Search results for ""Author Ink"
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Das motivierte Unternehmen: Tools und Techniken für ein leistungsstarkes Team
Was ist eigentlich Motivation? Kann man sie erzeugen, vervielfältigen und weitergeben? Was muss man tun, um sie zu bewahren, wenn man sie einmal errungen hat? Fragen, mit denen sich viele Führungskräfte immer wieder auseinandersetzen müssen. Jörg Lahmann liefert in seinem Buch die Antworten. Seine Überzeugung: Motivation gedeiht dauerhaft nur in einem richtig strukturierten Umfeld. Mit seinen Tools und Techniken im Buch liefert er nun die Bauanleitung. Das Ziel jeder Führungskraft ist, ein motiviertes Team zu haben. Das funktioniert weder mit einfachen Tricks noch mit charmanten Witzen. Damit es gelingt, erklärt das Buch zunächst die Theorie der Motivation und legt dann ein klar aufgebautes Modell vor, ein Rezept sozusagen, Motivation im Unternehmen entstehen zu lassen. Die Grundlage für Jörg Lahmanns Modell des motivierten Unternehmens liefern neueste Erkenntnisse aus den Bereichen Management, Soziologie, Wirtschaft, Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften. Außerdem finden die Leser im Buch zahlreiche Beispiele und Übungen, mit denen sie die einzelnen Bestandteile des Modells sowie die externen und internen Faktoren, die ins Spiel kommen, identifizieren und herausfinden können, wie es in ihrem Unternehmen oder Team um die Motivation bestellt ist und wo Verbesserungsbedarf besteht. Jörg Lahmann liefert die dafür nötigen Strategien und Tools und erklärt anhand von Fallbeispielen, wie man diese richtig einsetzt. Abgerundet wird das Buch dann durch einen Leitfaden oder Aktionsplan, der aufzeigt, wo Führungskräfte loslegen müssen, Methoden zur Selbstevaluation inklusive, mit denen sie die Fortschritte ihres Unternehmens messen können.
Taschen GmbH The Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
The Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen presents the most famous Andersen stories, including classics such as “The Little Mermaid,” “The Ugly Duckling,” and “The Princess and the Pea,” in a highly esteemed 1942 translation by Jean Hersholt. This lovingly designed book contains a sparkling and unexpected selection of beautiful artwork from the 1840s to the 1980s by such artist greats as Kay Nielsen, the beloved Arthur Rackham, the eccentric Tom Seidmann-Freud (niece of Sigmund Freud), and the groundbreaking film animator Lotte Reiniger, as well as exciting, newly discovered talents. The collection also features historic and contemporary silhouettes, which enrich the presentation of Andersen’s tales in a unique format, pairing one tale with one artist, and make this a fresh addition to children’s libraries as well as to adult art-book collections. In addition to the tales and illustrations, the collection also contains a presentation of Andersen’s legacy, brief historical introductions to each fairy tale, and extended artists’ biographies in the appendix. Meant for the whole family, this precious edition shares the eternal magic of Andersen’s tales, celebrating his tender, heartfelt stories that have entered both our collective imagination and the literary canon. Brings together the most famous Hans Christian Andersen tales in a one-of-a-kind design Includes illustrations by famous artists from Austria, Britain, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United States Features the highly esteemed translation by Jean Hersholt, accessible to readers of all ages Contains dozens of all-new silhouettes specially commissioned for the book The following 23 fairy tales are featured in the book: The Princess and the Pea, The Nightingale, The Swineherd, The Old Man Is Always Right, The Little Mermaid, The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Darning Needle, Twelve by Mail, The Brave Tin Soldier, The Snow Queen, The Flea and the Professor, Thumbelina, The Sweethearts, Ole Shut-Eye, Five Peas in a Pod, The Ugly Duckling, Little Ida’s Flowers, The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep, The Flying Trunk, The Little Match Girl, The Tinderbox, The Pen and Inkstand, and The Farmyard Cock and the Weathercock About the translator Danish-born Jean Hersholt (1886–1956) was a Hollywood actor and radio star who dedicated years of his life to translating all of Andersen’s tales from the original Danish. His English translations were first published in 1942. He was also an avid collector of Andersen books, letters, and manuscripts, amassing the largest collection of Anderseniana in the United States, and eventually donating it to the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Hersholt’s most famous acting roles were as Shirley Temple’s grandfather in the film Heidi (1937) and on the popular radio show Dr. Christian (1937–1954). The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award is presented at the Oscars.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Ein guter Chef sein: Ratgeber für erfolgreiche Führung
Sofern Sie sich für Führung im privaten, ehrenamtlichen oder beruflichen Umfeld interessieren, ist dieser Ratgeber genau richtig für Sie. Auch wenn Sie Ihr eigenes Führungsverhalten reflektieren möchten oder vor kurzem die Funktion als Vorgesetzter bzw. Chef übernommen haben, finden Sie in diesem Buch viele konkrete Beispiele und hilfreiche Tipps zur Umsetzung. So lernen Sie, optimal zuzuhören und Fragen zu stellen, um Bedürfnissen von Mitarbeitenden und anderer besser gerecht werden zu können und gemeinsam die gesteckten Ziele zu erreichen.Dieses Buch hilft allen, die erfahren möchten: welche Werte für die Führung von Menschen von Bedeutung sind und wie man diese im Alltag erkennt warum es in vielen Bereichen wichtig es ist, selbst als Vorbild voranzugehen wie wichtig Ziele im partizipativen Führungsstil sind wie Menschen in Verantwortung nachhaltig zur Zufriedenheit mit diversen Stakeholdern, inkl. Mitarbeitenden und Aufsichtsrat, zusammenarbeiten Zielgruppen: Alle Menschen und Führungskräfte, die in irgendeiner Weise führen und ihr Tun reflektieren möchten Neu ernannte Führungskräfte und alle, die gerne in einer Vorgesetzten-Funktion tätig wären und wissen möchten, was sie erwarten könnte Zum Autor: Der Autor Clemens Hasler hat schon immer mit Leidenschaft geführt, sei es in Vereinen, Abteilungen oder Unternehmen als CEO. Er nimmt Sie als Leser mit und lässt sich in diesem Ratgeber über die Schultern schauen.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd A Guardsman in the Crimea: The Life and Letters of William Scarlett
The Brigade of Guards was the elite force of the British Army in the Crimea. William Scarlett, a captain in the Scots Fusilier Guard and one of the most active junior officers in the regiment, fought throughout the entire campaign. After the Allied landing at Kalamita Bay, Scarlett rallied his regiment at a critical moment during the battle of the Alma, supported by his company sergeant, who was awarded the VC. William Scarlett’s life may well have been saved after the battle of Balaklava by becoming an aide de camp to his uncle, General James Scarlett, the commander of the Heavy Brigade. This meant that he did not fight at Inkerman, which took a heavy toll on the officers of the Guards Brigade. Returning to the trenches early in 1855, William Scarlett was involved in all the phases of the siege of Sebastopol until its fall in September 1855. The survival of 139 previously unpublished letters record Scarlett’s deeds and thoughts. Written to nineteen different correspondents, and deliberately intended by him to form a personal account of his rôle in the war, his letters provide a forceful commentary on the successes and failures of the British army in the East. His life before and after the war is well recorded. Becoming the third Lord Abinger in 1861, Scarlett was the second English peer to marry an American. He built a castle in Scotland, where Queen Victoria stayed in 1873, and two of his daughters became notable suffragettes.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Konsequente Führung: So schaffen Sie echte Wertschöpfung, Eigenverantwortung und Erfolg in Ihrem Unternehmen
"Konsequentes Führen ist das Hauptdefizit in Organisationen!" Diese steile These von Thorsten Ebeling kommt nicht von ungefähr. Er selbst musste erst die Erfahrung machen, was es bedeutet, inkonsequent zu führen. Das Ergebnis: Jeder Mitarbeiter macht, was er will, keiner macht, was er soll - und alle machen mit. Und warum das alles? Weil es den Mitarbeitern an Orientierung fehlt, an klaren Zielen und Strukturen, in denen sie sich bewegen können, und an einer Führungskraft, die ihr "Fels in der Brandung" ist. In seinen Coachings stellt Ebeling immer wieder fest, dass in vielen Unternehmen genau hier Nachholbedarf herrscht. In den Organisationen schwelen Konflikte, es mangelt an klarer Kommunikation und an schwarzen Zahlen. Doch können hierfür nur die Mitarbeiter verantwortlich gemacht werden? Nein, wenn ein derartiges Chaos im Unternehmen herrscht, sollte die Pyramide von oben abgearbeitet werden. Getreu dem Motto "der Fisch stinkt vom Kopf" ist hier bei der Führungskraft anzusetzen. Denn oft ist sie sich ihrer Funktionen gar nicht bewusst. Sie ist weder in der Lage, eine vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre zu schaffen, noch Verantwortung abzugeben, um endlich das zu haben, was essenziell für den künftigen Erfolg des Unternehmens ist: mehr Zeit für Führung. Das Buch bietet Geschäftsführern, Inhabern und CEOs eine Orientierungshilfe für erfolgreiche Führung. Wenn alles durcheinandergerät, Chaos herrscht und die Zahlen den Bach hinuntergehen, dann ist es noch nicht zu spät, aber höchste Zeit zum Handeln. Thorsten Ebeling bietet neben Zahlen, Daten und Fakten auch praktische Tipps für alle, die ihr Unternehmen wieder in die richtige Bahn lenken möchten - und das gelingt nur über konsequentes Führen.
