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DK Océanos (Knowledge Encyclopedia Ocean!): El planeta bajo el agua como nunca antes lo habías visto
¡El mundo submarino como nunca lo habías visto!Los océanos ocupan el 70% de la superficie del planeta y albergan un millón de especies, incluyendo algunas de las más extraordinarias. Esta enciclopedia para niños en español te las muestra con un detalle sorprendente mediante inéditas imágenes computerizadas y en 3D.Los océanos están de plena actualidad, gracias a su papel en el cambio climático, el Día Mundial de los Océanos y eventos mediáticos como las series de la BBC Planeta azul.Los océanos se formaron hace 4 mil millones de años y albergan una cantidad insospechada de actividad. El 80% del oxígeno se produce en los océanos y los científicos estiman que el 80% de las erupciones volcánicas suceden en los océanos. Océanos te lo muestra con un texto claro, fantásticas imágenes en 3D e inolvidables secciones transversales de hábitats y fenómenos naturales. Niños y adultos pasarán horas entre las páginas de esta increíble enciclopedia infantil en español.El regalo ideal para jóvenes biólogos que aspiren a ser el futuro Jacques-Yves Cousteau, para aprender en casa o como apoyo para tareas escolares.Tiburones, delfines, caballitos de mar, medusas, criaturas bioluminiscentes… ¡y mucho más!Descúbrelo todo sobre las apasionantes ciencias del mar con este libro que incluye un extenso catálogo de especies animales clasificadas por hábitats como la costa, las marismas salinas, los arrecifes de coral, los estuarios y el mar profundo, además de varias secciones dedicadas a la oceanografía.Con un texto didáctico e imágenes inolvidables, este libro en español se convertirá en el nuevo libro favorito de toda la familia, desde niños de 9 años a adultos.Océanos es una completa introducción para toda la familia: • La ciencia de los océanos • El océano abierto • El océano superficial • La costa • Los océanos polares • El impacto humano sobre los océanos • Mapas de los océanos Océanos es un libro en español para niños que pertenece a nuestra colección de libros de referencia, un rincón de nuestro catálogo donde encontrarás grandes libros destinados a niños y jóvenes que fomentan su aprendizaje y desarrollo para que aprendan de una manera fácil y divertida.
DK My First Bilingual Farm
¡La serie de libros para niños más exitosa de la editorial DK disponible ahora en formato bilingüe!Un primer libro de cartón con vocabulario en español e inglés para que los más pequeños aprendan sobre la vida en una granja. Ideal para fomentar el aprendizaje temprano y la capacidad de observación de los niños en edad preescolar.Con imágenes reales de animales, frutas y verduras y coloridas fotografías que ilustran una jornada en una granja, My First Bilingual Farm es un libro perfecto para que los bebés descubran de dónde vienen los alimentos agrícolas, los animales que viven en una granja, sus crías y sus sonidos.Un libro divertido, fácil de hojear, para enseñar a los bebés los animalesAnímale a pasar las páginas y descubrir caballos, conejos, vacas, cerditos y otros adorables animales de la granja. Este divertido libro para niños le permitirá descubrir dónde viven sus animales preferidos, qué sonidos hacen, de dónde vienen productos como los cereales, la leche y los huevos, o de qué color son las frutas y verduras. Leed el libro juntos y jugad a buscar, reconocer y nombrar cada imagen en inglés y español. ¡Incluso podéis jugar a imitar los sonidos de los animales! Tu bebé se divertirá y aprenderá nuevas palabras relacionadas con la granja y los animales que la habitan.My First Bilingual Farm es un libro para bebés en español e inglés que enseña a los niños a • Despertar su curiosidad y el amor por los animales y el campo. • Descubrir la vida de la granja y sus productos. • Aprender vocabulario en dos idiomas y familiarizarse con los sonidos y la grafía de las palabras. • Nombrar e identificar animales, alimentos y sus colores • Desarrollar habilidades de observación y ampliar el conocimiento del mundo que les rodea con la ayuda de fotografías e ilustraciones. My First Bilingual Farm pertenece a la serie My First (primeras lecturas), una magnífica colección de libros infantiles ideal para niños en edad preescolar de 0 a 2 años. Estos libros para bebés abarcan una amplia variedad de temas y vocabulario e incluyen fotografías, ilustraciones y rótulos fáciles de entender en todas sus páginas. Como libros de aprendizaje, son el complemento perfecto para ayudar a los niños a adquirir vocabulario y desarrollar las habilidades lingüísticas que forman la base de la educación temprana. Además, ahora están disponibles en edición bilingüe inglés-español. ¡Ideal para aprender simultáneamente dos lenguas!
DK My First Bilingual Day and Night
¡La serie de libros para niños más exitosa de la editorial DK disponible ahora en formato bilingüe!Un entretenido libro en español e inglés para que los más pequeños de la casa aprendan los conceptos básicos del tiempo y se familiaricen con las rutinas cotidianas. Ideal para fomentar el interés por la lectura y la capacidad de observación de los niños en edad preescolar.Con robustas páginas de cartón y coloridas fotografías que ilustran los eventos familiares que estructuran el día y el año de los bebés, My First Bilingual Day and Night es el libro ideal para que los niños descubran de una forma amena y visual cuándo es el momento de levantarse, la hora de comer o bañarse, su cumpleaños, las estaciones… ¡y mucho más!¡Buenos días! ¡Buenas noches!Anima a tu bebé a pasar las páginas y familiarizarse con los conceptos y rutinas del día y la noche. Leed el libro juntos y practicad señalando y nombrando los objetos de las fotografías en inglés y español para fomentar el aprendizaje de sus primeras palabras y mejorar la comprensión del mundo que le rodea.My First Bilingual Day and Night es un libro para bebés en español e inglés que enseña a los niños a • Diferenciar el día de la noche y adquirir nociones temporales básicas mediante los ritmos marcados por las rutinas cotidianas. • Aprender vocabulario en dos idiomas y familiarizarse con los sonidos y grafía de las palabras. • Nombrar e identificar objetos cotidianos, animales o alimentos, lo que contribuye a desarrollar habilidades de observación. • Ampliar el conocimiento que tienen del mundo que van descubriendo con la ayuda de fotografías e ilustraciones. My First Bilingual Day and Night pertenece a la serie My First (primeras lecturas), una magnífica colección de libros infantiles ideal para niños en edad preescolar de 0 a 2 años. Estos libros para bebés abarcan una amplia variedad de temas y vocabulario e incluyen fotografías, ilustraciones y rótulos fáciles de entender en todas sus páginas. Como libros de aprendizaje, son el complemento perfecto para ayudar a los niños a adquirir vocabulario y desarrollar las habilidades lingüísticas que forman la base de la educación temprana. Además, ahora están disponibles en edición bilingüe inglés-español. ¡Ideal para aprender simultáneamente dos lenguas!
DK DC Batman's World Reader Level 2: Meet the Dark Knight
Learn to read with the Dark Knight! Discover the world of Bruce Wayne a.k.a. Batman. By day he’s a rich businessman, but by night he’s defending Gotham City! Join Batman on his adventures as he battles Super-Villains with the help of his Super Hero friends. Packed with fun facts, exciting color images, simple vocabulary, and a fun quiz, this Level 2 nonfiction reader will engage young fans of DC’s most famous Super Hero and help them build confidence in reading. ™ & DC Comics. (s21)
DK I Feel Scared: Why Do I Feel Scared Today?
Little one, what scares you?Follow the story of the scared little ghost who tries to understand its fears and find ways to make them go away. The vibrant picture book teaches children what fear is, how it feels and how to manage this unpleasant emotion. First Emotions: I Feel Scared is an interactive board book for 3-to-5-year-olds that guides young children to understanding big emotions through storytelling. Inside you’ll find: • Clear questions directed at young readers that create an interactive learning experience. • Illustrations and bright colors that engage young children. • A simple and easy-to-understand approach to explaining emotions. Feeling scared isn’t nice at all. But, it has a specific function — it keeps us safe. With the help of this colorful storybook, kids will learn that we all feel afraid sometimes. The book also shows youngsters that even when they are safe, they might still feel scared, and how they can be brave instead. The story and illustrations are especially helpful to children who are often scared, anxious, apprehensive or overwhelmed. The book helps children learn emotional intelligence and encourages them to face new situations at an early age. DK has published a range of books for toddlers and young children that help parents, caregivers and preschool teachers support social and emotional skills. Other books in the series include I Feel Sad, I Feel Proud, I Feel Angry, How Am I Feeling?
