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Emerald Publishing Limited Emotions, Ethics and Decision-Making
The rapidly growing recognition of the importance of emotion in understanding all aspects of organizational life is facilitating the development of focused areas of scholarship. The articles in this volume represent a selection of the best papers presented at the sixth International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life (held in Atlanta, in July 2006), complemented with invited chapters by leading scholars in the field. The theme of this volume, Emotions, Ethics and Decision-making, concerns the role of emotions in decision-making in general, and also more specifically the special place of emotions in decisions that have an ethical character. It begins by looking at the influence of emotions on strategic decisions, among entrepreneurs, in the case of workplace proenvironmental behaviors, as well as how emotional intelligence contributes to problem solving. Emotions are particularly present in ethical decisions, largely because of the close connection between personal identity, for which values are central, and feelings about the self. Specific chapters look at emotions experienced as a result of ethical dilemmas, the role of anger and justice perceptions, the role of attributions and emotional intelligence in ethics perceptions, and at emotions in three specific contexts: emotional labor, whistle-blowing and sexual harassment. Finally the volume comes full circle in an examination of how top executives engage in change that is truly congruent with the ethical values of internal and external constituents.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald International Handbook of Feminist Perspectives on Women’s Acts of Violence
Violence by women is frequently sensationalised, abetting misogynistic tropes that characterise violent women as ‘evil’, ‘unnatural’ and masculine. Favouring more complex analyses of this behaviour, The Emerald International Handbook of Feminist Perspectives on Women’s Acts of Violence highlights and challenges normative accounts of women’s violence and offers new multidimensional conceptualisations of these acts, furthering understanding of this topic from a feminist perspective. Responding to a growing research interest, contributors present a comprehensive introduction to a wide range of international and interdisciplinary scholarship on different aspects of women’s violence. Drawing on both empirical and secondary data, chapters incorporate familiar themes of intimate violence, homicide, terrorism and combat as well as wider content such as women’s involvement in violent nationalist movements and their role in perpetrating obstetric harms. The only publication of its kind in terms of its scope, interdisciplinarity and feminist perspective, The Emerald International Handbook of Feminist Perspectives on Women’s Acts of Violence breaks fresh ground by unveiling how violence is understood and enabling new links and connections to be made across previously disparate areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Media Use In Crisis and Risk Communication: Emergencies, Concerns and Awareness
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and is freely available to read online. Crises pose an immediate risk to life, health, and the environment and require urgent action. The public’s use of social media has important implications for contingency policies and practices. Social media have the potential for risk reduction and preventive interaction with the public. This book is about how different communicators - whether crisis managers, first responders, journalists, or private citizens and disaster victims - have used social media to communicate about risks and crises. It is also about how these very different actors can play a crucial role in mitigating or preventing crises. How can they use social media to strengthen their own and the public’s awareness and understanding of crises when they unfold? How can they use social media to promote resilience during crises and the ability to deal with the after-effects? Chapters address such questions by presenting new research-based knowledge on social media use during different crises: the terrorist attacks in Norway on 22 July 2011; the central European floods in Austria in 2013; and the West African Ebola-outbreak in 2014. The collection also presents research on the development of a tool for gathering social media information, based on a user-centered design. Social Media use in Crisis and Risk Communication presents cutting-edge research on the use of social media in crisis communication and reporting. It gives recommendations about how different crisis communicators (information officers, crisis managers, journalists) can improve their ability to gather information, communicate and raise people’s crisis awareness by using social media.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotion Management and Feelings in Teaching and Educational Leadership: A Cultural Perspective
Past research has identified a wide variety of emotions and emotional engagements among school leaders and teachers including passion, excitement and satisfaction. However, the literature often centers on negative emotions of school leaders, such as fear of failure, anxiety and disillusionment with the system.Thus far, most research on this issue has focused almost entirely on western educational systems. This book departs from that and highlights the connection between culture and emotion management in these settings, and allows researchers from different parts of the world to demonstrate how national and local culture influence the way educational leaders and teachers express their feelings, display their emotion, or suppress emotion in public. Emotion Management in Teaching and Education Leadership allows teachers and educational leaders from both traditional and marginalized societies to tell their own stories of feelings, emotion management, and emotion regulation at work. By expanding our knowledge beyond the cultural boundaries of Anglo-American nations and evoking new considerations in the research on emotion in organizations, this book will prove invaluable for researchers and school leaders.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the Eurozone: Theoretical Concepts and Empirical Evidence
Following the 2008 financial crisis, the Eurozone faced a major challenge to many of its most widely held beliefs around both short- and long-term economic policy. Contrary to what had been the received wisdom, it suddenly became clear that financial institutions can fail, that low interest rates are often unable to stimulate the economy, that the unemployment gap is still very large, and that external and internal imbalances are becoming more entrenched. Such sudden revelations left economists grasping for answers. Rosaria Rita Canale and Rajmund Mirdala outline the economic orthodoxies that led to such massive blind spots, and they shed light on the emerging paradigms that continue to struggle to offer convincing frameworks that address what happened and what to do next. They show how dominant economic theories led to a progressive devaluing of the idea that coordinated economic policy offers an effective way of maintaining macroeconomic equilibrium, and they illustrate how the new economic environment calls for a new role for economic policy, one that allows for a more maneuverable monetary policy and a more active fiscal policy. What they ultimately suggest is that this renewed framework of cooperation among policy instruments would require a general rethinking of the political equilibria within the Eurozone, as a stable economic environment cannot be maintained at the expense of particular countries. For its systematic analyses of the economic policy framework of the Eurozone, and for the rigor of its critiques of current ideas about how to move forward, Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the Eurozone is essential reading for postgraduate students of economics, and it is of keen interest to researchers, policymakers, journalists, and financial strategists.
