Search results for ""Guilford Publications""
Guilford Publications Promoting Executive Function in the Classroom
Accessible and practical, this book helps teachers incorporate executive function processes—such as planning, organizing, prioritizing, and self-checking—into the classroom curriculum. Chapters provide effective strategies for optimizing what K-12 students learn by improving how they learn. Noted authority Lynn Meltzer and her research associates present a wealth of easy-to-implement assessment tools, teaching techniques and activities, and planning aids. Featuring numerous whole-class ideas and suggestions, the book also shows how to differentiate instruction for students with learning or attention difficulties. Case examples illustrate individualized teaching strategies and classroom accommodations. More than a dozen reproducibles are included; the large-size format facilitates photocopying and day-to-day reference. Purchasers also get access to a webpage where they can download and print the reproducible materials. See also Meltzer's edited volume, Executive Function in Education, Second Edition, which presents state-of-the-art knowledge on the role of EF in learning across the content areas.
Guilford Publications Stress: An Integrative Perspective
How do people cope with stressful experiences? What makes a coping strategy effective for a particular individual? This volume comprehensively examines the nature of psychosocial stress and the implications of different coping strategies for adaptation and health across the lifespan. Carolyn M. Aldwin synthesizes a vast body of knowledge within a conceptual framework that emphasizes the transactions between mind and body and between persons and environments. She analyzes different kinds of stressors and their psychological and physiological effects, both negative and positive. Ways in which coping is influenced by personality, relationships, situational factors, and culture are explored. The book also provides a methodological primer for stress and coping research, critically reviewing available measures and data analysis techniques.
Guilford Publications Working with Families of Young Children with Special Needs
This user-friendly book presents research-based best practices for serving families of children with special needs from birth to age 6. Expert contributors demonstrate how early intervention and early childhood special education can effectively address a wide range of family concerns, which in turn optimizes children's development and learning. Tightly edited, the volume offers indispensable tools for assessing families; identifying and capitalizing on their strengths; providing information, support, and coaching; collaborating with parents and teachers to address children's functional needs in the context of everyday routines; and coordinating care. Over a dozen reproducible checklists and forms help professionals immediately implement the techniques and strategies described.
Guilford Publications Marital Conflict and Children: An Emotional Security Perspective
From leading researchers, this book presents important advances in understanding how growing up in a discordant family affects child adjustment, the factors that make certain children more vulnerable than others, and what can be done to help. It is a state-of-the-science follow-up to the authors' seminal earlier work, Children and Marital Conflict: The Impact of Family Dispute and Resolution. The volume presents a new conceptual framework that draws on current knowledge about family processes; parenting; attachment; and children's emotional, physiological, cognitive, and behavioral development. Innovative research methods are explained and promising directions for clinical practice with children and families are discussed.
Guilford Publications Emotion Regulation and Psychopathology: A Transdiagnostic Approach to Etiology and Treatment
Regardless of their specific diagnosis, many people seeking treatment for psychological problems have some form of difficulty in managing emotional experiences. This state-of-the-art volume explores how emotion regulation mechanisms are implicated in the etiology, development, and maintenance of psychopathology. Leading experts present current findings on emotion regulation difficulties that cut across diagnostic boundaries and present psychotherapeutic approaches in which emotion regulation is a primary target of treatment. Building crucial bridges between research and practice, chapters describe cutting-edge assessment and intervention models with broad clinical utility, such as acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness-based therapy, and behavioral activation treatment.
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Couples and Families: A Comprehensive Guide for Clinicians
From a leading expert in cognitive-behavioral therapy and couple and family therapy, this comprehensive guide combines research and clinical wisdom. The author shows how therapeutic techniques originally designed for individuals have been successfully adapted for couples and families struggling with a wide range of relationship problems and stressful life transitions. Vivid clinical examples illustrate the process of conducting thorough assessments, implementing carefully planned cognitive and behavioral interventions, and overcoming roadblocks. Read and used by clinicians worldwide, the book highlights ways to enhance treatment by drawing on current knowledge about relationship dynamics, attachment, and neurobiology. Cultural diversity issues are woven throughout. See also Dattilio's edited volume, Case Studies in Couple and Family Therapy, which features case presentations from distinguished practitioners plus commentary from Dattilio on how to integrate systemic and cognitive perspectives.
