Search results for ""World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Econometric Models For Industrial Organization
Economic Models for Industrial Organization focuses on the specification and estimation of econometric models for research in industrial organization. In recent decades, empirical work in industrial organization has moved towards dynamic and equilibrium models, involving econometric methods which have features distinct from those used in other areas of applied economics. These lecture notes, aimed for a first or second-year PhD course, motivate and explain these econometric methods, starting from simple models and building to models with the complexity observed in typical research papers. The covered topics include discrete-choice demand analysis, models of dynamic behavior and dynamic games, multiple equilibria in entry games and partial identification, and auction models.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Go, Go Green Gavin (Set 1)
In this new series, join Green Gavin as he protects our environment from the evil clutches of ... humans! From battling sea pollution to protecting wildlife from illegal trade, Gavin is determined to use his (accidental) superpowers to save Earth, one adventure at a time! Go, Go, Green Gavin!Set 1 includes Saving the Poisoned Sea and Rescuing the Barren Forest.IN THIS SERIES:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Walk Through Combinatorics, A: An Introduction To Enumeration, Graph Theory, And Selected Other Topics (Fifth Edition)
The first half of the book walks the reader through methods of counting, both direct elementary methods and the more advanced method of generating functions. Then, in the second half of the book, the reader learns how to apply these methods to fascinating objects, such as graphs, designs, random variables, partially ordered sets, and algorithms. In short, the first half emphasizes depth by discussing counting methods at length; the second half aims for breadth, by showing how numerous the applications of our methods are.New to this fifth edition of A Walk Through Combinatorics is the addition of Instant Check exercises — more than a hundred in total — which are located at the end of most subsections. As was the case for all previous editions, the exercises sometimes contain new material that was not discussed in the text, allowing instructors to spend more time on a given topic if they wish to do so. With a thorough introduction into enumeration and graph theory, as well as a chapter on permutation patterns (not often covered in other textbooks), this book is well suited for any undergraduate introductory combinatorics class.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Adventures With Materials
Adventures with Materials is an immersive encounter with more than 15 fibres, minerals, resins and metals that have a wide range of everyday and specialist applications. What's the difference between natural and synthetic materials? How does amber capture a slice of prehistoric life? Why is cotton one of the world's most important crops? Spin some fine fabric with the mulberry silkworm. Become an illusionist's apprentice. And witness the mesmerising properties of gallium. From design and the fine arts to building and construction, and from the science lab to your home, appreciate the astonishing uses of materials as never before!The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds.This book aligns with the following syllabi:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Linear Algebra Ii: Advanced Topics For Applications
This is the second volume of the two-volume book on linear algebra in the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) Engineering Course.The objective of this second volume is to branch out from the standard mathematical results presented in the first volume to illustrate useful specific topics pertaining to engineering applications. While linear algebra is primarily concerned with systems of equations and eigenvalue problems for matrices and vectors with real or complex entries, this volumes covers other topics such as matrices and graphs, nonnegative matrices, systems of linear inequalities, integer matrices, polynomial matrices, generalized inverses, and group representation theory.The chapters are, for the most part, independent of each other, and can be read in any order according to the reader's interest. The main objective of this book is to present the mathematical aspects of linear algebraic methods for engineering that will potentially be effective in various application areas.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Towards Deep Understanding Of Elementary School Mathematics: A Brief Companion For Teacher Educators And Others
The book is intended to serve as a brief companion for mathematical educators of elementary teacher candidates who learn mathematics within a college of education both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Being informed by mathematics teaching and learning standards of the United States, Australia, Canada, Chile, England, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and South Africa, the book can be used internationally.The teaching methods emphasize the power of visualization, the use of physical materials, and support of computer technology including spreadsheet, Wolfram Alpha, and the Geometer's Sketchpad.The basic ideas include the development of the concepts of number, base-ten system, problem solving and posing, the emergence of fractions in the context of simple real-life activities requiring the extension of whole number arithmetic, decimals, percent, ratio, geoboard geometry, elements of combinatorics, probability and data analysis.The book includes historical aspects of elementary school mathematics. For example, readers would be interested to know that two-sided counters stem from the binary system with its genesis in the 1st millennium BC China of which Leibnitz (17th century) was one of the first notable proponents. The genesis of the base-ten arithmetic is in the Egyptian mathematics of the 4th millennium BC, enriched with the positional notation with the advent of Hindu-Arabic numerals in the 12th century Europe.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Hands-on Intermediate Econometrics Using R: Templates For Learning Quantitative Methods And R Software
How to learn both applied statistics (econometrics) and free, open-source software R? This book allows students to have a sense of accomplishment by copying and pasting many hands-on templates provided here.The textbook is essential for anyone wishing to have a practical understanding of an extensive range of topics in Econometrics. No other text provides software snippets to learn so many new statistical tools with hands-on examples. The explicit knowledge of inputs and outputs of each new method allows the student to know which algorithm is worth studying. The book offers sufficient theoretical and algorithmic details about a vast range of statistical techniques.The second edition's preface lists the following topics generally absent in other textbooks. (i) Iteratively reweighted least squares, (ii) Pillar charts to represent 3D data. (iii) Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) (iv) model selection with Mallows' Cp criterion. (v) Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter. (vi) Automatic ARIMA models. (vi) Nonlinear Granger-causality using kernel regressions and bootstrap confidence intervals. (vii) new Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC). (viii) Market-neutral pairs trading using two cointegrated stocks. (ix) Artificial neural network (ANN) for product-specific forecasting. (x) Vector AR and VARMA models. (xi) New tools for diagnosing the endogeneity problem. (xii) The elegant set-up of k-class estimators and identification. (xiii) Probit-logit models and Heckman selection bias correction. (xiv) Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and areas under them. (xv) Confusion matrix. (xvi) Quantile regression (xvii) Elastic net estimator. (xviii) generalized Correlations (xix) maximum entropy bootstrap for time series. (xx) Convergence concepts quantified. (xxi) Generalized partial correlation coefficients (xxii) Panel data and duration (survival) models.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Therapeutic Protein Targets For Drug Discovery And Clinical Evaluation: Bio-crystallography And Drug Design
