Search results for ""author gabriele""
Birkhauser Landscape for Architects / Landschaft für Architekten / Paisaje para arquitectos: Landscape, Park, Building, Qualities, Use / Landschaft, Park, Haus, Qualitäten, Nutzung
Designing gardens, parks and landscapes requires a holistic approach. It also requires extensive specialist knowledge. In courses and manuals the generalist or in-depth levels are frequently under-represented, or the attempted comprehensive view becomes too complex. "Landscape for Architects" now offers a fundamental reference work which is as comprehensive as it is practical and as holistic as it is detailed. Created in cooperation with the Architecture Department of Braunschweig Technical University, Landscape for Architects addresses the aspects of landscape architecture: "questions" are raised with abstract schematic drawings, and possible "answers" are illustrated with analytical drawings of case studies from the 20th and 21st centuries in order to inspire the reader’s own creativity and to support the design process. The entire field of landscape design is dealt with in individual thematic volumes. The numbers of pages in the volumes differ, adding up to a total of more than 1,000 pages in five volumes, published with clear color marking as the "green block". Each volume fully covers the respective subject and can be used on its own—compact and user-friendly. The illustrations are uniformly structured, with the guiding idea on the left-hand side and the associated drawing on the right-hand side. The drawings demonstrate how design concepts can be illustrated, and the three-language format provides an international vocabulary of design.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regional Governance in the EU: Regions and the Future of Europe
The role of regions in the European Union has been frequently debated since the 1980s. This comprehensive book provides a thorough overview of the issue from a variety of perspectives, analysing regional governance and territorial dynamics in the EU and its member states. Focusing on the implications of the democratisation-regionalisation nexus, it argues that a 'Europe with the regions' may promote good governance and ameliorate the democratic deficits of the EU. The book's contributions offer a multidisciplinary approach to the study of governance in the EU and highlight the significance of regions and regionalisation for the EU's future. Through a combination of empirical, conceptual, theoretical and normative approaches, chapters address both intra-state and transnational developments to provide a fresh and exciting addition to the literature on new regionalism and democratic theory. Favouring a modest notion of a 'Europe with the regions' rather than the dominant maximalist vision, it embeds these developments in the ongoing debate about the future of the EU. Students and academics exploring regional governance and the EU will find this book's unique conclusions and crucial insights of great value. The book's distinct perspective on European governance will also be of benefit to policy-makers and EU think-tanks.
Usborne Publishing Ltd 1000 Things That Go
This stylishly illustrated reference book probably contains every type of vehicle you’ve ever seen – and lots that you haven’t. There’s everything from rockets, racing cars and planes to tanks, trucks and Roman chariots. Every picture is labelled with its name, and there’s an index of all the names at the back of the book.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Italian Colonial Troops 1882–1960
A complete illustrated study of the varied range of Italian colonial units who served in East and North Africa. Italy only unified as a nation in 1870 and was late, and therefore impatient, in the 'scramble' for Africa. An initial foothold in Eritrea/Somalia, north-east Africa, led to a disastrous defeat in Ethiopia in 1896 at the Battle of Adwa, but Italian Somaliland was later consolidated on the west coast of the Red Sea. During 1911, Italy also invaded Libya, securing the coast, however fighting continued throughout World War I and only ended in the early 1930s. A number of native colonial regiments were raised in both Italian East Africa and Libya (in the latter, even a pioneering paratroop unit), of which most fought sturdily for Italy against the Allies in 1940–43. These units had particularly colourful uniforms and insignia. Another small guard unit also served in the Italian concession at Tientsin, China in 1902–1943. After World War II, a remnant unit served on in Somalia under a UN mandate until 1960. This intriguing volume describes and illustrates the dress and equipment used by these forces and details how they were deployed to maintain a colonial empire for over half a century.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Armies of the Great Northern War 1700–1720
The Great Northern War was a long series of campaigns in which Russia, linked with several other countries in temporary alliances, confronted and eventually replaced Sweden as the predominant power in Northern Europe. While contemporary with the Duke of Marlborough's pivotal campaigns against France, the Great Northern War was in fact more decisive, since it reshaped the Northern European power balance up to the eve of the Napoleonic Wars. It began with a series of astonishing Swedish victories lead by King Charles XII, from Denmark to Poland and deep into Germany. But Peter the Great of Russia showed steadfast determination, and Charles overreached himself when he invaded Russia in 1708; the Russians adopted classic 'scorched earth' tactics until they could destroy the Swedish army at Poltava in 1709, one of the most overwhelming victories in history. Nevertheless, Sweden continued to fight, and frequently win, in Germany, Denmark and Norway, until Charles's death in battle in 1718, though the war itself did not conclude until 1721. This study explores, in detail, the numerous armies and complex alliances engaged in the war for Northern European dominance. Containing accurate full-colour artwork and unrivalled detail, Armies of the Great Northern War offers a vivid insight into the troops which battled for control of the North.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Gender and the City before Modernity
