Search results for ""Open University Press""
Open University Press What's worth fighting for in Education?
"This book is a welcome addition to the "What's Worth Fighting For?" series by two highly respected authors. It contains practical advice to help prepare the teaching profession for a future which is already here and in which the context for teaching and learning will shed the 19th century factory model on which our schools are based. Headteachers and their teacher colleagues will want to be at the forefront of preparing consciously for the future rather than finding themselves as passive recipients of change and this book provides a guide for that journey."- Rowie Shaw, NAHTIn this book, Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan argue that in a world of growing complexity and rapid change, it is vital to forge strong, open and interactive relationships with communities beyond schools in order to bring about significant improvements in teaching and learning within schools. Now, more than ever, it is necessary to rediscover the passion and moral purpose that makes teaching and learning exciting and effective. This book makes accessible ideas steeped in research, theory and practice. It will challenge all in education and will provoke thought, elicit debate and encourage action.
Open University Press Case Study Research in Educational Settings
This book offers new insights into the case study as a tool of educational research and suggests how it can be a prime research strategy for developing educational theory which illuminates policy and enhances practice. Several different kinds of educational case studies are identified, namely: theory-seeking, theory-testing, story-telling, picture-drawing, and evaluative case study and there are substantial examples of each of these. The book develops the author's recent advocacy of fuzzy generalization.Readers are taken through the various stages in conducting case study research, including a helpful account of data collection and data analysis methods. Each stage is underpinned by the concepts of trustworthiness and respect for persons. Structured, narrative and descriptive approaches to writing case study reports are also discussed and the value of conducting an audit is considered.This will be a valuable text for students undertaking Masters and Doctorates in Education as well as staff in University departments of education and teachers carrying out small scale research projects.
Open University Press Understanding Learning And Teaching
How can university teachers improve the quality of student learning? Prosser and Trigwell argue that the answer lies in determining how students perceive their unique learning situations. In doing so they draw upon the considerable body of educational research into student learning in higher education which has been developed and published over the past three decades; and they enable university teachers to research and improve their own teaching.This book outlines the key principles underlying successful teaching and learning in higher education, and is a key resource for all university teachers.
Open University Press Female Forms
* What is the relevance of feminist ideas for understanding women's experiences of disability?* How can the social model of disability be developed theoretically?* What are the key differences between Disability Studies and medical sociology?In answer to these questions, this book explores and develops ideas about disability, engaging with important debates in disability studies about what disability is and how to theorize it. It also examines the interface between disability studies, women's studies and medical sociology, and offers an accessible review of contemporary debates and theoretical approaches. The title Female Forms reflects two things about the book: first, its use of disabled women's experiences, as told by themselves, to bring a number of themes to life, and second, the author's belief in the importance of feminist ideas and debates for disability studies. The social model of disability is the book's bedrock, but the author both challenges and contributes to social modelist thought. She advances a materialist feminist perspective on disability, producing a book which is of multi-disciplinary relevance.Female Forms will be useful to the growing number of students on Disability Studies courses, as well as those interested in women's studies, medical sociology and social policy. It will also appeal to those studying or working in the health and social care professions such as nursing, social work, occupational therapy and physiotherapy.
* How do pupils make sense of the past?* What is the relationship between the way historians construct interpretations of the past and the way pupils learn history in schools?This book draws together developments in a wide range of fields: in academic history, in the study of language and in classroom research on pupil learning, as the basis for a distinctive approach to the teaching and learning of history in school. Chris Husbands analyses four approaches to learning about the past: through looking at evidence, through the language of the past, through story and through the imagination. He emphasises the ways in which pupils and historians structure their own interpretations of history and considers the implications for teachers by examining the ways in which classroom talk, writing and assessment can support the development of sophisticated understandings of the past.
Open University Press READ IT TO ME NOW!
* What do young children from different cultural backgrounds learn about reading and writing before they come to school?* How can schools work with parents to incorporate children's pre-school literacy learning into policies for the development of literacy?* What strategies can early years' teachers use to support young children's understanding of the reading process?Read It To Me Now! charts the emergent literacy learning of five four-year old children from different cultural backgrounds in their crucial move from home to school, and demonstrates how children's early understanding of reading and writing is learnt socially and culturally within their family and community. Drawing the children's stories together, Hilary Minns discusses the role of the school in recognizing and developing children's literacy learning, including that of emergent bilingual learners, and in developing genuine home-school links with families. This edition of Read It To Me Now! makes reference to current texts that take knowledge and ideas of children's literacy learning further, and includes discussion of the literacy requirements of the National Curriculum.
Open University Press Action Research for Educational Change
This book is concerned with action research as a form of teacher professional development. In it, John Elliot traces the historical emergence and current significance of action research in schools. He examines action research as a "cultural innovation" with transformative possibilities for both the professional culture of teachers and teacher educators in academia and explores how action research can be a form of creative resistance to the technical rationality underpinning government policy. He explains the role of action research in the specific contexts of the national curriculum, teacher appraisal and competence-based teacher training.
