Search results for ""author jean"
Bod Third Party Titles Viktorianische Vorstellungen von weiblicher Hysterie in Charlotte Bronts Jane Eyre Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea und John Fowles The French Lieutenants Woman
Pontificio Istituto Biblico Non Mi Vergogno Del Vangelo, Potenza Di Dio: Studi in Onore Di Jean-Noel Aletti SJ, Nel Suo 70. Compleanno: Collected Essays
The University of Chicago Press Making Theory/Constructing Art: On the Authority of the Avant-Garde
This text examines and critiques the norms, assumptions, historical conditions, and institutions that have framed the development and uses of art theory. Spurred by the theoretical claims of Arthur Danto, a leader in the philosophy of the avant-garde, Herwitz re-examines the art and theory of major figures in the avant-garde movement including John Cage, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Jean Baudrillard and Andy Warhol.
Rowman & Littlefield Urban Skinny: Live The Fabulous Life--And Still Zip Up Your Favorite Jeans
A roadmap for hip city-dwellers to lose weight and look great—without giving up their lifestyles How can you stick to your diet in a 24-hour-a-day, high-voltage city? Many turn to one of America’s most sought-after dieticians, Danielle Schupp, who has long counseled her A-list clients into their skinny jeans. Now, with Urban Skinny, she puts the same tools into the hands of anyone, anywhere, who lives a life on the go. The science behind her plan is simple: calories in, calories out. But it’s the strategy that makes it happen—and that’s what this book is all about. Schupp explains how to budget calories like budgeting money, with a savings account for the occasional splurge on truffle fries or Bordeaux. With Urban Skinny, she helps readers fit their diets into their lives, not vice-versa. * Urban Myth: Fat makes you fat.Urban Skinny: Fat, fortunately, is great. It actually helps you loseweight because it makes meals more satisfying and keeps you full longer.Include a little fat in every meal. A tablespoon of olive oil or a tablespoonof peanut butter is only about 100 calories. Why eat dry toast or saladwith just vinegar if you don’t have to? * Urban Skinny Rules—Learn ’em, Live ’em!• Breakfast is NON-NEGOTIABLE. Eat it every day—no excuses.• Order salad dressing on the side forever more. Always.• Smaller portions make smaller people.• Enjoy dips, hummus, or fondue—but dip, don’t dunk.• Sip, don’t slug, your alcohol.• Don’t drink your calories—wouldn’t you rather eat an apple than drink juice?• If you have wine with dinner, skip the bread, rice, or other starch.• Get friendly with nonstick spray if you happen to catch yourself cooking athome—always use it.• Be consistent, not perfect.• Get your butt off the couch and exercise.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Der Teufel, Die Hexe Und Der Rechtsgelehrte: Crimen Magiae Und Hexenprozess in Jean Bodins 'de La Demonomanie Des Sorciers'
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Jean Pauls Sämtliche Werke. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe: Zweite Abteilung: Nachlass.Band 6: Dichtungen, Merkblätter, Studienhefte, Schriften zur Biographie, Libri legendi.Teilband I: TextTeilband II: Apparat
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers The to All the Boys I've Loved Before Collection (Boxed Set): To All the Boys I've Loved Before; P.S. I Still Love You; Always and Forever, Lara Jean
Iter Press "The God of Love′s Letter" and "The Tale of the Rose" – A Bilingual Edition. With Jean Gerson, "A Poem on Man and Woman," Translated from the Latin
Christine de Pizan was born in Italy and moved to the French court of Charles V when she was four years old. She led a life of learning, stimulated by her reading and by her drive to engage with the cultural and political issues of her day. As a young widow she sought to support her family through writing, and she broke new ground by pursuing a life as an author and self-publisher, producing an astonishingly large and varied body of work. Her books, owned and read by some of the most important figures of her day, addressed politics, philosophy, government, ethics, the conduct of war, autobiography and biography, and religious subjects.The God of Love’s Letter (1399), Christine de Pizan’s first defense of women, is arguably her most succinct statement about gender. It also rebukes the thirteenth-century Romance of the Rose and anticipates Christine’s City of Ladies. The Tale of the Rose (1402) responds to the growth in chivalric orders for the defense of women by arguing that women, not men, should choose members of the “Order of the Rose.” Both poems are freshly edited here from their earliest manuscripts and each is newly translated into English.