Emerald Publishing Beating The Bully: Recognising, Reporting and Empowering
Emerald Publishing The Emerald Handbook of Fintech Reshaping Finance
Oxford University Press The Silver Empire
The Silver Empire is the first comprehensive account of how the Holy Roman Empire created a common currency in the sixteenth century. The problems that gave rise to the widespread desire to introduce a common a currency were myriad. While trade was able to cope with-and even to benefit from-the parallel circulation of many different types of coin, it nevertheless harmed both the common people and the political authorities. The authorities in particular suffered from neighbours who used their comparatively good money as raw material to mint poor imitations. Debasing their own coinage provided an, at best, short-term solution. Over the medium and long term, it drove the members of the Empire into rounds of competitive debasements, until they realised that a common currency was the only answer that addressed the core of the problem.Oliver Volckart examines the conditions that shaped the monetary outlook of the member states of the Empire, paying particular attention to the uneven access t
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Emergency Medicine CAQ Review for Physician Assistants
Ace the EM-CAQ and advance your PA career!Written entirely by physician assistants, for physician assistants, Emergency Medicine CAQ Review for Physician Assistants is your go-to study guide for the Physician Assistants EM-CAQ exam. Now this first-of-its kind review offers you a convenient resource to help you need to demonstrate your proficiency and expertise in emergency medicine! Consult just one reliable source for a complete review of what you need to know for the exam. Prepare with confidence! This study guide was written using the NCCPA emergency medicine content blueprint. Get focused, well-organized, and up-to-date guidance from EM-PAs who have passed the exam. Maximize your study time with 250 multiple-choice questions that mimic the exam, including rationales for correct and incorrect answers. Cover every area of your field in one easy-access guide: abdominal and GI; cardiovascular; dermatologic; endocrine, metabolic, and nutritional disorders; environmental; head, ear, eye, nose, and throat disorders; hematologic; immune system; musculoskeletal; nervous system; obstetrics and gynecology; psychobehavioral disorders; pulmonary; renal and urogenital; systemic infectious disorders; toxicology disorders; traumatic disorders; procedures and skills; and other topics. “The book is a treasure trove of clinical information, carefully formulated with a question-based format designed to optimally prepare [physician assistants] for their emergency medicine examinations.” - Ron M. Walls, MD , Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Brigham and Women's Health Care, Neskey Family Professor of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering tablet, smartphone, or online access to: Complete content with enhanced navigation Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Emerald Publishing Limited Wellness Culture: How the Wellness Movement has been used to Empower, Profit and Misinform
Wellness has become synonymous with yoga, meditation, and other forms of self-care. Over the past 60 years, what began as an alternative to mainstream medicine has coalesced with consumer culture and has been commercialised to such an extent that the term is now synonymous with an industry of exclusive products and services. This book traces the emergence of wellness culture as a countercultural movement to a trillion-dollar industry, examining the social, economic and political conditions that enabled wellness to assume mainstream cultural significance. It explores the role of the internet in making wellness more accessible to consumers, while simultaneously questioning who wields influence in these digital spaces. A must read for anyone interested in learning about wellness and its online penetration, Wellness Culture offers an in-depth yet accessible examination of how wellness has been weaponised during the COVID-19 pandemic to spread medical misinformation, conspiratorial thinking and political extremism.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Skills for Successful Ventures
This book is a practical handbook for entrepreneurship in tourism related industries. The book will provide students and prospective entrepreneurs with the knowledge, know-how and best practices in order to assist them in planning, implementing and managing business ventures in the field of tourism. It constitutes a valuable contribution to developing the necessary knowledge, competencies and skills of entrepreneurial decision-making and ventures. It would serve as a guide for those studying entrepreneurship and preparing for entrepreneurial careers as well as a reference for the practical use of entrepreneurs at the planning, implementation, operation and evaluation stages of building a tourism business. Examples from the industry/business world are provided to illustrate real-life practice and give readers a better understanding of entrepreneurship in tourism.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategic Outlook in Business and Finance Innovation: Multidimensional Policies for Emerging Economies
Financial markets have developed rapidly since the 1980s, crossing national borders, and a new financial order has emerged. As a result of increasing competition in this new market, financial institutions and companies have had to improve and renew themselves. The emergence of new financial products has become essential. One of the recent trends observed in financial markets is in financial innovation, with the purpose of ensuring markets are efficient and competitive, along with increasing profitability and reducing risk. Strategic Outlook in Business and Finance Innovation: Multidimensional Policies for Emerging Economies, edited by Hasan Dinçer and Serhat Yüksel, brings together new theoretical frameworks and develops appropriate strategies to improve the performance of firms globally. Vital issues are examined, including customer retention policies, generating new products based on customer needs, clarifying organizational goals, active participation of all organization for idea generation, analysing industry trends and benchmarking in competitive market environments. In this collection, global perspectives are offered with contributions and examples from Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa, as well as other emerging economies, which give illuminating insights for scholars of business, management and finance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Technology and Middle- and Low-skilled Employees: Advances for Economic Regeneration
As technological change and digital disruption becomes normalized in the fourth industrial revolution, workplace leaders are seeking new solutions to evolving problems. Managing Technology and Middle- and Low-Skilled Employees is an illuminating study of workplace leadership for improving the employee experience and adjusting the organizational culture to reduce tensions between technology and people at work. Reliance on artificial intelligence has created apprehension and anxiety among some employees and the general public as they try to understand whether or not employees will be replaced by new technologies. This book examines technological developments, such as artificial intelligence and big data, and reveals the practical implications of how people and new technologies can co-exist, harmoniously, within the workplace through virtual teams. Managing Technology and Middle- and Low-Skilled Employees offers routes to new solutions for scholars and professionals in the fields of business, human resource development, human resource management, information systems, and workforce development.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Emergency Medical Responder: Your First Response in Emergency Care includes Navigate Preferred Access