Guilford Publications Children as Victims: Psychological Science and the Law
Grounded in the latest clinical and developmental knowledge, this book brings together leading authorities to examine the critical issues that arise when children and adolescents become involved in the justice system. Chapters explore young people’s capacities, competencies, and special vulnerabilities as victims, witnesses, and defendants. Key topics include the reliability of children’s abuse disclosures, eyewitness testimony, interviews, and confessions; the evolving role of the expert witness; the psychological impact of trauma and of legal involvement; factors that shape jurors’ perceptions of children; and what works in rehabilitating juvenile offenders. Policies and practices that are not supported by science are identified, and approaches to improving them are discussed.
Guilford Publications Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Binge Eating and Bulimia
This groundbreaking book gives clinicians a new set of tools for helping people overcome binge-eating disorder and bulimia. It presents an adaptation of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) developed expressly for this population. The treatment is unique in approaching disordered eating as a problem of emotional dysregulation. Featuring vivid case examples and 32 reproducible handouts and forms, the book shows how to put an end to binge eating and purging by teaching clients more adaptive ways to manage painful emotions. Step-by-step guidelines are provided for implementing DBT skills training in mindfulness, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance, including a specially tailored skill, mindful eating. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible handouts and forms in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. See also the related self-help guide, The DBT Solution for Emotional Eating, by Debra L. Safer, Sarah Adler, and Philip C. Masson, ideal for client recommendation.
Guilford Publications A World of Difference: Encountering and Contesting Development
Widely regarded as the authoritative text on development geography, this volume examines the nature and causes of global inequality and critically analyzes contemporary approaches to economic development across the third world. Students gain a deeper understanding of the interacting dynamics of culture, gender, race, and class; biophysical factors, such as climate, population, and natural resources; and economic and political processes—all of which have led to the present-day disparities between the first and third worlds. Numerous examples, sidebars, and figures illustrate how people in the Global South are experiencing and contesting the forces of globalization.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating Disorders
This book provides the first comprehensive guide to enhanced cognitive behavior therapy (CBT-E), the leading empirically supported treatment for eating disorders in adults. Written with the practitioner in mind, the book demonstrates how this transdiagnostic approach can be used with the full range of eating disorders seen in clinical practice. Christopher Fairburn and colleagues describe in detail how to tailor CBT-E to the needs of individual patients, and how to adapt it for patients who require hospitalization. Also addressed are frequently encountered co-occurring disorders and how to manage them. Reproducible appendices feature the Eating Disorder Examination interview and questionnaire. CBT-E is recognized as a best practice for the treatment of adult eating disorders by the U.K. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
Guilford Publications The Millon Inventories: A Practitioner's Guide to Personalized Clinical Assessment
Now in a substantially revised and expanded second edition, this important work thoroughly details the full range of clinical assessment tools developed by Theodore Millon and his associates. Presented is the most current, authoritative overview of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI), as well as comprehensive information on widely used instruments for such specific populations as adolescents, preadolescents, medical patients, and college students. With a heightened focus on clinical practice, the second edition offers explicit guidance for linking assessment to individualized, evidence-based treatment planning and intervention. Many of the chapters are entirely new, reflecting significant research advances and the development of new inventories.
Guilford Publications Neuropsychology in the Courtroom: Expert Analysis of Reports and Testimony
This volume brings together leading neuropsychologists to shed light on the nuts and bolts of forensic practice. An array of adult and child cases are presented, involving such conditions as traumatic brain injury, multiple chemical sensitivity, cerebral anoxia, and electrical injury. Contributors show how they go about reviewing reports and depositions in a particular case, providing fine-grained analysis of the opinions and conclusions of the examiner. Issues addressed in detail include the selection of tests, appropriate use of normative samples, and errors in scoring and interpretation. Unique in providing multiple perspectives on each case, the book identifies common clinical and professional pitfalls and how to avoid them.
Guilford Publications Separation Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: An Individualized Approach to Assessment and Treatment
This unique book presents a research-based approach to understanding the challenges of separation anxiety and helping children, adolescents, and their parents build the skills they need to overcome it. The authors provide step-by-step guidelines for implementing the entire process of therapy--from intake and assessment through coping skills training, cognitive-behavioral interventions, and relapse prevention. Featuring in-depth case examples, the book is written for maximum accessibility for all clinicians, including those with limited cognitive-behavioral therapy experience, who treat separation anxiety and other childhood anxiety disorders. Useful reproducibles include the Separation Anxiety Assessment Scales, which facilitate individualized case formulation and treatment planning.
