Search results for ""guilford publications""
Guilford Publications Reading Comprehension, Second Edition: Strategies for Independent Learners
This practical resource and widely used text presents a wealth of research-based approaches to comprehension instruction. The authors offer specific classroom practices that help K-9 students compare and evaluate print and online sources, develop vocabulary, build study and test-taking skills, and become motivated readers.
Guilford Publications The Abusive Personality: Violence and Control in Intimate Relationships
This influential book provides an innovative framework for understanding and treating intimate partner violence. Integrating a variety of theoretical and empirical perspectives, Donald G. Dutton demonstrates that male abusiveness is more than just a learned pattern of behavior--it is the outgrowth of a particular personality configuration. He illuminates the development of the abusive personality from early childhood to adulthood and presents an evidence-based treatment approach designed to meet this population's unique needs. The second edition features two new chapters on the neurobiological roots of abusive behavior and the development of abusiveness in females.
Guilford Publications Clinical Applications of the Adult Attachment Interview
The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) is both a mainstay of attachment research and a powerful clinical tool. This unique book provides a thorough introduction to the AAI and its use as an adjunct to a range of therapeutic approaches, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, parent-infant psychotherapy, home visiting programs, and supportive work in the context of foster care and adoption. Leading authorities provide detailed descriptions of clinical procedures and techniques, illustrated with vivid case material. Grounded in research, the volume highlights how using the AAI can enhance assessment and diagnosis, strengthen the therapeutic alliance, and facilitate goal setting, treatment planning, and progress monitoring.
Guilford Publications Evaluation Ethics for Best Practice: Cases and Commentaries
Focusing on ethical challenges in program evaluation, this innovative book features six case-study scenarios that end at a point where the evaluator faces a significant decision about how to proceed. For each case, two distinguished evaluators offer insights on the best course of action to choose, and why. What If? boxes modify the details of the scenarios, inviting readers to reflect on whether these changes alter the ethical implications of the case. Six additional cases are presented with questions that guide readers to develop their own ethical analyses. The book is organized to follow the progress of an evaluation, from the entry/contracting phase through the utilization of results.
Guilford Publications Persons in Context: Building a Science of the Individual
A major development in psychological science is increased recognition that persons and environments constitute dynamically interacting systems. This book presents advances from internationally renowned researchers in personality, social, cognitive, developmental, and cultural psychology, and other fields, who construct a science of the individual by studying individuals in context. Contributors build on seminal work by Walter Mischel (especially his citation classic, Toward a Cognitive Social Learning Reconceptualization of Personality, reprinted in the volume). A commentary from Mischel himself places the contributions in historical perspective and articulates the novel portrait of human nature that they yield.
Guilford Publications Collaborative Therapy with Multi-Stressed Families, Second Edition
This text and professional resource offers an alternative approach to thinking about and working with “difficult” families. From a nonpathologizing stance, William C. Madsen demonstrates creative ways to help family members shift their relationship to longstanding problems; envision desired lives; and develop more proactive coping strategies. Anyone working with families in crisis, especially in settings where time and resources are scarce, will gain valuable insights and tools from this book.
Guilford Publications Treating Somatization: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach
This lucidly written guide presents an innovative approach for treating somatization disorder and related problems, such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome. The authors' program integrates cognitive-behavioral techniques with strategies to build emotional self-awareness and interventions to help patients understand and alter their illness behavior. Systematic yet flexible, it is supported by controlled clinical research. The book reviews the conceptual underpinnings of the approach, discusses its ongoing testing and refinement, and offers clear-cut guidelines for assessment and treatment. Special features include illustrative case material, many pointers for practice, and reproducible appendices that provide a 10-session mini-manual and helpful handouts and forms.
