Search results for ""author institute of leadership"
Agenda Publishing Thatcherism
Margaret Thatcher, prime minister between 1979 and 1990, was and continues to be a hugely divisive figure in Britain. Her influence on British politics has long outlived her, with the Conservative Party becoming steadily more Thatcherite than it was under her leadership, especially on economic issues. Policies that support privatization, curbs on trade unions and employment rights (to promote further labour market flexibility), reduction in welfare provision, the replacement of collectivism with individualism, and the marketization of public services, including the NHS and education, are all Thatcherism in practice, and still continue today. Peter Dorey offers a lively analysis of how Thatcherism became an ideology for politics to conjure with, its relationship with its eponymous leader and with the Conservative Party, as well as the long-term implications for the British people. He argues that the radical modernization of Britain that started under Thatcher’s leadership in the 1980s has created the conditions that have led to the polarization of British society today; a process that was profoundly unconservative in its values and approach, destabilizing institutions which Conservatives once deemed sacrosanct, and replacing continuity and solidity with constant change and competition.
Palgrave Macmillan The Holocaust and European Societies: Social Processes and Social Dynamics
This book explores the Holocaust as a social process. Although the mass murder of European Jews was essentially the result of political-ideological decisions made by the Nazi state leadership, the events of the Holocaust were also part of a social dynamic. All European societies experienced developments that led to the social exclusion, persecution and murder of the continent’s Jews. This volume therefore questions Raul Hilberg´s category of the ‘bystander’. In societies where the political order expects citizens to endorse the exclusion of particular groups in the population, there cannot be any completely uninvolved bystanders. Instead, this book examines the multifarious forms of social action and behaviour connected with the Holocaust. It focuses on institutions and persons, helpers, co-perpetrators, facilitators and spectators, beneficiaries and profiteers, as well as Jewish victims and Jewish organisations trying to cope with the dynamics of exclusion and persecution.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Climate Governance in the Developing World
Since 2009, a diverse group of developing states that includes China, Brazil, Ethiopia and Costa Rica has been advancing unprecedented pledges to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, offering new, unexpected signs of climate leadership. Some scholars have gone so far as to argue that these targets are now even more ambitious than those put forward by their wealthier counterparts. But what really lies behind these new pledges? What actions are being taken to meet them? And what stumbling blocks lie in the way of their realization? In this book, an international group of scholars seeks to address these questions by analyzing the experiences of twelve states from across Asia, the Americas and Africa. The authors map the evolution of climate policies in each country and examine the complex array of actors, interests, institutions and ideas that has shaped their approaches. Offering the most comprehensive analysis thus far of the unique challenges that developing countries face in the domain of climate change, Climate Governance in the Developing World reveals the political, economic and environmental realities that underpin the pledges made by developing states, and which together determine the chances of success and failure.
Stanford University Press Bird in a Cage: Legal Reform in China after Mao
Since 1979, China has been building new legal institutions made necessary by economic reforms that have reduced the role of state planning, and by the decline of Maoist totalitarianism. This book analyzes the principal legal institutions that have emerged and assesses the prospects for increasing the rule of law in China. The book first establishes the cultural and institutional context in which legal reforms take place. It traces the main features of pre-Communist Chinese legal tradition, the drastic impact on law of thirty years of Maoist rule, and the extensive changes throughout Chinese society since Mao’s death, notably the rise of the local party-state at the expense of central government power. The book’s analysis begins with the Chinese leadership’s policy toward law, identifying basic ambivalence toward law that makes the Chinese commitment to legality incomplete. It then surveys major developments, emphasizing the creation of new rights, revision of criminal law and procedure, and construction of a nascent administrative law. The book then examines in detail dispute resolution by extrajudicial mediation and the courts. Although mediation is no longer infused with Maoism, it is still used as an instrument to maintain public order. The study of the courts examines court organization, the selection and training of judges, the rise of litigation, the critical influence of localism, and ongoing conflicts between professionalism and a continuing tendency to view the judge as a soldier of the state. The author suggests that the limited role that Chinese courts are today permitted to play combines with the organization of the judicial process and the mentality of the judiciary to make Chinese adjudication more akin to bureaucratic decision making than judging in the West. How should the accomplishments of legal reform and the continuing obstacles to further reform affect U.S. policy toward China? The book concludes by appraising implications for U.S. policy on such issues as human rights, Chinese involvement with the World Trade Organization, and bilateral relations generally. The author argues that U.S. policy makers must neither moralize about the rule of law nor dismiss it as a concept alien to China. They must also curb both optimism and expectations that legal reform will lead to political reform. Chinese law can only grow slowly, no matter how urgently the West may desire quick progress.
John Murray Press Co-Active Coaching: The proven framework for transformative conversations at work and in life - 4th edition
The definitive edition - updated and expanded, with access to an online toolkit.'The bible of coaching guides...No other book gives you the tools, skills, and the fundamentals needed to succeed in these delicate relationships.' Stephen R. Covey, Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleCo-Active Coaching offers current and aspiring coaches, leaders and managers in organisations and anyone wanting to strengthen interpersonal relationships, a practical, yet transformative communication process called the Co-Active Model. Since its creation by the authors more than 25 years ago, the Co-Active Model and the book have formed the foundation of the authors' six-part coach training program delivered globally to tens of thousands of individuals each year through the authors' training institute, CTI. With its origins in the coaching profession, the Co-Active Model also applies to work and interpersonal relationships because it is based on principles of effective communication backed by current scientific research. In this highly-anticipated new edition, the universal applicability of the the Co-Active Model is emphasised. It goes beyond the one-on-one coach/coachee structure to include guidance for leaders and managers on how they can add a coaching competency to their professional skill set.New to this edition:· Every chapter has been updated for relevance and direct application to coaching in all of its forms, including in the workplace· New material covering: current neuroscience research, Co-Active approaches to leadership development and working with groups and teams· More examples drawn from the authors' first-hand experiences, especially in workplace settings · More examples of the Co-Active Model applied internationally· Updated/fine-tuned glossary (less jargon) · Web-based 'Toolkit' with 27 exercises, questionnaires, checklists, and reproducible forms
Johns Hopkins University Press Land-Grant Universities for the Future: Higher Education for the Public Good
Land-grant colleges and universities have a storied past. This book looks at their future.Land-grant colleges and universities occupy a special place in the landscape of American higher education. Publicly funded agricultural and technical educational institutions were first founded in the mid-nineteenth century with the Morrill Act, which established land grants to support these schools. They include such prominent names as Cornell, Maryland, Michigan State, MIT, Ohio State, Penn State, Rutgers, Texas A&M, West Virginia University, Wisconsin, and the University of California—in other words, four dozen of the largest and best public universities in America. Add to this a number of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and tribal colleges—in all, almost 300 institutions. Their mission is a democratic and pragmatic one: to bring science, technology, agriculture, and the arts to the American people.In this book, Stephen M. Gavazzi and E. Gordon Gee discuss present challenges to and future opportunities for these institutions. Drawing on interviews with 27 college presidents and chancellors, Gavazzi and Gee explore the strengths and weaknesses of land-grant universities while examining the changing threats they face. Arguing that the land-grant university of the twenty-first century is responsible to a wide range of constituencies, the authors also pay specific attention to the ways these universities meet the needs of the communities they serve. Ultimately, the book suggests that leaders and supporters should become more fiercely land-grant in their orientation; that is, they should work to more vigorously uphold their community-focused missions through teaching, research, and service-oriented activities.Combining extensive research with Gee’s own decades of leadership experience, Land-Grant Universities for the Future argues that these schools are the engine of higher education in America—and perhaps democracy’s best hope. This book should be of great interest to faculty members and students, as well as those parents, legislators, policymakers, and other area stakeholders who have a vested interest in the well-being of America’s original public universities.
