Search results for ""For Dummies""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nikon D7200 For Dummies
Your plain-English, full-color guide to the Nikon D7200 Your Nikon D7200 comes packed with enough power to satisfy even seasoned photographers. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with an easy guide on how to adjust the camera's settings to get the photos you want. That's where Nikon D7200 For Dummies comes in! Brimming with the tips, tricks, and friendly instruction you'd gain in a basic photography course, it shows you how to get the very most out of your new Nikon D7200—without losing your cool. Written by an experienced photographer and photography teacher, this fun, no-nonsense guide quickly gets you up and running on taking your first photos in automatic mode, then moves on to help you grasp more advanced features, like controlling exposure, adjusting color and focus for better results, using scene modes and priority modes, shooting portraits, action shots, outdoor shots, and night images—and so much more. Navigate your camera's buttons, dials, and settings Apply pro tricks to get better color, focus, and sharpness from your images Control exposure settings and jump from auto mode to manual Make sense of tricky material through full-color explanations of core photography concepts If you're the proud new owner of a Nikon D7200, but don't have a ton—or any—experience with cameras, this hands-on guide will have you taking photos like a pro in no time!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Google Apps For Dummies
Your key to making this revolutionary new approach work for you and your organizationGoogle Apps are Web-based, low-cost (or free!) office productivity tools that do everything those expensive applications do — and you can access them from any computer with an Internet connection. Google Apps For Dummies boosts your "app-titude" by giving you the low-down on choosing, setting up, and using these nifty and powerful gadgets for work or play. Whether you're an individual who wants to take advantage of iGoogle or an organization looking for an enterprise-wide training solution for users at all levels, this comprehensive, practical guide brings you up to speed with all of the basic information and advanced tips and tricks you need to make good use of every Google Apps's tool and capability. Discover how to: Get productive fast with free or inexpensive Web-based apps Design your perfect Start Page layout Choose among the different editions Use Gmail and Google Talk Work with Google Docs and spreadsheet documents Create and collaborate on documents Import events into your calendar Build dazzling presentations Use Dashboard to create and manage user accounts Create a Web page with a unique domain setting Google Apps are poised to shatter the primacy of the current way of working with PCs, saving businesses, schools, government agencies, and individuals big bucks on software, network infrastructure, and administration.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bipolar Disorder For Dummies
Wrap your mind around bipolar disorder and understand your treatment options Bipolar Disorder For Dummies, 4th Edition explains everything about this common mental health diagnosis in easy-to-understand terms. If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you aren’t alone. This book helps make sense of options when it comes to medications, therapies, and treatments that could improve your quality of life. You can live a full life with bipolar disorder by managing your symptoms and following a solid treatment plan. With compassionate advice and friendly insights, this book empowers you with the information you need to find support for yourself or assist a loved one who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. This updated edition covers emerging and alternative therapies, including ketamine, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), marijuana, and psychedelics. Get the latest on medical, therapeutic, and self-help strategies for bipolar management Navigate your way through the challenges of a bipolar diagnosis Learn the chemistry behind bipolar disorder—in terms anyone can understand Control symptoms, function in times of crisis, and plan ahead for manic or depressive episodes If you suspect you may have bipolar disorder, if you have recently been diagnosed, or if you have a loved one with bipolar disorder, this Dummies guide offers you an accessible resource for learning all the basics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc C Programming For Dummies
Get an A grade in C As with any major language, mastery of C can take you to some very interesting new places. Almost 50 years after it first appeared, it's still the world's most popular programming language and is used as the basis of global industry's core systems, including operating systems, high-performance graphics applications, and microcontrollers. This means that fluent C users are in big demand at the sharp end in cutting-edge industries—such as gaming, app development, telecommunications, engineering, and even animation—to translate innovative ideas into a smoothly functioning reality. To help you get to where you want to go with C, this 2nd edition of C Programming For Dummies covers everything you need to begin writing programs, guiding you logically through the development cycle: from initial design and testing to deployment and live iteration. By the end you'll be au fait with the do's and don'ts of good clean writing and easily able to produce the basic—and not-so-basic—building blocks of an elegant and efficient source code. Write and compile source code Link code to create the executable program Debug and optimize your code Avoid common mistakes Whatever your destination: tech industry, start-up, or just developing for pleasure at home, this easy-to-follow, informative, and entertaining guide to the C programming language is the fastest and friendliest way to get there!
