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Cornerstone Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi - Outcast
THE EXTRAORDINARY NEXT EPISODE IN THE STAR WARS GALAXY BEGINS HERE ...The Galactic Alliance is in crisis. Worse still, the very survival of the Jedi Order is under threat.In a shocking move, Chief of State, Natasi Daala, orders the arrest of Luke Skywalker for failing to prevent Jacen Solo's turn to the dark side. But it's only the first blow in an anti-Jedi backlash fueled by a hostile government and a media-driven witch hunt. Facing conviction, Luke must strike a bargain with the calculating Daala - his freedom in exchange for his exile from Coruscant and from the Jedi Order.Though forbidden to intervene in Jedi affairs, Luke is determined to keep history from being repeated. With his son, Ben, at his side, Luke sets out to unravel the shocking truth behind Jacen Solo's corruption and downfall. But the secrets he uncovers among the enigmatic Force mystics of the distant world Dorin may bring his quest - and life as he knows it - to a sudden end. And all the while, another Jedi Knight, consumed by a mysterious madness, is headed for Coruscant on a fearsome mission that could doom the Jedi Order . . . and devastate the entire galaxy.
Walker Books Ltd The Tree and the River
A spectacular time-lapse portrait of humankind and our impact on the natural world from an award-winning master of the wordless form.WINNER OF THE YOTO CARNEGIE MEDAL FOR ILLUSTRATION AND SHADOWERS'' CHOICE AWARD FOR ILLUSTRATION 2024.For his latest feat of visual storytelling, the acclaimed creator of the Journey trilogy invents, in staggering detail, a familiar world layered with imaginary civilizations. Borrowing from multiple cultures and architectural styles to craft astonishing new humanscapes, Aaron Becker tracks the evolution of our species and its toll on the Earth through the fates of a lone tree and an enduring river. River and tree bear silent witness over time as people arrive to harness water, wind, and animals; devise technology and transportation; redirect rivers; and reshape the land. Timely and ultimately hopeful, this wordless epic invites readers to pore over spreads densely packed with visual drama. Fans of Journey, Qu
Scholastic The Bad Guys:Episodes 1 and 2
Two Books in one! Episodes 1 & 2 in the hit Bad Guys series - now a hilarious feature film animation. "I wish I'd had these books as a kid. Hilarious!" - Dav Pilkey, creator of Captain Underpants and Dog Man They sound like the Bad Guys, they look like the Bad Guys... and they even smell like the Bad Guys. But Mr Wolf, Mr Piranha, Mr Snake and Mr Shark are about to change all of that — whether you want them to or not! EPISODE ONE: THE BAD GUYS Mr Wolf has a daring plan for the Bad Guys' first good mission. The gang are going to break 200 dogs out of the Maximum Security City Dog Pound. Will Operation Dog Pound go smoothly? Will the Bad Guys become the Good Guys? And will Mr Snake please stop swallowing Mr Piranha? EPISODE TWO: MISSION UNPLUCKABLE The Bad Guys next mission? Rescue 10,000 chickens from a high-tech cage farm. But they are up against sizzling lasers, one feisty tarantula, and their very own Mr. Snake...who's also known as "The Chicken Swallower." What could possibly go wrong? Get ready to laugh up your lunch with the baddest bunch of do-gooders in town! ABOUT THE SERIES Full of hilarious line illustrations throughout Fans of Dog Man, Cat Kid and Captain Underpants will love this series Perfect for children who a struggling with reading - or who just want to laugh their socks off The Bad Guys feature length animation will release in UK cinemas on 1 April 2022 Praise for The Bad Guys: "[T]his book instantly joins the classic ranks of Captain Underpants... We challenge anyone to read this and keep a straight face." - Kirkus Reviews BOOKS INCLUDED IN THIS TWO BOOK BIND-UP EDITION Episode 1: The Bad Guys Episode 2: Mission Unpluckable
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica Con el amor no basta
Ediciones Paidos Iberica Terapia cognitiva de los trastornos de personalidad Cognitive Therapy of the Personality Disorders
Ezekyle Abbadon y sus señores de la guerra intentan unir a la recién nacida Black Legion para evitar su destrucción. Ahora, a Khayon, el asesino de confianza de Abaddon, se le encomienda la tarea de atajar la amenaza de Thagus Daravek, el autoproclamado Señor de las Huestes y rival de Ezekyle en cuanto al destino de este.Luchando contra los viles susurros de los dioses oscuros dentro de su mente, Abaddon vuelve su febril mirada hacia el Imperio, donde su destino lo espera. Pero el Campeón del Emperador y sus Black Templars montan guardia a las puertas del infierno, y Sigismund lleva siglos esperando poder enfrentarse a Abaddon en combate.Los lectores desean ver el retorno de Abaddon de su exilio y el ultimátum a los Chaos Space Marine: unirse a él o morir.
