Search results for ""author craig""
The University of Michigan Press The Black Widows of the Eternal City: The True Story of Rome's Most Infamous Poisoners
The Black Widows of of The Eternal City offers, for the first time, a book-length study of an infamous cause célèbre in seventeenth-century Rome, how it resonated then and has continued to resonate: the 1659 investigation and prosecution of Gironima Spana and dozens of Roman widows, who shared a particularly effective poison to murder their husbands. This notorious case has been frequently discussed over 350 years, but the earliest writers concentrated more on fortifying their reading constituency’s shared attitudes than accurately narrating facts. Subsequent authors remained largely content to follow their predecessors or keen to improve upon them. Most recent writers and bloggers were unaware that their earlier sources were generally unconcerned with a correct portrayal of real events. In the present study, Craig A. Monson takes advantage of a recent discovery—the 1,450-page notary’s transcript of the 1659 investigation. It is supplemented here by many ancillary archival sources, unknown to all previous writers. Since the story of Gironima Spana and the would-be widows is partially about what people believed to be true, however, this investigation also juxtaposes some of the “alternative facts” from earlier, sensational accounts with what the notary’s transcript and other, more reliable archival documents reveal. Written in a style that avoids arcane idioms and specialist jargon, the book can potentially speak to students and general readers interested in seventeenth-century social history and gender issues. It rewrites the life story of Gironima Spana (largely unknown until now), who has dominated all earlier accounts, usually in caricatures that reiterate the tropes of witchcraft. It also concentrates on the dozen other widows whose stories could be the most recovered from archival sources and whom Spana had totally eclipsed in earlier accounts. Most were women “of a very ordinary sort” (prostitutes; beggars; wives of butchers, barbers, dyers, lineners, innkeepers), the kinds of women commonly lost to history. The book seeks to explain why some women were hanged (only six, in fact, most of whom may not have directly poisoned anyone), while dozens of others who did poison their husbands escaped the gallows and, in some cases, were not even interrogated. It also reveals what happened to these other alleged perpetrators, whose fates have remained unknown until now. Other purported culprits, about whom less complete pictures emerge, are briefly discussed in an appendix. The study incorporates illustrations of archival manuscripts to demonstrate the challenges of deciphering them and illustrates “scenes of the crime” and other important locations, identified on seventeenth-century, bird’s eye-perspective views of Rome and in modern photographs. It also includes GPS coordinates for any who might wish to revisit the sites.
Oxford University Press Inc The Battle of Midway
There are few moments in American history in which the course of events tipped so suddenly and so dramatically as at the Battle of Midway. At dawn of June 4, 1942, a rampaging Japanese navy ruled the Pacific. By sunset, their vaunted carrier force (the Kido Butai) had been sunk and their grip on the Pacific had been loosened forever. In this riveting account of a key moment in the history of World War II, one of America's leading naval historians, Craig L. Symonds, paints an unforgettable portrait of ingenuity, courage, and sacrifice. Symonds begins with the arrival of Admiral Chester A. Nimitz at Pearl Harbor after the devastating Japanese attack, and describes the key events leading to the climactic battle, including both Coral Sea--the first battle in history against opposing carrier forces--and Jimmy Doolittle's daring raid of Tokyo. He focuses throughout on the people involved, offering telling portraits of Admirals Nimitz, Halsey, Spruance and numerous other Americans, as well as the leading Japanese figures, including the poker-loving Admiral Yamamoto. Indeed, Symonds sheds much light on the aspects of Japanese culture--such as their single-minded devotion to combat, which led to poorly armored planes and inadequate fire-safety measures on their ships--that contributed to their defeat. Symond's account of the battle itself is masterful, weaving together the many disparate threads of attack--attacks which failed in the early going--that ultimately created a five-minute window in which three of the four Japanese carriers were mortally wounded, changing the course of the Pacific war in an eye-blink. Symonds is the first historian to argue that the victory at Midway was not simply a matter of luck, pointing out that Nimitz had equal forces, superior intelligence, and the element of surprise. Nimitz had a strong hand, Symonds concludes, and he rightly expected to win.