John Wiley & Sons Inc RVs & Campers For Dummies
Make yourself at home on the road Live down by the beach one week and way up in the mountains the next? It sounds like an impossible dream, but motor-homers do it all the time. Whatever draws you to the mobile life—adventurous domestic vacations or permanently itchy feet—RVs & Campers For Dummies helps you feel right at home. The book explores the key aspects of glamping-with-wheels. Discover how it’s possible to bring beauty spots right to your doorstep without sacrificing domestic comforts like a comfy bed, private bathroom, and wholesome, healthy home cooking! In a down-home, friendly style, mobile-living veterans and husband-and-wife team Christopher Hodapp and Alice Von Kannon welcome you inside to discover everything from deciding to rent or buy the vehicle that best suits your needs to planning and prepping your first journey and then setting yourself up wherever you arrive at the perfect spot. Along the way you’ll learn how to adapt your driving skills to pilot your home on the road, as well as how to keep every aspect of it shipshape and ready for action. Explore your RV and camper options Stock up with the right supplies Get a snapshot of the mobile home lifestyle Troubleshoot common problems Getting there is half the fun—and this guide shows you how to do it safely and in style. So, buckle up (or relax in the back) … it’s going to be a wild but incredibly comfortable ride!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Data Lakes For Dummies
Take a dive into data lakes “Data lakes” is the latest buzz word in the world of data storage, management, and analysis. Data Lakes For Dummies decodes and demystifies the concept and helps you get a straightforward answer the question: “What exactly is a data lake and do I need one for my business?” Written for an audience of technology decision makers tasked with keeping up with the latest and greatest data options, this book provides the perfect introductory survey of these novel and growing features of the information landscape. It explains how they can help your business, what they can (and can’t) achieve, and what you need to do to create the lake that best suits your particular needs. With a minimum of jargon, prolific tech author and business intelligence consultant Alan Simon explains how data lakes differ from other data storage paradigms. Once you’ve got the background picture, he maps out ways you can add a data lake to your business systems; migrate existing information and switch on the fresh data supply; clean up the product; and open channels to the best intelligence software for to interpreting what you’ve stored. Understand and build data lake architecture Store, clean, and synchronize new and existing data Compare the best data lake vendors Structure raw data and produce usable analytics Whatever your business, data lakes are going to form ever more prominent parts of the information universe every business should have access to. Dive into this book to start exploring the deep competitive advantage they make possible—and make sure your business isn’t left standing on the shore.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Gardening Basics For Dummies
Cultivate your passion to grow In a 1625 essay, Francis Bacon called gardens "the purest of human pleasures," and what was true then is even more so today—gardening can give you a serene refuge from the short-lived (and noisy!) distractions of modern life and a fertile basis for satisfaction that will bear fruit long into the future. To help you get started on your own leafy paradise, the new edition of Gardening Basics For Dummies grounds you thoroughly in the fundamentals of soil, flowers, trees, and lawns—and helps you get to know the names of what you're planting along the way! In a friendly, straightforward style, professional horticulturist Steven A. Frowine distills 50 years of gardening experience to show you how to start growing your expertise—from planning out your own mini-Eden and planting your first annuals, bulbs, and perennials through to laying the perfect lawn, raising tasty crops, and even introducing fish to your landscape! He also digs into the grubbier side of horticultural life, making sure you're as prepared as any seasoned farmer to deal with pests, weeds, and other challenges the earth will throw up at you. Create your ideal garden plan Become an expert on common flora with definitions and descriptions Know how to look after your soil Get creative with butterfly and children's gardens Whether you're beginning with a tiny garden in a box, or beautifying your property with tree-lined groves and flowery bowers, this is the ideal introduction to the intense pleasure of gardening and will make you happy to reap what you’ve sown!
John Wiley & Sons Inc T'ai Chi For Dummies
For nearly 5,000 years, people have practiced T’ai Chi as a way to prolong life, build strength and stamina, improve concentration, and achieve psychological balance. Hundreds of millions of satisfied customers can’t be wrong. Whether you already dabble in T’ai Chi and would like to get a deeper understanding of the basics, or you’re only thinking about trying it and want to find out more before you take the plunge, T’ai Chi For Dummies is for you. In plain English, Therese Iknoian and Manny Fuentes demystify T’ai Chi principles and practices for Westerners. They unravel exotic sounding terms and concepts and break down movements in ways that more traditional instructors and authors either can’t or won’t. And with the help of crystal-clear illustrations and step-by-step instructions, they get you on track with a T’ai Chi fitness program guaranteed to help you: Increase balance and flexibility Combat fatigue and reduce stress Tone muscles Unlock your power centers and boost energy Improve focus and concentration Breathe “mindfully” and meditate Enhance your sense of inner peace and well-being Discover just how easy it can be to make T’ai Chi and its sister discipline Qigong part of your everyday life. With this friendly reference as your guide you’ll quickly master the basic movements and forms, as well as: T’ai Chi’s Yang 24-Movement Form Qigong and Push Hands techniques Techniques that help speed recovery from specific injuries T’ai Chi movements for aerobic exercise Exercise is good for the body and soul. Now let Therese Iknoian and Manny Fuentes show you how to energize, find inner peace, and tone your muscles with the gentle art of T’ai Chi.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Microsoft Teams For Dummies