The book reviews the recent research advances and their outcomes in the areas of structural biology, bioinformatics, phytochemistry and drug discovery. Chapters in the book cover multidisciplinary research to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in protein-protein/ligand interactions. It employs an integrative approach to identify the therapeutic targets for HIV, and cancer, pathogen and viral infection pathways and the identification of their potential drug candidates. The book also provides examples of computational molecular dynamics simulations to understand the conformational changes in the molecules. Some chapters are focused on exploring potent bioactive compounds from natural sources.This book can serve as a single source that covers several interdisciplinary research fields which will be beneficial to Researchers and students in postgraduate studies.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Carlo And The Future Of Communications
Every book in the Future Of ... collection contains a fun story, a field trip, and a focus on a famous person. In this book, Carlo experiences the breakdown of ICT around him. Through a school trip, he gets excited about the future of ICT, and writes a report on famous technopreneur, Steve Jobs. Come learn all about ICT with him, and be inspired!Discover, experiment and learn with the little scientists! Each little scientist has something new to teach readers. Through engaging narratives and full- colour illustrations, I'm a Little Scientist! introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world of science.Everyone can be a little scientist!
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd America's Future: Biden And The Progressives
This book is about a choice President Biden must make that will determine the future of America. His choice is between being a partisan politician or a non-partisan statesman. However, to be a statesman, he must contend with the progressive wing of his party. Today's progressives have become revolutionaries whose purpose is to remake America by canceling their opponents. Biden has a tiger by the tail. As in all such situations, the problem is how to let go. In this book, we suggest how Biden can free himself from the danger posed by the progressives and simultaneously benefit America dramatically.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Handbook Of Mathematical Science Communication
Mathematical science communication, as well as the field of science communication in general, has gained momentum over the last few decades. Mathematical science communication aims to inform the public about contemporary research, enhance factual and methodological knowledge, and foster a greater interest and support for the science of mathematics. This enables the public to apply it to their practical life, and to decision-making on a greater scale. These objectives are met in the various formats and media through which mathematical science communication is brought to the public.The first 13 chapters of the book consist of best-practice examples from the areas of informal math education, museums and exhibitions, and the arts. The final 5 chapters discuss the structural aspects of mathematical science communication and contribute to the basis for its theoretical framework.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Parallel Algorithms
This book is an introduction to the field of parallel algorithms and the underpinning techniques to realize the parallelization. The emphasis is on designing algorithms within the timeless and abstracted context of a high-level programming language. The focus of the presentation is on practical applications of the algorithm design using different models of parallel computation. Each model is illustrated by providing an adequate number of algorithms to solve some problems that quite often arise in many applications in science and engineering.The book is largely self-contained, presuming no special knowledge of parallel computers or particular mathematics. In addition, the solutions to all exercises are included at the end of each chapter.The book is intended as a text in the field of the design and analysis of parallel algorithms. It includes adequate material for a course in parallel algorithms at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Cosmic Roots: The Conflict Between Science And Religion And How It Led To The Secular Age
Cosmic Roots traces the five-thousand-year conflict between science and religion — and how it has shaped our modern secular worldview.Told with rare clarity and striking insight, this fascinating and thought-provoking book focuses on the history of cosmology and its sister science astronomy. For it was discoveries within these great disciplines which first led to the conflict between science and religion. The story begins with the cosmological beliefs of the ancients — from the flat Earth models of the Sumerians and Hebrews to the Greek notion of the orbits of planets as divine circles. Topics progress from Aristotle and Ptolemy's integrated planetary models to the Sun-centered cosmologies of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and the great Isaac Newton. Their combined scientific achievements stand as testimony to the power and imagination of the human mind.This meticulously researched narrative also traces the roots of Western religion, based on historical events and archeological evidence. It takes us on a captivating journey through Western religious history — from ancient paganism to the ethical monotheism of the Hebrews, Christians, and Moslems. Along the way, we follow the rise and fall of civilizations, of empires, cycles of war and peace, unification and division.The book concludes with how Darwin came up with his theory of evolution and the impact of modern physics on religious beliefs. The cumulative effect of the scientific discoveries presented in Cosmic Roots has, for better or for worse, led to the separation of science and religion we see in Western culture today.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Management And Leadership Of Non-profit Organisations In Singapore: A Common Language And Shared Meaning For Transformation
Non-profit organisations play a significant role in helping to build a more caring and inclusive Singapore. Organisations in the non-profit sector span over diverse mission and purpose from advancing education, community development, environmental protection, arts and culture, promotion of health and well-being, relief of poverty, and more. For these organisations, navigating the landscape of funders and grantmakers across the public and private sectors is complex and competitive. Against a backdrop of sociodemographic shifts and technological advancement, there is the ongoing quest to stay relevant.This book aims to address the distinctive management challenges of non-profits in Singapore. It draws on the context of this island city-state to discuss strategies and management frameworks that will enable leaders and managers in non-profit organisations to more effectively achieve social impact amidst internal organisational issues and an evolving external landscape.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Stationary Stochastic Models: An Introduction