Peeters Publishers L'ordre De Saint-Jean-de-Jerusalem: L'empire Ottoman Et La Mediterranee Orientale Entre Les Deux Sieges De Rhodes (1480-1522)
University of Pennsylvania Press Political Gastronomy: Food and Authority in the English Atlantic World
"The table constitutes a kind of tie between the bargainer and the bargained-with, and makes the diners more willing to receive certain impressions, to submit to certain influences: from this is born political gastronomy. Meals have become a means of governing, and the fate of whole peoples is decided at a banquet."—Jean Anthèlme Brillat-Savarin, The Physiology of Taste, or, Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy The first Thanksgiving at Plymouth in 1621 was a powerfully symbolic event and not merely the pageant of abundance that we still reenact today. In these early encounters between Indians and English in North America, food was also symbolic of power: the venison brought to Plymouth by the Indians, for example, was resonant of both masculine skill with weapons and the status of the men who offered it. These meanings were clearly understood by Plymouth's leaders, however weak they appeared in comparison. Political Gastronomy examines the meaning of food in its many facets: planting, gathering, hunting, cooking, shared meals, and the daily labor that sustained ordinary households. Public occasions such as the first Thanksgiving could be used to reinforce claims to status and precedence, but even seemingly trivial gestures could dramatize the tense negotiations of status and authority: an offer of roast squirrel or a spoonful of beer, a guest's refusal to accept his place at the table, the presence and type of utensils, whether hands should be washed or napkins used. Historian Michael A. LaCombe places Anglo-Indian encounters at the center of his study, and his wide-ranging research shows that despite their many differences in language, culture, and beliefs, English settlers and American Indians were able to communicate reciprocally in the symbolic language of food.
Peeters Publishers Variation Et Stabilite Du Francais. Des Notions Aux Operations: Melanges De Linguistique Francais Offerts Au Professeur Jean-Marcel Leard Par Ses Collegues Et Amis
Le francais n'echappe pas a la caracteristique generale des langues qu'est leur variabilite. En l'absence d'observatoire direct du langage, la variabilite constitue la principale voie d'acces aux parametres stables qui le rendent possible. La question de savoir ce qui est contingent et ce qui est necessaire dans les associations d'informations qui forment les signes a travers les varietes de francais reunit les contributions a cet ouvrage. Ces travaux developpent les rapports du sens aux interpretations - la polysemie de bien (Dostie et Bouchaddakh), celle des verbes axiologiques (Larrivee), des temps surcomposes (Burgi), du connecteur Pourtant (Marengo) -, des interpretations aux contraintes syntaxiques - les traits generaux de la predication seconde (Riegel) et de la subordination par comme (Pierrard), les constructions particulieres de la preposition suivie d'un adjectif (Melis), de gallicismes quantifiants (Gaatone), d'emplois idiosyncrasiques de si dans l'ancienne langue (Soutet) -, des categories referentielles a leurs marqueurs - sur la distinction massif/comptable (Kleiber), les categories predicatives de SN (Gross), l'aspect (Laurendeau) -, des marqueurs aux categories textuelles - le role enonciatif du pronom moi (Chevalier), la structure du discours dictionnairique (Mercier et Thiffault), les metaphores dans l'argumentation politique (Forget). La variation inherente a la pratique de la langue ecrite par des peu lettres (Martnibeau) et l'acquisition de la langue seconde (Hadermann) sont egalement envisagees. Ces contributions designent les causes de la variabilite, qui tient a un rapport de compatibilite entre des representations intervenant a differents niveaux, et non a des correspondances mecaniques entre des couches successives. Les propositions faites dans ce volume refletent l'ampleur et la precision du travail de Jean-Marcel Leard, a qui il est presente.