Guilford Publications Language and Literacy Learning in Schools
Accessible and user-friendly, this volume presents evidence-based practices for integrating language and literacy knowledge to enhance children's learning in today's standards-based classrooms. While grounded in theory and research, the book focuses on day-to-day concerns in instruction and intervention, identifying models for effective collaboration among speech-language pathologists, general and special educators, and reading specialists. Chapters cover a range of approaches for targeting core areas of literacy--word recognition, reading comprehension, writing, and spelling--with particular attention to working with students with language learning difficulties.
Guilford Publications ADHD in the Classroom
From leading authority Dr. Russell Barkley, ADHD in the Classroom is designed to help teachers create a learning environment that is responsive to the needs of all students, including those with ADHD. Scenes from an actual classroom illustrate problems that teachers typically encounter and bring effective solutions to life. Viewers see firsthand how to incorporate social skills into the curriculum and how to implement such behavior management methods as color charts and signs, point system, token economy, and turtle-control technique. The video also features helpful graphics, interviews with teachers and other education experts, and informative commentary from Dr. Barkley. Running time: 36 minutes; includes 42-page manual plus leader's guide.
Guilford Publications The Europeans, Second Edition: A Geography of People, Culture, and Environment
This leading text offers a comprehensive, richly nuanced, and authoritative introduction to European geography. Coverage encompasses the entire region: its physical setting and environment, population and migration, languages and religions, and political organization. Particular attention is given to historic and contemporary features of the diverse urban environments in which most Europeans live, work, and play. Combining vivid description, essential information, and cogent analysis, the text is illustrated with more than 200 photographs and 64 maps.New to This Edition *Fully updated to reflect ongoing changes in this dynamic region. *Expanded coverage of timely topics such as emissions and energy policy, aging of the population, migration, religiosity and secularization, ethnonationalism, health care, popular culture, and the future of the European Union. *Engaging vignettes in every chapter on European places, cultural issues, and daily life. *Over 45 new photographs and maps.
Guilford Publications Working with Families of the Poor, Second Edition
This widely adopted text and practical guidebook presents the fundamentals of family-based intervention with clients struggling with chronic poverty-related crises and life stressors. Grounded in Salvador Minuchin's influential systemic model and the extensive experience of all three highly regarded authors, the book illustrates innovative ways for professionals within substance abuse, foster care, and mental health contexts to build collaboration with families and other helpers, and to elicit families' strengths.
Guilford Publications Constructive Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice
An invaluable teaching text and clinical resource, this is a book about how to do psychotherapy--how to apply the science of change to the complexities of helping people develop new meanings in their lives. Explaining constructivist principles and illuminating what a skilled clinician actually does in day-to-day practice, Michael J. Mahoney shows how to nurture the therapeutic relationship while implementing such creative interventions as centering techniques, problem solving, pattern work, meditation and embodiment exercises, drama and dream work, and spiritual exploration. Appendices feature reproducible client forms, handouts, and other useful materials.
Guilford Publications Success with Struggling Readers: The Benchmark School Approach
From the founder of the internationally known Benchmark School, this unique book presents a proven approach for helping struggling students become fully engaged readers, learners, thinkers, and problem solvers. Benchmark's research-based Interactive Learning Model is clearly explained and illustrated with teacher-friendly, how-to-do-it examples. Gaskins demonstrates ways to teach effective strategies for decoding words and understanding concepts, and to give students the skills to apply these strategies across the curriculum based on their individual cognitive styles and the specific demands of the task at hand. Comprehensive yet highly readable, the book includes quick-reference charts and reproducible figures and activities that can be used in all subject-matter areas, grades 1 through 8.
Guilford Publications Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy with Trauma Survivors: Strengthening Attachment Bonds
This book provides a theoretical framework and a practical model of intervention for distressed couples whose relationships are affected by the echoes of trauma. Combining attachment theory, trauma research, and emotionally focused therapeutic techniques, Susan M. Johnson guides the clinician in modifying the interactional patterns that maintain traumatic stress and fostering positive, healing relationships among survivors and their partners. In-depth case material brings to life the process of assessment and treatment with couples coping with the impact of different kinds of trauma, including childhood abuse, serious illness, and combat experiences. The concluding chapter features valuable advice on therapist self-care.