DK My First Dinosaur Flash Cards
Go on an exciting adventure with your toddler through the prehistoric world of dinosaurs. Do you know which dinosaur was discovered first? What's the difference between the Edmontosaurus and the Megalosaurus? Which dragon had a feathery tail? These questions and many more get answered in these 17 fun-packed question-and-answer flashcards for young dinosaur fans. Explore the wonderful world of dinosaurs through these colorful flashcards: • Expertly designed to develop early language skills, boost information processing skills and help increase attention span. • Questions on the back of each card give parents and teachers talking points to keep children engaged. • Sturdy cards with child-friendly rounded corners for years of play. • Bright, colorful illustrations capture the attention of young children. • Simple questions about each dinosaur encourage little ones to think more deeply about what they have just heard. Embark on an exciting adventure through prehistoric times while introducing your children to the world of dinosaurs. Kids will love the colorful images and engaging dinosaur facts and questions that encourage learning through play. Watch as your little one masters the names and facts of these 17 prehistoric beasts using these educational flashcards. This study and easy to transport box of flashcards will test your toddlers memory through simple questions while encouraging them to think more deeply about what they’ve just heard. Packed with vibrant images and engaging questions, this Flashcard collection is perfect for parents and teachers that want to make learning fun. Create the future explorers, information seekers and paleontologists of the world using My First Dinosaur flashcards.
DK The Big Trivia Quiz Book
Put your general knowledge to the test, and impress your family and friends with your astonishing brainpower and trivia genius.An addictive quiz book for all the family featuring 10,000 questions, The Big Quiz Book has something for everyone. With 10 different general knowledge categories - from Science & Technology, Art & Literature, and Natural History, to Food & Drink, Film & TV, and Sport & Leisure - and three increasing levels of difficulty, it offers a fresh and up-to-the-minute quizzing experience that will educate and entertain all the family. Bursting with fascinating facts to boost your trivia knowledge, whatever your specialist subject or your nemesis topic, The Big Quiz Book is perfect for home entertainment and virtual pub quizzes. You won't be able to put it down!
DK The Golf Book
Discover the competitive and cultural history behind one of the world's most popular sports, and absorb expert advice to mastering the perfect swing. Find all there is to know about golf: from its ancient origins to the global competitions today. Learn about the strokes and analyze the talents of the world's best. Check out the gear and try out the equipment, from drivers and irons to carts and clothing. Meet the players from the Golden Bear to the White Shark, and come face-to-face with the stars as you read about their finest performances. And take a close-up look at the great competitions from the Open to the Curtis Cup and walk the fairways of the preeminent courses.An invaluable reference section advises you on buying equipment, including custom fitting, guides on the all-important golf etiquette, an explanation of golf's most important rules, and definitions of all the key golfing terms. Showing you exactly what it takes to achieve an effective--and repeatable--golf swing, this book works systematically through every type of shot, from tee shots, iron play, pitching, and chipping, to coping with bunkers and putting.Brimming with detail and superbly illustrated with over 1,500 photographs, illustrations, maps and diagrams, The Golf Book is the definitive guide to the famous game.
DK 10 Minutes a Day Math, 2nd Grade
Practice makes perfect in just 10 minutes a day!There is nothing more important than your child's education, but sometimes it's difficult to find the time to fit everything in. The 10 Minutes a Day series fits in around busy lives.Aimed at kids ages 6-8, 10 Minutes a Day Math: 2nd Grade covers a range of curriculum subjects, including addition and subtraction, 2D and 3D shapes, time, measurements, times tables, and lines of symmetry. Each exercise is simply and clearly introduced to help learning, and uses a variety of interesting methods to help learning, from filling in the gaps to matching exercises. For the eager student, there are extra "time filler" challenges on every page if they finish the questions within 10 minutes and want to continue practicing, or just want ideas for additional activities to do at home.Answers are provided, along with parents' notes that explain what your child learns from the exercise, making this series perfect for homeschooling, or just helping your child stay ahead.Perfect both for the budding mathematician and those who need a little more support, 10 Minutes a Day Math is a colorful, controlled, and curriculum-aligned approach to mastering math.
DK Ancient Egypt: The Definitive Visual History
Take a journey through Ancient Egypt and see how the pharaohs once lived!An enticing and insightful guide that covers 3,000 years of life under the pharaohs (c. 3200-30 BCE) from the early kings of Egypt to the reign of Cleopatra and the Roman conquest, this book explains it all! Written by a team of respected Egyptologists, this book includes the following exciting things: • Themed spreads explore developments in areas like religion, writing, painting, ceramics and medicine. • Biography spreads feature the lives of the most influential pharaohs and queens. • Detailed maps set the main sites in context, and show the growth of the civilization and its trade network. • An optional 80-page reference section provides a directory of the pharaohs and gods and goddesses. Unlock every aspect of Ancient Egypt, from pharaohs and pyramids to ordinary people’s everyday lives and beliefs. With 31 Egyptian dynasties and 3,000 years of history, from the time of Narmer to that of Cleopatra and so much more, this is the perfect comprehensive guide to Egypt’s ancient civilization.There's so much to learn and experience with this up-to-date biography on Ancient Egypt. With more than 850 photos, illustrations and maps, this is the perfect book for thinkers, borrowers, life-long learners or anyone with an interest in ancient civilizations and Egyptology.
DK Great Cities: The stories behind the world's most fascinating places
Explore the social and cultural history of 100 of the world’s most important cities. This illustrated history book provides a fascinating insight into the events, movements, and people throughout history who have shaped the cities where we live. Written in a “biography” format, it offers a rich historical overview of each featured city, brought to vivid life with beautiful imagery. Inside the pages of this visual guide, discover: • The story behind each city — how it was established, critical moments in its development and why it is considered historically significant. • The different types of cities, from the centers of ancient and lost civilizations and great river cities to planned cities and modern metropolises. • Beautiful illustrations with large-scale reproductions of paintings, photographs, maps and other artifacts. • Stunning images of city life and key moments in history are complemented by close-ups of revealing details and feature panels that provide additional context. From the ancient to the modern, get under the skin of what made cities like Persepolis, Paris, Vienna, Prague, Amsterdam, Tokyo and Dubai tick. This lavish book is about more than history — it explores the art, architecture, commerce and politics of the great civilizations throughout history. Great Cities provides a unique window into how cities have become markers of human progress. Explore which ancient civilization founded the precursor to Mexico City, why Venice was the gateway to the East, what the Belle Epoque was and which city was the first to build sewers. It’s the perfect gift for armchair explorers interested in history, geography and the arts.
DK On This Day: A History of the World in 366 Days
Journey through the history of the world, one day at a time!If you ever wondered what happened on your birthday 100 years ago, or on Christmas in the year 800 or even Halloween several years ago, then this history book is perfect for you! Discover what happened on each day of the year with this fascinating visual adventure through time. On This Day is not your ordinary history reference book. Inside the pages, you will find the following exciting things: • Key historical events are arranged by their date in the year. • Mixes serious history with fun facts for kids and bizarre events. • War, peace, inventions, science, sport, people — all in an eclectic, visual mix. • Birthdays that are shared by famous historical figures and modern celebrities. • A fun, accessible way to enjoy history. • Every main story is presented through extraordinary images. Travel back in time and find out all the exciting things that happened around the year from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. Every day features events that showcase the world’s international diversity, from the Japanese invention of street markings for the blind, to the struggle for racial equality in South Africa. There's something incredible to learn on every page.Unlike other history books, On This Day looks at ancient history and fascinating facts, as well as modern events, so everyone will be entertained. Packed with historical photographs and quirky illustrations that visualize the events of the past on a day-to-day basis, this non-fiction fact book is a fun way for parents and educators to teach kids about historical events.