Work seamlessly together with Microsoft Teams It was only a matter of time before Microsoft 365 built an actual virtual office. And Microsoft Teams is it, rocketing from 13 to 75 million daily users in a single year. The new edition of Microsoft Teams For Dummies gives you an in-depth introductory tour through the latest version of the app, exploring the many different ways you can chat, call, meet, work remotely, and collaborate with others in real time—whether you're using it as an all-in-one tool for working from home or as an extension to your brick-and-mortar office. Available as a stand-alone app or as part of Microsoft 365, it allows you to work seamlessly with almost any other Microsoft app. The friendly onboarding provided by this book takes you from the basics of file-sharing, organizing teams, and using video to must-have insights into less obvious functionality, such as posting the same message to multiple channels, muffling background noise (useful if you're working from home!), and choosing more than one feed to concentrate on when video-conferencing (allowing you to pay attention to the speaker and your team members at the same time). As well as clueing you in on how things work, you'll also find advice on the most effective ways of using them, with best-practices recommendations and tips on integrating Microsoft Teams into your existing workflows. Set up the interface Communicate on chat and video, inside and outside your org Integrate Microsoft Teams with your other Office apps Optimize your approach to meetings, working across large teams, and more! Whether you're using Microsoft Teams for work, within your family, or for a collaborative hobby, you'll find everything you need to get everyone on the same page in the same virtual room.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Vegetable Gardening For Dummies
Vegetables from your own farm to your own table We all love good food, and the fresher it is, the better! And what could be fresher than farm-to-table terms than vegetables you've grown at home? The new edition of Vegetable Gardening For Dummies puts you in touch with your roots in a thousands of years old farming tradition by demonstrating how easy it is to grow your own. And there's no need to buy a farm: all you need to become a successful cultivator of the land is this book and a small plot of soil in the yard, or a container set aside for some tasty natural edibles. Add water and some care, love, and attention—et voila! In a friendly, come-relax-in-my-garden style Charlie Nardozzi—leading horticultural writer and guest expert on shows such as Martha Stewart Living Radio—shares the nutritious results of a lifetime of vegetable-growing experience to delve into the nitty-gritty of micro-farming. It's not rocket science—quite the opposite—but you do need a bit of patience before you can reap your first glorious harvest. This book shows you how to master that, as you get down and dirty with the enjoyable work of building soil, starting seeds, controlling pests, and maintaining your garden. And as your early efforts turn to green shoots, you can dig deeper into information on special tips and tricks, as well as hundreds of vegetable varieties—many of which are beautiful to behold as well as tasty to eat! Plan out your garden Know your veggies, from tomatoes to chard Keep your plants happy and healthy Harvest, store, and preserve your crops Whether your thumb is a fertile green or you've never put plant-to-pot before, this book will bring out your inner farmer: you'll find everything required to transform your garden into a self-renewing larder—and complement every meal with a crisp, healthy, home-grown treat.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Machine Learning For Dummies
One of Mark Cuban’s top reads for better understanding A.I. (, 2021) Your comprehensive entry-level guide to machine learning While machine learning expertise doesn’t quite mean you can create your own Turing Test-proof android—as in the movie Ex Machina—it is a form of artificial intelligence and one of the most exciting technological means of identifying opportunities and solving problems fast and on a large scale. Anyone who masters the principles of machine learning is mastering a big part of our tech future and opening up incredible new directions in careers that include fraud detection, optimizing search results, serving real-time ads, credit-scoring, building accurate and sophisticated pricing models—and way, way more. Unlike most machine learning books, the fully updated 2nd Edition of Machine Learning For Dummies doesn't assume you have years of experience using programming languages such as Python (R source is also included in a downloadable form with comments and explanations), but lets you in on the ground floor, covering the entry-level materials that will get you up and running building models you need to perform practical tasks. It takes a look at the underlying—and fascinating—math principles that power machine learning but also shows that you don't need to be a math whiz to build fun new tools and apply them to your work and study. Understand the history of AI and machine learning Work with Python 3.8 and TensorFlow 2.x (and R as a download) Build and test your own models Use the latest datasets, rather than the worn out data found in other books Apply machine learning to real problems Whether you want to learn for college or to enhance your business or career performance, this friendly beginner's guide is your best introduction to machine learning, allowing you to become quickly confident using this amazing and fast-developing technology that's impacting lives for the better all over the world.
John Wiley & Sons YouTube Channels For Dummies
John Wiley & Sons Inc Retirement Planning For Dummies
John Wiley & Sons Inc Italian Phrases For Dummies
Everyday conversations in Italian made easy Italy is a perennially popular destination for Americans, with three cities (Florence, Rome, and Venice) among the top ten in Travel & Leisure's 2003 "World's Best Cities" poll. This concise, easy-to-use guide helps travelers and students get up to speed fast on conversational Italian, showcasing the most commonly used words and phrases. Francesca Romana Onofri is an Italian translator and teacher. Karen Moller is a writer who has worked on several Italian-language projects for Berlitz.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Business NLP For Dummies
Achieve business success with Neuro-linguistic Programming People around the globe use NLP to improve their communication skills, build rapport, make positive changes, and accomplish their goals. When used in a business context, NLP techniques can transform both your own and your team’s performances. This practical guide to NLP at work will help you increase your flexibility, become more influential, and achieve professional success, whatever your career. • Use NLP techniques in the workplace – overcome barriers to success and develop a winning mindset • Build effective working relationships – improve your communication skills and create rapport with your colleagues • Lead people to perform – enhance your ability to inspire peak performance • Make changes that drive success – set and achieve ambitious goals
John Wiley & Sons Marketing Kit for Dummies
John Wiley & Sons Inc Flash CS3 For Dummies
Pack pizzazz into your Web sites with Flash! Start with simple animation, or create whole pages in Flash The newest version of Flash offers all sorts of cool options for designing Web sites that stand out from the crowd, and this handy guide makes it easy. Enhance your site with animated graphics, boxes, or buttons; morph shapes; create text with exotically changing colors; add sound or video; and watch visitors flock to your site!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dreamweaver CS3 For Dummies
