Search results for ""author barbara"
John Wiley & Sons Inc Infrastructure as an Asset Class: Investment Strategy, Sustainability, Project Finance and PPP
Clear, comprehensive guidance toward the global infrastructure investment market Infrastructure As An Asset Class is the leading infrastructure investment guide, with comprehensive coverage and in-depth expert insight. This new second edition has been fully updated to reflect the current state of the global infrastructure market, its sector and capital requirements, and provides a valuable overview of the knowledge base required to enter the market securely. Step-by-step guidance walks you through individual infrastructure assets, emphasizing project financing structures, risk analysis, instruments to help you understand the mechanics of this complex, but potentially rewarding, market. New chapters explore energy, renewable energy, transmission and sustainability, providing a close analysis of these increasingly lucrative areas. The risk profile of an asset varies depending on stage, sector and country, but the individual structure is most important in determining the risk/return profile. This book provides clear, detailed explanations and invaluable insight from a leading practitioner to give you a solid understanding of the global infrastructure market. Get up to date on the current global infrastructure market Investigate individual infrastructure assets step-by-step Examine illustrative real-world case studies Understand the factors that determine risk/return profiles Infrastructure continues to be an area of global investment growth, both in the developed world and in emerging markets. Conditions continually change, markets shift and new considerations arise; only the most current reference can supply the right information practitioners need to be successful. Infrastructure As An Asset Class provides clear reference based on the current global infrastructure markets, with in-depth analysis and expert guidance toward effective infrastructure investment.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies
Your trusted guide to surgical weight-loss Sixty percent of individuals over the age of 20—or 58 million people in the U.S.—are overweight. As the obesity epidemic continues to grow, many Americans are researching the benefits and complications of weight-loss surgeries. Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies, 2nd edition is the most up-to-date and authoritative guide to understanding the impact of surgical weight-loss before, during, and after surgery. Weight-loss surgery is often an overweight person's last resort, and it comes with many risks, questions, and fears. So how do you know if it's right for you? Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies gives you expert guidance on knowing whether you qualify for the procedures, advice on choosing the best center and doctor, and trusted information on evaluating the risks involved. Plus, it helps you plan to finance the procedure, prepare for surgery, and achieve the best results as you adjust to a new diet and lifestyle post-surgery. Trusted information on choosing a weight loss surgery that's best for you Advice on what to expect before, during, and after surgery Sample recipes and information to ensure you're getting proper nutrition post-surgery If you or a loved one is considering gastric bypass surgery, Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies gives you everything you need to decide if it's the right course of action, what to expect during recovery, and how to ensure the best results through healthy eating behaviors and regular physical activity.
Springer Mathematical Methods in Linguistics
Elementary set theory accustoms the students to mathematical abstraction, includes the standard constructions of relations, functions, and orderings, and leads to a discussion of the various orders of infinity. The material on logic covers not only the standard statement logic and first-order predicate logic but includes an introduction to formal systems, axiomatization, and model theory. The section on algebra is presented with an emphasis on lattices as well as Boolean and Heyting algebras. Background for recent research in natural language semantics includes sections on lambda-abstraction and generalized quantifiers. Chapters on automata theory and formal languages contain a discussion of languages between context-free and context-sensitive and form the background for much current work in syntactic theory and computational linguistics. The many exercises not only reinforce basic skills but offer an entry to linguistic applications of mathematical concepts. For upper-level undergraduate students and graduate students in theoretical linguistics, computer-science students with interests in computational linguistics, logic programming and artificial intelligence, mathematicians and logicians with interests in linguistics and the semantics of natural language.