Gender and the City before Modernity presents a series of multi-disciplinary readings that explore issues relating to the role of gender in a variety of cities of the ancient, medieval, and early modern worlds. Presents an inter-disciplinary collection of readings that reveal new insights into the intersection of gender, temporality, and urban space Features a wide geographical and methodological range Includes numerous illustrations to enhance clarity
Peter Lang AG «Geteilter» Deutscher Himmel?: Zum Literaturunterricht in Deutschland in Ost Und West Von 1945 Bis Zur Gegenwart
Pushkin Press Käsebier Takes Berlin
In Berlin, 1930, the name Käsebier is on everyone's lips. A literal combination of the German words for "cheese" and "beer," it's an unglamorous name for an unglamorous man - a small-time crooner who performs nightly on a shabby stage for labourers, secretaries, and shopkeepers. Until the press shows up. In the blink of an eye, this everyman is made a star: one who can sing songs for a troubled time. Margot Weissmann, the arts patron, hosts champagne breakfasts for Käsebier; Muschler the banker builds a theatre in his honour; Willi Frächter, a parvenu writer, makes a killing from Käsebier-themed business ventures and books. All the while, the journalists who catapulted Käsebier to fame watch the monstrous media machine churn in amazement - and are aghast at the demons they have unleashed.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Renaissance Armies in Italy 1450–1550
The Italian Renaissance marked a period of political and military turmoil. Many regional wars were fought between the states ruled by Milan, Venice, Genoa, Florence, the Papacy, Siena and Naples. For more than 50 years starting in 1494, major foreign powers also exploited these divisions to invade Italy; both France and Spain made temporary alliances with city states to further their ambitions, and early in the 16th century the Emperor Charles V sent armies from his German realms to support the Spanish. These wars coincided with the growth of disciplined infantry – carrying not only polearms and crossbows but also handguns – which proved capable of challenging the previously dominant armoured knights. The widespread use of mercenaries ushered in the early development of the 'pike and shot' era that succeeded the 'High Middle Ages'. During this period costumes, armour and weapons varied greatly due to their national origins and to the evolution of tactics and technology. This masterfully illustrated study offers a fascinating insight into the many armies which fought in Italy during this turbulent period, explaining not only their arms and equipment, but also their structure and successes and failures on the battlefield.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Paraguayan War 1864–70: The Triple Alliance at stake in La Plata
The Paraguayan War, also known as the War of the Triple Alliance, was the largest and most important military conflict in the history of South America, after the Wars of Independence, and its only true 'continental' war. It involved four countries and lasted for more than five years, during which Paraguay fought alone against a powerful alliance formed by Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. This conflict was remarkable in its huge scale and its terrible cost in lives, with the catastrophic human price paid by Paraguay amounting to more than 300,000 men, a loss of some 70% of the country’s total population. The war was a real revolution for the armies of South America, and the first truly modern conflict of the continent. When the war began in 1864, the armies were small, poorly trained and badly equipped semi-professional forces. However, by the time the war ended, most of them had adopted percussion rifles employing the Minié system and new weapons like breech-loading rifles and Gatling machine guns were being tested on the continent for the first time. This title covers the whole span of the war, from the early days when the conflict primarily involved small columns of a few thousand men seeking each other out in rugged and sparsely inhabited territory, through to the later Napoleonic-style positional battles fought at points of strategic importance. It also explores the unique challenges presented by the humid, subtropical climate, including the devastating impact of disease on the troops.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kleine Vandenhoeck-Reihe.: Lessing - Goethe - Novalis - Holderlin
Harrassowitz Geschichte Und Geschichten: Studien Zu Den 'Deutschen Berichten' Uber Vlad III. Draculea
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das reformierte japanische Schuldrecht: Erläuterungen und Text
Am 1. April 2020 trat die bislang umfassendste Reform des japanischen Zivilgesetzes seit seinem Erlass im Jahr 1898 in Kraft. Gegenstand der Reform waren die Bestimmungen zum Rechtsgeschäft und zur Verjährung im Allgemeinen Teil sowie das Schuldrecht mit Ausnahme der gesetzlichen Schuldverhältnisse. Der Band enthält eine deutsche Übersetzung des Allgemeinen Teils und des Schuldrechts des novellierten Zivilgesetzes in Gegenüberstellung zum japanischen Originaltext. Ergänzt wird dies durch Beiträge japanischer Experten, teilweise Mitglieder der Reformkommission, zur Erläuterung der wichtigsten Themen der Reform, nämlich Irrtumsrecht, Verjährung, Erfüllungsanspruch, Schadensersatz wegen Nichterfüllung, Bürgschaftsrecht, Recht der Forderungsabtretung, Rücktritt und Gefahrtragung, standardisierte Geschäftsbedingungen und Kauf, sowie eine allgemeine Einführung zur Bedeutung der Rechtsvergleichung für die Schuldrechtsreform.
