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Brookes Publishing Co Assistive Technology for Young Children: Creating Inclusive Learning Environments
Assistive technology (AT) can help young children with disabilities fully participate in natural, inclusive learning environments but many early childhood professionals don t get the training they need. Fill that gap with this unintimidating, reader-friendly resource, the go-to guide to recommended AT practice for children birth 5. Developed by two leading early childhood specialists with in-depth expertise in assistive technology, this book demystifies AT and gives readers solutions they can implement right away, regardless of their technical experience. Early childhood professionals will learn about the broad spectrum of AT supports for children with disabilities from low-cost, low-tech options such as Velcro and homemade switches to higher tech options such as speech-generating software. Educators, early interventionists, SLPs, and other professionals will learn how to select, implement, and purchase AT devices; determine funding options for AT; assess children s needs; use AT to aid implementation of universal design for learning; embed AT into activity-based intervention; and support communication, language development, and early literacy skills. Professionals will get a CD-ROM with printable forms for evaluating children s AT needs, determining which types of tools and strategies to use, and creating individual AT toolkits that help children meet OSEP outcomes and developmental goals. A must for AT novices and seasoned users alike, this professional resource and supplemental textbook will help readers use the best of today s technology to ensure a fully inclusive education for young children.|Assistive technology (AT) can help young children with disabilities fully participate in natural, inclusive learning environments but many early childhood professionals don t get the training they need. Fill that gap with this unintimidating, reader-friendly resource, the go-to guide to recommended AT practice for children birth 5. Developed by two leading early childhood specialists with in-depth expertise in assistive technology, this book demystifies AT and gives readers solutions they can implement right away, regardless of their technical experience. Early childhood professionals will learn about the broad spectrum of AT supports for children with disabilities from low-cost, low-tech options such as Velcro and homemade switches to higher tech options such as speech-generating software. Educators, early interventionists, SLPs, and other professionals will learn how to select, implement, and purchase AT devices; determine funding options for AT; assess children s needs; use AT to aid implementation of universal design for learning; embed AT into activity-based intervention; and support communication, language development, and early literacy skills. Professionals will get a CD-ROM with printable forms for evaluating children s AT needs, determining which types of tools and strategies to use, and creating individual AT toolkits that help children meet OSEP outcomes and developmental goals. A must for AT novices and seasoned users alike, this professional resource and supplemental textbook will help readers use the best of today s technology to ensure a fully inclusive education for young children.
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Lesourdsville Lake and Americana Amusement Park
University of Nebraska Press Landscapes of Inequity: Environmental Justice in the Andes-Amazon Region
The natural wealth of the Amazon and Andes has long attracted fortune seekers, from explorers, farmers, and gold panners to multimillion-dollar mining, oil and gas, and timber operations. Modern demands for commodities have given rise to new development schemes, including hydroelectric dams, open cast mines, and industrial agricultural operations. The history of human habitation in this region is intimately tied to its rich biodiversity, and the Amazon basin is home to scores of indigenous groups, many of whom have populations so small that their cultural and physical survival is endangered.Landscapes of Inequity explores the debate over rights to and use of resources and addresses fundamental questions that inform the debate in the western Amazon basin, from the Andes Mountains to the tropical lowlands. Beginning with an examination of the divergent conceptual interpretations of environmental justice, the volume explores the issue from two interlocking perspectives: of indigenous peoples and of economic development in a global economy. The volume concludes by examining the efficacy of laws and policies concerning the environment in the region, the viability and range of judicial recourse, and future directions in the field of environmental justice.
Harvard University Press The Sea, Volume 15: Tsunamis
With the recent catastrophe in Indonesia, the topic of tsunamis could not be more timely. This book, volume fifteen in a distinguished series surveying the frontiers of ocean science and research, looks at every aspect of the current science of tsunamis. The world’s foremost experts write about the dynamics of geophysical processes involved in tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation, along with the statistical and geophysical properties of tsunami recurrence, and their application to tsunami forecasts and warnings. Together, their work constitutes the first comprehensive overview of a topic of paramount importance in ocean science today. Coinciding with the recent completion of the United States, enhanced tsunami warning program—which will provide an unprecedented volume of data on tsunamis in the deep ocean—this book will help crystallize a research agenda and foster the study of this critical issue in our understanding of the sea.In the manifold, multidisciplinary efforts of science to understand and manage our planet, contemporary ocean science plays an essential role. This new volume in the series The Sea advances these efforts with a clear focus on one of the ocean’s more significant deadly phenomena.