MO - University of Illinois Press New Black Feminist Criticism 19852000
A passionate and celebrated pioneer in her own words
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Agypten Und Levante XXX / Egypt and the Levant XXX: Jubilaumsausgabe - 30 Jahre Agypten Und Levante / Anniversary Edition - 30 Years of Egypt and the Levant: International Journal for Egyptian Archaeology and Related Disciplines
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Agypten Und Levante Xxvi(26)/2016 / Egypt and the Levant Xxvi26/2016: Internationale Zeitschrift Fur Agyptische Archaologie Und Deren Nachbargebiete International / Journal for Egyptian Archaeology and Related Disciplines
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Agypten Und Levante / Egypt and the Levant (XXV / 2015): Internationale Zeitschrift Fur Agyptische Archaologie Und Deren Nachbargebiete / International Journal for Egyptian Archaeology and Related Disciplines
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Agypten Und Levante XXIV / Egypt and the Levant XXIV: Internationale Zeitschrift Fur Agyptische Archaologie Und Deren Nachbargebiete / International Journal for Egyptian Archaeology and Related Disciplines
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Ist Beten sinnvoll?: Die 5. Rede des Maximos von Tyros
Ist Beten sinnvoll? In einem seiner philosophischen Lehrvorträge widmet sich Maximos von Tyros dem Gebet und dem hinter den Vorstellungen vom Gebet stehenden Gottesbild. Lässt sich Gott beeinflussen? Und falls ja: wüsste der Mensch überhaupt, worum sinnvoll zu bitten wäre? Ausgehend von mythischen Beispielen diskutiert der Philosoph die philosophischen Implikationen des Bittgebets und plädiert für ein Verständnis des Gebets als eines fortwährenden Gesprächs mit dem Göttlichen. Neben dem Text und einer kommentierten Übersetzung bietet der Band eine ausführliche Einführung in den Autor und sein Werk sowie Beiträge aus den Bereichen Philosophie und klassische Archäologie, Neues Testament und frühe Kirchengeschichte, die die Rede in den zeitgenössischen philosophisch-religiösen Diskurs zum Gebet und dessen sozialgeschichtliche Dimensionen einordnen.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Der Philosoph und sein Bild
Der Band präsentiert einige Vortragstexte (or. 54, 55, 70, 71 und 72) des Redners und Philosophen Dion von Prusa (um 40 - nach 111 n. Chr.) - auch genannt Chrysostomos ("Goldmund") -, die bisher noch nie im Detail kommentiert worden sind. Sie zeichnen ein Bild des Philosophen nicht als eines abstrakten Denkers, sondern als eines neuen Odysseus, Herakles, aber auch Sokrates und Diogenes, der sich einmischt und schon durch sein Auftreten und sein Erscheinungsbild die Menschen provoziert und zum Überdenken und Verbessern des eigenen Lebens anregt; sie entwerfen ein Ideal praktischer Ethik, dem Dion selbst sich verpflichtet fühlte und das auch weit über seine eigene Zeit und die vielgestaltige Gesellschaft der römischen Kaiserzeit hinaus wirken kann.
De Gruyter Jewish Life and Culture in Germany after 1945: Sacred Spaces, Objects and Musical Traditions
How was the re-emerging Jewish religious practice after 1945 shaped by traditions before the Shoah? To what extent was it influenced by new inspirations through migration and new cultural contacts? By analysing objects like prayer books, musical instruments, Torah scrolls, audio documents and prayer rooms, this volume shows how the post-war communities created new Jewish musical, architectural and artistic forms while abiding by the tradition. This peer-reviewed volume presents contributions to the conference „Jewish communities in Germany in Transition", held in July 2021, as well as the results of a related research project carried out by two university institutions and two museums: the Bet Tfila – Research Unit for Jewish Architecture (Technische Universität Braunschweig), the European Center for Jewish Music (Hanover University for Music, Drama and Media), the Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum, and the Jewish Museum Augsburg Swabia. For the first time, post war synagogues in Germany and their objects were researched on a broad and interdisciplinary basis – regarding history of architecture, art history of their furniture and ritual objects as well as liturgy and musicology. The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) during the years 2018 to 2021 in its funding line „The Language of Objects".
