Search results for ""Author Painters"
Comma Press The Book of Venice: A City in Short Fiction
An inspector rages against the announcement that police HQ is to relocate - the way so many of the city's residents already have - to the mainland... An aspiring author struggles with the inexorable creep of rentalisation that has forced him to share his apartment, and life, with 'global pilgrims'... An ageing painter rails against the liberties taken by tourists, but finds his anger undermined by his own childhood memories of the place... The Venice presented in these stories is a far cry from the 'impossibly beautiful', frozen-in-time city so familiar to the thousands who flock there every year - a city about which, Henry James once wrote, 'there is nothing new to be said.' Instead, they represent the other Venice, the one tourists rarely see: the real, everyday city that Venetians have to live and work in. Rather than a city in stasis, we see it at a crossroads, fighting to regain its radical, working-class soul, regretting the policies that have seen it turn slowly into a theme park, and taking the pandemic as an opportunity to rethink what kind of city it wants to be.
De Gruyter Sachlichkeiten – Sichtbarkeiten: Der Münchner Maler und Grafiker Joseph Mader (1905–1982)
The painter and graphic artist Joseph Mader (1905–1982), who was shaped by his encounter with the works of Max Beckmann around 1928, was just beginning his career in 1933 and was thus confronted with the question of adapting and distancing himself. His isolation made him an artist of the "lost generation", who never had the chance to position himself in the art market prior to the "Third Reich". Mader continued his artistic career admidst the political discussions surrounding the art oft he postwar era as a figurative painter. He juxtaposed a love of "what is visible", the mysterious harmony of creation, with Beckmann’s hard-hitting view of the "objectivity" of the world. Mader’s life and work are an appeal to reassess thins generation’s evaluations of art and society.
University of California Press Bay Area Figurative Art: 1950-1965
During the 1950s a few painters in the San Francisco Bay Area began to stage personal, dramatic defections from the prevailing style of Abstract Expressionism, creating what would come to be known as Bay Area Figurative Art. In 1949 David Park destroyed many of his nonobjective canvases and began a new style of consciously naive figuration. Soon Elmer Bischoff and Richard Diebenkorn joined Park and other painters such as Nathan Oliveira, Theophilus Brown, James Weeks, and Paul Wonner in the move away from abstraction and toward figurative subject matter. When artists such as Bruce McGaw, Manuel Neri, and Joan Brown emerged as a second generation of figurative artists, the momentum grew for a powerful new development in American painting. The achievement of Bay Area Figurative painters and sculptors has become directly relevant to current debates regarding abstraction and representation, as well as to discourses on modernism and postmodernism. Indeed, the historical phenomenon of the movement is an important case study in the evolution of modernism in America, serving as an early example of rupture in the formalist 'mainstream.' "Bay Area Figurative Art 1950-1965" was written to accompany an exhibition of the same name at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Based on extensive archival research and interviews, it is the first study of the movement as a whole and is the broadest and most accurate account of the careers and interactions of ten Bay Area artists who worked in this new style.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc How to Design and Apply Automotive and Motorcycle Paint and Graphics: Flames, Pinstripes, Airbrushing, Lettering, Troubleshooting & More
Learn how to tackle all types of automotive paint and graphics projects with this photo-rich reference by award-winning custom painter JoAnn Bortles.How to Design and Apply Automotive and Motorcycle Paint and Graphics covers the most popular custom painting stylesand techniques in an easy-to-understand format. Step-by-step examples of projects are accompanied by handy tips and tricks features, as well as photo galleries to provide examples and inspiration. Writing for hobbyists and professionals alike in an accessible, easygoing style, author and award-winning custom painter JoAnn Bortles presents both traditional and modern techniques and tools, from low tech to high tech, making it easier than ever to obtain professional results on your hot rod, muscle car, truck, or motorcycle. In addition, Bortles includes content that has not been properly addressed in existing custom painting books, with chapters devoted to painting muscle car rally stripes, lowrider graphics, and creating plotter-ready vector drawings for stencil work. With details on tools and materials as well as how to design paint jobs and test paint techniques, you will learn how to design and apply: Both traditional and realistic flames Ghost effects Multilayered graphics Two-tone paint for cars and motorcycles Lace paint Gold leaf Free-hand and tape pinstriping Patina effects Logos and lettering Clearcoats Troubleshooting All the information is designed to enlighten both automotive and motorcycle applications and includes the most popular paint and graphics out there. Whether you are experienced with an airbrush and masking tape or simply aspire to lay unique paint and graphics on your vehicle, How to Design and Apply Automotive and Motorcycle Paint and Graphics is the ultimate one-stop resource for instruction, ideas, tips, and techniques. The Motorbooks Workshop series covers the topics that engage and interest gearheads. Written by authorities in the subject matter and illustrated with color photography, Motorbooks Workshop is the ultimate source for how-to know-how.