Ediciones Cátedra Nanni Moretti
Nanni Moretti (1953) es una de las figuras más complejas e inclasificables del cine italiano contemporáneo. Su producción está a medio camino entre las herencias de la modernidad, el documental político, el melodrama clásico y el cine-ensayo más personal. Este estudio pretende, por lo tanto, seguir el movimiento de su filmografía, sus dudas, sus conquistas, sus apuestas y la manera en la que ha explorado los límites de su propia escritura. Se trata, pues, de prescindir de las anécdotas para explorar sus estructuras, sus encuadres o su uso del montaje.Más allá de los debates sobre su biografía o sobre sus particulares obsesiones, este es un libro que se centra en su concepción del hecho cinematográfico para intentar demostrar que, contra los tópicos que se han repetido incansablemente en los últimos años, el cine de Nanni Moretti nada tiene que ver con la exhibición narcisista de un creador desmesurado. Antes bien, la suya es una búsqueda cinematográfica vertebrada por un profundo h
Red Wheel/Weiser The Upright Ape: A New Origin of the Species
Hal Leonard Corporation Two Songs Love and Spirit For Voice and Piano
August House Publishers The Ogre Bully
Hal Leonard Corporation Still Movement with Hymn For Piano Quartet
Arcadia Publishing University of Tennessee Campus History
Oxford University Press Inc An Anxious Inheritance: Religious Others and the Shaping of Sunni Orthodoxy
An Anxious Inheritance reveals the tensions between the early framers of Islam and the ever-expandable category of non-Muslims. Examining the encounter with these religious others, and showing how the Qur'an functioned as both a script to understand them and a map to classify them, this study traces the key role that these religious others played in what would ultimately emerge as (Sunni) orthodoxy. This orthodoxy would appear to be the natural outgrowth of the Prophet Muhammad's preaching, but it ultimately amounted to little more than a retroactive projection of later ideas onto the earliest period. Non-Muslims (among them Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians) and the "wrong" kinds of Muslims (e.g., the Shi'a) became integral--by virtue of their perceived stubbornness, infidelity, heresy, or the like--to the understanding of what true religion was not and, just as importantly, what it should be. These non-Muslims were rarely real individuals or groups; rather, they functioned as textual foils that could be conveniently orchestrated, and ultimately controlled, to facilitate Muslim self-definition. Without such religious others proper belief could, quite literally, not be articulated. Shedding new light on the early history of Islam, while also problematizing the binary of orthodoxy/heresy in the study of religion, An Anxious Inheritance makes significant contributions to a number of diverse academic fields.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Love is Never Enough
Oneworld Publications Cloning: A Beginner's Guide
Would you drink milk from a cloned cow? Should we clone extinct or endangered species? Are we justified in using stem cells to develop cures? When will we clone the first human? Ever since Dolly the sheep, such questions have rarely been far from the public consciousness. Aaron Levine explains the science of cloning and guides readers around the thorny political and ethical issues that have developed.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Water Systems
This important collection reprints the most significant papers and case studies on the prevention and resolution of conflict over water resources. It focuses in particular on the human dynamics that are involved when conflicts over water resources impact on different interest groups, economic sectors and legal or political boundaries. It addresses key issues which arise at both the local and the international level, including amongst others: How do people interact in these situations of conflict? What methods do they use to find a compromise? What institutions do they create - either jointly or unilaterally - to help overcome problems in the future?This interdisciplinary collection will be essential reading for professional water practitioners throughout the world, including engineers, economists, geographers, geologists, and political scientists concerned with water disputes and conflict resolution. It will make a significant contribution to the study of water as an essential theme in the increasingly important topic of environmental security.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Muslim Identities: An Introduction to Islam