DK Eyewitness Ancient Egypt
Become an eyewitness to the Great Pyramids and the Valley of the Kings, discovering all the secrets of this fascinating civilization.Travel back in time with this picture-led guide and explore the magnificent monuments and fabulous tombs of ancient Egypt. This book takes you through the history of one of the world’s most extraordinary civilizations. Venture inside pyramids and gaze upon the faces of mummies, come face-to-face with pharaohs such as Rameses the Great and Tutankhamun and sail down the Nile to the fabulous cities of Memphis and Thebes. This history book for kids brings the rich and powerful Egyptian kingdoms back to life in all their glory. Loved and trusted for over 30 years, Eyewitness has a new look and even more content:• A bite-sized formula of text with images that kids love!• Fully revised and fact-checked by subject specialists• Packed with facts, infographics, statistics, and timelines• Updated with brand new eyewitness accounts from experts in the fieldEyewitness Ancient Egypt uses a groundbreaking visual layout that makes learning fun for kids aged 9-12. This museum in a book uses striking full-color photographs and illustrations of awe-inspiring tombs, crumbling papyruses, cryptic hieroglyphics, glittering jewelry and much more along with amazing facts, infographics, statistics, and timelines to reveal this civilization’s secrets as never before.Eyewitness content approved by -ologists!DK’s Eyewitness kids books are updated and fact-checked by subject specialists, with brand new first-hand eyewitness accounts throughout from experts in the field. A best-selling series known and trusted for generations, with a fresh new look and up-to-date content. What will you Eyewitness next?Travel back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the earth with Eyewitness Dinosaur, or take a trip aboard the most famous ship in history with Eyewitness Titanic. Do you think you’ve found your topic of interest? DK has even more history books for kids and adults alike find them all by searching for “DK history books”.
DK Eyewitness Titanic
Become an eyewitness to the tragic story of the Titanic - from its incredible construction, catastrophic sinking, and lasting legacy. Travel back to the year 1912 and experience the Titanic’s fateful maiden voyage from Southampton, UK, to New York City. Learn what life was like for people on board before the supposedly unsinkable ship hit an iceberg and ended up beneath the dark waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Discover survival stories from the epic rescue mission and find out what happened to the captain, crew, and passengers. A titanic book for kids that encourages curiosity and explore the ship’s treasures that lay undiscovered for years.Loved and trusted for over 30 years, Eyewitness has a new look and even more content:• A bite-sized formula of text with images that kids love!• Fully revised and fact-checked by subject specialists• Packed with facts, infographics, statistics, and timelines• Updated with brand new eyewitness accounts from experts in the fieldEyewitness Titanic uses a groundbreaking visual layout that makes learning fun for kids aged 9-12. Easy-to-follow pages expertly show the people, objects, and events on board the Titanic, and infographics, statistics, and timelines explain the disaster as it happened.Eyewitness content approved by -ologists!DK’s Eyewitness kids books are updated and fact-checked by subject specialists, with brand new first-hand eyewitness accounts throughout from experts in the field.A best-selling series known and trusted for generations, with a fresh new look and up-to-date content. What will you Eyewitness next?Travel back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the earth with Eyewitness Dinosaur, or come face-to-face with a pharaoh in Eyewitness Ancient Egypt. Do you think you’ve found your topic of interest? DK has even more history books for kids and adults alike find them all by searching for “DK history books”.
DK Knowledge Encyclopedia Space!: The Universe as You've Never Seen it Before
A spacetastic new edition beaming with incredible pictures and the latest facts about the universe.From the origin of the universe to the future of space rockets, this book about space for kids has it all.Did you know that the moon was once a piece of the Earth, and that a day on Venus is longer than one year? First published in 2015, Knowledge Encyclopedia: Space! has been completely revised and updated for 2020, with new images and information on all things space-related to send you rocketing to the furthest reaches of the cosmos. Newly updated with the latest scientific discoveries and innovation in space engineering, this new title will answer all your questions about what lies beyond the night sky. Discover how stars and galaxies are formed, take a trip through the Milky Way, and explore the innards of the International Space Station in this incredible book that uses the latest computer-generated 3-D imagery, eye-catching photographs, gripping information, and explanatory diagrams to bring the wonders of the cosmos to life.Knowledge Encyclopedia: Space! is the big bang of space books, and it's just gotten bigger!
DK Super Science Encyclopedia: How Science Shapes Our World
Put your safety goggles on and enter the fascinating world of science with this visually stunning encyclopedia.Presenting the wonders of science as never seen before, from the latest technologies for breathing underwater and growing food in space, to the advances in medicines and robotics. Explore groundbreaking scientific achievements, and think beyond basic biology, chemistry and physics. Here’s what you’ll find inside: • An encyclopedia-type reference book that engages and excites young minds to think about many different scientific fields. • Lively, informative and accessible text based on the latest discoveries and scientific research. • Dashboard-style graphic panels provide information at a glance. Help mould young scientific mindsThis science book for kids is perfect for children age 9 and up, and for anyone who loves to learn about the latest in science and technology. It includes jaw-dropping photography and revealing computer-generated images to supplement the interesting facts, information and diagrams. SuperScience examines the science behind everyday life and the technologies that allow us to create the world previously only imagined in science fiction. It features a wide range of scientific inventions that help us solve modern problems like climate change and global pandemics. More in the series!Our Super series has a range of superb visual encyclopedias for the young and the curious, with an array of stunning illustrations covering many fascinating topics. Complete your collection with SuperNature, SuperHuman, SuperShark, SuperBug or SuperEarth.
DK Children's Bible Stories
Introduce your little ones to the Christian faith with this children’s bible, filled with stories that help provide a good foundation for religious upbringingWalkthrough the bible with this wonderful book filled with over 130 stories! These bible stories for kids will teach them about the most important Christian texts and give them information around the stories’ context and archaeology. This study bible for children places the stories in both a religious and historical context and includes: • Detailed stories that are easy to understand for children 9 years and older • Vibrant illustrations that bring each telling to life • Additional information to help children understand the significance and meaning of the text • The Old and New Testament • Biographies of key biblical figures Children’s Bible Stories explores the books of the bible in a way that is suited to pre-adolescent children and older. Kids will learn notable stories such as David and Goliath, The Last Supper, the poetry of The Book of Psalms, and Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Each story holds a significance that is explored and further captivates the child by including artifacts, maps, facts, and information on life in biblical times. This rich resource for children is the perfect gift or keepsake to mark special religious milestones in their lives, such as baptism confirmation.
DK English for Everyone Junior: 5 Words a Day: Learn and Practice 1,000 English Words
This beautifully illustrated vocabulary book for children introduces your child to the essentials of English vocabularyDiscover the perfect introduction to English for children aged 6-9 with this fantastic guide to English, which teaches and tests five new words each day, for five days a week, over one year. This language study guide contains everything a child needs to acquire a firm grasp of English in a fun and interactive way and... • Teaches over 1,000 commonly used English words • Beautiful illustrations accompany stimulating and entertaining activities • Follows the same visual methodology as the rest of the English for Everyone series • Structured in clear sections based around a theme (e.g. toys, food and drink, school) From colors, numbers, fruits, and toys to animals, sports, clothes, and weather, just about every subject in the English language is covered in eye-catching, illustrative detail. Incredibly easy to use, it includes daily “test yourself” activities with cleverly designed flaps that hide the words your child has just learned and helps fix those words in their memory. 5 New Words a DayThis unique study aid encourages parents, teachers, and children to work together as a team to grasp all aspects of the English language, including grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It’s suitable as a workbook for children preparing for the Cambridge English and Trinity GESE exams. It’s also a great English teaching resource for anyone teaching English lessons for kids. Packed full of fun and useful everyday vocabulary, this visual reference book will capture the imagination of little learners and encourage a love for learning their first English words. The book presents your child with 5 new words to learn and practice each day for four days, then tests these words through a variety of interactive exercises on day five. Over the course of one year, your child will build up a vocabulary of more than 1000 English words.Complete the Series:The English for Everyone series is a wonderful study guide for children to take their first steps towards learning English as a foreign language. Practice phrasal verbs and understand their meanings in English For Everyone: Phrasal Verbs.