Stackpole Books Jeans and a T-Shirt: Fun and Fabulous Upcycling Projects for Denim and More
Cast-off denim and T-shirts are the perfect materials for upcycling into a wide range of projects, from bags and totes to table runners, placemats, and trivets, to stuffies and pet chew toys, to games, tree skirts, stockings, and so much more! Follow the instructions as given or use them as a jumping off point as you personalize the designs. This is an upcycling resource you will turn to again and again for creative project ideas.
Universitatsverlag Winter La Vie de Gregoire Le Grand Par Jean Diacre Traduite Par Angier: Publiee d'Apres Le Manuscrit Paris, Bnf, Fr. 24766, Unique Et Autographe. Texte Et Glossaire
V&R unipress GmbH Von der Weisheit des Glaubens: Jean Frédéric Bettex als christlicher Apologet. Mit einem Geleitwort von Hansjörg Hemminger
Hachette Livre - BNF Les Cinq Rangs de l'Architecture, À Sçavoir Tuscane, Dorique, Ionique, Corinthiaque: , Avec Quelques Ordonnances d'Architecture Inventées Par Jean Vredeman Frison Et Son Fils...
Emerald Publishing Limited Agents, Actors, Actorhood: Institutional Perspectives on the Nature of Agency, Action, and Authority
National governments are increasingly sharing the stage with many other forms of empowered social actors and authoritative players. Worldwide, alongside governmental bureaucracies, we witness the proliferation of non-for-profit and voluntary associations, business organizations and corporations, civic action committees and political parties, as well as celebrities and cultural icons. Importantly, whether they are individual- and collective social actors, these various actors are bestowed with the legitimate authority to speak their mind, act on their agenda, and influence the course of social progress. How might we conceptualize the role of such empowered social actors? This compilation of research and commentary gathers a range of institutional perspectives investigating what the devolution of state power and the so-called democratization of social action means for the nature of authority and how the multiplicity and variety of social actors impacts societies worldwide, extending from focus on agents to actors to actorhood.
Columbia University Press Reimagining the Sacred: Richard Kearney Debates God with James Wood, Catherine Keller, Charles Taylor, Julia Kristeva, Gianni Vattimo, Simon Critchley, Jean-Luc Marion, John Caputo, David Tracy, Jens Zimmermann, and Merold Westphal
Contemporary conversations about religion and culture are framed by two reductive definitions of secularity. In one, multiple faiths and nonfaiths coexist free from a dominant belief in God. In the other, we deny the sacred altogether and exclude religion from rational thought and behavior. But is there a third way for those who wish to rediscover the sacred in a skeptical society? What kind of faith, if any, can be proclaimed after the ravages of the Holocaust and the many religion-based terrors since? Richard Kearney explores these questions with a host of philosophers known for their inclusive, forward-thinking work on the intersection of secularism, politics, and religion. An interreligious dialogue that refuses to paper over religious difference, these conversations locate the sacred within secular society and affirm a positive role for religion in human reflection and action. Drawing on his own philosophical formulations, literary analysis, and personal interreligious experiences, Kearney develops through these engagements a basic gesture of hospitality for approaching the question of God. His work facilitates a fresh encounter with our best-known voices in continental philosophy and their views on issues of importance to all spiritually minded individuals and skeptics: how to reconcile God's goodness with human evil, how to believe in both God and natural science, how to talk about God without indulging in fundamentalist rhetoric, and how to balance God's sovereignty with God's love.