Yale University Press Drawings by Rembrandt, His Students, and Circle from the Maida and George Abrams Collection
George and Maida Abrams amassed perhaps the finest private collection of Dutch Old Master drawings in the world. This catalogue presents a selection of these superb works, and explores the role of drawing in the creative process in Rembrandt's studio and wider circle. The artists featured include Ferdinand Bol, Govert Flinck, Samuel van Hoogstraten, Jan Lievens, and Nicolas Maes: the key figures in Rembrandt's circle, who at times were deeply influenced by his remarkable style and on other occasions explored different approaches. Their works range from figure studies to landscapes, from narrative and biblical scenes to lively genre scenes. At the heart of the catalogue are ten exceptional drawings by Rembrandt, including two highly finished landscape drawings and a variety of figure studies. The accompanying text is written by two leading scholars of Dutch art, both of whom have worked closely with the Abrams collection. Published in association with the Bruce MuseumExhibition Schedule:Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT(09/24/11-01/08/12)
Rowman & Littlefield Theatre as Human Action: An Introduction to Theatre Arts
Theatre as Human Action is the ideal textbook to introduce students to the various aspects of theatre, especially for those who may have little or no theatergoing experience. Seven diverse plays are described to the reader from the start, and then returned to throughout the book so that students can better understand the concepts being discussed. Both the theoretical and practical aspects of theatre are explored, from the classical definition of theatre to today’s most avant-garde theatre activities. Types of plays, the elements of drama, and theatre criticism are presented, as well as detailed descriptions of the different jobs in theatre, such as actor, playwright, director, designer, producer, choreographer, and more. The book concludes with a look at where and how theatre is evolving in America and the latest changes and innovations today.This fourth edition has been greatly expanded and updated, including: The introduction of four new plays—Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street; Fences; Angels in America; and Hadestown—in addition to Macbeth, You Can’t Take It With You, and Hamilton A discussion of the rise of social media in raising awareness and replacing traditional review outlets An entirely new, enhanced section on diversity and inclusion in theatre An updated selection of playwrights featured, including Terrence McNally, Lynn Nottage, Tony Kushner, and Lin-Manuel Miranda, to better reflect the diversity of those writing for the theatre today. Featuring full-color photographs, updated learning guides, and suggested topics for discussion and research, the fourth edition of Theatre as Human Action is an invaluable resource to introduce students to the world of theatre.
Nova Science Publishers Inc National Archives & Records Administration
Resilient Hedgehog Little Beaver, Big Achiever: 2021
Chronos Publishing 20/20 Visionaries: Dead Celebrity Interviews
Wayne State University Press Race Religion and the Pulpit
Oxford University Press Dimensional Analysis Across the Landscape of Physics
Societe d'Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France (SELAF) Phonologie Du Gunu, Parler Yambassa (langue Bantoue Du Cameroun)
Edinburgh University Press The Classical Tradition in Modern American Fiction
This book is an invaluable survey of the allusions to ancient Greek and Roman culture in the work of seven major modern American novelists: Willa Cather, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison, Philip Roth and Marilynne Robinson.
Dartmouth College Press Neoliberalism and Contemporary American Literature
Neoliberalism is the rare buzzword that has fully crossed over from academic theorizing into mainstream discussion. Neoliberalism and Contemporary American Literature is the first book to examine the ways that US literature has responded to the dominance of our neoliberal regime. The essays collected here reveal how contemporary American writers have both propped up and interrogated the foundations of neoliberalism. The contributors look at a host of literary genres and styles, from the utopian sci-fi of Kim Stanley Robinson and the dark fantasy of Karen Russell to the poetic memoir-fiction hybrids of Ben Lerner, exploring how the relationships between politics, economics, and literary form have become both distorted and revitalized in the age of neoliberalism. Most pressingly, they ask if contemporary literature can still imagine either the end of capitalism or any realistic alternative to it.
BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House Doctor Who: The Reign of Terror: 1st Doctor Novelisation
Jamie Glover reads a thrilling novelisation of an adventure in history for the First Doctor.It's 1794, and the TARDIS materialises some distance from Paris during the French Revolution, the scene of the infamous Reign of Terror. Soon the Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara find themselves caught up in the tangled web of historical events.Who is James Stirling, the master-spy to whom Ian must deliver a message? What world-shattering events are being discussed in a deserted inn off the Calais road? And can the Doctor and his friends escape a violent and bloody death at the dreaded guillotine?Jamie Glover, who played William Russell in BBC TV's An Adventure in Space and Time, reads Nigel Robinson's novelisation of the 1964 TV serial by Dennis Spooner.(P) 2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd © 2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
Penguin Random House Children's UK Only Remembered
Published to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, this beautiful anthology collects favourite extracts, poems and images from some of the UK’s leading cultural, political and literary figures.Poems, short stories, personal letters, newspaper articles, scripts, photographs and paintings are just some of the elements of this astonishing collection, with cover and artwork by renowned illustrator, Ian Beck.Among the many contributors are Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall, Sir Andrew Motion, Miranda Hart, Dame Jacqueline Wilson, Anthony Horowitz, Eoin Colfer, Antony Beevor, Emma Thompson, David Almond, Dr Rowan Williams, Richard Curtis, Joanna Lumley, Raymond Briggs, Shami Chakrabarti and Sir Tony Robinson.Royalties from the publication will be spilt between the Royal British Legion and projects for soldiers' children and families at SSAFA.
University of Minnesota Press A Measure of Success: The Influence of Curriculum-Based Measurement on Education
Simple in concept, far-reaching in implementation, Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) was developed in the 1980s as an efficient way to assess the progress of struggling students, including those with disabilities. Today, there are few areas of special education policy and practice that have not been influenced by CBM progress monitoring. The impact of CBM is reflected in recent education reforms that emphasize improvements in assessment and data-based decision making. Gathering an international group of leading researchers and practitioners, A Measure of Success provides a comprehensive picture of the past, present, and possible future of CBM progress monitoring. The book will be instrumental for researchers and practitioners in both general and special education, particularly those involved in the rapidly growing Response to Intervention (RTI) approach, an approach used to determine the performance and placement of students with learning difficulties.A Measure of Success presents a nuanced examination of CBM progress monitoring in reading, math, and content-area learning to assess students at all levels, from early childhood to secondary school, and with a wide range of abilities, from high- and low-incidence disabilities to no disabilities. This study also evaluates how the approach has affected instructional practices, teacher training, psychology and school psychology, educational policy, and research in the United States and beyond.Timely and unique, this volume will interest anyone in education who wants to harness the potential advantage of progress monitoring to improve outcomes for students.Contributors: Laurence Bergeron; Lionel A. Blatchley; Renee Bradley; Mary T. Brownell, U of Florida; Todd W. Busch, U of St. Thomas; Heather M. Campbell, St. Olaf College; Ann Casey; Theodore J. Christ, U of Minnesota; Kelli D. Cummings, U of Oregon; Eric Dion, U du Québec à Montréal; Isabelle Dubé, U du Québec à Montréal; Hank Fien, U of Oregon; Anne Foegen, Iowa State U; Douglas Fuchs, Vanderbilt U; Lynn S. Fuchs, Vanderbilt U; Gary Germann; Kim Gibbons; Roland H. Good III, U of Oregon; Anne W. Graves, San Diego State U; John L. Hosp, U of Iowa; Michelle K. Hosp; Joseph R. Jenkins, U of Washington; Ruth A. Kaminski; Panayiota Kendeou, Neapolis U Pafos, Cyprus; Dong-il Kim, Seoul National U, South Korea; Amanda Kloo, U of Pittsburgh; Danika Landry, U du Québec à Montréal; Erica Lembke, U of Missouri; Francis E. Lentz Jr., U of Cincinnati; Sylvia Linan-Thompson, U of Texas at Austin; Charles D. Machesky; Doug Marston; James L. McLeskey, U of Florida; Timothy C. Papadopoulos, U of Cyprus; Kelly A. Powell-Smith; Greg Roberts, U of Texas at Austin; Margaret J. Robinson; Steven