting babies and their growing teethLearning to read should always be this fun. Kids will get hours of play from this sturdy board book for babies and toddlers, from making the noises and reading the names to feeling the different textures. Packed full of shiny objects and some bumps and grooves, this educational book will engage small children and stimulate early childhood development in different ways. This touchy feely book, with its strong, baby-safe jacket, makes for an ideal baby gift.Complete the SeriesThis delightful book is part of the Baby Touch and Feel range of board books for babies and toddlers from DK Books and includes titles like Baby Touch and Feel Animals, Baby Touch and Feel Bedtime, Baby Touch and Feel Colours and Shapes, and more for your little one to enjoy!
Savas Beatie Dreams of Victory: General P. G. T. Beauregard in the Civil War
Few Civil War generals attracted as much debate and controversy as Pierre Gustav Toutant Beauregard. He combined brilliance and charisma with arrogance and histrionics. He was a Catholic Creole in a society dominated by white Protestants, which made him appear exotic next to the likes of Albert Sidney Johnston and Robert E. Lee.He was reviled by Jefferson Davis and often mocked by Mary Chesnut in her diary. Yet, he was popular with his soldiers and subordinates. Outside of Lee, he was the South’s most consistently successful commander, winning at Bull Run, defending Charleston in 1864, and defeating Benjamin Butler at Bermuda Hundred and Ulysses Grant and George Meade at Petersburg. Yet, he lived his life in the shadow of his one major defeat: Shiloh.Beauregard’s career before and after the war was no less tumultuous than his Civil War record. He was born among the Creole elite of Louisiana, but rejected the life of a planter in favor of the military, inspired by tales of Napoléon. He was considered a shining light of the antebellum army and performed superbly in the Mexican-American War. Yet, he complained about a lack of promotion and made a frustrating stab at being mayor of New Orleans in 1858.After the war, he was a successful railroad executive and took a stand against racism, violence, and corruption during Reconstruction. Yet, he was ousted from both railroads he oversaw and his foray into Reconstruction politics came to naught. Although he provided for his family and left them a hefty sum after his death, the money was mostly gained by working for the corrupt Louisiana Lottery.In Dreams of Victory: General P. G. T. Beauregard in the Civil War, Sean Michael Chick explores a life of contradictions and dreams unrealized—the first real hero of the Confederacy who sometimes proved to be his own worst enemy.
Skyhorse Publishing 1,001 Home Remedies: Tips & Tricks for Natural Health & Beauty
Simple, practical, and inspiring tips, recipes, and wellness advice. This practical and inspiring little book offers over 1,000 wellness tips for boosting your immune system, caring for burns and wounds, improving your complexion, reducing stress, and much more. Find simple and effective home remedies such as: To relieve a dry, irritating cough: to 1/3 pt (200ml) boiling water, add the juice of 1 lemon, 2 tsp honey, ¼ tsp cinnamon, 1 clove garlic, and a sprig of rosemary. Stir well, cover and leave for 15 mins. Strain and sip slowly. To relieve eczema, steep ½ ounce (13 grams) chamomile flowers in 1 pint (600 milliliters) boiling water for 20 minutes and add to a bath. To relieve tension in the upper body, sit cross-legged, block the ears with your fingers. Breathe in, then breathe out making a humming sound to lengthen the exhalation. Repeat 10 times before going to bed. To remove makeup, coat the fingers with almond, sunflower, or avocado oil and spread evenly over the face and neck. Remove the oil with tissues. Saturate a black tea bag with warm water. Press over clean lips for 5 minutes. Repeat if desired. Black tea is high in tannic acid, retains moisture, and keeps lips smooth and taut. To give hair a shine, mash an over-ripe banana; combine with 3 drops of almond oil. Massage into dry hair, leave on for 15 minutes. Shampoo as usual. Many of the hints found here are the product of tradition passed from one generation to another. They cover advice on care of the body from head to toe, a common sense approach to first aid and using medicines, recipes for non-toxic cleaning solutions, ways to alleviate common ailments with ingredients you probably already have on hand, and more.