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd In the Mood for Colour: Perfect Palettes for Creative Interiors
Bring the transformative power of colour into your life with the help of Hans Blomquist, whose inspiring interiors will enable you to find the right colours for your home. Colour is powerful – it can change our moods or raise our spirits. It can be positively life-enhancing, yet so many of us struggle to choose the right shades for our home. In the Mood for Colour reveals celebrated interior stylist Hans Blomquist's passion for colour and the way in which it can affect our emotions. Colour can soothe, enchant or excite. And, as Hans demonstrates, it has the ability to render rooms cool and calming, dynamic and stimulating or moody and intriguing. As ever, Hans draws his inspiration from the natural world, exploring shades that range from the dazzling white of newly fallen snow to the fiery crimson heart of an unfurled poppy and the inky canopy of the midnight sky. Divided into five sections – Dark, Pale, Natural, Soft and Bold – In the Mood for Colour will make you see colour in a completely different light.
Quarto Publishing PLC Moon Bear
In this enchantingly illustrated, almost wordless picture book, a story of courage and creativity unfolds when a girl who is afraid of the dark meets a magical moon bear who is afraid of the light. Ettie is afraid of the dark. Every night without fail her Mummy calls, 'Time for bed, Ettie!' The curtains pull shut, her bedside light blinks out and Ettie is surrounded by the deep inky cloak of the dark… … Until one night, the bright moon shines through a crack in her curtains. Cautiously, Ettie reaches out a hand to touch the light and is surprised to find that it leaves a glittering mark on her hands. Overcome with curiosity and joy, Ettie dances around her room, drawing with this magical beam of moonlight. She pulls open her curtains and begins to connect the stars in the sky as if they were dots. A moon bear slowly appears in the sky, and when she connects the very last dot, he bursts i
C & T Publishing krafttex Roll Linen HandDyed Prewashed
Introducing prewashed kraft-tex in a sophisticated range of new colours! Wait until you get your hands on this rugged paper that looks, feels, and wears like leather, but sews, cuts, and washes just like fabric. kraft-tex Designer is supple and easy to sew with, yet strong enough to use for projects that get tough wear. This cruelty-free leather alternative now comes in hand-dyed, hand-finished denim blue, saffron yellow, moss green, and linen, and will bring an exciting new texture and colour to your craft-sewing projects, mixed-media arts, and bookmaking. The sumptuous surface is prewashed, preshrunk, eco-friendly, colour-fast, tear-resistant, and so much more. â Play with it! Sew it, stamp it, draw on it, fold it, inkjet print it â Prewashed treatment gives it a suede-like finish and lovely crinkles â Pieces are hand-dyed and hand-cut, so colour and size may vary slightly.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Intervention Resource Guide: 50 Performance Improvement Tools
Your performance improvement toolbox! You want to be able to: * Increase your awareness of various performance improvementoptions * Propose an intervention or a series of interventions to eliminatea performance gap * Select interventions systematically * Learn how to implement interventions more effectively . . . andmore! Here's your toolbox. Interventions are the tools that you can useto effect changes in performance. While many other resources haveidentified the importance of interventions as performance tools,and some resources have even singled out select interventions thatmight be used to drive improvement at an organization, no otherresource has offered you so many interventions. * How would a 360-degree-feedback program improve yourorganization? * How could you design communication, leadership, and mentoringprograms? * When should you improve your compensation systems and employeeorientations? * How could you maximize the effectiveness of job aids andon-the-job training? This resource not only answers those questions--and manyothers--but also gives you the field-tested tools you need toproduce measurable modifications in performance. You'll be able tosolve a host of operational dilemmas! Don't worry about how to face performance problems. Just grab yourtoolbox and go! The Intervention Resource Guide has the toolsyou've waited for. First, these experienced editors tell you how to select andimplement interventions. Then you get a huge array of fiftyinterventions designed by the top practitioners in the field. Inkeeping with the central tenets of human performance technology,all of these interventions are designed to prompt measurablechanges at your organization. You'll have an easier time justifyingwhy you're doing what you're doing than ever before!You'll get whatyou need for: * action learning * competency modeling * conflict management * customer feedback * diversity management * electronic performance support systems (EPSS) * performance appraisal * strategic planning * teaming . . . and much more! All these resources are field-tested and formulated for fastimplementation.Among the many leading contributors to thisone-of-a-kind resource are: * Jean Barbazette * Dale M. Brethower * Gloria Gery * Roger Kaufman * Danny Langdon * Bob Nelson * William J. Rothwell * Edgar H. Schein * Sivasailam "Thiagi" Thiagarajan * Donald Tosti * Kathleen Whiteside * Ron Zemke . . . and many others! You've heard about performance improvement and human performancetechnology. They have sounded promising. But you weren't fully surewhat an intervention was, how to select one, or how to implementone. Now you know! Intervention Resource Guide is your performanceimprovement toolbox.
Publicis MCD Verlag,Germany Projektmanagement: Leitfaden für die Planung, Überwachung und Steuerung von Projekten
Burghardts "Projektmanagement" ist ein umfassendes und bewährtes Standardwerk für Projektleiter, Projektplaner und Projektmitarbeiter. In verständlicher Form vermittelt es die Methoden und Vorgehensweisen im Management von Projekten. Außerdem dient es als Nachschlagewerk für alle, die bereits seit längerem mit PM-Aufgaben betraut sind. Für die 10. Auflage wurde das Buch gründlich überarbeitet und aktualisiert, insbesondere zu den Themen Kontraktmanagement, Patentportfolio, Multiprojektmanagement, Funktionswertmethode, Risikomanagement und -analyse, Vorgehensmodelle, webbasierte Cloud- und Notizdienste, Kontakt- und Berufsplattformen und PM-relevante Normen. Neue Kapitel behandeln das Agile Projektmanagement (inklusive Scrum), Performance Measurement, die Projektrevision, das Release- sowie das Protokollmanagement. Auch die Neuformulierungen der ISO 9001 und der IPMA-Baseline (ICB4) werden ausführlich erläutert. Neben der gut strukturierten Darstellung des Themas bietet "Projektmanagement" einen umfangreichen Fragenkatalog zur Planung und Analyse von Projekten, einen Vorschlag für den Aufbau einer Projektakte, eine Liste mit englischsprachiger PM-Terminologie, ein aktuelles Glossar mit den relevanten Begriffen im PM, einen ausführlichen Index mit rund 3000 Einträgen sowie das Beiheft "PM-Checklisten" mit fast 1000 Stichpunkten als Grundlage für eigene projektspezifische Aufgabenkataloge.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The "Lost" Treasures of Louis Comfort Tiffany: Windows, Paintings, Lamps, Vases, and Other Works
The works of the Tiffany Studios revolutionized interior design in turn-of-the-century America. All of the company's works-from stained-glass windows to blown-glass vases; lamp shades to inkwells-bore the unique stamp of one man, Louis Comfort Tiffany, who created the Tiffany Studios and supervised every aspect of their production. Many of these official studio pieces are well known today-avidly sought by museums and collectors worldwide. Special ones among them, as well as other lesser known pieces-the "lost" works of Louis Tiffany himself-are, in a real sense, the core of his astonishing achievement. They comprise his personal oeuvre-the objects made from his original designs for exhibition, for private commissions, or for use in Tiffany's own homes. This book reevaluates Tiffany's art in terms of his personal work-including pieces in all the media that attracted him over the course of his prolific career; stained glass, of course, but also mosaics, blown glass, pottery, jewelry, and enamels. Tiffany's pioneering efforts in interior design are covered, as are his easel paintings and his dream of creating a permanent residential retreat for working artists. Hugh F. McKean also provides much intimate insight into Tiffany's personality, his domestic life, his financial dealings, and his unusual philosophy of art. Lavishly illustrated, the book presents a vivid display of Tiffany's wide-ranging aesthetic. The result is a rare portrait of Tiffany the man-and of the prodigious imagination that almost single-handedly transformed the day-to-day image of a nation and an era.
Search Press Ltd Silversmith's Secrets: Repair, Restore and Transform Treasured Items
'There are few problems that are insurmountable. If something is broken more often than not it can be repaired. A can-do attitude is essential, or at least a willingness to have a go.' So writes award-winning silversmith and BBC television personality Brenton West in his introduction to this, his first book. Brimming with in-depth technical information on tools, techniques and metals, Brenton explains how to diagnose the problem, apply the repair, and make good almost any precious items. Aimed at anyone who wants to learn the skills necessary to fix, repair or improve household items – whether for sentimental reasons or to turn a profit – the book covers more than a dozen common case studies for you to follow. Ranging from simple to more complex repairs, Brenton tackles re-plating silver, correctly securing metal to glass, polishing, soldering, re-finishing and more on a variety of antique items including table lamps, inkwells, cocktail shakers and hand mirrors. The case studies are fully illustrated so you can see what's happening at each stage, while handy boxes expand on the specific example, giving Brenton's expert advice on how to apply the skills learned to your own particular repairs. After all, no two objects break in quite the same way: the book will teach you how to adapt. Dotted throughout are Brenton's own hard-won secret tips and techniques, so you can share and benefit from his experience. Brenton talks you through how different metals and materials can be properly identified and safely repaired. The book also includes information on hallmarking, allowing you to assess those second-hand finds accurately. Finally, an extensive tool directory and techniques section give no-nonsense and in-depth advice on the best tools for the job.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Undeniable: Memoir of a covert war
“[Philippa] captures the determination of the Weekly Mail newspaper to unmask those fuelling the violence and expose state complicity, reminding us how bloody was this peaceful transition and how precarious the outcome. She evokes - in a deeply personal, honest and moving account - the ordinary people who, away from the media spotlight, paid a heavy price to bring us democracy.” - ANTON HARBER, co-founder and former editor, Mail & Guardian “An important and riveting slice of South African history told by someone who was right there at the ringside.” - MONDLI MAKHANYA, editor of City Press PHILIPPA GARSON WORKED for the brave and upstart Weekly Mail during the early 1990s, where she covered the civil war between Inkatha and ANC-aligned communities. Undeniable is an account of that period of her life, where she and colleagues, Mondli Makhanya, Kevin Carter, Eddie Koch, Anton Harber and others, tracked and discovered the involvement of a Third Force, which was fuelling the killing frenzy. There were times when Philippa escaped with her life. In this book, she tells of the casualties, victims of war and colleagues who did not. Her relationship across the colour line and partying during the off-hours in an effort to diminish the pain of what she had witnessed are all part of this brilliant account of a harrowing period in South African history. It is a period that has not been investigated sufficiently, and which escaped much scrutiny from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Rogues, lovers, family, friends, journalists, warlords and victims are all part of Philippa’s gripping memoir, in which she explores what it was like to investigate apartheid crimes through the lens of white privilege.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Tiffany Desk Sets: With the Master List of Tiffany Studios Items
In the dynamic first quarter of the 20th century, Louis Comfort Tiffany and his Tiffany Studios in New York City produced 24 distinctly different bronze desk-set patterns with nearly 1,000 different items sold separately, so that successful business leaders could decide which and how many they could arrange on their desks. The typical set might include inkwell, pen tray, paper rack, rocker blotter, and decorative ends for the desk blotter. Some patterns have a dozen or fewer items, but a few patterns have about 80 items available. Over 600 color photographs show most of the desk set items, with carefully researched text, including their Tiffany item numbers, markings, sizes, related pieces, and rarity, and an indispensible Master List of all the original Tiffany Studios items, including lamps, planters, match holders, etc., in numerical order. It will help to identify pieces never seen before and mismatched and put-together items. This is the most comprehensice collecting guide to the subject..