This volume provides a unified mathematical introduction to stationary time series models and to continuous time stationary stochastic processes. The analysis of these stationary models is carried out in time domain and in frequency domain. It begins with a practical discussion on stationarity, by which practical methods for obtaining stationary data are described. The presented topics are illustrated by numerous examples. Readers will find the following covered in a comprehensive manner:At the end, some selected topics such as stationary random fields, simulation of Gaussian stationary processes, time series for planar directions, large deviations approximations and results of information theory are presented. A detailed appendix containing complementary materials will assist the reader with many technical aspects of the book.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Reflections On Conflict Resolution: In The Middle East And Beyond
What does the future hold for humanity in these uncertain times? While living in a battered, conflicted, and unstable global reality, it seems difficult to imagine a less embroiled reality.Reflections on Conflict Resolution offers hope that there might be ways to resolve, or at least mitigate, even complex, violent, and protracted conflicts between communities and nations. This volume presents the state of the art in a decade-long analysis of conflict resolution in the Middle East and beyond.The 15 articles by the author and his co-authors contain policy ideas, dilemmas, research, and analysis: dealing with social media and peacemaking as well as with negotiating climate politics; transcending from grappling with Anti-Semitism to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict resolution; and analyzing the negotiations that led to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal as well as Israeli-Arab peacemaking.The book is an essential reading for anyone interested in either conflict resolution, negotiations, peacebuilding, history, politics or the Middle East, be it an academician, a practitioner, a politician, a civil society activist, a student or an insatiable knowledge seeker.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Myanmar's Fragmented Democracy: Transition Or Illusion?
The recent military coup in Myanmar perpetrated by the Tatmadaw has set the country back to the days of political uncertainty and military authoritarianism. This book examines how far the country has come since its nascent attempt at democratic reforms and democratisation in 2010.Each chapter considers some of the more prominent issues that have plagued Myanmar since political reforms started. First, there have been debates about the extent to which democratic reforms have been achieved since the Constitution was formalised in 2008. Second, what has been the significance of the three elections in 2010, 2015 and 2020? Third, how has the National League for Democracy transformed in the past decade? How far has the Union Solidarity and Development Party changed the political landscape? What roles did the Tatmadaw play in the last decade? Fourth, questions surrounding how the ethnic crisis, not least the Rohingya issue, have continued to dominate the country's political landscape in the last decade, thereby overshadowing its democratisation process.Finally, how far have these efforts at democracy demonstrated Myanmar's futile attempts at appeasing the domestic and international audience? Myanmar's relations with the global and regional community vis-à-vis the US, China, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have also taken a toll in the last decade. There is already a shift in power politics, especially with China determining the direction of Myanmar.Myanmar has been locked in a perpetual cycle transitioning between military authoritarianism and democratisation. These prevailing issues have led to a fragmented democracy and a lost opportunity to demonstrate its foray into a genuine democracy.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Chinese Innovation And Branding Leaps
China is the largest emerging market economy and the second largest economy in the world. This fact makes better understanding of the experiences of Chinese firms globally and firms in China crucial factors for enhanced success. In essence, this book focuses on providing conceptual as well as in-depth case and other empirical studies on the challenges faced and lessons learned regarding the 'management of innovation, knowledge management, and branding' by Chinese firms in the global arena as well as foreign firms in China.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Invitation To Quantum Mechanics
How do atoms and electrons behave? Are they just like marbles, basketballs, suns, and planets, but smaller?They are not. Atoms and electrons behave in a fashion quite unlike the familiar marbles, basketballs, suns, and planets. This sophomore-level textbook delves into the counterintuitive, intricate, but ultimately fascinating world of quantum mechanics. Building both physical insight and mathematical technique, it opens up a new world to the discerning reader.After discussing experimental demonstrations showing that atoms behave differently from marbles, the book builds up the phenomena of the quantum world — quantization, interference, and entanglement — in the simplest possible system, the qubit. Once the phenomena are introduced, it builds mathematical machinery for describing them. It goes on to generalize those concepts and that machinery to more intricate systems. Special attention is paid to identical particles, the source of considerable student confusion. In the last chapter, students get a taste of what is not treated in the book and are invited to continue exploring quantum mechanics. Problems in the book test both conceptual and technical knowledge, and invite students to develop their own questions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Ontological Information: Information In The Physical World
This book is about the nature of information. It touches on many core issues of philosophy of the mind, ontology, and epistemology, and draws in several domain-specific concepts from physics, mathematics, thermodynamics, computer science, and biology. The terms used in this book, such as the mind, a conscious agent, meaning, and knowledge are used with very precise meanings because they can be easily misinterpreted. A proper understanding of these terms can be gained from the referenced literature. But more specifically, this book is about the concept of information as physical phenomenon.The book is a unique exposition of the concept of information as physical phenomenon. It provides the detailed analysis and synthesis of the current conceptualizations of information demonstrating the lack of common definition and their incompleteness. The detailed argument is provided why information may be defined as a physical phenomenon and why this type of information may be seen as fundamental to our understanding of this concept.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Mathematical Game Theory
