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Udon Entertainment Corp RandomVeus Vol.2: One-Dimensional Couriers
UDON presents RANDOMVEUS: ONE DIMENSIONAL COURIERS, an original graphic novel from the mind of Jeffrey 'Chamba' Cruz! The Veuniverse is a strange location full of daft and dangerous denizens. This place isn't always the friendliest, so it takes a particular type of brave buffoon to be a courier, especially when there are equally rash rival couriers competing for the same jobs! Join the pompadour-styled Raimundo and his witty cohorts Bloob & Melody (the One Dimensional Couriers) in a race against time to deliver what could be the biggest package of their careers-- all in service of a quizzically questionable client! If you're a fan of dynamic, action-based anime and random humor from down under, you can't go wrong with RANDOMVEUS!
Canongate Books The Complete Peanuts 1983-1984: Volume 17
This volume of The Complete Peanuts is particularly romance-heavy as the Charlie Brown / Peppermint Patty / Marcie triangle heats up; love blossoms between two of the 'Beagle Scout' birds; and Linus is still not Sally's 'Sweet Babboo'! Meanwhile, Charlie Brown becomes, in his worst baseball-related humiliation to date, a Pelican - and Snoopy's brother Spike is still stuck in Needles, surrounded by coyotes, with a cactus as his only friend.
Chicago Review Press The Cartoon Music Book
The popularity of cartoon music, from Carl Stalling’s work for Warner Bros. to Disney sound tracks and The Simpsons’ song parodies, has never been greater. This lively and fascinating look at cartoon music’s past and present collects contributions from well-known music critics and cartoonists, and interviews with the principal cartoon composers. Here Mark Mothersbaugh talks about his music for Rugrats, Alf Clausen about composing for The Simpsons, Carl Stalling about his work for Walt Disney and Warner Bros., Irwin Chusid about Raymond Scott’s work, Will Friedwald about Casper the Friendly Ghost, Richard Stone about his music for Animaniacs, Joseph Lanza about Ren and Stimpy, and much, much more.
Cengage Learning, Inc Guiding Children���s Learning of Mathematics
Trust this market-leading text to give you a thorough introduction to mathematics methods and concepts and provide you with a practical resource guide to teaching grade K���6 mathematics. The text contains over 275 detailed lesson activities for easy-to-implement classroom use. Each activity is also linked to related Common Core Content Standards and Mathematical Practice. Other useful features highlight common student misconceptions about math operations and concepts, tips for being inclusive of students from various cultural backgrounds, and excellent math-related children's literature to use in the classroom. The text is available with MindTap, an online learning experience that guides you to learn concepts and skills critical to becoming a great teacher, and includes useful apps and an eportfolio.
Zephyr Press Verses on Bird
"… a highly developed range that's very beautiful."—Leslie Scalapino Zhang Er grasps for the spiritual through objects of the mundane, quietly detailing the wonder and desperation that courses through human lives. In these poems, the eye watches the eye so that no facet of our existence remains unexplored. "Zhang Er belongs to the generation beyond lament or anger over the hardship endured by Chinese intellectuals, from overthrown rebellion to construction, from confusion to clarity, from darkness to light (ambiguity to clarity). She walks out of suffering and uncertainty, discovers the loveliness, preciousness of life and self-respect . . ."—(New World Poetry Bimonthly) From the poem "Verses on Bird": The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying. From classical fugues to Romanticism, this effort produced Schubert. When storms attack, the nightjar’s cry Swells. The noble revolution will require great Sacrifice, yet do not ask me to capture this process on the black And white keys, nor to switch to another tone. I could not find two birds with identical pitch. With nothing to induce it, innocence makes me walk Into rushing water as if I were brave. Empty space is great, but nothing Repeats itself there. Whether I do Or whether I don’t; from each, the sum of the piano’s voice will rise. Not to be doubted: bird writes poem, one vowel at a time. Zhang Er was born in Beijing, China and moved to the United States in 1986. Her poetry, nonfiction and essays have appeared in publications throughout the world, and she is the author of multiple books in Chinese and in English translation. She has also participated in projects sponsored by the New York Council for the Arts and by the Minetta Brook Foundation.