L. Robinson, Minnesota State U, Mankato; Catherine Roux, U du Québec à Montréal; Barbara J. Scierka; Edward S. Shapiro, Lehigh U; Jongho Shin, Seoul National U, South Korea; Mark R. Shinn, National Louis U; James G. Shriner, U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Paul T. Sindelar, U of Florida; Deborah L. Speece, U of Maryland; Pamela M. Stecker, Clemson U; Martha L. Thurlow, U of Minnesota; RenátaTichá, U of Minnesota; Gerald Tindal, U of Oregon; Paul van den Broek, Leiden U, the Netherlands; Sharon Vaughn, U of Texas at Austin; Dana L. Wagner, Augsburg College; Teri Wallace, Minnesota State U, Mankato; Jeanne Wanzek, Florida State U; Mary Jane White, U of Minnesota; Mitchell L. Yell, U of South Carolina; Naomi Zigmond, U of Pittsburgh.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Twentieth Century Anglican Theologians: From Evelyn Underhill to Esther Mombo
A scholarly volume that reflects the rich diversity of Anglican theology With contributions from an international panel of writers, Twentieth-Century Anglican Theologians offers a wide-ranging view that presents a survey of over twenty diverse Anglican thinkers. The book explores well-known figures including William Temple, Austin Farrer, Donald MacKinnon, and John A.T. Robinson. These theologians are set in a wider context alongside others from India, China, Australia, Ghana, and elsewhere. Notably, the subjects include a number of women from Evelyn Underhill, the first woman to teach the clergy of the Church of England, to Esther Mombo, a major contemporary Anglican figure, from Kenya. The book reflects the rich diversity of Anglicanism, suggesting the ongoing vitality of this religious tradition. This important book: Contains information on a number of prominent women Anglican thinkers Includes contributions from experts from around the world Presents material on both familiar figures and others that are unjustly little known Written for students and teachers of Anglicanism, Anglican clergy, and ecumenical colleagues, Twentieth-Century Anglican Theologians is the first book to reflect the diversity of the Anglican tradition by considering its global theological representatives.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Arthurian Literature XXVII
Arthurian Literature has established its position as the home for a great diversity of new research into Arthurian matters. Delivers some fascinating material across genres, periods, and theoretical issues. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT The influence and significance of the legend of Arthur are fully demonstrated by the subject matter and time-span of articles here. Topics range from early Celtic sources and analogues of Arthurian plots to popular interest in King Arthur in sixteenth-century London, from the thirteenth-century French prose Mort Artu to Tennyson's Idylls of the King. It includes discussion of shapeshifters and loathly ladies, attitudes to treason, royal deaths and funerals in the fifteenth century and the nineteenth, late medieval Scottish politics and early modern chivalry. Elizabeth Archibald is Professor of English, University of Durhaml; Professor David F. Johnson teaches in the English Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee. Contributors: Aisling Byrne, Emma Campbell, P.J.C. Field, Kenneth Hodges, Megan Leitch, Andrew Lynch, Sue Niebrzydowski, Karen Robinson.
University of Nebraska Press Under Jackies Shadow
The stories of thirteen Black Minor League baseball players during the postJackie Robinson era, from the 1960s to the mid-1970s, who were figuratively and literally left behind even as both baseball and the country claimed a newfound racial progressiveness.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Magic in the Space Between: How a unique mentoring programme is transforming women's leadership
Responding to a challenge posed by state and independent school leaders, Ian Wigston put together a team of experienced leaders from business, the public sector and the military to enable nearly a hundred women to explore their potential for school leadership.The Magic in the Space Between explores how mentoring, in tandem with a variety of innovative community projects undertaken by the women, provided a platform for each of them to develop a range of skills which saw more than a quarter achieve promotion within two years.As well as telling the stories of individual success, frequently challenging their own assumptions, the book includes contributions from former Schools Minister David Laws, actor Juliet Stevenson and Commodore Mel Robinson, one of the most senior women in the Navy. The book concludes with proposals to address the continuing problem of building a pipeline of future women’s leadership in education.