Duke University Press Making Men: Gender, Literary Authority, and Women’s Writing in Caribbean Narrative
Colonialism left an indelible mark on writers from the Caribbean. Many of the mid-century male writers, on the eve of independence, looked to England for their models. The current generation of authors, many of whom are women, have increasingly looked—and relocated—to the United States. Incorporating postcolonial theory, West Indian literature, feminist theory, and African American literary criticism, Making Men carves out a particular relationship between the Caribbean canon—as represented by C. L. R. James and V. S. Naipaul, among others—and contemporary Caribbean women writers such as Jean Rhys, and Jamaica Kincaid, Paule Marshall, and Michelle Cliff, who now live in the United States. Discussing the canonical Caribbean narrative as it reflects national identity under the domination of English cultural authority, Belinda Edmondson focuses particularly on the pervasive influence of Victorian sensibilities in the structuring of twentieth-century national identity. She shows that issues of race and English constructions of masculinity not only are central to West Indian identity but also connect Caribbean authorship to the English literary tradition. This perspective on the origins of West Indian literary nationalism then informs Edmondson’s search for female subjectivity in current literature by West Indian women immigrants in America. Making Men compares the intellectual exile of men with the economic migration of women, linking the canonical male tradition to the writing of modern West Indian women and exploring how the latter write within and against the historical male paradigm in the continuing process of national definition. With theoretical claims that invite new discourse on English, Caribbean, and American ideas of exile, migration, race, gender identity, and literary authority, Making Men will be informative reading for those involved with postcolonial theory, African American and women’s studies, and Caribbean literature.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Hunnen in Indien: Die Munzen Der Kidariten Und Alchan Aus Dem Bernischen Historischen Museum Und Der Sammlung Jean-Pierre Righetti. Mit Typologischen Zeichnungen Von Theresa Eipeldauer
Peeters Publishers Jean Potocki - Oeuvres I: Voyage En Turquie Et En Egypte, Voyage En Hollande, Voyage Dans L'Empire De Maroc, Suivi Du Voyage De Hafez, Voyage Dans Quelques Parties De La Basse-Saxe
On trouvera, dans ce premier volume des Oeuvres de Jean Potocki (1761-1815) un ensemble de textes d'une grande variete, meme s'ils sont tous relatifs a l'une des activites favorites de leur auteur: le voyage, qu'il a pratique depuis ses plus jeunes annees. Ainsi, quand il effectue son periple en Turquie et en Egypte, il a deja derriere lui de nombreux voyages, mais c'est la premiere fois qu'il en donne un temoignage ecrit elabore et surtout, ce "Voyage en Turquie et en Egypte fait en l'annee 1784" sera le premier de ses nombreux livres publies. Encourage sans doute par le succes de cette publication, Potocki ne fera plus de grands voyages, desormais, sans en livrer de relation. Certaines ont malheureusement ete perdues (celles d'Espagne, de France, d'Angleterre); celles qui nous restent sont suffisamment riches pour qu'on puisse considerer leur auteur comme un maitre dans ce genre. Beaucoup d'elements permettent de distinguer nettement le "Voyage en Turquie et en Egypte" du "Voyage en Hollande fait pendant la Revolution de 1787", puis du "Voyage dans l'Empire de Maroc fait en l'annee 1791" et enfin, du "Voyage dans quelques parties de la Basse-Saxe"; sans parler bien sur du voyage fictif, invente par Potocki sur le modele du conte oriental, "Le voyage de Hafez", publie a la suite du texte du Maroc. mais ils portent tous la marque originale de cet ecrivain-voyageur, nanti d'une erudition vertigineuse et en meme temps ouvert a toutes les lecons de l'experience immediate du monde, curieux de tout, jamais engonce dans de quelconques certitudes ni dans aucun prejuge, dote d'une plume qui est a la fois aceree et legere. Son oeuvre immense d'historien, son theatre, ses ecrits politiques comme le genial "Manuscrit trouve a Saragose": tout est en germe ou en cours d'elaboration dans ces textes.Ce premier volume des Oeuvres de Jean Potocki a ete prepare par Francois Rosset, maitre d'enseignement et de recherche a l'Universite de Lausanne, avec la collaboration de Sabine Anduleit, Sadek Neimi, Boussif Ouasti, Wardy Poelstra et Ewa Siemieniec-Golas. Les textes ont ete etablis par Dominique Triaire, professeur a l'Universite Paul Valery Montpellier III.