Brookes Publishing Co Special Education Considerations for Multilingual Learners: Delivering a Continuum of Services
Multilingual learners in Grades K–12 are often overidentified or underidentified for special education. The third edition of this groundbreaking text offers a better way to meet the needs of multilingual learners: by creating a culturally and linguistically responsive multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) and implementing a continuum of services that meets the needs of the whole child.Shifting away from traditional ways that schools address the needs of students who experience challenges, the new edition of this text takes a strengths-based approach to supporting multilingual students and focuses on the complex issues that affect a multilingual learner's development. Chapters have been fully updated to reflect the latest best practices and reorganized to better align with MTSS. Educators and other school-based professionals will be fully prepared to: Form collaborative MTSS teams that blend the diverse expertise of staff members Evaluate and enhance the learning environment for multilingual learners Gather extensive data about six critical factors in students’ home and school life, from previous schooling experiences to cross-cultural factors Authentically assess the strengths of multilingual learners Create a continuum of services that addresses the individual needs of each student Plan effective instruction and intervention using a multilingual lens Monitor the effectiveness of support strategies and programming for multilingual learners PRACTICAL FEATURES: MTSS team activities to support professional learning Templates, a rating scale, and other reproducible tools Real-world examples from the field Discussion questions to help teams apply the concepts to their own student population
Capstone Press Small Cars
North-South Books (Nord-Sud Verlag AG) Life in Prison
Capstone Press Grains on Myplate (Whats on Myplate?)
Capstone Press Get Moving (Whats on Myplate?)
Capstone Press Dairy on Myplate (Whats on Myplate?)
Capstone Press Dairy on MyPlate
Simon & Schuster Blue Rage, Black Redemption: A Memoir
Oklahoma City Museum of Art Breaking the Mold: Selections from the Washington Gallery of Modern Art, 1961-1968
Breaking the Mold focuses on paintings from a pivotal time, one of transition from postwar abstract expressionism to new artistic developments. It includes works on paper, paintings, and sculpture by fifty artists including Josef Albers, Richard Diebenkorn, Ellsworth Kelly, Morris Louis, and Marcel Duchamp.The Washington Gallery of Modern Art (WGMA) was founded in Washington, DC, on October 28, 1961, to increase the national and international attention given to contemporary art in the nation's capital, with an expressed purpose to exhibit and collect contemporary works of art. In 1968, the museum's collection was sold to the Oklahoma Art Center.This historically important collection from the former Washington gallery played an important role in the collection and cultivation of contemporary American art movements from the 1950s and 1960s, including late abstract expressionism, color field painting, minimalism, and pop art.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Toltec Art of Life and Death
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany Gabriele Münter: Retrospective
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Personalentwicklung in Schulen als Führungsaufgabe: Eine Bestandsaufnahme in den Ländern der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Im Zuge schulischer Reformen wurden Aufgaben der Personalentwicklung von der Schulaufsicht an Schulen delegiert. Für die Verankerung von Personalentwicklungsaufgaben an Einzelschulen spielen rechtliche Regelungen eine entscheidende Rolle. Auf Grundlage einer systematischen Auswertung der rechtlichen Regelungen werden Aufgaben und Entscheidungskompetenzen der (schulischen) Akteure in den 16 Ländern dargestellt. Dabei stehen Schulleitungen im Fokus, zu deren zentralen Führungsaufgaben Personalentwicklung zählt.Damit wird erstmalig eine vergleichende Übersicht der bestehenden Regelungen und Maßnahmen zur Personalentwicklung in Open Access vorgelegt. Diese bietet relevantes Steuerungswissen für bildungspolitische sowie -administrative Entscheidungen und Ansatzpunkte für Forschungsfragen und -felder für künftige Forschungsvorhaben der Bildungsforschung.