Guilford Publications The Howard Street Tutoring Manual: Teaching At-Risk Readers in the Primary Grades
This indispensable manual provides a comprehensive guide to one-on-one instruction for struggling readers in grades 1 to 3. The book addresses the hows, whats, and whys of setting up a volunteer or professional tutoring program, supplies assessment guidelines and reproducible forms, and presents in-depth case studies that demonstrate the nuts and bolts of tutoring three children at different stages of early literacy over an entire school year. Case study chapters offer clear descriptions of lesson plans, instructional activities, and informal assessment procedures, illustrated with realistic examples of student work.
Guilford Publications Teaching Early Literacy: Development, Assessment, and Instruction
Grounded in cutting-edge theory and research about literacy development, this book is filled with practical assessment and instructional ideas for teachers of pre-K through grade 3. Engaging vignettes show how everyday conversations and activities offer rich opportunities both for evaluating children's current level of knowledge and for helping them progress toward more sophisticated and rewarding interactions with reading and writing. Throughout, the book highlights ways to work effectively with English language learners and their families, a theme that is the exclusive focus of two chapters. Other timely topics covered include creative uses of technology and ways to incorporate popular culture into the classroom. Over two dozen reproducible assessment tools and handouts enhance the utility of this volume as an instructional resource, professional development tool, or graduate-level text.
Guilford Publications Interpersonal Cognition
Presenting state-of-the-art research from leading investigators, this volume examines the processes by which people understand their interpersonal experiences. Provided are fresh perspectives on how individuals glean social knowledge from past relationships and apply it in the here and now. Also explored are the effects of biases and expectancies about significant others on relationship satisfaction and personal well-being. Broad in scope, the book integrates findings from experimental social psychology with insights from developmental, personality, and clinical psychology. Throughout, chapters strike an appropriate balance between theory and method, offering an understanding of the core issues involved as well as the tools needed to study them.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology
Social and personality psychologists traditionally have focused their attention on the most basic building blocks of human thought and behavior, while existential psychologists pursued broader, more abstract questions regarding the nature of existence and the meaning of life. This volume bridges this longstanding divide by demonstrating how rigorous experimental methods can be applied to understanding key existential concerns, including death, uncertainty, identity, meaning, morality, isolation, determinism, and freedom. Bringing together leading scholars and investigators, the Handbook presents the influential theories and research findings that collectively are helping to define the emerging field of experimental existential psychology.
Guilford Publications Ethnicity and Family Therapy
This widely used clinical reference and text provides a wealth of knowledge on culturally sensitive practice with families and individuals from over 40 different ethnic groups. Each chapter demonstrates how ethnocultural factors may influence the assumptions of both clients and therapists, the issues people bring to the clinical context, and their resources for coping and problem solving.
Guilford Publications Divorce and Family Mediation: Models, Techniques, and Applications
Building on the success of their groundbreaking 1988 Divorce Mediation, Folberg et al. now present the latest state-of-the-art, comprehensive resource on family and divorce mediation. Paving the way for the field to establish its own distinct discipline and academic tradition, this authoritative volume offers chapters contributed by leading mediation researchers, trainers, and practitioners. Detailed are the theory behind mediation practice, the contemporary social and political context, and practical issues involved in mediating divorce and custody disputes with contemporary families. Authors also address intriguing questions about professional standards and where the field should go from here. A groundbreaking resource, this volume is indispensable for all mental health and legal professionals working with families in transition.
Guilford Publications Shame and Guilt
Shame and guilt, while the focus of attention among scholars and clinicians for generations, have only recently been subjected to systematic empirical scrutiny. This volume reports on the growing body of knowledge on these key self-conscious emotions, integrating findings from the authors' original research program with other data emerging from social, clinical, personality, and developmental psychology. Writing in an engaging, accessible style, June Price Tangney and Ronda L. Dearing offer a coherent new scientific perspective on shame and guilt. Compelling evidence is presented to demonstrate that these universally experienced affective phenomena have significant--and surprisingly disparate--implications for many aspects of human functioning, with particular relevance for interpersonal relationships.