Packed with the latest Dreamweaver tips and techniques Get up to speed fast and start creating dynamite Web sites! Do you want to create a sophisticated Web site that's easy to develop and maintain? Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Web developer, this friendly guide shows you how to utilize Dreamweaver's newest enhancements to build and manage state-of-the-art, professional Web sites quickly and easily. Set up your site and create new pages Work with text, graphics, and links Define and apply styles using CSS Add audio, video, and Flash® files to your site Use Dreamweaver's database features
John Wiley & Sons Inc Visio 2007 For Dummies
Reveal your inner business artist with Visio Turn your ideas into diagrams and drawings with Visio's stencils and templates If you have an idea you want to get down on electronic paper, Visio 2007 is for you, and so is this book! They're both flexible and user-friendly. Here's how to use Visio to capture ideas from simple to intricate, update data in a drawing with a single click, add and manipulate text, work with connectors, and more. Discover how to Create business, engineering, software, or network diagrams Format an entire drawing using themes Analyze "what-if" scenarios with PivotDiagrams Produce layered multipage drawings Save drawings to publish on the Web
John Wiley & Sons Inc Jane Austen For Dummies
Explains Austen's methods, motivations, and morals The fun and easy way(r) to understand and enjoy Jane Austen Want to know more about Jane Austen? This friendly guide gives the scoop on her life, works, and lasting impact on our culture. It chronicles the events of her brief life, examines each of her novels, and looks at why her stories - of women and marriage, class and money, scandal and hypocrisy, emotion and satire - still have meaning for us today. Discover * Why Austen is so popular * The impact on manners, courtships, and dating * Love and life in Austen's world * Her life and key influences * Her most memorable characters
John Wiley & Sons JavaScript Essentials For Dummies
John Wiley & Sons Inclusive Leadership For Dummies
John Wiley & Sons Inc Divorce For Dummies
Since Divorce For Dummies, 2nd Edition published in 2005, there have been considerable changes in collaborative divorces, common law marriages, same sex marriages, visitation, and even custody laws (from children to pets). Divorce For Dummies, 3rd Edition includes 25 percent new, revised, and refreshed material covering all of the above.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Basketball For Dummies
The easy way to get the ins, outs, and intrigue on this beloved sport The National Basketball Association (NBA), with 30 teams and an average attendance of more than 17,000 spectators per game, is the richest and most popular basketball league — and arguably the most viewed American sport — in the world. This new edition of Basketball For Dummies not only covers the rules and regulations of the NBA, but offers coverage on the WNBA, NCAA, and international basketball leagues. Basketball For Dummies is a valuable resource to the many fans of this beloved sport, covering everything from players and personalities in the game to rules, regulations, and equipment. Completely updated with information and intrigue that's occurred in the sport since publication of the previous edition, Basketball For Dummies gets you up to speed on everything from NCAA Tournament brackets to college players en route to the NBA. Coverage of the rules and regulations of the NBA Interesting topics like LeBron the Phenom, ESPN'S influence on the NBA, and the UCONN women's basketball dynasty Digger's take on John Wooden Whether you're a basketball player or a courtside spectator, Basketball For Dummies is a slam-dunk of information and intrigue for anyone who loves the sport.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bowling For Dummies
The fast and easy way to perfect your bowling game Bowling is an inexpensive date, an affordable night out for the whole family, and a fun hangout activity for kids of all ages. Bowling For Dummies reveals the tips, tricks, and rules of play for this iconic American sport. While not every player can hope to bowl 300, you can improve your average and show off for friends, family, and bowling league teammates. Bowling For Dummies provides easy-to-understand instructions for improving your bowling game. The expert tips and advice take you through every step of the game, from selecting the right shoes to the proper way to yell, "Strike!" Packed with photos and line drawings Step-by-step instructions and illustrations included for all techniques Covers beginner through more advanced techniques Whether you're a casual bowler or on a bowling league, the practical, friendly advice in Bowling For Dummies will have you itching to hit the lanes to try out your new skills.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Rabbits For Dummies
Now updated–a highly informative guide to the joys of bunny ownership Rabbits For Dummies gives readers a well-informed look before hopping headlong into the wonderful world of raising rabbits. From choosing a rabbit and preparing its home to feeding, grooming, and training, this practical guide provides a wealth of hutch-tested tips. Packed with informative photographs and beautifully detailed illustrations, Rabbits For Dummies includes up-to-date veterinary information, explains rabbit body language, advises on treating common rabbit maladies, covers the latest on organic cuisine and homegrown feeding options, and suggests training tips for acclimating a new bunny into the household.P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you're probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Rabbits For Dummies (9781119696780). The book you see here shouldn’t be considered a new or updated product. But if you’re in the mood to learn something new, check out some of our other books. We're always writing about new topics!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Alexa For Dummies
Make your every wish Alexa’s command with this in-depth guide to the wildly popular Amazon smart speaker You might be thinking, “All I have to do is plug in my Echo device and start using it!” And you’d be right. But if you really want to explore what that compact little device can do, then Alexa For Dummies is your go-to resource. This book shows you how to customize your device to respond to your requests and enhance your life. Alexa For Dummies takes you on a tour of all things Alexa: its capabilities, tools, settings, and skills. Go beyond the basics of playing music, calling friends, reading the news, and checking the weather. You’ll learn how to make Alexa private and secure, connect it to your smart home devices, and even make it sound like Samuel L. Jackson, if you feel like it. You can also extend its capabilities by adding new skills. Customize your device to respond to your voice Troubleshoot when a light is signaling something’s wrong Add skills to play music and audiobooks Create routines to turn on lights, adjust the thermostat, set your security alarm, and lock your doors Sync your smart devices throughout your home Use Alexa to connect to a Zoom meeting or phone call with your friends or family No matter which device you have—Echo, Echo Dot, Echo Show, Echo Studio, Echo Flex, Echo Loop, Echo Buds, or Echo Frames—Alexa For Dummies is the perfect companion. Ready to get started? Say “Hey, Alexa, order Alexa For Dummies!”