Walker Books Ltd National Theatre: Lola Saves the Show
Join Lola on her backstage adventure in the first picture book created with the National Theatre.It's showtime! Lola is a little actor with big dreams. But when disaster strikes on opening night and an important prop goes missing backstage, can Lola save the show in time?A fun and engaging picture book for both daytime and bedtime, packed with backstage drama and laugh-out-loud moments, with references to theatre roles and departments. The perfect gift for any little one that loves the theatre.This book is ideal for fans of Chris Haughton and Michelle Robinson.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Transboundary Pollution: Evolving Issues of International Law and Policy
Transboundary Pollution: Evolving Issues of International Law and Policy provides a comprehensive and perceptive overview of the legal principles that govern pollution internationally and explores the utilization of these principles in practice.Legal principles regarding State responsibility for transboundary pollution are well settled in international law. At issue is how these principles are applied and what mechanisms are developed to regulate specific types of transboundary pollution, including pollution of the marine environment and shared water resources, nuclear pollution and air pollution.Expert contributors come together in this book to discuss all major aspects of transboundary pollution and the practical application of the State responsibility doctrine. Empirical studies of European, Asian and Southeast Asian countries demonstrate regional perspectives of how international law and policy governing transboundary pollution translates into practice.Academics, students and practitioners alike will benefit from the perceptive and discerning insight the book presents into this important issue within international law, environmental law and public policy.Contributors: R. Beckman, A. Boyle, H.C. Bugge, G. Handl, L. Hua, S. Jayakumar, T. Koh, Y. Lyons, S.C. McCaffrey, J. Peel, H.D. Phan, C. Redgwell, N.A. Robinson, L.M. Syarif, A.K-.J.Tan, S. Tay
Random House USA Inc T. Rex: Hunter or Scavenger? (Jurassic World)
Jurassic World is the long-awaited next installment of the groundbreaking Jurassic Park series. T. rex’s, velociraptors, triceratops—as well as some all-new dinosaurs—will roar across the screen in this epic action-adventure directed by Colin Trevorrow starring Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Ty Simpkins and Nick Robinson! Was Tyrannosaurus rex a speedy and savage hunter, or was it a slow-moving scavenger, surviving on scraps left from other dinosaurs’ kills? World renowned tyrannosaur expert Dr. Thomas R. Holtz, Jr., shares the evidence on both sides of the argument in this easy-to-read, easy-to-understand Step into Reading book that young dinosaur enthusiasts will heartily devour.
Universitatsverlag Winter Hannibal Ad Portas: Silius Italicus, 'punica' 12,507-752. Einleitung, Ubersetzung Und Kommentar
American Bar Association A Comprehensive Guide to Wellness in Law
Little, Brown & Company The Dreamer's Dictionary
Identifies the meaning of objects, animals, people, and events observed in dreams.
University of Washington Press Citizen 13660
Mine Okubo was one of over one hundred thousand people of Japanese descent - nearly two-thirds of whom were American citizens - who were forced into “protective custody” shortly after Pearl Harbor. Citizen 13660, Okubo's graphic memoir of life in relocation centers in California and Utah, illuminates this experience with poignant illustrations and witty, candid text. Now available with a new introduction by Christine Hong and in a wide-format artist edition, this graphic novel can reach a new generation of readers and scholars. Read more about Mine Okubo in Mine Okubo: Following Her Own Road, edited by Greg Robinson and Elena Tajima Creef.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Eighteenth-Century Poetry: An Annotated Anthology
Currently the definitive text in the field and now available in an expanded third edition, Eighteenth-Century Poetry presents the rich diversity of English poetry from 1700-1800 in authoritative texts and with full scholarly annotation. Balanced to reflect current interests and "favorites" (including prominent poets like Finch, Swift, Pope, Montagu, Johnson, Gray, Burns, and Cowper) as well as less familiar material, offering a variety of voices and new directions for research and learning Includes 46 new poems with more texts by women poets and the inclusion of four additional poets (Mary Barber, Mehetabel Wright, Anna Seward, and Mary Robinson); poems reflecting new ecological approaches to 18th-century literature; and poems on the art of writing Accessible and user-friendly, with generous head notes, full foot-of-page annotations, an expanded thematic index, and a visually appealing text design
Everyman Fairy Tales
Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales originally appeared in batches each Christmas in the mid-19th century, and Spink's English translation was first published in 1960. This edition has Heath Robinson's illustrations, dating from 1899.