Guilford Publications Behavioral Couples Therapy for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
This eminently practical guide presents an empirically supported approach for treating people with substance abuse problems and their spouses or domestic partners. Behavioral couples therapy (BCT) explicitly focuses on both substance use and relationship issues, and is readily compatible with 12-step approaches. In a convenient large-size format, the book provides all the materials needed to introduce BCT; implement a recovery contract to support abstinence; work with clients to increase positive activities, improve communication, and reduce relapse risks; and deal with special treatment challenges. Appendices include a session-by-session treatment manual and 70 reproducible checklists, forms, and client education posters.
Guilford Publications Protecting the Self: Defense Mechanisms in Action
Integrating theory, research, and practical applications, this timely book provides a comprehensive examination of defense mechanisms and their role in both normal development and psychopathology. The author describes how children and adults mobilize specific kinds of defenses to maintain their psychological equilibrium and preserve self-esteem, particularly in situations of trauma or stress. Many lucid examples illustrate what these mechanisms look like in everyday life; the impact of age, gender, and personality differences; what happens when defenses are used maladaptively; and how they are affected by psychotherapy. Challenges in assessment are considered, and empirically supported instruments and approaches are discussed in depth.
Guilford Publications Attachment Processes in Couple and Family Therapy
With contributions from leading clinicians and researchers, this book presents couple and family therapy models that use attachment theory as the basis for new clinical understandings. Chapters provide compelling insights on the nature of interactions between adult partners and between parents and children, and the role of attachment in distressed and satisfying relationships. The book describes a range of ways that attachment-oriented interventions can help resolve marital conflict and difficult family transitions.
Guilford Publications What Works for Whom?: A Critical Review of Psychotherapy Research
This acclaimed work provides a systematic, comprehensive, and balanced evaluation of the current status of all major psychotherapeutic approaches. With a primary focus on adults, detailed evidence is presented for the efficacy of widely used interventions for frequently encountered mental disorders and specific populations. The book also explains the concepts that underpin psychotherapy research, examines methodological challenges in translating research into practice, and considers the impact on outcome of factors common to all therapies, such as therapist and patient characteristics.
Guilford Publications Personality in Adulthood: A Five-Factor Theory Perspective
This influential work examines how enduring dispositions or traits affect the process of aging and shape each individual’s life course. From two well-known authorities in the field, the volume is grounded in a growing body of empirical evidence. Critically reviewing different theories of personality and adult development, the authors explain the logic behind the scientific assessment of personality, present a comprehensive model of trait structure, and examine patterns of trait stability and change after age 30, incorporating data from ongoing cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. Written in a clear, jargon-free style, this book is an ideal text for advanced students and a timely reference for researchers and clinicians.
Guilford Publications Think First: Addressing Aggressive Behavior in Secondary Schools
This highly practical book presents a complete anger and aggression management training program for middle and high school students. The volume incorporates a revised version of the author's proven "Think First" manual, which includes step-by-step skills training guidelines and 20 reproducible handouts and forms. Also provided are a clear rationale for the program and thorough instructions for screening and assessing those students who could benefit most from participation. Showing how to integrate small-group cognitive-behavioral skills training into an effective schoolwide disciplinary framework, the book offers vital tools for promoting prosocial behavior and decreasing violence risks among all students. It is an essential resource for professionals who seek both a better understanding of adolescent aggression and nuts-and-bolts strategies for dealing with it.
Guilford Publications Multifamily Groups in the Treatment of Severe Psychiatric Disorders
This volume presents a proven psychoeducational therapy approach for persons with severe mental illness and their families. Pioneering schizophrenia treatment developer William R. McFarlane first lays out the theoretical and empirical foundations of the multifamily model. Chapters coauthored with other leading clinician-researchers then provide detailed how-to instructions for forming groups; implementing educational and problem-solving interventions; managing clinical, relationship, and functional issues that may arise; and integrating psychoeducation with other forms of treatment. Also addressed are applications of the model--some described here for the first time--to a variety of disorders other than schizophrenia, including bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, and medical illness.