Guilford Publications Mental Disorders in Older Adults: Fundamentals of Assessment and Treatment
Illustrated with abundant clinical material, this book provides essential knowledge and skills for effective mental health practice with older adults. It demonstrates how to evaluate and treat frequently encountered clinical problems in this population, including dementias, mood and anxiety disorders, and paranoid symptoms. Strategies are presented for implementing psychosocial interventions and integrating them with medications. The book also describes insightful approaches for supporting family caregivers and addresses the nuts and bolts of consulting in institutional settings. Combining their expertise as a researcher and an experienced clinician, the authors offer a unique perspective on the challenges facing older adults and how to help them lead more fulfilling and independent lives. Three reproducible forms can also be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive Therapy
Despite the efforts of therapists and patients, many patients in cognitive-behavioral therapy--or any therapy--do not improve. This unique book is designed to help the clinician better understand and work with patients who seem unable or unwilling to make needed changes. Integrating ideas from a range of psychotherapeutic approaches, the book presents a multidimensional model of resistance. It enumerates the specific impediments to change that may arise in the cognitive therapy context and brings each one to life with realistic clinical illustrations. Clinicians learn practical strategies and interventions to deal with a number of types of resistance, from reluctance to comply with basic cognitive procedures to risk-aversion and self-handicapping. Also addressed are countertransference issues, including workable ways that clinicians can modify their own responses to patients to overcome impasses in treatment.
Guilford Publications Psychopathy: Antisocial, Criminal, and Violent Behavior
Psychopathy remains one of the least understood personality disorders and one of the most intransigent to therapeutic amelioration. Better understanding of this disorder is not helped by its DSM definition, which specifies diagnostic criteria in terms of concrete antisocial behaviors rather than psychological dynamics. In a concerted effort to remedy this situation, this volume brings together a distinguished array of contributors to provide a comprehensive review of research on psychopathy--its nature, causes, and effects on the individual and society, as well as current management approaches.
Guilford Publications Raising a Moody Child: How to Cope with Depression and Bipolar Disorder
Every day can be an ordeal for families struggling with the difficult, moody, impossible behavior that may point to childhood depression or bipolar disorder. Effective help for kids does exist, but it often requires a customized combination of medication, therapy, coping skills, and support. From esteemed clinician and researcher Dr. Mary Fristad and fellow treatment expert Dr. Jill Goldberg Arnold, this indispensable book explains how treatment works and what additional steps parents can take at home to help children with mood disorders--and the family as a whole--improve the quality of their lives. Explained are why symptoms look so different (and can be so much harder to manage) in children and teens than in adults, how to find the right doctor or therapist, and how to help kids develop their own coping toolkits. Bursting with practical tools, FAQs, and examples, the book covers everything from dealing with medical crises to resolving school problems, sibling conflicts, and marital stress.
Guilford Publications Interpersonal Diagnosis and Treatment of Personality Disorders: Second Edition
This influential work helps clinicians resolve questions of overlap among diagnostic categories, offers specific and sensible suggestions for treatment interventions, and describes common transference problems in therapy.
Guilford Publications Help for Worried Kids: How Your Child Can Conquer Anxiety and Fear
If your son begs to stay home from school to avoid speaking in front of the class, should you be worried? If your daughter insists on crossing the street whenever she sees a dog, what should you do? A simple evaluation devised by renowned psychologist Dr. Cynthia G. Last can help you determine if you have reason to be concerned. If so, you can use Dr. Last’s checklists and examples to figure out the type and severity of your child’s anxiety, identify contributing factors, and tackle the problem head on. Strategies tailored for different kinds of anxiety will guide you in preventing new episodes, calming your child when a problem arises, and keeping anxieties in check as your son or daughter matures. Dr. Last delivers powerful advice and insightful information gleaned from 25 years of experience working with worried kids and their families, including coping and relaxation skills your child can use to reduce stress and worry, and tips for encouraging kids to approach--not avoid--their fears. Whether your son or daughter can’t go on sleepovers, gets nervous around peers, or just plain worries about “everything,” this reassuring and compassionate book will teach you how to soothe your child’s immediate fears and instill lasting confidence.