DK Simply Philosophy
A clear, simple, graphic-led introduction to philosophy.Are you short of time but hungry for knowledge? This philosophy book proves that sometimes less is more. Bold graphics and easy-to-understand explanations make it the most accessible guide to philosophy on the market.Organized by major philosophical themes, each pared-back, single-page entry demystifies the groundbreaking theories of famous philosophers. The essential ideas of the major philosophical schools and traditions, such as empiricism, rationalism, dualism, and materialism, can be grasped in seconds.Understanding Philosophy Has Never Been EasierThis smart but powerful guide cuts through the jargon and gives you the facts in a clear, visual way. Unlock the mysteries of more than 90 key philosophical ideas, from “I think, therefore I am” and Jean-Paul Sartre’s existential angst to Nietzsche’s Übermensch and Plato’s ideal forms.Whether you’re a philosophy student or just a deep thinker with questions about the world, this indispensable guide is packed with everything you need to quickly and easily understand the basics.Complete the Series:Part of DK Book's exciting, brand-new reference series for those who are time-poor but keen to learn more. Discover the strange and fascinating world of physics in Simply Quantum Physics.
DK My First Bilingual Shapes
DK's most successful board book series is now bilingualWith its simple point-and-say layout, My First Bilingual Shapes builds confidence through repetition and encourages preschool vocabulary and language skills in Spanish and English.Preschoolers can learn about all different shapes in this informational board book featuring images of triangles, rectangles, stars, hearts, and more, and including a toy train scene with all the shapes called out. Designed to withstand wear and tear from your toddler, this board book is specially designed to captivate young readers. With bright, bold, and colorful photographs on white backgrounds, this book creates a foundation for learning:- Accessible subject (shapes and how familiar objects can be categorised by shape) promotes reading readiness- Bilingual text promotes familiarity in both languages- Naming pictures develops key observational skills- Photographic content builds knowledge of the world- Tracing with fingers along dotted lines develop motor skillsAbout the series: DK's most successful board book series includes fresh photography, contemporary design, and an insightful approach to engaging preschoolers. With charming, bold design, clear labels, and a wide variety of topics, these first learning books encourage children to build the vocabulary and language skills that form the foundation of early education, and are now available in bilingual editions.
DK ¡Increíble pero cierto! Animales (It Can't Be True! Animals!)
Perfect for animal lovers of all ages, this entertaining and wacky book is jam-packed with hundreds of mind-blowing visual comparisons and astonishing facts. Every page reveals incredible information about the weird and wonderful world of animals. Can you believe an ant recently discovered in the treetops of Borneo explodes when under attack, covering enemy ants in a toxic goo? Did you know that the ocean-dwelling bootlace worm is longer than an Olympic-sized swimming pool?"But it can't be true," you say. Yes, it really is!It Can't Be True! Animals bring you record-breaking facts and amazing stories that you can see for yourself. Eye-popping photos and stunning illustrations show you what the numbers mean, comparing the extraordinary with the familiar. From the coconut crab that grows bigger than a basketball to the Ruppell's vulture that soars higher than an airplane, this unique book for kids shows you what other books only tell you.Featuring astounding animals from all the main groups - invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals - this is the perfect gift for children who are curious about the animal kingdom.
DK Sticker Encyclopedia Baby Animals: More Than 600 Stickers
The only thing that kids love more than animals is… BABY animals! Discover everything you need to know about the cutest baby animals in the world! With more than 600 reusable stickers and a fantastic selection of facts, this spectacular, super-sized sticker book will keep kids entertained for hours. Introduce your child to a huge range of baby animals with this delightful activity book. From fluffy pandas and sweet puppies to fuzzy lion cubs and pink piglets, your little animal-lover will love finding pure cuteness on every page of this encyclopedia for children.Perfect for children aged 5-7 years, this colorful animal book encourages learning through play. Little ones can explore the different types of animals through real-life photos and bite-sized information. They’ll learn about mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates, as well as discover their habits and how they feed, grow and play! The Animal Kingdom AwaitsThis animal-themed nature book is perfect for budding zoologists. It inspires them to learn more about their favorite baby animals and place the right stickers on the right pages. The stickers are easy to peel, re-usable, and perfect for little fingers. The book includes plenty of extra baby animal stickers that kids can use for homework or decorate their books with.Sticker Encyclopedia Baby Animals is the perfect way to engage your child with fun facts and interactive reading. It also encourages early learning and boosts creativity. Complete the Series:The reusable sticker book fun continues! Look out for Sticker Encyclopedia Ocean and discover fascinating facts about everything under the sea or learn about different dinosaurs in Sticker Encyclopedia Dinosaur.
DK Ciencia a lo grande (Mammoth Science): El mundo explicado por mamuts
David Macaulay's troupe of curious mammoths lead you through the basics of physics, biology, and chemistry in this unconventional and highly original guide to science.From the interior of an atom to the solar system and beyond, the mammoths seek to understand the science! These intrepid science demonstrators will go to incredible lengths to educate and entertain. They wrestle with magnets to understand their powerful force, make mammoth models of different materials explore what gives them mass, and step into an X-ray machine to reveal the bones beneath their woolly exterior.Observing and recording the mammoth's behavior is bestselling illustrator David Macaulay, whose How Machines Work won the Royal Society Young People's Book Prize in 2016. Renowned for his ability to explain complex ideas with simple genius, Macaulay captures the oddball humor of his subject matter, making Macaulay's Mammoth Science the perfect introduction to scientific principles for the young and the young-at-heart.
DK The Survival Handbook
Take on the toughest challenges that nature can throw at you with the ultimate visual guide to camping, wilderness, and outdoor survival skills.Written by Colin Towell, an ex-SAS Combat Survival Instructor, The Survival Handbook is bursting with survival tips, manual skills, camping essentials, and advice on how to improvise, survive, and get found – on land or at sea.Combining proven, no-nonsense military survival skills with ingenious bushcraft techniques, specially commissioned illustrations, and accessible step-by-step instructions show you how to survive in the wild. Learn how to plan your expedition, how to make a fire, and how to build a shelter and everything you need to know about wild food and natural dangers. Revel in inspirational real-life survival stories and be prepared for every outdoor situation. From survival basics, such as finding water and catching fish, to extreme survival situations including being adrift at sea or lost in the jungle, The Survival Handbook will steer you through life’s toughest adventures in the world’s harshest climates.Whether you are preparing for a camping trip or going further afield, The Survival Handbook is a perfect guide to the great outdoors in a handy size to pack.
DK Super Simple Chemistry: The Ultimate Bitesize Study Guide
A fantastic aid for coursework, homework, and studying for tests, this comprehensive guide covers Next Generation Science Standards, for grades 6-10 and will have you ready for tests and exams in no time. Each topic is fully illustrated to support the information, make the facts crystal clear, and bring the science to life. A large central image explains the idea visually and each topic is summed up on a single page, helping children to quickly get up to speed and really understand how chemistry works.Information boxes explain the theory with the help of simple graphics and for further studying, a handy "Key Facts" box provides a simple summary you can check back on later.With clear, concise coverage of all the core topics, Super Simple Chemistry is the perfect accessible guide to chemistry for children, supporting classwork, and making studying for exams the easiest it's ever been.