Open University Press Outstanding Primary Teaching and Learning: A journey through your early teaching career
If you have ever asked yourself “How do I become an outstanding teacher?” then this is the book for you. Combining state-of-the-art practices with deep insight from many years’ experience of teaching, the book develops and explains how to change practice and attain excellence as a teacher. Seven core themes are embedded in a four level hierarchy of practice that guides the reader from the fundamentals of successful teaching to the highest levels of accomplishment. The book offers: • A ‘one-stop-shop’ providing a structured and supported approach to becoming an outstanding teacher• A unique action planning feature at the end of each level, creating a platform for your personal development• A range of guided reflection activities, to help develop your skills and understanding of the many aspects of teachingThe unique focus on your individual development and creating an authentic identity as the foundation for excellence makes Outstanding Primary Teaching and Learning essential reading for the every trainee teacher or those wishing to enhance practice. “There are a few educational texts that you do not want to put down, and this is one! The book will encourage, motivate and inspire trainee teachers, recently qualified, early career and established teachers to reach the heights of their potential.” Dr. Tracy Whatmore, Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham, UK“An easy to read book with sound practical advice underpinned by theory which every trainee teacher or early career teacher can dip into for guidance. It captures the essence of primary teaching through the metaphor of a coat and I’m sure readers will adapt their coats accordingly as they journey through the book.”Professor Vini Lander, Edge Hill University, UK“Outstanding Primary Teaching and Learning” is an absolute must-read for teachers of any age or experience who would like to become more outstanding in their practice. Written from a unique and highly reflective perspective of pedagogy as an art, a proactive and inspiring approach is taken to journey the reader along a personalised path, enabled through highly constructive and reflective opportunities.”Alexander S Phipps, Postgraduate Student, Institute for Education, The University of Chichester, UK“Sally’s writing style is both personal and humorous, which will engage and motivate busy teachers. She seamlessly combines the latest theories and applies them to classroom practice. By including regular reflection tasks, this book can become a valuable accompaniment to trainees regular mentor meetings. Those who engage with Sally’s questions and follow her recommendations, will develop a deep understanding of the role of the teacher and will develop a substantial toolkit to draw upon in the classroom.”Mark Bagust, Associate Headteacher, Cantell School, UK
Open University Press The Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy Handbook: Origins, Developments and Current Applications
From the origins of Carl Rogers’ person-centred approach to the cutting-edge developments of therapy today, The Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy Handbook charts the journey of an ambitious vision to its successful reality. In this book, Lago and Charura bring together history, theory, research and practice to deliver a complete and unique perspective on the person-centred approach. Key topics include: • The groundbreaking journey of PCA’s early decades, spearheaded by Carl Rogers• Developments and extensions of the original theory and practice• The influence of PCA in developing new therapies and practice• The frontier of contemporary PCA, and therapists' work with client groups of difference and diversityWith its broad view that explores the origins, variations and applications of PCA, The Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy Handbook gives a comprehensive overview of the knowledge required and the issues faced by practitioners, making it an important resource for the seasoned and training practitioner alike. "This particularly welcome contribution is distinctive in fostering a contemporary, contextualised and transcultural person-centred practice, edited as it is by two leading UK figures in the field of diversity in counselling and psychotherapy."Review in Therapy Today, October 2016
Open University Press Resilience: A Practical Guide for Coaches
What do you do as a coach when your client has been seriously rocked by the events in his or her life? In Resilience, Carole Pemberton offers a fresh and thoughtful framework for understanding what resilience is and is not, and why it has such potential for triggering feelings of being de-stabilized. Her book takes you step by step through a series of practical interventions, a menu of options, each with their research base and with their practicality explored.Considering a variety of approaches, Carole Pemberton asks:So how far is the currently fashionable concept of mindfulness helpful?How can you use some of the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy? What can you borrow from Solution-focused Coaching and Positive Psychology?Her practical guide shows you what is especially useful in these disciplines for work with clients whose resilience has temporarily vanished. You will also learn how to assess your own resilience and coping mechanisms as a coach. The fascinating chapters on client narrative and 'Narrative Wave' alone make this a must-read for both new and more experienced coaches. Carole Pemberton explores the essential theories currently influencing resilience coaching, alongside stories from her own reflective practice in applying these and useful coaching tips.Trevor Elkin, Leadership and Talent Development, Home Office The resilience of coaching clients is emerging as one of the key themes facing coaches in the 21st Century. Carole Pemberton's timely work brings together the key facets of this subject providing an understanding of what impacts on resilience for the client and the coach, before providing an overview of a range of useful interventions to apply when working on this issue with clients.Caroline Horner, MD of the I-coach academy Wonderful to see a coaching book on resilience that compliments more traditional approaches with emergent thinking from the fields of mindfulness, ACT and positive psychology. Carole shows great wisdom and humility - pointing to the importance of authenticity in teaching mindfulness to others and in sharing her own learning along the way.Mark McMordie, Director of Coaching, Coachmatch This is a Treasure Trove of practical, accessible and proven tools for skilled coaches. Carole has created THE definitive guide for helping people to use their enhanced resilience to achieve their potential.Stuart Lindenfield FRSA, Head of Career and Change Management Solutions, Reed Global Pemberton has a rare skill - turning knowledge into power. She gives the reader the wherewithal to notice when resilience is failing in their clients. She then equips them with useful lines of inquiry and creative, practical steps they can take with their clients to move them from being stuck to taking responsibility and accessing their resources. She writes of the tricky subject of identity: often a subject tackled in dense philosophical debate: she makes it accessible, giving clear guidance in eloquent plain English about how a coach can work with their client at identity level. The work you as a coach will be able to do as a result of reading this book will be deeper and more creative. My notebook was full of tips and ideas by the time I had left the book.Deborah Tom, Managing Director of Human Systems
Open University Press Healthcare Management
This popular book is written by leading experts in the field and covers all the key aspects of healthcare management. Written with healthcare managers, professionals and students in mind, it provides an accessible and evidence-based guide to healthcare systems, services, organizations and management. Key areas covered include:• Structure and delivery of healthcare services in the international context, including mental health, acute care, primary care, chronic disease and integrated care• Allocating resources for healthcare: setting and managing priorities • Health technologies, research and innovation• Global health policy: governing health systems across borders • Patient and public involvement in healthcare• Healthcare governance and performanceThis third edition has been significantly rewritten, with 10 new contributors and a new chapter structure designed to better support learning, practical application and further study. In addition, there is a more international focus and each chapter includes new case studies giving global examples of health systems and services, new and updated learning activities to encourage application to your own organization, and a range of links to useful online resources.Healthcare Management is essential research-based reading for students, teachers and healthcare professionals involved in management, research and health policy making. “Walshe and Smith have assembled an invaluable introduction to healthcare management and health systems. With their fellow authors, they provide a comprehensive review of a range of issues related to the funding and provision of care, and how services are organised and managed. Now in its third edition, Healthcare Management has been updated and revised to meet the needs of teachers and students alike.”Professor Chris Ham, Chief Executive, The King’s Fund, UK"This book covers the main areas of knowledge which managers need, and gives tools for thinking and empirical examples relevant to current challenges. Evidence based management might not always be possible, but this book gives a way for a manager to become research-informed and therefore more effective. This third edition of the book is even more relevant internationally and improved to help readers apply the ideas to their situation.”Professor John Øvretveit, Director of Research, LIME/MMC, The Karolinska Institute, Sweden“No-one learns to be a manager in a classroom or from a book, but books that take this disclaimer as their starting point are indispensable. Walshe and Smith (and their fellow authors) invite their audience (healthcare managers, healthcare policy makers and postgraduate students, taking courses in healthcare management) to critically combine experiential learning with academic learning and to acquire knowledge from both practice and theory. By doing so, they have found the third way between the advocates of evidence-based management and their criticasters.” Dr. Jan-Kees Helderman, Associate Professor in Public Administration, Institute for Management Research, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Open University Press Build Your Confidence with CBT: 6 Simple Steps to be Happier, More Successful and Fulfilled
We all have times when we lack confidence but some of us criticize ourselves constantly. Our self-esteem can suffer, leaving us feeling stressed.The renowned therapist Manja de Neef has helped hundreds of people overcome their low self-esteem and heal the pain in their lives with her practical Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach. No matter how harsh your inner critic, in Build Your Confidence with CBT Manja gives you the insight and tools to vastly improve your ability to develop a positive self-image. By spending 15 minutes a day, twice a day, on her CBT exercises you will learn how to practice self-acceptance and live the life you want – moving from a position of putting yourself down to feeling confident. This empowering, life-affirming book will help you overcome your insecurities and move forward with your life.