Arcadia Publishing Historic Easton
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Current and Future Issues in Hemophilia Care
As haemophilia is a life-long condition, continuing supervision by a group of medical personnel is required. In many countries this is provided by comprehensive care haemophilia centres where staff of all specialities concerned with treatment- haematologists, paediatricians, nurses, physiotherapists, orthopaedic surgeons - have specialized knowledge. This new book is a definitive resource on the current aspects and issues around haemophilia. Complications of haemophilia care are well covered in chapters on inhibitors, and musculoskeletal problems, as are all the latest developments in the field of haemophilia.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Elektrodynamik und Relativität: Das theoretische Minimum: Alles, was Sie brauchen, um Physik zu treiben
Wie entsteht die Lorentz-Kraft? Was haben Felder mit Teilchen zu tun? Wieso ist Eichinvarianz anders? Leonard Susskind und Art Friedman erklären nicht alles, was es über Spezielle Relativitätstheorie und Elektrodynamik zu wissen gibt – sondern alles Wichtige.Mit diesem Buch bekommen begeisterte Physik-Amateure die notwendige Mathematik und Formeln an die Hand, die sie für ein wirkliches Verständnis benötigen. Die Autoren erklären mit witzigen und hilfreichen Dialogen, grundlegenden Übungen und glasklaren Erläuterungen die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie und Elektrodynamik so einfach wie möglich, aber nicht einfacher.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Digital Teleretinal Screening: Teleophthalmology in Practice
Digital retinal imaging performed by primary care providers and nurses, followed by remote image interpretation (teleretinal imaging), is rapidly acquiring a crucial role in many parts of the world as it permits the detection of major diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma, in patients who would otherwise be beyond the reach of a trained ophthalmologist. In this book, experts from around the world describe how digital teleretinal screening can be set up and optimally utilized. Technical issues are discussed, and the appropriate use of screening for different diseases and in different age groups is explained. The major part of the book draws upon the clinical experience of leading practitioners in a wide range of teleretinal applications. The result is a comprehensive source of high-quality information for clinicians and other health professionals who are involved in eye care delivery, so that they can assess how teleretinal screening might be applied to their working practice.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Advanced Information Networking and Applications: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2022), Volume 2
This book covers the theory, design and applications of computer networks, distributed computing and information systems. Networks of today are going through a rapid evolution, and there are many emerging areas of information networking and their applications. Heterogeneous networking supported by recent technological advances in low-power wireless communications along with silicon integration of various functionalities such as sensing, communications, intelligence and actuations is emerging as a critically important disruptive computer class based on a new platform, networking structure and interface that enable novel, low-cost and high-volume applications. Several of such applications have been difficult to realize because of many interconnections problems. To fulfill their large range of applications, different kinds of networks need to collaborate, and wired and next generation wireless systems should be integrated in order to develop high-performance computing solutions to problems arising from the complexities of these networks. The aim of the book “Advanced Information Networking and Applications” is to provide the latest research findings, innovative research results, methods and development techniques from both theoretical and practical perspectives related to the emerging areas of information networking and applications.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Complex Intelligent Systems and Their Applications
"Complex Intelligent Systems and Applications" presents the most up-to-date advances in complex, software intensive and intelligent systems. Each self-contained chapter is the contribution of distinguished experts in areas of research relevant to the study of complex, intelligent, and software intensive systems. These contributions focus on the resolution of complex problems from areas of networking, optimization and artificial intelligence. The book is divided into three parts focusing on complex intelligent network systems, efficient resource management in complex systems, and artificial data mining systems. Through the presentation of these diverse areas of application, the volume provides insights into the multidisciplinary nature of complex problems. Throughout the entire book, special emphasis is placed on optimization and efficiency in resource management, network interaction, and intelligent system design. This book presents the most recent interdisciplinary results in this area of research and can serve as a valuable tool for researchers interested in defining and resolving the types of complex problems that arise in networking, optimization, and artificial intelligence.