Guilford Publications Treating Troubled Children and Their Families
Integrating systemic, psychodynamic, and cognitive-behavioral perspectives, this acclaimed book presents an innovative framework for therapeutic work. Ellen Wachtel shows how parents and children all too often get entangled in patterns that cause grief to both generations, and demonstrates how to help bring about change with a combination of family-focused and child-focused interventions. Vivid case examples illustrate creative ways to engage young children in family sessions and conduct complementary sessions with children and parents alone, using a variety of strengths-based, developmentally informed strategies. The paperback edition features a new preface in which the author reflects on the continuing evolution of her approach.
Guilford Publications Strategic Copy Editing
This pragmatic text helps students master the craft of copy editing--including both the editing skills and the people skills essential to professional success. Experienced newspaper copy editor and professor John Russial covers the fundamentals and more: how to edit for grammar, punctuation, usage, and style; attend to broader issues of fairness and focus; develop strong headlines and other display elements; and work collaboratively with reporters, other editors, and designers. Special attention is given to the copy editor's role as critical thinker and coach as well as resident wordsmith. Throughout, proven editing strategies are explained and numerous concrete examples and practical tips offered.
Guilford Publications Ostracism: The Power of Silence
Ostracism is among the most powerful means of social influence. From schoolroom time-outs or the silent treatment from a family member or friend, to governmental acts of banishment or exile, ostracism is practiced in many contexts, by individuals and groups. This lucidly written book provides a comprehensive examination of this pervasive phenomenon, exploring the short- and long-term consequences for targets as well as the functions served for those who exclude or ignore. Within a cogent theoretical framework, an exemplary research program is presented that makes use of such diverse methods as laboratory experiments, surveys, narrative accounts, interviews, Internet-based research, brief role-plays, and week-long simulations. The resulting data shed new light on how ostracism affects the individual's coping responses, self-esteem, and sense of belonging and control. Informative and timely, this book will be received with interest by researchers, practitioners, and students in a wide range of psychological disciplines.
Guilford Publications Patient's Manual for CBASP
Designed for distribution to patients, this concise guide provides basic information about chronic depression and a clear introduction to CBASP (Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy). Several case examples are included to help the patient understand what the CBASP techniques are, how they work, and what to expect from treatment in terms of outcome goals. Written in a hopeful, empathic tone, the manual provides needed support to chronically depressed individuals as they begin the challenging work of CBASP psychotherapy.
Guilford Publications The Academic Achievement Challenge: What Really Works in the Classroom?
This volume addresses one of the central issues in education: how best to instruct our students. From the late Jeanne S. Chall, Professor of Education at Harvard University and a leading figure in American education, the book reviews and evaluates the many educational reforms and innovations that have been proposed and employed over the past century. Systematically analyzing a vast body of qualitative and quantitative research, Chall compares achievement rates that result from traditional, teacher-centered approaches with those resulting from progressive, student-centered methods. Her findings are striking and clear: that teacher-centered approaches result in higher achievement overall, with particular benefits for children of lower socioeconomic status and those with learning difficulties. Offering cogent recommendations for practice, the book makes a strong case for basing future education reforms and innovations on a solid empirical foundation. In a new foreword to the paperback edition, Marilyn Jager Adams reflects on Chall's deep-rooted commitment to and enduring legacy in educating America's children.
Guilford Publications Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy with Trauma Survivors: Strengthening Attachment Bonds
This book provides a theoretical framework and a practical model of intervention for distressed couples whose relationships are affected by the echoes of trauma. Combining attachment theory, trauma research, and emotionally focused therapeutic techniques, Susan M. Johnson guides the clinician in modifying the interactional patterns that maintain traumatic stress and fostering positive, healing relationships among survivors and their partners. In-depth case material brings to life the process of assessment and treatment with couples coping with the impact of different kinds of trauma, including childhood abuse, serious illness, and combat experiences. The concluding chapter features valuable advice on therapist self-care.