Guilford Publications Aesthetics of Change
The fundamental concern of psychotherapy is change. While practitioners are constantly greeted with new strategies, techniques, programs, and interventions, this book argues that the full benefits of the therapeutic process cannot be realized without fundamental revision of the concept of change itself. Applying cybernetic thought to family therapy, Bradford P. Keeney demonstrates that conventional epistemology, in which cause and effect have a linear relationship, does not sufficiently accommodate the reciprocal nature of causation in experience. Written in an unconventional style that includes stories, case examples, and imagined dialogues between an epistemologist and a skeptical therapist, the volume presents a philosophically grounded, ecological framework for contemporary clinical practice.
Guilford Publications Forgiveness: Theory, Research, and Practice
Bringing together a distinguished array of researchers and scholars, this volume reviews the breadth of current knowledge on the psychology of forgiveness. In addition to presenting cutting-edge theory and research, the book outlines crucial issues that must be addressed to advance the state of the science in years to come. The first section provides a historical and conceptual overview, examining definitional problems and giving special attention to religious and cultural influences on how forgiveness is understood and experienced. The biological, developmental, social, and personality foundations of forgiveness are then explored. The final section covers applications in clinical research and practice, including guidelines for studying and applying forgiveness-based strategies in psychotherapy, counseling, and interventions to promote health. This volume will be of interest to a broad interdisciplinary audience of researchers, educators, students, and practicing professionals.
Guilford Publications The Social Context of Cognitive Development
Traditional approaches to cognitive development can tell us a great deal about the internal processes involved in learning. Sociocultural perspectives, on the other hand, provide valuable insights into the influences on learning of relationship and cultural variables. This volume provides a much-needed bridge between these disparate bodies of research, examining the specific processes through which children internalize the lessons learned in social contexts. The book reviews current findings on four specific domains of cognitive development--attention, memory, problem solving, and planning. The course of intellectual growth in each domain is described, and social factors that support or constrain it are identified. The focus throughout is on how family, peer, and community factors influence not only what a child learns, but also how learning occurs. Supporting her arguments with solid empirical data, the author convincingly shows how attention to sociocultural factors can productively complement more traditional avenues of investigation.
Guilford Publications Rethinking Substance Abuse: What the Science Shows, and What We Should Do about It
While knowledge on substance abuse and addictions is expanding rapidly, clinical practice still lags behind. This state-of-the-art book brings together leading experts to describe what treatment and prevention would look like if it were based on the best science available. The volume incorporates developmental, neurobiological, genetic, behavioral, and social–environmental perspectives. Tightly edited chapters summarize current thinking on the nature and causes of alcohol and other drug problems; discuss what works at the individual, family, and societal levels; and offer robust principles for developing more effective treatments and services.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Treatment for Eating Disorders
In this seminal work, leading clinicians and researchers present the major treatments for eating disorders, including cognitive-behavioral, educational, psychodynamic, feminist, family-based, and medical approaches. Therapeutic approaches are described in step-by-step detail and illustrated with extensive case material. Several chapters function as self-contained treatment manuals, enabling practitioners to easily learn and implement each model, as well as adapt it to suit the needs of individual patients. The volume also covers diagnosis, assessment, sequencing of treatments, and ways to manage frequently encountered co-occurring problems.
Guilford Publications Rewriting Family Scripts: Improvisation and Systems Change
Families can develop self-destructive routines so predictable that members seem to be following a script each coming in on cue as the plot unfolds. Such scripts can be altered, however, when therapists help clients learn to improvise new patterns of relating. This book presents an innovative approach to doing just that--incorporating into therapy elements of script theory and recent findings in attachment research, including those related to narrative. Developing a new attachment concept, the secure family base, from which individuals can feel safe enough to explore and improvise new scripts, Byng-Hall shows how insecure relationship patterns can be changed both during and after therapy. Jargon-free and illustrated with detailed clinical case material, this book presents a comprehensive conceptual framework that illuminates the central issues of therapy practice with families, couples, children, and adults.
Guilford Publications Treating Traumatic Stress and Substance Misuse
Guilford Publications Introduction to Social Cognition
Guilford Publications The Structured Literacy Planner
Structured Literacy (SL) approaches are increasingly recognized as the gold standard for teaching struggling readers. This highly practical book walks educators through designing SL interventions for students with common types of reading difficulties--word reading, comprehension, or a combination of both.