Based on the National EMS Education Standards and endorsed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Emergency Medical Responder: Your First Response in Emergency Care, Seventh Edition clearly and concisely covers every competency required of students embarking on this vital EMS role. Using clear, accessible language and proven pedagogical features designed for first responders with limited medical training, the Seventh Edition prepares law enforcement personnel, fire fighters, rescue squad personnel, athletic trainers, college students, and laypersons for the medical emergencies they may one day face in the field. The Seventh Edition delivers: Current State-of-the-Art Medical Content. Emergency Medical Responder, Seventh Edition incorporates current medical concepts to ensure students understand assessment and treatment approaches that will help patients in the field. Clear Application to Real-World Medical Response. Each chapter includes four realistic case studies that challenge students to think critically and analytically and apply what they’ve learned. The Voices of Experience boxes further connect the chapter’s key concepts to the real world. Concept Reinforcement. The Seventh Edition is built on the premise that students need a solid foundation in the basics followed by appropriate reinforcement. For example, the Patient Assessment chapter fully details every step of the patient assessment process. Each medical and trauma chapter then revisits this process and discusses elements of patient assessment that may require extra attention when presented with particular emergencies. Key content updates to the Seventh Edition include: Updates to ensure content meets or exceeds the scientific recommendations developed by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and is consistent with the ECC Guidelines as established by the American Heart Association and other resuscitation councils around the world A new crew resource management section to address this recently added EMR Education Standard Updated coverage of communicable and infectious diseases, including precautions and procedures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic Updated illustrations throughout to better reflect the protective equipment required during the COVID-19 pandemic Additional attention to fentanyl and first responder safety, including use of naloxone A focus on soft skills, with additional coverage relating to the growing concern of suicide risk, among both patients and responders, including discussion of peer support Updated discussion of the organizational structures for the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and incident command system (ICS)
Emerald Publishing Limited Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent
Employer Branding (EB) aims to assist businesses in becoming the employer of choice for potential employees, and provides hands-on tools in attracting, developing and retaining people. Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry explores the potential of EB in changing approaches to managing people and improving opinions on careers in the hospitality sector. With a focus that goes beyond large companies, the book innovatively explores the possibilities of implementing EB methods within small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the field of hospitality and tourism. Using international case studies taken from real world research, Gehrels highlights practical ways for companies in the hospitality and tourism sector to adopt EB strategies to best suit their business, employees and customers. For an industry with a high labour turnover and negative public image in terms of its employment practices, Employer Branding is more vital than ever in its ability to attract potential employees in a targeted and efficient manner. It is a must-read for both current and future practitioners, as well as for researchers and academics in the field of tourism, hospitality, branding and employment.
Emerald Publishing Limited Now Hiring: A Manager's Guide to Employing Applicants with a Criminal History
As organizations grapple with the challenges of hiring, they must also consider how they will engage with some of the most marginalized individuals in our society, such as individuals who have a criminal history. Many individuals are interested in returning to the workplace after obtaining a conviction. However, many of these individuals will encounter substantial barriers and exclusion when attempting to access employment in various occupations and industries. For our society to function, all individuals must have an opportunity to positively contribute, and organizations can no longer sit on the side-lines. Organizations have a responsibility to engage in hiring practices that encourage entry, not exclusion. Now Hiring allows readers to consider their individual biases, as well as their organizational employment practices and processes, and assess how these factors may be altered to increase hiring for individuals with a criminal history. Young encourages readers to think more broadly about the role of organizations and the responsibility that organizations have beyond their immediate stakeholders. Most importantly, Now Hiring prompts conversation and serves as a reminder that our current system is not sustainable. As we await other long overdue changes to various systemic issues, organizations must figure out how do their part. Providing entry to the workplace after a criminal history is a place to start.
Evan-Moor Educational Publishers Daily Geography Practice Grade 5: EMC 3714
Evan-Moor Educational Publishers Basic Phonics Skills, Level D: EMC 3321
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurship, Neurodiversity & Gender: Exploring Opportunities for Enterprise and Self-employment as Pathways to Fulfilling Lives
Drawing on inspirational stories of neurodivergent entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Neurodiversity & Gender provides insights into their respective journeys, challenges, and triumphs, alongside discussions with their allies and members of their ecosystem. Readers are offered innovations and solutions within the workplace and organisational design, employing both “neurodivergent” and “neurotypical” individuals to enable satisfying career paths for neurodivergent women. Entrepreneurship, Neurodiversity & Gender shines a spotlight on issues of intersectionality and opens the debate on how we can develop and support the options of entrepreneurship or self-employment that are offered to young people early on in their career. Yolanda Gill and Dinah Bennett aim to explore and foster greater awareness of and support through policy and practice. They also ask how can we ensure that the legal and policy environment does not create additional barriers to opportunities for enterprise and self-employment as pathways to fulfilling lives?