John Wiley & Sons Inc Landscaping For Dummies
Create an eye-catching outdoor oasis with this no-nonsense guide to landscaping As families spend more time at home, they're expanding their living space to their yards, decks, and patios. When you're ready to upgrade the look of your landscape, Landscaping For Dummies offers advice on installing fences and walkways, choosing hardy plants and trees, and enhancing natural habitats for the critters and creatures lurking in your neighborhood. You'll find out how to make your backyard a relaxing retreat space and discover the enjoyment and satisfaction that comes from working in your yard. Landscaping For Dummies includes: Lists of recommended plants and varieties, including the best ones for privacy plantings, low-maintenance groundcovers, and small gardens Advice on how to deal with special landscaping concerns, including fire-prone areas, bee and butterfly gardens, and drought-tolerant and native landscapes Instructions on installing permanent features like decks, patios, fences, and more Pointers on how to water more efficiently, including the latest tools and technologies that can save you time With a little bit of planning and some digging, trimming, or planting, you'll be set to enjoy your yard whenever the mood strikes. Let Landscaping For Dummies be your guide to making the most of your outdoor space.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Baseball For Dummies
Play, watch, and understand America's favorite pastime Baseball continues to be a popular game both as a spectator sport and as a pastime. Since the publication of Baseball For Dummies, 3rd Edition, baseball teams have changed, new MLB stadiums have been built, and rules have been updated. This updated 4th Edition brings you the latest information on the players, the places, and above all, the game. Baseball For Dummies is for baseball fans at all levels, from players and coaches to spectators who love the game. Baseball Hall of Fame player Joe Morgan explains baseball with remarkable insight, using down-to-earth language so everyone from the casual observer to the die-hard fan can gain a fuller appreciation of the sport. Improve your hitting, pitching, and fielding Find a baseball team to play on, from Little League on up Evaluate stats, players, and records Coach baseball or umpire effectively Get more out of a trip to the ballpark The latest on baseball stats and sabermetrics Complete with Morgan's personal lists of top-ten toughest pitchers, smartest players, and most strategic managers, Baseball For Dummies gives you all the inside tips, facts, and stats so you can have Major League fun!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Hadoop For Dummies
Let Hadoop For Dummies help harness the power of your data and rein in the information overload Big data has become big business, and companies and organizations of all sizes are struggling to find ways to retrieve valuable information from their massive data sets with becoming overwhelmed. Enter Hadoop and this easy-to-understand For Dummies guide. Hadoop For Dummies helps readers understand the value of big data, make a business case for using Hadoop, navigate the Hadoop ecosystem, and build and manage Hadoop applications and clusters. Explains the origins of Hadoop, its economic benefits, and its functionality and practical applications Helps you find your way around the Hadoop ecosystem, program MapReduce, utilize design patterns, and get your Hadoop cluster up and running quickly and easily Details how to use Hadoop applications for data mining, web analytics and personalization, large-scale text processing, data science, and problem-solving Shows you how to improve the value of your Hadoop cluster, maximize your investment in Hadoop, and avoid common pitfalls when building your Hadoop cluster From programmers challenged with building and maintaining affordable, scaleable data systems to administrators who must deal with huge volumes of information effectively and efficiently, this how-to has something to help you with Hadoop.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Latin For Dummies
Master the basics of a lyrical and useful language Even though most people don’t use Latin anymore, it used to be spoken by millions of people from across the ancient world. It later morphed into new languages we still use today! In Latin For Dummies, you’ll take a tour through the language of ancient Rome. Beginning with Latin you may already know, like “carpe diem” and “quid pro quo,” the book walks you through essential Latin grammar and everyday Latin phrases. It also explores how Latin shaped and molded modern languages, including English. In this book, you’ll find: Lessons to learn Latin grammar and vocabulary Practices for reading, translating, and composing Latin Tips to recognize commonly confused Latin words Latin For Dummies proves that learning Latin, while challenging, can be fun and exciting too! It’s perfect for first timers interested in the ancient language and anyone who wants to learn more about ancient Roman history and culture.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Epidemiology For Dummies
Become a disease detective with this easy-to-understand resource Epidemiology For Dummies is packed with key concepts, practical applications, and real-life examples in the study of disease transmission and control. It's a must-have for students in all public-health-related fields, and for curious learners, too. This Dummies guide will help you conquer even the trickiest epidemiological concepts. In this introduction to the fascinating, complex science, you’ll learn—in terms anyone can understand—all the basic principles of epidemiology, plus how those concepts translate to public health outcomes and policy decisions. Learn the basic principles and concepts of epidemiology Discover real-world examples and public health threats Understand the complex social factors that influence health Embark on a public health career or just pass your epidemiology course Anyone who wants or needs to understand the fundamentals of epidemiology and the science behind public health will love Epidemiology For Dummies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chess For Dummies