Guilford Publications Social Emotional and Behavioral Supports in Schools
Meeting a critical need, this accessible guide addresses the whats, whys, and how-tos of developing and implementing effective Tier 2 social, emotional, and behavioral supports. The book provides explicit steps for identifying K-12 students who could benefit from Tier 2, matching evidence-based interventions to student needs, and making individualized, data-based decisions regarding adapting, fading, or intensifying supports. Chapters review exemplary interventions in the areas of conduct, self-regulation, social issues, emotional issues, and co-occurring academic and socialâemotionalâbehavioral needs. The place of Tier 2 in schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) is explained, and keys to implementation fidelity are highlighted. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes 23 reproducible forms and checklists that can also be downloaded and printed. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series,
Guilford Publications Early Literacy Instruction and Intervention Third Edition
This established text and teacher resource is now in a revised and updated third edition, with a broader focus on whole-class instruction as well as small-group and individualized intervention. The evidence-based Interactive Strategies Approach (ISA) provides a clear framework for supporting literacy development in grades K-3, particularly for students who experience reading difficulties. The book gives teachers the knowledge needed to more effectively use existing curricular materials to meet core instructional goals in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, word solving/word learning, vocabulary and language skills, and comprehension. Twenty-six reproducible forms can be copied from the book or downloaded and printed from the companion website. Of special value, the website also features approximately 200 pages of additional printable assessment tools and instructional resources. Prior edition title: Early Intervention for Reading Difficulties. New to This
Guilford Publications Holistic Neurorehabilitation
Highly practical and comprehensive, this book provides a multimodal framework for helping patients with acquired brain injuries to identify and achieve meaningful functional goals in the home and community.
Guilford Publications Building Literacy with Multilingual Learners, Third Edition: Insights from Linguistics
Now in a revised and expanded third edition, this established course text and teacher guide explores the processes involved in second-language acquisition and translates the research into practical instructional strategies for PreK-12. Engaging classroom vignettes and personal reflections from the authors and other seasoned educators bring the teaching methods and linguistic concepts to life. Highlighting ways to draw on emergent bilingual and multilingual students' strengths, the book presents innovative learning activities, lesson-planning ideas, technology applications, downloadable reproducible forms, and other resources. Second edition title: Building Literacy with English Language Learners. New to This Edition *Chapter on visual literacy. *Extensive updated coverage of literacy in the digital age, including gamification and video games, digital reading, and uses of ChatGPT in the classroom. *Increased attention to multimodal projects and activities. *New or expanded discussions of translanguaging, dual-language instruction, English as a lingua franca as well as an academic language, and other timely topics. Pedagogical Features *"How Does This Look in the Classroom?" sections. *Study and discussion questions in every chapter. *Chapter-opening "Key Vocabulary" boxes. *End-of-book glossary.
Guilford Publications Building Literacy with Multilingual Learners, Third Edition: Insights from Linguistics
Now in a revised and expanded third edition, this established course text and teacher guide explores the processes involved in second-language acquisition and translates the research into practical instructional strategies for PreK-12. Engaging classroom vignettes and personal reflections from the authors and other seasoned educators bring the teaching methods and linguistic concepts to life. Highlighting ways to draw on emergent bilingual and multilingual students' strengths, the book presents innovative learning activities, lesson-planning ideas, technology applications, downloadable reproducible forms, and other resources. Second edition title: Building Literacy with English Language Learners. New to This Edition *Chapter on visual literacy. *Extensive updated coverage of literacy in the digital age, including gamification and video games, digital reading, and uses of ChatGPT in the classroom. *Increased attention to multimodal projects and activities. *New or expanded discussions of translanguaging, dual-language instruction, English as a lingua franca as well as an academic language, and other timely topics. Pedagogical Features *"How Does This Look in the Classroom?" sections. *Study and discussion questions in every chapter. *Chapter-opening "Key Vocabulary" boxes. *End-of-book glossary.
Guilford Publications Disciplinary Literacies: Unpacking Research, Theory, and Practice
Educators increasingly recognize the importance of disciplinary literacy for student success, beginning as early as the primary grades.This cutting-edge volume examines ways to help K-12 students develop the literacy skills and inquiry practices needed for high-level work in different academic domains. Chapters interweave research, theory, and practical applications for teaching literature, mathematics, science, and social studies, as well as subjects outside the standard core--physical education, visual and performing arts, and computer science. Essential topics include use of multimodal and digital texts, culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy, and new directions for teacher professional development. The book features vivid classroom examples and samples of student work.