Little, Brown Book Group The Sleepover: An absolutely gripping, emotional thriller about a mother's worst nightmare
WHO WOULD YOU TRUST TO KEEP YOUR CHILD SAFE?'An exciting rollercoaster of a read with twists I wasn't expecting. Loved it' Claire Douglas'I was gripped . . . A real page-turning thriller' Susan Lewis'Fast-paced, relentlessly tense and terrifying' Claire Allan'Guaranteed to keep you awake all night!' Phoebe Morgan**********Izzy is thrilled when her shy, 12-year-old son is invited for his first sleepover. Nick has spent years being isolated and picked on; he deserves a night of fun and friendship. But Izzy is also nervous: it's a year to the day since bullies put Nick in hospital. She drops him off at his new best friend's house with mixed feelings. Arriving to collect him the following morning, her worst fears come true . . .Nick isn't there.Who has taken her son? And will she ever get him back?**********A gripping and emotional thriller, perfect for fans of Claire McGowan's What You Did, Karen Cole's Deceive Me and Jane Shemilt's Little Friends.What everyone's saying about Samantha King's thrillers...'Intense and twisty . . . I loved this book!' Karen Dionne, international bestseller and author of The Wicked Sister'Deeply unsettling - I couldn't put it down!' Isabel Ashdown, author of Lake Child'I loved this . . . It played in my darkest fears as a parent and sped along to a jaw dropping and unforeseen conclusion' Niki Mackay, author of I, Witness'Tautly plotted and thought-provoking . . . I raced through it' Joanna Barnard, author of Hush Little Baby'Taunt, tense and very clever' Claire Douglas, bestselling author of Then She Vanishes'Absolutely loved this book! A real psycho thriller that had me gasping and even wanting to hide at times' Susan Lewis, bestselling author of Home Truths'Exceptional . . . A first class, gripping triumph' Claire Allan, bestselling author of Her Name Was Rose'Nail-biting' Saskia Sarginson, bestselling author of The Twins'I raced through it . . . It is BRILLIANT!' Lisa Hall, author of The Party'Tense, gripping, emotional, shocking, mind-twisting' Alex Caan, author of First to Die'Completely gripping . . . had me glued to the pages' Jenny Oliver, author of The House We Called Home'Draws you right in from the first page . . . packs a devastating emotional punch' Eleanor Moran, author of Too Close to Comfort
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Successfully Choosing Your EMR: 15 Crucial Decisions
The Electronic Medical Record (EMR) - is the essential underpinning of any significant healthcare reform and is the more comprehensive record than the Electronic Health Record (EHR). This book clarifies the Crucial Decisions that result in successful EMR adoption and avoidance of expensive EMR mistakes. It provides timely insight in leveraging ARRA/HiTech, Meaningful Use, Stark Safe Harbor, CPOE and PQRI incentives and understanding current HITSP, HL7, ASTM, ELINCS and other interoperability standards. This book provides practical guidance on: Evaluating EMR ease-of-use Determining In-office vs. Web-based vs. Blended EMR deployment Deciding which user-interface approach to adopt Understanding structured vs. unstructured charting approaches Assessing EMR developer stability Obtaining legal advice about RFIs, RFPs and contract negotiations "The federal government has set aside significant incentives for physicians to adopt and implement electronic medical record systems. As providers across the country seek out various health IT tools and capabilities, this book serves as a remarkably useful, step-by-step guide for successfully deploying an EMR system. This kind of information will be imperative as we bring our health system into the 21st century." —Newt Gingrich, Founder of The Center for Health Transformation, Former Speaker of the House, USA Also endorsed by: Rep. Rush Holt (D NJ), Richard Dick, Ph.D. & Radu Kramer, M.D.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technological Change and the Dynamics of Industries: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidence from Dutch Manufacturing
"Technological Change and the Dynamics of Industries" focuses on variances in the structural and dynamic properties of manufacturing industries. By exploring the theoretical and empirical literature in industrial economics, by using a longitudinal firm-level database, and by developing and simulating a model on industrial dynamics, the following results are shown. Empirically, both the technological regime framework as well as the product or industry life cycle approach can explain differences between industries. Theoretically, it is shown that the differences in the timing and frequency of new technology adoptions provide an additional explanation for the structural and dynamic differences between industries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Empowering Female Climate Change Activists in the Global South: The Path Toward Environmental Social Justice
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access, thanks to Knowledge Unlatched funding, and freely available to read online. The COP27 climate change conference in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt made it clear that fighting global warming will require continuing commitment, cooperation, and collaborative action from multiple constituencies around the world. Urging readers from the Global North to rethink their approaches and potential contributions to long-term change, Empowering Female Climate Change Activists in the Global South explains how woman climate change leaders are confronting patriarchal structures to achieve social justice. Examining the lived experiences of woman climate change activists based in rural areas, Peg Spitzer presents eighty-five original interviews that feature women whose careers in business, education, politics, and the arts have championed women’s rights in Asia, environmental defenders who have established projects in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and woman farmers in three Indian villages who have faced climate-related droughts and floods. Suggesting ways in which successful climate change amelioration and adaptation led by women in the Global South may be replicated elsewhere, Spitzer also considers how NGOs and other organizations from the Global North can best contribute to facilitating positive changes in the communities where they work by focusing on empathetic cooperation. Addressing the urgent need to develop gender-just solutions that uplift and empower those who are experiencing environmental degradation in their communities, Empowering Female Climate Change Activists in the Global South uncovers the flaws in current combative structures and strategies and re-examines scholarly research at the nexus of feminism, transnational advocacy, and hierarchies of need.