University of Hertfordshire Press Princely Ambition: Ideology, castle-building and landscape in Gwynedd, 1194-1283
While the Edwardian castles of Conwy, Beaumaris, Harlech and Caernarfon are rightly hailed as outstanding examples of castle architecture, the castles of the native Welsh princes are far more enigmatic. Where some dominate their surroundings as completely as any castle of Edward I, others are concealed in the depths of forests, or tucked away in the corners of valleys, their relationship with the landscape of which they are a part far more difficult to discern than their English counterparts. This ground-breaking book seeks to analyse the castle-building activities of the native princes of Wales in the thirteenth century. Whereas early castles were built to delimit territory and as an expression of Llywelyn I ab Iorwerth’s will to power following his violent assumption of the throne of Gwynedd in the 1190s, by the time of his grandson Llywelyn II ap Gruffudd’s later reign in the 1260s and 1270s, the castles’ prestige value had been superseded in importance by an understanding of the need to make the polity he created - the Principality of Wales - defensible. Employing a probing analysis of the topographical settings and defensive dispositions of almost a dozen native Welsh masonry castles, Craig Owen Jones interrogates the long-held theory that the native princes’ approach to castle-building in medieval Wales was characterised by ignorance of basic architectural principles, disregard for the castle’s relationship to the landscape, and whimsy, in order to arrive at a new understanding of the castles’ significance in Welsh society. Previous interpretations argue that the native Welsh castles were created as part of a single defensive policy, but close inspection of the documentary and architectural evidence reveals that this policy varied considerably from prince to prince, and even within a prince’s reign. Taking advantage of recent ground-breaking archaeological investigations at several important castle sites, Jones offers a timely corrective to perceptions of these castles as poorly sited and weakly defended: theories of construction and siting appropriate to Anglo-Norman castles are not applicable to the native Welsh example without some major revisions. Princely Ambition also advances a timeline that synthesises various strands of evidence to arrive at a chronology of native Welsh castle-building. This exciting new account fills a crucial gap in scholarship on Wales’ built heritage prior to the Edwardian conquest and establishes a nuanced understanding of important military sites in the context of native Welsh politics.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Veteran Housing Assistance: Loans, Grants & Homelessness Programs
New York University Press In The Company Of Black Men: The African Influence on African American Culture in New York City
Traces the development of African-American community traditions over three centuries From the subaltern assemblies of the enslaved in colonial New York City to the benevolent New York African Society of the early national era to the formation of the African Blood Brotherhood in twentieth century Harlem, voluntary associations have been a fixture of African-American communities. In the Company of Black Men examines New York City over three centuries to show that enslaved Africans provided the institutional foundation upon which African-American religious, political, and social culture could flourish. Arguing that the universality of the voluntary tradition in African-American communities has its basis in collectivism—a behavioral and rhetorical tendency to privilege the group over the individual—it explores the institutions that arose as enslaved Africans exploited the potential for group action and mass resistance. Craig Steven Wilder’s research is particularly exciting in its assertion that Africans entered the Americas equipped with intellectual traditions and sociological models that facilitated a communitarian response to oppression. Presenting a dramatic shift from previous work which has viewed African-American male associations as derivative and imitative of white male counterparts, In the Company of Black Men provides a ground-breaking template for investigating antebellum black institutions.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Barbarossa Unleashed: The German Blitzkrieg through Central Russia to the Gates of Moscow • June-December 1941
This book examines in unprecedented detail the advance of Germany's Army Group Center through central Russia, toward Moscow, in the summer of 1941, followed by brief accounts of the Battle of Moscow and subsequent winter battles into early 1942. Based on hundreds of veterans’ accounts, archival documents, and exhaustive study of the pertinent primary and secondary literature, the book offers new insights into Operation Barbarossa, Adolf Hitler’s attack on Soviet Russia in June 1941. While the book meticulously explores the experiences of the German soldier in Russia, in the cauldron battles along the Minsk-Smolensk-Moscow axis, it places their experiences squarely within the strategic and operational context of the Barbarossa campaign. Controversial subjects, such as the culpability of the German eastern armies in war crimes against the Russian people, are also examined in detail. This book is the most detailed account to date of virtually all aspects of the German soldiers’ experiences in Russia in 1941.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Suppliers to the Confederacy: English Arms and Accoutrements
In this book researchers Craig Barry and David Burt provide a fresh look at the incredible impact the English had on supplying the Confederacy and its effect on the U.S. Civil War. New research includes the discovery of lost information on many of the commercial gun makers. The book also looks at all the implements and accoutrements issued with the Enfield rifle musket, including the cap pocket, pouch, ball bags and knapsacks; right down to the muzzle stopper. Each piece of equipment is examined in great detail and is accompanied by detailed photographs and discusses most of the patterns of British equipment carried by Confederate soldiers’ and how they were supposed to be used. The book also looks at how this equipment was purchase, from where and by whom, and how it was shipped over to the Confederate States.