Muslim Identities: An Introduction to Islam (Second Edition) presents a fully updated introduction to the religion of Islam and the various social groups who define themselves as Muslim. Unlike other such works, it presents both insider and outsider accounts with the aim of striking a unique balance between overly apologetical and overly Orientalist perspectives. With the first edition described as a “truly outstanding book”, and “the very best introduction currently available in English for non-Muslims seeking a sound approach to Islam” (Journal of Islamic Studies), this new edition offers both students and general readers a comprehensive and balanced introduction to the world’s second-largest religion.
Stanford University Press Egypt's Occupation: Colonial Economism and the Crises of Capitalism
The history of capitalism in Egypt has long been synonymous with cotton cultivation and dependent development. From this perspective, the British occupation of 1882 merely sealed the country's fate as a vast plantation for European textile mills. All but obscured in such accounts, however, is Egypt's emergence as a colonial laboratory for financial investment and experimentation. Egypt's Occupation tells for the first time the story of that financial expansion and the devastating crises that followed. Aaron Jakes offers a sweeping reinterpretation of both the historical geography of capitalism in Egypt and the role of political-economic thought in the struggles that raged over the occupation. He traces the complex ramifications and the contested legacy of colonial economism, the animating theory of British imperial rule that held Egyptians to be capable of only a recognition of their own bare economic interests. Even as British officials claimed that "economic development" and the multiplication of new financial institutions would be crucial to the political legitimacy of the occupation, Egypt's early nationalists elaborated their own critical accounts of boom and bust. As Jakes shows, these Egyptian thinkers offered a set of sophisticated and troubling meditations on the deeper contradictions of capitalism and the very meaning of freedom in a capitalist world.
University of Toronto Press Planning Politics in Toronto: The Ontario Municipal Board and Urban Development
The Ontario Municipal Board is an independent provincial planning appeals body that has wielded major influence on Toronto's urban development. In this book, Aaron A. Moore examines the effect that the OMB has had on the behavior and relationships of Toronto's main political actors, including city planners, developers, neighbourhood associations, and local politicians. Moore's findings draw on a quantitative analysis of all OMB decisions and settlements from 2000 through 2006, as well as eight in-depth case studies. The cases, which examine a variety of development proposals that resulted in OMB appeals, compare the decisions of Toronto's political actors to those typified in American local political economy analyses. A much-needed contribution to the literature on the politics of urban development in Toronto since the 1970s, Planning Politics in Toronto challenges popular preconceptions of the OMB's role in Toronto's patterns of growth and change.
Edinburgh University Press Jewish Philosophy A-Z
A concise alphabetical guide to the major thinkers, concepts and issues in the history of Jewish philosophy from antiquity to the present. Jewish Philosophy A-Z covers the major traditions of thought from Philo to Levinas and, since Jewish philosophy has occurred in broader environments (e.g., Hellenistic Alexandria, Medieval Baghdad, Weimar Germany), non-Jewish thinkers who have had an important influence on Jewish philosophy are also included (e.g., Plotinus, Alfarabi, Heidegger). Extensive cross-references allows the reader to examine topics to the desired degree of depth, making it easy to follow connections and pursue larger themes. An important pedagogical resource, Jewish Philosophy A-Z is suitable for undergraduate or postgraduate students as well as the interested general reader.