Birkhauser Architektur von Dietrich | Untertrifaller / Architecture by Dietrich | Untertrifaller / Architecture de Dietrich | Untertrifaller
Dietrich | Untertrifaller are outstanding representatives of the second generation of the New Vorarlberg Building School. Their buildings are always sensitive and, at the same time, confidently developed from the respective context; they display a spatial refinement, are formally disciplined, and feature finely nuanced materials. With a longstanding international reputation, the practice undertakes a wide spectrum of projects from its branches in Bregenz, Vienna, St. Gallen and Paris. Some of their latest works include the Omicron campus in Klaus, the Concert and Congress Center in Strasburg, and the University of Fine Arts in Nancy. This monograph presents the most important works of recent years in detail and provides a complete overview of the entire oeuvre of the architects, who are known for their efficient use of resources.
Archaeopress Paesaggi urbani e rurali in trasformazione. Contesti e dinamiche dell’insediamento letti alla luce della fonte archeologica: Atti della Giornata di Studi dei Dottorandi in Archeologia (Pisa, 22 novembre 2019). XXXIV ciclo di Dottorato in Sc
Questo volume è dedicato agli Atti del Convegno Paesaggi urbani e rurali in trasformazione organizzato dalla Scuola di Dottorato delle Università di Pisa, Firenze e Siena per discutere le trasformazioni del paesaggio in una prospettiva diacronica. Il volume affronta il tema del paesaggio come entità complessa e dinamica caratterizzata da una molteplicità di fenomeni in continua trasformazione prodotti dall'interazione e dal reciproco condizionamento di fattori naturali e antropici. Adottando questa prospettiva, il paesaggio viene studiato attraverso l'analisi e l'interpolazione di molteplici fonti. Uso delle risorse, produzione, distribuzione e popolazione, vengono letti in una prospettiva ampia per contestualizzare la presenza umana nel tempo e nello spazio. Diversi casi di studio, quindi, consentono di affrontare il tema da diversi punti di vista - urbano, commerciale, produttivo, culturale - per valorizzare le caratteristiche peculiari dell'ambiente per come è stato vissuto e percepito.
Crabtree Publishing Co,US The Ant and the Grasshopper
Hatje Cantz Gerhard Richter Catalogue Raisonné. Volume 6: Nos. 900-957 2007-2019
Gerhard Richter’s oeuvre embraces in excess of three thousand individual works. Over a period of five decades he has created a stylistically heterogeneous, complex body of work that testifies to his status as the most important living artist of our time. This long-awaited first volume of the catalogue raisonné is being released on the occasion of the artist’s eightieth birthday in February 2012. Dietmar Elger, director of the Gerhard Richter Archive at the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, has spent years researching and preparing this publication. The six-volume catalogue raisonné of all of Richter’s paintings and sculptures will be published over the next seven years. Aside from the richly colored illustrations, many of them full-page, it includes full technical details, information about the artist’s handwritten notes, and the provenance, bibliography, and exhibitions of each individual work. This information is supplemented by commentary, quotes, and comparison images. Subscription price for complete set: € 198.00 per volume. You will be invoiced with each delivery.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Die zukünftigen Lehrerinnen und Lehrer: Herkunft, Persönlichkeitsmerkmale und Passung zum Beruf
Die jungen Menschen, die jetzt ein Lehramtsstudium beginnen oder neu in den Beruf eintreten, werden über viele Jahre das Bild der Lehrerin/des Lehrers in der Öffentlichkeit bestimmen und das Leben an den Schulen prägen. Für die Steuerung des Bildungswesens erscheint es wichtig zu wissen, welche Bereiche der Gesellschaft sie repräsentieren, welche Eigenschaften sie mitbringen und wie gut sie voraussichtlich den beruflichen Anforderungen entsprechen können.Die Beiträge des Buches bieten Antworten auf diese Fragen. Die Basis dafür bilden Stichproben von (österreichischen) Lehramtsstudierenden aus den Jahren 2005 bis 2016, die zu Studienbeginn befragt und zum Großteil in ihrem Studienverlauf verfolgt werden.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Pressearbeit praktisch: Ein Handbuch für Ausbildung und Praxis
Dschungelcamps und Big-Brother-Container sind nicht der einzige Weg, in die Medien zu kommen. Seriöser und nachhaltiger ist die Pressearbeit. Wie die in der Praxis aussieht, zeigen Gabriele Hooffacker und Peter Lokk in Pressearbeit praktisch. Dieser Ratgeber für Profis und Laien bezieht vom ersten bis zum letzten Kapitel Social Media, Online-PR und Web 2.0 mit ein.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Armies of the War of the Grand Alliance 1688–97