Guilford Publications The Psychology of Religion and Coping: Theory, Research, Practice
When faced with a crisis, why do some people turn to religion to help them cope, while others turn away? Is religious belief merely a defense or a form of denial? Is spirituality a help or a hindrance in times of stress? Building a much-needed bridge between two different worlds of thought and practice--religion and psychology--this volume sensitively interweaves theory with first-hand accounts, clinical insight, and scientific research. The book underscores the need for greater sensitivity to religion and spirituality in the context of helping relationships, and suggests a range of ways that faith might be used more fully to help people in crisis.
Guilford Publications Eight Eurocentric Historians
This volume examines and critiques the work of a diverse group of Eurocentric historians who have strongly shaped our understanding of world history. Building upon the foundations laid in his previous book, The Colonizer's Model of the World, which provided a systematic overview of the nature and evolution of Eurocentrism, Blaut focuses in depth on Max Weber, Lynn White, Jr., Robert Brenner, Eric L. Jones, Michael Mann, John A. Hall, Jared Diamond, and David Landes. The role of each of these thinkers in generating colonialist understandings of history is described, and the fallacious assumptions at the roots of their arguments are revealed. Working toward an alternative understanding of the origins of modernity, this clearly written book provides invaluable insights and tools for students and scholars of history, geography, sociology, anthropology, and postcolonialism.
Guilford Publications Quantum Change: When Epiphanies and Sudden Insights Transform Ordinary Lives
Most of us walk through each day expecting few surprises. If we want to better ourselves or our lives, we map out a path of gradual change, perhaps in counseling or psychotherapy. Psychologists William Miller and Janet C'de Baca were longtime scholars and teachers of traditional approaches to self-improvement when they became intrigued by a different sort of change that was sometimes experienced by people they encountered--something often described as a bolt from the blue or seeing the light. And when they placed a request in a local newspaper for people's stories of unexpected personal transformation, the deluge of responses was astounding. These compelling stories of epiphanies and sudden insights inspired Miller and C'de Baca to examine the experience of quantum change through the lens of scientific psychology. Where does quantum change come from? Why do some of us experience it, and what kind of people do we become as a result? The answers that this book arrives at yield remarkable insights into how human beings achieve lasting change--sometimes even in spite of ourselves.
Guilford Publications A Primer on Regression Artifacts
Regression toward the mean is a complex statistical principle that plays a crucial role in any research involving the measurement of change. This primer is designed to help researchers more fully understand this phenomenon and avoid common errors in interpretation. The book presents new methods of graphing regression toward the mean, facilitating comprehension with a wealth of figures and diagrams. Special attention is given to applications related to program or treatment evaluation. Numerous concrete examples illustrate the ways researchers all too often attribute effects to an intervention or other causal variable without considering regression artifacts as an alternative explanation for change. Also discussed are instances when problems are actually created, instead of solved, by correction for regression toward the mean. Throughout, the authors strive to use nontechnical language and to keep simulations and formulas as accessible as possible.
Guilford Publications Facilitating Emotional Change: The Moment-by-Moment Process
While emotions are often given a negative connotation people are described as being too emotional or as needing to control their emotions this book demonstrates that emotions are organizing processes that enhance adaptation and problem solving. Within an experiential therapy framework, the volume shows how to work with moment-by-moment emotional processes to resolve various psychological difficulties. The first two sections introduce the process experiential approach to treatment. Exploring the interrelationships among emotion, cognition, and change, the authors develop a powerful, clinically relevant theory of human functioning. The third section, a detailed treatment manual, outlines the general principles and methods of therapy and provides step-by-step directions for six specific types of interventions. Excerpts from actual transcripts exemplify the various methods, illuminating the moment-by-moment process for both the client and the therapist.