The Crowood Press Ltd Painting the Mountain Landscape
Many artists long to paint mountains - to capture their grandeur, their character and perhaps their tranquility. This practical book explains the key elements of portraying their magnificence and also advises how to reproduce the magic of a scene. With step-by-step instructions and clear, detailed advice throughout, it guides the painter through the techniques so you can express your own vision of the mountains and capture one of the greatest scenes of the natural landscape. The author's deep understanding and love of the mountains shines through the text and the paintings. There is advice on choosing mediums, brushes and surfaces, and using a limited colour palette both for en plein air and studio painting. Incorporates different features of the mountainscape - crags, slopes, rocks, lakes, woodland, cottages, animals and figures - to add life and interest to a painting. The author captures the transient and often dramatic effects of light on the mountain landscape, including the special magic of sunsets. Injects mood into a painting, from the excitement of a sublime storm to a sense of peace and refuge. Specific advice on painting sky, water and trees, and tips on using them in an effective composition. Finally, step-by-step, illustrated and detailed exercises show how to work down from the sky to the foreground, add detail, enrich hues, and increase contrast between light and shade. It is a handy guide for all artists and an inspiration to everyone who loves mountain scenery.
The University of Chicago Press The Female Autograph: Theory and Practice of Autobiography from the Tenth to the Twentieth Century
These original essays comprise a fascinating investigation into women's strategies for writing the self—constructing the female subject through autobiography, memoirs, letters, and diaries. The collection contains theoretical essays by Donna Stanton, Sandra Gilbert, and Susan Gilbert, and Susan Gubar; chapters on specific issues raised by women's autographs, such as Richard Bowring's study of tenth-century Japanese diaries or Janel Mueller's on The Book of Margery Kempe; and annotated autobiographical fragments, including texts by Julia Kristeva, by a woman who became a czarist cavalry officer, and by a contemporary Palestinian poet. There are also chapters on the seventeenth-century painter Artemisia Gentileschi; Mme de. Sévigné; Mendelssohn's sister, Fanny Hensel; the black minister Jarena Lee; Virginia Woolf; and Eva Peron. The result is a "conversation" between writers and critics across cultural and temporal boundaries. Stanton's essay plays off Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own. Kristeva begins with a reading of de Beauvoir, while a self-published French woman writes to defend the joys of family life against the author of Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter.
Arnoldsche Modigliani: Between Renaissance and Modernism
A hundred years after the death of Amedeo Modigliani (1884–1920), the time has come to re-examine the artist’s controversial place in Modernist art history. By examining a select group of outstanding originals, this recent study celebrates his best work through advances in our understanding of the painter’s techniques. This focused analysis of the artist, which centres on his maturity as a sculptor and painter, includes characteristic examples across Modigliani’s major genres, especially portraiture and female nudes. It is argued that Modigliani was the last great Italian Old Master, moving as he did between Renaissance and Modernism. In his self-chosen path of being an outsider among his contemporaries, his unique sculptures and paintings explored the depth of beauty fused with melancholy and suffering. Text in English and German.
Yale University Press After Sir Joshua: Essays on British Art and Cultural History
Following in the methodological footsteps of his prize-winning Sir Joshua Reynolds: The Painter in Society, Richard Wendorf’s new book on British art in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries is an experiment in cultural history, combining the analysis of specific artistic objects with an exploration of the cultural conditions in which they were created.Themes include an investigation of what happens when a painter dies, the role of writing around and within visual objects, and the nature of evidence in art history. Extended interpretations of some of the most iconic images in British art, including Constable’s Cenotaph, Raeburn’s Skating Minister, Stubbs’s Haymakers and Reapers, and Rossetti’s Prosperpine, Venus Verticordia, and Blessed Damosel, are part of a broader investigation of the ways in which we practice art history today. Published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
Tate Publishing Cat About Town
Join cat on this enchanting journey visiting all his favourite people, and explore the creative lives of writers, musicians, painters and gardeners. Lisa has a very important cat, he always has lots of appointments to keep in town and has an extremely busy schedule! Each day he slips off on his travels but where does he go? On Mondays he visits Sebastian the writer who wears big glasses and lives on the fourth floor. Then on Tuesday cat simply must visit Mina and her balcony full of flowers. On Wednesday it s extremely important that he makes time to see Granny Yvonne for lunch . . . Join cat on this enchanting journey, visting all his favourite people and explore their creative lives from writers, musicians, painters and gardeners. Who knows where this adored cat will go next?
De Gruyter Jacopo Bellini's Book of Drawings in the Louvre: and the Paduan Academy of Francesco Squarcione
The RF 1475–1556 Louvre Album is universally regarded as a corpus of drawings that was executed by the Venetian painter Jacopo Bellini. The album’s trajectory prior to coming into the possession of the Bellini family is elucidated in the present book. Based on Norberto Gramaccini’s interpretation, it was the Paduan painter Francesco Squarcione who was the mastermind and financier behind the drawings. The preparatory work had actually been delegated to his most gifted pupils, among them Andrea Mantegna, Jacopo Bellini´s future son-in-law. The drawing’s topics —anatomy, perspective, archeology, mythology, contemporary chronicles, and zoology —were part of the teaching program of an art academy established by Squarcione in the 1440s, famous in its day, which provided crucial impulses for the training of artists in the modern era.