Open University Press Coaching for Wellbeing: An Evidence-Based Guide for Practitioners
“This intensely practical book offers a cutting-edge, evidence-based framework for coaches and other helping professionals seeking to more effectively address the need to promote wellbeing in times of increasing mental distress. It is the first book of its type to bridge contemporary wellbeing concepts and theories with one-to-one and group coaching. Ana Nacif's expertise shines through, providing illuminating case studies and a comprehensive roadmap for coaching for wellbeing based on research and years of experience in the field. Highly recommended.”Dr Andrea Giraldez-Hayes, Director of the Wellbeing and Psychological Services Centre and Programme Director, Masters in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, University of East London, UK“Coaching for wellbeing will become essential for positive psychology, health and wellbeing coaches everywhere. Ana Paula Nacif brings a light touch to complex topics, making them understandable and accessible. She has skilfully combined theory and research with a practical focus – from PERMA and BeWell models to three good things and gratitude letters – making this book the perfect place to start a journey of discovery in bringing evidenced-based psychology into your coaching practice.”Professor Jonathan Passmore, Henley Business School & EZRA Coaching, UK“While wellbeing is a highly sought-after state, its broad nature can leave many coaches uncertain about where to begin or how to direct their coaching efforts. This book effectively transforms the abstract concept of well-being into tangible, applicable know-how. Using a dynamic combination of models, diagrams, case studies, imaginative exercises and practical wisdom, it serves as an engaging guide on your journey towards understanding wellbeing and having an idea of how to tackle it in your work. Happy reading!”Professor Ilona Boniwell, CEO of Positran, France, and Programme Director and Course Leader at UEL, UK“The relevance of the idea of wellbeing for everyone is unquestionable, but this notion is far from simple. Ana Paula Nacif describes wellbeing as a complex and multi-faceted concept and, from this position, invites the reader to explore the multiple ways in which wellbeing can be conceptualised and what it is like to support people towards a state that is so valuable but difficult to pin down. The book represents a good balance of theory and ideas for practice for a curious practitioner and will be a very useful read.”Professor Tatiana Bachkirova, Professor of Coaching Psychology at Oxford Brookes University, UKThis book provides coaches with a solid grounding in key theories of wellbeing and evidence-based models that can be immediately applied in your own coaching practice. Complete with new coaching tools and resources, effective techniques and a range of case studies, this practical guide will be useful for working with individuals, groups or organisations.The book: - Bridges the gap between theory and practice - Contains real-life case studies and examples - Includes a Coaches’ Toolkit to use with your clientsCoaching for Wellbeing is an invaluable resource for coaches and other professionals interested in integrating wellbeing into their practice. Nacif’s accessible writing and thought-provoking exercises make this book essential reading for developing an evidence-based coaching for wellbeing practice.Ana Paula Nacif is an experienced coach, consultant and facilitator, with expertise in wellbeing, group coaching and leadership development. She is accredited as a Master Practitioner Coach and Supervisor (EMCC) and Professional Certified Coach (ICF). She is a senior lecturer at the University of East London, UK, and is also the co-editor of the Philosophy of Coaching Journal.
Open University Press The Good Research Guide: Research Methods for Small-Scale Social Research Projects
The Good Research Guide provides practical and straightforward guidance for those who need to conduct small-scale research projects as part of their undergraduate, postgraduate or professional studies.The 7th edition covers topics in a clear, user-friendly style outlining the key points and explaining why they are important.The new edition has been updated throughout and has additional material on topics such as social media research, online surveys, image-based research and participatory action research. It also features new chapters on how to prepare for a research project, with specific guidance on:· how to undertake a literature review· how to write a research proposal· how to ensure the research is ethical· how to locate the project within a research paradigmFull of practical advice and valuable examples, this is the go-to book for students looking to improve their research skills.“Having this book at your side is like having your hand held from start to finish and every decision in between... I very much welcome a new edition for my students”Melanie Nind, Professor of Education, University of Southampton and Co-director, National Centre for Research Methods, UK"Comprehensively updated, this book remains the indispensable student guide to the research process… It's not just good, it's great!"Dr Tom Clark, Lecturer in Research Methods, The University of Sheffield, UK“The text is informative, concise, and attractive. Each chapter presents sections in an easy-to-read format with further reading ideas and link ups to the numerous topics covered throughout the book.”Dr Alaster Scott Douglas, Reader in the School of Education, University of Roehampton, UKMartyn Denscombe is Emeritus Professor at De Montfort University. He has a research background in the fields of sociology, education and business studies and has published widely on research methods in the social sciences.