DK Countries of the World: Our World in Pictures
Packed with more than 1,000 incredible images and full of fascinating facts, this beautiful children’s book takes you on an exciting round-the-globe tour, with a stopover in every nation on every continent!Did you know that Cuba’s national sport is baseball, one of the most popular sports in the US? And that kids in both Japan and Chile have earthquake drills on their school schedule? Find out aboutanything from the spookily vibrant Day of the Dead parade in Mexico and the beautiful springtime cherry blossom displays of Japan, to blueberry-picking in Sweden and India’s space program. Discover the countries of the world – explore their geography, wildlife, traditions, and arts, in this picture-packed children’s book.Every country's profile is full of photos, and each nation has a full-color map detailing its main cities, landscape features, and borders, and exactly where in the world they are, in this engaging encyclopedia for children aged 9-12. Celebrate your child's curiosity as they explore:- Striking and detailed diagrams, drawings and illustrations on every page- A highly visual approach to learning - An ideal combination of colorful diagrams with infographic text boxes- In association with The Smithsonian InstitutionThis captivating kids encyclopedia tackles our weird and wonderful world continent by content, with informative profiles for each of the 196 nations of the world and striking illustrations, photographs and diagrams featured throughout provide an optimum visual learning experience for both children and adults alike, accompanied by an array of fun facts from around the globe!This world encyclopedia includes at-a-glance panels that provide a quick reference to all the stats, making this engaging encyclopedia for kids an ideal combination of colorful diagrams and infographic text boxes with easy-to-read accessible text for readers aged 9-12, yet can be enjoyed by the entire family, making this enthralling children’s encyclopedia a beautiful and educational gift that can be passed down generations.Learn all about the world one picture at a time!If you like Countries of the World, then why not complete the collection? Part of the highly visual Our World In Pictures series, avid readers can dive into the world of dinosaurs with The Dinosaur Book, become a vehicle virtuoso with Cars, Trains, Ships and Planes and explore the incredible animal kingdom with Animal Book.
DK Baby Touch and Feel Mermaid
An interactive touch and feel book for babies that inspires hands-on learning. Tactile elements and delightful imagery will encourage the development of motor skills and early learning.Baby Touch and Feel: Mermaid is an interactive and fun way to help your child learn about the sea, and make friends with some mermaids along the way. Bold, bright pictures and colorful illustrations will be more than enough to keep your baby’s attention,and this delightful undersea tale will be sure to keep them coming back for more and more. This adorable picture book is a perfect first book for preschoolers and makes for an ideal baby gift.Not too big and not too small, this sturdy, padded sensory book is just the right size for little hands to hold. No need for Mom and Dad to turn the pages! Babies and toddlers can turn the tough mermaid board book pages themselves, which helps to develop their fine motor skills while building an early language foundation.This charming board book for babies includes: • An amazing range of different textures to explore • Clearly labeled pictures and a simple, easy to follow design • Easy to read text to encourage early vocabulary building • A texture or eye-catching area on every page • Rounded edges and chunky pages, protecting babies and their growing teeth Reading should always be fun - and when you’re reading with mermaids, it always will be! Kids will get hours of play from this sturdy board book for babies and toddlers, from making the noises and reading the names to feeling thedifferent textures. Packed full of exciting mermaids and some bumps and grooves, this educational book will engage small children and stimulate early childhood development in different ways. This touchy feely book, with its strong, baby-safe, makes for an ideal baby gift.Complete the SeriesThis delightful book is part of the Baby Touch and Feel range of board books for babies and toddlers from DK Books and includes titles like Baby Touch and Feel Animals, Baby Touch and Feel Bedtime, Baby Touch and Feel Colors and Shapes, and more for your little one to enjoy!
DK Pop-up Peekaboo! Baby Dinosaur
Roar! Can you help baby T-rex find its mom? Travel back in time to play hide-and-seek, look behind the logs and under the rocks to find where all the dinosaurs are hiding!Get to know a little T-rex, a baby Ankylosaurus and more of their friends. Just lift the flaps for a pop-up surprise! Read the lively rhymes for a fun story time book.Follow the beautifully illustrated dinosaur escapade through the lands before time, as baby T-rex goes in search of mommy T-rex. There are many places to look and many other dinosaurs to find. Each one has its name written phonetically, so you and your child can sound them out together.Babies and toddlers will be enchanted by finding the surprises behind each flap. This interactive book helps teach young children object permanence, which is an important step in childhood development. Turning the pages and moving the pop-ups help toddlers learn motor control for improved dexterity.This book has been designed as an all-round activity learning experience, to get the most out of story time. Read the lively rhymes aloud and create an amusing story for your kids to follow and guess who is behind the flap! The rhymes and easy to read text help preschoolers remember the new words they are learning, for early language development. Peeka...Rawr!Bold, brightly colored pictures, lift-the-flap pages and entertaining rhymes. This book provides lots of opportunities for parent-and-child interaction and hours of dinosaur entertainment. It's a fantastic gift for birthdays.Inside the pages of this pop-up adventure book, you’ll find: • Hands-on play that builds confident book skills • Look-and-find peekaboo games that reward curiosity • Rhythmic, read-aloud text that aids language development Surprise! The peekaboo fun doesn’t stop here! Your little one will enjoy hours of hide-and-seek surprises with The My Pop-Up Series. Find your farmyard friends with Pop-Up Peekaboo! Farm, search the oceans in Pop-Up Peekaboo! Under the Sea and travel into the rainforest to find sloths and elephants in Pop-up Peekaboo! Baby Animals and more!DK's Pop-up Peekaboo! series has been shortlisted for the Best Preschool Reading Range in The Progressive Preschool Awards 2018
DK My First Touch and Feel Picture Cards: Things That Go
Expertly designed to develop early language and motor skills, discover exciting animals in this set of 16 colorful flash cards. Each card has a special touch and feel element to make learning fun for all the senses!With a vibrant image on every flashcard, DK's sturdy picture cards make learning and growing vocabulary fun! Talking points on the back of each card reinforce learning while kids will love seeing the variety of machines and ‘things that go’. These flash cards for toddlers age 1 - 2 also help to encourage a love of language learning from the start, as each word is repeated in four additional languages as well as English – Spanish, German, French, and Chinese – with a handy pronunciation guide next to each word. Celebrate your child’s curiosity as they: • Grow their language skills and learn vocabulary about all sorts of exciting vehicles • Introduces kids to foreign languages from across the Globe, with simple words in English, Spanish, German, French, and Chinese on the cardbacks • Expertly designed to develop early language skills, boost information processing skills and help increase attention span • An easy to carry boxset of 16 picture cards, perfect for on-the-go learning! • Strong and sturdy cards, made to put up with babies and toddlers This set of My First Things That Go flash cards contains an additional card for parent guidance with tips for creative learning games for you and your little one to share. Introduce your little one to their new favorite animals with this set of amazing touch and feel flash cards!More in the SeriesLooking for more picture cards to keep little ones entertained, and help them grow? Well look no further! Grow your toddlers vocab with My First Words Picture Cards, or teach them all about colors and shapes with My First Colors and Shapes Picture Cards!
DK Baby Touch and Feel: Baby Dinosaur
An interactive touch and feel book for babies with an adorable baby dinosaur and read-aloud text! Tactile elements and delightful imagery will encourage the development of motor skills and early learning. Baby Touch and Feel: Baby Dinosaur is an interactive and fun way to help your child learn not only words but shapes and textures too. Bold, bright pictures and colorful baby dinosaur-inspired illustrations will be more than enough to keep your baby’s attention. This adorable picture book is a perfect first book for toddlers and makes for an ideal baby gift.Read all about a charming selection of baby dinosaur species, from the spiky Styracosaurus to the tall Saltasaurus! Not too big and not too small, this sturdy, padded sensory book is just the right size for little hands to hold. No need for Mom and Dad to turn the pages! Babies and toddlers can turn the tough board book pages themselves, which helps to develop their fine motor skills while building an early language foundation. This charming board book for babies includes: - An amazing range of different textures to explore.- Cleary labeled pictures and a simple, easy to follow design.- Easy to read text to encourage early vocabulary building.- A texture or eye-catching area on every page.- Rounded edges and chunky pages, protecting babies and their growing teeth.Learning to read should always be this fun. Kids will get hours of play from this sturdy board book for babies and toddlers, from making the noises and reading the names to feeling the different textures, like the bumpy Edmontonia, the sharp-toothed Tyrannosaurus rex and the sleepy Stegosaurus. This touchy-feely book, with its strong, baby-safe cover, makes for an ideal baby gift. Packed full of shiny objects and some bumps and grooves, this educational book will engage small children and stimulate early childhood development in different ways. Complete the SeriesThis delightful book is part of the Baby Touch and Feel range of board books for babies and toddlers from DK Books and includes titles like Baby Touch and Feel Things That Go, Baby Touch and Feel Bedtime, Baby Touch and Feel Mermaid, and more for your little one to enjoy!