Harvard University Press The Calculus of Violence: How Americans Fought the Civil War
Winner of the Jefferson Davis AwardWinner of the Johns Family Book AwardWinner of the Army Historical Foundation Distinguished Writing Award“A work of deep intellectual seriousness, sweeping and yet also delicately measured, this book promises to resolve longstanding debates about the nature of the Civil War.”—Gregory P. Downs, author of After AppomattoxShiloh, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg—tens of thousands of soldiers died on these iconic Civil War battlefields, and throughout the South civilians suffered terrible cruelty. At least three-quarters of a million lives were lost during the American Civil War. Given its seemingly indiscriminate mass destruction, this conflict is often thought of as the first “total war.” But Aaron Sheehan-Dean argues for another interpretation.The Calculus of Violence demonstrates that this notoriously bloody war could have been much worse. Military forces on both sides sought to contain casualties inflicted on soldiers and civilians. In Congress, in church pews, and in letters home, Americans debated the conditions under which lethal violence was legitimate, and their arguments differentiated carefully among victims—women and men, black and white, enslaved and free. Sometimes, as Sheehan-Dean shows, these well-meaning restraints led to more carnage by implicitly justifying the killing of people who were not protected by the laws of war. As the Civil War raged on, the Union’s confrontations with guerrillas and the Confederacy’s confrontations with black soldiers forced a new reckoning with traditional categories of lawful combatants and raised legal disputes that still hang over military operations around the world today.In examining the agonizing debates about the meaning of a just war in the Civil War era, Sheehan-Dean discards conventional abstractions—total, soft, limited—as too tidy to contain what actually happened on the ground.
University of California Press In the Shade of the Sunna: Salafi Piety in the Twentieth-Century Middle East
Salafis explicitly base their legitimacy on continuity with the Quran and the Sunna, and their distinctive practices—praying in shoes, wearing long beards and short pants, and observing gender segregation—are understood to have a similarly ancient pedigree. In this book, however, Aaron Rock-Singer draws from a range of media forms as well as traditional religious texts to demonstrate that Salafism is a creation of the twentieth century and that its signature practices emerged primarily out of Salafis’ competition with other social movements amid the intellectual and social upheavals of modernity. In the Shade of the Sunna thus takes readers beyond the surface claims of Salafism’s own proponents—and the academics who often repeat them—into the larger sociocultural and intellectual forces that have shaped Islam’s fastest growing revivalist movement.
University of Notre Dame Press The Political Thought of David Hume
Aaron Alexander Zubia argues that the Epicurean roots of David Hume's philosophy gave rise to liberalism's unrelenting grip on the modern political imagination.Eighteenth-century Scottish philosopher David Hume has had an outsized impact on the political thinkers who came after him, from the nineteenth-century British Utilitarians to modern American social contract theorists. In this thorough and thoughtful new work, Aaron Alexander Zubia examines the forces that shaped Hume's thinking within the broad context of intellectual history, with particular focus on the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus and the skeptical tradition.Zubia argues that through Hume's influence, Epicureanismwhich elevates utility over moral truthbecame the foundation of liberal political philosophy, which continues to dominate and limit political discourse today.