Little, Brown & Company Twain And Stanley Enter Paradise
Twain and Stanley Enter Paradise, the impeccably researched final novel from the author of The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love, follows famed 19th century journalist-explorer Henry Stanley, his wife, the painter Dorothy Tennant, and Stanley's long friendship with Mark Twain, as they venture to Cuba in search of Stanley's father. Told through a fictitious manuscript and imagined correspondence between Stanley, Tennant, and Twain, Hijuelos captures not only the general style of educated 19th century, but manages to pull off the seemingly impossible task of channeling Mark Twain himself. The manuscript--in the works for decades--was found, whole and finished, by Hijuelos's widow after his death. As a companion to the novel, an ebook will be released of Hijuelos' short story "Another Spaniard in the Works" about a musician who meets John Lennon. In the '60s, Lennon had published a book of humorous writings and drawings called "A Spaniard in the Works" and now Hijuelos brings Lennon to life through music and literature.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Józef Czapski: An Apprenticeship of Looking
This stunning monograph, a long-overdue critical appraisal of Polish artist Józef Czapski (1896–1993), arrives at a moment when the artist’s legacy is gaining new recognition. Within these pages, author Eric Karpeles conveys how making art was so enmeshed with Czapski’s way of seeing and being in the world that it was second nature. Given that he lived into his 97th year, it’s no surprise that the artist has works dating from every decade of the 20th century but the first. As witness to the tumultuous events of that century, he found in painting ‘a refuge and a salvation’. Prolific as a painter, he was equally disciplined in recording the events of his life in pencil, ink, and watercolour in his journals. At a time when abstract art tended to dominate aesthetic discourse, he preferred to observe the world around him, to portray people going about their daily business. Some of his most compelling works depict theatre-goers and art lovers doing what they do best – looking.
HarperCollins Publishers The Trackers
The stunning new novel from the author of international million-copy bestseller Cold MountainHurtling past the downtrodden communities of Depression-era America, painter Val Welch travels westward to the rural town of Dawes, Wyoming. Through a stroke of luck, he's landed a New Deal assignment to create a mural representing the region for their new Post Office.A wealthy art lover named John Long and his wife Eve have agreed to host Val at their sprawling ranch. Rumors and intrigue surround the couple: Eve left behind an itinerant life riding the rails and singing in a western swing band. Long holds shady political aspirations, but was once a WWI sniperand his right hand is a mysterious elder cowboy, a vestige of the violent old west. Val quickly finds himself entranced by their lives.One day, Eve flees home with a valuable painting in tow, and Long recruits Val to hit the road with a mission of tracking her down. Journeying from ramshackle Hoovervilles to San Francisco nightclubs to the
Kerber Verlag Mie Olise Kjærgaard Ferocious Expeditions
Mie Olise Kjærgaard (b. 1974) conquers an artistic domain closely linked to the idea of the genius male painter: expressive, figurative, large-scale paintings. Composed of turbulent brushstrokes, her works on their huge canvases exude a wildness and power. Kjærgaard is utterly convincing in her adoption of the genre and translates the expressive force of gestural painting into a world of female experience. Her works depict active women in sportswear and flip-flops, their hair standing wildly on end. They ride mythical creatures, hang from the railings of ships, play a round of tennis, or hurtle through the neighbourhood on skateboards. Ferocious Expeditions brings together her works from recent years, accompanied by texts that give insight into the work of this Danish painter.
University of Wales Press Rimbaud's Impressionist Poetics: Vision and Visuality
In the mid-nineteenth century, Arthur Rimbaud, the volatile genius of French poetry, invented a language that captured the energy and visual complexity of the modern world. This book explores some of the technical aspects of this language in relation to the new techniques brought forth by the Impressionist painters such as Monet, Morisot, and Pissarro.
Columbia University Press The Invention of Painting in America
Struggling to create an identity distinct from the European tradition but lacking an established system of support, early painting in America received little cultural acceptance in its own country or abroad. Yet despite the initial indifference with which it was first met, American art flourished against the odds and founded the aesthetic consciousness that we equate with American art today. In this exhilarating study David Rosand shows how early American painters transformed themselves from provincial followers of the established traditions of Europe into some of the most innovative and influential artists in the world. Moving beyond simple descriptions of what distinguishes American art from other movements and forms, The Invention of Painting in America explores not only the status of artists and their personal relationship to their work but also the larger dialogue between the artist and society. Rosand looks to the intensely studied portraits of America's early painters-especially Copley and Eakins and the landscapes of Homer and Inness, among others-each of whom grappled with conflicting cultural attitudes and different expressive styles in order to reinvent the art of painting. He discusses the work of Davis, Gorky, de Kooning, Pollock, Rothko, and Motherwell and the subjects and themes that engaged them. While our current understanding of America's place in art is largely based on the astonishing success of a handful of mid-twentieth-century painters, Rosand unearths the historical and artistic conditions that both shaped and inspired the phenomenon of Abstract Expressionism.