Princeton University Press Exam Schools: Inside America's Most Selective Public High Schools
What is the best education for exceptionally able and high-achieving youngsters? Can the United States strengthen its future intellectual leadership, economic vitality, and scientific prowess without sacrificing equal opportunity? There are no easy answers but, as Chester Finn and Jessica Hockett show, for more than 100,000 students each year, the solution is to enroll in an academically selective public high school. Exam Schools is the first-ever close-up look at this small, sometimes controversial, yet crucial segment of American public education. This groundbreaking book discusses how these schools work--and their critical role in nurturing the country's brightest students. The 165 schools identified by Finn and Hockett are located in thirty states, plus the District of Columbia. While some are world renowned, such as Boston Latin and Bronx Science, others are known only in their own communities. The authors survey the schools on issues ranging from admissions and student diversity to teacher selection. They probe sources of political support, curriculum, instructional styles, educational effectiveness, and institutional autonomy. Some of their findings are surprising: Los Angeles, for example, has no "exam schools" while New York City has dozens. Asian-American students are overrepresented--but so are African-American pupils. Culminating with in-depth profiles of eleven exam schools and thoughtful reflection on policy implications, Finn and Hockett ultimately consider whether the country would be better off with more such schools. At a time of keen attention to the faltering education system, Exam Schools sheds positive light on a group of schools that could well provide a transformative roadmap for many of America's children.
New York University Press Prison Life: Pain, Resistance, and Purpose
How prisons around the world shape the social lives of their inhabitants Prison Life offers a fresh appreciation of how people in prison organize their lives, drawing on case studies from Africa, Europe and the US. The book describes how order is maintained, how power is exercised, how days are spent, and how meaning is found in a variety of environments that all have the same function – incarceration – but discharge it very differently. It is based on an unusually diverse range of sources including photographs, drawings, court cases, official reports, memoirs, and site visits. Ian O’Donnell contrasts the soul-destroying isolation of the federal supermax in Florence, Colorado with the crowded conviviality of an Ethiopian prison where men and women cook their own meals, seek opportunities to generate an income, elect a leadership team, and live according to a code of conduct that they devised and enforce. He explores life on wings controlled by the Irish Republican Army in Northern Ireland’s H Blocks, where men who saw the actions that led to their incarceration as politically-motivated moved as one, in perpetual defiance of the authorities. He shows how prisoners in Texas took to the courts to overthrow a regime that allowed their routine subjugation by violent men known as building tenders, who had been selected by staff to supervise and discipline their peers. In each case study O’Donnell presents the life story of a man who was molded by, and in return molded, the institution that held him. This ensures that his reflections on law and policy as well as on theory and practice never lose sight of the human angle. Imprisonment is about pain after all, and pain is personal.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Conversational Capacity: The Secret to Building Successful Teams That Perform When the Pressure Is On
OPEN, BALANCED DIALOGUE--THE KEY TO PEAK TEAM PERFORMANCEIn a world of rapid-fire change, it's more important than ever to build teams that work well when the pressure is on—and quality communication can mean the difference between success and failure.Conversational Capacity provides the communication tools you need to ensure that your team remains on track even when dealing with its most troublesome issues, that it responds to tough challenges with agility and skill, and performs brilliantly in circumstances that would incapacitate less disciplined teams.Praise for Conversational Capacity:"This book blows the lid off everything you have learned about team building and will have you asking, 'Why didn't someone show me this before?'" -- Rick Woodcock, Chief Technology Officer of the US Naval Institute, Annapolis"Easy to implement, Craig Weber's techniques will transform your organization. We put these principles into practice and saw immediate results." -- Scott Goodey, CEO, Greenpoint Technologies"A must-read for leaders and those who aspire to lead. It's one of the most influential books on the value of teaming." -- Benjamin Ola Akande, PhD, Professor of Economics and Dean of the George Herbert Walker School of Business and Technology, Webster University"Conversational Capacity is one of those rare books that will forever change how you see yourself and the people with whom you work. Read it. Recommend it to your boss, your team, and your friends." -- Jan Wilmott, Director of Leadership Development at the Royal Bank of Canada"This book provides a practical roadmap to learning the single most important skill that any leader can and should master. Conversational Capacity will change the way you lead and transform your relationships--at work and at home." -- Andy Restivo, President and CEO of Creative Channel Services, an Omnicom Group Company"Conversational Capacity shows leadership teams how to think actively and adapt quickly. Better yet, the simplicity of the book enables the reader to apply the concepts and ideas in any leadership position." -- Mark Milliner, CEO of Personal Insurance at Suncorp "Craig Weber has a gift for connecting what it means to build healthy relationships with the nuts and bolts of running an organization. In Conversational Capacity he brings a refreshing combination of practical tools, personal examples, and wisdom from having worked with hundreds of leaders over the years. If you are a leader or someone interested in getting better at what you do, Conversational Capacity is a must read." -- Rob McKenna, PhD, Executive Director of the Center for Leadership Research and Development and author of Dying to Lead "Craig Weber challenges us to think differently about the way we talk to each other. Not since the seminal work of Chris Argyris have I read a book that so well documents the promise and the peril of dialogue. Readers will learn to develop conversational competence with team members and with leaders at all levels. You will learn to become more mindful in difficult situations, appreciate the power of curiosity, and develop ways to experiment, compare, reframe, and reengage with renewed commitment. We need this book, now more than ever. Once you read it, you will want to share it as soon as possible!" -- Frank J. Barrett, PhD, Professor of Management and Organizational Behavior, Global Public Policy, at the Graduate School of Business and Public Policy, Naval Postgraduate School and author of Yes to the Mess "This book has transformed the way I lead, teach, and facilitate. Weber captures the essence of team effectiveness and provides a well-researched and tested model that supports the other building blocks of leadership." -- Dr. Tony Herrera, Direct of Partner Development at Schreiber Foods"Required reading! Improving the conversational capacity of your team and organization is invaluable. These same skills are needed to address the broader issues we face as a society. Get this book! Share it with your colleagues, friends, and family." -- Chris Soderquist, President of Pontifex Consulting and author of The Strategic Forum"Craig Weber's Conversational Capacity works. It works to build an internal culture that allows our organization to focus on the work at hand--without the drama, emotions, and egos that often get in the way of creating a high-functioning organization. It also works when building relationships with funders, stakeholders, and other clients, allowing our team to listen for commonalities and to find areas of true agreement." -- Michele Lueck, President and CEO of the Colorado Health Institute"Those who aspire to use a conversational process to facilitate and deliver high-impact team results have come to the right place. Having worked with Craig Weber to design training programs for colleagues, I can personally attest to his brilliance in using narratives to capture our attention and emotional intelligence with evidence-based methods to build our conversational skills. With clarity, practicality, and case examples, this book will help you find the sweet spot in any conversation while ensuring a productive outcome." -- Dr. Kathleen Keil, Senior Manager of Learning and Development at Pfizer Animal Health"Craig Weber's Conversational Capacity reduces organizational fear through a simple, effective technique that increases trust and maximizes creativity. It will help any organization realize new levels of confidence, creativity, and success. The tools within these pages may very well be the most important keys to both change and growth in the twenty-first century." -- Scott Eck, President of Leadership Masters"We often see the need for collaboration but do not have the tools and skills required to make it happen. Using Craig Weber's techniques to build conversational capacity is exactly what we need in both our professional and personal lives." -- Karen Minyard, PhD, Director of the Georgia Health Policy Center at the Andrew Young School of Public Policy, Georgia State University"The ideas in these pages are profound, life changing, and applicable to every area of life. My nonprofit team acquired a new set of skills that increased our capacity to tackle governance, interpersonal relationships, and the future in a dynamic and changing economy. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a master the tools required to elevate awareness, skill, and discipline to achieve desired--and amazing--results." -- Jane Soderquist, Board Chair of the Upper Valley Waldorf School
Open University Press Leading Change in the Early Years