The University of Chicago Press Our Latest Longest War: Losing Hearts and Minds in Afghanistan
The first rule of warfare is to know one's enemy. The second is to know thyself. More than fifteen years and three quarters of a trillion dollars after the US invasion of Afghanistan, it's clear that the United States followed neither rule well. America's goals in Afghanistan were lofty to begin with: dismantle al-Qaeda, remove the Taliban from power, remake the country into a democracy. But not only did the mission come completely unmoored from reality, the United States wasted billions of dollars, and thousands of lives were lost. Our Latest Longest War is a chronicle of how, why, and in what ways the war in Afghanistan failed. Edited by historian and Marine lieutenant colonel Aaron B. O'Connell, the essays collected here represent nine different perspectives on the war all from veterans of the conflict, both American and Afghan. Together, they paint a picture of a war in which problems of culture and ideology derailed nearly every field of endeavor. The authors also draw troubling parallels to the Vietnam War, arguing that deep-running ideological currents in American life explain why the US Government has repeatedly used armed nation-building to try to transform failing states into modern, liberal democracies. In Afghanistan, as in Vietnam, this created a dramatic mismatch of means and ends that neither money, technology, nor the force of arms could overcome. The war in Afghanistan has been the longest in US history. We lost the war, and somehow we continue to lose it every day. These are difficult topics for any American or Afghan to consider, especially for those who fought in the war or lost friends or family in it. This sobering history written by the very people who have been fighting the war is impossible to ignore.
Xulon Press In Pursuit of Godliness: 35 Years Without Sex
Nova Science Publishers Inc Federal Real Property Management: Partnership Options and Enhanced Use Leasing
Fonthill Media Ltd U2
U2 formed in 1976 and over forty years later are one of the most successful rock bands of all time releasing fourteen albums and over seventy singles. U2: Song by Song examines every song from the band's first album in 1980 to the 2021 single Your Song Saved My Life, including hits and lesser-known album tracks, written by a lifelong U2 fan.
Amazon Publishing Blue Like Me
A brutal homicide sets an ex-cop and his former partner on the hunt for an enigmatic killer in a gripping thriller by the author of Under Color of Law. When former detective Trevor “Finn” Finnegan became a PI, he adopted a new mandate: catch the LAPD’s worst in the act. While on surveillance in Venice Beach, Finn tails two potentially dirty cops: Detective Martin Riley and Finn’s ex-partner, Detective Sally Munoz. Things take a deadly turn when an unknown assailant executes Riley and wounds Munoz. In an instant, Finn goes from private eye to eyewitness. Munoz needs Finn to help find Riley’s killer, but doing so could blow his cover. She’s an officer shaded by rumors. Maybe she’s still a good cop—but maybe she’s not. Finn’s reluctance ends when his dear “uncle,” an ex-LAPD detective, is murdered, and it might be connected to Riley’s death. To prevent more bloodshed and avoid becoming the next targets on the killer’s list, Finn and Munoz will have to bury their complicated past, trust each other, and come face-to-face with painful secrets that could destroy them both.
Amazon Publishing Under Color of Law
The murder of a police recruit pins a black LAPD detective in a deadly web where race, corruption, violence, and cover-ups intersect in this relevant, razor-sharp novel of suspense. Black rookie cop Trevor “Finn” Finnegan aspires to become a top-ranking officer in the Los Angeles Police Department and fix a broken department. A fast-track promotion to detective in the coveted Robbery-Homicide Division puts him closer to achieving his goal. Four years later, calls for police accountability rule the headlines. The city is teeming with protests for racial justice. When the body of a murdered black academy recruit is found in the Angeles National Forest, Finn is tasked to investigate. As pressure mounts to solve the crime and avoid a PR nightmare, Finn scours the underbelly of a volatile city where power, violence, and race intersect. But it’s Finn’s past experience as a beat cop that may hold the key to solving the recruit’s murder. The price? The end of Finn’s career…or his life.
Penguin Books Ltd Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders
Beck describes both theory and therapeutic techniques for anxiety neuroses, depressions, obsessions, phobias, and psychosomatic disorders and demonstrates the wide range of applicability of the cognitive approach
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia A World of Disorderly Notions Quixote and the Logic of Exceptionalism
Examines the literary and political effects of Don Quixote, arguing that what makes this iconic character so influential across oceans and cultures is not his madness but his logic. Aaron Hanlon contends that the logic of quixotism is in fact exceptionalism - the strategy of rendering oneself an exception to everyone else's rules.