Broadview Press Ltd The Broadview Anthology of British Literature, Volume 2: The Renaissance and the Early Seventeenth Century
In all six of its volumes The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors, and includes a wide selection of work by lesser-known writers. The anthology also provides wide-ranging coverage of the worldwide connections of British literature, and it pays attention throughout to issues of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation. It includes comprehensive introductions to each period, providing in each case an overview of the historical and cultural as well as the literary background. It features accessible and engaging headnotes for all authors, extensive explanatory annotations, and an unparalleled number of illustrations and contextual materials. Innovative, authoritative and comprehensive, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature has established itself as a leader in the field.The full anthology comprises six bound volumes, together with an extensive website component; the latter has been edited, annotated, and designed according to the same high standards as the bound book component of the anthology, and is accessible by using the passcode obtained with the purchase of one or more of the bound volumes.For the third edition of this volume a considerable number of changes have been made. Newly prepared, for example, is a substantial selection from Baldassare Castiglione’s The Courtier, presented in Thomas Hoby’s influential early modern English translation. Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy is another major addition. Also new to the anthology are excerpts from Thomas Dekker’s plague pamphlets. We have considerably expanded our representation of Elizabeth I’s writings and speeches, as well as providing several more cantos from Edmund Spenser’s Faerie Queene and adding selections from Sir Philip Sidney’s Arcadia. We have broadened our coverage, too, to include substantial selections of Irish, Gaelic Scottish, and Welsh literature. (Perhaps most notable of the numerous authors in this section are two extraordinary Welsh poets, Dafydd ap Gwilym and Gwerful Mechain.) Mary Sidney Herbert’s writings now appear in the bound book instead of on the companion website. Margaret Cavendish, previously included in volume 3 of the full anthology, will now also be included in this volume; we have added a number of her poems, with an emphasis on those with scientific themes. The edition features two new Contexts sections: a sampling of “Tudor and Stuart Humor,” and a section on “Levellers, Diggers, Ranters, and Covenanters.” New materials on emblem books and on manuscript culture have also been added to the “Culture: A Portfolio” contexts section.There are many additions the website component as well—including Thomas Deloney’s Jack of Newbury also published as a stand-alone BABL edition). We are also expanding our online selection of transatlantic material, with the inclusion of writings by John Smith, William Bradford, and Anne Bradstreet.
Watkins Media Limited Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness
Are you a wellness professional experiencing burnout, frustration, and disillusionment with the current healthcare systems? Are you a patient or client who’s curious about seeking answers to your health issues from your own body and energy systems? This comprehensive and accessible guide, grounded in the most up-to-date scientific research and case studies, explains everything you need to know about medical intuition – a revolutionary new perspective in healthcare. The illuminating skill of medical intuition is designed to provide fast, pertinent intuitive health assessments that can be used as both a standalone practice and as a powerful support to health and wellness care of every kind. Intended to uncover the hidden sources of energetic resistance that may be blocking optimal wellbeing, medical intuition is now being increasingly discussed in integrative healthcare, its efficacy supported by innovative, growing research and case studies. In this thought-provoking new guide, discover exactly what medical intuition is – and how it can transform the lives of practitioners, patients, and clients.
MP-NCA Uni of North Carolina Hiking and Traveling the Blue Ridge Parkway The Only Guide You Will Ever Need Including GPS Detailed Maps and More
John Wiley & Sons Essentials of Management and Leadership in Public Health
McFarland & Co Inc Alexander Alekhine's Chess Games, 1902-1946: 2543 Games of the Former World Champion, Many Annotated by Alekhine, with 1868 Diagrams, Fully Indexed
This is by a large degree the most comprehensive accounting of the games of this brilliant chess player. Presented are 2,543 of Alekhine’s games, in an exhaustive catalog that is the result of many years of digging—an effort unparalleled in the history of chess game collections. Many of the games are annotated by Alekhine and 1,868 diagrams appear overall. The book includes games from his earliest correspondence tournaments in 1902 through his final match with Francisco Lupi at Estoril, Portugal, in January 1946.