Want to play chess like a champ? Dummies can help. From Netflix's “The Queen’s Gambit” to podcasts, virtual and mobile gaming, and beyond, chess is back in a big way. But, with all those kings, queens, and knights, chess can be a royal pain to grasp. Chess For Dummies is here to help beginners wrap their minds around the rules of the game, make sense of those puzzling pieces, and sharpen their chess strategy such that even Paul Morphy would be impressed. You’ll learn the laws of chess, its lingo, and engage in the art of the attack with the easy-to-follow, step-by-step explanations found in the latest edition of Chess For Dummies. Whether you’re playing chess online, in a tournament, or across the dining room table with a family member or friend, this hands-on guide is sure to capture your interest (and your opponent's queen), getting you up to speed on the game and its components and giving you the know-how you need to put the principles of play into action from the opening to the endgame. Grasp the rules of play and the nuances of each phase of the game Familiarize yourself with the pieces and the board Pick the perfect chess set and chessboard for you Get to know each of the pieces and their powers If you feel like you’re in a stalemate before you even begin a game, Chess For Dummies is your guide to forcing moves, raking bishops, and skewering your opponents like a true champion.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Macs For Dummies
Take a bite out of all your Mac has to offer with this bestselling guide So, you joined the cool kids club and bought a Mac. Kudos! Now, do you dare admit to your sophisticated Mac mates that you still need some help figuring out how it works? No worries, Macs For Dummies is here to help! In full color for the first time ever, the latest edition of this long-running bestseller takes the guesswork out of working with your new Mac, providing easy-to-follow, plain-English answers to every possible question in the book! Whether you're trying to figure out the basics of getting around the OS X interface, learning the ins and outs of turning your Mac into a sleek productivity tool, or anything in between, Mac For Dummies makes it fast and easy to navigate your way around your new Apple computer. You'll get the know-how to rocket into cyberspace, browse the Web, send messages, back up files to the Cloud, deal with security issues, get productive with leading Mac apps, and have fun with one-stop shopping for music, movies, and media. Navigate OS X El Capitan with confidence and ease Use your Mac to power your audio and video systems Add your Mac to your home network Troubleshoot common problems when your Mac starts misbehaving Fully updated to cover the latest hardware and software releases, Macs For Dummies offers everything you need to get your geek on—and make your Mac your minion.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Honey For Dummies
Get in on the ground level of the next artisan food obsession—honey! Just like wine, cheese, beer or coffee, honey is an artisan food with much to be discovered. Whether you're interested in tasting the various varietals, using it as a cure, or harvesting your own, Honey For Dummies is the guide for you. This book reveals the deep and complex world of honey, its diverse floral sources, and its surprising range of colors, smells, and flavors. You will learn about over 50 single-origin honeys, their sensory profiles, where they are produced and where to buy them. Discover how to taste and evaluate honey using the same methods as professional honey sensory expert. Understand how honey is produced by honeybees, and how beekeepers harvest, and bottle this liquid gold. You’ll also discover the historical role honey has played around the world in folklore, religions, and economies. From its health benefits, to recipes, to food pairings, this complete guide covers all things honey! Honey is the latest food trend that can be found at farmers’ markets, specialty food shops and on the menu of restaurants. It is produced from bees in every state and just about every country on the planet. Let Honey For Dummies accompany you on your sweet adventure! Discover the rich and complex world of single-origin honey Learn about honey’s composition and its myriad health benefits Acquire the skills to taste honey like a pro then how to perfectly pair honeys with all foods Try the book’s many wonderful recipes that incorporate honey Honey For Dummies is the perfect companion for every chef, brewer, homesteader, beekeeper or honey lover.
John Wiley & Sons Inc SharePoint For Dummies
Unlock the potential of Microsoft’s powerful web-based collaborative platform that comes standard with Microsoft 365 Microsoft SharePoint unlocks millions of collaborative and remote working capabilities and possibilities. And using it doesn’t require a degree in computer science! With SharePoint For Dummies, you’ll be creating sites, working with lists, and integrating with Microsoft Teams in no time at all. This book offers fully illustrated, step-by-step instructions to adapt and customize SharePoint for your own organization. Perfect for complete SharePoint novices as well as veterans of previous versions, you’ll learn to manage and work with enterprise content and use the SharePoint mobile app. This handy guide also walks you through: Creating integrated, online portals from scratch for everyone in your organization to use How to navigate the SharePoint interface like a pro, without any prior knowledge Using SharePoint alongside Microsoft Office 365’s other powerful tools, like Teams Ideal for anyone who wants to—or has to—use SharePoint at work or school, SharePoint For Dummies is your irreplaceable companion to getting up-to-speed with SharePoint in a hurry!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Stargazing For Dummies
Reach for the stars Stargazing is the practice of observing the night sky and its contents - from constellations through to planets and galaxies. Stars and other night sky objects can be seen with the naked eye, or seen in greater numbers and in more detail with binoculars or a telescope. Stargazing For Dummies offers you the chance to explore the night sky, providing a detailed guide to the main constellations and also offering advice on viewing other night sky objects such as planets and nebulae. It's a great introduction to a fun new hobby, and even provides a fun way to get the kids outside while doing something educational! Gives you an introduction to looking at the sky with binoculars or a telescope Offers advice on photographing the night sky Without needing to get your head around mind-bending theories, you can take part in some practical physics If you're looking for easy-to-follow guidance on getting to know the night sky, Stargazing For Dummies has you covered.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Renting For Dummies