DK My First Touch and Feel Picture Cards: Colors and Shapes
Expertly designed to develop early language and motor skills, discover exciting animals in this set of 16 colorful animal flash cards. Each card has a special touch and feel element to make learning fun for all the senses!With a vibrant image on every flashcard, DK's sturdy picture cards make learning about colors and shapes ever so fun ! Talking points on the back of each card reinforce learning while helping to familiarise children with all sorts of shapes and colors - expect a new favorite by the time they’ve finished the pack once or twice! These flash cards for toddlers age 1 - 2 also help to encourage a love of language learning from the start, as each word is repeated in four additional languages as well as English – Spanish, German, French, and Chinese – with a handy pronunciation guide next to each word. Celebrate your child’s curiosity as they: • Grow their language skills and learn animal vocabulary • Introduces kids to foreign languages from across the Globe, with simple words in English, Spanish, German, French, and Chinese on the cardbacks • Expertly designed to develop early language skills, boost information processing skills and help increase attention span • An easy to carry boxset of 16 picture cards, perfect for on-the-go learning! • Strong and sturdy cards, made to put up with babies and toddlers This set of My First Colors and Shapes flash cards contains an additional card for parent guidance with tips for creative learning games for you and your little one to share. Introduce your little one to their new favorite color with this set of amazing touch and feel flash cards!More in the SeriesLooking for more picture cards to keep little ones entertained, and help them grow? Well look no further! Grow your toddlers vocab with My First Words Picture Cards, or teach them all about colors and shapes with My First Things That Go!
DK Ultimate Sticker Book: Flags Around the World
A colorful sticker book with more than 250 reusable stickers filled with fun activities and amazing facts for eager and creative young readers.Travel through the continents and discover the colorful and symbolic flags that represent the countries of our world in Ultimate Sticker Book: Flags Around the World.This sticker book is packed with more than 250 reusable stickers that kids can use to create their own flag, complete a picture jigsaw puzzle, test their knowledge with a fun sticker quiz, and much more.Ultimate Sticker Book: Flags Around the World is perfect for curious young learners and is sure to keep them busy for hours.Series Overview: Taking subjects that kids love, from dinosaurs to baby animals to transportation, DK's Ultimate Sticker Book series is refreshed and updated and now features more than 250 fun, reusable stickers. Packed with activities that allow children to create scenes, match pairs, and complete jigsaws, the activities throughout each book are simple enough for the child to do independently but engaging enough to keep their interest and help develop dexterity, making these books products that parents can trust, and ones that kids will want to keep picking up to learn more about their favorite subjects.
DK DK Workbooks: Handwriting: Printing, Kindergarten: Learn and Explore
Perfect for kindergarteners, this workbook helps kids learn to write in clear, easy-to-read print. Full of activities, exercises, and supportive illustrations that advance throughout the book from learning uppercase and lowercase letters to months and colors and finally to sentences and story writing, this workbook is perfect for kids who are just learning to write.This series is developed with leading educational experts to build confidence and understanding. Each leveled workbook, for children ages 3 – 9, is packed with activities and challenges, offering the beneficial repetition and cumulative learning that lead to mastery. Fact boxes on each page give a simple overview of the topics being covered, helping children get their bearings, review the basics, and often see an example of the task at hand.
DK DK Workbooks: Geography, Third Grade: Learn and Explore
Perfect for children ages 8 and 9, this workbook provides extra practice to sharpen geography skills of third graders and contains curriculum-aligned exercises on topics including latitude and longitude, biomes, natural resources, changing maps, and more.Level by level, the write-in DK Workbooks: Geography series offers at-home practice that kids actually enjoy—making them ideal supplements to schoolwork. Designed to support curriculum standards, this series is developed with leading educational experts to build confidence and understanding.This third grade workbook unpacks geography concepts through fun activities and exercises. Your child will discover topics like compass directions, continents, countries, states, cities and using different maps and map keys. With the help of leading educational experts, the DK Workbooks: Geography series is the perfect addition to schoolwork. Level-by-level, these homeschooling books offer parents at-home practice work that your kids will enjoy! They even come with gold stars for completed activities and a certificate of accomplishment as a reward for finishing the workbook. There is also a parents' section that contains answers, tips and guidance to provide support. Learn And ExploreWritten for third graders, this workbook includes: • Easy-to-understand explanations of key concepts • Illustrations to support understanding • Exercises and activities that make learning easy and funExplore our other DK Workbook rangesDiscover more in the range! If your child enjoys these titles, why not look at more titles in our DK Workbooks range, which includes DK Workbooks: Science, DK Workbooks: Math and DK Workbooks: Language Arts.
DK My First Spanish Word Board Book/mi Primer Libro De Palabras En Espanol: A Bilingual Word Book
A first word-and-picture board book that helps children develop essential vocabulary in two languages—English and SpanishYour child will enjoy poring over familiar objects laid out on a simple white background. The book is structured by themes such as the body and animals to aid intuitive and playful learning.Ideal to introduce children to their first Spanish words both at home and at school.
DK Pocket Genius Countries of the World
Packed with striking photography, this compact Countries of the World guide explores over 200 countries and territories from around the world.Explore the planet and journey across the world to discover what makes it special in this fact-filled Pocket Eyewitness book for children aged 9-12.This country guide is divided into continental chapters, featuring each nation's geography, climate, and economics, supplemented by stats and data. Children will learn the national flags, official names, capital cities, populations, total area, population density, languages, literacy rate, type of government, and currency, all meticulously researched from the latest sources.This condensed children’s guide on Countries of the World offers: - A pocket-sized but detailed guide, fitting all the important information into one small package.- Up to 200 country profiles, each featuring a map, flag and keynote statistics.- Easy-to-navigate chapters presented in geographical order, making it easy to explore the world.Which is the biggest country in the world? Which one has the most people? Which one has three capital cities? Children can find the answers to these questions and more in the pages of this illustrated reference guide to all the countries of the world.Suitable for all children interested in geography, this guide presents lots of useful information and facts about the world we live in. Each country entry has a full-color map showing terrain, major places, and geographical features. There is also a fascinating 'insight' fact for each country revealing interesting details that make places so unique.
DK History of the World Map by Map
Explore the history of the world in unprecedented detail with this ultimate guide to history throughout the ages. Maps don't just show us where to go, but also where we've been. If you're interested in finding out more about the biggest events in world history, then this book all about history of the world is perfect for you!This stunning history book for adults starts with the evolution and migration of our oldest ancestors out of Africa. You can then look up maps about the Greece and Persian War, the Mongol Conquests, Medieval Europe's trade routes, and the rise of the Ottomans. Explore maps about the colonisation of North America, the scientific revolution, Napoleon's advances, and Britain's control of India. Then uncover the history of later centuries, such as the Age of Imperialism, the American Civil War, industrialised Europe and the transformation of Japan.Journey into past like never before as you uncover:- Easy-to-read text panels for a deeper understanding of history- A total of 140 maps alongside stunning pictures and informative timelines- Storytelling maps to bring history to life- Published in association with the Smithsonian Institution in the USA.Bursting with striking illustrations and full of fascinating detail, this history book is the ultimate gift for map lovers, history enthusiasts of all ages and those who enjoy visiting museums and other historical sites, whether as a present for dad, or handy reference guide for any other history lover in your life! History of the World Map by Map aims to help you gain a strong understanding of some of the forces and movements across continents that have shaped our world!Go on guided tour through time and explore:- Prehistory 7 MYA-3000 BCE- The Ancient World 3000 BCE - 500 CE- Middle Ages 500-1450 CE- The Early Modern World 1450-1700- Revolution and Industry 1700-1850- Progress and Empire 1850-1914- The Modern World 1914-PresentAt DK, we believe in the power of discovery.So why stop there? The Map by Map series includes other titles such as History of the World Map by Map and World War II Map by Map, each detailing historical events and placing them in the context of geography. DK's luxurious Map by Map books are fantastic history gifts, packed with fascinating facts, high-quality photography, and detailed profiles and descriptions of people and events.