Guilford Publications Constructive Therapies V2
Like its predecessor, Constructive Therapies, Volume 1, this engaging book presents a range of creative, time-effective approaches for helping clients build on their competencies and develop their own solutions. In-depth interviews with Michael White, Steve de Shazer, Bill O'Hanlon, Donald Meichenbaum, and Kenneth Gergen are incorporated with other clinically oriented chapters from well-known therapists. Topics covered include different styles of constructive therapy, the externalization and deconstruction of problems, narrative work with ADHD-diagnosed children, a solution-focused approach for dealing with cases of domestic violence, EMDR and the MRI interactional approach, actualizing the empty self in psychotherapy, emotional and spiritual healing, and more. Illustrative case examples are featured throughout.
Guilford Publications The Psychology of Action: Linking Cognition and Motivation to Behavior
Moving beyond the traditional, and unproductive, rivalry between the fields of motivation and cognition, this book integrates the two domains to shed new light on the control of goal-directed action. Renowned social and motivational psychologists present concise formulations of the latest research programs which are effectively mapping the territory, providing new findings, and suggesting innovative strategies for future research. Ideally structured for classroom use, this book will effectively familiarize readers with important theories in the psychology of action.
Guilford Publications Creating Change
Guilford Publications Introduction to Social Cognition
Why are first impressions so powerful? How do we âœknowâ what others are like when we cannot read their minds? How can scientists measure biases that people do not want to admit--or do not know they have? This engaging text delves into social cognition by exploring major questions in the field through an everyday lens. Students are introduced to core concepts and processes pertaining to how people come to know themselves and understand the behavior of others. Classic and contemporary findings and experimental methods are explained. The text connects the research to pressing contemporary problems--the roots of political polarization, why even rational people fall prey to misinformation, and the best ways to reduce prejudice. Boxed definitions of key terms are included throughout.
Guilford Publications FamilySchool Success for Children with ADHD
Guilford Publications FamilySchool Success for Children with ADHD
Guilford Publications Handbook of PTSD, Third Edition: Science and Practice
Now in an extensively revised third edition with 65% new material, this is the authoritative reference on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Contributors examine the breadth of current knowledge on the mechanisms by which stressful events can alter psychological processes, brain function, and individual behavior. Risk and protective factors across development and in specific populations are explored. Reviewing the state of the science of assessment and treatment, the volume covers early intervention and evidence-based individual, couple/family, and group therapies. Conceptual and diagnostic issues are addressed and key questions for the next generation of researchers are identified. New to This Edition *Thoroughly revised to reflect the accelerating pace of scientific and clinical progress; includes a range of new authors. *Chapters on new topics: treatment of PTSD with comorbid disorders, and postmortem brain banking. *New chapters on previously covered topics, including DSM-5 and ICD-11 diagnostic criteria, the psychoneurobiology of resilience, and challenges in implementing clinical best practices. *New or updated discussions of such timely issues as treatment of refugees, telemental health, and technology-based interventions.
Guilford Publications Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Third Edition
Guilford Publications Holistic Neurorehabilitation
Highly practical and comprehensive, this book provides a multimodal framework for helping patients with acquired brain injuries to identify and achieve meaningful functional goals in the home and community.
Guilford Publications Behavior Analysis
Guilford Publications The Psychology of Prejudice, Third Edition
Addressing core questions about prejudice and stereotyping--their causes, consequences, and how to reduce them--this noted text is now in a thoroughly revised third edition with 50% new material. Written in an engaging, conversational style, the book brings social-psychological theories and research to life with compelling everyday examples. The text explores the personal and societal impacts of different forms of prejudice. Students learn about the cognitive, emotional, motivational, contextual, and personality processes that make stereotyping and prejudice more (or less) likely to occur. The book reviews anti-bias interventions and critically evaluates the evidence for their effectiveness. Every chapter concludes with an instructive glossary and discussion questions. New to This Edition *Full chapter on implicit prejudice. *Chapters on anti-gay and anti-fat prejudice. *New or updated discussions of timely topics: how children develop prejudice, structural racism, benevolent versus hostile sexism, how contact reduces prejudice, and more.