Open University Press Climate Change Coaching: The Power of Connection to Create Climate Action
Climate change is not just an environmental problem, it’s a human one. Yet as humans, we are not changing fast enough for ourselves and our planet. Our sense of powerlessness and the belief that our actions won’t make a difference is holding us back from taking action and working on the psychological dimension of change could make the difference to moving us forward. In this transformative book, climate change coaching trailblazers Charly Cox and Sarah Flynn explain why changing for our climate is so hard and why coaching offers a key to affecting behaviour. With practical, easy-to-grasp skills that shift mindsets and motivate action they show how to build connection using a coaching approach, to overcome resistance and empower people to embrace change. If people often tell you “What difference can I really make?” or “How can we possibly succeed?” then Climate Change Coaching will help you:•Understand the psychological barriers to change, and how to address them•Gain practical, connection-building skills to have more impact in every conversation•Build stronger, more trusting relationships to make long-term change more likely•Develop a new perspective on how individual change leads to systems change•Discover how to help organisations succeed at change and what creates social change•Learn to coach and support yourself to manage stress and avoid burnout Whether you are changing an organisation, engaging a community, or coaching individuals, this book will change the way that you connect and how you influence. With example conversations and real-life stories from 40 practitioners from the worlds of sustainability, business, academia and coaching, it will show you how coaching skills are being used individually and organisationally to galvanise climate action.“This practical guide fills many of the gaps, with tools that can help us become better allies to each other in supporting the personal and systemic shifts needed in our time.”Chris Johnstone, co-author of Active Hope and trainer at ActiveHope.Training“Climate Change Coaching is an invaluable resource for anyone working in sustainability today.”Patrick Burgi, Co-Founder of South Pole Charly Cox is an award-winning climate change coach and Founder of Climate Change Coaches. A professional coach for ten years, Charly specialises in developing leaders in environmentally focused businesses. She has a background in the creative sector and worked for seven years in West Africa. Sarah Flynn is a psychologist and coach who supports sustainability professionals to thrive as they create change in the world. With a background in research, she specialises in the psychology of change and resilience, and teaches on the topic of ‘Resilience for Sustainability Professionals’ at Cambridge University. Charly and Sarah are both International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coaches and trained Organisational, Relationship and Systems Coaches.
Open University Press Simplifying Coaching: How to Have More Transformational Conversations by Doing Less
Fundamentally, coaching is about enabling someone to feel heard and to access new insights into their own life. But how can you facilitate someone else’s thinking when you don’t know what they already know? It is almost impossible to remember models and questions whilst giving your companion your full attention at the same time. Coaching simply means that you can listen and notice more, getting quickly to the heart of the conversation. Whether you are brand new to coaching, are a trained coach who has lost confidence, or have many years’ experience coaching at a senior level, this deeply practical book will teach you how to:• Do less so that your companion can do more• Understand why saying what you see is more useful than listening to any particular story• Put boundaries around a conversation, making it more effective for your companion and easier for you• Tailor how you sit and how you speak to allow a collaborative environment• End any conversation in partnershipTailored to help the practising coach, this deeply practical book is nonetheless useful for anyone who has conversations with people.“Claire stimulated a desire to know more about how to use existing skills in new and simplified ways. An altogether great book.”Clive Avril, Executive Coach and Mentor (ACC)“This is the kind of book that, after reading, you will want to have nearby for easy reference and reminders. I suspect that the well-worn pages will be a symbol of the book’s lasting contribution to coaching – and to transformational conversations. A clear, concise summation of coaching that will benefit the new and the seasoned coach alike.” J. Val Hastings, MCC and President of Coaching4TodaysLeaders and Coaching4Clergy“This book is written for anyone with an interest in coaching who is looking to improve their coaching style in the workplace. It is ideal for people who are working to complete their studies and gain accreditation from any of the coaching bodies… This is now one of my all time favourite coaching books… I found something new in every chapter of the book.” Claire Caine, EMCC Book Club Review“Simplifying Coaching is great at bringing you back to basics and reflecting on trying to resist the urge to ‘actively help’, rather than allowing the client to do the thinking. In a small book, it covers a lot of ground, and I would recommend reading the whole book and then dipping into it periodically for practical advice on particular topics. It is a brilliant and simple book that every coach should read.” Sally Twisleton, EMCC Book Club ReviewClaire Pedrick has been coaching for over 30 years. A coach, mentor coach and coaching supervisor, she trains managers, leaders and experienced coaches across multiple sectors to reap the benefits of working more simply. Claire is the Founding Partner of 3D Coaching. Claire received an award from Henley Business School for Outstanding Contribution to Coaching 2022
Open University Press Executive Coaching in Strategic Holistic Leadership: The Drivers and Dynamics of Vertical Development
This book introduces executive coaches to developmental psychology and stage leadership development as a measure of coaching effectiveness. It explains how they can transform themselves and their clients by applying a holistic system stage shift with 8 drivers of transformational change.The stages within adult development/vertical learning is one of the fastest growing trends in leadership development today yet there is no “go-to” book that provides a simple outline of the stages of development in terms of executive capabilities and role levels. There is also very little available on the drivers and dynamics of later stage development and how these can be leveraged through the course of executive coaching… until now.Executive coaching remains a growing field with little in the way of proven pathways to measurable outcomes. The “Figure-8 Holistic Energy Operating System Stage Shift”is inspirational. It is a highly innovative and integrative approach to stage development that liberates the mind, spirit and heart to realise our unlimited human potential.