DK Barbie Dress-Up Ultimate Sticker Collection
Customize Barbie’s outfits for every occasion with the Barbie Dress Up Ultimate Sticker Collection, packed with more than 1,000 colorful stickers.Dress Barbie in a whole range of exciting outfits and discover looks from her various careers, fun hobbies, and high fashion style! Add cool accessories and friendly pets to complete the look. Meet Barbie’s friends and dress them in their own unique styles, too. This fun-filled sticker collection encourages imagination, expression, and discovery through play.(C)2023 Mattel
DK Eyewitness Soccer
Packed with stunning photography, Eyewitness Soccer is the perfect guide for any soccer fan who wants to know everything about the “beautiful game”. Become an eyewitness to world cup winners and champions past and present in this picture-led reference guide that will take you on a tour of the beautiful game. Children will love reading about tricky tactics, freshening up on soccer skills knowledge, and getting to grips with the science and technology behind the game.This fact-packed soccer guide for children aged 9+ includes bite-sized biographies of well-known players – from Lionel Messi to Zinedine Zidane – to fill you in on those important details needed to impress, as well as club shirts and memorabilia pictured from years gone by and the shining trophies you still see today. Action-packed photographs help you relive moments of glory, while record breakers and national team profiles are listed for quick-fire mastery of famous soccer history.Throughout the pages of this soccer guide, you can expect to find: - A fresh new look, new photographs, updated information, and a new “eyewitness” feature.- Amazing facts, updated diagrams, statistics, and timelines.- Brand new eyewitness accounts from experts in the field.Eyewitness Soccer introduces the ultimate guide for soccer fans everywhere. Stay up to date with results from recent tournaments, including the UEFA Women’s EURO 2022 and the FIFA Men’s World Cup 2022, bringing you up to speed with impressive soccer facts. This all-encompassing guide to soccer is a must-have for curious children aged 9+ with a thirst for learning, as well as teachers, parents and librarians.So, what’s new? Part of DK’s best-selling Eyewitness series, this popular title has been reinvigorated for the next generation of information-seekers and stay-at-home explorers, with a fresh new look, up to 20 percent new images, including photography and updated diagrams, updated information, and a new “eyewitness” feature with fascinating first-hand accounts from experts in the field.Explore the series!Globally, the Eyewitness series has sold more than 50 million copies over 30 years. Learn about one of the most important events in US history with Eyewitness American Civil War, understand the incredible systems that keep your body functioning with Eyewitness Human Body or take a trip aboard the most famous ship in history with Eyewitness Titanic.
DK My Book of Cats and Kittens: A Fact-Filled Guide to Your Feline Friends
Find out about the lives of our adorable furry friends in this exciting guide to cats and kittens.Learn everything there is to know about our furry feline friends in this adorable book of cats for children. Discover fascinating information about cats and kittens – from their hair type, fur pattern, colors, and distinct personalities, to the differences and similarities that celebrate the unique identity of every feline!Children aged 5-7 can learn about the profiles of 45 different cat breeds, such as the British Shorthair, Bombay, Siamese, Munchkin, Snowshoe, and more. Young cat lovers will enjoy finding out how cats evolved from wild animals to become pets, and get an insight into their eating habits and preferences as well as how to care for them.This adorable cat book for children includes:- Fact files on over 50 breeds and features many more throughout the book, revealing their individual characteristics.- A science-focused and fact-packed route into learning about cats.- Fact files for each featured breed providing key information, such as origin, size, character, and color.- A fantastic first introduction to the lives of these increasingly popular pets, as well as pet care, such as how often kittens eat and how to help them groom.My Book of Cats and Kittens is an engaging and informative children’s book that will not only engage curious minds, but will also make them respect and understand their pet cats better. Filled with adorable photographs, simple illustrations, and fantastic facts, this book is a must-have for children who love animals, especially those who have a pet cat at home or whose families are thinking of getting one.Complete the seriesThis delightful book about cats is part of the My Book of series of educational books for children, and also includes My Book of Dogs and Puppies, My Book of Rocks and Minerals, My Book of Fossils and My Book of Stars and Planets.
DK Classic Car: The Definitive Visual History
From the Chevrolet Bel Air to the Ferrari Testarossa, this stunning book showcases the most iconic and important classic cars from every decade since the 1940s.Few things ignite such reverence as a classic car. With more than 250 iconic models from the 1940s to the early 1990s, photographed from every angle, this title is a glorious celebration of the stars in the classic car firmament.Classic Car brings you the story of more than 20 great marques, including household names Bentley, Mercedes, Ferrari, Cadillac and Aston Martin. Its lavish photography reveals every detail in close-up of models that range from the 1940s giant two-ton Daimler DE36, which ferried royals about in style, through to sleek Ferraris from the 1980s capable of smashing the 200mph barrier. It puts you in the driving seat of such icons as the Chevrolet Corvette, the Ford Thunderbird, and the Mercedes 300SL, and brings you the designers of these amazing machines and the story of their manufacturers.This ultimate guide to classic cars further features: - A comprehensive catalog that draw out the key features of each important model, with detailed profiles and specification.- Feature pages broaden the scope of the book, covering everything from the designers and manufacturers who created them to their evolution over the decades.- Stunningly shot DPS images add an extra layer of color and flavor to the book.- Written by award-winning author and expert on all aspects of motoring, Giles Chapman, Editor-in-Chief of DK’s The Car Book, which has sold over 550,000 copies worldwide to date.- Updates will include the key models that have grown in popularity since the last edition.Whether you dream of owning one of these super-cool cars, or you are a collector already, Classic Car is set to become a treasured favorite.
DK The Forests, Fairies and Fungi Sticker Anthology: With More Than 1,000 Vintage Stickers
Set off on a spellbinding expedition into the deep, dark woods...Page after page of this book is packed with vintage drawings that portray the enchanting beauty of a wild, ancient wood. Journey down snaking pathways, beneath towering trees, and amongst glorious plants and wildlife to uncover the odd magical surprise.Get creative! Adorn your personal items with more than 1,000 images of forest life, including intriguing toadstools, elegant trees, and even fantastical elves and more. Create gorgeous artwork and stationery, or simply enjoy this book as an exquisite keepsake.
DK The Very Hungry Caterpillar's Very First Encyclopedia
Beautifully illustrated in Eric Carle's signature style, this first encyclopedia is perfect for curious kids who love to learn.Take part in an amazing journey of discovery with the Very Hungry Caterpillar and learn fascinating facts about everything from science and space to animals and dinosaurs. Travel around the world to explore the continents, discover where different animals live, learn all about the people who came before us, and find out how your body works in this colorful and charming first reference book for children aged 3-7. Young learners can find out all about light and sound, the planets in the Solar System, how plants grow, and much, much more in this one-of-a-kind introduction to common core subjects. For lovers of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, this must-have children’s encyclopedia features: -Fascinating facts about the world around us ideal for curious young learners -Clear images and stunning photography throughout -Organized into chapters by theme, including space, geography, animals and nature, history, science, math and technology, and human body -Introduces common core subjects for the 3-7 age group-Contains accessible bite-sized chunks of information and eye-catching images that children can engage withEach chapter focuses on a different theme, with a new topic every time you turn the page! With an array of exciting themes to explore, from sailing the seas to wetland wildlife, incredible inventions to prehistoric peoples, there is something for every curious child to explore and discover. The easy-to-read information is complemented by over 250 illustrations by the World of Eric Carle, alongside eye-catching photography, and simple how-it-works diagrams, so that information can be easily explored and understood. A must-have early learning encyclopedia for young readers, bring Eric Carle’s much loved character The Very Hungry Caterpillar to life like never before!