Leading Change in the Early Years focuses on the type of leadership skill needed for leading the reform and change agendas that challenge the early years sector. Early years professionals are expected to implement a range of government initiatives, as well as professionally endorsed changes, aimed at raising the quality of early years provision. The ease and success with which such initiatives are implemented relies on the competent leadership of change, that is, knowledge, understanding and expertise in encouraging, supporting and working with everyone involved with implementing and sustaining change.This resource helps to unpick the principles, processes and practice of effecting change and offers early years professionals a practical guide to the important elements relevant for meeting the political agenda for quality improvement and the professional challenge of effecting responsible change.Key content includes:the link between competent leadership and successful change dimensions, models and processes of change leadership skills for effecting change strategies for reducing reluctance and resistanceThis book is ideal for early years leaders who understand the general principles and practice of leadership, but who are interested in exploring and expanding their understanding and expertise in leading reform and change. Jillian Rodd is an educational and developmental psychologist and has published widely in the early childhood field throughout the world. "This is a powerful text that utilises the voices of early years leaders to clearly articulate the challenges of leading change and demonstrate how the sector is rising to that challenge. It is, therefore, an excellent and vital resource for all working in the early years sector and comes at absolutely the right time as the pace of change in the sector continues to be fast flowing."Dr Caroline Leeson, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Studies, Plymouth University "This text draws on research evidence and case studies from practice to support those dealing with change on a daily basis. By encouraging early years professionals to draw on their skills of leadership and interpersonal relationships, Jillian provides clear strategies to enact change. This is a 'must have' book for all those working in the Early Years."Nikki Fairchild, Early Years Initial Teacher Training Programme Coordinator, University of Chichester "At a time when early years practitioners everywhere are feeling pressure to respond to the children's policy agenda, this accessible guide offers support in implementing and sustaining change. "Rory McDowall Clark, Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood, Worcester University "Jillian Rodd gives a contemporary view of leadership and change incorporating the latest research from the early years sector. The book provides insight to the complexities of leadership and change, essential understanding for both early years students and practitioners."Natalie Canning, Lecturer in Education - Early Years, The Open University "This latest book from Jillian Rodd is very accessible and will be invaluable for existing early childhood leaders, aspiring leaders and tertiary students. I have no doubt this book will be valued as a companion to the acclaimed Leadership in Early Childhood now in the 4th edition." Kaye Colmer, CEO Gowrie SA "Rodd's approach to leading change makes it possible to embrace challenges as opportunities. This book is a 'must read' for intentional leaders seeking practical strategies for the everyday realities of early childhood settings."Manjula Waniganayake (PhD), Associate Professor at the Institute of Early Childhood , Macquarie University
Columbia University Press Presidential Power: Forging the Presidency for the Twenty-First Century
Richard Neustadt's seminal work Presidential Power: The Politics of Leadership has endured for nearly four decades as the core of academic study of the American presidency. Now, building on and challenging many of the arguments in Neustadt's work, Presidential Power: Forging the Presidency for the Twenty-first Century offers reflections and implications from what we have learned about presidential power as the new century dawns. These essays-including a new contribution by Neustadt himself-forge a solid reexamination of Neustadt's Presidential Power that address questions raised but not resolved by his work. A notable aspect of this volume's analysis is the transformed institution of the presidency in the wake of the impeachment hearings of the country's last twentieth-century president, Bill Clinton. From the portrayal of presidents as persuaders to the politics of presidential transitions, each of the constituent essays in this volume provides an engaging look at the state of the American presidency.
Springer International Publishing AG Leader Development Deconstructed
This book examines both academic and practical theories relating to leader development. It broadens the scope of this topic by including data-driven theory and proposals from diverse areas that are either not currently represented or are poorly addressed in existing literature. This 15th volume in the Annals of Theoretical Psychology series aims to propose, identify, and characterize new theoretical, educational, and practical gaps in leader development. The initial chapters explore concepts related to individual or internal aspects of leaders. Subsequent chapters deconstruct leader development by considering behaviors or skills and various environmental factors that affect development. The book also examines shortcomings of our current understanding of this topic that cuts across multiple disciplines. Topics featured in this book include: Cognition, readiness to lead, courage through dialogue, and relationship considerations Behavioral elements and approaches for developing followership, conflict management, creativity, virtue, and epistemic cognition in growing leaders for complex environments. Seven Steps to establish a Leader and Leadership Education and Development Program. The Dark Triad of personality, psychobiosocial perspectives, and mental ability in leaders Leader Development Deconstructed will be of interest to research scholars, academics, educators, and practitioners as well as executive coaches, college or university administrators, military leaders, philanthropic and non-profit organization leaders, and management consultants. ______________________________________________________________________________"Despite the extensive body of knowledge associated with leader and leadership development, significant gaps still exist in our understanding of these processes. This book is a noteworthy effort to help fill in the blanks through empirical research and contextual application. It is worthy of perusal by anyone interested in becoming a more effective leader or leader developer."Bernard Banks, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Leadership Development, Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management "One of the most powerful ways leaders can have an impact on others and their mission is to manage for innovation... This book is a great step in moving towards exploring how you do that, and I'm thrilled to be a part of that conversation!"Frances Hesselbein, President and CEO, Frances Hesselbein Leadership Institute
James Currey Mandela's Kinsmen: Nationalist Elites and Apartheid's First Bantustan
A novel study of the complex connections between Nelson Mandela and the nationalist leadership in the ANC with their kinsmen inside the Transkei Bantustan state, that reveals the significance of ethnic belonging, so important in African history. At a time of increasing regional fractures within the African National Congress, Mandela's Kinsmen provides a timely study of South Africa's nationalist elite. Whilst mass protests against apartheid were forged in the crucible of township and trade union politics, Gibbs focuses on Mandela's fraught relationships to his kinsmen inside apartheid's foremost "tribal" Bantustan, the Transkei. He uncovers the enduring connections between the nationalist elites and the chieftaincy areas, and argues the enduring institutional legacies of the Bantustans continue to shape post-apartheid South Africa. Timothy Gibbs is a Lecturer in African History, University College London. Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland & Botswana): Jacana
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Rethinking Public Governance
In this innovative book, Jacob Torfing, a leading scholar of the field, critically evaluates emerging ideas, practices and institutions that are transforming how public governance is perceived, theorised and conducted in practice.Identifying cutting-edge developments in public governance, this incisive book analyses new forms of political leadership, public management, public organisation, administrative steering, cross-boundary collaboration, public regulation and societal problem-solving. Examining some of the most significant instances of public governance transformation, chapters explore the effects of transformations from sovereign to interactive political leadership, from national to multi-level governance, and from hard to soft power. With a novel focus on the production of innovative public value outcomes, the book considers how these developments interact with and are influenced by new digital technologies and increasing globalisation. Torfing concludes with a reflection on how best to comprehend, study and take advantage of current and future transformations in public governance.A novel rethinking of how current societies are governed, this book will inspire students, scholars and practitioners of political science, public policy, regulation and governance, and public administration management to reconsider how public governance and administration may be organised in the future to present innovative solutions to societal problems.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Governance in International Organizations
Required for peace and security, economic governance, sustainable development and humanitarian support, International Organisations (IOs) are central to the structure of global governance. Introducing the importance of governance in IOs, this Handbook addresses the collective challenges and synthesizes the expertise of global or regional representativeness for international cooperation.Addressing four key themes the contributors explore approaches to understanding governance in IOs; who governs IOs; the roles of states; organizational culture, leadership and gender; and the influence of civil society. Chapters further evaluate historical representations of successful and unsuccessful governance, including effective governance; institutional and individual accountability; and the need for reform. The Handbook then concludes with key reflections on the frequently asked question: have international organisations had their day?With contributions by leading academics and practitioners in the field, this Handbook elucidates the evolution of governance in IOs. It will be of great value to students and researchers in international relations, global governance, and gender and governance.