Open University Press Facilitating Action Learning: A Practitioner's Guide
Action Learning is based on the simple idea that leaders and managers learn best by working together in a group, helping each other find solutions to real work problems through discussions. Facilitating Action Learning is a clear, concise and straightforward guide to this well-established leadership and management development technique.The role of the facilitator is to provide guidance in the action facilitation process. In this practical guide, Mike Pedler and Christine Abbott present a new threefold model of the facilitator's role - as initiator, set adviser and facilitator of organizational learning.Supported by many real life cases and practical examples, this superbly practical book shows you how - as a manager, business coach, trainer or facilitator - you can add to your repertoire of skills and abilities, and enhance your effectiveness as a leader and developer.Suitable as the course text for ILM Level 5 and 7 qualifications in Action Learning Facilitation."A 'must read' book providing a very practical method and approach for all those interested and passionate about helping people help themselves, and in optimizing Action Learning."Dr Yury Boshyk, Chairman, The Global Executive Learning Network, and the Annual Global Forum on Executive Development and Business Driven Action Learning, Canada"This book best reflects my lived experience of integrating learning and change in a large complex organisation; reading it was like coming home!"Mandy Chivers, Assistant Chief Executive, Mersey Care NHS Trust, UK"This is a superb, well-crafted book. The balance it achieves between conveying the spirit of action learning while providing concrete and practical tools is exemplary."Bob Dick, independent scholar, Australia"With this book, Christine and Mike have brought a significant maturity to the field of action learning. This book will go some way in helping action learning advisors improve their craft. An important contribution."Professor Jeff Gold, Leeds Business School, UK"Pedler and Abbott have done a masterful job in presenting and analyzing the wide array of roles and responsibilities that one can undertake in facilitating action learning groups."Michael Marquardt, President, World Institute for Action Learning, USA"Pedler and Abbot pack lifetimes of experience into this book - which shine through in the depth, breadth, and practicality of its coverage. Reflective tools accompany the reader throughout to help practitioners develop their own thinking and practice of Action Learning. This is a must-have for both practitioner and scholar resource libraries!"Victoria J. Marsick, Professor, Columbia University, Teachers College, New York, USA"The authors have written a book that is engaging, inspiring and practical - a book to make you think also about learning relationships as constructionist practice; which they put forth as the correct approach and warn against action learning for power, influence and dominance."Paul Olson"This is an extremely significant contribution to understanding and developing practices in action learning. It will add value, provide direction and stimulate practitioners and academics in equal measure."Brian Milsom, University of Hull, UK
Open University Press Excellence in Dementia Care: Research into Practice
This scholarly yet accessible textbook is the most comprehensive single text in the field of dementia care. Drawn from research evidence, international expertise and good practice guidelines, the book has been crafted alongside people with dementia and their families. Case studies and quotes enrich every chapter, illustrating the realities of living with dementia and bringing theory to life.Fully updated with 10 brand new chapters, this landmark textbook has enormous breadth and gives an authoritative overview of dementia care.The 2nd edition now includes chapters on the following topics:• Dementia friendly communities • Representations of dementia in the media • Younger people with dementia • The arts and dementia • Enhancing relationships between families and those with dementia • Whole person assessment • Dementia friendly physical design• Transitions in careThis compelling new edition is a must purchase for those working or volunteering in health and social care, undergraduate and postgraduate students across a range of disciplines in health and social work, and anyone interested in the field of dementia care including people with dementia and their families. “While we have made significant advances in the care for people with dementia and their families, there is much work yet to be done. This book provides a fantastic framework in which to set our understanding of dementia and to take things forward.”Alistair Burns, Professor of Old Age Psychiatry, Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences, University of Manchester, UK“Bravo to the authors of Excellence in Dementia Care! They have created a must read guidebook for those providing care to persons experiencing cognitive changes and their families. This collaborative effort focuses on successful provider strategies encompassing topics across the dementia journey and is filled with spot on, relevant, and timely information. Best of all, this work is loaded with real case studies to help translate knowledge to practice, making it a true resource for all practitioners.”Suzanne Bottum-Jones, MA, Wisconsin Alzheimer's Institute, School of Medicine & Public Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Open University Press Nurses! Test yourself in Pharmacology
Nurses! Test Yourself in Pharmacology is the essential self-test resource for student nurses studying pharmacology and preparing for exams. This book covers key pharmacology topics such as drug interactions and safe drug administration. There are over 300 questions in total, each with fully explained answers and 45 glossary terms. Each chapter includes drug summary diagrams as well as: Multiple choice questions True or false questions Labelling exercises Fill in the blank questions Match the terms questions Organised by different body systems, the book includes chapters on: Integumentary system Musculoskeletal system Nervous system Endocrine system Cardiovascular system Respiratory system Digestive system Urinary system Written by a lecturer at one of the UK's top nursing schools, this test book is designed to help you improve your results and tackle your exams with confidence!"This is an excellent book. I am happy to recommend this book to undergraduate nursing students, all students undertaking the Non-medical Independent and Supplementary prescribing programme as well as to prescribing practitioners."Barbara V. Novak, Senior Lecturer and Education Lead for NM Independent and Supplementary Prescribing, City University, UK
Open University Press Creating a Coaching Culture
How do we create a coaching culture? What will be the benefits for all parties?How can we link it to the performance of our business? How do we calculate the return on investment?How do we make it sustainable?Organizations are investing large sums of money in employing external and internal coaching and are increasingly under pressure to show a demonstrable return on this investment. In this much-needed book, Hawkins gives a well researched and practical answer to the whole question of how you create a ‘coaching culture’ and provides a step-by step guide to implementing this change. The book includes advice for both coaches and HR professionals on: Establishing the right integrated mix of coaching by line managers, internal specialized coaches and external coaches Combining individual and team coaching and connect both to the organizational change agenda Harvesting the organizational learning from the thousands of coaching conversations A coaching style becoming a way of relating internally and externally to all the organization’s stakeholders Case studies show how a wide range of international organizations have developed successful coaching strategies to increase the effectiveness of their businesses. This book will provide you with valuable insights whether you are a coach, an organization consultant, an HR professional or a Chief Executive. "This book provides a rich source of knowledge, guidance and experience for anybody involved in the important business of helping drive coaching in organisations. After reading the book I take away a host of ideas and best practice that I will use in the business."Ian Paterson, Ernst & Young LLP and MD, EMCC UK"Like Peter's other books, Creating a Coaching Culture sits on my desk, not my bookshelf, because of its usefulness, depth of thought, and Peter's expertise."Catherine Carr, doctoral candidate in Leadership Development and Executive Coaching, Carr & Associates leadership