This title explores and illustrates the armies of France, and six countries allied against Louis XIV, in a wide-ranging Continental conflict that ushered in more than a century of European warfare. Formed in 1689, the 'Grand Alliance' or League of Augsburg was a military coalition of the Holy Roman Empire, the Dutch Republic, Britain, Spain and the Duchy of Savoy, to resist Louis XIV's rich, powerful and expansionist France. The first stage of the nine year conflict that followed also coincided with the so-called 'Glorious Revolution' in Britain (1688–91), when the throne passed to the Dutch Protestant leader, William of Orange, the head of a multi-national Dutch, Danish and English army, which finally expelled James II's Jacobite and French forces from Ireland. The long war on the continent was notable for the first widespread use of regimental uniforms and flintlock muskets with bayonets, plus the sophisticated use of siege warfare under the great French engineer, Vauban. The final Treaties of Ryswyck (1697) brought the war to an end and marked Louis XIV's political zenith, and also the ascendancy of both the Dutch and British as first-rate global powers. This fully illustrated title explores the armies which fought the War of the Grand Alliance, examining their strength, organization, uniforms and weapons, and explaining their campaigns and major battles.
Hodder Education Reading Planet - Escape From Abacus Tower! - White: Galaxy
Sir Reebull, Dashi and Pex are on a mission to escape from AbacusTower. Can you help them solve the different maths puzzles and set them free? Escape From Abacus Tower! is part of the Galaxy range of books from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy provides captivating fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. The rich collection of highly decodable books immerses children in a range of cross-curricular topics and genres. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 6-7 years
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Maths Criss-Cross Times Tables: Over 80 Fun Number Grid Puzzles!
Royal Society of Chemistry Seminars in Organic Synthesis: XXXVII "A. Corbella" Summer School
Discusses some of the major developments that have taken place in the field of organic synthesis, analytical methods and synthetic applications in (bio)material sciences. This volume serves as a useful reference source for students and researchers in both academia and industry.
Guido Tommasi Editore Contemporary Milanese Cooking
A delightful culinary voyage to discover the wonderful world of Milanese cooking, presented here through a contemporary lens, yet simultaneously highlighting traditional influences as well. The book is divided into 13 chapters, each dedicated to a particular ingredient or specific dish: brief introductions rich in curious and historical details are followed by tips on recognising the quality and seasonality of products. The authors share priceless advice with readers. They will lead you to a reconsideration of winter vegetables, through scrumptious dishes like cabbage rolls, cauliflower cream and baked onions. You will also be introduced to the numerous culinary possibilities of cooking with offal, with traditional dishes such as Milanese tripe. Enjoy the lovely flavours of braised meat cooked in wine and broth, the refined experience of goose cassoeula, and the timeless appeal of Milanese classics like ossobuco. For those who wish to delve into tradition while keeping a finger on the pulse of the present, Contemporary Milanese Cooking will surely not disappoint.
Transcript Verlag Moving (Across) Borders: Performing Translation, Intervention, Participation
As performative and political acts, translation, intervention, and participation are movements that take place across, along, and between borders. Such movements traverse geographic boundaries, affect social distinctions, and challenge conceptual categorizations - while shifting and transforming lines of separation themselves. This book brings together choreographers, movement practitioners, and theorists from various fields and disciplines to reflect upon such dynamics of difference. From their individual cultural backgrounds, they ask how these movements affect related fields such as corporeality, perception, (self-)representation, and expression.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Armies of the Italian Wars of Unification 1848–70 (2): Papal States, Minor States & Volunteers
In the 1840s, Italy was a patchwork of states. The North was ruled by the Austrian Empire, the South by the Spanish-descended monarchy of the Two Sicilies. Over the next two decades, after wars led by Savoy/Piedmont and volunteers such as Garibaldi, an independent Kingdom of Italy emerged. These conflicts saw foreign interventions and shifting alliances among minor states, and attracted a variety of local and foreign volunteers. This second volume in a two part series covers the armies of the Papal States; the duchies of Tuscany, Parma, and Modena; the republics of Rome and San Marco (Venice) and the transitional Kingdom of Sicily; and the various volunteer movements. These varied armies and militias wore a wide variety of highly colourful uniforms which are brought to life in stunning, specially commissioned, full colour artwork from Giuseppe Rava.