Murdoch Books A Whisper of Cardamom: Sweetly spiced recipes to fall in love with
This is a love story between sugar and spice. Spice is often the party girl, the loud, bold, exuberant element in the mix. There is also another art, more subtle yet equally seductive. Married with sugar, spice can provide a delicate fragrance, hard to put your finger on but one that gives backbone to a dish. It can balance tartness and bring sweetness so you can tone down the sugar. Flavours can be enhanced by a thoughtful addition from the spice cupboard, making chocolate more chocolatey and fruit taste more of itself. Added not in shouts, but in whispers, an intrigue of spice deepens allure. In this book, we explore how to unlock flavours, and how to marry them to make much more than the sum of their parts. Floral and fruity spices pair well with rich fats. Warming spices like ginger and clove play off treacly brown sugar. Anise sweetens, lemony coriander seed brightens and herbaceous notes pick out complexity in chocolate. A suspicion of nutmeg cuts the sweet creaminess of custard for a more rounded tart, and a whisper of cardamom makes inky poached plums jaunty and interesting. Chapters are divided by taste to guide you towards a dessert or bake that is bright and zippy, floral and fragrant, or dark and spicy. Recipes include spice switches so you can be creative and playful with your combinations. For those with an eye to expanding their repertoire, there are helpful spice-matching features and flavour wheels to inspire. A whole world of inviting new flavours awaits.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Die Portfolio-Revolution: Das Ende der klassischen Portfoliotheorie
Die Finanzmärkte stehen spätestens seit dem russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine ganz im Zeichen inflationärer Tendenzen. Vor allem die Reaktionen der Zentralbanken führen nun dazu, dass der zentrale Parameter des globalen Finanzmarktes starken Änderungen unterworfen wird: der risikolose Zins. Dieser beeinflusst nicht nur Bewertungsmodelle, Risikoberechnungen und künftige Kapitalflüsse im Allgemeinen. Er beeinflusst auch direkt den Marktwert aller gehandelten Finanzinstrumente, inklusive aller Arten von Sachwerten, Kryptowährungen oder Kunstobjekte. Zunehmende Marktverwerfungen und nach wie vor niedrige Risikoprämien in traditionellen Marktsegmenten sprechen für alternative Risikoprämien, die vor allem mit Hilfe von aktiven Managementmethoden vereinnahmt werden können. Hier haben sich neue Möglichkeiten entwickelt, denen in Zukunft ein breiterer Raum im Portfolio institutioneller Investoren eingeräumt werden sollte. Jochen Felsenheimer zeigt, wie die Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre an den Grundpfeilern der Portfoliotheorie rütteln. Die Aktivität der Notenbanken an den Anleihemärkten lässt den Schluss zu, dass die dominanten Investoren nicht nach Risiko-Return-Optimierung streben. Konzertierte Aktionen, wie zum Beispiel bei der GameStop-Aktie wiederum sprechen gegen die Annahme der Informationseffizienz und der Siegeszug passiver Investmentanbieter lässt vermuten, dass die Struktur der Finanzmärkte Oligopol-artige Formen annimmt. Jochen Felsenheimer stellt die Frage: Wenn also die Grundannahmen der Portfoliotheorie angesichts der jüngsten Entwicklungen als obsolet angesehen werden müssen, müssen nicht auch die klassischen Portfoliokonzepte in Frage gestellt werden? In diesem Umfeld entfällt die ökonomische Rechtfertigung für passive Indexinvestments, die dominierende Anlagestrategie der letzten Dekade. Und es spricht für die Notwendigkeit alternativer Methoden zur Bewertung von Investments und zur Konstruktion effizienter Portfolien. Das beginnt mit neuen Konzepten hinsichtlich der Risiko- und Return-Parameter und endet mit der Frage nach der Korrelation verschiedener Investments. In jedem Fall bedeutet es ein Ende der klassischen Portfoliotheorie zugunsten alternativer Ansätze.
Little, Brown & Company The Light in the Lake
Twelve-year-old Addie should avoid Maple Lake. After all, her twin brother Amos drowned there only a few months ago. But its crisp, clear water runs in her veins, and the notebook Amos left behind, filled with clues about a mysterious creature in the lake's inky-blue depths, keeps calling her back. She never took Amos seriously when he was alive, but doesn't she owe it to him to figure out, once and for all, if there's really something out there? When she's offered a Young Scientist position studying the lake for the summer, Addie accepts, yearning for the cool wind in her hair and that sparkle on the lake, despite her parent's misgivings.Addie promises her parents that she'll remain under the scientists' supervision and stick to her job of helping them measure water pollution levels, but she can't resist the secrets of Maple Lake. Addie enlists Tai, the son of one of the visiting scientists, to help her sneak off and investigate Amos's evidence of the creature. The more time Addie spends out on the water, the more she discovers the same deep-down feeling Amos had about the magic in Maple Lake. But when the scientists trace the pollution to surrounding dairy farms, including the one run by her beloved aunt and uncle, Addie finds herself caught between her family's interests and Maple Lake's future and between the science she has always prized and the magic that brings her closer to her brother.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Architectural Building Codes: A Graphic Reference
Architectural Building Codes by James G. Scott All architects musthave a solid working knowledge of building codes. Noncompliancemeans facing strained schedules and budgets at best, and lawsuitsat worst. Yet until now, no resource has been available toprofessionals that demystifies architectural building codes instraightforward, easy-to-understand language, with a unique graphicpresentation. James G. Scott's Architectural Building Codes slicesthrough the technical, legal, and bureaucratic jargon of buildingcodes with a direct, engaging style. Beginning with the assumptionthat building codes are by nature complex and difficult tounderstand, Mr. Scott provides both the theoretical principles andpractical grounding all architectural professionals need toefficiently incorporate code regulations into their designs. Theauthor bridges the gap between theory and application, turning thearcane, impenetrable rules of building codes into usable concepts.The material is cogently organized from general to specific ideas,leading the reader on a logical progression through the maze ofcode regulation. Comprehensive in scope, this book covers buildingcodes with a refreshingly broad perspective. Architectural BuildingCodes is a complete user's guide that covers a wide range oftopics, including: * accessibility standards and the Americans with DisabilitiesAct * fire-resistant materials * building limitations * means of egress * roofing, interior finishes, floor and wall coverings * occupancy * building materials * plumbing and mechanical codes * elevators An outstanding graphic presentation featuring striking pen-and-inkdrawings illuminates technical concepts and regulations. TheAppendix provides a list of practical addresses that guides thereader to other useful resources. Architectural Building Codes is aone-of-a-kind reference and resource for architecture students aswell as professionals responsible for code compliance. Buildingmanagers and owners who require both practical information and abroad grasp of code issues will find this book an indispensableguide.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Eingebettete Systeme: Grundlagen Eingebetteter Systeme in Cyber-Physikalischen Systemen
Ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal dieses Open-Access-Lehrbuchs ist die umfassende Einführung in das Grundlagenwissen über eingebettete Systeme mit Anwendungen in cyber-physischen Systemen und dem Internet der Dinge. Es beginnt mit einer Einführung in das Gebiet und eine Übersicht über Spezifikationsmodelle und -sprachen für eingebettete und cyber-physikalische Systeme. Es gibt einen kurzen Überblick über die für solche Systeme verwendeten Hardware-Geräte und stellt die Grundlagen der Systemsoftware für eingebettete Systeme vor, einschließlich Echtzeit-Betriebssystemen. Der Autor erörtert auch Evaluierungs- und Validierungstechniken für eingebettete Systeme und gibt einen Überblick über Techniken zur Abbildung von Anwendungen auf Ausführungsplattformen, inklusive Multi-Core-Plattformen. Eingebettete Systeme müssen unter engen Randbedingungen arbeiten, daher enthält das Buch auch einen ausgewählten Satz von Optimierungstechniken, mit einem Schwerpunkt bei Software-Optimierungstechniken. Das Buch schließt mit einer kurzen Übersicht über das Testen. Die vierte Auflage wurde aktualisiert und überarbeitet, um neue Trends und Technologien zu berücksichtigen, wie z. B. die Bedeutung von cyber-physischen Systemen (CPS) und dem Internet der Dinge (IoT), die Entwicklung von Single-Core-Prozessoren hin zu Multi-Core-Prozessoren und die zunehmende Bedeutung von Energieeffizienz und thermischen Fragen.