John Wiley & Sons Inc From Equity Talk to Equity Walk: Expanding Practitioner Knowledge for Racial Justice in Higher Education
A practical guide for achieving equitable outcomes From Equity Talk to Equity Walk offers practical guidance on the design and application of campus change strategies for achieving equitable outcomes. Drawing from campus-based research projects sponsored by the Association of American Colleges and Universities and the Center for Urban Education at the University of Southern California, this invaluable resource provides real-world steps that reinforce primary elements for examining equity in student achievement, while challenging educators to specifically focus on racial equity as a critical lens for institutional and systemic change. Colleges and universities have placed greater emphasis on education equity in recent years. Acknowledging the changing realities and increasing demands placed on contemporary postsecondary education, this book meets educators where they are and offers an effective design framework for what it means to move beyond equity being a buzzword in higher education. Central concepts and key points are illustrated through campus examples. This indispensable guide presents academic administrators and staff with advice on building an equity-minded campus culture, aligning strategic priorities and institutional missions to advance equity, understanding equity-minded data analysis, developing campus strategies for making excellence inclusive, and moving from a first-generation equity educator to an equity-minded practitioner. From Equity Talk to Equity Walk: A Guide for Campus-Based Leadership and Practice is a vital wealth of information for college and university presidents and provosts, academic and student affairs professionals, faculty, and practitioners who seek to dismantle institutional barriers that stand in the way of achieving equity, specifically racial equity to achieve equitable outcomes in higher education.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Purpose-Driven University: Transforming Lives and Creating Impact through Academic Social Responsibility
What is the purpose of universities, and what is their role in our world? Many would say that it is to educate students and conduct research. This is true, but somehow, the narrow focus on these two goals led universities to be perceived as ivory towers and detached elitist institutions. In an era when many organisations shift towards purpose, responsibility, and sustainability, universities have a role to play in becoming a force for good. While many higher education institutions are focused on being the best for the world, some are changing to become the best for the world. A movement has begun. A purpose-driven university utilises its resources, knowledge, talent and people to continuously and intentionally contribute to the communities and the environment in which it operates: through research, education, programmes and service. This timely book offers the why, how and what of a purpose-driven university, utilising cases, research, concepts and a framework which can be implemented in any university interested in making a difference. This book tells the stories of purpose-driven universities and other organisations, and serves as a call for action by academic leadership to change higher education for good.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology
AN INTRODUCTION TO CONTEMPORARY WORK PSYCHOLOGY A fully updated edition of the definitive textbook Work psychology is the study of work behavior and the psychological dimensions that both produce and result from it. It has developed in recent decades into a field that takes a comprehensive view of 21st century workers and their psychological context and condition. Now fully updated to reflect the latest research and practical insights, it promises to continue as an indispensable resource for advanced courses in work psychology. Readers of the second edition of An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology will find: Chapters written by a global team of experts Overview of classic and current theories that comprise Work Psychology Detailed discussion of topics such as leadership, emotion work, sustainable careers, job crafting and the future of work A unique focus on positive aspects of work, including motivation, engagement, personal resources and positive workplace interventions An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology is ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in work psychology courses, as well as for students or researchers looking for a reference or introduction to the subject. “Understanding work from various psychological perspectives has become highly relevant for all those involved and interested in the diverse and changing nature of work-life. This book is a treasury of what is important to know of current work psychology. It is timely, comprehensive, and enjoyable reading. Editors and authors have done great job and now it is time for readers to enjoy this book and its many perspectives to the world of contemporary work and organizational psychology.” —Jari Hakanen, PhD, Research professor, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
Springer Verlag, Singapore Service-Learning Capacity Enhancement in Hong Kong Higher Education
This book provides an in-depth, multi-faceted look into capacity building for service-learning, using the case of the higher education landscape in Hong Kong. Service-learning has been proven to be an effective pedagogy for the holistic development of students, as well as promotion of their well-being. It also attempts to promote the well-being of the service recipients and the community. While service-learning is becoming increasingly popular in many higher educational institutions around the world, the learning gains that can be attained from service-learning are only as good as the learning experience allows, and poorly-developed or motivated service-learning may potentially do adverse harm to students and the community. This book reinforces the imperative to enhance the capacity of the institution, teachers, students and community partners by exploring a diverse range of methods for achieving capacity building among different stakeholders. Examples of the methods explored include formal course-based professional development, scale development, action research, and communities of practice. Furthermore, the book includes a series of detailed, qualitative case studies that are aimed at embodying good practice, unpacking “what matters” from service-learning. Aa a useful resource for scholars and educators who are passionate about holistic youth leadership development, this book is also relevant to researchers in the intersection between well-being and higher education.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Academic Integrity in Canada: An Enduring and Essential Challenge
This open access book presents original contributions and thought leadership on academic integrity from a variety of Canadian scholars. It showcases how our understanding and support for academic integrity have progressed, while pointing out areas urgently requiring more attention.Firmly grounded in the scholarly literature globally, it engages with the experience of local practicioners. It presents aspects of academic integrity that is specific to Canada, such as the existence of an "honour culture", rather than relying on an "honour code". It also includes Indigenous voices and perspectives that challenge traditional understandings of intellectual property, as well as new understandings that have arisen as a consequence of Covid-19 and the significant shift to online and remote learning.This book will be of interest to senior university and college administrators who are interested in ensuring the integrity of their institutions. It will also be of interest to those implementing university and college policy, as well as those who support students in their scholarly work.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Breakthrough In Vocational And Technical Education, A: The Singapore Story
There has been much international effort to improve or transform Vocational and Technical Education (VTE). However, the outcomes often remain elusive. VTE continues to be largely shunned by society as a sector of education for low-achievers and academic failures.A Breakthrough in VTE: The Singapore Story shares the Singapore experience that was made possible through strategic planning, organisational excellence, innovation and ingenuity. It is a compelling story of how the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) began to transform lives and change its image over a period of fifteen years (1992-2007). This book, based on a first-hand CEO account, vividly captures the sort of leadership, policy choices, fundamental principles and capabilities in the journey of transformation. The details of the 'what, when, how and why' are a valuable guide for leaders and practitioners in building quality and sustainable VTE systems which are responsive to social and economic needs.