Steidl Publishers Dorothy Meserve Kunhardt: Collected Works
John Wiley & Sons Inc Metal-Organic Framework Materials
Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are crystalline compounds consisting of rigid organic molecules held together and organized by metal ions or clusters. Special interests in these materials arise from the fact that many are highly porous and can be used for storage of small molecules, for example H2 or CO2. Consequently, the materials are ideal candidates for a wide range of applications including gas storage, separation technologies and catalysis. Potential applications include the storage of hydrogen for fuel-cell cars, and the removal and storage of carbon dioxide in sustainable technical processes. MOFs offer the inorganic chemist and materials scientist a wide range of new synthetic possibilities and open the doors to new and exciting basic research. Metal-Organic Frameworks Materials provides a solid basis for the understanding of MOFs and insights into new inorganic materials structures and properties. The volume also reflects progress that has been made in recent years, presenting a wide range of new applications including state-of-the art developments in the promising technology for alternative fuels. The comprehensive volume investigates structures, symmetry, supramolecular chemistry, surface engineering, recognition, properties, and reactions. The content from this book will be added online to the Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry:
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Procedures & Challenges
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A History of Malaysia
First published in 1982, this text is widely regarded as a leading general history of the country. This new and revised edition brings the story of this fascinating country up to date, incorporating the latest scholarship on every period of Malaysian history, including recent research into pre-modern times. This text thus provides a historical framework that helps explain the roots of the issues dominating Malaysian life today, and the difficulties of creating a multicultural state where resources are equitably shared and the rights of all citizens are acknowledged. This book is a key text for courses on Southeast Asian history and politics. Covering a range of disciplinary subjects in the humanities and social sciences, it is also useful for anyone interested in the assessment of young, modernizing nations. New to this Edition: - A new chapter provides insights into Malaysian history of the last 15 years, including the growing influence of the internet and social media in the political sphere - Greater attention is paid to the strengthening of civil society movements that have arisen in light of perceived government failures - Fresh analysis of Islam's historical role in the Malay world and how it links with the growing Islamization of Malaysia today
Johns Hopkins University Press Quantitative Analyses in Wildlife Science
An authoritative guide to quantitative methods that will help wildlife scientists improve analysis and decision-making.Over the past fifty years, wildlife science has become increasingly quantitative. But to wildlife scientists, many of whom have not been formally trained as biometricians, computer modelers, or mathematicians, the wide array of available techniques for analyzing wildlife populations and habitats can be overwhelming. This practical book aims to help students and professionals alike understand how to use quantitative methods to inform their work in the field. Covering the most widely used contemporary approaches to the analysis of wildlife populations and habitats, Quantitative Analyses in Wildlife Science is divided into five broad areas:• general statistical methods• demographic estimation• dynamic process modeling• analysis of spatially based data on animals and resources• numerical methodsAddressing a variety of topics, from population estimation and growth trend predictions to the study of migration patterns, this book presents fresh data on such pressing issues as sustainable take, control of invasives, and species reintroduction. Authored by leading researchers in wildlife science, each chapter considers the structure of data in relation to a particular analytical technique, as well as the structure of variation in those data. Providing conceptual and quantitative overviews of modern analytical methods, the techniques covered in this book also apply to conservation research and wildlife policy. Whether a quick refresher or a comprehensive introduction is called for, Quantitative Analyses in Wildlife Science is an indispensable addition to every wildlife professional's bookshelf. Contributors: William M. Block, Leonard A. Brennan, Stephen T. Buckland, Christopher C. Chizinski, Evan C. Cooch, Raymond J. Davis, Stephen J. DeMaso, Randy W. DeYoung, Jane Elith, Joseph J. Fontane, Julie A. Heinrichs, Mevin B. Hooten, Julianna M. A. Jenkins, Zachary S. Laden, Damon B. Lesmeister, Daniel Linden, Jeffrey J. Lusk, Bruce G. Marcot, David L. Miller, Michael L. Morrison, Eric Rexstad, Jamie S. Sanderlin, Joseph P. Sands, Erica F. Stuber, Chris Sutherland, Andrew N. Tri, David B. Wester, Gary C. White, Christopher K. Williams, Damon L. Williford
John Wiley & Sons Inc Plan or Die!: 101 Keys to Organizational Success