coaching"The book clearly outlines why the creation of a coaching culture is critical to the success of any organisation. More importantly it describes the practical steps required to achieve this success and how you can measure progress and benefits along the journey."Richard King, Serial NED and Coach, former Deputy Managing Partner for Ernst and Young"In recent years, the concepts of leadership culture and coaching culture have become increasingly intertwined, to the extent that achieving a coaching culture is a common aspiration for organizations of all sizes … Peter Hawkins brings the topic up to date, using multiple case studies and an analytical approach that clarifies the challenges and how to address them."David Clutterbuck, Visiting Professor, Oxford Brookes & Sheffield Hallam Universities, UK"This book will be of benefit not only to those engaged in the people development professions, but also managers and leaders who are looking to enhance the value and potential contribution of their people."Hilary Lines PhD, Executive and Team Coach, UK"This is an eloquently written text that is recommended reading for coaches and mentors working in large organizations, for human resource managers and corporate management teams."EMCC's International Journal"Have just finished reading this it is excellent and like all Peter's books practical but well informed."David Lane
Open University Press Successful School Leadership: Linking with Learning and Achievement
This book is based on the largest and most extensive empirical study of contemporary leadership in primary and secondary schools in England. The results demonstrate that heads of successful schools improve the quality of student learning and achievement through who they are – their values, virtues, dispositions and competencies – as well as their timely use of change and improvement strategies.Successful School Leadership provides a comprehensive analysis of the values and qualities of head teachers. It assesses the strategies they use and how they adapt these to their particular school context in order to ensure positive increases in the learning, well being and achievement of their students. The authors: Identify a basic set of leadership practices resulting from their findings Analyse and describe the leadership values, qualities and behaviours related to different phases in schools’ improvement journeys Provide illustrative case studies of primary and secondary schools that highlight context sensitive strategies Provide a contemporary overview of international research and thinking about successful school leadership Recognize similar and distinguishing features between schools in different socio-economic groups This book is valuable reading for…school leaders and senior teachers, educational policy makers and advisors, as well as anyone involved or interested in education and its leadership.
Open University Press Policy
"This third edition of Hal Colebatch's book, Policy, is a welcome addition to the policy literature. Through as series of interrelated questions--such as Why worry about policy? What is it for? What does it look like on the ground? and How do we do it?--Colebatch interestingly unravels and elaborates on the key issues, both practical and theoretical, that constitute the field of policy studies. In a very succinct and highly readable style, the nine chapters weave together discussions of traditional models and approaches (e.g., process models, rationality, and incrementalism) with a presentation of newer emphases (e.g., social constructivism, discourse, and his own innovative concept of ''policy work''). He does it in ways that are accessible to the beginning university student, but that are, at the same time, helpful to the experienced practitioner. As such, the book is highly recommendable."Professor Frank Fischer, Rutgers University, USA "This 3rd edition, like the previous ones, offers students an excellent guided tour of the field of policy studies. The major strands of thinking and research are introduced as answers to a set of straightforward, commonsense questions, written in highly accessible, non-technical, easy to grasp prose.Yet, this edition has more to offer. Colebatch systematically reflects on the paradigmatic struggles over the meanings of 'policy' – as problem solving and authoritative choice in the corridors of power, as bargaining and negotiation in multilayered governance networks, and as political sense-making through collective puzzling. Asking how 'policy' works in practice, the author demonstrates the myriad ways in which these meanings permeate and colour each other. In doing so, Colebatch restores intellectual unity to a field that appears fragmented to many academic observers and practitioners."Professor Robert Hoppe, University of Twente, The Netherlands"This third edition of Hal Colebatch's volume, Policy, is a very accessible book that has the ability to meet the needs of a broad range of readers. The book provides a range of examples of the illusive world of policy; these examples travel the globe and allows the work to move beyond the original Australian focus in the first edition. The nine questions that serve to organize the volume are useful and provide access to the ever-growing literature in the policy field." Dr Beryl A. Radin, School of Public Affairs, American University, USA"This book is essential reading for all students of public policy and policy analysis. It is pleasure to read and covers a great deal of important material in a comprehensive and informed manner. I warmly welcome this new edition."Professor Wayne Parsons, University of London, UKThis new edition of a highly successful text provides an even sharper critical analysis than before of the place of policy in the way we are governed. It is a book about policy - not about what governments do ('public policy') or about particular fields of policy (such as 'health policy' or 'education policy') but about policy as a concept - an idea which makes sense of the way in which we are governed, and which we can use to be more effective participants in this governing. Policy is key reading for the student studying the subject, the public official or community activist engaged in making policy, and the interested member of the public who wants to know where policy comes from, and why it matters.
Open University Press Educational Leadership and Management: Developing Insights and Skills
This accessible book demonstrates the insights and skills needed by leaders in education in an increasingly diverse society. It integrates theory with practice by presenting a real life scenario in each chapter. Drawing on literature and examples from both the UK and international sources, it takes a stance on equity, and offers a fresh look at what it means to be a leader in education today. Key features: Theory and practice are brought together in a clear and accessible way It promotes an ethical stance based on values of social justice and equity Strong focus on cultural diversity The authors draw on their own extensive research to provide authentic and informed views The authors encourage reflective practice, particularly where leaders are faced with difficult situations where there may not be a 'right' answer. Each case study brings alive the theory and invites the reader to consider how they would apply it to their own practice. The book will be of interest to both practitioners and students of educational leadership and management.
Open University Press News Culture
News Culture offers a timely examination of the forms, practices, institutions and audiences of journalism. Having highlighted a range of pressing issues confronting the global news industry today, it proceeds to provide a historical consideration of the rise of 'objective' reporting in newspaper, radio and television news.It explores the way news is produced, its textual conventions, and its negotiation by the reader, listener or viewer as part of everyday life. Stuart Allan also explores topics such as the cultural dynamics of sexism and racism as they shape news coverage, as well as the rise of online news, citizen journalism, war reporting and celebrity-driven infotainment.Building on the success of the bestselling previous editions, this new edition addresses the concerns of the news media age, featuring: An expanded chapter on news, power and the public sphere A chapter-length discussion of war journalism, tracing key factors shaping reportage from the battlefields of Vietnam to the current war in Iraq A chapter on citizen journalism in times of crisis, including a number of examples where ordinary individuals have performed the role of a journalist to bear witness to tragic events This book is essential reading for students of journalism, cultural and media studies, sociology and politics.