MO - University of Illinois Press Jazz Radio America
Robert D. Reed Publishers Whose Death in the Tunnel?: A Tale of a Princess
She is the most admired, talked about and photographed woman in the world, but her life is embroiled in trauma, betrayal and make-believe love. As her marriage falls apart and her divorce is mandated by powers she cannot control, she becomes entrapped in a nightmare, held prisoner by her husbands family, the press and unrelenting tradition. A trusted friend introduces the Princess to a master strategist, code named Puppet Master, who offers a beguiling solution that involves intrigue, deception- and a way out. The Princess resists the moral dilemma but, finally, her pain is so great she agrees to the plan on the condition that no one will be hurt. The goal is freedom and a new life in America; the terrible price, the loss of her only happiness- her two sons. The Puppet Master orchestrates the plot, but nothing is as it seems. Unforeseen twists and turns appear, and the Princess is carried along, unaware of the true plan. The plan unfolds across three continents. The paparazzi are fooled, the world is fooled, but then an unexpected love affair creates complications. The Machiavellian manipulations of the Puppet Master keep everyone in the dark until, in the end tragedy strikes in the tunnel and leaves a tarnished victory. Aaron McCallum Becker's intimate knowledge and skillful rendition of events raise as many questions as they answer.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Theory in a Time of Excess: Beyond Reflection and Explanation in Religious Studies Scholarship
What does it mean to "do theory" in the study of religion today? The terms "method and theory" are now found in course titles, curricula/degree requirements, area/comprehensive exams, and frequently listed as competencies on the CVs of scholars from across a wide array of subfields. Are we really that theoretically and methodologically sophisticated? While a variety of groups at annual scholarly conferences now regularly itemize theorizing among the topics that they examine and carry out, it seems that few of the many examples of doing theory today involve either meta-reflection on the practical conditions of the field or rigorously explanatory studies of religion's cause(s) or function(s). So, despite the appearance of tremendous advances in the field over the past 30 years, it can be argued that little has changed. Indeed, the term theory is today so widely understood as to make it coterminous with virtually all forms of scholarship on religion. This volume seeks to re-examine just what we ought to consider theory to signify. The book consists of distinct chapters penned by leading theorists in the field.The core of the book consists of statements written by an anthropologist of religion, a literary theorist, a specialist in cognitive science of religion, and a philosopher of religion. Each statement is then followed by shorter response papers, and concludes with a response by the theorist.
Coffee House Press Drowning Tucson
A brilliant writer of place and character, Morales is also a fast-paced and finely-tuned stylist, delivering deeply emotional stories with “ripped-from-the-headlines” resonance. If ever there was a “writer to watch,” he’s it—the third of six children, Morales is a young, media-savvy author who has lived the stories he tells—from growing up in a tough Tucson neighborhood to putting his first set of “brand new” school clothes on layaway with the money he earned from his boyhood paper route, and from becoming a father at age eighteen to becoming the first member of his immediate family to graduate from college. A few of the chapters from this novel appeared in a 2008 chapbook published by Notre Dame’s Momotombo Press. The collection received rave reviews in academic circles and the Latino community, where the novel is eagerly anticipated.
Associated Music Publishers, Inc. String Quartet No 2 Musica Instrumentalis
Stackpole Books Fly Fisherman's Guide to Saltwater Prey: How to Match Coastal Prey Fish and Invertebrates with the Fly Patterns That Imitate Them
This is the complete reference for matching coastal prey fish and invertebrates with the fly patterns that imitate them. Photos of gamefish prey, information on the habitats, locations, and seasons when the prey are most likely found, and photos and recipes of the flies to imitate them help you create, tie, and fish the flies. The focus is on fly fishing for coastal gamefish in warm-temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions. This book features: the saltwater angler's identification guide to entomology and fly patterns with over 450 colour photographs of prey and flies; and, over 150 species and 200 fly patterns for crabs, shrimp, baitfish, and prey fish. Learn what saltwater gamefish eat and why and how to fish flies to mimic live saltwater prey.