Gill Michael Collins: Soldier and Peacemaker: Little Library 6
‘The freedom to achieve freedom’ – a book to help children discover the life of the remarkable Irish political hero Michael Collins! Discover the soldier and peacemaker that was Michael Collins! Michael Collins was born in County Cork and was the youngest of eight children. He moved to London as a teenager but returned to Ireland to fight in the Easter Rising of 1916. By 1919 he was Minister for Finance in the First Dáil. After the Irish War of Independence, Michael went back to London to negotiate peace. The resulting Anglo-Irish Treaty established the Irish Free State but depended on an oath of allegiance to the Crown. And so the Irish Civil War began … Michael Collins is the sixth book in Gill’s Little Library series. Other books in the series are Granuaile, Brian Boru, Mary Robinson, Tom Crean and Constance Markievicz. When your collection is complete you’ll have a Little Library – and big knowledge!
Coach House Books Uncle: Race, Nostalgia, and the Politics of Loyalty
From martyr to insult, how “Uncle Tom” has influenced two centuries of racial politics. Jackie Robinson, President Barack Obama, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, O.J. Simpson and Christopher Darden have all been accused of being an Uncle Tom during their careers. How, why, and with what consequences for our society did Uncle Tom morph first into a servile old man and then to a racial epithet hurled at African American men deemed, by other Black people, to have betrayed their race? Uncle Tom, the eponymous figure in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s sentimental anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, was a loyal Christian who died a martyr’s death. But soon after the best-selling novel appeared, theatre troupes across North America and Europe transformed Stowe’s story into minstrel shows featuring white men in blackface. In Uncle, Cheryl Thompson traces Tom’s journey from literary character to racial trope. She explores how Uncle Tom came to be and exposes the relentless reworking of Uncle Tom into a nostalgic, racial metaphor with the power to shape how we see Black men, a distortion visible in everything from Uncle Ben and Rastus The Cream of Wheat chef to Shirley Temple and Bill “Bojangles” Robinson to Bill Cosby. In Donald Trump’s post-truth America, where nostalgia is used as a political tool to rewrite history, Uncle makes the case for why understanding the production of racial stereotypes matters more than ever before.
Economía para no dejarse engañar por los economistas 50 claves para entender los problemas económicos actuales
Las preguntas y respuestas fundamentales para entender la economía de nuestro tiempo aprendiendo a dudar y a no dejarse engañar. El título de este libro hace honor a la economista Joan Robinson, quien decía que el sentido de estudiar economía es aprender a no dejarse engañar por los economistas.
Rockridge Press The Beginner's Guide to Medicinal Plants: 50 Essential Wild Herbs to Identify, Harvest, and Use
LMH Publishing 22 Jamaican Short Stories
La gran derrota de Napoleón en Bailén, Elcano y la primera vuelta al mundo, las islas desconocidas de España, Pedro Serrano el naufrago que inspiró a Stevenson para su célebre Robinson Crusoe, el descubrimiento de la Antártida. y otros hechos de la histo
Princeton University Press Pen of Iron
The simple yet grand language of the King James Bible has pervaded American culture from the beginning. This book traces the ways that American novelists ranging from Melville, and Faulkner to Marilynne Robinson, and Cormac McCarthy - have drawn on the resources of the canonical English Bible to fashion their own styles and visions of reality.