Open University Press Understanding Governance
Understanding Governance asks:* What has changed in British government over the past two decades, how and why?* Why do so many government policies fail?* What does the shift from government to governance mean for the practice and study of British government?This book provides a challenging reinterpretation which interweaves an account of recent institutional changes in central, local and European Union government with methodological innovations and theoretical analysis. It emphasizes: the inability of the 'Westminster model', with its accent on parliamentary sovereignty and strong executive leadership, to account for persistent policy failure; the 'hollowing out' of British government from above (the European Union), below (special purpose bodies) and sideways (to agencies); and the need to respond to the postmodern challenge, rethinking the methodological and theoretical assumptions in the study of British government. Professor Rhodes makes a significant and timely contribution to our understanding of government and governance.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Morehouse Mystique: Becoming a Doctor at the Nation's Newest African American Medical School
The Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia, is one of only four predominantly Black medical schools in the United States. Among its illustrious alumni are surgeons general of the United States, medical school presidents, and numerous other highly regarded medical professionals. This book tells the engrossing history of this venerable institution. The school was founded just after the civil rights era, when major barriers prevented minorities from receiving adequate health care and Black students were underrepresented in predominantly White medical schools. The Morehouse School of Medicine was conceived to address both problems-it was a minority-serving institution educating doctors who would practice in underserved communities. The school's history involves political maneuvering, skilled leadership, dedication to training African American physicians, and a mission of primary care in disadvantaged communities. Highlighting such influential leaders as former Health and Human Services Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, "The Morehouse Mystique" situates the school in the context of the history of medical education for Blacks and race relations throughout the country. The book features excerpts from personal interviews with prominent African American doctors as well as with former presidents Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush, who reveal how local, state, and national politics shaped the development of Black medical schools in the United States. The story of the Morehouse School of Medicine reflects the turbulent time in which it was founded and the lofty goals and accomplishments of a diverse group of African American leaders. Their tireless efforts in creating this eminent Black institution changed the landscape of medical education and the racial and ethnic makeup of physicians and health care professions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Developing Next Generation Leaders for Transgenerational Entrepreneurial Family Enterprises
An impressive team of editors from Asia, Europe, North and South America has compiled cutting-edge research on family businesses. In these chapters, we gain a global perspective of the entrepreneurial approaches families are taking to prepare the next generation of leaders. We learn strategies for family firms to survive and prosper. And we find there are lessons here that non-family businesses can apply to make transitions successful.'- Francis Hoy, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USThis illustrative book considers the interface of business structures, contexts, and leadership building blocks to explore the contingent nature of leadership development in transgenerational entrepreneurship. Longitudinal case studies of 27 family firms in nine different countries provide a rich, global selection of leadership development insights by examining the roles of values, professionalization, leadership style and other contingent factors.The diversity of cases and chapters provides a rich foundation for insight into the pathways currently in use to develop the next generation leaders, illuminating the strategies and pathways of successful transgenerational family enterprises. By examining the available literature and one or more case studies, each chapter draws pragmatic conclusions, with findings that suggest the importance of focusing on leadership as a shared capability, transmission of values to maintain an entrepreneurial culture, the fit between professionalization and values to increase transgenerational potential, the need to address the structure of the business and the focus on parenting to develop next generations.This path-breaking book will inform family business researchers as they explore the ways in use to develop the next generation. Each chapter starts with a mini-case study focused on a dilemma related to leader development, making this book an excellent resource for educators in undergraduate, graduate, or executive programs.Contributors: N. Auletta, B. Bardai, P. Bender, N. Bhatnagar, F.H. Bos, M. Brumana, L. Cassia, J.P. Coen Rigtering, A. De Massis, R.-L. DeWitt, L. Díaz Matajira, A. Discua Cruz, A. Gimeno, G. González Couture, D. Grzybovski, M. Heetebrij-van Dalfsen, H. Higashide, N. Kozono, C. Lechner, I.A. Matser, T. Minola, L. Mohd Nor, A. Nilsson, M.J. Parada, K. Ramachandran, M. Ramírez-Pasillas, M.T. Roscoe, P. Sharma, A. Vieira, S.R. Xavier, K. Yamaguchi, M. Yusof
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Patterns in Social Entrepreneurship Research
This impressive book outlines the complexities peculiar to the field of social entrepreneurship. Such complexities manifest at different moments in the development of a social entrepreneurial venture. It ties together many of the pressing issues and questions often encountered by social entrepreneurs and innovators as they identify, create, develop and sustain their own solutions throughout the life-cycle of their ventures.The contributors expertly focus on the individual, organizational and institutional levels of social entrepreneurship. They address the role of personal values and leadership in the conduct of social entrepreneurial initiatives while stressing the importance of stakeholders in relation to human resource management, innovation or opportunity discovery. Finally, they analyze the role of institutions in legitimating social entrepreneurs' actions. Social entrepreneurship, as a multi-disciplinary field, presents a unique opportunity and environment for researchers to contribute to academic-focused knowledge on both theoretical frameworks and practical skills on a holistic level. This volume offers a comprehensive foundation for this endeavor. Contributors: S. Bacq, E. Bennett, D. Bhutiani, B. Bird, R. Bissola, J.E. Clarkin, M. Conger, D.D. Deardurff, M. Fakhreddin, K. Flicker, A. Gallagher, D. Gregory, A. Groen, B. Imperatori, A. Katre, J.A. Kerlin, J. Kickul, R. Leaver, M. Meyskens, S.J. Mezias, T.W. Moss, P. Nair, S. Perelli, F. Perrini, K. Ramirez, P. Salipante, J.-I. Soh, S. Teasdale, C. Vurro, D.R. Young
Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development Leading Change Together: Developing Educator Capacity Within Schools and Systems
“If we can get adult development right, we can change the world!”Adult development . . . in schools? Yes. In fact, understanding and sharing ideas—and implementing practices—that help adults explore experiences and assumptions is a powerful driver of school change. Eleanor Drago-Severson and Jessica Blum-DeStefano share expertise that has evolved from their many decades of research and work with educators and show you how to: Deepen your understanding of adult development and its role in systemic and schoolwide change and educational improvement. Connect theory to practice with developmentally oriented structures and strategies that enhance collaboration, communication, and feedback. Support individual and organizational growth with a differentiated approach to leadership and capacity building. Build trust, capacity, collegiality, and sustainability with developmental practices that meet adult needs. Whether you work in a school, district, university, educational institution, or other learning organization, you’ll learn how to infuse leadership, collaboration, communication, and capacity building with a deep understanding of individuals’ experiences and capacities—and how they influence our day-to-day work. Leading Change Together explains how you and other adult learners can effect tremendous change in schools and systems.
Centre for Strategic & International Studies,U.S. The Article II Mandate: Forging a Stronger Economic Alliance between the United States and Japan
To explore opportunities for greater economic cooperation between the United States and Japan in third countries, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington and the Asia Pacific Initiative (API) in Tokyo embarked on a joint research project using a case-study approach to examine four countries (Myanmar, Vietnam, India, and South Korea) and two institutional arrangements (regional trade architecture and the G7) where the United States and Japan have aligned interests. We found that shared interests and goals of the United States and Japan transcend today’s bilateral trade tensions, and despite China’s growing influence and assertive behavior there nevertheless remains a strong demand in the region for U.S. and Japanese leadership. Washington and Tokyo should therefore work to better coordinate their economic engagement in the region.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advancing Campus Efficiencies: A Companion for Campus Leaders in the Digital Era
Technology is continually changing the world. In higher education in particular, new technologies can be applied to great advantage by campus communities seeking to offer better services for students in more efficient ways. Written for deans, vice presidents, and presidents of all higher education institutions, Advancing Campus Efficiencies provides straightforward advice that is intended to help colleges and universities respond to calls for greater accountability and their students' rising expectations for access to advanced technologies. The book envisions a dramatically different way of delivering courses; disaggregating and reassigning teaching functions; and increasing differentiation, collaboration, and innovation—all enabled by the appropriate use of information technologies. Drawing on the Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunication's (WCET) more than 15 years of work on the effective use of technology to increase quality and efficiency in higher education, the book offers valuable insight on Whether for-profit institutions enjoy a competitive advantage over public and independent institutions The most critical issues facing higher education today, and possible solutions Strategies for managing the cost of integrating information technologies into teaching and Learning How to lead campus transformation using communication technologies Connecting students and faculty through distance learning and telecommunication systems The role of openness in the future of higher education Offering new ideas on how to deploy emerging information and communication technologies, Advancing Campus Efficiencies will be a companion—both comfort and guide—for educators undertaking the work of inspired leadership that will be required to achieve the new design of higher education.
