Search results for ""Pocket""
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Somebody Stop Ivy Pocket
Ivy is now the beloved daughter of Ezra and Mother Snagbsy, coffin makers, even if she does have to work rather like a maid. Their trade is roaring, and Ivy is as happy as a pig in clover. Especially when she escapes to the library to talk to the devastatingly sympathetic Miss Carnage. But then Ivy guesses that all is not as it seems with her new parents, and discovers that she can pass into the world of the Clock Diamond. There, she sees her friend Rebecca, horribly sad and desperate. Can Ivy save Rebecca, and what do a missing aristocrat, a forbidden love affair and a bullfrog have to do with her mission? Illustrated in humorous gothic detail by John Kelly, Somebody Stop Ivy Pocket is the second tale in Ivy's deadly comic journey to discover who she really is ... Perfect for fans of Lemony Snicket
Taylor & Francis Ltd Illustrated Building Pocket Book
Building and architecture has developed a language of its own, with terms and jargon that can confuse an expert let alone an outsider. Misunderstandings over what a word means can be irritating but unimportant, but could in the worst cases be costly or even dangerous.Traditional building dictionaries rely on the reader to already know what the correct word is, and that's not always the case. Roxanna McDonald's technique is radically different, and makes full use of the power of visual communication to convey information. Each stage of the building and design process is illustrated, and each hand-drawn illustration is carefully labelled with the relevant technical terms, to ensure that each term is used correctly and consistently by everyone working on a project.The 'Illustrated Building Pocket Book' is a radical approach to the age-old problem of the ambiguous use of technical language in building and architecture. By using drawings – which leave little room for ambiguity – clarity, safety and certainty can be achieved.
F.A. Davis Company Neuro Notes: Clinical Pocket Guide
Whatever the practice setting- acute care, rehabilitation, outpatient, extended care, or in a school- turn to this handy pocket guide to the neurological examination. Small in size, but not in content, it covers all of the common neuromuscular conditions, disorders, and diseases you might encountered in patients throughout their lifespans. A spiral binding, thumb tabs and nearly 240 illustrations insure you can find just what you're looking for. Waterproof, reusable pages let you record clinical data and then wipe the pages clean with alcohol.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Bull's Pocket Guide to Corkscrews
A longtime collector of corkscrews, author Donald A. Bull first displayed the breadth of his collection in The Ultimate Corkscrew Book, an extensive volume spanning the diversity and creativity of corkscrew production over the last several hundred years. Now with the companion guide, Bull's Pocket Guide to Corkscrews, collectors and dealers are once again invited to explore remarkable examples of corkscrews. From figurals and eclectic corkscrews to corkscrew knives, rare and novelty varieties are well represented. For easy reference, all corkscrews are classified categorically along with their current market values.
Thieme Publishing Group Pocket Atlas of Echocardiography
A highly successful introduction to echocardiography, now in a new and enhanced edition In diagnostic cardiology, the effectiveness and reliability of state-of-the-art echocardiography is unsurpassed but-as with all ultrasound examinations-the results are highly operator dependent. The second edition of Boehmeke's Pocket Atlas of Echocardiography is concise and portable, including all the information necessary to perform and read echocardiograms, and to navigate the bewildering number of imaging planes that transect the heart, with ease and confidence. Key features: More than 400 illustrations, including sharp, clear echocardiograms, corresponding full-color schematic diagrams, and 3-D images. For this new edition, all images showing cardiac disease have been post-processed to make them clearer and in more accurate relation to the explanatory drawings Detailed descriptions of all the acoustic windows and imaging planes for every echocardiogram A practical overview of the typical patient examination, including imaging and patient positioning All cardiac diseases are shown: valvular heart disease, coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathies, prosthetic valves, carditis, septal defects, hypertensive heart diseases, intracardiac masses; depicted in B-mode, M-mode, Doppler and color Doppler New to the second edition: nearly 80 videos are now accessible on the Thieme MediaCenter showing normal views and many pathologies in video mode
Gill The Pocket Irish Potato Cookbook
This wonderful book gathers together a collection of delicious recipes featuring Ireland’s favourite food. Here, the humble potato is transformed into classic dishes such as Dublin coddle, colcannon and boxty, while there are also recipes for adventurous new suggestions including parmesan potato cakes and even potato pizza! The Pocket Irish Potato Cookbook will help you create exciting meals that all the family will enjoy. Includes a history of Ireland’s relationship with the potato and heritage varieties. 'Eveleen Coyle, who runs the excellent Fab Food Trails in Dublin and around the country, has brought her publishing credentials to the fore by writing a lovely little ode to the potato.' - Marie-Claire Digby, Irish Times Magazine
O'Reilly Media Jakarta Struts Pocket Reference
Web tier frameworks have soared in popularity over the past year or so due to the increasing complexity of Java itself, and the need to get more work done with fewer resources. Developers who used to spend hours and hours writing low-level features can use a well-written framework to build the presentation tier so they start coding the "good stuff" sooner - the business logic at the core of the program. The Jakarta Struts Framework is one of the most popular presentation frameworks for building web applications with Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technologies. If you work with the Struts Framework, then you know it speeds development time. You also know that many of its features are made up of components that are used repeatedly. Having to stop to check each component's parameters and programming details can be a time waster. The answer? "The Jakarta Struts Pocket Reference". This portable book aims to provide easy access to the facts you need to get your job done. It is a quick reference to all the core features of the Jakarta Struts framework and contains detailed information on the extensive Struts tag libraries, which were described in less detail in the larger work as they were still in development at that time. This little book also provides convenient coverage of the following: new features in Struts 1.1; configuration; action classes; action forms; built-in classes; using application modules; and internationalization.