DK The Chemistry Book
Discover and understand the key ideas that underpin the core science of chemistry and learn about the great minds who uncovered them.The Chemistry Book is packed with short, pithy explanations of some of the most historic moments in science, from the birth of atomic theory to the discovery of polyethylene and the development of new vaccine technologies to combat COVID-19. Simple graphics, such as flowcharts and mind maps, support the text and make the explanation of key concepts easy to follow.Arranged in chronological order, the book covers key themes in the physical and natural sciences, such as geochemistry and the elements. Within each chapter, a series of articles traces the history of scientific thought and introduces the work of the scientists who have shaped the subject such as John Dalton, Marie Curie, Dmitri Mendeleev, Kathleen Lonsdale, and Stephanie Kwolek. Along the way, the book addresses some of the most fundamental questions in science, such as what is the universe made of, how is matter created, and what are the chemical bonds that make life possible?This informative book on chemistry further features:-Profiles more than 95 ideas and events key to the development of chemistry and natural sciences, with thought-provoking graphics throughout that demystify the central concepts behind each idea-Features insightful and inspiring quotes from leading chemists including Nobel Laureates Marie Curie, Linus Pauling, and Osamu Shimomura, as well as thinkers in other fields-Global in scope, covering discoveries and innovations from around the world throughout human history-Combines creative typography, graphics, and accessible text to explore the most famous and important ideas in chemistry and the people behind them-Includes a directory section for easy localizationWhether you are new to chemistry, a student of the sciences, or just want to keep up with and understand the latest news and scientific debates, The Chemistry Book is a must-have volume for all thinkers, learners and avid readers out there. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why stop there? If you like The Chemistry Book, then why not try The Biology Book, The Physics Book, and The Science Book, for a highly-engaging guide to all the sciences. Forming part of the highly-successful Big Ideas Range, whatever your preferred topic of interest, there’s something for everyone to explore, learn and love!
DK Eyewitness American Revolution
Become an eyewitness to the American struggle for independence, from the events that sparked the war through to the signing of the Constitution.Discover how American soldiers won battles against the great British Empire, plus see the muskets and cannons of the armies, learn how soldiers were drilled, and find out why Yorktown was not the end of the Revolution.Eyewitness American Revolution will bring you face-to-face with American revolutionaries including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin.Loved and trusted for over 30 years, Eyewitness has a new look and even more content: • A bite-sized formula of text with images that kids love!• Fully revised and fact-checked by subject specialists• Packed with facts, infographics, statistics, and timelines• Updated with brand new eyewitness accounts from experts in the fieldEyewitness American Revolution uses a groundbreaking visual layout that makes learning fun for kids aged 9-12. This museum in a book uses striking full-color photographs and illustrations of colonial weaponry, the notorious British red-coat uniform, deadly warships, the historic Declaration of Independence, and much more as well as amazing facts, infographics, statistics, and timelines to help bring this extraordinary war to life.Eyewitness content approved by -ologists!DK’s Eyewitness kids books are updated and fact-checked by subject specialists, with brand new first-hand eyewitness accounts throughout from experts in the field. A best-selling series known and trusted for generations, with a fresh new look and up-to-date content. What will you Eyewitness next?Travel back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the earth with Eyewitness Dinosaur, or come face-to-face with a pharaoh in Eyewitness Ancient Egypt. Do you think you’ve found your topic of interest? DK has even more history books for kids and adults alike find them all by searching for “DK history books”.
DK French in 3 Months with Free Audio App: Your Essential Guide to Understanding and Speaking French
Learn to speak French in as little as 3 months, and impress with your new language skills!This educational fact-filled French language guide has a fresh new look and an accompanying audio app to get you speaking, reading and writing in French quickly and effortlessly. Inside this exciting French language book, you’ll find: • “Imitated pronunciation” sections that make unfamiliar French sounds less daunting to English learners • Word lists, key phrases and model sentences that build vocabulary • Three self-assessment sections that allow the learner to engage with their own learning, and exercises follow each grammar lesson, reinforcing what has just been taught • Two mini bilingual dictionaries, meaning you can check words in both English and French Learning a new language has never been this fun and easy with the latest edition of this classic self-study course providing all the resources needed to speak, read and write in French. Whether you’re a complete beginner or want to refresh your knowledge, Hugo: French in Three Months will have you speaking French fluently in just 12 weeks.This carefully structured grammar-based course contains 12 weekly chapters filled with informative lessons on the key grammatical structures and presents a range of useful vocabulary, along with easy-to-follow exercises to boost your learning. It helps develop and refine reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, and teaches approximately 4,000 words.Whether you’re learning a new language for work, a future vacation or as a hobby, the Hugo language course series is the perfect place to start. Learn languages like Dutch, German, Italian or Spanish in only 12 weeks! Each course includes an audio app to help with understanding and pronunciation. Language learning has never been so easy!
DK Eyewitness Ocean
Become an eyewitness to the world’s oceans and explore everything from shores and reefs to the freezing depths.Discover the watery world that covers two-thirds of the globe and find out why oceans are so important to life on Earth.Meet jet-propelled octopuses and hermit crabs, look closely at seaweed, find out how waves form and discover the submarines and submersibles that have explored shipwrecks and the deepest trenches. Learn about prehistoric oceans and find out how people are trying to protect the oceans of the future.Loved and trusted for over 30 years, Eyewitness has a new look and even more content:• A bite-sized formula of text with images that kids love!• Fully revised and fact-checked by subject specialists• Packed with facts, infographics, statistics, and timelines• Updated with brand new eyewitness accounts from experts in the fieldEyewitness Ocean uses a groundbreaking visual layout that makes learning fun for kids aged 9-12. Discover the sequences of sea animal behavior, diagrams of how oceans work, and maps along with amazing facts, infographics, statistics, and timelines to reveal the many aspects of this marine.Eyewitness content approved by -ologists!DK’s Eyewitness kids books are updated and fact-checked by subject specialists, with brand new first-hand eyewitness accounts throughout from experts in the field.A best-selling series known and trusted for generations, with a fresh new look and up-to-date content. What will you Eyewitness next?Join the journey to combat climate change with Eyewitness Climate Change or take a trip aboard the most famous ship in history with Eyewitness Titanic.Do you think you’ve found your topic of interest? DK has even more ocean books for kids and adults alike find them all by searching for “DK ocean books”.
DK Pocket Genius Sports: Facts at Your Fingertips
Learn about over 120 sports from across the world — from mountain biking and water sports to soccer and extreme sports!The exciting sports book introduces children to the most interesting sports, their origins, fun facts about the games or events, the players — and the sports associations that support these incredible displays of human ability.In this sports guide, you’ll find: • Catalog pages featuring individual entries on sports with an image, a caption and bullet-point data. • Additional introductory spreads explaining the gameplay, equipment and rules of a particular sport. • Reference spreads at the end of the book providing further amazing facts. Ever wonder which is the oldest sport? Or how the Olympics came into being? What does a midfielder do in soccer? The answers to all these questions and more can be found in thispocket-sized book for children!Packed with vibrant illustrations, photographs and bite-sized text, this kid’s sports book covers almost every sport imaginable. Children will love to learn about gameplay, rules of scoring, court and field sizes, and even equipment for different types of sports and sporting events — and stats on record breakers and top competitors in every sport. Reference pages include exciting achievements, top athletes as well as the many competitions on the planet.Pocket Genius Sports is a part of DK’s Pocket Genius series that covers interesting topics that captivate, engage and inspire young children. Each book in the series covers an interesting topic from animals and ancient civilization to oceans and science.