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers The to All the Boys I've Loved Before Paperback Collection (Boxed Set): To All the Boys I've Loved Before; P.S. I Still Love You; Always and Forever, Lara Jean
Medieval Institute Publications Early Prose in France: Contexts of Bilingualism and Authority
It is fast becoming dogma that French prose emerged out of poetry by a process of deversification in the thirteenth century. Since the earliest extant example of written French prose dates back to the eighth century, this premise cannot be taken at face value. Prose had been the medium of the clercs for many centuries before the thirteenth. It had been honed by constant use to all manner of functions whether legal, diplomatic, epistolary, or edificatory (to name only those exemplified in this study). Early Prose in France is above all a reevaluation, an attempt to call into question the assumption that deversification could have been responsible for the emergence of such lengthy prose works as the crusading chronicles and the encyclopedic translations of the early thirteenth century. In this volume Beer demonstrates the sophisticated stylistic propensities of Early French prose, an effort long needed that does a great service to all French literary scholars.
Temple University Press,U.S. One Faith, Two Authorities: Tension between Female Religious and Male Clergy in the American Catholic Church
While female religious have grown to possess a sense of personal authority in issues impacting the laity, and have come to engage in social-issue-oriented activities, religious institutions have traditionally viewed men as the decision-makers. One Faith, Two Authorities examines the tensions of policy and authority within the gendered nature of the Catholic Church. Jeanine Kraybilllooks at the influence of Catholic elites—specifically within the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious—and their opinions on public policy and relevant gender dynamics with regard to healthcare, homosexuality, immigration, and other issues. She considers the female religious’ inclusive positions as well as their opposition to ACA for bills that would be rooted in institutional positions on procreation, contraception, or abortion. Kraybill also systematically examines the claims of the 2012 Doctrinal Assessment against the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.One Faith, Two Authorities considerswhether the sisters and the male clergy are in fact in disagreement about social justice and healthcare issues and/or if women religious have influence.
Peeters Publishers Notes personnelles de Mgr A. Prignon, recteur du Pontificio Collegio Belga, sur les événements de la 2e session et de la 2e intersession du Concile Vatican II: Préface de Mgr Jean-Pierre Delville, évèque de Liège
Mgr Prignon (1919-2000), recteur du Pontificio Collegio Belga pendant le concile, a été un acteur particulièrement bien informé des événements conciliaires. En tant que recteur du Collège belge, il hébergeait le cardinal Suenens, la plupart des évêques belges et un bon nombre d’experts, dont Mgr Philips et le Père Congar. Devenu en 1963 peritus officiel du concile, il a surtout suivi de près les délibérations de la commission doctrinale. Conseiller ecclésiastique de l’Ambassade de Belgique auprès du Saint-Siège, il a également noué de multiples contacts dans le monde diplomatique. Ajoutons à cela que, dès 1963, Prignon était devenu l’homme de confiance du cardinal Suenens, dont le rôle au concile n’est plus à souligner. Conscient de l’importance des informations dont il disposait, Prignon a pris des notes personnelles – parfois fort éparses – concernant les événements du concile. Après quelque temps, il a privilégié l’enregistrement de ses remarques sur des bandes magnétiques, bandes qui déjà à l’époque ont été dactylographiées par son vice-recteur, L. Declerck. Pour la 4e session, ces bandes ont été éditées par L. Declerck et A. Haquin, Mgr Albert Prignon, Recteur du Pontificio Collegio Belga, Journal conciliaire de la 4e session, Cahiers de la Revue Théologique de Louvain, 35, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2003. Le volume actuel édite les notes sur les événements de la 2e session et de la 2e intersession. Période cruciale en raison du problème des 5 Propositiones (octobre 63), de la discussion sur la collégialité dans la commission de coordination en avril 1964, et des premières prises de position du cardinal Suenens au sujet du Birth Control. L’édition comporte un apparat critique, souvent indispensable vu le caractère assez succinct et peu ordonné des Notes de Prignon. Dans son Journal, Y. Congar donne un émouvant témoignage sur Prignon: «Il [Prignon] a à la fois le sens théologique, le sens pratique et le sens tactique. … Il est très renseigné. Il a présent à l’esprit tous les détails, sans perdre la ligne des intérêts plus grands … Sans tout cela, le Collège belge et le groupe belge n’auraient, ni été ce qu’ils ont été, ni joué le rôle qu’ils ont joué» (Mon Journal du Concile, Paris 2002, II, p. 72-73).