Guilford Publications Diagnosis Made Easier Third Edition
The third edition of this incisive practitioner resource and course text--updated for the DSM-5 Text Revision (DSM-5-TR)--takes the reader step by step through diagnostic decision making in mental health. Guidelines are presented for evaluating information from multiple sources, constructing a wide-ranging differential diagnosis, creating a safety hierarchy, and using decision trees to derive a valid working diagnosis. The book addresses specific issues in diagnosing the conditions most often seen in mental health practice, with an emphasis on how diagnosis informs effective treatment. More than 100 vivid vignettes illustrate the diagnostic process and allow readers to practice their skills. New to This Edition *Revised throughout for DSM-5-TR, including the new diagnosis of prolonged grief disorder. *Chapter on eating and sleeping disorders, including new decision trees. *New and updated vignettes and suggested readings. See also Morrison's DSM
Guilford Publications Machine Learning for Social and Behavioral Research
*Shows researchers in psychology, education, and related fields the steps needed to apply machine learning to large data sets. *Focuses on topics most applicable to behavioral and social scientists, rather than computer scientists. *Uses examples from mental health, educational testing, and personality assessment to illustrate key concepts. *Specifies the time and resources needed per technique; the companion website provides the R code used for the examples. *Of particular interest in the U.S., Germany, Scandinavia, and the Netherlands.
Guilford Publications Fathers and Violence: A Program to Change Behavior, Improve Parenting, and Heal Relationships
This highly accessible book presents a new approach to treating men who use violence against their partners and/or children. The Fathers for Change (F4C) program has a unique focus on fostering fathers' accountability and reflective functioning, and repairing father–child relationships. Grounded in theory and research, it addresses a key need for parents who want to stay together or coparent successfully in the aftermath of violence, while prioritizing all family members' safety. Clinicians learn how to implement each component of F4C, from assessment to individual-focused work to coparent and family sessions, if appropriate. Illustrative case vignettes are featured throughout. An appendix provides 32 reproducible forms, worksheets, and handouts that can be downloaded (many in a fillable format) and printed as needed.
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies in Crisis Intervention, Fourth Edition
*Major revision of a key clinical guide and text; 75% new material includes numerous new chapters reflecting 15 years of advances in the field. *State-of-the-science information on specific types of crises, plus new coverage of legal and ethical issues and clinician self-care. *Practical--CBT strategies are brought to life by rich case material. *From highly regarded editors and contributors.
Guilford Publications Complex and Traumatic Loss: Fostering Healing and Resilience
In this needed practice and training guide for all mental health professionals, Froma Walsh presents a research-informed, resilience-oriented approach to help individuals, couples, and families who experience profound loss. Walsh guides therapists to understand and address the impact of complicated and traumatic deaths in relational systems and social contexts. She provides core principles and illustrative examples to foster healing and adaptation; help clients mobilize vital social, cultural, and spiritual resources; and find pathways forward to live and love beyond loss. Essential topics include death of a spouse, parent, child, or sibling; ambiguous and disenfranchised losses; death by violence, suicide, or overdose; collective trauma; and reverberations of past loss in life pursuits, other relationships, and across generations.
Guilford Publications Practical Psychometrics: A Guide for Test Users
This is the first practitioner-oriented guide to basic psychometrics--the science behind test construction and validation. It can be used as a course text or clinical reference for anyone who needs to select and administer diagnostic tests or review test score data obtained by others. Without assuming any mathematical background, the author describes the fundamentals of diagnostic testing, how to interpret score data, and how specific tests are used in school psychology, special education, counseling, and other contexts. Concepts such as reliability, validity, and fairness and test bias are explained in an accessible, conversational way. Detailed case examples illustrate the dos and don'ts of presenting test score data to clients, parents, and teachers in oral feedback and written reports. Pedagogical Features: *End-of-chapter exercises that emphasize application and understanding, with answers at the end of the book. *Key terms are bolded throughout and accessibly explained in the end-of-book glossary. *Resource appendix--annotated guide to articles and books on more advanced topics in psychometrics, assessment, and testing.