Open University Press Achieving your Professional Doctorate
"Achieving your Professional Doctorate is a stimulating and very useful book for professional doctorate students, their tutors, researchers and practitioners interested in this form of doctorate and all those with an interest in doctorate education. Nancy-Jane Lee manages to combine a deeply scholarly approach with a highly readable text, setting professional doctorates in their historical context, and seeing the doctoral project from the point of view of the student. She has identified some of the strengths and challenges of professional doctorate study, such as the nature of professional knowledge, the importance of a reflective approach to practitioner research and some of the ethical challenges.Professional doctorate students from all professional backgrounds will find this a useful and reassuring text at whatever stage of their doctorate. I would also suggest that it has a wider audience of doctoral students and that PhD students in professional domains would find considerable interest in the book. I welcome the publication of this book as an important addition to the growing literature in this area of higher education." Ingrid Lunt, Professor of Educational Studies, University of Oxford What is the difference between a professional doctorate and a PhD? How would a professional doctorate help my career? When and where can I start? If these are the questions you have been asking, then help is at hand. This comprehensive text is designed to meet the needs of professional doctorate students from diverse subject disciplines. It contains analysis of the issues that may be encountered when developing research in a professional practice setting as well as outlining the process of doctoral study for professionals. Practical activities and exercises are used throughout to help students plan the professional doctorate journey. Snippets from actual student experiences as well as case studies are used to illustrate the rewards and challenges of professional doctorate study. The text also draws on the author’s experience of leading a professional doctorate programme and supervising professional doctorate and PhD students. In particular, it explores: The origins and characteristics of professional doctorates Expectations of professional doctorate study Advanced study skills; managing time, good writing style, personal and professional development planning Balancing the roles of professional practitioner and researcher Leading research in professional practice The ethics of practitioner research Tips for successful writing and completion of studies Career options following completion of a professional doctorate Achieving Your Professional Doctorate is key reading for professional doctorate students as well as PhD, DPhil, MRes and other master’s students who may be considering current or future study options.
Open University Press The Bollywood Reader
"From its historical roots through to the contemporary moment, the collection of essays, written by eminent scholars in the field, demonstrate so clearly how Indian cinema is more than the sum of its parts. An essential text for anyone wishing to understand properly the full complexities of Hindi cinema."Professor Susan Hayward, University of Exeter, UK"We are finally at a point when the study of Bollywood is a fully fledged field in Film Studies."Professor Dina Iordanova, University of St. Andrews, Scotland"The Bollywood Reader extends the discursive boundaries of Indian popular cinema in interesting and complex ways. In putting together this volume, the editors have performed magnificently."Professor Wimal Dissanayake, University of Hawaii, USA What is Bollywood cinema? How does it operate as an industry? Who are the audiences of Bollywood cinema? These are just some of the questions addressed in this lively and fascinating guide to the cultural, social and political significance of popular Hindi cinema, which outlines the history and structure of the Bombay film industry, and its impact on global popular culture. Including a wide-ranging selection of essays from key voices in the field, the Reader charts the development of the scholarship on popular Hindi cinema, with an emphasis on understanding the relationship between cinema and colonialism, nationalism, and globalization. Features include: Comprehensive introductory essay Landmark essays by key scholars in the field Glossary of key terms Timeline of key events in Indian cinema Further reading sectionThe authors address the issues of capitalism, nationalism, Orientalism and modernity through understandings of race, class, gender and sexuality, religion, politics and diaspora as depicted in Indian popular films. The Bollywood Reader is captivating reading for film, media and cultural studies students and scholars with an interest in Bollywood cinema.
Open University Press Rethinking Documentary: New Perspectives and Practices
From a boom in theatrical features to footage posted on websites such as YouTube and Google Video, the early years of the 21st century have witnessed significant changes in the technological, commercial, aesthetic, political, and social dimensions of documentaries on film, television and the web. In response to these rapid developments, this book rethinks the notion of documentary, in terms of theory, practice and object/s of study. Drawing together 26 original essays from scholars and practitioners, it critically assesses ideas and constructions of documentary and, where necessary, proposes new tools and arguments with which to examine this complex and shifting terrain. Covering a range of media output, the book is divided into four sections: Critical perspectives on documentary forms and concepts The changing faces of documentary production Contemporary documentary: borders, neighbours and disputed territories Digital and online documentaries: opportunities and limitations Rethinking Documentary is valuable reading for scholars and students working in documentary theory and practice, film studies, and media studies.
Open University Press Psychological Dimensions of Executive Coaching
What are the critical success factors in effective executive coaching? What are the key competencies of a psychologically-informed coach? What are the similarities and differences between coaching and therapy? This book provides business coaches and management consultants with the framework for a psychological approach to executive coaching. It shows how performance-related issues in the workplace often have a psychological dimension to them and provides the reader with an understanding of how to work in more depth to help people resolve their issues and unlock their potential.It analyzes what constitutes effective coaching, stressing the importance of sound coaching principles, good coaching process, the desirable competencies of the coach, the importance of the coaching relationship and the issue of 'coachability'. It also examines the impact of a stronger psychological approach to coaching, exploring the key psychological competencies required, how to develop them, and the training and supervision issues implicit in this approach. A recurrent theme is the personal development of the coach throughout the coaching process and Peter Bluckert highlights the contribution that the Gestalt perspective offers the coach, through the use of self as instrument of change. Anecdotes, stories and case samples are used throughout the book to illustrate situations so that the reader builds a picture of what psychologically-informed coaching looks like and how to practice ethically, responsibly and competently.Psychological Dimensions to Executive Coaching provides business and executive coaches, management consultants, human resource specialists, corporate executives/senior managers, health/social workers, occupational psychologists, teachers, psychotherapists and counsellors with the essential information they need to be successful coaches and empower their clients.