Omnidawn Publishing Habitat Threshold
With Habitat Threshold, Craig Santos Perez has crafted a timely collection of eco-poetry that explores his ancestry as a native Pacific Islander, the ecological plight of his homeland, and his fears for the future. The book begins with the birth of the author’s daughter, capturing her growth and childlike awe at the wonders of nature. As it progresses, Perez confronts the impacts of environmental injustice, the ravages of global capitalism, toxic waste, animal extinction, water rights, human violence, mass migration, and climate change. Throughout, he mourns lost habitats and species, and confronts his fears for the future world his daughter will inherit. Amid meditations on calamity, this work does not stop at the threshold of elegy. Instead, the poet envisions a sustainable future in which our ethics are shaped by the indigenous belief that the earth is sacred and all beings are interconnected—a future in which we cultivate love and “carry each other towards the horizon of care.” Through experimental forms, free verse, prose, haiku, sonnets, satire, and a method he calls “recycling,” Perez has created a diverse collection filled with passion. Habitat Threshold invites us to reflect on the damage done to our world and to look forward, with urgency and imagination, to the possibility of a better future.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Blood and Honor: The History of the 12th SS Panzer Division “Hitler Youth”
The 12th SS Panzer Division “Hitler Youth” was formed in early 1943 following the German disaster at Stalingrad in Russia, and was trumpeted by German propaganda as a symbol of the willingness of German youth to make the ultimate sacrifice for Führer und Vaterland. Most of the division’s soldiers were born in 1926, and averaged barely eighteen years of age when they underwent their baptism of fire among the verdant fields and hedgerows of Normandy on 7 June 1944. Anchoring the eastern flank of the Normandy front, these young SS soldiers successfully defended the strategically vital town of Caen against British and Canadian forces until finally overwhelmed a month later by the Allies’ enormous superiority in men and materiel. Although the “Hitler Youth” Division was largely annihilated in the process, it won the grudging respect of Allied forces as the finest German division faced in Normandy. The author’s account of its history is based largely on primary source materials, including extensive archival holdings, published memoirs, official histories, and numerous interviews with former division members.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Fine Art of Marquetry: Creating Images in Wood Using Sawn Veneers
Master furniture craftsman Craig Vandall Stevens takes you from novice to advanced woodworker with this illustrated guide to marquetry, a technique where different colors of wood veneers are carefully cut to fit precisely together, forming a single sheet of veneer. Explore your creative potential and learn the essential elements of marquetry: using a fret saw, sawing your own veneers from solid wood planks, the tools and materials required for marquetry, choosing wood, design, shading with hot sand, and applying a shellac finish. Finally, follow Stevens as he demonstrates making a beautiful, simple box with a marquetry top.
InterVarsity Press The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament
Baker Publishing Group The Gospel of John
Christianity Today 2004 Award of Merit (Biblical Studies) Keener's commentary explores the Jewish and Greco-Roman settings of John more deeply than previous works, paying special attention to social-historical and rhetorical features of the Gospel. It cites about 4,000 different secondary sources and uses over 20,000 references from ancient literature.
Oxford University Press Inc God?