What is a game? Classically, a game is perceived as something played by human beings. Its mathematical analysis is human-centered, explores the structures of particular games, economic or social environments and tries to model supposedly 'rational' human behavior in search of appropriate 'winning strategies'. This point of view places game theory into a very special scientific corner where mathematics, economics and psychology overlap and mingle.This book takes a novel approach to the subject. Its focus is on mathematical models that apply to game theory in particular but exhibit a universal character and thus extend the scope of game theory considerably.This textbook addresses anyone interested in a general game-theoretic view of the world. The reader should have mathematical knowledge at the level of a first course in real analysis and linear algebra. However, possibly more specialized aspects are further elaborated and pointers to relevant supplementary literature are given. Moreover, many examples invite the reader to participate 'actively' when going through the material. The scope of the book can be covered in one course on Mathematical Game Theory at advanced undergraduate or graduate level.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Impact Of Covid-19 On World Aviation Industry, The: Challenges And Opportunities
This book aims to illustrate the impact of COVID-19 on the global aviation industry and its many facets and disruptive innovations this crisis is bringing to the industry, triggering a new phase of development for air transportation. As a result, there has been increased attention on the green aviation industry using new sustainable fuels (including hydrogen). The aviation industry is also moving towards operating electric aircraft. The book emphasizes a new concept of air travel and an entirely new type of aircraft called eVTOL, which is to say - electric Vertical take-off and landing aircraft. This new reality is already taking place with the development of prototypes. However, the road to its implementation is full of challenges.The later part of the book focuses on how China has opened doors to the private aviation sector as the country foresees an enormous opportunity to push its internal economy and aviation industry further.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Science Discovery Files: 10 Forgotten Stories Of Incredible Scientists
Science Discovery Files: 10 Forgotten Stories of Incredible Scientists tells real stories of scientific discoveries that you cannot find in textbooks or popular science books. The scientists featured are a diverse group, from female Chinese chemist Tu Youyou to William Beaumont and his handicapped assistant Alexis St. Martin, who helped pioneer studies into the human digestive system. Going beyond history, readers can also learn about the science principles behind each discovery! The backmatter includes additional information and further reading for curious readers.Scientists featured:This book is a 2023 Nautilus Book Awards winner.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd I Never Call It Big Bang - George Gamow: The Extraordinary Story Of A Genius Of Physics
This book tells the incredible story of George Gamow, one of the most brilliant and extravagant physicists of the past century. Gamow was born in Russia in 1904 and died in the USA in 1968. He lived his life in a time between the twenties and the sixties, characterized by rapid developments in physics and became a key figure of that time. Gamow's true merits were seldom fully recognized. Yet his ideas are behind a number of Nobel Prizes for Physics during the past century. His remarkable achievements in Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology were the result of a combination of expertise and creativity, intuition and, importantly, of a good sense of humor. Together they craft the image of a true revolutionary scientist. Gamow also had a natural talent for popularization and was throughout his life a successful science communicator.The figure of Gamow is interesting also from a cultural perspective. His life stretches across a critical period in our history and moves geographically from Russia to the USA, via Europe. His story provides insights into the complex dialogue between historical events and scientific developments during the twentieth century.Our book builds on the extensive interview that science historian Charles Weiner did with Gamow shortly before his death. Here Gamow offers a complete survey of his scientific achievements. Tapping onto their dialogue, we have enriched the picture of Gamow's figure with materials gathered also from other sources. First of all, we discuss his autobiography, in which Gamow mainly focuses on the education he received in Russia and on his experience as a young scientist in Europe. We contrast this with relevant writings about his, at times, controversial role in the scientific environment of his epoch. Altogether, these form a critical and complex representation of the life and character of this extraordinary scientist and human being.Related Link(s)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Casual Calculus: A Friendly Student Companion - Volume 2
Yes, this is another Calculus book. However, it fits in a niche between the two predominant types of such texts. It could be used as a textbook, albeit a streamlined one — it contains exposition on each topic, with an introduction, rationale, train of thought, and solved examples with accompanying suggested exercises. It could be used as a solution guide — because it contains full written solutions to each of the hundreds of exercises posed inside. But its best position is right in between these two extremes. It is best used as a companion to a traditional text or as a refresher — with its conversational tone, its 'get right to it' content structure, and its inclusion of complete solutions to many problems, it is a friendly partner for students who are learning Calculus, either in class or via self-study.Exercises are structured in three sets to force multiple encounters with each topic. Solved examples in the text are accompanied by 'You Try It' problems, which are similar to the solved examples; the students use these to see if they're ready to move forward. Then at the end of the section, there are 'Practice Problems': more problems similar to the 'You Try It' problems, but given all at once. Finally, each section has Challenge Problems — these lean to being equally or a bit more difficult than the others, and they allow students to check on what they've mastered.The goal is to keep the students engaged with the text, and so the writing style is very informal, with attempts at humor along the way. The target audience is STEM students including those in engineering and meteorology programs.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Building Immunity: Crisis And Contagion In The City State
From the financial contagion of the 2007 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) to viral contagion in the recent COVID-19 pandemic, Singapore has been severely impacted by ripples and shockwaves that have emanated from global financial and healthcare crises. At the same time, it has proven to be highly resilient amidst such instability. This book provides an in-depth account of Singapore's policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and GFC. It focuses on the policy capacity-building efforts that have taken place in the aftermath of earlier crises such as the 2003 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak and the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis.Linked across time and space, these four crises — SARS, COVID-19, the AFC and GFC — reflect a consistent pattern in Singapore's approach to crisis management. This is a pattern that involves policy learning and capacity-building after each crisis, and the application of these lessons and capacities to subsequent crises. In focusing on the role of policy capacity in Singapore's crisis response measures, this book will provide policymakers and practitioners with a useful framework that can be used to plan for future crises and pandemics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Raffles' Banded Langur: The Elusive Monkey Of Singapore And Malaysia