Kohlhammer Therapeutische Empfehlungen Fur Menschen Mit Demenz: Selbsterhaltungstherapie (Set) Im Krankenhaus
Kohlhammer Das Spiel in Der Heilpadagogischen Arbeit
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Dinaric Perspectives on TIMSS 2019: Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science in South-Eastern Europe
This open access book brings together national experts from across the Dinaric region to rigorously review IEA’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2019 grade four data to develop a multidimensional and culturally sensitive perspective on their TIMSS 2019 primary-level results. The Dinaric region, named after the Dinaric Alps, is located in South-eastern Europe, and stretches through Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo[1], Albania, and North Macedonia. IEA’s TIMSS has been an invaluable resource for monitoring international trends in mathematics and science achievement at grades four and eight since 1995. The TIMSS 2019 administration of the test to grade four students, provided a unique opportunity for analysis within shared regional settings and enabled the construction of this first report based on international study results from the region, prepared by the National Research Coordinators in collaboration with IEA. [1] This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Labour Supply and Incentives to Work in Europe
>Labour Supply and Incentives to Work in Europe highlights recent developments in the labour supply in Europe and gives a detailed assessment of their link with economic policies and labour market institutions. Despite major changes in European labour supply during the past few decades, the existing literature still lacks a comprehensive study of the relationship between labour supply and labour market institutions from a macro perspective. The contributors, themselves from a variety of academic disciplines and backgrounds, consider aspects of labour supply such as incentives to work, determinants of labour force participation and new forms of employment relationships. Each original and specially written chapter has its own discussion chapter to follow it. The book ends with a valuable panel discussion on the topic of labour supply in an enlarged Europe.This book will be read with interest by scholars of economics and labour economics in particular, as well as those researching industrial relations.
Guilford Publications The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Workbook
Grounded in a holistic approach, this state-of-the-art workbook provides tools and resources for supporting clients with nonprogressive brain injury. Effective strategies are described for building skills and teaching compensatory strategies in such areas as attention, memory, executive functions, mood, and communication. Particular attention is given to facilitating the challenging process of identity change following a life-altering injury. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the volume features 93 reproducible client handouts. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.
Channel View Publications Ltd Theory and Practice in EFL Teacher Education: Bridging the Gap
This volume addresses the complex issues surrounding language teacher education, especially in EFL, and the development of professionalism in this field. By applying such concepts as Shulman's "pedagogical content knowledge", the development of teachers' knowledge base is investigated in a variety of settings, thus underpinning the contextual nature of teacher learning. The vital role of critical reflection at all stages of teacher development is shown to be an integral part of language teachers' knowledge constructions in areas such as pedagogical grammar, assessment and testing. The contributions shed light also on the perception and development of teacher expertise. This volume sets out to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and in so doing shows that these constructs are far from monolithic. Rather, both theory and practice are created and developed dynamically in close interrelation.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Grumbletroll . . . Wants to Be First!
The Grumbletroll teaches kids about fairness and friendship as well as ways to cope with feelings of frustration and rage when they don't win. The Grumbletroll is back in the third book of The Grumbletroll series, and he has only one goal: he absolutely wants to win the big soapbox derby race! Luckily, he has come up with something special for his soapbox, and during the race, he actually manages to overtake the field from behind but along the way derails his friends. The bird is so frightened that it hits a post. The hedgehog runs into a stone, the mouse's steering wheel breaks, and the rabbit no longer has any brakes! Now Grumbletroll has a clear path, and he is the first to cross the finish line. Will Grumbletroll learn the value of sportsmanship and that winning isn't everything? Hop in the soapbox for this wild ride and find out if he is prepared to use all his coping skills to set aside his initial anger and come to the aid of his friends so they can all finish the big soapbox derby race together.
Lexington Books Tokyo: Memory, Imagination, and the City
Tokyo: Memory, Imagination, and the City is a collection of eight essays that explore Tokyo urban space from the perspective of memory in works of the imagination—novels, short stories, poetry, essays, and films. Written by scholars of Japanese studies based in England, Germany, Japan, and the United States, the book focuses on texts produced in Japan since the 1980s. The closing years of the Shōwa period (1926-1989) were a watershed decade of spatial transformation in Tokyo. It was also a time (in Japan, as elsewhere) when conversations about the nature of memory—historical, cultural, collective, and individual—intensified. The contributors to the volume share the view that works of the imagination are constitutive elements of how cities are experienced and perceived. Each of the essays responds to the growing interest in studies on Tokyo with a literary-cultural orientation.