MP-MEL Melbourne University Farmers or HunterGatherers The Dark Emu Debate
Drawing on the knowledge of Aboriginal elders and decades of anthropological scholarship, Peter Sutton and Keryn Walshe provide extensive evidence to support their argument that classical Aboriginal society was a hunter-gatherer society and as sophisticated as the traditional European farming methods.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Crystal Protection from 5G and EMF Pollution
A full-color pocket guide to using healing crystals to help you handle the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF), cell phones, and Wi-Fi • Provides a directory of 35 healing crystals that can help support our bodies and minds when we’re experiencing electromagnetic stress • Explores in depth the use of 5 essential anti-electromagnetic pollution crystals • Describes the symptoms of electromagnetic stress and explains what crystals can do to protect us, what they can’t do, and how to use them safely From appliances, televisions, and computers to Wi-Fi and 4G and 5G cellular networks, in our modern world we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields. As the Digital Age rushes forward, we need to be aware of the increased exposure we are enduring every day and the sneaky consequences this exposure can cause to us and all living organisms. In this full-color pocket guide to using crystals for EMF protection, Barbara Newerla explains what electromagnetic pollution is, including the potential effects of 5G technology, and how nature and humans alike are affected on different levels. Describing the symptoms of electromagnetic stress and how we can help reduce it, she explains what crystals can do to protect us, what they can’t do, and how to use them safely, debunking many misunderstandings in this area. She explores in depth the use of 5 essential anti-electromagnetic pollution crystals: tektite, smoky quartz, clear quartz, rose quartz, and black tourmaline, while also providing a directory of 35 healing crystals that can help support our bodies and minds when we’re experiencing electromagnetic stress. This small yet practical guide is the perfect first step to combatting the unique stresses of our technologically complex world.
Harvard University, Asia Center The Poetics of Sovereignty: On Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty
Emperor Taizong (r. 626–49) of the Tang is remembered as an exemplary ruler. This study addresses that aura of virtuous sovereignty and Taizong’s construction of a reputation for moral rulership through his own literary writings—with particular attention to his poetry. The author highlights the relationship between historiography and the literary and rhetorical strategies of sovereignty, contending that, for Taizong, and for the concept of sovereignty in general, politics is inextricable from cultural production.The work focuses on Taizong’s literary writings that speak directly to the relationship between cultural form and sovereign power, as well as on the question of how the Tang negotiated dynastic identity through literary stylistics. The author maintains that Taizong’s writings may have been self-serving at times, representing strategic attempts to control his self-image in the eyes of his court and empire, but that they also become the ideal image to which his self was normatively bound. This is the paradox at the heart of imperial authorship: Taizong was simultaneously the author of his representation and was authored by his representation; he was both subject and object of his writings.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Narrative Criminology
Narrative criminology is an approach to studying crime and other harm that puts stories first. It investigates how such stories are composed, when and why they are told and what their effects are. This edited collection explores the methodological challenges of analysing offenders' stories, but pushes the boundaries of the field to consider the narratives of victims, bystanders and criminal justice professionals. This Handbook reflects the diversity of methodological approaches employed in narrative criminology. Chapters discuss the practicalities of listening to and observing narratives through ethnographic and observational research, and offer accessible guides to using diverse methodological approaches for listening to and interpreting narrative data. With contributions from established and emerging scholars from all over the world, and from diverse fields including politics, psychology, sociology and criminology, the Handbook reflects the cutting edge of narrative methodologies for understanding crime, control and victimisation and is an essential resource for academics studying and teaching on narrative criminology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Navigating Corporate Cultures From Within: Making Sense of Corporate Values Seen From an Employee Perspective
Navigating Corporate Cultures From Within offers a unique perspective on the management of headquarter-subsidiary-host market relationships with important insights on how to align corporate values with a localized mindset among culturally diverse employees and across a global enterprise. The shared norms and values that constitute a specific cultural setting supposedly create a common background for using a collective 'we' when referring to every individual employee in the organization. Yet, company values are engineered over time, are molded, and redesigned to match ongoing changes in both the external and internal environment, and their aim is to make the organization adapt faster to changing market conditions, globally as well as in local host markets. This study takes a closer look at the dynamic process of cultural renewal in a complex multinational organization with a particular focus on the role assumed by the individual employees. This is an entirely new way of looking at the effects of important corporate values where a common approach previously has been to look at organizational culture from a confined top management perspective. The findings in this book will be essential to the management of multinational enterprises.