Indiana University Press The Warsaw Ghetto Oyneg Shabes–Ringelblum Archive: Catalog and Guide
Retrieved after World War II from metal boxes and milk cans buried beneath the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto, the Oyneg Shabes–Ringelblum Archive was clandestinely compiled between 1940 and 1942 under the leadership of historian Emanuel Ringelblum. Members of the secret Oyneg Shabes organization gathered thousands of testimonies from natives of Warsaw and refugees from hundreds of other localities, creating a documentary record of the wartime fate of Polish Jewry. Now housed in the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, the archive comprises some 35,000 pages, including documents, materials from the underground press, photographs, memoirs, belles lettres, and much more. This first comprehensive description of its contents is meticulously indexed to facilitate location of documents and information. By aiding access to this unique archival treasure, the catalog and guide advance study of the daily lives, struggles, and sufferings of Polish Jews at a crucial time and place in the history of the Holocaust.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fair Lending Compliance: Intelligence and Implications for Credit Risk Management
Praise for Fair Lending ComplianceIntelligence and Implications for Credit Risk Management "Brilliant and informative. An in-depth look at innovative approaches to credit risk management written by industry practitioners. This publication will serve as an essential reference text for those who wish to make credit accessible to underserved consumers. It is comprehensive and clearly written." --The Honorable Rodney E. Hood "Abrahams and Zhang's timely treatise is a must-read for all those interested in the critical role of credit in the economy. They ably explore the intersection of credit access and credit risk, suggesting a hybrid approach of human judgment and computer models as the necessary path to balanced and fair lending. In an environment of rapidly changing consumer demographics, as well as regulatory reform initiatives, this book suggests new analytical models by which to provide credit to ensure compliance and to manage enterprise risk." --Frank A. Hirsch Jr., Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP Financial Services Attorney and former general counsel for Centura Banks, Inc. "This book tackles head on the market failures that our current risk management systems need to address. Not only do Abrahams and Zhang adeptly articulate why we can and should improve our systems, they provide the analytic evidence, and the steps toward implementations. Fair Lending Compliance fills a much-needed gap in the field. If implemented systematically, this thought leadership will lead to improvements in fair lending practices for all Americans." --Alyssa Stewart Lee, Deputy Director, Urban Markets Initiative The Brookings Institution "[Fair Lending Compliance]...provides a unique blend of qualitative and quantitative guidance to two kinds of financial institutions: those that just need a little help in staying on the right side of complex fair housing regulations; and those that aspire to industry leadership in profitably and responsibly serving the unmet credit needs of diverse businesses and consumers in America's emerging domestic markets." --Michael A. Stegman, PhD, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Duncan MacRae '09 and Rebecca Kyle MacRae Professor of Public Policy Emeritus, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kogan Page Ltd Learning for Organizational Development: How to Design, Deliver and Evaluate Effective L&D
Learning for Organizational Development presents how to design, deliver and evaluate effective learning and development (L&D) programmes. This definitive guide to L&D's function in enhancing individual performance and organizational success is a core text for those studying for L&D qualifications such as the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Intermediate level as well as a useful handbook for L&D professionals looking to further their understanding of the latest developments. Complete with case studies and reflective questions to aid comprehension, Learning for Organizational Development considers the strategic business function of L&D for communicating the vital contribution that it makes to both individual performance and organizational success. It explores the role of L&D in talent development, showing how to support line managers in developing their people to drive retention and attraction. It also addresses the importance of developing the leadership capability within the organization, and provides practical guidance and examples of what works.
Everyman Common Sense Wisdom: A Trusted Companion for Your Life and Career Journey
For over fifty years, Pepper de Callier has been collecting quotes. But not just any quotes. Throughout his research and engagement with people as the founder and Executive Director of Prague Leadership Institute, he has identified quotes that have changed lives. Drawn from the world's greatest writers, thinkers and leaders from across the ages, and illuminated by Pepper's insights as one of Europe's preeminent career and life coaches, Common-Sense Wisdom: A Trusted Companion for your Life and Career Journey has the power to trigger self-awareness, honest reflection, and the compass points to help you find your own direction. Whether you are a CEO, recent graduate, or working your way through the normal ups and downs of personal and professional growth, these common-sense insights will help you view challenges and opportunities in a whole new way, and turn around even the most difficult of days.
Baker Publishing Group Freedom Tools – For Overcoming Life`s Tough Problems
What do you say to someone who is hurting? How many times in everyday conversation do we struggle to comfort others in a troubled world? Christians should be "first responders," say Andy Reese and Jennifer Barnett, yet we lack the tools and confidence to reach out. We end up frustrated by our own inability to connect meaningfully and make a difference. But what would happen if we had the ability and courage to speak out in love? In these pages Andy and Jennifer give you the practical understanding and simple tools to do just that. You can fill even your casual conversations with the gentle yet transforming power of Jesus Christ. Here is what you need to confidently step out to bring peace, give grace and help others experience renewal. Visit for more information. "Extremely instructive and practical."--Max Lucado, pastor and bestselling author "This book will change lives--maybe even yours."--Rich Stearns, president, World Vision U.S. "Solidly based on the Gospel and immensely practical. It has helped our leaders walk in increased freedom while we help many know the truth that sets them free."--David McQueen, senior pastor, Beltway Park Baptist Church, Abilene, Texas "Our leadership team is fully on board and delighted with the simple effectiveness of this ministry."--Michael Swecker, pastor of Prayer and Freedom Ministries, Hosanna! Church, Lakeville, Minnesota "For many people a ministry like Freedom Prayer is the best place to start . . and I am most impressed with the team at the Freedom Resource."--Stephen Mory, M.D., assistant clinical professor of psychiatry, Vanderbilt University; psychiatrist, Mental Health Cooperative "Freedom Tools offers piercing insights with keen discernment to empower the reader to be set free at last. . . .A great tool for your spiritual warfare arsenal."--James W. Goll, founder, Encounters Network, Prayer Storm and GET eSchool; author, The Lifestyle of a Prophet and many more "Freedom Prayer has been invaluable to me as a counselor.."--Wendy Barnes, LPC, San Antonio "Freedom Tools is both practical and profound. It does a masterful job of taking a potentially complex subject and bringing it into everyone's reach."--Bill Johnson, senior leader, Bethel Church, Redding, California; author, When Heaven Invades Earth and more "Through the partnership of truths from the world of psychology and those from the world of inner healing, we can see powerful healing and transformation. By integrating the two, we will see more people live abundant lives as they heal their connection with God and are restored body, soul and spirit."--Margaret Nagib, Timberline Knolls Clinical Development Institute "Freedom Tools gave me a biblical manual for helping people experience freedom.."--Kirk Freeman, lead pastor, CrossBridge Community Church, San Antonio, Texas "Professional counseling and prayer ministries work hand in hand as essential partners to facilitate inner healing in wounded lives. Working together we can maximize the freedom, recovery and renewing of all those in need."--Dr. Mark Jones, LMFT director, Liberty Alliance "This powerful book gives you the Freedom Tools you need to demolish the adversary's obstacles to freedom and prosperity. Use them and you, too, can experience the super-abundant life that God desires for you!"--C. Peter Wagner, chancellor, Wagner Leadership Institute "A great need has long existed for someone to reduce inner healing to simpler, everyday language and tools. Our friend Andy Reese has done that admirably in Freedom Tools."--John Loren Sandford, co-founder, Elijah House Ministries "This is ministry from the heart and by the Spirit--so simple and natural that you'll ask yourself, 'Why didn't I know this before?'"--David Kyle Foster, founder and exec utive director, Mastering Life Ministries
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Sars Epidemic, The: Challenges To China's Crisis Management
In the first half of 2003, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) struck China (including Hong Kong), causing panic and claiming many lives. The unknown nature of SARS at that time also jolted the economic growth of China and Hong Kong, disrupted the social life of their citizens and created much stress and strain for their political systems and governance. Like other major crises, the management of the SARS crisis provides a good opportunity to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the political systems in China and Hong Kong. From the outset, scholars at the East Asian Institute (EAI) followed closely the unfolding of the disease in China, particularly how each of the two societies coped with this random external shock. SARS may or may not recur in the near future, but the episode has offered a glimpse into the extent of resilience of the two societies, the quality of their political leadership, the effectiveness of their political and institutional mobilization, the crisis-management capability of their respective bureaucracies, and the viability of their governance systems. This volume is the result of an EAI workshop on “SARS in China: Crises and Responses”.This book has been selected for coverage in:• Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings® (ISTP® / ISI Proceedings)• Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings)• Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings® (ISSHP® / ISI Proceedings)• Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings)• CC Proceedings — Biomedical, Biological & Agricultural Sciences