De Gruyter Sabine Groschup – DER DOPPELTE (T)RAUM
The artistic works by Sabine Groschup, a student of Maria Lassnig, range from painting, textile art and cinematic creations to sculptural pieces, literature and photography as well as spatial, video and sound installations. In her Augsburg solo exhibition "DER DOPPELTE (T)RAUM" (the Double Dream), Groschup presents her multifaceted work on a specially created, surreal stage. Real space and dream oscillate and merge into one another. This sets in motion a tense interplay between reality and dream, which is the focus of the artist's creative œuvre. The essays collected here - by Silvia Eiblmayr, Katja Gasser and Peter Weibel, among others - help the reader to decipher and classify this œuvre. First comprehensive presentation of Groschup's extensive and diverse artistic œuvre. Presentation of the aesthetically unique, surreal stage scenario of the Augsburg exhibition Exhibition tim AugsburgJune 29, 2022–October 9, 2022
V&R unipress GmbH Representations & Reflections.: Visualisierung von Kunst und Gewalt im Werk von Don DeLillo
Rowman & Littlefield Great Tours!: Thematic Tours and Guide Training for Historic Sites
Creating tours that are interesting and educational for visitors (and guides!) is a challenge every historic site faces. Great Tours! helps you focus clearly on the material culture and significance of your site and then shows you how to use that focus to train and energize your guides. You will be able to move your tours to a fresh new level that is engaging and educational for visitors of all ages and abilities. Readings and workshop activities frame the process throughout and allow you to develop what is most appropriate for your site, while working to strike a realistic balance between ideals and every day reality. Great Tours! offers a unique combination of theoretical guidance and practical activities, supplemented by reproducible forms and a bibliography and index, that make it an invaluable resource for anyone involved with planning tours and training guides. Published in cooperation with the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Visit their web page.
Rodale Press The Organic Gardener's Handbook of Natural Pest and Disease Control: A Complete Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Garden and Yard the Earth-Friendly Way
With growing consumer awareness about the dangers of garden chemicals, readers can turn to "The Organic Gardener's Handbook Of Natural Pest and Disease Control" as the most reliable and comprehensive guide on the garden shelf. Rodale has been the category leader in organic methods for decades, and this thoroughly updated edition features the latest science-based recommendations for battling garden problems. With all-new photos of common and recently introduced pests and plant diseases, readers can quickly identify whether they've discovered garden friend or foe and what action, if any, they should take. No other reference includes a wider range of methods for growing and maintaining an organic garden. The plant-by-plant guide features symptoms and solutions for 200 popular plants, including flowers, vegetables, trees, shrubs, and fruits. The insect-and-disease encyclopaedia includes a photo identification guide and detailed descriptions of damage readers may see. The extensive coverage of the most up-to-date organic control techniques and products, presented in order of lowest impact to most intensive intervention, makes it easy to choose the best control.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bone Marrow Pathology
Bone Marrow Pathology has been extensively revised to reflect the significant advances which have occurred in the application of cytogenetics and in particular, molecular genetics in the diagnosis, classification and understanding of haematological disorders. This comprehensive book not only provides information on all common disease entities, but also covers rare disorders in which bone marrow examination is useful. It is designed as a practical resource with "problems and pitfalls" highlighted throughout to aid laboratory diagnosis.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Governance as Leadership: Reframing the Work of Nonprofit Boards