Emerald Publishing Limited Empirical Methods for Bioethics: A Primer
In recent years concerns over the use of results of scientific advances, expectations about how medical decisions are made, and demographic changes have raised ethical questions about how resources are allocated, and how the principles of beneficence, and respect for patient autonomy are applied. The effect that bioethics can have on policy decisions and health care delivery demand an enhanced approach to our understanding of such complex issues. This volume opens a window to how empirical social research can be used to illuminate and answer such quandaries and offers a practical resource for those wishing to engage in this type of research. Through a thorough look at both quantitative and qualitative methods utilized in key research investigations in bioethics, the book examines the impact of such investigations on clinical and policy decision-making, scholarship and on the advancement of theory. The varied sociological and anthropological research examples that are presented allow readers to better understand the richness and breadth of such work as well as relevant practical and theoretical approaches. Last, but not least, the book aims to stimulate further discussion of avenues toward a more solid integration of bioethics and empirical social research and, in that process, further our understanding of the complex bioethical environment surrounding us. This book offers insights into clinical and policy implications of empirical research, enhances understanding of methodologies as applied to bioethics. It is comprehensive - gives a range of examples of empirical bioethics studies, interdisciplinary - geared to a wide audience and a reference source - includes a large number of references.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotions, Decision-Making, Conflict and Cooperation
The role of emotions is important in explaining conflicts and their resolution. Witness the emotions surrounding the outbreak of wars past and current and their endings. In order to introduce the perspective of emotions as an explanatory scheme of conflict escalation and crises, a comparison to classical conceptions such as the pursuit of power or commercial and financial interests is warranted. On first glance these two explanatory schemes seem to be at opposite extremes. However, new approaches to decision-making and rationality and challenges to the traditional expected utility model make these two conceptions much more compatible. The new perspective of rank dependent expected utility and the closely related notion of utility functions, which can both represent risk averse and risk preferring attitudes in decision-making go a long way in incorporating emotions within otherwise rational choices. One can thus build models that account more easily for conflict escalations but also for conflict resolution. These theoretical considerations are investigated within empirical cases of civil wars and shown to be effective in explaining the origins but also the breakdown of conflicts.
Vintage Publishing Embroideries
From the bestselling author of Persepolis comes this humorous and enlightening look at the sex lives of Iranian women. Embroideries gathers together Marjane's tough-talking grandmother, stoic mother, glamorous and eccentric aunt and their friends and neighbours for an afternoon of tea-drinking and talk. Naturally, the subject turns to loves, sex and vagaries of men...
Emerald Publishing Limited Conflict, Civil Society, and Women’s Empowerment: Insights from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
Women in conflict zones face steep challenges, and nowhere is this clearer than in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, regions that face reduced foreign aid, foreign occupation, violence, instability, ingrained social conservatism and perpetual political crisis. Yet the stereotypical view that women are unable to act politically in the socially conservative contexts of the Middle East is a long way from the truth. Here Ibrahim Natil shines a spotlight on how young Palestinian women work through civil society organizations (CSOs) to improve their communities’ and their own resilience and empowerment. He first outlines the impact of CSOs upon peaceful struggle, human rights and community development relief assistance, highlighting how CSOs respond rapidly to the needs of the population by delivering social, health, cultural and educational services to all sectors of society during humanitarian crises. He then asks how empowered Palestinian women contribute to CSO missions and how CSO missions reciprocally contribute to Palestinian women’s empowerment. Ultimately, young Palestinian women’s engagement with CSOs proves to strengthen cooperation, communication and cross-fertilization between CSO groups, which in turn increases these young women’s agency. Conflict, Civil Society, and Women’s Empowerment: Insights from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip is a little-known success story, one that makes for required reading for scholars of development, peace studies, conflict resolution and conflict strategy, and which will inspire women’s rights activists around the globe.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The New MRCPsych Paper II Practice MCQs and EMIs: MCQS and EMIs
The structure of the MRCPsych examination has changed significantly. This book is specifically written for the new exam, providing 250 practice best-of-five multiple choice questions (MCQs) and 100 extended matching item (EMI) questions for Paper II. It contains clear, concise answers to questions, along with explanatory notes and further reading for each topic. It gives practical advice on the format and content of the examination and techniques for answering questions. It is comprehensive and authoritative: both authors are members of the Psychiatric Trainees' Committee of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. This is an essential revision aid for candidates sitting Paper II of the MRCPsych examination.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies
Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies
Emerald Publishing Limited Factors in Studying Employment for Persons with Disability: How the Picture can Change
The current literature regarding employment among persons with disabilities produces research results dependent on definitions of work disability, the discipline within which research takes places, the model or paradigm of disability in which the research is framed, the methodology and measures used and the cultural context in which employment occurs. This volume seeks to address those factors which have made describing, predicting and examining the work experience of a person with a disability both different and difficult. Contributors examine less frequently anaylzed aspects of employment for persons with disabilities, and offer a variety of approaches to the conceptualization of work, how they differ across cultures, organizations, and types of disability. Topics covered include examination of range of contextual framing of employment for those with disabilities, well-being, the impact of gender, poverty and education and the collection concludes by examining the future of employment developments and trends and the impacts on inclusion of people with disabilities in the paid workforce.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emergence of Modern Hospital Management and Organisation in the World 1880s-1930s
The Emergence of Modern Hospital Management and Organisation in the World 1880s-1930s uses a range of empirical evidences and case studies drawn from previously unpublished archival sources to offer one of the first international comparative studies on the transformation and modernization of hospital management globally, a century ago. Focusing in the key years between the 1880s and the 1930s, when millions of people crossed the globe and created new large health care needs in the largest cities of the world, Paloma Fernández-Pérez analyzes core themes from a business history perspective, like organization, ownership and the professionalization of management, to reach a new understanding about the history of modern large scale healthcare institutions from the United States to China, with particular attention to Spain. The book analyses how varying institutional factors, as well as specific national elements, have influenced the application of Taylorist ideas about standardization, efficiency, and productivity, to large scale hospitals. It also demonstrates the complexities in the dissemination of Taylorist styles of management in large hospitals in the world, by presenting the diversity of situations and how they depended not just on national differences but also on the balance of power of interest groups in private and public hospitals.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Passions: Emotions and the Meaning of Life
An abridged reprint of the Doubleday edition of 1976, with new preface and conclusion by the author.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Unipiggle: Witch Emergency
Meet the princess who loves breaking the rules and her Royal Unicorn, who happens to be a pig!A madcap new adventure series for 6-8 year olds, perfectly bridging the gap from picture books to chapter books, from award-winning author-illustrator Hannah Shaw, filled with pictures in all the colours of the rainbow and interactive extra material.When Unipiggle and Princess Pea discover a dusty old MAGIC BOOK, they can't wait to try it out. But then the book goes missing.Suddenly, there is chaos at the palace! The daisies have grown teeth, and, even worse, the King and Queen have been turned into UNICORNS! Can Unipiggle and Princess Pea stop the spells?"Fizzing with imagination." Harriet Muncaster, author of Isadora Moon
University of Wales Press Dal Pen Rheswm: Cyfweliadau Gydag Emyr Humphreys
A collection of five interviews with one of the most versatile and prolific Welsh authors of the 20th century, celebrating his life and work as he reaches his eightieth birthday.