This concise, up-to-date, and accessible discussion of the existence of God is presented as a point/counterpoint debate: Craig argues for God's existence and Sinnott-Armstrong argues against it. Employing common language and concrete examples, the authors formulate their arguments in light of recent developments in science, religion, and philosophy. Avoiding overly esoteric arguments, they directly address the issues that concern non-specialists who are wondering about God, such as religious experience, the Bible, evil, eternity, the origin of the universe, design, and the supposed connection between morality and the existence of God. By assuming a traditional concept of God in their discussion, the authors ensure that they are truly addressing each other's viewpoints and engaging in a disagreement over a unified issue. The book is composed of six chapters that alternate between Craig and Sinnott-Armstrong, so that each separate point can be discussed as it arises. This lively and direct dialogue will stimulate students regardless of whether or not they believe in God.
Leckie & Leckie Fourth Level Maths: Comprehensive Textbook to Learn CfE Topics (Leckie Student Book)
Exam Board: SQALevel: Fourth LevelSubject: MathsFirst Teaching: 2015, First Exam: 2016 The CfE Maths series covers all the Experiences and Outcomes within the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence for Maths at Second, Third and Fourth Levels. Separate pupil books at each level offer a flexible pathway through the curriculum. packed with activities aligned to the Outcomes and Experiences within the CfE a wide range of differentiated practice questions and problem-solving activities improves the transfer of knowledge and skills from the classroom to real-life contexts a strong focus on improving numeracy skills highlights potential cross-curricular links.
HarperCollins Publishers Third Level Maths: CfE Benchmark Edition (Leckie Student Book)
Exam Board: Scottish curriculum, CfE, SQA Level: Third level, BGE Subject: Maths The CfE Maths Third Level Student Book covers ALL of the maths Experiences and Outcomes at Third Level, and has been updated to include the Benchmarks introduced by Education Scotland that will ensure every learner is reaching the required attainment targets in S1 and S2. Graded questions to enable students to work at their own pace Key questions to assess whether students have a secure grasp of each learning outcome Self-assessment checklists at the end of each chapter Allows a flexible, personalised approach to lesson planning Supports the development of problem-solving abilities Builds confidence in applying maths to everyday life Now fully addresses the Benchmarks to ensure students are reaching the required standard for Third Level
Post Hill Press Random Acts of Automation
Feeling uneasy about AI? Worried it'll make your job obsolete and your once-solid training outdated? You're not alone.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Beyond Dialogue
Dundurn Group Ltd One Night in Mississippi
After fifty years of guilt over his brother's brutal murder in Civil Rights-era Mississippi, Warren Williams decides to renew his fight to bring the men responsible to justice. His efforts put him face-to-face with one of the murderers, Earl Olsen, in a remote Ontario town where a contest of wits will end in death.
Gallery Books Pillow Talk
Columbia Books on Architecture and the City After the Manifesto
Does the recent explosion of the architectural manifesto signal a new urgency of the form, or does it represent a hopeless effort to resuscitate something that has outlived its useful lifespan? After the ManifestoA brings together architects and scholars to revisit the past, present and future of the manifesto. In what ways have manifestos transformed the field over the last 50 years, and in what ways has the manifesto itself been transformed by new modes of communication? Authors include Ruben Alcolea, Craig Buckley, Beatriz Colomina, Carlos Labarta, Felicity D. Scott, Bernard Tschumi, Anthony Vidler, Enrique Walker, and Mark Wigley.