A new framework for helping nonprofit organizations maximize the effectiveness of their boards. Written by noted consultants and researchers attuned to the needs of practitioners, Governance as Leadership redefines nonprofit governance. It provides a powerful framework for a new covenant between trustees and executives: more macrogovernance in exchange for less micromanagement. Informed by theories that have transformed the practice of organizational leadership, this book sheds new light on the traditional fiduciary and strategic work of the board and introduces a critical third dimension of effective trusteeship: generative governance. It serves boards as both a resource of fresh approaches to familiar territory and a lucid guide to important new territory, and provides a road map that leads nonprofit trustees and executives to governance as leadership. Governance as Leadership was developed in collaboration with BoardSource, the premier resource for practical information, tools and best practices, training, and leadership development for board members of nonprofit organizations. Through its highly acclaimed programs and services, BoardSource enables organizations to fulfill their missions by helping build effective nonprofit boards and offering credible support in solving tough problems. For the latest in nonprofit governance, visit, or call us at 1-800-883-6262.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Course Syllabus: A Learning-Centered Approach
When it was first published in 1997, The Course Syllabus became the gold standard reference for both new and experienced college faculty. Like the first edition, this book is based on a learner-centered approach. Because faculty members are now deeply committed to engaging students in learning, the syllabus has evolved into a useful, if lengthy, document. Today's syllabus provides details about course objectives, requirements and expectations, and also includes information about teaching philosophies, specific activities and the rationale for their use, and tools essential to student success.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Helping Sophomores Succeed: Understanding and Improving the Second Year Experience
Helping Sophomores Succeed offers an in-depth, comprehensive understanding of the common challenges that arise in a student's second year of college. Sponsored by the University of South Carolina's National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience® and Students in Transition, this groundbreaking book offers an examination of second-year student success and satisfaction using both quantitative and qualitative measures from national research findings. Helping Sophomores Succeed serves as a foundation for designing programs and services for the second-year student population that will help to promote retention, academic and career development, and personal transition and growth. Praise for Helping Sophomores Succeed "Lost, lonely, stressed, pressured, unsupported, frequently indecisive, and invisible, many sophomores fall off the radar of campus educators at a time when they may most be seeking purpose, meaning, direction, intellectual challenge, and intellectual capacity building. The fine scholars who focused educators on the first-year and senior transitions have done it again?a magnificent book to focus on the sophomore year!" ?Susan R. Komives, College Student Personnel Program, University of Maryland "For years, student-centered institutions have front-loaded resources to promote student success in the first college year. This volume is rich with instructive ideas for how to sustain this important work in the second year of college." ?George D. Kuh, Chancellor's Professor and director, Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research "A pioneering work, this brilliant text explores in practical and meaningful ways the all but neglected sophomore-year experience, when students face critical choices about their major, their profession, their life purpose." ?Betty L. Siegel, president emeritus, Kennesaw State University? "All members of the campus community?faculty, student affairs educators, staff, and students?will benefit from learning about the unique challenges of the second college year. The book provides research and best practices to help educators and students craft an integrated, comprehensive approach to helping second-year students succeed." ?Marcia Baxter Magolda, distinguished professor, Educational Leadership, Miami University The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience® and Students in Transition supports and advances efforts to improve student learning and transitions into and through higher education by providing opportunities for the exchange of practical, theory-based information and ideas.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Handbook of Pediatric and Adolescent Obesity Treatment
This volume brings together behavioral, medical, and public health approaches and provides the knowledge necessary for a wide range of practitioners to effectively address the current obesity epidemic among children and adolescents. The book addresses several themes in pediatric and adolescent obesity. Experts in the field discuss the prevalence, etiology, and sequelae of pediatric and adolescent obesity, as well as the medical and behavioral assessment of the overweight child, adolescent, and family. The book offers a comprehensive understanding of the wide range of approaches to pediatric and adolescent obesity treatment, in order to promote an individualized approach that will best fit the patient and family.