University of Toronto Press The Cause of Art
In 1949, Newfoundland and Labrador had a widely celebrated oral culture but little visual art. After entering the Canadian federation, recreational painters worked to create a venue for the display of art. The Cause of Art tells the story of the advocates, curators, and professional artists who laid the foundation for an artistic community in the province. The Memorial University Art Gallery was the site of a struggle between recreational painters who aspired to express their creative impulse and develop a Newfoundland art, and curators who wanted artists to participate in the Canadian art market and international artistic movements. The book recounts the history of passionate and strong-willed curators and cultural administrators who fought for control of the gallery. It reveals how they appealed to competing conceptions of professionalization, as well as diverse political and aesthetic preferences. Based on extensive archival research in previously unexamine
Pallas Athene Publishers Lives of Rembrandt
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn (c.1606-1669) was the most talked-about painter of the 17th-century - and quite possibly of the following centuries too. His prodigious talent, extraordinary emotional truth, and reckless disregard of artistic convention astonished, delighted and often dismayed his contemporaries; and the full gamut of these reactions is revealed in the three early biographies published here for the first time in their entirety in English. Sandrart, a German painter and writer on painting, actually knew Rembrandt in Amsterdam; Baldinucci, also an artist contemporary with Rembrandt, was one of the greatest early connoisseurs of prints; and Arnold Houbraken, who studied under some of Rembrandt's pupils, wrote the earliest major biographical account of the artists of Holland. These extraordinary documents give a vivid picture of Rembrandt's shattering impact on the art world of his time - not only as a painter, but as a supremely successful manipulator of the market, a dangerous example to the young, and an unavoidable challenge to any sense of decorum and rule-giving. Rooted firmly in the 17-century realities of Rembrandt's life, they bring into sharper focus the qualities of originality and psychological acuity that remain Rembrandt's trademark to this day. The introduction by Charles Ford situates these biographies in the context of 17th-century appreciation of art, and the trajectory of Rembrandt's career. The translations have been specially prepared for this edition by Charles Ford, aided by Ulrike Kern and Francesca Migliorini, and in part following the work of Tancred Borenius.
Amberley Publishing 50 Gems of Monmouthshire: The History & Heritage of the Most Iconic Places
For centuries visitors to Monmouthshire have been seduced by its picturesque landscape and breathtaking beauty. Poets, princes, priests, peasants, painters, politicians, and even pirates have all sung the praises of this unique little corner of Wales. It is a county with an elusive nature and a turbulent past, but one whose sublime splendour is evident in its surrounding hills, scattered castles, sleepy churches, rolling rivers, rising mists and ancient woodlands. William Wordsworth once famously described Monmouthshire as the place where ‘the heavy and the weary weight of all this unintelligible world is lightened’. In 50 Gems of Monmouthshire local author Tim Butters takes an illuminating journey along the high and low roads of one of the UK’s most popular counties in search of the landmarks, the historic curiosities and the natural wonders that make this little patch of the UK so magical to both visitors and residents alike. Among the places the author visits are the romantic ruins of Tintern Abbey, the Skirrid on the edge of the Black Mountains, the Monmouth and Brecon Canal and the Kymin hill, with its spectacular views of Monmouth and the eighteenth-century Round House and temple in honour of British naval victories.
Penguin Putnam Inc Who Was Her Own Work of Art?: Frida Kahlo: An Official Who HQ Graphic Novel
Discover how Frida Kahlo became one of the most recognizable artists in the world in this powerful graphic novel written by award-winning author Terry Blas and illustrated by Ignatz Award-winning artist Ashanti Fortson.Presenting Who HQ Graphic Novels: an exciting addition to the #1 New York Times best-selling Who Was? series!Explore Mexican painter Frida Kahlo's rise to stardom as she travels from Mexico to New York City for her first-ever solo exhibition and sets the art world aflame. A story of independence, determination, and finding beauty within one's scars, this graphic novel invites readers to immerse themselves into the incredible power of one of the greatest artists of all time—brought to life by gripping narrative and vivid full-color illustrations that jump off the page.
Skira Sakti Burman: A Private Universe
Through my work I return to my native roots, my youth, and the transitory world of innocence…The role of memory in art is a recognised fact, but in my case, as a painter living in a foreign city for so many years, my memories are doubly potent in sustaining my creative life.” - Sakti Burman Legends, family, and Indian gods meet and mingle in Sakti Burman’s private, kaleidoscopic universe. Sakti Burman is one of India’s pioneering painters, who was born in 1935 in Kolkata and grew up in what is now Bangladesh. This monograph is the definitive publication illustrating the evolution of Sakti Burman’s prolific paintings, drawings, and watercolors, contextualizing his lifelong exploration into alternative ways of seeing. Burman’s colorful figures hark back to a kind of ancient “lost paradise,” but also sustain a fresh and irrepressible faith in the beauty and sensibilities of Mother Nature alongside a hopeful human spirit.
Princeton University Press Jan Gossart and the Invention of Netherlandish Antiquity
This is the first in-depth historical study of Jan Gossart (ca. 1478-1532), one of the most important painters of the Renaissance in northern Europe. Providing a richly illustrated narrative of the Netherlandish artist's life and art, Marisa Anne Bass shows how Gossart's paintings were part of a larger cultural effort in the Netherlands to assert the region's ancient heritage as distinct from the antiquity and presumed cultural hegemony of Rome. Focusing on Gossart's vibrant, monumental mythological nudes, the book challenges previous interpretations by arguing that Gossart and his patrons did not slavishly imitate Italian Renaissance models but instead sought to contest the idea that the Roman past gave the Italians a monopoly on antiquity. Drawing on many previously unused primary sources in Latin, Dutch, and French, Jan Gossart and the Invention of Netherlandish Antiquity offers a fascinating new understanding of both the painter and the history of northern European art at large.