This book explodes the myth that simply coping with unexpected change is effective for the long-term health of an organization. Through a series of parables that illustrate how things are not always as they appear, Plan or Die! clearly shows you why today's most successful organizations are those that are actively involved in creating their own future."[Plan or Die!] provides a highly flexible but very functional road map for firms which need to develop their own planning process." --Thomas W. Morgan, president, Hartson Medical Services Examine the keys critical to shaping your organization's future: * Basing decisions on values * Having a shared vision * Promoting risk taking * Encouraging innovation and flexibility * Maintaining a market focus Learn how the proven Applied Strategic Planning model can work for you. Take part in your organization's future success right now!
Princeton University Press The Writings of Henry David Thoreau, Volume 4: Journal, Volume 4: 1851-1852.
From 1837 to 1861 Thoreau kept a Journal that began as a conventional record of ideas, grew into a writer's notebook, and eventually became the principal imaginative work of his career. The source of much of his published writing, the Journal is also a record of both his interior life and his monumental studies of the natural history of his native Concord, Massachusetts. In contrast to earlier editions, the Princeton Edition reproduces the Journal in its original and complete form, in a reading text that is free of editorial interpolations but keyed to a comprehensive scholarly apparatus. Despite activities as time-consuming and varied as urveying for the town of Concord and helping a fugitive slave escape to Canada, Thoreau wrote nearly eight hundred manuscript pages in his Journal during the eight months covered by this volume. Confirmed in his vocation as a natural historian, he began to compile the richly detailed records of Concord's woods, fields, and streams that would occupy him for the rest of his life, and he consciously shaped the Journal to reflect his new aims as a writer. He also began major revisions of his Walden that would lead to its publication in 1854.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Renegotiating Health Care: Resolving Conflict to Build Collaboration
Renegotiating Health Care Since the first edition of Renegotiating Health Care was published in 1995, new treatments, technologies, business models, reimbursement methods, and regulations have tangibly transformed the substance of health care negotiation. This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Renegotiating Health Care offers a practical guide to negotiation and conflict resolution in the health care field. It explores why unresolved conflict can hamper any organization's ability to make timely, cost-effective decisions and implement new strategies. The book focuses on the complex interactions between those who deliver, receive, administer, and oversee health care. It defines negotiation techniques and conflict resolution approaches that can improve efficiency, quality of care, and patient safety. Renegotiating Health Care outlines strategies and methods to resolve the myriad thorny issues encompassing the health care enterprise. It should be required reading for students and professionals in health services management, clinicians, leaders, policy makers, and conflict resolution experts working in the health care field. Praise for Renegotiating Health Care "An outstanding book! I learned their principles of meta-leadership while at the CDC and continue to use them at ABC News. This book is a must for anyone in leadership: practical, intuitive, and priceless." Richard E. Besser, MD, chief health and medical editor, ABC News "This book is a must-read to assist today's health professional navigate the ever-changing health care delivery system. Leadership will be the key to success." Pat Ford-Roegner, RN, MSW, FAAN, senior health consultant and former CEO, American Academy of Nursing
Skyhorse Publishing The Law (in Plain English) for Photographers
"If you're a professional photographer, you must own this book." --David Hume Kennerly, Pulitzer Prize winner, former White House photographer, University of Arizona presidential scholar The All-in-One Resource for Photographers at All Levels In The Law (in Plain English)(R) for Photographers, Leonard D. DuBoff and Sarah J. Tugman walk reader
Arcadia Publishing Along the Appalachian Trail: Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee
Springer International Publishing AG Outpatient Hip and Knee Replacement: Implementation and Essential Techniques
Outpatient surgery and early discharge is the hottest topic in hip and knee arthroplasty and will continue to be in the coming years: It is expected that over 50% of all hip and knee arthroplasties will be performed in the outpatient setting by 2026. Currently, a central text that encompasses all of the unique aspects of performing hip and knee arthroplasty in the outpatient setting does not exist. Furthermore, as surgeons across the US and abroad are incentivized and encouraged by government and commercial payors, as well as patients, to perform these surgical procedures in the outpatient setting, the educational material must be available to disseminate the unique perioperative and surgical strategies and techniques accordingly. This book is unique in that it will address all the essential elements and considerations to promote surgeon success in this endeavor and enhance patient safety through the transition of hip and knee arthroplasty into the outpatient setting, as well as how to implement such a program into practice. Topics discussed include patient selection, medical optimization and risk management, anesthetic surgical techniques, pain management protocols, and postoperative physical therapy. Later chapters cover practical issues surrounding outcome metrics, discharge criteria, minimizing patient readmissions, financial considerations, and additional implications for hospitals, ASCs and payers.Filling a glaring gap in the literature on this popular new topic, Outpatient Joint Replacement is an ideal resource for orthopedic surgeons, notably hip and knee specialists, as well as residents, fellows and supporting clinical staff.