Clinical Pocket Reference Clinical Pocket Reference for Nursing Associates: Essential Knowledge for Clinical Practice: 2023
The Nursing Associate (NA) role was developed following the outcome of the Shape of Caring Review (Health Education England 2015) which showed that there was a knowledge and skills gap between healthcare assistants and registered nurses. This resource is for you if you are training to be a Nursing Associate or are now qualified. It contains the essential knowledge you’ll need to deliver safe, confident, and person-centred care, across the four nursing fields: adult, children, learning disabilities and mental health. This pocket reference emphasises the unique NA role and recognizes the diverse range of clinical areas in which NAs work across primary, secondary, and tertiary care in England. In addition: 1. Each field is signposted throughout the text (A, CYP, LD, MH) 2. All sections are referenced to support your learning and further professional development 3. An accessible format and clear organisation makes it easy to use. 4. An abbreviation of terms section will help you interpret key information. 5. The symbol ⚠ is used throughout the guide and acts as a reminder to NAs stay updated and refer to local standard operating policies and scope of practice. The new practice and proficiency standards required by the NMC from 2018/19 are fully incorporated and updated.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Cutty Sark Pocket Manual
Constructed on the Clyde in 1869 for the Jock Willis Shipping Line, Cutty Sark was one of the last tea clippers to be built and one of the fastest. Cutty Sark spent just a few years on the tea routes before the opening of the Suez Canal and the increasing use of steamships made clippers unprofitable on shorter routes. It was turned to the trade in wool from Australia, where for ten years she held the record time for a journey to Britain. After finishing her time in service as cargo ship, and then a training and cadet ship, it was transferred to permanent dry dock at Greenwich, London, for public display. This handy and illuminating pocket manual collates original documents to tell the fascinating story of how the legendary Cutty Sark was commissioned, her design and building, life on board and her notable journeys.
Ebury Publishing The Natural Navigator Pocket Guide
Starting with a simple question - 'Which way am I looking?' - Tristan Gooley blends natural science, myth, folklore and the history of travel to introduce you to the rare and ancient art of finding your way using nature's own sign-posts, from the feel of a rock to the look of the moon.With Tristan's help, you'll learn why some trees grow the way they do and how they can help you find your way in the countryside. You'll discover how it's possible to find North simply by looking at a puddle and how natural signs can be used to navigate on the open ocean and in the heart of the city. Wonderfully detailed and full of fascinating stories, this is a glorious exploration of the rediscovered art of natural navigation.The Natural Navigator Pocket Guide is a user-friendly, practical book and the beautiful illustrations are a useful tool to help travellers on their instrument-free journey.
O'Reilly Media Oracle Data Dictionary Pocket Reference
If you work with Oracle, then you don't need to be told that the data dictionary is large and complex, and grows larger with each new Oracle release. It's one of the basic elements of the Oracle database you interact with regularly, but the sheer number of tables and views makes it difficult to remember which view you need, much less the name of the specific column. This dictionary is a collection of tables and related views that allow DBAs and developers to examine various aspects of the Oracle database. It's something every Oracle user should find useful to access on a regular basis. Its handy and compact format lets you locate the table and view you need effortlessly without stopping to interrupt your work. The book gives DBAs and developers at any level quick and easy access to the data dictionary in Oracle's latest database, Oracle9i. This pocket-sized book provides a complete list of the most commonly used tables and views in the Oracle9i data dictionary, intelligently arranged for quick reference. It also includes column names and descriptions for each of the tables and views, as well as helpful tips, warnings, and usage examples.