Cornerstone The Shepherd: The thrilling number one bestseller from the master of storytelling
*Now a major Disney+ short film starring John Travolta*The chilling thriller from the international bestselling phenomenon.'A cunningle wrought tale' Financial Times'A stirring and beautiful story' The Times_____________Christmas Eve, 1957.For one Royal Air Force pilot, one last hurdle remains between himself and a cozy Christmas morning in England. A sixty-six-minute flight in his Vampire fighter plane from Germany to Lakenheath.A routine flight plan and a full tank of fuel. What could go wrong?But as the fog begins to close in, the compass goes haywire and the radio dies, leaving him in silence, lost and alone up in the inky black sky.All hope seems lost as he accepts his fate when, out of nowhere, a vintage fighter-bomber appears and is miraculously trying to make contact.For one lonely pilot this is a miracle, but really the mystery has just begun ..._____________With over 1,000 5* reviews . . .***** 'This was for me the best Christmas military short story'***** 'What a great story!! I just loved it.'***** 'A splendid story. Still have goosebumps after reading it.'***** 'I, too, read this every Christmas season - and think of it often throughout the year.'***** 'What a wonderful surprising ending, I didn't see that coming, very good story, I think imma remember it for a long time.'
Monacelli Press New Surrealism: The Uncanny in Contemporary Painting
New Surrealism: The Uncanny in Contemporary Painting by Robert Zeller offers a sweeping exposition of both historical Surrealism and its legacy in the world of contemporary art. It demonstrates the many ways in which the most significant art movement of the last century continues to be relevant today, featuring an international selection of contemporary artists whose compositions and studio practice reveal its influence. There are many modalities of historical Surrealism that still maintain contemporary currency: presenting the familiar as unfamiliar and uncanny, the juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated imagery, the use of absurdity to critique political or social issues, and the use of erotic imagery in an irrational, non-linear context. Not all the artists brought together in this book self-identify as Surrealist, per se, but each uses some variation of Surrealism in a personal manner. The book begins with a study of the origins, leadership, participating artists, and major milestones of historical Surrealism. Zeller chronicles the movement starting at the end of World War I and the birth of Dada. The most important players and events emerge throughout the timeline of events—including World War II, and such notable artists as Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, Leonora Carrington, and many others—up until the death of its leader Andre Breton in 1966. Zeller then explores how elements of New Surrealism are being put into practice in the contemporary art world. Section Two offers a survey of 29 contemporary artists who engage in New Surrealism’s seemingly unlimited variations of the movement’s original themes, including Rosa Loy, Glenn Brown, and Arghavan Khosravi. Section Three features 14 artists, including important contemporary artists such as Inka Essenhigh, Ginny Casey and Anna Weyant, who speak to Surrealism’s influence on their studio practice, detailing in their own words how they create a composition from start to finish.
Mango Media Films from the Future: The Technology and Morality of Sci-Fi Movies
Hard Science Fiction Films that Predict Future Technology“As the breakneck advance of technology takes us into a world that is both exciting and menacing, sci-fi films give us an inkling of what is to come, and what we should avoid.” —Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, and host of Big Picture Science#1 Best Seller in Nanotechnology, Computers & Technology, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Mechanical Engineering, and Robotics & Automation, Cybernetics, and Experiments & ProjectsDr. Andrew Maynard, physicist and leading expert on socially responsible development of emerging and converging technologies, examines hard science fiction movies and brings them to life.Science and technology are radically changing our world. Films from the Future is an essential guide to navigating a future dominated by complex and powerful new technologies. The jump from room-filling processors to pocket-size super computers is just the beginning. Artificial intelligence, gene manipulation, cloning, and inter-planet travel are all ideas that seemed like fairy tales but a few years ago. And now their possibility is very much here. But are we ready to handle these advances? As Maynard explains, “Viewed in the right way―and with a good dose of critical thinking―science fiction movies can help us think about and prepare for the social consequences of technologies we don’t yet have, but that are coming faster than we imagine.”Dr. Maynard looks at twelve sci-fi movies and takes us on a journey through the worlds of biological and genetic manipulation, human enhancement, cyber technologies, and nanotechnology. Gain a broader understanding of the complex relationship between science and society. The movies include old and new, and the familiar and unfamiliar, providing a unique, entertaining, and ultimately transformative take on the power and responsibilities of emerging technologies.Read books such as The Book of Why, The Science of Interstellar, or The Future of Humanity? Then you’ll love Films from the Future!
The University of Chicago Press In the Watches of the Night: Life in the Nocturnal City, 1820-1930
Before skyscrapers and streetlights glowed at all hours, American cities fell into inky blackness with each setting of the sun. But over the course of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, new technologies began to light up streets, sidewalks, buildings, and public spaces. Peter C. Baldwin's evocative book depicts the changing experience of the urban night over this period, visiting a host of actors - scavengers, newsboys, and mashers alike - in the nocturnal city. Baldwin examines work, crime, transportation, and leisure as he moves through the gaslight era, exploring the spread of modern police forces and the emergence of late-night entertainment, to the era of electricity, when social campaigns sought to remove women and children from public areas at night. While many people celebrated the transition from darkness to light as the arrival of twenty-four hours of daytime, Baldwin shows that certain social patterns remained, including the danger of street crime and the skewed gender profile of night work. Sweeping us from concert halls and brothels to streetcars and industrial forges, In the Watches of the Night is an illuminating study of a vital era in American urban history.
Little, Brown Book Group A Time of Love and Tartan
Catch up with the delightful goings-on in the fictitious 44 Scotland Street from Alexander McCall Smith . . .'A joyous, charming portrait of city life and human foibles, which moves beyond its setting to deal with deep moral issues and love, desire and friendship' Sunday ExpressIf only Pat Macgregor had an inkling of the embarrassment romantic, professional, even aesthetic that flowed from accepting narcissistic ex-boyfriend Bruce Anderson's invitation for coffee, she would never have said yes. And if only Matthew, her boss at the art gallery, hadn't wandered into his local bookshop and picked up a particular book at a particular time, he would never have knocked over his former English teacher or attracted the attentions of the police.Whether caused by small things such as a cup of coffee and a book, or major events such as Stuart's application for promotion and his wife Irene's decision to go off and study for a PhD in Aberdeen, change is coming to serial fiction's favourite street. But for three seven-year-old boys Bertie Pollock, Ranald Braveheart Macpherson, and Big Lou's foster son Finlay - it also means a getting a glimpse of perfect happiness.Alexander McCall Smith's delightfully witty, wise and sometimes surreal comedy spirals out to include tennis-playing Rwandan Forest People, researches into levitating Celtic saints, bogus headhunters in Papua New Guinea and primary school performances of Beckett. But its heart remains where it has always been true to life, love and laughter in Edinburgh's New Town.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Praxisguide App-Marketing: Grundlagen zur Akquise, Aktivierung, Bindung und Monetarisierung von App-Nutzern
Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende Einführung in das App-Marketing – inklusive Praxisbeispielen aus über 80 Unternehmen.Ein professionalisiertes App-Marketing muss weit über das Generieren von Downloads und die Akquise neuer Nutzer hinausgehen. Vielmehr braucht es ein umfassendes Verständnis über den gesamten Lebenszyklus der App-Nutzer. Das beinhaltet auch die Konzeption und Entwicklung von Features, die Aktivierung und kontinuierliche Zufriedenheit der akquirierten Nutzer sowie deren Bindung und langfristige Monetarisierung.Der Autor stellt die Ziele des App-Marketings dar, bettet sie im 4P-Marketing-Mix ein und erörtert die Verankerung in der Unternehmensorganisation. Apps werden mit Blick auf ihre Relevanz in diversen Geschäftsmodellen diskutiert und Anforderungen von App-Nutzern erörtert. Die App-Vermarktung zur Nutzergewinnung wird mit unterschiedlichen inhaltlichen Ansätzen und über verschiedene Kanäle dargestellt. Das Kapitel zum App-CRM erläutert Optionen zur Steigerung des User Engagements (z. B. Gamification und Social Features) und geht umfassend auf Push Notifications zur Aktivierung und Bindung der App-Nutzer mittels Personalisierung, Location-Based Marketing und Marketing Automation ein. Zentrales Ziel ist die langfristige Bindung und profitable Monetarisierung der Nutzerbasis.Aus dem Inhalt Grundlagen: Begriffe, Ziele, Einbettung im Marketing-Mix, organisatorische Verortung sowie aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen Überblick: Marktdaten, Geschäfts- und Erlösmodelle, grundlegende Technologien sowie Erwartungen und Anforderungen von App-Nutzern App-Vermarktung: Definition von Zielgruppen, inhaltliche Ansätze und ausführliche Überlegungen zur Nutzer-Akquise auf 14 Kanälen App-CRM: Ansätze zur Steigerung des Engagements der App-Nutzer sowie zum Einsatz von Push Notifications, insbesondere mit Blick auf Segmentierung & Personalisierung, Location-Based Marketing und Marketing Automation Tracking und Analytics im App-Marketing: Relevante Kennzahlen und technischen Überlegungen bei der Erfolgsmessung entlang des gesamten Lebenszyklus der App-Nutzer Beispiele aus über 80 Unternehmen
Taylor & Francis Inc Psychoanalysis, Scientific Method and Philosophy