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Twelve and a Half: Leveraging the Emotional Ingredients Necessary for Business Success
USA Today BestsellerIn his sixth business book, bestselling author, entrepreneur, and investor Gary Vaynerchuk explores the twelve essential emotional skills that are integral to his life—and business—success and provides today’s (and tomorrow’s) leaders with critical tools to acquire and develop these traits.For decades, leaders have relied on “hard” skills to make smart decisions, while dismissing the importance of emotional intelligence. Soft skills like self-awareness and curiosity aren’t quantifiable; they can’t be measured on a spreadsheet and aren’t taught in B-schools or emphasized in institutions. We’ve been taught that emotional intelligence is a “nice to have” in business, not a requirement. But soft skills can actually accelerate business success, Gary Vaynerchuk argues. For analytical minds, it’s challenging to understand how to get “better” at being self-aware, curious, or empathetic—or even why it’s important to try. In this wise and practical book, Gary explores the 12 human ingredients that have led to his success and happiness and provides exercises to help you develop these traits yourself. He also shares what the “half” is—that emotional ingredient of leadership he’s weakest at and makes the most effort to improve. Working through the ideas and exercises in the book, he teaches you how to discover your own “halves” and offers insight on how to strengthen them. Gary’s secret to success is using these twelve traits in varying mixtures, depending on the situation. But how do we know when to balance patience with ambition? Humility with conviction? Gary provides real-life examples involving common business scenarios to show you how to use them together for optimum results. This iconoclastic book will help you refine your ingredients and improve your leadership capabilities. When implemented in the proper situation, these ingredients can help leaders land promotions, retain core employees, move faster than competitors, win the loyalty of customers, and build successful organizations that last.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Hair Transplant 360 for Physicians Volume 1
This is a completely revised and expanded edition of Hair Transplant 360 for Physicians, Volume 1, edited by Samuel M Lam, Director of the Lam Institute for Hair Restoration Plano, Texas, featuring extensive discussion of bioenhancement technology. The book is divided into two parts: part one focuses on preoperative, operative and postoperative care. Chapter one features brand new and updated information on several therapies, and discussion on medical hair loss conditions. Chapter two includes completely revised guidance on operative technique, with a range of step-by-step techniques including hairline design, donor harvesting and recipient-site creation. The post-operative chapter includes discussion on creating standardised hair-transplant photography, leadership, office management and marketing. The second part of the book contains new case studies in hair transplantation, and a final chapter on physician training, which is demonstrated on a DVD-ROM. The DVD has been expanded and updated to cover hairline design using human models, donor harvesting, and recipient-site practice, making Hair Transplant 360 for Physicians, Volume 1 an ideal resource for hair transplant physicians in training. Key Points Revised and expanded second edition Previous edition published 2011 (9789350251782) 263 full colour images and illustrations DVD-ROM including step-by-step demonstrations for trainee physicians Edited by Samuel M Lam, Director, Lam Institute for Hair Restoration Plano, Texas, USA
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Exploring Early Christian Identity
The main point of emphasis in the book is that approaching the Christian movement's early history through investigating its identity helps us to understand how the followers of Jesus developed from an intra-Jewish messianic renewal movement into a new religion with a major Gentile membership and major differences from its Jewish matrix - all in only a hundred years. Identity is not simply a collection of beliefs that was agreed upon by many first-century Christians. It is embedded, or rather, embodied in real life as participation in the founding myths (narrativized memory of and accepted teaching on Jesus), in cults and rituals as well as in ethical teaching and behavioral norms, crystallized into social relations and institutions. This is a dynamic feedback process, full of conflicts and difficulties, both internal and caused by the surrounding society and culture. The authors explore different aspects of identity, such as how the Gospels' narrativization of the social memory shapes and is shaped by the identity of the groups from which they emerge, how labels such as "Jewish" and "Christian" should and should not be understood, the identity-forming role of behavioral norms in letters, and the interplay between competing leadership ideals and the underlying unity of different Christian groups. They also show that identity formation is not necessarily related to innovation in moral teaching, nor averse to making use of ancient conventions of masculinity with their emphasis on dominance.
Gill Saving the State: Fine Gael from Collins to Varadkar
When Fine Gael entered a coalition government with Fianna Fáil in 2020 the party did what would have been unthinkable for its forefathers who fought and won a bitter civil war to establish the institutions of an independent Irish state almost a century earlier. Told through the lens of its leaders and Taoisigh, Saving the State is the fascinating story of the wilderness years and the achievements in government, the defeats and crises, the partnerships and the leadership upheavals that have shaped Fine Gael over the decades. From the special place in the party’s pantheon of heroes occupied by Michael Collins to the dark era of the Blueshirts, and from its role as the founders of the state to its claim to be the defenders of the state, the ways that members perceive their own history is also explored. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding how Fine Gael came to be the party it is today and the role that it played in shaping modern Ireland. 'A superb, illuminating and even-handed look at the highs and lows in Fine Gael's turbulent history,' David McCullagh, author of DeValera: Rise and DeValera: Rule. ‘It is a tremendously well written book. At 418 pages it flows extremely well and is very accessible, even to the uninitiated.’ Barry Shep, The Irish Story ‘Collins and Meehan have made a valuable contribution to the canon of Irish political histories’ David Davin-Power, Irish Independent Review ‘fascinating’ Matt Cooper, Sunday Business Post ‘It’s a fascinating insight into the party from day one right up until the present day’ Joe Finnegan Show, Northern Sound ‘It’s a really really detailed and wonderful book’ Tommy Marren, Midwest Radio ‘Formidable and authoritative’ Andrew Lynch, Sunday Business Post
Taylor & Francis Ltd Gender Consciousness and Privilege
Develops a new framework for working in schools that helps educators make informed decisions about change at individual, classroom, curricular and school levels on behalf of gender equity. Addresses the issue of understanding the impact of education on the two sexes, and looks at responsibility for creating gender-fair environments, organising work and creating environments for learning. The book draws on a two-year study into the role that gender played as three Catholic high schools prepared to move from single sex to coeducation. It does not weigh the advantages of single sex against coeducative approaches, but studies gender in a setting where the particpants' consciousness of gender issues was heightened: faculty and administration were formally and informally discussing gender concepts and students were talking about male and female issues. The book shows that the combination of leadership, staff and curricular awareness, and an understanding of gender fair and gender affirmative practices can serve to improve institutional effectiveness and lead to higher levels of student achievement.
Stanford University Press Totalitarianism and Political Religion: An Intellectual History
The totalitarian systems that arose in the twentieth century presented themselves as secular. Yet, as A. James Gregor argues in this book, they themselves functioned as religions. He presents an intellectual history of the rise of these political religions, tracing a set of ideas that include belief that a certain text contains impeccable truths; notions of infallible, charismatic leadership; and the promise of human redemption through strict obedience, selfless sacrifice, total dedication, and unremitting labor. Gregor provides unique insight into the variants of Marxism, Fascism, and National Socialism that dominated our immediate past. He explores the seeds of totalitarianism as secular faith in the nineteenth-century ideologies of Ludwig Feuerbach, Moses Hess, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Giuseppe Mazzini, and Richard Wagner. He follows the growth of those seeds as the twentieth century became host to Leninism and Stalinism, Italian Fascism, and German National Socialism—each a totalitarian institution and a political religion.
Lawrence & Wishart Ltd Two Nations and the Educational Structure, 1780-1870
The first of three studies in the "History of Education in England", this volume traces the emergence of modern education from the efforts of the scientific societies in the 1780s up to the securing of universal education with the Act of 1870. The ideas for model schools by such reformers as James Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham are expounded in detail, together with the early attempts at working people's self-education, the struggle for leadership of the Mechanic's Institutes and Robert Owen's movement for communal education. Reform of the universities and grammar schools is shown as part of the changeover of political power from the landed aristocracy to the industrial middle class. The Chartists are seen striving for working-class education, and the power of the trade unions finally enters to carry through the 1870 Act. This was a century during which the division of England into "two nations" became most clearly marked, and the structure of education for the different classes was determined.