Sir Stamford Raffles came across an unnamed new species in 1821 when he was documenting natural history in Singapore. This elusive primate, the Raffles' banded langur, was later named after him. This book is a one-stop resource for everything we know about the critically endangered primate that is only found in Singapore and Malaysia, including its distribution, diet, family structure, infant development, threats and conservation. The Raffles' banded langur is a large but slender-bodied monkey with black fur and white bands, while the infants are born with white fur and black bands. Exclusive high-quality photographs of the langurs are featured with family trees illustrating individually-named langurs. Interesting anecdotes about their personalities and behaviours are narrated. Living high up in the tree canopy, they eat a variety of local produce and exotic plants, from the red, juicy rambutans, stinky petai beans, to leafy angsana, perfumed wild cinnamon flowers and large sea almond fruits. This book showcases the diverse habitats of the Raffles' banded langurs, bringing us from the freshwater swamp forest in Singapore to the steep slopes of Gunung Lambak and the primary rainforests of Endau Rompin National Park in Johor, Malaysia. The book also highlights the cross-border conservation efforts and future plans to safeguard the long-term survival of the Raffles' banded langur, and promotes a better understanding and appreciation of our shared natural heritage.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd China's Belt And Road Initiative In Asean: Growing Presence, Recent Progress And Future Challenges
Southeast Asia's interactions with China have tremendously transformed and prospered in the recent decades, with China becoming ever more present on Southeast Asian soil in recent history, touching all dimensions: economic, political, social, and cultural. The current ASEAN-China dynamics are remarkably different from the past, bearing both excitement and caution for watchers. In this context, the advent of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has added a new perspective to the nature of China's rise in ASEAN. As the various BRI projects continue to unfold in ASEAN countries, public concerns about the impact of these projects are on the rise.However, there has not been enough extensive study on this issue. This edited book contributes towards bridging the knowledge gap by facilitating experts from ASEAN, China, and beyond, to discuss, reflect, debate the ground realities of BRI based on the local governments' and local people's experiences and narratives. The chapters in this volume address various dimensions of the BRI, provide unique perspectives, empirical evidence, and updated information on the overall progress of BRI in ASEAN.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Overwhelmed: A Tale Of Cascading Viral Outbreaks
Since the start of the 21st century, the world has been experiencing numerous infectious disease outbreaks, with little time to breath between events. This fictional novel takes place in various countries across the globe that are dealing with large infectious disease outbreaks due to viruses causing yellow fever, Zika,, Ebola and COVID-19. David Ferguson, in the World Health Organization's Emergency Preparedness Division, attempts to deal with these outbreaks, but must overcome numerous logistical, political and ethical roadblocks while becoming involved in a romantic relationship with Aceline Durand, who works for Medecins Sans Frontiers.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Managing Human Resources In Smes And Start-ups: International Challenges And Solutions
Human resources are the most important and costliest assets in businesses of any nature and size, no matter where they are based in the world. Talent management is a key managerial function in MNCs and other organisations with a global presence, but its importance in small businesses and start-ups cannot be overlooked.At its most basic level, managing people in small businesses encompasses compliance with the applicable labour laws, hiring, and creating a channel for dealing with employee issues. The price of not having the right employees in a small business can be extremely high. Workers who are inefficient or in the wrong role can have critical consequences on the sustainability of a small business. While most entrepreneurs focus on marketing, finance, operations, and customers in their initial stages, this means that they at times fail to establish and address their HR function and the associated challenges that, if overcome, may help the organisation to meet all of its targets. This book aims to highlight these HR challenges and shed new light on how to answer them.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Basic Concepts In Algorithms
This book is the result of several decades of teaching experience in data structures and algorithms. It is self-contained but does assume some prior knowledge of data structures, and a grasp of basic programming and mathematics tools. Basic Concepts in Algorithms focuses on more advanced paradigms and methods combining basic programming constructs as building blocks and their usefulness in the derivation of algorithms. Its coverage includes the algorithms' design process and an analysis of their performance. It is primarily intended as a textbook for the teaching of Algorithms for second year undergraduate students in study fields related to computers and programming.Klein reproduces his oral teaching style in writing, with one topic leading to another, related one. Most of the classical and some more advanced subjects in the theory of algorithms are covered, though not in a comprehensive manner. The topics include Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming, Graph algorithms, probabilistic algorithms, data compression, numerical algorithms and intractability. Each chapter comes with its own set of exercises, and solutions to most of them are appended.Related Link(s)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Pop! Lit For Kids (Set 1)
Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere. Readers can embark on new adventures with famous beloved storybook characters. In addition, the books come to life with augmented reality features, giving readers an enhanced experience that they'll never forget!Follow the world's most famous detective as he solves three of his greatest mysteries: The Adventure of the Speckled Band, The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, and A Scandal in Bohemia. In their efforts to uncover the truth, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson encounter all kinds of mystery, murder, and impossible crimes.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Emma Investigates Water
Emma plays detective and discovers the wonders of water in its three states: solid, liquid and gas. Learn how she puts clues together, and you will discover water in a new way too!Discover, experiment and learn with the little scientists! Each little scientist has something new to teach young readers. Every book in the series is centred around a science phenomenon, ranging from the water cycle to light refraction to static electricity. Through engaging narratives and whimsical illustrations, 'I'm a Little Scientist' introduces young children to the exciting and ever-changing world of science. Go beyond the story with fun activities and simple experiments to encourage interactive learning! Each book features two pages of scientific experiments for children to put what they've learnt into action.Everyone can be a little scientist!