Untangle the renting process and find your perfect place Renting For Dummies explains everything you, as a renter, need to know. Search for the ideal home, put in your application, and get yourself moved in. You’ll learn how to effectively hunt for rentals, figure out what you can afford, and how to find the neighborhood that’s best for you. Want to find a roommate? Need help with your application? Not sure whether your lease allows you to keep your beloved pet goldfish? This Dummies guide has you covered, with all the renting advice, and none of the confusing babble. Streamline the renting process with tips on finding good rentals Read real-life scenarios to help you navigate roommates, pets, applications, and beyond Ask the right questions and negotiate a lease that’s fair to everyone Get tips for maintaining your place, setting up utilities, and handling repairs If you want to get up to speed on today’s rental landscape, Renting For Dummies is the jargon-free resource for you.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Codependency For Dummies
Your trusted guide to value yourself and break the patterns of codependency Codependency For Dummies, 2nd Edition is the most comprehensive book on the topic to date. Written in plain English and packed with sensitive, authoritative information, it describes the history, symptoms, causes, and relationship dynamics of codependency. The majority of the book is devoted to healing and lays out a clear plan for recovery with exercises, practical advice, and daily reminders to help you know, honor, protect, and express yourself. New to this edition are chapters on working the Twelve Steps to recover from codependency and how therapists/coaches/nurses are affected by codependency. Codependence is primarily a learned behavior from our family of origin. Some cultures have it to a greater degree than others—some still see it as a normal way of living. Yet the costs of codependence can include distrust, faulty expectations, passive-aggressiveness, control, self-neglect, over-focus on others, manipulation, intimacy issues, and a slew of other harmful traits. Codependence causes serious pain and affects the majority of Americans—not just women and loved ones of addicts. Codependency For Dummies, 2nd Edition offers authoritative and trusted guidance on ways to raise your self-esteem, detach and let go, set boundaries, recognize healthy vs. dysfunctional relationships, overcome guilt and resentment, and much more. Helps you break the pattern of conduct that keeps you in harmful relationships Provides trusted guidance to create healthy boundaries, coping skills, and expectations Offers advice for eliminating feelings of guilt, blame, and feeling overly responsible Explains the difference between care-giving and codependent care-taking If you're trapped in the cycle of codependency and looking for help, Codependency For Dummies, 2nd Edition offers trusted advice and a clear plan for recovery.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Astrology For Dummies
What can the starry skies tell you about yourself and others? More than you might imagine. For over four thousand years, people have watched the skies, correlating the movements of the Sun, the Moon, and the planets with human affairs. Astrology for Dummies shows the reader how to use that accumulated wisdom to identify strengths and weaknesses, discover creative abilities, understand relationships, and make the most of the times in which we live. Using an abundance of real-life examples, author Rae Orion offers an incisive account of each sign and planet, taking the reader far beyond the daily horoscope and illuminating the birth chart in all its individuality and complexity. Astrology for Dummies examines the time-honored ways astrology helps us understand ourselves and others. From how to map and interpret individual horoscopes to building and reading birth charts, Astrology For Dummies provides you with the tools to apply the art of astrology to your everyday life. Explore the long, multi-cultural, occasionally bloody history of astrology Discover useful advice about romance, career, and wellness Find the creative potential to be found in every sign and every birth chart Unravel the mysteries behind Mercury retrograde and other celestial phenomena Delve into the horoscopes of dozens of famous (and infamous) people, both past and present Investigate different ways to align yourself with the cosmos. Astrology hasn’t been around for millennia for nothing. It’s a practical tool, a symbolic language, a way to expand awareness, a means to increase empathy, and an exploration that touches the soul. Whether you want to learn about yourself, understand others, or glimpse the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, the answers are here — and in the stars!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Biomechanics For Dummies
A thorough explanation of the tenets of biomechanics At once a basic and applied science, biomechanics focuses on the mechanical cause-effect relationships that determine the motions of living organisms. Biomechanics for Dummies examines the relationship between biological and mechanical worlds. It clarifies a vital topic for students of biomechanics who work in a variety of fields, including biological sciences, exercise and sports science, health sciences, ergonomics and human factors, and engineering and applied science. Following the path of a traditional introductory course, Biomechanics for Dummies covers the terminology and fundamentals of biomechanics, bone, joint, and muscle composition and function, motion analysis and control, kinematics and kinetics, fluid mechanics, stress and strain, applications of biomechanics, and black and white medical illustrations. Offers insights and expertise in biomechanics to provide an easy-to-follow, jargon-free guide to the subject Provides students who major in kinesiology, neuroscience, biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, occupational therapy, physical therapy, physical education, nutritional science, and many other subjects with a basic knowledge of biomechanics Students and self-motivated learners interested in biological, applied, exercise, sports, and health sciences should not be without this accessible guide to the fundamentals.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cybersecurity For Dummies
Explore the latest developments in cybersecurity with this essential guide Every day it seems we read another story about one company or another being targeted by cybercriminals. It makes some of us wonder: am I safe online? The good news is that we can all be cybersecure—and it doesn’t take a degree in computer science to make it happen! Cybersecurity For Dummies is the down-to-earth guide you need to secure your own data (and your company’s, too). You’ll get step-by-step guidance on how to implement reasonable security measures, prevent cyber attacks, deal securely with remote work, and what to do in the event that your information is compromised. The book also offers: Updated directions on how to prevent ransomware attacks and how to handle the situation if you become a target Step-by-step instructions on how to create data backups and implement strong encryption Basic info that every aspiring cybersecurity professional needs to know Cybersecurity For Dummies is the ideal handbook for anyone considering a career transition into cybersecurity, as well as anyone seeking to secure sensitive information.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bitcoin For Dummies