And Other Stories Your Love is Not Good
At an otherwise forgettable party in Los Angeles, a queer Korean American painter spots a woman who instantly controls the room: gorgeous and distant and utterly white, the centre of everyone's attention. Haunted into adulthood by her Korean father's abandonment of his family, as well as the spectre of her beguiling, abusive white mother, the painter finds herself caught in a perfect trap. She wants Hanne, or wants to be her, or to sully her, or destroy her, or consume her, or some confusion of all the above. Since she's an artist, she will use art to get closer to Hanne, beginning a series of paintings with her new muse as model. As for Hanne, what does she want? Her whiteness seems sometimes as cruel as a new sheet of paper. When the paintings of Hanne become a hit, resulting in the artist's first sold-out show, she resolves to bring her new muse with her to Berlin, to continue their work, and her seduction. But, just when the painter is on the verge of her long sought-after breakthrough, a petition started by a Black performance artist begins making the rounds in the art community, calling for the boycott of major museums and art galleries for their imperialist and racist practices. Torn between her desire to support the petition, to be a success, and to possess Hanne, the painter and her reality become more unstable and disorienting, unwilling to cut loose any one of her warring ambitions, yet unable to accommodate them all. Is it any wonder so many artists self-destruct so spectacularly? Is it perhaps just a bit exciting to think she could too? Your Love Is Not Good stuffs queer explosive into the cracks between identity and aspiration, between desire and art, and revels in the raining debris.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Glasgow Boys in Your Pocket
The Glasgow Boys revolutionized Scottish painting from 1880 until around 1895, although their influence lasted until just before World War 1. Painters such as Sir John Lavery, Sir James Guthrie, George Henry, Edward Atkinson Hornel, Joseph Crawhall, Edward Arthur Walton, and William Kennedy formed the main group of painters, although there were 18 in total. They were a loose group, with various friendships and painting groups among them. Influenced by the Impressionists and post-Impressionists, they were also inspired by Japanese and Dutch art. Their style went against Victorian sentimentality and they brought the look of some forms of Impressionism and post-Impressionism to Scotland, with fresh views of the Scottish countryside and typical scenes from Scottish life. They painted outdoors, and captured a way of life that changed Scottish painting. Many settled after their early rebellious phase into quieter styles, or moved away as the art scene evolved into the Scottish Colourists' phase. As Glasgow became the fourth largest city in Europe, with a massive explosion in its population, money from wealthy industrialists, publishers and merchants became available to support the art commissioned from The Glasgow Boys. New walls needed art, as Glasgow celebrated its prosperity in a new phase of building - the city centre saw a new Art School, and City Chambers, and industrialists built homes in the country. The author's understanding of the art world and the importance of financial support and also painting techniques makes this book a unique contribution to books written on The Glasgow Boys. The Glasgow Boys are the subject of an exhibition at Kelvingrove Art Gallery in spring/summer 2010, and then at the Royal Academy, London until January 2011.
University of New Mexico Press Coyota in the Kitchen: A Memoir of New and Old Mexico
This book of stories and recipes introduces two eccentric families that would never have eaten together, let alone exchanged recipes, but for the improbable marriage of the author’s parents: a nuevomexicano from Taos and a painter who came from Texas to New Mexico to study art. Recalling the good and the terrible cooks in her family, Anita Rodríguez also shares the complications of navigating a safe path among contradictory cultural perspectives. She takes us from the mountain villages of New Mexico in the 1940s to sipping mint juleps on the porch of a mansion in the South, and also on a prolonged pilgrimage to Mexico and back again to New Mexico. Accompanied by Rodríguez’s vibrant paintings—including scenes of people eating on fiesta nights and plastering an adobe church—Coyota in the Kitchen shows how food reflects the complicated family histories that shape our lives.
Cornerstone Cottage by the Sea
‘Warm-hearted fiction at its best’ - SunA seaside town helps one young woman rediscover hope and healing in a brand-new novel from bestselling author Debbie Macomber.Rocked by tragedy, Annie Marlow returns to the one place she knows she can heal: the cottage by the sea where she spent many happy childhood holidays with her family.There, Annie meets Keaton, a local painter with a big heart; Mellie, the reclusive landlord Annie is determined to befriend; and Britt, a teenager with a terrible secret. With them her broken spirit starts to heal.Then events threaten Annie’s new idyll. And when the opportunity of a lifetime lands in her lap, she is torn between the excitement of a new journey and the pull of the haven – and the man – she has come to call home. Will she be able to make her new-found happiness last?