Johns Hopkins University Press Relativity for the Questioning Mind
To those of us who are not mathematicians or physicists, Einstein's theory of relativity often seems incomprehensible, exotic, and of little real-world use. None of this is true. Daniel F. Styer's introduction to the topic not only shows us why these beliefs are mistaken but also shines a bright light on the subject so that any curious-minded person with an understanding of algebra and geometry can both grasp and apply the theory. Styer starts off slowly and proceeds carefully, explaining the concepts undergirding relativity in language comprehensible to nonscientists yet precise and accurate enough to satisfy the most demanding professional. He demonstrates how the theory applies to various real-life situations with easy equations and simple, clear diagrams. Styer's classroom-tested method of conveying the core ideas of relativity-the relationship among and between time, space, and motion and the behavior of light-encourages questions and shows the way to finding the answers. Each of the book's four parts builds on the sections that come before, leading the reader by turn through an overview of foundational ideas such as frames of reference, revelatory examples of time dilation and its attendant principles, an example-based exploration of relativity, and explanations of how and why gravity and spacetime are linked. By demonstrating relativity with practical applications, Styer teaches us to truly understand and appreciate its importance, beauty, and usefulness. Featuring worked and end-of-chapter problems and illustrated, nontechnical explanations of core concepts, while dotted throughout with questions and answers, puzzles, and paradoxes, Relativity for the Questioning Mind is an enjoyable-to-read, complete, concise introduction to one of the most important scientific theories yet discovered. The appendixes provide helpful hints, basic answers to the sample problems, and materials to stimulate further exploration.
The University of Chicago Press Future Sea: How to Rescue and Protect the World's Oceans
The world's oceans face multiple threats: the effects of climate change, pollution, overfishing, plastic waste, and more. Confronted with the immensity of these challenges and of the oceans themselves, we might wonder what more can be done to stop their decline and better protect the sea and marine life. Such widespread environmental threats call for a simple but significant shift in reasoning to bring about long-overdue, elemental change in the way we use ocean resources. In Future Sea, ocean advocate and marine-policy researcher Deborah Rowan Wright provides the tools for that shift. Questioning the underlying philosophy of established ocean conservation approaches, Rowan Wright lays out a radical alternative: a bold and far-reaching strategy of 100 percent ocean protection that would put an end to destructive industrial activities, better safeguard marine biodiversity, and enable ocean wildlife to return and thrive along coasts and in seas around the globe. Future Sea is essentially concerned with the solutions and not the problems. Rowan Wright shines a light on existing international laws intended to keep marine environments safe that could underpin this new strategy. She gathers inspiring stories of communities and countries using ocean resources wisely, as well as of successful conservation projects, to build up a cautiously optimistic picture of the future for our oceans--counteracting all too prevalent reports of doom and gloom. A passionate, sweeping, and personal account, Future Sea not only argues for systemic change in how we manage what we do in the sea, but also describes steps that anyone, from children to political leaders (or indeed, any reader of the book), can take toward safeguarding the oceans and their extraordinary wildlife.
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Collected Later Poems 1988-2000
R.S. Thomas (1913-2000) is one of the major poets of our time, as well as one of the finest religious poets in the English language and Wales’s greatest poet. This substantial gathering of his late poems shows us the final flowering of a truly great poet still writing at the height of his powers right through his 70s and 80s. It begins with his autobiographical sequence The Echoes Return Slow, which has been unavailable for many years, and goes up to Residues, written immediately before his death at the age of 87. These powerful poems – about time and history, the self, love, the machine, the Cross and prayer – cover all of his major areas of questioning. This is R.S. Thomas in a winter light, his fury concentrated on the inhumanity of man and modern technology, his gaze absorbed by the God he felt in Nature, but finding nourishment in 'waste places'. At the same time he writes with resigned feeling and immense insight, as well as grim humour and playful irony, of isolation, ageing, marriage and 'love’s shining greenhouses'. For Thomas, 'Poetry is that / which arrives at the intellect / by way of the heart.' Collected Later Poems 1988-2000 is the sequel to R.S. Thomas’s Collected Poems 1945-1990 (Dent, 1993; Phoenix Press, 1995), which only covers his collections up to Experimenting with an Amen (1986). It reprints in full the contents of R.S. Thomas’s last five collections, The Echoes Return Slow (Macmillan, 1988: unavailable for many years), and Bloodaxe’s Counterpoint (1990), Mass for Hard Times (1992), No Truce with the Furies (1995) and the posthumously published Residues (2002). It was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation. It was followed in 2013 by Uncollected Poems and in 2016 by Too Brave to Dream.