Curiosity Ink Media Everybody Loves Cats vs Pickles
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Italian Job
Football lies at the heart of popular culture in both England and Italy. It is played, watched, written about and talked to death by millions virtually every day of the year. But how do the characteristics of England and Italy affect the game in these two footballing nations? Do the national stereotypes of Italians as passionate, stylish lotharios and the English as cold-hearted eccentrics still hold true when they kick a ball around? In The Italian Job, for the first time, a footballer of the first rank, Gianluca Vialli, in conjunction with sportswriter and broadcaster Gabriele Marcotti, tackles this debate head on. Uniquely positioned across both the English and the Italian games, they provide a fascinating and highly controversial commentary on where football is now and where it's headed. And they have invited some of the biggest names in the sport to join in their discussion. Sir Alex Ferguson, Jose Mourinho, Arsene Wenger, Sven Goran Eriksson, Fabio Capello and Marcello Lippi, amongst others, add their not inconsiderable weight to the highest-profile symposium on football ever convened.Gianluca Vialli and Gabriele Marcotti explore every aspect of football, be it tactical and technical or cultural and sociological. Stuffed full of controversial opinions and gripping revelations, The Italian Job takes you on a journey to the very heart of two of the world's great footballing cultures.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Sozialleistungsanspruche Fur Fluchtlinge Und Unionsburger: Beratungsleitfaden
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Ultrasound of the Gastrointestinal Tract
This is the second, updated and extended edition of a well-received book that offers a comprehensive overview of ultrasonographic imaging of acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases, including acute abdomen, appendicitis, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, neoplasms and masses, infections, malabsorption syndromes, and rare conditions. The value of ultrasound in each disorder is clearly explained and illustrated, and limitations identified. Information is also provided on recent technical developments and ultrasound applications that are likely to become of increasing importance, such as functional and 3D ultrasound, contrast agents and intraoperative ultrasound, elastography, and transperineal ultrasound. The authors are all distinguished experts in the topics they address. Ultrasound of the Gastrointestinal Tract will be a helpful guide in daily practice not only for radiologists but also for gastroenterologists, abdominal surgeons, pediatricians, and oncologists.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Rekonstruktion narrativer Identität: Ein Arbeitsbuch zur Analyse narrativer Interviews
Dieses Lehrbuch führt in die theoretischen Grundlagen und praktischen Vorgehensweisen der Untersuchung von "narrativer Identität" anhand von autobiografischen Erzählinterviews ein.
Edinburgh University Press International Development and Human Aid: Principles, Norms and Institutions for the Global Sphere
Are global standards of aid, assistance and redistribution achievable in practice? These 8 essays mirror and expand the complexity of contemporary discussions on cosmopolitanism and global justice, focusing on a normative study of the global institutional order with suggestions of direct ways to reform it. They assess schemes of worldwide distributive justice and the mechanisms required to discharge the global duties that the theories establish. Assesses the workability of philosophical conceptions of justice for the global sphere Addresses fields including humanitarian and development aid, the slave trade, health care assistance, reparations for historical injustices, the United Nations' Central Emergency Response Fund and the global responsibility of the European Union For political philosophers, political scientists and sociologists working on the philosophy of international relations, global ethics, global justice, humanitarian aid and development politics
SIME Books New York: Metaphysics of the Urban Landscape
Peter Lang AG Technische Bildung: Ansaetze Und Perspektiven
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Juana Romani: La Petite Italienne: Da Modella a Pittrice Nella Parigi Fin-De-Siecle
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Innovationsmanagement in Der Sozialwirtschaft
Universitatsverlag Winter British Autobiography in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Schnell & Steiner Dome - Graber - Grabungen: Winchester Und Magdeburg - Zwei Kulturlandschaften Des 10. Jahrhunderts Im Vergleich
Classiques Garnier Pour Une Philologie Analytique: Nouvelles Approches de la Micro-Variance Textuelle En Domaine Roman
Mortimer Children's How Many Sleeps 'Til Christmas?: A Countdown to the Most Special Day of the Year
Random House USA Inc Extra Virgin: Recipes & Love from Our Tuscan Kitchen: A Cookbook