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Basic Marketing Management
To accommodate instructors who either don't use cases or prefer to select their own, we offer a marketing management book that focuses exclusively on text material. In addition, to keep the price of the book affordable, we have chosen to publish this book in a paperback form. Like the Marketing Management: Text and Cases, Seventh Edition text, this book is intended for the Sr/MBA course in Marketing Management or Marketing Strategy. 15 chapters provide good coverage of the subject in a compact format.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Integrated Passive Component Technology
This is a thorough survey of the state-of-the-art in Integrated Passive Component Technology. Describes the processes available for creating integrated passives, measuring their properties, and applying them. Brings reader up to date in a fast-moving technology. Enables reader to implement the technology into a manufacturing environment. Covers existing and potential technologies for various substrate systems such as FR4, ceramic, and HDI. Describes applications favorable to integrated passives and the economic tradeoffs associated with their implementation.
University of Illinois Press Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900, New Edition
Leonard Arrington, who died in 1999, is considered by most, if not all, serious scholars of Mormon and western history as the single most important figure to write on LDS history. Great Basin Kingdom is perhaps his greatest work. A classic in Mormon studies and western history, Great Basin Kingdom offers insights into the ‘underdeveloped' American economy, a comprehensive treatment of one of the few native American religious movements, and detailed, exciting stories from little-known phases of Mormon and American history. This edition includes thirty new photographs and an introduction by Ronald W. Walker that provides a brief biography of Arrington, as well as the history of the work, its place in Mormon and western historiography, and its lasting impact.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Wills Eye Strabismus Atlas
Strabismus is a visual problem in which the eyes are not aligned properly and point in different directions. One eye may look straight ahead, while the other eye turns inward, outward, upward, or downward (eyeSmart). The second edition of this atlas presents ophthalmologists and trainees with the latest developments and research in the ophthalmic subspecialty of strabismus. Beginning with detail on ocular anatomy, sensory physiology and tests for sensory status and ocular alignment, the following chapters provide guidance on the diagnosis and management of different strabismus disorders, from basic to more advanced. Written by experienced specialists from the world renowned Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia and Columbia University, New York, this atlas is highly illustrated with nearly 500 clinical photographs, colour diagrams and tables. Key points New edition presenting latest developments and research in strabismus Covers diagnosis and management of numerous strabismus disorders Written by experts from Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia and Columbia University, New York Includes nearly 500 clinical photographs , diagrams and tables
Menasha Ridge Press Inc. Wildflowers of the Appalachian Trail
Stunning full-color photography Nearly 100 species profiled Additional 60 species cited with respect to their distinguishing features Profiles include locations along Appalachian Trail where flowers may be seen
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021)
This book includes proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), which took place in Asan, Korea, on July 1-3, 2021. With the proliferation of wireless technologies and electronic devices, there is a fast-growing interest in Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing (UPC). The UPC enables to create a human-oriented computing environment where computer chips are embedded in everyday objects and interact with physical world. Through UPC, people can get online even while moving around, thus, having almost permanent access to their preferred services. With a great potential to revolutionize our lives, UPC also poses new research challenges.The aim of the book is to provide the latest research findings, methods, development techniques, challenges, and solutions from both theoretical and practical perspectives related to UPC with an emphasis on innovative, mobile, and Internet services.