This by now well-known pioneering dialogue on Freudian analysis is concerned not with therapeutic implications, individual or social, of psychoanalysis or of any other brand of psychology, but solely with the status of psychoanalysis as a scientific theory. Matching talents with a distinguished group of philosophers and social scientists, psychoanalysts made their claims and willingly subject them to the methodological scrutiny common to the sciences and the philosophy of science. This book records one of the few times in the United States that a distinguished group of psychoanalysts met with an equally distinguished group of philosophers of science in a free, critical interchange of view on the scientific status of the field. While a sense of the event’s excitement is captured here, it also had clear results, such as an expanded notion of psychoanalysis as a scientific theory, and a clear realization that certain elements in psychoanalysis are substantially beyond the boundaries of causal inference or the rules of logic.Two opening statements by Heinz Hartmann and Ernest Nagel set the tone for the debate and discussion that followed. These are followed by social scientific statements of Abram Kardiner, Ernest van den Haag, and Alex Inkeles, followed by the philosophers Morris Lazerowitz, Donald C. Williams, and Anthony Flew. Such distinguished scholars as Adolf Grunbaum, Michael Scriven, Gail Kennedy, Arthur Pap, Philipp Frank. Arthur C. Danto, Max Black and others, round out this pioneering effort in the literature of intellectual combat.Sidney Hook applies to his vision of psychoanalysis the same compelling rigor he applied to other would-be advocates of a science beyond ordinary scientific method or safeguards. He nonetheless points out that even therapeutic success is not the last word, but must itself be tested on a variety of measures: statistical no less than analytical. This remains a courageous and disturbing work, one that commands attention among practicing psychiatrists, psychoanalysts—and their would-be patients.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Eurocode 3 Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbauten, Band 1: Allgemeine Regeln Hochbau (+E-Book): von Markus Feldmann, Ulrike Kuhlmann, Joachim Lindner, Christian Müller, Richard Stroetmann
Für die praktische Anwendung von Eurocode 3 DIN EN 1993 Teil 1-1 "Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbauten; Allgemeine Regeln Hochbau" wird mit diesem Buch eine konsolidierte Normfassung vorgelegt. Es werden umfangreiche Kommentare zu den Regelungshintergründen gegeben, um das Normverständnis zu vertiefen. Komplettiert wird der Band durch eine Reihe von Berechnungsbeispielen. Herausgeber und Autoren stellen damit eine unverzichtbare Hilfe für die schnelle Einarbeitung in das neue Regelwerk und die sichere Anwendung in der Praxis zur Verfügung. Auch erhältlich für Teil 1-8 "Anschlüsse". Die europäische Norm DIN EN 1993 Eurocode 3 "Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbauten", die die frühere deutsche Bemessungsnormenreihe 18800 abgelöst und damit die Nachweispraxis im deutschen Stahlbau grundlegend gewandelt hat, besteht aus insgesamt 20 einzelnen Teilen. Diese gliedern sich in Grundlagen (die zwölf Teile DIN EN 1993-1) und Anwendungsteile (DlN EN 1993-2 bis DIN EN 1993-6) auf. Zentrum ist der im Rahmen des vorliegenden Kommentars behandelte Teil 1-1 mit dem Titel "Allgemeine Bemessungsregeln und Regeln für den Hochbau". Alle anderen Teile beziehen sich darauf und geben ergänzende Regeln an. Gleichzeitig werden hochbauspezifische Grundregeln, insbesondere zu Festigkeits- und Stabilitätsnachweisen von Stäben, in diesem Normenteil behandelt. Der vorliegende Kommentar soll allen Fachleuten, die sich planend, bauend, prüfend oder überwachend mit der Bemessung von Stahlbauten in Deutschland oder dem europäischen Ausland befassen, Hilfestellung bei der täglichen Arbeit mit dem Eurocode 3 im Allgemeinen und dem Teil 1-1 im Speziellen bieten. Der Kommentar besteht aus drei Hauptteilen: Zunächst ist DIN EN 1993-1-1 mit den A1-Änderungen von 2014 und Nationalem Anhang inkl. Änderungen A1 (Entwurf) als konsolidierte Fassung abgedruckt. Das heißt, dass man die zugehörigen nationalen Empfehlungen und Ergänzungen genau dort im Normentext findet, wo sie auch gebraucht werden. Der Anwender hat somit alle Regelungen auf einen Blick, anstatt sie sich aus drei Dokumenten zusammenstellen zu müssen. lm darauf folgenden Kommentarteil, der sich von der Gliederung her strikt an die Norm hält, werden Zusatz- und Hintergrundinformationen, Erklärungen und Erläuterungen gegeben, es werden Verknüpfungen zu anderen Normenteilen hergestellt und geplante Änderungen angesprochen. Der dritte Teil enthält Beispielrechnungen, die die Anwendung der wichtigsten Regelungen im Eurocode 3-1-1 auf konkrete Fälle ausführlich und mit Normenbezügen darstellt.
University of Washington Press Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan
Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan is the first book-length study to focus on short-story small scrolls (ko-e), one of the most complex but visually appealing forms of early Japanese painting. Small picture scrolls emerged in Japan during the fourteenth century and were unusual in constituting approximately half the height of the narrative handscrolls that had been produced and appreciated in Japan for centuries. Melissa McCormick's history of the small scroll tells the story of its emergence and highlights its unique pictorial qualities and production contexts in ways that illuminate the larger history of Japanese narrative painting. Small scrolls illustrated short stories of personal transformation, a new literary form suffused with an awareness of the Buddhist notion of the illusory nature of worldly desires. The most accomplished examples of the genre resulted from the collaboration of the imperial court painter Tosa Mitsunobu (active ca. 1469-1522) and the erudite Kyoto aristocrat Sanjonishi Sanetaka (1455-1537). McCormick unveils the cultural milieu and the politics of patronage through diaries, letters, and archival materials, exposing the many layers of allusion that were embedded in these scrolls, while offering close readings that articulate the artistic language developed to an extreme level of refinement. In doing so, McCormick also offers the first sustained examination in English of Tosa Mitsunobu's extensive and underappreciated body of artistic achievements. The three scrolls that form the core of the study are A Wakeful Sleep (Utatane soshi emaki), which recounts the miraculous union of a man and a woman who had previously encountered each other only in their dreams; The Jizo Hall (Jizodo soshi emaki), which tells the story of a wayward monk who achieves enlightenment with the help of a dragon princess; and Breaking the Inkstone (Suzuriwari soshi emaki), which narrates the sacrifice of a young boy for his household servant and its tragic consequences. These three works are easily among the most artistically accomplished and sophisticated small scrolls to have survived.
GB Publishing Org Soul's Asylum - Star Weaver
"Pearson is the possessor of an extraordinary imagination that brilliantly assaults every variant of the sci-fi genre. His writing is vivid, urban and unflinching in its descriptions, taking the reader on a breathtaking journey through Saturn's rings, outer world 'constructs', altered perceptions and a glorious African landscape smouldering with sexual heat and the odour of violence. This is hard-hitting story telling with full-on language and a brutally splendid plot twist, which, if you make it to the end, will leave you crossing your legs!" SURREY LIFE magazine ______Telepath and psychopath-buster Milla Carter continues to fight a far greater threat from outer space. Hovering over the inky shadows of London's crevassed streets a patrol drone discovers the body of a woman, and the signature MO - she's been garrotted with a cheese wire and scalped - is that of a notorious serial killer. But this time the sexy Milla Carter is incapable of luring the target, who turns out to be telepath opaque.In need of reinforcements, she joins the telepath sisterhood in their fight against members of the Earth's Senate - until, they learn that a deadly alien Swarm is closing in on the outer fringes of space. ______The Sun newspaper, Soul's Asylum: "It's originality and top writing make for a great read ****."
Paulist Press International,U.S. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis: The Gift of Friendship
Both Tolkien and C.S. Lewis are literary superstars, known around the world as the creators of Middle-earth and Narnia. But few of their readers and fans know about the important and complex friendship between Tolkien and his fellow Oxford academic C.S. Lewis. Without the persistent encouragement of his friend, Tolkien would never have completed The Lord of the Rings. This great tale, along with the connected matter of The Silmarillion, would have remained merely a private hobby. Likewise, all of Lewis' fiction, after the two met at Oxford University in 1926, bears the mark of Tolkien's influence, whether in names he used or in the creation of convincing fantasy worlds. They quickly discovered their affinity—a love of language and the imagination, a wide reading in northern myth and fairy tale, a desire to write stories themselves in both poetry and prose. The quality of their literary friendship invites comparisons with those of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Cowper and John Newton, and G.K. Chesterton and Hillaire Belloc. Both Tolkien and Lewis were central figures in the informal Oxford literary circle, the Inklings. This book explores their lives, unfolding the extraordinary story of their complex friendship that lasted, with its ups and downs, until Lewis's death in 1963. Despite their differences—differences of temperament, spiritual emphasis, and view of their storytelling art—what united them was much stronger, a shared vision that continues to inspire their millions of readers throughout the world. †
Duke University Press The Cord Keepers: Khipus and Cultural Life in a Peruvian Village
None of the world’s “lost writings” have proven more perplexing than the mysterious script in which the Inka Empire kept its records. Ancient Andean peoples encoded knowledge in knotted cords of cotton or wool called khipus. In The Cord Keepers, the distinguished anthropologist Frank Salomon breaks new ground with a close ethnography of one Andean village where villagers, surprisingly, have conserved a set of these enigmatic cords to the present day. The “quipocamayos,” as the villagers call them, form a sacred patrimony. Keying his reading to the internal life of the ancient kin groups that own the khipus, Salomon suggests that the multicolored cords, with their knots and lavishly woven ornaments, did not mimic speech as most systems of writing do, but instead were anchored in nonverbal codes. The Cord Keepers makes a compelling argument for a close intrinsic link between rituals and visual-sign systems. It indicates that, while Andean graphic representation may differ radically from familiar ideas of writing, it may not lie beyond the reach of scholarly interpretation.In 1994, Salomon witnessed the use of khipus as civic regalia on the heights of Tupicocha, in Peru’s central Huarochirí region. By observing the rich ritual surrounding them, studying the village’s written records from past centuries, and analyzing the khipus themselves, Salomon opens a fresh chapter in the quest for khipu decipherment. He draws on a decade’s field research, early colonial records, and radiocarbon and fiber analysis. Challenging the prevailing idea that the use of khipus ended under early Spanish colonial rule, Salomon reveals that these beautiful objects served, apparently as late as the early twentieth century, to document households’ contribution to their kin groups and these kin groups’ contribution to their village. The Cord Keepers is a major contribution to Andean history and, more broadly, to understandings of writing and literacy.