Drawn & Quarterly Carnet de Voyage
Page Street Publishing Co. The Big Green Egg Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Grilling on Your Ceramic Smoker
Make Smoking Your Second Language Craig Tabor lives, breathes, cooks and swears by the Big Green Egg(R). This certified "Egg-head" knows the Big Green Egg(R) like the back of his hand--not only from winning multiple grilling competitions around the country and running one of the most popular Big Green Egg(R) blogs,, but from adopting the mentality that there is nothing he won't grill. In this stellar comprehensive guide, Craig lays out everything you need to know to conquer and perfect cooking with your Big Green Egg(R) and teaches you firsthand how to become a pro like him. Craig shows you how to set up your Big Green Egg(R) for success, from assembly, to maintenance, to lighting the coals just right for each recipe, ensuring the perfect temperature for the perfect cook. Once your fire is blazing, the real hard part begins: picking which recipe to try first! Go for comforting classics like Meat Candy (a.k.a. Pork Ribs) or Nashvegas Hot Grilled Chicken Sandwich. Try out meals with a twist like Sriracha Peach-Glazed Pork Chops or Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey-Glazed Cedar-Planked Salmon. Or, grill a variety of delectable dishes you never imagined you could, like Seafood Paella, Chicago-Style Deep-Dish Pizza or Maple Bacon Oatmeal Cookies. And for those intimidating cuts of meat like brisket and pork shoulder? Not to worry--Craig walks you through how to trim, wrap, prep and cook them with helpful step-by-step photos. With Craig's expertise guiding you, it's only a matter of time before you become a master of the Big Green Egg(R).
Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale It's Never Too Late to Sleep Train: The Low-Stress Way to High-Quality Sleep for Babies, Kids, and Parents
Page Street Publishing Co. Ultimate Wilderness Gear: Everything You Need to Know to Choose and Use the Best Outdoor Equipment
Ultimate Wilderness Gear gives every wilderness junkie what they crave: expert knowledge on the best gear to get any job done on an outdoor trip. Craig Caudill, author of Extreme Wilderness Survival, has amassed decades’ worth of wilderness expertise from backpacking, hunting and exploring; in this new and unparalleled guide he dives deeply into the topic of his favourite equipment and tools to help readers make wise purchases, then learn to use and maintain each item for life. More than just general analysis, readers get specific recommendations of what they should buy based on their unique environments and needs. Craig provides a detailed analysis of knives, cordage, fire starters and fuel, water purifiers and containers, packs, compasses and maps, first-aid items, clothing, tents and sleeping bags, and so much more. As a bonus, readers get an extra chapter on specialty equipment such as ultra-light gear, bush craft and hunting. Craig is the real deal, and readers trust his expertise because they know it’s based on hard time spent outside learning and teaching others. Rather than a boring reference textbook, this is an enjoyable read, with true stories, quotes and interesting factoids woven in that entertain as much as they teach. Don’t miss this essential gear guide that’s set to be the hottest wilderness book of 2018.
J Ross Publishing Strategic Benefits Realization: Optimizing Value Through Programs, Portfolios and Organizational Change
Rowman & Littlefield Western Fly-Fishing Strategies
Western Fly-Fishing Strategies presents valuable tips and lessons with chapters ranging from trip planning, equipment, and tackle, to Western hatches, different kinds of insects, and the special fall season for Western anglers. Also included are useful drawings by Rod Walinchus, full-color fly plates, and photographs of the naturals, as well as thoughts on the future of Western fly fishing.
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Hymns for Fingerstyle Guitar Acoustic Masters Series
Safari Press,U.S. Favorite Rifles and Cartridges
Shambhala Publications Inc How to Read Classical Tibetan, Vol. 2:: Buddhist Tenets
Theatre Communications Group Inc.,U.S. Small Tragedy
Theatre Communications Group Inc.,U.S. What I Meant Was
Skyhorse Publishing The Amber Amulet
“Silvey is a master of wit and words”—School Library JournalMeet twelve-year-old Liam McKenzie, who patrols his suburban neighborhood as the Masked Avenger—a superhero with powers so potent not even he can fully comprehend their extent.Along with his sidekick, Richie the Powerbeagle, he protects the people of Franklin Street from chaos, mayhem, evil, and low tire pressure on their cars.But when he attempts to rescue a damsel in distress from sadness, instead, he finds a powerful, unlikely friendship.This perfect jewel of a book by Printz Honor Award-winning Craig Silvey will hold all readers in its irresistible power.