University of Cincinnati Press Surviving the Americas – Garifuna Persistence from Nicaragua to New York City
The Garifuna are a Central American, Afro-Indigenous people descended from shipwrecked West Africans and local Indigenous groups on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent. For over two centuries, the Garifuna have experienced oppression, exile, and continued diaspora that has stretched their communities to Honduras, Belize, and beyond. However, little has been written about the experiences of the Garifuna in Nicaragua, a community of about 5,000 who live primarily on the Caribbean coast of the country. In Surviving the Americas, Serena Cosgrove, José Idiáquez, Leonard Joseph Bent, and Andrew Gorvetzian shed light on what it means to be Garifuna today, particularly in Nicaragua. Their research includes over nine months of fieldwork in Garifuna communities in the Pearl Lagoon on the southern Caribbean coast of Nicaragua and in New York City. The resulting ethnography illustrates the unique social issues of the Nicaraguan Garifuna and how their culture, traditions, and reverence for their ancestors continues to persist.
University of Illinois Press Chicanas of 18th Street: Narratives of a Movement from Latino Chicago
Overflowing with powerful testimonies of six female community activists who have lived and worked in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago, Chicanas of 18th Street reveals the convictions and approaches of those organizing for social reform. In chronicling a pivotal moment in the history of community activism in Chicago, the women discuss how education, immigration, religion, identity, and acculturation affected the Chicano movement. Chicanas of 18th Street underscores the hierarchies of race, gender, and class while stressing the interplay of individual and collective values in the development of community reform. Highlighting the women's motivations, initiatives, and experiences in politics during the 1960s and 1970s, these rich personal accounts reveal the complexity of the Chicano movement, conflicts within the movement, and the importance of teatro and cultural expressions to the movement. Also detailed are vital interactions between members of the Chicano movement with leftist and nationalist community members and the influence of other activist groups such as African Americans and Marxists.
Chronicle Books The Art of Alice and Martin Provensen
The Art of Alice and Martin Provensen is the first-ever monograph on this beloved midcentury husband-and-wife illustration team. This award-winning pair created more than 40 beloved children's books over the span of seven decades, many of which appeared on the New York Times Best Illustrated Books of the Year lists. From early favorites for Golden Books such as The Color Kittens by Margaret Wise Brown, 1949, to their Caldecott-winning title The Glorious Flight: Across the Channel with Louis Bleriot, 1983, the Provensens' books inspired generations of young readers. Original paintings for their beloved classics such as A Child’s Garden of Verses, 1951, The Iliad and the Odyssey, 1959, Myths and Legends, 1960 and many others, are beautifully reproduced and included here. This comprehensive volume showcases hundreds of their well-known illustrations, as well as many never-before-seen paintings, drawings, and exquisite sketchbooks from their travels around the world. An interview with their daughter Karen Provensen Mitchell illuminates their life and career and includes many personal photographs, quotes, speeches, and memorabilia from their archive. An introduction by Leonard S. Marcus, a leading historian in children’s literature, underscores the Provensen’s importance and influence as illustrators and authors. Additionally, noted publisher and close family friend Robert Gottlieb, provides a personal essay that shares many of his memories with this cherished couple. The Provensens' colorful, inimitable artwork is a treasure trove that has influenced generations of children, designers, illustrators, historians, and all who cherish classic children's books.