Gemini Books Group Ltd The Pocket Aussie English
Get started learning strine, the unique language of s'traya, with this handy guide. You're a bee's dick away from becoming a cheeky little possum.
Union Square Kids Hearts in My Pocket
Espasa Libros, S.L. Diccionario Pocket españolitaliano italianoespañol
Más de 40.000 entradas. Más de 70.000 definiciones y traducciones. Expresiones idiomáticas y locuciones. Modelos de conjugación verbal. Incluye además dos útiles secciones de consulta: Italiano práctico: una guía de uso del italiano que contiene una selección de términos y expresiones y ofrece modelos de diversos tipos de textos: cartas, currículos, correo electrónico, sms....; y Gramática italiana: un acertado resumen gramatical, imprescindible para resolver eficazmente cualquier duda sobre el idioma.
Diccionario Pocket EnglishSpanish EspañolInglés
Un diccionario con todo el inglés indispensable, en una edición actualizada en la que se han incorporado abundantes neologismos y vocabulario de la vida cotidiana. Este diccionario, ideal para estudiantes de inglés de nivel intermedio, contiene más de 80 000 traducciones, con numerosos ejemplos de uso. Ofrece la transcripción fonética de las palabras inglesas. Incluye los principales americanismos así como modelos de conjugación verbal irregular, numerosas frases hechas y construcciones gramaticales.
Taylor Trade Publishing Bulls: A Pocket Primer
Here's a handy, inexpensive guide to the world's greatest basketball team filled with things you didn't know about them. For example, what's it like to ride on the team bus? Why didn't GM Jerry Krause and coach Phil Jackson get along? Roland Lazenby has written extensively about the Bulls. His title Bull Run! sold better than 50,000 copies and was named Small Press Sports Book of the Year for 1997. This title is guaranteed to delight as the Bulls make their way through the final season of their great run of five championships in seven years.
Faber Music Ltd In the Pocket DVD
Penguin Random House Australia A Pocket for Corduroy
Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc Cuba in My Pocket
By the author of 2021 Pura Belpré Honor Book The Total Eclipse of Nestor Lopez, a sweeping, emotional middle grade historical novel about a twelve-year-old boy who leaves his family in Cuba to immigrate to the U.S. by himself, based on the author's family history. "I don't remember. Tell me everything, Pepito. Tell me about Cuba." When the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 solidifies Castro's power in Cuba, twelve-year-old Cumba's family makes the difficult decision to send him to Florida alone. Faced with the prospect of living in another country by himself, Cumba tries to remember the sound of his father's clarinet, the smell of his mother's lavender perfume. Life in the United States presents a whole new set of challenges. Lost in a sea of English speakers, Cumba has to navigate a new city, a new school, and new freedom all on his own. With each day, Cumba feels more confident in his new surroundings, but he continues to wonder: Will his family ever be whole again? Or will they remain just out of reach, ninety miles across the sea?
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Pipe Trades Pocket Manual
New Heroes & Pioneers SHARE Lagom: Pocket Editions
Lagom is a uniquely Swedish term that doesn't have an English equivalent (Which I find to be pretty common, the Swedish language has denser words that the English language usually uses two or three words to describe.) Not only does it not translate perfectly but its just a very Swedish idea, or feeling. A popular etymological translation is "around the team" meaning enough food or drink for everyone at the table, this translation is said to go back to Viking times. Lagom is "Just enough," "Not too much or too little," "Just right," "Enough to go around," "Fair share." It indicates balance. Lagom doesn't have the negative connotation of "sufficient" nor does it claim perfection SHARE LAGOM contains 50 inspired artworks carefully selected amongst the best up-and-coming first time published artists. Following the success of SHARE Vol. 1 &2 this third installment combines the winning concept of high quality prints on perforated pages with the trendy theme of Lagom. Each featured artist presents a single piece of work along with companion text in a two page format. The specially designed LAGOM size book is optimized for its intended purpose: every page's perforation encourages readers to pull them as individual works of art. 1 A chance to offer an elegant, modern volume which transforms the pages into high quality art prints ready for hanging. 2 An original way to experience and share the culture and art of Scandinavia, the main inspiration of Lagom, within and beyond the borders of publishing. 3 The first of the SHARE series as a special edition. Half price, smaller, more flexible, but keep the high quality of the content and the paper. 4 Lagom is the new Hugge.