Hal Leonard Corporation Air Violin and Piano
Penguin Books Ltd Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Musikschaffen Und Urheberrecht: Schutzfahigkeit Und Schutzbereich Im Lichte Vorbekannter Werke
John Wiley & Sons Inc Managing a Family-Fixed Income Portfolio
As the Dow continues its bumpy ride, many investors are looking for safe investments that will let them sleep at night. Fixed income portfolios can help investors meet their investment goals and avoid the turbulence of today's markets. Managing a Family Fixed Income Portfolio fills a gap in the world of investment literature by providing a serious, analytical understanding of bonds and the bond markets that is accessible to non-specialists. In this exploration of a much-neglected Goldman Sachs Fixed Income Research Strategist Aaron Gurwitz offers a blueprint for mastering fixed income portfolio management for families. The book begins with the basic concepts of bond math, asset allocation, and bond portfolio construction. Discussions of the workings of the global bond market focus on the sectors of most interest to high net worth families, including the U.S. municipal bond market, the eurodollar corporate market, and the global government markets. The final section of the book covers more advanced topics related to the yield curve, interest rate volatility, and fixed-income derivatives. The material will be of interest both to financial professionals who work with wealthy families and to those individual investors who wish to understand this important component of a balanced portfolio.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Chronology and Canon of Ælfric of Eynsham
A fresh approach to the works and manuscripts of this influential monk, whose writings synthesised some of the finest minds of the period. A thousand years and more ago, with Vikings ravaging the coastlines and the millennium drawing nigh, a monk named Ælfric embarked on studies that would make him the most erudite, prolific, and influential author writing in English before Chaucer. What drove Ælfric was no desire to leave his mark on history, however, but the belief that he held a treasure on which the temporal and eternal welfare of his contemporaries depended: knowledge of the rich moral teachings of the early Christian church. What he produced was an astonishing synthesis of some of the finest minds in history, conveyed with remarkable authorial transparency and an elegantly simple style. While there is much we know about Ælfric, both from his own self-disclosure and the wealth of surviving manuscripts containing work by him, there is also much that muddies the waters: his feverish pace of simultaneous composition, his habit of reshaping and repurposing his writings, the staggering complexities of textual transmission, and competing scholarly interpretive voices. This volume seeks to take it all into account, setting forth a comprehensive picture of work and the manuscripts in which it may be found. Integrating scholars' best understanding to date and framing new avenues for inquiry, it offers a launching point for new research into this pivotal figure of early England. AARON J KLEIST is Professor of English at Biola University.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Simplified Interpretation of ICD Electrograms
Written as a companion text to Dr Hesselson’s first book about pacing, Simplified Interpretation of ICD Electrograms focuses on teaching an understanding of the electrogram (EGM) signal for troubleshooting ICD rhythms. The book includes an in depth review of the general function of an ICD (defilbrillation electronics, arrthythmia detection/therapy), as well as an extended summary of the commonly encountered arrthythmia in an EGM and ECG format. Throughout the book, Dr Hesselson emphasizes that the key for troubleshooting these devices lies in the ability to make the transition from surfaceECG to EGM interpretation. Also included is an extensive chapter on biventricular pacing, particularly as it relates to its function in an ICD. The book ends with 50 clinical case studies designed to illustrate the text’s key principles. No one has attempted previously to explain the EGM signal in such a pedagogical style, and no significant amount of material has been formally published detailing methods for troubleshooting biventricular ICD pacing systems. Expert guidance on understanding the EGM signal for troubleshooting ICD rthythms. Includes 50 clinical case studies. Covers all aspects of the general function of ICDs. Contains an extensive chapter on biventricular pacing.