Orion Publishing Co Toxic Positivity: How to embrace every emotion in a happy-obsessed world
'I really felt like I came away with a new perspective. This book will make you want to bin your gratitude journal in the best possible way' Stylist 'This trailblazing book will help you transform your perspective about positivity' Nedra Glover Tawwab, bestselling author of Set Boundaries, Find Peace'Finally a book that explains exactly why 'positivity at all costs' backfires, and teaches us how to process our pain instead of pretending it doesn't exist.' Caroline Dooner, author of The F*uck It Diet'The counterbalance to a world that preaches 'look on the bright side' whenever life gets tough' Elizabeth Earnshaw, relationship expert and author of I Want This To WorkEvery day, we're bombarded with pressure to be positive. From 'good vibes only' and 'life is good' memes, to endless advice, to 'look on the bright side,' we're constantly told that the key to happiness is silencing negativity wherever it crops up, in ourselves and in others. Even when faced with illness, loss, breakups, and other challenges, there's little space for talking about our real feelings-and processing them so that we can feel better and move forward.But if all this positivity is the answer, why are so many of us anxious, depressed, and burned out?In this refreshingly honest guide, sought-after therapist Whitney Goodman shares the latest research along with everyday examples and client stories that reveal how damaging toxic positivity is to ourselves and our relationships, and presents simple ways to experience and work through difficult emotions. The result is more authenticity, connection, and growth - and ultimately, a path to showing up as you truly are.
Harpia Publishing, LLC Emb-312 Tucano: Brazil’S Turboprop Success Story
Harpia Publishing is proud to announce the launch of a new title for 2017, EMB-312 Tucano: Brazil’s turboprop success story, set to become the definitive English-language reference work on this revolutionary Latin American aerospace product. Written by an expert in the field, this book recounts the story of Embraer’s EMB-312 turboprop trainer, the first aircraft in its class to offer a cockpit and controls equivalent to its fighter contemporaries, as well enough power to match the high-speed manoeuvres of comparable jet trainers. Cheap to fly, capable of operating from unprepared runways and with limited maintenance requirements, the Tucano was Embraer’s first design to be built under license outside Brazil, and more than 660 units were produced for service in 16 countries, seven of which have taken it into combat. Although it is best known as a trainer, this remarkable aircraft has also provided front-line air defence in countries including Paraguay and Honduras. After almost 30 years of service, it remains in widespread use today. This lavishly illustrated story of the first-generation Tucano includes accounts of Embraer’s path to global success, service of the EMB-312 in its native Brazil, including with the air force’s display team, licence production for the Royal Air Force and for export as the Shorts Tucano, and a detailed breakdown of every worldwide operator, past and present. Also included is the story of how the EMB-312 began its evolution towards the EMB-314 Super Tucano, which Harpia will cover in a separate book at a future date. Appendices, in typically thorough Harpia style, include a six-view drawing and a full inventory of EMB-312 units and insignia. With the level of accuracy and insight familiar to Harpia’s regular readers, this unique aircraft profile also includes specifications, and details of training syllabuses, upgrades, avionics and weapons.