Headline Publishing Group The Devil's Assassin: Battle of Khoosh-Ab, 1857
JACK LARK: SOLDIER, LEADER, IMPOSTER.The third book in the gripping military adventure series for fans of Bernard Cornwell, Matthew Harffy and Simon Scarrow. 'Paul Collard has become one of the most readable figures in Historical Fiction' Parmenion Books 'Paul Fraser Collard commands the genre of historical action adventure with as much aplomb as Jack Lark commands his troops' Matthew Harffy 'If you loved Bernard Cornwell, then you'll love this' The Founding FieldsBombay, 1857. Jack Lark is living precariously as an officer when his heroic but fraudulent past is discovered by the Devil - Major Ballard, the army's intelligence officer. Ballard is gathering a web of information to defend the British Empire, and he needs a man like Jack on his side. Not far away, in Persia, the Shah is moving against British territory and, with the Russians whispering in his ear, seeks to conquer the crucial city of Herat. The Empire's strength is under threat and the army must fight back. As the British march to war, Jack learns that secrets crucial to the campaign's success are leaking into their enemies' hands. Ballard has brought him to the battlefield to end a spy's deceit. But who is the traitor? THE DEVIL'S ASSASSIN sweeps Jack Lark through a thrilling tale of explosive action as the British face the Persian army in the inky darkness of the desert night.THE DEVIL'S ASSASSIN: JACK LARK BOOK 3 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ READERS CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF JACK LARK: 'The Devil's Assassin is yet another win from a writer at the top of his game.' 'Life and death on the frontline is so viscerally described that you can smell and taste the blood and powder' 'Everything you need in an historical military novel. Intrigue, deception, the horror of combat, revenge...' 'Jack Lark is a hero I'll happily follow' 'Jack Lark is one of my favourite literary creations of the modern swathe of historical fiction.'
Quercus Publishing Answered Prayers: England and the 1966 World Cup
'Magnificent, moving, often funny and deeply researched account . . . Is this just a book for those who know football? Far from it: this is a story of glory and the impermanence of fame' Sunday Times (Book of the Week)'Like Alf Ramsey's 1966 team, this book has depth, it has riches and it's a winner - the finest piece of sports writing I have read in ages and a superb piece of contemporary history' Peter Hennessy England. 1966. The World Cup.Duncan Hamilton watched England beat West Germany as an eight-year-old boy in the company of his father and grandfather. He recalls 'Wembley, spread out in the sun; the waving flags; the delirious, joy-of-all-joys moment of the final whistle; the trophy sparkling in the late afternoon light'.But, seeing the whole game again during the misery of the first Covid lockdown, finally made him realise what Alf Ramsey and his players had no inkling of, which was what came next for them. How, for many of those boys of summer, almost everything after that shimmering moment amounted to an anti-climax or a setback. How '66 was not a beginning, a guaranteed path towards more success, but a slow decline and fall, and also a disproportionate number of disappointments. And how the triumph of '66 was dulled through constant repetition, the same images always flashed before us.Hamilton recognised, too, how many myths and misconceptions had grown around the match. He decided to revisit '66, tracing the very roots of a story - as well as the hidden figures within it - that really began during the era of post-War austerity.Answered Prayers provides, at last, a full account of English football's greatest achievement and the failures that followed it. We see the institutional inability to appreciate Ramsey and his players, who were taken for granted; the political machinations of the blazered fools who ran the Football Association; the short-sighted blunderers of the Football League.With his matchless insight and descriptive power, Hamilton tells history afresh and shows us, for the first time, the scale of what was won and what was lost.PRAISE FOR DUNCAN HAMILTON'Hamilton has a perceptively humane understanding of men for whom football was never just a game' Guardian'A marriage of prose and detail so fine and fastidious that it takes the breath away' Independent'Justifiably prize-winning' Mail on Sunday
Ordnance Survey Thames Valley & Chilterns: 2016
The Chilterns form part of the long line of chalk hills stretching intermittently across southern and eastern England. It is an area characterised by beech woods and dry valleys, and these natural features are explored in the routes. The Thames Valley is steeped in history, from Windsor Castle and Richmond Park to Runnymede Meadows, where the Magna Carta was signed in 1215, and there are opportunities to absorb this evocative atmosphere, as well as genteel towns like Dorchester, Henley and Princes Risborough. -See walk locations by Looking Inside Inside: -28 great walks in Thames Valley & Chilterns from 2 to 10 miles -Clear, large scale Ordnance Survey route maps -GPS reference for all waypoints -Where to park, good pubs and places of interest en route -All routes have been fully researched and written by expert outdoor writers -Beautiful photography of scenes from the walks Pathfinder(R) Guides are Britain's best loved walking guides. Made with durable covers, they are the perfect companion for countryside walks throughout Britain. Each title features circular walks with easy-to-follow route descriptions, large-scale Ordnance Survey route maps and GPS waypoints.With over 70 titles in the series, they offer essential information for walkers throughout the country. Contents* Wallingford* Watlington Hill* Hedgerley and Burnham Beeches* West Woodhay and Inkpen* Dorchester and Wittenham Clumps* Aldermaston and the Kennet and Avon Canal* Cuckhamsley Hill and the Ridgeway* Port Meadow* Old Boars Hill* Marlow and Hurley* Widbrook Common and Cliveden Reach* Goring* Whitehorse Hill and Kingston Lisle* Great Hampden and Little Hampden* Cookham, Winter Hill and Cock Marsh* Abingdon and Sutton Courtenay* Henley-on-Thames and Hambleden* Runnymede and Windsor Great Park* Longworth and Hinton Waldrist* Aldbury, Ivinghoe Beacon and Ashridge* Ibstone, Turville and Fingest* Coombe Hill and Chequers* Whitchurch and Mapledurham* West Wycombe, Hughenden and Bradenham* Chesham and Little Missenden* Chess Valley* Lardon Chase, Moulsford and Streatley* Princes Risborough and Chinnor Hill
Oxford University Press A Small Town Near Auschwitz: Ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust
The Silesian town of Bedzin lies a mere twenty-five miles from Auschwitz; through the linked ghettos of Bedzin and its neighbouring town, some 85,000 Jews passed on their way to slave labour or the gas chambers. The principal civilian administrator of Bedzin, Udo Klausa, was a happily married family man. He was also responsible for implementing Nazi policies towards the Jews in his area - inhumane processes that were the precursors of genocide. Yet he later claimed, like so many other Germans after the war, that he had 'known nothing about it'; and that he had personally tried to save a Jew before he himself managed to leave for military service. A Small Town Near Auschwitz re-creates Udo Klausa's story. Using a wealth of personal letters, memoirs, testimonies, interviews and other sources, Mary Fulbrook pieces together his role in the unfolding stigmatization and degradation of the Jews under his authoritiy, as well as the heroic attempts at resistance on the part of some of his victims. She also gives us a fascinating insight into the inner conflicts of a Nazi functionary who, throughout, considered himself a 'decent' man. And she explores the conflicting memories and evasions of his life after the war. But the book is much more than a portrayal of an individual man. Udo Klausa's case is so important because it is in many ways so typical. Behind Klausa's story is the larger story of how countless local functionaries across the Third Reich facilitated the murderous plans of a relatively small number among the Nazi elite - and of how those plans could never have been realized, on the same scale, without the diligent cooperation of these generally very ordinary administrators. As Fulbrook shows, men like Klausa 'knew' and yet mostly suppressed this knowledge, performing their day jobs without apparent recognition of their own role in the system, or any sense of personal wrongdoing or remorse - either before or after 1945. This account is no ordinary historical reconstruction. For Fulbrook did not discover Udo Klausa amongst the archives. She has known the Klausa family all her life. She had no inkling of her subject's true role in the Third Reich until a few years ago, a discovery that led directly to this inescapably personal professional history.
Orion Publishing Co The Light Fantastic: Discworld: The Unseen University Collection
The eye-wateringly funny fantasy romp across the Discworld, featuring the most incompetent wizard you'll ever find . . .'The Discworld novels have always been among the most serious of comedies, the most relevant and real of fantasies' IndependentIt is known as the Discworld. It is a flat planet, supported on the backs of four elephants, who in turn stand on the back of the great turtle A'Tuin as it swims majestically through space. And it is quite possibly the funniest place in all of creation...As it moves towards a seemingly inevitable collision with a malevolent red star, the Discworld has only one possible saviour. Unfortunately, this happens to be the singularly inept and cowardly wizard called Rincewind, who was last seen falling off the edge of the world.Readers love The Light Fantastic:'Five zany stars for this fantastic romp through the twisted imagination of Sir Terry Pratchett that made me smirk, giggle, snicker, and right larf out loud from Page 1 to "The End!"' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Death made a great appearance in this story. Small, but spot on. This is absurdism at its best . . . Pieces, like the retail shop that materializes here and there, remind me of the Hitchhiker's guide . . . This is stellar storytelling' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Pratchett managed to keep the whole thing comical, while at the time satirical. Not once did I not grin or snort out loud' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'It's the first inklings of the strong character work, social commentary and razor sharp humor that have made Pratchett a household name' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'So good it's unfair - there's a joke every three words and it's still thrilling, and occasionally heartbreaking' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Pyrrolidone and Caprolactam Based Materials, 6 Volume Set: Synthesis, Characterization and Industrial Applications
HANDBOOK OF PYRROLIDONE AND CAPROLACTAM BASED MATERIALS Brings together, for the first time, a comprehensive review of all aspects of pyrrolidone- and caprolactam-based materialsThis comprehensive, six-volume set describes the broad technical universe of γ- and ε- lactams, reviewing in-depth the chemistry of the small lactam-based molecules, uncovering their unique properties and showing how they have enabled a myriad of commercially important applications. From synthesis, through production and into applications, this extensive work targets significant and recent trends in γ- and ε-lactam science and technology and addresses all key aspects of pyrrolidone- and caprolactam-based materials to produce a definitive overview of the field.Handbook of Pyrrolidone and Caprolactam Based Materials provides a detailed and modern portrait of the impact of pyrrolidone- and caprolactam-based materials on the world, as well as potential future possibilities. Volume One presents the chemistry of small lactam-based molecules and uncovers their unique properties. Volume Two covers polymeric materials, including polyvinyl pyrrolidone and polyvinyl caprolactam, and reviews homopolymerization, copolymerization, controlled radical polymermization and acrylate based pyrrolidone polymerizations. Volume Three examines the physical chemistry and molecular interactions of pyrrolidone and caprolactam based materials. Volume Four expands upon the characterization theme from the third volume, and includes detailed discussions of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, thermal and mechanical properties, and imaging techniques. Volume Five explores pharmaceutical applications in both ingredients and materials, as well as the antimicrobial properties and applications of pyrrolidone and caprolactam-based materials, and their toxicology. Volume Six covers personal and home care, skin care, transdermal applications and wound care, oral care, adhesion related applications and digital applications such as inkjet technology. Handbook of Pyrrolidone and Caprolactam Based Materials will appeal to industrial scientists and engineers interested in polymer development and manufacturing. It will also benefit academic researchers working in the fields of chemistry, materials science, and chemical and process engineering.