Guilford Publications Empowerment Evaluation and Social Justice: Confronting the Culture of Silence
*From the creator of EE, the first authored book on the approach. *Describes how to define a mission and track progress toward goals and real-world outcomes. *Guides readers to use EE as a primary framework or within a preexisting evaluation; examples include Feeding America and USAID/REACH (a program to eliminate tuberculosis in India). *Responds to the huge push in education, psychology, and sociology to substantively address social justice.
Guilford Publications CBT Treatment Plans and Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Disorders in Youth
Going beyond one-size-fits-all approaches to treating depression and anxiety, this book is packed with tools for delivering flexible, personalized cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to diverse children and adolescents. The authors use extended case examples to show how to conceptualize complex cases and tailor interventions to each client's unique challenges, strengths, family background, and circumstances. In a convenient large-size format, the book features vivid vignettes, sample treatment plans, therapist–client dialogues, and 49 reproducible handouts and worksheets, most of which can be downloaded and printed for repeated use. It offers pragmatic guidance for collaborating effectively with parents and with other professionals.
Guilford Publications The CRAFT Treatment Manual for Substance Use Problems: Working with Family Members
Packed with practical tools, this authoritative manual offers a complete guide to implementing the evidence-based Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) program. Jane Ellen Smith and Robert J. Meyers have spent decades developing and refining their approach for helping concerned significant others (CSOs) of treatment-refusing individuals with substance use problems. Structured yet flexible, CRAFT teaches loved ones to change their behavior with the identified patient to encourage treatment entry and enhance their own well-being. The volume features step-by-step implementation guidelines, case examples, sample dialogues, troubleshooting tips, and 28 reproducible forms and handouts that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Literacy Intervention in the Middle Grades: Word Learning, Comprehension, and Strategy Instruction, Grades 4-8
No two students in grades 4–8 are identical, and many struggle with literacy for different reasons. Using a teacher-friendly, hands-on approach, this eminently practical book walks educators through the nuts and bolts of literacy intervention in the middle grades. Highlights include “North Star” principles to orient instruction, an assessment flowchart, and extended case studies of three middle-grades learners. The book offers evidence-based intervention practices for targeting specific literacy components, including word recognition, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Teachers are guided to plan structured but flexible interventions that promote literacy growth and engagement. Sample lesson plans and clear, engaging figures illustrate how to make literacy intervention work for all students.
Guilford Publications Supporting Adolescents with Autism in Secondary Schools
In a convenient large-size format, this book presents the first research-based, comprehensive program designed to support high school students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Developed and tested in public schools by the Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (CSESA), the program addresses four critical areas--literacy, social competence and peer relationships, independence, and postschool transition preparation for students and their families. Chapters provide a roadmap for implementation of each component, complete with intervention guidelines, case vignettes, key findings, lessons learned, and reproducible forms that can be downloaded and printed at the companion website. The book also helps readers navigate the wealth of additional resources freely available from CSESA.
Guilford Publications Has Your Child Been Traumatized?: How to Know and What to Do to Promote Healing and Recovery
When your child has been through an upsetting or stressful event, it can feel overwhelming. Is your child traumatized? Are new behaviors normal, or signs of PTSD? What can you do to make your child feel safe again? Psychologist Melissa Goldberg Mintz knows what is needed to support a traumatized child--and she knows that loving parents play the most important role. In this wise and authoritative guide, Dr. Goldberg Mintz shares specific, critical information and insights into what trauma looks like at different ages, why some kids exposed to the same event react very differently, how to help your child through trauma triggers, when to seek professional help, and more. She provides crucial tools for ensuring that your child doesn’t feel constrained by fear--and can face future challenges with hope and resilience. Winner (Second Place)--Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award, Family & Relationships Category