Hachette Children's Group Magical Children: The Boy Who Could Fly
When Thomas's wish is magically granted, he can fly! But it's not a soaraway success . . . A brilliant story from award-winning author Sally Gardner, in her MAGICAL CHILDREN series.One day a fairy turns up at Thomas Top's house to grant him a birthday wish. Thomas wishes he could fly and soon goes from being just an ordinary boy whom no one notices to being the most popular boy in the school. But his flying gets him suspended from school, and that makes his dad so cross and his mum miserable. Then the fairy turns up again and, with help from her and Thomas's new friend Mr Vinnie, a retired painter and decorator who has been flying since he was Thomas's age, everything changes.An enchanting story about growing in confidence and using your gifts.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Vincent's Books: Van Gogh and the Writers Who Inspired Him
‘I have a more or less irresistible passion for books’ Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) was famously driven by his passion for God, for art – and for books. Vincent’s life with books is examined here chapter by chapter, from his early adulthood, when he considered becoming a pastor, to his decision to be a painter, to the end of his life. He moved from Holland to Paris to Provence; at each moment, ideas he encountered in books defined and guided his thoughts and his life. Vincent’s letters to his brother refer to at least 200 authors. Books and readers – whether dreaming or deeply absorbed – are frequent subjects of his paintings. Vincent not only read fiction, he also knew many works of art from detailed descriptions and illustrations in monographs, biographies and museum guides. Always keeping up to date, he never missed the latest literary and artistic magazines. This thought-provoking and original study takes the reader on an artistic-literary journey through Vincent’s discoveries, his favourite authors and best-loved books, revealing a continuous dialogue between his own work, the artists and the authors who inspired him, and giving life to his comment: ‘Books and reality and art are the same kind of thing for me.’
SparkPress Will's Surreal Period: A Novel
A novel about a family even more dysfunctional than the one you grew up in. Will’s Surreal Period is a richly satisfying tale—at times laugh-out-loud hilarious and at times deeply moving—that features a rollickingly dysfunctional family, a seemingly endless array of succulent foodstuffs, and a brain tumor that transforms a mediocre painter into a virtuoso. Now toss in a smidgen of BDSM and a few beguiling tidbits exploring brain chemistry and human evolution, and you have a story that will hook you fast and captivate you till the end. “Will’s Surreal Period proves why works of fiction are high art. . . . Robert Steven Goldstein deftly converts our raw human foibles into emotive entertainment and, as he does, reminds us, sometimes painfully, sometimes hilariously, who we are.” —MICHAEL J. COFFINO, award-winning author of Truth Is in the House
Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw Edi Hila
This catalog accompanies Edi Hila: Painter of Transformation, the first retrospective exhibition devoted to the Albanian painter Edi Hila, considered one of the last masters from Eastern Europe. Through Hila’s eyes, the Eastern European experience is stripped of accident or adventure and instead gives weight to distilled general truths. The catalog traces key moments from his formative artistic experience, including a firsthand account of his infamous 1972 painting, Planting of Trees, which because of its unusual use of color and form that ran contrary to approved socialist realist doctrine, led to his being forced to labor in a poultry processing plant. In the evenings, however, he secretly created a series of drawings documenting the life of the workers, which became the Poultry series, harrowing in its raw realism. The publication continues to track Hila’s practice through the 1990s, when we find the artist carefully observing life after the fall of Enver Hoxha’s regime and his attempts at depicting the realities of the Albanian transformation on the precipice of the new millennium, before concluding with a review of Hila’s contemporaneous practice, which discloses more the limitations and traps of transformation than its promises. Richly illustrated with reproductions of Hila’s work in full color, many of them never before published, this is a groundbreaking catalog, one that will help establish Hila’s international reputation as a master painter of the region and Europe at large.
Edinburgh University Press The Life Times and Work of William Gillies 18981973
For seventy years, William Gillies has been seen as a placid painter of landscape and decorative still life. Andrew McPherson explodes this view to reveal a modernist whose response to the instabilities and violence of modernity touched universals of human experience.
Columbia University Press The Invention of Painting in America
Struggling to create an identity distinct from the European tradition but lacking an established system of support, early painting in America received little cultural acceptance in its own country or abroad. Yet despite the initial indifference with which it was first met, American art flourished against the odds and founded the aesthetic consciousness that we equate with American art today. In this exhilarating study David Rosand shows how early American painters transformed themselves from provincial followers of the established traditions of Europe into some of the most innovative and influential artists in the world. Moving beyond simple descriptions of what distinguishes American art from other movements and forms, The Invention of Painting in America explores not only the status of artists and their personal relationship to their work but also the larger dialogue between the artist and society. Rosand looks to the intensely studied portraits of America's early painters-especially Copley and Eakins and the landscapes of Homer and Inness, among others-each of whom grappled with conflicting cultural attitudes and different expressive styles in order to reinvent the art of painting. He discusses the work of Davis, Gorky, de Kooning, Pollock, Rothko, and Motherwell and the subjects and themes that engaged them. While our current understanding of America's place in art is largely based on the astonishing success of a handful of mid-twentieth-century painters, Rosand unearths the historical and artistic conditions that both shaped and inspired the phenomenon of Abstract Expressionism.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Herkomer: A Victorian Artist
Herkomer: A Victorian artist is a study of the life and work of the Victorian portraitist and social-realist painter, a self-made polymath whose boundless enthusiasm led him to take an early and important interest in photography, film-making, stagecraft and motoring.
Seagull Books London Ltd Isha Upanishad
One of the shortest collections of texts, consisting of seventeen or eighteen verses, the Isha Upanishad is significant because of its explanation of man's relationship with nature and God. This edition of the Isha Upanishad has been translated in clear and vivid language by a renowned poet, painter, and filmmaker.
Granta Books Forty-One False Starts: Essays on Artists and Writers
Selected essays from America's foremost literary journalist and essayist, featuring ruminations on writers and artists as diverse as Edith Wharton, Diane Arbus and the Bloomsbury Group. This charismatic and penetrating collection includes Malcolm's now iconic essay about the painter David Salle.