Workman Publishing Gratitude Explorer Workbook: Guided Practices, Meditations and Reflections for Cultivating Gratefulness in Daily Life
A Network for Grateful Living, creators of the best-selling Everyday Gratitude and Wake Up Grateful present a distinctive workbook for readers who want to start a gratitude practice or integrate gratitude into their lives with greater intention and consistency. This interactive package acts as both a guide and a journal for recording thoughts and meditations. Dozens of writing prompts, guided meditations, and exercises for beginning and progressively deepening a daily gratitude practice are paired with quotations and space for writing and personalising the book. The beautifully designed gift package includes bonus features in the back: 10 quotation postcards, mini-cards for keeping in a wallet or leaving for others, conversation starters, gold star stickers and reusable affirmation stickers, as well as die-cut bookmarks for each section of the book. AUTHOR: Kristi Nelson is the author of Wake Up Grateful and the executive director of A Network for Grateful Living. She has a master's degree in public administration from the Harvard Kennedy School and has spent more than 30 years in nonprofit leadership, development, and consulting. She has worked at the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and the Soul of Money Institute. Nelson is a Stage IV cancer survivor who cherishes living among friends and family in western Massachusetts. A Network for Grateful Living is a global, nonprofit organization offering online and community-based educational programs and practices that inspire and guide a commitment to grateful living, and catalyse the transformative power of personal and societal responsibility. Based in Hadley, Massachusetts, they are the force behind the best-selling Everyday Gratitude and Everyday Gratitude Frame-Ups. Colour illustrations throughout; includes 6 perforated text sheets, 10 perforated cardstock sheets, and 6 sticker sheets
International Society for Technology in Education Education Reimagined: Leading Systemwide Change with the ISTE Standards
Educational leaders play a central role in developing a culture of change and providing the conditions for innovation in schools, and that role varies by job title. District leaders make changes across multiple schools, principals lead change across their schools and teacher leaders guide change within and across grade levels. But no matter the role, a framework that identifies the knowledge and behaviors required for leaders to make student learning possible and for teachers to be empowered is a necessity. The ISTE Standards for Education Leaders offer a concrete framework to help leaders set goals and provide a vision for transformative systems change within educational institutions. The ISTE Standards for Educators and the ISTE Standards for Students are also used by leaders to provide holistic change with a shared vision and direction for all. Education Reimagined provides aspiring and established leaders an on-ramp for using the ISTE Standards to guide change in their educational systems. This booklet contains examples showing how those in specific leadership roles can use the ISTE Standards in their work; reflection questions applicable to all leadership roles; vignettes demonstrating how a variety of leaders in a diverse range of schools have embraced the ISTE Standards for Education Leaders; an explanation of other frameworks and standards that connect with and complement the ISTE Standards for Education Leaders and a crosswalk between the ISTE Essential Conditions and the ISTE Standards for Education Leaders.
Indiana University Press Building a Palestinian State: The Incomplete Revolution
" . . . an analysis that is as intricate and flawless as it is devastating . . . [Robinson's] presentation is powerful and compelling and his scholarship impeccable." —MESA Bulletin". . . [an] excellent book. In just 200 pages, Glenn Robinson manages to give the clearest and most concise analysis of the changing political and social structure of the West Bank and Gaza and of current political realities that I have read." —Digest of Middle Eastern Studies". . . a fair and sensitive account and contains the best available assessment of the Intifada's political aftermath among Palestinians. An added bonus is that the book is written in an accessible style with enough historical background and contextual explanation to make it ideal as a text for courses in Middle East politics or the politics of revolutions." —American Political Science Review"Well-researched, original, scholarly; deserves the attention of those interested in revolutionary theory or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." —Choice"Throughout, the book is impressively researched and very well-written. . . . Building a Palestinian State is a book that deserves to be widely read." —Journal of Palestine Studies". . . a well-informed and tightly argued analysis of the evolution of politcal leadership in the West Bank and Gaza from the 1980s to the spring of 1996. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the historical backdrop to current political developments in the areas under the control of the Palestinian Authority." —Middle East Policy". . . carefully researched and balanced study . . ." —Times Literary Supplement" . . . provides a unique analysis of the various facets of grassroots organizations and their interaction with the emerging state institutions . . . a major and very timely contribution." —Anne LeschIn this well informed and accessibly written book, Glenn E. Robinson traces the emergence of a new political elite in the West Bank and Gaza in the 1980s and the grassroots political and social revolution it launched during the Intifada.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Management in COVID-19 Times
COVID-19 has demanded management innovations across all sectors. As urban systems are made more sustainable, and our focus shifts towards the Circular Economy, this timely book sheds new light on emerging issues. Contributions to this volume highlight developments in: smart cities and urban innovation and resilience; building and re-building cross-culturally sustainable tourism and recreation; new international business models in a digitally transforming world; how digital tools are being used to promote STEM education in the ‘new normal’ post-2020 world; food insecurity and energy policy in Latin America; the role of leadership in teleworking and job satisfaction in the Asia-Pacific region; economic and socio-cultural impacts of recreational activities affected by COVID-19; entrepreneurship in COVID-19 times; and the integration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in higher education institutions. Presenting new, innovative conceptualizations and viewpoints on management, Sustainable Management in COVID-19 Times explores a range of concepts that give insights into our post-pandemic world.
Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development Life Skills for All Learners: How to Teach, Assess, and Report Education's New Essentials
The clearest guide yet to preparing today's students to succeed in a rapidly changing and increasingly complex world.Information societies—and life in general—require a host of skills beyond those found in the traditional school curriculum. Yet nearly a quarter of the way through the 21st century, educators are still looking for clarity on what these skills are and a comprehensive, whole-school model that explains how to teach and develop them; how to observe and assess them; and how to report learning progress to students, parents, and families. That wait is over.In Life Skills for All Learners, authors Antarina S. F. Amir and Thomas R. Guskey, collaborating with a team of practitioner colleagues at HighScope Indonesia Institute, share a comprehensive, classroom-tested framework for teaching, assessing, and reporting eight of education's new essential skills:* Meta-Level Reflection* Expert Thinking* Creativity and Innovation* Adaptability and Agility* Audience-Centered Communication* Synergistic Collaboration* Empathetic Social Skills* Ethical LeadershipPacked with targeted learning activities, grade- and subject-inclusive examples, and skill-specific rubrics mapping a continuum of deliberate development from the earliest elementary years through high school graduation, this resource provides teachers, school leaders, and curriculum developers with the practical advice and inspirational guidance they need to set up all students for lasting success.
Rowman & Littlefield Beyond the Corporate University: Culture and Pedagogy in the New Millennium
A decade of budgetary, policy, and ideological contention has left American universities under the yoke of narrow-minded management models. As corporate culture increasingly invades educational and other public sectors, we as a nation have lost a clear vision of the public good and the necessary components of a vital democracy. Prominent scholars in this book seek to redress these trends. They move boldly beyond critique to show how and why the critical functions of a democratically informed civic education (not merely professional training) must become the core of the university's mission. They show why higher education must address what it means to relate knowledge to public life, and social responsibility to the demands of critical citizenship. Moreover, they show why democratic forms of education and various elements of a critical pedagogy are vital not only to individual students, but also to our economy and our democratic institutions and future leadership. They also suggest how we can move beyond the stagnation of current debates to more fully embrace the democratic possibilities of public education.
Yale University Press Giving Voice to Values: How to Speak Your Mind When You Know What's Right
An innovative approach to standing up for your values in the workplace—inspired by a popular program from the Aspen Institute “In business and in life, we often know what is the right thing to do, but we have trouble implementing it. This book, developed in conjunction with the Aspen Institute’s Business and Society Program, shows how we can all give voice to values and make the right things happen. It is a wonderful guide to help us enter an era of responsibility and of leadership based on values.”—Walter Isaacson, CEO, Aspen Institute “Inspiring and empowering. Instead of thinking ‘I wish I could,’ readers will come away saying ‘I know I can.’”—BizEd How can you effectively stand up for your values when pressured by your boss, customers, or shareholders to do the opposite? Drawing on actual business experiences as well as on social science research, Babson College business educator and consultant Mary Gentile challenges the assumptions about business ethics at companies and business schools. She gives business leaders, managers, and students the tools not just to recognize what is right, but also to ensure that the right things happen. The book is inspired by a program Gentile launched at the Aspen Institute with Yale School of Management, and now housed at Babson College, with pilot programs in over one hundred schools and organizations, including INSEAD and MIT Sloan School of Management. She explains why past attempts at preparing business leaders to act ethically too often failed, arguing that the issue isn’t distinguishing what is right or wrong, but knowing how to act on your values despite opposing pressure. Through research-based advice, practical exercises, and scripts for handling a wide range of ethical dilemmas, Gentile empowers business leaders with the skills to voice and act on their values, and align their professional path with their principles. Giving Voice to Values is an engaging, innovative, and useful guide that is essential reading for anyone in business.