Scratching Shed Publishing Ltd Pleasantly Disturbed
The late1980s. Robindreams of becoming Jim Kerr, singer in the best band in the world, SimpleMinds, despite having no talent whatsoever. Fliss is a musical genius, perhaps the East Midlands'answer to Kate Bush, if only she had more confidence.An acclaimed novel by comedy writer Lee Stuart Evans
Penguin Books Ltd A New Voyage Round the World
'A roaring tale ... remains as vivid and exciting today as it was on publication in 1697' GuardianThe pirate and adventurer William Dampier circumnavigated the globe three times, and took notes wherever he went. This is his frank, vivid account of his buccaneering sea voyages around the world, from the Caribbean to the Pacific and East Indies. Filled with accounts of raids, escapes, wrecks and storms, it also contains precise observations of people, places, animals and food (including the first English accounts of guacamole, mango chutney and chopsticks). A bestseller on publication, this unique record of the colonial age influenced Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels and consequently the whole of English literature.Edited with an Introduction by Nicholas Thomas
Thames & Hudson Ltd Archipelago: An Atlas of Imagined Islands
A new atlas of imaginary islands conjured up by an international gathering of illustrators, including work by Coralie Bickford-Smith, Bill Bragg, Marion Deuchars, Chris Riddell, Maisie Paradise Shearring, Hervé Tullet, Aušra Kiudulaite and more.Islomania is a recognized affliction. But what is it about islands that is so alluring, and why do so many people find these self-contained worlds completely irresistible? Utopia and Atlantis were islands, and islands have captured the imaginations of writers and artists for centuries. Venetian sailors were the first to make collections of them by drawing maps of those they visited in their isolari – literally the ‘island books’. Then in 1719 Daniel Defoe published his tale of a castaway on a desert island, Robinson Crusoe, one of the first great novels in the history of literature and an instant bestseller. Defoe’s tale combined the real and the imagined and transformed them into a compelling creative landscape, establishing a whole literary genre and unleashing the power of an island for storytelling. To celebrate the tercentenary of Robinson Crusoe’s publication, a truly international range of leading illustrators imagine they too have been washed up on their own remote island. In a specially created map they visualize what it looks like, what it’s called and what can be found on its mythical shores. In a panoply of astonishingly creative and often surprising responses, we are invited to explore a curious and fabulous archipelago of islands of invention that will beguile illustrators, cartographers and dreamers alike.
WW Norton & Co Beowulf: A Prose Translation: A Norton Critical Edition
Accurate and literally faithful, the Donaldson translation conveys the full meaning and spirit of the original. "Backgrounds and Contexts" provides readers with the historical, linguistic, and literary settings of Beowulf, including Robert C. Hughes on the origins of the Old English language, E. Talbot Donaldson’s presentation of the major features of Old English poetry, new material on Beowulf’s tribes and genealogies, three maps, and a facsimile illustration of the manuscript. "Criticism" collects seven new and wide-ranging interpretations of Beowulf by Fred C. Robinson, Roberta Frank, John D. Niles, Michael Lapidge, Joyce Hill, Helen Bennett, and Nicholas Howe. A Glossary of Proper Names and a Selected Bibliography are included.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Are We Nearly There Yet?: Puffin Book of Stories for the Car
Penguin presents the audio CD edition of Are We Nearly There Yet? read by Daniel Weyman and Michael Obiora.A collection of some of Puffin's best-loved stories all about travel and adventure featuring books by...Quentin Blake, Giles Andreae & Korky Paul, Benedict Blathwayt, Matt de la Pena & Christian Robinson, Emma Thompson, William Steig, Joel Stewart, Shirley Hughes, Peter Bentley & Helen Oxenbury and Nadia Shireen.These stories are brought to life with amazing sound effects.
Red Planet Publishing Ltd 50 Years Legal
This is both the story of the 50-year battle for equal rights and deeply personal accounts from high profile politicians, comedians, actors and others in the public arena. The book features contributions from David Hockney, Stephen Fry, Julian Clary, Matt Lucas, Matthew Parrish, Simon Callow, Will Young, Sir Derek Jacobi, Tom Robinson, Marc Almond, Sir Elton John, Alain Judd, Simon Callow, Angela Eagle, Baroness Barker, Dan Gillespie Sells, Evan Davis, Jake Graf, Jason Prince, Jon Savage, Lee Tracy, Lord Browne, Lord Cashman, Lord Paddick, Lord Smith, Manny, Mark Mcadam, Mark Wardell, Mathew Todd, Olly Alexander, Paris Lee, Paul Gambaccini, Peter Tachell, QBoy, Shon Faye, Stephanie Hirst, Stephen Amos, Steve Blame, The Reverend Andrew Foreshew-Cain, Tris Penna, Yotan Ottolenhgi and Zoe Lyons and more.