Paizo Publishing, LLC Starfinder Adventure Path: The White Glove Affair (Fly Free or Die 4 of 6)
The crew of the Oliphaunt have been living paycheck to paycheck for too long; now they've got a chance to become richer than they've ever imagined... by stealing one of the Kalistocracy's legendary treasure barges! But this heist turns out to be more than anyone bargained for when the crew ends up stranded on a hidden resort in the Drift where Kalistocrats outbid each other for the plundered wealth of the galaxy. The only way off this rock is to win the auction, steal the keys to the commerce barge, and outrun both the competition and the law!"The White Glove Affair" is a Starfinder adventure for four 7th-level characters. This adventure continues the Fly Free or Die Adventure Path, a six-part monthly campaign in which players take on the role of a merchant crew with an experimental starship, trying to get rich, escape interplanetary assassins, and outwit their rivals. This volume also includes a series of "Side Jobs"-short mini-adventures the GM can insert into the campaign at any time-and shines a spotlight on the Prophecies of Kalistrade, including the golden commerce barges that carry their treasure off to Fortune's Heart, a secret auction house in the Drift.Each monthly full-color softcover Starfinder Adventure Path volume contains a new installment of a series of interconnected science-fantasy quests that together create a fully developed plot of sweeping scale and epic challenges. Each 64-page volume of the Starfinder Adventure Path also contains in-depth articles that detail and expand the Starfinder campaign setting and provide new rules, a host of exciting new monsters and alien races, a new planet to explore and starship to pilot, and more!
Taylor & Francis Inc Drought Adaptation in Cereals
Learn how to best improve yield in cereal plantseven in dry conditionsThe impact of drought on crop production can be economically devastating. Drought Adaptation in Cereals provides a comprehensive review of the latest research on the tolerance of cereal crops to water-limited conditions. Renowned experts extensively describe basic concepts and cutting-edge research results to clearly reveal all facets of drought adaptation in cereals. More than simply a fine reference for plant biology and plant improvement under water-limited conditions, this book spotlights the most relevant biological approaches from plant phenotyping to functional genomics.The need to understand plant response to the lack of water is integral to forming strategies to best manage crops. Drought Adaptation in Cereals starts by offering an overview of the biological basis and defines the adaptive mechanisms found in plants under water-limited conditions. Different approaches are presented to provide understanding of plant genetics basics and plant breeding, including phenotyping, physiology, and biotechnology. The book details drought adaptation mechanisms at the cellular, organ, and entire plant levels, focusing on plant metabolism and gene functions. This resource is extensively referenced and contains tables, charts, and figures to clearly present data and enhance understanding.After a foreword by J. O'Toole and a prologue by A. Blum, Drought Adaptation in Cereals presents a full spectrum of informative topics from other internationally respected scientists. These include: drought’s economic impact (P. Heisey) genotype-by-environment interactions (M. Cooper) secondary traits for drought adaptation (P. Monneveux) leaf growth (F. Tardieu) carbon isotope discrimination (T. Condon) drought adaptation in barley (M. Sorrells), maize (M. Sawkins), rice (R. Lafitte), sorghum (A. Borrell) and wheat (M. Reynolds) carbohydrate metabolism (A. Tiessen) the role of abscisic acid (T. Setter) protection mechanisms and stress proteins (L. Mtwisha) genetic basis of ion homeostasis and water deficit (H. Bohnert) transcriptional factors (K. Yamaguchi-Shinozaki) resurrection plants (D. Bartels) Drought Adaptation in Cereals is a unique, vital reference for scientists, educators, and students in plant biology, agronomy, and natural resources management.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Fantastic Beasts: The Wonder of Nature: Amazing Animals and the Magical Creatures of Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts
The magical world of J.K. Rowling’s Fantastic Beasts meets the real-world experts of the world-famous Natural History Museum, in an awe-inspiring exhibition devoted to the wonders of nature, science and adventure – and their fictional counterparts from Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts. Fantastic Beasts: The Wonder of Nature is the official book inspired by the spectacular exhibition, shining a light on beasts in all their fantastic forms. Taking inspiration from Newt Scamander, this gorgeous colour gift book invites the whole family to explore the inspiration and links between the magic of J.K. Rowling’s creatures and the astonishing real-world wildlife that has roamed the earth, seas and skies of our planet throughout history. Prepare to pore over ancient maps of sea monsters; naturalists’ field notes crammed with intricately painted chameleons and caterpillars; and dinosaurs such as the mighty Dracorex Hogwartsia, the ‘Dragon King of Hogwarts’. The Natural History Museum boasts one of the finest collections in the world – some 80 million animals, plants, minerals, rocks and fossils. These scientific specimens sit beside breathtaking artwork of J.K. Rowling’s magical creatures; fascinating props and artefacts from the Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter films; and stunning wildlife photography. Readers are invited to meet unicorns and merpeople, Nifflers and Bowtruckles, pythons and tigers, and observe their amazing and endlessly surprising behaviours. Each chapter begins with an original essay by a well-known writer, environmental expert or natural history scientist, offering their own unique insight into the exhibition. Uplifting and absorbing, this is a book that evokes the true magic and majesty of nature in all its myriad forms. Fantastic Beasts: The Wonder of Nature inspires us to protect our precious planet – a must-have for Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts fans of all ages, budding explorers and readers who aren’t able to visit the exhibition in person.