Princeton University Press Refiguring the Real: Picture and Modernity in Word and Image, 1400-1700
In a major analysis of pictorial forms from the late Middle Ages to the Enlightenment, Christopher Braider argues that the painted image provides a metaphor and model for all other modes of expression in Western culture--particularly literature, philosophy, religion, and science. Because critics have conventionally explained visual images in terms of verbal texts (Scripture, heroic poetry, and myth), they have undervalued the impact of the pictorial naturalism practiced by painters from the fifteenth century onward and the fundamentally new conception of reality it conveys. By reinterpreting modern Western experience in light of northern "descriptive art," the author enriches our understanding of how both painted and written cultural texts shape our perceptions of the world at large. Throughout Braider draws on works by such painters as van der Weyden, Bruegel the Elder, Steen, Vermeer, Rembrandt, and Poussin, and addresses such topics as the Incarnation of the Word in Christ, the elegiac foundations of Enlightenment aesthetics, and the rivalry between northern and southern art. His goal is not only to reexamine important aesthetic issues but also to offer a new perspective on the general intellectual and cultural history of the modern West. Originally published in 1993. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Orion Publishing Co The Olive Route: A Personal Journey to the Heart of the Mediterranean
In the terrific bestselling olive series by writer and actress Carol Drinkwater, bestselling author of THE FORGOTTEN SUMMER'She writes so well you can almost smell the sun-baked countryside' BELLA'Spellbinding' CHOICE'One cannot resist Drinkwater's courage and joie de vivre, nor the enormous appetite and enthusiasm for her subject' Wendy Holden DAILY MAILSince Carol Drinkwater moved to an olive farm in France she has developed a passion for the olive tree and the culture that has grown up around it. From the eastern shores of the shimmering Mediterranean to its western coast this fruit is farmed. Its silvery-green branches have inspired painters and poets, but who first pressed its 'bitter berry' and transformed it into liquid gold?In quest of its secrets and traditions, Carol embarked on a solo adventure round the Mediterranean basin. Transporting readers across the olive's ancient paths, celebrating its venerable past, tracking trade routes, unearthing unlikely stories, encountering peoples of today and bygone times, Carol comes full circle, back to her farm in the sun-baked Provençal hills.
Oxford University Press Rivers: A Very Short Introduction
Rivers have played an extraordinarily important role in creating the world in which we live. They create landscapes and provide water to people, plants and animals, nourishing both town and country. The flow of rivers has enthused poets and painters, explorers and pilgrims. Rivers have acted as cradles for civilization and agents of disaster; a river may be a barrier or a highway, it can bear trade and sediment, culture and conflict. A river may inspire or it may terrify. This Very Short Introduction is a celebration of rivers in all their diversity. Nick Middleton covers a wide and eclectic range of river-based themes, from physical geography to mythology, to industrial history and literary criticism. Worshipped and revered, respected and feared, rivers reflect both the natural and social history of our planet. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Karolinum,Nakladatelstvi Univerzity Karlovy,Czech Republic Degrees of Separation: Bohumil Kubista and the European Avant-Garde
In Degrees of Separation, scholars from the Czech Republic, Canada, Germany, and Hungary take a new approach to exploring the work of one of Central Europe’s most interesting modernist painters, Bohumil Kubišta. While many art historians have viewed Kubišta’s work solely in the context of an idealized Czech canon, Kubišta did not identify with a nation-state clearly defined by ethnicity, language, or territorial reach. Taking a transnational approach that incorporates thorough topographical research, the authors attempt to redraw the map of European modernism by exploring the artist’s subversive approach to the stylistic currents of his time. The book reveals the complex relationships within early twentieth-century Europe, as Kubišta and other Central European artists tried to balance their admiration for the dominant artistic trends coming out of Paris with their desire to find alternative forms of expression arising from local artistic and intellectual sources. The richly illustrated book features a wealth of documentation, including an exhaustive timeline with notes, a comprehensive inventory of Kubišta’s works, and an up-to-date exhibition list.
Royal Society of Chemistry Turn On and Tune In: Psychedelics, Narcotics and Euphoriants
Timothy Leary's advice to "tune in, turn on and drop out" was a 1960s exhortation to experiment with LSD, but humans had been consuming ergot alkaloids related to lysergic acid diethylamide for at least a thousand years. Opium has been around even longer with its medicinal uses being known to the Ancient Sumerians as long ago as 3400 BC. This is the first book to cover all of the major psychoactive drugs (both natural and synthetic) in one volume, and the only one to cover all aspects of these drugs from their anthropological and sociological influences through to their chemistry and pharmacology. It covers a range of substances including LSD, opium, heroin, cocaine, cannabis, peyote, belladonna, mandrake, and absinthe. The book is highly readable and concentrates on the characters (e.g. authors, painters, pop stars, hippies, politicians and drug barons), both famous and infamous, who have ensured that psychoactive drugs hold an enduring fascination and interest for everyone. The basic chemistry and pharmacological activity covered together with a brief account of useful drugs that have emerged from a study of the psychoactive ones.
Nightboat Books A Tonalist
In a combination of discourse and lyric, paragraph and couplet, Bay Area poet and novelist Laura Moriarty explicates the poetics of a group of writers that resists categorization. This book-length essay uses the work of the California Tonalist painters to articulate new understanding and new possibilities for poetic practice.