Little, Brown & Company The Light in the Lake
Twelve-year-old Addie should avoid Maple Lake. After all, her twin brother Amos drowned there only a few months ago. But its crisp, clear water runs in her veins, and the notebook Amos left behind, filled with clues about a mysterious creature in the lake's inky-blue depths, keeps calling her back. She never took Amos seriously when he was alive, but doesn't she owe it to him to figure out, once and for all, if there's really something out there? When she's offered a Young Scientist position studying the lake for the summer, Addie accepts, yearning for the cool wind in her hair and that sparkle on the lake, despite her parent's misgivings.Addie promises her parents that she'll remain under the scientists' supervision and stick to her job of helping them measure water pollution levels, but she can't resist the secrets of Maple Lake. Addie enlists Tai, the son of one of the visiting scientists, to help her sneak off and investigate Amos's evidence of the creature. The more time Addie spends out on the water, the more she discovers the same deep-down feeling Amos had about the magic in Maple Lake. But when the scientists trace the pollution to surrounding dairy farms, including the one run by her beloved aunt and uncle, Addie finds herself caught between her family's interests and Maple Lake's future and between the science she has always prized and the magic that brings her closer to her brother.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Außer sich sein: Hoffnung und ein neues Format der Theologie
Einerseits gehört die Hoffnung zu den zentralen Themen menschlicher Existenz - diesseits und jenseits des Glaubens. Andererseits hält sich das (religions)philosophische, mehr noch das theologische Interesse an der Hoffnung in sehr engen Grenzen. Dafür gibt es Gründe, aber keine guten. Hartmut von Sass versucht nicht nur, jenes Missverhältnis zwischen Relevanz und Marginalisierung der Hoffnung abzutragen, sondern auf dem Weg dorthin zugleich eine neue Architektur der Hoffnung vorzuschlagen. Im vorliegenden Buch verfolgt er in fünf ähnlich aufgebauten Teilen einen konsistenten Gang der Argumentation. Im ersten Teil wird der dogmatische Rahmen abgesteckt, in welchen das Lehrstück der Hoffnung eingefügt wird. Dabei schlägt Hartmut von Sass vor, Theologie als Praxeologie des Glaubens zu verstehen. Im zweiten Teil stellt er die Differenz im Begriff der Hoffnung vor. Entsprechend ist die überaus umstrittene Unterscheidung zwischen einem materialen und modalen Begriff der Hoffnung gegen wichtige Einwände zu verteidigen. Dabei vertritt der Autor die Auffassung, dass dem Modus die Priorität gegenüber der Materialität der Hoffnung zukommt. Der modale Begriff (hoffnungsvoll leben) wird im dritten Teil im Blick auf die Zeiterfahrung, Identität und Statusfragen untersucht, der materiale Begriff (hoffen, dass x) im vierten Teil anhand seiner logischen Eigenschaften genauer entfaltet. Nach der Analyse folgt die Synthese: Im fünften Teil wird die Differenzierung zwischen Modus und Material 'aufgehoben', um zu zeigen, wie beide Begriffe miteinander interagieren. Dies führt zu Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Hoffen und Handeln sowie zu einem Glauben, der sich auf die heutige Welt wirklich einlässt. In einem Epilog konkretisiert Hartmut von Sass anhand von drei zeitgenössischen Thematiken - Klima, Inklusion, Frieden -, was das für uns und unser Engagement bedeuten kann.
Peeters Publishers Jan Van Ruusbroec: De Mystieke Vereniging Met God
De mysticus Jan van Ruusbroec (1293-1381) wordt vaak hemelhoog geprezen, ook internationaal. Zo kwam Cuthbert Butler tot de conclusie dat er "zeker...geen groter mystiek schrijver is geweest." Het is dan ook verrassend dat over Ruusbroecs mystieke leer als zodanig geen omvattende studie voorhanden is. Dat deze lacune aangevuld moet worden, is des te vanzelfsprekender nu de kritische editie van Ruusbroecs werken volledig is: Jan van Ruusbroec Opera omnia (1981-2006). Het leidend beginsel van onderhavig boek is, dat de mysticus zelf in de allereerste plaats aan het woord moet komen, en niet de commentator. Bovendien bestaat de kern van Ruusbroecs geschriften in het beschrijven van een bewustwording - de bewustwording van de aanwezigheid van een Ander -, met het gevolg dat enkel door de close reading van het gehele werk en door passende tekstanalyses zijn opvattingen van de mystieke eenwording met God te voorschijn komt. Daar echter in deze studie een mystieke figuur en zijn literair werk centraal staan, wordt in de eerste twee hoofdstukken, steeds op basis van hetgeen de mystici zelf vertellen, gepreciseerd wat hen essentieel kenmerkt, wat zij ervaren en hoe zij ervaren, waarom zij schrijven en op welke manier. Ruusbroecs eigen beschrijving van de mystieke ervaring wordt in vijf hoofdstukken ontvouwd. Hoofdstuk III - "Het mensbeeld van Ruusbroec" - betreft de manier waarop deze mysticus de structuur van de menselijke psyche voorstelt. Hoofdstuk IV - "De ontmoeting met de Ander" - behandelt de mystieke weg zoals Ruusbroec die uittekent. Wat hier vooral opvalt, is de persistentie van het verschijnsel "ontmoeting" door de hele ontwikkelingsgang van de mysticus heen, van het premystieke begin tot en met de diepste eenheidsbeleving. Het blijkt eveneens dat deze weg niet noodzakelijk gevolgd dient te worden: het contemplatieve leven is geen lineair vooruitgang-maken maar veeleer een spiraalsgewijs meegenomen-worden. In hoofdstuk V - "Het mystieke eenzijn met God" - komt het hart van Ruusbroecs mystieke ervaring tot uitdrukking en schittert natuurlijk het meest zijn uniek talent om weer te geven wat niet gezien maar wel gevoeld wordt. Het belangrijkste punt hier is, dat voor de mysticus de meest gevorderde ervaring van het eenzijn met God bestaat in het beleven van zowel "eenheid" als "vereniging", van zowel "rusten" als "werken". Anders gezegd, het volkomen eenzijn met God wordt helemaal niet beschouwd als een uiteindelijke versmelting. Het is, integendeel, door het blijvende samenspel te ervaren van zulke verschillende aspecten als "eenheid" en "vereniging" dat de mysticus ten volle een is met de Ander. Uit de complexe natuur van de volmaakte mystieke staat volgt dat Ruusbroec de volgroeide mysticus voorstelt als de "ghemeyne mensche" die "geheel in God is en geheel in zichzelf." De laatste twee hoofdstukken van het boek gaan over Ruusbroecs houding ten aanzien van de natuurlijke mystiek. Daar hij te maken kreeg met een aantal van zijn tijdgenoten die naar eigen zeggen "contempleerden zonder (Gods) genade", voelde Ruusbroec zich geroepen om met hen in discussie te treden. In hoofdstuk VI blijkt dat hij niet enkel hun methode - "inkeeren" - waardeert, maar eveneens de uitkomst ervan: "zij voelen de enkelvoudigheid van hun wezen dat in Gods wezen hangt." In hoofdstuk VII komt echter ook Ruusbroecs kritiek op de natuurlijke contemplatie ter sprake. Deze richt zich voornamelijk op twee punten. De contemplatief die zich zonder de genade naar binnen keert, "blijft rusten in zichzelf" en hij zal de dehumaniserende gevolgen ondergaan van een contemplatie waarin men "geen anderheid voelt."