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine - Volume 29: Cervical Radiculopathy
This 29th volume of the Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine series aims to provide a multi-faceted 'whole evidence' analysis of the management of cervical radiculopathy in integrative Chinese medicine.Beginning with overviews of how cervical radiculopathy is conceptualised and managed in both conventional medicine and contemporary Chinese medicine, the authors then provide detailed analyses of how cervical radiculopathy was treated with herbal medicine and acupuncture in past eras.In the subsequent chapters, the authors provide a comprehensive review of the current state of the clinical trial evidence for Chinese herbal medicines (Chapter 5), acupuncture (Chapter 7), other Chinese medicine therapies (Chapter 8), and combination Chinese medicine therapies (Chapter 9) in the management of cervical radiculopathy, as well as an analysis and evaluation of the results of these studies from an evidence-based medicine perspective. Chapter 6 provides a review and summary of the experimental evidence for the bioactivity of commonly used Chinese herbs. The outcomes of these analyses are summarised and discussed in Chapter 10. The implications for the clinical practice of Chinese medicine and for future research are also identified.This book can inform clinicians and students in the fields of integrative medicine and Chinese medicine regarding contemporary practice and the current evidence base for a range of Chinese medicine therapies used in the management of Cervical Radiculopathy, including herbal formulas and acupuncture treatments, in order to assist clinicians in making evidence-based decisions in patient care.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lectures On Algebraic Topology
Algebraic Topology and basic homotopy theory form a fundamental building block for much of modern mathematics. These lecture notes represent a culmination of many years of leading a two-semester course in this subject at MIT. The style is engaging and student-friendly, but precise. Every lecture is accompanied by exercises. It begins slowly in order to gather up students with a variety of backgrounds, but gains pace as the course progresses, and by the end the student has a command of all the basic techniques of classical homotopy theory.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd 300 Mcqs For The Duke Elder Ophthalmology Exam
This book contains 300 multiple choice questions (MCQs), in the format of a single best answer (SBA) from four options, for undergraduate medical students preparing for the Duke Elder prize exam run by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) annually.The content is organised in line with topics drawn from the candidate information pack provided by the RCOphth. Each question is supplemented with a detailed explanation of the right answer as well as explanations for the alternative answers, elucidating common mistakes made by students. These explanations are supplemented with schematic diagrams which greatly aid understanding. There are 8 chapters focusing on topics outlined in the Duke Elder exam, each containing a set of 25 questions and answers. This allows us to cover the most commonly seen topics appearing in the exam.The book will also provide a full mock assessment which will offer a unique opportunity for candidates to apply their knowledge in an exam context. The exam format is such that candidates must complete 90 MCQs in the space of 2 hours. Our mock will provide candidates with a 100 MCQ mock to be completed in the space of 2 hours 15 minutes.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Principles Of Solar Cells: Connecting Perspectives On Device, System, Reliability, And Data Science
How does a solar cell work? How efficient can it be? Why do intricate patterns of metal lines decorate the surface of a solar module? How are the modules arranged in a solar farm? How can sunlight be stored during the day so that it can be used at night? And, how can a lifetime of more than 25 years be ensured in solar modules, despite the exposure to extreme patterns of weather? How do emerging machine-learning techniques assess the health of a solar farm? This practical book will answer all these questions and much more.Written in a conversational style and with over one-hundred homework problems, this book offers an end-to-end perspective, connecting the multi-disciplinary and multi-scale physical phenomena of electron-photon interaction at the molecular level to the design of kilometers-long solar farms. A new conceptual framework explains each concept in a simple, crystal-clear form. The novel use of thermodynamics not only determines the ultimate conversion efficiencies of the various solar cells proposed over the years, but also identifies the measurement artifacts and establishes practical limits by correlating the degradation modes. Extensive coverage of conceptual techniques already developed in other fields further inspire innovative designs of solar farms.This book will not only help you to make a solar cell, but it will help you make a solar cell better, to trace and reclaim the photons that would have been lost otherwise. Collaborations across multiple disciplines make photovoltaics real and given the concern about reducing the overall cost of solar energy, this interdisciplinary book is essential reading for anyone interested in photovoltaic technology.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Problems And Solutions In Mathematical Olympiad (High School 1)
The series is edited by the head coaches of China's IMO National Team. Each volume, catering to different grades, is contributed by the senior coaches of the IMO National Team. The Chinese edition has won the award of Top 50 most influential educational brand in China.The series is in line with the mathematics cognition and intellectual development level of the students in the corresponding grade. The volume lines up the topics in each chapter and introduces a variety of concepts and methods to provide with the knowledge, then gradually transitions to the competition level. The content covers all the hot topics of the competition.In each chapter, there are packed with many problems including some real competition questions which students can use to verify their abilities. Selected detailed answers are provided. Some of the solutions are from national training team and national team members, their wonderful solutions being the feature of this series.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Has Asia Lost It?: Dynamic Past, Turbulent Future