Princeton University Press Religions of Japan in Practice
This anthology reflects a range of Japanese religions in their complex, sometimes conflicting, diversity. In the tradition of the Princeton Readings in Religions series, the collection presents documents (legends and miracle tales, hagiographies, ritual prayers and ceremonies, sermons, reform treatises, doctrinal tracts, historical and ethnographic writings), most of which have been translated for the first time here, that serve to illuminate the mosaic of Japanese religions in practice. George Tanabe provides a lucid introduction to the "patterned confusion" of Japan's religious practices. He has ordered the anthology's forty-five readings under the categories of "Ethical Practices," "Ritual Practices," and "Institutional Practices," moving beyond the traditional classifications of chronology, religious traditions (Shinto, Confucianism, Buddhism, etc.), and sects, and illuminating the actual orientation of people who engage in religious practices. Within the anthology's three broad categories, subdivisions address the topics of social values, clerical and lay precepts, gods, spirits, rituals of realization, faith, court and emperor, sectarian founders, wizards, and heroes, orthopraxis and orthodoxy, and special places. Dating from the eighth through the twentieth centuries, the documents are revealed to be open to various and evolving interpretations, their meanings dependent not only on how they are placed in context but also on how individual researchers read them. Each text is preceded by an introductory explanation of the text's essence, written by its translator. Instructors and students will find these explications useful starting points for their encounters with the varied worlds of practice within which the texts interact with readers and changing contexts. Religions of Japan in Practice is a compendium of relationships between great minds and ordinary people, abstruse theories and mundane acts, natural and supernatural powers, altruism and self-interest, disappointment and hope, quiescence and war. It is an indispensable sourcebook for scholars, students, and general readers seeking engagement with the fertile "ordered disorder" of religious practice in Japan.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc My People: Five Decades of Writing About Black Lives
“Charlayne Hunter-Gault is an eminent Dean of American journalism, a vital voice whose work chronicled the civil rights movement and so much of what has transpired since then. My People is the definitive collection of her reportage and commentary. Spanning datelines in the American South, South Africa and points scattered in between, her work constitutes a history of our time as rendered by the pen of a singular and indispensable black woman journalist.”-Jelani CobbFrom the legendary Emmy Award-winning journalist, a collection of ground-breaking reportage from across five decades which vividly chronicles the experience of Black life in America today.At just nineteen years old, Charlayne Hunter-Gault made national news after she had mounted a successful legal challenge that culminated in her admission to the University of Georgia in January 1961—making her one of the first two Black students to integrate the institution. As an adult, Charlayne switched from being the subject of news to covering it, becoming one of its most recognized and acclaimed interpreters.Over more than five decades, this dedicated reporter charted a course through some of the world’s most respected journalistic institutions, including The New Yorker, NBC, and the New York Times, where she was often the only Black woman in the newsroom. Throughout her storied career, Charlayne has chronicled the lives of Black people in America—shining a light on their experiences and giving a glimpse into their community as never before. Though she has covered numerous topics and events, observed as a whole, her work reveals the evolving issues at the forefront of Black Americans lives and how many of the same issues continue to persist today.My People showcases Charlayne’s lifelong commitment to reporting on Black people in their totality, “in ways that are recognizable to themselves.” Spanning from the Civil Rights Movement through the election and inauguration of America’s first Black president and beyond, this invaluable collection shows the breadth and nuance of the Black experience through trials, tragedies, and triumphs of everyday lives.