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland The Locksmith Craft in Early Modern Edinburgh
Taylor & Francis Ltd Adolescent Psychiatry, V. 24: Annals of the American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry
Launched in 1971, Adolescent Psychiatry promised "to explore adolescence as a process . . . to enter challenging and exciting areas that may have profound effects on our basic concepts." Further, they promised "a series that will provide a forum for the expression of ideas and problems that plague and excite so many of us working in this enigmatic but fascinating field." The repository of a wealth of original studies by preeminent clinicians, developmental researchers, and social scientists specializing in this stage of life, the series has become an essential resource for all mental health practitioners working with youth. Volume 24 of The Annals surveys four broad areas of adolescent psychiatry that speak to the challenges and opportunities now before the field. Part I offers three important reassessments of adolescent development; they focus, respectively, on separation-individuation theory, the interpersonal matrix of adolescence, and the psychology of belonging. Part II explores the future of child and adolescent psychiatry in the context of school-based mental health services. Several assessments of ongoing school-based mental health clinics provide the context for reflection on the future of school-based delivery systems. Part III examines forensic issues in adolescent psychiatry and includes an overview of forensic psychiatry for adolescent psychiatrists, an update on juvenile justice, and a review of the issue of competence in adolescents. Finally, Part IV offers a series of current perspectives on psychopharmacology in relation to adolescence. Contributors review the current status of pharmacological treatment of different adolescent populations, including adolescents with behavior disorders, affective disorders, anxiety disorders, pervasive developmental disorders, and psychosis. The volume concludes with a timely examination of the role of psychiatric consultation on an adolescent medical service.
Duke University Press Intimate Enemies: Landowners, Power, and Violence in Chiapas
Intimate Enemies is the first book to explore conflicts in Chiapas from the perspective of the landed elites, crucial but almost entirely unexamined actors in the state’s violent history. Scholarly discussion of agrarian politics has typically cast landed elites as “bad guys” with predetermined interests and obvious motives. Aaron Bobrow-Strain takes the landowners of Chiapas seriously, asking why coffee planters and cattle ranchers with a long and storied history of violent responses to agrarian conflict reacted to land invasions triggered by the Zapatista Rebellion of 1994 with quiescence and resignation rather than thugs and guns. In the process, he offers a unique ethnographic and historical glimpse into conflicts that have been understood almost exclusively through studies of indigenous people and movements. Weaving together ethnography, archival research, and cultural history, Bobrow-Strain argues that prior to the upheavals of 1994 landowners were already squeezed between increasingly organized indigenous activism and declining political and economic support from the Mexican state. He demonstrates that indigenous mobilizations that began in 1994 challenged not just the economy of estate agriculture but also landowners’ understandings of progress, masculinity, ethnicity, and indigenous docility. By scrutinizing the elites’ responses to land invasions in relation to the cultural politics of race, class, and gender, Bobrow-Strain provides timely insights into policy debates surrounding the recent global resurgence of peasant land reform movements. At the same time, he rethinks key theoretical frameworks that have long guided the study of agrarian politics by engaging political economy and critical human geography’s insights into the production of space. Describing how a carefully defended world of racial privilege, political dominance, and landed monopoly came unglued, Intimate Enemies is a remarkable account of how power works in the countryside.
Johns Hopkins University Press Railroads in the Old South: Pursuing Progress in a Slave Society
Aaron W. Marrs challenges the accepted understanding of economic and industrial growth in antebellum America with this original study of the history of the railroad in the Old South. Drawing from both familiar and overlooked sources, such as the personal diaries of Southern travelers, papers and letters from civil engineers, corporate records, and contemporary newspaper accounts, Marrs skillfully expands on the conventional business histories that have characterized scholarship in this field. He situates railroads in the fullness of antebellum life, examining how slavery, technology, labor, social convention, and the environment shaped their evolution. Far from seeing the Old South as backward and premodern, Marrs finds evidence of urban life, industry, and entrepreneurship throughout the region. But these signs of progress existed alongside efforts to preserve traditional ways of life. Railroads exemplified Southerners' pursuit of progress on their own terms: developing modern transportation while retaining a conservative social order. Railroads in the Old South demonstrates that a simple approach to the Old South fails to do justice to its complexity and contradictions.