''Shastry's polemic cites extensive research from experts and exploits the author's knowledge of Asia and his connections to the region's elite, with whom he rubs shoulders at Davos and other summits. What shows through in the book though is Shastry's compassion for the continent's ordinary people.'IMF F&D MagazineAsia has been the greatest show on earth since Japan's rise from the ashes of World War II, accompanied in successive decades with the emergence of the Asian tigers, and eventually the two giants China and India. The Asian miracle has few precedents in the modern era, with billions lifted from poverty in a generation. The region's openness to trade and investment aligned perfectly with the tailwinds of globalisation. However, in recent years Asia has become a victim of its own success with commentators not differentiating between a utopian high-income Asia and a dystopian middle- and low-income Asia, where a significant majority of the region's population live. Asia today can be divided into countries which have a lot, have a little, and have none. The continent's dream run is also coming to an end as Covid-19 exposes sharp weaknesses in state capacity and structural challenges like the U.S.-China trade war is putting globalisation into reverse gear, jeopardising the region's hard-earned economic success. Asia's growth-obsessed policymakers have also ignored social pressures from the impact of technology on jobs, rising inequality, fabulous wealth accumulation by a favoured billionaire class, a deepening demographic divide, climate distress, and gender disparity, which threaten to destabilise the region's famed cohesiveness. In his penetrating new book, well-known Asia expert Vasuki Shastry argues that while Asia's reckoning may have been the subject of speculation before the pandemic, Covid-19 has made that inevitable. Inspired by Dante's Inferno, Shastry takes readers on a journey through modern Asia's eight circles of hell where we encounter urban cowboys and cowgirls fleeing rural areas to live in increasingly uninhabitable cities, disadvantaged teenage girls unable to meet their aspirations due to social strictures, internal mutiny, messy geopolitics from the rise of China, and a political and business class whose interests are in conflict with a majority of the population. Shastry challenges conventional thinking about Asia's place in the world and the book is essential reading for those with an interest in the continent's future.Related Link(s)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Scientific Writing 3.0: A Reader And Writer's Guide
The third edition of this book aims to equip both young and experienced researchers with all the tools and strategy they will need for their papers to not just be accepted, but stand out in the crowded field of academic publishing. It seeks to question and deconstruct the legacy of existing science writing, replacing or supporting historically existing practices with principle- and evidence-driven styles of effective writing. It encourages a reader-centric approach to writing, satisfying reader-scientists at large, but also the paper's most powerful readers, the reviewer and editor. Going beyond the baseline of well-structured scientific writing, this book leverages an understanding of human physiological limitations (memory, attention, time) to help the author craft a document that is optimized for readability.Through real and fictional examples, hands-on exercises, and entertaining stories, this book breaks down the critical parts of a typical scientific paper (Title, Abstract, Introduction, Visuals, Structure, and Conclusions). It shows at great depth how to achieve the essential qualities required in scientific writing, namely being clear, concise, convincing, fluid, interesting, and organized. To enable the writer to assess whether these parts are well written from a reader's perspective, the book also offers practical metrics in the form of six checklists, and even an original Java application to assist in the evaluation.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Mathematical Journey Through Differential Equations Of Physics, A
Mathematics is the language of physics, and over time physicists have developed their own dialect. The main purpose of this book is to bridge this language barrier, and introduce the readers to the beauty of mathematical physics. It shows how to combine the strengths of both approaches: physicists often arrive at interesting conjectures based on good intuition, which can serve as the starting point of interesting mathematics. Conversely, mathematicians can more easily see commonalities between very different fields (such as quantum mechanics and electromagnetism), and employ more advanced tools.Rather than focusing on a particular topic, the book showcases conceptual and mathematical commonalities across different physical theories. It translates physical problems to concrete mathematical questions, shows how to answer them and explains how to interpret the answers physically. For example, if two Hamiltonians are close, why are their dynamics similar?The book alternates between mathematics- and physics-centric chapters, and includes plenty of concrete examples from physics as well as 76 exercises with solutions. It exploits that readers from either end are familiar with some of the material already. The mathematics-centric chapters provide the necessary background to make physical concepts mathematically precise and establish basic facts. And each physics-centric chapter introduces physical theories in a way that is more friendly to mathematicians.As the book progresses, advanced material is sprinkled in to showcase how mathematics and physics augment one another. Some of these examples are based on recent publications and include material which has not been covered in other textbooks. This is to keep it interesting for the readers.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Water And Life: Life In Water And Water In Life
This book is unique in presenting all aspects of water. It includes discussion of the theory of a water molecule, its properties, both in the pure state and as a solvent. In particular, it emphasizes the relevance of water to life.Water is the most important liquid. It is also a vital component of all living systems. It has very unusual properties which makes it the most interesting for research and study.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd China's Political Economy In The Xi Jinping Epoch: Domestic And Global Dimensions
This book takes a fresh look at Chinese political economy at a key inflection point. Facing a more competitive international environment, Chinese reform has shifted from its earlier focus on economic liberalization and political decentralization to a more tightly organized, centralized form of state socialism. The Party-state's vigorous fiscal reaction to the Global Financial Crisis (2008-2009) left the country with a much improved infrastructure and greater sense of national self-assurance. The more monocratic central leadership has redoubled efforts to fight poverty and pollution, push technological innovation, and at the same time rigorously enforce ideological consensus, political loyalty and anticorruption.This has been occurring in an international context of slowing trade and nationalist pushback against 'globalization', prominently including bilateral Chinese-American polarization. While China has been among the staunchest advocates and beneficiaries of globalization, incipient trade war 'decoupling' has spurred movement toward economic and technological self-reliance. Turning inward however vies with a rival impulse toward more vigorous engagement in the world. This is most consequentially represented by the Belt and Road Initiative, driving massive infrastructure construction through Central Asia and the South and Southeast Asian maritime periphery. Despite slowing growth and a large debt overhang, swift recovery from the Covid-19 epidemic leaves China in a relatively strong economic position.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Adventures In Recreational Mathematics (In 2 Volumes)