Scarecrow Press Queen of the Negro Leagues: Effa Manley and the Newark Eagles
The first woman inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame, there was no one like Effa Manley in the sports world of the 1930s and 1940s. She was a sophisticated woman who owned a baseball team. She never shrank from going head to head with men, who dominated the ranks of sports executives and considered sports their exclusive domain. That her life story has remained unchronicled can only be attributed to one thing: her team, the Newark Eagles, belonged to the Negro Baseball League. This book furthers a growing awareness of black baseball before integration and profiles many of the other highly-competitive owners in the Negro league. It also describes a thriving black community in Newark that took the Newark Eagles into their hearts, creating a fascinating relationship between a community and their sports team. This book was the first to draw extensively on Eagle team records, left behind by Mrs. Manley when she left Newark in the 1950s, and rediscovered nearly intact thirty-five years later. The files are the most comprehensive source of information about the Newark Eagles. They reconstruct the relationship between the baseball team and the community to an extent never thought to be possible. Also included is material from Mrs. Manley's scrapbook chronicling her days as a baseball owner and an active home front volunteer during World War II. Her scrapbook is now part of the collection of the National Baseball Hall of Fame. This important work shines the spotlight on a previously unsung segment of baseball history. Originally published in cloth as Effa Manley and the Newark Eagles, No. 1 in the American Sports History Series. Reviews of the Original Edition: "...a book that speaks volumes about the history of all of us who grew up in Newark at a time when the city stood for something very different. It's a dandy read." —NEWARK STAR-LEDGER "...the story of a dynamic woman who, with her husband, owned the New Jersey team in the Negro National League.... Recommended." —LIB
HarperChristian Resources The Fight to Flourish Bible Study Guide: Engaging in the Struggle to Cultivate the Life You Were Born to Live
Flourishing. Is that a word you would use to describe yourself, or only someone else? Does the idea of flourishing in life seem out of reach for you? Do you assume that you'll have to wait until after you have gotten through your current struggle before you can figure out how to flourish? This might seem counterintuitive, but flourishing actually begins during the struggle. It's in the fight through the pain that we can begin to thrive. In The Fight to Flourish, Jennie Lusko points out that just like some plants need darkness to grow, it's the dark and difficult times that God uses to grow our faith. Drawing on her experiences after the loss of her five-year-old daughter, Lenya, Jennie shows us that the ingredients for a fresh and thriving life can be found by fighting through even our most difficult days. In this study, Jennie teaches these key lessons: Whether we're wallowing in disappointment, crushed by heartache, or seeing stars from one of life's sucker punches, we can allow the Light of the World to shine through us. In order to flourish, we have to tend to our spirituality by cultivating our spiritual garden. We fight through distractions, insecurities, and feelings of being underqualified or overwhelmed by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. Instead of shutting down and isolating during a trying season, cultivate vulnerability, transparency, and deep friendships. Being forced out of our comfort zone can move us in a new direction of growth, learning, and maturity, where we flourish to capacity, even in and through our pain. God can help us make the most out of our struggle, because a flourishing life in every season is worth fighting for. Sessions include: The Fight in the Dark Don’t Bloom Where You’re Planted Ready, Set, Live! The Art of Living Beautifully Shake Up Your Life You Don’t Fight Alone Designed for use with The Fight to Flourish Video Study available on DVD or streaming video, sold separately.
New York University Press The Healing Power of the Santuario de Chimayó: America’s Miraculous Church
Winner, 2018 Paul J. Foik Award for Best Book on Catholic History in the American Southwest, presented by the Texas Catholic Historical Society The remarkable history of the Santuario de Chimayó, the church whose world-renowned healing powers have drawn visitors to its steps for centuries. Nestled in a valley at the feet of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico, the Santuario de Chimayó has been called the most important Catholic pilgrimage site in America. To experience the Santuario’s miraculous healing dirt, pilgrims and visitors first walk into the cool, adobe church, proceeding up an aisle to the altar with its magnificent crucifix. They then turn left to enter a low-slung room filled with cast-off crutches, a statue of the Santo Niño de Atocha, and photos of thousands of people who have been prayed for in the exact spot they are standing. An adjacent room, stark by contrast, contains little but a hole in the floor, known as the pocito. From this well in the earth, the Santuario’s half a million annual visitors gather handfuls of holy dirt, celebrated for two hundred years for its purported healing properties. The book tells the fascinating stories of the Pueblo and Nuevomexicano Catholic origins of the site and the building of the church, the eventual transfer of the property to the Catholic Archdiocese of Santa Fe, and the modern pilgrimage of believers alongside thousands of tourists. Drawing on extensive archival research as well as fieldwork in Chimayó, Brett Hendrickson examines the claims that various constituencies have made on the Santuario, its stories, dirt, ritual life, commercial value, and aesthetic character. The importance of the story of the Santuario de Chimayó goes well beyond its sacred dirt, to illuminate the role of Southwestern Hispanics and Catholics in American religious history and identity. The healing powers and marvel of the Santuario shine through the pages of Hendrickson’s book, allowing readers of all kinds to feel like they have stepped inside an institution in American and religious history.