Panini Verlags GmbH The Boys Pocket Edition
Panini Verlags GmbH The Boys Pocket Edition
Urban Good Slow Ways Pocket Atlas
Mattel Publishing Polly Pocket Tiny Power
Interlink Publishing Group, Inc Red Kaffiyeh Pocket Journal
Shambhala Publications Inc The Pocket Chögyam Trungpa
Red Wheel/Weiser Virgo Pocket Zodiac Cards
Red Wheel/Weiser Sagittarius Pocket Zodiac Cards
Red Wheel/Weiser Gemini Pocket Zodiac Cards
Red Wheel/Weiser Aries Pocket Zodiac Cards
Hay House UK Starcodes Astro Pocket Oracle
The History Press Ltd Julius Caesar: pocket GIANTS
Why is Caesar a giant? Because he effectively created the Roman Empire, and thus made possible the European civilization that grew out of it. As the People's champion against a corrupt and murderous oligarchy, he began transformation of the Roman republic into a quasi-monarchy and a military and fiscal system that for four centuries provided western Europe, north Africa and the Middle East with security, prosperity and relative peace. His conquest of Gaul and his successors' conquests of Germany, the Balkans and Britain created both the conditions for 'western culture' and many of the historic cities in which it has flourished.
Llewellyn Publications Beyond Lemuria (Pocket Edition)
O'Reilly Media JavaServer Pages Pocket Reference
This is a quick reference to a popular but complicated web technology. The component-based technology of JavaServer Pages (JSP) makes it easy for even web designers with little knowledge of Java programming to create dynamic web pages and to simplify the task of building applications that work with a wide variety of web servers, application servers, browsers and development tools. This reference book simplifies the ability to access JSP essentials and provides a quick over-view of the fundamentals of JSP and the servlets technology on which it is based. It also offers succinct information on JSP application development for web page designers, with reference sections on scripting elements, error handling, user session management and security.
Gemini Books Group Ltd The Pocket Ariana Grande
Freytag-Berndt Madeira Island Pocket Map
In addition to the clear design, the Madeira street map has a lot of additional information such as sights, campsites and a city center map of Funchal.
Dokument Forlag Urban Scrawl Pocket Notes
Moleskine Moleskine Pocket Watercolour Notebook
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Pokémon Pocket Comics: Classic
What trouble will your favorite Pokémon get into in this volume of four-panel comics? Your favorite classic Pokémon from the first two generations appear in this fourth volume in the series: Pikachu, Ninetails, Charmander, Psyduck and Clefairy—to name just a few! Pokémon stories, puns, jokes and vital statistics! The fourth volume in the best-selling Pokémon dual activity and gag comic series in a substantial brick book format chock-full of four-panel gags, Pokémon trivia and jokes!
Llewellyn Publications Kali Oracle (Pocket Edition)
Kevin Mayhew Ltd Daily Prayer (Pocket Paperback)
Merriam Webster,U.S. MerriamWebsters Pocket FrenchEnglish Dictionary
Penguin Random House Children's UK Monstroso (Pocket Money Puffin)
Oscar is not looking forward to Grandad coming to look after him at the weekend - it means he'll have to play endless rounds of chess or Monopoly, instead of war games on his computer. But when he finds Dad's ancient laptop in the study, he can't resist logging on to something called Project X - and all too soon Oscar creates a real live warrior, who is programmed to obey his every command. However Monstroso's wires are more than a little crossed, and Oscar finds himself in all sorts of trouble...Crazy fighting and monsters abound in Charlie's Higson's highly entertaining story for younger readers.
Tarot Rider Waite Edición Pocket
"La edición original y única autorizada del famoso Tarot de 78 cartas diseñado por PAMELA COLMAN SMITH bajo la dirección de ARTHUR EDWARD WAITE.Reeditado en colaboración con Sybil Waite y la empresa Rider & Company, de Londres.Contiene 78 cartas y manual de instrucciones realizado por Arthur Edward Waite.22 Arcanes Mayores56 Arcanos menores a todo color"