Prestel Nordic Painting: The Rise of Modernity
This large-format, lavishly illustrated book offers a comprehensive survey of the fin-desiecle and modernist painting of Scandinavia. This book features an enormous variety of artists and works that explore the impact of Nordic geography, history, social mores, and national identities on the region s painters. Focusing on the core countries Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland as well as the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and the Danish-German border region, the authors present a thematically organized overview of Nordic art between the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Drawing from the most recent scholarship, the book considers the prevalent themes and subjects, such as landscapes, genre scenes, portraits, interiors, modern city life, and abstraction, and analyzes various works by artists such as Edvard Munch, Vilhelm Hammershoi, Helene Schjerfbeck, Johannes S. Kjarval, and Sigrid Hjerten. It looks at the rise of modernism in Nordic art and discusses the artistic interaction between North and Central Europe. A final chapter is devoted to the significance of Nordic painting today.Comprehensive and authoritative, this beautifully illustrated book is certain to become the standard volume on Nordic art. "
Karma Paul Mogensen & Steven Parrino
Published in conjunction with an exhibition at OV Project in Brussels, this catalog brings together paintings by two influential modern American painters Paul Mogensen (born 1941) and Steven Parrino (1958 2005) revealing how, for both artists, structure, material, production and function of the artwork relate to space and spectator.
Hirmer Verlag Harriet Backer (Norwegian edition)
The grande dame of Norwegian Painting – teacher of Nikolai Astrup and Harald Sohlberg. Harriet Backer (1845–1932) was one of Norway’s most prominent painters of the 19th century and a pioneer among women artists in Europe. In 1880, she debuted in the Paris Salon and lived in Munich and Paris. Back in Oslo, she established a successful school for painters. This catalogue presents Backer to an international audience, thus giving her back the place she deserves in art history. Harriet Backer’s richly coloured interior scenes, sensitive portrayals of simple rural life, her portraits and still lifes are characterised by plein-air painting, realism and Impressionism. Her works stand out, not only in Norway, but also in the European context, when it comes to originality, scope and quality. The publication highlights her artistic achievements and places her oeuvre in the European context.
Hirmer Verlag Harriet Backer (Swedish edition)
The grande dame of Norwegian Painting – teacher of Nikolai Astrup and Harald Sohlberg. Harriet Backer (1845–1932) was one of Norway’s most prominent painters of the 19th century and a pioneer among women artists in Europe. In 1880, she debuted in the Paris Salon and lived in Munich and Paris. Back in Oslo, she established a successful school for painters. This catalogue presents Backer to an international audience, thus giving her back the place she deserves in art history. Harriet Backer’s richly coloured interior scenes, sensitive portrayals of simple rural life, her portraits and still lifes are characterised by plein-air painting, realism and Impressionism. Her works stand out, not only in Norway, but also in the European context, when it comes to originality, scope and quality. The publication highlights her artistic achievements and places her oeuvre in the European context.
Profile Books Ltd Seiobo There Below
Winner of the 2015 Man Booker International Prize Beauty, in László Krasznahorkai's new novel, reflects, however fleeting, the sacred - even if we are mostly unable to bear it. In Seiobo There Below we see the Japanese goddess Seiobo returning to mortal realms in search of perfection. An ancient Buddha being restored; the Italian renaissance painter Perugino managing his workshop; a Japanese Noh actor rehearsing; a fanatic of Baroque music lecturing to a handful of old villagers; tourists intruding into the rituals of Japan's most sacred shrine; a heron as it gracefully hunts its prey. Told in chapters that sweep us across the world and through time, covering the furthest reaches of human experience, Krasznahorkai demands that we pause and ask ourselves these questions: What is sacred? How do we define beauty? What makes great art endure? Melancholic and mesmerisingly beautiful, this latest novel by the author of Satantango shows us how to glimpse the divine through extraordinary art and human endeavour. Winner of Best Translated Book of the Year Award 2014 Translated by Ottilie Mulzet
MP-NCA Uni of North Carolina The Struggle for Iran Oil Autocracy and the Cold War 19511954
Drawing on years of research in American, British, and Iranian sources, David Painter and Gregory Brew provide a concise and accessible account of Cold War competition, Anglo-American imperialism, covert intervention, the political economy of global oil, and Iran’s struggle against autocratic government.
Phaidon Press Ltd Botticelli
Celebrates one of the greatest and most beloved painters of the Early Renaissance with luxurious, large-format images Sandro Botticelli, one of the greatest painters of the Italian High Renaissance, enjoyed the patronage of the greatest Florentine families. He spent most of his career in the humanist circle of the Medici, for whom he painted such masterpieces as Primavera and Venus and Mars, works that combine a decorative use of line with Classical elements in harmonious and supple compositions. This sumptuously produced volume features an updated, full-colour selection of the artist's works made for the original 1937 edition by Ludwig Goldscheider, co-founder of Phaidon Press. The original essay by Lionello Venturi is accompanied by a new introduction from Renaissance specialist Alessandro Cecchi, putting Botticelli and his school into a contemporary context. Elegant design, fine papers and tipped-on image plates make this a true collector's edition.