Grosset and Dunlap Who Is Michelle Obama?
Born into a close knit family in Chicago, Michelle Robinson was a star student who graduated from Princeton and Harvard Law. Then in 1992, she married another promising young lawyer and the rest, as they say, is history. It is undeniable that President Barack Obama has changed the United States but so has Michelle Obama, the self-proclaimed "Mum in Chief." This compelling, easy-to-read biography is illustrated by New Yorker artist John O'Brien.
Ohio University Press Women and Slavery, Volume Two: The Modern Atlantic
The literature on women enslaved around the world has grown rapidly in the last ten years, evidencing strong interest in the subject across a range of academic disciplines. Until Women and Slavery, no single collection has focused on female slaves who—as these two volumes reveal—probably constituted the considerable majority of those enslaved in Africa, Asia, and Europe over several millennia and who accounted for a greater proportion of the enslaved in the Americas than is customarily acknowledged. Women enslaved in the Americas came to bear highly gendered reputations among whites—as “scheming Jezebels,” ample and devoted “mammies,” or suffering victims of white male brutality and sexual abuse—that revealed more about the psychology of enslaving than about the courage and creativity of the women enslaved. These strong images of modern New World slavery contrast with the equally expressive virtual invisibility of the women enslaved in the Old—concealed in harems, represented to meddling colonial rulers as “wives” and “nieces,” taken into African families and kin-groups in subtlely nuanced fashion. Volume 2 Contributors Henrice Altink Laurence Brown Myriam Cottias Laura F. Edwards Richard Follett Tara Inniss Barbara Krauthamer Joseph C. Miller Bernard Moitt Kenneth Morgan Claire Robertson Marsha Robinson Felipe Smith Mariza de Carvalho Soares
Night Shade Books The Sculptor: A Novel
'The Sculptor is one of the most grimly terrifying serial killers in recent literature.'— Horror scholar and editor ST JoshiAt age seven, Michael Leonard Robinson commits his first murder, turning tragedy into an aesthetic. By the time he turns eighteen, he has become an expert with computers, gaming systems, and the art of video imaging. And now in his forties, fully realised, he has long erased his digital footprint. He is thirty years ahead of our most advanced scientists, military ops tacticians, and elite information tech specialists. He is a master of disguise. He can invent projected realities.Of course, Michael Leonard Robinson could work his dark vision on a global scale, yet he doesn’t need “'he world' for a fetishistic thrill, just a police captain, his receptionist, a detective, a rookie junior officer, his sister and mother, and a lot of dark theatre. Robinson appears to these characters in disguise, film clips, and flashes as he torments them. Their multiple viewpoints are puzzle pieces.When they fuse to finish the puzzle, the final sculpture becomes clear.
Anaya Educación Blanca y Viernes
Todos los veranos Blanca se traslada con sus padres a la casa de la costa. Nunca ha disfrutado de la playa, pero desde que está leyendo Robinson Crusoe el mar le parece distinto. Un día sorprende a un niño africano escondido en la cabaña que hay en su jardín. Le llamará Viernes. Ambos compartirán una increible aventura para que nadie le descubra, pero todo se complica cuando las vacaciones se terminan. Si Blanca se marcha, cómo podrá ayudar a Viernes?
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Penguin Weird Fiction: a celebration of the very best of the weird, a store of novels and tales that for generations have delighted and horrified. Woken from his sleep by an urgent request to attend to a new patient, Dr. John Vanaman is soon at the home of Jesse J. Robinson, a wealthy industrialist, struck gravely ill after a struggle with a burglar. The thief was after Robinson's most prized possession, an item he obsessively guards: a mysterious green box, etched with a single line from an unknown language. Soon, Vanaman and Robinson's courageous neice, Leilah, are drawn into an odyssey, a voyage toward the box's ancient, terrifying originThe greatest novel by one of the pioneering female voices in horror writing, Gertrude Barrows Bennett's Claimed! is a masterful intertwining fantasy, philosophy, and terror. The most important female writer of speculative fiction that you've probably never heard of' Worlds Without End