David Singmaster believes in the presentation and teaching of mathematics as recreation. When the Rubik's Cube took off in 1978, based on thinly disguised mathematics, he became seriously interested in mathematical puzzles which would provide mental stimulation for students and professional mathematicians. He has not only published the standard mathematical solution for the Rubik's cube still in use today, but he has also become the de facto scribe and noted chronicler of the recreational mathematics puzzles themselves.Dr Singmaster is also an ongoing lecturer of recreational mathematics around the globe, a noted mechanical puzzle collector, owner of thousands of books related to recreational mathematical puzzles and the 'go to' source for the history of individual mathematical puzzles.This set of two books provides readers with an adventure into previously unknown origins of ancient puzzles, which could be traced back to their Medieval, Chinese, Arabic and Indian sources. The puzzles are fully described, many with illustrations, adding interest to their history and relevance to contemporary mathematical concepts. These are musings of a respected historian of recreational mathematics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Revitalising Asean Economies In A Post-covid-19 World: Socioeconomic Issues In The New Normal
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic was reported in China in December 2019, and later spread to other parts of the world. Countries in Southeast Asia were some of the first nations affected by the pandemic due to their geographical proximities and trade relations with China. In January 2020, the virus spread to some countries within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The number of confirmed cases kept increasing within ASEAN and other countries of the world. Consequently, countries in ASEAN introduced preventive and containment measures to cope with the pandemic, which include quarantines, lockdowns, restrictions of movements and large gatherings, as well as school and business closures.Beyond the efforts of preventing and containing the spread of the virus, ASEAN's most significant challenges are the social and economic crisis of historic proportions that are beginning to unfold. COVID-19 pandemic has brought interruptions in all sectors of ASEAN economies. It is, therefore, imperative to assess the extent to which the pandemic has impacted the social and economic aspects of the region. This book intends to highlight the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in ASEAN and suggest ways on how to mitigate them. It covers how the shocks from COVID-19 have impacted production, supply chains, demand, commodity prices, consumer behaviour, financial markets, employment, services, transportation and community, and the various policies that ASEAN authorities should put in place to mitigate the effects of the pandemic.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Chinese Astrology And Astronomy: An Outside History
Chinese Astrology and Astronomy: An Outside History discusses the ancient Chinese's needs and reasons for engaging in astronomy. It presents the study on ancient astronomical phenomena and manuals, and analyzes the cosmological views of ancient Chinese. It also expounds the nature and functions of astronomy to ancient Chinese, as well as its difference from the western modern astronomy of today, exploring on new issues in a bold but logical fashion, and offering arguments that challenge even the views of authority.This book stands as a translated version, by Chen Wenan, an associate professor of Ningbo University, of the original Chinese publication Tianxue Waishi by Jiang Xiaoyuan.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Markplus Inc: Winning The Future - Marketing And Entrepreneurship In Harmony
This book seeks to understand how a one-man consultancy practice can grow to become what is arguably the largest such enterprise in one of the world's largest countries. It follows the incredible story of the start-up MarkPlus and its journey to become what it is today. Through this journey, one will discover the importance of developing innovative and original marketing frameworks and practices, along with the purpose and passion of a start-up's founder. This insightful book covers many well-established marketing concepts and practices and sheds light on the path that many entrepreneurs must take in establishing their own businesses.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Strategic Learning: A Holistic Approach To Studying
'Dr Bob was our pediatrician. If we could trust him with our kids, you can trust him with how to learn better. I discovered many surprising truths about learning in this book, so follow the scientific research and become a better learner.'Guy KawasakiBestselling book author, chief evangelist of Canva and creator of the 'Remarkable People' podcast Most 'how to learn' books focus only on study techniques. However, knowing these study techniques doesn't guarantee they will be successfully implemented. Based on Professor Kamei's popular undergraduate course at the National University of Singapore, the author shares his unique perspective as an educator and physician to provide a strategic approach to learning that will benefit all students looking to optimize their learning.His extensive experience with helping students with their studies has identified a wide variety of reasons why they were not learning properly. What throws many learners off is that they hold certain myths that result in poor study habits. Learners who understand the truth behind these myths can use this knowledge to better plan their study and have an advantage over others that don't.Furthermore, modifying your study methods won't make much difference if you are too sleepy to learn or lack the motivation and self-discipline to pick up a book. These foundational aspects of learning also need to be solidly in place. This book takes learners through the author's holistic method to help students learn better and meet whatever learning challenges they face.Learners of all ages who wish to optimize their learning will benefit from this book, as well as educators seeking an approach to help their students learn better.Related Link(s)