Open University Press Reflective Practice and Supervision for Coaches
Why are reflection and supervision important for coaches? How might increased self awareness improve competence? What kind of activities might a coach consider to develop their own reflective practices? This practical book helps coaches to improve their practice through reflection and professional support in their work. It explains how these developments can be made alone, with colleagues or with a supervisor, utilising a range of tried and tested frameworks.Starting with a section on the function of reflection and supervision in the coaching arena, the book moves on to discuss ways that the processes of reflection and supervision might be analyzed. Finally, the book addresses some specific models that coaches might like to try to improve their practice.The book assumes that the reader has no prior knowledge of the theories used and contains concise summaries of them as well as giving references to further reading for those who are interested. It also contains activities which will help the reader to think carefully about how they are doing things in order to identify options for improvement. Reflective Practice and Supervision for Coaches is a resource that can be used over time, with activities that can be repeated intermittently as needs arise. It provides key reading for professional coaches and supervisors as well as those who facilitate reflection upon working practices in the coaching profession.
Open University Press Ethical Leadership
What is the place of ethics in organizational culture? What constitutes good leadership? How do different cultures define ethical leadership? Ethical Leadership is the first book to rigorously explore the value of ethics in a business climate overwhelmingly driven by the need to generate profits and cut costs. Drawing on both authors' extensive experience in teaching and research, this book provides a clear, systemic model from which practical strategies can be derived for sound and effective leadership.The authors argue convincingly for the need for ethical leadership within organizations; demonstrating its importance for creating a moral climate which is essential for organizational effectiveness. The book begins with reviews of leadership theory and research as well as an overview of ethical theories. It goes on to examine morality in terms of leadership, suggesting the principles upon which leaders should make their judgements. In order to align business needs and best ethical practice, and in the face of ever louder demands for good governance and corporate social responsibility, leaders need to be role models whose motivation should be altruistic and work to the benefit of others and the organization.In building their theory on what constitutes ethical leadership based on an integration of classical philosophy with contemporary psychological theory, the authors have looked not only at individual and team performances, but have investigated what constitutes ethical and moral values in Western and non-Western cultures. This is followed by discussion of models that can help to overcome cultural differences with a view to creating an effective leadership approach in our varied global market economy.Ethical Leadership is essential reading for upper level undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA students of business, management and psychology as well as practitioners in those fields. It will help future and established professionals understand the nature and potential benefits of ethical leadership in organizational settings.
Open University Press The Therapist's Use Of Self
This book deals with what is perhaps the central question in therapy - who is the therapist? And how does that actually come across and manifest itself in the therapeutic relationship? A good deal of the thinking about this in psychoanalysis has come under the heading of countertransference. Much of the thinking in the humanistic approaches has come under such headings as empathy, genuineness, nonpossessive warmth, presence, personhood. These two streams of thinking about the therapist's own self provide much material for the bulk of the book - but other aspects of the therapist also enter the picture, including the way a therapist is trained, and uses supervision, in order to make fuller use of her or his own reactions, responses and experience in working with any one client.The book is aimed primarily at counsellors and psychotherapists, or trainees in these disciplines. It has been written in a way that is accessible to students at all levels, but it is also of particular value to existing practitioners with an interest in the problems of integration."Most therapists, regardless of theoretical approach, intuitively recognize that their sense of self intimately influences their work. Using this elemental truth as a launching pad, Rowan and Jacobs articulate the different avenues through which the self informs therapy, and how each can be used to improve therapeutic effectiveness. Along the way the authors provide a masterful exposition of transference, countertransference, and projective identification, throwing much needed light on topics that have long been mired in controversy and confusion.The book is a priceless resource for experienced therapists and those just beginning the journey."- Professor Sheldon Cashadan, author of Object Relations Therapy and The Witch Must Die: The Hidden Meaning of Fairy Tales "Outstandingly in the current literature, this book meets the conditions for integrative psychotherapy to fulfil its undoubted potential as the therapy pathway of the future. Much has to change in our field. First, people have to become better informed and more respectful of other traditions than their own, engaging with all kinds of taboo topics. Next, vigorous but contained dispute has to take place without having a bland synthesis as its goal. Finally, the current situation in which 'integration' runs in one direction only - humanistic and transpersonal therapists learning from psychoanalysis - has to be altered. Rowan and Jacobs, each a master in his own field, have done a wonderful collaborative job. The book's focus on what different ways of being a therapist really mean in practice guarantees its relevance for therapists of all schools (or none) and at every level."- Andrew Samuels, Professor of Analytical Psychology, University of Essex and Visiting Professor of Psychoanalytic Studies, Goldsmith's College, University of London "There is no question in psychotherapy more important than the degree to which the practitioner should be natural and spontaneous. Would it be sensible to leave one's ordinary, everyday personality behind when entering the consulting room and adopt a stance based on learned techniques? This is the question addressed by Rowan & Jacobs in The Therapist's Use of Self, approaching it from various angles and discussing the relevant ideas of different schools of thought. The authors are very well-infomred and write with admirable clarity, directness and wisdom and have made an impressive contribution to a problem to which there is no easy solution".- Dr. Peter Lomas, author of Doing Good? Psychotherapy Out of Its Depth.
Open University Press Feminist Research in Theory and Practice
" extremely welcome addition to the field of feminist research."British Journal of Educational StudiesThis is a clear and accessible exploration of feminist method, methodology and epistemology. After situating herself and her work, Gayle Letherby charts the debates concerned with the epistemological, political and practical issues involved in doing feminist research, and places the debates within a wider consideration of the status of knowledge. The main focus of the book is then the particular and practical issues for feminist researchers. It examines how the process of research affects the results of that research and explores the relation between politics and practice in terms of research and knowledge production. Throughout the book there is a practical emphasis on specific examples of feminist research in action and, as well as summarizing current theoretical debates, Gayle Letherby adds to them. Feminist Research in Theory and Practice is designed and written as a textbook for students (at advanced undergraduate and postgraduate level) but will be a valuable resource for any researcher or individual interested in women's studies, feminism and in researching in the social sciences.