A primer on the currency alternative that's changing the world Bitcoin can be a bit puzzling to the uninitiated. Ledger? Blockchain? Mining? These cryptocurrency concepts aren't going away, and there are tremendous opportunities for those with some know-how to get onboard with the crypto culture. Bitcoin For Dummies helps you get un-puzzled, learn the Bitcoin basics, and discover the possibilities in the new world of digital currencies. With this 100% new edition, you can step into the fascinating culture of cryptocurrency and learn how to use Bitcoin as a currency or an investment vehicle. A little bit of knowledge will go a long way, and you’ll be ready to sail smoothly ahead as the crypto tsunami advances. Demystify Bitcoin and learn how to buy and sell cryptocurrency Create a digital wallet and make everyday purchases using Bitcoin Discover the ins and outs of investing in Bitcoin and other up-and-coming cryptocurrencies Participate in the cutting-edge culture of crypto Bitcoin For Dummies is great for beginning Bitcoin users and investors who need to know the basics about getting started with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Blockchain For Dummies
Carve out your niche in the exploding world of blockchain technology Cryptocurrency, NFTs, smart contracts, and ever-more-important business and finance functions—they all run on blockchain. Blockchain For Dummies is the must-have guide to the basics of blockchain. This clear reference breaks down exactly what blockchain technology is, how it’s used across industries, and what it all means for you and your investment portfolio. Learn the latest token standards, emerging tools and platforms, and opportunities that you’ll want to hop aboard. This book demystifies all of it, so you can understand and profit from this major disruptor in the world of finance. Evaluate new ideas and trends, make smarter decisions, and establish your presence on your blockchains of choice. Peek under the hood of the new tech that’s changing finance (and everything else) Learn how blockchain powers cryptocurrency and smart contracts Launch your own blockchain apps on stable platforms Understand and take advantage of blockchain investment opportunities Investors, financial pros, and technologists who need Blockchain 101 will love Blockchain For Dummies. Exploring blockchain to build your personal portfolio? This book has your essentials.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chihuahuas For Dummies
Keep up to date with the latest info on raising, training, and living with your Chihuahua Chihuahuas For Dummies is your guide to discovering whether a Chihuahua is the right addition to your family and to caring for these little dogs once they’re under your roof. This fun book answers your most pressing questions about the breed’s needs and temperament, plus offers loads of friendly advice on everything a Chihuahua owner should know. You’ll also find fun facts and trivia, amusing and informative anecdotes, and tips on how to have a great time with your Chihuahua. This down-to-earth For Dummies reference is the only book you'll need to help you have the best possible experience with these very affectionate and adorable doggos. Understand the Chihuahua’s characteristics and body language Keep your dog healthy and happy with diet, exercise, and socialization Deal with bad behavior like biting, barking, and jumping Train your Chihuahua in the basics—sit, stay, heel, and come This is the book for anyone planning to adopt a Chihuahua and needing all the facts, plus current Chihuahua owners who need advice on training or are thinking of adding another member to their current fur family.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Biology For Dummies
The ultimate guide to understanding biology Have you ever wondered how the food you eat becomes the energy your body needs to keep going? The theory of evolution says that humans and chimps descended from a common ancestor, but does it tell us how and why? We humans are insatiably curious creatures who can't help wondering how things work—starting with our own bodies. Wouldn't it be great to have a single source of quick answers to all our questions about how living things work? Now there is. From molecules to animals, cells to ecosystems, Biology For Dummies answers all your questions about how living things work. Written in plain English and packed with dozens of enlightening illustrations, this reference guide covers the most recent developments and discoveries in evolutionary, reproductive, and ecological biology. It's also complemented with lots of practical, up-to-date examples to bring the information to life. Discover how living things work Think like a biologist and use scientific methods Understand lifecycle processes Whether you're enrolled in a biology class or just want to know more about this fascinating and ever-evolving field of study, Biology For Dummies will help you unlock the mysteries of how life works.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bookkeeping For Dummies
Britain's number-one guide to mastering the art and science of bookkeeping Accurate bookkeeping is crucial to the success of every business—but few people relish in this highly detailed task. Luckily, this new edition of Bookkeeping For Dummies simplifies every aspect of financial record keeping, walking you through the basic skills you need to make numbers your minion. From tracking transactions and keeping ledgers to producing balance sheets and year-end reports, this straight-talking guide takes the intimidation out of bookkeeping and shows you how to make it your best friend in business. Fully updated to include the latest coverage of accounting practices and bookkeeping software, this new edition of Bookkeeping For Dummies features tons of practical exercises to get you up and running with what you need to keep your books balanced, your finances in order and the tax inspector off your back. Find updated bookkeeping templates and resources available via download Manage day-to-day records like sales and purchases Produce Profit and Loss Statements and Balance Sheets Prepare year-end documents with confidence and ease From the importance of keeping a paper trail to the best ways to keep payroll rolling—and everything in between—this is the ideal resource for anyone looking to learn the bookkeeping ropes.