Academie Des Inscriptions Et Belles Lettres Dom Jean Mabillon, figure majeure de l'Europe des lettres: Actes des deux colloques du tricentenaire de la mort de Dom Mabillon, Abbaye de Solesmes, 18-19 mai 2007, Palais de l'Institut, Paris, 7-8 décembre 2007
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH einfach lesen Mit Jeans in die Steinzeit Aufgaben und Lsungen Ein Leseprojekt nach dem Jugendbuch von Wolfgang Kuhn Arbeitsbuch mit Lsungen
Academie Des Inscriptions Et Belles Lettres Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat et ses successeurs. Deux cents ans de sinologie française en France et en Chine: Textes issus du colloque organisé par l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, l'Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises du Collège
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Suche nach Wahrheit im Horizont fragmentarischer Existenzialität: Eine Studie über den Sinn der Frage nach "Gott" in der Gegenwart in Auseinandersetzung mit Gianni Vattimo, John D. Caputo und Jean-Luc Nancy
Die Suche nach der "einen Wahrheit" scheint im plural geprägten Horizont der Gegenwart ebenso überflüssig oder aber problematisch geworden zu sein, wie die Rede von dem einen Gott als Grund aller Wirklichkeit. Dennoch geben wir die Suche nicht auf, und auch das Wort "Gott" polarisiert weiterhin, sei es gesellschaftlich, wie auch in der Theologie und Philosophie. Wie ein Weg jenseits eines resignativen Rückzugs auf relativistische oder aber fundamentalistische Positionen aussehen kann, der diese Spannungslage für eine Neuorientierung nutzt, zeigt Friederike D. Rass in diesem Buch auf. Dabei werden sich gerade die vermeintlich vergebliche Suche nach der einen Wahrheit sowie die immer wieder neu zu stellende Frage nach der Bedeutung des Wortes "Gott" als wesentliche Wegweiser für ein verantwortliches Handeln in der Gegenwart erweisen.
Temple University Press,U.S. One Faith, Two Authorities: Tension between Female Religious and Male Clergy in the American Catholic Church
While female religious have grown to possess a sense of personal authority in issues impacting the laity, and have come to engage in social-issue-oriented activities, religious institutions have traditionally viewed men as the decision-makers. One Faith, Two Authorities examines the tensions of policy and authority within the gendered nature of the Catholic Church. Jeanine Kraybilllooks at the influence of Catholic elites—specifically within the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious—and their opinions on public policy and relevant gender dynamics with regard to healthcare, homosexuality, immigration, and other issues. She considers the female religious’ inclusive positions as well as their opposition to ACA for bills that would be rooted in institutional positions on procreation, contraception, or abortion. Kraybill also systematically examines the claims of the 2012 Doctrinal Assessment against the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.One Faith, Two Authorities considerswhether the sisters and the male clergy are in fact in disagreement about social justice and healthcare issues and/or if women religious have influence.
Jean Boite editions David Horvitz: Change the Name of the Days
Jean Boite editions NEW OFFICE: THE ADS: 31.03.2019-31.03.2020
Jean Boite editions a, A Novel
Jean Boite editions Cross Examination , works from the Tia Collection
Jean Boite editions Poetic? Poétique?
Jean Boite editions The Imaginary Sea
Jean Boite editions Sunset Cocktails
Jean Boite editions Betty Tompkins: Raw Material
Jean Boite editions Botanical: Observing Beauty
Jean Boite editions New Art Scales: Rethinking Local in a Global Art World
Jean Boite editions Marilyn Minter: Elder Sex