Indiana University Press From New York to San Francisco: Travel Sketches from the Year 1869
Welcome to an America you've never seen. Where anyone can drop by the White House and visit the President between 10 a.m. and noon; where cowcatchers are bloodied daily on train tracks between New York and Boston; where spent bullets are strewn across Civil War battlefields, and Indians still roam Yosemite Valley; where pigs rut in the sand-and-clay streets of Washington, DC., and the weather-bleached skeletons of oxen and horses line the old mail roads across the West. For three hot summer months in 1869, Ernst Mendelssohn-Barthody, the nephew of famed composer Felix Mendelssohn, traveled by train across the United States accompanied by his older cousin. His letters back home to Prussia offer fascinating glimpses of a young, rapidly growing America. Unceasingly annoyed at the Americans' tendency to spit all the time, the Prussian aristocrats seemingly visited everyone and everywhere: meeting President Grant and Brigham Young; touring Niagara Falls, Mammoth Cave, the Redwoods, and Yosemite; taking in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Omaha, San Francisco, and the still war-ravaged city of Richmond; and crossing the continent by rail just two months after the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads had been joined at Promontory, Utah.Full of marvelous tales and insightful observations, Ernst Mendelssohn-Barthody's letters are a revealing window to a long-ago America.
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Hanging Pawns
McGraw-Hill Education Musculoskeletal Interventions: Techniques for Therapeutic Exercise, Fourth Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The definitive, A-to-Z overview of evidence-based rehab programs using therapeutic exerciseThis comprehensive guide covers everything practitioners need to know about the design, implementation, and supervision of therapeutic exercise programs for orthopedic injuries and disorders. Featuring contributions from experts in the field, Musculoskeletal Interventions focuses on the practical application of theory in a clinical setting, making it an invaluable resource for students as well as experienced physical therapists. This updated, fourth edition includes expanded coverage of movement systems, along with clinical pearls and hundreds of illustrations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Engineering Fluid Mechanics, International Adaptation
Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 12th edition, guides students from theory to application, emphasizing skills like critical thinking, problem solving and modeling to apply fluid mechanics concepts to solve real-world engineering problems. The essential concepts are presented in a clear and concise format, while abundant illustrations, charts, diagrams, and examples illustrate complex topics and highlight the physical reality of fluid dynamics applications. The text emphasizes on technical derivations, presenting derivations of main equation in a step-by-step manner and explaining their holistic meaning in words. The Wales-Wood Model is used throughout the text to solve numerous example problems. This International Adaptation comes with some updates that enhance and expand certain concepts and some organizational changes. The edition provides a wide variety of new and updated solved problems, real-world engineering examples, and end-of-chapter homework problems and has been completely updated to use SI units. The text, though written from civil engineering perspective, adopts an interdisciplinary approach which makes it suitable for engineering students of all majors who are taking a first or second course in fluid mechanics.
SAGE Publications Inc The Math Pact, Elementary: Achieving Instructional Coherence Within and Across Grades
A school-wide solution for students’ mathematics success! Do you sometimes start to teach a mathematics concept and feel like you’re staring at a sea of bewildered faces? What happens when you discover students previously learned a calculation trick or a mnemonic that has muddied their long-term understanding? When "rules" seem to change from year to year, teacher to teacher, or school to school, mathematics can seem like a disconnected mystery for students. Clear up the confusion with a Mathematics Whole-School Agreement! Expanded from the highly popular "Rules that Expire" series of NCTM articles, this essential guide leads educators through the collaborative step-by-step process of establishing a coherent and consistent learner-centered and equitable approach to mathematics instruction. Through this work, you will identify, streamline, and become passionate about using clear and consistent mathematical language, notations, representations, rules, and generalizations within and across classrooms and grades. Importantly, you’ll learn to avoid "rules that expire"—tricks that may seem to help students in one grade but hurt in the long run. Features of this book include · Abundant grade-specific examples · Effective working plans for sustainability · Barrier-busting tips, to-dos, and try-it-outs · Practical templates and checklists · PLC prompts and discussion points When teachers unite across grades, students hit the ground running every year. Take the next step together as a team and help all your students build on existing understanding to find new success and most importantly, love learning and doing mathematics!