Ahoy Comics Second Coming: Only Begotten Son
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Finding Clarity: A Guide to the Deeper Levels of Your Being
Hal Leonard Corporation Sonata For Clarinet And Piano: Revised Edition - Based on Manuscript Sources
Rowman & Littlefield The Critical Pragmatism of Alain Locke: A Reader on Value Theory, Aesthetics, Community, Culture, Race, and Education
This book provides a comprehensive overview of Alain Locke's pragmatist philosophy. It aims to capture the radical implications of Locke's approach within pragmatism, the critical temper embedded in Locke's works, the central role of power and empowerment of the oppressed, and the concept of broad democracy Locke employed. Arguing that the school of thought Locke initiated is best described as critical pragmatism, the well-known philosopher and Locke scholar, Leonard Harris, provides a clear and thorough introduction to Locke's thought that will be useful to students and scholars alike. At a time when critical theory in all forms_post-Marxist, legal, race, and gender theory_is undergoing a major reassessment, this volume is especially timely. Locke's critical pragmatism arguably avoids the pitfalls of critical theory, anticipates its tremendous contribution to human liberation, and offers an alternative to the limitations of classical pragmatism. This volume introduces unique individual interpretations of Locke and critical reflections on his philosophy. Each author, in the spirit of Locke's critical temper, offers their own contribution to extremely difficult issues.
Penguin Putnam Inc Hot Off the Presses Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
Random House USA Inc First Love and Other Stories: Introduction by V. S. Pritchett
Penguin Putnam Inc Journey to the Center of the Earth
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Advanced Information Networking and Applications: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2022), Volume 3
This book covers the theory, design and applications of computer networks, distributed computing and information systems. Networks of today are going through a rapid evolution, and there are many emerging areas of information networking and their applications. Heterogeneous networking supported by recent technological advances in low-power wireless communications along with silicon integration of various functionalities such as sensing, communications, intelligence and actuations is emerging as a critically important disruptive computer class based on a new platform, networking structure and interface that enable novel, low-cost and high-volume applications. Several of such applications have been difficult to realize because of many interconnections problems. To fulfill their large range of applications, different kinds of networks need to collaborate, and wired and next generation wireless systems should be integrated in order to develop high-performance computing solutions to problems arising from the complexities of these networks. The aim of the book “Advanced Information Networking and Applications” is to provide the latest research findings, innovative research results, methods and development techniques from both theoretical and practical perspectives related to the emerging areas of information networking and applications.
Ahoy Comics Second Coming: Trinity
Stanford University Press Standard Albanian: A Reference Grammar for Students
A Stanford University Press classic.
Broadview Press Ltd The Broadview Anthology of British Literature, Volume 1: The Medieval Period
In all six of its volumes The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors, and includes a wide selection of work by lesser-known writers. The anthology also provides wide-ranging coverage of the worldwide connections of British literature, and it pays attention throughout to issues of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation. It includes comprehensive introductions to each period, providing in each case an overview of the historical and cultural as well as the literary background. It features accessible and engaging headnotes for all authors, extensive explanatory annotations, and an unparalleled number of illustrations and contextual materials. Innovative, authoritative and comprehensive, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature has established itself as a leader in the field.The full anthology comprises six bound volumes, together with an extensive website component; the latter has been edited, annotated, and designed according to the same high standards as the bound book component of the anthology, and is accessible by using the passcode obtained with the purchase of one or more of the bound volumes.In the revised third edition of this volume, the term 'Anglo-Saxon' has been removed from our editorial apparatus - a change made in response to recent scholarly work that has drawn attention to the term's historical and current usage by white supremacists. We have also taken the opportunity to implement a small number of additional improvements. We have also taken the opportunity to implement a small number of additional improvements; the pagination, however, remains the same.