Little, Brown Book Group The Sleepover: An absolutely gripping, emotional thriller about a mother's worst nightmare
WHO WOULD YOU TRUST TO KEEP YOUR CHILD SAFE?'An exciting rollercoaster of a read with twists I wasn't expecting. Loved it' Claire Douglas'I was gripped . . . A real page-turning thriller' Susan Lewis'Fast-paced, relentlessly tense and terrifying' Claire Allan'Guaranteed to keep you awake all night!' Phoebe Morgan**********Izzy is thrilled when her shy, 12-year-old son is invited for his first sleepover. Nick has spent years being isolated and picked on; he deserves a night of fun and friendship. But Izzy is also nervous: it's a year to the day since bullies put Nick in hospital. She drops him off at his new best friend's house with mixed feelings. Arriving to collect him the following morning, her worst fears come true . . .Nick isn't there.Who has taken her son? And will she ever get him back?**********A gripping and emotional thriller, perfect for fans of Claire McGowan's What You Did, Karen Cole's Deceive Me and Jane Shemilt's Little Friends.What everyone's saying about Samantha King's thrillers...'Intense and twisty . . . I loved this book!' Karen Dionne, international bestseller and author of The Wicked Sister'Deeply unsettling - I couldn't put it down!' Isabel Ashdown, author of Lake Child'I loved this . . . It played in my darkest fears as a parent and sped along to a jaw dropping and unforeseen conclusion' Niki Mackay, author of I, Witness'Tautly plotted and thought-provoking . . . I raced through it' Joanna Barnard, author of Hush Little Baby'Taunt, tense and very clever' Claire Douglas, bestselling author of Then She Vanishes'Absolutely loved this book! A real psycho thriller that had me gasping and even wanting to hide at times' Susan Lewis, bestselling author of Home Truths'Exceptional . . . A first class, gripping triumph' Claire Allan, bestselling author of Her Name Was Rose'Nail-biting' Saskia Sarginson, bestselling author of The Twins'I raced through it . . . It is BRILLIANT!' Lisa Hall, author of The Party'Tense, gripping, emotional, shocking, mind-twisting' Alex Caan, author of First to Die'Completely gripping . . . had me glued to the pages' Jenny Oliver, author of The House We Called Home'Draws you right in from the first page . . . packs a devastating emotional punch' Eleanor Moran, author of Too Close to Comfort
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Childhood and Youth in Asian Societies: Generations Between Local and Global Dynamics
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. More than half of the world's children grow up in Asia, a continent currently undergoing rapid economic and social change. Yet the voices of young people in Asian countries have received far too little attention. Providing a much-needed contribution to the field of childhood studies, The Emerald Handbook of Childhood and Youth in Asian Societies sets a new agenda in a research landscape that has so far lacked an overarching conceptual framework for illuminating Asian childhoods. Adopting a systematic and comprehensive approach, this pioneering handbook profiles Asian childhoods and youth embedded within their distinctive families and societies as well as in more universal contexts. Locating young people in a variety of social structures, chapters highlight and interrogate strong intergenerational obligations across Asian cultures, even as Asian societies undergo rapid economic change, political transformation, and mass migration. Prioritising Asian youth’s perspectives and contributions and revising established analytical frameworks of research, The Emerald Handbook of Childhood and Youth in Asian Societies equips readers with an understanding of the complex interplay between local and global conditions and private and public actors in Asian countries.
Zaffre The Gypsy's Daughter: An emotional gritty family saga
A gripping, heartwrenching saga for fans of Dilly Court and Kitty Neale. Harmony 'Harry' Loveridge is growing up on a farm in post-war Kent. With a Gypsy for a father, she has had a somewhat unconventional, yet happy life. But Harry has always hoped for more. And with ambitions to go to university, and a scholarship in sight, it looks as though she is about to get what she wants. That is until one fateful night, during the yearly hopping, when something happens to Harry. Refusing to give up on her dreams Harry must draw on all her strength and courage as she embarks on her new life in Nottingham. Will she be able to escape the tragedies of her past, or is history doomed to repeat itself?Don't miss the next engrossing, moving saga from Katie Hutton, Annie of Ainsworth's Mill. Available to pre-order now. - - - - - - Praise for The Gypsy's Daughter'Love, loss and everything in between. Another fabulous read by Katie Hutton.' Lynn Johnson, author of Wartime with the Tram Girls'Cleverly balanced between two worlds and weaves a story that's well-written, exciting and full of Romani charm.' Shirley Mann, author of Lily's War and Bobby's War'Cracking characters, tender love story, impeccably researched historical detail. I loved it . . . I couldn't put it down.' Elizabeth Woodcraft, author of The Saturday Girls and The Girls from Greenway'At times, heartbreaking. At others, heartwarming. This is the enchanting story of a young woman's struggle to recover from the traumatic events of her past.' Jennifer Page, author of Freedom from Loneliness'A poignant and compelling story of trauma and the healing power of love: its many voices ring true and a past era in England is evoked with cinematic precision.' Maybelle Wallis, author of Heart of Cruelty 'An original gem . . . Captivating.' Patricia O'Reilly, author of The First Rose of Tralee
Liverpool University Press Administration Of The Roman Empire 241BCAD193
In this collection, specialist authors consider the growth and workings of the Roman Empire from the end of the first war with Carthage, to the accession of Septimus Severus, through such aspects as Roman governors, cities, non-urban areas and client kings.
Emerald Publishing Limited Heavy Metal Youth Identities: Researching the Musical Empowerment of Youth Transitions and Psychosocial Wellbeing
Heavy Metal Youth Identities critically examines the significance of heavy metal music and culture in the everyday lives of metal youth. Historically, young metal fans have been portrayed in popular and academic literature as delinquent, mentally unwell, demotivated, and destined for low-achieving futures and poor educational outcomes. So why would young people sign up for this? What’s the specific appeal of metal, and why start embodying a metal identity that others can see and know? And is metal really such a problem for youth development, as some have speculated? To explore these questions, this book draws on narrative research with metal youth that invited them to reflect, in their own words, on the role of metal in their everyday lives. They share their early memories of forming a metal identity during high school years and ways that metal helped them cope with things like bullying, bereavement and challenging family circumstances. They also give us rare insight into ways that metal influenced (and even assisted) their transitions through education and career paths post-school. This book highlights ways that youth workers, educators and parents can work positively to support young people forming subcultural identities and capitalise on their unique strengths and skill-sets. As the globalisation of youth cultures continues to expand against the backdrop of a changing workforce, it is crucial that we learn how to better facilitate the preferred pathways of young people with interests that might be considered 'against the grain' by normative standards. This book takes us a step forward in that direction.
Young Authors Publishing Taming the Flame: A Story of Mastering Emotions