Sourcebooks Kindness Makes the World Go Round
Scribner Book Company Pearl Harbor: From Infamy to Greatness
Thorndike Press Large Print Daughter of the Morning Star
Capstone Press Life in the Pond
Johns Hopkins University Press Renaissance Meteorology: Pomponazzi to Descartes
Craig Martin takes a careful look at how Renaissance scientists analyzed and interpreted rain, wind, and other natural phenomena like meteors and earthquakes and their impact on the great thinkers of the scientific revolution. Martin argues that meteorology was crucial to the transformation that took place in science during the early modern period. By examining the conceptual foundations of the subject, Martin links Aristotelian meteorology with the new natural philosophies of the seventeenth century. He argues that because meteorology involved conjecture and observation and forced attention to material and efficient causation, it paralleled developments in the natural philosophies of Descartes and other key figures of the scientific revolution. Although an inherently uncertain endeavor, forecasting the weather was an extremely useful component not just of scientific study, but also of politics, courtly life, and religious doctrine. Martin explores how natural philosophers of the time participated in political and religious controversies by debating the meanings, causes, and purposes of natural disasters and other weather phenomena. Through careful readings of an impressive range of texts, Martin situates the history of meteorology within the larger context of Renaissance and early modern science. The first study on Renaissance theories of weather in five decades, Renaissance Meteorology offers a novel understanding of traditional natural philosophy and its impact on the development of modern science.
Cengage Learning, Inc The Essential Listening to Music
Offering outstanding listening pedagogy, THE ESSENTIAL LISTENING TO MUSIC 2e delivers a streamlined and succinct presentation of classical music that inspires a lifelong appreciation of music. Scholar and master-teacher Craig Wright focuses on the key concepts and works presented within a typical Music Appreciation course. Organized chronologically, the text discusses musical examples from each historical period within its social context--giving students a sense of a piece's construction as well as its historical and cultural meaning.
Fordham University Press The Amazing Adventures of Bob Brown: A Real-Life Zelig Who Wrote His Way Through the 20th Century
Contemporary publishing, e-media, and writing owe much to an unsung hero who worked in the trenches of the culture industry (for pulp magazines, Hollywood films, and advertising) and caroused and collaborated with the avant-garde throughout the first half of the twentieth century. Robert Carlton Brown (1886–1959) turned up in the midst of virtually every significant American literary, artistic, political, and popular or countercultural movement of his time—from Chicago’s Cliff Dweller’s Club to Greenwich Village’s bohemians and the Imagist poets; from the American vanguard expatriate groups in Europe to the Beats. Bob Brown churned out pulp fiction and populist cookbooks, created the first movie tie-ins, and invented a surreal reading machine more than seventy-five years ahead of e-books. He was a real-life Zelig of modern culture. With The Amazing Adventures of Bob Brown, Craig Saper disentangles, for the first time, the many lives and careers of the intriguing figure behind so much of twentieth-century culture. Saper’s lively and engaging yet erudite and subtly experimental style offers a bold new approach to biography that perfectly complements his multidimensional subject. Readers are brought along on a spirited journey with Bob and the Brown clan—Cora (his mother), Rose (his wife), and Bob, a creative team who sometimes went by the name of CoRoBo—through globetrotting, fortune-making and fortune-spending, culture-creating and culture-exploring adventures. Along the way, readers meet many of the most important cultural figures and movements of the era and are witness to the astonishingly prescient vision Brown held of the future of American cultural life in the digital age. Although Brown traveled and lived all around the world, he took Manhattan with him, and his New York City had boroughs around the world.
University of Georgia Press A Literary Guide to Flannery OConnors Georgia
Chronicle Books Stanley Goes Fishing
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Welcome to the Game
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Welcome to the Game
Insider's Guide Insiders' Guide® to Charlotte
Simon & Schuster Matala
Rowman & Littlefield The Politics of Life: 25 Rules for Survival in a Brutal and Manipulative World
Inspired by the famed sixteenth-century philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli, journalist and pundit Craig Crawford offers 25 pithy rules for surviving the politics of everyday life. The rules will at times seem hard and cruel, perhaps even immoral. But that is what comes with the turf when you are learning to deal with others as they actually behave, not how you imagine them.