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Antiquities Sticker, Color & Activity Book: Over 500 Unique Stickers
Immerse yourself in the intrigue and elegance of the Victorian era with this treasure trove of ephemera—with 500+ stickers, 90+ activity and coloring pages, and calling cards with envelopes. Whether you’re a sticker lover, scrapbooker, crafter, colorer, or letter writer, you’re sure to find something unique in Antiquities Sticker, Color & Activity Book. The Victorian era of the 19th century was known for many things. It brought us the telephone and telegraph, photographs and electricity, Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens, postage stamps and the Industrial Revolution. But it also ushered in a period of imperialism, the dawn of the suffragist movement, and a greater leisure class. Named after Queen Victoria, elements of the Victorian era were seen across Europe—and "across the pond” in the United States. Along with the growing leisure class came a rise in activities such as novel reading, parlor games, and puzzles. Now you, too, can partake in leisurely pastimes with this activity book’s: Exquisitely illustrated stickers, with subjects ranging from birds, animals, and plants to clothes, ornate furnishings, and objets d’art. Use them to decorate envelopes, gift wrap, letters, scrapbooks, photo albums, or the enclosed Victorian calling cards and envelopes that you can personalize. On the backs of the sticker pages are quotations from notable Victorians. Calling cards and easy-to-assemble envelopes. Similar to today’s business cards, calling (or, visiting) cards were carried by well-heeled people in the 18th and 19th centuries to present themselves to others or to leave behind when calling on someone. The cards could also be enclosed with a gift. Create your own by filling in your name, coloring in the designs, and adding stickers. Enchanting coloring pages, featuring line-drawn images of foxes, deer, and rabbits; swans, butterflies, and bees; and fruit, leaves, and summer bouquets. Each full-page design has a meditative pattern on the back that you can color in any way you like, regardless of your artistic abilities. You can even adorn your finished works of art with the stickers. Words games and activities, such as mazes, connect-the-dots, trivia, matching, Victorian name generator, and more! Period-specific pastimes, with instructions on how to read tea leaves and palms, press flowers, and create inkblot poetry. With so many pages to look at, so many things to do, and so much joy to be had in these pages, Antiquities Sticker, Color & Activity Book is the perfect book to have on hand when a free moment strikes. It’s also a darling gift for anyone who enjoys stickers, coloring, word games, and plain old fun.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Broken Places & Outer Spaces
Nnedi Okorafor was never supposed to be paralyzed. A college track star and budding entomologist, Nnedi’s lifelong battle with scoliosis was just a bump in her plan - something a simple surgery would easily correct. But when Nnedi wakes from the surgery to find she can’t move her legs, her entire sense of who she is begins to waver. Confined to a hospital bed for months, unusual things begin to happen. Psychedelic bugs crawl her hospital walls; strange dreams visit her nightly. She begins to feel as if she’s turning into a cyborg. Unsure if she’ll ever walk again, Nnedi begins to put these experiences into writing, conjuring up strange, fantastical stories. What Nnedi discovers during her confinement would prove to be the key to her life as a successful science fiction writer: In science fiction, when something breaks, something greater often emerges from the cracks. While she may be bedridden, instead of stopping her journey Nnedi’s paralysis opens up new windows in her mind, kindles her creativity and ultimately leads her to become more alive than she ever could have imagined. Nnedi takes the reader on a journey from her hospital bed deep into her memories, from her painful first experiences with racism as a child in Chicago to her powerful visits to her parents’ hometown in Nigeria, where she got her first inkling that science fiction has roots beyond the West. This was not the Africa that Nnedi knew from Western literature - an Africa that she always read was a place left behind. The role of technology in Nigeria opened her eyes to future-looking Africa: cable TV and cell phones in the village, 419 scammers occupying the cybercafés, the small generator connected to her cousin’s desktop computer, everyone quickly adapting to portable tech devices due to unreliable power sources. Nnedi could see that Africa was far from broken, as she’d been taught, and her experience there planted the early seeds of sci-fi - a genre that speculates about technologies, societies, and social issues - from an entirely new lens. In Broken Places & Outer Spaces, Nnedi uses her own experience as a jumping off point to follow the phenomenon of creativity born from hardship. From Frida Kahlo to Mary Shelly, she examines great artists and writers who have pushed through their limitations, using hardship to fuel their work. Through these compelling stories and her own, Nnedi reveals a universal truth: What we perceive as limitations have the potential to become our greatest strengths - far greater than when we were unbroken.
Dialogue The House of Eve: Totally heartbreaking and unputdownable historical fiction
'Amazing' Reese Witherspoon'Heart-rending' Taylor Jenkins Reid 'Luminous and moving!' Kate Quinn'Unforgettable' Kristen HarmelThe heartbreaking and completely unputdownable instant New York Times bestseller and Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick about the pain and sacrifice of forbidden love, the lengths a mother will go to protect her child, and survival against the toughest of odds.Philadelphia, 1948: Fifteen-year-old Ruby's dreams are almost within reach. She's going to be the first in her family to attend college, despite having a mother more interested in keeping a man than raising her only daughter. But falling madly in love with the one boy she is forbidden from threatens to pull Ruby back into poverty and desperation. When she's imprisoned in a home for unwed mothers - locked in the House of Eve with other 'fallen girls' - everything she's worked so hard for starts slipping through her fingers.Washington, DC, 1948: Eleanor arrives in the city with ambition, hope and a past she's trying her hardest to run from. When she meets William at Howard University, with his inky black eyes and broad shoulders, it's love at first sight. But William hails from one of Washington, DC's elite Black families, who don't let just anyone into their inner circle - especially not a girl from 'the wrong side of the tracks'. Eleanor hopes that a baby will mean they finally accept her, and that her secrets won't see the light of day - but fate has other plans in store...In the dawn of the 1950s, Ruby and Eleanor are complete strangers - until their paths unexpectedly collide. Forced to make the most heartbreaking decisions of their lives, will their choices save them... or be their undoing?Fans of Kate Quinn, Lisa Wingate and Kristin Harmel will fall head over heels for this totally gripping and heart-wrenching historical-fiction page-turner.See what readers are saying about The House of Eve:'All the stars!!!... It absolutely blew me away. I finished it several days ago and am still thinking about it! It packed one powerful punch... I still don't have the exact words to describe how it made me feel... So many emotions... It will hit your heart hard... Will have your heart breaking time and again. I could not put it down' Goodreads reviewer, *****'5 brilliant stars! I'm definitely not crying right now. That's a lie. I totally am. This book was A LOT!' Goodreads reviewer, *****'Everything. This book was everything. The House of Eve will not only be a favourite of the year, but a favourite of all-time. I ADORED THIS BOOK. You can't tell me that Ruby and Eleanor aren't real people because they're real in my heart, and I will never forget them. I'm jealous of you all who get to read this for the first time. ALL THE STARS' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I read this book in one sitting and loved it!!... I was blown away... I couldn't read this fast enough' Goodreads reviewer, *****'WOW! I'm still processing this book! I devoured it in three days' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I LOVED THIS BOOK!... Grabs you from the first page and holds you until the satisfying conclusion. The House of Eve is a timely, redemptive, powerful, beautifully written yet haunting novel of resilience and sacrifices women make for themselves and their families' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I really gobbled up this book. PAGE-TURNER! Pick this book; you won't regret it... I absolutely loved this story... Amazing... This book was impossible for me to put down' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I LOVED THIS BOOK!' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I was completely captivated' Goodreads reviewer, *****
Dialogue The House of Eve: Totally heartbreaking and unputdownable historical fiction
'Amazing' Reese Witherspoon'Heart-rending' Taylor Jenkins Reid 'Luminous and moving!' Kate Quinn'Unforgettable' Kristen HarmelThe heartbreaking and completely unputdownable instant New York Times bestseller and Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick about the pain and sacrifice of forbidden love, the lengths a mother will go to protect her child, and survival against the toughest of odds.Philadelphia, 1948: Fifteen-year-old Ruby's dreams are almost within reach. She's going to be the first in her family to attend college, despite having a mother more interested in keeping a man than raising her only daughter. But falling madly in love with the one boy she is forbidden from threatens to pull Ruby back into poverty and desperation. When she's imprisoned in a home for unwed mothers - locked in the House of Eve with other 'fallen girls' - everything she's worked so hard for starts slipping through her fingers.Washington, DC, 1948: Eleanor arrives in the city with ambition, hope and a past she's trying her hardest to run from. When she meets William at Howard University, with his inky black eyes and broad shoulders, it's love at first sight. But William hails from one of Washington, DC's elite Black families, who don't let just anyone into their inner circle - especially not a girl from 'the wrong side of the tracks'. Eleanor hopes that a baby will mean they finally accept her, and that her secrets won't see the light of day - but fate has other plans in store...In the dawn of the 1950s, Ruby and Eleanor are complete strangers - until their paths unexpectedly collide. Forced to make the most heartbreaking decisions of their lives, will their choices save them... or be their undoing?Fans of Kate Quinn, Lisa Wingate and Kristin Harmel will fall head over heels for this totally gripping and heart-wrenching historical-fiction page-turner.See what readers are saying about The House of Eve:'All the stars!!!... It absolutely blew me away. I finished it several days ago and am still thinking about it! It packed one powerful punch... I still don't have the exact words to describe how it made me feel... So many emotions... It will hit your heart hard... Will have your heart breaking time and again. I could not put it down' Goodreads reviewer, *****'5 brilliant stars! I'm definitely not crying right now. That's a lie. I totally am. This book was A LOT!' Goodreads reviewer, *****'Everything. This book was everything. The House of Eve will not only be a favourite of the year, but a favourite of all-time. I ADORED THIS BOOK. You can't tell me that Ruby and Eleanor aren't real people because they're real in my heart, and I will never forget them. I'm jealous of you all who get to read this for the first time. ALL THE STARS' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I read this book in one sitting and loved it!!... I was blown away... I couldn't read this fast enough' Goodreads reviewer, *****'WOW! I'm still processing this book! I devoured it in three days' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I LOVED THIS BOOK!... Grabs you from the first page and holds you until the satisfying conclusion. The House of Eve is a timely, redemptive, powerful, beautifully written yet haunting novel of resilience and sacrifices women make for themselves and their families' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I really gobbled up this book. PAGE-TURNER! Pick this book; you won't regret it... I absolutely loved this story... Amazing... This book was impossible for me to put down' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I LOVED THIS BOOK!' Goodreads reviewer, *****'I was completely captivated' Goodreads reviewer, *****